U.S. Emergency Board No. 111 Records, 1952-1955
Collection Number: 5042

Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library


U.S. Emergency Board No. 111 Records, 1952-1955
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Transcripts and exhibits, Emergency Board no. 111, 1955. Wage-rules case. International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Brotherhood of Railway Clerks vs. Railway Express Agency.
U.S. Emergency Board
1 cubic feet
Collection material in English

Biographical / Historical

Prior to 1918 several independent express agencies for delivering freight from the railroad car to the customer existed in the railroad industry . In 1918 several of the independents merged to form the American Railway Express Company, and in 1929 it was purchased by the Class I railroads and renamed Railway Express Agency.
While many of the employees were used jointly as express or railroad employees, and the laws which apply to the rail- road industry were applied to the agency, the vehicular drivers were represented by both the teamsters and the railway clerks. This led to constant friction, each organization trying to secure more for its members than the other.
Following an appeal to the National Mediation Board in 1937, a mediation agreement was signed, giving the teamsters jurisdiction over chauffeurs, helpers and garage men in New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco The balance of the employees were to be members of the railway clerks,
The Mediation Agreement did not eliminate all the friction. Eighteen emergency boards had been appointed by the president to resolve disputes between the parties prior to the current one,
On January 1. 1955 the teamsters sent a letter to the Agency expressing a desire to revise and modify the rules of the locals operating in New York City. The request was acknowledged and a conference arranged at which the company proposed that the national agreement with the teamsters apply to New York City as well as to the other cities. Several conferences were held, but no agreement was reached. The National Mediation Board took jurisdiction on May 12, but was unable to compose the difference in mediation. The organizations proposed to stop work on July 4, 1955.
The President appointed an emergency board consisting of Robert G. Simmons, Benjamin C. Roberts and Morrison Handsaker under Executive Order 10622 on July 1, 1955. The Board held bearings and submitted its report to the President
on August 1, 1955.
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Preferred Citation

U.S. Emergency Board No. 111 Records #5042. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.

Related Materials

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Brotherhood of Railway Clerks
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Railway Express Agency
Arbitration, Industrial -- Railroads

Box 1
Transcripts, Exhibits (Company, Union, Board)
Box 1 Folder 1
Transcripts. 12 Volumes, 1411 pages
Box 1 Folder 2
Company Exhibit A. Photostatic Copy - Union Demands.
Box 1 Folder 3
Company Exhibit B. Photostatic Copy - Management's Response Containing Counter Demands
Box 1 Folder 4
Company Exhibit C. Wooley Emergency Board Report
Scope and Contents
May 23, 1946
Box 1 Folder 5
Company Exhibit D. Report of Cole Emergency Board
Scope and Contents
May 6, 1949
Box 1 Folder 6
Company Exhibit E. Devaney Emergency Report to the President
Scope and Contents
July 10, 1940
Box 1 Folder 7
Company Exhibit F. Stone Emergency Board report
Scope and Contents
November 17, 1941
Box 1 Folder 8
Company Exhibit G. Increases, Decreases, and Adjustments in Express Wage Rates, Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Scope and Contents
July 1, 1919-Present (?)
Box 1 Folder 9
Company Exhibit H. Agreement with the Teamsters
Box 1 Folder 10
Company Exhibit I. Agreement with the Clerks
Box 1 Folder 11
Company Exhibit J. Appendage to Clerks' Agreement
Box 1 Folder 12
Company Exhibit K. Morse Board award
Box 1 Folder 13
Company Exhibit L. Supplementary report of the Morse Board
Box 1 Folder 14
Company Exhibit M. Sharfman Award
Box 1 Folder 15
Company Exhibit N. Shaw Board Report
Box 1 Folder 16
Company Exhibit O. Calkins Board Report
Box 1 Folder 17
Company Exhibit P. Stacy Board Report
Box 1 Folder 18
Company Exhibit Q. Swaim Board Report
Box 1 Folder 19
Company Exhibit R. Edwards Board Report
Box 1 Folder 20
Company Exhibit S. Meyer Board Report
Box 1 Folder 21
Company Exhibit T. Lapp Board Report
Box 1 Folder 22
Company Exhibit U. Leiserson Board Report
Box 1 Folder 23
Company Exhibit V. Lewis Board Report
Box 1 Folder 24
Company Exhibit W. Wage Adjustment Order Number 1
Box 1 Folder 25
Company Exhibit X. Loring Board Report
Box 1 Folder 26
Company Exhibit Y. Mess more Board Report
Box 1 Folder 27
Company Exhibit Z. Agreement incorporating the recommendations of the Messmore Board Report
Scope and Contents
March 26, 1954
Box 1 Folder 28
Company Exhibit AA. Map entitled "Routes Between Points"
Box 1 Folder 29
Company Exhibit BB. "Proposals for Rule Changes
Box 1 Folder 30
Company Exhibit CC. Volume of Traffic Handled on Four Holidays in Relation to Specified Other Days
Box 1 Folder 31
Company Exhibit DD. Estimated added cost
Box 1 Folder 32
Company Exhibit EE. Vacation schedule
Box 1 Folder 33
Company Exhibit FF. Comparison of straight time hourly earnings of all Railway Express Agency and vehicle employees with those of employees in selected industry groups
Box 1 Folder 34
Company Exhibit GG. Comparison of average hourly earnings of all Railway Express Agency and vehicle employees
Box 1 Folder 35
Company Exhibit HH. Comparison of average weekly earnings of Railway Express employees with those in manufacturing
Box 1 Folder 36
Company Exhibit II. Comparison of straight time hourly earnings of Railway Express employees with those in Class I railroads
Box 1 Folder 37
Company Exhibit JJ. Comparison of average hourly earnings of Railway Express employees with those of non-operating employees
Box 1 Folder 38
Company Exhibit KK. Comparison of average hourly earnings of Railway Express employees with non-operating employees, Class I Railroads
Box 1 Folder 39
Company Exhibit LL. Comparison of increases in basic rates of pay of Railway Express rates of pay and those of non-operating employees
Box 1 Folder 40
Company Exhibit MM. Comparison of changes in hourly rates of pay of Railway Express Agency drivers in New York City and those in general trucking industry
1921- 1954
Box 1 Folder 41
Company Exhibit NN. Changes in consumers price index
Scope and Contents
December 1953-January 1955
Box 1 Folder 42
Company Exhibit OO. Comparison of average number of shipments handled per vehicle employee man hour by International Brotherhood of Teamsters employees in 8 cities and all Railway Express Agency vehicle employees
Box 1 Folder 43
Company Exhibit PP. Comparison of productivity of Railway Express Agency vehicle employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters with the productivity of Class I Railroads
Box 1 Folder 44
Company Exhibit QQ. Comparison of productivity of vehicle employees in 8 cities with railroads and with output per man-hour in selected manufacturing industries
Box 1 Folder 45
Company Exhibit RR. Indices of production of employees with Railway Express Agency as contrasted with those of Class I Railroads
Box 1 Folder 46
Company Exhibit SS. Same comparison as RR in terms of production per man hour
Box 1 Folder 47
Company Exhibit TT. Standard Express Operations Agreement
Box 1 Folder 48
Company Exhibit UU. "Results of operations for the years 1929 to 1954, inclusive"
Box 1 Folder 49
Company Exhibit VV. Reproduction of page 62, Annual Report of Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, to the Interstate Commerce Commission - year ending December 31, 1954.
Box 1 Folder 50
Company Exhibit WW. Estimated cost of increases as applied to vehicle employees at 8 cities involved for year ended December 31, 1954
Box 1 Folder 51
Company Exhibit XX. Estimated cost of increases for Railway Express Agency employees excluding thosefor the year ended December 31, 1954
Box 1 Folder 52
Company Exhibit YY. "Railroad revenues and costs - express traffic"
Box 1 Folder 53
Company Exhibit ZZ. Computation of railroad costs incident to express service for Class I Railroads
Box 1 Folder 54
Company Exhibit AAA. Record of gross national product beginning with year 1939 and number of express shipments handled each year
Scope and Contents
1939- ?
Box 1 Folder 55
Company Exhibit BBB. Graph representing volume of parcel post traffic handled between 1939 and the present
Scope and Contents
Box 1 Folder 56
Company Exhibit CCC. Estimated intercity ton miles of Class I, II, and III motor trucks volume from 1939 to 1954
Box 1 Folder 57
Company Exhibit DDD. Graph showing growth of air freight from 1945 to 1955
Box 1 Folder 58
Company Exhibit EEE. Graph showing volume of freight forwarder traffic received from shippers between ears 1943 and 1954
Box 1 Folder 59
Company Exhibit FFF. Graph showing volume of freight transportation hauled by line haul railways in period 1939 to 1953
Box 1 Folder 60
Company Exhibit GGG. Graph showing fluctuations in volume of express shipments from 1939 to 1954
Box 1 Folder 61
Union Exhibit 1. Freight contract of Local 445, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse and Helpers of America
Box 1 Folder 62
Union Exhibit 2. Blank copy of contract of paper products and miscellaneous Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local 27
Box 1 Folder 63
Union Exhibit 3. Copy of Agreement of Truck Drivers Local Union 807
Box 1 Folder 64
Union Exhibit 4. Agreement of Highway and Local Motor Freight Drivers, Dockmen and Helpers, Local Union 707
Box 1 Folder 65
Union Exhibit 5. Express and General Trucking Agreement between express Drivers and Chauffeurs and General Trucking Chauffeurs of Local Union 816
Box 1 Folder 66
Union Exhibit 6. Teamster Area-wide Negotiating Committee and Local 282, Memorandum of Agreement
Box 1 Folder 67
Union Exhibit 7. Contracts in the Coal and Oil Industry, Teamsters Local Union 553, New York
Box 1 Folder 68
Union Exhibit 8. Agreement, Truck Drivers Local 282 - Excavating Industry
Box 1 Folder 69
Union Exhibit 9. Agreement, Truck Drivers Local 282 - Chauffeurs in the Building Material Industry
Box 1 Folder 70
Union Exhibit 10. Agreement, Truck Drivers Local 282 - Lumber Industry
Box 1 Folder 71
Union Exhibit 11. Agreement, Truck Drivers Local 282 - Plumbing Industry
Box 1 Folder 72
Union Exhibit 12. Agreement, Local Union 816 - Meat Purveyors and Hotel Supply Industry
Box 1 Folder 73
Union Exhibit 13. Agreement, Teamsters Local Union 138 - Employers engaged in the handling, distribution, storage of plywood, the plywood industry
Box 1 Folder 74
Union Exhibit 14. Agreement, Teamsters Local Union 138 - Employers I the Furniture, Flour, Grocery Teamsters Industry in the City of New York
Box 1 Folder 75
Union Exhibit 15. Agreement, Teamsters Local Union 816 - Employers engaged in the Wine and Liquor Industry
Box 1 Folder 76
Union Exhibit 16. Agreement - Milk Industry
Box 1 Folder 77
Union Exhibit 17. Agreement, Drivers and Chauffeurs Local Union 816 - Meat Market Industry
Box 1 Folder 78
Union Exhibit 18. Contract, Armored Car Drivers
Box 1 Folder 79
Union Exhibit 19. Agreement, Teamsters - Brewing Industry
Box 1 Folder 80
Union Exhibit 101. Letter addressed to Robert C. Hondon, Vice President in Charge of Personnel, giving demands
Scope and Contents
February 4, 1955
Box 1 Folder 81
Union Exhibit 102. "BLS Bulletins 911 for 1946 and 1012 for 1950"
Scope and Contents
1946 and 1950
Box 1 Folder 82
Union Exhibit 103. "Comparison of the Advantage of Earning Power and So on"
Box 1 Folder 83
Union Exhibit 104. Cartage Agreement, Chicago Local
Box 1 Folder 84
Union Exhibit 105. San Francisco contract
Box 1 Folder 85
Union Exhibit 106. "Northern California Teamsters Security Fund"
Box 1 Folder 86
Union Exhibit 107. Central States Cartage Agreement
Box 1 Folder 87
Union Exhibit 108. "Local Union 100-Covered"
Box 1 Folder 88
Union Exhibit 109. "Local Cartage Local Union 100 Cincinnati"
Box 1 Folder 89
Union Exhibit 110. Addenda
Box 1 Folder 90
Union Exhibit 111. Addenda, Cleveland
Box 1 Folder 91
Union Exhibit 112. "Highway Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 107"
Box 1 Folder 92
Union Exhibit 113. "Trust Agreement"
Box 1 Folder 93
Union Exhibit 114. 1952, Newark.
Box 1 Folder 94
Union Exhibit 115. 1954, Newark supplement
Box 1 Folder 95
Union Exhibit 116. Pensions
Box 1 Folder 96
Union Exhibit 117. Population figures
Box 1 Folder 97
Union Exhibit 118. "Schedule of basic hourly wage rates for chauffeurs in selected Saint Louis industry areas since 1942."
Scope and Contents
Box 1 Folder 98
Union Exhibit 119. Central States Insurance Program - Health and Welfare
Box 1 Folder 99
Union Exhibit 120. Teamsters Health and Welfare Plans
Box 1 Folder 100
Board Exhibit I. Current Local Agreement - changes Proposed by Organization - Current National Agreement
Box 1 Folder 101
Board Exhibit II. Agreement, New York Metropolitan District
Box 1 Folder 102
Board Exhibit III. Agreement, National Union Shop
Scope and Contents
March 31, 1952