Abolitionism in America

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Photograph of Harriet Tubman and Seven Negro Tenants, [undated].
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The Underground Railroad
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On numerous journeys into Southern slave territories, the fearless ex-slave Harriet Tubman led over 200 people to freedom, including her parents. Her dangerous work was so successful that Southerners placed a $40,000 bounty on her head. Today, she is widely recognized as the Underground Railroad’s most successful “conductor.”

Tubman’s activities were not limited to perilous rescues. She also recruited black soldiers for the Union army and actively aided Union troops, a job that went uncompensated. Tubman devoted the rest of her life to charitable work on behalf of former slaves, and converted her Auburn, New York home into a sanitarium for the old and poor.

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Cornell University Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Cornell University Library