Exhibition Curator
Elaine Engst
Exhibition Coordinator
Susette Newberry
Curatorial Team
Sarah Gordon, Eileen Keating, Susette Newberry, Eleanor Brown (Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections), and Guy Smith (Mann Library)
Web Design and Development
Kenneth Williams
Banner Design
Susette Newberry
Editorial Review
Margaret Nichols and Susette Newberry
Exhibit Preparation and Conservation
Michele Brown, Pat Fox, Michele Hamill, Peter Schlough, Amy Stecher (Department of Preservation and Collection Maintenance)
Graphic Design
Lorraine Heasley (Communication & Marketing Services).
The Liberty Hyde Bailey: A Man for All Seasons poster (and Lorraine Heasley, designer) received an award of excellence from University and College Designers Association's 34th Annual Design Competition (UCDA). The UCDA is a professional organization committed to promoting excellence in visual communications for educational institutions; members include designers and educators. More information (see page 4).
Digital Imaging
Rhea Garen, David Jones, Danielle Mericle (DCAPS)
Administration, Installation, and Events
CJ Lance-Duboscq, Bryan Vliet, and Tom Cotton (Facilities)
Special Thanks
To the staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, especially Robert Dirig, Peter Fraissinet, Lee Kass, and Sherry Vance, and Professor William Crepet, Chair, Department of Plant Biology for their assistance and generosity in loaning materials from their collections