Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman collection, 1967-1998.
Collection Number: 8812

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman collection, 1967-1998.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
A.J. Weberman (1945- ) is an American writer, political activist, gadfly, and self described "underground cat and garbologist" who invented the terms "garbology" and "Dylanology." The Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman collection (1967-1998) contains magazines, flyers, correspondence, and ephemera from the career of A.J. Weberman and his interest in American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan.
0.3 cubic feet.

Content Description

The Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman collection (1967-1998) contains magazines, flyers, correspondence, and ephemera from the career of A.J. Weberman and his interest in American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, including his first edition bootlegs of "Tarantula" and the first and only vinyl press of the "Weberman Tapes" (vinyl record titled "Bob Dylan vs. A.J. Weberman" containing a phone interview between the two).

Biographical / Historical

A.J. Weberman (1945- ) is an American writer, political activist, gadfly, and self described "underground cat and garbologist" who invented the terms "garbology" and "Dylanology." Weberman became obssesed with Bob Dylan in the late 1960s, when he attempted to decode the Nobel Prize winning musician's lyrics with a crude "hemeneutical" approach he termed "Dylanology." He printed and distributed the first bootleg of Bob Dylan's experimental novel "Tarantula". When Bob Dylan stoped writing political music, Weberman formed the Dylan Liberation Front (DLF) in order to free Bob Dylan from himself. Weberman appeard in the national spotlight when he started going through Bob Dylan's trash in order to find clues to his lyrics.

Separated Materials

"Tarantula" by Bob Dylan (1971) - first mass-market edition of Bob Dylan's experimental novel with original dust jacket; "My Life in Garbology" by A.J. Weberman [signed] (1980); "Dylan to English Dictionary" by A.J. Weberman (2005); "RightWing Bob: What The Liberal Media Doesn't Want You To Know About Bob Dylan" by A.J. Weberman [signed] (2009)


Preferred Citation

Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman collection, #8812. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Dylan, Bob, 1941-
Dylan, Bob, 1941- -- Criticism and interpretation.
Dylan, Bob, 1941- -- Interviews.
Dylan, Bob, 1941- -- Tarantula.
Weberman, Alan J.
Popular music -- United States.
Books -- Pirated editions

Box 1 Folder 1
Tarantula [true first edition]
Scope and Contents
The true first edition of Bob Dylan's experimental novel "Tarantula," copied directly from the galley proofs, and distributed by A.J. Weberman in a small edition in 1967. Includes introduction by A.J. Weberman, "A Dylanological Introduction to Tarantula." Housed in stamped folder.
Box 1 Folder 2
Tarantula [true first edition, Ralph Gleason association copy]
Scope and Contents
Copy of the true first edition of Bob Dylan's experimental novel "Tarantula," copied directly from the galley proofs. Housed in a manila folder labeled in the hand of music critic Ralph Gleason.
Box 1 Folder 3
Tarantula [first trade bootleg]
Scope and Contents
The first bootleg of "Tarantula" to be avaliable, traded and sold after its appearance at The Isle of Wright festival in 1969.
Box 1 Folder 4
Tarantula: A Fragmentary Novel [early bootleg]
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An early bootleg edition of "Tarantula," printed and distributed by Bootlegger Press, a small publisher in the UK.
Box 1 Folder 5
A.J. Weberman: Dylanologist
Scope and Contents
Booklet on the life and times of A.J. Weberman, compiled by the "Webermanoligist" John Roberts. Introduced by journalist Claudia Dreifus in an essay called "The Alan J. Weberman Story - In Which It Is Proven Once Again That You Do Not Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows."
Box 1 Folder 6
Roping Off the Madman's Corner
Scope and Contents
Collection of Bob Dylan's lyrics from notable tracks from the 1960s and 1970s, with adjacent illustriations from Isis magazine artist Lucas Wellington and commentaries by A.J. Weberman.
Sound recording 34057 sr-34057
Bob Dylan vs. A.J. Weberman
Scope and Contents
Vinyl record in sleeve with offset pamphlet. The first and only vinyl press of A.J. Weberman's telephone interview of Bob Dylan recorded in 1971. Includes a pamphlet that contains an introduction to the recording and an interview with A.J. Weberman, "A Beginner's Course in Dylanology."
Box 1 Folder 7-8
Bob Dylan Vs. A.J. Weberman Collection
Scope and Contents
An excerpted edition of issue no. 46 of "Vibrations - The Eastcoast Mag of Popmyths and Popreality," featuring a transcript of Weberman's conversation with and interview of Bob Dylan, and an Associated Press wirephoto of Weberman.
Box 1 Folder 9
The Art of Garbage Analysis
Scope and Contents
Issue of Esquire magazine featuring an article by A.J. Weberman, "The Art of Garbage Analysis." The article features pictures of Bob Dylan's trash.
Box 1 Folder 10
The Only Living Dylanologist
Scope and Contents
Issue no. 19 of Oz Magazine featuring an interview with A.J. Weberman, "The Only Living Dylanologist."
Box 1 Folder 11
ISIS Dylan News Issue 74
Scope and Contents
Issue 74 of ISIS - Dylan News, the longest running Bob Dylan magazine, carrying "A Short History of A.J. Weberman, The Worlds Greatest Dylanologist."
Box 1 Folder 12
Free Bob Dylan [reprint]
Scope and Contents
A later reprint of the "Free Bob Dylan" pinback badge produced by the Dylan Liberation Front.
Box 1 Folder 13
"Ballad of A.J. Weberman"
Scope and Contents
Flyer promoting a screening of the "Ballad of A.J. Weberman," a videotape by John Reilly and Rudi Stern.
Box 1 Folder 14
Combat McCartneyism!
Scope and Contents
Flyer issues by A.J. Weberman's Dylan Liberation Front (DLF) promoting a protest "funeral" in front of Paul McCartney's New York City residence.
Box 1 Folder 15
Free Bob Dylan?
Scope and Contents
Flyer promoting a demonstration held by the Rock Fans Rights Committee outside Bob Dylan's California residence.
Box 1 Folder 16
Scope and Contents
Flyer promoting A.J. Weberman's weekly Dylanology class at the Alternate University in New York.
Box 1 Folder 17
Dylan Gets At Least 25c On Every Record Sold
Scope and Contents
Flyer issued by the Dylan Liberation Front (DLF) raising awareness of Bob Dylan's "bourgeois tendencies." The flyer was handed out at a screening of the "Ballad of A.J. Weberman."
Manuscript Box 93
Born, Busy, College, Dying: View From The Bottom, Vol 2., No. 1
Scope and Contents
A.J. Weberman's review of Bob Dylan's 1970 record "Self Portrait," as published in View From the Botton (Vol. 2 No. 1), an underground newspaper from New Haven, CT. Only the three sheets of the newspaper relating to the Weberman review are included in this original edition, stapled alongside a cutting of the cover page.
Manuscript Box 93
East Village Other
Scope and Contents
Cartoon image of Dylan and Weberman on the cover.
Box 1 Folder 18
A.J. Weberman and Ralph Gleason correspondence
Scope and Contents
Four letters and one postcard written and sent by A.J. Weberman to music critic Ralph Gleason.
Box 1 Folder 19
A.J. Weberman manuscripts
Scope and Contents
Collection of manuscripts written by A.J. Weberman as xeroxed and mimeographed by Weberman in his correspondence with Ralph Gleason. Includes Dylan Liberation Front press release "You Don't Need A Weberman To Know That Dylan Blows," and four manuscripts of Weberman's music criticism.
Box 1 Folder 20
A.J. Weberman magazine clippings and xeroxes
Scope and Contents
Collection of five of A.J. Weberman's articles and two of his clippings, published in the East Vilalge Other magazine and the International Times Magazine from the UK. Aside from one clipping from the original newsprint, all items were xeroxed by Weberman in correspondence with Ralph Gleason.
Box 1 Folder 21
Bob Dylan Has Agreed To Sing "Happy Birthday" Especially For You
Scope and Contents
Bob Dylan birthday card from Isis illustrator Lucas Wellington.
Box 1 Folder 22-24
Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid: MGM Editor's Portfolio
Scope and Contents
Editor's Portfolio for "Patt Garrett and Billy the Kid," a revisionist Western film that starred Bob Dylan as a supporting character. Includes thirteen images from the production and various entries on the production, its history, and its cast.