First Presbyterian Church of Dundee records, 1832-1887.
Collection Number: 6094
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
First Presbyterian Church of Dundee records, 1832-1887.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Minutes of annual meetings from 1832-1887, and a volume of session minutes (1853-1883)
which contains also two membership lists.
First Presbyterian Church of Dundee (Dundee, N.Y.)
1 microfilm reels.
Collection material in English
The Presbyterian Church in Dundee was an offshoot of the Eddytown Society, from which
it drew most of its members. At a meeting of male members at Harpending's Corners
at the school house April 11, 1832, the church voted to incorporate under the name
of the Second Presbyterian Church in Starkey. Usually the church shared the services
of the Eddytown minister. In 1846 the church changed its name to the present one.
The Society first worshipped in the school house, and afterwards in a building which
was the first store of John Starkey converted into a meeting house. A church was built
in 1844 at the cost of $1,400, and was remodeled in 1857. See the History of Yates County, New York, pages 1087-1089 for a list of original members, pastors and officers.
This collection consists of a complete series of minutes of annual meetings to elect
trustees from the church's incorporation in 1832 to 1887 and a volume (apparently
the second) of session minutes (1853-1883) which also contains 2 membership lists.
The volumes are illegible in places.
First Presbyterian Church of Dundee records, #6094. Division of Rare and Manuscript
Collections, Cornell University Library.
Information obtained from these records may not be published or otherwise released
in such form that any individual mentioned in the records can be identified.
Second Presbyterian Church (Starkey, N.Y.)
Starkey (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Dundee (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Yates County (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Presbyterian Church -- New York (State) -- Starkey.
Presbyterian Church -- New York (State) -- Dundee.
Church records and registers -- New York (State) -- Starkey.
Church records and registers -- New York (State) -- Dundee.
Form and Genre Terms:
Volume 1 |
Records of the Second Presbyterian Society in Starkey, New York
1832-1887 | |
Scope and Contents
Annual meeting minutes, 1832-1887 . Minutes record the election of trustees, the selection of clerk and chairman and
their efforts to construct or care for the church property.
Volume 2 |
Records of the Dundee Church
1853-1883 | |
Scope and Contents
Session minutes, 1853-1883 . The volume opens with a list of pastors and their dates of service (1832-1947).
Minutes commencing June 3, 1853 record the attendance of members of the session, the
reception and dismissal of members, the appointment of representatives to the Presbytery
and occasional cases of discipline. One unusual resolution is to record the services
of members of "this church in the volunteer forces of the United States during the
present rebellion." (February 27, 1863). After the last entry (1883) are yearly reports
to the Presbytery with list of statistics (1866-1883) showing: added on examination;
added on certificate; total enrolled; no. non-? for 5 years; adults baptised, infants
baptised; Sunday school membership; contributions to the General Assembly, Home Missions,
A.B.C.J. (?), Education, Mis. Relief, Congregation, Misc. and a list (1859-1866) with
figures for additions by letter, additions by profession, total; adult baptism, infant
baptism; dismissals; excommunications, contributions; deaths; and miscellaneous. At
the end of the vol. is a list of 4 infant baptisms (1864, 1876) with name, parents
and date; a Communicants list copied from Book A in January 1863 listing 8 pages of
names and when died, dismissed, excluded or otherwise disposed of, and a 5 page list
for 1872 with the same information.