Christ Church (German Reformed) of Bearytown records, 1813-1941.
Collection Number: 6050
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Christ Church (German Reformed) of Bearytown records, 1813-1941.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Two volumes containing copies of the constitution and lists of baptisms, communicants,
confirmations and deaths for their respective periods (1813-1832, 1835-1852). Volume
3 contains miscellaneous trustee records including minutes (1847-1941), subscription
lists, treasurer's reports, and a copy of the church's constitution. Item 4 is a group
of loose papers including a deed (1837), correspondence (1898), lists of furniture
and two copies of the "Every Member Canvas". The volumes are in German and English
with English used exclusively after 1863.
Christ Church (German Reformed) of Bearytown (Fayette, N.Y.)
1 microfilm reels.
Collection material in English
As early as 1804 the Reverend Anthony Houty of Dryden, a German Reformed clergyman,
preached for the German Evangelical Christians of Fayette in private homes, barns
or in schoolhouses. With encouragement from their pastor, Lot Merkel, on December
26, 1809 the church was formally organized at a meeting of German Reformed and Lutheran
residents held in the Burgh school house in Fayette. The members, who had resolved
to build a church, completed a 22 x 28 foot log building by January 7, 1813.
On April 22, 1821 the Reverend Diedrich Willers of the German Reformed Synod of the
U.S. entered upon his pastorate, which continued until 1882. In 1823 the church built
a stone structure at a cost of $3,000 which was dedicated on June 6, 1825. A German
week-day school was taught in the church's buildings from time to time until 1830.
Until 1855 both the German Reformed and Lutheran congregations used the building,
either alternately or simultaneously. After that it was maintained by the Reformed
Church alone.
The church belonged to the Western New York Classis of the Reformed Church of the
U.S. until 1882, when it asked to be transferred to the East Susquehannah Classis
because they conducted their business in English. That same year the church was remodeled
and a tower and a belfry were added.
See the accessions folder and The History of Seneca County for additional information and a list of pastors.
Volumes 1 and 2 contain copies of the constitution and lists of baptisms, communicants,
confirmations and deaths for their respective periods (1813-1832, 1835-1852). Volume
3 contains miscellaneous trustee records including minutes (1847-1941), a subscription
list, treasurer's reports, and a copy of the church's constitution. Item #4 is a group
of loose papers including a deed (1831), correspondence (1898), lists of furniture
and 2 copies of the "Every Member Canvas" (n.d.). The volumes are in both English
and German, with English used exclusively after 1863. Pagination is irregular.
Christ Church (German Reformed) of Bearytown records, #6050. Division of Rare and
Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Willers, Diedrich.
Fayette (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Seneca County (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Churches, Reformed.
Church records and registers -- New York (State) -- Fayette.
Reformed Church in the United States -- New York (State) -- Fayette.
Form and Genre Terms:
Baptismal certificates.
Volume 1 |
1813-1832 | |
Page 1-2
Scope and Contents
The "Organization of the Congregation is related in parallel columns, German and English.
Page 3-5
Scope and Contents
Older copy of pp. 1-2.
Page 7-18
Scope and Contents
Articles of constitution.
Page 18-22
Scope and Contents
Signatures of founding members.
Page 23-24
Scope and Contents
Financial arrangements.
Page 24-26
Scope and Contents
Subscription list.
Page 28-31
Scope and Contents
List of names and positions. 1813-16, 21-31.
Page 34-42
Scope and Contents
List of baptisms includes names of the parents, of the Children, date born, date baptised
and witnesses. 1826-1833.
Page 44-45
Scope and Contents
List of those continued, t62? .
Page 45-49
Scope and Contents
Communicants, 1827-1830
Page 50
Scope and Contents
Confirmation and communicants list, 1831.
Page 50-52
Scope and Contents
Communicants, 1831-32
Page 54-55
Scope and Contents
Communicants, 1813-14
Page 44-68
Scope and Contents
Lists of communicants and individuals confirmed, 1813-1832. (Not in sequential order.)
Page 69-72
Scope and Contents
Baptismal records, 1813-1816, 1820.
Page 73-86
Scope and Contents
List of baptisms includes parents, children, and witnesses. 1818-1832.
Page 88
Scope and Contents
List of communicants, April 7, 1827.
Page 89
Scope and Contents
List of communicants, October 21, 1827.
Page 90
Scope and Contents
List of those confirmed, April 4, 1828.
Page 91-94
Scope and Contents
List of communicants, n.d., 1828-1829.
Page 95
Scope and Contents
List of those confirmed, April 17, 1830.
Page 96-99
Scope and Contents
List of communicants, 1830-1831.
Page 100
Scope and Contents
List of those confirmed, April 28, 1832.
Page 101
Scope and Contents
List of communicants, April 29, 1832. [Note: pp. 100-101 are repeated.]
Page 102
Scope and Contents
List of communicants April 29, 1832.
Page 103
Scope and Contents
List of deaths including name of deceased, fatherland, date of death, and age.
Volume 2 |
The Seneca Association in Seneca Falls Township
1835-1852. | |
Scope and Contents
Churchbook of The Seneca Association in Seneca Falls Township, Seneca County in the
State of New York. 1835-1852.
Page 1-2
Scope and Contents
Church history.
Page 2-4
Scope and Contents
Church Articles.
Page 4
Scope and Contents
Signatures of 25 men.
Page 20
Scope and Contents
Church officers (half in German, second half in English).
Page 25-26
Scope and Contents
Financial statements (1836-40).
Page 31-34
Scope and Contents
List of baptisms, includes name, date of birth and baptism, parents and sponsors,
July 1833-March 1849.
Page 71
Scope and Contents
List of confirmations, 1836, 1840.
Page 101-118
Scope and Contents
Communicants, November 8, 1834 - November 1852.
Page 151
Scope and Contents
List of deaths includes name of deceased, fatherland, date of death, and age, 1835-1852.
Page 167-170
Scope and Contents
Pew rent list.
Page 52
Scope and Contents
January 10, 1842. Church meeting with election and financial report.
Page 53-55
Scope and Contents
Financial reports, 1842-1845, 1847-1850. Filming continues from rear of volume forward.
Page 3
Scope and Contents
Table of contents.
Page 4-6
Scope and Contents
Church council members.
Page 40-43
Scope and Contents
Baptisms, 1835-1844.
Page 67-81
Scope and Contents
List of those confirmed 1844-1852.
Page 69-84
Scope and Contents
Communicants, 1835-1852.
Volume 3 |
The German Reformed Church called Christ Church
1847 | |
Scope and Contents
Church Record of The German Reformed Church called Christ Church in Fayette, Seneca
County New York, 1847 . Contains miscellaneous trustee records including minutes, a subscription list,
a copy of the constitution, and treasurer's reports dealing with the temporal affairs
of the church including business, relations with the pastor, construction and maintenance
of church property, the use of English in the church and union meetings between the
German Reformed and Lutheran congregations.
Page 1,
March 1, 1847 | ||
Scope and Contents
Minutes of meeting to incorporate and to elect trustees.
Page 2
March 6, 1474 | ||
Scope and Contents
Minutes commence.
Page 8-19
April 2, 1847 | ||
Scope and Contents
Constitution adopted. Facing pages in English and German, signed by male members.
Page 23-26
Scope and Contents
Subscription list.
April 2, 1858 | |||
Scope and Contents
Union meeting of the German Reformed and Lutheran congregations to investigate performing
repairs to the meeting house.
May 27, 1852 | |||
Scope and Contents
For every 2 sermons in English, 1 will be preached in German.
1857 | |||
Scope and Contents
Last entry in German.
January 7, 1863 | |||
Scope and Contents
A jubilee is planned for the church's 50th anniversary.
April 22, 1871 | |||
Scope and Contents
Celebration of Diedrich Willer's 50th year with the congregation.
March 1, 1874 | |||
Scope and Contents
All preaching will be in English except festival aids.
May 7, 1881 | |||
Scope and Contents
Diedrich Willers resigns. A resolution is made on his service.
1882 | |||
Scope and Contents
Resolved to transfer to the East Susquehanna Classis.
1882 | |||
Scope and Contents
Resolved to remodel the building.
1925 | |||
Scope and Contents
Women begin to be elected officers.
February 1941 | |||
Scope and Contents
Last entry.
Item #4 |
Loose papers. (No inclusive dates.)
Letter 1 |
(1837) | |
Scope and Contents
"Henry Singer - Deed -To the Trustees of the Lutheran and [?j Church," March 11, 1837.
Letter 2 |
List of names, unspecified,
no date | |
Letter 3 |
Note of receipt
(June 24, 1908) | |
Scope and Contents
Of Rev. Diedrich Willers' private record book by the Waterloo Historical Society.
Gives his birth/death dates.
Letter 4 |
Notice of public sale (May 1, 1883) of church furniture.
(May 1, 1883) | |
Letter 5 |
Affidavit or certification of a baptism ( n.d. , unsigned) performed by Rev. Diedrich
n.d. | |
Letter 6 |
Scope and Contents
3 letters between James A. Hard, attorney (Rochester, N.Y.), and Mr. D. Willers (?),
regarding the affidavit above. The first two are undated, the third is dated October
29, 1898.
Letter 7 |
"Payment of Church furniture etc. by the Ladies Society."
Scope and Contents
"No dates; lists items and amounts.
Letter 8 |
Two pamphlets
(no dates) | |
Scope and Contents
""Every Member Canvas" (no dates) , published by the Laymen's Missionary Movement.