Cornell University. Direct Action to Stop Homophobia records, 1999-2007.
Collection Number: 37-6-3552

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Cornell University. Direct Action to Stop Homophobia records, 1999-2007.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Posters and banners from DASH events including a "DASH does Earth Day" poster, a "Happy Gay Jeans Day" paper banner, a "Valentines for ALL -- DASH" poster, "Day of Silence" materials, and 3 "D.O.M.A. [Defense of Marriage Act] IS ANTI-MARRIAGE" cardboard posters. Also, 20 painted cardboard posters from the "Live Homosexual Acts on Campus" events with slogans such as "Bisexual Playing the Banjo" and "Gay Kid Studying Orgo." Also a poster from the office giving office hours.
Cornell University (Date of work: Direct Action to Stop Homophobia..)
Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Coalition
3.4 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Cornell students created Direct Action to Stop Homophobia (DASH) in the spring of 1999 after the Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Coalition folded the semester before. The Coalition was the decendant of the original Student Homophile League, the second gay student organization in the country. DASH had a political focus and revived the earlier ZAP! panel program as its educational arm. DASH inherited the Coalition's offices and its records. The name may have come from something students saw in the records about an earlier group with the same acronym. The organization ceased in fall 1998. In spring 1999, two new groups formed: Haven, an umbrella group for social support groups, and Direct Action to Stop Homophobia (DASH) for political and educational activities.
DASH was active sporadically and held occasional office hours. In 1999, it organized a "Live Homosexual Acts on Campus" event, for which queers and allies performed "live homosexual acts," such as gayly talking on a phone or bisexually shaking hands with passersby, and passed out cards explaining that actions generally do not have sexual orientations. It resurrected "Gay Jeans Day" and several times advertised with posters "If you support LGBT rights, wear blue jeans on Wednesday." Follow-up information explained "You never know who's LGBT or who supports LGBT rights; you can't tell by looking." One of the Gay Jeans Days prompted the Cornell Review to respond with "Conservative Khakis Day." In spring 2000, DASH held a National Day of Silence rally on Ho Plaza. In fall 2000, DASH sponsored a blood drive, "Give Blood because We Can't," paired with a letter-writing campaign to the American Red Cross and the Federal Drug Administration. DASH was mostly inactive during 2002, until students revived it in spring of 2003. It held an action to bring attention to violence against transgender people. It ceased in spring 2006.


Posters and banners from DASH events including a "DASH does Earth Day" poster, a "Happy Gay Jeans Day" paper banner, a "Valentines for ALL -- DASH" poster, "Day of Silence" materials, and 3 "D.O.M.A. [Defense of Marriage Act] IS ANTI-MARRIAGE" cardboard posters. Also, 20 painted cardboard posters from the "Live Homosexual Acts on Campus" events with slogans such as "Bisexual Playing the Banjo" and "Gay Kid Studying Orgo." Also a poster from the office giving office hours.
An office logbook inherited from the Cornell LGBT Coalition and continued by DASH, and other files inherited by the Coalition, including cassette tapes from the office answering machine, photographs, letterhead, subject files, petitions about military recruiters, posters and banners, and publicity and information about various LGBT events on campus prior to 1999. Also posters by Haven, an umbrella group for LGBT social support groups, and the LGBT Resource Center, and notes from the fall 2001 Haven retreat.


Collecting program: Human Sexuality Collection.
Related collection: Cornell Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Coalition records, #37-6-1589.


Amethyst. Binghamton: Save Your Own Lives, Inc. 3 issues.
Beyond the Binary: A Tool Kit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools. Gay-Straight Alliance Network/Tides Center, Transgender Law Center, and National Center for Lesbian Rights, 2004.
Bi Women. Boston: Bisexual Women's Network. 1 issue.
Black Nations/Queer Nations?. New York, NY. 1 issue.
Center Voice. New York, NY: Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center. 2 issues.
Community Prescription Service InfoPack. New York, NY. 3 issues.
CUGALA News. Ithaca, NY. 1 issue.
The Directory. Ithaca, NY: Ithaca LGBT Task Force. 1 issue.
The Gay Connection. Johnson City, NY: Southern Tier AIDS Program, Inc. 1 issue.
Gayzette. Utica, NY: Greater Utica Lambda Fellowship, Inc. 4 issues.
Guía de Recursos para Salir del Clóset. Human Rights Campaign Foundation, s.l., n.d.
HIV Education Case Studies. Washington, D.C.: United States Conference of Mayors. 1 issue.
ISMIR Chronicle. Pittsburgh, PA: International Sexual Minorities Information Resource. 1 issue.
The Lavender Line. New York, NY: Heritage of Pride. 1 issue.
Newsletter. Ithaca, NY: Tompkins County Task Force for Battered Women. 2 issues.
Outlines. Ithaca, NY. 2 issues.
SpoonFed.Washington, D.C. 2 issues.
Sylvia Rivera Law Project Newsletter. New York, NY. 1 issue.
Women's Info News. Syracuse, NY: Women's Information Center. 1 issue.


Cite As:

Cornell University. Direct Action to Stop Homophobia records, #37-6-3552. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Cornell Gay Liberation
Cornell Gay Liberation Front
Gay People at Cornell
Cornell Lesbian, Bisexual and Questioning Women
Cornell Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals of Color
Cornell University -- : Students.
Gays -- Societies, etc.
Gay liberation movement -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
Gay college students.
Form and Genre Terms:

Series I. Posters and Banners
Box 1
2 painted sheets: "Lesbian Peace" and "Queers will not be silenced!..."
Box 1
Cloth banner: Cornell LGB Coalition
Box 1
Cloth banner:LGBT Coalition
Box 3
Cornell Cinema/GayPAC event poster: "Gay Film"
Box 3
Poster: "Gaypril Formal"
Box 3
20 painted cardboard posters: "Bixexual Playing the Banjo," "Gay Kid Studying Orgo," etc.
Box 4
20 painted cardboard posters: "Bixexual Playing the Banjo," "Gay Kid Studying Orgo," etc.
Box 4
Poster: "DASH does Earth Day!"
Mapcase Folder 1
Paper banner: "Happy Gay Jeans Day!"
Mapcase Folder 1
3 painted cardboard protest posters: "D.O.M.A. IS ANTI-MARRIAGE," etc.
Mapcase Folder 2
Poster: "LGBT Coalition"
Mapcase Folder 2
GBLOC poster (Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians of Color)
Mapcase Folder 2
Poster: one side: "Office Hours," other side, newspaper article about ZAP panel at Ithaca High School
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: "LGBT Coalition is:" with list of member organizations (GBLOC, WSW/LBQ, MSM, BRIDGES, DASH, ZAP)
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: "National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights"
Oct. 11, 1987
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: one side, "Day Hall 1993: There is no liberation without L/G liberation! No Gay Liberation without Socialism!" other side, "L/G Political Action and Discussion Group Cornell/Ithaca"
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: "DASH"
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: "Valentines for ALL--DASH"
Mapcase Folder 3
Poster: "Same Blood, Same Rights"
Mapcase Folder 4
Poster: "ZAP"
Mapcase Folder 4
Poster: "The Straight Dance?"
Mapcase Folder 5
GayPAC event poster: "Gay Coffee House"
Mapcase Folder 5
GBLOC poster (Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians of Color)
Mapcase Folder 6
Poster: one side, "Shut up! How does that feel?...Day of Silence...DASH," other side, "Once a month, a transgender person is murdered..."
Mapcase Folder 6
Display board: Day of Silence
Box 1
Blood Drive Banner
Series II. Other Artifacts
Box 1
GayPAC Community Service Award plaque
Box 5
8 tapes from office answering machine
Box 4
Newsprint: Fall Haven Retreat meeting notes, list of goals
Box 1
Blood Drive T-Shirt
Series III. Records
Box 1
DASH Office Logbook
Sept. 24, 1996-Jan. 2007
Box 2 Folder 1
Photographs: March on Washington, Rally on Ho Plaza
1979, ?
Box 2 Folder 2
Cornell Gay Liberation and GayPAC letterhead
Box 2 Folder 3
"Out of the Darkness"--Cornell's LGB Awareness Month
Box 2 Folder 4
Event publicity and materials from various queer campus organizations
Box 2 Folder 5
Layton, Pauline: "A short history of student homophile groups at Cornell..."
Box 2 Folder 6
Frankel, Loren: "Participate in a study about sex!"
Box 2 Folder 7
Petitions to Cornell re: inclusion, military recruiters
Box 2 Folder 8
Materials on bisexuality
Box 2 Folder 9
Transgender materials
Box 2 Folder 10
Pamphlets--Health, sexuality, harassment, LBG Studies; Business cards from local resources
Box 2 Folder 11
DASH Blood Drive
Box 2 Folder 12
Letters to Food and Drug Administration