Donald Holcomb papers, 1952-2004.
Collection Number: 14-22-3426
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Donald Holcomb papers, 1952-2004.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Correspondence, lab notebooks, research and subject files on electron paramagnetic
resonance, and experimental data pertaining to Holcomb's work at Cornell in the Dept.
of Physics and in the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics.
Holcomb, Donald Frank, 1925-
7 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Donald Holcomb served as Director of the Cornell Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State
Physics from 1964-1968 and Chairman of the Department of Physics from 1969-1974 and
Correspondence, lab notebooks, research and subject files on electron paramagnetic
resonance, and experimental data pertaining to Holcomb's work at Cornell in the Dept.
of Physics and in the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics.
Donald Holcomb papers, #14-22-3426. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell
University Library.
Cornell University. Department of Physics
Cornell University -- : Faculty.
Cornell University. Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics
Electron paramagnetic resonance.
Physics -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
Series I. External to Cornell Non-Research Activities
Box 1 |
Various external activities (mostly physics education or AAPT-based; more in Box #2),
1977-1996 | |
Box 1 |
Education conference notes
Box 1 |
Miscellaneous notes from various evaluation or study committees
Box 1 |
Public lectures - AIP Visiting Scientist, IUPP, Conferences, etc.
Box 2 |
Various external activities (mostly physics education or AAPT-based),
1996-2004 | |
Box 2 |
External visiting committees - mostly physics departments of various colleges
Box 2 |
Editorial Boards - Physical Review and Physical Review Letters
Box 2 |
Introductory University Physics ProjectNational development effort supported by NSF;
John Rigden, original stimulator and PI of first grant, Holcomb and Larry Coleman
Cop-PI's in latter stages, 1987-1995 Steering Committee NotesSome information on various
course modelsInteractions with NSF
1987-1995 | |
Series II. Laboratory Notebooks
Box 3 |
Personal college and grad school lab course notebooks
Box 3 |
Miscellaneous research lab notebooks from Holcomb and other workers in Holcomb Lab,
1952-1992 This assortment of lab books is very incomplete - in some cases because
notebooks left Cornell with the primary contributors, in some because the notebook
fit more clearly into Boxes 7 or 8. In the case of lab notebooks from Holcomb work
as a graduate student at the University of Illinois, the ratio of useful material
to bulk was simply too small to justify saving. This work is quite fully described
in Holcomb's Ph.D. thesis, "Nuclear magnetic resonance in alkali metals," 1954. A
copy of this is held in the Cornell library.
1952-1992 | |
Series III. Personal Research Files
Box 4 |
Misc. research correspondence,
1961-1992 | |
Box 4 |
Sabbatical leaves - correspondence and other informationCentral Institute for Industrial
Research, Oslo, 1962 University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 1968-1969 University of St.
1962, 1968-1969, 1978 | |
Box 4 |
Notes from research conferencesMetal-Insulator Transitions - San Francisco, 1968 Metal-Insulator
Transitions - Aussois, France, 1971 International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors
- Stuttgart, 1974 International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors - San Francisco,
1984 International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors - Stockholm, 1986 Mid-Winter
Solid State Conference - Laguna Beach, CA, 1977 Scottish Universities Summer School
in Physics - St. Andrews, 1978 and 1986 IBM - Heavy doping and the M-I transition
in semiconductors - Santa Cruz, CA, 1984 "Localization 1999" - Hamburg,
1968, 1971, 1974, 1984, 1986, 1977, 1978, 1986, 1984, 1999 | |
Box 4 |
Research-based public lectures,
1953-2003 | |
Box 4 |
Research grant informationONR, 1959-1969 Materials Science Center, 1960-1984 Army
Research Office - Durham, 1965-1972 National Science Foundation,
1959-1969, 1960-1984, 1965-1972, 1972-1977, 1980-1991 | |
Series IV. Miscellaneous and Non-Research Activities
Box 5 |
Misc. non-research correspondence,
1954-1992 | |
Box 5 |
Notes from various internal to Cornell activities
Box 5 |
Notes from preparation of My Father's Watch: Aspects of the Physical World, with Philip Morrison,
1968-1973 | |
Box 5 |
Holcomb's running notebooks of non-research activities (Cornell-based and various
external education oriented activities)
1971-2002 | |
Series V. Miscellaneous Experimental Data, Analysis, Correspondence, Writeups, etc.
Box 7 |
NMR in Alkali Metals from Illinois with R. E. Norberg,
1952-1955 | |
Box 7 |
NMR in Alkali Metals from Cornell,
1966-1969 | |
Box 7 |
F-centers in BaO,
1957 | |
Box 7 |
Double resonance in Al metal
Box 7 |
Correspondence with Tomita, Redfield, etc.
Box 7 |
Sliker info on ESR of impurities AgCl
Box 7 |
F-center relaxation times in KCl - W. D. Ohlsen,
1962 | |
Box 7 |
F-centers in NaF,
1962 | |
Box 7 |
NMR of Pb in glass - J. H. Strange,
1964 | |
Box 7 |
Hydrate crystals - McGrath and Silvidi, gypsum, etc. - Pedersen data,
1960-1962 | |
Box 7 |
Semiconductors (work of R. K. Sundfors, Jack Kaeck, Gary Carver, M. Iwasawa, Gifford
1962-1974 | |
Box 7 |
Silicon Carbide - M. Alexander,
1966 | |
Box 7 |
Data and Analysis in NaxWO3, LixWO3, 1970-1978 and NaxTayW1-yO3, 1982-1986 Work of
Paul Lightsey, Rick Zumsteg, David Tunstall, David Lilienfeld, Bob Weinberger, Jean
Dumas, Mike Dubson
1970-1978, 1982-1986 | |
Box 8 |
Data on Alkali-graphite intercalculated materials by Gary Carver,
1969-1971 | |
Box 8 |
Data, notebooks, graphs on Cu-Au and Rb-Au compounds (work of Gerard Tinelli and Wayne
1974-1978 | |
Box 8 |
Miscellaneous information on the second wave of major emphasis on heavily-doped Si
- both singly-doped with P, As, Sb, double-doped with P and As, compensated with P
and B, 1978-1992 Research planning folder, 1978-1980 Work of Paul Newman, Mark Hirsch,
Uwe Thomanschefsky, Professor M. J. R Hoch of University of the Witwatersrand, undergraduates
Mohan Namboodiri and Dimitry Reznik
1978-1992, 1978-1980 | |
Box 8 |
Correspondence with Andrei Zabrodskii - small Cornell conference,
1991 |