Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collection, 1969-2005
Collection Number: 15-2-3414
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University
Progressive Cities and Neighborhood
Planning Collection 1969-2005.
Collection Number:
Pierre Clavel
18.6 cubic ft.
Forms of Material:
Manuscripts, publications
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell
University Library
Papers documenting the work of Pierre Clavel.
Collection material in English
1969 | Three "radicals" win seats on Berkeley city council, representing an "April Coalition," later evolving into Berkeley Citizens Action (BCA). | |
Nick Carbone appointed to Hartford City Council, soon becomes majority leader | ||
Norman Krumholz appointed Cleveland planning director by mayor Carl Stokes | ||
1975 | Cleveland Policy Planning Report | |
Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies holds first national conference; hundreds of winners of local and state elections, appointees, attend. | ||
Eve Bach, Ed Kirshner et al publish The Cities Wealth, a plan for Berkeley rooted in Ebenezer Howard's garden cities concepts. | ||
1977 | Dennis Kucinich elected mayor in Cleveland, survives two recall elections, defeated 1979. | |
1979 | Santa Monicans for Renters Rights (SMRR) wins ballot initiative for rent control -- strongest in the nation | |
BCA wins four seats including mayoralty; attempts to govern as coalition. | ||
1981 | SMRR produces "Principles of Unity" prior to winning control of city council. | |
Bernie Sanders wins office as mayor of Burlington, VT; consolidates control with a progressive program. | ||
1982 | At a meeting of Chicago neighborhood based activists, the Chicago Workshop on Economic Development is formed and produces the CWED Platform, a set of planning principles that infused candidate Harold Washington's mayoral campaign and administration. | |
1983 | Washington elected mayor; Rob Mier becomes Commissioner of Economic Development. | |
After a near tie in the preliminary election, Ray Flynn defeats Mel King to become mayor of Boston. | ||
1984 | Peter Dreier releases Who Rules Boston?, a summary program for the Flynn mayoralty over the Democratic Socialists of America name. | |
1984 | BCA wins 8-1 council majority outright; Gus Newport is mayor, 1984-86 | |
1986 | Loni Hancock elected Berkeley mayor, in office eight years; coopts "moderates." | |
1987 | Washington dies in office, Mier and others continue under interim mayor Eugene Sawyer until fired at election of Richard M. Daley in May 1989. Daley continues some policies until 1995. | |
1989 | Peter Clavelle, Sanders' community development director, Mayor in Burlington as Sanders wins congressional seat. | |
1993 | Flynn leaves office in Boston to accept Ambassadorship to the Vatican. Thomas Menino becomes mayor continuing many policies. |
The Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collection, collected by Pierre
Clavel, documents a significant group of city planners, other city and state
officials, cities and professional organizations that made contributions to urban
governance and the physical and social quality of urban life in the period from 1970
through the 1990s.
The Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collection constitutes a subset of
the City and Regional Planning Archives in the Cornell University Library. That
collection is most extensively described in a catalogue for the exhibition, "Urban
America: Documenting the Planners" compiled by Cornell archivists Elaine Engst and
Thomas Hickerson in 1985. That catalogue referenced 91 collections of papers and
records held by the Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Cornell
University Library. The catalogue organized the material by periods: "The
Beginnings", starting at about the start of the 20th century, "Planning in the
Twenties," "Planning and the New Deal," and "Contemporary Planning," encompassing
the postwar period through the 1960s. The last of these periods specified such
topics as housing legislation, urban renewal, Philadelphia, PA, Regional Plan
Association, Shopping Centers, Historic Preservation, American Planning Association,
and Planners and Social Action.
The current set of materials complements these earlier ones by covering a significant
group of city planners, other city and state officials, cities and professional
organizations that made contributions to urban governance and the physical and
social quality of urban life in the period from 1970 through the 1990s.
In the context of the earlier materials and their organization, the Progressive
Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collection reflects the concerns that were nascent
in the "Planning and Social Action" grouping for the 1960s period. In the 1960s what
the planners experienced and contributed to was a set of social movements, typically
in protest of the effects of many urban programs of the time like urban renewal and
the highway program. Paul Davidoff and Walter Thabit were major leaders, -- though
there were dozens of others, professional planners but also citizen activists. Books
like Lily Hoffman, The Politics of Knowledge (1989), Robert Goodman, After the
Planners (1972), and Martin and Carolyn Needleman, Guerillas in the Bureaucracy
(1974) give some of the background.
What happened after about 1970 was the transformation of social movement energy to
the attempt to capture real institutions and operate them in service of similar
causes -- social justice, equality, and neighborhood "rights" not to have their
communities destroyed. Prominent -- perhaps the most prominent -- examples were the
takeovers of city governments by movement activists, now typically calling
themselves "progressives", and the creation of neighborhood based community
development corporations, often alongside grassroots based planning exercises such
as those Reardon pioneered in East St. Louis and New York City.
The current collection is organized around cases of such developments in
institutions. "Planning" is the way in to each topic, but by no means all of what is
covered. And along the way, papers, articles, interviews and occasional video tapes
of a gallery of actors is touched on, some heroic -- Nick Carbone and John Alschuler
in Hartford; Norman Krumholz, Ernie Bonner, Roldo Bartimole, and Dennis Kucinich in
Cleveland; Derek Shearer, Ruth Goldway, Denny Zane in Santa Monica; Eve Bach, Gus
Newport, Veronika Fukson, and Ed Kirshner in Berkeley; Peter Dreier, Mel King in
Boston; Rob Mier, Art Vazquez, Doug Gills, Kari Moe, Bob Giloth, Liz Hollander in
It is important that this collection is about cities and neighborhood institutions as
much as it is about the people. For as they shifted from movement base to the more
formal institutions of government or neighborhood development corporation, they
encountered and mastered new challenges: formalization toward organizations with
rules and traditions; the challenge of opening their work to a broader clientele --
e.g. the whole city -- while maintaining their original purposes. In the process
they rose to new levels as individuals, and their institutions developed new
capabilities. It is arguable that cities, for example, developed enhanced capacities
to act as units representing all of their citizenry as a result of the entrance into
government of "progressives" in the 1970s and 1980s.
The collection is organized into separable "Series." Most series identify with
particular cities or neighborhoods within cities. Some are organizations, and others
are individuals. Major resources include Berkeley, Burlington, Chicago, Boston,
Hartford, Santa Monica and Cleveland. There is minor coverage for other places:
Sheffield and London, UK; Madison, Wisconsin. There are also series for
organizations: The Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies was prominent
supporting the work of many of the cities and individuals listed here between 1985
and 1985, and successor organizations continued in one form or another - it held
national and regional conferences during this period, that supplement the particular
city materials listed here, and widen coverage to many dozen additional places.
Planners Network is another organization for which material is collected here. The
Paul Davidoff and Walter Thabit papers reflect Suburban Action and Planners for
Equal Opportunity, respectively.
Series I: Santa Monica,
Major changes in Santa Monica city government began when in 1979 Santa Monicans for Renters Rights (SMRR) succeeded with a rent control initiative; that election also brought in two city council members. In 1981, SMRR in coalition with the city's Democratic Club and other groups won majority control and implemented steps to control development and open city administration to popular participation.
Major changes in Santa Monica city government began when in 1979 Santa Monicans for Renters Rights (SMRR) succeeded with a rent control initiative; that election also brought in two city council members. In 1981, SMRR in coalition with the city's Democratic Club and other groups won majority control and implemented steps to control development and open city administration to popular participation.
The Cornell collection includes extensive local newspaper coverage for 1984-1988;
eighteen transcripts of interviews of local officials and activists, and 48
documents ranging from draft memoranda and papers to official city reports.
The experience of progressive government in Santa Monica is referenced in a number of
books. See Stella Capek and John Gilderbloom, Community versus Commodity : Tenants
and the American city (1992), and Mark Kann, Middle Class Radicalism in Santa Monica
Series II:
Great Britain
The Cornell collection includes material from other countries, and there are efforts underway to build on contacts and research on Sheffield and London (U.K) in the 1980s by Robert Kraushaar and Pierre Clavel. They have deposited a preliminary set of materials from these and other UK places, at total of 258 pieces: documents, interviews and not easily accessible articles.
The Cornell collection includes material from other countries, and there are efforts underway to build on contacts and research on Sheffield and London (U.K) in the 1980s by Robert Kraushaar and Pierre Clavel. They have deposited a preliminary set of materials from these and other UK places, at total of 258 pieces: documents, interviews and not easily accessible articles.
The British cases had a great deal of published analysis and history. See the
journal, Local Economy, and such volumes as Maureen Mackintosh and Hillary
Wainwright A Taste of Power: the politics of local economics (1987).
Series III:
Berkeley, California
Berkeley had created a liberal city council regime in the 1960s, but its administrative style, dependent on a city manager form of government, clashed with expectations for participatory reforms and redistributive programs that emerged from civil rights and student movements. An "April Coalition" won city council seats beginning in 1969, and was able to generate support by putting initiatives on the ballot. By 1979 the Berkeley radicals, now having adopted a formal structure as Berkeley Citizens Action (BCA) won a working majority of the city council. Under Mayor Gus Newport (1979-86) and Lonnie Hancock (1986-94) the city continued its progressive reforms.
Berkeley had created a liberal city council regime in the 1960s, but its administrative style, dependent on a city manager form of government, clashed with expectations for participatory reforms and redistributive programs that emerged from civil rights and student movements. An "April Coalition" won city council seats beginning in 1969, and was able to generate support by putting initiatives on the ballot. By 1979 the Berkeley radicals, now having adopted a formal structure as Berkeley Citizens Action (BCA) won a working majority of the city council. Under Mayor Gus Newport (1979-86) and Lonnie Hancock (1986-94) the city continued its progressive reforms.
The Cornell collection derives from research by Pierre Clavel and others, and
includes 29 interview transcripts, 45 key city documents, and 174 news clippings
covering the years from 1974 to 1996.
Series IV:
Hartford, Connecticut
In 1969, after the resignation of four members of the city council and summers of rioting made the city seem unmanageable, the Democratic Party leadership appointed young activist Nicholas Carbone to the city council, where he quickly asserted leadership. As majority leader for the next decade, Carbone presided over a series of development agreements that reserved developer profits for city residents, supported the nationally recognized Hartford Food System, and created a number of city practices that favored poor residents.
In 1969, after the resignation of four members of the city council and summers of rioting made the city seem unmanageable, the Democratic Party leadership appointed young activist Nicholas Carbone to the city council, where he quickly asserted leadership. As majority leader for the next decade, Carbone presided over a series of development agreements that reserved developer profits for city residents, supported the nationally recognized Hartford Food System, and created a number of city practices that favored poor residents.
The Cornell collection comes from research done by Pierre Clavel in the 1980s, and
includes interview tapes and transcripts, 93 news clippings from local and other
sources, and 68 other documents.
Series V:
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland's "progressive city" experience - apart from the period of Tom Johnson's mayoralty in 1900-1908 - is best known for the tumultuous term of populist Dennis Kucinich in 1977-79. There was also the liberal mayoralty of Carl Stokes in 1967-71, the grass roots organizing supported by the Catholic diocese in the 1970s, the community development organizations that flourished from the 1970s at least through 2005, the investigative journalism of Roldo Bartimole reflected in his bi-weekly or monthly Point of View, and the work of city planner Norman Krumholz with the city and later at Cleveland State University's College of Urban Affairs.
Cleveland's "progressive city" experience - apart from the period of Tom Johnson's mayoralty in 1900-1908 - is best known for the tumultuous term of populist Dennis Kucinich in 1977-79. There was also the liberal mayoralty of Carl Stokes in 1967-71, the grass roots organizing supported by the Catholic diocese in the 1970s, the community development organizations that flourished from the 1970s at least through 2005, the investigative journalism of Roldo Bartimole reflected in his bi-weekly or monthly Point of View, and the work of city planner Norman Krumholz with the city and later at Cleveland State University's College of Urban Affairs.
The Cornell collection derives initially from research by Pierre Clavel in the 1980s,
and includes interview tapes and transcripts, 24 key city documents, a number of
news clippings covering mainly the period 1968-1979, and many issues of Point of
The best published treatment of the Cleveland politics in the Kucinich years is Todd
Swanstrom, The Crisis of Growth Politics (1985); and on Krumholz' planning it is
Norman Krumholz and John Forester, Making Equity Planning Work (1990).
Series VI:
Burlington, Vermont
Socialist Bernie Sanders surprised Burlington by winning election for Mayor by ten votes in 1981, ushering in a period of progressive control of the city that was still in effect in 2005. After a year of fierce opposition from the city council, Sanders was able to implement reforms, notably through the establishment of a Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) in 1983, and the appointment of several key administrators. One result was a set of "good government" reforms: treasurer Jonathan Leopold found ways to save the city significant expenses; and Sanders opened up city hall to citizen participation. There were also new citize3n boards and commissions. There was a program to train women in the construction trades and place them in jobs. The city also exerted control on development in new ways. Most striking may have been the housing programs promoted by CEDO, in concert with the Burlington Community Land Trust, which created "permanently affordable" units and generated community support for city housing policies.
Socialist Bernie Sanders surprised Burlington by winning election for Mayor by ten votes in 1981, ushering in a period of progressive control of the city that was still in effect in 2005. After a year of fierce opposition from the city council, Sanders was able to implement reforms, notably through the establishment of a Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) in 1983, and the appointment of several key administrators. One result was a set of "good government" reforms: treasurer Jonathan Leopold found ways to save the city significant expenses; and Sanders opened up city hall to citizen participation. There were also new citize3n boards and commissions. There was a program to train women in the construction trades and place them in jobs. The city also exerted control on development in new ways. Most striking may have been the housing programs promoted by CEDO, in concert with the Burlington Community Land Trust, which created "permanently affordable" units and generated community support for city housing policies.
In the 1990s Sanders' successor as mayor, Peter Clavelle, consolidated progressive
initiatives. Major features that distinguished the city included city composting and
recycling facilities, continued housing development and a host of other
The collection includes interview tapes and transcripts, 52 key city documents, and
over 500 news clippings.
Several books have appeared reporting on progressive government in Burlington. See
Greg Guma, The People's Republic : Vermont and the Sanders revolution (1989); and
John Davis, The Affordable City (1994). Cornell thesis treatments include Renee
Jakobs, Planning and politics : a case study of progressive city administration in
Burlington, Vermont, 1981-1983 (1984); Catherine Hill, Bernie Sanders, the working
classes' candidate (1989) and Maile Deppe, Reinventing local government : creating a
culture of concern, participation, and decision-making a case study of Burlington,
Vermont (2000).
Series VII:
Chicago and Harold Washington
Washington was known as Chicago's first African American mayor (1983-87), and as a reform mayor who presided over a drastic reduction in patronage jobs, the death of "the machine as we knew it" in the face of massive city council resistance, a period called "council wars." Washington's innovative, neighborhood oriented economic policy is less well known. City planner Robert Mier and a set of local academics and activists had created the Rehab Network and the Community Workshop in Economic Development, and these and their ideas infused Washington's campaign. Mier later became Commissioner of Economic Development, and many others became involved in administrative posts or in continued neighborhood activism pressuring the city administration.
Washington was known as Chicago's first African American mayor (1983-87), and as a reform mayor who presided over a drastic reduction in patronage jobs, the death of "the machine as we knew it" in the face of massive city council resistance, a period called "council wars." Washington's innovative, neighborhood oriented economic policy is less well known. City planner Robert Mier and a set of local academics and activists had created the Rehab Network and the Community Workshop in Economic Development, and these and their ideas infused Washington's campaign. Mier later became Commissioner of Economic Development, and many others became involved in administrative posts or in continued neighborhood activism pressuring the city administration.
Research by Kenneth Reardon, Xolela Mangcu and Pierre Clavel, and contributions from
many others are reflected in the Cornell collection. At this time there are 40 city
documents and other items from the neighborhood movement, 32 news clippings covering
mainly the years 1980-1988; and eight longer manuscripts and published articles.
There is also a 25 minute video, "Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods," produced
by Wim Wiewel and Pierre Clavel in 1991.
There is a good deal of retrospective work on the Washington mayoralty. For a general
treatment see Gary Rivlin, Fire on the Prairie (1992). There is a number of books.
See Pierre Clavel and Wim Wewel, eds., Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods (New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1991) for chapters by five persons who
worked in city government under Washington, and five community activists and
academics. Joel Rast, Remaking Chicago : the political origins of urban industrial
change (1999), recounts the development of a neighborhood oriented economic policy
and its promulgation for a number of years in the successor mayoralty of Richard M.
Daley. Robert Mier's Social Justice and Local Development Policy (1993) recounts
Mier's work, with co-authors from among his colleagues. See also Norman Krumholz and
Pierre Clavel, Reinventing Cities: Equity Planners Tell Their Stories (Philadelphia:
Temple University Press, 1994) for chapters by Mier, Kari Moe and Art Vazquez; and
Cornell doctoral theses: Xolela Mangcu, Harold Washington and the cultural
transformation of local government in Chicago, 1983-1987 (1997); and Kenneth
Reardon, Local economic development in Chicago 1983-1987 : the reform efforts of
Mayor Harold Washington (1990).
Other archival sources include the "Harold Washington Neighborhood Papers"
collection, at the Chicago Historical Society, and collections at the Harold
Washington Library in Chicago.
Series VIII:
Boston Under Raymond Flynn
Boston's population had tired of "liberal" politics under the 16 year mayoralty of Kevin White when, in 1983, South Boston populist Ray Flynn and African American "rainbow coalition" advocate Mel King reached a dead heat in the preliminary mayoral election. Flynn prevailed in the general election, ushering in more than a decade of effort to implement redistributive programs, notably around affordable housing, by taxing and otherwise extracting surplus from the city's booming office and upscale housing development. The key innovation was "linkage," a formalization of Hartford-style development agreements that assessed a square foot development exaction on large projects. General acceptance of that led to a series of other programs and policies that gave Flynn momentum and a national platform to argue for similar policies in the face of conservative national governments.
Boston's population had tired of "liberal" politics under the 16 year mayoralty of Kevin White when, in 1983, South Boston populist Ray Flynn and African American "rainbow coalition" advocate Mel King reached a dead heat in the preliminary mayoral election. Flynn prevailed in the general election, ushering in more than a decade of effort to implement redistributive programs, notably around affordable housing, by taxing and otherwise extracting surplus from the city's booming office and upscale housing development. The key innovation was "linkage," a formalization of Hartford-style development agreements that assessed a square foot development exaction on large projects. General acceptance of that led to a series of other programs and policies that gave Flynn momentum and a national platform to argue for similar policies in the face of conservative national governments.
King's "rainbow coalition" had remained in opposition to Flynn, pushing for community
control. Later it seemed to decline under successor mayor Thomas Menino. But waves
of immigration had made Boston a "majority-minority city" after 2000, and a set of
ethnically diverse new political faces gave the rainbow coalition new currency.
The collection reflects research and interviews done by Pierre Clavel and Ken Reardon
between 1986 and 2004; a substantial number of interview transcripts, documents,
press clippings and articles that were projected for indexing in 2006.
There is a dearth of published accounts of Flynn's mayoralty. Who Rules Boston (1984)
provides background from the point of view of local activists. There is a series of
articles by Peter Dreier, who was Flynn's Director of Housing. The best critical
piece is Marie Kennedy, Chris Tilly and Mauricio Gaston, "Transformative Populism
and the Development of a Community of Color" in Dilemmas in Activism: Class,
Community and the Politics of Local Mobilization, edited by Joseph Kling and
Prudence Posner. Philadelphia: Temple University Press (1990).
Series IX:
Other Places
A number of other places in the United States, Canada, Europe and Latin America experienced the sorts of government reform that happened in the cities with major representation in this collection. It is our intent to get a selection of materials from the main such places: Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver in Canada; Bologna and other Italian places, and selected Latin American cities.
A number of other places in the United States, Canada, Europe and Latin America experienced the sorts of government reform that happened in the cities with major representation in this collection. It is our intent to get a selection of materials from the main such places: Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver in Canada; Bologna and other Italian places, and selected Latin American cities.
Madison, Wisconsin is a notable U.S. case for which we have minor coverage, but its
longtime progressive mayor Paul Soglin and current progressive David Cieslowitz
require a further effort. Other places had notable representation in the Conference
on Alternative State and Local Policies in the 1970s, and we are compiling the work
of that organization, indicated separately below.
There is some published work on these places: Max Jaggi et al, Red Bologna (1977) was
a well known early example; Daniel Chavez and Benjamin Goldfrank, eds., The Left in
the City (2004) is a recent review of developments in Latin America. On Canada, see
Warren Magnusson, The search for political space : globalization, social movements,
and the urban political experience (1996).
Series XII:
Neighborhood Planning
While in "Progressive Cities" neighborhood activists ran for elective office and won control of city governments, an equally important shift in local government practice is represented in thousands of "neighborhood planning" experiences -- such activities as community organizing, city government inspired participatory neighborhood planning, and the emergence of community development corporations and allied organizations. Research and involvement by Kenneth Rearcon in East St. Louis and several New York City neighborhoods and Pierre Clavel in Community Development Corporations in Youngstown, Ohio, Wiscasset, Maine, and elsewhere have formed the initial basis for these collections, supplemented by a number of dissertations and theses.
While in "Progressive Cities" neighborhood activists ran for elective office and won control of city governments, an equally important shift in local government practice is represented in thousands of "neighborhood planning" experiences -- such activities as community organizing, city government inspired participatory neighborhood planning, and the emergence of community development corporations and allied organizations. Research and involvement by Kenneth Rearcon in East St. Louis and several New York City neighborhoods and Pierre Clavel in Community Development Corporations in Youngstown, Ohio, Wiscasset, Maine, and elsewhere have formed the initial basis for these collections, supplemented by a number of dissertations and theses.
Community Organizing.
City-Initiated Participatory Neighborhood Planning.
Community Development Corporations.
Clavel, Pierre.
City planning--Study and teaching.
Regional planning--Study and teaching.
College teachers--New York
Cite As:
Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collection, #15-2-3414. Division of
Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
See also: Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning digital collection, which
consists of digitized documents from the physical collection, as well as additional
Much of the background of city policy and neighborhood planning relevant to these
cities is contained in collections acquired at various times as part of the larger
City and Regional Planning Archives at Cornell. This larger grouping is documented
in Urban America: Documenting the Planners, by Elaine D. Engst and H. Thomas
Hickerson, catalogue for a 1985 exhibition at the Olin Library. The relevant
collections or papers are listed in the Documentation Newsletter, Cornell University
Libraries, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Vol. XVI, No. 1
(Spring 1990), "Collections on City and Regional Planning," pp. 8-23, which lists
some 170 separate collections acquired by that date.
Of particular relevance to the Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning
collection would be the papers of Charles Abrams, Paul Davidoff and Walter Thabit.
The Abrams collection has received extensive documentation. See Charles Abrams:
Papers and Files - A Guide to the Microfilm Publication. (Ithaca, NY: Department of
Manuscripts and University Archives, Olin Library, Cornell University, 1975).
At Cornell University:
Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies records, #6756
In the first post-1960s years of U.S. progressive city government, Lee Webb, Derek Shearer and others created the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies with support from progressive foundations and quarters in the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington DC.
Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies records, #6756
In the first post-1960s years of U.S. progressive city government, Lee Webb, Derek Shearer and others created the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies with support from progressive foundations and quarters in the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington DC.
At Other Institutions:
The Chicago Public Library's Neighborhood History Research Collections
The Chicago Public Library's Neighborhood History Research Collections
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Office Development in Santa Monica: The Municipal Fiscal and
Housing Impact. Draft.
Nov., 1982 |
Bound Original. 106 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Office Development in Santa Monica: The Municipal Fiscal and
Housing Impact. Final
Dec. 13, 1982 |
Bound Original. 53 pages.
Santa Monica Interviews, 1981-1989: The People in
the City. Compiled by Pierre Clavel & Sharon Lord.
1981-1989 | ||
Author: Clavel, Pierre and Sharon Lord
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Goldway, Ruth. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Copy in Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Shearer, Derek. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
July 26, 1981. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 32 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Alschuler, John. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 4, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 15 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Rothstein, Vivian. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 5, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 10 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Reed, Christine. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 7, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 39 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Edwards, Ken. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 11, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 28 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Hotchkiss, Frank. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 11, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 13 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Goldfarb, Joel. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 12, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 29 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Press, Dolores. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 12, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 14 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Zane, Danny. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 12, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 15 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Cohn, Jim. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 13, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 19 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Osborne, Barbara Jo. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa
Monica, California.
Jan. 13, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 43 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Rhoden, Cheryl. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 13, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 41 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Myers, Robert. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Jan. 14, 1983. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 17 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Goldway, Ruth. Interview by Pierre Clavel. Santa Monica,
Mar. 22, 1987. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 13 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Genser, Ken. Interview by Sharon Lord. Santa Monica,
Apr. 14, 1989. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Lord, Sharon
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Zane, Danny. Interview by Sharon Lord. Santa Monica,
Apr. 14, 1989. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Lord, Sharon
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Zane, Danny. Interview by Sharon Lord. Santa Monica,
Apr. 15, 1989. |
Copy in Bound Publication.11 pages. -- Author: Lord, Sharon
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Santa Monica Rent Control Board Memo. Draft concerning Pacific
Legal Foundation and Southern California Leal Foundation's strategies of
vis-à-vis Rent Control and City Policies.
Dec. 8, 1982 |
Copy. 48 pages. -- Author: Hermann, Michael.
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
"Interim Guide to Property Development" Santa Monica: Community
and Economic Development Department
Feb., 1983 |
Original Bound Publication. 34 pages.
Collection of Recommendations by the Residential Tax
1981-1982 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Transmittal of Priority II Issue Recommendations, January 27,
Copy. 2 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Five Residential Issues: Density, in-lieu fees, site review,
mixed use and inclusionary housing: August 13, 1981.
Copy. 11 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Transmittal of Residential Tax Force Recommendations: Draft
to Mayor and City Council from City Staff with Planning Commission
comments on Recommendations, September 2, 1981.
3 copies. Photocopy. 52 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
RTF Recommendations on: Reduction of Negative Impact of Bulk
through Grade Level and Side Yard Fence Calculations. Measures to
Mitigate Adverse Impact of Construction such as Limitations on the
Number of Construction Projects Allowed at a Given Time in a Given
Time in a Given Locality.
Copy. 7 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
"A Comprehensive Crime Prevention Program for Santa Monica."
Report of the Crime Prevention Task Force, Ken Edwards (Chairman),
January 1982.
Jan., 1982 |
Bound Original and Copy. 30 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
"Crafting Enforceable Development Agreements"
July 1985 |
Copy of Article. 2 pages. -- Author: Davis, Richard
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
"Draft Supplemental Environmental and Economic Impact Report on
the Proposed Housing Element." Prepared by Natelson Company Inc,
Economic, Social and Fiscal Analysis.
Mar. 5, 1982 |
Original Bound Publication. 162 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
City of Santa Monica: "Rent Control Charter
Dec. 28, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 21 pages.
City of Santa Monica: Services and Issues of
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
City of Santa Monica. Summary of City-Supported Services to
the Homeless.
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Case Study: City of Santa Monica's Homeless Programs.
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Stinchfield, Barbara
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
The Santa Monica Homeless Outreach Program. The Santa Monica
Outreach Program.
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
"SM Team Explores Options for Homeless." Santa Monica Evening
Sept. 11, 1987. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Cziment, Rick
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
City of Santa Monica: "Update on Implementation of Crime
Prevention Program"
Aug. 24, 1982 |
Photocopy. 10 pages
Miscellaneous Santa Monica
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Austin, Aubrey Interview.
Typescript. 9 pages. -- Author: Austin, Aubrey
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
"Tom Hayden's Political Prison." The Wall Street Journal.
July 16, 1985. |
Original Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Walters, Dan
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
"A Bigger City Council for Better L.A. Governance."
Copy of Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Shearer, Derek
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
"Santa Monica's Radical Middle Class." Evening Outlook.
Apr. 8, 1986. |
Original Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
"Santa Monica's New Consensus." Evening Outlook.
Mar. 30, 1987. |
2 copies. Copy of Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Conn, Rev. James
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
"Dim Futures for Neglected American Cities. Los Angeles
July 27, 1986. |
Copy of Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Shearer, Derek
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Final Tax Force Recommendations. Draft to Planning Commission
from Citizens Task Force on Development In Commercial and Industrial
May 17, 1982 |
Photocopy. 38 pages.
Goldway, Ruth Yannatta: Articles and Newspaper
1982-1983 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Major Accomplishments of Santa Monica City Council with My
Photocopy. 21 pages. -- Author: Goldway, Ruth Yannatta.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
"How Women Will Change American Politics." Playgirl. July
1982, pp. 30-32.
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Goldway, Ruth Yannatta.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Interview by Carol Humphries. "Q&A: Santa Monica's New
Mayor is a Real-Life Liberal" L.A. Herald Examiner
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Goldway, Ruth Yannatta.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
"Will it Play in Peoria? The Mayors Respond." Government
Finance. Vol. 11, September 1982, pp. 19+.
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Goldway, Ruth Yannatta.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
"Community Journal Interviews Mayor Ruth Yannatta Goldway."
Community Journal, April 1983, pp. 1-2.
Original Newspaper. 4 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
City of Santa Monica: Housing Assistance Plan
2 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
City of Santa Monica: Peace and Ecology Task Force
Jan. 10, 1981 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 10 pages.
City of Santa Monica: Planning Department
June 4, 1905 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
City of Santa Monica Planning Department. Architectural
Review Board: Review Guidelines Resume. A Fact Sheet. Revised:
April, 1982.
Apr. 1982. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Land Use, Demographic, and Housing Data Summary Statistics.
Fact Sheet of the Planning Department of Santa Monica.
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Planning and Zoning Personnel Activities. Draft to Mark Tigan
(Director of Community and Economic Development) from James Lunsford
(Director of Planning). June 3, 1982.
Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Lunsford, James
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
Revised Draft Housing element Policy Report. City Planning
Department, Santa Monica
Mar. 5, 1982 |
Photocopy. 117 pages.
City of Santa Monica: General Plan Land Use and
Circulation Issue Papers: 1983
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Summary: Background to the Issue Papers
Mar. 1, 1983 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Issue Paper: The Highway Commercial Corridors,
Photocopy. 25 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Issue Paper; The Oceanfront, Summary.
Photocopy. 20 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Issue Paper: The Neighborhood Commercial Areas, Summary with
special emphasis on the Pico Neighborhood.
Photocopy. 22 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Issue Paper: The Downtown, Summary.
Photocopy. 26 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Issue Paper: The Industrial Corridor, Summary, March
Photocopy. 24 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Research Design for Issue Paper 1: The Industrial Corridor.
Draft 3.
2 copies. Photocopy. 26 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Santa Monica Planning Commission Land Use and Circulation
Elements. "Sequence of Events of Revising the Land Use and
Circulation Elements."
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Santa Planning Commission Land use and Circulation
Neighborhood Commercial Workshop. Glossary of Terms.
May 2, 1983. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Santa Monica General Plan. Circulation Analysis, Executive
Mar. 11, 1983. |
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Articles on City Politics in Los Angeles Times and
Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
1984-1988 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
"The New 'Big R' in Santa Monica." Los Angeles
Jan. 18, 1987. |
2 copies. Copy of Newspaper. 2 page. -- Author: Citron, Alan and Jay
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
"Santa Monica Sheds Radical Image as Factions Learn to
Compromise." Los Angeles Times.
Sept. 27, 1987. |
2 copies. Copy of Newspaper. 3 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
"Santa Monica - Only the Elite Need Apply." Los Angeles
Apr. 8, 1984. |
2 copies. Copy of Newspaper. 3 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
"Development Tops Issues in Santa Monica Council Race." Los
Angeles Times.
Oct. 30, 1988. |
Copy of Newspaper. 3 pages. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
"SM Forms Agency to Help Neighborhoods." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
June 17, 1987. |
Copy of Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne
Santa Monica Key Documents: Compendium of materials
including official documents, memos, working papers and
newspaper/journal articles reflect the evolution of thought and
policy in Santa Monica post '79 election. Compiled by Pierre Clavel
and Sharon Lord.
July 1989 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"Principles of Unity Between Members of the Santa Monicans
for Renters' Rights Coalition" (Working Paper).
Jan., 1982 |
Copy in Bound Publication. 14 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"tenant Power to Political Power." The Nation.
July 4, 1981. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Zeitlin, Maurice
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Final Recommendations Commercial and Industrial Development
Task Force. Downtown City Center, Santa Monica,
Mar. 18, 1982. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 22 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Memo to John Alschuler (City Manager) on Observations,
Recommendations and Thoughts as to Next Steps.
Apr. 16, 1982. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 6 pages. -- Author: Smith, David.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"Municipal Development Policy" (Working Paper).
Copy in Bound Publication. 10 pages. -- Author: Smith, David.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Major Accomplishments of Santa Monica City Council with My
Copy in Bound Publication. 2 pages. -- Author: Goldway, Ruth
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"How the Progressives Won in Santa Monica." Social
Winter, 1982. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 7 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Rent Control Charter Amendment. Article XVIII Rent
Adopted Apr., 10, 1979; Amended Nov. 4, 1984. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 21 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"The Making of a Revolution." Los Angeles Times.
Apr. 13, 1986. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 1 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
City of Santa Monica, Department of Community and Economic
Development. Final: 1988-1989 Community Development Plan.
May 27, 1988. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 16 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"Development Tops Issues in Santa Monica Council Race." Los
Angeles Times.
Oct. 30, 1988. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
"Santa Monica Oks Major Revisions to Rent Control." Los
Angeles Times.
June 10, 1989. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Moran, Julio
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
C2 - Neighborhood Commercial Zone: Zoning and Uses Permitted in
the Zone. Planning Commission Appraisal of Tax Force's
2 copies. Photocopies. 59 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
The Politics of Planning and Development. Beverley Hills: Sage
Publications, Vol. 156
1984 |
Photocopy. 13 pages. -- Author: Catanese, Anthony James
Proposed Housing Element
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Section I: Policy Report. Prepared by the Citizens' Advisory
June 1981 |
Original Bound Publication. 104 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Section II: Technical Report. Prepared by the Citizens'
Advisory Committee.
June 1982 |
Original Bound Publication. 270 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
Santa Monica City Attorney. "Staff Report: Development Agreement
between Kendall Realty Co, Inc and City of Santa Monica"
Jan. 26, 1982 |
Photocopy. 29 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
City of Santa Monica D.C.E.D. "Community Development Program:
1988-89." Prepared by City of Santa Monica Department of Community &
Economic Development.
May 27, 1988 |
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
1983-1984 Budget Instructions. Prepared by John H. Alschuler,
City Manager.
Jan. 12, 1983 |
Original Bound Publication. 63 pages. -- Author: Alschuler, John
Articles on Council Elections in Los Angeles Times
and Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
1986-1988 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Reed Tries to Look for Middle Ground." Santa Monica Evening
Oct. 28, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Contenders Focus on How to Control Development." Santa
Monica Evening Outlook.
Nov. 5, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Campaign for 4 SM Seats Expensive." Santa Monica Evening
Nov. 3, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Fractious Election Threatens Pease in SM." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Aug. 4, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Katz Raises More Funds Than Rivals." Santa Monica Evening
Aug. 8, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Renter's Rights Party Unites Behind Slate." Los Angeles
Aug. 4, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Renters' Groups Backs 4 for Council." Santa Monica Evening
Aug. 1, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnal, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Council Division Remains." Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Nov. 11, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Coalition Won When it Went to the Renters." Los Angeles
Nov. 9, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Citron, Alan.
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Coalition Captured Key Areas." Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Nov. 7, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Thorne, Will.
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"SM Council Race Lacks Bitterness of Past Battles." Santa
Monica Evening Outlook.
Nov. 1, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Alan Katz Bills Himself as a 'Pragmatic Liberal'." Santa
Monica Evening Outlook.
Oct. 19, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Press Hopes Take over Coalition Seat." Santa Monica Evening
Oct. 27, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Jennings Sees Self in the Truman Mold." Santa Monica Evening
Oct. 23, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Genser is Scrappy, Alley of Rent Control, Slow Development."
Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Oct. 26, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Renters' Slate Shows Cracks." Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Oct. 7, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise.
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Epstein Asks Voters to Let Council Alone." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Oct. 21, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Council Seat Lures Grass-Roots Worker." Santa Monica Evening
Oct. 20, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Fickle Father Figure with Tenant Activists." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Oct. 22, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Fabian, Mark
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"SM Campaigners Cull Comfortable Financial Cushion." Santa
Monica Evening Outlook.
Oct. 13, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Two Santa Monica Factions in Accord on One Incumbent." Los
Angeles Times.
Aug. 7, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
"Santa Monica Renters May Decide Councilman's Fate." Los
Angeles Times.
Aug. 3, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Articles on Rent Control Board Elections in Los
Angeles Times and Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
1986-1988 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"Rent Board Hopefuls Share Goal." Santa Monica Evening
Nov. 4, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"3 SM Candidates Return to Ballot for 2 Seats on Rent Control
Board." Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Aug. 13, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"3 Seek Rent Board Seats." Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
June 3, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"Press Leads for Rent Panel." Santa Monica Evening
June 8, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Thorne, Will
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"Voters to Pick 2 for Santa Monica Rent." Los Angeles
May 22, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"SM Rent Activists Oppose Election Change." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Mar. 22, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
"SMRR Wins 3 Rent Panel Seats, Retains Control." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Nov. 5, 1986. |
Copy of newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Client, Rick.
Articles on Rent Control in Los Angeles Times and
Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
"State Rent Bill Faces 1st Test." Los Angeles
May 8, 1983. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Stewart, Robert.
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
"Rent Control Facing an Uncertain Future." Los Angeles
Jan. 15, 1984. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Citron, Alan
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
"Santa Monica Contest Focuses on Ellis Act." Los Angeles
Nov. 3, 1988. |
Copy of newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Wikinson Tracy
Articles on Rent Control: 10 Years Later in Los
Angeles Times and Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
"Santa Monica: A House Divided by Rent Control." Los Angeles
Apr. 29, 1989. |
Original Newspaper Clipping. 4 pages. -- Author: Wikinson Tracy
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
"Rent Control: Past, Present, Future." Santa Monica News,
Special Report. 3(8): 7-11.
Apr. 14-27, 1989. |
Original Newspaper. 4 pages.
Moberg, David: Newspaper clippings
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
"Local Left Leaders: Is Reform Enough?" In These Times. pp.
2, 11.
June 1-14, 1983. |
Original Newspaper. 4 pages. -- Author: Moberg, David
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
"Surf City Socialism." In These Times. pp. 11+.
Jan. 26 - Feb. 11, 1983. |
Original Newspaper. 4 pages. -- Author: Moberg, David
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
Clavel, Pierre and Sharon Lord. Santa Monica Progressive's
July 1, 1989 |
Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre and Sharon Lord
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
Santa Monica Bibliography
Photocopy. 21 pages.
Newspaper Clippings
1981-1990 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Santa Monica's Suburban Radicals." Wall Street Journal.
July 1, 1981 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Adams, James Ring
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Our Duty to See that People Have Jobs." LA Times. Part
Nov. 23, 1983, |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Conroy, Martin, and Derek Shearer
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Santa Monica Renter Revolt: Is it the Wave of the Future?"
Baltimore Sun, pp. 1-6.
Aug. 10, 1981 |
Photocopy. 2 page. -- Author: Dobbin, Muriel
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Santa Monica - ex-Detroiter's Worker Paradise." Detroit
Nov. 29, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Duthie, Stephen
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Santa Monica Conservatives Battle City Hall." Sacramento
Dec. 12, 1982. |
Photocopy. 2 page. -- Author: Fremstad, Lee
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"S.M. Initiative on Condos Gets Place on Ballot." LA Times,
pp. 1+.
Nov. 11, 1982. |
Photocopy. 2 page. -- Author: Holley, David
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"The Santa Monica Experience." Citizen Participation. Vol. 5,
No. 1.
Fall, 1983. |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Gornstein, Aaron
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Fighting Tenants Frighten Affluent Californians." Manchester
July 6, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Jackson, Harold
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"In Santa Monica, a Council-Chamber Alliance Brings the Farm
to the City." LA Herald Examiner.
July 16, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Jenkins, Sally
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Rent Control: It Helps Curb Speculators, and It's Fair to
Both Tenant and Landlord." LA Herald Examiner.
May 26, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Myers, Robert M
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Councilman Says 'Get Involved'." Cosair (Santa Monica City
Dec. 2, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Rubin, Jerry
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Victory in Defeat: Santa Monica Give L.A. a lesson in Lively
Politics." Los Angeles Herald Examiner, p. A14.
Apr. 15, 1983. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
"Ruth Goldway: A Dragon Lady or a Pussycat?" Los Angeles
Herald Examiner, pp. E1+.
Jan. 31, 1982. |
Original Newspaper. 2 pages. -- Author: Warren, Elaine
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
Thompson, Julie. "Politics is a beach: A Hotel tears apart
the Santa Monica Left." LA Weekly.
Aug. 10-16, 1990. |
Original Newspaper. 24 pages. -- Author: Thompson, Julie.
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
"The Impacts of Rent Control on Santa Monica
Sept. 1987 |
Photocopy. 37 pages. -- Author: Levine, Ned & Gene Grisby
Mainstreet Regulations
1980-1982 | ||
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Main Street master Plan: A Comprehensive Program for Future
Land Use and Development. Prepared by the Main Street Planning
June 6, 1980. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Main Street Zoning Regulations. Draft to Interested Persons
form Planning Department Staff.
May 27, 1982. |
Photocopy. 25 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Resolution of the City Council of The City of Santa Monica of
Its Intention to Amend the Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance Relating
to the CM Main Street Special Commercial District, Resolution
Sept. 22, 1981. |
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
"Santa Monica California: A Case Study of the Impact of Political
Change on the Process of Urban Planning." A Thesis.
Apr. 1983 |
Original Bound Publication. 63 pages. -- Author: Newkirk, Gregory A
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
"The American Dream as Public Nightmare, or, Sam, You Got the
Front Yard Too Deep."
Typescript. 48 pages. -- Author: Babcock, Richard F
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
Budget Proposal for 1982-1983. Prepared by John Alschuler, City
May 26, 1982 |
Photocopy. 33 pages. -- Author: Alschuler, John
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
Resolution #6270: Establishing Task Forces on Development in
Residential Zones, Development in Commercial and Industrial Zones, and
Permit Process. Prepared by Robert M. Myers, Acting City Attorney and
Stephen S. Stark, Assistant City Attorney.
May 26, 1981 |
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santa Monica Adding
Article XII to the Santa Monica Municipal Code, Relating to Energy
Conservation. Recommendations by the Energy Task Force to the City
Apr. 1981 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 19 pages.
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santa
Monica Establishing Notification and Fee Requirements for the
Interim Permit Procedure. Ordinance #1230.
Oct. 27, 1981. | ||
Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Ordinance of the City Council of City of Santa Monica Lifting
Moratorium on Certain Development and Establishing Interim
Procedures. Ordinance #1220 (CCS).
Sept. 1, 1981. |
Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santa Monica
Extending with Modifications Interim Development Procedures.
Ordinance #1251.
June 1, 1982. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santa Monica
Establishing Notification and Fee Requirements for the Interim
Permit Procedure Established by Ordinance Number 1220. Ordinance
Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Recommendations for Ordinance 1251. Staff Report.
May 25, 1982. |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
Principles of Unity Between Members of the Santa Monicans for
Renters' Rights Coalition, a Working paper.
Jan. 1981 |
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 45 |
Recommendations on Disposition of Energy Code. Prepared by Stan
Scholl and Peggy Gardels for Planning Commission.
July 30, 1982 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Scholl, Stan, and Peggy Gardels
Box 1 | Folder 46 |
Report on Permit Process. Draft to City Council and Planning
Commission from Task Force on Permit Process and Neighborhood
Aug. 27, 1981 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 1 | Folder 47 |
Resolution #6385. of the City Council of The City of Santa Monica
of Its Intention to Amend the Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance Relation
to Various Districts and Establishing Interim Guidelines.
Oct. 27, 1981 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 32 pages.
Volume 1. Selected Newspaper Articles, Santa Monica.
Compiled by Pierre Clavel and others from Baltimore Sun, Cosair, Detroit Sun,
Evening Outlook, Heights and Valley News, In These Times, Los Angeles
Free Weekly, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Los Angeles Times, Manchester
Guardian, Perspective, Sacramento Bee, Wall Street Journal. Nine
Anthologies, 58 pieces. 1981-1983.
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet #1, p.
July 29, 1981-Dec. 31, 1981. |
Photocopies. 142 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Anthology of Articles on "Ocean Park." Evening
June 1, 1905 |
Photocopies. 15 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet #2, p.
Jan. 1, 1982 - Mar. 2, 1982 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 111 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet # 3, p.
Feb. 26, 1982-Apr. 1, 1982. |
2 copies. Photocopies. 55 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet # 4, p.
Apr. 5, 1982-June 30, 1982 and Aug. 2, 1982-Dec. 14, 1982 |
Photocopies. 313 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet # 5, p.
July 1, 1982-July 30, 1982 |
Photocopies. 40 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet # 6, p.
Dec. 15, 1982-Mar. 29, 1983 |
Photocopies. 72 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Anthology of Articles. Evening Outlook. CRP 718 Packet # 7, p.
Apr. 1, 1983-June 1, 1983 |
Photocopies. 62 pages.
Volume 2. Santa Monica continued
1979-1986 | ||
Magazine/Journal Articles. Authors with only one
article in collection. Various Sources
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"The Making of a Revolution." LA Times.
Apr. 13, 1986. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Citron, Alan.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Powerplay: Captured by the Left, The Santa Monica Government
is Trying to do Things Differently. Some of the Changes May be
Working." Los Angeles Weekly.
Nov. 13-19, 1981. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Frankel, Anita.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Santa Monica Tenants Get Revenge in Sweep of City Seats." In
these Times: 5.
Apr. 29-May 5, 1981 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Goldberg, Neal.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Santa Monica's City Government Angers Business, Property
Owners." Los Angeles Business Journal: 12-15.
Oct. 25, 1982 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Haugaard, Brad.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Economic Democracy." Whole Life Times: 44.
July/Aug. 1982 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Howard, Jerry.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"A Radical City Council has Business Fuming." Business Week:
Oct. 26, 1981 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Javetski, Bill.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Radicals in Power: Lessons from Santa Monica." Radicals in
Power. pp. 81-101.
Photocopy. 20 pages. -- Author: Kahn, Mark E.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Santa Monica Title Left." Newsweek: 25.
Jan. 4, 1982 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Kasindorf. Martin.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Economic Jeopardy: Can One of These Whiz Kids Answer the
Trillion-Dollar Question." Mother Jones: 28+.
May, 1982 |
Original and Photocopy. 12 pages each. -- Author: Kuttner, Bob
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Aboutface in Santa Monica: When the Left Takes Over, The
Right Takes to the Street." Village Voice.
Dec. 2-8, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Lindorff, David
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Strategies: You Can Win City Hall." Mother Jones.
Dec. 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Mankin, Eric.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"No Rms, No Vu: What Santa Monica's Rent War Teaches Us About
the Politics of Scarcity." Reader: Los Angeles Free Weekly. 1
Apr. 6, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Terrail, Mary and Moose Renard.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Ruth Goldway: A Woman Unafraid." Savvy. p. 32-36.
Apr., 1982 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Vermeulen, Michael.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Santa Monica Revolt: Polarization of a City by Ballot ox."
Los Angeles Times.
June 15, 1981. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Wallace, Charles P.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Taking the Rent Squeeze to Another Vote." L.A. Weekley.
Nov. 2-8, 1979. |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Weschler, Lawrence.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
"Power Shift in Santa Monica." Community Jobs.
July 15-Sept. 15, 1980. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wolt, Irene.
Curtius, Mary - Evening Outlook Articles.
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
"Reality Replaces Thrill of Win."
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Curtius, Mary
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
"The New Left: Santa Monica Takes over Berkeley's Progressive
Leadership Role. I of III."
July 20, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Curtius, Mary
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Election Issue of Perspective (Santa Monica Community
Apr. 1, 1983 |
Original Newspaper. 4 pages.
Fanucchi, Kenneth J - Los Angeles Times
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Derek Shearer Confident: S.M. Liberals' Gray Eminence'
Awaits New Call." 1+.
June 28, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Farmers, Customers to go to Market." p. 1, 9.
July 12, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Liberals' Budgeting Pleases Policy Chief." p. 1,
Mar. 14, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"People's Republic? Not Santa Monica, 2 Chinese
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Survey of Phone Service Ordered." p. 1, 4.
June 21, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
Toxic Chemicals Law Could be 1st I State." p. 1,
Sept. 27, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Rent Law Author to Become City Attorney in S.M."
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fanucchi, Kenneth J.
Kaplan, Sam Hall - Los Angeles Times Articles
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
"City Pressures Developers for Trade-Offs." May 30, 1982: 1,
May 30, 1982. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Kaplan, Sam Hall.
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
"The Pier Pressure in Santa Monica." September 13, 1982. Part
V: 1, 6.
Sept. 13, 1982. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Kaplan, Sam Hall.
Morgenthaler, Anne - Evening Outlook & Weekend
Outlook Articles
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
"Changes come with Myers Administration." Weekend Outlook. p.
Feb. 20-21, 1982. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
"City May Shun Non-Union Firms." Evening Outlook.
July 15, 1981. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
"Council OKs End to Building Freeze." Evening Outlook. p.
Aug. 26, 1981. |
Original Newspaper. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
"SM Seeks Regulations on Oil Pipeline." Weekend Outlook. p.
July 24-25, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Santa Monica Seascape Issues. Friends of Santa
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Santa Monica Seascape Issue. Friends of Santa Monica.
Apr.-Dec. 1983. |
Original Newspaper. 8 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Santa Monica Seascape Issue. Friends of Santa Monica.
Mar. 1984. |
Original Newspaper. 8 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Santa Monica Seascape Issue. Friends of Santa Monica.
Dec. 1989-Jan. 1990 |
Original Newspaper. 4 pages.
Seeley, Rich - Evening Outlook Articles.
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Conn: Reluctant Candidate Brings Sixties Enthusiasm to S.M.
City Council. II of VI" p. A13.
May 28, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Edwards: Councilman Loves his Work. II of VI."
May 28, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Mayor Advocates Democracy with Small 'd'." p. A1,
Apr. 29, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Press: Personal Loss Transformed into Beginning." p.
June 10, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Shearer Explains How Economic Democracy Works. V of X."
Oct. 2, 1981. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
"Zane: The American Dream Continues to Unfold for Former 60s
Activist. IV of VI."
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Seeley, Rich
Tsujimoto, Lauren. Los Angeles Times
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
"Back-Scratching Makes Project Go; Santa Monica Exacts Price
for $90 Million Complex."
May 30, 1982. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Tsujimoto, Lauren.
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
"Santa Monica OKs 'Mixed-Occupancy' Project: One Roof Will
Cover Commercial Offices, Retail Shops and Residential Units."
Nov. 7, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Tsujimoto, Lauren.
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
City of Santa Monica. Bibliography of Newsclippings.
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Hamilton, Rabinovitz & Szanton, Inc. Review of Existing Santa
Monica Development Fees. Prepared for City of Santa Monica.
Apr. 1, 1982 |
Photocopy. 23 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Santa Monica Campaign for Economic Democracy List.
July 22, 1981 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
City of Santa Monica. Executive Summary Budget Fiscal year
1982-83. Amended July 27, 1982 and August 24, 1982.
June 22, 1982 |
Original Bound Publication. 246 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Santa Monica for Renters' Rights. SMRR Program Congress: Agenda
and Accompany Fact Sheets.
Dec. 7, 1980 |
Photocopy. 56 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Santa Monica Rent Control Board. Information for New and
Prospective Rental Property Owners in Santa Monica.
June 1, 1987 |
Photocopy. 9 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Santa Monica Rent Control Guidelines. Chapters 1-20. Varying
dates for each chapter.
1983-1988 |
Photocopy. 193 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Selection of Operator for 415 Pacific Coast Highway. Draft to
Mayor and City Council from City Staff (John H. Alschuler, City
Aug. 17, 1982 |
Photocopy. 18 pages.
Shearer, Derek - Articles.
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"How Progressives Won In Santa Monica." Social Policy. 12
(3): p. 7-14.
Winter, 1982. |
Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
The New Urban Politics in the United States. Paper presented
at the USA, 1985 Lights and Shadows Conference, Fundacion Pablo
Inglesias: Madrid, Spain.
June 7, 1905 |
Photocopy. 19 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"Planning and the New Urban Populism: The Case of Santa
Monica, California." Journal of Planning Education and Research. 2
(1): p. 20-26.
Summer, 1982. |
Original Publication. 6 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"City Profiles: Santa Monica." Cities. p.
Nov. 1983. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"The Whole City Catalog." Mother Jones. p. 48-50.
Nov., 1978. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Phone Interview by Pierre Clavel.
Feb. 11, 1984. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"The North Moves Left: Politics in British Columbia." Working
Papers for a New Society. 2 (1): p. 49-56.
Spring 1974. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"Citizen Participation in Local Government: The case of Santa
Monica." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
Fall 1984. |
Photocopy. 8 pages. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"Democrats Let Their Grass Roots Wilt." Los Angeles Times.
Nov. 8, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"Left in Santa Monica Loses a Battle, But Not the War." In
These Times.
Apr. 27-May 3, 1983. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
"Popular Planning." New York Times.
Mar. 16, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Articles collected by Shearer sent to Pierre Clavel.
Original Newsprint. Handwritten Note. Photocopies. 47 pages. -- Author:
Shearer, Derek:
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
"Sleepy Santa Monica: A Berkeley for the '80s?" Los Angeles.
November 1982: 202+.
Nov. 1, 1982 |
Photocopy. 9 pages. -- Author: Shuman, Eric.
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Sign Ordinance. Draft to Mayor, City Council, Planning
Commission, Architectural Review Board and Chamber of Commerce Sign
Committee from Robert M. Myers (City Attorney).
Feb. 8, 1982 |
Photocopy. 42 pages. -- Author: Myers, Robert M.
Articles on Slow Growth Planning: Daily Breeze, Los
Angeles Times, Santa Monica Evening Outlook.
June 10, 1905 | ||
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"SM Zoning: Business vs. Slow Growth." Daily Breeze.
Feb. 14, 1988. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Santa Monica to Weigh Slow-Growth, Rent Control
Initiatives." Los Angeles Times.
Apr. 21, 1988. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Santa Monica Gears for Battle Over Controls on Development."
Los Angeles Times.
Mar. 20, 1988. |
4 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"SM Councilman Wants Yearly Building Limit." Santa Monica
Evening Outlook.
Apr. 14, 1988 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Slow Growth Initiative Petition Ruled Invalid." Los Angeles
June 16, 1988 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Interim Height Limits Get SM's Initial Approval." Santa
Monica Evening Outlook.
June 16, 1988. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Yarnall, Louise.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Santa Monica Studies Plan to Rank, Curb Construction." Los
Angeles Times.
Jan. 8, 1989. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wilkinson, Tracy.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"SM Group Loses Slow-Growth Fight." Santa Monica Evening
June 23, 1988. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Morgenthaler, Anne.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Santa Monica Approves Zoning With Slow-Growth Slant." Los
Angeles Times.
July 31, 1988. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Fisher, Michael.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
"Santa Monica Oks Major Revisions to Rent Control." Los
Angeles Times.
June 10, 1989 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Moran, Julio.
Working Papers and Drafts
Box 7 |
Collection of Drafts and "Municipal Development Policy: A Working Paper."
Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Draft to Bob Myers (city Attorney) on Social Investment
May 10, 1982. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Draft to John Alschuler (City manager) on Observations,
Recommendations, and Thoughts as to Next Steps (on Economic
Apr. 16, 1982. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Draft to John Alschuler (City Manager) concerning his Request
for Quick Observation on the Population and Housing Questions of the
Census Data.
May 5, 1982. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Draft to John Alschuler (City Manager) on Public Investment
and Development Policy.
Apr. 2, 1982. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Draft to John Alschuler (City Manager). An Outline and
Discussion of a Comprehensive Municipal Development
Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
"Municipal Development Policy: Working Paper."
2 copies. Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Smith, David:
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Tenant Ownership Rights Charter Amendment. Proposed Amendment to
the Charter of the City of Santa Monica.
Sept. 1, 1982 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Working Paper on Progressive Municipal Administration: The Santa
Monica Case. Ithaca: Cornell University, CRP Department.
May 20, 1982 |
Photocopy. 26 pages. -- Author: Viggiani, Frances.
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
"Tenant Power to Political Power." The Nation.
July 4, 1981 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Zeitlin, Maurice
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Benington Papers - Concept and Issues
1981-1985 |
Multiple Copies. 50 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
The Employment Manifesto for 1984. John Benington, City of
Sheffield, Employment Department
June 6, 1905 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 15 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
"Talk at Sheffield Conference."
2 copies. Photocopies. 20 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
"Employment Department: An Initial Outline."
Jan. 1, 1982 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 48 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Sheffield Employment Plan.
Jan. 1, 1987 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 22 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
"Local Economic Development in the UK and the USA: Issues for
Comparative Study." Paper prepared for Great Lakes Economic Development
Conference 'Responses to Economic Restructuring' Chicago, September
26-28, 1990.
June 12, 1905 |
3 copies. Photocopies. 11 pages. -- Author: Benington, John and Mike
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
"Local Economic Strategies." Local Economy. Issue No 1, Spring
Spring 1986 |
3 copies. Photocopies. 11 pages. -- Author: Benington, John
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
"Two Year Strategy." Alan Billings, Chairman, Budget
June 26, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 4 pages. -- Author: Billings, Alan.
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
"Towards the Unitary State: Tory Attacks of Local Government."
Critical Social Policy. Pp. 93-111
2 copies. Photocopies. 10 pages. -- Author: Blackburn, Phil.
David Blunkett Articles (Leader of Sheffield City
1981-1988 | ||
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Building from the Sheffield Experience. Fabian Society
Publication. October 1983.
4 copies. Photocopies. 15 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David and Geoff
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
"Alternative Economic Policies - A Socialist Local Government
Response." Discussion Paper presented to the AMA, February
3 copies. Photocopies. 2 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
"Options for the Future for Maintaining Services, Jobs and
Local Control." June 17, 1985
2 copies. Photocopies. 2 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
"Bietrag." Konferenz, Oberhausen. November 28,
2 copies. Photocopies. 11 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
"Towards a Social Policy."
2 copies. Photocopies. 5 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David.
Other Articles
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
"Labour's Left Councils Charge of the Light Brigade." Marxism
Today. February 1987.
Feb. 1987 |
4 copies. Photocopies. 2 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Beatrix.
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
"Goodbye to the GLC." Marxism Today. April 1986
Apr. 1986 |
3 copies. Photocopies. 3 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Beatrix and Martin
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
"The Economics of Local Jobs Plans." Local Economy. Volume 2, No
2, August1987
Aug. 1987 |
3 copies. Photocopies. 7 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Mike and Mike Hardy,
Nige Healey, Richard Stead, and John Sutherland.
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
"The Impact of Local Authorities on Labour Party Economic
Policy." Local Economy. Volume 2, No 1, May 1987.
May 1987 |
3 copies. Photocopies. 4 pages. -- Author: Batkin, Andy.
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
"The Sheffield City Council Employment Department."
1985-1989? |
2 copies. Photocopies. 36 pages. -- Author: Baker, Will and Andrew
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Action in the Local Economy. Progress Report of the Economic
Development Committee, West Midlands County Council, 1984. Prepared
by the Economic Development Committee: Campaign For Jobs, West
Midlands County Council.
1984 |
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 35 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Annual Report 1983-84. Birmingham: Birmingham Co-operative
Development Agency
1983/4 |
Original Bound Publication. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Anti-Apartheid Declaration Launch - Ceremonial Booklet. London:
The Greater London Council, 1984.
1984 |
Original Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
"Smoke Over the Winter Palace: The Politics of Resistance and
London's Community Areas." Paper for the Second International Conference
on Planning Theory in Practice, September 9-12, 1986. Turin,
1986 |
2 copies. Photocopies. 70 pages. -- Author: Allen, Judith.
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
Bibliography: Sheffield, Bennington, UK
Photocopies. 32 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Bibliography & Contacts
Photocopies. Original handwriting. 50 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
"Why was the GLC Abolished?" ISUAR. 11 (2).
June 9, 1905 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: O'Leary, Brendan.
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
"Municipal Enterprise and Popular Planning." New Left Review.
159: p. 117-124.
Sept.-Oct. 1986 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Palmer, John.
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
"Sharing the Caring." New Statesman. p. 8-10.
Jan. 13, 1984. |
3 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Rowbotham, Sheila.
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
"Lessons of the London Industrial Strategy." New Left Review. p.
Jan.-Feb. 1986. |
4 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Rustin, Michael.
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
City of Sheffield, Sheffield City Council - Positive Action
Project. Positive Action for Women Project: Final Report.
Oct. 22, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 75 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
City of Sheffield, Sheffield City Council. Sheffield Music
Factory: Final Report. Municipal Music Services: Support for the Music
Economy and the Unemployed in Sheffield.
July 1, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 24 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
City of Sheffield, Sheffield City Council. An Agreement between
the Sheffield City Council and the Sheffield Urban Development
Aug. 19, 1988 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
City of Sheffield, Sheffield City Council. The Role of the
Business Community.
Nov. 18, 1988 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
City of Sheffield, Employment Department. Checklist of Work in
June 1, 1982 |
2 copies. Photocopy.14 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
City of Sheffield, Employment Department. A Guide to the
June 8, 1905 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
City of Sheffield, Employment Programme Committee. Outlook Report
July 23, 1990 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
City of Sheffield, Employment Department. Review of the Work in
the First Year 1982-83.
June 1, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 46 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
City of Sheffield. Department of Land and Planning, Planning
Division, Employment Department. Report to Employment Programme
Dec. 3, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
"The Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire." Critical Social
Policy. p. 72-93.
Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
"Labour and the local state in Liverpool." Capital &
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Thompson, Paul and Mike Allen.
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
"London after Abolition." Local Government Studies. p.
May/June 1990 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Travers, Tony.
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
"Walsall's Haul to Democracy: The Neighborhood Concept." &
Notes on the Neighborhood Concept.
Original Bound Publication and Handwritten Notes. 30 pages. -- Author:
Powell, Brian.
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
"Labour's Capital Gains: The GLC Experience." Marxism Today. p.
Dec. 1, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Ward, Michael.
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
After redundancy: A study of some responses to unemployment in
the Sheffield steel industry.
Dec. 1, 1980 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Westergaard, John and Alan
Collection of Issues of Campaign. Produced by
Economic Development Committee, West Midlands County Council.
Multiple Issues.
1984-85 | ||
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Issue 3.
July 1984. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Issue 4.
Sept. 1984. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Issue 5.
Nov. 1984. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Issue 6.
Feb. 1985. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Issue 7.
Apr. 1985. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
West Midlands County Council. Economic Development
Committee: Campaign For Jobs Publications
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
West Midlands County Council. Jobs at Risk.
Original Publication. 25 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
Priorities for Economic Regeneration I the West Midlands. Paper
presented to the County Economic Development Committee in November
Nov. 1, 1981 |
Original Bound Publication. 5 pages -- Author: Edge, Geoff.
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
West Midlands County Council. Directory of Worker
Original Bound Publication. 63 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
Regional Industrial Development: Assisted Area Designation
Criteria and Boundaries. Supplementary Response of the County
Council of West Midlands.
May 1, 1984 |
Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
The West Midlands: What can it offer your Business? West Midlands
County Council, Economic Development Committee. Prepared by the
Economic Development Committee: Campaign For Jobs, West Midlands
County Council.
Original Bound Publication. 17 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
"West Midlands Campaign For Jobs: It's Working." Advertisement
Extra, West Midlands County Council.
Nov. 1, 1984 |
3 copies. Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Research Paper No. 1: Women in the West Midlands
June 1984. |
Original Bound Publication. 17 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Research Paper No. 6: Resources for Economic Development.
July 1985. |
Original Bound Publication. 27 pages
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Economic Review: Combating Industrial Decline. No. 1.
May 1, 1984 |
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Economic Review: Tackling Poverty. No. 2.
Aug. 1984. |
Original Bound Publication. 45 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Economic Review: Jobs and Technology. No. 3.
Feb. 1985. |
Original Bound Publication. 53 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Unemployment Briefing. December 1985
Photocopy. 7 pages.
West Midlands Enterprise Board Publications
1983-1988 | ||
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Enterprise. Issue 2. West Midlands Enterprise Board.
Jan. 1986. |
Original Publication. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Enterprise. Issue 4. West Midlands Enterprise Board.
Sept. 1986. |
2 copies. Original Publication. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Enterprise. Issue 5. West Midlands Enterprise Board.
Dec. 1986. |
Original Publication. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Enterprise. Issue 6. West Midlands Enterprise Board.
Mar. 1988. |
Original Publication. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Enterprise. Issue 10. West Midlands Enterprise Board.
Mar. 1988. |
Original Publication. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Report and Financial Statements 1985. West Midlands
Enterprise Board LTD.
Aug. 30, 1985. |
Original Publication. 20 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Risk Capital for Developing Business in the West Midlands
Original Publication. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Local knowledge and local finance to help West Midlands
business develop and flourish.
Photocopy. 10 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
The West Midlands Enterprise Board Second Fund: A Proposal.
Apr. 25, 1983. |
Photocopy. 10 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Purpose, Policy and Procedures.
Apr. 29, 1983. |
Photocopy. 17 pages.
West Midlands Sector Research Publications
1985 | ||
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
University of Warwick Science Park Brochure.
Original Publication. 7 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Audio Visual Media in the West Midlands. A Report to the West
Midlands County Council Economic Development Committee,
June 7, 1905 |
Original Publication. 21 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Interest Relief Scheme for Capital Investment. West Midlands
County Council and ICFC.
Original Pamphlet Publication. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
New Enterprise Workshops: A Place to Start Your Own
Original Pamphlet Publication. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
Publications List. University of Birmingham Joint Centre for
Regional, Urban and Local Government Studies.
Oct. 1985 |
Original Bound Publication. 54 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Re-structuring the Regions. Birmingham: Center for Urban and
Regional Studies, University of Birmingham. Occasional Paper
June 1984 |
Original Bound Publication.48 pages. -- Author: Wray, Ian.
City of Sheffield, Economic Development Department.
Internal Documents and Documents pertaining to ED strategies.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Aids to Enterprises: Review and Proposed Strategy.
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Report 22.7.82: Interim Appraisal Criteria.
Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Industrial Investment.
Apr. 20, 1982. |
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Report to E.P.C. - New Technology and Product Development
Panel. The Development of Innovation and Technology Resources in
Nov. 19, 1984. |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Report to The Training and Development Panel of the Personnel
Services Sub-Committee (Policy). Sheffield Apprenticeship Training
Nov. 9, 1984. |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
"Higher Rates Do Not Mean Higher Unemployment." Municipal
Feb. 24, 1984. |
Photocopy. 2pages. -- Author: Cowan, Michael.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Departmental Review.
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
A Three Year Resource Plan to Meet Changing Needs.
Sept. 26, 1984. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Review of Policy and Budget Process. Joint Report of City
Treasurer and Director of Environmental Health.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Employment Department: An Initial Outline.
Photocopy. 8 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Employment and Unemployment.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
"Review of the Employment Department's Work in the Pilot
Phase and Plans and Priorities for the Next Year." Editorial Group
Apr. 25, 1983. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Review of Council's Organisation and Management.
May 4, 1983. |
Photocopy. 9 pages. -- Author: Benington, John.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Economic Development, Enforced Competition and Subsequent
Matters - Departmental Responsibilities.
Oct., 1987. |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Green Community Project.
June 6, 1905 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Departmental Meeting.
Dec. 17, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
New Socialist Articles on Rate-Capping.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"The Phony." July 1985.
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Lansley, Stewart.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"Thatcher to Liverpool: Drop Dead." November
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Jones, Mervyn.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"Divided we Stand." December 1984.
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"On The Brink." April 1985.
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Blunkett, David.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"Local Socialists at Sticking Point." March
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Gyford, John.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
"The New Urban Left: A Local Road to Socialism?" April
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Gyford, John.
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
Local Government in Britain and Germany. Birmingham: University
of Birmingham, Anglo-German Foundation for the study of Industrial
1995 |
Original Bound Publication. 123 pages. -- Author: Norton, Alan
Box 5 |
Binder of Women's Issues and Publications in the UK.
Box 5 |
GLC Women's Committee. Programme of Action for Women in
June 6, 1905 | |
Copy in Compiled Loose-leaf Binder. 47 pages.
Box 5 |
West Midlands Count Council, Economic Development Unit.
Research Paper No. 1: Women in West Midlands Economy.
June 1, 1984 | |
Copy in Compiled Loose-leaf Binder. 17 pages.
Box 5 |
Greater London Council. London Against Racism.
Copy in Compiled Loose-leaf Binder. 5 pages.
Box 5 |
Greater London Council. Changing the World: A London Charter
for GAY and LESBIAN Rights.
Copy in Compiled Loose-leaf Binder. 46 pages.
UK - Not Bennington stuff
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Adult Education and Training for Local Economic Development.
Discussion Paper Prepared for Great Lakes Economic Development
Group Conference on Responses to Economic Restructuring,
September 26-28, 1990. Chicago, IL.
Aug. 1, 1990 |
Author: Mayo, Marjorie.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Training and Employment Research Unit: A Guide to Activities
and Staff. Glasglow.
Mar. 1, 1990 |
Author: McGregor, Alan.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Public-Private Co-operation in West Central Scotland. Paper
prepared for the Great Lakes Economic Development Group
Conference o Responses to Economic Restructuring: University of
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Sept. 1, 1990 |
Author: Lever, William.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
A Tale of Two Cities: Revitalizing Corby, Northamptonshire
and Youngstown, Ohio. Forthcoming in Peter B. Meyer (ed.),
Comparative Studies in Local Economic Development, Greenwood
Press, 1991.
Aug. 28, 1990 |
Author: Buss, Terry F.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Local Work: Monthly Bulletin of the Centre for Local Economic
Strategies. No. 16.
Apr./May, 1990. |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Local Work: Monthly Bulletin of the Centre for Local Economic
Strategies. No. 19.
Aug. 1, 1990 |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Local Work: Monthly Bulletin of the Centre for Local Economic
Strategies. No. 20.
Sept., 1990. |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
European Research Network. Consultancy Brochure.
Original. 8 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Center for Local Economic Strategies Brochure.
2 copies. Original. 2 pages.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Love's Labor Lost: Progressive Planning in Chicago and
Mar. 1988. |
Typescript. 25 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre and Robert Kraushaar.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Braunstone Employment Project. Strategy Document (June 1982)
and Annual Report, 1989-1990 with Personal Letter dated November 7,
1990 to Pierre Clavel: From Shanie Lee, Project Manager.
Photocopy. 28 pages -- Author: Lee, Shanie
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
The Braunstone Experience. Program for the National
Conference: Neighbourhood Economic Development.
Mar. 12, 1991 |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Program for the Empowering Communities Conference at Ruskin
College, Oxford, UK. Community Development Journal.
Nov. 2, 1990 |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
London Borough of Wandsworth. Prosperity or Slump? The future
of Wandsworth's economy. A Report of the Policy Review
Oct. 1976. |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Waterfront redevelopment, economic restructuring and social
Author: Tweedale, Iain.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Epilogue: The Future of Social Policy in the United States:
Political Constraints and Possibilities." in The Politics of Social
Policy in the U.S. Princeton University Press, p. 423-445.
June 10, 1905 |
Author: Weir, Margaret, Ann Shola Orloff and Theda Skocpol.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Dismantling Flexibility." Capitol and Class. 34:
Spring 1988 |
Author: Pollert, Anna.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Great Lakes Economic Development Conference. List of
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Urban Redevelopment, Compulsory Purchase, and the
Regeneration of Local Economies: The Case of Cardiff Docklands."
Planning Practice and Research. 4 (3): 18-27.
Winter 1989 |
Author: Thomas, Huw and Rob Imrie.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Struggles in the Welfare State: A Parable of How Things
Might be Done Differently" Critical Social Policy, p.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
The London Strategic Policy Committee. London Strategic
Policy Unit.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Community Action Programmes in the Early Eighties - What
Future? Critical Social Policy, p. 5-17.
Author: Mayo, Marg.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
"Struggles in the Welfare State: Propaganda by Examples: The
economic policies of the Greater London Council." Critical Social
Policy, p. 64-71.
Leeds, UK
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
"Workers' Plan: An Alternative to Entrepreneurialism?"
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Volume 8, No.
3, p. 421-437.
June 6, 1905 |
Original Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Cooke, Philip.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds Urban Audit Bulletin. No. 3.
Sept., 1988. |
Original Bound Publication. 14 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds Urban Audit Bulletin. No. 4.
Feb., 1989. |
Original Bound Publication. 14 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds Polytechnic, Policy Research Unit. Research and
Original Bound Publication. 6 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Towards a Local Labour Market Strategy. Leeds Polytechnic,
Policy Research Unit.
Aug., 1989. |
Original Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Michael.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds Polytechnic, Policy Research Unit. The Wakefield
Employment Skills Survey. Volume 1: Main Report.
Mar., 1989. |
Original Bound Publication. 67 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds City Policy Review Position Statement. Leeds
Polytechnic, Policy Research Unit.
July 1, 1989 |
Original Bound Publication. 100 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Michael
and Ian Sandeson.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Leeds City Council's Housing Service: A Survey of Tenants'
Attitudes. Leeds Polytechnic, Policy Research Unit.
May, 1989. |
Original Bound Publication. 124 pages. -- Author: Brady, Sean, Mike
Campbell, Janie Percy-Smith, and Brendan Sheehan.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
"Policy Review Section." Regional Studies. Vol. 22, 1, pp.
Original Bound Publication. 13 pages. -- Author: Mawson, J.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Charter for Jobs: Economic Report. London, UK.
Original Bound Publication. 13 pages. -- Author: Shields, Jon and
Mark Cornelius.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
"Jobs Blitz Aims at the Destruction of North-South Divide."
Financial Guardian.
Sept. 17, 1987. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Campbell, Michael.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Economic Sense: Local Jobs Plans. The Distribution of Jobs by
Local Authority. Leeds Polytechnic, Policy Research Unit.
Photocopy. 20 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Michael, Mike Hardy, Nige
Healey, Richard Stead, John Sutherland.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Social Audit Network News. Issue No. 1.
May, 1989. |
Original Bound Publication. 10 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Center for Local Economic Strategies, Research Study Series.
Meeting Real Needs - Creating Real Jobs.
Nov. 1, 1988 |
Original Bound Publication. 121 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Greater London Council. London Facts and Figures.
Nov. 1985 |
Original Bound Publication. 20 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Greater London Council. Many Happy Returns: 95 Years of Working
for London.
Sept. 1985 |
Original Bound Publication. 28 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Greater London Enterprise Board. More Than Bricks and Mortar:
Making Property Work For People.
3 copies. Original Publication and Copies. 46 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Greater London Enterprise Board. Organising for
Original Bound Publication. 34 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Partnership in Urban Regeneration and Local Economic Development:
The Case Study of Sheffield: UK.
Sept. 1990 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 15 pages. -- Author: Lawless, Paul.
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Cities in Cloudless Air: Progressive Planning in Sheffield,
England. Prepared for the ACSP Conference, Buffalo NY, October
Oct. 1988 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 29 pages. -- Author: Kraushaar, Robert.
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Greater London Council. Homelessness in London. Housing and
Research and Policy Report - 1.
Aug. 1985 |
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 32 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Southwark Women's Equality Unit. How to Keep Your Accounts: A
Guide for Women's Groups.
1985 |
Original Bound Publication. 19 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Greater London Council. London Against Racism.
3 copies. Original Publication and Copies. 9 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
"Goodbye GLC." New Socialist. Interview with Sheila Rowbotham and
Hilary Wainwright.
Apr. 1986 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Livingstone, Ken.
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
"Renaissance Labour Style." Marxism Today. p. 19-27.
Dec. 1984 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 8 pages. -- Author: Livingstone, Ken.
Greater London Council Women's Committee
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Women and Employment. Report No. W574.
June 6, 1905 |
Original Publication. 12 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Women on the Move. GLC Survey on Women and Transport.
June 7, 1905 |
Original Publication. 16 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Women, Jobs and the GLC: Working out the Future.
Original Publication. 28 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
"Job Sharing and How To Do It." Equity Information.
Original Publication. 5 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
GLC Women's Committee. Issue 20.
Original Publication. 60 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
GLC Women's Committee. Issue 23.
Mar., 1985. |
Original Publication. 68 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
GLC Women's Committee. Issue 24.
July, 1985. |
Original Publication. 56 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Information Pack.
Original Publication. 20 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
Greater London Council Women's Committee. Programme of Action for
Women in London.
1984 |
3 copies. Original Publication and Copies. 83 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
Sheffield - A Case Study in Economic Regeneration.
Sept. 1990 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Hayman, Keith.
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
The New Municipal Socialism.
Dec. 17, 1986 |
Photocopy. 29 pages. -- Author: Green, Geoff.
Box 6 | Folder 17 |
Greater London Regional Council of the Labour Party. GLC Election
1981. Report of the Industry and Employment Working Party.
1981 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 27 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
"A New Look at Regional Planning." Town & County Planning. p.
Jan. 1983 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Mawson, John, and David Miller.
Maps of Sheffield
1988 | ||
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Road Network and Landmarks.
3 copies. Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Economic Development Map. Sheffield Development Office.
Autumn 1988.
Autumn 1988 |
Original Publication. 4 pages.
London Industrial Strategy Series.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 64 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 77 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Arms Conversion
Original Bound Publication. 36 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 29 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 28 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Clothing Industry
Original Bound Publication. 31 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Computer Software
Original Bound Publication. 27 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 52 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Cultural Industries
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Docks
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Domestic Work and Childcare
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 30 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Food Industry
Original Bound Publication. 38 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Furniture Industry
Original Bound Publication. 30 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 31 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Heathrow and West London
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 27 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Instrument Engineering
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 21 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Printing Industry
Original Bound Publication. 40 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Public Transportation
Original Bound Publication. 39 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
The Tourism Industries.
Original Bound Publication. 38 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
Greater London Council. Planning for The Future of London: The
Greater London Development Plan. (includes maps)
Sept. 1984 |
Original Bound Publication. 237 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
"A Socialist GLC in Capitalist Britain?" Capital & Class. p.
Winter 1982 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 10 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
Greater London Council Economic Policy Group's Popular Planning
Unit. Jobs for a Change.
1983 |
Original Bound Publication. 72 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
"Ownership, Control and the Market." New Left Review. Vol. 164,
p. 87-112.
July/Aug. 1987 |
Photocopy. 25 pages. -- Author: Murray, Robin.
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
"Struggle in the Market."
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Metcalf, David.
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
Metro Cammell and Metro Cammell Weymann Joint Shop Stewards
Committee. Metro Cammell: A Victim of Government Transport Policy.
Original Bound Publication. 22 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
"More Light in the North." The Economist.
Apr. 1987 |
Original Journal. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
The County Council of West Midlands Economic Development
Committee. Report of the Economic Development Committee
Apr. 3, 1984 |
Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Mawson, J.,
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
"The Case for Local Enterprise: Back to the Future." New
Socialist Supplement.
Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Mawson, John, David Miller, John Palner,
Geoff Edge, John Gunnell, and Naomi Wayne.
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
Greater London Council, Policy Committee Support Unit. Policing
London. October/November 1985: No. 20.
Oct./Nov. 1985 |
Original Publication. 15 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
Greater London Enterprise Board. Printing Matters: Toward a
Strategy for the London Printing Industry.
Original Publication. 22 pages.
Greater London Enterprise Board. Publications about
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
Saving Jobs...Shaping the Future.
Original Publication. 32 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
Survival or Liquidation? A Guide for Worker Cooperatives.
Original Publication. 44 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
"Do Yourself a Favour!" Trade Union and Community Discussions
about fighting for Jobs and Services.
May, 1985. |
Original Pamphlet. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 33 |
Greater London Council. London Environmental Bulletin. 3 (1):
Summer 1985 |
Original Bound Publication. 8 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 34 |
Greater London Council. Changing the World: A London Charter for
GAY and LESBIAN Rights.
2 copies. Original Bound Publication and Copies. 48 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 35 |
"Down By The Riverside." New Socialist. February 1986:
Feb. 1986 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Banks, Tony MP and Alan Tomkins.
Box 6 | Folder 36 |
Greater London Enterprise Board. Enterprising London. Autumn
1985: No. 6.
Autumn 1985 |
Original Publication. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 37 |
Ethnic Minorities in London. Workshop booklet from the GLC's Self
Help and Economic Development Conference. February 23, 1985.
Feb. 23, 1985 |
2 copies. Original Bound Publication and Copies. 12 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 38 |
Greater London Council. The Funding File: Fact Pack.
1986 |
Original Bound Publication. 22 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 39 |
Greater London Council. The Future of the Greater London
Jan. 1984 |
Original Bound Publication. 48 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 40 |
Greater London Council, Economic Policy Group. Jobs For a Change.
Number 19. Produced by the Popular Planning Unit.
2 copies. Original Newsprint. 8 pages.
Greater London Council Welfare Rights Campaign.
Claim What's Yours Pamphlets.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
A Pack on Welfare Rights.
Original Bound Publication. 11 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Baby Things
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Clothing and Footwear
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Special Diet
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Greater London Council Pamphlets
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Stop Sex Ads on London Tube and Bus Sites.
Original Bound Publication. 5 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
What Every Gay Man IN London Should Know About Hepatitis B
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Women: Could You Use an Extra 28£ per week?
Original Bound Publication. 2 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Equal Opportunities - Why the GLC asks about your 'ethnic
origin'. GLC Housing Information. No. 1.
Original Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Who Gets a Home? The GLC's Priorities. GLC Housing
Information. No. 2.
Original Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Moving Home in London. LAMS - The London Area Mobility
Scheme. GLC Housing Information. No. 4.
Original Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Women & Caring: A GLC Women's Committee/Health Panel
Publication. (in foreign language edition too).
2 copies. Original Bound Publication. 6 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
New Rights to Claim Benefits for Women in Couples.
Original Bound Publication. 8 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Changing the World: A London Charter for Lesbian and Gay
Original Bound Publication. 1 page.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Calendar of Courses for Sept. to Dec. at Wesley House. A New
London Center for Women.
Original Bound Publication. 1 page.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Advertising - Stop Selling Sexism.
Original Bound Publication. 1 page.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Nilea Youth Service News. No. 4.
Autumn 1985. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
London's Defence Workers - A Safer Future?
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
The Control of Protest - and more. Policing London by Street
Original Bound Publication. 2 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
What's Happening Behind the Counter?
Original Bound Publication. 2 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
equals. The Equal Opportunities Newsletter for GLC Employees.
No. 12.
Original Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
LT In Exile. GLC Newsletter on Public Transportation. Issue
No. 4.
Oct. 1985. |
Original Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Advertising Firefighter Training.
Original Publication. 1 page.
Box 6 | Folder 43 |
Training for Employment. Greater London Council, Employment
Aug. 6, 1984 |
Photocopy. 44 pages. -- Author: Benington, John.
Box 6 | Folder 44 |
"The Purpose of Local Industrial Policy."
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Gough, Jaime.
Box 6 | Folder 45 |
"Industrial Policy and Socialist Strategy; Restructuring and the
Unity of the Working Class." Capital & Class. 29: 58-61.
Summer 1986 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 12 pages. -- Author: Gough, Jaime.
Box 6 | Folder 46 |
"The Local State and Local Economic Policy: Political
Mobilisation or Economic Regeneration." Capital & Class. p.
3 copies. Photocopy. 12 pages. -- Author: Goodwin, Mark and Simon Duncan.
Box 6 | Folder 47 |
"Local Economic Policy - Regeneration or Mobilisation for Left
Local Authorities." Paper given at the 5th Urban Change and Conflict
Conference on Industrial Restructuring, Social Change and the Locality,
held at Sussex University.
Apr. 16-19, 1985 |
Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Goodwin, Mark.
Box 6 | Folder 48 |
Locality and Local State: Sheffield's Economic Policy. Working
Paper 53
Feb. 1986 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 51 pages. -- Author: Goodwin, Mark.
Box 6 | Folder 49 |
"The London Industrial Strategy: Socialist Transformation or
Modernising Capitalism?" p. 419-439.
Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Eisenschitz, Aram and David North.
Box 6 | Folder 50 |
Crow Bar: Squatting News. No 48.
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 6 | Folder 51 |
Changing Foci of Local Authority Economic Development In Britain.
Paper submitted to the Great Lakes Economic Development Group
Conference on RESPONSES to Economic Restructuring, Chicago.
Sept. 26-28, 1990 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages. -- Author: Collison, Andrew.
Box 6 | Folder 52 |
"The Future of Section 137 Expenditure." Local Government Policy
Making. p. 42-47.
Mar. 1986 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Collison, Andrews and Chris Game.
Box 6 | Folder 53 |
"Strategy for a City." Marxism Today. p. 36-45.
Feb. 1978 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 9 pages. -- Author: Corrigan, Paul.
Box 6 | Folder 54 |
"The Local State: The Struggle for Democracy." Marxism Today. p.
July 1979 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 9 pages. -- Author: Corrigan, Paul.
Box 6 | Folder 55 |
"Municipal Enterprise, Growth Coalitions and Social Justice."
Policy and Politics. 16 (3): 191-197.
July 1988 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Cooke, Phil.
Box 6 | Folder 56 |
"The Capitalist State and the Local Economy: 'Restructuring For
Labour' and Beyond." Capital Class. 35 (Summer 1988):
Summer 1988 |
Photocopy. 35 pages. -- Author: Geddes, Mike.
Box 6 | Folder 57 |
Urban Development Corporations - The Docklands Experiment:
Summary. Paper for Conference on Economic Regeneration in Chicago,
September 1990.
Sept. 1990 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Colenutt, Bob.
Box 6 | Folder 58 |
"The Attack on Local Government: What is it and what it isn't?"
Critical Social Policy. p. 44-62.
2 copies. Photocopy. 18 pages. -- Author: Cochran, Allan.
Box 6 | Folder 59 |
"What's in a Strategy? The London Industrial Strategy and
Municipal Socialism. Capital & Class. p. 187-193.
2 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Cochrane, Allan.
Box 6 | Folder 60 |
"The Sheffield Council Jobs Audit - Why and How?" Local Economy.
1 (4): 3-22.
Feb. 1987 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 19 pages. -- Author: Clark, Nick, Roger Critchley,
David Hall, Roger Kline and Dexter Whitfield.
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
An Analysis: The Economic Development Process in Berkeley,
California - Overview.
Feb. 26, 1980 |
Photocopy. 23 pages. -- Author: Aamot, Jacqueline.
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
April Coalition. April Coalition Platform
Photocopy. 17 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
BCA Platform - 1986. Part Two.
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
"Running the City for the People." Article adapted from
"Progressive Planning: A Report from Berkeley and Hartford." Working
Papers I Planning 51, Cornell University.
Dec. 1, 1982 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Back, Eve, Nicolas R. Carbone and Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
Platform of the Berkeley Caucus of Democratic Clubs
May 14, 1905 |
Photocopy. 1 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
"Berkeley Caucus Issues - 1969." Statement of the Berkeley
Feb. 2, 1969 |
Typescript. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
Berkeley City Election -1981. Issues and Answers. Published by
Berkeley Issues Forum.
June 3, 1905 |
Original Bound Publication. 22 pages.
Berkeley Ordinances. "Fair Representation.
Neighborhood Preservation."
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
Fair Representation Ordinance #4780. In effect April 15,
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance #4641. In effect: April
17, 1973.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
Berkeley Tenants Organizing Committee and Community Rent Control
Slate. "Platform of the Community Rent Control Convention."
Jan. 23, 1973 |
Original Newspaper and Copy. 9 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
The Berkeley Tribe. Blueprint for a Communal Environment. pp.
3 copies. Photocopy. 10 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
Critique of The Cities' Wealth: Programs for Community Economic
Control in Berkeley, California.
Typescript. 4 pages. -- Author: Bruns, Bryan.
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
"Berkeley Initiates and Approves a Master Plan." Inter-University
Case Program.
Jan. 1, 1973 |
Photocopy. 33 pages. -- Author: Campbell, Warren M.
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
City of Berkeley. Annual General Adjustment Public Hearing.
Including "Berkeley Rent Stabilized Properties: 1983 Operating Cost
Study" by Ken Baar and Dennis Keating. August 14, 1983 (Revised
September 8, 1983).
Sept. 21, 1984 |
Photocopy. 23 pages.
City of Berkeley. Annual Reports.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1979-80
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1980-81
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1981-82
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1983-84
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1984-85
Original Publication. 15 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1986-87
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1987-88
Original Publication. 15 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1988-89
Original Publication. 15 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1989-90
Original Publication. 8 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1990-91
Original Publication. 8 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
City of Berkeley. Annual Report 1991-92
Original Publication. 8 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 36 |
City of Berkeley. Memorandum on the Progress of Office of
Economic Development at One Year Anniversary.
Oct. 20, 1986 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 37 |
Berkeley Master Plan: Summary. Adopted 1977. Prepared by the
Comprehensive Planning Department, Berkeley, California.
Jan. 1, 1977 |
Original Bound Publication. 33 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 38 |
"Slouching Towards Berkeley: Socialism in One City." The Public
Interest. pp. 47-68
Jan. 1, 1989 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 11 pages. -- Author: Collier, Peter and David
Box 2 | Folder 39 |
City of Berkeley, Planning Commission. Memorandum on the
Recommendations on Budget and Future of the Planning Department.
Prepared by Fred Collignon, Chairperson to Wise E. Allen, City
Feb. 4, 1988 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 40 |
"Newport: Arrest Economic Decay and 'Speculation Epidemic'."
Grassroots. Iss. # 26. October 9, 1979, p. 5
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Collins, Alan.
Box 2 | Folder 41 |
City of Berkeley. The Commissioners' Handbook: Guidelines for
Boards, Commissions and Committees.
1979 |
Original Bound Publication. 31 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 42 |
Fair Rental Housing Ordinance (Draft). Including Memo from
Councilmembers Shirley Dean, Sue Hone and Bill Segesta. To the Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
Jan. 29, 1980 |
Photocopy. 16 pages. -- Author: Dean, Shirly, Sue Hone and Bill
Box 2 | Folder 43 |
"Berkeley Gets a New Breed of Left-Leaning." Friday, December 21,
Dec. 21, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Dolan, Maura.
Box 2 | Folder 44 |
Draft Platform: Berkeley Democratic Alliance
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 45 |
City of Berkeley, Economic Development Commission. Economic
Development Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Proposed - October
1978. Adopted - November, 1980.
1980 |
Original Bound Publication. 227 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 46 |
"Election Results: Bay Area." San Francisco Chronicle. November
9, 1988
Nov. 9, 1988 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Evictions and Rent Stabilization Board in
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Overview of the Eviction process in Berkeley.
Original Publication. 3 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Instruction Sheet for Landlord Petition for Individual Rent
Adjustment. City of Berkeley, Rent Stabilization Board.
Original Bound Publication. 10 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Instruction Sheet for Tenant Petition for Individual Rent
Adjustment. City of Berkeley, Rent Stabilization Board.
Original Bound Publication. 11 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Rent Board Alert. January-June, 1988.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 48 |
Fact Sheet. Details of the Community Control of the Police
Jan., 1971. |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 49 |
A Survey of Housing in Berkeley: Analyzing Three Issues.
Nov., 1980. |
Photocopy. 37 pages. -- Author: Falk, Don, Diane Laufman, Livinus
Nwadike, and Nancy Southerland.
Box 2 | Folder 50 |
Recommendations for Employment Development in the City of
June 17, 1977 |
Original Bound Publication. 27 pages. -- Author: Gouig, Christine and
Russell T. McCubbin.
Box 2 | Folder 51 |
City of Berkeley. Housing Element of the Berkeley Master Plan,
1977. Adopted by the Berkeley City Council June, 1977. Adopted by the
Berkeley Planning Commission April, 1976.
1977 |
Original Bound Publication. 74 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 52 |
Feasibility Analysis for Development of the Air Rights Over the
South Berkeley BART Station. Institute of Urban & Regional
Development. University of California, Berkeley.
Mar., 1981. |
Original Bound Publication. 12 pages. -- Author: Steinle, Matthew.
1981-1989 | ||
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Newport, Gus. Interviewed by Marie Kennedy. Transcript.
Feb. 6, 1989 |
Photocopy. 51 pages. -- Author: Kennedy, Marie
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Bach, Eve - 2.. Interviewed by Pierre Clavel. Berkeley, CA.
Apr. 16, 1989 |
Transcript. 20 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Bach, Eve. Interviewed by Pierre Clavel. Berkeley, CA.
Apr. 16, 1989 |
Transcript. 21 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Rabkin, Ana.
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Frye, Hardy.
July 16, 1981 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Schiffenbauer, Marty. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 20, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 4 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Liebsohn, Dan. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 8, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Keating, Dennis. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 21, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 1 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Washbun, Andrea. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 6, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Kent, Jack. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 21, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 1 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
On Economists. Pierre Clavel Notes.
Handwritten Notes. 9 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Gleason, Wendy. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 9, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 5 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Rabkin, Anna. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 13, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 6 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Colloquium. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 15, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 10 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Dean, Shirley. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 7, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Gleason, Wendy. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 7, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Fukson, Veronika. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 9, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Brody, Rita. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 13, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Pancoast, Henry. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 14, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 3 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Walker, Margaret. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 14, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Bergman, Teresa. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 16, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Frye, Hardy. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 16, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 3 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
MacDonald, F. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 19, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 5 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Bach, Eve/Gale. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 12, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 8 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Walker, Margaret. Quotes.
July 14, 1981 |
Typescript. 1 page. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Collignon, Fred. Quotes.
July 15, 1981 |
Typescript. 3 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Weiss, Marc. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 17, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 3 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Shain, Charles. Pierre Clavel Notes.
July 10, 1981 |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Zane, Dennis. Quotes.
Typescript. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 2 | Folder 54 |
"Impressions of Berkeley Planning." Talk at Shearers House. Santa
July 24, 1981 |
Typescript. 3 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 55 |
Job Creation in the Family Service Sector: The Case of Child
Care. Institute of Urban and Regional Development. University of
California, Berkeley. June, 1981. Working Paper No. 356.
June 1, 1981 |
Original Bound Publication. 13 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann and
Marjorie Bennett.
Essays and Article
1970-1982 | ||
Author: T.J. Kent, Jr.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Berkeley's First Liberal Democratic Regime: 1961-70. July,
1976. Essay written at the invitation of the UC Institute of
Governmental Studies as one contribution not the Institute's
Berkeley Project.
Photocopy. 67 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Berkeley's Precarious Future: 1970-2000. Statement Presented
to the Conference on Community Goals Convened by Urban Care.
February 28, 1970.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
A Case Study of Orthodox City Planning. Berkeley: 1948-1968.
Fall Quarter, 1968.
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
A History of the Department of City and Regional Planning.
University of California, Berkeley. August, 1979. Written
primarily for undergraduate students enrolled in Environmental
Design 1.
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Renewing the Promise of Berkeley.
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
"Thinking about Growth - for the Bay Area and POS." Regional
Exchange. June 1982. Co-authored with Gary E. Pivo.
Original Publication. 7 pages.
Appendix A (Proposed Berkeley Ordinance No. 3915 -
May 16, 1905 | ||
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 57 |
Appendix B (Large Council Proposal) in Experiment and Change
in Berkeley. Ordinance No. 3915 In Effect: February 21,
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Kirshner, Ed.
Author: Kirshner, Ed.
Box 2 | Folder 58 |
Lecture at Cornell University.
Oct. 2, 1981. |
Photocopy. 12 pages. -- Author: Kirshner, Ed.
Box 2 | Folder 58 |
Oct., 1981. |
Photocopy with handwritten edits. 7 pages. -- Author: Kirshner, Ed.
Box 2 | Folder 59 |
"Beyond Shopping Malls: Planning For Jobs and For People in
Berkeley, California." Berkeley Planning Journal. p. 5-23.
Original Bound Publication. 9 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann R. and Mark
A. Weiss.
Box 2 | Folder 60 |
The Berkeley Economy: The Prospects for Economic Development
Planning. Institute of Urban and Regional Development. University of
California, Berkeley. April, 1981. Working Paper No. 355.
Apr., 1981 |
Original Bound Publication. 50 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann, Jay
Jones, Nancey Leigh-Preston, and Neil Mayer.
Box 2 | Folder 61 |
Mayor's Task Force on Housing Policy - A Working Paper
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 62 |
Public Policy and the Environment in Berkeley: A Campaigner's
Mar. 1, 1973 |
Typescript. 22 pages. -- Author: Parkinson, Ariel.
"Political Party May Blossom - Then Wither." The
Daily Californian.
Dec. 11, 1985. | ||
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Rexroat, Nikki.
Box 2 | Folder 63 |
"A House Divided." The Daily Californian.
July 10, 1985. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 2 | Folder 63 |
"New Mayor Elected in San Francisco." The New York
Dec. 10, 1987. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Reinhold, Robert.
Box 2 | Folder 64 |
Creating Jobs in Berkeley by Alternative Energy Strategies.
Institute of Urban and Regional Development. University of
California, Berkeley. June, 1981.
June, 1981 |
Original Bound Publication. 23 pages. -- Author: Skewes-Cox, Amy.
The Decline of Progressive Government in Berkeley. And
Comments from Colleagues and Additional Notes.
Photocopy. 15 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre.
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Email From Fred Collignon. To Pierre Clavel.
Sept. 1, 1998. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Collignon, Fred
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
K. Westmont Edit's.
May 25, 1998. |
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Eve's Comments on Paper.
Sept. 8, 1998. |
Handwritten Notes. 3 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Barton, Sam and Dave Fogerty.
Sept. 9, 1998. |
Handwritten Notes. 3 pages.
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Cheeman, Boona.
Sept. 9, 1998. |
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
"Labor-Management-Citizen Public Services Committees." Notes from
a Cleveland Network Speech by Bach. Personal Letter attached to P.
Clavel from Eve Bach.
Nov. 25, 1980 |
Typescript. Photocopies. 19 pages. -- Author: Bach, Eve.
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Berkeley Bibliography.
Photocopy. 30 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
Savo Island Housing Cooperative Study.
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 17 |
Berkeley Chronology.
Photocopies. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 18 |
Original Publication. Foldout.
Berkeley Key Documents. Compiled by Pierre Clavel
and Sharon Lord.
July 1, 1989 | ||
2 copies. Some Originals.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
April Coalition. April Coalition Platform.
Copy in Bound Publication. 13 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
April Coalition. Community Control of Police.
May 24, 1905 |
Leaflet Copy in Bound Publication. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Berkeley Tenants Organizing Committee and Community Rent
Control Slate. "Platform of the Community Rent Control
Jan., 1973. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 8 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
City of Berkeley. "Neighborhood Preservation
Apr. 17, 1973. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 5 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
City of Berkeley. "Fair Representation
Apr. 15, 1975. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"Memo to City Manager, Wise Allen: Recommendation on Budget
and Future Planning Department."
Feb. 4, 1981. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 6 pages. -- Author: Collignon, Fred.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"Berkeley Gets a New Breed of Left-Leaning Activists." The
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Dec. 21, 1984. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 1 pages. -- Author: Dolan, Maura.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"The BCA: From Activism to Office." The Daily
Nov. 12, 1985. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will and Howard
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"First Action Marks BCA's First Year." The Daily
Nov. 13, 1985. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 2 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will and Howard
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"BCA: Does Everyone Have Access?." The Daily
Nov. 14, 1985. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 4 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will and Howard
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"Berkeley Government at Turning Point." The Daily
Nov. 15, 1985. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will and Howard
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
"Swimming Against Tide: Sometimes It's Natural." New York
Sept. 30, 1987. |
Copy in Bound Publication. 1 pages. -- Author: Reinhold, Robert.
Box 10 | Folder 20 |
City of Berkeley, Comprehensive Planning Department. Summary of
Berkeley's Economy and Proposals for Economic Planning.
Oct. 1, 1976 |
Photocopy. 20 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 21 |
The Berkeley Business Incentive Program: An Analysis of
Organizational Structure and Process. Institute of Urban and
Regional Development. University of California, Berkeley.
June 1, 1981 |
Original Publication. 21 pages. -- Author: Sussman, Paul and Joyce
Box 10 | Folder 22 |
Mike to OED Staff RE: OED Staff Meeting Discussion August 4,
1987. "Economic Development, West Berkeley and Jobs: Target
Manufacturing Sectors and Options for Employment Linkage Strategies."
Aug. 4, 1987 |
Photocopy. 37 pages. -- Author: Squire, Kate and Mike Alison.
Box 10 | Folder 23 |
Economic Development: An Implementation Strategy for the City of
Berkeley. Institute of Urban and Regional Development. University of
California, Berkeley. Working Paper No. 354
June 1, 1981 |
Original Publication. 34 pages. -- Author: Weiss, Marc Allan ad Ann Roell
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Bach, Eve. Interview.
Sept. 12, 1991. |
Photocopy. 17 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Newport, Gus. Interviewed by Marie Kennedy.
Feb. 6, 1989. |
Photocopy. 51 pages. -- Author: Kennedy, Marie
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Mayer, Neil. Interview.
Sept. 12, 1991. |
Photocopy. 36 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Fukson, Veronika. Interview: Second Session.
July 16, 1981. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Compilation of Papers form Berkeley Economic
Development Project Group. Institute of Urban and Regional
Development. University of California Berkeley.
1981 | ||
Photocopies. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Economic Development: An Implementation Strategy for the City
of Berkeley. Working Paper No. 354.
June 1, 1981 |
Photocopy. 32 pages. -- Author: Weiss, Marc Allan and Ann Roell
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
The Berkeley Business Incentive Program: An Analysis of
Organizational Structure and Process.
June 1981. |
Photocopy. 22 pages. -- Author: Sussman, Paul and Joyce Klemperer.
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Job Creation in the Family Service Sector: The Case of Child
Care. Working Paper No. 356.
June 1981. |
Photocopy. 14 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann and Marjorie Bennett.
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
The Berkeley Economy: The Prospects for Economic Development
Planning. Working Paper No. 355.
Apr. 1981. |
Photocopy. 50 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann, Jay Jones, Nancey
Leigh-Preston and Neil Mayer.
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Creating Jobs in Berkeley by Alternative Energy Strategies.
June 1981. |
Photocopy. 22 pages. -- Author: Skewes-Cox, Amy.
Box 10 | Folder 26 |
"Slouching towards Berkeley: Socialism in One City." The Public
Interest. p. 47-68.
Photocopy. 11 pages. -- Author: Collier, Peter and David Horowitz.
Box 10 | Folder 27 |
Keating, et al. BTOC Analysis of Rent Control Demands.
Typescript. 21 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 28 |
Berkeley Contacts
Handwritten. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 29 |
Memorandum: Progress of the Office of Economic Development at One
Year Anniversary. To Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council.
From Hal Cronkite, Acting City Manager.
Oct. 20, 1986 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Cronkite, Hal.
Box 10 | Folder 30 |
Memorandum: Council Discussion on the Economic Development Plan.
To Wise Allen, City Manager. From David Romain, Economic Development
Specialist. With attachment: Economic Development Plan, City of
Berkeley, Policy Summary.
Sept. 12, 1980 |
Photocopy. 18 pages. -- Author: Romain, David.
Box 10 | Folder 31 |
Memorandum: Recommendations on Budget and Future of the Planning
Department. To Wise E. Allen, City Manager. From Fred Collignon,
Feb. 4, 1981 |
Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Collignon,, Fred.
Box 10 | Folder 32 |
Reforming Progressive Government.
Photocopy. 12 pages. -- Author: Collignon, Frederick.
Box 10 | Folder 33 |
"Union-Management Partnerships." CPER 125. p. 14-18.
Aug. 1997 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Barton, Stephen.
Box 10 |
City of Berkeley, Planning & Development Department. Rent
Control in the City of Berkeley, 1978 to 1994: A Background
May 17, 1998 | |
Original. 200 pages.
Box 10 |
Berkeley Documents and Unpublished Papers. Compiled by Pierre
Box 10 |
"Running the City for the People." p. 15-23.
Winter 1982 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Bach, Eve, Nicholas R.
Carbone, and Pierre Clavel.
Box 10 |
An Analysis: The Economic Development Process in Berkeley,
Copy in Bound Publication. 21 pages. -- Author: Aamot, Jacqueline.
Box 10 |
Berkeley Tenants Organizing Committee and Community Rent
Control Slate. "Platform of the Community Rent Control
Apr. 17, 1973. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 10 |
Memo. To Mayor and Members of the City Council. From Hal
Cronkite, Acting City Manager. Re: Progress of the Office of
Economic Development at One Year Anniversary.
Oct. 20, 1986 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 5 pages. -- Author: Cronkite, Hal.
Box 10 |
Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance. No. 4641
Apr. 17, 1973. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages.
Box 10 |
Kirschner, Ed. Interview. Transcript
Oct., 1981 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 4 pages.
Box 10 |
Memo. To Wise E. Allen, City Manager. From Fred Collignon,
Chairperson. Re: Recommendations on Budget and Future of the
Planning Department.
Feb. 4, 1981. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Collignon, Fred
Box 10 |
Kirschner, Ed. Lecture at Cornell University.
Oct. 2, 1981 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 6 pages. -- Author: Kirschner, Ed
Box 10 |
Ordinance. City of Berkeley. Prohibiting Rent Gouging and
Unfair Rental Practices and Promoting an Adequate Supply of Housing
for all Residents.
Copy in Bound Publication. 7 pages.
Box 10 |
Memo. To Mayor and Members of the City Council. From
Councilmembers Shirley Dean, Sue Hone and Bill Segesta.
Jan. 29, 1980 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 1 page. -- Author: Dean, Shirly, Sue Hone,
and Bill Segesta
Box 10 |
A Survey of Housing in Berkeley: Analyzing Three Issues.
University of California, Berkeley.
Nov. 1, 1980 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 35 pages. -- Author: Falk, Don, Diane
Laufman, Livinus Nwadike and Nancy Southerland.
Box 10 |
The Berkeley Economy: The Prospects for Economic Development
Planning. Working Paper No. 355.
Apr. 1981. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 50 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann, Jay
Jones, Nancey Leigh-Preston and Neil Mayer.
Box 10 |
Job Creation in the Family Service Sector: The Case of Child
Care. Working Paper No. 356.
June 1981. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 14 pages. -- Author: Markusen, Ann and
Marjorie Bennett.
Box 10 |
Creating Jobs in Berkeley by Alternative Energy Strategies.
June 1981. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 22 pages. -- Author: Skewes-Cox, Amy.
Box 10 |
Memo. To OED Staff. From Kate Squire and Mike Alison. Re OED
Staff Meeting Discussion, August 4, 1987. Economic Development, West
Berkeley and Jobs: Target Manufacturing Sectors and Options for
Employment Linkage Strategies.
Copy in Bound Publication. 10 pages. -- Author: Squire, Kate and Mike
Box 10 |
Business Relocation Survey - July, 1987. Conducted by Michael
Allison. Office of Economic Development, City of
July, 1987 | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 10 pages.
Box 10 |
Memo. To Neil Mayer. From Kate Squire. Re Staffing Employment
Copy in Bound Publication. 3 pages. -- Author: Squire, Kate
Box 10 |
Economic Development: An Implementation Strategy for the City
of Berkeley. Working Paper No. 354.
June 1, 1981 | |
Photocopy. 32 pages. -- Author: Weiss, Marc Allan and Ann Roell
Box 10 |
Fair Representation Ordinance. No. 4780
Copy in Bound Publication. 1 page.
Box 10 |
Interviewed by Pierre Clavel. Transcript.
Apr. 16, 1989. | |
Copy in Bound Publication. 21 pages. -- Author: Bach, Eve.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Volume 1. Selected Newspaper Articles, Berkeley. Compiled by
Pierre Clavel and others from California Journal, Daily Californian,
East Bay Express, Grassroots, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco
Chronicle, and Urban Care. 1969-1985. 120 pieces
1969-1985 |
Photocopies. Original Newsprint.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"For Every Hotel Room, a Valentine." The New York Times.
Feb. 14, 1989. |
Original Newsprint. 1 page. -- Author: Bishop, Katherine.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Political Party May Blossom - then winter." The Daily
Dec. 11, 1985. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Rexroat, Nikki.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Berkeley: A 'zone of control'." The Guardian.
Oct. 2, 1985 |
Original Newsprint. 2 pages. -- Author: Kelley, Kevin J.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Fall Elections: Changing of the Guard?" The Daily
Sept. 12, 1988. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Boot, Max.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Ambivalent Electorate Firmly Says 'No' to Oil." Los Angeles
Nov. 6, 1986. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Stein, Mark A.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Progressives in Berkeley Challenged by Tradition." Los
Angeles Times.
Nov. 3, 1986 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Stein, Mark A.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Berkeley gets a new breed of left-leaning." The Philadelphia
Dec. 21, 1984. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Dolan, Maura.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Berkeley Vote Results Baffling, As Usual." San Francisco
Nov. 5, 1998. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Burress, Charles.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Low Voter Turnout Helped Measure C win." The Daily
June 11, 1986. |
Original Newsprint. 3 pages. -- Author: Friedman, Phillip.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Forgotten Man: A Parting Look at the Life and Times of
Berkeley mayor Gus Newport." Express.
Nov. 7, 1986. |
Original Newsprint. 2 pages. -- Author: Friedman, Phillip.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Newport is first in BCA line for Mayor." The Daily
Feb. 12, 1986 |
Original Newsprint. 2 pages. -- Author: Rexroat, Nikki.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Should Berkeley switch to district Elections?" The Daily
Mar. 18, 1986 |
Original Newsprint. 1 page. -- Author: Skinner, Nancy.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"BCA convention gives Hancock nod for Mayor." The Daily
Original Newsprint. 2 pages. -- Author: Anderson, Craig.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Candidates' Questionnaire." League of Women Voters of
May 26, 1905 |
Original Newsprint. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
"Peace - Not Poverty." Community for New
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
City of Berkeley. Special Municipal Elections: Consolidated
with the Consolidated Primary Elections.
Original Pamphlet. 6 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Scheer for Congress - Draft Platform. Robert Scheer for
Congress: Berkeley, CA.
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Platform of the Community Rent Control Convention.
Jan., 1973. |
Original Pamphlet. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 35 |
"Berkeley City Council." Bay Guardian.
Oct. 26, 1988 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Stallone, Steve. Bay Guardian Articles.
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
"BCA Runs from the 'R-C' Words." p. 15.
Nov. 23, 1988. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Stallone, Steve.
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
"Confrontation Looms in Berkeley Over Police Removal of
Homeless Collective." p. 9.
Mar. 16, 1988. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Stallone, Steve.
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
"Berkeley's Low-Cost Housing Breakthrough." 23
Feb. 22, 1989. |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Stallone, Steve.
Box 10 | Folder 37 |
"The 'Respectable Radicals' and the Politics of Berkeley."
California Journal. Vol. 12.
Apr. 1981. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Westcott, John.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Berkeley Citizens Action (BCA) Chronology and
Newspaper Clippings.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Berkeley Chronology and List of
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Second Thoughts: BCA and the Politics of Moderation."
Express. 8 (45).
Aug. 15, 1986 |
Photocopy. 8 pages. -- Author: McGrath, Mike.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"BCA snubs Fukson, she bows out of race."
July 28, 1986 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: De Wolk, Roland.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Has the Left Delivered?" Express 2 (41).
Aug. 8, 1980. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Goldberg, Art.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Liberal City Politics Born in '50s Struggle." The Daily
May 8, 1980 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Newdorf, David.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Semi-Official Election Results." The Daily Californian 23
Nov. 10, 1988 |
Photocopy. 1page.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Affordable Housing Hits West Berkeley Area." The Daily
Nov. 7, 1988 |
Photocopy. 1page. -- Author: Navos, Jose.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Skinner fights Bright, Sanford." The Daily
Nov. 7, 1988 |
Photocopy. 1page. -- Author: Anderson, Craig.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Berkeley City Council and City Measures Results." The Daily
Nov. 3, 1988 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Progressive Regressions, Regressive Progressives." The Daily
Nov. 3, 1988. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Herron, Jim.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City's balance of power hinges on districts 7, 5, 2." The
Daily Californian.
Nov. 3, 1988. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Herron, Jim.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Future of Berkeley Rent Control Laws up for Grabs as Rival
Slates Seek Power Over Board." The Daily Californian.
Nov. 1, 1988. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"BCA group ask Mayor to Renounce No-on-J Ties." The Daily
Califronian 23 (49).
Nov. 1, 1988. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Webster, Katharine.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"March splits with BCA on historically low rent." The Daily
Feb. 14, 1990. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Freeman, Michael.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"State Court Dilutes Rent Control." The Daily Californian 25
May 3, 1990. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Freeman, Michael.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Mayor faces four ballot challengers." The Daily
Aug. 15, 1990. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Ghori, Imran.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Stakes High in Rent Board Race." The Daily
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Ghori, Imran.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Candidates for School Board Differ on Restructuring." The
Daily California.
Aug. 21, 1990. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Ghori, Imran.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Rent Control on my Mind."
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Hill, Brian.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City Council Candidates Battle it out." The Daily
Oct. 5, 1990. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Jennings, Ralph.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Rent board, not Measure E should tackle rent control law."
The Daily Californian.
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Goldberg, Art.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Measure E is not a remedy for Berkeley's rent Control." The
Daily Californian.
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Chanler, Ann.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"CFRC tops BCA candidates in the battle for rent board."
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Schindler, Todd.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Weekes, Hancock slug it out in mayoral race homestretch."
The Daily Californian.
Oct. 24, 1990. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Finseth, Ian.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City to consolidate citizen commissions." The Daily
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Grabel, Katy.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City Elections '86: November Vote, BCA on Trial." The Daily
Oct. 6, 1986. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"District Elections to stay." The Daily Californian 24
Nov. 5, 1986. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City Election were Hot and Spicy." The Daily
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Roddy, Jane E.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"BA may lose council majority." The Daily Californian 26
Nov. 4, 1992. |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Roddy, Jane E. and Noah
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"City Council, School Board, Rent Board." The Daily
Oct. 27, 1992 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Rent Board Faces a Shift in Power." The Daily
Nov. 5, 1992 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Lee, Katrina J.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Berkeley to Grapple with Tough Issues."
Nov. 15, 1994 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Suan, Tara.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Mayoral Race Coming to an End."
Nov. 8, 1994. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Suan, Tara.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Election Endorsements."
Nov. 4, 1994. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"1994 Election Supplement - Part One."
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Four Votes, All the Difference."
Nov. 6, 1996 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Zazueta, Rob.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Woodworth Makes a Bid to Keep Her City Council Seat."
Oct. 31, 1996. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Zazueta, Rob.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"The Race for City Council - District 7"
Oct. 24, 1996. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Woodworth, Carla, Kriss Worthington
and Sheila Holderness.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Progressive Politics to Dominate City."
Nov. 7, 1996 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Zazueta, Rob.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Council Seats Breakdown: 1986-1996.
Typescript. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
"Citywide. Primary Reeducation: On the Trail with BCA."
May 7, 1982. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: McGrath, Mike.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Grassroots Articles: 1974-1981, Neighborhood Focus, Plan
1974-1981 |
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Berkeley - What's Next?"
Dec. 18, 1974-Jan. 7, 1975 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA: Coalition Hammers Out Platform."
Jan. 22 - Feb. 4, 1975. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Citizens' Group Names Slate at Public
Feb. 5-18, 1975. |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Berkeley - What's Next?"
Feb. 20, 1975 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Dellums Raps on Berkeley Politics."
Apr. 23-May 6, 1975 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Drive for Rent Control - Leash Law for Landlords."
Mar. 26-Apr. 8, 1975 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"An Interview with Margot Dashiell."
May 7-20, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA shows percentage gain."
May 21-June 2, 1975. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Mundstock, David.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Citizen's Action Group Reads Between the Elections."
June 4-June 17, 1975. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Florence McDonald: New Auditor Stresses Availability,
Aug. 6-19, 1975. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Tenants Screwed Again: Council machine Grinds On."
Nov. 19-Dec. 9, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Economic Development Left to 'Experts'."
Dec. 10-23, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA's Plans for Berkeley."
Apr. 9-23, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Economic Survey: Businessmen Cry Wolf."
Dec. 24-Jan. 13, 1976. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Plan for Berkeley Future Growth."
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"City Council Votes $19,000 to BTOC."
Mar. 24-Apr. 6, 1976 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Court, Legislature Flatten Tenants."
June 23-July 6, 1976 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Tenants Organize for New Laws."
Nov. 17-Dec. 7, 1976 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Rent Control Petition Circulates."
Dec. 27-Jan. 11, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Questions and Answers on."
Mar. 9-22, 1977 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Tenant-Landlord Bargaining Law."
Mar. 23-Apr. 6, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"State Rent Control Study Gives Lie to Landlord
Apr. 6-26, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Santa Fe Tracks Derail new Park Program"
Apr. 6-26, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Council May Force Rent Relief Ordinance to
Aug. 16-Sept. 5, 1978 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Here's How Measure 'I' Works."
Nov. 22-Dec. 5, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"City Rejects University Deaf-Blind School Plan."
June 6-19, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Master Plan Confusing, Incomplete Argues Kent."
Feb. 25-Mar. 9, 1976 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"PRC, City Manager Confer on Power."
May 5-18, 1976 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Council of Neighborhood Associations A Forum for Community
Nov. 1-21, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Neighborhoods Organizing."
July 1, 1973 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Ten Years of Tenants Organizing."
Nov. 7-20, 1979 |
Photocopy. 9 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Author Speaks Out ON City Finances, Operations."
June 14-27, 1976 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Loni Hancock on the Election: The Issues and a New
Apr. 6-25, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Left Shows Gains - Berkeley Elections."
Aug. 4-17 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Veronika Fukson."
Mar. 9-22, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Margot Dashiell's Agenda: Jobs and Rent
Mar. 23-Apr. 6, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Kelly works for a Progressive Berkeley."
Apr. 6-26, 1977 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Call for Unity Against Landlords."
Dec. 5-18, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Bankroll Flattens Left."
May 11-24, 1977 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Santa Fe Track Plans."
Nov. 9-22, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Berkeley Tenants Union: 'Organize!'."
Sept. 14-27, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA Talking on Several Issues."
Nov. 9-22, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Group for Labor-Progressive Ties."
May 3-23, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA: No Position on Barsotti Recall."
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Berkeley Citizens Action Turns Right."
Oct. 4-18, 1978 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"April is the Cruelest Month."
Dec. 20, 1978 - Jan. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Berkeley Demo Alliance Divided on Direction."
Jan. 24-Feb. 6, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Florence McDonald."
Apr. 4-24, 1979 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Whose Left?"
Oct. 18-Nov. 3, |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Doomsayers Lose Budget Battle."
Aug. 8-21, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Left Wins Big in Berkeley."
June 2, 1905 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Community Services - Hassles and Hopes."
Mar. 21-Apr. 8, 1980 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Activist Will Strengthen Tenants' Rights."
Mar. 25, Apr. 7, 1981 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Behind the Berkeley Tenant Controversy."
July 15-28, 1981 |
2 copies. Original Newsprint. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Neighborhood Focus
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Neighborhood Fights City for Park."
July 1, 1973 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Neighborhood Councils - Who Draws the Lines?"
Nov. 21-Dec. 4, 1973. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Council Majority Stalls on Savo Island
Mar. 26-Apr. 8, 1975 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Time Running Out for Oceanview?"
Dec. 18-Januar 7, 1975 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Council Approves Savo Island Project, Taylor's Revenue
Sharing Plan."
Apr. 9-23, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Savo Island Breaks Ground!"
Dec. 20-Jan. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Industrial Group Harasses Denton."
Dec. 10-23, 1975. |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"How can we miss it when it won't go away?"
Aug. 19-Sept. 1, 1975 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Redevelopment Robs from Poor, Gives to Rich."
Jan. 28-Dec. 10, 1975 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Plan Focus
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Public Hearing on Housing."
Dec. 10-23, 1975. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"For City Council: John Denton, Veronika Fukson."
Apr. 4-24, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BCA's Divided Convention Gives Way To Harmony."
Jan. 24-Feb. 6, 1979 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Neighborhood organizes against Land Grab."
Oct. 29-Nov. 7, 1976 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Problems with Slated Zoning Changes."
Oct. 12-25, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Community Control on Streets: Developers Head for
Feb. 11-24, 1976. |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"New Residences to Get Public Review."
Apr. 19-May 2, 1978 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Tenants Stop Eviction."
Apr. 21-May 4, 1976 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BRA Distorts Job Figures."
June 2-22, 1976 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Council Takes Over BRA."
May 31, 1905 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Ocean View Still a Step-Child, After a Hundred
Apr. 5-18, 1978 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Debate Over Housing in Ocean View Intensifies."
June 22-July 4, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Sees Ocean View!"
Dec. 20-Jan. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"BRA Tries to Wash Out Local History."
Jan. 11-23, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Reconstituting Redevelopment"
Aug. 8-21, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
"Bondholders to Decide Fat of New Housing in Ocean View
July 4-17, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
Housing and Rent Control Articles
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"Berkeley Attempts to Detour Commercialism" The New York
June 13, 1982. |
Original Newsprint. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"The Districts Fight Back." Express. Vol. 2, no.
May 30, 1980 |
Original Newsprint. 12 pages. -- Author: McGrath, Mike.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"Berkeley Due $2.8 Million for Housing Rehabilitation."
Dec. 1974, - Jan. 1975. |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Keating, Dennis.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"Citywide. The Politics of Property, Part II: In a Landlord's
Eye." Express.
July 17, 1981 |
Photocopy. 8 pages. -- Author: McGrath, Mike.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"Housing Problems Continue in Berkeley." Grassroots.
June 18-July 1, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Collins, Alan.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
BTOC. "Berkeley Rent Control till Unconstitutional."
July 16-Aug. 5, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
"Redlining: A Noose Around South and West Berkeley."
Aug. 6-19, 1975. |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Weiss, Lenore.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
Miner, Will. Daily Californian Articles.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"Housing fight: 'open space,' closed minds."
July 10, 1985 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"A House Divided."
July 10, 1985 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"The BCA: from Activism to Office."
Nov. 12, 1985 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"Fast Action Marks BCA's First Year."
Nov. 13, 1985 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"BCA: Does everyone have access?"
Nov. 14, 1985 |
4 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"Berkeley Government at Turning Point."
Nov. 15, 1985 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
"Mayor Newport Attracts Both Loyalty and Hatred."
Nov. 14, 1985 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Miner, Will.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Addresses and Phone Numbers
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
"Persons to Contact for Additional Information."
Original. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Various Memos.
Original. 3 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Memo to Miles Rappoport.
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Assorted Handwritten Notes.
Original. Handwritten Notes. 10 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
"Intellectuals in the 1980s," Page 149.
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Addendum to United Bank and Trust Company CRA Statement: UBT 5
Year Revitalization Loan Program for Eligible Hartford Neighborhood
Census Tract Residents
Jan. 12, 1986 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Ad Hoc Committee for a Neighborhood Development
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Membership List.
Sept. 6, 1983 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Press Statement.
Sept. 6, 1983 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
"Analysis of Legally and Contractually Mandated Costs."
Supplementary Budget information as requested by Court of Common
Council. Appeared in City Manager's Recommended 1979-1980
Original. 27 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
"A Linkage Policy for Hartford" Submitted by Stockard &
Engler, Inc.
June 21, 1985 |
Original. 137 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Arrow Hart Agreement between City, City Manager
Donald Peach and Billions Forge Limited Partnership
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Letter from Donald Peach to Common Councilmen.
Nov. 7, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Peach, Donald
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Proposed Lease.
Nov. 7, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Memo to Donald Peach.
Nov. 7, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
"Urban Renewal Need Not Be A Dirty Word." Forum. p.
Apr. 1, 1969 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Berkeley, Ellen Perry.
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
"The Backyard Revolution: Understanding the New Citizen
Movement." p. 158-163, 250-253.
Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Boyte, Harry C.
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
"Bushnell Park: An Improvement Plan" The Bushnell Foundation
Inc., 1981.
Original. 9 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Carbone, N. Articles about...
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
"Carbone Sheds Old Image, Savors Private Role." The Hartford
Jan. 24, 1982. |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Carbone, Nick
Jan. 24, 1982. |
Original Newsprint. 4 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
"America's Most Powerful City Councilman" Nation's Cities, p.
Sept., 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Peirce, Neal.
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
"Who Runs Connecticut?" Connecticut 1976, p.
Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Weisman, Mary-Lou.
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
"Businessmen, Politicians Seek to Renew a City and Help
Suburbs, Too." Wall Street Journal.
July 26, 1972 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
"Carbone's Claims on the State Budget." Hartford
Mar. 23, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Collins, Gail.
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Carbone, N. Articles about...
Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
"The Politics of Revaluation: A Personal Case Study." p.
Photocopy. 8 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
"The Trials of Sophie: urban desperation." In These Times, p.
May 17-23, 1978. |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Point-Counterpoint Opinion Articles in Southside Neighborhood
News, p. 4+.
Apr. 4-18, 1984 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Carbone, N. and A. Feldman.
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
"...Hartford's Downtown and Neighborhoods are Already
Linked." Hartford Courant.
Mar. 1, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
"Board of Realtors Gives Top Honor to Carbone." Hartford
May 25, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Klein, P.
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Presentations and Papers
Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
"Why Your Property Tax Bill is so High - And What You Can Do
About It."
Sept., 1980. |
Original Newsprint. 50 pages. -- Author: Carbone, N. and J. Marfuggi.
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
"Urban Government: Its Role and Purpose" From The Itasca
Seminar, Brainerd, MN.
Oct. 4, 1977 |
Photocopy. 16 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
"Balanced Growth and Economic Equity: A Role for Cities." For
the White House Conference on Balanced Growth.
Jan. 31, 1978 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
"An Examination of Urban-Suburban Cooperation" from Press
Conference, City Hall.
Oct. 16, 1975 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Transcript of Lecture given at Cornell University, Department
of City and Regional Planning.
May 7, 1981 |
Photocopy. 20 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
"The City as Local Economic Unit" With Correspondence to
Norton Long. Includes Long's reply and Long, N. "Conceptualizing the
City as a Local Political Economy."
Feb. 9, 1977 |
Photocopy. 15 pages. -- Author: Carbone, Nick
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
City Manager's Annual Report 1980-1981.
Original Publication. 60 pages. -- Author: Gaitor, W.
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
City of Hartford Action Programs/Projects and Agency
Responsibility for Strategy Implementation.
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Appendix 1.
2 copies. Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Appendix 2.
Photocopy. 14 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
City of Hartford Affirmative Action Efforts. Memo to Norvel Goff
from Alfred Gatta. Re: Affirmative Action in City
Jan. 13, 1989 |
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
City of Hartford. Chart Book.
Feb. 1989. |
Original Publication. 40 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
City of Hartford. City Manager's Annual Report
1986-1987 |
Original Publication. 45 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
City of Hartford. Community Development Block Grant Program
Application. p. 1, 65-125.
Apr. 12, 1979 |
Photocopy. 66 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
City of Hartford. Comprehensive Economic Development
May 1, 1979 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 104 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
City of Hartford. Letter of Transmittal: Hartford City Budget
1979-1980 |
Photocopy. 30 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
City of Harford. Mayor's Commission on Crime: Final
Jan. 1, 1989 |
Original Publication. 39 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
Hartford City Code, Sections 2-277 and 2-278 Regarding Minority
Businesses and Bid Preferences.
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
City of Hartford Neighborhood Investment
Feb. 3, 1989 |
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
Memo and Finding the Bridge: The Neighborhood Investment
2 copies. Photocopy. 14 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
Neighborhood Development Initiative.
Photocopy. 20 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
City of Harford. An Ordinance Establishing a
Preservation and Replacement Program.
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
An Ordinance Establishing a Preservation and Replacement
May 1, 1984 |
Photocopy. 10 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
Memo From Peter Medoff.
May 21, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
Ordinances, Resolutions and Compact Concepts in Reference to
Employment of Hartford Residents and Corporate
Feb. 24, 1986 |
Photocopy. 8 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
City of Hartford. Hartford 20 Years After the 1967
June 1, 1988 |
Photocopy. 26 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
City of Hartford. Harford Enterprise Zone.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Letter From Mayor Carrie Perry.
June 10, 1905 |
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Why Businesses Succeed in the Zone.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
You'll Be In Good Company.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Businesses Working Together.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Prime Location.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Business Support.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Financial Benefits.
Original Letter. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Newsletter, Hartford Enterprise Zone.
Original Letter. 4 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
Harford Housing. Hartford Code, Article V. Housing Preservation
and Replacement Program, p. 1048-1064.
Photocopy. 16 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
City of Hartford. Implementing the Vision: Recommendations for
the Reorganization of Community Development and Planning.
Mar. 1, 1986 |
Original Publication. 50 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 29 |
City of Hartford. Infrastructure and Open Space Component,
Comprehensive Plan of Development.
June 6, 1905 |
Original Publication. 50 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 30 |
City of Hartford. Land Use Component, Comprehensive Plan of
June 7, 1905 |
Original Publication. 59 pages.
City of Hartford. Plan of Development
2 copies. Original Publication. 87 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 31 |
Future Land Use Map.
Original. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 32 |
City of Hartford. Projects.
Feb. 23, 1976 |
Photocopy. 75 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
City of Hartford. Resumes: Mayor and
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Biographical Sketch: Carrie Saxon Perry, Mayor.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Resume: Norvel Goff.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Curriculum Vitea: Maria Gonzalez.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Resume: Alphonse Marotta.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Resume: Geraldine Sullivan.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Resume: I. Charles Mathews.
June 9, 1905 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 34 |
City of Hartford. Specific Components of Hartford's Urban
Advocacy Strategy.
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 35 |
City of Hartford. State of the City: Historical
Sept. 1, 1983 |
Original Publication. 32 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 36 |
City of Hartford. A Strategy to Reduce the Costs of Food for
Hartford Residents.
Feb. 25, 1978 |
Original and Photocopy. 125 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 37 |
City of Hartford. Tax Increment Policy (Draft
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 37 |
City of Hartford. Tax Increment Financing: Interim
Nov. 1, 1987 |
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 38 |
City of Hartford. A Telecommunications Strategy.
Feb. 15, 1989 |
Photocopy. 40 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 39 |
City of Hartford. Transportation Organization Review.
Mar. 1, 1989 |
Original Publication. 100 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 40 |
"The Hartford Story." Women's Day, p. 46+.
Mar. 1, 1966 |
Original and Copy. 5 pages. -- Author: Clark, Jean C.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Development Agreements
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Memo Regarding Air Space Lease and Tax Assessment Agreement
Oct. 10, 1974 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Memo Regarding Parking Lease and Common Area Operating
Agreement (Aetna).
Aug. 21, 1975 |
Photocopy. 4 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Memo Regarding Development.
June 7, 1979 |
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Memo Regarding Development.
May 14, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
City of Hartford Development Incentive Programs.
Photocopy. 9 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Agreement by and among The City of Hartford, Intown
Development Corporation and The National Corporation for Housing
May 1, 1979 |
Photocopy. 11 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Memo Regarding Brown-Thompson/Cheney Complex.
Nov. 9, 1977 |
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 42 |
Project for Public Spaces, Inc., Downtown Hartford: Managing for
Change, Hartford CT, 1980
June 2, 1905 |
Original Publication. 113 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 43 |
Financial Risk Statement. Concerning the city's acquirement of
BT/Cheney Complex and Talcott Street Property Service Building
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 44 |
Fox Service Building Review. By Jon Colman (Planning Director) to
Paul Strecker (Development).
Mar. 31, 1977 |
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 45 |
An Unfulfilled Promise -- Hartford's Enterprise Zones: 1982-1985.
Citizen's Research Education Network.
May 1, 1985 |
Original Publication. 50 pages. -- Author: Frey, Diane.
Box 3 | Folder 46 |
Memo on Council Performance. Journal of the Common Council of the
City of Hartford. Volume II. p. 1545-1547.
Jan. 9-Nov. 26, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Gardner, Sid.
Box 3 | Folder 47 |
The Greater Hartford Process, Inc. Save the Cities: A Report on
Welfare and Taxes in Hartford.
Apr. 1, 1975 |
3 copies. Photocopy. 40 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 48 |
Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Civic Center National Council for
Urban Economic Development. Draft for the City of Hartford
Feb. 16, 1973 |
Photocopy. 24 pages. -- Author: Richards, Judy
Box 3 | Folder 49 |
Hartford's Task Force Ends in Disarray.
May 31, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 50 |
Kauffman, Bruce. Hartford Advocate. Articles
Author: Kauffman, Bruce.
Box 3 | Folder 50 |
"Boyd Hind's Capitol Crusade."
Mar. 2, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Kauffman, Bruce.
Box 3 | Folder 50 |
"No Room for Poor on Congress Street."
Mar. 16, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Kauffman, Bruce.
Box 3 | Folder 50 |
"The Year in Hartford: Some Optimistic Signs for Urban
Jan. 8, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Kauffman, Bruce.
Box 3 | Folder 50 |
"Unemployment Compensation: Connecticut's Growing Economic
Apr. 16, 1977 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Kauffman, Bruce.
Box 3 | Folder 51 |
The Housing Crisis in the City of Hartford OCD&P.
Oct. 3, 1979 |
Photocopy. 10 pages. -- Author: Loranger, John.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
Magazine Articles
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"City official wants poor to benefit from growth." Hartford
Feb. 7, 1989 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Keveney, Bill.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Carrie Saxon Perry: More Than a Pretty Hat."
Apr. 1, 1988 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Marshall, Marilyn.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"New England's 1st Black Mayor to Step Down at End of
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Interview with a Mayor: Perry Would Turn a Figurehead Job
into Civic Force to Aid Poor." The Christian Science
Feb. 11, 1988 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Overbea, Luix.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"What Could Make Hartford Tick." City.
Summer 1971 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Canty, Donald.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Constitution Plaza is Alive and Well." Connecticut Business
and Industry.
Oct. 1975/1976 |
Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Case, L.R.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"What is Regional Planning and Where is it Going?"
Connecticut Government. Volume 25, No. 3.
Spring 1973 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Kendall, Ann.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"'Opening' the Suburbs: Does Hartford Point the Way?"
Nov. 1, 1976 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: McAuliffe, Kevin.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Understanding Central City Hardship." Political Science
Spring 1976 |
Photocopy. 16 pages. -- Author: Nathan, R. and C. Adams.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Dramatic Economic Developments Buoy Hartford." Christian
Science Monitor, p. 63-72.
May 30, 1905 |
Photocopy. 9 pages. -- Author: Patry, Louise.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Hartford's Best Kept Secret." Connecticut.
Sept., 1977 |
Photocopy. 6 pages. -- Author: Perl, Peter.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"A Tale of Four Cities." In These Times.
Aug. 15-21, 1979 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Ridgeway, James.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
Connecticut Magazine.
Sept. 1, 1975 |
Original Newsprint. 73 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
Connecticut Business and Industry Journal.
Aug. 9, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Hartford." New England Business, p. 9-10.
Feb. 16, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Hartford's Suburban Crunch." Business Week.
May 10, 1976 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
"Seedling." Newsletter of the Hartford Food
Spring 1982 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
Christian Science Monitor.
Jan. 8, 1972 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 52 |
Conference on Alternative State and Local Public
Nov. 1, 1977 |
Original Newsprint. 14 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 53 |
The May Department Stores Company d/b/a G. Fox and
Company, Charitable Gift Proposal. Letter from James B. Daken (City
Manager) to Court of Common Council. Advisement to Accept
Aug. 3, 1977 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 53 |
Resolution to Accept Charitable Gift.
Aug. 2, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 54 |
The Rule of Local Governments in Delivering Energy Assistance
Programs. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
May 1, 1981 |
Photocopy. 13 pages. -- Author: Merrow, Chris.
Box 3 | Folder 55 |
An Ordinance Establishing a Neighborhood Linkage Policy.
Oct. 30, 1985 |
Photocopy. 7 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 56 |
Palm, Robert. Hartford Advocate Articles
Box 3 | Folder 56 |
"City Banks are Again Charged with Redlining."
Jan. 16, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Palm, Robert.
Box 3 | Folder 56 |
"Feds Rap Aetna Subsidiary for Penalizing Black
Jan. 12, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Palm, Robert.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
Pazniokas, Mark. Hartford Courant Articles
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Hartford Officials Study Northeast Plaza Jobs
July 16, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Lease Tax May Forge Alliance: Downtown Would Aid
Neighborhoods Through 'Linkage'."
Apr. 15, 1985 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Memo Casts Doubt on Commitment to City Resident's
May 22, 1985 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Northeast Plaza Developers Awarded Tax Break."
July 2, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Officials Adjust Tax Deal."
Aug. 8, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Talks Fail to Forge Plan Linking City Development,
May 7, 1985 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Study Links Boom to Neighborhoods' Bust."
July 12, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 57 |
"Neighborhoods Pressing for Job Guarantees."
July 11, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pazniokas, Mark.
Box 3 | Folder 58 |
Recapturing Hartford's Waterfront. Proceedings from Seminar to
Explore Ways to Reunite Hartford with it's River, Sponsored by The
Downtown Council of Hartford, CT.
May 2, 1980 |
Original Publication. 56 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 59 |
Refining State Mandate Cost. Supplementary Budget Information:
Appeared in the City Manager's Recommended 1980-1981 Budget.
Requested by Councilmen Cunnane, Gardner and O'Conner.
Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
Sandberg, Jon. Hartford Courant Articles
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Arnold Urges City Council to Shift Priorities Towards
Dec. 2, 1983 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Coalition Hits Zone Package."
Feb. 17, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Community Leaders Hit Downtown Plan."
Oct. 13, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Council Backs Downtown Plan."
Feb. 15, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Council Drops Proposal for 'Linkage' Study."
Feb. 28, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Councilman Sees task Force Needed."
Dec. 21, 1983 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Downtown Debate Focuses on Vote."
Feb. 12, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Linkage Task Force Plan Advances."
Mar. 20, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Milner Gains Local Support On Downtown Zoning
Dec. 10, 1983 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Milner Pushes Zoning Plan Amendments."
Feb. 8, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 60 |
"Milner Vetoes Key Elements of Downtown Plan."
Dec. 1, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 61 |
Hartford Advocate. Articles
Box 3 | Folder 61 |
Missing Link (entire edition).
Jan. 11, 1984 |
Original Newsprint. 43 pages. -- Author: Shea, D.J.
Box 3 | Folder 61 |
Missing Link.
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Shea, D.J.
Box 3 | Folder 62 |
Hartford Economic Development Energy Policy Plan, Part of a
Thesis at MIT, 1981?
June 3, 1905 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 22 pages. -- Author: Schackney, Amy.
Box 3 | Folder 63 |
Extracts from Journal of the Court of Common Council of the City
of Hartford.
Dec. 28, 1970 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Carbone, Nicholas.
Box 3 | Folder 64 |
Shepard Park Company, Letter from Paul Strecker to Donald Peach
(City Manager).
Sept. 5, 1979 |
Photocopy. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 65 |
Legal Bases for Including Employment Requirements Affecting
Private Developers in the B-1 Zoning Portions of the Proposed
Linkage Ordinance. First Draft to the Ad Hoc Committee for a
Neighborhood Development Policy.
Feb. 18, 1986 |
Photocopy. 5 pages. -- Author: Tegeler, Phil and Roz Silverstein.
Box 3 | Folder 66 |
Towns Cities and Boroughs. 1970-1980 Statistics on Hartford:
Including City Officers and Principle Industries.
Photocopy. 12 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 67 |
Bibliography. Development Agreements.
Typescript. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 68 |
Amendment to Agreement by and Among The City of Hartford, Intown
Development Corp. & The National Corporation for Housing
Oct. 19, 1979 |
Photocopy. 3 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 69 |
Proposed Sheraton Hartford Hotel -- Taxes/Parking. Letter from
Director of Property Development to City Manager Edward M.
Feb. 14, 1972 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Barbour Jr., James P.
Box 3 | Folder 70 |
Chase, David T. and the City of Hartford
Box 3 | Folder 70 |
One Corporate Costs. Agreement and Resolution Between City of
Hartford, City Manager Daken and David T. Chase.
June 26, 1978 |
Photocopy. 13 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 70 |
One Financial Plaza. Contract Between David T. Chase.
June 30, 1972 |
Photocopy. 12 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 71 |
Reducing Residential Crime and Fear: The Hartford Neighborhood
Crime Prevention Program. National Institute of Law Enforcement and
Criminal Justice, US Department of Justice.
Feb. 1, 1980 |
Original Publication. 92 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 72 |
Hartford Courant. Articles
Author: Woolfe, Tao.
Box 3 | Folder 72 |
"Candidates Split Over Linkage Policy in Final
Oct. 31, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 72 |
"Promises Fail to Appease City Groups at
June 7, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 73 |
Bibliography. Newspaper Articles
Typescript. 5 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
Hartford Advocate. Newspaper Articles
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Business Drops Linkage: Community Groups Plan to Use Issue
in City Council Campaign."
May 15, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Cohen, Joe.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Ed Vargas: Sending Tremors through the Corporate
Nov. 18, 1981 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Kemper, Steve.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"'Quits and Fires' Proposals Harm Working Man." Letter to
Apr. 27, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Lionquist, Hal.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Unemployment Benefits Discussed by CBIA." Letter to
Apr. 27, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sorenson, Peter.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Airline Employees Are Advised to Avoid City
Jan. 16, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Citizen Assembly Protests Decision to Move Police to
Feb. 23, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
Newspaper Clipping regarding redlining ordinance.
Apr. 27, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
Newspaper Clippings.
Mar. 2, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 74 |
"Southend Group Says Airline Center Slights City Needs;
Company Denies."
Mar. 23, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
Hartford Courant, Newspaper Articles
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Report Ranks Hartford Area Sixth of 40 Largest Office-Space
Mar. 1, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Della Cagna, Stephanie.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Despite Its Troubles, Hartford Can Still Set the National
Feb. 23, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: McLean, John W.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Development for a Price."
Nov. 28, 1983 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pereira, A. and G. Maine.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Office Demand to Grow."
Mar. 1, 1984 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Ryan, Bill.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Leaders Still Optimistic on Linkage."
May 2, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Sherman, Howard.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Coalition Wants Builders to Aid Poor."
Sept. 7, 1983 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Thomas, Kevin.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Neighborhood Groups Say Linkage is Answer to City's Housing,
Unemployment Problems."
May 13, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wilcox, Kevin.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Candidates Split Over City Linkage."
June 7, 1905 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Williams, Larry.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Hartford's Law and Order Understaffed."
Sept. 2, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
Editorial. "Mr. Campbell's Memo."
May 31, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
"Linkage Plan Approved by City Council."
Mar. 20, 1984 |
Photocopy. 3 pages. -- Author: Sandberg, Jon.
Box 3 | Folder 75 |
Editorial. "Let's Go Hartford."
Apr. 14, 1978 |
Original Newsprint. 2 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 76 |
Wald, Matthew. New York Times. Articles
Box 3 | Folder 76 |
"Hartford Runoff may Decide if the New Mayor Rules or
Oct. 11, 1981 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wald, Matthew.
Box 3 | Folder 76 |
"Hartford's Mayoralty Race is no Mirror of State
Aug. 26, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Wald, Matthew.
Box 3 | Folder 77 |
Washington Post Clippings: Authors with ONLY 1 Article in
Box 3 | Folder 77 |
"Mayor Turns Aside Liberal Challenger in Hartford
Sept. 12, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Barrett, David.
Box 3 | Folder 77 |
"Hartford Race Pits a Social Activist Against a Bland
Sept. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Broder, David.
Box 3 | Folder 77 |
"America's Most Powerful City Councilman."
July 2, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Peirce, Neal.
Box 3 | Folder 77 |
"Displacement of Poor in Inner Cities Claimed."
July 2, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Whitaker, Joseph.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
Newspaper Clippings: Misc. or Unknown Source
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"'Linkage' is Studied as Aid to City Housing."
June 9, 1985 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Bass, Paul.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"HART Congress Sets Priorities, Elects Officers, Leaves
Questions." Southside Neighborhood News.
Nov. 4-18, 1981 |
Original Newsprint. 3 pages. -- Author: Doak, Bill.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"City, Aetna Reach Accord on Center: Tax Return is Geared to
Sept. 21, 1971 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Driscoll, Theodore.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"What Can Hartford's Mayor Really Do?" Connecticut
Nov. 9, 1981 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Gardner, Sidney.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"Connecticut Voting Focuses on 2 Races." New York
Sept. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Henry, Diane.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"Who Shapes the City?" HAC News.
Jan. - Feb., 1980 |
Original Newsprint. 2 pages. -- Author: Howell, Linda.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"'Process' Lives Again; A Puerto Rican View."
July 25, 1977 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: La Luz, Jose.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"Hartford Black Community Protests Racist Firing of School
Official." Worker's World.
May 12, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Lee, Jesse.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"Process Repudiates Immigration Memo."
Apr. 13, 1978 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Pappas, Nancy.
Box 3 | Folder 78 |
"Andrews Questions Linkage." Hartford Inquirer.
Mar. 14, 1984 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Wilcox, Kalu.
Box 3 | Folder 79 |
The Poor Pay More: Food Shopping in Hartford, Report by CREN,
University of Connecticut, Church of the Good Shepard.
Feb. 1, 1984 |
Original Publication. 28 pages.
Box 3 | Folder 80 |
Community Renewal Team of Greater Hartford. A Program to
Alleviate Urban Poverty: Draft.
Feb. 17, 1964 |
Photocopy. 125 pages.
Box 3 |
Ridin' the Circuit.
June 3, 1905 | |
Original Publication. 648 pages. -- Author: Lumsden, Arthur.
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Cleveland Chronology and Bibliography
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
"A Struggle over Muny Light sends Cleveland into Default." APA
Journal, pp. 15-18.
Mar. 1, 1979 |
Original. 2 pages. -- Author: Abbott, David.
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Deadline for the Media. Chapter VI: One Man. pp. 114-121.
Photocopy. 6 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
"Keeping the Lid On: Corporate Responsibility in Cleveland."
Business and Society Review/Innovation. p. 96-103.
May 26, 1905 |
2 copies. Photocopy. 7 pages. -- Author: Bartimole, Roldo.
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
"The Best-Laid Plans of Norman Krumholz." Cleveland Edition.
July18, 1990. |
Original Newspaper (in full). 32 pages. -- Author: Bartimole, Roldo.
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Point of View. Numbering.
Handwritten Notes. 2 pages.
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
Point of View. Vol. 1-6. Volume 1: Nos. 1-24 (Missing 4 and 7).
Volume 2: Nos. 1-24 (missing 4, 5, 7-13, 15-16, 23). Volume 3: Nos.
1-23 (missing 2, 14-21). Volume 4: Nos. 1-21 (missing 1, 3-12, 14,
16-19). Volume 5: Nos. 1-22 (missing 1-2, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18,
20). Volume 6: nos. 1-23 (missing 1-5, 7-13, 15, 19)
1968-1974 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Point of View. Vol. 7-9. Volume 7: nos. 1-24. Volume 8: Nos.
1-24. Volume 9: nos. 1-24.
1974-1977 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Point of View. Vol. 10-12. Volume 10: Nos. 1-23. Volume 11: Nos.
1-24. Volume 12: Nos. 1-24
1977-1980 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Point of View. Vol. 13-15. Volume 13: Nos. 1-24. Volume 14: nos.
1-24 (missing 20). Volume 15: nos. 1-24 (missing 11, 21).
1980-1983 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
Point of View. Vol. 16-19. Volume 16: Nos. 1-24 (missing 1, 3, 9,
11, 15-17). Volume 17: nos. 1-24 (missing 8, 10, 20). Volume 18:
nos. 1-24 (missing 1-2, 9-10, 13, 22). Volume 19: nos. 1-22 (missing
1, 9, 13-21).
1983-1987 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Point of View. Vol. 20-22 & Supplements. Volume 20: nos. 1-21
(missing 1-2, 18). Volume 21: nos. 1-21 (missing 10, 14). Volume 22:
nos. 1-14 (missing 5). 8 supplemental/special editions.
1987-1990 |
Mostly Originals. Several Copies.
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Internal Memos and Proposals. Cleveland
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Memo. To Bill Goldsmith. From Pierre Clavel. Re:
Mar. 9, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Cleveland Neighborhood Politics Study - Travel
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Cindy Coleman.
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Memo. To Cindy Coleman, Jeff Coleman, Bill Goldsmith. From
Pierre Clavel. Re Possible Additional Proposals Based on the
Cleveland Research To Date.
May 31, 1979 |
Photocopy. 2 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Memo. To Cindy Coleman, Jeff Coleman, Bill Goldsmith. From
Pierre Clavel. Re Notes on Cleveland Interviews, March
June 6, 1979 |
Photocopy. 4 pages. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Personal Letter. From William Goldsmith and Pierre Clavel. To
Maury Leiberman and Elliot Leibow.
Marcy 2, 1979 |
Photocopy. 1 page. -- Author: Clavel, Pierre and William
Box 10 | Folder 43 |
Cleveland Bibliography
Photocopy. 44 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 44 |
Cleveland Addresses/Phone Nos.
Photocopy. Handwritten Notes. 4 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
Library Research Notes, Unsent Correspondence.
Handwritten Notes. Typescript. 16 pages. -- Author: Coleman, Jeff.
Box 10 | Folder 46 |
Project NIMH.
Box 10 | Folder 46 |
Project NIMH Proposal.
Photocopy. 15 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 46 |
Supportive Documents for the Proposal.
Photocopy. Handwritten Notes. 54 pages.
Box 10 | Folder 47 |
Original Foldout.
Box 10 | Folder 48 |
Cleveland Statistical Data.