Allan R. Holmberg collection on Peru, circa 1946-1966.
Collection Number: 14-25-1529

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Allan R. Holmberg collection on Peru, circa 1946-1966.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
The materials in this collection reflect the research of Allan R. Holmberg and others in Peru, most notably relating to the Cornell Peru Project but also including materials on the Cornell Cross-Cultural Methodology Project and Holmberg's research in Viru, Peru.
Holmberg, Allan R.
Dobyns, Henry F.
Goldsen, Rose Kohn.
Holmberg, Allan R.
Vázquez, Mario C.
46 cubic feet.
Collection material in English and Spanish


The aim of the Cornell Peru Project was to conduct an experiment in applied anthropology dealing with social and cultural change among the Indian serfs of the Andean hacienda (an agricultural manor) of Vicos, located in the Callejon de Huaylas of Peru. It also was to give training to social scientists in applied field work in anthropology. The Peruvian Indian Institute, a semi-autonomous agency attached to the Ministry of Labor and Indian Affairs, collaborated in this project. Cornell University, under Professor Holmberg's direction, leased the Vicos hacienda for a five year period. During that five year period from 1951-1956, the Vicos community changed from one of serfdom under the rule of a "patron," to that of an autonomous, self-governing and economically viable community. After the five year period, Cornell continued as advisor to the Vicos community and to the Peruvian Ministry of Labor and Indian Affairs until 1965. Another division of the collection, the Cross-Cultural Methodology Project, was composed of the records of a group of social scientists at Cornell University who obtained funds from the Carnegie Foundation of New York to carry out a comparative study of social science methods in different areas of the world. A Peruvian phase of this study was carried out by Professor Rose Goldsen at Vicos, Peru in 1952-1953. Dr. Max Ralis was involved with this study in Thailand and India.
1947 Carnegie Corporation of New York five-year grant for establishment of the Cornell University Studies in Culture and Applied Science (CUSCAS) program. Included teaching and research on cultural change in the American Southwest, India, Latin America, and Thailand.
1949 Preliminary study of Hacienda Vicos by Mario C. Vazquez.
1951 Carnegie Corporation of New York grant to Cornell University for continuation of CUSCAS, including five-year experiment in culture change at Vicos. Contributions also came from Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and the Social Science Research Council.
Allan R. Holmberg, Director of the Cornell Peru Project, and Carlos Monge M., Director of the Instituto Indigenista Peruana, arranged for the cooperation of the two institutions.
1952 Finalization of the rental of Hacienda Vicos from the Sociedad de Beneficencia Publica de Huaraz. Patronship was jointly held by the Cornell Peru Project and the Instituto Indigenista Peruana, with Holmberg and Monge as co-directors. Holmberg acted as the first Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1952-1953 William Mangin acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1953 Cornell Methodology Project in Vicos, funded by a Rockefeller Foundation grant. Directed by Rose K. Goldsen, with assistance from Bryce Ryan and Richard Patch.
1953-1956 William Blanchard acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1954 May Kedney did a private study of the use of visual arts in education in the Vicos school.
1954-1955 Cornell Methodology Project in Bang Chan, Thailand, funded by a Rockefeller Foundation grant. Directed by Max Ralis and Robert Textor.
1956 Dr. Marshall T. Newman of the Division of Physical Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, conducted growth and maturation studies with Vicos school children.
Dr. Fred Allen of the Blood Grouping Laboratory of Boston, Mass., did blood groups studies.
1957-1962 Mario C. Vazquez acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1959-1962 Henry F. Dobyns acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
1959-1964 Carnegie Corporation of New York grant for Cornell Peru Project.
1960-1965 Columbia-Cornell-Harvard-Illinois Summer Field Study Program.
1962 Transfer of community title to the Vicosinos finalized. Cost of the sale was 3,256,861 soles, 2 million of which was paid directly by the community.
U.S. Peace Corps contract with Cornell University for the training of Peru III volunteers. Directed by Paul L. Doughty.
1962-1964 Paul L. Doughty acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
1963-1966 Comparative Studies of Cultural Change program, funded by a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (contract AID/csd-296). Included with the Cornell India and Thailand Projects, the Cornell Peru Project with Allan R. Holmberg as Director and Henry F. Dobyns as Associate Director of the Project and Coordinator of the Program. With the death of Holmberg in 1966, Dobyns became Director of the Cornell Peru Project, 1966-1967.
1964 Mario C. Vazquez acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
Andean Indian Community Research and Development program, funded by a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (contract AID/ia-206).
Colquiri, study of nationalized mines in Bolivia, requested by COMIBOL, the state mining corporation.
*Individual studies by graduate students or others supervised wholly or in part by Cornell staff are omitted from this listing but can be found in Cornell Peru Project bibliographies.

Chronological List of Funding and Personnel for Projects Included in the Vicos Collection*

1947 Carnegie Corporation of New York five-year grant for establishment of the Cornell University Studies in Culture and Applied Science (CUSCAS) program. Included teaching and research on cultural change in the American Southwest, India, Latin America, and Thailand.
1949 Preliminary study of Hacienda Vicos by Mario C. Vazquez.
1951 Carnegie Corporation of New York grant to Cornell University for continuation of CUSCAS, including five-year experiment in culture change at Vicos. Contributions also came from Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and the Social Science Research Council.
Allan R. Holmberg, Director of the Cornell Peru Project, and Carlos Monge M., Director of the Instituto Indigenista Peruana, arranged for the cooperation of the two institutions.
1952 Finalization of the rental of Hacienda Vicos from the Sociedad de Beneficencia Publica de Huaraz. Patronship was jointly held by the Cornell Peru Project and the Instituto Indigenista Peruana, with Holmberg and Monge as co-directors. Holmberg acted as the first Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1952-1953 William Mangin acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1953 Cornell Methodology Project in Vicos, funded by a Rockefeller Foundation grant. Directed by Rose K. Goldsen, with assistance from Bryce Ryan and Richard Patch.
1953-1956 William Blanchard acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1954 May Kedney did a private study of the use of visual arts in education in the Vicos school.
1954-1955 Cornell Methodology Project in Bang Chan, Thailand, funded by a Rockefeller Foundation grant. Directed by Max Ralis and Robert Textor.
1956 Dr. Marshall T. Newman of the Division of Physical Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, conducted growth and maturation studies with Vicos school children.
Dr. Fred Allen of the Blood Grouping Laboratory of Boston, Mass., did blood groups studies.
1957-1962 Mario C. Vazquez acted as Field Director of the Vicos experimental station.
1959-1962 Henry F. Dobyns acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
1959-1964 Carnegie Corporation of New York grant for Cornell Peru Project.
1960-1965 Columbia-Cornell-Harvard-Illinois Summer Field Study Program.
1962 Transfer of community title to the Vicosinos finalized. Cost of the sale was 3,256,861 soles, 2 million of which was paid directly by the community.
U.S. Peace Corps contract with Cornell University for the training of Peru III volunteers. Directed by Paul L. Doughty.
1962-1964 Paul L. Doughty acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
1963-1966 Comparative Studies of Cultural Change program, funded by a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (contract AID/csd-296). Included with the Cornell India and Thailand Projects, the Cornell Peru Project with Allan R. Holmberg as Director and Henry F. Dobyns as Associate Director of the Project and Coordinator of the Program. With the death of Holmberg in 1966, Dobyns became Director of the Cornell Peru Project, 1966-1967.
1964 Mario C. Vazquez acted as Research Coordinator of the Cornell Peru Project.
Andean Indian Community Research and Development program, funded by a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (contract AID/ia-206).
Colquiri, study of nationalized mines in Bolivia, requested by COMIBOL, the state mining corporation.


The subject matter of the materials from the Cornell Peru Project consists of working operations in Vicos. The types of material include correspondence; census forms; census returns; a land tenure survey; hydrological data; Vicos hacienda purchase agreement; accounts and account books; interviews with the Vicosinos; Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) field notes on Vicos and also the communities of Viru, Marcara, Recuayhuanca, Paucartambo, and Huaylas; monographs, reprints, publications, and unpublished articles; 3x5 bibliographic cards; code sheets; field notebooks; field note stencils; field notes; HRAF interview data; interview guides; interview sheets; life histories; maps; questionnaires; photographs; slides; and other miscellaneous materials. Also included are films of miscellaneous footage of Vicos and inhabitants taken by C.P.P. staff. Material relating to Allan Holmberg's work in Viru, Peru consists of correspondence and subject files. The material relating to the Cornell Cross-Cultural Methodology Project consists of interviews with Vicosinos, lists of respondents, and notebooks with cross-cultural methodology material (including Vicos material).


Henry F. Dobyns papers, 1960s. #6803.
Paul L. Doughty collection of Vicos photographs, 1960-1969. #6734.
Available Copies:

Numerous photographs and documents from the collection have been digitized and are accessible via the Web at: .
Processing Information

The collection originally was processed in 1975 by Deborah A. Wood. Several additions, most notably an additional corpus of files kept by Allan R. Holmberg, arrived in the ensuing years and now have been incorporated into the main collection. The original contents listing for the collection was published in 1975 but is now obsolete. However, the 1975 guide contains useful administrative information about the Cornell Peru Project and insights into the contents of the collection that have been incorporated into the guide where appropriate.
The original contents listing system indexed the collection by title, by subjects, by personal names, by date, by names of significant organizations, and by geographic place names. a. File unit title. b. Key words which identify the subject matter of the unit. c. Personal names of individuals who are significant in the unit. d. Inclusive dates. e. Organizations which are significant in the unit. f. Physical types of material in the unit. g. Geographical location. This format does not apply to the incorporated additions or all of the original series listings.


Cite As:

Allan R. Holmberg collection on Peru, #14-25-1529. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Cornell Peru Project
Cornell University. Department of Anthropology
Human Relations Area Files, inc
Instituto Indigenista Peruano
Lima (Peru).
Huaylas (Peru).
Paucartambo (Peru).
Recuayhuanca (Peru).
Marcara (Peru).
Viru (Peru).
Vicos (Peru).
Social change.
Cross cultural studies.
Anthropology -- Methodology.
Anthropology -- Research.
Applied anthropology -- Peru -- Vicos.
Form and Genre Terms:
Slides (photographs).
Field notes

Separated Materials

Existence and Location of Originals

Existence and Location of Originals

Separated Materials

Separated Materials

Separated Materials

Separated Materials

Separated Materials

Series I. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 1)
Scope and Contents
This material comprises part of the original collection represented by the published guide compiled by Deborah Wood in 1975. Series IV. Cornell Methodology Project is the other part of the original collection.
Administrative Materials
Scope and Contents
This subseries includes many types of material resulting from administration of the Vicos field station and the activities of various projects done under the auspices of the CPP (Cornell Peru Project). The three major types of material are distinguished by the three sub-subseries.
Administrative Papers and General Information
Scope and Contents
This section consists of administrative papers and general information. Important types of material are notes, reports, correspondence, and questionnaires. Activities and administrative considerations throughout the time of Cornell's involvement in Vicos are documented; items include Cornell Peru Project proposals and progress reports, and a copy of the Vicos purchase agreement. This section is arranged in three subject groups: first, administrative reports and general information; second, individual reports and projects, and correspondence; and third, analytical models and techniques.
Box 1 Folder 1
a. Vicos Purchase Agreement b. hacienda ownership - transfer to community e. Cornell Peru Project, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Indigenas, Sociedad de Beneficencia Publica de Huaraz f. legal document g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 2
a. Holmberg Proposal '55 and 1st Progress Report b. proposal-behavioral science research and development project, improvements--hacienda Vicos c. Holmberg, Allan R.f. reports g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 3
a. Cornell Peru Project Report 1963-1964 b. improvements-hacienda Vicos, Peace Corps project activities, U.S. enterprise in Latin America-problems e. Cornell Peru Project, Plan Nacional de Integracion de la Poblacion Aborigen, Peace Corps f. report, article g. Latin America; Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 4
a. Comparative Studies of Cultural Change b. proposal-institutional change and economic growth, research proposal-technological change research-Vicos, budget-five year study c. Morse, Chandler; Wolf, Charles Jr. e. Carnegie Corp. f. reports g. Cornell University, NY, USA
Box 1 Folder 5
a. Administration Dept. of Anthropology b. mailing list, personnel, department files, policy, custodial duties-collections, Peru-Cornell relations, inventory of Peru project materials, project termination c. Roberts, John M.; Lynch, Thomas F.; Vazquez, Mario C.; Dobyns, Henry F. e. Cornell University Dept. of Anthropology, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, lists, memoranda, report g. Cornell University, NY, USA
Box 1 Folder 6
Report on Vicos Project and Cornell, from Mario Vazquez
January 31, 1967
Box 1 Folder 7
a. Peru: Laws 1820-1961 Indian Affairs/Land b. agrarian indigenists laws f. lists g. Peru
Box 1 Folder 8
a. Vicos Publicity '53-'57 b. improvements-hacienda Vicos, nutrition studies, hacienda ownership-transfer to community f. articles, clippings g. Peru; Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 9
a. Vicos Background Publications b. liberal education, ethnological investigation f. pamphlets g. Puerto Rico; Lima, Peru
Bibliography: Matos Mar, Jose, et al., Investigaciones Etnologicas en Huarochiri (Peru), 1953 Valcarcel, Luis E., El Conocimiento Cientifico de los Pueblos del Peru, 1953 Villaronga, Mariano, La Educacion Liberal, 1953
Individual Reports and Projects, and Correspondence
Box 1 Folder 10-13
a. Vicos: Teaching Unit Elementary School b. Social Studies resource unit, Incas, hacienda system e. Newton Schools Foundation, Inc. f. photographs, outlines g. West Newton, Massachusetts, USA
Box 1 Folder 14
a. Marcara Data H. Ghersi Barrera b. dramas--"Los Autos Sacramentales" and "El Sacrificio de Mariz Parado de Bellido," layout sketches of Marcara locale, local govt. problems, Dept. of Ancash--source bibliography, mine disaster--Quebrado, Honda, flood 1949, Ancash description, record fragments-Hacienda Vicos 1900-1915 c. Vellard, Jean e. Universidad Mayor de San Marcos f. scripts, maps, correspondence, sketch, list, photos, post cards, negatives, clippings, broadsides
Box 1 Folder 15
a. Biography of Herminio Colonia b. life history c. Colonia, Herminio; Vazquez, Mario C. f. report
Box 1 Folder 16
a. Hilario Gonzalez b. life history c. Gonzalez, Hilario; Stein, William W. f. manuscript g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 17
a. Viru-Peasants MS, Vazquez b. land tenure, agricultural practices, rural population c. Vazquez, Mario C. f. report g. Viru, Peru
Box 1 Folder 18
a. Vicos Peruvian Student Reports [consists of list of original folder contents]
Box 1 Folder 19
a. Cornell Peru Project Reports b. Vicos project activities, photographic essay, field-worker instructions for tareas, New Seed Potatoes introduction, cross-cultural methodology study design, participant intervention justification, research and development studies, school children artwork, economic development studies--Santa Corp., culture change studies--Hualcan e. Cornell Methodology Project, Cornell Peru Project, Corp. Peruana del Santa f. reports, articles, periodical, list g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Peru; Hualcan, Ancash, Peru
Scope and Contents
  1. Blanchard, William C., Anthropological Study and Experiment at Hacienda Vicos, 1954
  2. Collier, John Jr., Vicos A Story of Anthropology: A Photographic Account of Social Science Helping a Backward People, n.d.
  3. Goldsen, Rose K., Instructions Given to Fieldworkers, 1953
  4. ---, Matchinq of Items in Vicos Questionnaire with Concepts They are Designed to Measure, n.d.
  5. ---, The Introduction of NSP in Vicos: The Story Line, 1955
  6. Holmberg, Allan R., Experimental Intervention in a Field Situation, 1955
  7. ---, "Participant Intervention in the Field" Human Organization 14:1, 1955
  8. ---, Some Experiments in Socioeconomic Change in an Underdeveloped Area, n.d.
  9. ---, "Land Tenure and Planned Social Change: A Case from Vicos, Peru," Human Organization 18:1, 1959
  10. Kedney, May, A Report of work with Thirteen Children in the Hacienda Vicos School, 1954
  11. Montalvo, Abner, Salud Publica y una Pelicula en Vicos, 1955
  12. Patch, Richard, Comparative Economic Systems of Non-Western People, 1953
  13. ---, Corporation Peruana del Santa and the Economic Development of Peru, 1953
  14. Seed Potato Tarea Variables, n.d.
  15. Stein, William W., Cultural Stability and Change in Hualcan, and Andean Indian Estancia, 1952
  16. List of missing items.
Box 1 Folder 20
a. Student Reports, Summer Field Study b. field studies--locations--topics e. Columbia-Cornell-Harvard-Illinois Summer Field Study Program f. lists g. Columbia University, NY, USA
Box 1 Folder 21
a. Viru-1965-Prelims, Anthropology 412, Summer Field Program b. student project proposals c. Brewer, Sharon; Bengelsdorf, Carol L.; Bourque, Susie; Gilbert, Gordon; Hahn, Robert; Hollerbach, Paula E.; Richardson, Gail; Taylor e. Cornell University Dept. of Anthropology f. reports, bibliography, correspondence g. Viru, Peru
Box 1 Folder 22
a. Permission to Publish b. publication approval c. Dobyns, Henry F. e. Contract No. AID/csd-292, Comparative Studies of Cultural Change f. correspondence
Box 1 Folder 23
a. Comparative Studies of Cultural Change--AID b. Bolivia studies, reports distribution publication approval, progress report AID c. Dobyns, Henry F.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Turner, Frank L. e. Comparative Studies of Cultural Change, Contract No. AID/csd-296 f. correspondence, memoranda, report
Box 1 Folder 24
a. Holmberg-Vazquez Holmberg-Murdock b. guerilla activities, Peru-Cornell cooperation, publication approval c. Guevara, Che; Vazquez, Mario C.; Murdock, George P.; Holmberg, Allan R. e. Inst. of Inter-American Affairs, Public Health Division f. correspondence g. Lima, Peru
Box 1 Folder 25
a. Technicon b. storage facilities e. Cornell University Department of Anthropology f. pamphlets, correspondence, inventory
Analytical Models and Techniques
Box 1 Folder 26
a. Marcara Household Census Questionnaire and Code b. Household Census variables, Household census coding design f. lists g. Marcara, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 27
a. Vicos Questionnaires b. data gathering c. Patch, Richard W. f. questionnaires g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 28
a. Recuayhuanca Questionnaires b. interview for district officials c. Snyder, Joan f. questionnaire g. Recuayhuanca, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 29
a. Vicos Questionnaires b. interviewer suggestions, data gathering c. Snyder, Joan; Patch, Richard W. f. questionnaires, list g. Recuayhuanca, Ancash, Peru; Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Hualcan, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 30
a. Vicos Analytical Models b. Input-output analysis system c. Hopper, W. David f. reports g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 1 Folder 31-37
a. Vicos: New Seed Potato Analysis Sheets b. introduction of New Seed Potato, New Seed Potato use analysis f. report, questionnaires g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Administrative Correspondence
Scope and Contents
The administrative correspondence is mostly from 1953-1956 while William C. Blanchard was field director in Vicos. The inclusive dates are 1951-1956. There are two sections in this part: one, correspondence between the CPP and the IPP (Instituto Indigenista Peruana); and two, between the Vicos field station and outside individuals or organizations. The correspondence came to the archives arranged in this manner; it had been maintained as a file by Maxine and William Blanchard while they were in Vicos. In the first section activities and problems arising from joint administration of Hacienda Vicos by CPP and IIP are central topics. This section is arranged chronologically. The chief correspondents are William C. Blanchard, Carlos Monge M., Director of IIP, and Manuel D. Velasco Nunez, Secretary General of IIP. In the second section, the correspondence relates to the organization and maintenance of hacienda operations or to arrangements for studies to be conducted at Vicos. The financial accounts of CPP with various banks are included in this section. The arrangement is alphabetical by sender.
Correspondence Between Cornell Peru Project and Instituto Indigenista Peruano
Box 2 Folder 1
a. Instituto Indigenista Peruano--Cornell Peru Project Correspondence b. project activities authorization, project supplies acquisition, Vicos school arrangements, Chancos maintenance, medical survey, administrative transactions c. Mangin, William; Monge Medrano, Carlos; Velasco Nunez, Manuel D.; Blanchard, William C.; Holmberg, Allan R. e. Instituto Indigenista Peruano, Cornell Peru Project, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima f. correspondence, receipts, telegrams g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
Box 2 Folder 2
a. Instituto Indigenista Peruano--Cornell Peru Project Correspondence b. organizing project studies, medical survey, Vicos school arrangements, progress reports, adult education, project supplies acquisition, agricultural program, administrative transactions, public health studies, future jurisdiction of Vicos, acculturation--radio presentation c. Blanchard, William C.; Monge M., Carlos; Velasco Nunez, Manuel D.; Gil Quevedo, Ciro; Collier, John Jr. e. Instituto Indigenista Peruano; Cornell Peru Project; Proyecto Proqramo Pativilca-Huarez-Huaylas del Ministerio de Salud; Compania Administradora del Guano f. correspondence, telegrams, reports, receipts g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
Box 2 Folder 3
a. Instituto Indigenista Peruano--Cornell Peru Project Correspondence b. project activities authorization, progress reports, photographic essay, project supplies acquisition, administrative transactions, Vicos school arrangements, acculturation of Peruvian indigenous population c. Velasco Nunez, Manuel D.; Gil Quevedo, Ciro; Monge M., Carlos; Blanchard, William C.; Collier, John Jr. e. Instituto Indigenista Peruano, Cornell Peru Project, UNICEF, Compania Administradora del Guano f. correspondence, receipts, reports, telegrams g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
Box 2 Folder 4
a. Instituto Indigenista Peruano--Cornell Peru Project Correspondence b. administrative transactions, Vicos school arrangements, project supplies acquisition, progress reports, anthropometric study arrangements, products and work of rural schools--exposition, project reorganization c. Blanchard, William C.; Velasco Nunez, Manuel D.; Monge M., Carlos; Newman, Marshall T.; Gil Quevado, Ciro; Allen, Fred H. Jr.; Holmberg, Allan R. e. Instituto Indigenista Peruano, Cornell Peru Project, Smithsonian Institution f. correspondence, telegrams, reports, receipts, inventory g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
Correspondence Between Vicos Field Station and Outside Individuals or Organizations
Box 2 Folder 5
a. A b. blood grouping study, shipping arrangements, hacienda construction, indigenous education c. Alers-Montalvo, Manuel; Blanchard, William C.; Allen, Fred H. Jr.; Almandos Garcia, Aliro; Anselmi, M. S. e. Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, The Blood Grouping Laboratory, Cornell Peru Project, Alltransport S.A. f. correspondence, telegram, receipts, report g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Boston, Mass., USA
Box 2 Folder 6
a. B b. project financial account, duplication of Methodology project notes, hacienda lease c. Blanchard, William C.; Barnett, Clifford; Basto Giron, Luis J.; Solís Carrion, Jose e. Banco de Credito del Peru, Sociedad Publica de Beneficencia de Huaraz, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, lists, receipts, bank statements g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Huaraz, Ancash, Peru
Box 2 Folder 7
a. C, E, F b. information requests, tax status--non-resident citizens, photographic study, film documentary, services rendered to project, authorization of project personnel, visitors to Vicos c. Blanchard, William C.; Caso, Alfonso; Collier, John Jr. e. Instituto Nacional Indigenista; Instituto Indigenista Interamericano; Concejo Provincial de Carhuaz; The Rockefeller Foundation, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, telegrams g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Mexico, F., Mexico; Carhuaz, Ancash, Peru; New York, NY, USA
Box 2 Folder 8
a. G b. field note books, expense arrangements of Cornell Peru Project--Methodology Project, data processing, New Seed Potato analysis--critique, water pump maintenance, photographic study c. Ghersi Barrera, Humberto; Blanchard, William C.; Goldsen, Rose K.; Guillen, Abraham e. Instituto de Estudios Etnologicos, Cornell Methodology Project, Cornell Peru Project, Gross Equipment S.A. f. correspondence, reports, balance sheets, receipts, telegrams, lists g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
Box 2 Folder 9
a. H, I, K b. generator maintenance, hacienda lease, information request, services rendered to project, school children art projects, visitors to Vicos c. Blanchard, William C.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Kauffman Doig, Federico; Kedney, May; Kennedy, John e. Homelite Corporation, Cornell Peru Project, Sociedad Publica de Beneficencia de Huaraz f. correspondence, notes, receipts, report g. Port Chester, NY, USA; Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Saratoga Springs, NY, USA; Lima, Peru
Box 2 Folder 10
a. L, M b. shipments to USA--personal, hacienda administration, cow theft arbitration, generator and water pump installation, project financial account, army reservists, visitors to Vicos, information request, public health studies, Vicos school arrangements c. Blanchard, William C.; Luna G., Samuel; Leon Herrera, Celso; Luna Egusquiza, Enrique T.; MacFadden, Arthur R.; Mangin, William; Montalvo Vidal, Abner e. Cerro de Pasco Corp., Ministerio de Educacion Publica, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, telegrams, program g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Carhuaz, Ancash, Peru
Box 2 Folder 11
a. N b. project financial account, anthropometric study, visitors to Vicos c. Holmberg, Allan R.; Newman, Marshall T.; Blanchard, William C.; Collazos Chiriboga, Carlos e. Servicio Cooperativo Inter-Americano de Salud Publica, The National City Bank of New York, Smithsonian Institution, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, bank statements, reports g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Washington, D.C., USA
Box 2 Folder 12
a. 0, P b. generator and water pump maintenance, financial account, medical survey, public health program c. Blanchard, William C.; Ortiz Vergara, Pedro; Patch, Richard W.; Coleto, Delfin; Ponce de Leon, Juan; Campos Sanchez, Manuel; Ramos C., Nilo; Villa Crespo, Moises e. D.W. Onan and Sons Inc.; Peerless Pump Division; Proyecto Programa Pativilca--Huarez--Huaylas del Ministerio de Salud; Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social f. correspondence, telegrams, receipts g. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Los Angeles, Calif., USA; Huarez, Ancash, Peru
Box 2 Folder 13
a. R b. customs arrangements, visitors to Vicos, data processing c. Blanchard, William C.; Reyes Coz, Jorge; Roos, Charles F.; Ryan, Bryce e. Econometric Institute, Inc., Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, telegram g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; New York, NY, USA; Ithaca, NY, USA
Box 2 Folder 14
a. S b. information requests, anthropometric study, public health program, anthropology and public health, nutrition studies, project supplies acquisition, comparative studies program organization, data processing, classification system, Vicos book outline, anthropology society activities c. Blanchard, William C.; Collazos Chiriboga, Carlos; Lube, Cato; Putnam, Emilie B.; Chaparro, Yolanda; Smith, Robert J.; Snyder, Joan e. Servicio Cooperativo Inter-Americano de Salud Publica, Servicio Cooperativo Inter-Americano de Produccion de Alimentos, Foreign Operations Administration Institute of Inter-American Affairs, Sociedad para Antropologia Peruana, Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, telegrams, reports g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Ithaca, NY, USA
Box 2 Folder 15
a. T, U, V, W b. visitors to Vicos, project supplies acquisition, personnel arrangements, project archives control, field director responsibilities, classification system, medical survey, public health studies c. Temple, Charles R.; Valcarcel, Luis E.; Blanchard, William C.; Vazquez D., Carlos A.; Vazquez, Mario C.; Villalobos, Enrique; Von Hagen, Victor e. Touring y Automovil Club del Peru, UNICEF, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Dean of Ithaca, Inc., Cornell Peru Project f. correspondence, telegrams, reports, memoranda g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru; Ithaca, NY, USA
Financial Accounts and Labor Records
Scope and Contents
This final section consists of financial accounts and labor records of the CPP. The records of hacienda expenditures, the school construction account, and records of seed and produce sales are notable for showing how work on the hacienda was organized. These records are in bound volumes and cover the years 1952-1956.
Box 23
a. Ingreso Huertas b. hacienda produce account f. bound notebook g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 23
a. Ventas b. produce prices--Vicosinos, produce prices-outsiders, produce purchase accounts of Vicosinos f. bound notebooks (2) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 23
a. Construccion Local Escuela b. materials expenses, laborers weekly records, school construction f. bound notebooks (3) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 23
a. Hacienda accounts and Labor Records (volumes 1-4)b. seed purchases, laborers daily employment, produce purchase--hacienda, produce sales to Vicosinos, produce sales to outsiders f. bound notebooks (12 total) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 24
a. Hacienda accounts and Labor Records (volumes 5-12)b. seed purchases, laborers daily employment, produce purchase--hacienda, produce sales to Vicosinos, produce sales to outsiders f. bound notebooks (12 total) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 8
a. Diario I b. monthly produce chart, monthly income and expenses chart, hacienda daily expenditures f. charts, bound journal (financial) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Mapcase Folder 6
Produce charts from Diario I
Box 8
a. Planilla de Salarios b. salaries hacienda personnel f. bound journal (financial) g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Box 8
a. Diario II b. school construction, hacienda receipts and disbursements, seed purchases--Vicosinos, Diario I totals g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
1 folders.
1 bound journal
Field Data
Scope and Contents
The CPP field data includes notes from field observations by members of the CPP, as well as data from various censuses, surveys, studies, and activities of the CPP. The field data was collected during studies ranging in date from 1946 t o 1965. There are notes from field observations in Marcara, Vicos and Viru made before the start of the CPP by individuals subsequently involved with the project. The basic arrangement consists of five sections which correspond to the major types of data in the series.
Field Notebooks
Scope and Contents
Section one contains field note books kept by members of the CPP. Humberto Ghersi Barrera's notebooks on Marcara, and some by Allan R. Holmberg and Mario C. Vazquez predate the start of the official project. The field notebooks contain notes dated from 1948 to 1954, the early years of the project. This is the only ethnographic data in the collection, except for that contained in the HRAF (Human Relations Area Files).
Box 3
Allan R. Holmbergb. project supplies, labor payments, slide identification, Quechua terms, daily routine, ethnographic descriptionsg. Callejon de Huaylas, Peru; Vicos, Ancash, Peru; Lima, Peru
1948-1953, 1960
11 notebooks
Box 4
Joan Snyderb. accommodations arrangements, ethnographic descriptions, daily routineg. Recuayhuanca, Ancash, Peru
11 notebooks
Humberto Ghersi Barrera
Notebooks contain information on personal expenses, ethnographic descriptions, daily routine, and Quechua terms. Marcara, Ancash, Peru.
Box 25
Libreta de Gastos
1 notebook
Box 25
Field notebooks I-X.
March-June 1949
10 notebooks, 1 envelope
Box 26
Field notebooks XI-XXI.
June-July 1949
11 notebooks
Box 27
Field notebooks Series II. XXII-XXIX, Series III. XXX-XXXIII.
12 notebooks
Box 28
Field notebooks Series III. XXXIV-XXXIX, Series IV. XL-XLIII, Series V. XLIV-XLV; vocabulario de Quechua
12 notebooks, 1 envelope
Box 29
Field notebooks Series V. XLVI-XLVII, [no series] 48-59
14 notebooks
Box 35
Field notebooks 60-73, 71 [74]-72 [75]
16 notebooks
Box 36
Field notebooks 73 [76]-76 [79], 77 [79] Censo del Distrito de Marcara
5 notebooks, 1 folder, 1 envelope
Mario C. Vazquez
Notebooks contain information on personal expenses, ethnographic descriptions, daily routine, mayorales meetings, and an agricultural innovation sanitation survey. Vicos, Ancash, Peru.
Box 36
Field notebooks I-VI
April-June 1949
6 notebooks
Box 37
Field notebooks VII-IX, XI, XIII-XVII
June 1949-January 1950
9 notebooks
Box 37
Relacion de gastos: Informantes y otros
April 1949
1 notebook
Box 38
Field notebooks XVIII-XXIII
January-March 1950
6 notebooks, 1 folder
Box 38
Field notebook
September 1949-March 1950
1 notebook
Box 38
Field notebooks I, [no number]
June 1951-January 1952
2 notebooks
Box 39
Field notebooks I-V
January 1952-October 1953
5 notebooks
Box 39
Reunion mayorales y mandos
August 1952-April 1954
1 notebook
Box 39
Survey sanitario
March-April 1954
1 notebook
Box 39
Maiz cusqueno
1 notebook
Box 39
[Inscripcion] siembra papas
1 notebook
Box 37
Jorge [Laundio or Laumdio?] R. - field notebook - anexo XIa.
September-October 1949
1 notebook
Box 24
Robert Farrier-vocabulary notebook
Environmental and Land Tenure Data
Scope and Contents
Section two contains environmental and land tenure data. A photographic study of land tenure was made in 1955 to show the division of cultivated plots, or chacras, on Hacienda Vicos. Charts and photographs from the study are in this subseries. Environmental data include a daily temperature record kept in 1954-1955, and topographic and hydrological charts from 1963.
Box 14
a. Estudios de los terrenos de Vicos b. land tenure, geographical features f. photographs, maps, outline g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Scope and Contents
Folder contains original photograph "Aerial photo of land plots in Vicos - Plano 5," Digital Image ID RMC2004_5365
Box 14
a. Vicos Maps and Hydrologic Data b. topography, water balance c. Vescelius, Gary S.; Basurto, B. e. Cornell Peru Project Archeological Program f. maps, charts g. Callejon de Huaylas, Peru
Box 24
a. Temperature Record b. daily temperature range, meteorological remarks f. bound notebook g. Vicos, Ancash, Peru
HRAF notes and other field notes
Scope and Contents
The HRAF notes are in section three. The notes were copied onto 8" x 5" paper and categorized according to the HRAF system. Allan R. Holmberg's field notes from Viru are the earliest material in the collection, dating from 1946. Besides the large section of notes on Vicos, there are notes from field work done in Viru, Marcara, Paucartambo, Recuayhuanca, Huaylas and Moche. The files also contain a section of hacienda records, consisting of field accounts, peon work records, and work records for other individuals who held special positions in the hacienda work force. There are three separate files of field notes on Vicos, one that was kept in Vicos, one in Lima, and one in Ithaca. The Ithaca file is by far the largest , and theoretically contains duplicates of notes in the other two files, but duplication is spotty. Additional sorting and filing has been limited to the Ithaca file and there are some notes yet to be sorted and filed. Anyone using the files should be aware that many notes have been over-categorized, which expands quantity, but detracts from substance for the categories. A manual, Outline of Cultural Material, in Box 11 lists the subjects in each category and tells how to use the files.
Box 11 Folder 38
Outline of Cultural Material, 4th revised edition (guide book for HRAF classification)
Box 40
Field notes (continued in box 42)
Box 41
Field notes; census cards; small notebook
Box 42
Field notes
Box 43
Prof. Allan Holmberg - Viru #101-349
Box 44
Prof. Allan Holmberg - Viru #351-516, field notes
Box 45
Prof. Allan Holmberg - Viru field notes, census
Box 46
Prof. Allan Holmberg - Viru field notes; Humberto Ghersi B. - Marcara #101-346
Box 47
Humberto Ghersi B. - Marcara #349-794
Box 48
Humberto Ghersi B. - Marcara #796-874 and mixed, field notes; Paucartambo field notes, #56-117
Box 49
Paucartambo #117-632
Box 50
Paucartambo #634-883, field notes
Box 51
Paucartambo field notes; Hickman - field notes; Recuayhuanca field notes, #117-292; Paul Doughty - Huaylas field notes
Box 52
Paul Doughty - Huaylas field notes, Vicos; Huaraz
Box 53
Vicos-names and zones 1952; CPP mailing list
Box 54
CPP mailing list; Edward Epstein - Moche field notes; Stephen Most - Moche field notes; Leo Levy - Huanchaco field notes; Vicos field notes to file in Ithaca file
Box 55
Vicos field notes to sort
File Drawer 4B
Vicos field notes to sort
File Drawer 5A & B
Vicos field notes to sort
File Drawer 6A & B
Vicos field notes #101-564 (Lima-Vicos file)
File Drawer 7A & B
Vicos field notes #565-888, personnel (Lima-Vicos file)
File Drawer 8A & B
Vicos field notes #101-158 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 9A & B
Vicos field notes #159-personnel, #162-239 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 10A & B
Vicos field notes #240-417 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 11A & B
Vicos field notes #421-567 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 12A & B
Vicos field notes #570-627 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 13A & B
Vicos field notes #631-779 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
File Drawer 14A & B
Vicos field notes #781-888 (Ithaca-Vicos file)
Censuses and Surveys
Scope and Contents
Section four contains censuses and surveys taken during the CPP. The data sheets for all censuses are complete, and are organized by zones in Vicos. Aside from the censuses, there are data sheets for a land tenure survey and socio-economic status ratings. Censuses were taken in 1951, 1957, 1959, 1969, and 1963. For data on the New Seed Potato experiment see the analysis sheets in Subseries I - Administrative Materials. Other questionnaires and code designs are also in Subseries I - Administrative Materials.
Box 5
a. Vicos Anthropological Census f. census forms
Box 14
a. Aquia Census M. C. Vazquez f. print-outs
Box 2 Folder 16-23
a. Vicos Census b. by subzones f. census forms
Box 2 Folder 24-25
a. Vicos Land Tenure Survey f. survey forms
Box 6 Folder 1-8
a. Vicos Census b. by subzones f. census forms
Box 6 Folder 9-16
a. Vicos Census b. by sub zones f. census forms
Box 7 Folder 1-10
a. Vicos Census b. by subzones f. census forms
Box 7 Folder 11
a. Vicos Census Analysis SES b. socio-economic status ratings f. lists
Box 14
Census tallies (by subzone)
Box 7 Folder 12
a. Questionnaire Alers b. economic development, inhabitants of Vicos, heads of Vicos families c. Alers, J. Oscar f. questionnaires, lists
Box 7 Folder 13
Vicos communication survey-preliminary draft, J. Oscar Alers
Box 7 Folder 14
a. Vicos Innovation Alers b. innovation acceptance, modernization c. Alers, J. Oscar f. report, note
Health Clinic Records
Scope and Contents
The fifth section contains records from the Vicos health clinic. They are wall charts used to keep track of patient and staff attendance for 1954-1955.
Mapcase Folder 2
a. Asistencia de los enfermos a la clinica A-V Enero-Diciembre b. clinic patients attendance record f. charts
Mapcase Folder 3
a. Ano 1954, Julio-Diciembre A-V Clinic Personnel b. clinic personnel attendance record, clinic patients attendance record f. charts
Mapcase Folder 4
a. Ano 1955 Enero-Diciembre A-V b. clinic patients attendance record f. charts
Reprints, Publications and Papers
Scope and Contents
Subseries three contains printed materials written between 1952 and 1966 (there is one paper written in 1972). The authors are generally people connected with the CPP, the Columbia-Cornell-Harvard Summer Field Studies Program, or the IIP, although there are popular descriptions and reports by individuals not connnected with these organizations. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by author. Entries are numbered sequentially to correspond to the numbers used in The Cornell Peru Project Bibliography and Personnel (Dobyns and Vazquez, 1964). When the collection was accessioned some printed materials had been arranged by this system. There was also a sizable number of papers or publications not included in the bibliography, which had no arrangement, but that have been incorporated into this subseries. Material from the first accession fitting one of the three section headings of the bibliography was numbered sequentially and placed at the end of the appropriate section. Publications from the second accession were incorporated into the bibliography where appropriate but they were not numbered. The titles of the sections are: Administrative Proposals, Reports and Documents; Cornell Peru Project Scientific Reports; and Popular Descriptions of the Cornell Peru Project. Two other sections were established for material that did not fit the original three. The two new sections are: Cornell Comparative Studies of Cultural Change Scientific Reports; and Andean Indian Community Research and Development Program Scientific Reports. Some of the papers in Sections IV and V are based on information gathered as part of the CPP, but not produced as CPP publications.
Administrative Proposals, Reports and Documents
Box 1 Folder 38
1. Adams, Richard N.; and Cumberland, Charles C. United States University Cooperation in Latin America. East Lansing: Institute of Research on Overseas Programs, Michigan State University. (The Peru-Cornell Anthropology Project of Cornell University and the Instituto Indigenista Peruano, pp. 187-196).
Box 1 Folder 39
3. Blanchard, William C. "Tercer Informe del Proyecto Peru-Cornell," Peru Indigena, V: 12 pp. 153-159.
Box 1 Folder 40
4. Blanchard, William C. "Informe del Proyecto Peru-Cornell: 1954," Boletin Indigenista, XV: 3 (Sept.) 274-285.
Box 1 Folder 41
5. Blanchard, William C. "Informe del Proyecto Peru-Cornell: 1955," Boletin Indigenista, XVI: 2-3 (Aqosto) 202-215.
Box 1 Folder 42
7. Dobyns, Henry F. "El Proyecto Peru Cornell," Peru Indigena, IX: 20-21 (Enero-Junio) 125-130.
Box 1 Folder 43
8. Dobyns, Henry F. Eleventh Report of the Cornell Peru Project.
Box 1 Folder 44
9. Dobyns, Henry F.; and Monge M., Carlos. "20 Aniversario de la Sociedad de Antropologia Aplicada," Peru Indigena, IX: 20-21 (Enero-Junio) 141-143.
Box 1 Folder 45
Doughty, Paul L.; and Vazquez, Mario C. Duodecimo Informe del Proyecto Peru-Cornell.
Box 1 Folder 46
10. Holmberg, Allan R. "La Realizacion del Proyecto de Antropologia Aplicada en la Zona de Vicos, Marcara, Ancash," Peru Indigena, 11: 4 (Enero) 88-90.
Box 1 Folder 47
11. Holmberg, Allan R. "Estudios de Aculturacion en el Callejon de Huaylas," Peru Indigena, 11: 4 (Enero) 91-95.
Box 1 Folder 48
13. "Proyecto Peru-Cornell en las Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas," Peru Indigena, 11: 5-6 (Junio) 158-166.
Box 1 Folder 49
17. Holmberg, Allan R.; and Monge M., Carlos "Prorroga del acuerdo Celebrado entre la Universidad de Cornell y el Instituto Indigenista Peruano," Boletin Indigenista. XVII: 4 (Dic.) 358-363.
Box 1 Folder 50
30. Vazquez, Mario C.; and Dobyns, Henry F. Summary Description of Vicos School Lunch Program. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph).
Box 1 Folder 51
31. Velasco Nunez, Manuel D. "Proyecto Peru-Cornell," Boletin Indigenista, XV: 1 (Marzo) 78-79.
Box 1 Folder 52
32. Velasco Nunez, Manuel D. "Informe del Instituto Indigenista Peruano: 1955," Boletin Indigenista, XVI: 1 (Marzo) 84-95.
Box 1 Folder 53
Bibliografia del Proyecto Peru-Cornell de 1951 a 1964.
Box 1 Folder 54
The Vicos Research Proposal
Box 1 Folder 55
I.1. Alers, J. Oscar; Vazquez, Mario C.; Holmberg, Allan R.; and Dobyns, Henry F. Human Freedom and Geographic Mobility. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). also in Current, 6:3 (June) 336. 1965.
Box 1 Folder 56
I.2. Dobyns, Henry F.; and Vazquez, Mario C. a. The Cornell Peru Project Bibliography and Personnel. Ithaca: Cornell Peru Project Pamphlet No. 2, Department of Anthropology. 1964. b. Bibliografia del Proyecto Peru-Cornell entre el 1 de Diciembre de 1963 y el 30 de Noviembre de 1964. (copy) c. Bibliography of the Cornell-Peru Project. (mimeograph). Oct., 1959
Box 1 Folder 57
I.3. Holmberg, Allan R.; and Dobyns, Henry F. "Transformation of Peasant Societies," Science, 147:3661 (Feb.) 1062-1066. 1965.
Box 1 Folder 58
I.4. Morris, Earl W. Etapas para el Desarrollo Socio-Economico de Mayobamba. Lima: Folletos del Proyecto Peru-Cornell No. 3. 1964.
Box 1 Folder 59
I.5. Social Science Research Center. Reactions in Peru to the Cornell Peru Project. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1959.
Box 1 Folder 60
Turner, Frank L. Benchmarks to Measure Economic Progress in a Peruvian Village.
Cornell Peru Project Scientific Reports
Box 1 Folder 61
33. Allen, Fred H., Jr. "Inheritance of the Diego (Dia) Blood-Group Factor," American Journal of Human Genetics, 10:l (March) 64-67.
Box 1 Folder 62
34. Andrews, David H. "Migration en Paucartambo, Pasco, Peru," Migracion e integracion en el Peru. editores: Henry F. Dobyns y Mario C. Vazquez. Lima, 1963
Box 1 Folder 63
Andrews, David H. "Public Image of President John F. Kennedy in Paucartambo, Peru."
Box 1 Folder 64
35. Andrews, David H. Integration in a Peruvian Indigenous Community. paper read before 60th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, Nov. 16, 1961.
Box 1 Folder 65
37. Arellano Bados, Consuelo. Opinion Publica y Comunicacion en la Provincia de Tam. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1962.
Box 1 Folder 66
38. Barkin, David. Commercial Activity in a Peruvian Community. N.Y.: Columbia University (mimeograph) 1961.
Box 1 Folder 67
41. Bradfield, Stillman. Migration from Huaylas: A Study of Brothers. Cornell University Ph.D. Thesis. 1963.
1 volume
Box 1 Folder 68
43. Castillo Ardiles, Hernan. Migracion Interna en el Peru: Una Bibliografia. Lima: Universidad de San Marcos. 1961. (mimeograph)
Box 1 Folder 69
44. Chadbourn, Cheryl. Concepts of Disease in a Peruvian Indian Community. N.Y.: Cornell University. 1962. (mimeograph)
Box 9 Folder 1
46. Collazos Chiriboga, Carlos. La Familia Peruana, Suma y Resta de su Nutricion. Lima. 1954.
Box 9 Folder 2
47. Collazos Chiriboga, Carlos; et al. "Dietary Surveys in Peru, III. Chacan and Vicos. Rural Communities in the Peruvian Andes," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 30 (Dec.) 1222-1230. 1954.
Box 9 Folder 3
49. Collier, John and Mary. "An Experiment in Applied Anthropology," Scientific American, 196:l (Jan.) 37-45. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 4
51. Dobyns, Henry F. "Migracion e Integracion," pp. 18-20 in No. 60. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 5
52. Dobyns, Henry F.a. Basic Problems of Development in the Callejon de Huaylas. b. Problemas Basicos en el Desarrollo del Callejon de Huaylas. Lima: Cornell Peru Project. 1961. (mimeograph)
Box 9 Folder 6
54. Dobyns, Henry F. "Estructura del Buro de Asuntos Indigenas de los EE. UU.," Peru Indigena, IX:20 y 21 (Enero-Junio) 145-150. 1961.
Box 9 Folder 7
55. Dobyns, Henry F. Social Solutions for Real and Perceived Aridity in the Andes, N.Y.: Cornell University. 1963. (mimeograph)
Box 9 Folder 8
56. Dobyns, Henry F. "An Outline of Andean Epidemic History to 1720," Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 37:6 (Nov.-Dec.) 493-515. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 9
57. Dobyns, Henry F.; Monge M., Carlos; and Vazquez, Mario C.a. "Desarrollo Comunal y Regional," Peru Indigena, IX:20-21 (Enero-Junio) 133-139. 1961.b. "Summary of Technical-Organizational Progress and Reactions To It," Human Organization, 21:2 (Summer) 109-115. 1962. c. "A Contagious Experiment, The Vicos Idea Has Spread Throughout Peru," Saturday Review, Nov. 3, pp. 59-62. 1962. e. 1962 H. O. abstracted in Ekistics (Athens) 14:85 (Dec.) 285-286.
Box 9 Folder 10
58. Dobyns, Henry F.; and Carrasco R., Ella. Un Analisis de la Situacion de las Comunidades Indigenas en el Ambiente Nacional. Lima: Cornell Peru Project Pamphlets No. 1. 1962.
Box 9 Folder 11
59. Dobyns, Henry F.; and Carrasco R., Ella. The Indigenous Communities of Pasco. Preliminary Report. Lima: Cornell Peru Project (mimeograph). 1962.
Box 9 Folder 12
60. Dobyns, Henry F.; and Vazquez. Mario C. Migracion e Integracion en el Peru. Lima: Editorial Estudios Andinos Monografia Andina No. 2. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 13
61. Doughty, Paul L. Some Indices of Revolution in Latin America. Ithaca: Cornell Peru Project (mimeograph) . 1960.
Box 9 Folder 14
62. Doughty, Paul L. El Caso de Huaylas: Un Distrito en la Perspectiva Nacional. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). also in No. 60. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 15
63. Doughty, Paul L. Community Organization and Culture Change in Huaylas Peru. Ithaca: Cornell Peru Project (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 9 Folder 16
66. Doughty, Paul L. The Peace Corps Volunteer as an Agent of Change in the Peruvian Sierra. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1963.
Box 9 Folder 17
67. Doughty, Paul L.; and Andrews, David H.a. Rural Peruvian Views of President J. F. Kennedy. Lima: Cornell Peru Project (mimeograph). 1961. b. Presentaciones de Representantes de Varias Comunidades del Callejon de Huaylas Visitadas por el Senor Edward K. Kennedy. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 9 Folder 18
68. Fearer, Jane. An Analysis of Vicos Schoolboy Perception of Their Kinship System: An Experiment in using a projective typing test technique. Cambridge: Radcliffe College (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 9 Folder 19
69. Fine, Norman L. Coca Chewing: A Social Versus a Nutritional Interpretation. N.Y.: Columbia University (mimeograph). 1960.
Box 9 Folder 20
71. Fried, Jacob.a. "Enfermedad y Organizacion Social," Etnologia y Arqueologia, Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos I:l 38-49. 1960. b. The Social Organization and Value System of a Peruvian Hacienda Community: Vicos. Ithaca: Cornell University.
Box 9 Folder 21
77. Ghersi Barrera, Humberto. Caracteristicas de la Migracion en el Distrito de Marcara. Museo de la Cultura Peruana. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1961. also in No. 60, 1963.
Box 9 Folder 22
78. Ghersi Barrera, Humberto; and Dobyns, Henry F. Migracion por Etapas: El Caso del Valle de Viru. Museo de la Cultura Peruana. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeographed). 1961. also in No. 60, 1963.
Box 9 Folder 23
79. Goldsen, Rose K.; and Stein, William W. The Introduction of NSP in Vicos: The Story Line. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Sociology and Anthropology (mimeograph) 1956.
Box 9 Folder 24
80. Hickman, Carolyn C. Early Child Care Among the Chinchera Aymara. Ithaca: Cornell University (duplicated). 1962.
Box 9 Folder 25
83. Hickman, John V. Peruvian Aymara and Their Dialectic of Progress. Ithaca: Cornell University (duplicated). 1962.
Box 9 Folder 26
86. Holmberg, Allan R. "Child Training in Vicos, Peru," Delphian Quarterly, No. 34 (Jan.) 3-8. 1951.
Box 9 Folder 27
87. Holmberg, Allan R. Excerpt from The Interrelations of Demographic, Economic, and Social Problems in Selected Underdeveloped Areas. N.Y.: Milbank Memorial Fund, pp. 143-149. 1954.
Box 9 Folder 28
88. Holmberg, Allan R. a. Experimental Intervention in a Field Situation. paper delivered at the 1955 Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Bloomington, Indiana. b. "Participant Intervention in the Field," Human Organization. 14:l 23-26.
Box 9 Folder 29
90. Holmberg, Allan R. "The Research and Development Approach to the Study of Change," Human Organization, 17:l (Spring) 12-16. 1958.
Box 9 Folder 30
91. Holmberg, Allan R. "Land Tenure and Planned Social Change: A Case from Vicos, Peru," Human Organization, 18:l (Spring) 7-10. 1959.
Box 9 Folder 31
92. Holmberg, Allan R. "Participant Intervention in the Field," Human Organization, 14:l (Spring) 23-26. 1955.
Box 9 Folder 32
94. Holmberg, Allan R. "Age in the Andes," p. 86-90 in Robert J. Smith (ed.) "Cultural Differences in the Life Cycle and the Concept of Time," 1961.
Box 9 Folder 33
96. Holmberg, Allan R. and Dobyns, Henry F. "The Process of Accelerating Community Change," Human Organization, 21:2 (Summer) 107-109. 1962.
Box 9 Folder 34
97. Holmberg, Allan R. and Dobyns, Henry F. Integrated Community Development-The Vicos Experience. Ithaca: Cornell Department of Anthropology. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 35
98. Holmberg, Allan R.; Dobyns, Henry F.; and Vazquez, Mario C. "Methods for the-Analysis-of Cultural Change," Anthropological Quarterly, 34:2 (April) 27-46. 1961.
Box 9 Folder 36
99. Huenemann. Ruth L. "Nutrition and Care of Young Children in Peru," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 30:6 (June) 554-558. 1954.
Box 9 Folder 37
102. Kauffmnn Doig, Federico. "Las ruinas de Chopijirca (Vicos, Ancash)," Revista del Museo Nacional, XXV, pp. 120-139. 1956.
Box 9 Folder 38
103. Kennedy, John L.; and Lasswell, Harold D. "A Cross-Cultural Test of Self-Image," Human Organization, 17:l (Spring) 41-43. 1958.
Box 9 Folder 39
104. Lasswell, Harold D. "Integrating Communities into More Inclusive Systems," Ekistics, (Athens) 14:85 (Dec.) 286-289. 1962.
Box 9 Folder 40
107. Mangin, William P. "Estratificacion social en el Callejon de Huaylas." Revista del Museo Nacional, XXIV, pp. 174-189. 1955.
Box 9 Folder 41
108. Mangin, William P. "Haciendas, Comunidades and Strategic Acculturation in the Peruvian Sierra," Sociologus, 7:2, pp. 142-146. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 42
109. Mangin, William P. "La bebida entre los indios de los Andes," Peru Indigena, VII:16-17 (Julio-Dic.) 14-22. 1958.
Box 9 Folder 43
110. Mangin, William P. "Organization Social en Vicos," Etnologia y Arqueologia, (Institute de Etnologia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) 1:l. pp. 24-37. 1960.
Box 9 Folder 44
111. Mangin, William P. "Fiestas in an Indian Community in Peru," pp. 84-92 in Symposium: Patterns of Land Utilization and Other Papers. 1961.
Box 9 Folder 45
114. Monge Medrano, Carlos. "La Distribucion Vertical de la Vida en el Peru: Migraciones y Nomadismo," pp. 11-17 in No. 60. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 46
115. Monge Medrano, Carlos. "Clausura del Simposio," p. 187 in No. 60. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 47
116. Monge Medrano, Carlos; and Vazquez, Mario C. "Antropologia y Medicina," Peru Indigena, VII:14-15 (Julio) 19-33. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 48
117. Monge Medrano, Carlos; and Vazquez, Mario C. "El Proceso de Aculturacion de Vicos," Peru Indigena, X:22 y 23, pp. 9-15. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 49
118. Montalvo Vidal, Abner. Salud Publica y Una Pelicula en Vicos. Lima: Talleres Educacion Sanitaria, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 50
120. Montoya Rojas, Rodrigo. "Eleccion de Dirigentes: Aceptacion y Resistencia, " Cuadernos, II:l (Julio) 60-82. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 51
121. Newman, Marshall T.; and Collazos Chiriboga, Carlos. "Growth and skeletal maturation in malnourished Indian boys from the Peruvian Sierra," American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 15:3 (Sept.) 431. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 52
123. Patch, Richard W. An Hacienda Becomes a Community. American Universities Field Staff Newsletter, Oct. 4, 1957.
Box 9 Folder 53
125. Payne, E. H.; Gonzales-Mugaburu, L.; and Schliecher, E. M. "An Intestinal Parasite Survey in the High Cordilleras of Peru. I," American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 5:4 (July) 696-698. 1956.
Box 9 Folder 54
126. Price, Richard. Watanaki: Courtship and Marriage Institutions in Vicos, Peru. Cambridge: Harvard University, (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 9 Folder 55
127. Proyecto Peru-Cornell. Presentaciones de Representantes de Varias Comunidades del Callejon de Huaylas Visitadas por el Senor Edward K. Kennedy. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1961
Box 9 Folder 56
128. Richards de Dobyns, Cara E. Urban Peruvian Medical Concepts. paper read before the American Anthropological Association 1961 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. Lima: Cornell Peru Project (mimeograph)
Box 9 Folder 57
130. Snyder, Joan C. "The Changing Context of an Andean Community," Cultural Stability and Cultural Change, American Ethnological Society Annual Spring Meeting, pp. 20-29. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 58
132b. Stein, William W. Recommendations for a Modernization Program in Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology, (mimeograph). 1950
Box 9 Folder 59
133. Stein, William W. "The Case of the Hungry Calves," Human Organization, 15:l (Spring) 15-21. 1956.
Box 9 Folder 60
134. Stein, William W. "Outside Contact and Cultural Stability in a Peruvian Highland Village," Cultural Stability and Cultural Change, (Spring) pp. 15-19. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 61
136. Stevens, Robert D. Agricultural Production on Hacienda Vicos, Description and Analysis of a Hacienda Agricultural Society in the Andes of Peru. Ithaca: Department of Sociology & Anthropology (mimeograph). 1954.
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 9 Folder 62
137b. Stycos, J. Mayone. Considerations in the Analysis of Population Characteristics. (copy).
Box 9 Folder 63
138. Stycos, J. Mayone. Culture and Differential Fertility in Peru. paper presented at Inter-American Meeting of Sociologists. Princeton. Ithaca: Department of Sociology (mimeograph). 1962.
Box 9 Folder 64
139. Stycos, J. Mayone; and Richards de Dobyns, Cara. Fuentes de la migracion a la Gran Lima. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1961. also in No. 60. pp. 37-44.
Box 9 Folder 65
142. Trigoso P., Jorge. "Instrumentos Musicales de Vicos," Cuadernos, II:l (Julio) 53-59. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 66
143. Tuohy, William S. A Study of the Political and Administrative Position of Vicos a Peruvian Indian Community. N.Y.: Columbia-Cornell-Harvard Summer Field Studies Program (mimeograph). 1962.
Box 9 Folder 67
148. Vazquez, Mario C. The Peruvian Elite. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Sociology & Anthropology (mimeograph). 1959.
Box 9 Folder 68
150. Vazquez, Mario C. Proceso de Migracion en la Comunidad de Vicos, Ancash. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1961. also in No. 60 pp. 93-102.
Box 9 Folder 69
151. Vazquez, Mario C. Hacienda, Peonaje y Servidumbre en los Andes Peruanos. Lima: Editorial Estudios Andinos, Monografias Andinas No. 1. 1961.
Box 9 Folder 70
152. Vazquez, Mario C. Educacion Formal en una Comunidad Rural Indigena: "Vicos." Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell, (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 9 Folder 71
154. Vazquez, Mario C. "Cambios Socio-Economicos en una Hacienda Andina del Peru," America Indigena, XXII:4 (Oct.) 297-312. 1962.
Box 9 Folder 72
155. Vazquez, Mario C.; and Dobyns, Henry F.a. Transformacion de las Haciendas con Peonaje y Servidumbre en Cooperativas de Produccion. Lima: Proyecto Peru-Cornell (mimeograph). 1963. b. The Transformation of Manors into Producers' Cooperatives. Ithaca: Comparative Studies of Cultural Change, Cornell Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 9 Folder 73
156. Whyte, William F.; and Holmberg, Allan R. a. Human Problems of U.S. Enterprise in Latin America. Special number, Human Organization, 15:3 (Autumn). 1956. b. "From Paternalism to Democracy," Community Development Bulletin, IX:l (Dec.) 13-19. 1957. c. "Some Fundamental Assumptions of Latin American Culture," Case Studies in Foreign Operation, pp. 207-221. 1957. d. "Problems of U.S. Enterprise in Latin America," review of 156a. in Looking Ahead, National Planning Association, 5:6 (Sept.) 4. 1957.
Box 9 Folder 74
II.6. Alers, J. Oscar. Population and Development in a Peruvian Community. Ithaca: Cornell University Comparative Studies of Cultural Change (mimeograph). 1964. also in Journal of Inter-American Studies, VI1:4 (Oct.) 423-448. 1965.
Box 9 Folder 75
II.7. Andrews, David H.; et al. Paucartambo, Pasco, Peru, Whence...Whither. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities, Report No. 7, Cornell University. 1965. also correspondence between Andrews and Dobyns, and a list of errata.
Box 9 Folder 76
II.9. Bornstein, George J. Holy Places and Their Effect on Conduct in Vicos, Ancash, Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 9 Folder 77
II.10. Castillo, Hernan; Castillo, Teresa; and Revilla, Arcenio. Accopata: The Reluctant Recipient of Technological Change. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities. Re-p ort No. 2 Cornell University. 1963.
Box 9 Folder 78
II.11. Castillo, Hernan; Castillo, Teresa; and Revilla, Arcenio. Carcas: La Comunidad Olvidada. Lima: Editorial Estudios Andinos. 1965.
Box 9 Folder 79
II.12. Castillo, Hernan; Castillo, Teresa; and Revilla, Arcenio. Carcas: The Forgotten Community. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities. Report No. 1. Cornell University.
Box 9 Folder 80
II.13. Castillo, Hernan; et al. Chaquicocha: Community in Progress. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities. Report No. 5. Cornell University. 1964.
Box 9 Folder 81
II.14. Castillo, Hernan; et al. Mito: The Orphan of Its Illustrious Children. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities, Report No. 4. Cornell University. 1964.
Box 9 Folder 82
II.15. Dobyns, Henry F. Las Comunidades Indigena Peruanas en el Desarrollo Nacional. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 9 Folder 83
II.16. Dobyns, Henry F. Change Without Design in the Central Andes. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1966.
Box 9 Folder 84
II.17. Dobyns, Henry F. Peasants, Politics, and Peace in the Andes. Salt Lake City Address. (mimeograph)
Box 9 Folder 85
II.18. Dobyns, Henry F. "Problemas sociales del desarrollo agrario Peruano," Mensajero Agricola, XXIII: 148 (marzo) 8-12. 1962.
Box 9 Folder 86
II.19. Dobyns, Henry F. The Social Matrix of Peruvian Indigenous Communities. Ithaca: Cornell Peru Project Monograph. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 1
II.20. Dobyns, Henry F.; Doughty, Paul L.; and Holmberg, Allan R. Measurement of Peace Corps Program Impact in the Peruvian Andes. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 2
II.21. Doughty, Paul L. "La Migration Provinciana, Regionalismo, y el Desarrollo Local," Revista de Economia y Agricultura, May, pp. 203-211. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 3
II.22. Doughty, Paul L.; and Negron, Luis. Pararin: A Break with the Past. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities, Report No. 6. Cornell University. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 4
II.23. Ducker, Paul. A Study of Ethnocentrism in Vicos Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 10 Folder 5
II.24. Holmberg, Allan R. Some Relationships between Psychobiological Deprivation and Culture Change in the Andes. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1966.
Box 10 Folder 6
II.25. Holmberg, Allan R.; et al. "The Vicos Case: Peasant Society in Transition," The American Behavioral Scientist, VIII:7 (March) 1965.
Box 10 Folder 7
II.26. Kelly, Patricia May. Legends of the Saints of Vicos. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1962.
Box 10 Folder 8
II.27. Korb, George M. Ticaco, An Aymara Indian Community. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities, Report No. 8. Cornell University. 1966.
Box 10 Folder 9
II.28. Lanning, Edward P. "Highland South America," American Antiquity, 31:1, p. 140. 1965.
Box 10 Folder 10
II.29. Maynard, Eileen A. Patterns of Community Service Development in Selected Communities of the Mantaro Valley, Peru. Ithaca: Socio-Economic Development of Andean Communities, Report No. 3. Cornell University. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 11
II.30. Maynard, Eileen A. The Peace Corps in Peru: A Final Report on Volunteer Performance, Problems and Attitudes. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 12
II.31. Montalva Vidal, Abner. El Compadrazgo o parentino espiritual en una colectividad de colonies de hacienda en la Sierra Central del Peru. Lima: Universidad Nacional de San Marcos, Tesis de Bachiller.
Box 10
II.32. Richardson, Gail. School Drop-Outs in Viru. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 10 Folder 14
II.33. Skalka, Harold. Some Aspects of Vicos Mythology and Folklore. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 10 Folder 15
II.34. Stein, William W. Changing Vicos Agriculture. Buffalo: Council on International Studies, SUNY at Buffalo. 1972.
Box 10 Folder 16
II.35. Vazquez, Mario C. Educacion rural en el Callejon de Huaylas: Vicos. Lima: Editorial Estudios Andinos. 1965.
Box 10 Folder 17
II.36. Vazquez, Mario C. Inmigracion y Mestizaje en el Peru. Ithaca: Cornell Latin American Year (mimeograph). 1965.
Popular Descriptions of the Cornell Peru Project
Box 10 Folder 18
157. Anonimo. "Proyecto Peru-Cornell: Vicos constituye el primer Paso firme y seguro do una Pacifica revolucion agraria," Metropoli, I:3 (Feb.) 14-17. 1957.
Box 10 Folder 19
158. Anonimo. "Credito Agricola Supervisado en Vicos," Peru Integral, No. 2 (Mayo) 4. 1958.
Box 10 Folder 20
162. Collier, John. "The Tribe That Slept 400 Years," Pageant, 13:6 (Dec.) 40-47. 1957.
Box 10 Folder 21
163. Curtis, C. Michael. "New Day in Peru," Cornell Alumni News, 64:l0 (May) 1, 6-21. 1962.
Box 10 Folder 22
165. Doughty, Paul L. "The 'Earth Apple'," National Horticultural Magazine, 38:l (Jan.) 21-25. 1959.
Box 10 Folder 23
168. Harbord, J. H. The Vicos Experiment. Lima: Cornell Peru Project (pamphlet). 1961.
Box 10 Folder 24
171. Lear, John. "Reaching the Heart of South America," Saturday Review, Nov. 3, pp. 55-58. 1962.
Box 10 Folder 25
174. Montalvo Vidal, Abner. "Vicos: Experimento Antropologico," Fanal, XIII:51 pp. 2-7. 1957.
Box 10 Folder 26
175. Newman, Marshall T. "Man and the Heights," Natural History, LXVII:l (Jan.) 9-19. 1958.
Box 10 Folder 27
176. O'Hara, Hazel. "Science and the Indian," Natural History, LXVII:6 pp. 268-275, 282-283. 1958.
Box 10 Folder 28
177. (Ravines, Eudocio). "La Demoledora Experiencia de Vicos," Vanguardia, (Lima) No. 203 (13 Nov.) 8-9. 1962.
Box 10 Folder 29
178. Stowe, Leland. "Miracle at Vicos," Reader's Digest, (April) 222-226, 228. 1963.
Box 10 Folder 30
179. Talavera T., Juis Gmo. Educacion Civica. Lima: Editorial Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado. (Leccion 17: El Problema del Indio. pp. 88-98.) 1961.
Box 10 Folder 31
180. Zileri Gibson, Enrique. "Los Quieren Traicionar," Caretas, (1-15 Julio) pp. 12-14. 1961.
Box 10 Folder 32
III.37. Bolton, Ralph. The History of the Founding of a Community in the Andes and the development of its arts and crafts. Peace Corps (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 10 Folder 33
III.38. Doughty, Paul L. Pitfalls and Progress in the Peruvian Sierra. reprint from Cultural Frontiers of the Peace Corps, ed. by Robert B. Textor. Mass.: M.I.T. Press, pp. 221-241. 1965.
Box 10 Folder 34
III.39. Patch, Richard W. "Vicos and the Peace Corps, a Failure in Intercultural Communication," West Coast South America Series, XI:2 (March) 255-262. 1964.
Box 10 Folder 35
III.40. Schechter, Mal. Raised Out of Serfdom in Peru, Indians Show Anxiety Symptoms," Modern Medicine, (Minneapolis), May 10, 1965. also memos to Henry Dobyns.
Cornell Comparative Studies of Cultural Change Scientific Reports
Box 10 Folder 36
IV.41. Alers, J. Oscar. Method and Reliability in the 1963 Survey of Vicos. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 10 Folder 37
IV.42. Aranguri L., Marcial. Teoria de migracion y migracion en la ciudad de Trujillo, 1940-1956. (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 10 Folder 38
IV.43. Bourne, James Russel and Bourne, Dorothy Dulles. Thirty Years of Change in Ten Selected Areas of Rural Puerto Rico. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
1 volume
Box 10 Folder 39
IV.44. Brown, Jack; and Burela, Alberto; with Dobyns, Henry F. Participant Intervention in Providing Domestic Water. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 10 Folder 40
IV.45. Dobyns, Henry F. Estimating Aboriginal American Population. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 10 Folder 41
IV.46. Dobyns, Henry F. Methodological Limits to Cultural Relativism. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1963.
Box 10 Folder 42
IV.47. Dobyns, Henry F. The Struggle for Land in Peru: The Hacienda Vicos Case. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 10 Folder 43
IV.48. Dobyns, Henry F.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Opler, Morris E.; and Sharp, Lauriston. Methods for Analyzing Cultural Change. Ithaca's Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1967.
Box 10 Folder 44
IV.49. Dobyns, Henry F.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Opler, Morris E.; and Sharp, Lauriston. Recommendations for Future Research on the Processes of Cultural Change. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1966.
Box 10 Folder 45
IV.50. Dobyns, Henry F.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Opler, Morris E.; and Sharp, Lauriston. Some Principles of Cultural Change. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1967.
Box 10 Folder 46
IV.51. Dobyns, Henry F.; Holmberg, Allan R.; Opler, Morris E.; and Sharp, Lauriston. Strategic Intervention in the Cultural Change Process. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1967.
Box 10 Folder 47
IV.52. Ezell, Paul H. A Comparison of Drinking Patterns in Three Hispanic Cities. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 10 Folder 48
IV.53. Flores, Elias J. Modelos de migracion a la Frontera Selvatica. (mimeograph).
Box 10 Folder 49
IV.54. Freeman, David L. La Junta de Obras Publicas de Ancash, A Case Study of a Peruvian Government Agency at Departmental Level. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 1
IV.55. Hanks, L.M.; and Hanks, Jane R. "Crisis in Bang Chan," Saturday Review, June, 2, pp. 41-44. 1956.
Box 11 Folder 2
IV.56. Hanks, Lucien M.; Hanks, Jane R.; Sharp, Lauriston; and Sharp, Ruth B. A Report on Tribal Peoples in Chiengrai Province North of the Mae Kok River. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 3
IV. 57. The Transformation of the Political, Legal, and Social Systems of Suppressed Peasant Societies: The Vicos Case. Symposium, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Montreal, Canada. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 26 December 1964.
Contains: "The Changing Values and Institutions of Vicos in the Context of National Development" by Allan R. Holmberg; "The Interplay between Power and Wealth" by Mario C. Vazquez; "The Interrelationship of Power, Respect, Affections, and Rectitude in Vicos" by Paul L. Doughty; "The Quest for Well-being" by J. Oscar Alers; "The Strategic Importance of Enlightenment and Skill for Power" by Henry F. Dobyns.
Box 11 Folder 4
IV.58. Holmberg, Allan R.; and Dobyns, Henry F. Case Studies of Subsistence and Transition. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1965.
Box 11 Folder 5
IV.59. Lancaster, Nadja Bee. Hospital De Belen in Huaraz, Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 11 Folder 6
IV.60. Mencher, Joan P. Kerala and Madras: A Comparative Study of Ecology and Social Structure. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964-65.
Box 11 Folder 7
IV.61. Morris, Earl W. Culture, Migration, and Fertility in Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 8
IV.62. Morris, Earl W. Marriage and the Family in Latin America. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 9
IV.63. Murphy. Jane M. Sociocultural Change and Mental Illness Among Yorubas. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 11 Folder 10
IV.64. Oberg, Kalervo. Community Development Programs in Puerto Rico. (mimeograph). 1955.
Box 11 Folder 11
IV.65. Oberg, Kalervo. The Government Land Settlement Program in Surinam. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
1 volume
Box 11 Folder 12
IV.66. Oberg, Kalervo. A Study of Farm Productivity in the Santo Boma Settlement Project, Surinam. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 13
IV.67. Oberg, Kalervo. Water Supply Development Through Joint Action. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 14
IV.68. Opler, Morris E. a. "Particularization and Generalization as Processes in Ritual and Culture," The Journal of Asian Studies, XXIII (June, 1964), 83-87. b. "Cultural Context and Population Control Programs in Village India," Fact and Theory in Social Science, ed. by Earl W. Count and Gordon T. Bowles. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, pp. 201-221. 1964. c. "Morgan and Materialism: A Reply to Professor Opler," and "Reply," Current Anthropology, 5:2, pp. 109-114. (1964). d. "Values and Education in Cultural Perspective," Values in American Education, ed. by Theodore Brameld and Stanley Elam. Bloomington: Phi Delta Kappa, pp. 115-137. 1964.
Box 11 Folder 15
IV.69. Opler, Morris E.; et al. The South Asian Village--A bibliography. (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 16
IV.70. Portugal, Jose; and Cheng, Alberto. Migration en el Valle de Lurin. Lima: Instituto de Etnologia y Archeologia. Universidad de San Marcos (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 11 Folder 17
IV.71. Richards, Cara E. Dine Bitoh: Navajo Water Use. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 18
IV.72. Richards, Cara E. Some Changes in Navajo Diet. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 19
IV.73. Sabogal W., Jose R. Sumario sobre la economia de migracion. (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 20
IV.74. Smith, Robert J. Town and City in "Pre-Modern" Japan: Small Families, Small Households, and Residential Instability. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 21
IV.75. Soler, Eduardo. Fuentes de migracion al complejo agricola-industrial de Paramonga. (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 22
IV.76. Solis, Cesar A. Fuentes de migracion al puerto industrial de Chimbote. (mimeograph). 1961.
Box 11 Folder 23
IV.77. Thanhauser, Ralph J. A Peruvian Trucking Industry. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 11 Folder 24
IV.78. Vazquez, Mario C. Aquia and Caranavi: Two Cases of Internal Migration in the Andes. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 25
IV.79. Vazquez, Mario C. The "Castas": Unilinear Kin Groups in Vicos, Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 26
IV.80. Vazquez, Mario C. Chicha in the Central Andean Countries. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 27
IV.81. Vazquez, Mario C. Two Cases of Internal Migration in the Andes. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1966.
Box 11 Folder 28
IV.82. Vazquez, Mario C. The Varayoc System in Vicos. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 29
IV.83. Vazquez, Mario C. Viru: Land and Society. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 30
IV.84. Vazquez, Mario C.; and Dobyns, Henry F. The Transformation of Manors into Producers' Cooperatives. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1964.
Box 11 Folder 31
IV.85. Vazquez, Mario C.; and Holmberg, Allan R. The Castas: Unilinear Kin Groups in Vicos, Peru. Ithaca: Cornell University (mimeograph). 1965.
Andean Indian Community Research and Development Program Scientific Reports
Box 11 Folder 32
V.86. Bradfield, Stillman. "Some Occupational Aspects of Migration," Economic Development and Cultural Change, XIV:l (Oct.) pp. 61-70. 1965.
Box 11 Folder 33
V.87. Dobyns, Henry F. Farm-Market Roads in Nation Development in the Central Andes. (mimeograph).
Box 11 Folder 34
IV.88. Maynard, Eileen A. Indians in Misery. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology. 1965.
Box 11 Folder 35
V.89. Maynard, Eileen; Frølund, Bjarke; and Rasmussen, Christian. Drinking Patterns in Highland Ecuador. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Anthropology (mimeograph). 1965.
Box 11 Folder 36-37
Vazquez, Mario C. Report on the Kami Mine. 2 volumes.
Microfilms, Audiotapes and Motion Picture Film
Scope and Contents
Most of the tapes and microfilms were obtained by CPP personnel while working on publications. Some of the information is marginally related to the rest of the collection.
On one audio tape Rose K. Goldsen, Director of the Cornell Methodology Project in Vicos, discusses the material accessioned by the Cornell Archives as the Vicos Collection. There is a transcript of an interview with William Stein, a former CPP researcher, discussing the same subject. The rest of the tapes are from a conference on Puerto Rican studies, held at Cornell in the early sixties.
There are microfilms of dissertations, records of Bolivian mining operations, and some unidentified material from Puerto Rico. The microfilms of the Bolivian mine records were used in ethnohistorical background research by CPP personnel. The dissertation microfilms are of studies done in Latin America. They were written between 1949 and 1972 (the 1972 dissertation was added by Deborah Wood) and include a wide variety of topics.
The motion picture films were added to the collection in 2004 and contain footage of the Vicosinos and Peru in general. All of the films have been digitized and researchers should use the digital copies not the original films. There is also a copy of the 1962 CBS film So That Men Are Free. This film was not digitized by Cornell because of copyright considerations, but it is available on-line from the University of Cambridge at
Box 19
Rose K. Goldsen discussing material accessioned as the Vicos Collection
Box 19
William W. Stein discussing material accessioned as the Vicos Collection
Box 33
Harwood, Ruth, "An Experiment in Community Development in El Salvador"
Box 33
Hagen, Edmund Edward, "Highways Into the Amazon"
Box 33
Himes, James R., "The Utilization of Research for Development: Two Case Studies in Rural Modernization and Agriculture in Peru"
Item housed in the Olin Library Media Center. Film 4398.
Box 33
Hundley, Norris C. Jr., "Dividing the Waters: Mexican-American Controversies Over the Waters of The Colorado River and the Rio Grande"
Box 33
Keller, Frank L., "Geography of the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia"
Box 33
Klein, Ralph, "The Self-Image of Adult Males in an Andean Culture"
Box 33
Puerto Rico--Various (3 films) also 8 tapes of conference--Puerto Rico.
Box 33
"Aramayo" Bolivia: Records of mining contracts and companies
(11 positive and 11 negative microfilms)
Box 33
Meetings, music, dance, procession
5-3" reel audiotapes
Box 33
1-3" reel audiotape
Box 33
Church music
1-3" reel audiotape
Box 33
Eric & a.d.
1-3" reel audiotape
Box 33
Music, school children, meetings
4-5" reel audiotapes
Box 33
2-5" reel audiotapes
Box 33
Prof. Allan Holmberg, "The Vicos Project and Community Development in Latin America, April 7, 1965"
1-7" reel audiotape
Box 33
3-7" reel audiotapes
Box 33 DVD 1
Peru-Vicos, 1954 Funeral Demonstrations in Huaraz after Huapra Massacre General views of Peru [General shots of Callejon de Huaylas, agriculture (plowing, spraying, harvesting etc.), funeral, Vicos celebrations and rituals, village militia training, children playing and at school, building and inaugurating school, nationalist symbols (flag in community, more militia training), hair cuts at school and shots of school]
The original films are in box 32 but they are not available for research use.
Box 33 DVD 2
Potatoes, 1952 Miscellaneous Vicos footage
The original films are in box 32 but they are not available for research use.
Box 32
Various Vicos and Peru footage
6-16mm motion picture films
Conditions Governing Use
Originals - not for public use - please use digitized versions in box 33
Box 32
So That Men Are Free
Filmed by CBS. Narrated by Walter Cronkite.
1-16mm motion picture film
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright is held by McGraw-Hill Films.
Existence and Location of Copies
Available on-line at [link opens new window; site not affiliated with Cornell University]
Visual Materials
Scope and Contents
The material in this subseries adds to the depth of the collection by providing a visual dimension to documentation. Photographs and slides are clear and present a wide variety of scenes. The slides include scenes from Vicos, the Callejon de Huaylas, Cuzco and Bolivia.
Some photographs of Vicos, showing the setting and impact of the CPP, were mounted as an exhibition collection. John Collier, Jr. and Abraham Guillen did a good deal of photography for the project; it is quite possible that they took these photographs although there are no labels. There are also mounted photographs depicting other places in Peru.
May Kedney, although not connected with the CPP, taught in the Vicos school the summer of 1954. The paintings by Vicosino boys were produced under her supervision. As an art instructor at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, she was interested in how artwork by Vicosino children would compare in subject and style with that of American children. Vicosino children had not done artwork of this type before. They started painting with clay pigments on newspaper, using brushes made from horse tail hair set in builder's glue. Later Kedney got water colors and plain paper. She also gave the boys some clay to model.
Mapcase Folder 5
Callejon de Huaylas (1)
Box 57
Recuayhuanca, Ancash (1)
Mapcase Folder 12
Mayobamba, Ancash (2)
Mapcase Folder 5
Viru, Ancash (1)
Box 58
Box 58
Machu Picchu
Box 58
Unidentified Portrait
Mapcase Folder 12
Colquiri, Bolivia by Carlos Hochmann
49 panoramic, white-mounted
Mapcase Folder 13
Colquiri, Bolivia by Carlos Hochmann
49 panoramic, white-mounted
Mapcase Folder 14
Colquiri, Bolivia by Carlos Hochmann
49 panoramic, white-mounted
Box 57
Colquiri, Bolivia by Carlos Hochmann
9 green-mounted, small photos
Box 58
Colquiri, Bolivia by Carlos Hochmann
18 panoramic, white-mounted
Box 30
Negative--Women Harvesting in Vicos
Box 30
2 black-and-white photographs of Vicosinos
Box 31 Folder 4
Box 31 Folder 5
Box 31 Folder 6
Box 31 Folder 7
Forte Principe de Beira
Box 31 Folder 8
Box 31 Folder 9
Box 31 Folder 10
Box 31 Folder 11
Sand Dunes - Coast of Peru
Box 31 Folder 12
Box 31 Folder 13
#1-62 (not complete series)
Box 31 Folder 14
Unidentified costumes/dress
Box 31 Folder 15
Unidentified festival: dancers
Box 31 Folder 16
Unidentified festival: musicians
Box 31 Folder 17
Vicos (unidentified)
Box 31 Folder 18-23
Box 31 Folder 24
Miscellaneous negatives, Vicos
Mapcase Folder 5
Callejon de Huaylas and Cordillera Blanca (2) and Viru
3 aerial photographs
Box 14 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5365
Aerial photo of land plots in Vicos - Plano 5
Silver gelatin print
Scope and Contents
Panoramic view originally (1952-1962) taken with four photographs, which were then cut to piece together the entire scene. The four photograph pieces were scanned together to show the entire image of the land plots [June 2004].
In folder titled "Estudios de los terrenos de Vicos"
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5200
Three men spraying DDT on crops
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Agriculture activities: Cornell-Peru Project, spraying DDT
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5201
Using short handled hoe, farming corn field
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Male peasant and boy farming a corn field with short handled hoe. Traditional peasant house in the background. "Corn being cultivated by short handled hoe. Child in the picture would or could be anywhere from eight to fourteen years old."
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5202
Shepherd woman: raising sheep in pastures
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Female peasant and children herding sheep in natural grasslands or pastures.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5203
School children learning to read and write
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Educational activities: Cornell-Peru Project, 3 school boys looking at a reading-writing workbook.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5204
School children at the hot lunch program
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Educational activities: Cornell-Peru Project, children at the hot lunch program. several boy and girl students sitting and eating at a large table at the new school building. Two adults are in the picture.

See also Digital ID Number: RMC2004_5221.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5205
Learning at the new school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Educational activities: Cornell-Peru Project, children and teacher at the new school.

See also Digital ID Number: RMC2004_5225.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5206
Building with adobe bricks
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Communal activities: Cornell-Peru Project, peasants building a house using adobe bricks.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5207
Allan Holmberg and a peasant in a crop land plot
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Cornell-Peru Project Director, Allan Holmberg, and a young peasant.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5208
Women Desgranando (shelling) corn
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Image of three women (more are out of frame) sitting down shelling corn in a room with the floors filled with shucked corn.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5209
Four Vicosian men making adobe bricks
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Four men making rows of adobe bricks in a field using brick moulds.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5210
Reading poetry at the new school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Inside the new school building. Children are sitting at their desks, several are looking backwards at the camera. One student is at the chalk board using a pointer and reading a poem. A teacher is standing in front of the class.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5211
Shepherd Girl and her dog
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
"A girl herding sheep and weaving (?) at the same time." The dog was looking directly at the camera.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5212
Portrait of Vicosina girl
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Picture of a very young Vicosina girl
Mapcase Folder ? Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5213
Landscape with sheep and shepherd's hut
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5214
Weighing potatoes
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Viscosian man weighing potatoes and pouring them into a clean cotton sack held by a boy.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5215
Plowing the land with oxen
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Inscription on back of picture: 1. A single stick plow with a sharp steel point no mold board. 2. Introduced by the Spanidars in 15th Century - still in use today (circa 1950).
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5216
Peasants preparing chemical pesticide (DDT) in the field
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5217
Mario Vazquez and a peasant spraying the crops with DDT
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5218
Vicosian women and girls winnowing corn
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5219
Vicos Farmer clearing an irrigation ditch
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5220
May Kedney and school boys making art in Vicos school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
May Kedney in the new school building with eight students making art using paper, scissors, paste and crayons.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5221
School children at the hot lunch school program in the renovated building
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Two rows of school children sit and eat at a large table, watched by three adults.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5222
Children washing before entering the school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
A Girl and a Boy wash their faces and hands from a large bowl of water on the ground.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5223
Building the new school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Bricklaying by peasants of additional rooms for the school buildings. Completed new building is visible in the background.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5224
School children cutting each others hair
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
One school child with a shaven head is shaving the head of another school child outside the new school.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5225
Inside the old Vicos school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Picture of inside of the old school with several students seated at tables and their teacher.
Box 56
Inside the old Vicos school
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Picture of inside of the old school with several students seated at table and their teacher.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5226
The new school build by the Vicosinos
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5227
Pay day at Hacienda Vicos
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Inside picture of several Vicos peasants (men and women) waiting to be paid. One man is receiving his money from another who is checking a list and has piles of coins on a table. At least two men are CPP staff.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5228
Cornell-Peru Project research team in the village of Vicos.
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Group picture of twelve people (nine men and three women) posed in front of a truck and building in Vicos.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5229
Cornell-Peru Project research team photo taken in the field.
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Picture of eleven CPP researchers (eight men and three women) sitting atop a hill with mountains in the background. Inscription on back of picture, "Vicos Research Team. Dr. Allan Holmberg is sitting on the ground, 3rd from the right. The woman standing 4th from the left might(?) be Joan Snyder, who did her Ph.D. research in the nearby village of Recuayhuanca. - A. Fairchild, 8-1981."
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5230
Allan Holmberg, Mario Vazquez and two peasants weighing harvested potatoes.
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Vazquez weighing potatoes on a scale while two peasant men and Dr. Holmberg watch. The are in front of a building.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5231
Cornell-Peru Project researcher and a Vicos peasant
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
CPP researcher (NOT Dr. Holmberg) taking notes talking with a Vicos peasant who is sitting on a rock next to a haystack.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5232
Vicos adobe building
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Large conjoined adobe building with work yard in front and mountains behind.
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5233
Cordillera Blanca high plains
Gelatin silver print
Box 56 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5234
View of Vicos agricultural land plots
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5235
Vicos landscape with pasture and buildings
Gelatin silver print
Mapcase Folder 14 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5236
Aerial photo of Quebrada Honda
August 30, 1948
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
1948 aerial photograph image of Quebrada Honda landscape dated 30-8-48. Photograph also has inscription number 25 24 756 in upper right corner.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5237
Vicos Artisan weaving on a loom
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5238
Vicos boy
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5239
Two Vicos women
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5240
Vicosinos at the mill
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Several men and women around the stone mill.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5241
Preparing raspadilla (shaved ice)
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Vicos man shaving block of ice while other sit around him eating the cool treat.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5242
At the cemetery
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Man arranges flowers and crosses on a grave while others grieve.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5243
Funeral Procession Musicians
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5244
Funeral Procession
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Man carrying casket, funeral musicians, grieving women.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5245
Funeral and mourning
Gelatin silver print
Scope and Contents
Mourning men holding candles kneel in front of a coffin.
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5246
Army reservists standing at attention
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5247
Technician teaching the use of a motor to a Vicos peasant
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00273
Vicos hacienda
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00345
Vicos main plaza
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00279
Vicos hacienda
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC01162
Holmberg instructs staff
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00080b
Vicos school children play chase
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00662
Vicosinos in Marcara market
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC01064
Military conscripts at Carhuas
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00464
System of new terraces
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00347
Vicos main plaza
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC01998
Modern terraced field
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00353
Vicos school
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC01994
Ruined buildings of Vicos hacienda
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00337
Peasant homestead
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00246
Wheat field
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00295
Vicosino sleeps off the effects of fiesta
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC01037
Fight during the burial ceremony
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00275
Vicos hacienda
Gelatin silver print
Box 57 Digital Image ID: VC00451
Cemetery wall
Gelatin silver print
Box 57
Six mounted black and white prints
Gelatin silver print
Box 19
Guillen-Vicos photographs
2-inch x 2-inch black-and-white prints
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5248
Vicos church
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5249
Vicosinos at the door of the church
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5250
Vicos crowd in front of the church
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5251
Allan Holmberg and school teacher at Vicos
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Huascaran, Peruvian highest mountain is in the background.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5252
Crosses at Vicos, typically placed on top of hills
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5253
Woman of Vicos dressed for a wedding
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5254
Vicosinos at trial (?) wedding
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5255
Young Woman of Vicos in Typical Dress
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5256
Cornell Peru Project Staff group picture
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5257
Quiet sunset in Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5258
Congregation in front of the church at daybreak
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5259
Characteristic Vicos adobe house
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5260
Vicosino female in typical dress
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5261
Vicos male in typical dress
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5262
Two Vicos women spinning wool
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5263
Harvesting maize
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5264
Potato harvest in Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5265
Wooden plow used by Vicosinos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5266
Plowing rocky fields, Vicos, Ancash
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5267
Trigo (wheat) harvest
July 1954
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5268
Barbecho (fallow)
September 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5269
Thrashing quinua
September 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5270
Cebada (barley) harvest
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5271
Era de cebada (barley thrashing floor)
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5272
Peasants at the barley thrashing floor
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5273
Vicos peasants loading barley
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5274
Vicos peasants winnowing barley
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5275
Winnowing barley
Color slide

See also ID Number: RMC2004_5274
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5276
Communal harvest work
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5277
Men and women of Vicos winnowing barley together
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5278
Communal winnowing work in Vicos
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5279
Boy peasant in the corn harvest
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5280
Vicos children helping with the harvest
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5281
Drying grains
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5282
Vicos landscape
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5283
Vicos landscape with road
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5284
Storing maize husks for fodder
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5285
Storing maize husks beside a house for fodder
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5286
Vicos harvest
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5287
Vicos adobe house
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5288
Thrashing maize using horses
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5289
Communal work in Quebrada Honda
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5290
Communal work on a hill slope
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5291
Children at the new school
Creator: Abraham Guillen
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5292
Inside Vicos' plaza (main square)
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5293
Cornell - Peru Project apartment building in Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5294
Vicos house, 1955
September 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5295
Vicos house
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Adobe houses in Vicos, Ancash.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5296
Terraced fields, Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5297
The valley of Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5298
Women herding sheep and goats
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5299
Vicos man and boy making fence posts
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5300
Constructing buildings with brick
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Several men and boys laying bricks for multi-room building.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5301
Building a small farm in Vicos
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Three young men laying adobe brick photographed against the sky.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5302
Storing maize husks for fodder
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Maize husks stored in between two poles beside a house.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5303
Vicosina woman by hut with wool drying on hay
Color slide
Scope and Contents
Peasant woman standing by two huts with wool drying on hay stacks nearby. Mountains in the distance.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5304
Woman preparing pachamanca (?) over a fire
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5305
Vicosina woman grinding using a stone mortar
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5306
Potato field
September 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5307
Potato fields and hut
September 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5308
School teachers' house
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5309
Buildings on Vicos' Plaza
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5310
Church and entrance to school
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5311
New school at Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5312
The plaza of Vicos and landscape
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5313
The school and the plaza of Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5314
View of Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5315
Trabajos de Rupublica (Republic works)
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5316
Militia training at Vicos (?)
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5317
Drying root crops
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5318
Winowing cebada
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5319
Sowing maize
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5320
Vicos, sector Chullan
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5321
Thrashing quinua
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5322
Vara traditional authorities
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5323
Child shepards
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5324
Fiesta de las Mercedes (The Mercedes Virgin's celebration): Wax ornaments for the procession.
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5325
Procession during The Mercedes' celebration
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5326
Mercedes celebration at Vicos
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5327
Vicos plaza during The Mercedes Celebration
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5328
A priest during the Mercedes Celebration at Vicos
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5329
Vicosinos dancers and musicians
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5330
Vicosinos musicians at the door of the church
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5331
Offerings to The Mercedes Virgin
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5332
Vicosinos meet at The Mercedes celebration
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5333
Vicosina woman at the plaza during The Mercedes celebration
September 24, 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5334
The octava
September 25, 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5335
Cargo's house
September 1955
Color slide
Scope and Contents
The Mercedes Celebration, Vicos, 1955.
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5336
A procession at Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5337
Vicosinos dancing
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5338
Palm Sunday celebration
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5339
Vicos fiesta: beef butchered at the Mayordomo's house (with Peruvian flag).
September 24, 1960
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5340
Vicos school boys
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5341
Allan Holmberg and Vicos school boys
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5342
New school at Vicos
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5343
Santa River Valley (Callejon de Huaylas) near Vicos.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5344
Callejon de Huaylas, Huascaran peak in background.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5345
A path in Callejon de Huaylas, Cordillera Blanca in background.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5346
A town in Callejon de Huaylas, Huascaran peak in background.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5347
Town's plaza in Callejon de Huaylas, Cordillera Blanca in background.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5348
Marcara Village, a town neighbouring Vicos.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5349
Marcara's plaza (main square)
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5350
Marcara's market
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5351
Marcara's streets
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5352
Selling anilinas (synthetic dyes) in Marcara.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5353
Saint Isidro's celebration
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5354
Market scene in Marcara.
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5355
Vicosinos at the market in Marcara
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5356
Chat at the market
Color slide
Box 19 Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5357
Selling hats at the market in Marcara.
Color slide
Drawings and paintings
Mapcase Folder 1
Sketch of Mayobamba village plan
Box 30
Juan Victor's drawing (age 11) Quinto, Juan Victor
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5358
Mapcase Folder 9
Victor Quinto (age 11)
Mapcase Folder 9
Glicerio's pantings (age 10) Coleto, Glicerio
3 items.
Box 30
Glicerio's drawing (age 10)
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5359
Box 30
Juan Victor's drawing #2 (age 11)
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5360
Box 30
Juan Victor's drawing #3 (age 11)
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5361
Mapcase Folder 11
Germain's painting (age 12) Francisco, Germain
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5362
Mapcase Folder 9
Pablo's painting (age 10) Cruz, Pablo
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5363
Mapcase Folder 10
Paulino's painting (age 7) Gutierrez, Paulino
Existence and Location of Copies
A digital image of this item is available. Digital Image ID: RMC2004_5364
Mapcase Folder 9
Augustin's painting (age 16) Cruz, Augustin
Box 30
Additional drawings and paintings by Vicosino children
4 folders.
Mapcase Folder 9
"Primitive Art in the Andes"
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2)
Scope and Contents
The material in this series was part of an accession of Allan Holmberg's files received in the early 1980s. It complements the material in Series I. Some materials, such as field notebooks and publications, were incorporated into the first series to complete existing groups of materials. This series mostly contains correspondence and subject files relating the research conducted in Vicos and the management of the project.
Box 18 Folder 30
A Short History of Vicos by Henry Dobyns
Box 18 Folder 31
Historical documents-Vicos
Box 13 Folder 25
Hacienda Vicos rent
Box 13 Folder 26
Chronology of Vicos hacienda; Peruvians and Peruvian ministries related to Vicos
Box 13 Folder 27
Budget accounts, financial statements
Box 13 Folder 28
Vicos-project statements
Box 13 Folder 29
Vicos-financial statements
Box 18 Folder 32
Vicos accounts
Box 18 Folder 33
Progress report, CPP
Box 18 Folder 34
Progress reports
Box 13 Folder 30
Reports, unpublished Cornell-Peru material
1950s-early 1960s
Box 13 Folder 31
Purchase of fundo Vicos from the Sociedad Publica de Beneficencia de Huaraz
Box 18 Folder 35
The Vicos Research Proposal, Allan Holmberg and Edward Suchman
Box 18 Folder 36
Proposal to Carnegie Corporation
May 1957
Box 18 Folder 37
Ford Foundation proposal
Box 18 Folder 38
Grant proposal, "The Acculturation of Rural-Urban Migrants"
Box 18 Folder 39-40
Holmberg-Lasswell collaboration
Box 18 Folder 41-42
Correspondence and writings-Harold Lasswell
1956-1957, 1964-1966
[Folders 1-2 of 3]
Box 13 Folder 32
Correspondence and writings-Harold Lasswell
1956-1957, 1964-1966
[Folder 3 of 3]
Box 18 Folder 43
Gary Vescelius correspondence
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 18 Folder 44
Administrative correspondence
Box 18 Folder 45
Box 18 Folder 46
Correspondence (most with John Collier)
1949, 1954-1955
Box 18 Folder 47
Carnegie Corporation
Box 20 Folder 1
Box 20 Folder 2
Correspondence answered
Box 20 Folder 3
South American correspondence
Box 20 Folder 4
Vicos correspondence
Box 20 Folder 5
Peru correspondence
Box 20 Folder 6
Correspondence-Lauriston Sharp
Box 13 Folder 33
Vicos correspondence
1953, 1956
Box 13 Folder 34
Vicos correspondence
Box 20 Folder 7
Box 20 Folder 8
Box 20 Folder 9-10
Correspondence-Carlos Monge Medrano
Box 22 Folder 1
Correspondence-Carlos Monge Medrano
Box 20 Folder 11
Correspondence-Bill Mangin
1951-1953, 1958-1959
Box 20 Folder 12
Correspondence-Rand McNally and Company
Box 20 Folder 13
Personal correspondence
Box 20 Folder 14
Box 22 Folder 2
Correspondence-Mario Vazquez
Box 20 Folder 15
Correspondence-Mario Vazquez
Box 22 Folder 3
Correspondence-Humberto Ghersi Barrera, Mario Vazquez
Box 20 Folder 16
Correspondence-Humberto Ghersi Barrera
Box 20 Folder 17
Marcara photographs and notes sent to Humberto Ghersi Barrera
Box 20 Folder 18
Correspondence-Marshall T. Newman
Box 22 Folder 4
Correspondence-Manuel D. Velasco Nunez
Box 20 Folder 19
Inventories and accounts-William Blanchard
Box 20 Folder 20
Correspondence-William Blanchard
Box 22 Folder 5
Correspondence-William Blanchard, Manuel D. Velasco Nunez
Box 20 Folder 21
Correspondence-William Blanchard, Marshall T. Newman and Manuel D. Velasco Nunez
Box 20 Folder 22
Correspondence-John L. Kennedy (Rand Corporation)
Box 20 Folder 23
Summer 1956
Box 20 Folder 24
Box 22 Folder 6
Box 20 Folder 25
Box 20 Folder 26
Copies of Dobyns' letters to others
Box 22 Folder 7
Correspondence-Henry Dobyns
Box 20 Folder 27
Correspondence-Henry Dobyns; Andean Research Program report; Cornell-Peru agreement
Box 20 Folder 28
Correspondence-Henry Dobyns, Cara Richards Dobyns; project expenses
Box 20 Folder 29
Correspondence-Henry Dobyns
Box 20 Folder 30-32
Correspondence-Henry Dobyns
Box 20 Folder 33
United States Agency for International Development
Box 20 Folder 34
Notes on collaboration with Parke Davis
Box 20 Folder 35
Reports-Abner Montalvo Vidal
Box 20 Folder 36
Speech given at the "Centro Cultural Ancash," by Montalvo
Box 20 Folder 37
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 20 Folder 38
Education Vicos by Pedro Ortiz
Box 20 Folder 39
School questionnaire by Ortiz
Box 20 Folder 40
Cornell Methodology Project-questionnaires and codes
Box 20 Folder 41
"Code: Vicos Survey of Westernization"; Vicos questionnaire-Methodology Project
Box 20 Folder 42
Norman Pava [contains photograph]
Box 20 Folder 43
Attitudinal change
Box 20 Folder 44
Trial marriage
Box 20 Folder 45
Parasitology study
Box 22 Folder 8
Allen and Newman studies in Vicos
Box 20 Folder 46
Andean Research Program reports
1959-1960, 1962
Box 20 Folder 47
Shashall-field notes
Box 20 Folder 48
Journal of Hilario Gonzales-Vicos
Box 14
Road maps
18 maps
Mapcase Folder 8
Map by Humberto Ghersi Barrera
Box 20 Folder 49
1932, 1939
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 20 Folder 50
Village of Huaylas, map
Box 20 Folder 51
Sample for Photographic Housing Survey of Vicos
Box 20 Folder 52
Surveys and instructions
Box 20 Folder 53-57
Vicos, Survey Sanitario
[Folders 1-5 of 8]
Box 21 Folder 1-3
Vicos, Survey Sanitario
[Folders 6-8 of 8]
Box 21 Folder 4
Survey sanitario
Box 22 Folder 9
Vicos questionnaires, survey results, census information
Box 21 Folder 5
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 21 Folder 6
Census codes, Marcara and Vicos
Box 21 Folder 7
Acculturation indices in Vicos
Box 22 Folder 10
Un Cuestionario para un Censo Industrial del Callejon de Huaylas y del Valle del Santa
Box 21 Folder 8
Vicos-school building and construction
Box 22 Folder 11-12
Vicos-education, school building
Box 21 Folder 9
School lunch
[See also Separated Materials]
Box 21 Folder 10
Peruvians views on Vicos and Indian studies
1952, 1959
Box 22 Folder 13
Reactions of Peruvian communities to Vicos activities
Box 21 Folder 11
Interviews with officials of the Vicos region
Box 21 Folder 12
Box 21 Folder 13
Vicos research-various correspondence
Box 21 Folder 14
Vicos-archeology, Federico Kauffmann Doig, Chopijirca
Box 21 Folder 15-16
Questionnaire given by Martinez to potato experiment members
Box 21 Folder 17
Summaries of NSP experimentation
Box 21 Folder 18
New seed potatoes
Box 21 Folder 19
Agricultural credit-Vicos
Box 22 Folder 14
Agricultural reports
1959, undated
Box 21 Folder 20
Diagrams of societal structure
Box 21 Folder 21
Vicos-religion-Declamation for the LOA
Box 22 Folder 15
1950, 1956
Box 21 Folder 22
Animal husbandry-Indian-Peru
Box 21 Folder 23
Research-Paul Doughty
Box 22 Folder 16
Archeological legislation-Peru
Box 21 Folder 24
Vicos-milk distribution
Box 22 Folder 17
Vicos-public health
Box 21 Folder 25
Box 22 Folder 18
Manifesto del Comite Ejecutivo Departamental del Partido Aprista Peruano de Ancash: Caso Vicos
Box 21 Folder 26
Sociology and Anthropology 281: Middle and South America Seminar
Box 21 Folder 27
Summer field studies program applicants
Box 21 Folder 28
General information on Recuayhuanca, Marcara
Box 21 Folder 29
Land titles (Recuayhuanca, Virhuez); Recuayhuanca census
Box 21 Folder 30-31
"El Indigena y el Mestizo en la Comunidad de Marcara," Humberto Ghersi Barrera, thesis
Box 21 Folder 32
Lecture notes, outline for studying Vicos
Box 21 Folder 33
Vicos-writings, notes and outlines
Box 21 Folder 34
Miscellaneous notes
Box 21 Folder 35
Essays on Vicos
Box 21 Folder 36
Manuscripts of research by others
Box 21 Folder 37
"Prospectus for Research on a Localized Pilot Plant in a Subsistence Area of Peru"
December 12, 1953
Box 21 Folder 38-39
Writings by Dobyns, Doughty, and others
Box 21 Folder 40
"A Projective Typing Test Technique" by Henry Dobyns and Jane Fearer
Box 21 Folder 41
Manuscripts on the public image of President John F. Kennedy in Peru
Box 21 Folder 42
Memorandum for the Honorable Mr. Adlai Stevenson on the Social and Economic Development of the Andean Indian Population
Box 21 Folder 43
Padron General de Comunidades Indigenas Reconocidas Oficialmente
June 1961
Box 21 Folder 44
"Vicos and the Peace Corps," Richard W. Patch
Box 21 Folder 45
Perception by B. Lourie, "The Big Man"
Box 21 Folder 46
"The Varayoc System in Vicos," Mario C. Vazquez
January 1964
Box 21 Folder 47
"Agricultural and Related Innovation in Vicos," William W. Stein
November 1969
Box 21 Folder 48
Vicos: An Experiment in Social Change (a Resource Unit for Grade 5)
August 1965
Box 21 Folder 49
"Changing community attitudes and values in Peru," Holmberg, photo book manuscript
Box 21 Folder 50
"Participant Intervention in the Field," Holmberg
Box 21 Folder 51
"Some Experiments in Socioeconomic Change in an Underdeveloped Area," Allan R. Holmberg
Box 21 Folder 52
Castas of Vicos-paper drafts
Box 21 Folder 53
"The Castas: Unilinear Kin Groups in Vicos, Peru" by Vazquez and Holmberg
Box 21 Folder 54
"Linguistic Research in Latin America: The Peruvian Andes," Donald Sola
Box 22 Folder 19
Newspaper clippings
Box 22 Folder 20
Newspaper clippings
Box 22 Folder 21-27
Newspaper clippings
1951, 1957-1966
Box 22 Folder 28
Periodicals Vicos
Box 22 Folder 29
"Vicos: Boletin Informativo"
Box 22 Folder 30
"Noticiero Vicos: Boletin Informativo de la 'Junta de Delegados' "
June-September 1959
Box 14
"Peru: Nu smiler indianerne igen" in Hjemmet [in Norwegian]
July 26, 1966
Box 22 Folder 31
A. Pinilla Concha, newspaper clippings
Box 22 Folder 32
Humberto Ghersi Barrera-collected historical Peruvian documents
Box 22 Folder 33
Political and cultural flyers, Callejon de Huaylas
Box 22 Folder 34
Miscellaneous Peruvian newspaper clippings and political broadsides
Box 22 Folder 35
Newspaper commentaries on culture in Peru
Box 22 Folder 36
Box 22 Folder 37
Education-Peru (newspaper clippings)
Box 22 Folder 38
Archeology-Peru (newspaper clippings)
Box 22 Folder 39
Economic-Peru (newspaper clippings)
Box 22 Folder 40
Collazos C., Carlos, et al., "Dietary Surveys in Peru" I and II
Series III. Viru
Scope and Contents
The materials in this series were sent to the archives with the Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2) materials. They mostly consist of correspondence and subject files relating to Allan Holmberg's research in Viru, Peru, especially regarding fiestas.
Box 17 Folder 81
Broadsides of fiestas in Viru area
Box 17 Folder 82
Carol Lee Bengelsdorf, "Medical Practices in Viru"
Box 17 Folder 83
Amanda D. McMahon, "Women in the Community in Viru, Peru"
Box 17 Folder 84
Paper on dancing in Viru
Box 17 Folder 85
Thomas C. Greaves, "Puente de Viru, A Highway Community on the Peruvian North Coast"
Box 17 Folder 86
Mario C. Vazquez, "Viru: Land and Society"
Box 18 Folder 1
Research data, glossary, other papers and notes
1947, 1961
Box 18 Folder 2
Folder 1 of 2
Box 13 Folder 19
Folder 2 of 2
Box 18 Folder 3
1964, 1966
Box 18 Folder 4
Studies of fiestas
Box 13 Folder 20
Fiestas and siestas paper
Box 18 Folder 5
Box 18 Folder 6
Introduction to Viru manuscript
Box 18 Folder 7
"Viru in the colonial period" typescript
Box 18 Folder 8
Colonial period draft
Box 18 Folder 9
Manuscript chapter one
Box 18 Folder 10-11
Box 18 Folder 12
Birth rate data
Box 18 Folder 13-16
Field notebooks
Box 18 Folder 17
"Fiesta and Siesta in a Peruvian Town," table of contents and introduction
Fiesta and Siesta
Box 18 Folder 18
Senor de la Sangre
Box 18 Folder 19
Senor de Huaman
Box 13 Folder 21
San Isidro
Box 18 Folder 20
Corpus and Octava
Box 13 Folder 22
Virgin of Sorrows
Box 18 Folder 21
Nuestra Senora del Carmen
Box 18 Folder 22
Notes on fiestas
Box 18 Folder 23
Key to Name Code
Box 18 Folder 24
Teaching materials
Box 18 Folder 25
Land holdings
Box 18 Folder 26
Tables on nutrition and demographics
Box 18 Folder 27
Various field notes and questionnaire results
Box 13 Folder 23
Totales del censo tomado en la comunidad del Viru
Box 18 Folder 28
Miscellaneous notes and papers
Box 18 Folder 29
"Ethnography of Politics in Viru"
Box 13 Folder 24
Field notes by students in CPP summer program
Mapcase Folder 7
Genealogies; census data sheet
Box 30
Map, "The Central Andes" and CPP locations
Box 30
Nuestro Senor de la Sangre
Series IV. The Cornell Methodology Project
Scope and Contents
Material in this series relates to the administration and study design of the Cornell Methodology Project, conducted by the Department of Sociology. Field studies in Vicos were done in the summer of 1953. Vicos was chosen as the site because facilities established at the field station and information already gathered cut down the preparation and cost necessary to get the project underway. The analysis and processing of the field notes was done in Ithaca in 1954-1955. Edward A. Suchman headed the entire Cross-Cultural Methodology Project and Rose K. Goldsen directed the field operations in Vicos. She was assisted by Richard Patch and Bryce Ryan, and had three men to do the interviewing, plus one to collect life histories.
Administration and Operation in Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Scope and Contents
This subseries contains three groupings of materials based on types of information generated by the project. The first group contains lists of informants and respondents compiled from various censuses and surveys to determine who among the Vicosinos had been interviewed, what their status was, and in which zone of Vicos they lived. The second group consists of material pertaining to the development of the study design, classification system, and qualitative survey interview as well as the design of the four Tareas or field tasks for testing the effects of variations in interview techniques. The third group contains coding information for the qualitative survey and for the 1952 household and individual census.
Lists of Informants and Respondents
Box 12 Folder 1
a. Vicos Master Lists, Survey Sample, Call Sheets, Previous Call Lists b. Vicosinos-census list f. lists
Box 12 Folder 2
a. Systema de Llamar a los Peones b. peones labor-daily records f. lists
Box 12 Folder 3
a. PIAS respondents b. Vicosinos listed by zones f. lists
Box 12 Folder 4
a. Vicos names mentioned in interviews b. Vicosinos mentioned in Methodology interviews f. lists
Box 12 Folder 5
a. Index of informants, respondents b. Vicosinos mentioned in Tareas 1 and 2 non-survey respondents f. lists
Box 12 Folder 6
a. Vicos survey: lists of survey respondents b. Heads of households, qualitative survey card format f. lists
Box 12 Folder 7
a. Index of names of informants covered by qualitative methods b. Vicosino names corrected from tareas f. lists
Box 12 Folder 8
a. Movilizables b. Army reservists f. list
Box 12 Folder 9
a. Those who accepted NSP b. new seed potato acceptors f. lists, correspondence
Box 12 Folder 10
a. Vicos Qualitative Information Index b. Vicosinos summary case reports f. bound volume of questionnaires
Development of Classification System and Analytic Models
Box 12 Folder 11
a. Rating Sheet for Qualitative Data, Vicos b. qualitative survey variables--comments f. lists, questionnaires
Box 12 Folder 12
a. Vicos Survey Mortality b. unusable survey interviews f. notes, questionnaires
Box 12 Folder 13
a. Vicos: Categories for Qualitative Material b. cross-referenced categories drafts f. lists
Box 12 Folder 14
a. Vicos Qualitative Data, Development of Classification code b. classification system, drafts; cross referenced categories, drafts; classification system, frame of references; classification system, final form f. lists, memorandum, outlines, questionnaire
Box 12 Folder 15
a. Classification System for Vicos Qualitative Data b. classification system f. outline
Box 12 Folder 16
a. Vicos: Instructions Given to Field Workers for Tareas b. Tareas I-IV field instructions. f. handbook (unbound)
Box 12 Folder 17
a. Vicos: training workers, instructions b. field training, seed potato tarea variables code, community change f. pamphlet, outlines, questionnaires
Box 12 Folder 18
a. Inventory of Vicos Qualitative Data b. qualitative data processing procedure, Quechua terms f. reports, lists
Box 12 Folder 19
a. TAT's b. Thematic Apperception Test, instructions to tester f. notes, test
Box 12 Folder 20
a. Story Line for Qualitative Data-Vicos b. new seed potato introduction comments on analysis c. Blanchard, William C. f. correspondence, report
Box 12 Folder 21
a. Comparative Analysis of Acceptance of NSP b. new seed potato introduction, new seed potato acceptors-1952, agricultural innovation f. correspondence, reports
Box 12 Folder 22
a. Vicos: Hand Talkies b. qualitative survey responses f. notes, lists
Box 12 Folder 23
a. Development of Vicos Survey Questionnaire b. qualitative survey drafts, Tarea #4 objectives, interview techniques, technological innovation f. questionnaires, notes, memorandum, outline
Box 12 Folder 24
a. Development of Vicos Survey Questionnaire b. qualitative survey drafts, qualitative survey recommended revisions, Quechua terms f. questionnaires, notes, memorandum
Box 12 Folder 25
a. Survey Interview Form, Outline of Tareas b. qualitative survey, Tareas I-IV instructions, study design f. outlines, questionnaire
Box 12 Folder 26
a. RKG Progress Report and Study Design 1953 b. field study analysis of objectives and technique, field interviewers evaluation, structured vs. unstructured interview technique c. Goldsen. Rose K.; Suchman, Edward A. f. correspondence, outline, report
Box 12 Folder 27
a. Soler Tareas #2-3. Survey Questionnaires b. Qualitative Survey recommendations, Qualitative Survey responses, Seed Potato tarea variables code, classification system f. lists, questionnaires, outline, notes
Box 12 Folder 28
a. Barnett School Children Study b. sociometric survey of school children f. questionnaire
Box 12 Folder 29
a. Goldsen--Tarea #3--memo, Patch-notes b. study design, field training f. memoranda, outline, notes
Box 12 Folder 30
a. Vicos Survey Introduction b. surveys f. questionnaires, note
Box 12 Folder 31
a. Ryan Tareas, democracy, Development of Questionnaires b. study design, democratic values analysis, cross-cultural methodology study design, interview techniques, technological innovation f. memoranda, outlines, questionnaires
Box 12 Folder 32
a. RKG-Correspondence and Problem of Cross-Cultural Equivalence of Data b. cross-cultural methodology study design, debriefing field workers, India and Thailand field study recommendations c. Goldsen, Rose K.; Ralis, Max; Suchman, Edward A. f. telegrams, correspondence
Box 12 Folder 33
a. RKG-Correspondence and Problem of Cross-Cultural Equivalence of Data b. cross-cultural methodology study design, comparative method in Sociology, budget for India study, India and Thailand field study recommendations, Vicos-Bang Chan matching questionnaire items c. Goldsen, Rose K.; Ralis, Max; Textor, Robert B. f. outline, correspondence, memorandum
Census and Qualitative Survey Coding Information
Box 12 Folder 34
a. Vicos: Coding Information b. interviews of rich Vicosinos, seed potato tareas variable code, army veterans, classification system, peones list from 1956, qualitative survey f. notes, outline, list, questionnaire
Box 12 Folder 35
a. Seed Potatoes Tarea-Variables Code b. qualitative survey variables, seed potato Tarea variables code drafts, qualitative survey recommended revisions f. outlines, memorandum
Box 12 Folder 36
a. Vicos--Card Design and Code Sheets b. qualitative survey coding design f. notes, statistics, lists
Box 12 Folder 37
a. Vicos: Survey Code of Westernization b. qualitative survey coding design f. lists, outline
Box 12 Folder 38
a. Vicos Census Code and Qualitative Survey Code b. household census coding design, individual census coding design, qualitative survey coding design, heads of households f. lists, outlines
Box 12 Folder 39
a. Coding Material b. household census coding design, individual census coding design f. lists, outlines, print-outs
Box 12 Folder 40
a. Coding Sheets for Household Cards b. household census coding design f. outline, statistics
Box 12 Folder 41
a. Print-Out Sheets for Household Census b. household census coding design f. print-outs
Field Data from Vicos, Ancash, Peru
Scope and Contents
The Cornell Methodology Project field data consists of the field notes from Tareas 1-4, and the qualitative survey data. Included as well are the 1952 census returns, which were analyzed for use by the Methodology Project, although actually collected by the CPP. The field notes and life histories from Tareas 1-4 are arranged alphabetically by interviewers, with miscellaneous data at the end. The field data were collected by the Methodology Project field interviewers, copied from their field note books (cuadernos) and divided into four sections, one for each Tarea (field task). The original chronological order of the interviews has been maintained.
Field notes and Life Histories from Tareas 1-4
Box 11 Folder 39
a. Vicos Qualitative Data "Code Book" b. cross-referenced categories, classification system, category definitions f. bound volume
Box 7 Folder 15
a. Flores: names found in cuadernos and Tarea #1 b. tareas--names mentioned--correct identifications, case studies c. Flores, Juan Elias f. lists, notes
Box 7 Folder 16
a. Flores: Tarea #2 b. case studies c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 17
a. Flores: Tarea #3 b. case studies c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 18
a. Flores: Tarea #4 and observation b. case studies, 48 hour observations c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 19
a. Flores: Tareas duplicates cuadernos 1 & 2 b. project personnel--evaluations, case studies c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 20
a. Flores: Tareas duplicates cuadernos 3 & 4 b. case studies c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 21
a. Flores: Tareas duplicates cuadernos 5 & 6 b. case studies, observation in the school c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 22
a. Flores: Tareas duplicates cuadernos 7 & 8 b. case studies, 48 hour observations c. Flores, Juan Elias f. notes
Box 7 Folder 23
a. Gomez: Tarea Life histories b. life histories c. Gomez f. vitae
Box 7 Folder 24
a. Gomez: Life histories, duplicates b. life histories c. Gomez f. vitae
Box 7 Folder 25
a. Gomez: Tarea observations b. 48 hour observations, life history c. Gomez f. notes, vita
Box 7 Folder 26
a. Gomez: 48 hour observation duplicate b. 48 hour observation c. Gomez f. notes
Box 7 Folder 27
a. Soler: names found in cuadernos and Tarea #1 b. Tareas--names mentioned--correct identifications, case studies c. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. notes, lists
Box 7 Folder 28
a. Soler: Tarea #1 (Life Histories) and Tarea #2 b. life histories, case studies c. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. notes, vitae
Box 7 Folder 29
a. Soler: Tarea #3 b. case studies C. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. notes
Box 7 Folder 30
a. Soler: Tarea #4 and observation b. case studies, spot study, 48 hour observation c. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. notes
Box 7 Folder 31
a. Soler: Tareas, Duplicates cuadernos 1&2 b. case studies, life histories, observation of a child's funeral c. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. notes, vitae
Box 7 Folder 32
a. Soler: Tareas Duplicates cuadernos 3&4 b. case studies, 48 hour observations, spot studies, photographs--use in observations c. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo f. report, notes
Box 7 Folder 33
a. Soto: Names found in cuadernos and Tarea #1 b. tareas--names mentioned--correct identifications, case studies c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. lists, notes
Box 13 Folder 1
a. Soto: Tarea #2 b. case studies c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 2
a. Soto: Tarea #3 b. case studies, c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 3
a. Soto: Tarea #4 and observation b. case studies, child's funeral--observation, 48 hour observation, 24 hour observation c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 4
a. Soto: Tareas Duplicates cuadernos 1&2 b. case studies c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 5
a. Soto p. 49-102 Duplicate cuaderno #2 b. case studies c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 6
a. Soto: Tareas Duplicates cuadernos 3&4 b. case studies, 24 hour observation, 48 observation c. Soto Flores, Froilán f. notes
Box 13 Folder 7
a. Vicos Miscellaneous Field Data b. table of contents--folders 4-7, field work organization, home life--observations--instructions, Vicosino home life--field study c. Barnett, Clifford f. notes, list, minutes
Box 13 Folder 8
a. Vicos: Miscellaneous Field Data b. interview evaluation, Mestizo attitude toward Indians, personal data of interviewers, acceptance of innovation, acculturation c. Barnett, Clifford; Estremadoyro, Ricardo; Flores, Juan Elias f. vitae, notes, correspondence, outline
Box 13 Folder 9
a. Vicos: Miscellaneous Field Data b. personal data of interviewer, photographs--use in observations, Thematic Apperception Test--response, interview evaluation, tarea evaluation, interpreter evaluation, home life observations--evaluation, survey questionnaire evaluation C. Soler Bustamante, Eduardo; Soto Flores, Froilán f. reports, notes, vitae
Box 13 Folder 10
a. Vicos: Miscellaneous Field Data b. interpreter evaluation, tarea evaluation survey pretest, Vicos school--observation c. Flores, Juan Elias f. reports, notes
Box 13 Folder 11
a. Interviews and Life Histories b. Mestizo attitude toward Indians, recorded interview evaluation c. Estremadoyro, Ricardo; Boluarte, Francisco f. notes, reports
1952 Census Forms
Box 13 Folder 12
a. Census Forms b. respondents #1-43 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 13
a. Census Forms b. respondents #44-84 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 14
a. Census forms b. respondents #85-111 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 15
a. Census Forms b. respondents #112-149 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 16
a. Census forms b. respondents #150-187 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 17
a. Census forms b. respondents #188-225 f. census forms
Box 13 Folder 18
a. Census forms b. respondents #226-241 f. census forms
Qualitative Survey Interviews
Box 15
a. Survey Interviews b. respondents 000-103 f. questionnaires
99 folders.
Box 16
a. Survey Interviews b. respondents 104-208 f. questionnaires
105 folders.
Box 17
a. Survey Interviews b. respondents 209-282 f. questionnaires
75 folders.
Series V. Miscellaneous Files
Scope and Contents
These materials came to the archives along with the materials comprising Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2). They have no obvious connection to Allan Holmberg's work in Peru.
Box 1 Folder 70
Pamphlet: Report: On the Discovery of Documents which Reveal the Negro Slave Trade among the Lower-class Indians during the Viceregal Government in Perú, Emilio Harth-terré
Box 1 Folder 70
Pamphlet: Aspectos Generales de la Situacion Economica y Financiera del Peru
Box 1 Folder 70
Pamphlet: Hacienda, Peonaje y Servidumbre en los Andes Peruanos, Mario C. Vasquez
Box 1 Folder 70
Pamphlet: Política Educativa del Estado Peruano, Gustavo Pons Muzzo
Box 17 Folder 76
Professional correspondence
Box 17 Folder 77
"Highland South America," essay
Box 17 Folder 78
Notes on Knight Biggerstaff's seminar in Far Eastern Studies
Box 17 Folder 79
Rural electrification
Box 17 Folder 80
Figures and Maps for the Religious Festival (Sonora, Mexico), Henry F. Dobyns
Separated Materials
Scope and Contents
Materials in this section were separated from their original folders because they are oversize. The original folder contains a separation sheet noting the former location of the item and where it is now housed.
Mapcase Folder 1
Vicos - topographic map of the Marcara region (CPP)
December 1963
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Gary Vescelius correspondence, 1963-1965
Mapcase Folder 1
Plano de los Terrenos Cedidos a la Escuela Rural Prevocacional
May 1956
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Vicos-Education, 1950s
Mapcase Folder 1
Museo Archeologico blueprint
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Gary Vescelius correspondence, 1963-1965
Mapcase Folder 1
Hacienda Vicos map, Robert Stevens
Series I. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 1): Reprints, Publications and Papers - Scientific Reports
Mapcase Folder 1
Viva Sano poster, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): School lunch, 1955
Mapcase Folder 1
Censo Antropologico de la Hacienda Vicos
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Vicos-census, 1959
Mapcase Folder 8
Plano del Local Escolar de Vicos Provincia de Carhuaz-Ancash Construido por el Proyecto Peru-Cornell
October 1954
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Vicos-Education, 1950s
Mapcase Folder 8
Topographical maps [2], Cordillera Blanca
1932, 1939
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Maps, 1932, 1939
Box 14
Plano del Local Escolar
Series II. Cornell Peru Project (Accession 2): Vicos-Education, 1950s