Burt Green Wilder papers, 1841-1925.
Collection Number: 14-26-95
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Burt Green Wilder papers, 1841-1925.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Diaries; notes and charts pertaining to family genealogy; clippings concerning vivisection;
correspondence, photographs, and printed material pertaining to spiders, phrenology,
hygiene and education, writing music, Nantucket Island, the Field family, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sr., temperance, natural history, Wilder's career as a medical cadet and military
surgeon during the Civil War; activities of members of the 54th and 55th Massachusetts
Infantry and the 5th Massachusetts Cavalry both during and after the war, Negro troops,
his training under Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, and Jeffries Wyman, and his career as
a professor at Cornell University.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925.
Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922.
7 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Neurologist, professor of anatomy, comparative neurology, and zoology at Cornell University.
These papers consist of correspondence with colleagues and friends; personal prose
and poetry; Civil War correspondence and history with papers and clippings re Burt Green Wilder's career and service as a medical cadet at the Judiciary Square
Hospital in Washington, D.C. in 1862, and as assistant surgeon (First Lieutenant),
1863, and then surgeon of the Massachusetts 55th Black Volunteer Regiment until 1865.
After the Civil War and for the rest of his life, BGW actively corresponded with veterans
of the war, both Yankee and Confederate. There are letters and clippings re pension requests, commission papers, discharge and parole papers, treatment of prisoners
from both the North and South; a history of black soldiers; federal government segregation;
clippings and letters re battles such as River's Causeway, Fort Wagner, the siege of Charleston, Grimball's
Causeway, Fort Sumter, Honey Hill, Pocotaligo and Folly Island. (While he was stationed
at Folly Island in 1863, BGW discovered a large spider later named the NEPHILA WILDERI,
from which at a later time he reeled off 150 yards of yellow silk.) An account of
"The 55th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Colored", written by BGW and given as
a address before the Brookline, Massachusetts Historical Society on May 28, 1914;
and letters and clippings re the death and burial of Col. Robert Gould Shaw of the Massachusetts 54th Volunteers
with his fallen black troops at the battle of Fort Wagner on July 18, 1863, and clippings
re the Shaw Monument in the Boston Common by Augustus St. Gaudens are also included.
Other Civil War reminiscences include BGW's Civil War diary, 1863-1865; letters and
newspaper clippings re Lt. George T. Garrison (eldest son of William Lloyd Garrison), General Sam Jones,
Robertson James (brother of Henry James), Lt. Col. Charles B. Fox, Capt. Charles C.
Soule, Capt. Wheelock Pratt, Francis H. Brown, M.D., James F.A. Allen, M.D., Rev.
James H. Fowler, Luis F. Emilio, Col. Robert Gould Shaw, Col. Norwood Penrose Hallowell
(Commander of the 55th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment), Col. John L. Clem (the youngest
soldier to serve with the Union Army), Gen. William T. Sherman, Jefferson Davis, and
many others.
These papers also contain correspondence with Prof. Louis Agassiz (the naturalist),
Asa Gray, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., and Jeffries Wyman, with whom BGW worked at
Harvard University as an assistant after receiving his M.D. degree there in 1866.
There are letters, papers, clippings and various medical pamphlets from BGW's years
as a professor of anatomy, physiology, comparative neurology and vertebrate zoology
at Cornell from 1867-1910, where he devoted special attention to human and animal
brain mechanism experiments, and the nervous system. At the time of his retirement
he had gathered between 1,600 and 2,000 brain specimens with completed data. (Currently,
70 of these specimens survive.) The collection also contains "Brain Bequest" forms,
and letters dealing with the reneged brain bequest of Goldwin Smith; papers relating
to BGW's laboratory studies of cats (possibly as many as 400 cats per year were used
for these studies) and other "wild" animals such as opossums (including many others.)
At the end of twenty-five years of teaching, Professor Wilder was presented with
"The Wilder Quarter Century Book" (a festschrift). This was a collection of original
papers dedicated to him by former students in 1893.
Also, female and male spider (NEPHILA WILDERI) specimens and 2 mile silk strand.
Right ulna bone fragments of Daniel P. Havey of the 19th Mass. Infantry Regiment,
1862 (with shot).
See also the Department of Zoology Records, #14-26-966, http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/EADresolver?id=RMA00966
See also the Albert Hazen Wright papers, #14-26-1382, http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/EADresolver?id=RMA01382
Burt Green Wilder papers, #14-26-95. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
Adams, J. F. A.
Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot Cary, 1872-1907.
Agassiz, George R. (George Russell), 1862-1951.
Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873.
Agassiz, R. L.
Allen, Harrison, 1841-1897.
Bean, Arthur.
Bean, Robert Bennett, 1874-1944
Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938.
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919.
Codman, John.
Comstock, Anna Botsford, 1854-1930.
Comstock, John Henry, 1849-1931.
Corson, Eugene Rollin, 1855-
Corson, Hiram, 1828-1911.
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892.
Deland, Margaret, 1857-1945.
Drew, Alice.
Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926.
Gage, Simon Henry, 1851-1944.
Gray, Asa, 1810-1888.
Herrick, C. L. (Clarence Luther), 1858-1904.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 1841-1935.
Holt, Henry, 1840-1926.
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.
Humphrey, G. M.
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895.
Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931.
Kellog, John Harvey.
Lamb, D. S.
Minot, Charles Sedgwick, 1852-1914.
Reed, H. D. (Hugh Daniel), 1875-1937.
Schurman, Jacob Gould, 1854-1942.
Seaman, Louis Livingston, 1851-1932.
Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910.
Spitzka, Edward A.
Spitzka, E. C. (Edward Charles), 1852-1914
Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925. (Title of work: Wilder quarter century book..)
Wyman, Jeffries, Jr., 1864-1941.
Field family.
Cornell University -- : Faculty.
Cornell University. Department of Zoology
United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 54th (1863-1865)
United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 55th (1863-1865)
United States. Army. Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment, 5th (1862-1865)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.
Nantucket Island (Mass.)
College teachers.
Sex instruction.
Science -- Study and teaching.
Natural history.
Composition (Music).
College students.
Form and Genre Terms:
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Letters from Asa Gray, Elliot Coues and others. Also, museum item descriptions of
Dr. Paul B. DuChaillu's African collection and a seaman's "relief and protection"
agreement. January 22 1841, July 7, 1849 - August 21, 1866
1841-1866 |
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Letters from A.D. White, Major John W. M. Appleton, Louis Agassiz, Dr. Asa Gray, Mary
A. Quincy Gould (daughter of Josiah Quincy and wife of Benjamin A. Gould), Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Sr., Edward Everett Hale, Dr. Harrison Allen, Eliza Susan Quincy,
George William Curtis and others.
Sept. 4, 1866-Nov. 25, 1869 |
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Letters from W.P. Samson, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, James Dwight Dana, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Wendell Phillips Garrison, Jeffries Wyman, Louis Agassiz, and others.
Jan. 22, 1870-Jan. 16, 1872 |
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Letters from Goldwin Smith, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Elizabeth Agassiz (Mrs. Louis Agassiz),
and Louis Agassiz, (including the letter Agassiz wrote to BGW asking him to accept
a position at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology).
Apr. 1, 1872-May 30, 1874 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Letters from Jeffries Wyman, William Dean Howells, Asa Gray, Elizabeth C. Agassiz,
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir Richard Owen, George Rolleston, Charles Darwin, James Dwight
Dana, Simon Henry Gage.
June 17, 1874-Nov. 25, 1876 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Harrison Allen, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir Richard Owen, Simon Henry Gage, Dr. William
Jan. 11, 1877-Dec. 19, 1880 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Letters from Leland Ossian Howard, Thomas Dwight, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Simon Henry
Gage, Spencer Fullerton Baird, and others.
Jan. 16, 1881- Apr. 25, 1882 |
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Dr. Louis L. Seaman, Wendell Phillips Garrison, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Elliot Coues,
David Starr Jordan, J. W. Slater, Theodore Gill and others.
May 3, 1882-Nov. 15, 1883 |
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Simon Henry Gage, Joseph Leidy, Charles M. Tyler, Harrison Allen, and others.
Jan. 15, 1884-Nov. 18, 1886 |
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Edward Drinker Cope, Simon Henry Gage, Oliver Wendell Holmes, William A. Sprague,
Sir Richard Owen, Harrison Allen, Alexander Graham Bell.
Apr. 12, 1887-Jan. 27, 1889 |
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
William Dean Howells, Simon Henry Gage, Joseph Leidy, Charles M. Tyler, Harrison Allen,
Othniel Charles Marsh.
Feb. 26, 1889-Dec. 20, 1889 |
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Thomas Henry Huxley, Harrison Allen, Mary Gage Day, James Thurber, E. L. Williams,
Goldwin Smith, Simon Henry Gage.
Jan. 11, 1890-Dec. 23, 1891 |
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Goldwin Smith, Harrison Allen, Charles Sedgwick Minot, Flavel S. Thomas, M.D., John
Henry Comstock, Simon Henry Gage, Pierre A. Fish, Theobald Smith, Hermann M. Briggs,
Elizabeth C. Agassiz, George Lincoln Burr, Dr. William Browning.
Jan. 1, 1892-May 29, 1893 |
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
John Henry Comstock, Charles Sedgwick Minot, William Parker, Harrison Allen, Andrew
D. White, Dr. Theobald Smith, W.R. Dudley, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, David Starr Jordan,
George M. Gould, Jacob Gould Schurman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, George R. Williams,
William Channing Russell and others.
June 23, 1883-Nov. 28, 1893 |
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
Charles Sedgwick Minot, Andrew Carnegie, Harrison Allen, George M. Gould, Oliver Wendell
Holmes Jr., William Clark Russell, William Russel Dudley, and others.
Dec. 21, 1893-Apr. 7, 1895 |
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Letters from Andrew Sloan Draper, Frank Collins Baker, Simon Henry Gage, Dr. Harrison
Allen (correspondence with Dr. Allen and newspaper clippings of his obituary), and
others. Also, one photograph of Donald McGee, an infant whose brain was used for BGW's
collection filed with four letters to Wilder from his mother Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee.
June 11, 1895-Nov. 17, 1897 |
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Letters from Frank Collins Baker, George W. Allen, and others. Also, a biographical
sketch and tribute written by Burt Green Wilder for Dr. Harrison Allen. Included in
this folder is a military record of Harrison Allen's service in the Civil War.
Dec. 1897 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Letters from Goldwin Smith, Simon Henry Gage, Harrison Allen Jr., Elizabeth C. Agassiz,
Samuel Eliot, George W. Gould and others. Included is a memoir of Dr. Harrison Allen,
and several newspaper clippings.
Jan. 4, 1898-Oct. 27, 1898 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Letters from Simon Henry Gage, Edward Everett Hale, Francis Greenwood Peabody, George
Milbry Gould, Dr. Matthew Woods, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (a document re the disposition of her brain from BGW's collection); Paul B. DuChaillu, J.B.Howes,
Jacob Gould Schurman, C.L. Herrick, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Goldwin Smith, and others.
Nov. 15, 1898-Nov. 10, 1901 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Newspaper clippings, various correspondence. Also, letters from George MilbryGould,
Simon Henry Gage, Jacob Gould Schurman, Elizabeth C. Agassiz and Goldwin Smith's brain
February 28, 1902-Nov. 29, 1903 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
One article: "Some Intellectual Weeds of American Growth," by George M. Gould, M.D.;
several acknowledgements for "The Quarter Century Book," letters from Andrew D. White,
Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Jeffries Wyman, George Lincoln Burr, and others.
Dec. 17, 1903-Feb. 13, 1905 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Letters from Charles W. Elliot, Eugene Rollin Corson, Frank A. Barton, Jeffries Wyman,
Goldwin Smith, W.P. Garrison, George M. Gould, Julia Ward Howe, Wendell Phillips Garrison.
Also, some newspaper clippings.
Mar. 12, 1905-May 23, 1906 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Letters from George M. Gould, Wendell Phillips Garrison, (Including his obituary),
Henry Holt, Samuel McChord Crothers, Jacob Gould Schurman, Glover Morrill Allen, G.R.
June 27, 1906-July 23, 1907 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Letters from A. Agassiz, William Lloyd Garrison, G.R. Agassiz, Goldwin Smith, Glover
Morrill Allen, Phillip McK. Garrison, William Winter, Francis Greenwood Peabody, Henry
Holt, and others.
July 29, 1907-Feb. 25, 1908 |
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
George Milbry Gould, Thomas Dwight, George Hodges, Goldwin Smith (some of his last
letters to Burt Green Wilder), Henry Holt, William Winter, and various other correspondence.
Mar. 6, 1908-May 11, 1910 |
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Letters from William Elliot Griffis, William Winter, R.L. Agassiz, Hiram Corson, Andrew
Carnegie, John Henry Comstock, Andrew D. White, Thomas Dwight. Several newspaper articles
and also correspondence re the disposition of Goldwin Smith's brain and acquiring "freak" pig specimen
May 16, 1910-Dec, 31, 1910 |
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Letters from David Starr Jordan, Charles W. Eliot, Andrew D. White, Charles Alexander
and others. Also included are typescript copies of letters written by Burt Green Wilder
and correspondence regarding Wilder's writings on sex education.
Jan. 6, 1911 Sept. 29, 1912 |
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Letters to and from BGW mainly dealing with his writing and musical compositions such
as the music he wrote for Joyce Kilmer's poem, "The Peacemaker."
Nov. 18, 1912-Feb. 24, 1913 |
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Reprints of published articles and a typescript career resume of Vladimir Karapetoff.
Feb. 1913? |
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Various correspondence including some from men who served in the 54th Massachusetts
Volunteer Regiment under Col. Robert Shaw.
Mar. 3, 1913-Feb. 17, 1914 |
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Letters from E. B. Titchener, W. Tecumseh Sherman, Charles W. Eliot, Robert T. Morris,
F.P. Sprague and others. There are also letters dealing with racial questions, miscegenation,
and the Oliver Wendell Holmes poem, "Old Ironsides."
Mar. 19, 1914-Feb. 19, 1916 |
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Letters from David Starr Jordan, Charles W. Eliot and others.
Apr. 15, 1916 - Jan. 31, 1917 |
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Letters from Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Alice H. James, David Starr Jordan, Katharine Lee
Bates, Henry Smith Pritchett and others.
Feb. 2, 1917- Sept. 25, 1917 |
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
John Haynes Holmes, R.S. Woodward, Albert Bushnell Hart, Edward A. Horton, Marquise
Clara Lanza, and others.
Oct. 1, 1917-May 17, 1919 |
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Copy of a letter of Louis Agassiz, Samuel Atkins Eliot, Henry Cabot Lodge, Aline Kilmer,
Henry Holt, Henry van Dyke, and others.
June 27, 1918-May 27, 1919 |
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Simon Henry Gage, Aline Kilmer (Mrs. Joyce Kilmer), Edward
W. Emerson, and others.
June 2, 1919-Nov. 29, 1919 |
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Letters to and from Burt Green Wilder; also newspaper clippings.
Dec. 16, 1919-May 28, 1920 |
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Letters from Joyce Kilmer, John Henry Comstock, Walter R. Spaulding and others.
June 2, 1920-Dec. 21, 1920 |
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Letters from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Anna Comstock, Edward W. Emerson, Henry van Dyke,
and others. Also included are typescript copies of letters written by BGW.
Jan. 22, 1921-July 14, 1921 |
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Letters to and from BGW mainly dealing with his writing and musical compositions such
as the music he wrote for Joyce Kilmer's poem, "The Peacemaker."
Oct. 26, 1921-Nov. 27, 1921 |
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Letters of condolence re Mrs. Wilder's death; music written by BGW for "The Peacemaker," expressions of concern
for BGW's ill health; the Louis Agassiz Memorial exercises at the Marine Biological
Laboratory at Wood's Hole, Mass.; other letters from colleagues and friends. October
17, 1922 - February 28, 1925, August 14, 1933
1922-1933 |
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Letters from Elizabeth C. Agassiz; Walter F. Willcox, Samuel A. Eliot, portion of
a letter from Louis Agassiz, (very faded); George R. Kennedy, Frank W. Very and others.
Undated letters |
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
"Immortality and Sir Oliver Lodge" by William Dean Howells; Letters from Sir Richard
Owen, Elizabeth C. Agassiz. Morrill Wyman; W.R. Spalding, W. Newton Parker, Samuel
A. Eliot, William Russel Dudley, and others.
Undated items, letters |
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Biographical Sketch of Burt Green Wilder. (From the Boston Globe).
Sept. 1, 1912 |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
A history of Black Soldiers. (Extract from a lecture, 1910). Also, letters and one
newspaper clipping, 1913, 1917-1919.
1910, 1913, 1917-1919 |
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Boy Scout "find" at Yellow Bluff, Florida, of Confederate items. Sent to Wilder from
John Gordon.
1920 |
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Recollections of a Civil War expedition of February 28, 1865 by Major R.J. Hamilton.
Aug. 28, 1913 |
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Clippings re Col. John L. Clem, the youngest soldier to serve in the Union army.
1912-1913 |
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Commission Papers of Burt Green Wilder.
1862-63, 1865-66, 1885 |
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Letters to B.G.W. from Confederate Soldiers.
1895, 1897, 1901-02, 1912-1917 |
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Clipping from the Confederate Veteran re the Ku-Klux Klan.
July, 1917 |
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Letters to BGW from men who served with Company 1, 103rd New York.
1913-14 |
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Discharge papers and Parole forms.
1862, 1865 |
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
1901 |
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
"Extra Digits," by BGW. Reprinted from the Massachusetts Medical Society.
June 2, 1868 |
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Address given by BGW on the "Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Colored,"
before the Brookline, Massachusetts Historical Society.
May 28, 1914 |
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Letters of thanks to BGW for his research and publication on the 55th Massachusetts
Colored Regiment."
Aug. 14, 1917-Mar. 22, 1919 |
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Letters to BGW from, and about the 54th and 55th Massachusetts Regiment Enlisted Men.
1914, 1917-18, 1925 |
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence re the pay of 54th and 55th Massachusetts Volunteers.
1909-1910 |
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Obituary of Col. Norwood Penrose Hallowell
1912? |
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Hospitals in Washington, D.C., during the Civil War.
1863, 1902, 1913 |
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
Typescript sketch and hand sketched and printed maps of James Island, South Carolina.
1888 |
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Letters from Emily Read Jones re her father's book on the Siege of Charleston. (Daughter of General Sam Jones).
1912-1913 |
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Correspondence with R.E. Mellichamp (an Episcopal minister), including a hand drawn
map of James Island and surrounding areas.
1913 |
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
"Proposed Arrangement of Specimens of a Single Structure for Museums," by Thomas Dwight.
(One reprint).
May, 1903 |
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Miscellaneous items. Includes shoulder stripes.
1865-1915 |
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
The Neale Advertiser on Civil War books.
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Recollections of individuals who served aboard the S. S. Pawnee.
1914 |
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Letter to The New York Evening Post from T.W. Higginson (Col. 1st South Carolina regiment) re the lower pay given to black Civil War troops.
Oct. 1904 |
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Pension requests for families of Civil War soldiers.
1916-1917 |
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Wilder "Quarter Century Book." (BGW's 25 years of service at Cornell.)
1868-1893 |
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Obituary of BGW from The Ithaca Journal.
Jan. 25, 1925 |
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Letters and recollections of Sgt. Andrew Jackson Smith, African-American member of
the Massachusetts 55th Regiment
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Andersonville (newspaper clippings).
May 1916 |
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
The Shaw Monument in the Boston Common (and other clippings re Robert Gould Shaw).
1913-1915 |
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
Letters re the Burial of Colonel Robert Shaw from General George P. Harrison.
1915 |
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Soldiers' First Free Library and Reading Room-Elida and John Fowle.
1863, 1915 |
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Fort Sumter, as it was during the effects of the bombardment.
1863-1865 |
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Letters in answer to BGW's questions on Civil War reminiscences from veterans.
1886-1917 |
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Extracts from the Diary of George T. Garrison.
1864-1865 |
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Manuscript memorial of Frank Goodwin, by Major Luis F. Emilio.
Oct. 20, 1895 |
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Johns Island Demonstration.
Feb. 8-11, 1864 |
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Letters re allegations of misconduct by Yankee soldiers made by Mr. Mazyck Porcher.
1912-1913 |
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
Letters re The Battle of Honey Hill. Also, newspaper clippings re this battle, (1898-1899, 1914.) and an address delivered to the Confederate Survivors'
Association, 1885.
1864, 1899, 1901, 1914-1917 |
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
The Battle of Honey Hill on Broad River, South Carolina.
Nov. 30, 1864 |
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
The Battle of Pocotaligo. Deveraux's Neck, South Carolina.
Dec. 9, 1864 |
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
50th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Wagner. (Newspaper clippings and broadsides.)
July 18, 1913 |
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
Fort Wagner - Evacuation and Occupation. (Newspaper articles and letters.)
1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
Excerpt from a public address by Jefferson Davis threatening commissioned officers
who might aid negroes or mulattoes.
1863 |
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
Excerpts from the diary of Lieutenant Dennis Hartwell Jones; and a letter from Captain
Charles Soule of the Massachusetts 55th Regiment re Jones' accidental death.
1863-1864 |
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
Letters from Anna G. Pratt (wife of Captain Wheelock Pratt of the 55th Massachusetts
Volunteer Regiment.)
Aug.-Sept. 1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
Excerpts from Civil War letters of Col. Charles Barnard Fox recorded by Burt Green
1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Letters and recollections of Major Charles Carroll Soule. (Including his obituary
1901-1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
Francis H. Brown, M.D., a prominent Civil War doctor, correspondence and biographic
1835-1917 |
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
William A. Hammond, M.D., Surgeon General of the United States, correspondence and
biographic material.
1883, 1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
Joseph Trimble Rothrock, M.D. correspondence and biographic material
1912-1916 |
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
Rev. James H. Fowler, Chaplain of the 33rd U.S. Black Troops and also a "citizen-nurse"
at Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C., correspondence and biographic material
1863-1864, 1910-1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
Nurses during the Civil War.
1907-1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Doctors during the Civil War.
1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Correspondence re Photographic History of the Civil War.
Mar. 1913 |
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Writings and Opinions of Burt Green Wilder.
1914-1919 |
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Short Narratives re the Civil War.
1863-1878, 1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Diagram of the Plan of Defences at "Yellow Bluff", now New Berlin, Florida, St. John's
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
Chaplains in the Civil War.
Oct. 1, 1914 |
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Account of Robertson James at Grimballs' Causeway. (Robertson James was the brother
of Henry James).
Feb. 10, 1865 |
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Battle of Grimball's Causeway on James Island.
Feb. 10, 1865 |
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Letters (and some drawings and maps) of the Incident at River's Causeway and other
reminiscencesre this battle.
1863-1919 |
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Excerpts from newspapers and other writings re the River's Causeway, South Carolina battle.
July 2, 1864 |
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Army Medical Museum Items.
1914-1916 |
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Alleged murders of captured Black soldiers by Confederate troops. Referred to in "Reminiscences
of the Civil War," by John Hallum. (A former Confederate soldier.)
1903 |
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Treatment of soldiers during the Civil War.
1864-65 |
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Recollections of life as a Civil War medical cadet at Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington,
1862-1863 |
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Recollections of the USA General Hospital on Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C. (BGW
as a medical cadet).
June, 1862-June, 1865 |
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Private Joseph Parsons, Company F, 2nd Maryland Infantry. (Account of injuries at
Bull Run).
Aug. 29, 1863 |
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
"Calendar of main events - national - regimental - personal," Wilder's own title for
record book, mostly blank.
June 1863 - September 1865 |
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Letters from students to Burt Green Wilder.
1885?, 1885-1889 |
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Tale of the University Bear on the C.U. campus (by BGW). The bear was for a long time
under the care of John H. Comstock while he was a student at Cornell.
Nov. 1883 |
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence with publishers.
1913-1917 |
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
Adjutant and Inspector - General's Office, Woodstock Vermont. Register of Commissioned
Officers of the Vermont Volunteers in the Service of the U.S.
June 1863 |
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Burt Green Wilder's Diary (typescript in 1910). pp. 1-50.
1863 |
Scope and Contents
This is a photocopy of the original found in Box 9.
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Burt Green Wilder's Diary (typescript in 1910). pp. 51-100.
1863-1864 |
Scope and Contents
This is a photocopy of the original found in Box 9.
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Burt Green Wilder's Diary (typescript in 1910). pp. 101-150.
1864 |
Scope and Contents
This is a photocopy of the original found in Box 9.
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Burt Green Wilder's Diary (typescript in 1910). pp. 151-200.
1864-1865 |
Scope and Contents
This is a photocopy of the original found in Box 9.
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Burt Green Wilder's Diary (typescript in 1910). pp. 201-241.
1865 |
Scope and Contents
This is a photocopy of the original found in Box 9.
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
The Federal government and segregation. (newspaper clippings).
1914 |
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Various newspaper clippings re the Civil War.
1912-1916 |
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
"The Week in the War." (newspaper clippings).
1914 |
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Excerpts from [UNK] review of Dr. R.W. Shufeldt: America's Greatest Problem: The Negro.
1915 |
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Articles on Brains and Skulls.
1892-1895 |
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Book notices and reviews of "Anatomical Technology as applied to the Domestic Cat"
by BGW and Simon Henry Gage.
1882 |
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Pamphlets on Insects, Birds, Bats, Monkeys and others.
1868-1872 |
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
Medical pamphlets
1868-1889 |
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Fragments of articles from medical journals.
1880-1889 |
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Conference on the conditions of American Negroes.
June, 1909 |
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Mutilation and burning alive of Eli Persons, (a black man) in Memphis, Tennessee;
BGW's interest in the case.
May 22, 1917 |
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Clippings from Ithaca Journal and Cornell Daily Sun. BGW's lectures on Military Science.
1895, 1909 1912 |
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Clippings re the film "Birth of a Nation," and the play, "The Clansman."
1915 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
"Vivisection in the state of New York." (Written by BGW.) Article reprint.
June, 1883 |
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
Nov. 1869 |
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
Articles appearing in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine. "Time Works Wonders," "Right and Left," and "Equal yet Diverse."
1870 |
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Clippings from The Cornell Daily Sun.
1881-1895, 1909 |
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
One journal: The Sanitarian. Vol. XII. No. 174.
May, 1884 |
Box 8 | Folder 12 |
"Food and Morals." A sermon by Rev. J.F. Clymer, First M.E. Church of Auburn, New
June 20, 1888 |
Box 8 | Folder 13 |
Annual Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Report of the
1866-67, 1893-94 |
Box 8 | Folder 14 |
Articles re the resignation of William C. Russel from Cornell University.
May 21, 1881 |
Box 8 | Folder 15 |
Experiments and study of anatomy of cats and other animals by BGW. All newspaper clippings.
1880-82 |
Box 8 | Folder 16 |
Burt Green Wilder's views of Secret Societies.
Oct. 22, 1873 |
Box 8 | Folder 17 |
"The Living Death" (an anti-drug use pamphlet by Dr. H.H. Kane.)
May, 1883 |
Box 8 | Folder 18 |
Medical pamphlets in German.
1894 |
Box 8 | Folder 19 |
Medical pamphlets in French and Italian.
1897 |
Box 8 | Folder 20 |
Medical reports on Alcoholics and Alcoholism.
1886-1888 |
Box 8 | Folder 21 |
"The House that Jack Built," a poem written by George Shepard Burleigh, and hand copied
by BGW.
1868 |
Box 8 | Folder 22 |
"Darwinism in Ethics." A lecture given by W.M. Salter.
Mar. 17, 1887 |
Box 8 | Folder 23 |
American Public Health Association Lomb Prize Essays. (Four volumes).
1886 |
Box 8 | Folder 24 |
Report of the Ann Arbor Meeting of the American Association of the Advancement of
1885 |
Box 8 | Folder 25 |
1. Ruttan Heating and Ventilating Company, Bloomington, Ill. "Cut [i.e. cutaway drawing
of house] representing the Ruttan System of warming and ventilation, with Hawley's
improvements." R.R. Donnelley, Lakeside Press, printer; Bond & Chandler, engravers
[undated, folded, colored diagram, ca. 26" x 22"]. 2. "A new idea in architecture":
undated journal article with floor plan and illustration, describing a modern, healthful
apartment building 3. Photo of unidentified clapboard house
Box 9 |
Original Typescript Diary of BGW
1862-1865 | |
Scope and Contents
Do not use this original, it is fragile. Use the photocopy found in Box 7.
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Phrenology Materials
1872, 1879, 1897 |
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Phrenology Materials
1898, 1913 |
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Phrenology Materials
1905-1905 |
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
Phrenology Materials
1909-1910 |
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
News Clippings, Essays, Course Description. 1874, 1879, 1881, 1888, and Undated
1874-1888 |
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
News Clippings, Booklets
Ca. 1880s |
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
News Clippings
1895-1899 |
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
News Clippings
1900-1907 |
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
News Clippings
1908-1912 |
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
News Clippings
1913 |
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
News Clippings
1914-1925 |
Box 10 | Folder 12 |
News Clippings
1929-1930 |
Box 10 | Folder 13 |
Old Ironsides Clippings (Music)
1906, 1911-1913, 1916-1918 |
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
Old Ironsides, Bulletins
1911-1913, 1916, 1921 |
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Old Ironsides (Music)
1912, 1916 |
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
Old Ironsides (Music)
1912, 1916, 1918 |
Box 10 | Folder 17 |
Ode to Lifesavers, Peacemaker, Dr. Hooker (Music)
1907, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1922 |
Box 10 | Folder 18 |
Clippings Related to Nantucket (Music)
1885-1916 |
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Clippings Related to Nantucket (Music)
1885-1916 |
Box 10 | Folder 20 |
County Guy (Music)
1917 |
Box 10 | Folder 21 |
Founder's Centenary Hymn, Fiat Justitia
1897, 1909 |
Box 10 | Folder 22 |
Fiat Justitia (Music)
1904, 1911, 1915, 1925 |
Box 10 | Folder 23 |
Fiat Justitia (Music)
1910-1912 |
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Home Song, Thanatopsis, Last Night (Music)
1909, 1917 |
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Largo, Newsclippings
1905, 1911-1912, 1915, 1917 |
Box 10 | Folder 26 |
Largo (Music)
1909, 1913, 1915 |
Box 10 | Folder 27 |
Miscellaneous Music
1901, 1903-1905, 1909 |
Box 10 | Folder 28 |
Miscellaneous Music
1903, 1909, 1923 |
Box 10 | Folder 29 |
Miscellaneous Music
1904-1911 |
Box 10 | Folder 30 |
Miscellaneous Music
1905-1906, 1908-1909 |
Box 10 | Folder 31 |
Miscellaneous Music
1905, 1907, 1908 |
Box 10 | Folder 32 |
Miscellaneous Music
1905, 1907, 1909 |
Box 10 | Folder 33 |
Miscellaneous Music
1905, 1908-1911, 1920 |
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Miscellaneous Music
1905, 1909 |
Box 10 | Folder 35 |
Miscellaneous Music
1914, 1916-1917 |
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
Miscellaneous Music
1919 |
Box 10 | Folder 37 |
Photographs and Portraits, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes (printed, not original), John
Townsend Trowbridge, "Six Great Authors", (Unidentified composite engraving)
1894, 1914 |
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Field Family Genealogy
1901, 1906-1908, 1912 |
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Oliver Wendell Holmes News Clippings. 1894, 1896, 1900, 1902, 1909, 1916, 1932
1894-1932 |
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
Unidentified graphics, 2 color landscapes, 1 engraving of ships.
Undated |
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Draft of B. G. Wilder's Biography of Holmes and Notes Concerning Publication
Ca.1910-1920 |
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Correspondence, Clippings and Notes Relating to the Spider and Silk Producing Spiders
1856-1920 |
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Papers Published about the Spider
1865, 1866, 1900, 1903, 1910 |
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Papers Published about the Spider
1920 |
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Clippings and Notes about the Spider
Ca. 1850s-1910s |
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Hygiene and Morality Leaflet and Poem by Ruth Putnam
Ca. 1890s |
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
Notes on Health
Ca. 1890s |
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
1866-1869 |
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
1870-1875 |
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
1877-1882 |
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
1883-1889 |
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
1890-1895 |
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
1896-1903 |
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
1904-1909 |
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
1910-1913 |
Box 12 | Folder 4 |
1914-1918 |
Box 12 | Folder 5 |
1919-1920 |
Box 12 | Folder 6 |
Louis Agassiz , clippings, Wilder's notes about Agassiz
1860-1868 |
Box 12 | Folder 7 |
Louis Agassiz , includes printed copy of his will
1869 |
Box 12 | Folder 8 |
Louis Agassiz
1870-1872 |
Box 12 | Folder 9 |
Louis Agassiz , printed photo of him at blackboard, 1873
1873-1874 |
Box 12 | Folder 10 |
Louis Agassiz
1883-1885 |
Box 12 | Folder 11 |
Louis Agassiz
1883, 1908-1909, 1911, 1918-1919 |
Box 12 | Folder 12 |
Louis Agassiz
1886-1997 |
Box 12 | Folder 13 |
Louis Agassiz
1898-1899 |
Box 12 | Folder 14 |
Louis Agassiz
1902-May 1907 |
Box 12 | Folder 15 |
Louis Agassiz
June-Sept. 1907 |
Box 12 | Folder 16 |
Louis Agassiz
Ca. 1910s |
Box 12 | Folder 17 |
Cornell University , schedule of subjects Spring Term 1872, general courses of study,
October 1868
1868-1891 |
Box 12 | Folder 18 |
Cornell University , including photos of McGraw Hall, cyanotype and sepia
1893-1922 |
Box 12 | Folder 19 |
Etiquette, Health and Hygiene Article, Correspondence, and Leaflets, (1875-1876, 1882,
1886-1889, 1893-1894, 1905, Bulk 1889)
1875-1905 |
Box 12 | Folder 20 |
Hygiene, Physiology, and other Professional Notes
1875, 1897, 1902, 1940 |
Box 12 | Folder 21 |
Requests to Attend Lectures and Lecture Tickets
1866-1915 (Bulk 1897) |
Box 12 | Folder 22 |
The Wilder Quarter-Century Book
1893-1894, 1911 |
Box 12 | Folder 23 |
University Related Articles (Cornell and others)
1887, 1889, 1915 (Bulk 1889) |
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Anatomy Manuscripts, microscope instructions
1872, 1882, 1892 |
Anatomy cyanotypes and Van Dyke prints
1870s-1890s | ||
Brain -- Anatomy.
Veterinary anatomy.
Cyanotypes (photographic prints)
Vandyke prints
Human anatomy -- Pictorial works.
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
Bone (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
Brain (Black and White) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
Brain (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
Cat Dissection (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
Dissection Equipment (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
Dissection Photograph
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 9 |
Heart (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 10 |
Miscellaneous Animal Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 11 |
Miscellaneous Dissection (Cyanotype) Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 13 |
Small Anatomy Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
Chimpanzee Photographs
1870s-1890s |
Box 13 | Folder 12 |
Photograph of unidentified office with table, desk, books, lab equipment
1870s-1890s |
Scope and Contents
Includes one carte-de-visite photograph of Morrell Hall with inscription "University
building No. 1" on verso.
Box 13 | Folder 14 |
Caged Cat Photograph
1870s-1890s |
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 13 | Folder 15 |
Brain Collection Photographs
1880s |
Box 13 | Folder 16 |
Brain Collection Photographs
1880s |
Box 14 | Folder 1 |
Anatomy Sketches (Miscellaneous)
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 2 |
Anatomical Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 3 |
Bone Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 4 |
Brain Sketch with Commentary
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 5 |
Brain Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 6 |
Cat Dissection Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 7 |
Dissection Equipment Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 8 |
Dissection Equipment Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 9 |
Frog Anatomy Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 14 | Folder 10 |
Heart Sketches
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
Printed dissection manual, unidentified, (Muscles, Viscera, Blood Vessels), Pages
204-368, mounted on pages in an album
Ca. 1870s-1890s |
Box 16 |
Printed dissection manual, unidentified, continued, (Lymphatics, Nervous System, Cranial
Nerves, Organs of Sense, Bibliography, Index), Pages 364-575
Ca. 1870s-1890s | |
Box 16 |
Bound volume with names on spine, Agassiz, Dana, Gray, Parsons, Wyman. Contains primarily
journal articles responding to Darwin's Origin of Species, and other articles on species. Includes James D. Dana's "Thoughts on Species", 1857,
"The Arwinian Theory Consistent with Christianity", lecture by Dr. McCosh, Princeton.
1860-1868 | |
Box 16 |
Bound volume with title, "Homology of Limbs", includes printed articles, manuscripts,
notes, and letters on anatomy.
1863-1867 | |
Box 17 | Folder 1 |
Agassiz' Lectures
1868 |
Box 17 | Folder 2 |
Biographical Material: College
1861, 1918 |
Box 17 | Folder 3 |
Biographical Material: Compositions and Sketches
1857-1859, 1895 |
Box 17 | Folder 4 |
Biographical Material: Cornell Classes
1868-1869, 1892-1893 |
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
Biographical Material: Pets
1924 |
Box 17 | Folder 6 |
Biographical Material: Reminiscences
1898, 1909-1912, 1913-1925 |
Box 17 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence, Re: Estate of Burt G. Wilder
1941 |
Box 17 | Folder 8 |
Family Register
1841 |
Box 17 | Folder 9 |
Retirement of Burt G. Wilder
1910 |
Box 18 |
Four bound volumes. 1. "Tableau synoptique du cerveau, cervelet, et moelle epiniere"
(from *Anatomie clastique du docteur Auzoux*): manuscript key/ index in unidentified
hand. 2. Volume with spine title: "Nomenclature--papers & notes by B. G. Wilder" reprints
bound together with mss. notes; includes a blank "Brain Bequest" form near back of
volume. 3. "Records of the High-School Scrap-Book for the year commencing Sept. 1858"
editors Burt G. Wilder and Miss Fannie W.(?) Chandler. 4. Volume with spine title:
"Papers by G. Wilder": includes typed letters and printed articles.
Box 22 |
Printing block, microscope slides
Box 23 |
Wilder family Bible, One volume, plus one newspaper clipping. [Old Testament, New
Testament, and Apocrypha], published by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, 1809 with inscriptions:
Leominster, February 8, 1813; property of David Wilder, Jun. (given to him by his
father, David Wilder, Sr., who had received it from his own father) The family record
is written on p. 677-80, between the O.T. and the Apocrypha plus newspaper clipping:
"Religions of the Presidents"
1809 | |
Box 29 | MU-1391 |
Right Ulna bone fragments of Daniel P. Havey of 19th Mass. Infantry Regiment (with
1862 |
Scope and Contents
"Parts of the right ulna of Dan'l P. Havey, Co. I, 19th Mass. Resected by Dr. Brown,
July 1862. Good recovery; useful arm; work in Charlestown Rope Walk."
Box 25 | MU-1392 |
Spider Specimens (Fragile glass frame)
1870s-1890s |
Box 25 | MU-1393 |
Spider Specimen
1870s-1890s |
Box 25 | MU-1394 |
Spider Specimen
1870s-1890s |
Box 25 | MU-1395 |
Silk Specimen - 2 mile strand
1870s-1890s |
Box 26 | Folder 1 |
Papers in the Family Bible
1836, 1841, 1856 |
Box 26 | Folder 2 |
Papers on Family Background; Edward Marshall, David, and Harris Wilder, etc; Small
Book of Wilder Family Clippings
Scope and Contents
Includes ca. 1890s-1900s, 1910, 1913-1914, and 1917
Box 26 | Folder 3 |
Prepared Autobiography (1911) and Related Letters and Wilder Clippings
Scope and Contents
Includes 1869, 1893, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909-1912, 1915, and 1917
Box 26 | Folder 4 |
Bibliography of Wilder Publications and List of Papers
1861-1911 |
Box 27 |
Photocopies of typescript diaries, manuscripts and correspondence.
Box 28 | Folder 1 |
"Report on Wilder Brain Collection", by Hedwig Kasprzak
n.d. |
Box 28 | Folder 2 |
"The Brain of Helen H. Gardner", by James W. Papez
1927 |
Box 28 | Folder 2 |
How to make a brain bequest
n.d. |
Box 28 | Folder 4 |
Copy of Burt G. Wilder's will
1924 |
Five Certificates awarded to Burt Green Wilder
1859, 1865, 1869, 1881 | ||
Portraits of BGW's military and medical colleagues during the Civil War (original
cabinet card photographs, unless otherwise noted); two small photos of Civil War battle
sites in South Carolina; one record-book [Descriptive captions based on Wilder's own
Box 19 | Folder 1, 1a |
J. F. (James Forster) Alleyne Adams (1844-1914) Intimate friend of Wilder's; acting
Medical Cadet in Wash., DC Photo by: Warren, Lamson's Block, Cambridgeport, MA; 4.25"
x 2.5" [housed together]
1862-1863 |
Box 19 | Folder 2 |
Maj. John W. M. Appleton saw action at Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. Carolina
Box 19 | Folder 3 |
William Francis Bartlett (1840-1876) Major-General at age 24 Engineer with ? engraving
of his statue in Pittsfield, Mass.
Box 19 | Folder 4 |
John R. Bowles (African American) 2nd Chaplain of the 55th Mass; d. Sept. 3, 1874
Photo by: Matthews, Piqua, OH; 6.5" x 4.25"
Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Dr. John Hill Brinton Surgeon, U.S. Vols.; In 1862—63 charged with preparing Surgical
History of the War; died March, 1907 (printed, not original photo)
Box 19 | Folder 6 |
Dr. Francis Henry Brown, Surgeon at Judiciary Square Hospital, Wash., D. C.
Box 19 | Folder 7 |
Lieut. Henry Camp (mounted clipping from Colliers, NY Weekly by Walter Camp; with
printed photos of BGW and Robert Gould Shaw)
Box 19 | Folder 8 |
Sergt. William Harvey Carney (African American) Co. C, 54th Mass.; holding flag he
saved at Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. Carolina 6.5" x 4.75"
Box 19 | Folder 9 |
Chandler family of Brookline, Mass. (clipping from the Brookline Chronicle, Dec. 7,
1918, which contains photos of Chandler family members who fought in the Civil War
and WWI; includes Lieut. Col. Charles Lyon Chandler of the 57th Mass. Regiment, killed
in action, 1864; was a schoolmate of BGW
Box 19 | Folder 10 |
Col. John L. Clem youngest soldier to serve with the Union Army
Box 19 | Folder 11 |
2nd. Lieut. Thomas Murrett DeLorme Confederate; Blake's Battery
Box 19 | Folder 12 |
_____ DeLorme, son of 2nd. Lieut. Thomas M. DeLorme
Box 19 | Folder 13 |
Orderly Sergt. William H. Dupree (African American) Co. H, 55th Mass.; for many years
in charge of South End Station of the Boston Post Office 7.25" x 5.0"
Box 19 | Folder 14 |
Capt. Luis F. Emilio Commander of Co. E, 54th. Mass. Vol. Infantry Regiment author
of *A Brave Black Regiment; the history of the 54th Mass.* printed photo from journal,
not original; 4.25" x 3.0"
Box 19 | Folder 15 |
Rev. James H. Fowler Chaplain of the First South Carolina Colored Infantry; was a
student of Divinity and Zoology at Harvard, 1862 2 photos, by: G. H. Loomis, Boston
(as young man), 4.25" x 2.5" Metcalf, Boston (as older man), 6.5" x 4.25"
Box 19 | Folder 16 |
Lt. Col. Charles Barnard Fox, Dorchester, Mass. 3rd Commander of the 55th Mass.; Brevet
Col. of U.S. Vols.; commanded the 55th at Rivers' Causeway, July 2, 1864. Later a
member of Mass. State Legislature; died March 30, 1895 2 photos, by: Notman, Boston
& Cambridge; 6.5" x 4.25" (1895) and J. W. Black & Co., n.p.; 6.5" x 4.25" (n.d.)
1895 |
Box 19 | Folder 17 |
Capt. Frank Goodwin Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.; with the 55th later photo
Box 19 | Folder 18 |
Dr. Augustus A. Gould, M.D.
Box 19 | Folder 19 |
Dr. George Milbry Gould, with his autograph. Inventor of bifocal lens eyeglasses Photo
by: F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia
August 10, 1922 |
Box 19 | Folder 20 |
Robert W. Gourdine (African American); with his autograph note to BGW former slave;
soldier with the 55th Mass.; became station-master on Fitchburg RR.
Box 19 | Folder 21 |
James Manter Greenleaf seated, white-bearded man, with head-covering that appears
to be evidence of a past injury; his name appears on verso (accompanied by another
photo of an unidentified younger man standing, in uniform; verso reads: "Please return
to James Manter Greenleaf, Stark, Maine")
Box 19 | Folder 22 |
Col. Norwood Penrose Hallowell, of Philadelphia First Commander of the 55th Mass.;
wounded at Antietam. later president of the National Bank of Commerce died at West
Medford, Apr. 11, 1914 6.5" x 4.75"
Box 19 | Folder 23 |
Dr. William A. Hammond Surgeon General of the United States
Box 19 | Folder 24 |
Col. Alfred Stedman Hartwell later, Brig. Gen. of 55th Mass.
Box 19 | Folder 25 |
Lieut. William G. Hinson 7th S. C. Cavalry; born on James Island, S.C.; "A fine example
of the southern soldier and courteous gentleman." 8.0" x 6.0"
Box 19 | Folder 26 |
Maj. John Johnson Confederate engineer; in charge of engineering part of Fort Sumter;
later Episcopal clergyman (engraved portrait, 6.0" x 5.5")
Box 19 | Folder 27 |
1st Lieut. Dennis Hartwell Jones Co. 1, 55th Mass.
Box 19 | Folder 28 |
Rev. Frederick N. Knapp, Brookline, Mass. 1862-63, agent of the Sanitary Commission
in Washington; Unitarian clergyman
1887 |
Box 19 | Folder 29 |
William H. Lathrop Asst. Surgeon, 55fth Mass. (later photo; with newspaper clipping)
Box 19 | Folder 30 |
David Lee (African American) Pvt., Co. C, 55th Mass.; "Served for a time as my orderly.
Absolutely trustworthy." Later worked in Xenia, Ohio
Box 19 | Folder 31 |
Dr. Elias J. Marsh Asst. Surgeon, in charge of Judiciary Square Hospital, Wash., DC
photo by: W. Kurtz, NY
Box 19 | Folder 32 |
William Mather Confederate gunner of DeLorme's section of artillery at River's Causeway,
James Island, S.C. 7.75" x 3.75"
Box 19 | Folder 33 |
Dr. James R. May, 1862-63, of Portsmouth, N.H. Medical cadet in Judiciary Square Hospital,
1862-63. 4.0" x 2.5'' (plus modern surrogate print of original cabinet card photo)
Box 19 | Folder 34 |
"Mitt" dog found on battlefield, (2 cc.)
1864 |
Box 19 | Folder 35 |
Robert T. Morris
Box 19 | Folder 36 |
Jimmy Noland drummer boy photo by: Peln & Co., Wash., DC; 4.0" x 2.5"
Box 19 | Folder 37 |
Lt. Col. William Nutt, of Natick, Mass. Capt., Major and Lt. Col. of Co. C, 55th Mass.;
Brevet Col. .S. Vols.; died Aug. 31,1909 photo by: Henry Barrett, Cambridge, MA; 6.5"
x 4.25"
Box 19 | Folder 38 |
Major Frank Oakley, ca. 1900-1910s 1st Lieut., Co. K, Seventh Wisconsin Inf'y. Wounded
Aug. 23, 1862 at Rappahannock Station, Va.; tended by his wife, BGW, and Dr. Francis
H. Brown later, clerk of U.S. District Court, Madison with photo of Mrs. Frank Oakley,
ca. 1900-1910s; both 11" x 11"
Box 19 | Folder 39 |
Charles Page Surgeon and Brigadier General in charge of Judiciary Square Hospital
when BGW was there, 1862-63
Box 19 | Folder 40 |
Calvin Pratt (1842-1911), as older man, Medical Cadet at Judiciary Square Hospital,
Box 19 | Folder 41 |
Mrs. Col. David Price, of Newport, RI; with her dog; picture postcard
1890s |
Box 19 | Folder 42 |
Dr. Joseph Trimble Rothrock fellow student of BGW at Harvard; capt. in a Penn. regiment;
wounded at Fredericksburg; BGW removed a ball from his leg photo of him as a young
man, by: Henry Ulke, Wash., DC; 4.25" x 2.5" two additional photos: another as a young
man; another (printed, not original) as an older man
Box 19 | Folder 43 |
Col. Robert Gould Shaw, Commander of the 54th Mass. Regiment 3 printed, not original
photos (two are on same page as Lieut. Henry Camp)
Box 19 | Folder 44 |
Carleton A. Shurtleff son of the Brookline Shurtleff photo by: Warren, Lowell, MA;
4.25" x 2.0"
Box 19 | Folder 45 |
Sergt. Andrew Jackson Smith (African American) Co. B, 55th Mass.; saved the colors
at Battle of Honey Hill, S.C., Nov. 30, 1864 (2 cc of same photo: picture postcard
by Paschal Studio, Paducah, KY)
Box 19 | Folder 46 |
Geneva Smith Older daughter of Sergt. Andrew Jackson Smith when she was about 6 or
7 years ol picture postcard, by: Paschal Studio, Paducah, KY; 5.25" x 3.5"
Box 19 | Folder 47 |
Capt. Charles Carroll Soule Co. K, 55th Mass.; Brevet-major in U.S. Vols. Later, founder
and head of the Boston Book Company, publisher of L. Emilio's A Brave Black Regiment;
died Jan. 7, 1913
Box 19 | Folder 48 |
Mrs. Sarah J. Sprague, Lynn, Mass., formerly Miss Milliken, nurse in the eighth ward
of Judiciary Square Hospital, Wash., DC, 1862-63 2 photos, ca. 1900-1910s, 7.0" x
Box 19 | Folder 49 |
Frank E. Thayer Dedham, Mass.; at age 10 he had been BGW's "orderly" in action at
River's Causeway; later a merchant in Springfield, Mass. Died July 6, 1911 4.75" x
Box 19 | Folder 50 |
Capt. James Danforth Thurber (1839-1921) Co. F, 55th Mass.; Brevet Maj. of U.S. Vols.;
wounded July 2, 1864; "A perfect soldier and gentleman" b. Feb. 21, 1839; d. Sept.
12, 1921 photo by: D. Hinkle, Germantown, PA; 6.5" x 4.25"
Box 19 | Folder 51 |
James O. Weil (1920) hospital patient of BGW in 1862
Box 19 | Folder 52 |
Brig. Gen. Edward A, Wild commanded the brigade including the 55th during the first
three months of its service; previously the Wilder family's physician photo by: F.
T. Stuart, Boston; 6.75" x 5.75"
Box 19 | Folder 53 |
Burt Green Wilder, Surgeon in uniform, ca. 1865 three photos (plus a modern surrogate
print of one) plus one Ambrotype, by Davis & Co., Boston
Box 19 | Folder 54 |
____ Wing, Lieut.
Box 19 | Folder 55 |
unidentified officer, standing; has lost left arm
Box 19 | Folder 56 |
unidentified officer, seated photo by: Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries,
New York and Washington, D.C.; 4.0" x 2.5"
Box 19 | Folder 57 |
unidentified officer 6.5" x 8.5"
Box 19 | Folder 58 |
Drs. John L. Craven and Samuel A. Green (and others), examining a wounded soldier
in a hospital tent, summer of 1863, Morris Island, S.C.
1863 |
Box 19 | Folder 59 |
trench near River's Causeway, S.C. trench used by Union army for refuge, July 2, 1864;
photo taken spring 1895; 6.5" x 5.0"
1895 |
Box 19 | Folder 60 |
Fort Lamar, the most easterly of the line of Confederate works on James Island, S.C.,
6.5" x 5.0"
1895 |
Box 19 | Folder 61 |
modern negatives of several prints in Box 19
Box 19 | Folder 62 |
Record-book, containing ruled pages with signatures, annual meeting notes, treasurers'
reports, etc.: Association of Officers of the Fifty-Fifth Mass. Vol. Inftr'y ,1877,
Box 20 |
Photographs (primarily cabinet cards, but also some tintypes)
Box 20 |
Burt Green Wilder (several photos, mostly cabinet cards)
Box 20 |
Celia Colton Burt (1812-1904), BGW's mother, photo in later life
Box 20 |
David Wilder, Sr. (1809-1891), BGW's father, photo in later life
Box 20 |
Sarah Cowell Nichols, BGW's first wife: solo portrait (between 1874-1884); with eldest
daughter, Ruth
Box 20 |
Dr. William Nichols, BGW's father-in-law
Box 20 |
Ruth Wilder, eldest daughter, who died before reaching one year: Oct. 29, 1869 (at
7 1/2 mos.); several undated; just after she died
Box 20 |
Mary Nichols Wilder (b. 1871? second daughter): cabinet card photos of her as an infant,
little girl, and young woman also, 10 tintypes, probably of Mary, including one with
her as little girl with an African American woman, probably a nanny
Box 20 |
Bertha Wilder, youngest daughter (b. 1874): as an infant; little girl; as a teenager
playing the violin; as a young woman
Box 20 |
BGW and his second wife, Mary Field Wilder, 1919 at Siasconset ("Sconset") Nantucket,
with BGW's note: "ourselves & 'Gray Brother Jr.' [cat] taken by Juanita Bates at close
of her visit here in spring of 1919"
Box 20 |
Wilder Breckenridge (1899-1976): two photos: one cabinet card dated Feb. 1901 (at
19 months); one portrait, dated 1915 (at age 16) grandson of BGW: son of Mary N. Wilder
and Roeliff Morton Breckenridge, '92, Cornell Class of 1919 brother of Hugh, '26,
and brother-in-law, via sister Anne, of Mordelo Lee Vincent, Jr., '26
Box 20 |
David Wilder, Jr. (BGW's brother, b. 1837) and his wife
Box 20 |
Edward Wilder (BGW's brother, b. 1843)
Box 20 |
Mabel Scott Wilder (b. 1869), daughter of Edward Wilder (in group photo with her two
brothers, as young children; photo by Imperial, San Francisco: see two below)
Box 20 |
Edward Twichell Wilder (1872-1929), '93, son of Edward Wilder (see above)
Box 20 |
Walter Robb Wilder (1875-1934), '96, son of Edward Wilder (see above)
Box 20 |
Mary Catherine Scott Wilder (?--unidentified, but very possibly wife of Edward Wilder
(photo by Imperial, San Francisco; she resembles Mabel Scott Wilder in photo above)
Box 20 |
Sophronia Wilder Edgerly (1823-1915), in 1880 at age 57; BGW's paternal aunt (youngest
child of his grandparents David Wilder and Sally Nourse Butler)
Box 20 |
BGW's cousins: young children of Sophronia Wilder and James Wheeler Edgerly: 9 miniature
tintypes, four of which identified only by first name only one tintype has complete
name: William Drew Edgerly (1866-1869)
Box 20 |
Mary Nichols Barnard, sister of Sarah Nichols Wilder
Box 20 |
William Nichols Barnard, '97 (1875-1947), as young boy; son of Mary Nichols Barnard
and William Stebbins Barnard, '71. Cornell Prof. of Mechanical Engineering; became
Director of Sibley School of Engineering in 1938
Box 20 |
Group portrait of little boy, older boy, and little girl, with note on verso: "Aunt
Mamie with best love from Dick, Sister & Harry, Jan 1st 1881" (Boston)
Box 20 |
Tintype, ca. 2-3" : unidentified African-American man, standing; holds a cabinet card
photo of an unidentified bearded white man (photo by R. L. Wood, Canal St., NYC)
Box 20 |
Four small cartes-de-visite: friends and/or family: Jessie G. Dart, New London, CT,
Barbara M. Ringeling, April 1874, Staten Island, Charles H. Robinson, of Nantucket,
"who built my cottage at Sciasconset ….", Mrs. Vincent, Boston Museum
Box 20 |
Two snapshots, both dated 1914, with BGW's notes: "Dr. Edw. Cranch and family, 813
Sassafras St., Erie, Pa. 6 sons, 1 daughter, 10 grandchildren"; "Dr. Edw. Cranch's
children: Charles, Gerard, Raymond, Walter, Eliot, Edith, Eugene" [ages 20-37]
Box 20 |
Snapshot taken at Woodlawn Cemetery, May 30, 1921, by E??. Flagg: Mrs. Alice Field
Dudley of Newton Centre; Mr. Isaac Sprague of Wellesley, Mass.; Mr. Edward Dudley
of Newton Centre; Mr. Edward H. Flagg and Mr. Walter E. Flagg of Wellesley; soldier
not known
Box 20 |
3 cabinet card photos: unidentified young women (at least two were possible brain
Box 20 |
Photo by J. Notman, Boston, w. BGW's notation, verso upper right: "4629" (brain no.?)
Box 20 |
Photo by J. Notman, Boston, w. BGW's notation, verso upper right: "4675" (brain no.?)
Box 20 |
With spectacles; photo by Pach Bros., Cambridge, Mass., "19641" noted by ?, verso
lower right
Box 20 |
Katharine Kemp-Stillings, violinist two printed photos of her as a young woman, in
a brochure about her; w. BGW's note that "we lived in her mother's house on Park St.,
Box 20 |
George Washington Meacham (b. 1827), at age 83, picture postcard, from Idah Meacham
Strobridge, Los Angeles, who writes: "A California Pioneer of 1849 …" (friend or colleague
of BGW?)
1910 | |
Box 20 |
Two houses: "Grandfather's house at Leominster, Mass.; return to Mrs. Marshalt, occupying
it"; "Pringle Mansion, King St. Charleston, S.C. April 1913"
April 1913 | |
Box 21 |
Photographs of Burt Green Wilder's students (their class years given, when known);
Cornell faculty colleagues; non-Cornell colleagues, primarily zoologists, anatomists,
neurologists, physicians, etc. (some of whose correspondence is elsewhere in the collection);
other persons identified by name but lacking attribution; some brain donors
Box 21 |
Louis Agassiz and Count De Pourtales (Boston)
Box 21 |
Major W. E. Arnold, Military Science, Cornell
Box 21 |
Burt Green Wilder papers,
1841-1925 | |
Box 21 |
Fordyce Barker (with autograph)
Box 21 |
Bischoff [probably Theodor L. W. Bischoff, 1807-1882, anatomist, neurologist]
Box 21 |
Wm. (?) Bourland
Box 21 |
William E.(?) Browning
March 1889 | |
Box 21 |
Prof. H. Carmichael (Portland, Me.)
Box 21 |
Major Louis Cazione, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me.
Box 21 |
Prof. H. L. Chapman (Boston)
Box 21 |
James Bertram Clarke, Cornell Class of 1910 (with autograph) African-American student;
member of Alpha Phi Alpha BGW's note: "One of the best men and most brilliant scholars
graduated from Cornell University. He is now connected with the Crisis in New York."
Box 21 |
Dr. Eugene Rollin Corson (1855-1946); Cornell Class of 1875 2 photos from Ithaca:
by Beardsley; by Evans son of Prof. Hiram Corson
Box 21 |
Benjamin E. Cotting, Curator of the Lowell Institute (with autograph)
Box 21 |
Hosea Curtice (1825-1893), with BGW's note: "Brain 3091" American mathematician and
educator; donor to BGW's brain collection See: Dept. of Zoology records (# 14-26-966),
Box 13, which contains Accession Book, 1882-1897 (record of specimens received): specimen
no. 3091, Hosea Curtice of Moravia, NY, was received June 13, 1893, from his son,
Dr. (Fred) Cooper Curtice, Cornell Class of 1881
Box 21 |
James D(wight) Dana
1889 | |
Box 21 |
Orville A. Derby, Cornell Class of 1873 (with autograph)
Box 21 |
DuBois Raymond, [Emil du Bois-Raymond (1818-1896), German physician and physiologist)]
1872 | |
Box 21 |
Arthur M. Edwards, M.D., Newark, NJ; BGW notes to see his letter about brain bequest
June, 1897 | |
Box 21 |
Pierre A. Fish, Cornell Prof. Veterinary Physiology; 2 photos
Box 21 |
Horace Howard Furness, Philadelphia
Box 21 |
Simon H. Gage ; 3 photos
1877, 1889, 1890 | |
Box 21 |
Carl Gegenbaur (1826-1903), Morphologist; 2 photos
Box 21 |
Gilder [American poet and editor Richard Watson Gilder, 1844-1909]
Box 21 |
Benjamin Apthorpe Gould, PhD
1865 | |
Box 21 |
Ernst Haeckel
1872 | |
Box 21 |
Alfredo Gottlieb Hammar, Cornell Class of 1907 (Agr.), 1907 student of BGW
Box 21 |
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894), poet and physician carte-de-visite, 1865 (at age
56); printed (not original) photo
1880 | |
Box 21 |
Grant Sherman Hopkins, Cornell Class of 1889 (BS), DSc 1893, DVM 1900 also CU Prof.
of Veterinary Anatomy
Box 21 |
G. M. Humphrey, Cambridge
Box 21 |
Thomas H. Huxley
1876 | |
Box 21 |
J. B. S. Jackson (Boston pathologist, d. 1879)
Box 21 |
Joe Jefferson
Box 21 |
David Starr Jordan (1851-1931); Cornell Class of 1872; 2 photos
Box 21 |
Dr. W. W. Keen, Philadelphia
Box 21 |
Koelliker [probably Albert Koelliker, 1817-1905]
Box 21 |
Dr. W. C. (William Christopher) Krauss, Buffalo, NY; Cornell Class of 1884 with autograph
note to BGW
Box 21 |
Leuckart (?), Leipzig [probably Rudolf Leuckart (1822-1898), German zoologist and
Box 21 |
Henry B. Lord (1821-1915), CU Trustee from 1876-1915; photo by George C. Stanley Gallery,
March 1906 | |
Box 21 |
Augustus Nathaniel Hubert Lushington, Med. Prep. Spec., Cornell 1889-94 (African descent;
originally from Trinidad) became veterinarian in Lynchburg, VA
Box 21 |
Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee (1864-1940), w. autograph Acting Ass't Surgeon in the U.S.
Army; founder of the Army Nurse Corps mother of Donald McGee, whose brain she donated
to BGW after he died at the age of 9 months [photo of Donald alive accompanies his
mother's letters to BGW, in Box 2-1]
June 1894 | |
Box 21 |
Dr. Alfred Mitchell, Brunswick, Me. (of Bowdoin College?)
Box 21 |
S(ilas) Weir Mitchell, M.D.
Box 21 |
St. George Mivart (St. George Jackson Mivart), 1827-1900, anatomist
Box 21 |
Joseph Moore, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. (seated, bearded older man)
Box 21 |
Veranus A. Moore, M.D.
March 20, 1880 | |
Box 21 |
Nathaniel Allison Murray, Cornell Class of 1911 (with autograph) African-American
student; one of Alpha Phi Alpha's seven Jewels
Box 21 |
Andrew Newell, San Francisco
Box 21 |
R. Owen (Sir Richard Owen)
Box 21 |
T(homas) Jeffery [sic] Parker, author of *Text-bok of zoology* (1897)
February 1893 | |
Box 21 |
W(illiam) Kitchen Parker, father of T. Jeffery Parker and William Newton Parker author
of *Morphology of the skull*
1877 | |
Box 21 |
Charles G. Pease, M.D., New York (with autograph)
Box 21 |
Milton Josiah Roberts, Cornell Class of 1875; died 1893; 2 photos, Prof. of Orthopedic
Surgery, University of Vermont)
1891 | |
Box 21 |
Dr. D. A. Robinson, Bangor, Me.
Box 21 |
George Rolleston, Prof. at Oxford (two photos, incl. one small)
Box 21 |
Max Gustav Schlapp, Cornell Class of 1893 (Special Course) physician in New York
Box 21 |
Edward Anthony Spitzka (1876-1922), anatomist, neurologist (printed, not original
photo; w. printed signature)
Box 21 |
Edward Charles Spitzka (1852-1914), anatomist, neurologist (father of Edw. Anthony)
Box 21 |
Homer B. Sprague, (photo by Purdy & Frear, Ithaca; student or faculty or other Ithacan?)
March 29, 1869 | |
Box 21 |
Mr. Elmer Stilwell Janitor of Dept. of Zoology, McGraw Hall
Box 21 |
T. B. (Thomas Blanchard) Stowell, Chair of Natural Sciences at Cortland State Normal
School, 1869-1889
Box 21 |
Thomas Blanchard Stowell and Mary Blakeslee Stowell: Cortland, NY 1869; Potsdam, NY
1894; Los Angeles, Calif. 1919; 3 small cameo, non-original photos of each, printed
on single sheet; w. BGW's note on verso: "We made their acquaintance in 1873-4 at
the Agassiz (Anderson) "Summer School of Natural History" on Penikese Id., near New
Bedford …"
1869, 1894, 1919 | |
Box 21 |
Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts (1811-1874), abolitionist
Box 21 |
Henry Ward Turner, Philadelphia
February 23, 1881 | |
Box 21 |
John Tyndall (?) (small engraving)
Box 21 |
(Rudolf) Virchow (Berlin)
1872 | |
Box 21 |
Booker T. Washington (not original photo; in newspaper clipping at time of his death)
1915 | |
Box 21 |
Millard Welfman (?), Boston
Box 21 |
Prof. S. A. White (Peoria, Ill.)
Box 21 |
Solon F. Whitney (photo of painted portrait) assistant teacher at Brookline, Mass.
school, at time BGW was there
Box 21 |
Harris Hawthorne Wilder (1864-1928) Prof. of Zoology at Smith College (founded the
dept. there in 1894) amphibians; evolution; comparative anatomy; anthropometry
Box 21 |
Chauncey Wright (2 photos)
Box 21 |
Dr. Jeffries Wyman, Sr.(?) (2 photos, one dated May 1868)
May 1868 | |
Box 24 |
"Roster of Commissioned Officers of the 55th Regiment Mass. Vol. Infantry 1863-1865."
Photo album compiled by Burt Green Wilder
1863-1865 | |
Scope and Contents
This list replaces an earlier typed list that neither included names of officers whose
photos are lacking, nor identified African-American officers, nor provided page numbers.
A note on the earlier list says: "Orig. List sent to National Archives, 1961." Names
are listed in the order in which they appear in the album, followed by the page number;
lacking photos are noted. This list indicates African-American officers, including
those whose photos are lacking. To confirm which officers (including those lacking
photos) were African- American, the following website was consulted: http://suvcw.org/mollus/usctofficers.htm ( U.S. Commissioned Officers of African-American Descent who served during the Civil
War). [SUVCW stands for Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; MOLLUS for Military
Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States; and USCT for United States Colored
Troops]. Where photo is lacking, or where given information is possibly uncertain,
the designation [African-American] indicates confirmation via this website. Please
note that the website list may be incomplete, so not all officers lacking photos in
the album are fully identified. Individual companies of the 55th are indicated for
each person, when known, and/or the person's rank/membership in other army divisions,
when known; This list does not record the complete military history accompanying each
photo. Photos of some of the persons in the album appear elsewhere (loose) in the
collection, as indicated in the guide; some of these additional photos are duplicates,
while others are post-war; Wilder wrote captions on many of them. Letters to Wilder
from some of these officers, and/or references to these officers, appear elsewhere
in the collection. All photos in the album are 4.0" x 2.5" cabinet cards; photographer/
studio is given when available.
Box 24 | Page 1 |
Col. Norwood Penrose Hallowell
Box 24 | Page 2 |
Col. Alfred Stedman Hartwell
Box 24 | Page 3 |
Lieut. Col. Charles Barnard Fox (photo by Whipple, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 4 |
Lieut. Col William Nutt
Box 24 | Page 5 |
Major Sigourney Wales
Box 24 | Page 6 |
Maj. Wheelock Pratt
Box 24 | Page 7 |
William Symmington Brown, Surgeon (Black & Case, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 8 |
Burt Green Wilder, Surgeon
Box 24 | Page 9 |
Chaplain William Jackson: photo lacking; [African-American]
Box 24 | Page 10 |
Chaplain John R. Bowles (African-American; F. A. Simonds, Chillicothe, Ohio)
Box 24 | Page 11 |
Capt. Robert James Hamilton (Co. G)
Box 24 | Page 12 |
Capt. William Dwight Crane (Co. H)
Box 24 | Page 13 |
Capt. Charles Carroll Soule (Co. K)
Box 24 | Page 14 |
Capt. Charles Edward Grant (Co. B)
Box 24 | Page 15 |
Capt. John Gordon (Co. I)
Box 24 | Page 16 |
Capt. Charles Pickering Bowditch (Co. A; Capt. 5th Mass. Cav.)
Box 24 | Page 17 |
Capt. Frank Goodwin (Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.; Warren, Cambridgeport, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 18 |
Capt. James Danforth Thurber (Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.; A. H. Locke, Plymouth, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 19 |
Capt. William Haviland Torrey (Co. C; Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 20 |
Capt. George Moore Woodward (Co. A)
Box 24 | Page 21 |
Capt. George Frederick McKay (Co. C; Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 22 |
Capt. Thomas Foldes Ellsworth (Co. H)
Box 24 | Page 23 |
Capt. Josiah C. Hall (Co. D)
Box 24 | Page 24 |
Capt. George Thompson Garrison (Co. I; Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 25 |
Capt. Nathaniel Eustace Ladd (Co. H; Brevet Major, U.S. Vols.; Whipple, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 26 |
1st Lieut. and Qr. M. George B. Mussey: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 27 |
1st Lieut. and Adjt. William Penrose Hallowell
Box 24 | Page 28 |
1st Lieut. Edward Stearns Stimpson
Box 24 | Page 29 |
1st Lieut. Dennis Hartwell Jones (J. S. Black, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 30 |
1st Lieut. Harrison Holt (A. Lonrel, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 31 |
1st Lieut. Wyllys Gannett
Box 24 | Page 32 |
1st Lieut. and Qr. M. John Osborne Mowry (O. C. Knox, Athol Depot, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 33 |
1st Lieut. Ephraim Albert Wood (J. W. Black, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 34 |
1st Lieut. Robertson James (Brevet Capt.; Black & Case, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 35 |
Asst. Surgeon Warren Morris Babbitt: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 36 |
1st Lieut. Ezekiel Fowler: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 37 |
1st Lieut. Winthrop Perkins Boynton
Box 24 | Page 38 |
1st Lieut. Leonard Battelle Perry (Capt. & A.A.G. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 39 |
1st Lieut. Thomas Leader Harman (Whipple, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 40 |
1st Lieut. Alphonso Marsh (Moulton ,Fitchburg, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 41 |
1st Lieut. William C. Roberts (Brevet Capt., U.S. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 42 |
1st Lieut. Josiah A. Bean (Brevet Capt., U.S. Vols.)
Box 24 | Page 43 |
1st Lieut. E. Harris Jewett
Box 24 | Page 44 |
1st Lieut. Henry Newton Sheldon
Box 24 | Page 45 |
1st Lieut. Peter N. Sprague (L. W. Cook, Weymouth Landing, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 46 |
1st Lieut. and Adjt. Charles W. Mutell: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 47 |
1st Lieut. Charles L. Roberts (Frank Rowell, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 48 |
1st Lieut. Solomon C. Starbird (Black & Case, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 49 |
William H. Lathrop, Asst. Surgeon (G. Grellings, Detroit)
Box 24 | Page 50 |
1st Lieut. George H. Carter: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 51 |
2nd Lieut. Leonard Case Alden (Black & Case, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 52 |
2nd Lieut. John H. Kingston
Box 24 | Page 53 |
2nd Lieut. William Dorance Messinger: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 54 |
2nd Lieut. Joseph Towne Nichols: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 55 |
2nd Lieut. Ezra P. Gould (Major, 59th Mass. Vols.; Warren, Cambridgeport, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 56 |
2nd Lieut. Albert Henry Bradish (Fisher Bros., Boston)
Box 24 | Page 57 |
2nd Lieut. Edwin Ruthen Hill (Taylor & Preston, Salem, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 58 |
2nd Lieut. Charles F. Lee (Brevet 1st Lieut, U.S. Vols.; J. C. Spooner's Picture Palace,
Springfield, Mass.)
Box 24 | Page 59 |
2nd Lieut. George A. Glidden: photo lacking
Box 24 | Page 60 |
2nd Lieut. Marshall E. Hunter (H. O. Foster, Charleston, S.C.)
Box 24 | Page 61 |
2nd Lieut. John Freeman Shorter (African-American; Biddle, Photographer, Xenia, Ohio)
Box 24 | Page 62 |
2nd Lieut. James Monroe Trotter (African-American)
Box 24 | Page 63 |
2nd Lieut. William H. Dupree (African-American; F. A. Simonds, Chillicothe, Ohio)
Box 24 | Page 64 |
Sergt. Charles L. Mitchell (2nd Lieut., 55th Mass. Vols.; Prescott Whiting, Boston)
Box 24 | Page 65 |
Sergt. Abram W. Shadd (African-American; 2nd Lieut., 55th Mass. Vols.; Brady's National
Photographic Portrait, New York)
Box 24 | Page 66 |
Com. Sergt. Richard M. White: photo lacking; [African-American]
Box 24 | Page 67 |
Qr. M. Sergt. Martin F. Becker (born in Africa, 1834): photo lacking; [African-American]
Box 24 | Page 68 |
1st Sergt. Armstead M. Jones: photo lacking; [African-American]
Items removed from the collection.
Scope and Contents
There are several other Wilder items that have been cataloged individually outside
of this collection. This is just a partial listing.
Book: Official Records of Union and Confederate Armies (Washington: GPO, 1891) prepared by the late Lt. Col. Robert N. Scott, 3rd US Art.,
Series I, Vol. 35 - in 2 parts, part 1, now cataloged as Rare E491 U58 Ser.1,v.35,pt.1
Scrapbook including hygiene and other loose printed material. [See also CUL-CUF, bound
volumes Wilder "Papers 1882-1911" "Miscellaneous Pamphlets 15"] now cataloged as Rare