Yagoda, Louis Arbitration files, 1961-1983
Collection Number: 5802
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Louis Yagoda Arbitration files, 1961-1983
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Yagoda, Louis
11 cubic feet
Collection material in English
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Louis Yagoda Arbitration files #5802. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Yagoda, Louis
Arbitration, Industrial
Arbitration and award
Box 1 |
1961 A-L ---- 1964.
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
1961 |
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
1961 |
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
1962 |
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
1963 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
1962-1963 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
1963 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
1964 Awards
1963-1964 |
Box 2 |
1965 A-M ---- 1969(b).
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Awards- A-M- 1965
1965 |
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Awards- N-2 1965
1965 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Awards A-M 1966
1966 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Awards- N-Z- 1966
1966 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
1967 Awards H-Z
1967 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
1968 Awards A Thru G
1968 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
1968 Awards H Thru W
1968 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
A Thru G 1969
1969 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
H Thru Y 1969
1969 |
Box 3 |
1970 A-W ---- 1974.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
1970 Awards A-W
1970 |
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
1971 Awards 1971
1970-1971 |
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
1972 |
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Awards 1973
1973 |
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
1974 Awards
1974 |
Box 4 |
1975 A-J ---- 1977 N-Y.
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
1975 Awards A Thru J
1971-1975 |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
1975 Award K Thru
1973-1975 |
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
1976 Awards
1975-1976 |
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Awards- 1977 A-M
1977 |
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
1977 N-Y
1977 |
Box 5 |
1978 ---- 1982.
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
1978 |
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
1979 |
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
1980 Awards
1980 |
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
1981 Awards
1981 |
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunal
Box 6 |
1983 ---- Public Law Board #1264.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
1973 |
Scope and Contents
Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunal
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
1984 Awards
1984 |
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
1985 Awards
1985 |
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunal
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Special Board of Adjustment No. 356 Chicago NW. UTU (9)
1973 |
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Completed Awards 1 Thru 87 Incl.
1971 |
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Completed Awards 95- also includes #124 + #297
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
PLB #550
1972-1975 |
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Denver PLB- 66 th Completed
1971 |
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Public Law Board No. 731 Penn Central transp. Co. (New Haven Div.) & U.T.U. (T)
1969 |
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Completed PLB 841
1965 |
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
PLB #1026- Penn Central Transp. Co. and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
1971 |
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
PLB#1124 Western Maryland Railway Co. & United Transportation Union (T)
1971-1972 |
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
PLB # 1165 NorFolk + Western Rail C
1971 |
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
Public Law Board # 1264 New Haven RR Branch of Penn Central Transp. Co.
1974-1975 |
Box 7 |
Public Law Board (PLB) 844. National Railroad Adjustment Board. 1970.
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
PVB 12vg
1974 |
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
PLB 844
1974 |
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
PLB#1351 River Terminal Railway Co.
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
P.L.B Board No. 1427
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
PLB No. 1428 Norfolk & Western R
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
P.L.B Board No. 1488 The Lake Terminal RR Co. & UTU
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
PLB NO. 1489 Burlington Northern
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
PLB NO. 1538 Norfolk & Western RR Co UTU (T)
1971-1973 |
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
PLB NO.1583 Norfolk And Western RR CO. United Transportation Union
1976 |
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
PLB 1658 - Cleveland
1977-1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
PLB # Norfolk and Western Railway Co. & UTU (T)
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
PLB # 1717 So. Buffalo R.R. & United Transportation Union
1975 |
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
PLB NO. 17118 MONONGAHAWA- TWVA Pittsburgh
1976 |
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
PLB # 1727- Great Lakes & River Dist. - Central RR Company of New Jersey
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
PLB # 1751 Norfolk and Western Railway Co. United Trans. Union
1976 |
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
PLB #1826 Aliquippa & Southern & Transport Workers of America
1974 |
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
PLB # 1829 Monongahela Connecting RR. Co. & United Transportation Union
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
PLB # 1842 Former Penn Central of N.J. & UTU (T)
1977-1978 |
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
PLB NO. 1889 Patapsco & Back Rivers RR And United Transportation Union
1977-1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
PLB NO. 1983- Missouri Pacific RR & Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
1974 |
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
PLB 1912- Aliquippa & Southern RR & Transport Workers Union Of America Pittsburgh
1978 |
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
PLB # 1923 Norfolk & Western Railway Co. United Transportation Union (T)
1977 |
Box 7 | Folder 23 |
PLB # 1964- Conrail & UTU
1978 |
Box 7 | Folder 24 |
PLB # 2097 Detroit, Toledo & Ironton RR Co. & UTU Dearborn, Mich.
1976 |
Box 7 | Folder 25 |
PLB 2162 Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. & Brasc
Box 7 | Folder 26 |
PLB 2163 Consolidated Rail Corp & UTU
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 27 |
PLB 2221- Former Penn Central Trans Co- BLE
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 28 |
PLB NO. 2427 Burlington Northern/ UTU St. Paul Minnesota
1980 |
Box 7 | Folder 29 |
PLB 2436 BRAC/National Passenger Corp. Washington. D.C.
1980-1981 |
Box 7 | Folder 30 |
PLB 2613 Conrail/ BM & BK Philadelphia, Pa
1980 |
Box 7 | Folder 31 |
NRAB Dockets
1978-1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 32 |
N.R.A.B. July 31, 1979
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 33 |
Public Law Board, Type and Release
1979 |
Box 7 | Folder 34 |
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Award No. 2 -39
Box 7 | Folder 35 |
National Railroad Adjustment Board 1964
1964 |
Box 7 | Folder 36 |
National Railraod Adjustment Board Chicago, ILL. (Bird Div.)
1969-1970 |
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
1980 |
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Labor Arbitration Awards General Electric Company
1966-1968 |
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp.and Local 1668, U.A.W. Carteret, N.J.
1969 |
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Sub- Contracting + Plant Removal
1962 |
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Discharge and Discipline
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Arbitration - N.L.R.B
1964-1967 |
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Arbitration (Various)
1950-1968 |
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
1966 |
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Disciplinary Procedure Manual
1973 |
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Grievance Arbitration Procedure
1972 |
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Employees' Appearance in the Workplace
1973 |
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Arbitration and Federal Rights Under Collective Agreements in '71 and '72
1971-1973 |
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Public Employees Labor Relations NYC-NYS
1966-1968 |
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
ILR Reprint Series 184 and 225 + Issues in Industrial Society
1967-1968 |
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Public Employee Labor Relations (General)
1963-1964 |
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Protection Labor Laws (U.S.U)
1963-1965 |
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Protective Labor Laws- NY State Workmen's Corporation- Employment Insurance
1969 |
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Personal Management
1954-1962 |
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
N.L. R.B
1961-1963 |
Box 10 |
Management Rights ---- Course announcements.
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Management R Shts.
1980 |
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
1976-1979 |
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Legal Developments
1979-1981 |
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
1973-1982 |
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Special Board of Adjustment No.356
1962-1979 |
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
550 To Be Weard
1978 |
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Course Announcements (Not LY)
1971 |
Box 11 |
Bus. Services ---- Foreign Labor Relations.
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Bus Sources
1968 |
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
1961 |
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
ILR Literature
1970 |
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Arbitration- Law
1966-1967 |
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Arbitration Process
1951-1954 |
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Industrial Psychology
1964-1967 |
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
British Labor Rel
1968 |
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
Foreign Labor Relations
1970 |