
The Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection

Most of the items featured in the exhibition were collected by Susan H. Douglas and given to the Library in 1957. Her collection has since been augmented by several other groups of election materials, which together form the Cornell University Political Americana Collection. Recently, the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded Cornell a two-year National Leadership Grant to catalog, conserve, and digitize the Political Americana Collection. Get Out the Vote! Campaigning for the U. S. Presidency highlights items treated and digitized as part of the grant, and celebrates the preservation of this remarkable array of Americana. Unless otherwise noted, exhibited materials are from the Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection.

J. A. Joel & Co., Special Price List of Campaign Goods, 1908.

This flyer reflects merchants’ efforts to cater to campaigners. Issued in 1908, it offers a variety of flags, fireworks and banners that show portraits of Republican candidates Taft and Sherman.

Green Duck Company, Promotional Flyer for Democratic Campaign Goods, 1960.

The Green Duck Company of Chicago, Illinois, produced a variety of goods for men and women, Republicans and Democrats.

The Next Four Years, ca. 1960.

This non-partisan, comic book-style pamphlet-part of the “Good Government Series”-depicts a family discussing issues with a first-time voter. The cartoons are by Rick Hackney.

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