   Bailey Birth Site Dedication
   Gardening Horticulture Stamp
   Pomological Society Medal
   L.H.B. at 3 East Avenue
   L.H.B. at Work at 62
   32nd Cornell Dinner Menu
   90th Birthday Dinner Menu
   Words Said about a Birthday
NY State College of Agriculture
Cornell University
Nature Study
Education of Women
Commission on Country Life

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Bailey served as the founder, first president or president of most of the major organizations concerned with plant life. He was one of the five founding members of the Botanical Society of America; the founder and first president of the American Society for Horticultural Science; first president of the American Nature Study Society; and president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Botanical Society of America, the American Pomological Society, the American Association of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, the American Country Life Association, and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.

Besides receiving important citations from professional groups in America, he received decorations from Venezuela, England, Scotland, Denmark, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy France, and Japan, and from the International Botanical Congress.

His name is commemorated by Bailey Hall and the L.H. Bailey Hortorium at Cornell; Bailey Hall at Michigan State University and the Liberty Hyde Bailey High School in East Lansing, Michigan; Bailey Hall at Morrisville State College in Morrisville, N.Y.; and the Liberty Hyde Bailey Palm Glade at the Fairchild Tropical Garden, Coconut Grove, Florida.

American Pomological Society medal, 1885
Liberty Hyde Bailey was President of the American Pomological Society from 1917 to 1923

Cornell University Department of Plant Biology Collection

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