Collected editions of standard authors, ca. 1829-1903.
Collection Number: 8003
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Collected editions of standard authors, ca. 1829-1903.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Multi-volume sets in decorative bindings.
25 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Multi-volume sets in decorative bindings. Collected authors include: Robert Burns,
James Fenimore Cooper, William Cowper, Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, John Fiske, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Victor Hugo, John Ingram, Washington Irving, Charles Lamb, Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Thomas Moore, Francis Parkman,
Walter Scott, Eugene Sue, Lord Alfred Tennyson, and John Greenleaf Whittier.
Collected Editions of Standard Authors, #8003. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie, Publisher;
Philadelphia; Vol. I
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie, Publisher;
Philadelphia; Vol. II
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie, Publisher;
Philadelphia; Vol. III
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie, Publisher;
Philadelphia; Vol. IV
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie, Publisher;
Philadelphia; Vol. V
Box 1 |
Ingram, John H.; The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe; George Barrie,; Philadelphia;
Vol. VI
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The Beginnings of New England; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings VI
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings VII
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings VIII
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; New France and New England; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings IX
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The American Revolution I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings X
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The American Revolution II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings XI
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; The Critical Period of American History; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; John Fiske's Historical Writings XII
Box 1 |
Fiske, John; Civil Government in the United States; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; John Fiske's Miscellaneous Writings XII
Box 1 |
Macaulay, Lord; The History of England: From the Accession of James the Second; Harper
& Brothers; New York; 1879; Vol. 1
Box 1 |
Trevelyan, G. Otto; The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay; Harper & Brothers; New
York; Vol. 1
Box 1 |
Trevelyan, G. Otto; The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay; Harper & Brothers; New
York; Vol. 2
Box 2 |
Taine, H.A.; History of English Literature; Holt & Williams; New York; 1887; Vol.
Box 2 |
Taine, H.A.; History of English Literature; Holt & Williams; New York; 1887; Vol.
Box 2 |
Lane, Edward William; The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights' Entertainments);
Routledge, Warne and Routledge; London; Vol I
Box 2 |
Lane, Edward William; The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights' Entertainments);
Routledge, Warne and Routledge; London; Vol II
Box 2 |
Lane, Edward William; The Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights' Entertainments);
Routledge, Warne and Routledge; London; Vol III
Box 2 |
Whiston, William; The Works of Flavius Josephus; Herny G. Bohn; London; 1862; Vol.
Box 2 |
Whiston, William; The Works of Flavius Josephus; Herny G. Bohn; London; 1862; Vol.
Box 2 |
D'Abrantes, The Duchess; Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family; D. Appleton and
Company; New York; 1870; Vol. I
Box 2 |
D'Abrantes, The Duchess; Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family; D. Appleton and
Company; New York; 1870; Vol. II
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. I
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. II
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. III
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. IV
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. V
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. VI
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. VII
Box 2 |
Mitford, John; The Works of John Milton: In Verse and Prose; Bickers and Bush; London;
1863; Vol. VIII
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; Holmes's Works Vol. I
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Professor at the Breakfast-Table; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; Holmes's Works Vol. II
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Poet at the Breakfast-Table; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; Holmes's Works Vol. III
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Over the Teacups; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; Holmes's Works Vol. IV
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Elsie Venner; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; Holmes's Works Vol. V
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Guardian Angel; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; Holmes's Works Vol. VI
Box 3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; A Mortal Antipathy; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; Holmes's Works Vol. VII
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Nature, Addresses and Lectures; Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; Emerson's Works Vol. I
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Essays I; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. II
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Essays II; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. III
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Representative Men; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
Emerson's Works Vol. IV
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; English Traits; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. V
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Conduct of Life; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. VI
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Society and Solitude; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
Emerson's Works Vol. VII
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Letters and Social Aims; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; Emerson's Works Vol. VIII
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Poems; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's Works
Vol. IX
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Lectures and Biographical Sketches; Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; Emerson's Works Vol. X
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Miscellanies; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. XI
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Natural History of Intellect; Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; Emerson's Works Vol. XII
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Memoir I; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. XIII
Box 3 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Memoir II; Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; Emerson's
Works Vol. XIV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Waverley; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1829; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. I
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Waverley; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1830; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. II
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Guy Mannering; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. III
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Guy Mannering; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. IV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Antiquary; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. V
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Antiquary; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. VI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Rob Roy; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. VII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Rob Roy; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Old Mortality; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. IX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Old Mortality; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. X
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Mid-Lothian; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Mid-Lothian; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Lammermoor; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Lammermoor; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1831; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XIV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Montrose; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1830; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Ivanhoe; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1832; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XVI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Ivanhoe; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1832; Scott's Waverley Novels
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Monastery; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1832; Scott's Waverley Novels
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Monastery; Cadell & Company; Edinburgh; 1832; Scott's Waverley Novels
Vol. XIX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Periodical Criticism; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1835; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XIII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Periodical Criticism; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; 1835; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XIX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Periodical Criticism; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1835; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Periodical Criticism; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXIII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXIV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1838; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXVI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXVII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Tales of a Grandfather; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; 1836; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXVIII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Demonology and Witchcraft; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXIX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Religious Discourses Etc.; Walter Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Prose
Works Vol. XXX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Border Minstrelsy; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. I
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Border Minstrelsy; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. II
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Border Minstrelsy; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. III
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Border Minstrelsy; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. IV
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Sir Tristrem; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works Vol.
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Lay of Last Minstrel; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. VI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Marmion; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works Vol. VII
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Lady of the Lake; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Rokeby; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works Vol. IX
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Lord of the sles; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works
Vol. X
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Bridal of Triermain Etc.; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political
Works Vol. XI
Box 4 |
Scott, Walter; Dramas; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; Scott's Political Works Vol. XII
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Edwin Drood; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1871; The Works of Charles
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Master Humphrey's Clock; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1869; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Uncommercial Traveller; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Christmas Stories I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Christmas Stories II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Barnaby Rudge I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Barnaby Rudge II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Barnaby Rudge III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Great Expectations I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Great Expectations II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Oliver Twist I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Oliver Twist II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Hard Times I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Hard Times II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; American Notes I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; American Notes II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Two Cities I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Two Cities II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Nicholas Nickleby I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Nicholas Nickleby II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Nicholas Nickleby III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Nicholas Nickleby IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Martin Chuzzlewit I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Martin Chuzzlewit II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Martin Chuzzlewit III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Martin Chuzzlewit IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Little Dorrit I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Little Dorrit II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Little Dorrit III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Little Dorrit IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Bleak House I; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works of Charles
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Bleak House II; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Bleak House III; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Bleak House IV; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works of
Charles Dickens
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Sketches I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works of Charles
Box 5 |
Dickens, Charles; Sketches II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864; The Works of Charles
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; La Comtesse De Charny IV; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; La Comtesse De Charny III; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Page of the Duke Savoy; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Regent's Daughter; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Forty-Five; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Companions of Jehu; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Black, The Story of a Dog; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Horoscope; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Agenor De Mauleon; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Three Musketeers; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Sylvandire; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Whites and the Blues; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; La Dame De Monsoreau; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Ascanio; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Le Chevalier De Maison-Rouge; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The War of Women; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 6 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Marguerite De Valois; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Narrative and Legendary Poems; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1892; The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier I
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Poems of Nature, Reminiscent and Religious Poems; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1892; The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Anti-Slavery Poems, Songs of Labor and Reform; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1892; The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Personal Poems, Tent on the Beach at Sundown; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1892; The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Margaret Smith's Journal Tales and Sketches; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1892; The Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier I
Box 7 |
Whittier, John; Portraits and Sketches, Historical Papers; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1892; The Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier II
Box 7 |
Hawthorne, Julian; Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1884; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne XV
Box 7 |
Farnham, Charles Haight; A Life of Francis Parkman; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; Pioneers of France in the New World; Little, Brown and Company;
1897; The Works of Francis Parkman I
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV vol. II; Little, Brown
and Company; 1897; The Works of Francis Parkman X
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; A Half-Century of Conflict vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; 1897;
The Works of Francis Parkman XI
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; A Half-Century of Conflict vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; 1897;
The Works of Francis Parkman XII
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; Montcalm and Wolfe vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; 1897; The
Works of Francis Parkman XIII
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; Montcalm and Wolfe vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; 1897; The
Works of Francis Parkman XIV
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; Montcalm and Wolfe vol. III; Little, Brown and Company; 1898; The
Works of Francis Parkman XV
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; The Conspiracy of Pontiac vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; 1898;
The Works of Francis Parkman XVI
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; The Conspiracy of Pontiac vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; 1898;
The Works of Francis Parkman XVII
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; The Conspiracy of Pontiac vol. III; Little, Brown and Company; 1898;
The Works of Francis Parkman XVIII
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; The Oregon Trail vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; 1898; The Works
of Francis Parkman XIX
Box 7 |
Parkman, Francis; The Oregon Trail vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; 1898; The Works
of Francis Parkman XX
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Hawt-Home 13; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Hood-Juli 14; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Just-Lowe 15; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Lowt-Miln 16; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Milt-Nord 17; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Norr-Pope 18; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Port-Ryan 19; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Rydb-Shel 20; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Shel-Stol 21; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Ston-Thom 22; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Thom-Walw 23; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Warb-Zwin 24; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
The Ridpath of Universal Literature vol. Index 25; Avil Printing Company; Philadelphia;
Box 8 |
Baker, Charles H., Jr.; The Gentleman's Companion vol I & II; Crown Publishers; New
York; 1946
Box 8 |
Irving, Washington; Life of George Washington vol. I; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York
Box 8 |
Irving, Washington; The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus vol. I; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1868
Box 8 |
Irving, Washington; The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus vol. II; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1868
Box 8 |
Thackery, William Makepeace; Henry Esmond; Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.; New York
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; The Life and Letters of Washington Irving vol. II; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1869
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Spanish Papers; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1869
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A.; G.P. Putnam and
Son; New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Biographies and Miscellanies; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1869
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; The Crayton Miscellany; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Oliver Goldsmith; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Astoria; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayton, Gent.; G.P. Putnam and Son;
New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Chronicles of the Conquest of Granada; G.P. Putnam and Son; New
York; 1869
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Wolfert's Roost and Other Papers; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York;
Box 9 |
Irving, Washington; Nickerbocker's New York; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; "My Novel" on Varieties in English Life vol. I; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1867
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; "My Novel" on Varieties in English Life vol. II; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1867
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; "My Novel" on Varieties in English Life vol. III; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1867
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; "My Novel" on Varieties in English Life vol. IV; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1867
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; What Will He Do With It vol. I; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; What Will He Do With It vol. II; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; What Will He Do With It vol. III; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; A Strange Story vol. I; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; A Strange Story vol. II; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Rienzi, The Last of the Roman Tribunes vol. I; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1865
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Rienzi, The Last of the Roman Tribunes vol. II; J.B. Lippincott
& Co.; Philadelphia; 1865
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Rienzi, The Parisians vol. I; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Rienzi, The Parisians vol. II; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Kenelm Chillingly, His Adventures and Opinions vol. I; J.B.
Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia; 1873
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Kenelm Chillingly, His Adventures and Opinions vol. II; J.B.
Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia; 1873
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Zanoni vol. I; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia; 1865
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; Zanoni vol. II; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia; 1865
Box 9 |
Bulwer Lytton, Edward; The Last Days of Pompeii vol. II; J.B. Lippincott & Co.; Philadelphia;
Box 10 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; The Auto-Biography of Goethe I; Bell & Daldy; London; 1872
Box 10 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; The Auto-Biography of Goethe II; Bell & Daldy; London; 1872
Box 10 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship; Bell & Daldy; London; 1872
Box 10 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Dramatic Works of Goethe; Bell & Daldy; London; 1872
Box 10 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Novels and Tales of Goethe; Bell & Daldy; London; 1872
Box 10 |
Amicis, Edmondo de; Morocco: Its People and Places vol. I; Henry T. Coates & Co.;
Philadelphia; 1897
Box 10 |
Amicis, Edmondo de; Morocco: Its People and Places vol. II; Henry T. Coates & Co.;
Philadelphia; 1897
Box 10 |
Cook, Joel; England: Picturesque and Descriptive Reminiscences of Foreign Travel vol.
I; Henry T. Coates & Co.; Philadelphia; 1900
Box 10 |
Cook, Joel; England: Picturesque and Descriptive Reminiscences of Foreign Travel vol.
II; Henry T. Coates & Co.; Philadelphia; 1900
Box 10 |
Amicis, Edmondo de; Holland vol. I; Henry T. Coates & Co.; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 10 |
Amicis, Edmondo de; Holland vol. II; Henry T. Coates & Co.; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 10 |
Lamb, Charles; The Works of Charles Lamb vol I; W.J. Widdleton; New York; 1868
Box 10 |
Lamb, Charles; The Works of Charles Lamb vol II; W.J. Widdleton; New York; 1868
Box 10 |
Lamb, Charles; The Works of Charles Lamb vol III; W.J. Widdleton; New York; 1868
Box 10 |
Lamb, Charles; The Works of Charles Lamb vol IV; W.J. Widdleton; New York; 1868
Box 10 |
Lamb, Charles; The Works of Charles Lamb vol V; W.J. Widdleton; New York; 1868
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore I; Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans;
London; 1854
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore II; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore III; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore IV; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore V; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore VI; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore VII; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore VIII; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore IX; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Moore, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore X; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1953
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns I; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns II; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns III; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns IV; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns V; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns VI; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns VII; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 10 |
Burns, Robert; The Work of Robert Burns VIII; James Cochrane and Co.; London; 1834
Box 11 |
Morse, John T., Jr.; Benjamin Franklin; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen I
Box 11 |
Hosmer, James K.; Samuel Adams; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen II
Box 11 |
Tyler, Moses Coit; Patrick Henry; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen III
Box 11 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot; George Washington I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen IV
Box 11 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot; George Washington II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen V
Box 11 |
Morse, John T., Jr.; John Adams; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen VI
Box 11 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot; Alexander Hamilton; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen VII
Box 11 |
Roosevelt, Theodore; Gouverneur Morris; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen VIII
Box 11 |
Pellew, George; John Jay; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1899;
American Statesmen IX
Box 11 |
Magruder, Allan B.; John Marshall; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen X
Box 11 |
Morse, John T., Jr.; Thomas Jefferson; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XI
Box 11 |
Gay, Sydney Howard; James Madison; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen XII
Box 11 |
Stevens, John Austin; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1899; American
Statesmen XIII
Box 11 |
Gilman, Daniel C.; James Monroe; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen XIV
Box 11 |
Morse, John T., Jr.; John Quincy Adams; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen XV
Box 11 |
Adams, Henry; John Randolph; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1899;
American Statesmen XVI
Box 11 |
Sumner, William Graham; Andrew Jackson; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1899; American Statesmen XVII
Box 11 |
Sheppard, Edward M.; Martin Van Buren; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XVIII
Box 11 |
Schurz, Carl; Henry Clay I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1899;
American Statesmen XIX
Box 11 |
Schurz, Carl; Henry Clay II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1899;
American Statesmen XX
Box 11 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot; Daniel Webster; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXI
Box 11 |
McLaughlin, Andrew C.; Lewis Cass; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen XXIV
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; David Copperfield I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; David Copperfield II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; David Copperfield III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; David Copperfield IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1863; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; Our Mutual Friend I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; Our Mutual Friend II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; Our Mutual Friend III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1866; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; Our Mutual Friend IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; The Old Curiosity Shop I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; The Old Curiosity Shop II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 11 |
Dickens, Charles; The Old Curiosity Shop III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1865;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Abbo-Apul 1; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Aqui-Bart 2; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Bart-Brem 3; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Bren-Byro 4; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Cabl-Chia 5; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Chil-Cove 6; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Cowl-Dekk 7; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Dela-Duma 8; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Duma-Fay 9; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Fede-Fuli 10; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Full-Gree 11; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature vol. Gree-Hawt 12; Avil Printing Company;
Philadelphia; 1903
Box 12 |
Holst, Dr. H. Von; John C. Calhoun; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXII
Box 12 |
Roosevelt, Theodore; Thomas H. Benton; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXIII
Box 12 |
Morse, John T., Jr.; Abraham Lincoln; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXV
Box 12 |
Lothrop, Thorton Kirkland; William Henry Seward; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1899; American Statesmen XXVII
Box 12 |
Hart, Albert Bushnell; Salmon Portland Chase; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1899; American Statesmen XXVIII
Box 12 |
Adams, Charles Francis; Charles Francis Adams; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1899; American Statesmen XXIX
Box 12 |
Storey, Moorfield; Charles Sumner; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1899; American Statesmen XXX
Box 12 |
McCall, Samuel W.; Thaddeus Stevens; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXXI
Box 12 |
Smith, Theodore Clarke; General Index; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1899; American Statesmen XXXII
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; The Life of John Dryden; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; 1834;
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol I
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Memoirs of Johnathan Swift. D.D.; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol II
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Biographical Memoirs of Eminent Novelists Vol I; Robert Cadell;
Edinburgh; 1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol III
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Biographical Memoirs of Eminent Novelists Vol II; Robert
Cadell; Edinburgh; 1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Vol IV
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Paul's Letters to His Kinsfolk; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1839; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol V
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and The Drama; Robert Cadell;
Edinburgh; 1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol VI
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; Provisional Antiquities of Scotland; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol VII
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol I; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1834; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol VIII
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol II; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol IX
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol III; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol X
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol IV; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XI
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol V; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XII
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol VI; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XIII
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol VII; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XIV
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol VIII; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XV
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Life of Napoleon Buonaparte Vol IX; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh;
1835; The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XVI
Box 13 |
Sir Walter Scott, Bart.;Periodical Criticism; Robert Cadell; Edinburgh; 1835; The
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol XVII
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; A Float and Ashore: A Sea Tale; D. Appleton and Company; New
York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; The Red Rover: A Tale; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; Homeward Bound: On the Chase; D. Appleton and Company; New York;
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; Jack Tier; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; Miles Wallingford; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; The Ways of the Hour: A Tale; D. Appleton and Company; New York;
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; The Bravo: A Tale; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; The Oak-Openings; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 13 |
Cooper, Fenimore, J.; The Wing-And-Wing; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Pride: One of the Seven Cardinal Sins Vol. I; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.;
Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Pride: One of the Seven Cardinal Sins Vol. II; Francis A. Niccolls &
Co.; Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Arthur Vol. I; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Arthur and Indolence: One of the Seven Cardinal Sins Vol. II; Francis
A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Envy: One of the Seven Cardinal Sins; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston;
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Luxury - Gluttony: Two of the Seven Cardinal Sins; Francis A. Niccolls
& Co.; Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; Avarice - Anger: Two of the Seven Cardinal Sins; Francis A. Niccolls
& Co.; Boston; 1899
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Knight of Malta; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston; 1900
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. I; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. II; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. III; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. IV; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. V; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 14 |
Sue, Eugene; The Wandering Jew Vol. VI; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Anges Pitou Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Anges Pitou Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The She-Wolves of Machecoul Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Memoirs of a Physician Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Memoirs of a Physician Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 15 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Memoirs of a Physician Vol. III; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; Pioneers of France in the New World Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company;
Boston; 1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. II
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century Vol. II;
Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. IV
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West Vol. I; Little, Brown
and Company; Boston; 1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. V
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West Vol. II; Little, Brown
and Company; Boston; 1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. VI
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; The Old Regime in Canada Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. VII
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; The Old Regime in Canada Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. VIII
Box 15 |
Parkman, Francis; Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV Vol. I; Little, Brown
and Company; Boston; 1847; The Works of Fancis Parkman Vol. IX
Box 15 |
Lowell, James Russell; The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. III; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell
Vol. IX
Box 15 |
Lowell, James Russell; The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. IV; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell
Vol. X
Box 15 |
Lowell, James Russell; Latest Literary Essays and Addresses: Old English Dramatists;
Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell
Lowell Vol. XI
Box 15 |
Scudder, Horace Elisha; James Russell Lowell: A Biography Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XII
Box 15 |
Scudder, Horace Elisha; James Russell Lowell: A Biography Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XIII
Box 15 |
Whittier, John Greenleaf; The Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier Vol. III; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1866; The Works of John Greenleaf Whittier
Vol. VII
Box 15 |
Pickard, Samuel T.; Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier Vol. I; Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1894; The Works of John Greenleaf Whittier Vol. VIII
Box 15 |
Pickard, Samuel T.; Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier Vol. II; Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1894; The Works of John Greenleaf Whittier Vol. IX
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow I
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow II
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
III; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow III
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
IV; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow IV
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
V; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow V
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol.
VI; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow VI
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; Outre-Mer and Drift-Wood; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow VII
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; Hyperion and Kavangh; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow VIII
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Inferno; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Box 16 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Purgatorio; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Box 16 |
Macaulay, Lord; The History of England from the Accessions of James the Second Vol.
III; Harper & Brothers; New York; 1879
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Twice-Told Tales; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1882; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. I
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Moses from an Old Manse; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1882; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. II
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; The House of the Seven Gables and The Snow Image; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1882; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol.
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; A Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, Grandfather's Chair; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol.
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; The Scarlet Letter and The Blithedale Romance; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. V
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; The Marble Faun; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New
York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. VI
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Our Old Home and English Note-Books Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. VII
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Our Old Home and English Note-Books Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. VIII
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Passages from The American Note-Books; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. IX
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Passages from The French and Italian Note-Books; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. X
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; The Dolliver Romance; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. XI
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Tales, Sketches, and Other Papers; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1883; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. XII
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Doctor Grimshawe's Secret; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1882; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. XIII
Box 16 |
Hawthorne, Julian; Nathaniel hawthorne and His Wife Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1884; The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne Vol. XIV
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1771-1797; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. I
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1798-1806; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. II
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1806-1812; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. III
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1812-1814; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. IV
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1814-1818; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. V
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1818-1821; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. VI
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1822-1825; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. VII
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1825-1826; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. VIII
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1826-1830; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. IX
Box 17 |
Lockhart, J.G.; Memoirs of the Life or Sir Walter Scott, Bart 1831-1832; Robert Cadell;
Edinbrgh; 1839; Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Vol. X
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Abbot Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XX
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Abbot Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Kenilworth Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Kenilworth Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXIII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Pirate Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXIV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Pirate Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Fortunes of Nigel Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXVI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Fortunes of Nigel Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXVII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Peveril of the Peak Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXVIII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Peveril of the Peak Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXIX
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Peveril of the Peak Vol. III; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXX
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Quentin Durward Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Quentin Durward Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1831; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; St. Ronan's Well Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXIII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; St. Ronan's Well Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XXXIV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Redgauntlt Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Redgauntlt Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXVI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Betrothed; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. XXXVII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Talisman; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's Waverley
Novels Vol. XXXVIII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Woodstock Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XXXIX
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Woodstock Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XL
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; The Highland Widow; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XLI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Fair Maid of Perth Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XLII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Fair Maid of Perth Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1832;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XLIII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Anne of Geierstein Vol. I; Robert Cadell & Company; 1833;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XLIV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Anne of Geierstein Vol. II; Robert Cadell & Company; 1833;
Scott's Waverley Novels Vol. XLV
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Count Robert of Paris; Robert Cadell & Company; 1833; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XLVI
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart; Castle Dangerous; Robert Cadell & Company; 1833; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XLVII
Box 17 |
Scott, Sir Walter, The Surgeon's Daughter; Robert Cadell & Company; 1833; Scott's
Waverley Novels Vol. XLVIII
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Lionel Lincoln; D. Appleton and Company; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Chainbearer; D. Appleton and Company; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Mercedes of Castle; D. Appleton and Company; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Sea-Lions; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Water-Witch; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Pathfinder; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Wyandotte; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Heidenmaurer; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Prairie; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Satanstoe; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Pilot; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Pioneers; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Headsman; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Home as Found; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Deerslayer; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; Precaution; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Two Admirals; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Crater; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 18 |
Cooper, J. Fenimore; The Redskins; D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1892
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Twenty Years After Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Twenty Years After Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Queen's Necklace Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Queen's Necklace Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Two Dianas Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Two Dianas Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Vicomte de Bragelonne Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Vicomte de Bragelonne Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Vicomte de Bragelonne Vol. III; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Olympe de Cleves Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; Olympe de Cleves Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Count of Monte Cristo Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Count of Monte Cristo Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The Count of Monte Cristo Vol. III; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; La Comtesse de Charny Vol. I; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; La Comtesse de Charny Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company; Boston;
Box 19 |
Dumas, Alexandre; The She-Wolves of Machecoul Vol. II; Little, Brown and Company;
Boston; 1902
Box 19 |
Macaulay, Lord; The History of Emgland: From the Accession of James the Second Vol.
V; Harper & Brothers; New York; 1879
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. II; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1895
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. III; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1895
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. IV; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1895
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. V; Estes and Lauriat; Boston;
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. VI; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1896
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. VII; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1896
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. VIII; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1896
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. IX; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1896
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. X; Estes and Lauriat; Boston;
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. XI; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1897
Box 20 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. XII; Estes and Lauriat;
Boston; 1897
Box 20 |
Tennyson, Hallam; Alfred, Lord Tennyson: A Memoir by his son Vol. I; Dana Estes and
Company; Boston; 1897
Box 20 |
Tennyson, Hallam; Alfred, Lord Tennyson: A Memoir by his son Vol. II; Dana Estes and
Company; Boston; 1897
Box 20 |
Tennyson, Hallam; Alfred, Lord Tennyson: A Memoir by his son Vol. III; Dana Estes
and Company; Boston; 1897
Box 20 |
Tennyson, Hallam; Alfred, Lord Tennyson: A Memoir by his son Vol. IV; Dana Estes and
Company; Boston; 1897
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. I; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. II; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. II; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. IV; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. V; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Sue, Eugene; The Mysteries of Paris Vol. VI; Francis A. Niccolls & Co.; Boston
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Literary Essays Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1864; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. I
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Literary Essays Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1870; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. II
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Literary Essays Vol. III; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1870; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. III
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Literary Essays Vol. IV; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1871; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. IV
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Political Essays; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1871; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. V
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Literary and Political Addresses; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. VI
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; The Poetical Works Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. VII
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; The Poetical Works Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1848; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. VIII
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri; Houghton, Mifflin and
Company; Boston and New York; 1886; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XI
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1891; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XII
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1891; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XIII
Box 21 |
Lowell, James Russell; Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Vol. III; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; Boston and New York; 1891; The Works of James Russell Lowell Vol. XIV
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. I
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. II
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy Vol. III; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. III
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy Vol. IV; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. IV
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Myths and Mythmakers; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. V
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; The Unseen World and Other Essays; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. VI
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Excursions of an Evolutionist; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. VII
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; The Discovery of America Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; The Historical Writings of John Fiske Vol. I
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; The Discovery of America Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; The Historical Writings of John Fiske Vol. II
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; The Discovery of America Vol. III; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston
and New York; 1902; The Historical Writings of John Fiske Vol. III
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Old Virginia and Her Neighbours Vol. I; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Historical Writings of John Fiske Vol. IV
Box 22 |
Fiske, John; Old Virginia and Her Neighbours Vol. II; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Historical Writings of John Fiske Vol. V
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Pages From an Old Volume of Life; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. VIII
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Medical Essays; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; 1892; The Works
of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. IX
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Our Hundred Days in Europe; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. X
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Lothrop Motley; Houghton, Mifflin
and Company; 1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. XI
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. I; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; 1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. XII
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. II; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; 1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. XIII
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. I; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; 1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. XIV
Box 22 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell; Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. II; Houghton,
Mifflin and Company; 1892; The Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes Vol. XV
Box 22 |
Macaulay, Lord; The History of England: From the Accession of James the Second Vol.
IV; Harper & Brothers; New York; 1879
Box 22 |
Macaulay, Lord; The History of England: From the Accession of James the Second Vol.
II; Harper & Brothers; New York; 1879
Box 22 |
Bulwer, E.L.; The Student Vol. I; Saunders and Otley; London; 1835
Box 22 |
Bulwer, E.L.; The Student Vol. II; Saunders and Otley; London; 1835
Box 23 |
Fiske, John; Darwinism and Other Essays; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and
New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. VIII
Box 23 |
Fiske, John; Studies in Religion; Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Boston and New York;
1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. IX
Box 23 |
Fiske, John; A Century of Science and Other Essays; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. X
Box 23 |
Fiske, John; The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War; Houghton, Mifflin and Company;
Boston and New York; 1902; The Miscellaneous Writings of John Fiske Vol. XI
Box 23 |
Rolfe, William J.; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson Vol. I; Estes and Lauriat; Boston;
Box 23 |
Tyrwhitt, Thomas; The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer; Edward Moxon; London; 1851
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. I; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. II; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. III; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. IV; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. V; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. VI; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. VII; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. VIII; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. IX; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Vol. X; Bach Brothers Co.; Boston;
Box 23 |
Stoddard, John L.; John L. Stoddard's Lectures Supplementary Volume; Bach Brothers
Co.; Boston; 1901
Box 24 |
Irving, Washington; The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus Vol. III; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1868
Box 24 |
Irving, Washington; Life of George Washington Vol. II; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York;
Box 24 |
Irving, Washington; Life of George Washington Vol. III; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York;
Box 24 |
Irving, Washington; Life of George Washington Vol. IV; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York;
Box 24 |
Irving, Washington; Life of George Washington Vol. V; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York;
Box 24 |
Arabian Tales Vol. I; Edinbrgh; 1792
Box 24 |
Arabian Tales Vol. II; Edinbrgh; 1792
Box 24 |
Arabian Tales Vol. III; Edinbrgh; 1792
Box 24 |
Arabian Tales Vol. IV; Edinbrgh; 1792
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. I, 1000 A.D. – 1682; Funk
& Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. II, 1562 - 1733; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. III, 1745 - 1782; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. IV, 1784 - 1811; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. V, 1812 - 1828; Funk & Wagnalls
Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. VI, 1828 - 1840; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. VII, 1840 - 1860; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. VIII, 1860 - 1865; Funk
& Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. IX, 1865 - 1877; Funk &
Wagnalls Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
Halsey, Francis W.; Great Epochs in American History Vol. X, 1877 - 1911; Funk & Wagnalls
Company; New York and London; 1912
Box 24 |
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spencer Vol. I; William Pickering; London; 1852
Box 24 |
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spencer Vol. II; William Pickering; London; 1852
Box 24 |
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spencer Vol. III; William Pickering; London; 1852
Box 24 |
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spencer Vol. IV; William Pickering; London; 1852
Box 24 |
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spencer Vol. V; William Pickering; London; 1852
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. I; Saunders and Otley;
London; 1836
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. II; Saunders and Otley;
London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. III; Saunders and
Otley; London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. IV; Saunders and Otley;
London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. V; Saunders and Otley;
London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. VI; Saunders and Otley;
London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol.VIII; Saunders and
Otley; London; 1835
Box 24 |
Grimshawe, Rev. T.S.; The Life and Works of William Cowper Vol. VIII; Saunders and
Otley; London; 1835
Box 24 |
Poets and Poetry of the XIXth Century; Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans; London;
Box 24 |
Francis, Philip; Horace Vol. I; A.J. Valpy; London; 1831
Box 24 |
Francis, Philip; Horace Vol. II; A.J. Valpy; London; 1831
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; The Pickwick Papers Vol. I; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; The Pickwick Papers Vol. II; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; The Pickwick Papers Vol. III; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; The Pickwick Papers Vol. IV; Sheldon and Company; New York; 1864;
The Works of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; Dombey and Son Vol. I; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; Dombey and Son Vol. II; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; Dombey and Son Vol. III; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The
Works of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Dickens, Charles; Dombey and Son Vol. IV; Hurd and Houghton; New York; 1866; The Works
of Charles Dickens
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; Mahomet Vol. I; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; Mahomet Vol. II; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1869
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; The Alhambra; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; Tales of a Traveller; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1868
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; Salmagundi; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1869
Box 25 |
Irving, Washington; Bracebridge Hall; G.P. Putnam and Son; New York; 1867
Box 25 |
Irving, Pierre M.; The Life and Letters of Washington Irving Vol. I; ; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1869
Box 25 |
Irving, Pierre M.; The Life and Letters of Washington Irving Vol. III; ; G.P. Putnam
and Son; New York; 1869
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Laughing Man Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Laughing Man Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Laughing Man Vol. III; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Laughing Man Vol. IV; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Toilers of the Sea Vol. I; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Toilers of the Sea Vol. II; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Toilers of the Sea Vol. III; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia;
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; The Toilers of the Sea Vol. IV; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Notre-Dame of Paris Vol. I; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Notre-Dame of Paris Vol. II; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Notre-Dame of Paris Vol. III; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Notre-Dame of Paris Vol. IV; George Barrie & Son; Philadelphia; 1892
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Ninety-Three Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Ninety-Nine Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Last Day of a Condemned Claude Guex; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Bug-Jargal; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Han of Iceland Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Han of Iceland Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1894
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables I: Fantine Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables I: Fantine Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables II: Cosette Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables II: Cosette Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables III: Marius Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables III: Marius Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia; 1893
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables IV: Plumet and St. Denis Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia;
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables IV: Plumet and St. Denis Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia;
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables V: Jean Valjean Vol. I; George Barrie; Philadelphia;
Box 25 |
Hugo, Victor; Les Miserables V: Jean Valjean Vol. II; George Barrie; Philadelphia;