Postcards of German female impersonators, 1900-1920
Collection Number: 7636
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Postcards of German female impersonators, 1900-1920
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Sixty-two late-Wilhelmine male transvestite postcards portraying thirty individuals
in their Damen-Imitator personas, including three images of "Gauze, Canadian Indian
Soprano." Sixteen are signed or inscribed by the subjects, with references to gay
cabarets in Berlin, Cologne, Kiel, and throughout the country. Five are addressed
to Paul Shafer and one to Asta, female impersonators of the period, who are also pictured
on some of the cards. One postcard depicts Man de Wirth in costume, circa 1920s. This
may be Franz Man de Wirth, described on an 1898 German postcard (viewed online) as
the best female impersonator of the time.
no primary creator
Schafer, Paul.
Asta, (Female impersonator)
Wirth, Franz Man de.
63 items.
Collection material in English
Sixty-two late-Wilhelmine female impersonator postcards portraying thirty individuals
in their Damen-Imitator personas, including three photographs of "Gauze, Canadian
Indian Soprano." Sixteen are signed or inscribed by the subjects, with references
to gay cabarets in Berlin, Cologne, Kiel, and throughout the country. Five are addressed
to Paul Shafer and one to Asta, female impersonators of the period, who are also pictured
on some of the cards. One postcard depicts Man de Wirth in costume, circa 1920s. This
may be Franz Man de Wirth, described on an 1898 German postcard (viewed online) as
the best female impersonator of the time.
Collecting Program: Human Sexuality Collection.
Postcards of German female impersonators, #7636. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
This collection has been digitized in its entirety and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Portal
Female impersonators -- Germany.
Cross-dressers -- Germany.
Transvestites -- Germany.
Transvestism -- Germany.
Sex in popular culture -- Germany.
Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.) -- Germany.
Germany -- Social life and customs.
Form and Genre Terms:
Collotypes (prints)
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 |
Female Impersonators
1900-1920 | |
Processing Information
Punctuation originally published within titles on cards were transcribed to titles
in this guide.
Female impersonators
Box 1 |
Charly Letsche
Box 1 | 1 |
Charly Letsche
1910 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
13.9 x 8.8 cm
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Scope and Contents
Lubeck, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Letsche, Charly
Box 1 | 22 |
Charly Letsche
1910 |
14 x 9 cm
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Gelatin silver prints.
Letsche, Charly
Box 1 |
Ferry Krieg
Box 1 | 2 |
Ferry Krieg, Damen-Imitator
1910 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
13.8 x 8.8 cm
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Krieg, Ferry
Box 1 | 16 |
Ferry Krieg, Damen-Imitator
1905 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
8.9 x 14.1 cm
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Krieg, Ferry
Box 1 | 50 |
Ferry Krieg, Damen-Imitator
1903 |
Creator: Berl. Phototyp. Inst. Reb. Prager
14.2 x 9.2 cm
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Scope and Contents
Berlin, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Krieg, Ferry
Box 1 |
Box 1 | 5 |
Gustav Luzernow - in seinen urkomischen Frauentypen
1905 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
8.8 x 13.8 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Luzernow, Gustav
Box 1 | 7 |
? Luzernow ?
1905 |
Creator: John Koefod, Lichtdruckanstalt
14.1 x 9 cm
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Hamburg, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Luzernow, Gustav
Box 1 | 8 |
? Luzernow ?
1905 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
13.9 x 8.9 cm
Applied color
Digital |
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Digital |
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Luzernow, Gustav
Box 1 | 9 |
? Luzernow ?
1905 |
Creator: Fletscher, W.
13.6 x 8.5 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Berlin, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Luzernow, Gustav
Box 1 | 10 |
Luzernow - Chansonetten-Darsteller
1905 |
Creator: Bebr. Ziebner
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Dresden, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Luzernow, Gustav
Box 1 |
Box 1 | 6 |
1914 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
8.8 x 13.8 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 53 |
1910 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
9.2 x 13.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 |
Paul Schafer
Box 1 | 12 |
Paul Schafer
1905 |
13.9 x 9 cm
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Scope and Contents
This postcard features the same image as postcard 44 in this collection.
Gelatin silver prints.
Shafer, Paul
Box 1 | 26 |
? Schafer ?
1900 |
17.5 x 11.4 cm
Cabinet card
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Gelatin silver prints.
Schafer, Paul
Box 1 | 27 |
1900 |
Creator: Jensen, M.
16.8 x 10.8 cm
Cabinet card, applied color
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Rendsburg, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Schafer, Paul
Box 1 | 44 |
Paul Schafer, Soubrettendarsteller
1905 |
Creator: Dr. Trenkler Co.
14 x 8.8 cm
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Leipzig, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Schafer, Paul
Box 1 | 45 |
Paul Schafer
1908 |
14.2 x 9 cm
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Scope and Contents
Collotypes (prints)
Schafer, Paul
Box 1 | 56 |
Performer with tambourine
1905 |
13.9 x 9.9 cm
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Scope and Contents
Possibly Paul Schafer.
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 63 |
Performer with parasol
1900 |
14 x 9.1 cm
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Scope and Contents
Possibly Paul Schafer.
Gelatin silver prints.
Ferri Verdini
Box 1 | 21 |
Ferri Verdini
1900 |
13.9 x 8.9 cm
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Gelatin silver prints.
Verdini, Ferri
Box 1 | 38 |
Ferri Verdini
1910 |
14 x 8.6 cm
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Gelatin silver prints.
Verdini, Ferri
Box 1 |
Rudi Rufino
Box 1 | 24 |
Rudi Rufino, Imitateur de la Soubrette?
1910 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
13.8 x 8.7 cm
Digital |
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Rufino, Rudi
Box 1 | 39 |
Rufino ? -Imitateur de la Soubrette
1905 |
Creator: Lubecker Lichtdruck-Anstalt Schmidt and Gebr. Bottger
13.8 x 8.6 cm
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Collotypes (prints)
Rufino, Rudi
Box 1 |
Friedel Schwarz
Box 1 | 28 |
? Friedel Schwarz ?
1910 |
Creator: Lubecker Lichtdruck-Anstalt Schmidt and Gebr. Bottger
14 x 8.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Schwarz, Friedel
Box 1 | 54 |
? Friedel Schwarz ?
1913 |
Creator: Lubecker Lichtdruck-Anstalt Schmidt and Gebr. Bottger
13.7 x 8.8 cm
Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Collotypes (prints)
Schwarz, Friedel
Box 1 |
Box 1 | 30 |
Gauze, Canadian Indian soprano
1910 |
13.5 x 8.7 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 31 |
Gauze, Canadian Indian soprano
1910 |
13.6 x 8.5 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 58 |
Gauze, Canadian Indian soprano
1910 |
14.1 x 8.6 cm
Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 |
Box 1 | 34 |
Zwegaly ?
1905 |
Creator: Berl. Phototyp. Inst. Rob. Prager
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Berlin, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 60 |
Zwegaly ?
1905 |
Creator: Lichtdruck von Trau and Schwab
13.9 x 9.1 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Dresden, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 |
Box 1 | 51 |
1905 |
13.5 x 8.5 cm
Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 57 |
1905 |
13.5 x 8.6 cm
Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 |
Named impersonators
Box 1 | 3 |
Heinr. Wessels, Damen-Imitator
1905 |
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Wessels, Heinrich
Box 1 | 4 |
Emil Brunelly - Soubretten parodist, rezitator sopran u bariton sanger
1905 |
9.1 x 13.8 cm
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Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Brunelly, Emil
Box 1 | 11 |
Myllardo - sopransanger
1905 |
14 x 9 cm
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 14 |
Sissi Lafaly
1910 |
13.6 x 8.7 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Gelatin silver prints.
Lafaly, Sissi
Box 1 | 15 |
Ernst Loretto
1910 |
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Gelatin silver prints.
Loretto, Ernst
Box 1 | 23 |
Niels Holmes, Soubrette-Imitator
1910 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
14 x 8.8 cm
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Holmes, Niels
Box 1 | 25 |
H. Vorst - Soubrettendarsteller u. sopransanger
1910 |
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Collotypes (prints)
Vorst, H.
Box 1 | 33 |
Paul Storsberg - Sopransanger
1900 |
14 x 8.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Storsberg, Paul
Box 1 | 35 |
Probasta, das psychologische Ratsel
1900 |
Creator: John Koefod, Lichtdruckanstalt
13.8 x 8.8 cm
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Hamburg, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 36 |
? Hardi Simon ?
1900 |
Creator: Gebr. Siegner, Kotzchenbroda
9.3 x 13.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Simon, Hardi
Box 1 | 37 |
Paul Sander
1914 |
Creator: Lubecker Lichtdruck-Anstalt Schmidt and Gebr. Bottger
9.4 x 13.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Collotypes (prints)
Sander, Paul
Box 1 | 46 |
? Eishauer (Eshally) ?
1905 |
Creator: Nordische Kunstanstalt Ernst Schmidt and Co.
13.8 x 8.7 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Lubeck, Germany
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 47 |
1915 |
Creator: Lubecker Lichtdruck-Anstalt Schmidt and Gebr. Bottger
13.9 x 8.9 cm
Applied color
Digital |
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Digital |
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Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 48 |
Gomarre - Die fabelhafte indische Tanz-und Fakirschau
1915 |
Creator: Anstalt, Gebr. Garloff
14.1 x 9.3 cm
Digital |
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Magdeburg, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 49 |
Alraunen duo
1913 |
Creator: Fotograf Fritz Frank
13.9 x 8.8 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Frankfurt, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 55 |
Mitzi Kaller
1910 |
14 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Kaller, Mitzi
Box 1 | 62 |
Man de Wirth
1920 |
Creator: Haas, H.
13.5 x 8.6 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Man de Wirth
Unidentified impersonators
Box 1 | 13 |
Female impersonator as ballerina
1905 |
13.7 x 8.5 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 17 |
Performer in costume
1900 |
13.8 x 9.1 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Inscription verso translated as: "A sport [game/play] of nature. 1/2 man. 1/2 woman"
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 18 |
Female impersonator in costume
1905 |
13.9 x 8.9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 19 |
Female impersonator with headpiece
1900 |
13.6 x 8.6 cm
Applied color
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 20 |
Female impersonator with hat
1900 |
Creator: Photographische Kunstanstalt Gerh. Merlens
13.3 x 8.3 cm
Digital |
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Aachen, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 29 |
Female impersonator in dress and heels
1900 |
13.4 x 8.5 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Scope and Contents
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 32 |
Female impersonator in sleeveless dress
1910 |
Creator: Rembrandt
13.8 x 9 cm
Digital |
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Digital |
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Digital |
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Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 40 |
Two female impersonators dancing
1905 |
Creator: Heldberg, F.
Creator: Hansa-Atelier
13.9 x 8.9 cm
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Hamburg, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 41 |
Two female impersonators dancing
1905 |
Creator: Heldberg, F.
Creator: Hansa-Atelier
13.9 x 8.9 cm
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Hamburg, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 42 |
Two female impersonators as dancers
1905 |
Creator: Atelier Electra G. Reh
14.1 x 9 cm
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Stuttgart, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 43 |
Female impersonator doing a split
1910 |
Creator: Atelier Electra G. Reh
8.8 x 14 cm
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Stuttgart, Germany
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 52 |
Female impersonator in top hat
1900 |
14.1 x 8.8 cm
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Collotypes (prints)
Box 1 | 59 |
Female impersonator in ballet slippers
1910 |
14.1 x 9.1 cm
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
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The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Gelatin silver prints.
Box 1 | 61 |
Female impersonator wearing lace shawl
1905 |
13.7 x 8.9 cm
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Gelatin silver prints.