Lesbian popular fiction collection, 1934-1988.
Collection Number: 7455
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Lesbian popular fiction collection, 1934-1988.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Erotic pulp novels on lesbian subjects, including such themes as seduction, secrecy,
and danger.
2 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Erotic pulp novels on lesbian subjects, including such themes as seduction, secrecy,
and danger.
Collecting Program: Human Sexuality Collection.
Lesbian Popular Fiction Collection, #7455. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
Popular literature.
Lesbians -- Fiction.
Form and Genre Terms:
Pulp fiction
Box 4 |
Addams, Kay, Warped Desire, Universal Publishing, B289,
1960 | |
Box 5 |
Adlon, Arthur, The Odd Kind, Universal Publishing, Beacon Books, B 492F,
1962 | |
Box 1 |
Aldrich, Ann, We Walk Alone, Fawcett Pub., S 774,
1955 | |
Box 1 |
Aldrich, Ann, We, Too, Must Love, Fawcett Pub., S 727,
1958 | |
Box 1 |
Aldrich, Ann, Carol In A Thousand Cities, Fawcett Pub., D 1009,
1960 | |
Box 1 |
Aldrich, Ann, Den Ensommes Vej, Fawcett Pub. (Danish), -0-,
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Anonymous, Lesbian Letters No. 1, Stewart Gordon Pub., -0-,
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Anonymous, Lesbian Letters No. 2, Stewart Gordon Pub., -0-,
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Anonymous, Lion-Taming Tigresses, Star Distributors, SF-126,
1988 | |
Box 2 |
Austin, William A., Commit The Sins, Newsstand Library, U 165,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
Bannon, A., Odd Girl Out, Fawcett Pub., 653,
1957 | |
Box 1 |
Bannon, Ann, Odd Girl Out, Fawcett Pub., S 965,
1957 | |
Box 1 |
Bannon, Ann, Women In The Shadows, Fawcett Pub., S 919,
1959 | |
Box 4 |
Bannon, Ann, I Am A Woman (Signed By Author), Fawcett Publications, T2227,
1959 | |
Box 2 |
Barstead, Harry, Love Me!, Private Edition , PE 305,
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Bellaugh, James, The Hollow Venus, Brandon House, 939,
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Bennett, Adrian, My Lovely Adele, Avon Books, G-1101,
1962 | |
Box 2 |
Boycott, Billie, No Man's Land, Arthur H. Stockwell, -0-,
1978 | |
Box 3 |
Britain, Sloane, Meet Marilyn, Tower, 52,
1960 | |
Box 3 |
Britain, Sloane, Meet Marilyn, Tower, F 284,
1960 | |
Box 2 |
Brown, Carter, The Deadly Kitten, New American Library, D 3345,
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Brown, Wenzell, Women of Evil, Monarch Books, 293,
1963 | |
Box 2 |
Burns, Vincent E., Female Convict, Pyramid, 58,
1952 | |
Box 5 |
Carson, Dave, Sex III, Universal Publishing, Beacon Books, B 445F,
1961 | |
Box 4 |
Cassel, Lucas (also Norton, Gene), Wet, Wild and Wonderful (also Anything for Kicks), Midwood Enterprises, 34-888,
1967 | |
Box 5 |
Christian, Paula, Edge of Twilight,Fawcett Publications, Crest Books, S267,
1959 | |
Box 5 |
Christian, Paula, Love Is Where You Find It, Hearst Corporation, Avon Book, G-1091,
1961 | |
Box 4 |
Christian, Paula, The Other Side of Desire, Paperback Library, 52-833,
1965 | |
Box 3 |
Clanton, Carol, Gay Interlude, Tower, F 95,
1961 | |
Box 4 |
Clements, Mark, Teacher's Pet, Midwood Enterprises, F333,
1963 | |
Box 5 |
Craig, Saxon, College Sex Queans, Private Edition, Raven Books, RB 714,
1963 | |
Box 5 |
Curson, Stanley, Counterfeit Lesbian, Brandon House Book, 623,
1963 | |
Box 4 |
de Granamour, A., Three More Painful Years, Consolidated Publishing, GP 128,
1969 | |
Box 1 |
Dean, Ralph, Anything Goes, Bedside Books, BB 825,
1959 | |
Box 4 |
Dean, Ralph, One Kind of Woman, Universal Publishing, S95154,
1959 | |
Box 2 |
des Cars, Guy, The Damned One, Pyramid, G 224,
1956 | |
Box 4 |
Douglas, Craig, Black Silk Dyke, Nite Lite Books, NL 206,
1964 | |
Box 1 |
Du Val, Pierre, French Dressing, Connoisseur Publications, FN 111,
1964 | |
Box 4 |
Dumont, Jessie, Made in Hell, Lancer Books, 72-647,
1962 | |
Box 3 |
Ellis, John, Gay Scene, Tower, F 169,
1962 | |
Box 3 |
Emery, Carol, Queer Affair, Universal, B 135,
1957 | |
Box 2 |
Evans, Lesley, Strange Are The Ways Of Love, Fawcett Pub., S 336,
1959 | |
Box 1 |
Fletcher, Tony, Odd Man Out, After Hours, AH 111,
1964 | |
Box 2 |
Flora, Fletcher, Strange Sisters, Lion Books, 215,
1954 | |
Box 2 |
Flora, Fletcher, Whisper Of Love, Pyramid, F-691,
1955 | |
Box 2 |
Flora, Fletcher, Whisper Of Love, Pyramid, G 384,
1955 | |
Box 2 |
Golightly, Bonnie, The Shades Of Evil, Hillman Books, 162,
1960 | |
Box 4 |
Gordon, Diane, Lesbian Girls, Monogram Publications, XB-112,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
Gray, Stella, Abnormals Anonymous, National Library Books, NLB-106,
1964 | |
Box 5 |
Hamilton, Greg, The Strange One, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, 32-564,
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Hanson, Doris, The Intimate Story Of A Lesbian, L. S. Publications, 719,
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Hardin, Charles, Notes From The Fringe, M T Publishers, NL 1070,
1969 | |
Box 3 |
Hastings, March, The Outcasts, Tower, F 134,
1961 | |
Box 3 |
Hastings, March, By Flesh Alone, Tower, F 208,
1962 | |
Box 4 |
Holk, Agnette, Strange Friends, Pyramid Books, R-863,
1955 | |
Box 5 |
Holk, Agnette, Strange Friends, Almat Publishing, Pyramid Books, G170,
1955 | |
Box 2 |
Holliday, Don, Sin School, Tower, 25,
1959 | |
Box 1 |
Howard, T. J., The Fourth Sex, Brandon House, 1028,
1966 | |
Box 4 |
Jannsen, Rick, A Loving Son, Tiburon House Publishing Co., RWS/201,
1972 | |
Box 5 |
Kemp, Kimberly, Party Time, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, 32-426,
1964 | |
Box 3 |
Kent, Justin, Mavis, Universal, B 695,
1953 | |
Box 2 |
Kersh, Gerald, Prelude To A Certain Midnight, Lion Books, 98,
1947 | |
Box 5 |
Koby, Dale, Perverted Wife, Art Enterprises, Inc., Epic Original, 136,
1962 | |
Box 2 |
Lord, Sheldon, 69 Barrow Street, Tower, 24,
1959 | |
Box 2 |
Lord, Sheldon, A Strange Kind Of Love, Tower , 9,
1959 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, 21 Gay Street, Tower, 55,
1960 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, A Woman Must Love, Tower, 33,
1960 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, Candy, Tower, 40,
1960 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, Of Shame And Joy, Tower, 29,
1960 | |
Box 5 |
Lord, Sheldon, Of Shame And Joy, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, 29,
1960 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, Of Shame And Joy, Tower, F 121,
1961 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, The Third Way, Universal, B 790,
1962 | |
Box 3 |
Lord, Sheldon, The Sisterhood, Universal, S 95189,
1963 | |
Box 3 |
Lucchesi, Aldo, Strange Breed, Tower, 44,
1960 | |
Box 1 |
March, Lisa, "Her And She And Him...", Audubon Books, 441-32750,
1970 | |
Box 1 |
Mark, Edwina, My Sister, My Beloved, Berkley, G-141,
1955 | |
Box 5 |
Mark, Edwina, My Sister, My Beloved, Berkley Publishing, G-44,
1955 | |
Box 1 |
Marr, Reed, Women Without Men, Fawcett Pub., 638,
1957 | |
Box 1 |
Marshe, Richard, A Woman Called Desire, Berkley, G-236,
1950 | |
Box 5 |
Mayo, Dallas, When Lights Are Low, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, F315,
1963 | |
Box 5 |
Mayo, Dallas, Pretty Puppet, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, F371,
1964 | |
Box 5 |
Mayo, Dallas, Pagan Summer, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, 32-465,
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Michaels, Rea, Naked in the Night, Domino Books, 82-103,
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Miller, Marcus, The Golden Dyke, Corinth Publications, LB 1217,
1967 | |
Box 5 |
Moore, Hal R., Odd Girl, Designs Publishing Corporation, Intimate Novels, 56,
1954 | |
Box 2 |
Murry, P., A Dandy, Pendulum Books, -0-,
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Napier, Dominique, Never Love A Man, Universal Publishing, B511F,
1962 | |
Box 4 |
Nemec, John, Was She A Dyke?, Art Enterprises Inc., I 727,
1963 | |
Box 1 |
Packer, Vin, Spring Fire, Fawcett Pub., 398,
1952 | |
Box 1 |
Packer, Vin, The Evil Friendship, Fawcett Pub., S 797,
1958 | |
Box 2 |
Packer, Vin, The Evil Friendship, Fawcett Pub., 520-00299,
1958 | |
Box 4 |
Pardo, Edyie, Lesbian Journal: Fran's Love of a Young Girl, American Art Enterprises, LF-116,
1985 | |
Box 3 |
Parish, Cal, Tortured Triangle, Triumph News Co., TNC 301,
1967 | |
Box 1 |
Pratt, Theodore, The Tormented, Fawcett Pub., S 933,
1950 | |
Box 5 |
Pritchard, Janet Warped Women, Universal Publishing, Beacon Books, B 121,
1956 | |
Box 3 |
Rico, Don, The Unmarried Ones, Universal, B 713,
1964 | |
Box 5 |
Russo, Paul V., This Yielding Flesh, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, 94,
1961 | |
Box 3 |
Salem, Randy, Chris, Universal, B 223,
1959 | |
Box 5 |
Salem, Randy, Tender Torment, Tower Publications, Midwood Books, F172,
1962 | |
Box 4 |
Sherwood, Paula, Rubdown, Wee Hours, WH 540,
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Shields, Frank, The Gay Sinners, P. E. C., N 138,
1966 | |
Box 4 |
Simon, George, Girls Without Men, Universal Publishing, S75142,
1964 | |
Box 3 |
Smith, Artemis, The Third Sex, Beacon, B268,
1959 | |
Box 2 |
Smith, Artemis, This Bed We Made, Monarch Books, 182,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
Smith, Barry, Good Night Sweet Dyke, All Star Books, AS 61,
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Swados, Felice, House of Fury, Avon Books, 430,
1941 | |
Box 2 |
Taylor, Valerie, Whisper Their Love, Fawcett Pub., 187,
1957 | |
Box 3 |
Thomas, Lee, Mask Of Lesbos, Universal, B 627,
1963 | |
Box 1 |
Thompson, Sharon L., Reaper Of Wild Oats, Caravalle Books, 092-00863,
1968 | |
Box 3 |
Torres, Tereska, Women's Barracks, World Dist., 1116,
1950 | |
Box 4 |
Tryon, Mark, Of G-Strings and Strippers, Beacon Books, B273,
1953 | |
Box 3 |
Vail, Ann, Diary Of A Lesbian, Triumph News Co., TNC 103,
1967 | |
Box 1 |
Vail, Ann, The Lesbian, E. L. Publishing Co., CS-34,
1971 | |
Box 1 |
Vast, Jack, Hush Hush Sweet Harlot, All Star Books, AS 71,
1966 | |
Box 4 |
Verel, Shirley, The Dark Side of Venus, Bantam Books, F2434,
1962 | |
Box 3 |
Wade, Carlson, The Troubled Sex, Universal, E 105F,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
Weiss, Joe, Anything Goes, Bedside Books, BB 825,
1959 | |
Box 5 |
West, Edwin, Strange Affair, Monarch Books, 232,
1962 | |
Box 2 |
Wilde, Rita, Two-Way Street, P. E. C., FL 70,
1970 | |
Box 1 |
Wilhelm, Gale, We Too Are Drifting, Berkley, G-173,
1935 | |
Box 2 |
Wilhelm, Gale, No Letters For The Dead, Lion Books, 52,
1936 | |
Box 2 |
Wilhelm, Gale, No Nice Girl, Pyramid, G 440,
1936 | |
Box 2 |
Wilhelm, Gale, Paula, Lion Books, LB 115,
1936 | |
Box 1 |
Williams, Isabel, Hellcat, Dell, 521,
1934 | |
Box 1 |
Willow, Peter, 3 Way Split, After Hours, AH 117,
1965 | |
Box 3 |
Wilson, Barbara, The Velvet Embrace, Lancer Books, 72-949,
1965 |