Center for Policy Analysis records, 1987-2006.
Collection Number: 6755
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Center for Policy Analysis records, 1987-2006.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Records of the Center, including reports, pamphlets, brochures, and newsletters.
Center for Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C
7 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Records of the Center, including reports, pamphlets, brochures, and newsletters.
Forms part of Progressive Cities and Neighborhood Planning Collections.
Center for Policy Analysis records, #6755. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
City planning.
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
NYS Data Center Annual Report- Flemming Leadership Institute: Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 2006.
November 28, 2006 |
Folder w/ Documents
Scope and Contents
CPA History Timeline sheet: 1page; Flemming Leadership Institute's alumni interaction
descriptions & congressmen members name by state: 5 pages; Flemming Leadership Institute
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Alternatives- Newsletter of the Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993-1997.
1993-1997 |
Newsletter in Binder
Scope and Contents
32 newsletter documents from 1993-1997 in binder; Yr1993: 5 newsletters; Yr1994: 6
newsletters; Yr1995: 6 newsletters; Yr1996: 6 newsletters; Yr1997: 9 newsletter
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Midwest Summit, June 29-30, 2001, Detroit, Michigan: Progressive Solutions for the
Midwest- Connecting legislators with advocates and experts to develop progressive
public policy agendas. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
June 29, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Summit info binder: 10 sections including agenda, participant contact info, speaker
bios, policy topics & legislation reviews, media strategies, about CPA section; Alternatives
newsletter Summer 2001 Vol.9 No.3
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Ways & Means Newsletter. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1982-1993.
1982-1993 |
Newsletter in Binder
Scope and Contents
Way & Means newsletter documents from 1982-1993 in binder: 47 newsletters total
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Alternatives- Newsletter of the Center for Policy Alternatives. Washington D.C., 1998-2001.
1998-2001 |
Newsletter in Binder
Scope and Contents
28 newsletter documents from 1998-2001 in binder; Yr1998: 8 newsletters; Yr1999: 9
newsletters; Yr2000: 7 newsletters; Yr2001: 4 newsletters
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Western Training and Forum- Inside Strategies: Serving Effectively in Office. Portland,
Oregon: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
August 5, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Training & Forum info binder: 8 sections including agenda, participant contact info,
speaker bios, policy topics & legislation reviews, about CPA section; policy issues
survey & blank evaluation sheet
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
The Flemming Fellows Leadership Institute. Washington D.C.: The Center for Policy
Alternatives, 2002.
January 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 8 sections including agenda, facilitator bios, member contact
info, about CPA section; handwritten notes on looseleaf; Flemming Fellows 2002 class
names, faciliator evaluations
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Southwest Regional Conference- A Forum for Progressive Action. San Antonio, Texas:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2002.
July 12, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Conference info binder: 5 sections including participant contact info, speaker bios,
3 policy issues, reform bills; agenda; policy issue checklist; blank evaluation; Alternatives
newsletter Spring 2002 Vol.10 No.2
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Midwest Regional Conference- A Forum for Progressive Action. Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2002.
August 16, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Conference info binder: 8 sections including participant contact info, speaker bios,
media training, policy issues & legislation reviews; CPA "Plug into the network…"
brochure; agenda, policy issue checklist; blank evaluation form; Alternatives newsletter
Spring 2002 Vol.10 No.2
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Northeast Regional Conference - A Forum for Progressive Action. June 27-28. Sturbridge,
Massachusetts: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2002.
June 27, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Conference info binder: 8 sections including participant contact info, speakers, sponsors,
policy issues & reviews, policy toolkits; agenda, policy issue checklist; blank evaluation
form; Alternatives newsletter Spring 2002 Vol.10 No.2
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Southeast Regional Conference - A Forum for Progressive Action. August 2-3. Tunica,
Mississippi: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2002.
August 2, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Conference info binder: 8 sections including participant contact info, speakers, sponsors,
policy issues & reviews; agenda, policy issue checklist; blank evaluation form
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Eleanor Roosevelt Global Leadership Institute - Domestic Retreat. May 30 - June 2.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2003.
May 30, 2003 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 5 sections including constituents & global issues review presentation,
cross-cultural skills, local governance & trade, profile of China, class of 2003 info
& faculty bios; CPA "Plug into the network..." brochure; agenda; blank evaluation
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Women's Leadership Retreat 2003. June 6- 8. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 2003.
June 6 2003 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 5 sections including participant contact info, strategy sessions
on women's health, caregiving, income security & economic opportunity; blank evaluation
form; referral form; agenda; missing items: binder cover, CPA list, & speaker bios
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Northeast Regional Policy Leaders Forum - Progressive Policy Solutions for the Northeast.
September 14-15. Braintree, Massachusetts: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
September 14, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Forum info binder: 8 sections including participant contact info, policy review of
election reform & economic security, issues workshops, messaging strategies, policy
toolkits, sponsors; agenda, policy issues survey, blank evaluation form, Alternatives
newsletter Spring 2001 Vol.9 No. 3
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Southwest Regional Policy Leaders Forum - Progressive Policy Solutions for the Southwest.
July 27-28. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
July 27, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Forum info binder: 10 sections including participant contact info, speaker bios policy
issues review, media strategies, about CPA section; agenda; news advisory; Consumers
Union article; policy issues survey; blank evaluation form, Alternatives newsletter
Spring 2001 Vol.9 No. 3
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Southeast Regional Policy Leaders Forum - Progressive Policy Solutions for the New
South. July 20- 21. Atlanta, Georgia: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
July 20, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Forum info binder: 10 sections including participant contact info, speaker bios, southern
demographics, policy issues review, media strategies, about CPA section; agenda; policy
issues survey; blank evaluation form; copy of Souther Changes newsletter Winter 200
Vol.22 No.4; Alternatives newsletter
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Grassroots Women Leadership Retreat. June 6-9. Lake Tahoe, Nevada: Center for Policy
Alternatives, Nevada Women's Agenda & Nevada's Women's Lobby, Rockefeller Family Fund,
June 6, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 8 sections including program overview, participant contact info,
policy issues review, tools & resources, sponsoring organizations
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Work & Family in the New Economy: Innovations in the States. October 5-6. San Francisco,
CA: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2000.
October 5, 2000 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Conference info binder: 8 sections including agenda, speaker bios, participant contact
info, policy issues review, about CPA section; keynote speech notes (2 copies); Remarks
speech from Amy B. Dean for CPA; blank evaluation form; Alternatives newsletter Sept/Oct
2000 Vol.8 No.5
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Eleanor Roosevelt Global Leadership Institute - Domestic Retreat. April 20-23. The
Pocantico Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund: Center for Policy Alternatives,
April 20, 2001 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 8 sections including agenda, class of 2001 contact info, faculty
bios, reference material, local governance & trade agreements, intro to Chile, action
plan, section about CPA; blank evaluation form
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Eleanor Roosevelt Global Leadership Institute - Domestic Retreat. Washington D.C.:
The Pocantico Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Center for Policy
Alternatives, 2002.
July 19, 2002 |
Informational Binder
Scope and Contents
Retreat info binder: 5 sections including constituents & global issues review presentation,
cross-cultural skills, profile of Chile, class of 2002 info & faculty bios, community
contact project, leadership coaching;agenda; blank evaluation form; retreat summary,
Chile study tour sheet
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Various Authors. Federal Tax Reform and Implications for the State--Innovative Ideas for America's
State and Local Governments. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives,
January 8, 1987, August 1987 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Two legislation reviews- 1#: Federal Tax Reform & Implications for the States: 22
pages (Written by Linda Tarr-Whelan & Robert McGarrah. January 8, 1987), 2#: Special
State Legislative Report- Financial Institutions & Community Reinvestment: 33pages
(Written by John Fellin. July 1987)
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
A Citizen's Handbook on Jobs. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, National
Committee for Full Employment, 1988.
June 16, 1988 |
Photocopy of Policy Handbook
Scope and Contents
Report for legislative actions on jobs in the U.S.- 3 sections including federal policy
limitations, need for state action, model programs & case studies, reform alternatives:
50 pages
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Business Climate Yields to Growth Climate: The Midwest Pioneers the New Age- A Report
for the Midwest Leadership Network of the National Center for Policy Alternatives
(DRAFT). Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives w/ Mt. Auburn Associates,
May 1, 1987 |
Report (Draft)
Scope and Contents
Summary of "business climate", 5 sections of myths, factors, state legislations, and
alternatives for the business growth: 82 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Hamrin, Robert D.. Beyond Business Climate: Economic & Environmental Partnerships- Conference for Midwest
Leaders. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1987.
October 11, 1987 |
Scope and Contents
Comments by Robert D. Hamrin at the opening plenary of the conference: 14 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Tarr-Whelan, Linda . Progressive Federalism: A Model to Achieve Economic and Social Justice. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1989.
January 9, 1989 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Concept paper on the background of progressive federalism and alternatives for new
legislation: 8 pages
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Various Authors. Economic Initiatives- State Report. Innovative Ideas for America's State & Local Governments.
Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1989,1991.
December 1989, July 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 state reports on economic initiatives- #1: 4 sections by various authors- 45 pages
(Edited by Robert K. Stunberg & Anne E. Hoskins. December 1989). #2: Photocopy of
Special Report on Economic Conversion, 4 sections- 24 pages total (Edited by Anne
E. Hoskins & Keith Cunningham); 1 summary paper on New Initiatives in Economic Conversion
by Mark Graham- 3 pages
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Midwest Brief: Voter Registration Laws & Voter Turnout--Innovative Ideas for America's
State & Local Government. Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives,
February 1990 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Draft legislative brief of voter laws & voter turnout- Case studies of 8 states, plus
intro, conclusion, CPA info, and appendices: 52 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Various Authors. Policy Reports. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990.
Various |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
June, September, November, December 1990. 4 policy reviews- #1: State Reinvestment
Policy (Robert Stumberg. June 1990) summary and analysis of Community Reinvestment
Act of 1977- 31 pages. #2: Leading The Way to a Diversified Economy (Anne E. Hoskins
& Amy Haught. Sept.1990)- 11 pages. #3: Policy Options for Converting State Economies
(Anne Hoskins & J.D. White. December 1990)- 8 pages. #4: Summary of Federal Legislation
on Defense Economic Adjustment & Conversion for FY1991- 3 pages; conversion contacts
& survey results
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Progressive Federalism: The States Lead, Washington Follows--National Progressive
Policy Conference. Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 1990.
December 4, 14-16, 1990 |
Conference Report
Scope and Contents
Various Conference Materials: 1 CPA News Release- 2pages; 1 description summary of
conference- 1page; photocopy of back side of summary- 1page; invitation letter to
plenary speakers- 1 page; 1 grant letter for conference funding (by Linda Tarr-Whelan)-
2 pages; conference objectives (DRAFT)- 3 pages (numbered 8-10); conference overview-
7 pages; Final Report- 7pages
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
Various Authors. Policy Reports & Legislative Analyses. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
January, March 5, May 2, July 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 Legislative reports & analyses- #1: Survey of State and Local Housing Trust Fund
Programs- 38 pages (By: Anne E. Hoskins, Amy Haught, Sandra Green. January 1991).
#2: CPA State Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Legislation- 1991 Legislative Year-
18 pages (March 5, 1991). #3: Resource Packet for Energy Efficiency Strategy Session-
36 pages (Various authors- articles. May 2, 1991). #4: Reinvesting in Communities:
Policy Options for New Jersey- Executive Summary- 10 pages (By Anne E. Hoskins & Robert
Stumberg frm CPA & Dan Hoffman & Richard Ferlauto frm American Affordable Housing
Institute. July 1991).
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Various Authors. Policy Report & Legislative Analyses. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
May, November 23, &, December 1992 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
3 legislation materials- #1: State & Policy Support for Targeted Pension Fund Investment-
23 pages total (By Richard Ferlauto, Robert Stumberg, & Robin Sampson. May 1992).
#2: Pensions & Investments- Funds fear Clinton pressure (2 photocopies of newspaper
article by Joel Chernoff. Nov.23, 1992.) #3: Model Legislation Series- State Community
Reinvestment Act- 14 pages total (By Robert Stumberg w/ Karen Valentine. December
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Sementilli-Dann, Lisa, Solomon, Deborah, & Tso, Kim. Investing in Families: The Foundation for the New Economy (DRAFT). Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
January 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
acknowledgements w/ contributors names; summary desciption for the creation of a legislative
family agenda; 7 sections including intro, economic equity for caregivers, workplace
flexibility, child care, child support, eldercare, conclusion; plus appendix & bibliography-
58 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
Ryan, William & Schrader, Richard. An Ounce of Toxic Pollution Preventio: State Toxics Use Reduction Laws - Second Edition.
Washington D.C.: National Environmental Law Center & Center for Policy Alternatives,
January 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
8 sections including executive summary, intro, background on toxins, needs for toxin
reduction, state laws evaluations, funding for pollution prevention laws, reform for
toxics use reduction law; plus appendices & tables- 74 pages total; also written w/
Mike Derezin & Richard Regan
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Various Authors. Policy Reports & Legislative Analyses. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
February 17, April 13, May 19, 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
5 policy summaries & legislative analyses- #1: Model Legislation Series- Targeted
Investment Act- 8 pages (By Duan Phillips & Richard Ferlauto. February 17, 1993).
#2: CPA's Economic Development and Community Investment Package- 75 pages total- 5
sections (1993-1994). #3: Reinventing Block Grants: The Small Cities Community Development
Block Grant (DRAFT)- 2 Photocopies- 6 pages each- odd#pgs missing (By Carter Lawson
& Robert Stumberg w/ Lisa Fowler, Larry Calvert, & Karen Shiff. April 13, 1993). #4:
Inclusive Job Training- Working w/ the Job Training Partnership Act to Promote Microenterprise
Training- 24 pages total, some pages missing (By Tracey L. Kitzman. April 1993). #5:
Inclusive Job Training- Using JTPA Funds for Microenterprise Training (Working DRAFT)-
35 pages total (By Tracey Kitzman. May 19, 1993)
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
Cook, Scott. Economic Conversion Policy Alternatives - A Survey of 10 States. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
April 26, 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Documented results of economic surveys from 10 states: California, Connecticut, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Texas, Virginia & Washington. "The purpose
of survey is to give an overview of policy alternatives state governments, legislators,
and non-governmental organizations can undertake to address current defense budget
cuts". - 28 pages
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
Canegata, Gizette L. & Stumberg, Bob. Incentive Deposit Programs: A Detailed Summary and Comparative Analysis. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,1993.
May 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 Photocopies of each packet- 30 pages each
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
Stumberg, Robert w/ Fowler, Lisa, Calvert, Lawrence, & Sampson, Robin. Community Capital Builders - A Leadership Brief on Rural Intermediaries. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
May 1993 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Brief on rural intermediaries including contents on rural development that works,
support states, resource publications & organizations, etc. - 12 pages (2 orginal
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
Various Authors. Health Care Legislative Reports & Survey Studies. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives, 1993.
June 7, December 15, 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 legislative analysis & summary reports on health care - #1: The Child Care Credit
Crunch- A Survey for Child Care Facilities - 20 pages (By Richard Ferlauto, Chris
Owen & Deborah Solomon. June 1993). #2: Child Care Loan Guarantee Funds- 16 pages
(By Thomas Shimkin. June 7, 1993). #3: Structuring a Paid Family and Medical Leave
Bill For States to Avoid Preemption Under Erisa - 30 pages (By Stacey S. Shibao frm
Harrison Institute State Legislation Clinic. Dec. 15.1993.)
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Ferlauto, Richard & Clabourn, Jeffrey. Economically Targeted Investments By State-Wide Public Pension Funds. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
September 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Display copy of report; 9 sections including intro, emerging trends in state-wide
ETI programs, defining & ETI categories, expanding & discontinued programs, best practices
& state experiences, plus national funds, bibliographym appendices A & B- 58 pages
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
Seminar Reports, Agenda, Strategies, & Media Documents on the Radical Right. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
May, July, October 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
5 radical right related materials - #1: The Center for Policy Alternatives Focuses
on the Radical Right - 7 pages (May 1993). #2: State Elected Leaders Address the Radical
Right Challenge: Center for Policy Alternatives Seminar at the National Conference
of State Legislatures - 8 pages (July 1993). #3: A Primer on the Radical Right: Agenda
for an Alternative Response - 6 pages (October 1993). #4: State Strategies to Counter
the Right - From the Center for Policy Alternatives - 6 pages (Date Unknown). #5:
The Media Documents The Right: Recent Articles on the Radical Right - 8 newspaper
articles -16 pages total (Various Authors. Nov/Dec 1992- July/Aug 1993)
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
Cunningham, William Michael, Ferlauto, Richard, Gaddy, Robert Scott, Reyes Gavilan,
Adelina, Green, James, Koch, Erna, Stumberg, Robert. Reinvesting Minbanc- Options Paper: Prepared for the Minbanc Capital Corporation Board
of Directors. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
October 13, 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Description summary of alternatives for regulatory changes in supporting the capital
needs of minority-owned banks; executive summary; 4 sections including intro, capital,
capacity, & conclusion - 29 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 29 |
Economically Targeted Investments: Rebuilding America's Communities & Health Care
Proposal. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994.
February 9-11, 17, 1994 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
3 Policy Reports/ Proposals- #1: Economically Targeted Investments: Rebuilding America's
Communities - CPA Conference Report - 16 pages (Various Authors- Feb.9-11, 1994).
#2: Economically Targeted Investments: Rebuilding America's Communities - A National
Conference - 5 pages; photocopy of conference info packet (Feb. 9-11, 1994). #3: Helping
Workers Balance Work and Family: Options for Paid Family and Medical Leave - 41 pages,
6 sections
Box 3 | Folder 30 |
Various Authors. Alternative Options for Sustainable Development, Financing Agriculture, & Telecommunications.
Washington, D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994.
June 24-25, 1994 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
3 legislation proposals & update for a better living - #1: Using Federal Data for
Sustainable Development - 24 pages total (By Richard Civille & Jeff Tryens. June 1994.
CPA & Center for Civic Networking). #2: Financing Alternative Agriculture: Model State
Initiatives for Financing Conversion to Alternative Agricultural Practices- 16 pages
total (By Timothy Boller. June 1994). #3: Update on Telecommunications Legislation
in the Midwest, 1994 - 7 pages total (By The Yahara Center in Madison, Wisconsin.
Sponsored by CPA & Center for Civic Networking. June 24-25, 1994).
Box 3 | Folder 31 |
Liu, Kenneth & Park, Angela. Feebates: An Action Guide For States. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
May 1984 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy review book on feedbates. Sections include feedbates overview, environmental
& economic impacts, organizing campaign, fact sheet, list of experts, analysis of
proposed programs & state legislation
Box 3 | Folder 32 |
Tryens, Jeffrey. Unfunded Mandates: Clarifying The Debate. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
July 1994 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy review book on unfunded mandates. Sections include executive summary, state
& local problem, conservative agenda, studies, "guesstimates", solutions
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Smith, Burck, Kennedy, John & Ewing, Rebecca. Implementation of the National Voter Registration Act: A Status Report. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994.
July 1994 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy report on the National Voter Registration Act. 5 sections including intro,
major elements of the NVRA, implementation issues, NVRA legislation in the States
& Implementation cost chart
Box 3 | Folder 34 |
Community Capital Builders - A Leadership Brief on Rural Intermediaries. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
May 5, 1995 |
Concept Paper
Scope and Contents
Concept paper on capital network & teleconference written for discussion & comment.
6 sections including summary, intro, need for proposal, desired results, proposed
activities & roles of participating organizations
Box 3 | Folder 35 |
Graham, Andrew. International Progressive Policy Conference on Wage Inequality. Easton, Maryland:
various organizations, 1995.
October 14-17, 1995 |
Conference Report
Scope and Contents
Conference report on wage inequality. 4 sections. Participant contact info
Box 3 | Folder 36 |
Wong, Arlene K. & Highfill, Clinton A.. Who's at the Table? The Challenge of Fostering Public Participation in Hazardous Waste
Decisions - Ten Midwest Case Studies (DRAFT). Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
November 1995 |
Report (Draft)
Scope and Contents
Policy issues report draft. 4 chapters plus case studies appendix. 73 pages total
Box 3 | Folder 37 |
Women's Voices - Banners From A National Survey of 800 Women and 302 Men. Washington
D.C.: Lake Research, 1996.
August 5-11, 1996 |
Research Data
Scope and Contents
Compiled book of researched data via survey. Tables, charts, definitions, questionnaire
& some handwritten comments
Box 3 | Folder 38 |
Ferlauto, Richard, Barbour Arvin, & Shabecoff, Alice. Financing The Future: Innovations in Child Care Financing--Roundtable Report. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1996.
August 1996 |
Roundtable Report
Scope and Contents
Policy report on child care financing. 8 sections including intro, the child care
financing equation, experiences from the field, case studies, discussions, legislative
responses, co-sponsoring orgs & appendix A-B
Box 3 | Folder 39 |
Kennedy, John. Technology and the Schools - Preparing the Workforce for the 21st Century. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives & Benton Foundation, 1996.
1996 |
Conference Report
Scope and Contents
Conference Report about CPA & Benton Foundation, Executive summary, 12 sections covering
the conference discussions including participant contact info
Box 3 | Folder 40 |
Health Care Reports & Seminar Brief. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1996, 97.
Various |
Scope and Contents
November 18, 1996, November 1997, December 7, 1997. 3 health care reports- #1: Purchasing
Power in the Health Care Market - Briefing Memo for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Seminar.-4
sections 45 pages total (Nov.18, 1996), #2: Health Care in Low-Income Communities-
66 pages (Nov.1997). #3: State Support for Community Health Workers: Community Policy
& Leadership Forum. Summit on State Issues- 6 pages (Dec.7, 1997)
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
Community-Based Organizations and Telecommunications Industry. Volume 2 - Selected
Federal and Private Programs for Technology Assistance. Washington D.C.: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 1998.
1998 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Issue summary including federal programs for technology assistance, private programs
for technology assistance & sources of info.
Box 3 | Folder 42 |
Policy Memo & Summit Review. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1998.
January 9, 1998, December 1998 |
Policy Memorandum
Scope and Contents
2 review packets - #1: Memorandum to SECPLF Members: Southeast Community Policy &
Leadership Forum (January 9, 1998). #2: CPA Second Annual Summit on the States - States
"In The Money" (CPA president speech, participant contact info & legislation survey)-
20 pages total (Dec.1998)
Box 3 | Folder 43 |
Western Policy Leaders Forum, Seattle - Family and Work: An Investment Strategy for
Communities. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1999.
June 11-13, 1999 |
Informational Packet
Scope and Contents
Photocopy of forum info packet including agenda, participants contact info, various
Box 3 | Folder 44 |
Women's Voices - Presentation of Findings From a Colorado Statewide Survey. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives and Lifetime Television, 2000.
September 2000 |
Research Data
Scope and Contents
Compiled book of researched data via survey. Executive summary,tables, charts, definitions.
Analyses of data collected
Box 3 | Folder 45 |
Women's Retreat Info. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
Summer 2001 |
Retreat Materials
Scope and Contents
Participant contact info sheet and completed original retreat evaluation forms
Box 3 | Folder 46 |
Women's Voices. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1992, 1995, 1996,
1999 & 2000.
1992, 1995, 1996, 1999 &, 2000 |
Issues Materials
Scope and Contents
11 documents on Women's Voices events/issues. #1: A Polling Report (1992). #2: Economy
Briefing Info Folder (July 16, 1995). #3: The State of the States for Women & Politics
- 75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in America (1995). #4: State of the States:
Women in... (figures & percentages) (1996). #5: The State of the States for Women
& Politics: Women Elected Officials (Map. 1996). #6: Women at Work (1995). #7: State
of the States: Women & Economic Security (Released Data. July 25, 1996). #8: Women
& Economic Security: Remarks by Anne Mosle - Good news bad news ( July 25, 1996).
#9: A Challenge to Secure America's Economic Agenda- Media Training Materials (Jan.14,
1999). #10: State Policy Checklist: Investing in Women's Entrepreneurship (2000).
#11: Pushing the Boundaries: State Action Improves Women's Economic Lives ( 2000)
Box 3 | Folder 47 |
Financial Statements with Accompanying Information. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives, 1987-1990.
1987-1990 |
Financial Report
Scope and Contents
Financial statements, additional information, and report of certified public accountants
for CPA. 5 Reports for the years of 1987, 1988, 1989, & 1990
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Steinschneider, Janice. Policy Alternatives on Reproductive Choice. Special Double Edition. Vol.1, Nos. 1
& 2. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990.
January, March 1990 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Public policy reviews on reproductive choice, including newspaper articles, legislative
updates & resources
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Steinschneider, Janice & Kim, Nancy. Public Health Solutions to the Problem of Drug Use by Pregnant Women: A Review of
the 1991 State Legislative Sessions. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
January 1992 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy review on solutions to the problem of drug use among pregnant women. Report
includes executive summary, statistical data, legislations & alternatives
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Various Authors. Where Are The Progressive Voices? A Short Reader on The Explosion of Radical Right
Policy Centers in the States. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1992.
November 1992 |
Scope and Contents
Various newspaper articles on a board range of issues between the conservatives &
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Women's Resource Directory. Statewide Women's Organizing Projects & National Resources.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993-94.
1993 - 1994 |
Scope and Contents
Contact Information of resources on Women's issues such as : Women's State Agenda
Projects, Commission on the Status of Women, Reproductive Rights Coalitions & National
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Women's Voices. Informational Packets & Policy Report. Washington D.C.: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 1995.
January 28-29, July 14, 1995 |
Informational Packet & Report
Scope and Contents
3 women's related informational documents - #1: Women Entrepreneurs: The Economic
Champions - Models for Strengthening Women-Owned Businesses (1995). #2: Women's Voices
for the Economy: Commission Meeting. January 28-29, 1995. (Folder w/ meeting info,
including participant contact info). #3: Women's Voices : Altanta Briefing and Forum.
July 14, 1995
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Pomeranz, John. Health Care Briefing Book: Communities and Health Care Conversions. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1997.
March 1997 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy Study on health care conversions. 4 sections including executive summary, intro,
conversion trends, status of regulation & reform proposals, conclusion & bibliography
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Huyser-Honig, Joan. Cooperation Instead of Confrontation: Flemming Fellowships Enhance Legislator's Problem-Solving
Skills. Washington D.C.: W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Center for Policy Alternatives,
Internation Volume 10, Number 2 -1999.
1999 |
Scope and Contents
Journal article
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Women's Voices 2000. The Most Comprehensive Polling and Research Project on Women's
Values and Policy Priorities for the Economy. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives
& Lifetime Television, 2000.
2000 |
Research Data
Scope and Contents
Women's project research findings and alternative solutions
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
A Progressive Response To The National Crisis. Summit on the States. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
December 8-9, 2001 |
Scope and Contents
Pamphlet with agenda for Summit
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Local Leaders Mapping Global Issues. Eleanor Roosevelt Global Leadership Institute.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2001.
2001 |
Scope and Contents
Information pamphlet on the institution and its framework
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Corporate Leaders Council. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, [no date
Unknown |
Scope and Contents
Information pamphlet on the council and its framework
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Various Authors. Taking It To The States. New York: The Nation, 2003
June 9, 2003 |
Scope and Contents
Original journal including articles by various authors
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Progress In The States: A Report on Proactive, Progressive Victories. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2004 & 2006.
2004, 2006 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Annual report for the years of 2004 and 2006
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Center for Policy Alternatives Annual Report. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1989, 1991/92, 1993/94, 1995/96, 2001.
2001, 2003, 2005 |
Annual Report
Scope and Contents
CPA's Annual Report - 2001: Strengthening Democracy, State-by-State. Annual Reports
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Center for Policy Alternatives Awards Dinner. Washington D.C., 2001, 2004, & 2005.
2001, 2003, 2005 |
Scope and Contents
CPA's Awards Dinner - 2001: Reviving the roots of democracy. 25th Anniversary & 2001
Awards Dinner. Dec.7, 2001.(Invitation included). 2004: Restoring the Promise of America.
Dec.10, 2004. 2005: State Leadership for America. Dec.3, 2005
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
Horn, Bernie (Ed.). Progressive Agenda: Summit on the States - Moving Ideas to Action. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2000.
2000 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Book including policy summaries, reviews, reports, toolkits, resources on 25 issues
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Horn, Bernie & Lindquist, Kirstein (Ed.). 2002 Progressive Agenda: Policy Innovations for the States. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 2002.
2002 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Book including policy summaries, reviews, reports, toolkits, resources on 53 issues
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Cattaneo, Liz & Horn, Bernie & Lindquist, Kirstein (Ed.). 2003 Progressive Agenda: A Blueprint for the States. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives, 2003.
2003 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Book including policy summaries, reviews, reports, toolkits, resources on 50 issues
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
Horn, Bernie (Ed.). 2004 Progressive Agenda for the States: Progressive Solutions Built on American Values.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2003.
2004 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Book including policy summaries, reviews, reports, toolkits, resources on 50 issues
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Horn, Bernie (Ed.). 2005 Progressive Agenda for the States: Restoring the Promise of America. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2004.
2005 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Book including policy toolkits & information for 10 core issues
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
Horn, Bernie & Balick, Rachel (Ed.). 2006 Progressive Agenda for the States: State Policy Leading America. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 2005.
2006 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
3 items for the 2006 progressive agenda- #1:Book including policy toolkits & information
for 11 core issues. #2: Progressive Agenda for Election Reform 2006. #3: Progressive
Platform for the States 2006 - Candidate Briefing Book
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Various Authors. Series of State Reports. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, October
1987- January 1995.
October 1987-January 1995 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
9 original reports of "A State Report On…". #1: Economic Initiatives (Volume 1, Number
3. October 1987). #2: Economic Initiatives w/ Special Report on Economic Conversion
(July 1991). #3: Reproductive Choice (Vol.3, No.2. Winter 1992-1993). #4: Voter Participation
(Vol.4, No.2. January 1993). #5: Citizen Participation (Vol.5, No.1. July 1993). #6:
Reproductive Choice (Vol.4, No.2. Summer 1993). #7: Environment (Vol.11, No.1. June
1994). #8: Women's State Agenda Projects (July 1994). #9: Citizen Participation (Vol.7,
No.2. January 1995).
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
NPA In The News. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1989-1998.
1989-1998 |
Media Prints
Scope and Contents
7 original prints of "CPA In The News" (newspaper articles & other media info) for
the following time periods: #1: Year 1989. #2: May 1993-September 1993. #3: January
- April 1994. #4: September - December 1994. #5: December 1994 - March 1995. #6: September
to December 1996. #7: November 1997 to April 4, 1998.
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Policy Brief - Moving Ideas to Action. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
2000 & 2002.
2002, 2002 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
6 original prints of "Policy Brief" - #1: Playing Fair: State Action To Lower Prescription
Drug Prices (July 2000). #2: Smart Start: Public-Private Partnerships for Quality
Child Care (October 2000). #3: Rewarding Work: State EITC's for Working Families (October
2000). #4: Putting TANF Dollars To Work: Support for Working Families (October 2000).
#5: Valuing Families: Providing Family Leave Benefits (October 2000). #6: State of
the States: Overview of 2002 Oral Health State Legislation (2002).
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
Various Authors. Policy Paper - Community Voices. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1999, 2000 |
Scope and Contents
3 original prints from "Community Voices". #1: Policy Paper - Oral Health For All:
Policy for Available, Accessible and Acceptable Care (September 1999). #2: Mental
Health Parity: State of the States (2000). #4: Forgotten Policy: An Examination of
Mental Health in the U.S. (2000).
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Alternatives - Newsletter of the Center for Policy Alternatives. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994-2002.
1994, 2002 |
Scope and Contents
18 original prints of CPA's newsletter from May/June 1994 through Winter 2002. (Not
all publications within time periods included)
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Issue Forum. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, [no date provided}.
Unknown |
Issue Forum
Scope and Contents
2 original prints of CPA's "Issue Forum" - #1: Electric Utility Deregulation. #2:
The Sale and Coversion of Not-for-Profit Hospitals.
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Ways & Means: Reporting on Innovative Approaches to State & Local Government. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1981-1992.
1981-1992 |
Scope and Contents
15 original prints of CPA's "Ways & Means". Publications from January-February 1981
through Summer 1992. (Not all publications within time periods included).
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
Women and Health - A WEJC Leadership Brief. Washington D.C.: Women's Economic Justice
Center, National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1988 - 1991.
1988-1991 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
5 original prints of "WEJC Leadership Brief". Publications from December 1988 through
Spring/Summer 1991. (Not all publications within time period included).
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
Business Climate Yields to Growth Climate: The Midwest Pioneers The New Age (DRAFT).
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives with Mt. Auburn Associates, 1987.
May 1987 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
A Report for the Midwest Leadership Network of the National Center for Policy Alternatives.
5 sections including "the business climate myth", the midwestern states, the states,
"state priorities for a new age", etc.- 76 pages
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
Stumberg, Robert & Steinschneider, Janice & Elser, George. State Legislative Sourcebook on Family & Medical Leave. Washington D.C: Women's Economic
Justice Center, Center for Policy Alternatives, 1989.
1989 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
8 sections including intro, overview charts, policy choices, summary of state laws
& selected bills, comparison charts, resources & authors
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
State Issues Forum. Resource Directory. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1990, 1991, 1992.
1990-1992 |
Scope and Contents
CPA's publication of the "State Issues Forum- Resource Directory" for the years 1990
through 1992
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
Rathbun, Pete. Just Say No: The Role of Material Bans in Integrated Waste Management. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990.
June 1990 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 sections including executive summary, "the role of bans in solid waste management",
"disposal bans", "use bans on plastics", plus appendices & notes - 112 pages
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
Totten, Michael. Energywise Options for State and Local Governments - A Policy Compendium. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990.
September 1990 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 chapters including "energy efficiency", "transportation", "waste reduction", and
"renewable energy", plus other options & list of contacts
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
Hoskins, Anne E.. Reinvesting in Child Care: Opportunities and Responsibilities for Banks in New York
State. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990.
November 1990 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
9 chapters including community reinvestment:obligations for child care, implications
for the economy, obstacles & risks, managing project & institutional risks, reinvestment
approaches for banks, plus appendix & bibliography
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Schrader, Richard. Creating Markets: The Next Step for State Recycling Programs. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1991.
January 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 chapters including executive summary, "spurring demand for recycled products", financial
incentives, generating reliable supply, "funding state recycling programs", plus appendices
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
Ryan, William. An Ounce of Toxic Pollution Prevention: Rating States' Toxics Use Reduction Laws.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives & National Environmental Law Center,
January 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
7 sections including executive summary, intro, background on toxics reduction, evaluating
state laws, state ratings, funding for state pollution prevention laws, plus appendices
& list of table. (Note: Publication & cover stapled up-side-down)
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
Mangum, Kim & Cooper, Jamie & Stumberg, Robert. Voter Purging: The Perils and the Promise. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
May 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
8 sections including: purging among states, the peril of the purge, the promise of
the purge, state options, legal precedents and centralization plus endnotes & appendices
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
Cooper, Jamie & others. Policy Alternatives On… - a city report. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
May, October 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 "city reports" - #1: Mayoral Innovations (By Jamie Cooper & Stefania Slaby. May
1991). #2: Youth at Risk (By Jamie Cooper & Marla Greenspon. October 1991).
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
Various authors. Reinvesting in Communities: Policy Options for New Jersey. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1991.
July 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy review for New Jersey. 5 sections including intro, reinvestment agreements,
capacity for reinvestment, state policy options & conclusion
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
Hoskins, Anne E.. Reinvesting in Child Care. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1991.
July 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
10 sections including: intro, community reinvestment: obligations for child care,
implications for the economy, child care financing, managing project risks & institutional
risks, etc. (Update edition from that of November 1990 in Item #19)
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Settina, Nita & Orum, Paul. Making the Difference, Part II: More Uses of Right-To-Know In The Fight Against Toxics.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1991.
October 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Report includes executive summary & 10 state case studies
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Cooper, Jamie & Christe, Ian & Nagai, David. Voter Registration and the States: Effective Policy Approaches to Increasing Participation.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1991.
November 1991 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
7 sections including: intro, election day registration, mail-in registration, motor-voter
registration, outreach/access, etc., plus list of contributors & about the authors
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Talbert, Donna (Ed.). The Proceedings of the Family Supports Roundtable - A Project of The Center for Policy
Alternatives' Universal Family Agenda. Washington, D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
December 1991 |
Roundtable Report
Scope and Contents
Georgetown Law Center. Roundtable review including welcome, intros, agenda, policies
& paradigms on family supports, plus appendices
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Herndon, Heather. Ballot Access: Options and Obstacles. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
July 1992 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
5 sections including: ballot access and the states, arguments for and against ballot
access, constitutional decisions and summary, plus appendices
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
Cooper, Jamie & Smith, Burck (Ed.). Agenda 1993 - Progressive Policies That Work. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
August 1992 |
Policy Agenda
Scope and Contents
8 section agenda including: mission statement, and policy options such as governance,
public capital, sustainable development, women's economic & others, on issues such
as voter registration, child care, rural revitalization, air pollution, agriculture,
toxics, transportation, reproductive choice, plus other programs & staff info
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Eichman, Carole & Ferlauto, Richard & Flood, Marilyn & Stumberg, Bob & Talbert, Donna.
Investing in the Future: Child Care Financing Options for the Public and Private Sectors.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives & Child Care Action Campaign, 1992.
September 1992 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
5 sections including: executive summary, intro, financing & barriers for child care,
options plus appendices
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Various authors. Model Legislation Series. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
January 16, April 6, 7, 1993 |
Scope and Contents
3 publication series - #1: Rural Intermediary Funding Act (By: Carter Lawson & Robert
Stumberg, w/ Lisa Fowler, Larry Calvert & Karen Shiff. January 16, 1993. - Original
copy, 17 pages). #2: Campaign Spending Limits Act (By: Ross Yustein. April 6, 1993.
- Photocopy, 13 pages). #3: Campaign Contribution Incentive Act (By: Ross Yustein.
April 7, 1993. - Photocopy, 7 pages).
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
Smith, Burck & Williams, Shelley. Model State Telecommunications Resolutions. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
March 29, 1994 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
Policy resolutions for telecommunications including: access to the information structure,
privacy in the information age, adequacy of information and competition among communication
service providers
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
Telecommunications & Entrepreneurship in Colorado: Report & Recommendations. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives & Benton Foundation, [no date provided].
Unknown |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 sections including executive summary, keynote address summaries, voices of entrepreneurs
and small group summaries plus appendices
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Smith, Burck & Wagner, Jason. The Southeast Brief : A Comparative overview of voter registration laws in the southeast
United States. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
1993-1994 |
Research Report
Scope and Contents
Voter findings review including intro & researched data for 10 southeast states, plus
Box 5 | Folder 36 |
"Women's Voices" project materials. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1997-1999 |
Scope and Contents
6 project documents - #1: Women's Leadership on Affirmative Action: Values, Economics
& Opportunities. Western Community Policy & Leadership Forum. State Roundtable. (Seattle,
Washington. September 1998). #2: Women At Work: Facts About Working Women. State-by-state
Data. (Media Resource Booklet. September 1998). #3: Blueprint for Action - An Executive
Summary of America's Economic Agenda: Women's Voices for Solutions (1998). #4: Blueprint
for Action Press Release Packet (1998). #5: Women's Economic Leadership Summit Report
(1997). #6: Balancing Family and Work: Facts about Working Families. (State-by-state
Data. May 1999).
Box 5 | Folder 37 |
Community Health Workers: A Leadership Brief on Preventive Health Programs. Washington
D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1998.
November 1, 1998 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
12 sections including description of community health workers (CHW), CHW program components,
profiles, results, current research & development, policy funding, actions, etc.,
Box 5 | Folder 38 |
98 Policy Briefing Book: Working to create whole and health families and communities.
An Economic Agenda for America: Women's Voice for Solutions. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1998.
1998 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
5 section briefing book including: agenda overview, economic self-sufficiency, health
& security, family & work, and entrepreneurship
Box 5 | Folder 39 |
The Conservative Agenda in the States: As outlined at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
1999 |
Policy Agenda
Scope and Contents
Policy agenda including legislation reviews, newspaper articles, step-by-step actions,
& other information
Box 5 | Folder 40 |
Leaders Moving Ideas to Action - Summit on the States. Washington, D.C. Center for
Policy Alternatives, 2000.
December 9-11, 2000 |
Informational Packet
Scope and Contents
Summit informational packet including agenda, participant contact info, panelists
bios, evaluation, CPA's Newsletter (Nov/Dec 2000), Women's Voices 2000 & goals sheet
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
Siegel, Beth & Kwass, Peter & Reamer, Andrew. Financial Deregulation: New Opportunities for Rural Economic Development. Washington
D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives & Mt. Auburn Associates, 1986.
1986 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 chapters including: intro, regulatory tools for protecting community credit needs,
creating community oriented rural financial institutions, strengthening rural community
banks, plus attachments
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Rosen, David Paul. Public Capital. Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1988.
1988 |
Scope and Contents
3 part book, 9 chapters including: Part I: The Public Capital Agenda. PartII: Public
Capital Strategies. PartIII: Coming Home: Reasserting Federal Community Policy
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Ward, Roxnne L.. 1988 Midwest Leadership Profiles (DISPLAY COPY). Washington D.C.: National Center
for Policy Alternatives & The Joyce Foundation, 1988.
1988 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
State profiles of the midwest including congressmen, committees, legislative priorities,
and authored legislation
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
Adams, Toni & Tryens, Jeffrey (Ed.). The Pesticides Crisis: A Blueprint for States. Washington D.C.: Texas Center for Policy
Studies and National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1988.
1988 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
10 chapters including: intro, registration, food, farm practices, residential & urban
uses, silviculture, etc., plus appendices including glossary & about the authors
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
Peters, Farley & Stumberg, Robert & Ward, Roxanne . Legislative Sourcebook - Financial Deregulation. Washington D.C.: National Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1988.
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Book includes sections on: community reinvestment acts interstate banking laws, linked
deposits, resources, etc., plus statistical data & findings
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
Cohen, Rick. Housing Trust Funds in New Jersey. Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives,
1989 |
Scope and Contents
6 sections including executive summary, intro, national & NJ housing needs, State
housing development trust fund experience in the U.S., Sources & Implementation, plus
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
A Policy Guide - Women's Voice's: A Joint Project. Washington D.C.: Ms. Foundation
for Women and Center for Policy Alternatives, 1992.
September 1992 |
Policy Guide
Scope and Contents
4 sections including: preface, decent jobs & wages, easing the squeeze on families,
resources plus bibliography
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
Totten, Michael & Settina, Nita. Energywise Options for State and Local Governments. New and Expanded 2nd Edition.
A Policy Compendium: The Best Programs in: Renewables, Transportation, Energy Efficieny
& Waste Reduction. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
January 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
4 chapters including reviews under the categories of : Energy Efficieny, Land Use
& Transporation, Waste Reduction: Reuse, Recover & Recycle, and Renewable Energy,
plus appendum, contacts and about the authors
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
Various authors. Focus Papers - Child Care, Telecomunications, Motor-Votor. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
June, August, November 19, 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
3 legislative reports - #1: The Child Care Credit Crunch - A Survey of Lending for
Child Care Facilities (Prepared by: Richard Ferlauto, Chris Owen & Deborah Solomon.
June 1993). #2: "Motor-Voter" Implementation Overview (By: Burck Smith. August 1993).
#3: Issues in Telecommunication and Democracy: A Focus Paper prepared for Telecommunications,
Governance and the Democratic Process (November 19, 1993).
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
Various authors. Policy Reports. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
Summer, September 1993 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 policy alternatives & reviews - #1: The Fiduciary Duty Aspects of Economically Targeted
Investments (By: Lynn A. Bowers. Harrison State Legislation Clinic. Summer 1993).
#2: Guideline for State Level Sustainable Development (By: Patricia Scruggs. CPA &
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Environment Resource Program. September
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
Toward A Healthier Nation: A Reproductive Health Care Agenda. The Collaborative Project
On State Reproductive Health Policy. Catholics for a Free Choice, Center for Policy
Alternatives, National Council of Negro Women, National Women's Law Center and Women's
legal Defense Fund, 1993.
September 1993 |
Policy Agenda
Scope and Contents
4 sections including: participating organizations, intro, the status of reproductive
health care in the U.S., a reproductive health care agenda for America's women and
families, plus appendices and bibliography
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
Policy Reports. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994.
June, September 24, 1994 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
3 policy issues reports - #1: Making Capital Access Programs Work In Your State: A
Survey of State Capital Access Programs (Prepared by: Richard Ferlauto & Marsha Perry.
June 1994). #2: Case Study in Groundwater Protection: Wisonsin's Atrazine Regulation
(By: Nan Kim and Tara Zadeh. June 1994). #3: GATT Impact on State Law: California(By:
Robert Stumberg with Denis Gooding, Mary Rundle & Gian-Michele a Marca. September
24, 1994).
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
Ferlauto, Richard C.. Community capital: jobs from the bottom-up. Jobs and Growth: The International Perspective,
November 1994 |
Scope and Contents
Photocopy of article in larger publication
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
Women's Voices '96. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1995.
1995 |
Scope and Contents
Project memorandum including summary of findings, textual analysis and methodology
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
Chamberlin, Whitney. Telecommunications & Community Economic Development in North Carolina. Conference
Report. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives and Benton Foundation, 1995.
1995 |
Conference Report
Scope and Contents
Conference report including about the center, acknowledgements, intro, "why north
carolina?", keynote address summaries, applications, goals & future directions, conference
agenda, and recent CPA publications
Box 6 | Folder 33 |
The Marketplace of Ideas: The States and a Progressive Future - A Consultation with
Foundation Executives. Briefing Materials. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
March 7, 1995 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
5 sections including reviews under the categories of: overview, 1994 Election Analysis,
The Logistics of Legislating in the States, Where are the Progressive Voices?, plus
Selection of current clippings
Box 6 | Folder 34 |
Various authors. Center for Policy Alternatives' Policy Reports for 1995
June, November, December 1995 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
3 legislative reports - #1: Investment Intermediaries: Model State Programs (By: Isamu
Watson with Rich Ferlauto. June 1995). #2: Environmental Justice: Legislation in the
States (By: Ted Robertson. November 1995). #3: NVRA and Beyond: Voter Registration
in the States (By: Daniel Schwartz. December 1995).
Box 6 | Folder 35 |
Various authors. Center for Policy Alternatives' Policy Reports for 1996
1996 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 legislative reports - #1: Capitalizing on Collaboratives: New Partners for Community
Development Finance (A Report to The Ford Foundation by CPA. July 1996). #2: Source
Reduction Roundtable II: Tools for State and Local Programs (Roundtable Report. 1996).
Box 6 | Folder 36 |
Directory of Progressive Organizations in the States. Washington D.C.: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 1996.
1996 |
Scope and Contents
Directory including contact info for progressive organizations in the United States
Box 6 | Folder 37 |
Various authors. Center for Policy Alternatives' Policy Report & Brief for 1997
May, June 1997 |
Policy Report & Brief
Scope and Contents
2 legislative reports - #1: Community Health Workers: A Leadership Brief on Preventive
Health Programs (Note: Handwritten contact information for Lee Rosenthal in the last
page of the brief.) #2: Resource Blueprint for California Land Recycling (A Report
to the California Center for Land Recycling by CPA. June 1997).
Box 6 | Folder 38 |
Render, Meredith. Supporting Self-Employment. A Menu of State & Local Initiatives that Support Microenterprise.
Washington D.C.: Association for Enterprise Opportunity, Center for Policy Alternatives
and Access to Credita Media Project, 1998.
May 1998 |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
5 section report including: intro, menu summary and descriptions, resources, and acknowledgements,
plus endnotes
Box 6 | Folder 39 |
Tarr-Whelean, Linda (Ed.). A Matter of Simple Justice - Women's Rights Are Human Rights: A Report to American
Women and Men on the Occasion of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1996.
1996 |
Conference Report
Scope and Contents
5 sections of conferene review plus appendices
Box 6 | Folder 40 |
Tarr-Whelean, Linda & Mosle, Anne (Ed.). State Venture Policy: Investing in Women Entrepreneurs. Washington D.C.: Center for
Policy Alternatives, 2000.
2000? |
Policy Report
Scope and Contents
2 project materials - #1: Voices of Leadership (Various articles on the issue). #2:
6 chapter pamphlet on issue and agenda topics
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Mosle, Anne (Ed.). Investing in Grassroots Leadership: A State-Based Movement to Amplify Women's Voices
for Solutions. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1998.
1998 |
Scope and Contents
Informational booklet including project goals & proposal, policy reviews, participant
names of the 1998 Grassroots Retreat, and other info
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
Women's Voices 2000: Focus Group Briefing Book. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives and Lifetime Television, 2000.
2000? |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Briefing book with 5 sections on: Focus Group Key Findings, Focus Group Issue Briefs,
Women's Voices 2000 Media Clips, Background on the Polling Project of Women's Voices
and About the Advisory Committee and Co-sponsoring Organizations
Box 6 | Folder 43 |
Women's Voices 2000: Impacting the Debate. Press Clips, April 2000- January 2001.
Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, 2000, 01.
April 2000-January 2001 |
Media Publications
Scope and Contents
Press clips of the Women's Voices project from April 2000 - January 2001
Box 6 | Folder 44 |
Who's Talking? An Analysis of Sunday Morning Talk Shows. Washington D.C.: The White
House Project, 2001.
December 5, 2001 |
Research Report
Scope and Contents
Research publication - 6 sections including executive summary, academic research,
finding & analysis, appendices & tables, methodology, and bibliography
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
[no author provided] Business Climate Yields to Growth Climate: The Midwest Pioneers the New Age. Washington
D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1987.
May 1, 1987 |
Report (Draft)
Scope and Contents
Draft report for the Midwest Leadership Network
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Isensee, Lynne; Tarr-Whelan, Linda. The Women's Economic Justice Agenda - Ideas for the States. Washington D.C.: The National
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1987.
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Publication examining economic injustices women face and policy ideas to attempt alleviation.
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Rosen, David Paul. Public Capital. Washington D.C.: National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1988.
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Publication examining community disinvestment, options/resources for those community,
acts that have addressed disinvestment.
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
[no author provided] Barriers to Registration and Voting: An Agenda for Reform. Washington D.C.: Citizens'
Commission on Civil Rights, National Center for Policy Alternatives, 1988.
April 1988 |
Scope and Contents
Publication examining issues of needed voting reform.
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
[no author provided] CPA Annual Report
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Drafts on each section of an annual report: cover letter, contents, mission and history,
national conference description, family and work program, sustainable growth program,
public affairs program, overview of 1990 activites, governance program, fund statements,
sources, and board of directors.
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
[no author provided] Family and Work/Women's Economic Justice Center's 1989 Accomplishments
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Outline report of program development, publications, and meetings held by the center
in 1989.
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Various Authors. City Report. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, ca. 1990.
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Report geared toward progressive mayors. Reports past mayors' successful initiatives
in order to give current mayors ideas.
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Various authors. Policy Briefs, Articles, Materials for Roundatable
1992 |
Collection of materials
Scope and Contents
Folder of CPA materials: State Treasurers Policy Brief Expanding Economically Targeted
Investments, Pension Funds: A Secret Weapon?, Should pensions be used to improve our
society?, Remarks of Commissioner Carol O'Cleireacain, Elements of a Model Bill, Targeted
Investment Act - Model Legislation Series, Ways and Means Newsletter
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Gold, Jack. Model Legislation Series: Recycled Content of Newsprint Act. Washington D.C.: Center
for Policy Alternatives, 1993.
Januar 1993 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Policy brief and description of model legislation for enforcement of recycling newsprint.
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Tammaro, Katherine; Tryens, Jeffrey. GATT and the States. Washington D.C.: National Environmental Enforcement Journal,
December/January 1993 |
Scope and Contents
Article on the effects of an international trade agreement.
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Ferlauto, Richard. Economically Targeted Investments: Rebuilding America's Communities. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1994.
1994 |
Briefing book
Scope and Contents
Briefing book with memos on leadership roundtables.
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Various authors. Blueprint for Action - An Executive Summary of America's Economic Agenda: Women's
Voices for Solutions. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives, ca. 1998.
1998 |
Scope and Contents
Brief booklet illustrating the gains women have made economically and the continued
disparities. Meant for women - an empowering leaflet.
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Various authors. State of the States - Women and Entrepreneurship. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives, ca. 1998.
1998 |
Scope and Contents
Brief booklet illustrating the gains women have made economically and the continued
disparities. Meant for women - an empowering leaflet.
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
[no author provided] All Publications in Closet as of June 2000. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
2000 |
Scope and Contents
List of published reports by the CPA.
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
[no author provided] Bringing Capital to Communities. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy Alternatives,
[no date provided].
[no date provided] |
Scope and Contents
Conference forum agenda. Focus on Pension funds, State deposits, endowment funds,
and other institutional investments.
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Freedburg, Michael; Slavet, Julie. Residential Energy Conservation and the Low-Income Consumer: Options for State and
Local Government. Washington, D.C.: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies,
[no date provided].
[no date provided] |
Scope and Contents
Report on efforts of specific states to lower energy costs.
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
[no author provided] Ways and Means Index. Washington D.C.: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies,
[no date provided].
[no date provided] |
Scope and Contents
Index to measure specific initiatives.
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
Various Authors. Issue Briefing - Maintaining the Gains: Strategies for State Tax Reform. Washington
D.C.: State Issues Forum, National Black Caucus of State Legislators, NCSL Women's
Network, 1986.
December 3, 1986 |
Policy Brief
Scope and Contents
Critical analyses of federal tax system; suggestions for reform.
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
[no author provided] Executive Summary - Center for Policy Alternatives 1990-91 Program. Washington D.C.:
Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990-91.
1990-1991 |
Draft executive summary
Scope and Contents
Draft executive summary
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
Peters, Farley. Resource Guide for Policy Alternative Leaders. Washington D.C.: Center for Policy
Alternatives, 1992.
May 1992 |
Scope and Contents
Guide of officials, politicians, organizations.
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
Zenk, Mary Jo. The Tax Reform Act of 1986: Its Effect On State Debt Issuance for Low-Income Housing.
Maryland: School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland, 1987.
May 1987 |
Scope and Contents
Act description and analysis.
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
[no author provided] Various NCPA documents.
[no date provided] |
NCPA materials
Scope and Contents
Ad Hoc State Tax Coalition information, reports on initiatives, resource list
Box 7 | Folder 23 |
Larkin, Richard. Annual Reports Are "Winning" Fund-raising Technique. Rockville: Nonprofit Strategist,
January 1990 |
Scope and Contents
Article describing benefits for non-profits of producing an annual report.