First Baptist Church of Marion records, 1804-1904.
Collection Number: 6063
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
First Baptist Church of Marion records, 1804-1904.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Two volumes of quarterly church covenant and special meeting minutes (1804-1846, 1848-1893);
one volume of trustee's minutes (1824-1893) which also contains treasurer's reports
(1896-1904) and membership records; and meeting minutes and membership and dues lists
for the church's Female Benevolent Society. Church discipline, revivals, anti-masonry,
anti-slaveryand missionary activity figure prominently as subjects.
First Baptist Church of Marion (Marion, N.Y.)
1 microfilm reels.
Collection material in English
The First Baptist Church of Marion was organized as the First Baptist Church of Williamson
on February 24, 1804 by Elder Seba Norton of Sodus, New York with nineteen original
members. During the next twenty-five years services were held regularly at the Mason
schoolhouse. In 1829 the Society built the first church building; in Williamson, a
wooden structure with galleries on three sides. In 1850 the church was converted into
a store and a new building, costing $4000, was erected and dedicated on November 25,
1850. In 1867 an addition and extensive repairs were made. See The History of Wayne County and the accessions folder for a list of pastors and additional details.
This collection contains three volumes of church records: two volumes of quarterly
church covenant and special meeting minutes (1804-1846, 1848-1893); one volume of
trustees' minutes (1824-1893), also containing treasurer's reports (1896-1904) and
membership records; and "The Secretary's Book of the Female Benevolent Society" of
the church (consisting of meeting minutes and membership and dues lists). Church discipline
and doctrine, revivals and Anti-Masonry figure prominently as subjects of the covenant
meetings; the slavery question and missionary activity were also discussed.
First Baptist Church of Marion records, #6063. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
Information obtained from these records may not be published or otherwise released
in such form that any individual mentioned in the records can be identified.
First Baptist Church of Williamson (Williamson, N.Y.)
Williamson (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Marion (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Wayne County (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
Revivals -- New York (State) -- Marion.
Church discipline -- New York (State) -- Marion.
Freemasonry -- Religious aspects -- Baptists.
Churches, Baptist -- New York (State) -- Marion.
Baptists -- New York (State) -- Williamson.
Baptists -- New York (State) -- Marion.
Church records and registers -- New York (State) -- Marion.
Form and Genre Terms:
Church Book,
(1804-1846) | ||
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of monthly covenant quarterly church and sporadic special meetings
which dealt with church membership, discipline, pastorship, and finance. Located prior
to the minutes in this volume is: a catalogue of members (February 1838); a treasurer's
account of money collected for the Baptist Missionary Society of Marion listing names
and amounts (n.d.); the church's. Platform and Confession of Faith; and a record of
deaths (I8l4-l8, 1835-38). Minutes commence on January 9, 1804. Items of note, with
the exception of disciplinary cases and revivals which are too numerous to note, follow:
January 9, 1804 | |||
Scope and Contents
Doctrinal questions are discussed, male and female members are listed 97 P. with note
as to whether they died or were dismissed, and a list of members dismissed from the
Baptist Church in Palmyra to form this church.
March 11, 1808 | |||
Scope and Contents
Delegates sent to the formation of a church in Sodus.
March 9, 18l6 | |||
Scope and Contents
Policy on adultery and remarriage of the innocent party.
August 9/1817 | |||
Scope and Contents
Member expelled for joining a pedobaptist church.
October 18, 1815 | |||
Scope and Contents
(out of order) an ordination is planned.
April 12, 1818 | |||
Scope and Contents
Bro. expelled for pedobaptist beliefs.
Sept. -Dec, 1830 | |||
Scope and Contents
January 27, 1821 | |||
Scope and Contents
Doctrinal disagreement over the Trinity
July 14, 1821 | |||
Scope and Contents
Bro. expelled for anti-trinitarian beliefs.
November 16, 3J822 | |||
Scope and Contents
Sr. recalls her baptisms into the Arian Church (Christian Society .
August 7, 1824 | |||
Scope and Contents
The church begins plans to build a church.
September 1826 | |||
Scope and Contents
The church votes to call itself "Baptist Church at Marion"
December 23, 1826 | |||
Scope and Contents
Bro. expelled for bigamy.
1826 | |||
Scope and Contents
Long controversy over the theft of a shawl.
Feb. -Apr. 1828 | |||
Scope and Contents
Nov and almost every winter until the Civil War occur large numbers of baptisms.
August 1828 | |||
Scope and Contents
Anti-Hasonry resolution and another resolution to build a meeting house.
April 1829 | |||
Scope and Contents
Bro. dismissed for being a Mason.
August 1829 | |||
Scope and Contents
Voted to petition the Commissioner of Highways to lay a road to the meetinghouse.
September 1829 | |||
Scope and Contents
First communion in the new meetinghouse.
November 21, 1829 | |||
Scope and Contents
Voted to adopt the resolution passed by the Whitesborough Conference in relation to
August 1834 | |||
Scope and Contents
Voted to leave the Ontario Baptist Association to join the Wayne Baptist Association.
March 26, 1836 | |||
Scope and Contents
A letter is sent to Elder Weaver approving his course in managing protracted meetings.
March 11, 1837 | |||
Scope and Contents
Former member of the Walworth Free Will Baptists joins the church.
July 27, 1837 | |||
Scope and Contents
A resolution on home and foreign missions is passed in response to a letter from the
American and Foreign Bible Society.
August 1838 | |||
Scope and Contents
Council called to try a former minister. Discussion continues from January - August.
August 1, 1840 | |||
Scope and Contents
Membership of 188 is reported.
January 1, 1842 | |||
Scope and Contents
Brother is expelled for his "infidel" principles.
August 1843 | |||
Scope and Contents
Anti-Slavery resolution. The church has 332 members.
March 7, 1843 | |||
Scope and Contents
Minutes end.
Monthly Covenant Meeting Minutes,
1848-1888 | ||
Scope and Contents
Contains minutes of monthly covenant, quarterly church and occasional special meetings
which deal with church membership, discipline, pastorship and finance. At the front
of the volume before the meeting minutes is a membership list (5 p.) indicating how
members came into and left the church. Revivals, which occurred almost every winter
during February - April are not indicated. Items of note follow: (Note: April 1846
- May 1848 is missing.)
June 6, 1848 | |||
Scope and Contents
Anti-Odd-Fellow resolution.
July 1850 | |||
Scope and Contents
Bro. excluded for denying the immortality of the soul.
September 13, 1856 | |||
Scope and Contents
Voted to buy the Marion Collegiate Institute for $5,000.
February 7 1857 | |||
Scope and Contents
Trustees elected normall reported in Item 1.
December 1861 | |||
Scope and Contents
Elder George Balcona labors with the church.
May 1, 1864 | |||
Scope and Contents
A Dutch Reformed pastor, M.V., is baptised with members of his congregation, and licensed
to preach.
September 3, 1864 | |||
Scope and Contents
A council is called to consider organizing M.V.
September 1865 | |||
Scope and Contents
The church adopts the "American Baptist Publication Society Covenant . "
October 6, 1866 | |||
Scope and Contents
Eleven members including M.V. , are set off as "The Holland Branch of the Baptist
Church in Marion."
February 29, 1868 | |||
Scope and Contents
For the first time women are appointed to serve in the church.
June 5, 1869 | |||
Scope and Contents
M.V. suspended for violation of the 7th commandment. A sister also expelled for the
same reason.
September 11, 1869 | |||
Scope and Contents
M.V. defrocked and expelled.
August 6, 1870 | |||
Scope and Contents
Plans to take a collection for Rochester University.
August 4, 1877 | |||
Scope and Contents
Rules of order adopted.
end of volume | |||
Scope and Contents
Several lists of members indicating date of baptism or letter, date restored, dismissed,
excluded, dropped or died, one for 1880.
end of volume | |||
Scope and Contents
An agreement between the church and Alonzo G. Potter to have Potter donate an organ
to the church in memory of his parents, former deacons of the church.
end of volume | |||
Scope and Contents
A list of members and amounts of money.
end of volume | |||
Scope and Contents
Minutes of a meeting held on January l6, 1888.
end of volume | |||
Scope and Contents
More names and amounts.
Trustee's Records, (1824-1893) and Annual Meeting Minutebook
(1824-1893) | ||
Part 1:
November 8, 1824 - December 8, 1850. | ||
Part 2:
December 8, 1828 - December 8, 1893. | ||
Scope and Contents
Part 2 is a copy of part 1 from 1828-1850 with additional records. Meetings were more
frequent during the construction of meeting houses.
Part 3: End of vol. "Treasurer's report of the church,
1896-1904." | ||
The Secretary's Book of the Female Benevolent Society of Marion Baptiste Church Wayene
Co. N.Y. 1857, (1857-1876) .
(1857-1876) | ||
Scope and Contents
Contains meeting minutes beginning with the 7th Annual meeting. They include date
and location of meeting, names of members and dues paid, the Constitution of the Society
and items purchased.