Matthew F. McHugh papers, 1974-1992.
Collection Number: 4536
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Matthew F. McHugh papers, 1974-1992.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
General files, correspondence, notebooks, press clippings, and cassette tapes.
McHugh, Matthew F. (Matthew Francis), 1938-
192 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Matthew F. McHugh was a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives
from New York State. McHugh was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1938 and attended
Mount St. Mary's University and Villnova University School of Law. He was the district
attorney of Tompkins County, New York from 1969 to 1972. McHugh was elected to Congress
in 1974 and served from 1975 until 1993, participating as a member of the Appropriations,
Intelligence, and Ethics Committees, as well as the Committees on Agriculture, Interior,
Veterans Affairs, and Children, Youth and Families. After retiring from Congress,
he was the vice president of Cornell University and later worked for the World Bank.
General files, correspondence, notebooks, press clippings, and cassette tapes.
Matthew F. McHugh Papers, #4536. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell
University Library.
Access restricted to the permission of the donor.
United States. Congress. House -- : Officials and employees.
Box 209 |
094th Congress 01
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills H.J. 00285 - H.R. 04154.
Box 203 |
094th Congress 02
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills H.R. 04190 - H.R. 10265.
Box 207 |
094th Congress 03
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills H.R. 10355 - H.R. 13166.
Box 212 |
094th Congress 04
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills H.R. 13275 - H.R. 15638.
Box 249 |
094th Congress 05
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Large binders, Bills Introduced by McHugh (bk 2), Feb 1979 Civil Aeronautics Board
Orders, re Sullivan County/Allegheny Airlines, "Deleted Computer Texts", McHugh Co-Sponsored
Legislation (2 binders), McHugh Co-Signed Statements (2 binders).
Box 184 |
095th Congress
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Hundreds of small files.
Box 217 |
095th Congress
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills H.R. 10611 - 14378, 38 others unnumbered, Large folder of cosigned statements.
Box 230 |
095th Congress
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills (official printed versions).
Box 182 |
095th Congress 1st Session
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 191 |
095th Congress 1st Session
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 231 |
096th Congress
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Four large binders, FY79 Appropriations Bill Floor Book, FY80 Appropriations Bill
Foreign Assistance & Related Programs (HR 4473) Floor Book, D of Treasury Report on
International Financial Institutions, "Case for a Global Marshall Plan" (Carter Policy).
Box 145 |
096th Congress
1979 - 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 34 |
096th Congress-097th Congress
1979, 1981, 1982, 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Legislation Cosponsor Invitations (1979), Local District Budget Hearing Files (1981,
1982, 1983).
Box 146 |
097th Congress
1981 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 150 |
097th Congress
1981 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills, Co-Signed Statements.
Box 31 |
098th Congress
1983 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Legislation Cosponsor Invitations.
Box 145 |
098th Congress
1983 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills, See also Box 146, Co-Signed Statements.
Box 146 |
098th Congress
1983 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Bills, See also Box 145, Co-Signed Statements 1983-1984.
Box 251 |
099th Congress
1985 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Co-Sponsored Legislation, McHugh Co-Signed Statements.
Box 70 |
099th Congress
1985 - 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 250 |
100th Congress
1987 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Co-Sponsored Legislation, McHugh Co-Signed Statements.
Box 252 |
100th Congress
1987 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Co-Sponsored Legislation, McHugh Co-Signed Statements.
Box 2 |
101st Congress
1989 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Cosigned Statements, Sponsored/Co-Sponsored Legislation.
Box 147 |
101st Congress
1989 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 253 |
102nd Congress
1992 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Retirement Letters (two large files).
Box 288 |
102nd Congress
1991 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Legislation, McHugh Co-Signed Statements, Legislative
Profile 1991-1992.
Box 193 |
102nd Congress Activity Guide
1992 | |
Scope and Contents
In five unlabelled folders 264 pps and Appendix A.
Box 239 |
Airline Deregulation 1979 - 1983
1979 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Half the box is Airline Deregulation files.
Box 210 |
Appropriations Committee 095
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Appropriations - Legislative Sub-Committee, Appropriations - Agriculture, Rural Development
& Related Agencies, Appropriations - Defense Sub-Committee, Appropriations - District
of Columbia Sub-Committee, Appropriations - Labor Health Education & Welfare, Appropriations
- Military Construction Sub-Committee (empty), Appropriations - Public Works Sub-Committee,
Appropriations - State, Justice, Commerce, Judiciary Sub-Committee, Appropriations
- Transportation Sub-Committee, Appropriations - Treasury Postal Service General Government
Sub-Committee, Appropriations , Appropriations - Foreign Operations Sub-Committee,
Appropriations - HUD Independent Agencies, Appropriations - Interior - Pine Voles,
Appropriations - Interior Sub-Committee, USAID Congressional Presentation FY 1979,
Annex A, Annex B.
Box 151 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 095-01
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Arms Sales Notifications, Committee Rules & Related Materials, Committee FY 1978 Recissions,
Foreign Operations Subcommittee, FY 1978 Supplementals, Africa, AID ASHA, AID Contingency
Fund, AID Disaster Assistance, AID Education & Human Resources, AID Food & Nutrition,
AID General, AID Health, AID FY 1978 India Reprogramming, AID Operating Expenses,
AID Population Planning, AID Program Changes - Africa, AID Program Changes - Asia,
AID Program Changes - Latin America, AID Program Changes - Middle East, AID Program
Changes - Other, AID Sahel Delopment Program, AID Technical Assistance, African Development
Bank/Fund, Asian Development Bank/Fund, Cyprus, East Asia/Pacific Region - General,
Export/Import Bank, General Statements on FY 1979 Requests, Human Rights.
Box 234 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 095-02
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
InterAmerican Foundation, International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (2 files),
International Development Association, InterAmerican Development Bank Fund for Special
Operations, InterAmerican Development Bank Fund, International Financial Corporation,
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Institutions, International Organizations,
Israel/US Binational Agricultural Fund, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law,
Middle East Arms Sales, Migration & Refugee Assistance, Military Assistance, Overseas
Private Investment Corporation, Palm Oil, Panama, Peru.
Box 237 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 095-03
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Peace Corps, Public Witnesses (2 files), PL 480, Recissions for FY 1978, Saudi Arabia,
Secretary of State, Security Supporting Assistance, South/Central Amercia, Steel,
Trade Issues, Turkey, UN Disarmament, Vietnam, World Food Issus, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia,
USAID 1978, Research Literature for Development Food/Nutrition v1 & v2, International
Monetary Fund Annual Report 1978, "Some Possible Future Issues" - monograph, Cornell
Rural Development Committee, Cornell Participation, Local Organization for Rural Development
(Asia), 1978 World Bank World Development Report, 1978 World Bank Annual Report, 1979
Appropriations Bill Foreign Assistance & Related Programs, Title XII Handbook.
Box 77 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 095-04
1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Treaties & Executive Agreements, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkish Arms Embargo, Uganda, UN
CTAD V, UN Development Program, UNICEF, Uruguay, Vietnam, Water Projects, World Food
Issues, World Hunger Commission, Yemen (North), Yemen (South), Yugoslavia, Zaire,
Zambia, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia, USAID Congressional Presentation FY 1980, (six bound volumes).
Box 233 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 095-05
1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 72 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-01
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Asian Development Bank Fund, Appropriate Technology, Australia, Budget & Economic
Outlook (General), Budget Resolutions, Recissions, Committee Rules & Related Materials,
Supplementals, Africa, African Development Fund, AID FILES, ASHA, Contingency Fund,
Cornell, Disaster Assistance, Education & Human Resources, Food & Nutrition, General,
Health, Operating Expenses, Population, Sahel Development Program, Technical Assistance,
Title XII, AIPAC, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Arms Controls, Arms Spending in Developing
Countries, Asia Foundation, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma.
Box 75 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-02
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Cambodia, Cameroon, Camp David Accords, Central African Empire, Chad, Chile, China
(Mainland), China (Taiwan), Columbia, Commodities, Comoros, Cornell Briefing, Costa
Rica, Cuba, CUSLAR, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, East Asia/Racific Region, Economic
Support Fund, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Export-Import
Box 65 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-03
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
El Salvador (3 files), Export-Import Bank (2 files), Ethiopia, Germany, Grenada, Greece,
Guatemala (5 large files), Haiti, Hmong, Honduras, Human Rights (General), Human Rights
(cases, 3 files), Indonesia, India, Infant Formula (1 of 3).
Box 91 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-04
1980 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Infant Formula (2 and 3 of 3), Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Foundation,
International Development Association, International Development Cooperative Agency,
International Bank for Construction & Redevelopment, International Finance Corporation,
Internaitonal Financial Institutions., International Fund for Agricultural Development
(2 files), International Military Education & Training Program, International Monetary
Fund, Fact sheet on Gramm Amendment (IMF Authorization), International Narcotics Control
Program, International Organizations (general), Iran, Ireland, Ireland (Northern),
Israel (5 files), Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya.
Box 89 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-05
1980 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Korea, Laos, Law of the Seas Treaty, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malaysia, Military
Assistance Program (MAP) (2 files), Mauritania, Members of Congress for Peace Through
Law, Middle East Bases, Migration & Refugees (4 files), Mondale File, Morroco, Mozambique,
MX Missile, Namibia, Nicaragua (6 files).
Box 118 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 096-06
1981 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Nigeria, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Oman, OPIC, Pakistan, Panama, Participatory Development,
Peace Corps, Philippines, POW/MIA, P. L. 480, Romania, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa,
DOS - Anti-Terrorism Assistance, DOS - Current Policy Papers (3 files), DOS - International
Narcotics Control Program, DOS - Refugees, DOS - Peacekeeping Operations, Strategic
Defense Initiative, Strategic Defense Initiative - Institute, Sudan, Tunisia.
Box 108 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 097-01
1979 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Afghanistan, Africa Development Foundation, Africa Development Fund, AID Africa, AID
ASHA, AID Asia, AID Education and Human Resources, AID Disaster Assistance, AID Deobligation/Reobligation,
AID Food & Nutrition, AID General, AID Health, AID Latin America, AID Mixed Credits,
AID Near East, AID Operating Expenses, AID Population, AID Private Enterprises, AID
Sahel Development Program, AID Technical Assistance, AID Title XII, AID World Development
Letter, AIPAC, Algeria, Ambassadors, Angola, Anti-Terrorism Assistance, Appropriations
Committee Rules and Related Materials, Appropriations Committee Security Clearance,
Argentina, Arms Control, Arms Spending in Developing Countries, ASATS (2 files), ASEAN,
Asian Development Bank/Fund, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Callable
Capital, Cambodia, Cameroon, Caribbean Initiative (2 files).
Box 132 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 097-02
1981 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Central America - General, Central America - Trip File (3 files), Chad, Chile, China
(Mainland), China (Taiwan), Congressional Forum on US and Developing Countries, Costa
Rica, Cuba, CUSLAR, Cyprus (large), Debt Problem (International), Debt Relief, Democratic
Caucus, Democratic Study Group, Democratic Study Group Task Force on Foreign Policy,
Democratic Study Group Task Force on Taxes and Compensation, Dominican Republic, East
Timor (3 large files), Economic Support Fund, Egypt, El Salvador (10 files).
Box 95 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 097-03
1981 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
El Salvador Files 11-30.
Box 102 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 097-04
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Iran Hostage Crisis 1980 - Action File (small), Iran Hostage Crisis 1980 – Correspondence
File (large), Peace Corps Country Management Plan FY 1980, Narcotics Control in Mexico
(bound, 4 volumes) 1979, Institute for Technological Cooperation Congressional Presentation
1979, OAS Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Panama 1979, OAS Report on the
Situation of Human Rights in Nicaragua 1978, Office of Refugee and Migration Affairs
Congressional Presentation 1979, ASHA Lanaido Hospital File, McHugh Amendments to
bills, Talking Points - India, Talking Points - Nicaragua.
Box 71 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 097-05
1979 - 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
International Narcotics control, Institute for Technological Coöperation, IFIs (General),
IMF, International Organizations, Involving the Poor, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel,
Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea (Republic of), Korea (Peoples Republic of), Korean
Influence Investigation, Laos, Latin America, Law of the Sea, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya.
Box 56 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-01
1986 | |
Scope and Contents
ABM Treaty, Afghanistan, African Development Bank Fund, African Development Foundation,
African Food Crisis, Agency for International Development (AID) Files:, Africa, Agriculture,
Rural Development, & Nutrition, Mixed Credits, Operating Expenses, Population (2 files),
Private Enterprise, PVD Policy, Sahel Development Program, Title XII, Asia, Child
Survival Fund, Economic Support, Education & Human Services, Disaster Assistance,
General, Health, ASHA, AIPAC, Algeria, Angola, Appropriations Committee.
Box 124 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-02
1987 - 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Arms Control & Foreign Political Caucus, Arms Control - General, Anti-Satellite Weapons
(ASATs), Base Rights Agreements, Belize, Biological Weapons, Bolivia, Cambodia, Central
America - General, Chile, China - Mainland, China - Taiwan, Contadora Peace Process,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador (3 large
Box 59 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-03
1987, 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Covert Action Briefing File, Foreign Aid Appropriations (FY1986), Foreign Aid Appropriations
(FY1987), FMS Program, Genocide Convention, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Hazardous
Products Exports, Honduras, Human Rights (cases), Human Rights (general), India, Indonesia,
Intelligence Committee.
Box 53 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-04
Scope and Contents
Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Foundation, International Atomic Energy
Agency, International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, International Development
Association, IDA Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa, International Financial
Institutions (General), International Fund for Agricultural Development, IMET, IMF,
International Organizations & Programs, Ireland.
Box 115 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-05
1984 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Israel (3 files), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea (Republic of), Laos, Lebanon, Liberia,
Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Nicaragua (5 files), Nicaragua
- Foley Amendment.
Box 119 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-06
Scope and Contents
Nigeria, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Oman, OPIC, Pakistan, Panama, Participatory Development,
Peace Corps, Philippines, POW/MIA, P. L. 480, Romania, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa,
DOS - Anti-Terrorism Assistance, DOS - Current Policy Papers (3 files), DOS - International
Narcotics Control Program, DOS - Refugees, DOS - Peacekeeping Operations, Strategic
Defense Initiative, Strategic Defense Initiative - Institute, Sudan, Tunisia.
Box 61 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 100-07
1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Turkey, Uganda, UN (General), UNDP, UNICEF, UNEPO, UNRMA, Vietnam, War Powers Resolution,
Zaire, Zambia, Foreign Aid Appropriations FY 1988 (10 files), Foreign Aid Appropriations
FY 1989 (5+ files).
Box 269 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 101-01
1989 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Afghanistan, Appropriate Technology International, African Development Foundation,
AID - Africa, AID - Agriculture, AID - ASHA, AID - Central America, AID - Debt, AID
- Disaster Assistance, AID - General, AID - Health, AID - Populaton, AID - PVOs, AID
- Private Enterprise, AID - ROCAP, AID - Trade Development, AIPAC, Algeria, Angola,
Asean, ATI, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape
Verde, Chad, Chle, China (Mainland), China (Taiwan), Costa Rica, Covert Operations
- General Legal Issues, Cuba, Cyprus, Eastern Europe, Egypt, El Salvador, El Salvador
Box 299 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 101-02
1990 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Ethiopia, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Export-Import Bank, FAO
Associates Experts Program, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, HongKong,
Human Rights Cases, Human Rights General, Hungary, International Military Education
and Training, India, Indonesia, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
International Development Association, International Financial Corporation, International
Financial Institutions (general), International Fund for Agricultural Development,
Inter-American Foundation, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Fund
for Ireland, International Organizations and Programs, International Monetary Fund,
Iraq, Ireland (2 files), Israel.
Box 300 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations 101-03
1989 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Jamaica, Japan, Jewish Peace Lobby, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Liberia, Lithuania,
Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, Military
Assistance, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Nepal, Nicaragua, OPIC, Pakistan,
PLO, Panama, Peace Corps, Persian Gulf (three files), Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
POW/MIA, Senegal, Somalia, D of State - Narcotics, D of State - Refugees, Sudan, Syria,
Turkey, Uganda, NICEF, Vietnam, Zaire, Zimbabwe.
Box 121 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations A
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Far East Trip Report, Floor Debate FY 1978, Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance, Foreign Service, Foreign Operations - General, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala,
Haiti, Hmong, Honduras, Hong Kong, Human Rights - General, Human Rights - Cases, Hunger
Project, Inter-American Foundation, IBRD (World Bank), IBRD IDA Program Announcement,
International Development Corporation Agency Proposal, International Development Association,
International Development Bank FSO Loans, International Finance Corporation, India,
International Military & Educational training Program, Indonesia.
Box 63 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations B
Scope and Contents
Philippines, Philippines Base Issues, PL 480, Portugal, Public Witnesses, Recissions
and Supplementals, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, Secretary
of State, Speech File, Sudan, South Africa, Supplementals, Somalia, Syria, Tanzania,
Thailand, Trade Issues.
Box 107 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations c
1982 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
OMB proposed budget reduction in foreign assistance, Overseas Private Investment Corporation,
Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peace Corps, Peru, Pershing/Cruise Deployment, PL 480
(Food Aid to Africa), Poland, Reagan Administration (2 files), Romania, State Department
(5 files), Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia AWACS Proposal, Security File, Secretary of
State, Sinai Peacekeeping Force, Somalia, Somalia Reporgramming, South Africa, Southern
Africa, Spain, Speech File, Withdrawal of US Bases in the Phillipines.
Box 44 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations d
1983, 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh notes and articles, Malaysia, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Mexico,
Migration and Refugee Assitance, MCPL Restrictive Amendments Task Force, Middle East
(General), Morocco, Most Favored Nation Status, Mozambique, Namibia, Near East, Nicaragua,
Nigeria, Official Development Assistance, OPEC, Overseas Private Investment Corporation,
Pakistan, Palestinians, Panama Canal, Peace Corps, Peacekeeping Activites, Peru.
Box 92 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Foreign Operations e
1980 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Terrorism, Thailand, Trade Issues, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda,
UN (general), UN Development Program, UNICEF, Uruguay, Vietnam, World Food Issues
(2 files), Zaire, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.
Box 232 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 01
Scope and Contents
AGRICULTURE, Agriculture Land Trust, Bergland Trip to District, Cornell Briefing,
Budget, COFFE (2 files), FIFRA (2 files), Ban of Use of Antibiotics in Feed, Food
Stamps (4 files), Food Stamps - NYS problem, General, Cornell Human Nutrition Lab,
Nesheim/Moore Meeting, National Consumer Nutrition Information Act, National Agricultural
Land Policy Act.
Box 153 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 02
1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Legislation 1977, Nutrition (2 files), Omnibus Farm Bill (3 files), Imported Tomatoes,
P L 480, Research Bill (3 files), School Lunch/Summer Feeding Programs, Timber, (Binder)
Food Stamp Reform, (Binder) Food Stamp Program.
Box 54 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 03
1980, 1981, 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Food & Drug Administration FY 1982, Food & Drug Administration: Susan Warner, Agriculture
Budget FY 1981, Appropriations Overview FY 1982, Agriculture: Soil conservation 1980,
Agriculture Appropriations FY 1981 Farmer's Home Administration, Agriculture Appropriations
Conference Committee FY 1982 (2 files), Food and Nutrition Service 1980, Science and
Education Administration 1980 (2 files), Science and Education Administration Cornell
FY 1981, Science and Education Administration FY 1981, Pine Vole Lists, Farmer's Home
Administration and Housing, RCA Review, PL 480, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education
Program FY 1980, Agriculture Appropriations Conference Committee FY 1980, Agricultural
Marketing Service Testimony FY 1981, Secretary Bergland Testimony, Agricultural Stabilization
& Conservation Service, Inspector General Testimony 1981, Farmer's Home Administration
FY 1980, Barber & Newkirk 1979, Secretary Bergland, Reconstituted Milk, Farm Credit,
Farmer's Home Administration.
Box 93 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 04
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Published Hearing Records, Agriculture, Rural Development, & Related Agencies Appropriations
Hearings of Sub-Committee of the Committee on Appropriations of HR, 1979, parts 1-8
and 1980, parts 1-7 (bound volumes), Binghamton Dairy Hearings, February 1980 (3 files),
Mark up file, Agricultural Conference FY1980 file.
Box 125 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 05
1979 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Farmer's Home Administration Southern Tier Homes, Secretary Bergland Trip to District,
NYS Food Safety & Inspection Service, World Food Council, Food Stamps Shelter Deduction,
D of Agriculture: School Lunch, D of Agriculture: Nutrition Reorganization, Conservation,
Food Stamp Fraud, Binghamton June 1982 Farm Bureau Meeting, Soil conservation Service
FY 1983 Budget, Dairy 50¢ per 100 weight Access, Farm Credit Administration, Ulster
County Realtors Meeting Oct 1982, Tioga County: Dairy Hauling, Life Support Centers,
NARAL (pro) Abortion, Right to Life, Roe v Wade Decision Jan 1973, Abortion, Poultry
& Eggs: Avian Influenza Nov 1983, Egg Producers 1982, Feeding Programs, Soil Erosion,
Casein, WIC Effectiveness, Sullivan County Eggs, Delaware County Dairy Programs, Food
& Nutrition Services FY 1982, Food Stamps & Strikers, Reconstituted Milk, NYS Rural
Farmworkers Meeting May 1981, Growers June 1981, Delaware County Dairy Farmers Mar
1979, Poultry Farmers Meeting April 1985, Dairy Scientist Awards, Farmers Home Administration
Loan Guarantee Eastern Milk Producers, Carl Brink & Farm Bureau April 1980, Farmer
Bureau Meeting April 1981, Dairy Price Support Aug 1980, Surplus Cheese Distribution
Feb 1982 (2 files), Dairy Price Supports, Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation
Service Soil Conservation 1981, Feb 1982 Appointment with Ed Melby, Affirmative Action,
Democratic Caucus Report on Small Business, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Agricultural
Appropriations FY 1983 (9 files).
Box 120 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 06
1983 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Federal Trade Commission Credit Practices, FmHA Section 515 Housing/NYS Rental Assistance
Program, FmHA/USDA Loan Guarantee for Center Ithaca/Rothschilds/Iszards, Biotech Appointment
with Robert Barker from Cornell, 1984, NYSEG Appointment re HR 4402 Electric Consumers
Protection Act 1983, Agriculture Appropriations, President's Hunger Task Force 1984,
NYS Foster Grandparent Program 1983, Wage Rate and Apple Growers, House/Senate Conference
on Agricultural Appropriations FY 1984, MFM Amendment re Food Stamps, Monthly Reporting
and Retrospective Budgetting in Food Stamps Amendment, Africa Supplemental PL 480
Urgent and Emergency Supplementary Funding FY 1984, Food and Nutrition Services Hearing
1983, FmHA FY 1984 Hearings, District Budget Hearings FY 1984, WIC FY 1984, Rural
Electrification Administration FY 1984, Overview / Agricultural Outlook, Farm Credit
Association, Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service, Agricultural Research
Service, Animal & Plant Health Insection Service (APHIS), Foreign Agriculture Service
and PL 480, Extension Services, LUCEY, Robert, Cornell Agriculture School, BLOCK,
John, Secretary of Agriculture, Soil & Water Conservation, Rural Electrification,
WPPSS (Whoops!), and RESNICK, Harry.
Box 273 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 07
1984 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Appropriate Technology, Honey Containers 1985, Environment & Energy Study Conference
1984, Appalachian Regional Commission, Army Corps of Engineers, D of Defense, Disaster
Relief Amendments, EDA Jobs Bills, Federal Energy Assistance, Energy Research Competition,
Environmental Votes, Environmental Protection Agency NYS, EPA Projects, FEMA (3 files),
Federal Register - General, FDA Standards (Dr. Ishay), Federal Energy Regulation Commission
(2 files), Federal Procurement, Federal Surplus Property, Flooding Susquehanna River,
Flood Insurance, Hazardous Waste, Hospital Regulations for Medicare, Health & Human
Services (2 files), Highway & Bridge Projects, Historic Places Mational Register,
Hisoric Preservation (2 files), Housing & Urban Development (7 files).
Box 173 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 08
1989 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies, Appropriations Bill Conference
Notes 1990, Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies Sub-Committee FY
1989, Agriculture FY 1991, Agriculture FY 1992.
Box 242 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 09
1989 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
FY 1991 Foreign Operations IBM Supercomputer Export, Syracuse Hearing Select Committee
Children, Youth, & Families 7/90, Energy & Water FY 1990 West Valley, Labor, Health,
Human Services NYS Nousing Demo 7/89, Office of Personnel Management - Broome/Tioga
Wage Rates, Climate Centers (2 files), Associate Expert Project, Agriculture Conference
& Continuing Resolution FY 1987, Conference Agriculture FY 1987, Vestal Levee Authorization
10/1986, Wegmans Tax Provisions 11/87, Stewart Airport 1987, Supplemental McHugh Amendment
FY 1989, Cornell Plant Protection Programs 1987, Broome County Airport Landfill 01/91,
WIC Transcript Certification Letter Lawsuit, Appropriations - Agriculture Markup Notes
FY 1984, Ulster - Woodstock Asbestos 7/86, Cornell - National Science Foundation High
Tech 12/84, NYS Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers (TAAC) 9/89.
Box 169 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 10
1989 - 1993 | |
Scope and Contents
Fiscal Year 1992, Fiscal Year 1993, Fiscal Year 1993, Fiscal Year 1989.
Box 170 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 11
1976 - 1993 | |
Scope and Contents
HR 9719 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 1976, Agriculture Conference Report FY 1993, Livestock
Liability Amendment 1976-1978, Agriculture Conference FY 1991, Agriculture Appropriations
FY 1990.
Box 174 |
Appropriations Committee SubCommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related
Agencies 12
Scope and Contents
HR 2698 Agriculture House/Senate Conference Notes FY 1992, Agriculture FY 1992 (5"
thick file).
Box 281 |
Cabinet Department Files Issues Files
1978 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
EPA & Noise Standards, Hazardous Materials Disposal/Transport, Energy Conservation,
Parkland Payment in lieu of taxes, Whip Legislative Reports 1978, USDA Soil Conservation,
USDA, Farmer's Home Administration, D of Defense, Army Corps of Engineer, D of Commerce,
National Demonstration Water Project, EPA New Source Performance Standards, FED Energy
Administration, Energy Inventions, HEW - Education, D of Energy, Federal Communications
Commission (2 files), Federal Trade Commission, D of Justice, D of Health & Human
Services, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Housing and Urban Development,
D of Labor (2 files), National Endowment for Arts & Humanities, Funding for Fire Departments,
US Postal Service, D of Interior, Small Business Administration (2 files), Small Business
Investments, Small Business Conference, National Science Foundation, Health and Human
Services Cuban/Haitian Refugees, Regional Commissions, Recreation Programs, D of Defense
Selling to the Military, 70001 Program, Technology Transfer Center, Tent Caterpillars,
Transportation Programs, NYS D of Transportation, D of Transportation Buy & Sell Rule,
D of Treasury, D of Treasury Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Veteran's Administration,
Federal Register Updates June 1981-April 1982.
Box 284 |
Campaign Materials
1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Assorted Campaign Materials.
Box 157 |
Campaign Materials
1978 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Schedules 1984, McHugh Schedules 1985, McHugh Schedules 1986, Campaign Reports,
Report by John Mennell, Friends of Matt McHugh, Class of 1982, Budgets 1978-1988,
Campaign Critique, Federal Election Commission Report 1977, Federal Election Commission
Report 1978, Federal Election Commission Report 1979, Federal Election Commission
Report 1980, Campaign Strategy 1990, Campaign Plan "Past", Campaign Plan 1986, Campaign
Plan 1988, Media 1984-1988.
Box 24 |
Campaign Materials
1983 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings by month, 1983-1984, Folder by Press Outlet (large WDST folders),
"Irish" and "EPA Horrors" files..
Box 159 |
Campaign Materials
1984 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
2 shoebox-sized boxes, (1) Seven 1986 Reel-to-Reel Endorsement Tapes, (2) Eight 1990
Reel-to-Reel Radio Buy tapes, Folders, 1984 Schedules, Campaign Information: wide
date range, 1986-1990 Releases (just a few), 1986 District Schedules.
Box 160 |
Campaign Materials
1984 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
4 shoebox-sized boxes, (1) Cassette Tapes: 1984 (Connie Cook & MFM at various venues),
(2) Cassette Tapes: Random, four labelled empty, (3) McHugh for Congress Bumper Stickers,
(4) Five Reel-to-Reel one minute spots from 1990.
Box 158 |
Campaign Materials
1986 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Assorted Campaign materials..
Box 270 |
Cassette Tapes
Box 99 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Trips to district, town meetings, etc..
Box 26 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1979, 1985, 1986, 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Nicaragua 1979, Turkish Border 1991, Japan 1985, Mid-East 1985 (folders for Israel,
Syria, Jordan, Egypt), EIA Conference at Captiva FL 1986, Guatemala 1985.
Box 240 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Background materials for, (1) Middle East trip to Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, (2) Pakistan,
(3) African/Amercian Conference at Hot Springs VA.
Box 263 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1979 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
House Delegation to USSR Trip Report Apr 1979, House Foreign Affairs Committee Nicaragua
Trip Nov 1979, US Relations w/ Central?Eastern Europe (Vienna) 1992, Center for Strategic
& International Studies Trip Mainland China Feb 1984 (Binder & Three Files), US/USSR
IOnterparliamentary Delegation Briefing Book Mar 1985, US Presidential Elections 92
Barcelona, Central American Trip Feb 1983 (7 files), Far East/Southeast Asia Jun 1977
(Binder/Report), Guatemala 1985, Near East 1980, McHugh authored Policy Papers interspersed.
Box 260 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1982 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Central American Trip Jun 1984, Germany/Vienna Trip Jul 1989, Intelligence Trip Apr
1990, Jordan/India/Nepal Jan 1984, USSR Jul 1983, West Coast Jul 1984, Warsaw/Krakow
Mar 1982 (two files).
Box 256 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1984 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
US/USSR Relations Conference (Jamaica) Jan 1989, US/USSR European Relations (Dubrovnick)
Aug/Sep 1989, El Salvador Feb 1990, Eastern Europe/Ireland Aug 1990, Democratic Issues
Conference (Greenbrier) Dec 1989, Italy/Jordan/India/Nepal Jan 1984, China Feb 1984,
Personal Vacation (Aspen) Aug/Sep 1989, Cancelled Costa Rica, Cancelled Jamaica 1989.
Box 3 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
1987 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Strasbourg Conference, Central America Trip, Aspen Institute at Montego Bay, Aspen
Institute at Switzerland.
Box 272 |
Conference & Travel Documentation
Various | |
Scope and Contents
Poland 1982, England/Saudi Arabia/ Paksitan/India 1980, USSR 1979 (two files), Israel1988,
Strasbourg 1987 (four files), Aspen Institute Jamaica 1991, Aspen Institute Ireland
1991, El Salvador 1990, Aspen Institute on USSR 1 Jamaica 1987, Aspen Institute on
USSR 2 Switzerland 1987, Aspen Institute on USSR 3 Jamaica 1988.
Box 87 |
Constituent "Please Help" files
1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Labelled by federal agency & constituent.
Box 224 |
Correspondence - Alpha 094-1
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
AA - EZ.
Box 206 |
Correspondence - Alpha 094-2
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
FA - KZ.
Box 216 |
Correspondence - Alpha 094-3
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 200 |
Correspondence - Alpha 094-4
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 135 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-1
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
A - E.
Box 43 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-2
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
F - G - H.
Box 47 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-3
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
H - I - J - K - L - Mc - M - N - O.
Box 148 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-4
1975 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
P - SS.
Box 136 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-5
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
STA - W.
Box 111 |
Correspondence - Alpha 095-6
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
WAA - Z.
Box 36 |
Correspondence - General A01
January - March 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 00001-01400.
Box 133 |
Correspondence - General A02
March 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 01401 - 03376.
Box 32 |
Correspondence - General A03
April 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 03377-06450.
Box 142 |
Correspondence - General A04
April - June 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 06451 - 08800.
Box 41 |
Correspondence - General A05
June 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 08001 - 10650.
Box 144 |
Correspondence - General A06
June - August 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 10651 - 12475.
Box 37 |
Correspondence - General A07
August 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 12476-14325.
Box 38 |
Correspondence - General A08
October - November 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 14326-15950.
Box 140 |
Correspondence - General A09
November 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 15951 - 16500.
Box 40 |
Correspondence - General A10
December 1979 - January 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 16501-18500.
Box 143 |
Correspondence - General A11
January - March 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 18501 - 20400.
Box 33 |
Correspondence - General A12
October 1979 - April 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 20401 - 22000.
Box 149 |
Correspondence - General A13
April - May 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 22001 - 23475.
Box 141 |
Correspondence - General A14
May - June 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 23476 - 24900.
Box 45 |
Correspondence - General A15
June - July 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 24901 - 26100.
Box 49 |
Correspondence - General A16
July - August 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 26101 - 27800.
Box 42 |
Correspondence - General A17
September - October 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 27801 - 29400.
Box 138 |
Correspondence - General A19
November 1980 - January 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 29951 - 32300.
Box 35 |
Correspondence - General A20
January - March 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 32301-34200.
Box 39 |
Correspondence - General A21
April - May 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 34201-36000.
Box 68 |
Correspondence - General A22
April 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 36001 - 39000.
Box 117 |
Correspondence - General A23
April 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 39001 - 39800.
Box 185 |
Correspondence - General A24
March - June 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 39801 - 41725.
Box 69 |
Correspondence - General A25
June - August 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 41726 - 43275.
Box 74 |
Correspondence - General A26
August - October 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 43276 - 45400.
Box 86 |
Correspondence - General A27
September - November 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 45401 - 47225.
Box 60 |
Correspondence - General A28
October 1981 - January 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 47226 - 49200.
Box 122 |
Correspondence - General A29
January 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 49201 - 50426.
Box 226 |
Correspondence - General A41
January - February 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 65001 - 67200.
Box 202 |
Correspondence - General A42
February - April 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 67201 - 69300.
Box 219 |
Correspondence - General A43
April - May 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 69301 - 71051.
Box 204 |
Correspondence - General A44
June - July 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 71101 - 72950.
Box 215 |
Correspondence - General A45
June - August 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 72951 - 74900.
Box 227 |
Correspondence - General A46
August - October 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 74901 - 76400.
Box 205 |
Correspondence - General A47
October - November 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 76401 - 77750.
Box 218 |
Correspondence - General A48
November 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 77751 - 78550.
Box 52 |
Correspondence - General A49
October 1983 - February 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 78551-80000.
Box 51 |
Correspondence - General A50
February - March 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 80001-81400.
Box 66 |
Correspondence - General A51
March 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 81401 - 83100.
Box 76 |
Correspondence - General A52
March - June 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 83101 - 84200.
Box 78 |
Correspondence - General A53
June - August 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 84201 - 86950.
Box 79 |
Correspondence - General A54
August - October 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 85951 - 87300.
Box 129 |
Correspondence - General A55
September - December 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 87301 - 89250.
Box 62 |
Correspondence - General A56
December 1984 - February 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 89251 - 90400.
Box 110 |
Correspondence - General A57
February - April 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 90401 - 92250.
Box 88 |
Correspondence - General A58
March - May 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 92251 - 93900.
Box 131 |
Correspondence - General A59
May - July 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 93901 - 95750.
Box 50 |
Correspondence - General A60
July 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 95751 - 97100.
Box 211 |
Correspondence - General A61
August - December 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence A, 97101 - 98900.
Box 222 |
Correspondence - General B01
January - August 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 00001 - 01500.
Box 236 |
Correspondence - General B02
January - February 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 01551 - 02350.
Box 214 |
Correspondence - General B03
February - March 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 02351 - 03650.
Box 213 |
Correspondence - General B04
March - April 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 03651 - 04600.
Box 235 |
Correspondence - General B05
January - April 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 04601 - 06000.
Box 228 |
Correspondence - General B06
February - June 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 06001 - 06650.
Box 301 |
Correspondence - General B08
December 1985 - September 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 09151 - 10200.
Box 176 |
Correspondence - General B09
September - October 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 10201 - 11450.
Box 303 |
Correspondence - General B10
September 1986 - January 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 11451 - 12600.
Box 25 |
Correspondence - General B11
January 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 12601-13000.
Box 13 |
Correspondence - General B12
January - March 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 13001-14150.
Box 18 |
Correspondence - General B13
February - April 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 14151-15550.
Box 1 |
Correspondence - General B14
April - May 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 15551 - 16400.
Box 302 |
Correspondence - General B16
July - August 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 17751 - 18350.
Box 17 |
Correspondence - General B18
October - November 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 19901-20700.
Box 179 |
Correspondence - General B25
March - April 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 22701 - 23800.
Box 306 |
Correspondence - General B26
April 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 23801 - 24500.
Box 180 |
Correspondence - General B27
March - May 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 24501 - 26650.
Box 307 |
Correspondence - General B28
May - June 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 26651 - 27500.
Box 178 |
Correspondence - General B29
May - July 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 27501 - 28650.
Box 305 |
Correspondence - General B30
July - August 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 28651 - 29550.
Box 261 |
Correspondence - General B31
September - November 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 29551 - 30700.
Box 304 |
Correspondence - General B32
October - December 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 30701 - 31600.
Box 293 |
Correspondence - General B33
December 1988 - February 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 31601 - 32550.
Box 292 |
Correspondence - General B34
February - March 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 32551 - 33400.
Box 241 |
Correspondence - General B35
March - April 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 33401 - 34600.
Box 264 |
Correspondence - General B36
April - July 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 34601 - 35600.
Box 248 |
Correspondence - General B37
April - June 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 35601 - 37300.
Box 30 |
Correspondence - General B38
June - September 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 37301-38750.
Box 29 |
Correspondence - General B39
September - November 1989 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 38751-40000.
Box 28 |
Correspondence - General B40
November 1989 - January 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 40001-41150.
Box 27 |
Correspondence - General B41
January - March 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 41151-42200.
Box 23 |
Correspondence - General B42
April 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 42201-43400.
Box 22 |
Correspondence - General B43
April - May 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 43401-44500.
Box 21 |
Correspondence - General B44
July 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 44501-45900.
Box 20 |
Correspondence - General B45
July 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 45901-47050.
Box 19 |
Correspondence - General B46
September 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 47051-48250.
Box 16 |
Correspondence - General B47
October - December 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 48251-49200.
Box 15 |
Correspondence - General B48
December 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 49201-49700.
Box 14 |
Correspondence - General B49
January - March 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 49701-50700.
Box 11 |
Correspondence - General B50
March - April 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 50701-51800.
Box 12 |
Correspondence - General B51
April - June 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 51801-52800.
Box 9 |
Correspondence - General B52
June - July 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 52801-53950.
Box 8 |
Correspondence - General B53
July - August 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 53951-55050.
Box 7 |
Correspondence - General B54
August - November 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 55051-56350.
Box 6 |
Correspondence - General B55
November 1991 - February 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 56351-57750.
Box 10 |
Correspondence - General B56
February 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 57751-58950.
Box 294 |
Correspondence - General B57
April - May 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 58951 - 60000.
Box 291 |
Correspondence - General B58
March - August 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 60001 - 61250.
Box 297 |
Correspondence - General B59
August - December 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence Log Sequence B, 61251 - 62000.
Box 243 |
Correspondence by Topic
1979 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Binghamton Dairy Hearing 6/85, Binghamton Dairy Hearing Witness Requests, Agricultural
Appropriations FY 1987, Ulster - Hospitals Rural/Urban Medicare Reimbursement 4/87,
McHugh Budget Substitute 4/84, D of Agriculture Enforcement of Kosher Meat Standards
12/83, D of Agriculture - WIC Rebates, McHugh Energy Tax Legislation I & II c1979
(2 files), Meeting with Secretary Duncan 9/79, Home Energy Price Relief Act of 1979
Fact Sheet, Home Energy Price Relief Act of 1979 Cost Estimates, Salina Nuclear, Business
& Taxes Alternative Measures, Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment 7/82, Energy
- Home Heating Oil and Gas, Wind Energy Conference 9/81, Democratic Caucus Revised
Rules 11/82, HJR 637 Equal Rights Amendment Extension of Ratification Deadline 8/78,
Agriculture - WIC Reallocations 8/82, Agriculture - WIC Reallocations NYS Problems
6/84, Energy & Water FY 1986 Binghamton First Ward Levee, Broome - Vestal Levee, HUD
Technical Assistance Grants FY 1985 Appropriations, Drug & Substance Abuse Conference
2/85, Woodstock Sewer Refinancing, Labor, Health, Human Serices FY 1992 Cornell ILR
Workplace Center Earmarks, Labor, Health, Human Serices FY 1985 Cornell Resources
Center, Children & Youth, NYS Monthly Reporting & Retrospective Budget Waiver 1/84.
Box 64 |
Correspondence by Topic
Scope and Contents
Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service (2), Jewish Discrimination,
Interns (10), Human Rights Violations in Foreign Countries, Department of the Interior,
Interior & Insular Affairs, Health Care, Department of Health, Education, & Welfare,
House Reform, Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Box 229 |
Correspondence by Topic
Scope and Contents
D of Agriculture, Delaware - Fleischmanns, Delaware - M*Ark, Delaware - MIP, Delaware
- Miscellaneous, Delaware - Ours Associates, Delaware - Roxbury-Grand Gorge Water
System, Delaware - Stamford HUD, Delaware - SUNY Agriculture & Technology, Delaware
- Walton Flooding, Delaware - Walton Village Flooding, D of Energy, NYS D of Environmental
Conservation, DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide), Energy (2 files), Energy - Houses East, Energy
- Home Heating Oil, Energy - Gasoline, Energy - Background Memos, Environmental Protection
Agency, Farmer's Home Administration (2 files), US Fire Administration, D of Health
Education & Welfare, D of Housing & Urban Development, Upper Delaware Park Project
1980, Multi-County - Hospitals, Multi-County - East District Hospitals, Multi-County
- Health Planning, Multi-County - Hospital Medicare Administration & Cost Containment,
Interior & Insular - Wild & Scenic, Interior & Insular - Correspondence, Interior
& Insular - Clippings, Interior & Insular - 1979.
Box 189 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-01
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Action, D of Agriculture - General (2 files), Agriculture Committee, Sub-Committee
of Department Operations, Investment, and Oversight, Sub-Committee Dairy & Poultry,
Abortion PRO, Abortion CON, Agriculture - World Food Problem, D of Agriculture - Broome
County, D of Agriculture - Chemung County, D of Agriculture - Delaware County, D of
Agriculture - Sullivan County, D of Agriculture - Tioga County, D of Agriculture -
Tompkins County, D of Agriculture - Ulster County, Congratulations from MFM 1975,
Congratulations from MFM 1976, Congratulations to MFH 1976, Canning Lids (anti-trust),
D of Commerce, Commission on Administrative Review, Condolences, D of Agriculture
- Food & Nutrition Services, D of Agriculture - Food Stamps, American Indians, AT&T,
Auto Comnpanies & Dealers, Bicentennial, Agriculture Committee, Sub-Committee on Domestic
Marketing & Consumer Relations, D of Agriculture Animal & Plant Inspection Services,
D of Agriculture FmHA, Agriculture Committee, Dairy Sub-Committee, Hearings in Binghamton,
Cornell, Farm Organizations, Consumers, Thanks to Witnesses, Dear Colleague Letters,
Requests to Testify, Press Releases, Miscellaneous Materials, State Officials, Unable
to Attend, Witnesses, Thanks for Comments.
Box 190 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-02
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Agriculture - Food Stamps, Agriculture - General, Agriculture - Naitonal Research
Policy Act, Agriculture - Timber Management, Appropriations - general, Appropriations
- Defense Sub Comp, Armed Services - general, Banking, Currency, & Housing, Banking
Currency NYC Fiscal Crisis, Budget Committee, District of Columbia, Education, Education
& Labor - Labor, Education & Labor - HR 5900, Education & Labor - Common Situs Picketing
PRO, Education & Labor - Common Situs Picketing CON.
Box 106 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-04
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Congressional Rural Caucus (4 files) 1975, Consumer Product Safety Division, 1974
Correspondence, Cost Accounting Standards Board, Council on Wage & Price Stability,
Court Reform, Crume, Death Penalty, Defense, Democratic Congressional Caucus, Democratic
Congressional Caucus 1974, Democratic Convention 1976, Democratic Convention Platform
Committee Task Force (2 files), Draft, Drugs - Marijuana, Economy, Education, Education
- NYS Legislation, Education - School Lunch Program, Employment with McHugh, Employment
with Government, Energy 1976, Energy - Nuclear Plants, Energy - Nuclear, Energy -
Natural Gas, Energy - Oil, Energy - General Jul-Dec 1975, Energy - General Jan-Jun
1975, Energy - Gas & Electric utilities, Energy Research and Development Administration.
Box 186 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-05
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Education & Labor - General, Education & Labor - Child & Family Service Act, Education
& Labor - School Lunch, Education & Labor - Labor - Green Thumb, Education & Labor
- OSHA, Government Operations - General, House Administration, Interior & Insular
Affairs, International Affairs, Interstate and Foreign Commerce -, Interstate and
Foreign Commerce - Health Sub-Committee, Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Malpractice,
Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Truck Weights, Interstate and Foreign Commerce -
Vitamins, Interstate and Foreign Commerce - HR 1087.
Box 183 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-06
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Environment - Auto Emissions, Environment - General, Environment - EPA, Federal Aeronautics
Administration, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Election Commission, Federal
Energy Administration, Ford Administration, Filing System, Food & Drug Administration,
Federal Trade Commission, Foreign Affairs - Chile, Foreign Affairs - Indo-China, Foreign
Policy - General, Foreign Affairs - Soviet Union, Foreign Affairs - United Nations,
Foreign Affairs - Vietnam A-L, Foreign Affairs - Vietnam M-Z, Freshman Class, Gas
Rationing, Gay Lib, General Services Administration, GIOIA Grace, Government Spending
- General, Government Spending - National Debt, Gun Control 1975-1976 (14 files).
Box 188 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-07
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Health, Health - National Health Insurance, D of Health, Education, & Welfare, Hospital
Association of NY, House Reform, D of Housing & Urban Development, Inflation, Insurance,
Insurance - no fault, Intelligence Agencies - General, Intelligence Agencies - CIA
General, Intelligence Agencies - CIA - JFK, D of Interior, Internal Revenue Service,
International Trade Commission, Interns - rejected, Interns - Fall 1976, Interstate
Commerce Commission, D of Justice, Labor Unions - General, D of Labor, Landsat, Machinists
Association, Mayaguez Affair, Merchant Marine/Fisheries, Metric Conversion, Miscellaneous
1976 (2 files), Mutli-issue Letters, NASA, National Commission on Egg Nutrition, National
Endowment for the Arts, National Institutes of Health, Sept 1975 Newsletter Responses,
May 1976 Newsletter Responses, July 1976 Newsletter Responses, Northeast/Midwest Advancement
Coalition, Coalition of Northeast Governors.
Box 196 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-08
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
NYC Fiscal Crisis 1975 (16 files), NYC Other 1975-1976 (3 files), NYS Budget 1973-1976,
NYS Communicatons and Utilities 1975, NYS Delegation 1975-1976, NYS Delegation AD
Hoc Welfare SubCommittee, NYS D of Education, NYS Federal Legislation, NYS D of Health,
NYS D of Labor, NYS State Legislature, NYS Politics, NYS NYPIRG (Public Interest Research
Group), NYS Utilities, Nixon, Nurses Association, Olympics, Optometric Association,
Organizations, Organizations - Farm Bureau & Grange, Parochial Schools, Pensions,
Political Prisoners, Postal Service, Press Releases, 1976 Questionnaire, Railroads,
US Railway Association.
Box 197 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-09
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Referrals, Regulatory Agencies, Religion, Requests - General (4 files, 1976), Requests
- Agricultural Bulletins, Requests - Campaign Mail, Requests - Flags 1976, Requests
- Flags 1975, Requests - McHugh Material, Requests - General 1975 (twelve files, by
month), Requests - Legislative Materials, Requests - Publications, Revenue Sharing,
Right to Privacy, ROCKEFELLER Nelson, Rules of the House, Rome Air Development Center,
Small Business Administration | Milton Doktor, Senate Confirmations, SCHMITT John
E., Senior Citizens, SMITH Bill (NYS Legislature), Social Security Administration,
Social Security, D of State.
Box 192 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-10
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Select Committee on Intelligence, Select Committee on Outer Continental Shelf, Committee
on Small Business, Standards of Official Conduct, Standards of Official Conduct -
Wayne Hayes, Standards of Official Conduct - Sikes Investigation, Veteran's Affairs,
Ways & Means - Energy HR 6860, Ways & Means - Gas Rationing, Ways & Means - NYS Gas
Tax, Ways & Means - National Health Insurance, Ways & Means - Oil Import Tariff, Ways
& Means - SSI Public Assistance, Ways & Means - Social Security, Ways & Means - Taxes,
Ways & Means - Special Task Force Tax Deduction HR 1659, Ways & Means - Tax Reduction
Act HR 2166, Ways & Means - Unemployment Assistance.
Box 187 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-11
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Vietnamese Orphans, Visitor Requests, Visitors to DC (9 files), Wage & Price Controls,
Ways & Means, WEISER George, Welfare, White House Tours, Women's Rights Issues.
Box 223 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-12
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Taxes - General, Thank Yous from MFM (10 files) 1975 - Apr 1976, Thank Yous to MFM
1975, Thank Yous to MFM 1976, Thank Yous re Town Meetings, D of Transportation, D
of Treasury, Unanswered Mail Child & Family Services Act, Unanswered Mail 1975, Unanswered
Mail 1976, Unemployment, Unions (Wang paragraphs), Veterans, Veteran's Administration,
Veteran's Administration Committee - General.
Box 198 |
Correspondence by Topic 094-13
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Joint Committee on Printing, Judiciary, Judiciary
- Cable Copyright (2 files), Judiciary - Copyright Revision (HR 2223), Judiciary -
Criminal Justice Reform Act, Judiciary - Gun Control - Con, Judiciary - Gun Control
- Pro, Judiciary - Illegal Aliens, Judiciary - Internal Security, Judiciary - Whitehurst
Discharge Petition, Merchant Marine & Fisheries, Post Office & Civil Service, Post
Office HR 55 & HR 56 (2 files), Post Office House Joint Resolution, Public Works HR
2175 & HR 5247, Public Works HR 3787 & HR 4072, Public Works & Transportation, Rules
- General, Science & Technology.
Box 225 |
Correspondence by Topic 095
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Rules, International Relations Committee Mid-East Arms Proposal, Appropriations -
Agriculture & Related Agencies, Environmental Protection Agency, International Relations,
Ways & Means, Ways & Means - Taxes, Abortion, Campaign Financing Bill (3 files), Public
Financing Legislation, Voluntary Job Preservation & Community Stabilization Act (2
BIG files), Meeting with Professor William White.
Box 220 |
Correspondence by Topic 095
1977 - 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Ad Hoc Energy, Agriculture 1977 - 1979, Armed Services, Assassinations, Banking, Finance,
& Urban Affairs, Budget, Education & Labor, Education & Labor - Labor, Government
Operations, House Administration, Interior & Insular (2 files), Interior & Insular
- Nuclear, International Relations, Interstate & Foreign Commerce - General, Interstate
& Foreign Commerce - Bottle Bill, Interstate & Foreign Commerce - Health Sub-Committee,
Interstate & Foreign Commerce - Communications, Interstate & Foreign Commerce - Animal,
Judiciary, Merchant Marine & Fisheries, Post Office & Civil Service, Public Works
& Transportation, Select Committee on Outer Continental Shelf, Science & Technology,
Small Business, Veteran's Affairs, Ways & Means - Welfare & Social Security, Ways
& Means - Tax Tuition (2 files), Ways & Means - Health, Ways & Means - Health Medicare,
Ways & Means - Sick Pay & Disability, Ways & Means - Public Assistance Title XX &
SSI, Ways & Means - Correspondence Jan 77 - Mar 78, Ways & Means - Correspondence
Apr 78 - Dec 78, Ways & Means - General.
Box 100 |
Correspondence by Topic 095
1977 | |
Scope and Contents
HUD Federal Disaster Assistance, Wage & Price Issues, Department of Transportation,
Appalachian Regional Commission, Agriculture, USDA, FmHA, Army Corps of Engineers,
Commerce Department, Civil Service Commission, Community Services Administraton, Department
of Defense, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Energy Administration, Energy
Research and Development Administration, Health, Education & Welfare - Education,
General Services Administration, Department of Justice, Department of Health, Education
& Welfare, Department of Housing & Urban Development, Department of Interior, Department
of Labor, National Endowment for the Humanities 1978, NASA, USPS, Department of Treasury
- Revenue Sharing, Small Business Administration, Miscellaneous Information on Foundations,
Department of State - Urban Policy, Public Works, Public Works - Round 2 - Information,
Public Works - Round 2 - Tompkins, Public Works - Round 2 - Sullivan, Public Works
- Round 2 - Delaware, Public Works - Round 2 - Broome, Health, Education, & Welfare
Awards, National Science Foundation Awards, NYS Government - Agriculture, NYS Government
- Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Government - Education, NYS Government
- Justice, NYS - New York City, NYS Government - Social Services, NYS Government -
Department of State, NYS Government - Transportation, NYS Government - Miscellaneous.
Box 181 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-01
1975 - 1976, 1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
94th Congress, Recommendations 1976 (pro), McHugh voting Record, 95th Congress, Academy
- Miscellaneous, Agencies - Miscellaneous, Agriculture - General, Agriculture - Utica
Dairy Meeting Feb 1976, Agriculture - Dairy, Agriculture - World Food Problem, Agriculture
- Veal Standards, D of Agriculture - general, D of Agriculture - Animal & Plant Inspection
Service, D of Agricullure - Congressional District, D of Agriculture - Food & Nutrition
Services, D of Agriculture - Food Stamps, Alcohol, Amnesty, America the Beautiful
Fund, Apple Growers, Apple Day Conference 1978, Appropriations Committee, D o Army,
Assassinations, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Box 199 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-01
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Ad Hoc Energy, Agriculture, Armed Services, Agriculture - Food Stamps, Agriculture
- Summer Feeding, Assassinations, Banking, Finance, & Urban Affairs, Budget, Commission
on Administration Review, District of Columbia, Education & Labor - Education, Education
& Labor - General, Education & Labor - Labor Law CON, Education & Labor - Labor Law
PRO, Education & Labor - OSHA, Education & Labor - Labor - Minimum Wage, Education
& Labor - Common Situs Picketing, Education & Labor - Labor, Government Operations,
House Administration.
Box 109 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-02
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Bergland NYS Visit (Secy of Agriculture), Broome County, Busing, CAREY, Hugh, Chamber
of Congress, Chemung County, Civil Aeronautics Board, Colleagues, to/from, Colleges
in District, Department ofr Commerce, Committee Assignments, Community Services Agency,
Complaints to MFM, Condolences from MFM, Congratulations to MFM, Congratulations from
MFM, Congress, District - General, Congressional Directory, Congressional Pages, Congressional
Pay Riases, Congressional Record Inserts, Congressional Record, Congressional Rural
Caucus, Congressional Swearing In, Consultants Specialists, Consumer - General, Cooperatives,
Cornell, Cornell Legislative Study Project, Council on Wage and Price Stability, CU
Dairy Forage Project.
Box 201 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-02
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Interior & Insular Affairs -, Interior & Insular Affairs - Strip Mining, Interior
& Insular Affairs - Nuclear, Interior & Insular Affairs - Alaska Lands, Interstate
and Foreign Commerce - Communications, Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Bottle Bill,
Interstate and Foreign Commerce - General, Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Health
Subcommittee, Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Clean Air Act, Interstate and Foreign
Commerce - Animal Bills, Judiciary, Merchant Marine & Fisheries, Post Office & Civil
Service (2 files), Printing, Public Works & Transportation, Science & Technology,
Standards & Official Conduct (Ethics), Veteran's Affairs - General, Veteran's Affairs
- Compensation Benefits, Veteran's Affairs - Pension Benefits, Veteran's Affairs -
Education Benefits (extending Delimit Date).
Box 103 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-03
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Department of Defense, Delaware River Basin Commission, Democratic Caucus 95th Congress,
Democratic Caucus re: Robert Sikes, Democratic Caucus: Task Force on House Accounts,
Democratic Caucus 96th Congress, DNC, DNCC, Democratic Steering Committee, Democratic
Study Group, Democratic Study Group Executive Committee, Drugs, Economic Development
Conference Elmira May 1978, Economy, Education, Employment with Government, Employment
with McHugh, Endorsements, Energy (2 big files), Energy Department, Environment, EPA,
Environmental Study Conference, ERA.
Box 116 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-04
1975 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Fair Employment Practices Committee, FmHA, FAA, FCC, Federal Election scommission,
Federal Procurement Conference, Federal Register, FERRIS, Leonard E. or Scott, FDA
(2 files), Foreign Affairs (General), Foreign Affairs - Human Rights, Foreign Affairs
- Israel, Foreign Affairs - South Korea, Forum on Regulation, Franking Privilege,
Government Spending, GRACE, Ed, GRADY, John, Skip Hausaman Project (2 files), Gun
Box 123 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-06
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Labor Unions, LANNING, Grace, Letters to Editors, Libraries in District, Library of
Congress, MASON, Edwyn E. (NYS Senator), Members of Congress, Miscellaneous 1977-1978
(5 files), MOON, Sun Myung, MOREEN, Al, MOYNIHAN, Daniel Patrick (US Senator), National
Education Association, New Member Caucus, New York City, New York State, NYS Delegation
Ad Hoc Dairy Committee, NYS Democratic Congressional Delegation, NYS Legislature,
Newsletters, No Greater Love, Northeastern Coalition, NOVAK, Joseph, Nursing Homes,
Office Procedures, Office of Management and Budget, Organizations, Phone Hour Alphabetical
File 1976, Phone Hour Alphabetical File 1977, Phone Hour Alphabetical File 1978.
Box 130 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-07
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Postal Service, Private Bills, Press Requests, Questionnaire, Questionnaires to MFM,
Quotas, Reception 4 Jan 1977, Recommendations (4 large files, alphabetical), Referrals
(to other members), Regulatory Agencies, Requests - Agricultural Bulletins & Yearbooks,
Requests - Calendars 1978, Requests - Calendars 1979, Requests - Campaign Materials,
Requests - Flags 1977, Requests - Flags 1978, Requests - General Jan-Jun 1977, Requests
- General Jul-Dec 1977.
Box 126 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-08
1975 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Requests - General Jan-Jun 1978, Requests - General Jul-Dec 1978, Requests for Inauguration,
Requests for Legislation Materials, Requests for McHugh Information, Requests for
White House Tours, Resolutions, Résumés in District 77, 78, Résumés in District 75,
76, Résumés out of District 77, 78 (2 files), Right to Food Resolution, ROBEY, Bryant,
Scientific Research Issues, Senior Citizens, Sikes Removal, SLADE, Catherine, Small
Business Administration, Social Security Administration, Solicitations, Speeches (by
MFM), Speeches (on floor), SPICER, John W., Staff Meetings.
Box 67 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-09
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Department of State, Co-Signed Statements (3 files), Arab Boycott, Sullivan County,
taxes, Telegrams, Thank Yous from MFM (4 files), Thanks to MFM (2 files), 1978 Tours.
Box 155 |
Correspondence by Topic 095-10
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Tours, Town Meetings 1977 Jan-Mar, Town Meetings 1977 Apr-Nov, Town Meetings 1978
Jan-Jun, Trade, D of Transportation, D of Treasury, Ulster County, Unanswered Mail
1977, Unanswered Mail 1978, UPHOLF Norm, Veteran's Administration, Visitors to DC
(2 files), VOLK Franklin, Volunteers, WGHQ Requests, Walnut Mountain Healthcare Center,
Wang (KERIVAN Donna), Weather Control, WEISER George, Welfare, WELV Requests, White
House, WICHINSKY Louis, WILLIAMSON Elizabeth, WOLFSON Martin.
Box 175 |
District Issues
1975 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Cornell University Miscellaneous (one file each 1975, 1976, 1977), 1" of "Energy"
papers, no folder, Commerce Department, Exports, 1976-1977, Railroads: RRR Act, Conrail
Takeover, Delaware - Andes (Village), Delaware - Colchester (Town), Delaware - Deposit
(Village), Delaware - Hancock (Village), Delaware - Hancock, Delaware - Tompkins (Town),
Delaware - Walton, Sullivan - Miscellaneous (one file each 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982),
Sullivan - Association for Retarded Children, Sullivan - Community Action to Help
the Economy, Sullivan - Catskill Resorts, Sullivan - Monticello - John Crawford Senior
Housing, Sullivan - Community General Hospital, Sullivan - Sullivan County Community
College, Sullivan - Sullivan County International Airport, Sullivan - Rural Housing
Opportunities Company, Sullivan - United Cerebral Palsy - Hamilton House, Sullivan
- Jobs Corps, Sullivan - County Park, Sullivan - Gypsy Moths, Sullivan - Federal Prison,
Sullivan - SBA Designation, Sullivan - Mongaup Park, Sullivan - FWHA Rural Transpoortation,
Sullivan - Bloomingburg, Sullivan - Callicoon, Sullivan - Denning, Sullivan - Eldred,
Sullivan - Fallsburg, Sullivan - Fallsburg Sewer, Sullivan - Fallsburg - Mountain
Pride, Sullivan - Ferndale Poultry Farm, Sullivan - Fremont, Sullivan - Grossinger's.
Box 171 |
District Issues
1978 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Tompkins County - Miscellaneous (one folder each 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982), Tompkins
County - Airport, Tompkins County - Finger Lakes National Forest, Tompkins County
- Flood 1981, Fort Drum, Eisenhower College, Tompkins County - Housing Miscellaneous,
Tompkins County - Red Cross, Tompkins County - EDA Technical Assitance Program, Tompkins
County - Ithaca Hydropower (2), Tompkins County - Groton SCM, Tompkins County - Ithaca
Family Development Program, Tompkins County - Ithaca Gun, Tompkins County - Ithaca
- NCR, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Challenge Industries, Tompkins County - Ithaca -
Collegetown, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Fall Creek, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Center
Ithaca, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Flooding Winter 1978, Tompkins County - Route 96,
Tompkins County - Interlakes Finance (Bud Dillon), Tompkins County - Ithaca - Ithaca
Center Project, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Iszards, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Ithaca
Gun, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Ithaca Housing Authority, Tompkins County - Ithaca
- HUD/CD, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Urban Development Action Grant, Tompkins County
- Ithaca - WHCU, Tompkins County - Ithaca (Town), Tompkins County - Ithaca - Morse
Chain, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services, Tompkins County
- Ithaca - Press Conference, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Miscellaneous 1981, Tompkins
County - Ithaca (City) - Miscellaneous (one file each 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982), Tompkins
County - Public Library, Tompkins County - National Guard Armory, Tompkins County
- Ithaca - Reconstruction Home, Tompkins County - Regional Resource Letters, Tompkins
County - Ithaca - Ithaca City School District, Tompkins County - Ithaca - Sewage Treatment,
Tompkins County - Navel Sea Cadet Corps, Tompkins County - Six Mile Creek Erosion,
Tompkins County - Six Mile Creek Hydropower, Tompkins County - Soil Conservation,
Tompkins County - Ithaca - Strand Theatre.
Box 268 |
District Issues
1978 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Cornell Miscellaneous 1979, Cornell Miscellaneous 1980, Cornell Grant Awards 1978-80,
Cornell Grant Awards 1979, Cornell Grant Awards 1981, Cornell Grant Awards 1982, Cornell
Hydropower, Cornell National Science Foundation, Ulster County Community College,
Tompkins Cortland Community College, Sullivan county Community college, SUNY Delhi,
SUNY New Paltz, Economic Development Administration, D of Education, Education - Student
Financial Aid, Energy Conservation, NYS D of Commerce, NYS D of Labor, NYS D of Agriculture,
NYS D of Environmental Conservation: Conservation & Environmental Program 1978, Water
Quality Management, State Trade Adjustment Assistance 1984-1985, Action/Peace Corps/VISTA
volunteerism, D of Agriculture 1981 re NY/NJ Milk, Synthetic Fuels and Gasohol 1980-1981,
Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance, Army Corps of Engineers 1979-1981, Comprehensive
Employment & Training Act, D of Energy, Solar Energy, Child Abuse, Community Services
Administration, D of Commerce (Patents), Flood Assitance Information, Disaster Assistance
Information 1975-1980, HUD & Earth Sheltered Homes.
Box 267 |
District Issues
1978 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster County: County Legislature, Ulster County: Human Resources, Ulster County:
Hudson Valley Health Systems, Ulster County: Hudson Valley Professional Standards
Review Organization (2 files), Ulster County: Lake Minnewaska (2 files), Ulster County:
Marcy South, Ulster County: Plant Closing, Ulster County: Route 209 (2 files), Ulster
County: Ulster Performing Arts Center, Ulster County: 1978 Small Business Administration
Designation, Ulster County: Stewart Airport, Ulster County: Steamtown, Ulster County:
Youth Conservation Corps Program, Ulster County: Accord, Ulster County: Accord - Unification
Church, Ulster County: Boiceville - Al Highley Case, Ulster County: Coal Terminal
Project 1982 (3 files), Ulster County: Town of Denning, Ulster County: Ellenville
(5 files), Ulster County: Erpf Center Catskill Regional Study, Ulster County: 1980
Flooding, Ulster County: Gardiner, Ulster County: Hardenburgh, Ulster County: Highland
Veteran's National Cemetary, Ulster County: Pine Vole Control, Ulster County: Hurley,
Ulster County: Kerhonkson, Ulster County: Kingston.
Box 111 |
District Issues
1979 - 1980, 1981 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Prattsville Pumped Storage, Upper Delaware River (11 files).
Box 275 |
District Issues
1979 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Two small binders on federal assistance to 27th District 1977-1978, Tompkins: Ithaca:
Festival 1981, Tompkins: Ithaca: Paleontological Research Institution 1979, Tompkins:
Ithaca: Cornell University 1982, Tompkins: Ithaca: Cornell University 1981, Tompkins:
Ithaca: Cornell: UAW Strike 1981, Tompkins: Ithaca: Cornell: 1980, Tompkins: Ithaca:
Ecosystem, Tompkins: Ithaca: Hydropower, Tompkins: Ithaca: Strand Theatre 1979, Tompkins:
Transit: Greyhound, Tompkins: Slaterville Springs, Tompkins Cortland Community College,
Watkins Glen Grand Prix, Tompkins: Ithaca: Waste Treatment Plant 1984, Tompkins: Out
of District, Ulster: Miscellaneous 1983, Ulster: Miscellaneous 1982, Ulster: Miscellaneous
1981, Ulster: Miscellaneous 1980, Ulster: Miscellaneous 1979, Ulster: Miscellaneous
1978, Ulster: Catskill Gateway, Ulster: Wind Energy, Ulster: Hudson River PCB Reclamation,
Ulster: Economic Development, Ulster: Exxon, Ulster: Federated Sportsmen's Club, Ulster:
Ulster County Community College Water Quality, Disaster Relief.
Box 105 |
District Issues
1981 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster - Kingston - Aarons 1983, Ulster - Kingston - Firemen's Museum 1984, Ulster
- Kingston - New Proposed Radio Station 1981, Ulster - Woodstock - John Godsey, Ulster
- Woodstock - McGivern c1985, Ulster - Woodstock - Vietnam Vets Leichenmueller, Multi-County
- Vietnam Vets Counseling 1982 - 1984, Multi-County - Walkill Basin NY/NJ, Multi-County
- Flood Project, Walkill RR/Conrail Stephen Larsen 1986, Ulster - Shokan - Sherret
Case 1981-1982, Ulster - Route 209 1981, Ulster - Rosendale - EDA and FmHA "Jobs Bill"
Funds 1983, Ulster - Rosendale - Flood control Project 1984-1985, Ulster - Rosendale
- Rosendale Mall Fire 1981, Ulster - Rondout Valley CS Asbestos 1983, Ulster - (Town
of) Rochester - Unification Church, Multi-County - Prattsville Pumped Storage 1981
(see also Box 112), Multi-County - Prattsville Pumped Storage 1982 (see also Box 112),
Multi-County - Prattsville Pumped Storage 1983 (see also Box 112), Multi-County -
Prattsville Pumped Storage 1984 (see also Box 112), Sullivan - Neversink - Floods
1981, Sullivan - Mountain Pride Farms 1981, Sullivan - Liberty - Kingston Industries
1983, Sullivan - Healthcare - HSA Designation HMSA 1981, Sullivan - SCCC Title XII,
Sullivan - Barry Batinkoff and Department of Labor, SBA 1981, SBA 1982, SBA 1983,
SBA 1984, NYS Small Cities Development 1983, NYS Energy Office 1982, National Endowment
for the Arts - Donald Knack 1984.
Box 298 |
District Issues
1983 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
F14 Airplane, Railroads: Pittsburgh & Lake Erie / Erie Lackawanna Purchase, Broome
County: Port of Entry, Armed Services Committee Chairmanship1987, Multi-County: Rail
Abandonments, Multi-County: D of Transportation and Conrail (2 files), 1983-1984 Projects
Book, Army Corps of Engineers - Baltimore, Sample Letters, Mailings to Districts,
District Project Mailings, Weekend Backups - Tompkins County, Weekend Backups - Delaware
County, Weekend Backups - Broome County, Weekend Backups - Tioga County, Weekend Backups
- Sullivan County, Delaware River 1986 (7 files), Broome County: Singer, Apache Helicopter
D of Defense Appropriation, 5/90 Appropriation Slot, "McHugh".
Box 167 |
District Issues
1983 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Ellenville - Beerkill Flood April 1987, Cornell Theory Center Super Computer 1989,
Newburgh-Beacon Bridge 1986 (6 files), Tompkins County Airport 1989 - 1992, Agriculture
Appropriations FY 1988 (2 files), FmHA Housing Loans FY 1988 District Trip, FmHA Housing
Programs 1986, Labourdette's Report to Delegation 1985, FmHA NYS Rural Housing Problems,
FmHA NYS Housing Funds FY 1987, FmHA FY 1988 Appropriations, FmHA FY 1988 NYS Office
Administration Cuts, Agriculture Appropriations Oversight and Investigations 1983,
WARNER, Susan (McHugh staffer) 1.5" thick file, FmHA Appropriati0ons Hearings FY 1986.
Box 55 |
District Issues 094
1975 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Delaware River Basin Commission, Conrail Abandonment, Delaware River Releases Correspondence,
Delaware River Releases 1977, Delaware River Releases Articles, Delaware River Releases
Articles 1975-1976, Ellenville CETA Problem, Environmental Protection agency, Farmers
Home Administration, Catskill Study Commission (2 files), Catskill Center for Conservation
and Development, Community Development Corporation, Correspondence re Dept of Health,
Education and Welfare, Correspondence re Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Correspondence
re Dept of Interior, Correspondence re Dept of Justice, Correspondence re Dept of
Labor, Correspondence re Dept of Transportation, Correspondence re Federal Energy
Administration, Flood Insurance Program - General, Flood Insurance Program - Sullivan
county, Flood Insurance Program - Ulster County, General Services Administration,
Delaware County - Margaretville, Delaware County - Middletown - town, Delaware County
- Miscellaneous, Delaware County - SUNY Access Road, Delaware County - Stamford, Delaware
County - Miscellaneous Towns, Delaware County - West Branch and Delaware Pollution
Project, Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service, ALTA Administration, American
Revolution Bicentennial Administration, Amtrak, Appalachian Regional Commission, Community
Action Commission to Help theEconomy, Civil Service Commission, D'ORTA, Frank, Delaware
County - Catskill Hollow Road/Route 206, Delaware County - Margaretville Memorial
Hospital, Delaware County - Delhi, Delaware County - Delaware Opportunities, Delaware
County - Fleischmanns, Delaware County - Hamden, Delaware County - Hancock, Energy
Research & Development Administration.
Box 85 |
District Issues 094
1976 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
All within Broome County, Endwell, Glen Aubrey, Johnson City - village, Kirkwood,
Lisle, Maine, Woodburne Court, Interstate 88, D of Transportation, Rock Bottom Dam,
Chenango School district, Metro Interfaith Services Inc., Action for Older Persons,
Bicentennial Commission, Bicycle Demonstration Project, Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster,
Disaster Designation and Aid, Drug Awareness Center, Legal Services Corporation, Nanticoke
Creek flooding, BARKER T., Binghamton 1975-1977, Binghamton School District, Binghamton
Sewer Project, Binghamton 1977, Binghamton Community Development, Robeson Center for
the Arts, Binghamton GAF Corporation, Chenango, Colesville, Conklin, Deposit - village,
Dickinson - town, Endicott.
Box 58 |
District Issues 095
1975 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Sullivan: Federal Prison, Sullivan: Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster, Sullivan: New
Horizons, Sullivan: Farmer's Home Administration Mass Transportation, Sullivan: Stone
Arch Bridge, Sullivan: County Planning Board, Sullivan: Walnut Mountain Nursing Home,
Sullivan: Bethel, Sullivan: Bloomingburg, Sullivan: Callicoon, Sullivan: Cochecton,
Sullivan: Delaware, Sullivan: Fallsburg, Sullivan: Highland, Sullivan: Liberty - town,
Sullivan: Liberty - town sewer, Sullivan: Liberty - village, Sullivan: Liberty - village
sidewalks, Sullivan: Liberty - village flooding, Sullivan: Neversink, Sullivan: Lumberland/Glen
Spey, Sullivan: Mamakatink, Sullivan: Monticello, Sullivan: Monticello Housing Authority,
Sullivan: Rockland, Sullivan: Roscoe, Sullivan: Thompson, Sullivan: Tusten, Sullivan:
Woodridge Urban Renewal, Sullivan: Woodridge, Sullivan: Wurtsboro, Sullivan: Woodridge
Sewer Plant, Tioga: Miscellaneous 1977, Tioga: Miscellaneous 1975-1976, Tioga: County
Planning Board, Tioga: Flooding, Tioga: Barton - town, Tioga: Candor, Tioga: Nichols,
Tioga: Owego, Tioga: Owego Town & Village Sewer, Tioga: Spencer - town, Tioga: Spencer
- village, Tioga: Tioga - town, Tioga: Waverly Dry Brook Creek, Tioga: Waverly - village
sewer, Tioga: Waverly - village water, Tompkins: Miscellaneous 1976-1977, Tompkins:
1977 Fall Agrciultural Disaster, Tompkins: Airport, Tompkins: Health Matters, Tompkins:
Historical Society, Tompkins: Red X, Tompkins: Brooktondale, Tompkins: Caroline, Tompkins:
Box 127 |
District Issues 095
1976 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Broome - Port Dickinson, Broome - Union (Town), Broome - Vestal, Broome - Vestal -
Water Supply, Broome - Whitney Point, Broome - Windsor, Chemung - General/Miscellaneous,
Chemung - National Fire Academy, Cnemung - Regional Housing Council, Chemung - Fall
1977 Agricultural Disaster, Chemung - Out-of-District Projects, Chemung - Erin, Chemung
- Van Etten, Delaware - Cat Hollow Road, Delaware - SBA Disaster Decree 1977, Delaware
- Bovina, Delaware - Colchester, Delaware - Delhi, Delaware - Delhi SUNY Access Road,
Delaware - Deposit, Delaware - Fleishmanns, Delaware - Hamden, Delaware - Read Memorial
Hospital, Delaware - Hancock, Delaware - Hobart, Delaware - Margaretville, Delaware
- Middletown, Delaware - New Kingston, Delaware - Roxbury, Delaware - Stamford, Delaware
- Walton, Delaware - Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster, Sullivan - Miscellaneous Inquiries,
Sullivan - Association for Retarded Children, Sullivan - Catskill Art Society, Sullivan
- Cerebral Palsy Association 202 HUD Funds, Sullivan - Community General Hospital,
Sullivan - HUD Community Develoipment 75-76, Sullivan - Family Court, Sullivan - Historical
Society, Sullivan - International Airport, Sullivan - Airport Case, Sullivan - County
Park, Sullivan - County Park: Dept of Interior Bureau Outdoor Recreation.
Box 255 |
District Issues 095
1976 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
HUD Section 8 Housing, HUD Home Ownership, HUD CDBG, HUD Rehabilitation Programs,
HUD Small Cities Program, HUD College Housing, HUD Coop Housing, D of Interior, D
of Justice, D of Labor, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Library Services
Construction Act, LVT Delegation Letter, National Consumer Coop Bank, National Education
Association, National Park Design, National Solar Heating/Cooling, Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Office of Management and Budget, PCBs, Davis-Bacon HUD Survey, Bruce Drazen
Binghamton Business Assistance, Advin Corporation, Broome County: Miscellaneous (5
files), Broome County: Out of District, Broome County: Action for Older Persons, Broome
County: Airport, Broome County: Brixius Creek, Broome County: Gypsy Moths 1982, Broome
County: Ebonex (2 files), Broome County: Binghamton Housing Authority, Broome County:
Binghamton Parlor City, Broome County: GAF Layoff Petition for TRA, Broome County:
GAF Power Plant, Broome County: GAF Retirees, Broome County: GE F111 Contract, Broome
County: Greenwood Road, Broome County: GSA Facility, Broome County: Drug Awareness
Center, Broome County: Kroehler Corporation, Broome County: Nanticoke Creek, Broome
County: Department of Planning, Broome County: Department of Social Services, Broome
County: Stadium Project, Broome County: Metro Interfaith, Broome County: Nezelek,
Broome County: Transitional Opportunities Corporation, Broome County: Tri-City Airport,
Broome County: Binghamton Education, Broome County: Binghamton State Office Building,
Broome County: Wheelchair Lifts, Broome County: Incremental Energy Associates, Broome
County: Binghamton 201 Facilities Plan, Broome County: Binghamton Upper Front Street,
Broome County: Kirkwood Industrial Park Access Ramps, Broome County: Roberson Center,
Broome County: Interstate Route 88.
Box 101 |
District Issues 095
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Sullivan - Mamakating, Sullivan - Monticello, Sullivan - Monticello - Housing Authority,
Sullivan - Monticello - Periwinkle Productions, Sullivan - Monticello - Stergis Arts,
Sullivan - Liberty - village, Sullivan - Stone Arch Bridge, Sullivan - Highland, Sullivan
- Lumberland, Sullivan - Liberty, Sullivan - Liberty - Sewer Project, Sullivan - Liberty
- Flooding Project, Sullivan - Neversink, Sullivan - Neversink - Disaster Relief,
Sullivan - Rockland, Sullivan - Roscoe, Sullivan - Roscoe Fire Department, Sullivan
- Thompson, Sullivan - Tusten, Sullivan - Woodbridge, Sullivan - Wurtsboro, Target
Mailings - lists and inter-office, Target Mailings - (governmental), Target Mailings
- (non-governmental), Ulster - Community Action, Ulster - UCCC, Ulster - EDA Designation,
Ulster - Emunah Farms, Ulster - Energy Council, Ulster - Federated Sportsmen's Club,
Ulster - Lake Minnewaska, Ulster - County Legislature, Ulster - Minnewaska, Ulster
- Mid-Hudson School Study Council, Ulster - Miscellaneous, Ulster - Pilot Transportation,
Ulster - Rescue Squad, Ulster - Route 209, Ulster - Traver Hollow Bridge, Ulster -
Youth Conservation Corps, Ulster - Bloomingburg, Ulster - Ellenville, Ulster - Ellenville
- Urban Renewal Housing, Ulster - Denning, Ulster - Gardiner, Ulster - Hurley, Ulster
- Kingston, Ulster - Marbletown, Ulster - New Paltz - Quigley Sheridan Alternative
Energy, Ulster - New Paltz - town, Ulster - New Paltz - village, Ulster - Olive, Ulster
- Rochester - town, Ulster - Rosendale - village, Ulster - Rosendale - town, Ulster
- Rosendale Park Fund, Ulster - SBA Disaster Designation, Ulster - Shandaken, Ulster
- Warwarsing, Ulster - USPS, Ulster - Walkill Flood Control Project, Ulster - Woodstock
- County Women's Home, Ulster - Woodstock - Cliff Problems, Ulster - Woodstock - Woodstock
Estates, Ulster - Woodstock - Sidewalk Project, Ulster - Woodstock.
Box 104 |
District Issues 095
1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Public Works - Regulations and Information, Public Works - Employment Act, Public
Works - Sullivan County Court House, Public Works - Correspondence, Southern Tier
East Regional Planning, EPA Funds for NYS 1977, Health Systems Agenices, Mid-Hudson
Legal Service, Upper Delaware Regional Water Resources Planning Board, Post Office
Closings, Public Works - Delaware County, Public Works - Mailings to Local Officials,
Hudson Flow Skimming, Tocks Island Dam, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Prattsville
NY DEIS 1978, Prattsville, Mid-Hudson Regional Energy Council, Nuclear Power Plants.
Box 137 |
District Issues 095
1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster - Shandaken, Ulster - Shandaken - Phoenicia Bridge, Ulster - Warwarsing, Ulster
- Woodstock - Cliff Problem, Ulster - Woodstock - Town, Ulster - General Miscellaneous,
Multi-County - Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Multi-County - Catskill
Study Commission, Multi-County - Soil Conservation Service, Multi-County - Delaware
River Basin Commission, Multi-County - Disaster Winter 1977, Multi-County - EPA Grants
Funds, NYS Allocation 1977, Multi-County - Hudson Skim, Multi-County - Utility Rate
Increases, Multi-County - Broome/Tioga Association for Mentally Retarded, Multi-County
- Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster, Multi-County - NY/PA Health Service Area, Multi-County
- Nuclear Power Plants, Multi-County - Prattsville Pump Storage Facility, Multi-County
- Southern Tier Planning and Development Board, Multi-County - Southern Tier Eastern
Region Planning and Development, Multi-County - Susquehanna River Study, Multi-County
- Mid-Hudson Valley Legal Services, Multi-County - Broome/Tioga/Tompkins Disaster
July 1986, Multi-County - Susquehanna River Basin Committee, Multi-County - Tocks
Island Dam (3 files).
Box 283 |
District Issues 095
1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Delaware River Materials.
Box 134 |
District Issues 096
1978 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Parts of the district were designated a labor surplus area, prompting MFM correspondence
to businesses within it. Files:, Auto Parts, Federal Assistance to Business Information
Sheet, Services, Communications, Cleaners, Building Trades, Hotels/Restaurants, Food
Suppliers, Customer Services, Special Interest, Electronics, Manufacturers, Random
Correspondence, Grants within District, NRA Grants, HUD Grants. Project Files by County:
Sullivan, Tompkins (3 files), Ulster, Delaware, Chemung, Tioga, Multi-County, Broome
(2 files). Rosendale Bath House, Ten files for 1979 meeting within the district.
Box 254 |
District Issues 096
1978 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Prattsville Pump Storage 1978-1980, Hudson River HR4788 1979.
Box 280 |
District Issues 096
1978 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Farmer's Home Administration (FmHA) - Construction Program, FmHA - Soil and Water
Program, FmHA - Business Program, FmHA - Farm Program, FmHA - Women's Education Program,
FmHA - Housing Program, FmHA - Miscellaneous Program, Fire Departments Assistance,
Small Business Administration, D of State, D of Transportation, Veteran's Administration,
Public Works, Public Works "Round 2" (2 files), Public Works "Round 2" - Tompkins
County, Public Works "Round 2" - Sullivan County, Public Works "Round 2" - Chemung
County, Public Works "Round 2" - Tioga County, Public Works "Round 2" - Delaware County,
Public Works "Round 2" - Broome County, Housing, D of Housing and Urban Development,
Solar Energy, Staff Journals, Urban Banker, Urban Development Action Grant, Regulations:
D of Energy, Small Cities Meeting 1978, Regulations: D of Labor, Regulations: Flood
Plain, Regulations: D of Health, Education, and Welfare, Regulations: D of Interior,
Regulations: D of Labor Youth Program, Regulations: Soil Conservation Service, Regulations:
Small Business Administration, Regulations: Disaster Assistance, Regulations: Environmental
Protection Agency, Regulations: D of Agriculture FmHA.
Box 265 |
District Issues 096
1978 - 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Railroads 1981, Grants 1978, Grants 1980, Grants Files (4 files of individual files),
Defense Contracts - past awards, Pending Grants - Broome, Pending Grants - Tioga,
Pending Grants - Tompkins, NYS Education, NYS Justice, NYS Affordable Housing, NYS
NYC, NYS Energy, NYS Labor, NYS Transportation, NYS Mental Health, NYS D of State,
NYS Miscellaneous, Delaware Opportunities, Chemung Economic Opportunities Organization,
Opportunities for Broome, Multi-County Community Development Projects, Sullivan Communities
Action, Tioga Opportunities Program, Tompkins EOC, Ithaca College (3 files), Broome
Community College, Ulster Community Action, Ulster Community College, SUNY Binghamton
(four files), SUNY Delhi, Ulster county, Sullivan, Tioga, Tompkins, Delaware, Broome.
Box 73 |
District Issues 096
1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Sullivan County - Community Action Agency, Sullivan County Community College, Sullivan
County Community College Housing (HUD), Sullivan County - Community General Hopsital,
Sullivan County - Department of Public Works, Sullivan County - Fallsburg, Sullivan
County - Falls Poultry, Sullivan County - International Airport, Sullivan County -
Liberty, Sullivan County - Liberty - Sidewalks, Sullivan County - Liberty - Bridge,
Sullivan County - Liberty - Village, Sullivan County - Mamakating, Sullivan County
- Miscellaneous, Sullivan County - Monticello - Sleepy Hollow, Sullivan County - Monticello,
Sullivan County - Monticello - Housing, Sullivan County - Monticello - Thompson Sewers,
Sullivan County - Mountain Pride Farms, Sullivan County - Neversink Flooding, Sullivan
County - Neversink, Sullivan County - Office of Aging, Bulk Third Class Rates, Sullivan
County - Parks & Recreation, Sullivan County - Planning Board, Sullivan County - Politics,
Sullivan County - Public Information, Sullivan County - Roscoe, Sullivan County -
Airport, Sullivan County - Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Sullivan County
- Woodridge, Sullivan County - Big Vanilla, Sullivan County - Wurtsboro, Sullivan
County - Wurtsboro: Max ALTMAN, New York State D of State, New York State D of Transportation
Sign Removal, D of Transportation, D of Interior, Ulster County - Ulster County Community
College, Ulster County - Ellenville, Ulster County - Ellenville: People's League,
Ulster County - Ellenville: Housing Urban Renewal, Ulster County - Ellenville: Richie's
Enterprises, Ulster County Energy Plan, Ulster County - Gateway to the Catskills -
Steamtown, Ulster County - High Falls, Ulster County - Hurley, Ulster County - Minnewaska,
Ulster County - Miscellaneous, Ulster County - New Paltz: Community Gardens, Ulster
County - New Paltz: town, Ulster County - SUNY New Paltz, Ulster County - Olive, Ulster
County - Rochester, Ulster County - Rosendale Women's Studio, Ulster County - Rosendale
Park Funds, Ulster County - Rosendale, town, Ulster County - Route 209, Ulster County
- Wawarsing, Ulster County - Wood for Fuel (2 files), Ulster County - Woodstock: Zema
Road, Ulster County - Woodstock: Route 375, Ulster County - Woodstock: town, Ulster
County - Woodstock: McGIVEN, United States Postal Service.
Box 154 |
District Issues 097
1979 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Tompkins - Newfield, Delaware - Bovina, Delaware - Delhi - Village, Delaware - Delhi
- County Office Building, Delaware - Downsville, Delaware - Fleischmanns, Delaware
- Halcottsville, Delaware - Hamden, Delaware - Harpersfield, Delaware - Hobart, Delaware
- Kortright, Delaware - Margaretville, Delaware - Meredith, Delaware - Middletown,
Delaware - Roxbury - Town, Delaware - Stamford, Delaware - Walton, Delaware - Walton
- Town, Delaware - Walton - Section 8 Housing, Sullivan - Bethel, Sullivan - Cocheton,
Sullivan - Delaware, Sullivan - Forestburgh, Sullivan - Highland, Sullivan - Lumberland,
Sullivan - Mamakating, Sullivan - Tompson, Sullivan - Tusten, Chemung - Miscellaneous
1982, Chemung - Miscellaneous, Chemung - CWA Teleprompter, Chemung - Regional Housing
Council, Chemung - Chemung - Town, Chemung - Erin, Chemung - Newtown-Hoffman Creek
Dam, Chemung - Van Etten, Chemung - County Watershed Project.
Box 90 |
District Issues 097
1980, 1981 | |
Scope and Contents
1980 Ulster Flood, 1981 Ulster Energy Conference, 1981 Wind Power, 1980-1981 Gypsy
Moths, 1980-1981 SBA Disaster Loans, 1980-1981 HUD, FHA, FmHA Constituent Cases.
Box 259 |
District Issues 097
1980 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster County - Small Business Administration - Amendola, Ulster County - Kingston
- Benedictine Hospital, Ulster County - Kingston - Urban Development Action Grant,
Ulster County - Kingston - Sewer Break, Ulster County - Medicare Prospective Payment,
Ulster County - Kingston - Gateway Industries, Ulster County - Lerchenmueller Case,
Ulster County - Town of Llloyd - Conrail, Ulster County - Marbletown, Ulster County
- New Paltz - Village, Ulster County - New Paltz - Water Plant, Ulster County - New
Paltz - SUNY Migrant Education, Ulster County - New Paltz - SUNY, Ulster County -
New Paltz - SUNY Engineering, Ulster County - New Paltz - Gateway Manor, Ulster County
- Lake Minnewaska Marriott, Ulster County - Olive, Ulster County - Prattsville, Ulster
County - Prattsville 1983, Ulster County - Rochester, Ulster County - Women's Studio
Workshop (2 files), Ulster County - Rosendale -, Ulster County - Rosendale - Five
Company Rehabilitation, Ulster County - Rosendale - Proposed Assisted Housing, Ulster
County - Rosendale - Town, Ulster County - Rosendale - Village, Ulster County - Saugerties,
Ulster County - Saugerties Lighthouse, Ulster County - Shawangunk, Ulster County -
Shandaken, Ulster County - Shokan, Ulster County - Stone Ridge, Ulster County - Stone
Ridge - Ulster County Community College, Ulster County - Ulster, Ulster County - Uranium
Mining, Ulster County - Walkill River, Ulster County - Wawarsing - BioEnergy Systems,
Ulster County - Wawarsing, Ulster County - West Hurley - Zena Well Contamination,
Ulster County - West Hurley - Route 375, Ulster County - Woodstock, Ulster County
- Woodstock Sewer Project 1981, Multi-County 1983 (2" file), Indian Point Nuclear
Regulatory Meetings, Out of District, Multi-County - Adverse Effect Wage Rate, Multi-County
- Appalachian Regional Commission, Multi-County - Binghamton Wastewater Management,
Multi-County - Catskill - Cole House, Multi-County - Commuter Airlines, Multi-County
- Delaware River, Multi-County - Delaware River Basin Commission, Multi-County - Hudson
Valley Health Systems Agency.
Box 296 |
District Issues 097
1980 - 1983 | |
Scope and Contents
Sullivan County - Jeffersonville, Sullivan County - Napanoch Sewer Project - Kerhonkson,
Sullivan County - Liberty, Sullivan County - Liberty Sewer Project, Sullivan County
- Liberty Sewer Plant (2 files), Sullivan County - Liberty Flooding Problems, Sullivan
County - Livingston Manor, Sullivan County - Mongaup Valley, Sullivan County - Monticello,
Sullivan County - Monticello - Post Office, Sullivan County - Monticello - 1980, Sullivan
County - Monticello - 1981, Sullivan County - Monticello - Telephone Office Closing,
Sullivan County - Monticello - Sturgis Apartments, Sullivan County - Narrowsburg Landfill,
Sullivan County - Neversink, Sullivan County - Neversink Gorge Park, Sullivan County
- Rockland, Sullivan County - Roscoe, Sullivan County - Thompson, Sullivan County
- Tusten, Sullivan County - Woodbridge, Sullivan County - Wurtsboro, Sullivan County
- Wurtsboro Imminent Threat (HUD), Sullivan County - Out of District, Sullivan County
- Out of District Roebling Bridge, Tioga County - Miscellaneous - 1982, Tioga County
- Miscellaneous - 1981, Tioga County - Miscellaneous - 1980, Tioga County - Miscellaneous
- 1979, Tioga County - Miscellaneous - 1977-1978, Tioga County - Tioga Opportunities
Program, Tioga County - Apalachin, Tioga County - BRINK, Carl Visit, Tioga County
- Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster, Tioga County - Soil & Water District, Tioga County
- Berkshire, Tioga County - Candor, Tioga County - Candor - Specialty Packaging, Tioga
County - Newark Valley, Tioga County - Nichols, Tioga County - Owego - 1979, Tioga
County - Owego - 1980, Tioga County - Owego, Tioga County - Owego - Tioga Casting,
Tioga County - Shangri La Speedway, Tioga County - Owego Flood Insurance Study, Tioga
County - Richford, Tioga County - Spencer, Tioga County - Waverly - Urban Development
Action Grant, Tioga County - Raymond-Hadley Corporation, Tioga County - Tioga (town),
Tioga County - Waverly Sewer Project, Tioga County - Waverly - Dry Brook Creek, Tioga
County - Waverly (3 files), Tioga County - Ingersoll Rand Retraining Program, Tioga
County - River Basin Study Flood Information.
Box 258 |
District Issues 098
1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster/Sullivan counties: Flooding 1984, Multi-County: Gasoline Allocation Regulations,
Multi-County: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Multi-County: Economic
Development, Multi-County: Hudson Valley Regional Council, Multi-County: Emergency
Medical Services, Multi-County: Gypsy Moths (2 files), Multi-County: Hudson River
Valley Center, Multi-County: Minority Business Opportunity Commission, Multi-County:
Miscellaneous, Multi-County: Mobile Radio Distribution, Multi-County: Propane Gas
Regulations, Multi-County: Mass Transit, Multi-County: Military Contractors / Pay,
Multi-County: NY/PA Health Service Area, Multi-County: New York State Electric and
Gas, Multi-County: Nuclear Plants, Multi-County: Pumped Storage, Multi-County: Delaware
Releases, Multi-County: Section 18 Rural Transportation, Multi-County: Small Business,
Multi-County: Southern Tier Planning & Development Board, Multi-County: Southern Tier
Eastern Regional Planning & Development Board, Multi-County: South Central NY Resource
Conservation & Development, Multi-County: Railroads: Poughkeepsie Bridge, Multi-County:
Community Development Corporation Foster Grandparent Program, Multi-County: Susquehanna
River Study, Multi-County: NYS DEC Grant Applications, Multi-County: Susquehanna River
Basin Commission, Multi-County: Westway, Multi-County: Casinos, Multi-County: Delaware
& Hudson, Multi-County: Sullivanville Dam, Multi-County: Trip to District, Multi-County:
Civil Defense, Multi-County: Railroads.
Box 81 |
District Issues 099
1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Ulster County - Eden Institute (Polish/Jewish), Ulster County - Ellenville 1981-1982,
Ulster County - Ellenville 1983-1984-1985, Ulster County - Trudy's Discovery House,
Ulster County - CARNES Sheldon, Ulster County - Senior Housing, Ulster County - Gardiner
Sewer Project, Ulster County - Hurley Stone Houses, Ulster County - Human concerns
Committee, Ulster County - Comprehensive Employment Training Act and, Job Partnership
Training Act Dioslocated Worker Application 1984-1985, Ulster County - Kingston Urban
Mass Transportation Administration National Micro, Ulster County - Marbletown Dump,
Ulster County - Kingston NYS Job Service, Ulster County - Saugerites Sewer, Farmer's
Home Administration (FmHA) - CONN, Mark, FmHA - Besicorp Group 1985, FmHA - WEED,
FmHA - DEMBROSKY 1986, FmHA - 1986, FmHA - SPERLING 1986, Federal Emergency Management
Administration: McGuire & Mantell, General Services Administration Procurement, General
Services Administration 1986 Samaritan, Multi-County - Community Development Corporation
Foster Grandparents, D of Housing and Urban Development Small Cities Program FY 1985,
D of Housing and Urban Development Small Cities Program Block Grants 1984, Onteora
Enterprises, Small Business Administration: AMENDOLA, Jobs Bill Information 1983,
Sullivan County - Swan Lake: WEISER, G., Sullivan County - Montgomery: FIELD, Ed,
Sullivan County - Liberty: Walnut Mountain Recreation Park, Sullivan County - Grant
Awards 1982, Ulster County - Kingston: Urban Mass Transportation Administration Bus
Terminal, Multi-County: Route 209 Ban Delaware Water Gap, Sullivan County - Monticello
IRS Closing, Sullivan County - Delaware, Sullivan County - Delaware NYS D of Environmental
Conservation, Sullivan County - St. Joseph Forestburgh Postal Service, Sullivan County
- Nighland National Park Service Roebling Bridge, Sullivan County - Kiamesha Lake
Hebrew Day School, Sullivan County - Mamakating, Sullivan County - Monticello, Sullivan
County - Monticello: Post Office, Sullivan County - Monticello: Post Office Annex
Closure, Sullivan County - Monticello: Sleepy Hollow, Sullivan County - Monticello:
New York Telephone, Sullivan County - Thompson, Sullivan County - Tusten, Sullivan
County - Tusten: Cortese Landfill, Multi-County - Grant Awards 1982, Multi-County
- Grant Awards 1981, Multi-County - Grant Awards 1980, Multi-County - Marcy South
Transmission Project 1985, Multi-County - Marcy South Transmission Project 1983-1984.
Box 245 |
District Issues 099
1984 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Broome - Endicott, Broome - Superfund Endicott-Colesville, Broome - Endicott, IBM,
Broome - Endwell, Broome - Fenton, Broome - Harpursville Central Schools, Broome -
Johnson City, Broome - Johnson City - CFJohnson Pool, Broome - Johnson City Sewer
Discharge, Broome - Charles Wilson Memorial Hospital, Broome - Johnson City Grace
Manor, Broome - Johnson City UDAG HUD, Broome - Johnson City Nezelek Inquiries (2
files), Broome - Kirkwood, Broome - Lisle, Broome - Maine, Broome - Port Dickinson,
Broome - Sanford, Broome - Twin Tier Home Health, Broome - Triangle, Broome - Union
- Community Development, Broome - Union/Endicott Schools, Broome - Union - Savin Corporation,
Broome - Union Town, Broome - Vestal - Vestal Well, Broome - Vestal, Broome - Windsor,
Broome - Windsor - UCO Electronics, Broome - Whitney Point, Delaware - Miscellaneous
1982, Delaware - Miscellaneous 1981, Delaware - Miscellaneous 1978, Delaware - Miscellaneous
1980, Delaware - Miscellaneous 1979, Delaware - Delaware Valley Hospital, Delaware
- Delaware Opportunities, Delaware - Power Authority of the State of New York (PASNY),
Delaware - Delaware River Basin, Delaware - Read Memorial Hospital, Delaware - Lordville
Bridge, Delaware - Utsayantha Park, Delaware - West Branch Model Implementation, Delaware
- Fall 1977 Agricultural Disaster.
Box 244 |
District Issues 099
1985 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Broome - Binghamton - Roberson Memorial, Broome - Binghamton - Neighborhood Council
Coalition, Broome - Rockbottom Dam (2 files), Broome - Savin Corporation, Broome -
Secretariat for Education & Project Planning, Broome - Singer Flight Simulator, Broome
- Southern Tier East Regional Planning Board, Broome - SUNY Binghamton (2 files),
Broome - Trash Dump, Broome - Waste Recovery, Broome - NYS Trade Adjustment Assistance
Centers, Broome - Western Broome Bridge, Broome - Binghamton - 1982, Broome - Binghamton
- 1981, Broome - Binghamton - 1980, Broome - Binghamton - 1979, Broome - Binghamton
- 1979, Broome - Binghamton - Apprenticeship & Training (2 files), Broome - Binghamton
- Metrocenter, Broome - Binghamton - GAF Layoff 1980 - 1982, Broome - Binghamton -
HUD CD, Broome - Binghamton - Supermarket, Broome - Binghamton - First Ward Levee,
Broome - Binghamton - Sludge, Broome - Binghamton - HUD CD 1981, Broome - Binghamton
- MONDEV, Broome - Binghamton - City 1980, Broome - Binghamton - Binghamton Savings
Bank, Broome - Binghamton - Speech, Broome - Binghamton - Wood Court, Broome - Binghamton
- Chenango Bridge, Broome - Chenango Forks, Broome - Chenango Schools, Broome - Conklin,
Broome - Kirkwood Flood Protection, Broome - Deposit, Broome - Deposit UDAG, Broome
- Watershed (3 files), Broome - Historic Preservation, Broome - Valley Offest, Broome
- Dickinson.
Box 289 |
District Issues 099
1985 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Federal Register & Congressional Record, "Projects" (1" file), Project Tracking (2
files), Delaware Pending, Sullivan Pending, Ulster Pending, Multi County, Out of District,
Grants, Questions and New, Sullivan County: Foster Grandparent Program, Clippings
(2" file), Indian Land Claims, 12" of Conrail Files.
Box 239 |
District Issues 102
1991 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Food & Drug Administration - Barr Industries, NYSEG Milliken Station, AIDS Conference
10/91, AIDS Conference 10/89, Food & Drug Administration - Mercury in Dental Amalgam,
Rest of Box:, Airline Deregulation 1979 - 1983.
Box 173 |
1990 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
NYSEG Energy & Water High Phase Order Transmission FY 1990, NYSEG Energy & Water High
Phase Order Transmission FY 1991.
Box 276 |
Ethics Committee
1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Congressional Perqs, Reforms, House Bank Scandal (10 files), Miscellaneous Articles.
Box 57 |
Foreign Aid
1979 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
also Export-Import Bank (one file).
Box 48 |
Foreign Assistance & Related Agencies
1978 - 1980, 2000 | |
Scope and Contents
Published Hearing Records, 1978 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 1979 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1980 Parts
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2000 Global Report to the President, Vol 1: Entering the 21st Century,
Pt 2: Technical Report.
Box 287 |
1975 - 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Appalachian Regional Commission 1979 meeting.
Box 83 |
Higher Education in District
1975 - 1979 | |
Scope and Contents
Files on colleges and universities within district.
Box 295 |
Intelligence Committee
1988 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
General, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Intelligence Appropriations FY 1991, Intelligence Authorization
Act 1990 (3 files), Search Procedures Acts 1990, CIPA Hhearings, Angola, FBI & CISPEL,
Iran/Contra, Intelligence Authorization Act FY 1991, 1988 Intelligence South Africa,
1990 Intelligence FISA, 1989-1990 Miscellaneous Intelligence.
Box 277 |
Legislative Ratings
1975 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Four large folders of ratings for 094th, 095th, 096th, 097th Congresses., One binder
of 95th Congress Legislative Profile for 1977-1978.
Box 282 |
McHugh Profiles & Ratings
Scope and Contents
100th Legislative Profile, 1988 Human Rights Profile, Ratings by Labor Organizations
1975-1992, 098th 099th 100th 101st 102nd Ratings.
Box 128 |
1983 - 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Meetings in District and DC, prep and follow-up files., Very random..
Box 266 |
Various | |
Scope and Contents
102nd HR 1633 (1991) Kids Initiative, 101st (1989-1990) House Continuiing Resolution
259 Harvest of Peace, 100th HR 4575 Debt for Development, 099th First Earth Run, 096th,
097th, 098th, 099th Legislative Profiles, Campaign Finance Reform (four large files).
Box 164 |
Outgoing Information
1974 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Five Large Binders), Connie Cook 1984 (opponent), Matt McHugh 1974,
1975, 1978, 1984.
Box 257 |
Outgoing Information
1975 - 1975, 1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
94th Congress Press, 96th Congress Press, Check Bouncing (Pro & Con), McHugh Speeches
(two huge files).
Box 84 |
Outgoing Information
1975 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
News Clippings 1978, Correspondence "How To" Two large notebooks of form letters filed
by issue with index of issues. One book c1977. One book c1975 is the "Wang" system
including mix-and-match letter openings, letter bodies, and letter closings..
Box 139 |
Outgoing Information
1975 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Target Mailings.
Box 163 |
Outgoing Information
1976 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Five Large Binders), 1976, 1980, 1981-1982, 1992, Ithaca Journal
6 November 1974 (two copies).
Box 80 |
Outgoing Information
1979 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings randomly filed by issue, person, county, press outlet..
Box 238 |
Outgoing Information
1980 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings.
Box 254 |
Outgoing Information
1982 - 1985 | |
Scope and Contents
Clippings 1982-1985.
Box 161 |
Outgoing Information
1982 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Four Large Binders), Two of Issues Boilerplate Paragraphs 1982-1984,
Two of Clippings 1988.
Box 279 |
Outgoing Information
1984, January 1989 - September 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Files.
Box 274 |
Outgoing Information
July - December 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Files.
Box 278 |
Outgoing Information
1985 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Maine Central Railroad Strike 1986, Conrail Annual Report 1985, Norfolk Southern Annual
Report 1985, Conrail Divestiture Plan 1986, Conrail in the Southern Tier, Conrail
1985, Conrail 1986, Press - Ulster & Sullivan Counties, Press - Broome County, Press
- Tompkins County, Grant Awards - Sullivan county, Grant Awards - Press, Grant Awards
- Tompkins County, Grant Awards - Private sector, Grant Awards - Cornell, Grant Awards
- Broome-Tioga-Delaware Counties, Grant Awards - Tompkins County, Grant Awards - Tioga
County, Grant Awards - Broome County, Grant Awards - Delaware County, Grant Awards
- Sullivan County, Grant Awards - New York State, Grant Awards - Cornell, D of Defense
Contracts, Washington Reports, Green Thumb, Inc., Subsidized Housing Issues, Economic
Development Act 1979 Public Works Legislation, Appalachian Regional Commission: proposed
recissions, Economic Development Task Force, Revenue Act of 1978, Amtrak, Conrail,
Community Development Legislation 1979, Women's Conference on Money & Investments,
Railroad Deregulation (two files), Solid Waste Disposal, Appalachian Regional Commission
Legislative Information, Urban Mass Transportation Administration Information.
Box 173 |
Outgoing Information
1989 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
1" thick folder of mostly 8x10 B&W glossy photographs of MFM with staff, interns,
visitors mostly in DC, some in district venues, very few identified, small envelop
of negatives, for more photos see also Box 297.
Box 246 |
Outgoing Information
1970s - 1980s | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings, Radio Feeds, Releases, Ethnica Files, Ortega, Background File on
Iran-Contra Hearings.
Box 114 |
Outgoing Information 094
1974 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings.
Box 46 |
Outgoing Information 094
1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases.
Box 208 |
Outgoing Information 094
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings Pre-Session 1975 - December 1976.
Box 82 |
Outgoing Information 094
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases 1976 May-Oct, Press Releases 1975, Radio & TV Station Files, Print
Media Fils, News Digests, Co-Sponsored Bills 1975, Correspondence re Co-Sponsored
Bills 1975.
Box 98 |
Outgoing Information 095
1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings, Background Information, Campaign Information.
Box 113 |
Outgoing Information 095
1976 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Statements, Letters, MFM stands.
Box 112 |
Outgoing Information 095
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases.
Box 253 |
Outgoing Information 095
1977 - 1978 | |
Scope and Contents
095th Congress Press Releases.
Box 94 |
Outgoing Information 096
1977 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Press releases, letters, Washington Reports.
Box 152 |
Outgoing Information 096
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings.
Box 156 |
Outgoing Information 096
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases, Newsletters.
Box 290 |
Outgoing Information 096
1979 - 1980 | |
Scope and Contents
Box 97 |
Outgoing Information 097
1979 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Press clippings in folders by media outlet.
Box 4 |
Outgoing Information 097
1981 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Press releases, newsletters, speech texts, announcements, information sheets.
Box 168 |
Outgoing Information 097
1981 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Ways & Means (Obsolete), Boiler Plate Letters.
Box 262 |
Outgoing Information 097
1981 - 1982 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings.
Box 5 |
Outgoing Information 098
1983 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Press releases, newsletters, speech texts, announcements, information sheets.
Box 166 |
Outgoing Information 099
1978, 1985, 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Four Large Binders), Oct 15-Nov 10 1978, Jan-May 1985, Jul-Dec 1985
Jan-Jun 1986.
Box 247 |
Outgoing Information 099
1985 - 1986 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases, Radio Comments, Schedules, Washginton Reports, "Gary's Stuff", Miscellaneous,
Dear Colleagues, Town Meeting Notices, Post Office Visits, Staff District Meetings
with Constituents, Lists.
Box 165 |
Outgoing Information 100
1986 - 1987 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Two Large Binders), Jul-Dec 1986, 1987.
Box 271 |
Outgoing Information 100
1987 - 1988 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Releases, Radio Comments, Schedules, Washington Reports, "Gary's Stuff", Miscellaneous
Mailings, Dear Colleagues, Town Meeting Notices, Post Office Visits, Staff Meetings
with Constitutents, Lists, Imputted Paragraphs, Assorted Mailers.
Box 172 |
Outgoing Information 101
1989 - 1990 | |
Scope and Contents
Reports to District c1990, Schedules 1989, Schedule 1990, "Gary's Stuff" 1989-1990,
Town Meeting Notices, Post Office Visits, Staff Meetings with Constituents, Lists,
Paragraph texts and followups.
Box 162 |
Outgoing Information 101
1989 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Press Clippings (Four Large Binders), 1989, 1990, 1991, 1991.
Box 195 |
Outgoing Information 102
1988 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
1992 Press Clippings (contents of binder w/o binder), Three schedules from 1992, Statistics
Box 177 |
Outgoing Information 102
1989 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
Radio Comments, Press Releases 1989 - 1990, Standard Texts, Meet My District Representative,
Post Office Cards, Other 500+ Mail, Town Meeting Cards, Dear Colleagues, Schedules,
Radio Comments, Press Releases 1991 - 1992, Forms, Inserts 1991.
Box 297 |
Outgoing Information 102
1992 | |
Scope and Contents
2" folder of B&W Photos, for more photos see also Box 173.
Box 174 |
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
1987 - 1992 | |
Scope and Contents
McHugh Statements 1987-1992, Ireland Trip, Spt 1991 (Binder), HR 1013 Background File
1987, HR 5422 Intelligence Authorization Act FY 1991 (Binder) 1987-1988, Intelligence
"48 Hour Bill" 1988-1990, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, HR 3822 1987
Intelligence Oversight Act (Binder) 100th Congress.
Box 308 |
Presidential Inauguration
1981 | |
Scope and Contents
Invitations and programs.
Box 82 |
Project Files
1975 - 1976 | |
Scope and Contents
Newsletter I May 1975, Newsletter II May 1976, "In", Chesapeake / Erie-Lackawanna,
Proxmire, Biography, Sept 1975 Broome/Tioga Floods, Food Stamp Investigation 1976,
Direct Mail (samples of others' and MFM's), Democratic National Telethon 1975, Revenue
Sharing, Postal Box Rental Bill HR 2573, August Recess 1975, Public Disclosure Records
1974 Campaign.
Box 96 |
Public Works Capital Development Program (HR 11, February 1977)
1975 - 1977 | |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence, Notes, Releases, Meetings.
Box 285 |
Record Votes
1975 - 1976, 1985 - 1991 | |
Scope and Contents
Nine Bound legal sized books, 094th 1st/2nd sessions, 099th 1st/2nd sessions, 100th
1st/2nd sessions, 101st 1st/2nd sessions, 102nd 1st/2nd sessions.
Box 286 |
Record Votes
1979 - 1984 | |
Scope and Contents
Eight Bound legal sized books, 095th 1st/2nd sessions, 096th 1st/2nd sessions, 097th
1st/2nd sessions, 098th 1st/2nd sessions.
Box 194 |
Redacted Files
Various | |
Scope and Contents
34 files, names redacted.
Box 221 |
Welfare Reform
1977 |