Arthur H. Dean papers, 1946-1974.
Collection Number: 4100
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
1921 | B.A. Cornell University | |
1923 | L.L.B. Cornell University Law School | |
1945-70 | Member, Cornell University Board of Trustees (Chairman 1948-70) | |
1929-50 | Partner, law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, New York | |
1950-70 | Senior Partner, Sullivan and Cromwell | |
? | Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York | |
1953 | Chief U.S. negotiator in preliminary Korean War Armistice negotiations at Panmonjom | |
1958, 1960 | Leader of U.S. delegations at the International Law of the Sea Conference | |
1956-70 | Member of the Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference on Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. delegation of the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks | |
? | Delegate to the General Assembly of the United Nations | |
1946-74 | Member of the Foreign Policy Association, Japan Society, Inc. | |
1956-74 | Member of the Asia Society | |
1954-75 | Member of the Asia Foundation | |
? | Member of the Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development, Inc | |
1955-66 | Chairman of the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia | |
1955-75 | Member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. (member since 1937) | |
? | Member of the American, New York State, and New York City Bar Associations | |
1963-75 | Member of the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law |
1921 | B.A. Cornell University | |
1923 | L.L.B. Cornell University Law School | |
1945-70 | Member, Cornell University Board of Trustees (Chairman 1948-70) | |
1929-50 | Partner, law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, New York | |
1950-70 | Senior Partner, Sullivan and Cromwell | |
? | Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York | |
1953 | Chief U.S. negotiator in preliminary Korean War Armistice negotiations at Panmonjom | |
1958, 1960 | Leader of U.S. delegations at the International Law of the Sea Conference | |
1956-70 | Member of the Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the Conference on Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. delegation of the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament | |
? | Chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks | |
? | Delegate to the General Assembly of the United Nations | |
1946-74 | Member of the Foreign Policy Association, Japan Society, Inc. | |
1956-74 | Member of the Asia Society | |
1954-75 | Member of the Asia Foundation | |
? | Member of the Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development, Inc | |
1955-66 | Chairman of the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia | |
1955-75 | Member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. (member since 1937) | |
? | Member of the American, New York State, and New York City Bar Associations | |
1963-75 | Member of the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law |
Series I. Personal
Box 1 |
Box 2 |
Box 78 |
Personal: Photo Albums; Panmonjom, Korea Photo Scrap Book, 1953; Mystery Scrap Book
Box 79 |
Personal: Photo/Scrap Books, 1959-62
Box 80 |
Personal: Photo/Scrap Books, 1961-64
Box 81 |
Personal: Photo/Scrap Books, 1961-69
Box 82 |
Personal: Proposer - Seconder, 1945-70
Box 83 |
Personal: Proposer - Seconder, 1970-80
Box 156 |
Certificates of award, merit, membership, and honorary degrees
Box 157 |
Certificates of award, merit, membership, and honorary degrees
Box 158 |
Certificates of award, merit, membership, and honorary degrees
Series II. Diaries
Box 3 |
Diaries: 1947-62, 1976-78
Box 4 |
Diaries: 1963-65
Series III. Speeches/Articles
Box 5 |
Box 6 |
Box 7 |
Box 8 |
Box 9 |
Box 10 |
Speeches/Articles: Jan. 1933 - Jun. 1952
Box 11 |
Speeches/Articles: Jan. 1953 - Jul. 1956; Business Income Group Material, 1949-51
Box 12 |
Speeches/Articles: Oct. 1956 - Feb. 1962
Box 13 |
Speeches/Articles: May 1962 - Jan. 1969
Series IV. Cornell University
Box 14 |
Cornell University: Board of Trustees, 6/45 - 1/64
Box 15 |
Cornell University: Board of Trustees, 1/64 - 12/68
Box 16 |
Cornell University: Board of Trustees, 1/69 - 6/70; Executive Committee, 7/46 - 12/68
Box 17 |
Cornell University: Executive Committee, 12/64 - 12/68; Investment Committee, 6/48
- 12/74; Building and Grounds Committee, 6/47 - 5/68; Acquisition of Country Club
Property, 1957
Box 18 |
Cornell University: Cornell Dinner, The Links, 12/5/57; Olin Library Building Project,
3/50 - 7/66; Building Projects, general correspondence 1947 -
Box 19 |
Cornell University: Building Projects, general correspondence 1947 - ; Board of Trustees,
committees of the board
Box 20 |
Cornell University: Board of Trustees, committees of the board
Box 21 |
Cornell University: Cornell University Council, Centennial Development Program, 1959
- 66
Box 22 |
New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center: Joint Administrative Board 1946 - ; Joint
Operating Agreement; Agreements of Affiliation
Box 23 |
Cornell University: General Correspondence
Box 24 |
Cornell University: Endowment Funds 1945- ; Uses: Capital gains, Classification of
Box 25 |
Cornell University: Endowment Funds - Uses: Contract Dining and Deferred Rushing,
1953-70; Cary Correspondence, 1967-70; 10-year Financial Report, 1937-47; 13-year
Financial Report, 1937-50; President's Report 1966-67
Box 26 |
Cornell University: Aeronautical Laboratory; Ad Hoc Committee on CAL, 1946-68; Sale
of CAL, 1972; Lefkowitz v. Cornell
Box 27 |
Cornell University: Campus Unrest, 1969; City Council - non-discrimination in Medical
College, 1946
Box 28 |
Cornell University: Greater New York Committee, 1946-51; General Correspondence, 1951
- ; Development Program, 1965 - ; Alumni Association; Common Market Conference Council,
Box 29 |
Cornell University: By-Laws Relating to Cornell
Box 30 |
Cornell University: Special Gifts to Cornell and Miscellaneous Will Provisions, 1949-
; Alumni News, President Reports, and Associated Financial Material
Box 31 |
Cornell University: Gifts; Financial Committee Budgets
Box 140 |
Committee for Corporate Support of American Universities: Bound reports; Higher Education
for American Democracy; Harvard University Center for International Affairs; Medical
Education (CU Medical, NY); Cornell University Law; Cornell History (regional); Additional
Box 141 |
Cornell Medical Center, N.Y.
Series V. Subject Files
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Box 32 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 12/1/58 - 4/26/62
Box 33 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 4/27/62 - 9/1/63
Box 34 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 9/17/63 - 5/15/64
Box 35 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 5/18/64 - 1/25/65
Box 36 |
Nantucket Island Sound Trust Bill (Kennedy Bill): Transcripts of Proceedings (Senate
TR-6993a |
Kennedy Bill DebateCassette Tapes
Cassette Tape
Box 37 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 1/26/65 - 4/29/66
Box 43 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Press clippings, 1/4/67 - 11/5/69; 18-Nation Disarmament
Box 45 |
Fund For a Peaceful Atomic Development, Inc., 1954-66; Fund for the Republic, Inc.,
Box 46 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Correspondence, 1960-69; Clippings, 1970-73; Crank
Box 47 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations: Treaty Manuscripts; Outside material
Box 48 |
Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, 1961-62; Correspondence, 1970-73; Educational Committee
to Halt Nuclear Weapons Spread, 1969-71; Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defense Policy,
(ABM Debate) 1969-70
Box 38 |
Disarmament Reports: Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; Final Records of
Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (records of meetings are numbered)
Box 39 |
Disarmament Reports: Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; Final Records of
Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (records of meetings are numbered); The
Nature of Radioactive Fallout and its Affect on Man, Parts I & II
Box 40 |
Disarmament Subject Files: Aggression; Anti-Ballistic Missiles; Communist China and
Arms Control; Military Balance and National Security; On-Site Inspection; Peacekeeping
Proposals; Production of Fissionable Material for Weapons Purposes; Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty (copy)
Box 41 |
Arthur Dean Disarmament Book: Correspondence; Letters of Comment; Reviews; Manuscripts/Drafts,
1963-64; 1 copy each, Spanish and English
Box 42 |
Arthur Dean Disarmament Book: Manuscripts 1965; Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations; Press
clippings, 5/2/66 - 12/22/66
Box 44 |
Disarmament Subject Files: Nuclear Proliferation; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
(SALT); Space Treaty; Underground Test Detection
Box 49 |
Disarmament: Disarmament Conference, clippings; Personal File - Geneva; Nuclear Test
Ban Negotiations; Cooper Resolution; Commitments to Foreign Powers, 1967
American Institute of Pacific Relations
Box 50 |
American Institute of Pacific Relations: Communist Allegations, 1945-57; Fund Raising;
Minutes of Board of Trustees
Box 51 |
American Institute of Pacific Relations: General; Executive Committee; Board of Trustees;
McCarran Committee Hearings, 1942-55
Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia
Box 52 |
Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia: Correspondence, 1965-70; New
York Times Advertisement, 1965; Form Letters and Lists of Responses; Coupon Responses,
Aa - Az
Box 53 |
Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia: Coupon Responses, B - S
Box 54 |
Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia: Coupon Responses, T - Z; Fund
Raising Correspondence; Financial and Tax Records, 1965-70
Box 55 |
Korea: Press clippings and reference material gathered for 1968 speech.
Box 56 |
Korea: 1953 and following
Japan Society
Box 57 |
The Japan Society, Inc., 1948-74
Asia Society
Box 58 |
Asia Society: 1956-71
Box 59 |
Asia Society: 1971-74
Box 60 |
Asia Society: Barnet/Raskin Manuscripts; Blum Manuscript; Young Manuscript; Dulles
Asia Foundation
Box 60 |
Asia Foundation: 1974-75
Box 61 |
Asia Foundation: 1954-70
Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments (APPI)
Box 62 |
APPI: General Papers, 1958-62
Box 63 |
APPI: General Papers, 1962-66
Box 64 |
APPI: General Papers, 1966-74; Stikker Report; LaBrea y Perinas Papers, 1964-69
Box 65 |
APPI: Correspondence, 1958-76
Box 66 |
APPI: Committee for Effective Use of International Court by Repeal of Self-Judging
Reservation, (Connally Amendment) 1960-66; National Committee for International Development,
(Foreign Aid) 1965-66; The Atlantic Council, 1965-75
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
Box 67 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.: Board of Directors, 1955-75
Box 68 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.: General, 1937-73; Directors Policy Group, 1960;
William Bundy Appointment as Editor of Foreign Affairs, 1971; Grand jury Subpoena
for Ellsberg Paper, 1971; Foreign Affairs - Book-of-the-Month-Club, 1959-69; Committee
on Bequests and Endowments, 1957; Capital Fund Drive, 1966-75; Committee on Studies,
Box 69 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.: Norwegian Nobel Institute Conference on Western
Democracies and World Problem; Committee on Membership, 1956-73
Box 70 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Discussion and Study Groups: Security Agreements
in the Far East, 1956-60; Russian Group, 1945-48; Draft General Report on Soviet-American
Relations, 1952-59; Sino-Soviet Relations, 1955-57
Box 71 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Discussion and Study Groups: German Unity, 1952;
France, 1945; Poland, 1945; Western Europe, 1945-57; Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico,
1944-45; Southern Africa: The Place of South African Problems in American Foreign
Policy, 1967; Africa: Emerging Problems of African Foreign Policy, 1953-57; Postwar
Economic Aspects of American Foreign Policy, 1942-46; Propaganda and Foreign Policy,
1947; Princeton Conference on Foreign Programs of Studies, 1945; Strategic Bases and
Alliances, 1958; United Nations Foreign Policy, 1957-59; Ad Hoc Group on Report to
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1959; Power and Policy, 1963; Re-examination
of American Foreign Policy, 1966-67; Role of the American Ambassador, 1963-64; Ambassador
Douglas MacArthur Dinner, 1960
Box 72 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Discussion and Study Groups: American Policy in
Middle East, 1951-56; Neutralism in Asia, 1957-58; Southeast Asia as a Focus of World
Politics, 1966-67; Conference on Indian-American Relations, 1956; U.S.-Indian Relations,
1954-57; India and Pakistan, 1966; Spain and the U.S. 1958-59
Box 73 |
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Discussion and Study Groups and Steering Committee:
Far Eastern Affairs - American Policy in the Far East (China, Japan, Korea, etc.)
1945-51; American Chinese Group, 1944; Chinese Communist Policy, 1954-55; Communist
China and U.S. Policy in Asia, 1958-60; China and the Far East, 1962-67; Taiwan and
the Nationalist Government, 1964; American Cultural Relations with Japan, 1952-54
Foreign Affairs, President Johnson's Panel of Consultants on
Box 74 |
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Panel of Consultants on Foreign Affairs: Correspondence,
1964-69; General Papers on: Communist China; India-Pakistan; NATO; U.S.S.R.; Vietnam
English Speaking Union of the United States
Box 75 |
The English-Speaking Union of the United States: Correspondence, 1959-66; Minutes,
Box 76 |
Bilderberg: 1962-68
Box 77 |
Bilderberg: 1968-80; American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc., 1973-79
Law of the Sea, Department of State Advisory Panel on
Box 84 |
Department of State Advisory Panel: International Law, 1970-73 Law of the Sea, 1970-76
Box 85 |
Law of the Sea: Correspondence and Documents on U.N. Conference on Law of the Sea,
1958 and 1960
Box 86 |
Law Of the Sea: Third United Nations, Conference on Law of the Sea, Session at Caracas,
Venezuela, 1974
Box 87 |
Law of the Sea: Far East Trip, 1960; Correspondence and Documents, 1961-69; Oil and
Gas Documents, 1965
Box 88 |
Department of State Advisory Panel: Law of the Sea, 1970-76
Box 89 |
Law of the Sea: Maps, 1958 Conference
State University of New York Board of Trustees
Box 90 |
State University of New York Board of Trustees, 1949-53
Box 91 |
State University of New York Board of Trustees: Committee on Medical Education Centers,
1950; Minutes, 1948-52; Budgets, 1951-53
European Recovery (World War II)
Box 92 |
Recovery, (World War II): Documents re Foreign Assets Control, including White Paper
and Reports on Dutch Economy; Federal Reserve Regulations re Defense Production, etc.;
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Reports, 1945-50; Articles and Reports on Postwar
Economy; Background on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Marshall
Plan, 1946-48
Box 93 |
Recovery (World War II): Neutrality Act of 1939; Renegotiation of War Contracts; Hearings
on Manpower, 1942-43; Reports and Hearings on Mobilization and Postwar Economics;
Hearings on Extension of Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, 1943; Proclaimed List of
Certain Blocked Nationals, 1945
Box 94 |
Recovery (World War II): Bound material
Box 111 |
European Recovery: Bound Material
United Nations Association of the United States of America
Box 95 |
United Nations Association of the U.S.A.: General, 1964-75; International Cooperation
Box 96 |
United Nations Association of the U.S.A.: China Panel, 1966-67; Pamphlets
White House
Box 97 |
White House: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Atomic Energy Commission; LOS Document
Box 98 |
White House
Nantucket Sound Island Trust-Bill
Box 99 |
Nantucket Sound Trust-Bill: Related Legislation; Correspondence; Newspaper Clippings;
Box 100 |
Nantucket Sound Trust-Bill: Legislative History Correspondence
Box 123 |
Nantucket Sound Trust Bill: Planting Fields Foundation, 1964 - 79
TR-6992a |
Islands Trust Bill Debate
March 30, 1976 | |
American Bar Association
Box 101 |
Special and Standing Committees of American Bar Association: Standing Committee on
Education Against Communism, 1966-67 (Dean not a member); Advisory Committee to Cooperate
With the World Peace Through Law Center, 1969 ABA Sections: Section of Antitrust Law,
1951-67; Section of Public Utility Law, 1951-59; Section of Corporation, Banking,
and Business Law: Committee on Money, Credit, and Monetary; Policy (Dean Chairman)
1960-63 Section of International and Comparative Law, including: General - 1946-67;
Council - 1954-58; Special Committee to Study the Council: Dirksen Bill, 1955; Membership
Committee, 1958-59; Special Committee on Cooperation with Legal Profession of Friendly
Nations, 1955-60; Banco and Sabbatino cases, 1966-67; Committee on Collaboration between
Executive and Legislative Branches of Federal Government 1954-60; Committee on Law
of the Sea, 1959-60 (Dean not a member)
Box 102 |
American Bar Association Meetings for which Dean was a Member of House of Delegates:
Union International Des Avocats - Paris, July 15-20, 1956; 1956 Annual Meeting, Dallas,
Texas; 1956 Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, Illinois; 1957 Annual Meeting, New York and
London; 1958 Mid-Year Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia; 1958 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles,
California; American College of Trial Lawyers; General 1970-74; Committee for Investigating
Money on Hand in Checking and Savings Accounts, 1960-61; New York Law Institute; General,
Box 103 |
Special and Standing Committees of the American Bar Association: Committee on Judicial
Salaries, 1944-45; Association and Advisory Committee to the 1955-56 Standing committee
of Public Relations, 1956-60; Committee on Federal Judiciary, 1956 (Dean not a member);
Standing Committee on Peace and Law Through the United Nations (Dean Chairman) 1958-61;
Special Committee on World Peace Through Law (Dean Vice Chairman) 1958-65
Box 105 |
American Bar Association: General, 1956-75; Space Law Advisory Committee, 1964-70
New York State Bar Association
Box 104 |
New York State Bar Association: Committee on Corporation Law, 1939-43
Box 105 |
New York State Bar Association: Antitrust Section: Committee on Sherman Law, 1950-56;
Banking Law Section, 1952-64; Committee on Federal Constitution, 1956-64; Committee
on Amendment to Federal Constitution, 1954-57; Subcommittee on World Peace through
Law, 1959
Box 106 |
New York State Bar Association: Committee on Corporation Law, 1944-51
Box 107 |
New York State Bar Association: Committee on Corporation Law, 1951-54; Committee on
Federal Legislation, 1943-44
New York City Bar Association
Box 108 |
Association of the Bar of the City of New York: General, 1946-68 American Judicature
Society: General, 1956-64 American Society of International Law: General, 1955-64;
Executive Committee, 1956-75; Consultative Committee, 1960-61; Committee on Financing
and Endowment, 1959-72 Inter-American Bar Association: General, 1960-65 International
Law Association: General, 1946-64; Fund Raising for 55th Conference, New York, 1972
Box 109 |
Association of the Bar of the City of New York: Committee on Federal Legislation,
1943-50; Executive Committee, 1945-47; Solicitation Of Funds for Committee in Defense
of Constitution (Bricker Amendment) 1954-57; Committee on Increase of Membership.
1957-58; Committee on International Law, 1946-58; Committee on the Judiciary, 1955-58;
Nominating Committee, 1956
Box 110 |
Association of the Bar of the City of New York: Committee on Federal Legislation,
American Law Institute
Box 112 |
American Law Institute: General, 1955-75; Private Corporate Law, 1949; Investment
Committee, 1968-73
Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Box 113 |
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: Mississippi Project, 1965-74; General,
Box 114 |
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: Israel Correspondence
Box 115 |
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: General, 1963-68
Box 116 |
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: General, 1968-71
Sullivan and Cromwell
Box 117 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 118 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 119 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 120 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 121 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 122 |
U.S. v Stanley Morgan et al.
Box 124 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Bound briefs and case material
Box 125 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Bound briefs and case material
Box 126 |
El Paso: Bound briefs and case material
Box 127 |
El Paso: Bound briefs and case material
Box 128 |
El Paso: Bound briefs and case material
Box 129 |
Standard Oil: Bound briefs and case material
Box 130 |
Standard Oil: Bound briefs and case material
Box 149 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Bound briefs and case material
Box 150 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Bound briefs and case material
Box 151 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Petroleum (anti-trust); O'Mahoney Reports (anti-trust)
Box 152 |
Sullivan and Cromwell: Anti-trust
Box 153 |
Corporate Re-Organization
Box 154 |
Kennecott vs. Federal Trade Commission
Teagle Foundation
Box 133 |
Teagle Foundation, Inc: 1963 - 1980
National Citizens Committee for Community Relations (Civil Rights)
Box 134 |
Civil Rights: National Citizens Committee for Community Relations (Dean was Chairman)
1964 - 67
Box 135 |
Civil Rights: 1964 - 67
Committee for Corporate Support of American Universities
Box 136 |
Committee For Corporate Support of American Universities: (formerly, Informal Advisory
Committee on Corporate Aid to Higher Education, a program for Harvard College) 1957
- 68
Box 137 |
Committee for Corporate Support of American Universities: 1969 - 74
Box 138 |
Committee for Corporate Support of American Universities: Committee Brochures, 1959
- 71; Minutes of Meetings, 1966 - 72
Twentieth-Century Fund
Box 142 |
20th Century Fund: Arthur Dean, Chairman of Committee on Economic Needs of Older People
Association for the Aid of Crippled Children
Box 143 |
Association for the Aid of Crippled Children: (later, Foundation for Child Development)
1948 - 1975
Corporate Directorships
Box 145 |
Corporate Directorships: Dean's Directorships listed A - Z
Treaty Powers, Amendment of
Box 147 |
Treaty Powers, Amendment of
Conference on Indian - American Relations
Box 148 |
Conference on Indian - American Relations
Other Subject Files
Box 131 |
Subject Files: Allen W. Dulles, 1953 - 69; American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
1963 - 65; American College of Trial Lawyers, 1955 - 64; Dinner Party Group, 1955
- 60; Hampton Institute, Centennial Fund, 1964 - 69; International Academy of Astronautics,
1961 - 69; John Foster Dulles, 1952 - 73 (and estate of Dulles); Prince Bernhard,
1976; Ralph Bunche Memorial Committee, 1972 - 74; Waddill Catchings, 1953 - 60
Box 132 |
Business Income Study Group: Dean speeches; Study Group Report; Correspondence 1948
- 52
Box 139 |
Subject Files: Advisory Committee of Federal Government and Higher Education, 1960
- 61; American Council of Learned Societies, 1963 - 67; Communism in Education Committee,
1953; Educational Television and Radio Center, 1953 - 56; Foreign Policy Association,
1948 - 67; International House, 1956 - 65; International Law Fund, 1960 - 61; Lafayette
Fellowship Foundation, 1955 - 62; National Fund for Medical Education, 1957 - 59;
Twentieth Century Fund, 1950 - 1956
Box 144 |
Subject Files: International Chamber of Commerce, Inc., 1963 - 74; Pilgrims of the
United States, 1956 - 77; Navy League of the United States, 1964; St. John of Jerusalem,
American Society of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of, 1960 - 69; Voluntary
Credit Restraint Committee, 1951 - 52
Box 146 |
Subject Files: American Metals; Barkley Bill; Changing Non-redeemable Preferred Stock
into Redeemable Stock; Securities Exchange Committee; Shields Plan, (rights offerings)
Additional Material
Box 155 |
Additional Material