Arthur Cort Holden papers, 1920-1987.
Collection Number: 3748
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Arthur Cort Holden papers, 1920-1987.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Collection includes extensive correspondence, blueprints, sketches, drawings, financial
records, and photographs from Holden's private practice around New York City; correspondence,
articles, surveys and reports documenting his service on many boards, committees,
and commissions. Also included are drafts and copies of articles and books including
The Settlement Idea and Sonnets for My City; and a bound volume, "Are Bankers Credit
Allocators?", of photocopies of a collection of commentaries, based on a New York
Times article.
Holden, Arthur C., 1890-1993.
11.1 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Firms: Arthur C. Holden & Associates, 1920-1930, PrincipalHolden, McLaughlin & Associates,
1930-1953, PartnerHolden, Egan & Associates, 1953-1960Holden, Egan, Wilson & Corser,
1960-1967Holden, Yang, Raemsch & Corser, 1967-
Principal works: Madison Square Boys Club, New York City, 1924Sussex Garden Apartments, Rye, New York,
1942General Charles Berry Houses, New York, 1951Guggenheim Museum with Frank Lloyd
Wright, 1959Queensborough Community College, with F.P. Wiedersum, 1968
Awards: Chairman, Conference on Planning Man's Environment, Princeton University Bi-Centennial,
1946-1947Medal of Honor, New York Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1957
Education: Litt.B., Princeton (hons.), 1912B.Arch. & Am.Econ., Columbia Univ., 1915Lambda Alpha,
1967Lectured: Housing, Princeton, Mass. Institute of Tech., Pa. State Univ., Vassar,
Public service: President and Chairman of the Board of New York Urban League, Inc. 1922-1931President's
Commission on Home Building and Home Ownership, 1928-1930National Construction Council,
1931-1932Mayor LaGuardia's Committee on City Planning, 1934-1938Trustee, Lenox Hill
Hospital, New York City, 1951-1960
Government service: New York National Guard, chief plant secretary, hull division, drafting room, U.S.
Navy Yard, Brooklyn, 1917-1919
Publications: Author and illustrator: Brick Architecture of the Colonial Period in Maryland and Virginia, 1919Author: The Settlement Idea: A Vision of Social Justice, 1922Author and illustrator: Money and Motion: The Social Function of Banking, 1940Author and illustrator: Sonnets for My City: An Essay on the Kinship of Art and Finance, 1965Author: Can We Deal Intelligently with Inflation?, n.d.
American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter: Chairman of civic design, 1935-1942Member of Executive Committee, 1943-1947Chairman
of Housing Committee, 1947-1949Director, New York Region, 1949-1952Vice Chairman,
Committee on Post-War Planning, 1944-1946
Collection includes extensive correspondence, blueprints, sketches, drawings, financial
records, and photographs from Holden's private practice around New York City; correspondence,
articles, surveys and reports documenting his service on many boards, committees,
and commissions including the Executive (1943-1947), Civic Design (1935-1942), and
Housing (1947-1949) Committees of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects, the New York Urban League, Inc. (1922-1923), the A.I.A. Committee on Post-war
Planning (1944-1946), the President's Commission on Home Building and Home Ownership
(1928-1930), the National Construction Council (1931-1932), and the Mayor's Committee
on City Planning, New York City (1934-1938); and personal correspondence (1920-1953).
Also included are drafts and copies of articles and books including The Settlement Idea and Sonnets for My City; and a bound volume, "Are Bankers Credit Allocators?", of photocopies of a collection
of commentaries, based on a New York Times article.
Series I. Office files, 1921-1937, firms of Arthur C. Holden & Associates, 1920-1930 and Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, 1930-1953 | Boxes 1-8 |
Series II. Office files, 1935-1942, firm of Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, 1930-1953 | Boxes 9-20 |
Series III. Miriam Holden, personal | Box 19 |
Series IV. Blueprints | Boxes 21-51, 98 |
Series V. A.C.H., personal, 1920-1942 | Boxes 52-56 |
Series VI. Housing, 1930-1942 | Boxes 57-66 |
Series VII. Housing, 1939-1945 | Boxes 67-72 |
Series VIII. Miscellaneous | Boxes 73-104 |
Arthur Cort Holden Papers, #3748. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell
University Library.
Holden, Arthur Cort, 1890- (Title of work: Settlement idea..)
Holden, Arthur Cort, 1890- (Title of work: Sonnets for my city..)
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter. Executive Committee
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter. Civic Design Committee
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter. Housing Committee
American Institute of Architects. Committee on Post-war Planning
New York Urban League
President\'s Commission on Home Building and Home Ownership
National Construction Council
New York (N.Y.). Committee on City Planning
Lambda Alpha International. New York Chapter
New York (N.Y.) -- City planning.
City planners.
City planning.
City planning -- New York (State).
Form and Genre Terms:
Series I. Office Files, 1921-1937, firms of Arthur C. Holden & Associates, 1920-1930
and Holden, McLaughlin & Associates, 1930-1953
Scope and Contents
Boxes 1-5 may have originally consisted of a separate series for Housing, Leonard
Cox and John T. Boyd, Jr., papers. However, it was impossible to reconstruct those
series. Wherever possible the original heading is indicated on the folder, and it
is filed under that heading, except for place names which are alphabetically filed.
The office files include correspondence, articles, book drafts, published material
and notes.
Financial records (Boxes 5-7) contain income tax information, bills rendered and
paid, certificates rendered and paid, cost sheets and unidentified material.
Box 1 |
Box 2 |
Box 3 |
Box 4 |
Box 5 |
Unidentified material and financial records including income tax papers
Box 6 |
Financial records including bills rendered and paid, certificates rendered and paid
Box 7 |
Cost sheets, 1930-1931 , and n.d.
1930-1931 | |
Box 8 |
Series II. Office Files, 1935-1942, Firm of Holden, McLaughlin and Associates, 1930-1953
Scope and Contents
Some items from the 1921-1937 office files including administration, 1926-1930, were
carried over into this series. Here financial records such as bills rendered are interfiled
with the correspondence which forms the bulk of the series. Some printed material.
Box 9 |
Box 10 |
Box 11 |
Box 12 |
Box 13 |
Ma-Me, including Madison Square Boys Club
Box 14 |
Box 15 |
Box 16 |
Box 17 |
San-T, including Sussex Garden Apartments
Box 18 |
Box 19 |
Wi-Z, Time Record Sheets
Box 20 |
Princeton Bi-Centennial, 1946-1947 , A.C.H. personal, 1946-1949
1946-1947 | |
Series III. Miriam Holden, personal
Box 19 |
1936-1937 | |
Series IV. Blueprints
Box 21 |
A-Az, including All Soul's, School of the Annunciation
Box 22 |
Ba-Bh, including General Charles W. Berry Apartment Houses
Box 23 |
Bi-Bre, including Biblical Seminary, Boys Brotherhood Republic
Box 24 |
Bri-Ci, including Brookdale Reformed Church
Box 25 |
Box 26 |
Box 27 |
F-Fo, including Firehouses #91, 93, 95 and Fincke
Box 28 |
Fr-Go, Ben Franklin
Box 29 |
Go-Gz, including Goodwill Apartments, Grolier Club
Box 30 |
H-Hi, including Heightstown
Box 31 |
Hi-In, including Heightstown (continued) and Independence Houses
Box 32 |
It-La, including Katonah
Box 33 |
Le-Ma, including Little Church, Lower East Side
Box 34 |
Mogadiscio U.S. Embassy
Box 98 |
H, M, misc.
Box 35 |
Box 36 |
New B.-New York Hospital, including N.Y. Hospital, West Division, New Delaware, New
Castle, Delaware Town Hall
Box 37 |
N.Y.I.T.-Norwalk, including N.Y.I.T.
Box 38 |
Nor-Par, including Parkview Supermarket
Box 39 |
Box 40 |
Box 41 |
Box 42 |
Box 43 |
Box 44 |
Box 45 |
Box 46 |
Box 47 |
Misc. S, R, including Rosedale Elementary School
Box 48 |
Ta-Tu, including Turin house
Box 49 |
Tu-Tz, U (1 item)-Wat, including addl. Turin House
Box 50 |
Box 51 |
Series V. A.C.H. personal, 1920-1942
Scope and Contents
Contains personal and non-office-related business correspondence, memorandums, and
some published material including papers related to the Emergency Relief Association,
Inc. (Holden was a Director), 1932-1933; the N.Y. Urban League; the N.Y. Society of
Architects; Princeton University; Quogue, N.Y. organizations; the Madison Square Boys
Club Committee of Management; insurance, income tax, family members, finance, and
the Holdens' home.
Box 52 |
Box 53 |
Box 54 |
Box 55 |
Box 56 |
R-Z, The Real Estate Board of N.Y. Diary and Manual, 1941 ; four checkbooks for Apr.
1941-May 1942 ; Brooklyn Garden Apartments Reports for
1941, Apr. 1941-May 1942, Feb., May, Aug., Nov., 1941, Feb 1942. | |
Series VI. Housing 1930-1942
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence related to housing and organizations interested in housing
including the N.Y. Chapter of American Institute of Architects, Committee on Urban
Land Use, Committee on Building, Housing Committee, Committee on Multiple Unit Housing,
Civic Design Committee; the American Institute of Architects Committee on Industrial
Relations, Committee on Professional Practice, Committee on Meetings and Public Information,
the Architects Emergency Committee, the Architectural League of N.Y., the National
Construction Council, and the Citizen's Housing Council.
Box 57 |
A-A.I.A., New York Chapter
Box 58 |
A.I.A., New York-Ci
Box 59 |
Ci-Committee on Special Lectures
Box 60 |
Box 61 |
Box 62 |
Let-Mer (continued)
Box 63 |
Box 64 |
Nat-New York City
Box 65 |
New York Chapter-Rh
Box 66 |
Series VII. Housing 1939-1945
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence related to housing and housing organizations including Snag
Club, the Real Estate Board of New York, the New York Society of Architects, the New
York Building Congress, and the American Institute of Architects, Post-war Construction
Box 67 |
A, Bu, including A.I.A. Post-war Construction Committee
Box 68 |
Box 69 |
Box 70 |
N-New York Building Congress
Box 71 |
New York Urban-Reg.
Box 72 |
Series VIII. Miscellaneous
Box 73 |
Newspapers and clippings, court transcript
Box 74 |
Contract forms issued by A.I.A. and misc.
Box 75 |
J.W.W. Thompson material
Box 76 |
A.I.A. and misc.
Box 77 |
A.I.A. (continued - 4 items) and photographs
Box 78 |
Box 79 |
Kodak prints, report on Minetta Place Apartments, 1926 , and A.C.H. personal, 1939
1926, 1939, 1944-46 | |
Box 80 |
Office and personal,
1945-1950 | |
Box 81 |
Office, 1945-1950 , continued, and A.C.H. personal, 1939-1946 , A-G
1945-1950, 1939-1946 | |
Box 82 |
A.C.H. personal, 1939-1946 , H-R
1939-1946 | |
Box 83 |
A.C.H. personal, S-Z, 1939-1946, checkbooks, 1939, estate of Alice Holden, 1937-1939,
unidentified publications, newspapers, stock ledger
Box 84 |
G-P personal,
1941-1953 | |
Box 85 |
Office, 1945-1950
Box 86 |
Misc., (including Real Estate Board publications) H-O
Box 87 |
Community Planning, some A.C.H. personal, U,V,W
Box 88 |
Community Planning, some A.C.H. personal, W, Administration, 1931-1933 , literary,
(drafts of articles and correspondence with publishers),
1931-1933, 1932-1943 | |
Box 89 |
Literary, continued, Egan and Holden files, A-F,
1956-1967 | |
Box 90 |
Egan and Holden, G-Z, photos of A.C.H.,
1956-1967 | |
Box 91 |
Writings on housing, planning, and civic design, speeches and contributions to periodicals
Box 92 |
Writings continued, correspondence to 1939 J.W.W. Thompson
1939 | |
Box 93 |
Correspondence to 1939 , A-H
1939 | |
Box 94 |
Correspondence to 1939 , I-W
1939 | |
Box 95 |
Correspondence to 1939 , W-Z, specifications
1939 | |
Box 96 |
Literary and building codes, L-V
Box 97 |
Literary and building codes, W-Z
Box 99 |
Zoning, A-F, 1946-1954 historical and esthetic
1946-1954 | |
Box 100 |
Zoning, historical and esthetic, continued
Box 9 |
The Settlement Idea: A Vision of Social Justice Arthur C. Holden, N.Y.: The Macmillan Co.,
1922 | |
Box 9 |
Sonnets for My City: An Essay on the Kinship of Art and Finance N.Y.: Schulte Publishing Co.,
1965 | |
Box 9 |
Credit Extending vs. Money Lending
1976 | |
Box 9 |
Is It Bankruptcy? 1976 Part 3,
1976 | |
Box 9 |
Studies on the Financial Plight of N.Y.
Box 101 |
Misc. sketches and drawings
Box 102 |
Progress and Prosperity: A Suggested Program by Adelbert Ames, Jr. Photocopy of transcript
Box 102 |
Appendix E: The Seventh Great Step in Finance? by A.C.H Photocopy of transcript
Box 102 |
Are Bankers Credit Allocators? Comments Collected by A.C.Holden Bound photocopies of letters
Box 102 |
Land Usage: Housing and Planning 1936 Land Utilization Committee of the New York Building Congress, ed. A.C.H. and Oscar
Correspondence, A-W, and misc.
Box 103 | Folder 1 |
For a Better City Pamphlet by A.C.H.
Box 103 | Folder 2 |
"A" Miscellaneous -
1950s, 1960s |
Box 103 | Folder 3 |
"A" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 4 |
Box 103 | Folder 5 |
Box 103 | Folder 6 |
Anshen, R.N.
Box 103 | Folder 7 |
Box 103 | Folder 8 |
Boney, Leslie
Box 103 | Folder 9 |
Botsai, Elmer
Box 103 | Folder 10 |
"C" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 11 |
Caldiero, Frank
Box 103 | Folder 12 |
Clay, George Roberts II
1953-1977 |
Box 103 | Folder 13 |
Family Correspondence
Box 103 | Folder 14 |
Federal Reserve Bank
Box 103 | Folder 15 |
"H" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 16 |
Huzar, Mary
Box 103 | Folder 17 |
"J" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 18 |
Jaffee, Professor Dwight M.
Box 103 | Folder 19 |
Kahn, Ernest
Box 103 | Folder 20 |
Kaim, Julius R. Kaim
Box 103 | Folder 21 |
Lewis, George, and "L" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 22 |
"M" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 23 |
Princeton, Class of '12
Box 103 | Folder 24 |
"W" Miscellaneous
Box 103 | Folder 25 |
Watson, Jack B.
Box 103 | Folder 26 |
Weinberg, Robert C. (FAIA)
Box 105 | Folder 7 |
Houston & Peoria Studies
Box 105 | Folder 8 |
Box 105 | Folder 9 |
Box 105 | Folder 10 |
Maintenance cost tables [photostats]
Box 105 | Folder 11 |
Harlem Income & Rehl Study
1935 |
Box 105 | Folder 12 |
Hilda Smith, topographical map
Correspondence and Writings
Box 104 | Folder 1 |
Personal: Army Discharge, photograph
1917 |
Box 104 | Folder 2 |
Corresp. with McGovern, Grove, Yeomans
Box 104 | Folder 3 |
Class of '12 Birthday Cards
Box 104 | Folder 4 |
Box 104 | Folder 5 |
Essays and Sermons
Box 104 | Folder 6 |
Dartmouth Eye Institute
Box 104 | Folder 7 |
"Vietnam - U.S. Policy"
Box 104 | Folder 8 |
Personal Works - poetry
Box 104 | Folder 9 |
Land Utilization Committee
Box 104 | Folder 10 |
Long Term Finance
Box 104 | Folder 11 |
AIA - National Policy Task Force - 1st Edition
Box 104 | Folder 12 |
NYC/AIA - Financing Construction Committee 1968-1973
Box 104 | Folder 13 |
NYC Local Planning Boards
Box 104 | Folder 14 |
Building Industry, Congress and the Money Question
Box 104 | Folder 15 |
Medal of Honor,
1957 |
Box 104 | Folder 16 |
Holden, McLaughlin and Associates Agreements, Analyses, Statements, etc.
Box 104 | Folder 17 |
West Point Address by A.C.H
Box 104 | Folder 18 |
1979 |
Box 104 | Folder 19 |
Copies, 1980
Box 104 | Folder 20 |
Copies, 1980
Box 104 | Folder 21 |
"Some Lessons from the Threat to Grand Central Station"
Box 104 | Folder 22 |
"Sonnets for my City"
Box 104 | Folder 23 |
Bibliography by A.C.H.
Series IX. Oversized photos and drawings
Scope and Contents
Oversized photos and drawings from the Architectural League of New York Annual Exhibitions
Oversize Folder 3, Mapcase, Mathey Farm Group, Princeton, N.J.
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #136 |
Alterations to Barn for Dean Mathey, Aug. 24, 1926 . Sheet #118
Aug. 24, 1926 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #142 |
Sehulman Place Garage, Oct. 5, 1926 . Sheet #1
Oct. 5, 1926 |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Miscellaneous Masonry Details, Residence of Dean Mathey, Mar. 18, 1927 (Entrance and
Garden Retaining Walls, and Serpentine Wall North of Barn)
Mar. 18, 1927 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Residence of Dean Mathey, Fence Details, Sheet #1, Jun. 30, 1927 , Sheet #2, Jul.
7, 1927 .
Jun. 30, 1927, Jul. 7, 1927 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Stalls for Pretty Brook Farm, Jun. 21, 1928 . Drawing #E
Jun. 21, 1928 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
One sheet for each F*S*D Sign Post, Aug. 24, 1928 .
Aug. 24, 1928 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Unlabelled view of Pretty Brook Farm, n.d.
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Perspective View of Pretty Brook Farm showing proposed additions to Farm Group, May
7, 1930 .
May 7, 1930 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Proposed Additions to Farm group, May 7, 1930 .
May 7, 1930 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Floor Plans for Gardner's Cottage, n.d.
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Proposed Squash Court Building, n.d.
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Elevation showing relationship between present barn and new building (dog run), Scheme
"B," Apr. 28, 1930 .
1930 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Plan and Elevations of Shed, Scheme "A," Apr. 28, 1930 .
Apr. 28, 1930 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Plan of Dog Kennels, Wood Shed, Car & Tool Shed, Scheme "A1," Jun. 11, 1930 .
Jun. 11, 1930 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
New Serpentine Wall, revised Jun. 10, 1930 . Sheet #1
Jun. 10, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
Elevation of Gate and Plan of showing Gardener's Cottage and graveyard across the
road, May 27, 1930 . Drawing #2
May 27, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
F*S*D Main Cornice - Dove Cote, n.d. Drawing #101
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
F*S*D of Post Head, Graveyard Fence, Jun. 24, 1930 . Drawing #102
Jun. 24, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
Gasoline Pump House, Dec. 19, 1930 . Drawing #103
Dec. 19, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
Pop's Pond memorial plaque to Louis A. Mathey, Jul. 8, 1930 . Drawing #104. Also,
preliminary sketch of this, unnumbered & n.d.
Jul. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 | Job #224 |
Equestrians' sign, Jul. 8, 1930 . Drawing #105
Jul. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Proposed Dam at Pop's Pond, Jun. 23, 1932 , Holden McLaughlin & Associates, 670 Fifth
Ave, New York.
Jun. 23, 1932 | |
Mapcase Folder 3 |
Front Entrance Gates for Dean Mathey, Esq., Jul. 12, 1932 .
Jul. 12, 1932 | |
Oversize Folder 4, Mapcase, Mathey, Dean, "The Bowery," Princeton, N.J.
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #1 |
Basement & Foundation Plan Mar. 25, 1930 ; revised
Mar. 25, 1930, Apr. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #1A |
First and Second Floor Plans and Details of the House, no date.
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #2 |
First Floor Plan, Feb. 25, 1930 ; revised Mar. 25, 1930 .
Feb. 25, 1930, Mar. 25, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #2A |
Elevations, n.d.
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #3 |
Second Floor Plan, Mar. 25, 1930 ; revised Apr. 8, 1930 .
Mar. 25, 1930, Apr. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #4 |
Elevations, Feb. 25, 1930 ; revised Apr. 8, 1930 (North & South)
Feb. 25, 1930, Apr. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #5 |
Elevations, Feb. 25, 1930 ; revised Apr. 8, 1930 . (West & South)
Feb. 25, 1930, Apr. 8, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #6 |
Garage & Fence, Mar. 4, 1930 .
Mar. 4, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #101 |
Longitudinal Section through House, Feb. 25, 1930 .
Feb. 25, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #102A |
3/4" & F*S*D of North Elevation, Mar. 26, 1930 .
Mar. 26, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #103 |
F*S*D of Main Cornice, North Elevation, showing details of Casements hinged at bottoms
& relation to cornice,
Mar. 26, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #104 |
F*S*D Typical Window,
Mar. 26, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #105 |
Details of Dormers, Mar. 26, 1930
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #106 |
Casement Window Frames in Masonry in "Study" Wing,
Mar. 28, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #107 |
Exterior Door Details, Mar. 31, 1930 . (door at kitchen entry, at west side of dining
room, east door from dining room to porch, south door from living room to porch)
Mar. 31, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #110 |
3/4" Sections & Elevation of Study Book Cases, May 9, 1930 .
May 9, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Sheet #111 |
3/4" & F*S*D of Hall Stair, May 10, 1930 .
May 10, 1930 |
Mapcase Folder 4 | Drawing 12 |
3/4" Details of Fire Place in Bed Room #1, Apr. 29, 1930.
Box 105 | Folder 1 |
Drawing 6
Box 105 | Folder 2 |
Drawing 7
Box 105 | Folder 3 |
Drawing 8
Box 105 | Folder 4 |
Drawing 9
Box 105 | Folder 5 |
Drawing 10
Box 105 | Folder 6 |
Drawing 16
Box 112 |
Drawings #13-15 of a study, a dining room and a flower room; two photographs of the
exterior unlabelled building
Series X. Maps
Arthur Cort Holden papers,
1920-1987 | ||
Mapcase Folder ? |
Final Damage Map, East River Drive,
May 20, 1936 | |
Mapcase Folder ? |
Maps of New York City, Queens
Mapcase Folder ? |
Maps of Jacksonville, Florida, Manhattan, Quogue, Suffolk Co., Washington, D.C., and
Brooklyn, showing topography, location of businesses, proposed and existing streets
and parks, traffic and transportation, zoning, bridges, and aerial surveys.
Mapcase Folder ? |
New York City housing maps and charts
Mapcase Folder ? |
Mayor's Committee on City Planning material
Mapcase Folder ? |
New York City charts and prints
Mapcase Folder ? |
Tenement House Competition material
Mapcase Folder ? |
New York State Board of Housing material
Mapcase Folder ? |
Matt Fleming #2
Mapcase Folder ? |
Dwelling Law studies
Mapcase Folder ? |
Survey Material I
Mapcase Folder ? |
Survey Material II
Mapcase Folder ? |
Maps II
Series XI. Rolled Plans
Arthur Cort Holden papers,
1920-1987 | ||
Box 106 | Item 1 |
"A" Proposed Hotel Group 1927 charcoal on grey, "B" Proposed Hotel Group 1927 charcoal
on grey, Lincoln Church Misc. details
1927, 1927 |
Box 107 | Item 2 |
Sanford Stoddard, Esq. Residence
Box 108 | Item 3 |
Alterations and additions to "Hebron" for Miss Mabel Lindsay Gillespie
Box 109 | Item 4 |
Sutton Hall Apartments
Box 110 | Item 5 |
Henry B. Thompson Property William Green Estate
Box 106 | Item 6 |
E.S. Schniewind residence
Box 111 | Item 7 |
Sutton Hall Apartments