DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N.Y. publications, 1947-1977.
Collection Number: 2693
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N.Y. publications, 1947-1977.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Pamphlets and clippings relating to people, events, and local landmarks in Tompkins
County and surrounding region.
DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County
.5 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Pamphlets and clippings relating to people, events, and local landmarks in Tompkins
County and surrounding region.
DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N.Y. publications, #2693. Division
of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County
Tompkins County (N.Y.).
Historical societies -- New York (State) -- Tompkins County.
Scope and Contents
Box 1 |
Over My Shoulder. Genieva B. Pauling. A Backward look at life in a Steuben County rural community
before the twentieth century's changes. Ithaca,
1969 | |
Box 1 |
Diary of Abner H. Thomas. Notes. Town of Ulysses, Tompkins County, New York, 1963-1865. Transcribed by his daughter, Eva Thomas, 1948. New York,
1960 | |
Box 1 |
Early Kitchens. Ruth B. Kane. New York,
1966 | |
Box 1 |
The Ballad of Bertie. From His Journal, by Barbara Bell. (2 copies; 1 copy has 55 verses, and the other
one has 57 verses). New York,
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Carrie Manning's Diary, 1869. Edited by William Heidt, Jr. Adapted for Junior Historians by Curtis Pfaff, Head
of Citizenship Education Department, Ithaca High School. New York,
1956 | |
Box 1 |
Pioneer Hunters and Their Game. Edited by William Heidt, Jr. New York,
1960 | |
Box 1 |
Jeffrey Ferris Family Genealogy. Floyd I. Ferris. New York,
1963 | |
Box 1 |
The Early Years of Leland Stanford. New Yorker Who Built the Central Pacific Railroad, by Dr. Norman E. Tutorow. (2
copies) New York,
1969 | |
Box 1 |
Tom Quick, Early American. Frederick W. Crumb. New York revised
1969 | |
Box 1 |
A Sentimental Journey, 1968. W. Glenn Norris, Tompkins County Historian. New York,
1968 | |
Box 1 |
Ruloff: The Great Criminal and Philologist. DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County. New York, 1906 . Pub. #1
1906 | |
Box 1 |
A History of the Railroads in Tompkins County. Hardy Campbell Lee. Pub. #4, DeWitt Hist. Soc. of Tompkins County. New York, 1947
(2 copies)
1947 | |
Box 1 |
From A Local Historian's Notebook. Collected by Hazel M. Shear, formerly Allegheny County Historian. New York,
1969 | |
Box 1 |
Brigham Young in Cayuga County. Mary Van Sickle Wait. New York,
1964 | |
Box 1 |
Addie Smiley's Letters from the West, 1882-1886. Edited by William Heidt, Jr. The original letters are on the archives of the DeWitt
Hist. Soc. New York,
1955 | |
Box 1 |
The Pioneer Clevelands. Edited by William Heidt, Jr. From the Journal of Adaline Cleveland Hosner and the
family records preserved by her granddaughter, Mrs. Jessie Agard. New York, 1956 (See
Acc. #6005)
1956 | |
Box 1 |
The Origin of Place Names in Topkins County. W. Glenn Norris, Tompkins County Historian, Tompkins County Clerk. Publication #6
of the DeWitt Hist. Soc. of Tompkins County. New York,
1951 | |
Box 1 |
Early Explorers and Travelers in Tompkins County. W. Glenn Norris, Tompkins County Historian. New York,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
Forests and Farms in Caroline. Compiled from various historical sources by William Heidt, Jr., with an introduction
by W. Glenn Norris, descendent of Caroline pioneers, Tompkins County Historian. New
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Remembering Ithaca, 1930-1970. Jessamine Kelsey Johnson. New York,
1971 | |
Box 1 |
Simeon DeWitt Founder of Ithaca. William Heidt, Jr.; Carol K. Kammen, Editor. New York,
1968 | |
Box 1 |
Simeon DeWitt and Miliatry Tract Township Names. Albert Hazen Wright. New York,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
The Godfather of the Christen'd West: Who Was He?. George P. Philes. New York,
1961 | |
Box 1 |
In the Wake of the Horton.Roy C. Shurger. The story of the Col. J.H. Horton as told to his wife, Delena. New
1969 | |
Box 1 |
The Old Courthouse. William Heidt, Jr. New York,
1968 | |
Box 1 |
The Blue-Eyed Lassie and the Rewick's in Ithaca. William Heidt, Jr., Ithaca City Historian. New York,
1970 | |
Box 1 |
Henry Walton: An Early Artist Historical Settings of Ithaca Paintings. Leigh Rehner, Adapted from John G. Brooks' 1942 Manuscript. New York, 1969 (2 titles on pamphlet)
1969 | |
Box 1 |
West Hill and Some of Its Historic Homes and Families. Elizabeth Genung, Robert Flinn and William Heidt, Jr., New York,
1964 | |
Box 1 |
The Enduring Clinton House: An Account of Its Life and Times. Elizabeth B. Rogers. New York,
1970 | |
Box 2 |
Beyond the Footlights Story of Dryden Opera House, 1893-1946. Samuel A. Cloyes, Curator, DeWitt Hist. Soc. New York,
1968 | |
Box 2 |
The Healer. The Story of Dr. Samantha S. Nivison and Dryden Springs, 1820-1915. Samuel A. Cloyes
Box 2 |
The Old Cemetary of Dryden Tompkins County, New York, Records of Inscriptions and
Geneological Notes. Complied by Charles M. Sandwick, Sr., New York, 1966 , revised 1970
1966 | |
Box 2 |
Some Spenser History. Floyd I. Ferris. New York,
1958 | |
Box 2 |
The West Danby Baptist Church 1810-1963. Gerald P. Holmes. New York,
1963 | |
Box 2 |
Danby Historical Sketches. Tresa Cotright, Town Historian. New York,
1968 | |
Box 2 |
A Romance Come to Dandy. William Heidt, Jr., Studies in Tompkins County History #1. New York,
1967 | |
Box 2 |
It Happened in Lansing. Isabelle H. Parish,
1964 | |
Box 2 |
This, Too, Happened in Lansing. Isabelle H. Parish, Town Historian. New York,
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Echoes of Lansing Yesteryears. Jennie H. Conlon. New York,
1970 | |
Box 2 |
More Bits and Pieces of Lansingville History. Nellie Tucker Minturn,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
Kingdom Farm and Gilead School. Adapted by William Heidt, Jr. City Historian, New York,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
Silently They Stand. Jennie H. Conlon. New York,
1966 | |
Box 2 |
O-We-Nah and Other Indian Stories. Adapted by William Heidt, Jr., New York,
1962 | |
Box 2 |
O-We-Nah: A Legend of Lake Eldridge and 16 Other Iroquois Indian Legends. Adapted by WIlliam Heidt, Jr., New York,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
The Story of Count Frontenac and the Iroquois, 1672-1700. Mary Van Sickle and William Heidt, Jr. New York,
1970 | |
Box 2 |
The Cayuga Indian Reservation and Colonel John Harris. John Van Sickle. New York, 1965 (2 copies)
1965 | |
Box 2 |
The Logans and Other Iroquois Accounts. Mary Van Sickle Wait, with Doris Sutherland and William Heidt, Jr., contributors.
New York,
1968 | |
Box 2 |
Old Indian Trails in Tompkins County. W. Glenn Norris. New York, 1944 and 1969 (2 copies)
1944, 1969 | |
Box 2 |
The Leni-Lenapes Became Delawares and Citizens. William Heidt, Jr., New York,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
The Catskill Turnpike: A Wilderness Path. Almyra H. Morgan. New York,
1971 | |
Box 2 |
Book of Records. For the Richford Branch of the Freewill Baptist Church in Dryden,
N.Y.. H.R. Neff, copied by Carol Willsey Bell,
1970 | |
Box 2 |
In Memoriam. Benton Sullivan Monroe, 1873-1969 ; W. Glenn Norris, 1895-1969 ; Ralph Claude Smith,
1873-1969, 1895-1969, 1892-1970 | |
Box 2 |
California Ho! By Sail Boat and Mule Train, 1849. Adapted by William Heidt, Jr., Tompkins County Historian,
1972 | |
Box 2 |
For Whom the Wine Was Poured and Other Poems. Edith Horton, 1971 , 47 pp.
1971 | |
Box 2 |
A Child in the Nineties. Edith Horton, 1971 ; 30 pp.
1971 | |
Box 2 |
Early Boyhood Days in Ithaca. Lawrence H. Jacobs, 1971 ; 67 pp.
1971 | |
Box 2 |
The Honorable Jacob Willsey's Journal, 1831-1860. Copied by Carol Willsey Bell
Box 2 |
The Evray Quadruplets, Born 1855. Barbara Bell, (Location Connecticut Hill)