Jacob Leslie Crane papers, 1927-1980,-1946-1965 (bulk)
Collection Number: 2646
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Jacob Leslie Crane papers, 1927-1980,-1946-1965 (bulk)
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Seven project files composed largely of correspondence, accounts, drafts, reports,
and working and reference papers such as maps, charts, and legislation relating to
city planning. Also, printed material by Crane, and correspondence with Constantine
Doxiadis. Files contain projects for the United Nations, 1946-1955; Greece, 1950-1956;
Puerto Rico, 1952-1962; Piney Orchard, Maryland, 1954-1958; Norfolk, Virginia, 1954-1965;
Baltimore, Maryland, 1955-1956; and Ponca City, Oklahoma, 1927, 1955-1959.
Crane, Jacob L. (Jacob Leslie), 1892-1988.
3.5 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
The papers of Jacob Crane, consisting of seven project files, give only brief vignettes
of a long career in planning and relate chiefly to Crane's work as a consultant. While
still in the federal civil service as assistant to the Administrator of Housing and
Home Finance Agency in international affairs, he served as consultant to Puerto Rico
and to the United Nations Department of Social Affairs. His consulting work represented
in his papers includes studies in housing, new towns, a master plan, urban renewal,
and rehabilitation studies. Also worth noting is Crane's 1933 Iowa Twenty-Year Conservation Plan, an early example of state planning, a printed copy of which is in Mann Library.
Crane was acquainted with Constantine Doxiadis and became a senior consultant for
Doxiadis Associates, an international firm, in 1955. There is correspondence with
Doxiadis under two projects--Greece and Ponca City, Oklahoma--which contains an interested
memorandum outlining Doxiadis' procedure for a study.
The collection is divided into seven subject files, arranged chronologically by the
commencement date of the project. The material is largely correspondence, accounts
revealing the locale and duration of employ, drafts and reports, and some working
and reference papers such as maps, charts, legislation, etc.
There is a small quantity of printed material by Crane, transferred from other collections.
Jacob Leslie Crane Papers, #2646. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell
University Library.
Civil engineer, city planner. Jacob Leslie Crane was born in 1892 in Benzonia, Michigan.
He received a degree in civil engineering from the University of Michigan and a planning
degree from Harvard in 1921, where he studied under John Nolen. Crane worked as a
consultant in the United States and 25 other countries, preparing 60 zoning plans
and ordinances, and acting as an expert witness in zoning cases. He served as a consultant
to many government agencies, including the Tennessee Valley Authority, National Resources
Planning Board, Federal Housing Administration, United States Housing Authority, Defense
Housing, Housing and Home Finance Agency, and the Division of Urban Development of
the National Housing Agency. He was also consultant to the Canal Zone and the Republic
of Panama, 1944; member and president of the American Institute of Planners; consultant
for the United Nations Department of Social Affairs, Housing and Planning Section,
and the United Nations Technical Assistance Administration; and consultant to many
other U.N. projects.
Doxiadis, Constantine.
United Nations
Ponca City (Okla.) -- City planning.
Norfolk (Va.) -- City planning.
Baltimore (Md.) -- City planning.
Piney Orchard (Md.) -- City planning.
City planners.
Civil engineers.
City planning -- Puerto Rico.
City planning -- Greece.
City planning.
Form and Genre Terms:
Series I. United Nations,
1946-1955 | ||
Scope and Contents
Crane held various appointments as housing consultant for the U.N. Department of Social
Affairs, Housing and Planning Section, and for the U.N. Technical Assistance Administration.
H.H.F.A. granted him leave for this work. November 13, 1950-January 26, 1951, he was chairman of the U.N. Mission to S.E. Asia on tropical housing. 1951 he prepared his report "Study on Methods of Preparing Programs of National Governments
for Housing and Community Development," stressing methodology. He was seminar advisor
for the U.N. Regional Seminar on Housing and Community Development, January 21, 1953-February 17, 1953, in New Delhi and produced the paper "Experience of National Government in Preparing
Programmes for Housing and Community Development." In 1955 Crane did a study on demographic information needed for planning housing program
in Economic Commisssion for Asia and Far East region to be used at Rio De Janeiro
Seminar. This was under the joint auspices of U.N. Technical Assistance Divison and
International Social Science Council.
Box 1 | Folder 1-2 |
United Nations - Correspondence and accounts
1946-1954 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence of Ernest Wiessman, U.N. Department of Social Affairs-Housing and Planning
Section, U.N. Technical Assistance Administration
Box 1 | Folder 3-4 |
United Nations - Correspondence and reports
1951-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Roy J. Boroughs, Ernest Weissman, Einer Engberg, United Nations.
Department of Social Affairs. Housing and Planning Section, U.S. Housing and Home
Finance Agency, International Housing Activities
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
United Nations - Correspondence and report
1953-1954 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Eleanor Hinder, United Nations. Technical Assistance Administration
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
United Nations - Correspondence and report
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Donald Young, John Durand, Anatole Solow, United Nations. Bureau
of Social Affairs-Director in charge of population, International Social Science Council,
Organization of American States. Division of Housing and Town Planning
Series II. Greece,
1950-1956 | ||
Scope and Contents
In 1954 Constantine Doxiadis renewed aquaintences with Crane and interested him in making
a report for the National Mortgage Bank of Greece on proposed housing policy, especially
the financial and technical aspects. Crane was engaged by the Bank in August 1954, and according to his scheduling studied the Greek situation by reports from Greece,
U.N., and U.S. agencies, then visited Greece for a field trip in March 1955-April 1955. In May 1955 he presented his report, "National Housing Policy in Greece," advocating the building
of a Home Loan Savings Bank type program around the National Mortgage Bank. Renewed
contacts with Doxiadis led to Crane becoming a senior consultant for Doxiadis Associates.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Greece - Correspondence
1954-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Constantine Doxiadis, Charles C. Arliotis, National Mortgage Bank
of Greece, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Housing and Home
Finance Agency. International Housing Section
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Greece - Studies and reports
1950-1954 |
Scope and Contents
Studies and reports by Roy Burroughs, George Speer, Jan Bommer, Yves Salaun, U.N.
Economic Commission for Europe, U.N. Department of Social Affairs-Housing and Planning
Section, U.S. Economic Cooperative Administration Mission in Greece, International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions, National Mortgage Bank of Greece
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Greece - Notes, draft of report
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with the National Mortgage Bank of Greece
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Greece - Report
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with the National Mortgage Bank of Greece
Box 1 |
National housing policy in Greece. (typescript). Crane, Jacob
May 1955 | |
Box 1 |
Post War Housing in Greece...Greek State ECA accomplishments in attacking the post
war housing problem. (multi-copied) Speer, George A.
March 1, 1951 | |
Box 1 |
The Greek Housing Situation Report. Athens, U.S.A. Operations Missions to Greece.
Jenks, Barton P.
June 1957 | |
Box 1 |
Destruction of towns and villages in Greece. Athens. Ministry of Reconstruction publication
#11 - Inscription to Crane from head of Housing Dept. Doxiadis, Constantine
1947 | |
Box 1 |
Economic policy for the reconstruction of the settlement of Greece . Under-secretary
for the Reconstruction publication #3 - Inscription to Crane from head of Housing
Dept. Doxiadis, Constantine A.
1946 | |
Box 1 |
Greece...Experimental settlement of St. George Keratasine. Piraeus. Athens. Dept.
of Reconstruction report C1 - Part of report by Doxiadis. Department of Reconstruction
1947 | |
Box 1 |
The Greek House. Its Evolution and its Relation to the House of other Blakan Peoples.
Athens. Ministry of Reconstruction publication #37. Megas, George A.
1951 | |
Box 1 |
Annual Report, National Mortgage Bank of Greece
1953, 1955 | |
Box 1 |
Savings and loan associations, their services, National Savings and Loan League
1952 | |
Box 1 |
Rules and regulations for insurance of accounts, . Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation, Washington D.C. Federal Home Loan Bank Board
September 1, 1953 | |
Box 1 |
Federal Savings and Loan Associations. What they are...and how charters are granted,
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
February 1955 | |
Box 1 |
Rules and regulations for the Federal Savings and Loan System. With amendments to
April 15, 1954. (2 copies) Federal Home Loan and Bank Board
April 15, 1954 | |
Box 1 |
Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Provisions of Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933...as amended
to January 1, 1952. Washington, H.H.F.A. (2 copies) Housing and Home Finance Agency, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
January 1, 1952, 1933 | |
Series III. Puerto Rico,
1952-1962 | ||
Scope and Contents
Crane held a number of consulting jobs of short duration mostly with Puerto Rican
government agencies and Puerto Rican Industrial Development Companies. He consulted
on planning and housing matters (public housing, low cost private housing, cooperative
housing), creation of the Housing Research Board to replace the Model Housing Board,
an establishment of Commonwealth States for Puerto Rico, financing of mortgages, etc.
Papers include his reports of August 11, 1955, March 9, 1956, March 1957, and July 30, 1960. An interesting series of reports by George Reed, Consultant FOA describes history
and issues of housing since 1934 in Puerto Rico.
Box 2 | Folder 1-6 |
Puerto Rico - Correspondence
1952-1962, undated |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Ramon Avila Sanchez, Luis Rivera Santos, George L. Reed, Housing
Research Board, Puerto Rico Urban Renewal and Housing Corporation
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Puerto Rico Accounts - Income tax returns, contracts, accounts,
1956-1962 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Managment Services, Administration for Cooperative Development,
Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Puerto Rico - Reports (multi-copied)
1960-1961 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with George Reed, Consultant
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Puerto Rico - Legislation (multi-copied)
1934, 1954 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with U.S. Congress, Puerto Rico
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Puerto Rico - Reports, multi-copied, typescript, Spanish and English,
1955-1960 |
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Puerto Rico - Article, bulletin
1954 |
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Puerto Rico - Newspaper clippings, advertisements, in Spanish.
1954-1956 |
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Aided self-help material
1953-1954 |
Box 2 |
"A report on the renewal possibilities of the historic triangle of the city of San
Juan." Keith, Nathaniel
May 1955 | |
Box 2 |
"First annual report" (typescript) Puerto Rico Housing Research Board
1954-1955 | |
Box 2 |
"Housing problems and policies of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico" (multi-copied) Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Housing Authority
December 16, 1955 | |
Series IV. Piney Orchard, Maryland,
1954-1958 | ||
Scope and Contents
Crane and Elbert Peets were hired as consultants by Winwood Corporation (owned by
National Plastics) to plan and lay out a new model town of 900 single family houses
and 200 garden apartments between Baltimore and Washington D.C. near Fort Meade. Country
Manor Estaes Corp. of Foundation Co-operative Housing Inc., the National Security
Agency group, was interested in developing an housing area but the project foundered
over provisions of water and sewage facilities and F.H.A. requirements.
Box 2 | Folder 13-16 |
Piney orchard, Maryland - Correspondence
1954-1958, undated |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with David T. Raisen, Ephraim Winer, E.V. Bueneman, Roger Willcox,
Philip Klutznick, Winwood Corp., Country Manor Estates Corp., Foundation for Cooperative
Housing, Inc.
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Piney Orchard, Maryland - Plans, drawings, specifications, ca. (approximately)
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Charles Wagner, Winwood Corp.
Series V. Norfolk, Virginia,
1954-1965 | ||
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Lawrence Cox, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority and
with S.E. Virginia Regional Planning and Economic Developemnt Commission about planning
and possible consultation; correpondence on Advisory Plan for selecting developer
for Hauge Residential Site Development.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Norfolk - Correspondence
1954-1962 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Lawrence Cox, Wendell Winn, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing
Authority, S.E. Virginia Regional Planning, Economic Development Commission
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Norfolk. Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Hague Residential Site Redevelopment
- Correspondence
1962-1965 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Lawrence Cox
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Norfolk - Clippings, notes
1959-1960 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Hilltop Enterprises
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Norfolk. Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Hague Residential Site Redevelopment
- Farms, invitation to bid
1962 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Lawrence Cox
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Norfolk - Maps and plans, charts
1954-1961 |
Reports and Legislation
Box 3 |
Virginia. Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Planning Legislation.
1958 | |
Box 3 |
Southeastern Virginia Regional Planning Commission By-laws (as amended August 14,
1958). (multi-copied)
1958, August 14, 1958 | |
Box 3 |
A master plan for the central business and financial district. (multi-copied) Agle, Charles
July 1956 | |
Series VI. Baltimore,
1955-1956 | ||
Scope and Contents
Crane was consultant in 1955-1956 when Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency was established for urban renewal
projects; typical deteriorated block in Harlem Park created "314" pilot study for
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Baltimore - Correspondence
1955-1956 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Jacob Crane, Oliver Winston, Eugene Wheeler, Baltimore Planning
Department, Office of Urban Renewal Coordinator
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Baltimore "314" Rehabilitation Project Harlem Park - Correspondence, reports
1956-1957 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Eugene Wheeler, R.L. Steiner, Philip Darling, Baltimore Planning
Department, Urban Renewal Administration, H.H.F.A.
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Baltimore - News releases
1956-1957 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Housing and Home Finance Agency
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Baltimore - Newspaper clippings
1954-1956 |
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Baltimore - Report (multi-copied)
1956 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Urban Renewal Staff Committee Report
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Baltimore - Draft report
1955 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Urban Renewal Advisory Council
Box 3 |
Report to Mayor Thomas d'Alesandro Jr., . Appendices. Baltimore. Urban Renewal Study Board
September 1956 | |
Box 3 |
Baltimore city zoning ordinances and state enabling act. Baltimore. Planning Commission
1956 | |
Box 3 |
Maryland zoning and planning enabling act. Published by Women's Civic League. Charlottesville,
Virginia Maryland
1956 | |
Box 3 |
Study of the attitudes of potential applicants toward public housing. (multi-copied)
Baltimore Housing Authority
January 1954 | |
Box 3 |
Workable program for urban renewal in Baltimore, Maryland. (multi-copied) Baltimore. City Council
November 22, 1954 | |
Box 3 |
Housing rehabilitation and enforcement of housing laws. Public health monograph no.
34 U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service
Undated | |
Box 3 |
The legal basis for redevelopment in Baltimore, Maryland. (multi-copied) Baltimore. Redevelopment Commission
September 1949 | |
Series VII. Ponca City, Oklahoma;
19271955-1959 | ||
Scope and Contents
Crane prepared first master plan, 1927; hired as consultant for two two year terms, 1955-1957, 1957-1959; supervised hiring planner, applying for "701" H.H.F.A. grant for planning studies,
tentative approaches to urban renewal grant for Dixie Hill, brought Doxiadis Inc.
for an urban renewal and civic facilities study, 1959.
Box 3 | Folder 12-16 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Correspondence;
Undated, 1955-1959 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Frank Winsted, Joe Hutchison, Marvin Hatcher, Constantine Doxiadis
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Newspaper clippings
1955-1957, 1959 |
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Leaflets
1957 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Housing and Home Finance Agency
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Pamphlet
1957 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with State of Oklahoma
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Pamphlets (multi-copied)
1957 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Ponca City, Oklahoma
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma - Maps, subdivision plans
1955-1959 |
Box 3 |
The Development Plans of Ponca City, Oklahoma, annotated Crane, Jacob
1927 | |
Box 3 |
Urban renewal possibilities, development of Lake Ponca and a civil facilities program
for Ponca City, Oklahoma. Under a contract with the Department of Commerce. Industry
State of Oklahoma. Winter, Doxiadis, Associates Inc.
1959 | |
Series VIII. Printed material
Box 3 |
"City Planning in the Soviet Union" in the Economic Review of the Soviet Union Crane, Jacob
January 15, 1932 | |
Box 3 |
Report on the Iowa Twenty-five Year Conservation Plan. Prepared for the Iowa Board
of Conservation and the Iowa Fish and Game Commission. Des Moins, Iowa, Wallace-Homestead
Co. Transferred to Mann Library, New York State School of Agriculture, Cornell. Crane, Jacob
1933 | |
Box 3 |
"Making Cities out of Housing Programs." Outline of Address before Annual Meeting,
National Association of Housing Officials, New York City Crane, Jacob
May 20, 1943 | |
Box 3 |
Urban Planning - Illusion and Reality: A New Philosophy for Planned City Building. New York: Vantage Press, 169 pp. Autographed first edition presented to Arthur Bohnen,
May 1973. Rec'd. from Arthur Bohnen, 1976 but not accessioned, per. H. Finch. Crane, Jacob L.
1973 | |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Misc. journals
1942-1953 |
Box 4 | Folder 5-7 |
Additional material by Jacob Crane
Series IX. Other
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Preliminary Report on Federal Aid to Urban Land Acquisition
1944 |
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Report to the Bureau of Indian Affairs
1964 |