Richard Brown Scandrett papers, 1907-19661907-1951
Collection Number: 2623
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Richard Brown Scandrett papers, 1907-1966 1907-1951
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Mainly papers that document Scandrett's tenure (1934-36) as Treasurer of the Republican
Committee of Orange County, New York.
Scandrett, Richard Brown, 1891-1969.
LaFeber, Walter.
Polenberg, Richard.
11.6 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Mainly papers that document Scandrett's tenure (1934-36) as Treasurer of the Republican
Committee of Orange County, New York; his unsuccessful 1938 campaign as Republican
candidate for New York Congressman-at-large; his 1940 and 1948 pre-convention efforts
on behalf of Robert A. Taft in the latter's bid for the Presidential nomination; his
term as member of the American delegation to the Allied Reparations Commission (1945)
and his work as Chief of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
Mission to Byelorussia (1946). Also, papers concerning his law practice with the firm
of Scandrett, Tuttle & Chalaire of New York, including those relating to lobbying
done for the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Amtorg Trading Corporation;
his activities as president (1935-48) of Survey Associates, publishers of SURVEY GRAPHIC
and SURVEY MIDMONTHLY; his numerous speeches and magazine articles and the book, DIVIDED
THEY FALL (1941); his Amherst College alumni activities, including correspondence
on the Alexander Meiklejohn controversy of 1923; his involvement with groups opposing
Fascism, favoring world government, and espousing other causes, as well as personal
correspondence with his uncle, Dwight W. Morrow, and other members of his family.
There is major correspondence from Bruce Barton, Clarence J. Brown, Arthur Capper,
Hamilton Fish, Jr., Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., Herbert H. Lehman, John Marshall, James
E. Murray, Harold Nicolson, Bertrand Snell, Harlan F. Stone, Robert A. Taft, Arthur
T. Vanderbilt, Hendrik Willem van Loon, and William Allen White; also, letters from
George D. Aiken, Warren R. Austin, Newton D. Baker, Joseph H. Ball, W. Sterling Cole,
Calvin Coolidge, Charles G. Dawes, Thomas E. Dewey, Mary H. Donlon, Allen W. Dulles,
Edward J. Flynn, Felix Frankfurter, Frank E. Gannett, Guy D. Goff, Joseph F. Guffey,
Alex Gumberg, Irving M. Ives, Robert H. Jackson, Lewis Johnson, Fiorello H. LaGuardia,
Anne Morrow Lindberg, Walter Lippmann, John J. McCloy, Charles L. McNary, Joseph W.
Martin, James M. Mead, Eugene D. Millikin, William S. Murray, John D. Rockefeller
III, Robert Gordon Sproul, Lawrence A. Steinhardt, Henry L. Stimson, John Taber, James
W. Wadsworth, Jr., Robert F. Wagner, Henry A. Wallace, Charles W. Waterman, Wendell
L. Willkie, Americans United for World Organization, Associated League for a Declared
War (Westport, Connecticut), The Citizens Committee, Citizens Council for the United
Nations, Citizens for Victory, Council for Democracy, Fight for Freedom, National
Republican Club, New York Independent Republican Committee, Public Affairs Committee,
Republican Party (Orange County), Republican Post-War Association (Chicago), and Vote
for Freedom, Inc.
Also, two postcards from Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky (Moscow, 1962, 1963), in which
the writer expresses his deep admiration for Robert Frost. Also included are four
tape recordings with transcripts (307 pp. typescript, 1966) of two interviews, conducted
by Walter LaFeber and Richard Polenberg of the Department of History at Cornell University,
in which Scandrett's involvement in foreign affairs and his reminiscences of Calvin
Coolidge are discussed.
Richard Brown Scandrett papers, #2623. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections,
Cornell University Library.
Aiken, George D.
Austin, Warren R.
Baker, Newton D.
Ball, Joseph H.
Barton, Bruce, 1886-1967.
Brown, Clarence J.
Capper, Arthur, 1865-1951.
Chukovskiĭ, Korneĭ, 1882-1969.
Cole, W. Sterling.
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933.
Dawes, Charles Gates, 1865-1961.
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund), 1902-1971.
Donlon, Mary H., 1893-1977.
Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969.
Fish, Hamilton, 1888-1991.
Flynn, Edward J. (Edward Joseph), 1891-1953.
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965.
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963.
Gannett, Frank E. (Frank Ernest), 1876-1957.
Goff, Guy D.
Guffey, Joseph E.
Gumberg, Alexander, 1887-1939.
Ives, Irving McNeil, 1896-1962
Jackson, Robert A.
Johnson, Lewis.
La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953.
La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947.
Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963.
Lindberg, Anne Morrow, 1906-
Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974.
Marshall, John.
Martin, Joseph W. (Joseph William), 1884-1968.
McCloy, John J. (John Jay), 1895-1989.
McNary, Charles Linza, 1874-1944.
Mead, James M.
Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1872-1964.
Millikin, Eugene D.
Murray, James E.
Murray, William S., 1916-1998.
Nicolson, Harold.
Rockefeller, John D., 1906-
Scandrett, Richard Brown, 1891-1969. (Title of work: Divided they fall..)
Snell, Bertrand Hollis, 1870-1958.
Sproul, Robert Gordon, 1891-
Steinhardt, Lawrence H.
Stimson, Henry L. (Henry Lewis), 1867-1950.
Stone, Harlan Fiske, 1872-1946.
Taber, John.
Taft, Robert A. (Robert Alphonso), 1889-1953.
Vanderbilt, Arthur T., 1888-1957.
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 1882-1944.
Wadsworth, James Wolcott, 1877-1952.
Wagner, Robert F.
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965.
Waterman, Charles W.
White, William Allen.
Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944.
Survey Associates.
Vote for Freedom, Inc.
Allied Reparations Commission
American-Russian Chamber of Commerce
Americans United for World Organization
Amherst College -- : Alumni and alumnae.
Amtorg Trading Corporation
Associated League for a Declared War
Citizens Committee
Citizens Council for the United Nations
Citizens for Victory
Council for Democracy
Fight for Freedom
National Republican Club
New York Independent Republican Committee
Public Affairs Committee
Republican Party (Orange County, N.Y.)
Republican Post-War Policy Association
Scandrett, Tuttle and Chalaire
Byelorussian S. S. R.
World War, 1939-1945 -- Reparations.
Presidents -- United States -- Election.
Politics, Practical.
International organization.
Political campaigns.
Anti-fascist movements.
Form and Genre Terms:
Oral histories.