Romyn Hitchcock papers, 1841-1900,-1882-1900 (bulk).
Collection Number: 2174

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Romyn Hitchcock papers, 1841-1900,-1882-1900 (bulk).
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Papers of Romyn Hitchcock, a chemist and lecturer on the Orient, include correspondence, lecture notes, monographs, government bulletins and other pamphlet material, newspaper clippings, and maps. Collection is primarily concerned with Chinese-American diplomatic relations; spheres of influence; problems of Chinese immigration, including low wages, tong societies, and the Chinese Exclusion Act; and the geography, art, religion, and customs of China and Japan.
Hitchcock, Romyn, 1851-1923.
.3 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Cite As:

Romyn Hitchcock papers, #2174. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

Scope and content

Papers of Romyn Hitchcock, a chemist and lecturer on the Orient, include correspondence, lecture notes, monographs, government bulletins and other pamphlet material, newspaper clippings, and maps. Collection is primarily concerned with Chinese-American diplomatic relations; spheres of influence; problems of Chinese immigration, including low wages, tong societies, and the Chinese Exclusion Act; and the geography, art, religion, and customs of China and Japan.

Scope and content

Also, "Romyn Hitchcock: Two Years in Early-Meiji-Japan," Japanese book, published by Kashihara Archaeological Association, 2006, about Hitchcock.


United States -- Foreign relations.
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
Japan -- Description and travel.
China -- Foreign relations.
China -- Emigration and immigration.
China -- Description and travel.
Religion -- Japan.
Religion -- China.
International relations.
Emigration and immigration.
Art -- Japan.
Art -- China.
Form and Genre Terms:
Lecture notes.

Box 1
A. Brown Hard Cover Notebook entitled "China Miscellany"
Scope and Contents
Contains articles on China taken from various magazines with two articles by Hitchcock; "The Great Wall of China," and "Chinese Education" taken from Century Magazin, Oct. 1900; also article, "An Inquiry into the Population of China," by William Woodville Rockhill, and one entitled "The Peking Legations," by Sir Robert Hart, as well as nine others.
B. Speeches, correspondence, etc.
Box 1
1. Introduction to a lecture given to the Friday Club - a very brief historical sketch of China.
Box 1
2. Minutes of Tientsin Literary and Debating Society where Hitchcock gave a lecture on the Ainos [Ainus] of Yezo. (2 copies)
Box 1
3. Letter, apparently in answer to a letter Hitchcock wrote to the Jap Mail, May 21, 1888 on Japanese education.
May 21, 1888
C. Newspaper clippings
Box 1
1. Chinese customs - art by Hitchcock in Washington Evening Star,
June 20, 1891.
Box 1
2. Great Wall of China - article by Hitchcock in National Tribune,
Nov. 17, 1892.
Box 1
3. Proposed cable between U.S. and China - Hitchcock's project.
Box 1
4. Chinese Politics - article by Hitchcock - possibility of revolution - unrest, group of conspirators in the North; Imperial government very weak.
Box 1
5. Early Peoples of Japan - article by Hitchcock - the pit dwellers who now live on Shikotan.
Box 1
6. Article on proposed Chinese exhibit at International Exposition and what it could contain. North China Daily News, July 21, 1891 (2 copies).
July 21, 1891
Box 1
7. Native American foodstuffs and their importance in the world. Article by Hitchcock in North China Daily News,
July 3, 1891.
Box 1
8. Chicago World's Fair, Article by H. in Chinese Times,
Jan. 30, 1891.
Box 1
9. Telegraph lines and Railways in China, article by H. in Engineering News,
Nov. 17, 1892.
Box 1
10. Facts about the Ainos [Ainus] of Yezo: an article by H. in the Washington Star,
Mar. 15, 1890.
Box 1
11. Struggle over question of Chinese Consulate in Hong Kong,
July 24, 1891.
Box 1
12. Chinese courts and treatment of Chinese by other nations,
Feb. 7, 1891.
Box 1
13. Problem of policing Hunan Province after Boxer Rebellion, 1891 , North China Herald.
Box 1
14. Articles on Consuls in China
Box 1
15. Imperial audience at court of Peking,
Mar. 5, 1891.
Box 1
16. More about audience,
Mar. 14, 1891.
Box 1
17. Speeches of von Brandt and of Emperor at audience,
Mar. 14, 1891.
Box 1
18. Articles about the phoenix and about ancient art in China.
Box 1
19. Broadside on Customs Courier Service: Winter
Box 1
20. "Journeys in the Pamirs and Adjacent Countries" in Science,
Feb. 26, 1892.
Box 1
21. Article on quicksilver and vermilion in China.
Box 1
22. Agricultural history of China - article in North China Daily News,
Sept. 11, 1890.
Box 1
23. Political position of the Liukiu Islands.
Box 1
24. Development of Tongking (French Indo-China) - article in Chinese Times,
Feb. 7, 1891.
Box 1
25. Wolesey in China - Chinese Times,
Dec. 13, 1890.
Box 1
26. Article on Formosa in Shanghai Mercury,
June 13, 1891.
Box 1
D. Translation of a Memorial from Li Hung-Chang to the Throne on the Floods in Chihli,
Aug. 4, 1890.
E. Maps
Box 1
1. Russian Empire with explanation in Russian, 1890 , 12" x 20".
Box 1
2. Formosa, 1890 , Issued by North China Daily News, 15" x 10 1/2".
Box 1
3. Yun-Nan with explanation in French, 1891 , The Shanghai Chromo. & Photo Litho. Co., Ltd., 2' 4" x 2'.
Box 1
4. Philips Map of Asia, undated, George Philip & Son, 26" x 22", (Bound in paper).
F. Pamphlets
Box 1
1. Reports from the Consuls of the U.S. - one on Chinese curios,
Dec. 1892.
Box 1
2. "The Chinaman as a Laborer" - pamphlet against exclusion of Chinese from U.S.,
Feb. 27, 1882.
Box 1
3. "The Preparation of Japanese Lacquer ..." - article in Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, by H.; 2 copies,
Box 1
4. Appeal to the Senate on subject of Chinese immigration - wants it controlled but not total exclusion, by H.,
Feb. 9, 1892.
Box 1
5. Report of the Secretary of State on the subject of political relations between the U.S. and China - documents,
1790-1840 (1841).
Box 1
6. 3 circulars about Chinese coming into U.S.;
Aug. 1, 1891, Aug. 18, 1892, Sept. 1, 1892.
Box 1
7. Immigration forbidding Chinese,
Box 1
8. Census Bulletin, July 14, 1892 - "Colored Population in 1890."
July 14, 1892
Box 1
9. Article from The Californian, Jan. 1892 about the Tong Societies.
Jan. 1892
Box 1
10. "American Influence in China," by John R. Young.
Box 1
11. Article on Supreme Court Case over constitutionality of Geary Act, California Mag.
Box 1
12. The Law and the Chinaman, by Thomas J. Geary - pro-exclusion.
G. Correspondence
Box 1
1. To R. Hitchcock from H.D. Paul (a lawyer) about getting parts of the Chinese Exclusion Act changed,
Aug. 18, 1892.
2. To Hitchcock from Managing Director of Imperial Chinese Railways:
Box 1
a) Nov. 1., 1891 - a polite answer
Nov. 1., 1891
Box 1
b) Jan. 26, 1893 - about an American engineer looking for work on the railroad
Jan. 26, 1893
Box 1
c) Mar. 5, 1893 - Progress of RR., status of Americans in China since Exclusion Act passed.
Mar. 5, 1893
Box 1
3. To Hon. J.N. Dolph, U.S. Senate from Hitchcock - rough draft of a letter to his senator deploring the Chinese Exclusion Act.
H. Lectures on Japan and China - many fragmentary
Box 1
1. Lecture on Ainos of Yezo - typed.
Box 1
2. Notes on travels in Japan - from Osaka to Kaya-San with lists of expenses - in manuscript.
Box 1
3. Notes on burial mounds of Japan, on "pit-dwellers," on Shinto and religious beliefs of Japanese; Buddhism in Japan; lecture on Shinto temples and Buddhist temples.
Box 1
4. Map of Yezo - hand drawn, artist not given. 16" x 20 1/2".
Box 1
5. Aino myth.
Box 1
6. Descriptions on his travels in Yezo.
Box 1
7. Descriptions of travels in China.
Box 1
8. Typed notes on history of Chinese.
Box 1
9. Notes for a slide lecture on the Ainos.