Dairymens League records, 1915-1946.
Collection Number: 1820

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Dairymens League records, 1915-1946.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Business papers, copies of speeches and articles, and other miscellaneous papers of Miller.
Miller, John D.
28 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Agriculturist, lawyer.
Judge John D. Miller served as Vice President and General Counsel of the Dairymen's League.


Business papers of Miller include correspondence; briefs, printed case reports, and other legal papers; mimeographed and printed copies of speeches and articles by Miller and others; statistics, bulletins, press releases, newspaper clippings, and much other printed material; and miscellaneous papers. The papers pertain to accounting, finances, taxation on cooperatives, anti-trust laws, contracts, cost of milk production, economic conditions, marketing agreements, milk strikes, national defense, national political platforms and conventions, rural credit, tariffs, uniform milk ordinances, nitrates (Muscle Shoals, Alabama), Danish cooperatives; farm legislation, including the McFadden Rural Credit Bill, McNary Haugen Bill, and milk bonding legislation and other matters. Correspondents include Howard E. Babcock, E.M. Bailey, Ezra Taft Banson, Senator John J. Blaine, Homer L. Brinkley, Edward R. Eastman, D.N. Geyer, L.E. Griffing, Charles W. Holman, A.M. Loomis, H.C. McKenzie, C.O. Moser, William I. Myers, Frank A. Pearson, T.W. Phillips, Stanley Reed, Quentin Reynolds, Edward A. Rumely, Fred H. Sexauer, A.F. Spooner, W.A. Stocking, Jr., F.H. Thompson, Edward J. Tracy, Charles H. Tuck, Edward F. Vincent, and George F. Warren.
Papers also pertain to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Amercian Agriculturist, American Association of Creamery Butter Manufacturers, American Institute of Cooperation, Bank for Cooperatives (1935-41), Bureau of Raw Materials, Committee for the Nation, Co-operative Digest, Farm Credit Administration, Farmers Milk Producers Association, Federal Farm Board, Federal Tariff Commission, Federal Reserve System, Federal Trade Commission, Grange League Federation University, National Cooperative Council (1933-35), National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation (1922-28, 1930-34, 1940-46), National Council of Cooperative Associations, National Council of Farmers Cooperatives (1941-42), National Dairy Union, New York State College of Agriculture, New England Agricultural Conference, Southern Tariff Association, Temple of Agriculture, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Conference Board, U.S. Dairy Association, World Dairy Conference, and many other organizations.


Cite As:

Dairymen's League records, #1820. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Babcock, H. E. (Howard Edward), 1889-1950.
Bailey, E. M.
Benson, Ezra Taft.
Blaine, John James, 1875-1934.
Brinkley, Homer Lee, 1898-
Eastman, E. R. (Edward Roe), 1885-1970.
Geyer, Don N.
Griffing, L. E.
Holman, Charles W. (Charles William), 1886-1971.
Loomis, A. M.
McKenzie, H. C.
Moser, Christopher Otto, 1885-1935.
Myers, William Irving, 1891-1976.
Pearson, Frank A. (Frank Ashmore), 1887-
Phillips, Thomas Wharton, 1874-
Reed, Stanley Forman, 1884-1980.
Reynolds, Quentin James, 1902-1965.
Rumely, Edward (Edward Aloysius), 1882-
Sexauer, Fred Henry, 1891-
Spooner, A. F.
Stocking, William Alonzo, 1872-1926.
Thompson, F. H.
Tracy, Edward J.
Tuck, Charles Henry, 1881-1958.
Vincent, Edward F.
Warren, George F. (George Frederick), 1874-1938.
American Association of Creamery Butter Manufacturers
American Institute of Cooperation
Bank for Cooperatives
Bureau of Raw Materials
Committee for the Nation
Dairymen's League Cooperative Association
Farmers Milk Producers Association
Cooperative Grange League Federation Exchange
National Coopertive Milk Producers Federation
National Council of Cooperative Associations
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
National Dairy Union
New York State College of Agriculture
Southern Tariff Association
Temple of Agriculture
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America
United States Dairy Association
United States International Trade Commission
United States Tariff Commission
United States. Armed Forces -- : Appropriations and expenditures.
United States. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
United States. Farm Credit Administration
United States. Federal Farm Board
United States. Federal Reserve Board
International Dairy Conference
New England Agricultural Conference
United States -- Politics and government -- 1933-1945.
United States -- Politics and government -- 1919-1933.
United States -- Politics and government -- 1913-1921.
United States -- Economic policy.
Lawyers -- United States.
Taxation -- Law and legislation -- New York (State)
Tariff -- Law and legislation.
Strikes and lockouts -- United States.
Politics, Practical -- New York (State)
Nitrate industry -- Alabama -- Muscle Schoals.
Milk -- Cooperative marketing.
Dairying, Cooperative -- New York (State)
Dairying -- Economic aspects.
Dairy laws -- New York (State)
Cooperative societies -- Denmark.
Banks and banking, Cooperative.
Antitrust law.
Agriculture, Cooperative.
Agriculture and politics.
Agricultural law and legislation -- New York (State)
Agricultural credit -- New York (State)

Box 1
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Box 1
American Association of Creamery Butter Manufacturers
Box 1
Southern Tariff Association
Box 1
Box 1
Oleo margarine boycott, mainly correspondence concerning Federal Trade Commission complaint against Wisconsin Cooperative Creamery Association
Box 1
Farms, family size
Box 1
McNary-Haugen Bill
Box 1
Butter Tariff #2
Box 1
Eastern States-Roscoe Sargent
Box 1
Holmes Case (Merle and George)
Box 1
Motor vehicles-Automobiles
Box 1
National Dairy Union
Box 1
Keystone Cooperative Grape Association
Box 1
Richmond, Virginia-Farmers Milk Producers Association
Box 1
McKenzie, H.C.-Tariff Commission on butter, butter tariff, butter imports
Box 2
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation
Box 2
Federal Farm Board-Agriculture Marketing Act
Box 2
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Box 2
American Institute of Cooperation
Box 2
Tariff Law of
Box 2
Box 2
Rural Credits
Box 2
Senator Blaine
Box 2
Industrial Conference Board
Box 2
Broome and Susquehanna Companies, 20 year Celebration
Oct. 24, 1936
Box 2
Milk Bonding Law
Box 2
National Executive Committee Meetings
Box 3
Chesapeake and Ohio
Box 3
A.F. Spooner
Box 3
Fair Tariff League
Box 3
American Dairy Federation
Box 3
Washington Association
Box 3
Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Association
Box 3
Western Tariff Association
Box 3
Egg Marketing, Pacific Coast
Box 3
National Dairy Council, M.D. Munn
Box 3
American Dairy Federation, Cooperative Institute Committee
Box 3
Minnesota Cooperative Creameries Association
Box 3
Muscle Shoals Nitrate
Box 3
Cornell University, NY State College of Agriculutre
Box 3
L.E. Griffing-Certified Milk
Box 3
California Cooperative Canneries
Box 3
Susquehanna County-Stevens Pt., Pennsylvania
Box 3
Federal Trade Commission
Box 3
Economic Conditions
Box 3
Muscle Shoals
Box 4
Plants of Association
Box 4
Consumers and Producers Organization Committee
Box 4
American Farm Bureau Association
Box 4
Box 4
Box 4
Political Platforms and Conventions; 1924, 1923 concerning agriculture
1924, 1923
Box 4
T.W. Phillips
Box 4
Tax Problem
Box 4
Box 4
Plants of League Association
Box 4
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Box 4
National Council, organization survey
Box 4
USDA pamphlets
Box 4
Cooperative Consumer Bulletin
Box 4
Bureau of Raw Materials
Box 5
New York Friut Growers
Box 5
Montgomery Ward
Box 5
National Association of Cooperatives
Box 5
Judges appointed by Roosevelt
Box 5
Harrisburg Address
Box 5
Board of Directors
Box 5
Miscellaneous food problem
Box 5
Federal Reserve System
Box 5
American Institute of Cooperation
Box 5
Legal department
Box 5
Local Leagues
Box 5
American Agriculturalist (corresponded with Eastman)
Box 5
World's Dairy Congress
Box 5
World's Dairy Congress
Box 5
Tariff Act, Casein
Box 5
Casein Tariff Hearing
Box 5
Casein Hearing
Box 6
Springville, Pennsylvania
Box 6
League of Nations - J.C.J.
Box 6
Legality of Cooperative Associations
Box 6
Southern States Cooperative
Box 6
Addresses and writings
Box 6
Pennsylvania Legislature
Box 6
Certificates of Indebtedness
Box 6
National Board of Farm Organizations
Box 6
Addresses and writings
Box 6
Writings and addresses
Box 6
Box 6
Barnes Case
Box 6
National Dairy Show
Box 6
Danish Cooperatives
Box 6
Philadelphia, Milk Producers Association
Box 6
Box 7
Levy Dairy Company
Box 7
Cooperative Pure Milk Association
Box 7
Vegetable oils
Box 7
Pennsylvania attorney
Box 7
New York State College of Agriculture, correspondence with Prof. F.A. Harper
Box 7
National Association of Commissioners and Secretaries
Box 7
USDA correspondence
1941 on
Box 7
Voight Bill
Box 7
Annual meetings of D.L.C.A., Inc.
Box 7
Indictments, General
Box 7
Honesdale, Pennsylvania
Box 7
Box 7
Box 7
World's Dairy Congress Association
Box 7
Montrose, Pennsylvania,
Box 7
Box 7
National Milk Producers Federation Condensed Milk Committee
Box 7
National Milk Federation
Box 8
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
Box 8
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation 1926-1928 ; (Will be found after N.C.M.P.F., 1924 )
1926-1928, 1924
Box 8
New Milford Milk and Cream Company
Box 8
Starrucca, Pennsylvania
Box 8
Holman, Charles W.
Box 8
Chicago Milk Producers Marketing Company
Box 8
National Council of Cooperative Associations
Box 8
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation
Box 8
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Annual Report; 1923, 1924, 1928
1923, 1924
Box 8
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Annual Meeting
Box 8
Box 8
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation accounts
Box 9
Miller, J.D., selling contracts beginning with
Box 9
Bonds of Buyers
Box 9
Trade Mark Sweden
Box 9
Wisconsin Organization
Box 9
Non-pooling Dairymens' Cooperative Association
Box 9
Comparative Milk Prices
Box 9
Executive League Meeting
January 1936
Box 9
Metropolitan Coop. Milk Prod. Bargaining Agency, Inc.
Box 9
Women-mobilizing in support of Cooperative Market Movement, etc.
Box 9
J.D. Miller Grade A
Box 9
American Institute of Cooperation, general file
Box 10
American Institute of Cooperation, general file
Box 10
Wage and Hour Bill
Box 10
Farm Bill; Jones Bill and others
Box 10
Farm Bill; Jones Bill and others
Box 10
National Cooperative Council
Box 10
National Coopertive Council Annual Meeting
Box 10
J.D. Miller article
Box 11
Pennsylvania State College, Miller Address
Box 11
National Cooperative Council Annual Meeting
Box 11
National Cooperative Council Annual Meeting
Box 11
Copies of "Our Food Problem"
Box 11
G.L.F. University
June 1939
Box 11
Box 11
World Congress on Education for Democracy
Box 12
National Cooperative Council general file
Box 12
Defense, National
Box 12
Farm Credit Administration - General file beginning
Box 12
Farm Credit Administration - transfer to Agriculture Dept., first envelope
Box 12
National Cooperative Council Annual Meeting
Box 12
Farm Credit Administration, second envelope
Box 13
Agriculture Advisory Council and Neutrality Act
Box 13
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, fifth envelope
Box 13
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, fourth envelope
Box 13
Omnibus Bill
Box 14
Retirement Plan
Box 14
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives general file
Box 14
J.C.C., Bear Lake, Pennsylvania
Box 14
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Annual Meeting, first envelope,
Box 14
Tax Reduction, Mellon Plan
Box 14
Political conventions
Box 14
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives general file, first envelope
Box 14
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Annual Meeting
Box 14
Commodity Freezing Bill
Box 14
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives general file, first envelope
Box 15
Mid-summer meeting
Box 15
Supreme Court decisions and opinions
Box 15
Agricultural Census
Box 15
Bank for Cooperatives, first envelope
Box 15
New England situation
Box 15
National Cooperative Council
Box 15
American Institute of Cooperation
Box 15
Bank for Cooperatives, second envelope
Box 16
Producers and Consumers Org. Committee
Box 16
Marketing agreements
Box 16
Copies of Pooling Contracts, etc.
Box 16
Senator Wajtkowskie
Box 16
Withdrawal of National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation from American Dairy Federation
Box 16
Milk Strikes
Box 16
Lenroot-Taber Bill
Box 16
Copies of J.D. Miller address
Box 16
Beaker Dairy Co.
Box 16
Buisness Men's Commission on Agriculture
Box 16
Robinson and Patman
Box 17
Federal Taxation, Social Security
Box 17
Dickerson Bill Pamphlets and Literature #2
Box 17
Geyer, D.N.
Box 17
Atlantic City meeting
Box 17
Address of J.D.M. on Supreme Court Issue
Box 17
Gold Clause
Box 17
Reorganization Bill
Box 17
Uniform Milk Ordinances
Box 18
Sub District Presidents
Box 18
Robinson Patman, first and fifth folders
Box 18
Dickerson Bill, first envelope
Box 18
Supreme Court Issue, first envelope
Box 18
Box 18
Associated Farmers
Box 18
Tugwell, Rexford G.
Box 18
Volume Differential
Box 18
Statistics on Special Subjects beginning
Box 18
J.D. Miller, Emergency Committee
Box 18
American Institution of Cooperation
Box 19
Committee for the Nation correspondence, Edward A. Rumely
Box 19
Budget Allotment Bill
Box 19
National Milk Producers Federation Annual Meeting
Box 19
Box 19
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Box 19
National Cooperative Council
Box 19
Legal papers
Box 19
New Orleans Indictment
Box 19
Bonding Act, New York
Box 19
Donnely Act and Amendments
Box 19
Pennsylvania Forms
Box 19
New Jersey Bank Acct.
Box 19
U.S. Food Administration, Federal Milk Commission
Box 20
Newspaper clippings
Box 20
Mac Dermott, D.C., general file
Box 20
State of Wisconsin
Box 20
Temple of Agriculture
Box 20
Anti-trust Laws
Box 20
Cost of Milk Production, first folder
Box 20
Filled Milk, Enforcement
Box 20
Dairy Marketing Committee
Box 20
National Board of Farm Organizations
Box 20
Box 20
Cost of Milk Production, second folder
Box 21
Miscellaneous A
Box 21
Miscellaneous B
Box 21
Cost of Milk Production, first folder
Box 21
Box 21
Contracts with Dealers
Box 21
Box 21
McFadden Credit Bill
Box 21
J.D.Miller, Transportation
Box 22
Copies of addresses
Box 22
Transportation Committee
Box 22
Sullivan and Cromwell Mortgaging
Box 22
Motor Trucking
Box 22
Copies of addresses
Box 22
Reports of Committees to U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Box 22
Edward J. Tracy
Box 22
English Munitions Case
Box 22
Gray and Co.
Box 22
Scranton Cooperative
Box 22
Susquehanna County, Pa.
Box 23
Box 23
Senator Strauss,
Box 23
Agricultural Conference
January 1942
Box 23
American Dairy Federation
Box 23
National Cooperative Council D
Box 23
National Cooperative Council B
Box 23
Farm Credit Administration
Box 23
Federal Tariff Commission, Casein Case
Box 23
New Milford Local
Box 23
Grain Corporation
Box 23
National Cooperative Council
Box 23
Northeast Agricultural Conference
Box 24
Newspaper clippings, three envelopes
Box 24
Copies of "Our Food Problem," and address by J.D. Miller
Box 24
National Council Bulletin
Box 24
J.D.M. address and price fixing letters
Box 24
Tax on Cooperatives
Box 25
J.D. Miller, two addresses
Box 25
Political conventions
Box 25
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation
Box 25
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation
Box 25
American Bar Association
Box 26
Closing of plants
Box 26
New Milford Local, 1930
Box 26
National Milk Producers Federation minutes, letters, etc.
Box 26
Reed, Stanley
Box 26
Holman, Committee on Investigation
Box 26
World's Dairy Congress, booklets, etc.
Box 26
Uniform Cooperative Laws
Box 26
Uniform Cooperative Marketing Law
Box 26
Edward F. Vincent
Box 26
C.O. Moser, American Cotton Cooperative Association
Box 26
Farm Board Mortgage
Box 26
Richmond Cooperative Milk Producers Association
Box 26
Oregon Cooperative Council
Box 26
Sud-district organizations
Box 26
J.D. Miller, Land Banks
Box 26
St. Louis
Box 27
Duties of Directors and Sub-district Presidents
Box 27
Agricultural Adjustment Act, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, NIRA, etc.
Box 27
Price fixing, miscellany
Box 27
Price fixing, general
Box 27
Price fixing, specific addresses by J.D. Miller
Box 27
Copies of "Our Food Program," addresses by J.D. Miller
Box 28
Loan agreement
Box 28
Commodity Exchange Administration
Scope and Contents
J.M. Mehl, Chief
Box 28
Kansas Cooperative Wheat Marketing Association
Box 28
International Wheat Pool Conference Committee
Box 28
National Grange Monthly correspondence
Box 28
National Grange Monthly
Box 28
National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation
Box 28
American Institute of Cooperation
Box 28
Statements of Witnesses on behalf of Metropolitan Cooperative Milk Producers' Bargaining Agency in support of proposed state and federal marketing agreements and orders
Box 28
Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association
Box 28
Tariff articles, correspondence, booklets
Box 28
American Council of Agriculture
Box 28
History files
Scope and Contents
Some folders related to Milk Strike of 1916
Box 28
Guernsey Differential
Box 28
Farm Relief Bill
Box 28
Curtis-Crisp Bill
Box 28
Dairymen's League Orange County Committee of Five photograph
Scope and Contents
Photo includes Mrs. Alfred Roe, Helen Bull, Mrs. Albert McBride, Edna Burger and Mrs. Robert Hunter
Box 28
Dairymen's League stationary; publications about G.L.F.; Economic Vitality of Farm Areas in Tompkins County
Box 28
The Fifty-Year Battle for a Living Price for Milk
Box 28
Dairymen's League By-laws