Pratt family papers, 1758-1903
Collection Number: 223

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Pratt family papers, 1758-1903
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Letters received by Horace L. Edgar Pratt, a Protestant Episcopal rector on Staten Island, New York; also, a Civil War draft exemption certificate issued to John A Kernochan, Sept. 10, 1863; Queens County documents including a four year indenture apprenticing Joseph Lawrence to Effingham Lawrence; a bill of sale selling Joseph, a Negro boy; a receipt for a twelve pound bounty for William Aitken for New York militia service during the Revolutionary War; and a proclamation of Governor George Clinton.
Pratt family.
3 folders.
Collection material in English


Letters received by Horace L. Edgar Pratt, a Protestant Episcopal rector on Staten Island, New York; also, a Civil War draft exemption certificate issued to John A Kernochan, Sept. 10, 1863; Queens County documents including a four year indenture apprenticing Joseph Lawrence to Effingham Lawrence; a bill of sale selling Joseph, a Negro boy; a receipt for a twelve pound bounty for William Aitken for New York militia service during the Revolutionary War; and a proclamation of Governor George Clinton.


Cite As:

Pratt family papers, #223. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Kernochan, John A.
Lawrence, Joseph.
Lawrence, Effingham.
Aitken, William.
Clinton, George.
New York (State). Militia
United States. Army -- : Recruiting, enlistment, etc. -- : Civil War, 1861-1865
Staten Island (N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783.
Slavery -- New York (State) -- Queens County.

December 8, 1853
Scope and Contents
To: "My Dear Sir" - Rev. H. E. Pratt
From: Leonidas Polk
September 10, 1863
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To: Certificate of Non-Liability to be Given by the Board of Enrollment for John A. Kernochan to be given by the Board of Enrollment for John A. Kernochan
Re: Draft exemption
August 10, 1869
Scope and Contents
To: Rev. H. A. E. Pratt
From: Manton Marble
April 7, 1869
Scope and Contents
To: Rev, Horace Pratt, Staten Island
From: Henry G. Pierrepont
August 24, 1871
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To: Rev. Pratt
From: H. Potter
September 18, 1873
Scope and Contents
To: J. B. Pratt
From: Signed by J. G. Eaton, Lieut.
Re: Permit to enter Boston Navy Yard for day
December 10, 1873
Scope and Contents
To: "My Dear Bro -"
From: John F. Nancey
January 21, 1877
Scope and Contents
To: Dr. Pratt
From: Richard Heber Newton (b. 1840-d. 1914)
November 21, 1879
Scope and Contents
To: Rev, Mr. Pratt
From: George William Curtis
November 25, 1879
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To: Invitation to Commemorative Reception to be given for Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, Bishop of New York (no addressee) (printed)
March 31, 1880
Scope and Contents
To: Rev. Horace Pratt, 137 E. 45th St.
From: Thomas Hicks
April 23, 1880
Scope and Contents
To: Invitation and menu for the 94th Anniversary of the St. George's Society of New York at Delmonico's
May 3, 1881
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To: Mr. Pratt
From: G.(?) A.(?)Doane
Jan. (?) 24, 1883
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To: Piece of paper with: . . ,"Richard Hoffman, Jany. (?) 24th 83, New York.
Feb. 16, 1883
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To: Invitation from the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art to attend a lecture by Prof. Charles Eliot Norton (printed) (no addressee)
Sept. 24, 1883
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To: Kev. Horace L. Edgar Pratt
From: Steve Massett
October 30, 1884
Scope and Contents
To: Mrs. Dallas B. Pratt
From: M. R. Huntington
June 30, 1886
Scope and Contents
To: James B. Pratt
From: Wm. W. Jones, Deputy Collector
Re: Custom House, New York, pass to Assistant Appraisers Office
January 1889
Scope and Contents
To: State Department Receipt (?)
February 12, 1889
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To: J. B. Pratt
From: (illegible)
February 19, 1889
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To: Mr. Pratt
From: J. Tuttle Smith
March 31, 1889
Scope and Contents
To: Leopold Schmidt
From: H. C. Potter
October 29, 1889
Scope and Contents
To: James B. Pratt
From: W. Y. Joly
November 8, 1889
Scope and Contents
To: Dallas B. Pratt
From: W. Allen Butler
May 28, 1891
Scope and Contents
To: J. Frederic Kernochan
From: James B. Pratt
May 29, 1891
Scope and Contents
To: James B. Pratt
From: W. H. Drysd(ale?)
October 2?, 1891
Scope and Contents
To: Lawrence K. Pratt
From: Richard Croker, Tammany Hall
November 5, 1891
Scope and Contents
To: "My Dear Sir"
From: Roswell P. Flower
Re: Form letter
Scope and Contents
To: Announcement of "Piano-Lecture-Concerts" of Jerome Hopkins, New York City, 1st Appearances since his European successes...
Sept. 16, 1892
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To: Mr. C. W. Leng
From: C. Jerome Hopkins
February 17, 1893
Scope and Contents
To: Mrs. Pratt
From: V. Jefferson Davis
April 21, 1893
Scope and Contents
To: Rev. H. L. E. Pratt
From: Louis Fitzgerald, Treasurer, Corporation of the Church of the Epiphany, Mercantile Trust Co.
June 3, 1893
Scope and Contents
To: Dallas B. Pratt, Esq.
From: C. A. Dana, The Sun
May 3, 1894
Scope and Contents
To: Mr. Good
From: E. Walpole Warren
April 17, 1895
Scope and Contents
To: "My Dear Sir"
From: Alan S. Webb, The College of the City of New York, President's Office
March 9 (?), 1899
Scope and Contents
To: "Dear Sir"
From: E. R. McKinistry, R.M.S. "Germanic"
January 22, 1903
Scope and Contents
To: Dallas Bache Pratt
From: Geo. F. Nelson
undated letter
Scope and Contents
To: Dear Aunt Kate
From: N. (?) Taber
Oct. 5, no date
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To: "My Dear Mr. Pratt"
From: J. H. Stoddart (perhaps the actor, James Henry, 1827-1907)
Re: Declines invitation
no date
Scope and Contents
To: Slip of paper; "House of Rep's, U. S. Public Document. Free. M. C." (printed). "S. S. Cox, John S. Leng, Esqr. , Iron Merchant, No 4 Fletcher St., New York City, N.Y/ (written).
no date
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To: Slip of paper: "J. Hyatt Smith M. C."
no date
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To: Fragment of paper, "Long" and "S S Col M. C."
no date
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To: Fragment of paper, "House of Representatives U. S. Part of Cong. Record. Free. L. K. Pratt, 1017 Lex. Av., NY, R (illegible), M. C.
no date
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To: Slip of paper: "Votre tout Dévané: Cte de Lippe-Weisenfeld"
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Additional information on certain correspondents and their letters or other papers
Buttler, William Allen, 1825-1902.
November 8, 1889
Scope and Contents
Lawyer, author. Letter of introduction to Dallas B. Pratt, November 8, 1889
Clinton, George, 1739-1812.
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Governor of New York. Proclamation, August 20, 1784, in own handwriting, convening Assembly.
Croker, Richard, 1841-1922.
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Typed letter to Lawrence K. Pratt, October 27, 1891, sending Pratt two tickets to a business men's meeting.
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892.
Scope and Contents
Journalist, lecturer, author. Letter to Rev. Horace Pratt, November 21, 1879, referring to election of 1879. "The result of the election seems to me very valuable as showing that there is independence enough to hold machines in check."
Dana, Charles Anderson, 1819-1897.
Scope and Contents
Editor, New York Sun. Letter to Dallas B. Pratt, June 3, 1893, introducing Gerrit Smith Glen, who was organizing "The National Continental League" for the political union of the United States and Canada by "honorable and peaceful means."
Davis, Varina Howell, 1826-1906.
Scope and Contents
Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Letter to Mrs. Dallas Bache Pratt asking that daughter be excused from dinner party because of illness. February 17, 1893.
Doane, George Hobart, 1830-?
Scope and Contents
Prelate of Catholic Church in later life, having left the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1855. Letter, May 3, 1881, saying he can't attend the wedding of his godson and Amy Pratt.
Flower, Roswell Pettibone, 1835-1899.
Scope and Contents
Typed letter, November 1891, thanking an unidentified person for congratulations on Flower's election as Governor.
Hopkins, Charles Jerome, 1836-?
Scope and Contents
Composer, pianist, lecturer. Printed bill, advertising lecture-concert, May 5, 1892. Letter to C.W. Leng, September 16, 1892.
Kernochan, John A
Scope and Contents
"Certificate of non-liability to be given by the board of enrollment." John A Kernochan of New York City has given "satisfactory evidence that he is not properly subject to do military duty. . ." September 10, 1863. Letter to James B. Pratt from J. Frederick Kernochan concerning estate of J.A.K., May 28, 1891.
Marble, Manton Malone, 1835-1917
Scope and Contents
A founder of the New York World. Letter, August 10, 1867, replying to Rev. H.L.E. Pratt, saying that the World would be pleased for an "occasional letter" during Pratt's projected southern trip.
Nelson, George Francis, 1842-1932.
Scope and Contents
Protestant Episcopal clergyman, Secretary to Bishop of New York (1886-1908), Canon of St. John the Divine after 1911. Letter of introduction to Dallas Bache Pratt, January 22, 1903.
Newton, Richard Heber, 1840-1914.
Scope and Contents
Protestant Episcopal clergyman, author. All Souls Church, New York City. Thank-you note, January 2, 1877, to Rev. Pratt.
Pierrepont, Henry I.
Scope and Contents
Letter, April 7, 1869, requesting Rev. Horace L. Edgar Pratt to preach one Sunday at Grace Church, Brooklyn.
Polk, Leonidas K, 1806-1364.
Scope and Contents
Bishop, Protestant Episcopal Church, Louisiana. Founder, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, 1860. Letter, December 8, 1853 to Rev. H.L.E Pratt concerning a Post for Pratt in the south. Discussion of salaries.
Potter, Henry Codman, 1834-1908.
Scope and Contents
Nephew of Horatio, Bishop of New York after 1887. Letter, March 31, 1839, to warden of Church of Holy Sepulchre.
Potter, Horatio,1802-1887.
Scope and Contents
Bishop of New York. Letter, August 24, 1871, to Rev. Pratt, about a forthcoming visit of Potter to the Staten Island church. Printed invitation to a reception, November 25, 1879, celebrating 25 years of Potter's Episcopate.
Smith, J. Tuttle
Scope and Contents
Letter, February 19, 1889, concerning affairs of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Warren, Edwin Walpole, 1839-1903.
Scope and Contents
Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, New York. letter to a Mrs. Good, May 3, 1894, thanking her for a gift for "the summer home."
Webb, Alexander Stewart, 1835-1911
Scope and Contents
President, City College of New York. Note, April 17, 1895 to unknown person.
Young, John F , 1320-1835
Scope and Contents
Bishop, Florida. Letter to Rev. Pratt, December 10, 1873, about possible post in Florida.