Veterinary Reprint and Pamphlet Collection, 1865-1950.
Collection Number: 24-4-3369
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Veterinary Reprint and Pamphlet Collection, 1865-1950.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty
of the New York state College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
5.0 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Veterinary reprints and pamphlets dating from 1865-1950. Many authored by faculty
of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
Most of the collection was transferred from the Flower-Sprecher Veterinary Library.Additional
reprints were separated from the Veranus Moore papers and the Myron Fincher papers.
Veterinary Reprint and Pamphlet Collection, #24-04-3369. Division of Rare and Manuscript
Collections, Cornell University Library.
Most of the collection was transferred from the Flower-Sprecher Veterinary Library.Additional
reprints were separated from the Veranus Moore papers and the Myron Fincher papers.
New York State College of Veterinary Medicine -- : Faculty.
Veterinary literature.
Veterinary medicine -- Study and teaching.
Form and Genre Terms:
No Author
Box 1 |
"Koch's tuberculosis conclusions." American Veterinary Review, September 1901.
Box 1 |
Abel, John. "Chemistry in relation to biology and medicine with especial reference
to insulin and other hormones." Reprinted from Science, October 1927.
Box 1 |
Abel, Mary Hinman. "Sugar as Food." U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer's Bulletin
No. 93, 1899.
Box 1 |
Ackerman, E. B. "Administrative Control of Glanders." Department of Health of the
City of New York, Reprint No. 16, April 1914.
Box 1 |
Adelmann, Howard B. "The Fence." Reprinted from The American Scholar, Winter 1943-1944.
Box 1 |
Alvord, Henry E. "Statistics of the dairy: Compiled from the United States census
for 1890, and from other reliable sources with explanatory notes." U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 11, 1896.
Box 1 |
Alvord, Henry E. and R. A. Pearson. "The Milk Supply of Two Hundred Cities and Towns."
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 46, 1903.
Box 1 |
American Veterinary Medical Association. "Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria." 1923.
Box 1 |
American Public Health Association. " Resolutions on the death of Dr. Wyatt Johnston."
Box 1 |
Armsby, Henry Prentiss and J. August Fries. "Energy values of red clover hay and Maize
Meal: investigations with the respiration calorimeter, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania
State College agricultural experiment station." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau
of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 74, 1905.
Box 1 |
________ and J. August Fries. "The Available Energy of Red Clover Hay." U.S. Department
of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 101, 8 January 1908
Box 1 |
Arup, Johannes. "Viehversicherungen in Danemark." VIII. Internationaler Tierarztlicher
Kongress in Budapest, 1905.
Box 1 |
Asdell, S. A. ""The future of the science of animal breeding." Reprinted from The
Scientific Monthly, June 1947
Box 1 |
________. "Research in animal physiology and genetics in Great Britain." Reprinted
from Record of Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Production, 1930.
Box 1 |
________. "Sterility and delayed breeding in dairy cattle." Cornell Extension Bulletin,
737, June 1948.
Box 1 |
________ and G.W. Salisbury. "The rate at which spermatogenesis occurs in the rabbit.
Reprinted from The Anatomical Record, June 1941.
Box 1 |
Atwater, W.O. and Chas D. Woods. "The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials."
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin, No. 28, 1896.
Box 1 |
________. "Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost." U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers'
Bulletin, No. 23, 1894.
Box 1 |
Atwood, George E. and George Hassletine. "Undulant Fever in Ware County, GA." Reprinted
from Public Health Reports, 13 June 1930.
Box 1 |
Aujeszky, Aladar. "Die Bedeutung der saurefesten, tuberelbacillenahnlichen stabchen
bei der beurteilung der untersuchunern auf tuberkulose." VIII Internationaler Tierarztlicher
Kongress in Budapest, 1905.
Box 1 |
Ayers, Henry S. "The present status of the pasteurization of milk." U. S. Department
of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 342, 8 January 1916.
Box 1 |
Babes, V. "Rapport sur les recherches plus recentes concernant la transmission des
maladies des animaux domestiques chez l'homme." VIII. Congres International de Medecine
Veterinaire, Budapest, 1905.
Box 1 |
Badger, L.F. "Psittacosis outbreak in a department store." U.S. Public Health Service
Public Health Reports, Reprint No. 1386, 1930.
Box 1 |
Baker, Donald W. "Gastrointestinal parasitisms of calves in New York State." Reprinted
from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College, 1947-1948.
Box 1 |
________. "A new system of anthelmintic control for gastro-intestinal parasites of
ruminants." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, April 1939.
Box 1 |
________. "Parasitic gastro-enteritis of calves." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian,
October 1937
Box 1 |
________. "Parasitic hazards encountered in southern and western raised calves and
lambs in New York. Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, January 1941.
Box 1 |
________. "Physaloptera in New York State dogs. Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian,
January 1941.
Box 1 |
________. "Some mites injurious to domestic animals and man encountered recently by
New York State veterinarians." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, July 1942.
Box 1 |
________. "Species of eimerian coccidia found in New York State cattle." Reprinted
from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College, 1937-1938.
Box 1 |
________. "Studies of parasites of sheep." Reprinted from the Annual Report of the
New York State Veterinary College, 1936-1937.
Box 1 |
________. "Survival of worm parasite infection on New York State pastures." Reprinted
from the Cornell Veterinarian, January 1939.
Box 1 |
________. "Ticks found in New York State." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian,
January 1946.
Box 1 |
________. "Yeast as an adjunct to the anthelmintic treatment of advances cases of
trichostrongylosis in calves." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, January 1941.
Box 1 |
________ and John W. Britton. "Egg counting for use in the diagnosis of equine strongylosis
" Reprinted from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College, 1937-1938.
Box 1 |
________ and R.C. Klussendorf. "Comparative sensitivity of common types of antigen."
Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, October 1930.
Box 1 |
________ and R, C. Klussendforf. "Precautions in shipping material for diagnosis."
Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, April1930.
Box 1 |
________ and Herbert T. Dalmat. "Key to the larvae of botflies and warble flies infesting
domestic animals in New York State." Reprinted from the Annual Report of the New York
State Veterinary College, 1941-1942.
Box 1 |
________ and Veranus Moore. "Undulant fever." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian,
April 1930.
Box 1 |
________ and S.K. Nelson. "Dicrocoelium dendriticum infections in N.Y. State cattle."
Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, July 1943.
Box 1 |
________, G.W. Salisbury and J.W. Britton."Control of Equine Strongylosis, Part 1."
Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, July 1939.
Box 1 |
________ and W.S. Stone. "A syudy of spirrillum ovis infection in a group of ewes
maintained under observation for two successive lambing seaseons." Reprinted from
the Cornell Veterinarian, January 1939
Box 1 |
________ and J. P Willman. Control of Worm Parasites in Market Lambs." Reprinted from
the Cornell Veterinarian, July 1940.
Box 1 |
________ and J. P Willman. "Controlling internal parasites of sheep." Cornell Extension
Bulletin, no 407, April 1939."
Box 1 |
Baker, J.C. and L.L. Van Slyke. "The Determination of the Keeping Quality of Milk."
From Technical Bulletin, No. 72, June 1919.
Box 1 |
________. and L.L. Van Slyke. "A Method for the preliminary detection of abnormal
milks, No. 71, June 1919.
Box 1 |
________. and L.L. Van Slyke. "The reaction of milk in relation to the presence of
blood cells and of specific bacterial infections of the udder." Technical Bulletin,
No. 80, July 1920.
Box 1 |
Baldelli, Bruno. "Studio di un caso di ossificazione renale nel bovino." Reprinted
from Rivista de Biologia, 1943.
Box 1 |
Baldwin, Edward, R. "The Ophthalmo-Tuberculin diagnotic test." Reprinted from The
Journal of the American Medical Association, 14 December 1907.
Box 1 |
________ and P.A. Levene. "The action of proteolytic enzymes on bacterial toxins."
Reprinted from Journal of Medical Research, Vol. VI, July 1901.
Box 1 |
_________. "The problem of immunity in tuberculosis." Reprinted from Transactions
of the Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis, 28 September and 5 October 1908.
Box 1 |
Bancroft, Wilder D. and J.E. Rutzler. "Reversible coagulation in living tissue." Reprinted
from the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 17, April 1931.
Box 1 |
Barach, Alvan, L. "The therapeutic use of oxygen in heart disease." Reprinted from
Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol. 5, October 1931.
Box 1 |
Barker, J.R. "Sterility." National Veterinary Medical Association of Great Britain
and Ireland Annual Meeting, August 1923.
Box 1 |
Barker, Lewellys, F. "On the study of anatomy." Reprinted from The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Bulletin, Vol. XII, April-June 1901.
Box 1 |
________. "The unveiling of the cell." Reprinted from The Journal of the American
Medical Association, 1 March 1902.
Box 1 |
________. "Progress of Neurology." Reprinted from The Philadelphia Medical Journal,
Box 1 |
Barnes, Arlie R. and Merritt B. Whitten. "Study of the R-T interval in myocardial
infarction." Reprinted from The American Heart Journal, December 1929.
Box 1 |
Barrett Mfg Co. "The Standardization of Disinfectants, with a Note on the Real-Walker
Method of Controlling Cost Efficiency." 1912.
Box 1 |
Bassett, S.H., Evelyn Holt and F.O. Santos. "The Influence of meat upon physical efficiency."
Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, May 1922.
Box 1 |
Beach, J.R. "The effect of feeding bacillus acidophilus, lactose, dry skim milk, or
whole milk on the hydrogen ion concentration of the contents of the ceca of chickens."
Hilgardia: A Journal of Agricultural Science published by the California agricultural
experiment station, October 1925.
Box 1 |
_______. and D.E. Davis. "The influence of feeding lactose or dry skim milk on artificial
infection of chicks with eimeria avium." Hilgardia: a journal of agricultural science
published by the California agricultural experiment station, October 1925.
Box 1 |
________. "Infectious bronchitis of fowls." Reprinted from Journal of American Veterinary
Medical Association, February 1926.
Box 1 |
________. "Observations on the occurrence of fowl cholera in California." Reprinted
from Poultry Science, August - September 1922.
Box 1 |
_______. "Suggestions to poultrymen concerning chicken-pox." University of California
College of Agriculture Berkeley Circular No. 145, December 1915.
Box 1 |
_______ and J.C. Corl. "Studies in the control of avian coccidiosis." Reprinted from
Poultry Science, Vol. 4, February-March, 1925.
Box 1 |
_______. and D.E. Davis. "Coccidiosis of chickens." University of California College
of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular 300, October 1926.
Box 1 |
Beal, F.E.L. "Some common birds: in their relation to agriculture." From the U.S.
Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin, No. 54, 1897.
Box 1 |
Bela, Kovacsy. "Az istalloza es legeltetes elettni es allattenyesztesi szempontbol."
From VIII. Nemzetkozi Allatorvosi Kongresszus Budapesten, 1905.
Box 1 |
Beck, G.H. and G.W. Salisbury. "Rapid methods for estimating the quality of bull semen."
Reprinted from Journal of Dairy Science, June 1943.
Box 1 |
Bendixen, H.C. and Erik Blom. "Investigations on brucellosis in the bovine male, with
special regard to spread of the disease by artificial insemination." Reprinted from
The Veterinary Journal, October 1947.
Box 1 |
Benner, James W. "Hog cholera vaccination breaks and their prevention." Reprinted
from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, April 1927.
Box 1 |
________. "Hog cholera in the young pig." Reprinted from the Journal of the American
Veterinary Medical Association, May 1928.
Box 1 |
________. "Immunizing young pigs against hog cholera." Reprinted from the New York
State Veterinary College Annual Report, 1926-1927.
Box 1 |
Bergey, D.H. "Common Colds: Their cause, prevention, and treatment." Reprinted from
the Philadelphia Medical Journal, 19 May 1900.
Box 1 |
Beringer, Kurt. "Uber ein neues, auf das extrapyramidal-motorische system wirkendes
alkaloid (banisterin)." Reprinted from Der Nervenarzt, ca. 1949.
Box 1 |
Berry, John M. "A Comparison of the phagocytic action of leukocytes in amphibia and
mammalia." Reprinted from the Transactions of the Twentieth Annual Meetings of the
American Microscopical Society held at Toledo, Ohio, 5-7 August 1897.
Box 1 |
Bessis, M. and J. Caroll. "Anticorps anti-mulets incomplets et bloquants chez la jument
mere de muleton icterique." Reprinted from Comte Rendus des seances de la Societe
de biologie." 26 April 1947.
Box 1 |
Beyer, Karl H. "New concept of competitive inhibition of renal tubular excretion of
penicillin." Reprinted from Science, 24 January 1947.
Box 1 |
Biggs, Hermann M. "Milk-Borne Septic Sore Throat: A New Health Problem." New York
State Department of Health, 1915.
Box 1 |
________. "Preventive Medicine in the City of New York." The address in public medicine
delivered at the 65th annual meeting of the British medical association, in Montreal,
Canada, September 1897.
Box 1 |
Bing, Jens and N.O. Christensen. "The connection between plasma cells and the occurrence
of hyperglobulinemia in horses and cattle." Reprinted from Acta Medica Scandinavica,
Box 1 |
Birch, R.R. "Bang abortion disease in relation to interherd transfer of cattle." Reprinted
from The Cornell Veterinarian, April, 1930.
Box 1 |
________. "A bang's disease survey of a representative dairy township." Reprinted
from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University
for the year 1932-33.
Box 1 |
________. "Handling of Bang's Disease - A report of progress." Reprinted from the
proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Meeting of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Association,
December 1940.
Box 1 |
________."Hog cholera." Cornell Reading Course for the Farm: Livestock Series, Lesson
150, October 1919.
Box 1 |
________. "Hog cholera: Its economic importance and prevention." Reprinted from the
Scientific Monthly, May 1918.
Box 1 |
________. "Garbage feeding, and the care of garbage fed swine." Reprinted from the
1918 Report of the New York State Veterinary College.
Box 1 |
________. Natural and artificial immunity to Bang's Disease." Reprinted from the Annual
Report of the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University for the year
Box 1 |
________. "The nature and economic importance of Bang's Disease of cattle." Reprinted
from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University
for the year 1931-32.
Box 1 |
________. "Some principles underlying official regulations for the control of Bang's
Disease." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, April 1932.
Box 1 |
________. "A study of hog cholera transmission." Reprinted from the Annual Report
of the New York Veterinary College, 1913-1914.
Box 1 |
________. "Technique of drawing blood samples from cattle for the agglutination test."
Reprinted from The Cornell Veterinarian, April 1926.
Box 1 |
________. and H.L. Gilman. "Handling Bang Abortion Diseases; a program for the veterinary
practitioner." Reprinted from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College
at Cornell University, 1927-1928.
Box 1 |
________. and H.L. Gilman. "The agglutination test as an aid in handling bang abortion
disease." Reprinted from the 1929 Annual report of the state veterinary college.
Box 1 |
________. and H.L. Gilman. "Bang abortion disease in cattle." Cornell extension bulletin
published by the New York State college of agriculture at Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, Bulletin 137, April 1926.
Box 1 |
________. and H.L. Gilman. "The pathogenicity for cattle of brucella strains isolated
from cases of undulant fever in man." Reprinted from the Journal of Infectious Diseases,
January-February, 1935.
Box 1 |
________ and H.L.Gilman. "Some notes and data concerning the resistance conferred
by calfhood exposure to Bang's Disease." Annual Report of the State Veterinary College,
ca. 1933.
Box 1 |
________ and Robert Stone. "Calfhood vaccination against Bang's Disease." Reprinted
from the Report of the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University for
the year 1940-41.
Box 1 |
Bissell, William G. "Formaldehyde Gas." Read before the Buffalo Academy of Medicine,
15 January 1901.
Box 1 |
________. "Municipal water-supplies and their examination." Reprinted from The Philadelphia
Medical Journal, 30 August 1902.
Box 1 |
Bitting, A.W. "Bovine tuberculosis in Indiana." Purdue University Agricultural Experiment
Station Bulletin, No. 63, December 1896.
Box 1 |
Blanchard R. "Substances toxiques produites par les parasites animaux." VIII. Congres
International de Medecine Veterinaire, Budapest, 1905.
Box 1 |
Blom, Erik. (1947): "Om spermaundersogelsesmetoder hos tyren (On methods of evaluating
bull semen)." Reprinted from Den Danske Dyrlaegeforening, 1948.
Box 1 |
________. "Spontaneous detachment of the galea capitis in spermia of bull and stallion."
Reprinted from Skandinavisk Veterinartidskrift, 1946.
Box 1 |
________ and N.O. Christensen. "Undersogelser over sygelige tilstande i testis, epididymis
og de accessoriske konskirtler hos tyren." 1946.
Box 1 |
Bloom, Frank. "A clinical and pathological study of nephritis in dogs." Reprinted
from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, December 1937.
Box 1 |
Boger, William P. "Caronamide: A new enhancing agent for use in conjunction with penicillin
therapy." Reprinted from Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of
Philadelphia, December 1947.
Box 1 |
________. and Richard M. Baker. "A comparison of effect of caronamide and benzoic
acid on penicillin plasma concentrations." Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society
for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1947.
Box 1 |
Bolton, B.M. "The bacteriolytic power of the blood serum of hogs." U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 95, 12 March 1907.
Box 1 |
Bongert, J. "Uber die art der infection bei der tuberkulose der haustiere." VIII.
Internationaler Tieraztlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.
Box 1 |
Bourne, Wesley. "What constitutes an efficient anesthesia service for hospitals."
Reprinted from American College of Surgeons, March 1930.
Box 1 |
Bovim, Arne. "En anatomisk undersokelse av hestens hofteledd - articulus cozae qui."
Reprinted from Skandinavisk Veterinartidskrift, 1946.
Box 1 |
Bowen, John T. "The cost of pasteurizing milk and cream." Bulletin of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, No. 85, 27 April 1914.
Box 1 |
Branton, Cecil, R.W. Bratton, and G.W. Salisbury. "Total digestible nutrients and
protein levels for dairy bulls used in artificial breeding." Reprinted from Journal
of Diary Science, December 1947.
Box 1 |
Bratton, R.W., et al. "Breeding behavior, spermatogenesis, and semen production of
mature dairy bulls fed rations low in carotene." Reprinted from Journal of Diary Science,
September 1948.
Box 1 |
Braun, H. "Bakterienreinkulturen als Zellfamilien, 1. Mitteillung." Reprinted from
Istanbul Seririyati, 1945.
Box 1 |
________. "Bakterienreinkulturen als Zellfamilien, 2. Mitteillung." Reprinted from
Istanbul Seririyati, 1945.
Box 1 |
________ and Ö. Özek. "Über die Methodik der Untersuchung des Verwendungsstoffwechsels
der Salmonella-Bakterien in synthetischen Nährlösungen für diagnostiche Zwecke." Reprinted
from Istanbul Seririyati, 1945.
Box 1 |
________ and Ö. Özek. "Zur Vereinfachung der Diagnostik pathogener Darmbakterien."
Reprinted from Istanbul Seririyati, 1946.
Box 1 |
________ and W. Silberstein. "Über Salmonella anatum." Reprinted from Istanbul Seririyati,
Box 1 |
________ and W. Silberstein. "Über Salmonella anatum, 2. Mitteillung" Reprinted from
Istanbul Seririyati, 1944.
Box 1 |
________ and W. Silberstein. "Über Salmonella anatum, 3. Mitteillung." Reprinted from
Istanbul Seririyati, 1944.
Box 1 |
________and W. Silberstein. "Über Salmonella eastbourne." Reprinted from Istanbul
Seririyati, 1944.
Box 1 |
Breed, Robert S. and James D. Brew. "The control of bacteria in market milk by direct
microscopic examination." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 443, December,
Box 1 |
Brewer, F.W. "Tuberculosis." Agricultural College of Utah Experiment Station, No.
41, 31 December 1895.
Box 1 |
Brion, A. "Immunologie. - Sur le mécanisme de la'immunisation de la jument mulassière
par son produit, et le passage des anticorps antimulet chez son muleton." Reprinted
from Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, May 1949.
Box 1 |
________. "Recherches sur la nature et la prophylaxie de l'ictère congénital des muletons."
Reprinted from the proceedings of the Cinquieme Congrès International de Zootechnie,
November 1949.
Box 1 |
________. "Sur l'ictère hémolytique du poulain nouveau-né." Reprinted from Revue de
Médecine Vétérinaire, May 1949.
Box 1 |
________ and P. Goret. "Les Échanges immunitaires entre la mère et le foetus ou le
nouveau-né. Conséquences et applications a l'étiologie et a la pathogénie de l'ictère
hémolytique du muleton et du poulain." Reprinted from La Revue d'Immunologie, No.
5-6, 1949.
Box 1 |
________ and P. Goret. "Ictère hémolytique du muleton et du poulain." Reprinted from
Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, July 1949.
Box 1 |
Britton, J.W., G.W. Salisbury and D.W. Baker. "Control of Equine Strongylosis, Part
3." Reprinted from the Cornell Veterinarian, July 1941.
Box 1 |
Brooks, Paul B. "Two Milk-borne septic sore throat epidemics." Reprinted from American
Journal of Public Health, September 1929.
Box 1 |
Brower, A. Blaine and Walter M. Simpson. "Antianemic influence of desiccated whole
hog stomach." Reprinted from The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, September
Box 1 |
Brown, Charles W. and Kurt Peiser. "Keeping qualities of butter v. pasteurization
and its influence, (contribution) a study of the factors which influence the resistance
of lactic acid bacteria to heat." Michigan agricultural college experiment station
division of bacteriology, Technical Bulletin, No. 30, October 1916.
Box 1 |
Brunett, E.L. "Poultry Diseases." Reprinted from Cornell Extension Bulletin, Bulletin
337, November 1935
Box 1 |
Bryan, C.S "Mastitis control in the pen-type of dairy barn." Reprinted from Michigan
Agricultural Experiment Station Quarterly Bulletin, November 1947.
Box 1 |
Bugbee, Henry G. "Diverticulum of the ureter: a report of three cases." Reprinted
from The Journal of Urology, August 1931.
Box 1 |
________. "Multiple fractures of the pelvis with rupture of he bladder." Reprinted
from Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, 1927.
Box 1 |
________. "Postoperative care of urological cases." Reprinted from The American journal
of surgery, July 1931.
Box 1 |
________. and Arthur J. Murphy. "The value and limitations of uroselectan as an aid
in urological diagnosis." Reprinted from The Journal of Urology, March 1931.
Box 1 |
________. "Silent ureteral calculi." Reprinted from the Transactions of the American
Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons for 1930.
Box 1 |
________. "Cases of unsuspected carcinom of the prostate discovered on microscopic
section." Reprinted from The Journal of urology, October 1929.
Box 1 |
Bullard, Margerite J. "Study of the Bacterial Flora of the Intestinal Mucusa of the
Normal Rabbit." American Medicine, 4 October 1902.
Box 1 |
Bunting, C.H. "The Effects of lymphotoxins and myelotoxins on the leucocytes of the
blood and on the blood-forming organs." Reprinted from the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Bulletin, July-August 1903
Box 1 |
Burnett, Samuel H. "The clinical examination of the blood of the dog." Reprinted from
42nd Annual Proceedings of A.V.M.A., 1905
Box 1 |
________. "The control of an outbreak of anthrax." Reprinted from American Veterinary
Review, May 1908.
Box 1 |
_______. "Notes on the clinical examination of the blood of the domesticated animals."
American Veterinary Review, December 1903.
Box 1 |
Busch, F.C. and A.T. Kerr, Jr. "The relation between the specific gravity of the blood
and its hemoglobin-percentage." Reprinted from The Medical News, December 1895.
Box 1 |
Busch, F.C., A.T. Kerr, Jr., and F. Filsinger "The relation of the specific gravity
of the blood to its percentage of hemoglobin." Reprinted from Buffalo Medical Journal,
October, 1900.
Box 1 |
Busey, Samuel C. "The duties of physicians to the profession and their relation to
the medical charities of the district of Columbia." Reprinted from Transactions of
the medical society of the District of Columbia, 15 December 1897.
Box 1 |
_______. "Compulsory Reports of Zygotic Diseases; Milk Legislation; Medical Practice
Law; And Society Publication of its Transactions." Annual Address of the President
of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, 18 December 1895.
Box 1 |
Buxton, R.H. "Bacterial Purification of Sewage." Reprinted from The Philadelphia Medical
Journal, 5 April 1902.
Box 1 |
Calhoun, M. Lois. "The Microscopic Anatomy of the Digestive Tract of gallus domesticus."
Reprinted from Iowa State College Journal of Science, 1933/
Box 1 |
Calvin, Joseph K. and A.H. Goldberg. "Plasma Proteins and Edema: Their relationship
in a group of children presenting the nephritic syndrome" Reprinted from the American
Journal of Diseases of Children, August 1931.
Box 1 |
Cameron, A.T. and D. Nicholson. "An improved mode of expression of haemoglobin values."
Reprinted from The Canadian Medical Association Journal, XVI, 1926.
Box 1 |
Cameron, Hugh Stuart. "The viability of brucella abortus." Reprinted from the Cornell
Veterinarian, Vol. XXII, No.3, July 1932.
Box 1 |
Campbell, H.C. "Leucocytes in Milk: Methods of Determination and the effect of heat
upon their number." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin
117, 1909.
Box 1 |
Campell, S.B. Boyd and S.I. Turkington. "Right bundle-branch blook. An analysis of
the clinical records of fifty-six cases with typical electrocardiograms" Reprinted
from Quarterly Journal of Medicine, July 1931.
Box 1 |
Canadian Department of Agriculture. "Hog Cholera." Department of Agriculture, Health
of Animals Branch Bulletin, No 15, July 1915.
Box 1 |
Cannon, Walter B. "The dog's gift to the relief of human suffering." Reprinted from
Hygenia, January 1926.
Box 1 |
Caramanis, Jean C. "Contribution à l'étude de quelques modifications fonctionelles
de la cellule nerveuse." University of Geneva Thesis, 1919.
Box 1 |
Carlson, Anton J. and Frederick Hoelzel. "Apparent prolongation of the life span of
rats by intermittent fasting." Reprinted from the Journal of Nutrition, March 1946.
Box 1 |
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Box 3 |
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Box 3 |
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Ithaca, 2 October 1926.
Box 3 |
_______. Growth of Veterinary Science and the Application of New Knowledge [read at
Conference for Veterinarians, New York State Veterinary College, 14 January 1926.
Cornell Veterinarian, April 1926.
Box 3 |
_______. Healthy Herd from a Tuberculous Herd. New York Agricultural Experiment Station
Bulletin, April 1906.
Box 3 |
_______. Hemopast: A New and Convenient Instrument for Drawing Blood for Microscopic
Examination. American Microscopial Society, 1897.
Box 3 |
_______. How the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University is Meeting
the Veterinary Needs of the State and Country [presented at Cornell University Trustee
meeting, 10 Nov 1917].Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of Cornell University,
10 November 1917.
Box 3 |
_______. Incubator for Student Use.
Box 3 |
_______. Inefficiency of Milk Separators in Removing Bacteria. Yearbook of the US
Dept of Agriculture, 1895.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ Theobald Smith. Infectious Diseases Among Poultry. US. Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin, 1895.
Box 3 |
_______. Influence of Animal Experimentation upon Agriculture [read at Society for
the Promotion of Agricultural Science meeting, Buffalo, August 1896]. Proceedings
of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, 1896.
Box 3 |
_______. Inquiry Concerning the Source of Gas and Taint Producing Bacteria in Cheese
Curd. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station of the College of Agriculture
Bulletin, January 1899.
Box 3 |
_______. Inquiry into the Alleged Relation Existing Between the Burrill Disease of
Corn and the so-called Corn-Stalk Disease of Cattle. Agricultural Science, 1894?
Box 3 |
_______. Limitations of Tuberculin in Detecting Tuberculosis Infected Animals. New
York State Veterinary College Annual Report, 1914-1915.
Box 3 |
_______. "Mastitis" and "Bang Abortion Diseaseand Undulant Fever" [in The Production
and Handling of Milk As it Affects Public Health]. New York State Department of Health,
Box 3 |
_______. Meat Inspection. Read at Conference of Sanitary Officers of the State of
New York, 1906.
Box 3 |
_______. Method for Tabulating the Description of Species Bacteria, ca. 1903.
Box 3 |
_______ with F.L. Kilborne, E.C. Schroeder, Theobald Smith and C.W. Stiles. Miscellaneous
Investigations Concerning Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Domesticated Animals.
US. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin, 1893.
Box 3 |
_______. Morbid Anatomy and Etiology of Avian Tuberculosis. Journal of Medical Research,
Box 3 |
_______. Mouse Septicaemia Bacilli in a Pig's Spleen, with some Observations on their
Pathogenic Properties. Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives, 1892.
Box 3 |
_______. Nature and Diagnosis of Rabies and its Extent in New York. New York State
Department of Agriculture, 1909?
Box 3 |
_______. Nature and Prevention of Infectious Enter-Hepatitis in Turkeys. Cultivator
and Country Gentleman, 25 March 1897.
Box 3 |
_______. Nature of Foot and Mouth Disease. Cornell Veterinarian, February 1915.
Box 3 |
_______.Natural in Disease [ read at American Microscopial Society Meeting, Syracuse,
Aug-Sep 1898]. Transactions of the American Microscopial Society, May 1899.
Box 3 |
_______. Nodular Teniasis in Fowls. US. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal
Industry Circular, 1895?
Box 3 |
_______. Non-Motile Pathogenic Bacillus Closely Resembling the Bacillus of Hog Cholera
Found in the Lung and the Spleen of a Pig - see Miscellaneous Investigations Concerning
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Domesticated Animals.
Box 3 |
_______. Normal Bacterial Invasion of the Cow's Udder. Proceedings of the Twentieth
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, 1899.
Box 3 |
_______. New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University. Science, 2 January
Box 3 |
_______. Observations Concerning the Significance of Streptococci in Comparative Pathology.
American Veterinary Review, Jan Feb Mar 1900.
Box 3 |
_______. Observations on Bacillus Coli Communis from Certain Species of Domesticated
Animals. American Medicine, 29 March 1902.
Box 3 |
_______. Observations on the Morphology, Biology and Pathogenic Properties of Twenty-Eight
Streptococci Found in the Investigations of Animal Diseases. Proceedings of the American
Microscopial Society, June 1894.
Box 3 |
_______. Observations on Staining the Flagella on Motile Bacteria. Proceedings of
the American Microscopial Society, 1891.
Box 3 |
_______. On the Flagella of Motile Bacteria. Proceedings of the American Microscopial
Society, 1896.
Box 3 |
_______. Opening Remarks [read at Annual Conference for Veterinarians, Ithaca, 1929].
Cornell Veterinarian, 2 April 1929.
Box 3 |
_______. Outbreak of Rabbit Septicaemia. American Veterinary Review, September 1893.
Box 3 |
_______. Outlook for Veterinarians. Cornell Veterinarian, April 1925.
Box 3 |
_______. Pasteurization of Skim Milk and Whey as Food for Calves [ read at New York
State Agricultural Society meeting, 18-19 January 1916. New York Commission for the
Investigation of Bovine Tuberculosis, 1916.
Box 3 |
_______. Poultry Diseases, Especially Bacillary White Diarrhea and Tuberculosis [read
at Farmers' Institute for State Institution Farm Workers meeting, 15-17 December 1926].
Agricultural Bulletin, December 1926.
Box 3 |
_______. Portraits of Distinguished Verinarians Presented to Saddle and Sirloin Club.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, January 1919.
Box 3 |
_______. Powdered Soap as the Cuase of Death Among Swill-Fed Hogs. Cornell University
Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, November 1897.
Box 3 |
_______. Preliminary Observations on Skin Disinfection and Wound Infection. American
Veterinary Review, October 1901.
Box 3 |
_______. Preparation of Tuberculin, Its Value as a Diagnositc Agent, and Remarks on
the Human and Bovine Tubercle Bacilli. Albany Medical Annals, 1900.
Box 3 |
_______. Preparation of Tuberculin, Its Value as a Diagnositc Agent, and Remarks on
the Human and Bovine Tubercle Bacilli. Transactions of the Medical Society of the
State of New York, 1900.
Box 3 |
_______. President's Address to the Cornell Chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi.
6 June 1903.
Box 3 |
_______. Problem of Tuberculosis in Cattle. Cornell Reading Course for the Farm, Livestock
Series, June 1919.
Box 3 |
_______. Progress in Veterinary Education. Cornell Veterinarian.
Box 3 |
_______. Protection of Domesticated Animals. Popular Science Monthly, December 1913.
Box 3 |
_______. Questions in Bacteriology.
Box 3 |
_______. Questions on Meat Inspection, ca. 1900.
Box 3 |
_______. Rabies and its Control. Proceedings of the United States Live Stock Association,
Box 3 |
_______. Rabies and its Control. New York State Journal of Medicine, 15 August 1927.
Box 3 |
_______. Rabies in New York State. New York State Journal of Medicine, February 1909.
Box 3 |
_______. Rapid Method for the Diagnosis of Rabies. American Veterinary Review, October
Box 3 |
_______. Relation of Animal Experimentation to the Live Stock Industry. Committee
on Experimental Medicine of the Medical Society of the State of New York, 1909.
Box 3 |
_______. Relation of Human and Bovine Tuberculosis. Cornell Countryman, April 1904.
Box 3 |
_______. Relation of Undulant Fever in Man to Live Stock Sanitation [read at United
States Live Stock Sanitary association meenting, Chicago, 5-7 December 1928]. Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical Association, March 1929.
Box 3 |
_______. Remarks on Anthrax and Rabies with Special Reference to Outbreaks Recently
Investigated. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture of New York State,
Box 3 |
_______. Remarks on the Nature and Differntiation of the Infectious Swine Diseases
in the United States. American Veterinary Review, March 1898.
Box 3 |
_______. Report on Bovine Tuberculosis. New York Department of Agriculture, 1903.
Box 3 |
_______. Report Concerning the Nature of Infections Swine Diseases in the State of
New York, with Practical suggestions for their Prevention and Treatment. Annual Report
of the Commissioner of Agriculture of New York State, 1897.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ the Commission. Report of the Commission for the Investigation of Bovine
Tuberculosis. New York State Commission for the Investigation of Bovine Tuberculosis,
March 1915.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ the Committee. Report of Committee on Poultry Diseases of the United States
Live Stock Sanitary Association. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association,
March 1927.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ the Committee. Report of Committee on Standard Methods for the Diagnosis
of Rabies. Journal of the American Public Health Association, June 1911.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ the Committee. Report of the Committee on Standard Methods for the Preparation
of Tuberculin and Mallein. American Journal of Public Hygiene, August 1910.
Box 3 |
_______. Report of the Dean of the New York State Veterinary College, 1914.
Box 3 |
_______. Report of the Dean of the New York State Veterinary College, 1918.
Box 3 |
_______ w/ the Commission. Report of the International Commission on the Control of
Bovine Tuberculosis. Annual Report of the American Veterinary Medical Association,
Box 3 |
_______w/ G. Franklin White. Report on the Investigation of an Infectious Bee Disease.
New York Department of Agriculture, 1903.
Box 3 |
_______. Report to Forest, Fish and Game Commission Relative to Diseases of Deer.
New York Forest, Fish and Game Commission Bulletin, 1905.
Box 3 |
_______. Reports of Drs. Veranus A. Moore, Mazyck, P. Ravenel, and William T. Sedgwick
upon Federal Meat Inspection. United States Department of Agriculture Circular, May
Box 3 |
_______. Report on Rabies in Washington, D.C. Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry,
Box 3 |
_______. Review of the Methods of Demonstrating the Flagella on Motile bacteria with
Special Reference to the Staining Processes [read at Washington Microscopial Society
meeting, 20 February1891]. American Monthly Microscopial Journal, January 1891.
Box 3 |
_______. Significance of Crises in the Veterinary Profession. Cornell Veterinarian,
October 1925.
Box 3 |
_______. Some Methods Employed in Northern Europe to Control Bovine Tuberculosis,
Box 3 |
_______. Some Principles of Pathology Significant in the Control of Animal Diseases,
Box 3 |
_______. Some Problems for the Veterinarian. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association, April 1925.
Box 3 |
_______. Special Report to the President of Cornell University, 1908.
Box 3 |
_______. State Law Relative to the Physical Examination of Cattle. Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association, October 1919.
Box 3 |
_______. Status of Bovine Tuberculosis in New York State with Suggestions for Improving
the Method for its Control: Together with a Copy of the Laws and a Summary of the
Methods for its Control in Certain Other States, 1907.
Box 3 |
_______. Study of Avian Tuberculosis. Zeitschrift fur Infektions-krankheiten, Parasitare
Krankheiten und Hygiene der Haustiere, 1906.
Box 3 |
_______. Study of Infectious Abortion in Cattle. Annual Report of the New York State
Veterinary College, 1913.
Box 3 |
_______. Study of Infectious Abortion in Cattle. New York Department of Agriculture
Bulletin, 1914.
Box 3 |
_______. Suppurative Cellulitis in the Limbs of Cattle due to Streptococcus Infection.
American Veterinary Review, June 1898.
Box 3 |
_______. Technique And Value Of Sputum-Examination. Medical News, 14 May 1892.
Box 4 |
_______. Thermo-regulated Waterbaths for the Bacteriological Laboratory. Journal of
Applied Microscopy.
Box 4 |
_______. Topics of Interest in the Control of Animal Diseases. Report of the Committe
on Diseases of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1913.
Box 4 |
_______. Transmission of Diseases of Cattle to Man Through Milk. New York State Journal
of Medicine, April 1919.
Box 4 |
_______. Tuberculin and its Use in the Control of Bovine Tuberculosis. New York State
Veterinary College Circular, August 1908.
Box 4 |
_______. Undulant Fever. Cornell Veterinarian, April 1930.
Box 4 |
_______. Undulant Fever. Extension Service News, February 1930.
Box 4 |
_______ w/ Charles M. Carpenter. Undulant Fever in Man Associated with Bacteria Indistinguishable
from Brucella Abortus. Cornell Veterinarian, April 1926.
Box 4 |
_______. United States Government Meat Inspection. Report of the 17th Annual Meeting
of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Association, December 1913, March 1914.
Box 4 |
_______. Value of Tuberculin in the Control of Tuberculous Herds [read at International
Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, September 1908]. American Veterinary Review,
January 1909.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinarian and Conservation. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association, February 1918.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinarian and His Profession. Alumnus [Kansas City Veterinary College],
April 1916.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Curriculum, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.,
December 1922.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Education. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association,
March 1923.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Education and Service at Cornell University. Cornell Veterinarian,
April 1929.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Practitioner in the Control of Infectious Diseases. Journal of
the American Veterinary Medical Association, December 1917.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Profession: Its Requirements and Opportunities. Cornell Veterinarian,
April 1914.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Science and its Problems. American Veterinary Review, June 1910.
Box 4 |
_______. Veterinary Scienceas an Economic Factor. Cornell Veterinarian, January 1926.
Box 4 |
_______. What General and What Specific Rules Should be Observed in Fixing the Periods
and Duration of the Different Forms of Quarantine Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, January 1916.
Box 4 |
_______ w/ Morris Wooden? Why Sterilized Milk Should be Used.
Box 4 |
Moore, Willis L. "A Report on the influence of forests on climate and on floods."
House of Representatives, United States Committee on Agriculture, 1910.
Box 4 |
Mori, Nello. "Ancora sull'ipotesi della natura micetica dei virus filtrabili gli inframiceti
e le inframicosi." Reprinted from Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale,
Vol. XXVII, 1951.
Box 4 |
________. "Esperimenti di cura delcancro umano mediante l'isopatina anticancerigna."
Reprinted from Riforma Medica, Anno XLII, n.7, February 1926.
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myzeliale Natur." Reprinted from Der Krebsarzt, 1949.
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Box 4 |
________. "Le Isopatine." Reprinted from Annali Italiai di Chirurgia, Anno VIII, 1929.
Box 4 |
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Box 4 |
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Reprinted from Profilassi - Rivista di Patologia Comparata, Anno VI, fasc. 6, Giugno
1933, XI.
Box 4 |
________. "L'isopatinoterapia del cancro." Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Secondo
Convegno Nazionale, Bologna, 4-5 gennaio 1931.
Box 4 |
________. "L'isopatinoterapia nel farcino criptococcico degli equini." Reprinted from
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________. "Il metodo isopatinico nella terapia del cancro." Reprinted from Atti Del
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dopo 10 anni di esperimenti." Reprinted from Riforma Medica, Anno XLIII, n.42, 1927.
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Box 4 |
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micetica." Reprinted from Il Progresso Medico, Vol.VI, N.12, 1950.
Box 4 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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_______. "The problem of teratology in clinical veterinary medicine." Reprinted from
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Box 5 |
_______. "Recollections of, and reflections upon sixty-five years in the veterinary
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
_______. "Sterility in Cattle." Reprinted from the North American Veterinarian, September
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Miscellaneous New York State Department of Health Publications
Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Cancer: facts which every adult should know." New York State Department of Health,
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Vaccination." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 12, 1919.
Box 5 |
"Venereal diseases." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 26, 1917.
Box 5 |
"Whooping cough: information for parents, physicians and health officers." New York
State Department of Health, Circular No. 18, 1919.
Miscellaneous New York State Department of Farms and Markets Publications
Box 5 |
"Article 5 of the agricultural law chapter 1 of the consolidated laws relating to
diseases of domestic animals." Reprinted from New York State Department of Agriculture
Bulletin No. 11, 1909.
Box 5 |
"The foot and mouth disease in New York State." State of New York, Department of Agriculture,
Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Provisions of article IV of the agricultural law relating to diseases of domestic
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Report of the Commission for the Investigation of Bovine Tuberculosis," New York
State Commission for the Investigation of Bovine Tuberculosis, March 1915.
Box 5 |
"Stallion enrollments for the year ending December 31, 1917." State of New York, Department
of Farms and Markets, Circular No. 165, 1917.
Box 5 |
"Summary report of farm bureau work in New York State for the calendar year 1914."
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Miscellaneous United States Department of Agriculture Publications
Box 5 |
"The control of bovine tuberculosis." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal
Industry ,Circular 175, 1911.
Box 5 |
"Control and eradication of tuberculosis in cattle." U.S. Department of Agriculture,
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Box 5 |
"Crossing improved breeds of swine with the common hogs of Florida." U.S. Department
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Box 5 |
"Directions for use of blackleg vaccine." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"How to distinguish the different mosquitoes of North America." U.S. Department of
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Box 5 |
"How to select good cheese." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry,
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Milk as food." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 74, 1908.
Box 5 |
"Mycotic stomatitis of cattle." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry,
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Box 5 |
"The Opthalmic Test for Glanders." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal
Industry, 1914.
Box 5 |
"Proceedings of a conference of federal and state representatives to consider plans
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
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Box 5 |
"Regulations governing the interstate movement of live stock." U.S. Department of
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Box 5 |
"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture."
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Box 5 |
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effective April 1, 1908." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry,
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Box 5 |
"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture,
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Industry, Order No. 150, 1908
Box 5 |
"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture.
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Box 5 |
"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 211, revised,
Box 5 |
Reports of experiments with various insecticide substances, chiefly upon insects affecting
garden crops, made under the direction of the entomologist." U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Division of Entomology, Bulletin No. 11, 1886.
Box 5 |
"Service Announcements." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry,
No. 30, 1909.
Box 5 |
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of Agriculture, 1898.
Box 5 |
"State sanitary requirements governing admission of live stock." U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1911.
Box 5 |
"Tuberculosis: A plain statement of facts regarding the disease, prepared especially
for farmers and others interested in live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Farmers' Bulletin No. 473, 1916.
Box 5 |
"Tuberculosis in live stock: Detection, control and eradication." U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1069, 1919.
Miscellaneous United States Department of Public Health Publications
Box 5 |
Municipal ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to public hygiene." United
States Treasury Department, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Public Health
Report No. 70, 1912
Box 5 |
Public Health Reports, Volume 26, No. 14 (7 April 1911)
Box 5 |
"Report of commission of medical officers detailed by authority of the President to
investigate the cause of yellow fever." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital
Service, 1899.
Box 5 |
"Yellow fever: its nature, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis and quarantine regulations
relating thereto." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899.
Box 5 |
Venereal disease information. United States Treasury Department, Public Health Service,
Vol 12, no. 10 (20 October 1931).
Box 5 |
United States Bureau of the Census. "Tuberculosis in the United States [ prepared
for the International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, Fall 1908]. Census Publications
on Mortality Statistics, V.S. pamphlet No. 109, ca. 1909.
Box 5 |
Historia Naturalis Geologia-Zoologia Varia. Catalogue No 96 de la Librarie Scientifique
de Jacques Lechevalier. 1922.