Cornell University student class printed memorabilia, 1870-1987.
Collection Number: 37-5-3019

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Cornell University student class printed memorabilia, 1870-1987.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Included are announcements, invitations, tickets, programs, menus, dance cards, handbooks, directories, class statistics, schedules, broadsides, dance cards, programs, periodicals, and other printed items relating to class activities.
1.1 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Included are announcements, invitations, tickets, programs, menus, dance cards, handbooks, directories, class statistics, schedules, broadsides, dance cards, programs, periodicals, and other printed items relating to class activities such as balls, banquets, Junior Week events, athletic events, lectures, Masques, smokers, "stunts," and other campus events. Programs, menus, and memorabilia from the Class of 1904, including programs from the 1902 "Stunt"; the Savage Club, 1903; and Junior Week Masque, 1904; and menus from the Class of 1890 Sophomore Banquet, 1888; the Kappa Sigma banquet, 1902; 1903-1905; 1904 Smoker; the 1907 Freshman Banquet; 1906 Freshman Banquet menu/program; 1905 Sophomore Cotillion dance card; 1912 Junior Week Guide; 1914 Senior Ball dance card; 1922 Junior Smoker 1935 Junior Prom dance card; 1937 Senior Ball dance card; and many more.


See also Cornell University commencement programs, #37-8-346.


Cite As:

Cornell University student class printed memorabilia, #37-5-3019. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Cornell University -- : Students.
Cornell University. Class of 1890
Cornell University. Class of 1904
Cornell University. Class of 1906
Cornell University. Class of 1907
Cornell University. Class of 1910
Cornell University. Class of 1912
Cornell University. Class of 1914
Cornell University. Class of 1916
Cornell University. Class of 1922
Cornell University. Class of 1924
Cornell University. Class of 1935
Cornell University. Class of 1937
Cornell University. Class of 1939
Kappa Alpha Society. Cornell Chapter
Cornell Masque
Savage Club of Ithaca, New York
Form and Genre Terms:
Programs (documents)

Box 1 Folder 1
Class of 1870
Scope and Contents
Assorted Tickets for Lectures
Box 1 Folder 2
Class of 1872
Scope and Contents
Class Ticket and Class Supper Program
Box 1 Folder 3
Class of 1873
Scope and Contents
Assorted Tickets for Lectures, Class Tickets, and Junior Exhibition
Box 1 Folder 4
Class of 1874
Scope and Contents
Assorted Tickets for Lectures, Senior Class Dinner programs
Box 1 Folder 5
Class of 1875
Scope and Contents
Assorted Tickets for Lectures and Senior Hop
Box 1 Folder 6
Class of 1877
Scope and Contents
Circus and Senior Class Supper
Box 1 Folder 7
Class of 1878
Scope and Contents
Assorted Tickets for Lectures and Junior Exhibition,
Box 1 Folder 8
Class of 1880
Scope and Contents
Sophomore Class Supper
Box 1 Folder 9
Class of 1881
Scope and Contents
Sophomore Class Banquets, Junior Class Supper, Engineer's Banquet, and Minority Commencement Reception
Box 1 Folder 10
Class of 1882
Scope and Contents
Sophomore Class Supper, Senior Class Ticket, and Woodford Orations at Library Hall
Box 1 Folder 11
Class of 1883
Scope and Contents
Freshman Class Supper, Sophomore Class Supper, Sophomore Banquet, Sophomore Class Excursion, Card marking registration for the term, Assorted Tickets for Lectures, Junior Promenade, and Mailing List
Box 1 Folder 12
Class of 1884
Scope and Contents
Barbecue and Cremation, Physical Measurements and Tests, and Goose Chase
Box 1 Folder 13
Class of 1885
Scope and Contents
Alphabetical List of Students, Freshman Examination in Gastronomy, Sophomore Banquet, Sophomore Excursion, and Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner
Box 1 Folder 14
Class of 1886
Scope and Contents
Card marking registration for the term, Freshman Excursion and Banquet, Sophomore Banquet, Junior Promenade, Annual Inspection Tour, Funeral for Al G. Bray, the Woodford Orations, Banquet and Cremation, and Senior Banquet
Box 1 Folder 15
Class of 1887
Scope and Contents
List of Students and Field Day
Box 1 Folder 16
Class of 1888
Scope and Contents
Freshman Excursion and Cremation, Cremation of Tod Hunter and Wells, Freshman Banquet, Banquet and Cremation, Students' Handbook, Beta Delta Chapter Initiation and Banquet, the Junior Promenade, Records of the Class of Eighty-Eight, and Visitors Book
Box 1 Folder 17
Class of 1889
Scope and Contents
Junior Promenade, Senior Promenade, Woodford Prize in Oratory, and Junior Contest in Declamation
Box 1 Folder 18
Class of 1890
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Sophomore-Freshman Excursion and Cremation, Sophomore Banquet, Junior Promenade, Senior Promenade, '90 at Cornell: A Narrative, and Funeral of Al G. Bray
Box 1 Folder 19
Class of 1890
Scope and Contents
Freshman Minutes, Freshman Banquet, Freshman Class Prayer Meetings, Dues, Sophomore Banquet, Senior Election, Senior Ball, Banquet Songs, Senior Statistics, and 25th Reunion
Box 1 Folder 20
Class of 1892
Scope and Contents
Sophomore-Freshman Cremation, Burial of Tomahawk, and Banquet, Sophomore Banquet, and Junior Contest in Declamation
Box 1 Folder 21
Class of 1893
Scope and Contents
Ticket for Lecture
Box 1 Folder 22
Class of 1895
Scope and Contents
Senior Promenade and Senior Banquet
Box 1 Folder 23
Class of 1896
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Second Military Hop, Junior Promenade, and Third Military Hop
Box 1 Folder 24
Class of 1897
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Junior Promenade, and Senior Banquet
Box 1 Folder 25
Class of 1898
Scope and Contents
Sophomore Cotillion and Junior Promenade
Box 1 Folder 26
Class of 1899
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet
Box 1 Folder 27
Class of 1900
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet
Box 1 Folder 28
Class of 1902
Scope and Contents
Alpha Kappa of Kappa Sigma Banquet to Initiates, Sophomore-Freshman Cremation, Burial of Tomahawk, and Banquet, and A Stunt Given by Cornell's Best Fun Makers
Box 1 Folder 29
Class of 1903
Scope and Contents
Navy Ball, the Savage Club, and the Sophomore Banquet
Box 1 Folder 30
Class of 1904
Scope and Contents
Transferred to collection 41-4-316.
Box 1 Folder 31
Class of 1905
Scope and Contents
Representative Ticket and the Masque Play
Box 1 Folder 32
Class of 1906
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet and Senior Ticket
Box 1 Folder 33
Class of 1907
Scope and Contents
Barnum Outdone, Freshman Banquet, Sophomore Cotillion, Sophomore Smoker, and Junior Smoker
Box 1 Folder 34
Class of 1908
Scope and Contents
Agricultural Banquet, Junior Smoker, 1908 Men, 1908 Ten Year Book, 1908 Men Deceased since 40th Reunion, Cornell Alumni Fund List of Donors, June 1948 Reunion, and 1908 Men's 40th Reunion
Box 1 Folder 35
Class of 1909
Scope and Contents
Junior Stunt, and Senior Banquet
Box 1 Folder 36
Class of 1910
Scope and Contents
Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs, Senior Banquet, and 1910 Stop! Look! Listen!
Box 1 Folder 37
Class of 1911
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Sophomore Smoker, Junior Week Guide, and Senior Ball
Box 1 Folder 38
Class of 1912
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Tickets for Musical Performances, and Junior Week Guide
Box 1 Folder 39
Class of 1913
Scope and Contents
Freshman Handbook, University Orchestra ticket, Directory of Class of 1913, and Memorial Services for Terry Alvah Converse
Box 1 Folder 40
Class of 1914
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Class of 1914 Directory, and Assorted Tickets for Events
Box 1 Folder 41
Class of 1915
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Cornell Athletic Activities, and Class of 1915 Directory
Box 1 Folder 42
Class of 1916
Scope and Contents
Alumni Luncheon, Class of 1916 Directory, the Annual Cornell University Junior Smoker, Forty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner, Program of 1916 Class Stunt
Box 1 Folder 43
Class of 1917
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Archibald Oboler business card, and Red Cross Benefit Concert ticket
Box 1 Folder 44
Class of 1918
Scope and Contents
Cornell University Minor Sports Athletic Association Itinerary for Columbia-Allentown Basketball Game, Stunt, and Freshman Banquet
Class of 1919-- Transferred to collection 41-4-4607
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet and Alumni Supper and Smoker/Semi-Centennial Celebration
Box 1 Folder 46
Class of 1920
Scope and Contents
Musical Clubs event announcement, Freshman Banquet, and Gamma of Phi Sigma Kappa Initiation Banquet
Box 1 Folder 47
Class of 1921
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet
Box 1 Folder 48
Class of 1922
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, the Masque of Cornell University presents "Listen to Me," Junior Week Guide, Junior Smoker, Program for Senior Week, and Convocation for the Recognition of Scholarship
Box 1 Folder 49
Class of 1923
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, Junior Smoker, Junior Promenade, Track Get-Together
Box 1 Folder 50
Class of 1924
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet, AG. Banquet, Basketball Pennsylvania vs. Cornell ticket, Banquet Honoring the Junior Week Guests by Gamma Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, "the Wizard of Oz" playbill, and Junior Smoker
Box 1 Folder 51
Class of 1925
Scope and Contents
Removed from collection and added to the Class of 1925 records, #41-5-2137
Box 1 Folder 52
Class of 1926
Scope and Contents
Women's Freshman Banquet and Junior Smoker
Box 1 Folder 53
Class of 1927
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet
Box 1 Folder 54
Class of 1928
Scope and Contents
Promenade of the Junior Class
Box 1 Folder 55
Class of 1929
Scope and Contents
Cornell Class Reunions and Junior Smoker
Box 1 Folder 56
Class of 1931
Scope and Contents
Junior Smoker
Box 1 Folder 57
Class of 1932
Scope and Contents
Freshman Banquet
Box 2 Folder 1
Class of 1935
Scope and Contents
Junior Prom
Box 2 Folder 2
Class of 1937
Scope and Contents
Senior Ball and Junior Week program
Box 2 Folder 3
Class of 1939
Scope and Contents
Junior Week program
Box 2 Folder 4
Class of 1941
Scope and Contents
Third Annual Varsity 'C' Banquet
Box 2 Folder 5
Class of 1942
Scope and Contents
Junior Week Program
Box 2 Folder 11
Class of 1947
Scope and Contents
Cornell pennant stickers
Box 2 Folder 6
Class of 1953
Scope and Contents
Junior Weekend
Box 2 Folder 7
Class of 1966
Scope and Contents
Freshman Convocation
Box 2 Folder 8
Class of 1967
Scope and Contents
Parents Convocation
Box 2 Folder 9
Class of 1969
Scope and Contents
Freshman Convocation
Box 2 Folder 10
Class of 1987
Scope and Contents
Cornell University Glee Club Senior Week
Box 2 Folder 2A
Class of 1938
Scope and Contents
Junior Week program.