Cornell University Department of Policy Analysis and Management records, 1993-2017.
Collection Number: 23-26-3006
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Cornell University Department of Policy Analysis and Management records, 1993-2017.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Course material, reports, committee meeting minutes, plans and proposals concerning
the Department of Policy Analysis and Management and material relating to the merger
of the Department of Human Service Studies and Consumer Economics and Housing.
New York State College of Human Ecology. Department of Policy Analysis and Management
Parrot, Andrea.
Tiffany, Jennifer.
Battistella, Roger M.
New York State College of Human Ecology. Department of Human Service Studies
New York State College of Human Ecology. Department of Consumer Economics and Housing
4 videocassettes.
7.5 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
In 1998, in Cornell's College of Human Ecology, the Department of Consumer Economics
and Housing and the Department of Human Service Studies merged to become the Department
of Policy Analysis and Management.
Course material, reports, committee meeting minutes, plans and proposals concerning
the Department of Policy Analysis and Management and material relating to the merger
of the Department of Human Service Studies and Consumer Economics and Housing. Includes
videotapes with Policy Analysis and Management faculty appearances: Jennifer Tiffany,
"Talking with Kids About AIDS"; Andrea Parrot on Larry King Live; Roger Battistella
on health care reform.
Additional material and digital versions can be found online here:
See also Cornell University Department of Consumer Economics and Housing records #23-23-2864.
See also Cornell University Department of Human Service Studies records #23-24-2894.
See also Cornell University College of Human Ecology records #23-2-2817
Cornell University Department of Policy Analysis and Management records, #23-26-3006.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Cornell University -- : Faculty.
New York State College of Human Ecology
Medical care.
AIDS (Disease) -- Study and teaching.
Cornell University -- Faculty.
Public Policy
Form and Genre Terms:
Series I. Reports, Plans and Proposals
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Diaz Proposal - partnership between Cornell and Florida International University
1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 2-3 |
Folders 2 and 3 formerly contained Faculty Annual Reports - these contents are now
in Box 7
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Department review - Consumer Economics and Housing and Human Service Studies correspondence
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Self Study and Plan
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
CLASP-transfer of CLASP from Policy Analysis and Management to the Department of Education-correspondence
1997 |
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Department Annual Report
2000-2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
Department Annual Report
2001-2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Department Annual Report
2002-2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Strategic Plan-draft
March 1, 2000 |
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
Strategic Plan and External Review material- draft
February 2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Strategic Plan
March 2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
External Review
November 2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
External Review Report
January 28, 2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
External Review Report
May 2, 2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 24A |
Response to recommendations of the 2002 review of Policy Analysis and Management
May 2004 |
Box 3 | Folder 31 |
Department profile
September 27, 1999 |
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Academic plan for the creation of Policy Analysis and Management
July 1996 |
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
Proposal - Justification and Proposed Model for a Graduate Program in PAM; Proposal
from State Education Department to change M.S. and PhD degree titles from Human Service
Studies to Policy Analysis and Management, 2000
September 1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Policies on space, administrative structure, teaching assistants and phones
1995-1998 |
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Policies on Smith-Lever, voting, travel, and income
1996-1997 |
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Administrative Consolidation Committee meetings
1996-1997 |
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Policies and Procedures Manual
1990-1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
Academic program review information
June 1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
Proposal for a Visiting Fellows Program
1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
"An Investigation into the Feasibility of Raising the School-Leaving Age in New York
State"-Rosemary Avery, Laura Colosi, Jerome Ziegler
June 2005 |
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
The Long Island Opening Adoption's Door to Teen Project Final Evaluation Report -
evaluation conducted by Rosemary Avery
December 2010 |
Faculty Annual Reports
Scope and Contents
See additional faculty reports in electronic format in collection #23-2-2817
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Allen, Josephine
1977-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Avery, Rosemary
1988-2007 |
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Barr, Don
1983-1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Battistella, Roger
1984-1991 |
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Battistella, Roger
1991-2003, 2206 |
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Bristow, Barbara
1995-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Bryant, W. Keith
1975-1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Burkhauser, Richard V.
1998-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Butler, J.S.
1999-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Calori, Cynthia
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Cawley, John
2001-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Chi, Peter
1976-2002 |
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Colosi, Laura
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Delara, Thom
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Dimmler, Laura
1996-1998 |
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Dunifon, Rachel
2001-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
Dyer, Margaret
1997-1998 |
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
Ford, John L.
1976-1992 |
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
Gans, Jon
2001-2002 |
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
Geddes, Raymond Richard
2002-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
Gerner, Jennifer
1974-1982, 1984-1995, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
Greene, Jennifer
1984-1999 |
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Hahn, Alan
1966-1995 |
Box 7 | Folder 23 |
Heath-Crump, Ossie
1998-1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 24 |
Heck, Ramona
1978-1993 |
Box 7 | Folder 25 |
Heck, Ramona
1993-2001 |
Box 7 | Folder 26 |
Hollis, Brooke
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 27 |
Joyner, Kara
2000-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 28 |
Kabcenell, Andrea
1994-1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 29 |
Kenkel, Donald
1995-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 30 |
Kuder, John M.
1992-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 31 |
Kutty, Nandinee
1995, 1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 32 |
Lewis, Jeffrey
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 33 |
Lillard, Dean R.
1991-2008 |
Box 7 | Folder 34 |
Lucarelli, Claudio
2006-2008 |
Box 7 | Folder 35 |
Mathios, Alan
1992-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 36 |
McClintock, Charles
1976-2000 |
Box 7 | Folder 37 |
Miles, Sue
1984-1998 |
Box 7 | Folder 38 |
Morton, Lois
1994-1999 |
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Mueller, Jeanne
1977-1997 |
Box 7 | Folder 39 |
Nicholson, Sean
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 40 |
O'Neill, Liam
1999-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 41 |
Parrot, Andrea
1983-1994 |
Box 7 | Folder 42 |
Parrot, Andrea
1994-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 43 |
Peters, H. Elizabeth
1994-2002, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 44 |
Pollak, Patricia
1984-1993 |
Box 7 | Folder 45 |
Pollak, Patricia
1993-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 46 |
Reeves, Terrie
1999-2000 |
Box 7 | Folder 47 |
Rendall, Michael
1995 |
Box 7 | Folder 48 |
Rodriguez, Eunice
1993-2002 |
Box 7 | Folder 49 |
Rosen, William
1991-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 50 |
Roufaiel, Nazik
2002-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 51 |
Sassler, Sharon
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 52 |
Schultz, Jennifer
2000-2002 |
Box 7 | Folder 53 |
Simon, Kosali
2001-2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 54 |
Swanson, Josephine
1981-1991 |
Box 7 | Folder 55 |
Swanson, Josephine
1991-2003, 2007 |
Box 7 | Folder 56 |
Swisher, Raymond R.
2001-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 57 |
Tennyson, Sharon
1998-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 58 |
Tiffany, Jennifer
1991-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 59 |
Tobias, Donald J.
1984-2003 |
Box 7 | Folder 60 |
Trochim, William
1983-2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 61 |
Unur, Ali Sinan
2003, 2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 62 |
Waldron, M. Kristine
2000-2002 |
Box 7 | Folder 63 |
Waller, Maureen
2003-2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 64 |
Walston, Stephen
1996-1999 |
Box 7 | Folder 65 |
Wang, Hua
2006 |
Box 7 | Folder 66 |
White, William D.
2003, 2006 |
Series II. Course Material
Syllabi from 2009-2017 can be found in CUL's digital repository, eCommons.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Human Service Studies (HSS) Courses - Spring
1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Spring
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Spring
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Spring
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Spring
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Fall
1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
HSS Course Syllabi - Spring
1991 |
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
HSS Course Syllabi
1988-93 |
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Consumer Economics and Housing (CEH) Course Syllabi - Spring
1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Spring
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Fall
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Spring
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Fall
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Fall
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Spring
1994 |
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Fall
1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Spring
1993 |
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Fall
1992 |
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
CEH Course Syllabi - Spring
1992 |
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Policy Analysis and Management (PAM) Course Syllabi - Fall
1997 |
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1997 |
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
1998 |
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
1998 |
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1998 |
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1998 |
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1998 |
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
1999 |
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
1999 |
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1999 |
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
1999 |
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2000 |
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2000 |
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2000 |
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2000 |
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2001 |
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
PAM Course Syllabi- Fall
2001 |
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2002 |
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2003 |
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2003 |
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2003 |
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2004 |
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2004 |
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2004 |
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2004 |
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2005 |
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Spring
2005 |
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2005 |
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Fall
2005 |
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
PAM 220-"Introduction tom Management Principles and Differences Among Sectors"
2006 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Economics - Concentrations
1997-1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
Management Curriculum
1997 |
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
PAM Course Syllabi
Spring 2006 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
PAM Course Syllabi
2006 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
PAM Course Syllabi
2007 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
PAM Course Syllabi
2007 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
PAM Course Syllabi
2008 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
PAM Course Syllabi - Emily Owens
2008-2010 |
Series III. Merger Related Material
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
Merger - courses
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
Merger related articles
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
Course material for Introductory Macroeconomics
1996-1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
Draft plans for the merger of HSS and CEH
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
Merger documentation
1996-1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
Merger documentation
1996-1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
Merger Committee - Administration
1996-1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Merger Committee - Administration
1996-1997 |
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
Merger Curriculum Committee
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
Merger-Extension Committee
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
Merger-Steering Committee
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
Merger-Steering Committee
1995 |
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Steering Committee-courses at Cornell that could support an Academic Plan for a merged
department -family, consumer, health basics
1995-1996 |
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
Careers after Cornell-PAM
1998 |
Box 1 |
Video-Welfare Policy Debate
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Formation of PAM-Academic plans, correspondence, revision and adjustment, faculty
meeting minutes
1996 |
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Research-some newspaper clippings
March 1995-January 1996 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Steering Committee meeting minutes, correspondence
January-March 1996 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Solidification plans, minutes
April-June 1996 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Solidification plans, minutes
April-June 1996 |
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
Graduate Merger Committee - Graduate School Organization
1999 |
Series IV. Faculty Material: Meeting Minutes, Memos, Grants
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Faculty meeting minutes
January 13, 1997 |
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Faculty meeting minutes
August 1997-October 1998 |
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Faculty meeting minutes
November 1998-March 2, 1999 |
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Faculty meeting minutes
March 17-August 1999 |
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September-December 1999 |
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Faculty meeting minutes
January-August 2000 |
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September-December 2000 |
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Faculty meeting minutes
January-May 2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September 2001-April 2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Faculty meeting minutes
May-August 2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September-December 2002 |
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Faculty meeting minutes
January-February 2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Faculty meeting minutes
March-June 2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September-December 2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Faculty meeting minutes
September-December 2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Faculty meeting minutes
August-December 2005 |
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Department memos to faculty
1996 |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Department memos to faculty
1997 |
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Department memos to faculty
1998 |
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Department memos to faculty
1999 |
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Graduate faculty meeting minutes
1999-2000 |
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Faculty grants
1998-1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Citations of the Work of Tenure Track Faculty in PAM
1990-2000 |
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
"Mentoring and Voting" Procedures for Tenure
1999 |
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Faculty position descriptions
2000-2004 |
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Faculty Advising Handbook
2008-2009 |
Series V. Committees
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
Executive Committee
1997-2000 |
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Educational Policy Committee
1997-1998 |
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
Educational Policy Committee
1999-2000 |
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
Educational Policy Committee
2000-2001 |
Box 3 | Folder 29 |
Educational Policy Committee
2001-2003 |
Box 3 | Folder 30 |
Educational Policy Committee
1997-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Policy Seminar Committee
1997 |
Series VI. Correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
2001 |
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Burkhauser - reviews of various papers
January 2000-April 2001 |
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Burkhauser - reviews of various papers
April-August 2001 |
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Burkhauser - reviews of various papers
December 2001-March 2002 |
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Sloan Directorship
1997-2001 |
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Sloan Program
1997-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
"Money 2000" - Statewide Financial Education Program, includes Fitness Workbook
1997 |
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
Senior Extension Associate position - Jeanne Hogarth
1993 |
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Cooperative Extension
1992-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Space issues in the Department
1994-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Public Policy - Cornell Institute for Public Affairs
1997-1999 |
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Public Policy - Cornell Institute for Public Affairs
1992-1997 |
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Graduate Students - grant information
1999-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
1999-2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Tenure reviews-memos
1990-1999 |
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
Ethics and Pubic Life Program
1997 |
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
Social Work Program Vote
1998 |
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
Experiential Learning
1997 |
Box 6 | Folder 17 |
Anonymous donors - Undergraduate Teaching Fund
2001-2002 |
Series VII. Budgets and Funding
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
Budget narrative-Consumer Economics and Housing
1992-1993 |
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Budget narrative-Consumer Economics and Housing
1993-1994 |
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Budget narrative-Consumer Economics and Housing
1994-1995 |
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Budget narrative-Consumer Economics and Housing
1995-1996 |
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
Budget narrative-Consumer Economics and Housing
1996 |
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Budget narrative-Policy Analysis and Management
1997-1998 |
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Budget narrative-Policy Analysis and Management
May 1999 |
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Budget narrative-Policy Analysis and Management
2000-2001 |
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
Hatch Act allocations
1990-1997 |
Box 4 | Folder 36 |
Budget/ Planning Conference-items for discussion with Dean
1999-2000 |
Series VIII. Publications and Publicity
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
1984-1997 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
1998 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
1999 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2000-2001 |
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2003-2005 |
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2006-2007 |
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2008-2010 |
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2009 |
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2010-2011 |
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2011 |
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Publicity-articles and reports about the department
2011-2012 |
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Faculty publications
CD 1841-1842 |
2010, 2011 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Faculty publications
CD 1843, 2032 |
2012, 2013 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Faculty publications
DVD 1229 |
2014 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Faculty publications
DVD 1513 |
2015 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Faculty publications
DVD 2669 |
2016 |
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
Policies and Procedures Handbook
January 1998 |
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
Policies and Procedures Handbook
January 2000 |
Box 4 | Folder 35 |
Policies and Procedures Handbook
September 2000 |
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Graduate Handbook - Human Service Studies
August 1998 |
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Graduate Handbook-Consumer Economics and Housing
August 1998 |
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
Best of Policy Analysis and Management Website Handbook
December 1998 |
DVD-4571 |
PAM profiles: Alan Mathios, Rosemary Avery, John Cawley, Sean Nicholson
2010 | |
Series IX. Photographs
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Photographs-Department parties
1998 |
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Photographs-Department parties and retreat
1999 |
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Photographs-Department parties and offices
2000 |
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Photographs-Staff summer retreat
2001, 2002 |
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Photographs-Staff retreat and staff
2003 |
Series X. Events
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
Lecture at Duke Theology and Medicine Program-Jerome Ziegler
November 2006 |
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
McCain vs. Obama in 3D: Data and Debate on Domestic Policy
2008 |
Series XI. Videos
Box 8 | V-416 |
"Talking with Kids About Aids" with Jennifer Tiffany
Box 8 | V-417 |
Andrea Parrot on Larry King Live
1993 |
Box 8 | V-418 |
"Health Care Reform: The Public Pulse" WKSGTV
1993 |
Box 8 | V-419 |
Roger Battistella-WSKGTV
1993 |
Policy Analysis and Management Cornell College of Human Ecology webcrawl
Digital |
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.