Challenge to Governance oral history project, 1969-1971.
Collection Number: 13-6-1285

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Challenge to Governance oral history project, 1969-1971.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Over 100 interviews with students, faculty, staff, and administrators on subjects including the Vietnam War and the peace movement; the rights of women and minorities, especially blacks' rights and the Willard Straight Hall occupation; efforts to change the governing system at Cornell; and related issues. Most of the interviews have been transcribed.
Cornell University. Program in Oral History
Agree, Peter.
Anderson, Carl A.
Archibald, Douglas N.
Zebelman, Susan Barcus.
Barlow, Mark, 1925-2012.
Benson, LeGrace G.
Bickel, Gary William.
Black, Max.
Blunt, Jeffrey.
Brauner, Robert
Brown, Stuart M., Jr.
Cannaday, Charisse.
Capener, Harold R. (Harold Rigby), 1919-
Connor, David W.
Cooper, Larry.
Dalby, Kristeena.
Darling, Ruth W.
Davis, Thomas Edward.
Elbert, Sarah.
Donald, Cleveland, Jr.
Dowd, Douglas F. (Douglas Fitzgerald), 1919-2017.
DuBois, Paul Martin, 1945-
Dupree, David L.
Edwards, Harry, 1942-
Failing, Jean, 1913-
Feinstein, Howard M.
Fels, Anthony.
Finegan, W. Robert.
French, Orval C
Friedman, Jane.
Gelber, Bruce.
Goldberg, Sharon.
Gordon, Myra E.
Grossman, Irving.
Harvey, D. Peter.
Hildebrand, George C.
Hildebrand, George Herbert.
Hirshfeld, Barbara.
Johnson, Houston, Jr.
Jones, William D.
Jordan, Julie.
Joseph, Gloria I.
Keck, Margaret E.
Kelly, Joseph H.
Kenworthy, Eldon, 1935-
Kiely, Jack K.
King, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Wilbert Keith, 1919-
Kisker, Hartwig E.
Krystall, Eric R.
LaFeber, Walter.
Laquatra, Santo J.
Lattin, Gerald W.
Leonard, Thomas J.
Lucas, Pearl Elaine
Lyons, David, 1935-
Mangold, Donald Carl, 1945-
Marantz, Paul.
Marcham, John, 1927-
Marshall, Charles C., III.
Matlack, James Henerson.
McCalmon, Byron G.
McCord, Charles G.
McHugh, Matthew F. (Matthew Francis), 1938-
Meyer, Elmer, Jr.
Miles, Albert S.
Miller, R. D. (Robert Demorest), 1919-2011.
Moss, Franklin.
Muller, Steven, 1927-2013.
Myers, William S.
Olum, Paul.
Ordman, Robert.
Osby, William J.
Oyer, Edwin B.
Parker, Reeve.
Payne, F. Dana.
Penney, Norman.
Pewett, James W.
Pfann, George R.
Rosenblatt, Frank.
Rossiter, Clinton.
Sharefkin, Mark F., 1917-1970.
Sharfman, Peter J.
Silbey, Joel H.
Slatoff, Walter J. (Walter Jacob), 1922-1991.
Smith, John Lee.
Spitzer, Arthur B.
Stallworth, William L.
Strout, Cushing.
Telsey, Steven W.
Thomas, Mary, Sister.
Thorpe, Raymond G.
Tobias, Sheila.
Tobin, Thomas L.
Tomlinson, William G.
Ungers, O. M. (Oswald Mathias)
Wallenstein, Stephen.
Weiss, Burton I.
Wilkins, John W.
Williams, Robin M., Jr., 1914-2006.
Wilson, Herman.
Wright, Michael J.
Zelin, Madeleine H.
Zwingle, J. L.
Benson, LeGrace G.
Cook, Alice H., 1903-1988.
Colman, Gould P. (Gould Patchin), 1926-
105 items.
Collection material in English


The Cornell University Libraries, represented by the Program in Oral History and the University Archives, collected primary source materials and conducted interviews concerning changes in the governance of the university due to campus activism during the late 1960s. The project was coordinated by University Archivist Herbert Finch and Cornell Program in Oral History Director Gould P. Colman. The goal of the oral history project was to bring within the project appropriate interviewers for members of the various interest groups at Cornell and subdivisions of those groups formed in the process of crisis. An effort was made to match potential respondents with compatible interviewers in order to respond quickly to a highly mobile population and rapidly changing events.


Over 100 interviews with students, faculty, staff, and administrators on subjects including the Vietnam War and the peace movement; the rights of women and minorities, especially blacks' rights and the takeover of Willard Straight Hall; efforts to change the governing system at Cornell; and related issues. Most of the interviews have been transcribed.
Interviews (tapes and Transcripts) with John Marcham, Alice Cook, Sarah Elbert Diamant, Douglas Dowd, W. Robert Finegan, Paul Marantz, Sheila Tobias, William G. Tomlinson, Stephen Wallenstein, Mark Barlow, Max Black, Clinton Rossiter, Bruce Gelber, D. Peter Harvey, Eldon Kenworthy, William S. Myers, David Lyons, Franklin Moss, F. Dana Payne, Barbara Hirshfeld, Norman Penney, James W. Pewett, James L. Zwingle, Orval C French, Walter LaFeber, Santo J. Laquatra, Pearl E. Lucas, James H. Matlack, Steven Muller, Cushing Strout, Robin M. Williams, Jr., Peter Agree, Tom E. Davis, George H. Hildebrand, Margaret E. Keck, Hartwig E. Kisker, Albert S. Miles, Edwin B. Oyer, Joel H. Silbey, Walter J. Slatoff, John Lee Smith, Burton I. Weiss, Paul Olum, Jeffrey M. Blunt, Douglas N. Archibald, Susan Barcus Zebelman, Anthony Fels, Jane Friedman, Irving Gross, William D. Jones, Joseph H. Kelly, Thomas J. Leonard, Donald C. Mangold, Bryron G. McCalmon, Charles G. McCord, Mark F. Sharefkin, Arthur B. Spitzer, Thomas L. Tobin, Stuart M. Brown, Jr., Jack K. Kiely, Gerald W. Lattin, Charles C. Marshall, III, Matthew F. McHugh, Frank Rosenblatt, O. M. Ungers, Paul M. DuBois, George C. Hildebrand, Carl A. Anderson, Larry Cooper, Cleveland Donald, Jr., David L. Dupree, Myra E. Gordon, Houston Johnson, Jr., Eric R. Krystall, Peter J. Sharfman, William L. Stallworth, Herman Wilson, Rev. David W. Connor, Jean Failing, Elmer E. Meyer, Reeve Parker, Steven W. Telsey, Gary W. Bickel, Charisse Cannaday, Ruth W. Darling, Harry Edwards, Gloria I. Joseph. William J. Osby, George R. Pfann, Raymond G. Thorpe, John W. Wilkins, Michael J. Wright, Madeleine H. Zelin, R. D. Miller, Harold R. Capener, Joseph P. King, LeGrace G. Benson, and W. Keith Kennedy.
Tape recordings only of interviews with students Robert Brauner, "Concerned Faculty," Kristeena Dalby, Howard M. Feinstein, Sharon Goldberg, Julie Jordan, Robert Ordman, Psycho-History Students, and Sister Mary Thomas.
Interviewers include Jeffrey M. Blunt, Gould P. Colman, Sarah Elbert (Diamant), Howard M. Feinstein, William G. Tomlinson, Stephen Wallenstein, and Michael J. Wright.


Related collection:Challenge to Governance Project Records, #47-5-1309.
Access Restrictions:

Access to transcripts and tapes for Sarah Elbert (Diamant), Margaret E. Keck, Hartwig E. Kisker, Albert S. Miles, Joseph H. Kelly, Thomas J. Leonard, Charles C. Marshall, Larry Cooper, Myra E. Gordon, William L. Stallworth, Elmer E. Meyer Jr., Reeve Parker, Gary Bickel, Charisse Cannaday, Gloria I. Joseph, William J. Osby, John W. Wilkins, Madeleine H. Zelin, Harold R. Capener, and Joseph King restricted to their written permission.
Access to transcript and tape recording for Walter LaFeber restricted until 5 years after the death of Professor LaFeber and his wife.
Access to transcript and tape recording for Franklin Moss may not be used by law enforcement officials without written permission.
Access to tape recordings only for James W. Pewett, LeGrace Benson, Krysteena Dalby, Sharon Goldberg, and Robert Ordman restricted to their written permission.
Use Restrictions:

Transcripts and tapes for Paul Marantz, Sheila Tobias, Stephen Wallenstein, William S. Myers, David Lyons, F. Dana Payne, Santo J. Laquatra, James H. Matlack, Peter Agree, Edwin B. Oyer, Joel Silbey, John Lee Smith, Douglas Archibald, Anthony Fels, William D. Jones, Donald Mangold, Byron McCalmon, Thomas L. Tobin, Matthew McHugh, Paul DuBois, David Dupree, Houston Johnson, Harry Edwards, and Steven Telsey require their written permission to cite, quote, or reproduce.
Conditions Governing Use

Transcripts for Connor, Donald, Edwards, Gelber, and Zelin have been digitized.
Conditions Governing Use

Due to the fragility and potential degradation of moving image and sound recordings, viewing and listening is limited to items that have been digitized. If an item is in another media format, you may request to have the item digitized for access. Information on ordering access copies may be found on the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections webpage.
Conditions Governing Use

Audio visual media that has been digitized: TR-1513 to TR-1624, and TR-5345 to TR-5347


Cite As:

Challenge to Governance Oral History Project, #13-6-1285. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Cornell University -- : History.
Cornell University. Constituent Assembly
Willard Straight Hall takeover, 1969.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Protest movements.
Student movements.
College student government.
College Students -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
College Students -- Political activity.
African Americans -- Education.
African American student movements.

Series I. Alphabetical List of Participants
Last Names A-L
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1543 TR-1543
Agree, Peter
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Industrial and Labor Relations
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1581 TR-1581
Anderson, Carl A.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1968
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1558-1559 TR-1558-1559
Archibald, Douglas N.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, English
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1522 TR-1522-1524
Barlow, Mark,1925-2012
1969-07-14 - 1969-08-13
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: VP Student Affairs
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1624 TR-1624R
Benson, LeGrace G.,1930-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst Professor, Hist of Art
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1974
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1597 TR-1597-1598
Bickel, Gary William,1932-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Economics
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1525 TR-1525
Black, Max,1909-1988
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Philosophy
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1557 TR-1557
Blunt, Jeffrey M.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Self
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1972
Brauner, Robert
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: English
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1572 TR-1572
Brown, Stuart M., Jr.,1916-1996
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: VP Academic Affairs
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1599 TR-1599
Cannaday, Charisse
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1622 TR-1622
Capener, Harold R. (Harold Rigby),1919-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Rural Soc.
Access Restrictions
Concerned Faculty
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Feinstein
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1591 TR-1591
Connor, Rev. David W.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: CURW
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1959Transcript digitized
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1514 TR-1514
Cook, Alice Hanson,1903-1998
1971-06-16 - 1971-09-29
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, ILR
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1582 TR-1582
Cooper, Larry
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Dalby, Kristeena
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1600 TR-1600-1601
Darling, Ruth W.,1912-1998
1969-07-26 - 1969-08-29
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Assoc. Dean of Students
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1544 TR-1544
Davis, Tom Edward, 1929-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Economics
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1515 TR-1515
Diamant, Sarah Elbert, 1937-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Self
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1964, Ph.D. 1974
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1583 TR-1583
Donald, Cleveland, Jr.,1946-2012
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1973
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and SciencesDigitized
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1516 TR-1516
Dowd, Douglas Fitzgerald, 1919-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Economics
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1579 TR-1579
DuBois, Paul Martin,1945-
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Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1977
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1584 TR-1584
Dupree, David L.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1602 TR-1602
Edwards, Harry ,1942-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1966/MA1973
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1592 TR-1592
Failing, Jean, 1913-,1913-2008
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Assoc. Dean Undergrad Ed
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1561 TR-1561
Fels, Anthony
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1517 TR-1517
Finegan, W. Robert
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Dir. Development Communications
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1535 TR-1535
French, Orval C,1908-1999
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Ag. Engineering
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1562 TR-1562R
Friedman, Jane
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Student, U Penn
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1526 TR-1526
Gelber, Bruce
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1972
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and SciencesDigitized
Goldberg, Sharon
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by:
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1585 TR-1585
Gordon, Myra E.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1972 (74)
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1563 TR-1563
Grossman, Irving
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Ithaca resident
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1527 TR-1527R
Harvey, D. Peter
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Marantz
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1580 TR-1580
Hildebrand, George C.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: MA 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1545 TR-1545
Hildebrand, George Herbert,1913-2007
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, ILR
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1531 TR-1531
Hirshfeld, Barbara (Babcock),1918-2008
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Assistant Dean, A&S
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1939
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
History Grad Students
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Feinstein
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1586 TR-1586
Johnson, Houston, Jr.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1564 TR-1564
Jones, William D.,1928-2008
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst to Provost, COSEP
Scope and Contents
Class Year: MPA 1979
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Johnson Graduate School of Management
Jordan, Julie
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1603 TR-1603
Joseph, Gloria I.
1969-07-01 - 1969-10-31
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: COSEP Director
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1967
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1546 TR-1546
Keck, Margaret E.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1565 TR-1565
Kelly, Joseph H.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1967
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Access Restrictions
Trans. 5345-5347
Kennedy, Wilbert Keith ,1919-2011
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1628-1629 TR-1628-1629
Kennedy, Wilbert Keith ,1919-2011
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Vice Provost
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1528 TR- 1528 I
Kenworthy, Eldon ,1935-1998
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Government
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1573 TR-1573
Kiely, Jack K.,1928-1987
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Mayor of Ithaca
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1623 TR-1623
King, Joseph P.,1910-1990
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Alumnus
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1936
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1547 TR-1547-1548
Kisker, Hartwig E.
1969-06-17 - 1969-07-03
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Judicial administrator
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1621 TR-1621R
Kisker, Hartwig E.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Judicial administrator
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1587 TR-1587
Krystall, Eric R.,1928-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Visiting Prof (South Africa)
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1536 TR-1536
LaFeber, Walter
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Marantz +
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, History
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1536 part 2
LaFeber, Walter
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1537 TR-1537
Laquatra, Santo J.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Hotel
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1574 TR-1574
Lattin, Gerald W.,1921-2013
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst Dean, Hotel
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1949
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1566 TR-1566
Leonard, Thomas J.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1538 TR-1538
Lucas, Pearl Elaine
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst Dean, A&S
Scope and Contents
Class Year: M.A. 1974
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1529 TR-1529
Lyons, David,1935-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Law
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Last Names M-Z
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1567 TR-1567
Mangold, Donald Carl,1945-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Industrial and Labor Relations
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1518 TR-1518
Marantz, Paul
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Self
Scope and Contents
Role: Visiting Prof, Government
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1513 TR-1513
Marcham, John,1927-2014
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Editor, Alumni News
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1950
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1575 TR-1575
Marshall, Charles C. III
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1967 (68)
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1539 TR-1539
Matlack, James Hendrickson
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, English
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1568 part 1 TR-1568
McCalmon, Byron G.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst Dir. Financial Aid
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1568 part 2 TR-1568
McCord, Charles G.,1934-2013
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Placement Director
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1576 TR-1576
McHugh, Matthew F. (Matthew Francis),1938-
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Tompkins County DA
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1593-1594 TR-1593-1594
Meyer Jr., Elmer E.,1928-2012
1969-06-12 - 1969-07-29
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Feinstein & Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst. VP for Student Affairs
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1549 TR-1549
Miles, Albert S.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst Dean of Students
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D.1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1617-1620 TR-1617-1620
Miller, R. D. (Robert Demorest),1919-2011
1969-07-30 - 1970-01-16
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Dean of the Faculty
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D. 1948
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1530 TR-1530
Moss, Franklin
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1968
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1540 TR-1540
Muller, Steven,1927-2013
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Marantz
Scope and Contents
Role: Vice President Public Affairs
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1528 part 2 TR-1528
Myers, William S.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1968
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Law
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1555-1556 TR-1555-1556
Olum, Paul,1918-2001
1969-07-25 - 1970-02-19
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein & Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Math
Ordman, Robert
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1604 TR-1604-1605
Osby, William J.
1970-02-05 - 1970-05-05
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student, CRP
Scope and Contents
Class Year: Ph.D 1977
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Art, Architecture, and Planning
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1550 TR-1550
Oyer, Edwin B.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Vegetable Crops
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1595 TR-1595
Parker, Reeve
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, English
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1531 part 1 TR-1531
Payne, F. Dana,1923-1988
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Assoc. Dean A&S
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1531 part 2 TR-1531
Penney, Norman, 1926-,1926-1981
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Acting Dean, Law
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1953 JD
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Law
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1532 TR-1532R
Pewett, James W.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Breydrick
Scope and Contents
Role: Student, Govt.
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1606 TR-1606
Pfann, George R.,1902-1996
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Trustee (Alumni)
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1924
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Law
Psycho-History Students
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1577 TR-1577
Rosenblatt, Frank,1928-1971
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wright
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Neurobiology
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1525 TR-1525
Rossiter, Clinton,1917-1970
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Government
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1569 TR-1569
Sharefkin, Mark F.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: M.A. 1972
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1588 TR-1588
Sharfman, Peter J.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Marantz
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Government
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1551 TR-1551
Silbey, Joel H.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, History
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1552 TR-1552
Slatoff, Walter J. (Walter Jacob),1922-1991
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, English
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1553 TR-1553
Smith, John Lee,1928-2010
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: CURW Assoc. Dir.
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1570 TR-1570
Spitzer, Arthur B.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Industrial and Labor Relations
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1589 TR-1589
Stallworth, William L
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Blunt
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1541 TR-1541
Strout, Cushing,1923-2013
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, English
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1596 TR-1596
Telsey, Steven W.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Ombudsman (Asst for Info)
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1967 (68)
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Thomas, Sister Mary
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Feinstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Graduate Student
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1607 TR-1607
Thorpe, Raymond G.,1921-2005
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Chem. Engineering
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1519 TR-1519
Tobias, Sheila
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Asst to VP Academic Affairs
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1571 TR-1571
Tobin, Thomas L.
1969-07-07 - 1969-07-29
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Dir. Public Information
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1520 TR-1520
Tomlinson, William G.,1943-2012
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1968 MS 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences/College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1578 TR-1578
Ungers, O. M. (Oswald Mathias),1926-2007
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Diamant
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Architecture
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1521 TR-1521
Wallenstein, Stephen,
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Self
Scope and Contents
Role: Student, Govt.
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1969
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Conditions Governing Use
Use restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1554 TR-1554
Weiss, Burton I.,1945-2011
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Alumnus
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1608 TR-1608
Wilkins, John W.,
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Feinstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Physics
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1542 TR-1542
Williams, Robin M., Jr.,1914-2006
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Professor, Sociology
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1590 TR-1590
Wilson, Herman,
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Tomlinson
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1971
Scope and Contents
School/Department: Law
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1609 TR-1609
Wright, Michael J.,
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Staff, Sociology
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1968 (69)
Scope and Contents
School/Department: English
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1560 TR-1560
Zebelman, Susan Barcus
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Wallenstein
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Transcript Box 21 - Trans. 1610 TR-1610
Zelin, Madeleine H.,
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Student
Scope and Contents
Class Year: 1970
Scope and Contents
School/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Access Restrictions
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1533 TR-1533-1534
Zwingle, James L'Woods ,1906-1990
1969-02-17 - 1969-06-16
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Scope and Contents
Interviewed by: Colman
Scope and Contents
Role: Vice President
Transcript Box 17 - trans. 1528 (part 2)
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1528 (part 2)
Transcript Box 18 - trans. 1536 (part 1)
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1536 (part 1)
Transcript Box 18 - trans. 1536 (part 2)
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1536 (part 2)
Transcript Box 17 - trans. 1514 (part 1)
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1514 (part 1)
Transcript Box 17 - trans. 1514 (part 2)
Transcript Box 17 - Trans. 1514 (part 2)
Box 18 - trans. 1543
Box 18 - Trans. 1543
Transcript Box 18 - trans. 1558
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1558
Transcript Box 18 - trans. 1559
Transcript Box 18 - Trans. 1559
Transcript Box 19 - trans. 1568 (part 1)
Transcript Box 19 - Trans. 1568 (part 1)
Transcript Box 20 - trans. 1594
Transcript Box 20 - Trans. 1594
Reel ? (121 reels)
Reel ? (121 reels)