Cornell University. Office of the Vice Provost, 1959-1969.
Collection Number: 4-2-1264
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library
Cornell University. Office of the Vice Provost, 1959-1969.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Includes correspondence, reports, and office files.
Cornell University. Office of the Vice Provost
4 cubic feet.
Collection material in English
Includes correspondence, reports, and office files concerning research grants; research
facilities; computers at Cornell; departments and divisions within the University;
faculty and students; faculty committees and Faculty Council; University Council;
and other Cornell programs and topics.
Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost records, #4-2-1264. Division of Rare
and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Access restricted to the permission of the office of origin.
Cornell University -- : Administration.
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Center for International Studies
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Cornell Computing Center
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Computing Equipment
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Cornell Plantations
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Cornell University News Bureau
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Cornell University Water Resources Center
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Crops Science Society of America
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Current Status and Future Development of Agriculture
1966 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Duke Research Laboratory
1966 | |
Box 1 |
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Empire Sugar Company
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Faculty Research Grants
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Farm Electronification Council (New York)
1965-1966 | |
Box 1 |
Farm Research
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Federal Support
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Forage and Field Crops Research Task Force (interdepartmental)
1967 | |
Box 1 |
Ford Foundation
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Foreign Agriculture Service Brochures
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Foundation for American Agriculture
Box 1 |
Frank, Dr. Konstantin
1965-1966 | |
Box 1 |
Freshman English
1963-1965 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Graduate School
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
High School Natural Science Program
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Home Economics (Search Committee for Coordinator of Research)
1965-1966 | |
Box 1 |
Ho Nun De Kah
1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Human Community Resource Task Force (Lee Taylor)
1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Industrial and Labor Relations School (N.Y.S.)
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Interdepartmental Research and Extension Programs
1966 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Judging Teams
1966 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Lecture Room Facilities in Plant School
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Livestock Program
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Lynn, Walt - Seminars (Man's Environment)
1966 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Governor's Office
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Secretary of Agriculture
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Secretary of the Interior
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Mastitis Control Project
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Mechanical Harvesting
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Dr. Joseph F. Metz, Jr.
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Muck Crops
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
New York Farmer's Award
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
New York-Pennsylvania Agricultural Research Coordination
1966 | |
Box 1 |
N.Y.S. Canners and Freezers Assn.
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
NESSD (North Eastern States Seed Development)
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Northeast Agricultural Experiment Stations
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Oral History
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Orientation Program for International Students
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Overhead Rates
1965 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Cornell Pesticide Residue Research Lab
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Interdepartmental Plant Science Courses, Ad Hoc Committee Report
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Perservation of Agricultural Land, Commission on
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1961-1965 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Quota Requests for Graduate School
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Regional Studies, Division of
1965 | |
Box 1 |
Office of the Registrar
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Research Club of Cornell
1966-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Research Facilities at Cornell
Box 1 |
Research Grants
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Research Park
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Small Animal Facility Proposal (Research Park)
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
RESEARCH - Salient Points of the Report "A National Program of Research for Agriculture"
1966 | |
Box 1 |
Resources Brochure
1965-1967 | |
Box 1 |
Rural Development Program - Land-Use Conversion
1966 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Secretary * Treasurer
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Vice Presidents
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Circular Letters
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Dean and Directors
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Department Head's Meetings
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Agricultural Economics
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Agricultural Economics Publications
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Agricultural Engineering
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Agronomy Ponds
1962 | |
Box 2 |
Animal Science
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Animal Science 360/40 Computer
1966 | |
Box 2 |
Animal Science Farm
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Research Dairy Facility - Plot Plan
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Bailey Hortorium
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
L.H. Bailey Papers
1965 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Bioclimatic Laboratories
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Biological Sciences
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Buildings and Properties
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Buisness Office
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Cell Laboratory
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Communication Arts
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Communication Art's Proposal for a Graduate Field
1967 | |
Box 2 |
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
SESD, Reviewers Comments
1960-1964 | |
Box 2 |
Sheep Program
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Dr. E. H. Smith
1965-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Soil Conservation Servicce (USDA)
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
State Appropriations
1966 | |
Box 2 |
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Stony Brook
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Stony Kill
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
Stony Soils
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Student Health Service
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Student Housing
1964-1965 | |
Box 2 |
Study Abroad
1966 | |
Box 2 |
Study of The Current Status and Future of Development of Agriculturre and Related
Industries in the State
1967 | |
Box 2 |
Sugar Beets
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
Summer Session and Extramural Courses
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
SUNY Budget Requests
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
SUNY - Faculty Senate and Faculty Association
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
Task Force Committee
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Traffic Board
1965-1967 | |
Box 2 |
W.K. Kennedy Travel Vouchers
Jan. 1967-Dec. 1967 | |
Box 2 |
Travelling Fellowships
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Tyler, Win (N.Y.S. Canners and Freezers Assn.)
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
University Development Office
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
University Faculty
1966 | |
Box 2 |
University Libraries
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
U.S. Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Distinguished Visitors and Visiting Professors
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Washington State University - Pullman
1965-1966 | |
Box 2 |
Waste Disposal
1965-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Water Resources
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Water Resources - Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning (F.E. Van
1965 | |
Box 2 |
Wildlife Research Unit, New York Cooperative
Box 2 |
World Food Supply Panel
1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Office of the Dean
1966-1967 | |
Box 2 |
Office of Associate Dean
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Entomology Departments Ratings
1966 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Extension Bulletins
1965-1967 | |
Box 3 |
County Agricultural Agents
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Extension * State Leaders Office
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Farm Services and Student Practice
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Food Science
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Geneva - NYS Agricultural Experiment Station
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Home Economics
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
International Agricultural Development
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
IAD Reports and Proposals
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
UPCA (University of the Phillippines and Cornell)
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Proposal for Renewal and Extension of Ford Foundation Grant to the International Agricultural
Development Program, Cornell University
1967-1972 | |
Box 3 |
Mann Library
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Plant Breeding
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Plant Breeding - Biometrics Unit
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Plant Breeding Field House
1965 | |
Box 3 |
Plant Pathology
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Poultry Science
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Research, Agricultural in N.Y.
1964-1965 | |
Box 3 |
Resident Instruction
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Resident Instruction - Student Enrollment
1964-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Rural Sociology
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Long Island Vegetable Farm
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Vegetable Crops
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Veterinary College
1966-1967 | |
Box 3 |
Wiegand Herbarium
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Agricultural and Conservational Council
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Biometry and Statistics Committee
1966 | |
Box 4 |
B and PA Deanship Search Committee
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Buildings and Properties Review Committees
1965-1969 | |
Box 4 |
1967-1968 | |
Box 4 |
University Centennial Planning Committee
1961 | |
Box 4 |
College Dairy Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
College Floriculture Committee, College Ornamental Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
College Seed Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Computer Task Force Committee - College of Agricultre
1966-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Conferences, Committee on
1968-1969 | |
Box 4 |
Conservation Headship
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Cornell Plantations Committee
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Council for N.Y.S. College of Agriculture
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Curriculum Committee
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Committee on Educational Policy
1965-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Committee on Educational Program for University Staff
1968 | |
Box 4 |
English Proficiency Committee
1965-1966 | |
Box 4 |
Faculty of Agricultre Meetings
1965-1969 | |
Box 4 |
Faculty Committee on Public Affairs
1967-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Faculty Council
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Faculty Council - Ad Hoc Committee on the Arts
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Faculty Council Minutes
1966-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Food Indsutry Advisory Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Food Science Advisory Committee
1966 | |
Box 4 |
Grading Manual Committee
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Graduate Education at Geneva Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Higher Education Advisroy Committee
1967-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Human Rights, Faculty-Student Committee
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Human Rights, President's Committee on
1968-1969 | |
Box 4 |
IAD - Advisory Committee
1966-1968 | |
Box 4 |
Long Range Planning Committee
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
National Academy of Science's Committee on Allocation of Agricultural Research Suport
1964-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Natural Resources Committee
1966-1968 | |
Box 4 |
N.Y.S. Soil Conservation Committee
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
N.Y.S. Soil and Water Conservation Committee
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Petitions Committee
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Plant Pathology Review Committee
1967 | |
Box 4 |
Publications Committee
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Research Club of Cornell
1965-1966 | |
Box 4 |
Rural Education - Search Committee for Head
1965-1966 | |
Box 4 |
Rural Sociology Headship Search Committee
1966 | |
Box 4 |
Prof. Sear's Committee - (Role of the Dean of the Graduate School)
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Social Sciences Committee in College of Agriculture
1965-1967 | |
Box 4 |
Sociology at Cornell, Study Committee
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Special Education Projects, Committee on (COSEP)
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Special Projects Committee
1968 | |
Box 4 |
Television Advisory Committee
1965 | |
Box 4 |
Undergraduate Programs Abroad - Ad Hoc Committee
19667-1968 | |
Box 4 |
University Council
1966-1967 | |
Box 4 |
University Lecturers, Committee on
1967 | |
Box 4 |
University Faculty
1968-1969 | |
Box 4 |
Willard Straight Trustee - Board of Governors
1966-1967 |