Hazel Marie Hauck papers, 1924-1960.
Collection Number: 23-14-730

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Hazel Marie Hauck papers, 1924-1960.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Includes correspondence with former students and Cornell administrators; her Nigerian diaries and manuscript and typescript notes and statistical reports, and pamphlets concerning nutrition and disease in Thailand, Nigeria, and elsewhere; articles by Hauck concerning her work in those countries and general problems of nutrition; photographs of Thai and Nigerian children, showing the effects of malnutrition; her M.A. and Ph.D. theses ; and notes, syllabi, reading lists, and other material relating to courses she taught at Cornell University.
Hauck, Hazel M. (Hazel Marie), 1900-1964
2.4 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Hazel Hauck received her Ph.D. in 1932 with a major in nutrition and a minor in medical science from the University of Wisconsin and that same year was hired by Cornell as Assistant Professor. She was promoted to the rank of full Professor in 1936.
She served in the Department of Food and Nutrition in the New York State College of Home Economics for twenty-nine years, and was a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Nutrition from the time of its establishment in 1941 until her retirement in 1961. She did research in the Cornell-in-Thailand Project, 1952-1953 and in the Village Improvement and Leadership Training Program of the Unitarian Service Committee in Awo Amamma, Eastern Nigeria, 1959-1960.


Includes correspondence with former students and Cornell administrators; her Nigerian diaries (5 volumes, 1959-1960) and manuscript and typescript notes and statistical reports, and pamphlets concerning nutrition and disease in Thailand, Nigeria, and elsewhere; articles by Hauck concerning her work in those countries and general problems of nutrition; photographs of Thai and Nigerian children, showing the effects of malnutrition; her M.A. and Ph.D. theses (University of Washington, 1924; University of Wisconsin, 1932), "A Study of the Cause of Failure of a Specific Ration" and "Manifestations of Fluorine Toxicity"; and notes, syllabi, reading lists, and other material relating to courses she taught at Cornell University.


Cite As:

Hazel Marie Hauck papers, #23-14-730. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Hauck, Hazel Marie. (Title of work: Study of the cause of failure of a specific ration..)
Hauck, Hazel Marie. (Title of work: Manifestations of fluorine toxicity..)
Hauck, Hazel M. (Hazel Marie), 1900-1964
American Unitarian Association. Unitarian Service Committee. Village Improvement and Leadership Training Program
Cornell University. Cornell-in-Thailand Project
Cornell University -- : Faculty.
Women -- Diaries.
Nutrition -- Research -- Thailand.
Nutrition -- Research -- Nigeria.
Malnutrition -- Thailand.
Malnutrition -- Nigeria.
Diseases -- Thailand.
Diseases -- Nigeria.
Deficiency diseases -- Thailand.
Deficiency diseases -- Nigeria.
Form and Genre Terms:

Box 1
Photographs - 169 negatives, 295 photographs (headings to some) Includes "Food Habits and Nutrient Intakes in a Siamese Rice Village - Studies in Bang Chen, 1942-1954"
Box 1
"Federal Nigeria"
November-December 1960
Box 1
Includes photos of Stella Cheng of Cornell (1944): Dr. W.J. Meek and Dr. Walter Bradford Cannon; Dr. Mary Schwartz Rose, Columbia University (1940); Dr. Lauriston Sharp, Cornell; Animal Nutrition Seminars held at Cornell
Box 2
Book of rough notes - half foreign
Box 2
Book of council school records - adults, No. V
Box 2
Diary and notes on childbirth in Awo Omamma, child loss rate, weight change, diet, antenatal clinics, growth and feeding practices, No. IX
May 31 (1959)
Box 2
Clinic records and notes - re: pregnancy and acceptability test - ground nut flour - given 30g 1 person, No. VI
Box 2
School records,and antenatal clinic, No. IV
Box 2
Diary, No.VII
February-May 31, 1960
Box 2
Diary, and four pages rough index, No. II
October 20-December 12, 1959
Box 2
Diary, No. III
December 13, 1959-February 14, 1960
Box 2
Diary - Menu - Index, No. I
September 19-October 20, 1959
Folder of pamphlets
Box 2
The effect of fluorine feeding on the storage of vitamin C in the rat and guinea pig, by Hazel M. Hauck
Box 2
Is the effect of fluorine on teeth produced through the parathyroid glands? by Hazel M. Hauck, Harry Steenbock and Helen T. Parsons
Box 2
The effect of the level of calcium intake on the calcification of bones and teeth during fluorine toxicosis, by Hazel M. Hauck, Harry Steenbock and Helen T. Parsons
Box 2
Effect of fluorine on growth, calcification and parathyroids in the chicken, by Hazel M. Hauck, H. Steenbock and James T. Lowe, and J.G. Halpin
Box 2
Manifestations of fluorine toxicity, by Hazel Marie Hauck - A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University of Wisconsin
Box 2
A folder M.A. Thesis - A study of the cause of failure of a specific ration, by Hazel M. Hauck. Submitted for the degree of Master of Arts - University of Washington
Box 3
Feature articles by or about Hauck
Box 3
Feature articles by or about Hauck
Box 3
Diabetes reported in interviews, United States
July 1957-June 1959
Box 3
List of Publications - Hazel M. Hauck
Box 3
Article - "Tests for Fastness to Light of Dyed Fabrics" by Hazel M. Hauck, Dept. of Household Arts, University of Oregon
Box 3
Article - "Cinderella of Vegetables", by Hazel M. Hauck - from New York Herald Tribune
June 25, 1933
Box 3
Article "Textile Expert" by Hazel M. Hauck
Box 3
Article - "How Bon Marche Knows Wool and Silk Percentages" from Good Merchants Trade Journal - picture of Hazel M. Hauck - (2 pcs.)
Box 3
Summaries of Research in food and nutrition, by Hazel M. Hauck. (2 pcs.) from "Signs of the Times"
Box 3
Article - "Are You Sure of What You're Buying?" by Hazel M. Hauck - Retail Ledger - Philadelphia
June 1924
Box 3
Article - Written for Food and Health Education - Home making, not Housekeeping the object in University of North Dakota Practice House, by Hazel M. Hauck, Instructor in Home Economics, University of North Dakota
Box 3
Pamphlet - Health statistics from the U.S. National Health Survey, series B, No. 21
July 1957-June 1959
Box 3
Pamphlet - Health statistics from the U.S. National Health Survey, series B, No. 17, Peptic Ulcers, reported in interviews, United States
July 1957-June 1959
Box 3
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 35, Number 11
November 1959
Box 3
Letter, from Hazel M. Hauck to Mrs. Mary P. Huddleston, and article - Nutrition Problems of Maturity and Old Age
November 12, 1936
Box 3
A Manual for Writers of term papers, theses and dissertations, by Kate L. Turabian
Box 3
Pamphlet - L'Enseignment Menager - Home Economics, Hauswirtschaftsunterricht
June 1961
Box 3
Envelope of name tabs for Miss Hauck's books
Box 3
Pamphlet - Food and Health 2. Food for Energy, Hazel M. Hauck, reported from Today's Health
November 1957
Box 3
Personal inventories
Box 3
1 folder - Nigeria - article - "The Magic in a Peanut" by H.M.H.
October 10, 1960
Box 3
Letter from Deane W. Malott - pamphlet - Venture
Scope and Contents
Box 3
Celiac Disease and Sprue
Box 3
Box 3
Food and Nutrition 400 - Anemia Pernicious
April 21, 1940
Box 3
Envelope - Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station - Food and Nutrition. State Project, Number 17
Box 3
Seminar Ideas
Box 3
Correspondence to Professor Hazel M. Hauck from Flemmie P. Kittrell - Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Box 3
Food and Nutrition 400 - Pellagra
March 10, 1958
Box 3
Food and Nutrition 400 - B 12 and Pernicious Anemia
April 1958
Box 3
Home Economics Alumnae letter - Milestone in History at Cornell
Box 3
Correspondence concerning sabbatic in Nigeria and Nigerian customs
Box 3
Correspondence with Dr. Jane Hanks and text concerning obstetrics
Box 3
Data Papers - Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Box 3
Appendix A - Description of the Kitchen and Some Notes on Food Preparation in a Relatively Prosperous Household
Box 3
Heights and Weights of School Children in Bang Chan School
Box 3
Children in Bang Chan School, Thailand - by age and sex
Box 3
Bang Chan School analysis notes
Box 3
Bang Chan School lists
Box 3
Height, weight, age tables, Bang Chan School children- complete data
Box 3
Concerning school children
Box 3
Folder - Pratoms 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b
December 1952
Box 3
Folder - Pratoms 3a, 3b, 4, 4a, 4b
February 1953
Box 4
Folder - Letter from Nigeria written for Rural Missions, by H.M.H.
Box 4
Folder - Article by Vannevar Bush (10 copies) "The Builders"
Box 4
Folder - Growth in height and weight of Thai infants and young children. List of people reprint to be sent to
Box 4
Correspondence to and from H.M.H. Book reviews
Box 4
Folder - Nigeria - plans for talks - Preliminary Report of Observations on Health and Diet
Box 4
Awo Omamma, Nigeria, Hazel M. Hauck, Field Consultant, Unitarian Service Committee, Inc.
Box 4
Folder - Serendipity - Animal Nutrition Seminar,(9 pcs.)
February 21, 1949
Box 4
Folder - Vitamin History - New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Box 4
Food and Nutrition 420, Some Landmarks in the History of Vitamin B. - Preface to Pereira's Treatise on Food and Diet (1843)
December 14, 1945, December 21, 1945
Box 4
Article - Taken from "The Analyst and the Medical Man" by F. Gowland Hopkins, The Analyst Vol. 31
Box 4
Folder - Vitamin G - Nicotinic Acid, Pellagra
Box 4
Pamphlet - United States Treasury Dpt. Public Health Reports, also articles on Pellagra among chronic alcoholic addicts
June 29, 1934
Box 4
Folder - Vitamin B 12 - Treatment of Pernicious Anemia
Box 4
Folder - Graduate students - miscellaneous
Box 4
Folder - Newsletters (4 copies)
Box 4
Folder - Misc. - faculty minutes - pamphlet re: Farm Labor in under developed economies - charts - correspondence - paper clipping, article on Japan, Thailand - Graduate School of Nutrition News, Cornell University, 1 page
December 1959
Box 4
Folder - Personal - appointment - leaves of absences - attendance at meetings.
Box 4
Folder - Letters - mostly from old students
Box 4
Envelope - Memorandum and extracts from memoranda
Box 4
Folder - History of Nutrition I - Introduction: Fats, Bile, Transformation of Food to Meat and Milk, page 16-21, Missing.
Box 4
History of Nutrition AH 215 (Plan for Course 215)
Scope and Contents
Box 4
Folder - History of Nutrition - McCay complete set
Box 5
Folder - History of Nutrition
Scope and Contents
Box 5
Folder - History of Food and Nutrition - Books
Box 5
Folder - Animal Nutrition 215 - Amino Acids and Proteins
Box 5
Folder - History of Nutrition - McCay pH; Special topics on protein
Box 5
Folder - Nucleo proteins
Box 5
Folder - Notes - Drummond - The Englishman's Food
Box 5
Folder - Men in Agricultural Chemistry - (Misc.)
Box 5
Book - Kwashiorkor in Africa -FAO Nutritional Studies, No. 8
March 1952
Box 5
Book - Protein Malnutrition in Brazil, FAO Nutritional Studies, No. 14
March 1956
Box 5
Book - Calorie Requirements. FAO Nutritional Studies, No. 15
Box 5
Book - The Urease - (reprinted from Journal of Chemical Education. Vol. 14. No. 6.) James B. Sumner, Medical College, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.)
June 1937
Box 5
Folder - League of Nations - Nutrition
Box 5
Folder - Pacific science conference paper and correspondence
Box 5
Folder - Journal Tropical Pediatrics
December 1960
Box 5
Folder - Persons to whom data paper #3a have gone
Box 5
Folder - Persons to whom technical report of H.M. Hauck Field Consultant for USC, should be sent
Box 5
Folder - List of people to receive data paper on Diet #29
Box 5
Folder - Reprint requests, Data Paper 22
Box 5
Nutrition in the Ill-fed and Underdeveloped Countries of the World. Dr. Hazel M. Hauck - College of Home Economics, Cornell University
March 11, 1958
Box 5
Folder - Notes for field research workers outlines of studies
Box 5
Folder - Talks on Thailand - Outlines
Box 5
Folder - Fulbright grant miscellaneous information
Box 5
Folder - Miscellaneous clippings, etc.
Box 5
Folder - Fulbright reports, etc.
September 8, 1952, January 1953
Box 5
Folder - Missionary courses - announcements
Box 5
Folder - Holmes medical essays (excerpts)
Box 5
Folder - Anemia Pernicious
Box 5
Folder - Nephritis
Box 5
Folder - Diabetic Diets, Historical
Box 5
Folder - Diabetes in Children
Box 5
Folder - Diabetes, General
Box 5
Folder - Surgery in Diabetes
Box 5
Folder - Saccharin, Sucaryl
Box 5
Folder - Typhoid Fever
Box 5
Folder - Gastric Function and Disturbances - Peptic Ulcer
Box 5
Folder - Apple Diet in Diarrhea
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4a,, 4b
May 1953
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4a
July 1953
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4
September 1953
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4
October 1953
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4
November 1953
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4
January 1954
Box 6
Folder - Pratoms 3, 4
June 1954
Box 6
Folder - Rough Summaries by Grades - School Children
Box 6
Folder - Schedules - Mothers and Babies
Box 6
Folder - Schedules of Visits to Babies
Box 6
Folder - Tables of Measurement of Infants
Box 6
Folder - Notes re: Schedule 4 and 5 and Supplement (Mothers and Babies)
Box 6
Folder - Anothais material
Box 6
Folder - Blank Schedules - Mothers
Box 6
Folder - Summary of Physical Examination of Persons in Dietary Survey
Box 6
Folder - Data on Older Children not in Surgery
Box 6
Folder - Material used in preparation of Schedule 3 - Medical Exam
Box 6
Folder - Clinical Survey
Box 6
Folder - Clinical Examination
Box 6
Folder - Clinical Examination and Family Dietary Studies - Plan
Box 6
Folder - Physical Examination of Individual Persons in Dietary Survey - Group A
Box 6
Folder - Physical Examination of Individual Persons in Dietary Survey - Group B
Box 6
Folder - Summary of association of signs and symptoms of BC school children
Box 6
Folder - Summary of association of signs and symptoms of BC family survey (random survey)
Box 6
Folder - Tables - Height and Weight
Box 7
Folder - Bang Chan structured questionnaire
Box 7
Folder - Height - Weight data from School Hygiene
Box 7
Folder - Weight, Tables to 19 years
Box 7
Folder - Bang Chan - Jane R. Hanks
Box 7
Folder - Diphtheria Immunization in a Thai Community
Box 7
Folder - Household Questionnaire - (Hanks)
March-April 1954
Box 7
Folder - Population - Bang Chan
Box 7
Folder - Bangkok - File Index
Box 7
Folder - Food Sanitation - Condensed Schedule 8 Dietary Survey
Box 7
Folder - Heights and Weights - Siamese Men and Women - Fen Yong and Laong
Box 7
Folder - Gaps in Data
Box 7
Folder - Notes re: data, Coding procedures etc. Schedule 3
Box 7
Folder - Code lists
Box 7
Folder - Information from K.J.'s Study
Box 7
Folder - Draft from Part III, Health and Diet (Bang Chan)
Box 7
Folder - Intestinal Parasites
Box 7
Folder - Notes on Illness and Toilet facilities
Box 7
Folder - Field Notes - Bang Chan - Hazel M. Hauck
Box 7
Folder - Midwifery Notes
Box 7
Folder - Field Notes - SS
Box 8
Folder - Growth of School and Infants and Young Children (2 papers) - J. Trop, Pediatrics
Box 8
Folder - Tables re: nutri-status - children and families
Box 8
Folder - Med-inspection (for comparison with diet)
Box 8
Folder - Professor Hauck
Box 8
Envelope - containing Betel Leaves
Box 8
Folder - Ideas on R------g? '60 - Kertesz
Box 8
Reprint from the Editorial Department of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 152, 1537 - FOOD AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE
August 15, 1953
Box 8
Paper on Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure, by Arthur J. Merrill, M.D., Atlanta, Ga.
Box 8
Cornell Extension Bulletin 670 - Food Value Chart - Grace Steininger and Hazel M. Hauck
Box 8
Card - Platt. B. S.
Box 8
Paper - Reprint From The Journal of The American Medical Association, Effect of Alcohol on the Liver, by Gerald Klatskin, M.D., New Haven, Conn.
August 1, 1959
Box 8
Paper - Food for Homage-to-the-Teacher Rite Performed by a Buddhist Priest who was a Traditional Practitioner
Box 8
Folder - Types of "with rice" dishes prepared by families in diet survey. - Rounds I-IV, Groups A and B
Box 8
Folder - Copies of Dietary Surveys - Round I (consisting of notes re: kind and amount of food eaten and method of preparation.) Inc.
Box 8
Folder - Summary of Meal Patterns, by Rounds, (all families, 2 groups)
Box 8
Folder - Food terms and glossary - data paper
Box 8
Folder - Nutrition Value, for each family
Box 8
Folder - Dietary Calc. - SS, BS and HMH
Box 8
Book - Ethiopia - Nutrition Survey
September 1959
Box 8
Book - H.M. Hauck - Notes, BC‡Book - H.M. Hauck - Notes, Book II - Bang Chan
1952-1953, 1953
Box 8
Book - Nutritional Problems in Medicine - Symposium, 6
Box 8
Letter and book - Cornell Program in Social Psychiatry. Second Annual Report
Box 3
Letter from Hauck to Elsie McMurry
September 1961
Box 9
Slides with descriptions from Hauck's work in Nigeria