Cornell University Department of Music records, 1884-2000.
Collection Number: 14-20-513

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Cornell University Library


Cornell University Department of Music records, 1884-2000.
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Collection Number:
Correspondence and financial records; programs for University Orchestra concerts, recitals, and music festivals; scores of student productions; drawings for a proposed Department of Music building; historical sketches of the University Orchestra and photographs.
Cornell University. Department of Music
Reis, Jon.
Bryant, Laura, 1878-1961.
Austin, William W.
4.9 cubic feet.
Collection material in English


Correspondence pertaining to the Library Tower chimes; programs for University Orchestra concerts, recitals, and music festivals; scores of student productions; drawings for a proposed Department of Music building; historical sketches of the University Orchestra; many photographs concerning the activities of the Department. Also, records pertaining to the Festival of Contemporary Arts, financial records of the Department, and correspondence of Department chair Paul J. Weaver concerning music education, courses, students and faculty.


Cite As:

Cornell University Department of Music records, #14-20-513. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.


Weaver, Paul John, 1889-1946.
McJunkin, Reed.
Kroeger, Ernest R. (Ernest Richard), 1862-1934.
Cornell University. Department of Music
Cornell University. Orchestra
Cornell University -- : Students.
Cornell University. Festival of Contemporary Arts
Cornell University. Chimes
College Students -- New York (State) -- Ithaca -- Societies and clubs.
Music -- Instruction and study -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
Form and Genre Terms:
Programs (documents)

Scope and Contents
All the material in the collection may not be covered by this guide.
Department of Music webcrawl
The digital preservation copy may be made available on request if a delivery copy is not already online.
Series I. Correspondence
Box 1
Johnston, Cyril F. - Chimes (Gillett & Johnston Firm)
Scope and Contents
Two Copies of 1 letter from Johnston to Weaver re: purchase of a new bell and problems with overseas transportation & Shipping due to World War II
Box 1
Ackerman, Frederick L. - Music Dept. Proposals
Scope and Contents
One document, 8 p. entitled "Memorandum of Conferences with Mr. Worcester". Discusses proposed revisions in music curriculum/major and a proposed School of Fine Arts at Cornell, including discussion of plans for a new "physical facility"
Box 1
Chimes - Advisory Committee
Scope and Contents
P. J. Weaver Correspondence to Chimes Advisory Committee, including details of the organization of the Committee. (1933-1934) "Misplaced documents: 6 Booklets in envelope - Lee, Richard H. ("41) - Chimes and campus; including arranging music for chimes, planning programs, playing the chimes and other suggestions. Ithaca, Cayuga Press, May 1943. And letter from W. Worcester (Amsterdam architect firm) to P. J. W. re: proposed music building (see item # 2)
Box 1
Chimes - Meigs (R. B. Meigs, Morrill Hall)
Scope and Contents
Letter from Weaver to Meigs re: Bassett chimes and their installation.
Box 1
Chimes - Lefevre (Mr. Kamiel Lefevre, carillonneur of Riverside Church, New York
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Weaver re: playing mechanisms for chimes, with references to Gillette and Johnston firm and meeting of the Congress of North American Guild of Carillonneurs at Riverside Church. Includes: Booklet describing Riverside Church and Pamphlet describing Riverside Church.
Box 1
Chimes - Gillett & Johnston (Bell founders, Croydon, England)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence about a new bell for Cornell and proposals for work on recasting, tuning and preserving inscriptions of old bells. Includes: Booklet about G & J bells; Brochure about G & J Bells; Photo of Wichita, Kansas bells made by G & J.
Box 1
Chimes - Meneely (Alfred C. Meneely; Meneely & Co.)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Meneely and Weaver re: new bells, recasting old bells, electric carillon; includes references to old A. D. White/Meneely correspondence. (see # 11). Diagrams of Meneely Co. bells and console system included. Includes: Letter from Weaver to Dayton C. Miller, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland - re: University of Rochester bells made by Meneely.
Box 1
Chimes - Rogalsky (George F. Rogalsky, comptroller)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Rogalsky and Weaver re: ordering, payment of installation of new bells.
Box 1
Meneely & Co. (Bell founders)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Weaver re: installing carillon, new playing mechanism, recasting old bells. Correspondence with Weaver re: repair work needed on one of two bells recently installed by Meneely. Misplaced documents: Letter to rev. Reinhold Niebuhr, Union Theological Seminary, about music to be performed in Sage Chapel during his visit to Cornell. Correspondence between Weaver and George A. Wedge, Dean of Julliard School of Music re: Mr. Sun's enrollment at Julliard.
Box 1
van Bergen, H. T. - Netherland Pavilion (Bell founder; in U. S. during World's Fair)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Weaver re: purchasing/revamping carillon.
Box 1
Chimes - Trustee Actions
Scope and Contents
Typed excerpts from other documents - Includes: Excerpts of letters from Meneely Co. to President White and Treasurer E. L. Williams about Chimes. Excerpts from trustee minutes about chimes.
Box 1
Chimes - Netschert (B. C. Netschert, chimesmaster
Scope and Contents
Schedule of prices for chimes ringing (memo from Netschert to Weaver ). Penciled notes on carillons heard outside of Ithaca.
Box 1
Chimes - Peters (Provost) (H. W. Peters)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Peters and Weaver re: installation of 2 new bells and acquiring an electric chimer.
Box 1
Chimes - Weatherlow, Peter & Morgan
Scope and Contents
Hugh E. Weatherlow, superintendent of buildings and grounds dept; John A. Peters & H. R. Morgan, buildings & grounds dept.) Correspondence with "Weaver about installation costs. Estimate worksheets for installation.
Box 1
Chimes--Durham - (Prof. C. L. Durham (Goldwin Smith Hall)
Scope and Contents
Two copies of 1 letter to Durham from Weaver describing chimes and problems of new playing mechanism, with mention of Weaver's upcoming trip to Colgate Rochester Divinity School . (see # 21).
Box 1
Deagan, D. C. Inc. ยท Inc.--Chicago, Illinois (bell founders)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Jack Deagan and Weaver about adding/altering chimes. Includes: Booklet: "Deagan tower chimes; electrically operated. J.C. Deagan, Inc." and Telegram from Deagan to Weaver about visit to Florida World's Fair Pavilion.
Box 1
Chimes--Deagan - (J. C. Deagan firm)
Scope and Contents
Letter to Weaver about Jack C. Deagan's interest in Cornell chimes (signed by P. K. Neuses). Contains a Pamphlet: "Interesting facts about the world's largest carillon; Florida Building, New York World's Fair"
Box 1
Chimes - Cornell Booklets:
Box 1
Smith, Albert W., editor, (class of 1873) - "The bells of Cornell"
Scope and Contents
History Cornell chimes. Description of chimes. Includes words to songs played on chimes. Includes lists of chimemasters from '71 - '30, with '31 penciled in. 48p. with illustrations and photos. Also, newspaper clipping pasted in end of book. (from Oswego, NY). Clipping discusses a "new manuscript book" which includes 402 numbers arranged by chimemasters during the last 10 years that was presented to the University Library. Signed by Paul Hulslander, '31, chimemaster in 1931.
Box 1
Riegger, Harold Eaton, chimemaster 1909-1913 - "Bells and Chimes"
Scope and Contents
With particular reference to those at Cornell University. S.1. : s.p., 1913. History of Cornell Chimes. Includes inscriptions on the bells and lists of chimemasters through 1913. 20p. - Photos. Signed by Paul Hulslander, '31, chimemaster in 1931.
Box 1
White, Andrew Dickson - "The Cornell Chime"
Scope and Contents
A brief history of the bells; together with some description and the programs of the concerts at their rededication, Ithaca: Andrus & Church. Includes inscriptions on the bells. Concerts played by H. G. Bull '08. 15 p. Photos
Box 1
Mrs. Coolidge to Weaver
Scope and Contents
Letter from Mary Roberts Coolidge (class of 1882) to Weaver, with Weaver reply: "first woman to have played the Cornell Chimes somewhere about 1880"
Box 1
President Day to P. J. W.
Scope and Contents
Committee on Chimes - Letter from President Day to P. J. W. re: chairing a "Committee to make a thorough going study of all phases of the matter". Committee members proposed: Charles K. Bassett, Mrs. Anna Gauntlet Whitcomb, Dean A. W. Smith, Prof. Eugene P. Andrews. Memo (from "her" to P. J. W.) reporting A. W. Smith message about Committee.
Box 1
Chimes - Bassett - Donation by Bassett of New Bells
Scope and Contents
Correspondence regarding donation of money by Charles K. Bassett for 2 new bells. 3 copies of press release (typescript) about Bassett's gift & brief history of chimes. Copies of President Day - Bassett correspondence about serving on chimes committee. Correspondence between Day and Weaver re: Bassett's membership on committee. Copy of J. B. Trousdale (auditor) letter to Bassett acknowledging donation of money for installation of bells. Misplaced documents: Letter from R. B. Meigs (Asst. Deputy Comptroller) to Weaver re: installation of new bells. (see # 4). Letter from Colgate Rochester Divinity School to Weaver re: visit to their chimes. (see # 15)
Box 1
"Lee Orean Smith - Carl - Carl Fischer"
Scope and Contents
Correspondence between Paul Weaver and Lee Smith re: editing, proofs of songbook; 1940 (see also #24 - Fischer correspondence)
Box 1
"Eric von der Goltz--Carl Fischer Inc."
Scope and Contents
Chiefly correspondence between Weaver and von der Goltz - re: copyright of songs; 1940. Correspondence with Gustav Reese (G. Schirmer Inc.) re: publication rights (see also #24 - Fischer correspondence and #25 - 0ct.-Nov. 1940)
Box 1
Cornell Song Book"
Scope and Contents
Alphabetical Correspondence File - 1932 - 1943. Chiefly correspondence to/from Paul J. Weaver. Includes Minutes of First meeting of "Song Book Committee". List of songs to be considered for inclusion/omission. Section clipped together labelled "Ashbery" (Ray Ashbery, Cornell Alumni Office). Ashbery/Weaver correspondence. Ashbery/Connor (Carl Fisher, Inc.) correspondence (see also document item # 26. These documents do not duplicate material in # 25 and # 26. Correspondence tracking composers/history of individual Cornell songs. Correspondence regarding copyright permission for Cornell songs. Section of Fischer correspondence re: copyright, contracts, editing. Questionnaire sent to various persons re: title of songbook, inclusions, pictures. Correspondence from alumni about songs to include. Correspondence to/from Creed W. Fulton, President of Cornell Alumni Assoc. Non songbook material includes: (see item # 2). 3 letters with Ackerman (architectural firm) about proposed music facility (1929)
Box 1
"Ray Ashbery - Alumni Office"
Scope and Contents
Chronological Correspondence file chiefly between Ray Ashbery and Paul Weaver. Includes copies of letters of correspondence between Ashbery and others. Includes correspondence with Thornton W. Allen Co. about Cornell songbook publications, and with Carl Fischer Co./ Frank Connor and Intercollegiate Music League. Copyright and publication rights for Cornell songs, with reference to earlier editions of the song-book published by Lent and by Hinds, Haydon & Eldridge. References to George Louis Coleman, S. H. (Hibby) Ayer. Non songbook material includes: Weaver memo re: ringing chimes for '37 commencement.
Box 1
"Song Book - Mr. Ashbery - Mr. Connor"
Scope and Contents
Copies of Ashbery-Connor correspondence re: contract, copyright, Allan Co, IMC; some reference to documents in #24 - 25. Non song book material includes: Program of music dept. concert, May 5, 1934 - "Elijah"
Box 1
Musical Scores and Concert Programs
Scope and Contents
Cornell Masque Scores
Box 1
Panatela - A political comic opera in three acts
Scope and Contents
Written for the Cornell Masque. Book and lyrics by Kenneth L. Roberts ('08), Romeyn Berry ('04). Music by T. J. Lindorff ('07), H. C. Schuyler ('10), H. E. Childs ('09). s.1.: The Cornell Masque, cl907. printed score (54p.)
Box 1
Popocaterpillar VII - An Aztec comedy opera in three acts
Scope and Contents
Written for the Cornell Masque. Book by H.J. Snyder ('08), H. L. Dawson ('07). Music by G. F. Pond ('10), H. E. Childs ('10), T. J. Lindorff ('07), H. C. Schuyler ('10), C. Previn('l0). s.1.: The Cornell Masque, 1908. "Published by Arthur W. Tams Music Library, New York City." printed score (84p.)
Box 1
Oolong: A Chinese comedy opera in two acts
Scope and Contents
Written for the Cornell Masque (revised and enlarged from the president of Oolong). By Romeyn Berry ('04). Music by Charles Previn ('09), R. K. Blanchard ('10), H. F. Welch ('10), G. C. May ('11), W. L. Wood. s .1. : The Cornell Masque, cl909. "Published by A. W. Tams Music Library, New York" printed score (66p.)
Box 1
Scope and Contents
C.U. Orchestra Concerts and Music Department Concerts
Box 1
Scope and Contents
Concert given at home of Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Weaver, Ithaca, N.Y.
Box 1
George L. Coleman Testimonial Dinner
Scope and Contents
Additional Program received Aug. 29, 1961
Series II. Musical Clubs - George Coleman
Scope and Contents
Additional Index terms of collection
Box 2
deForest, Henry P. (Librarian, Cornell Club of New York City)
date unknown
Scope and Contents
Letter to Coleman about Cornell Songs.
Box 2
Women's Glee Club
date unknown
Box 2
Cornell University Glee Club
date unknown
Box 2
Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs
date unknown
Box 2
Cornell Era
date unknown
Scope and Contents
Typed excerpts - 2 copies - of music-related items in the Era
Box 2
date unknown
Box 2
date unknown
Box 2
Musical Clubs
date unknown
Box 2
Choral Club of Ithaca
date unknown
Box 2
Cornell Songs
date unknown
Box 2
Dann, Hollis
date unknown
Scope and Contents
Article on Dann in Cornell in Era
Box 2
Carbon Copy of a letter
date unknown
Scope and Contents
Which is in the "letters" folder in the Manuscripts, dated folder.
Box 2
Clippings from N.Y. Times and Harvard Alumni Bulletin
date unknown
Scope and Contents
Separated from letters in which they were originally enclosed.
Series III. Music Department Records
Box 4 Folder 1
Songs of Cornell
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 2
Cornell Songs - Book Offset Copy
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 3
Songs of Cornell Copyright and ISBN info.
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 4
Notes: Songs of Cornell
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 5
Songs of Cornell: Class of 1957 Glee Club Fund
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 6
Songs of Cornell: Class of 1957 Glee Club Funds
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 7
Songs of Cornell: Class of 1957 Glee Club Funds
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 8
Songs of Cornell: Miscellaneous Correspondence
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 9
Cornell Songs: Copyrights
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 10
Cornell Songs: Copyrights
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 11
Cornell Songs: Miscellaneous
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 12
Record and Cassette
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 13
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 14
Appointment Letters
Box 4 Folder 15
Meeting Minutes
Box 4 Folder 16
Meeting Minutes
Box 4 Folder 17
General Memoranda, Correspondence
Box 4 Folder 18
General Memoranda, Correspondence
Box 4 Folder 19
General Memoranda, Correspondence
Box 4 Folder 20
Faculty Music Committee
Box 4 Folder 21
Faculty Music Committee
Box 4 Folder 22
Studies of the A. B. "Rossiter Committee
Box 4 Folder 23
Laubengayer Committee
date unknown
Box 4 Folder 24
College of Arts and Sciences Memoranda re: Music Dept.
Series IV. Event posters
Mapcase Folder 1
Carmina Burana poster
Scope and Contents
Featuring Johannes Brahms, Karel Husa (Conductor), and Thomas Sokol (Director)