NYSUT Field Services Department Files., 1913-1999
Collection Number: 6174/004

Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library


NYSUT Field Services Department Files, 1913-1999
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
75 cubic feet
Collection material in English

Biographical / Historical

New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) was created in 1972 by the merger of the New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) and the United Teachers of New York (UTNY). NYSTA had been affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA), and UTNY with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). UTNY was the statewide organization whose United Federation of Teachers (UFT), led by Albert Shanker, was the predominant teachers' union in New York City. In joining with United Teachers and affiliating with the AFT, NYSUT also became a member union of the AFL-CIO.
In 1976, NYSUT voted to disaffiliate with the NEA. Some locals left NYSUT and created the NYEA (New York Educators Association), which became the state affiliate for the NEA. In the early 1980s, NYEA changed its name to NEA-NY.
NYEA/NEA- NY viewed association with the AFL-CIO's industrial unions as undermining the professional image and independence of teachers. The two organizations also differed strongly on aspects of the governance structure, particularly with respect to ethnic minority representation, with NYSUT opposed to mandatory minimums. The rivalry between NYSUT and NYEA/NEA-NY in organizing new locals expended a great deal of resources for both labor organizations.
While competition with NYEA/NEA-NY was a constant focus of NYSUT's organizing efforts for teachers, NYSUT was also organizing college faculty members, nurses, and other non-teaching personnel. Once members were organized, NYSUT continued to advocate for teachers' and other workers' rights through contract support and legal services at the local level and political involvement at the state and federal levels, supporting candidates and legislation that protected funding, due process, and working conditions.
NEA-N Y merged with NYSUT in 2006, by which time NYSUT had grown to more than half a million members, becoming the largest union in New York State.

Biographical / Historical

NYSUT's Field and Legal Services Division provides direct services for members and locals through 16 regional offices, some 100 field representatives and a legal staff of 25 attorneys supported by approximately 50 administrative staff. It provides help with contract negotiation, enforcement of contract provisions by filing improper practice charges with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) or court system, representing teachers in tenure challenges or misconduct charges, providing strike assistance, and organizing new locals, including university faculty and non-teaching personnel. Extensive training programs on leadership skills and public relations were coordinated by the division. For many years, occupational safety and health was a major focus of the field service, especially important as many schools were found to need asbestos remediation. Internal accountability was tightly controlled; monthly activity reports were provided from each regional office, and expenditures were scrutinized in detail by the central office.
Initially, the field service function was organized around UniServ, which was set up by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1970 to place one full-time field representative in a region for each 1,200 NEA members. The NEA and its state affiliates funded UniServ. NEA local associations participated in the hiring of the UniServ representatives, and determined the role of the representatives in their regions.
After the merger with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in 1972, NYSUT reorganized its structure, and the UniServ program was replaced by a negotiated block grant payment from the NEA to NYSUT to pay for a portion of the costs of the field service program.
In 1972, Vito DeLeonardis became NYSUT's first Executive Director, and was responsible for field and legal services. Ken Law was the Director of Field Services. Robert Allen was the Assistant Director for Administration in Field Services and Daniel McKillip was Assistant Director for Operations in Field Services.
In 1976, NYSUT voted to disaffiliate with the NEA, and lost some staff as a result. Dan McKillip and Ken Law left. Jim Conti became Assistant Director for Operations and Ray Ratte was Coordinator of Field Service Staff and Leadership Training. John O'Leary became Coordinator of Organizing in 1979.
The next major change in Field Services came in 1988 when Vito DeLeonardis retired and James Wood became the Executive Director. Robert Allen retired in 1998 and Pauline Kinsella replaced him as Director of Field Services. Jim Wood retired in 2003 as Executive Director and was replaced by Pauline Kinsella. In 2003, Mark Chaykin became Director of Field Operations.

Covers 1965-1999, with greatest focus in the 1970s and 1980s during Jim Conti's tenure as director of field services. Includes correspondence of Conti and of individual regional offices, activity reports and requests for legal assistance.
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Preferred Citation

New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Field Services Department. Files. #6174/004. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.

Related Materials

Related Collections: 6174/004 AV: NYSUT Field Services Department Audio-Visual Material. All other 6174 collections


Allen, Robert
Chaykin, Mark
Conti, Jim
DeLeonardis, Vito
Kinsella, Pauline
Law, Ken
McKillip, Dan
O'Leary, John
Wood, James
New York State United Teachers, Field Services Department
New York State United Teachers
Teachers' unions -- New York (State)

Box 1 Folder 1
Jim Conti Chronological File (1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. January 2-June 17, 1986
Box 1 Folder 2
Jim Conti Chronological File (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. September 30-November 26, 1986
Box 1 Folder 3
Jim Conti Chronological File (3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. July 1-September 30, 1986
Box 1 Folder 4
Jim Conti Chronological File (1 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. May 1-August 29, 1985
Box 1 Folder 5
Jim Conti Chronological File (2 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. February 14-April 30, 1985
Box 1 Folder 6
Jim Conti Chronological File (3 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. January 2-February 14, 1985
Box 1 Folder 7
Jim Conti Chronological File (4 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. September 5-December 19, 1985
Box 1 Folder 8
Jim Conti Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. October 31-December 20, 1984
Box 1 Folder 9
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with the legal department re individual teachers; legal briefs; agreements; fact-finder's report for Mohonasen Central School District; items for negotiation for Broadalbin Teachers Association
Box 1 Folder 10
Albany: Lieberman
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Leon Lieberman, regional field coordinator
Box 1 Folder 11
Yorktown Congress of Teachers
Box 1 Folder 12
Elmsford: Klein
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re East Ramapo Teachers Association referendum re affiliation with NEA or AFT
Box 1 Folder 13
Jericho(Nassau Count): O'Leary
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re affiliation dispute of Nassau Community College Adjunct Faculty Association; memo from John O'Leary, head of Jericho office, asking urgently for more field representatives; other issues re Nassau Regional Office
Box 1 Folder 14
Mid: Hudson-Kern
Scope and Contents
Public Employment Relations Board improper practice charges, brought by Red Hook Faculty Association, Onteora Non-Teaching Employees Association; NYS Department of Labor decision in unemployment case
Box 1 Folder 15
New York City: Ficcio/Federation of Catholic Teachers
Scope and Contents
Memo re Federation of Catholic Teachers organizing campaign; correspondence re tensions between FCT and NYSUT field representatives; preliminary report, "Prospects for Organizing the Research Foundation of the State University of New York"; memo re results of affiliation election at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Box 1 Folder 16
Potsdam: Allen, RJ (North Country) Chron File
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Alexandria Bay vote to disaffiliate with NYSUT and affiliate with NYEA; Public Employment Relations Board decision in Gouverneur Central School District case; grievances re individual teachers
Box 2 Folder 1
Rochester Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Faculty representative handbook; materials re affiliation vote; Rochester Teachers Association Executive Council meeting minutes; activity reports; newsletters by NYSUT and by NYEA/NEA; Public Employment Relations Board improper practice charge; legal briefs
Box 2 Folder 2
Southern Tier Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Arbitration case re back pay, Candor Teachers Association and Candor Central School; Public Employment Relations Board decision re Whitney Point Central School District and Whitney Point Teachers Association; legal brief re Horseheads Central School District and Horseheads Teachers Association; agreement between New Berlin Central School and New Berlin Faculty Association; monthly reports; correspondence
Box 2 Folder 3
Hauppauge (Suffolk): DeGregorio, John F.
Scope and Contents
Box 2 Folder 4
Syracuse (Liverpool): Squillace, Frank
Scope and Contents
Consent agreement for representation election between Teachers United of Sandy Creek and Sandy Creek Teachers Association; memos to staff from Frank Squillace; 1978-79 operations report; activities reports
Box 2 Folder 5
Syracuse Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Arbitration brief re longevity increment grievance, Tully Teachers Association and Tully Central School District; correspondence
Box 2 Folder 6
Utica: Grove, Vincent
Scope and Contents
Public Employment Relations Board improper practice charges, brought by Westmoreland Teachers Association; exceptions to Public Employment Relations Board decision by Whitesboro Teachers Association; legal advice re self-insurance by school districts
Box 2 Folder 7
Buffalo Western Regional Office: Uba, Ron
Scope and Contents
Statement of charges against individual tenured teacher by Board of Education of Lockport City School District re misconduct, insubordination and incompetence; correspondence re affiliation elections in Jamestown and Wellsville
Box 2 Folder 8
Jim Conti Chronological File (1 of3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. January-April, 1979
Box 2 Folder 9
Jim Conti Chronological File (2 of3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. May-September, 1979
Box 2 Folder 10
Jim Conti Chronological File (3 of3)
Scope and Contents
Outgoing correspondence from director of field services. October-December, 1979. Includes date book
Box 3 Folder 1
Jim Conti BOCES Conference
Scope and Contents
November 15, 1979. Newsletters; BOCES conference program; Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act Interpretive Bulletin; agenda for Coordinators' Meeting; draft Report of Coordinators Committee; list of locals in arrears as of October 9, 1979; Report on the 58th Representative Assembly of the National Education Association, July 2-5, 1979, prepared for officers and staff of the American Federation of Teachers by director of field communications; transcript of Secretary-Treasurer Lane Kirkland's Press Conference, Executive Council meeting; whit paper, The UAW Reaffiliation with the AFL-CIO; letter re sexual misconduct hearing of individual teacher; supplement to the 1978 Policy Handbook
Box 3 Folder 2
Board of Directors Meeting
Scope and Contents
December 7, 1979. Agenda; summary of actions taken at December 7-8, 1979, meeting; proposed resolution on Board of Regents Recommendation on Corporal Punishment; interim policy statement on State Education Department's proposal to redesign business education in New York State; proposed position paper on registration of secondary schools; resolution for Public Employees Federation affiliation and agreement; balance sheets; proposed regulations for children with handicapping conditions; Regents recommendations on teaching as a profession and teacher competence
Box 3 Folder 3
Executive Committee meeting
Scope and Contents
December 5, 1979, La Guardia Terminal. Agenda; Regents proposals; legal services invoice and related correspondence re Nassau Community College Federation of Teachers strike; monthly membership report
Box 3 Folder 4
Coordinator's Meeting
Scope and Contents
May 24, 1979. Agenda; materials for performance appraisal interview workshop; articles and newsletters
Box 3 Folder 5
Coordinator's Meeting/Board Meeting
Scope and Contents
August 29, 1979. Agenda; activity report; newsletters and articles
Box 3 Folder 6
Coordinator's Meeting/PSA/CWA/Strike Info
Scope and Contents
PSA (Professional Staff Association) Strike News Update; confidential memos
Box 3 Folder 7
Jim Conti Confidential
Scope and Contents
New York State Comparative Salary Data; "The Condition of Education, 1979 Edition," statistical report, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; collective bargaining agreement, NYSUT and Communication Workers of America, Local 1141
Box 3 Folder 8
Jim Conti: Coordinators Meeting
Scope and Contents
October 17, 1979. Coordinators' meeting agenda; report of coordinators committee; recap of impasses; newspaper clipping
Box 3 Folder 9
Health Care Organizing/UFT/NYSUT
Scope and Contents
Guides for organizers re National Labor Relations Act, organizing and leading volunteers, health manpower (types of health care workers); article reprints; newsletters and other printed materials
Box 3 Folder 10
Organizing Expense Invoices
Box 3 Folder 11
Organizing Nurses Rochester: Expense Invoices
Box 3 Folder 12
Organizing Nurses
Scope and Contents
Fact sheet Q&A by NYSUT; by-laws and extracts from articles of incorporation, New York State Nurses Association; statistics re nurses salaries
Box 3 Folder 13
Organizing Nurses Rochester: Paul Luczak
Box 3 Folder 14
Nurse Organizing Rochester
Box 3 Folder 15
Nurses Convention Syracuse
Scope and Contents
Organizing materials
Box 3 Folder 16
Organizing: Paul Doyle
Scope and Contents
Document, "Prospects for Organizing the Research Foundation of the State University of New York"
Box 3 Folder 17
Elmsford Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Results of Arden Hills Hospital vote
Box 3 Folder 18
Jericho Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 19
New York City Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 20
North Country Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 21
Rochester Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports and related correspondence re organizing activities
Box 3 Folder 22
Suffolk Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 23
Syracuse Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 24
Vestal Regional Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity and planning reports
Box 3 Folder 25
Western Regional Office
Box 3 Folder 26
Jim Conti: Ithaca College
Scope and Contents
Document, "Profiles of the Ithaca College Faculty Association Bargaining Election"; National Labor Relations Board correspondence; President Whalen's Comments to the Faculty Meeting, December 6, 1977; organizing leaflets and related materials; American Association of University Professors (AAUP) brief to NLRB
Box 3 Folder 27
VOTE/COPE Campaign: Info Training Manuals
Scope and Contents
Information & Training Manual, Committee on Political Education of NYSUT, 1974; Politics, 1980; COPE Manual: A Political Action Guide, 1981
Box 4 Folder 1
Legislative Report
Scope and Contents
1979 United Teachers Legislative Program; NYSUT Major Legislative Gains, '74-'78; VOTE/COPE contribution list as of July 31, 1979
Box 4 Folder 2
Local President's Guide
Scope and Contents
Division of Research & Educational Services Local Presidents' Guide; Local Leaders' Guide; Leaders' Handbook for Building an Effective Organization
Box 4 Folder 3
Facts and Figures
Scope and Contents
NYSUT reports for local presidents to assist in persuading teachers to affiliate
Box 4 Folder 4
Florida Education Association: Collective Bargaining Manuals
Scope and Contents
"Strategies and Methods of Presenting the Salary and Fringe Package"; "Use and Abuse of Impasse Procedures"; text of Florida Public Employee Collective Bargaining Law
Box 4 Folder 5
Arbitrator Training Material
Scope and Contents
Brochures and seminar outline by American Arbitration Association, National Center for Dispute Settlement, and NYSUT
Box 4 Folder 6
Professional Workers and Unionization: A data Handbook
Scope and Contents
Prepared for Department for Professional Employees, Authored By AFL-CIO
Box 4 Folder 7
AFT Strike Preparedness Booklet
Box 4 Folder 8
National Conference for Teacher Unity Meetings
Scope and Contents
Meeting minutes; financial statement
Box 4 Folder 9
National Public Employer Labor Relations: Maintaining public services: Strike Planning Manual
Scope and Contents
Document, "Maintaining Public Services: The NPELRA Strike Planning Manual," part 1
Box 4 Folder 10
National Public Employer Labor Relations: Strike Manual Part 2: Legal remedies available to a public employer in the event of an Illegal Strike
Scope and Contents
"Legal Remedies Available to a Public Employer in the Event of an Illegal Strike"
Box 4 Folder 11
Union Representative's Guide to NLRB RC and CA cases
Scope and Contents
"A Survival Kit for Union Representatives Exploring the Mysterious Regions of the National Labor Relations Board," a Policy & Practice publication by Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles
Box 4 Folder 12
Urban Executive Secretary: Loan Kit. NEA
Scope and Contents
Material collected from NEA chapters re how to employ an executive secretary, duties
Box 4 Folder 13
Proposal to Establish the Career Development Network of the SUNY Community Colleges
Scope and Contents
Proposal submitted to New York State Department of Labor by Office of Community Colleges, SUNY
Box 4 Folder 14
NYSUT Division of Research and Educational Services: Community College Data
Scope and Contents
Data Relative to NYS Community Colleges under SUNY Jurisdiction, Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures for 1978-79, September 1979; Revenues & Expenditures for 1977-78; 1977-78 Teacher Contract Analysis summary, September 1978
Box 4 Folder 15
Reports: SEIU
Scope and Contents
"A Decade of Progress: 3,000 Victories 300,000 Workers," 1980 Convention Organizing Report; "So Much to Be Done: George Hardy's Life in Organized Labor"
Box 4 Folder 16
Scope and Contents
Public School Professional Personnel Report: New York State 1978-79, State Education Department; 1970 New York State Teachers Association Annual Report of the Executive Secretary
Box 4 Folder 17
Reports: State Education Department
Scope and Contents
Report of the Subcommittee on Per Diem Substitute Teachers, 1981; Minimum Requirements for Schools in New York State, 1980
Box 4 Folder 18
AFT Convention Report
Box 4 Folder 19
Contract Negotiations: United University Professionals, State of New York
Scope and Contents
Proposals by United University Professors; proposals by State of New York
Box 4 Folder 20
CWA Contract, PSA Grievance
Scope and Contents
Agreement between NYSUT and Local 1141 Communication Workers of America, AFL- CIO; Professional Staff Association grievances over maternity leave, sick time
Box 4 Folder 21
NEA "For the Record" Press Clippings
Scope and Contents
Bound collection of nationwide news clippings re NYSUT, AFT, AAUP, and other organizations considered unfriendly to or competing with the National Education Association, complied by NEA and annotated to highlight negative items
Box 4 Folder 22
New York Educators Association (NYEA/NEA) Materials
Scope and Contents
Membership Chairperson's Handbook; Public Relations Chairperson's Handbook; Year-End Legislative Report and NEA Position Papers, August 1976; You Count, Schools Count, Legal Defense Counts publicity brochures; related materials
Box 4 Folder 23
NYEA : United Teachers Board Objections/Ex list
Scope and Contents
Letter from Public Employment Relations Board that petition for certification/decertification had been filed by United Teachers of Buffalo and NYSUT; letter from trial examiner John Crotty to NYEA attorney that Buffalo Teachers Federation might raise allegations of fraud re United Teachers of Buffalo; preliminary list of objections
Box 4 Folder 24
NEA: Uniserv
Box 4 Folder 25
NEA Governance and Committee Directory
Box 4 Folder 26
NYSUT Constitution
Box 4 Folder 27
Teaching as a Profession
Scope and Contents
Reports by State Education Department
Box 4 Folder 28
Campaign Fayetteville: Manlius-Confidential
Box 4 Folder 29
Warsaw Teachers Campaign (NYSUT V. NEA/NYEA)
Box 5 Folder 1
NYSUT Budget Workshop: Confidential
Scope and Contents
Prepared by Office of Secretary-Treasurer
Box 5 Folder 2
NYSUT Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Schedule of NYSUT Employees and Other Personnel, 9/1/79 8/31/80; resume of Jim Conti; resume of Diane Wagner; memo re expenditures during strike, December 8, 1972; legal opinion on employer payment of employees' Social Security contributions, March 5, 1970; Judge Dillon' Remarks TRO Hearing for Niagara-Orleans BOCES, November 6, 1975; program for joint Board of Directors/managers meeting, "Education: The Next Decade: NYSUT Program for the 80s," August 24-26, 1979; NYSUT management financial report printout, July 1979; George Meany commemorative first-day issue cancelled stamp; personal correspondence
Box 5 Folder 3
United University Professions Campaign (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Membership lists; correspondence; constitution and bylaws; publicity materials
Box 5 Folder 4
United University Campaign (2 of 2)
Box 5 Folder 5
A. Anderson United University Professions Campaign
Scope and Contents
Harris survey, "A Follow-Up Study of the Attitudes of the SUNY Staff Toward Collective Bargaining and UUP Representation," September 1978; original survey, conducted for NYSUT/UUP, June 1978; memo from campaign coordinator Tony Anderson re guidelines for collective bargaining assistance to chapters; correspondence re NEA activities, strategy
Box 5 Folder 6
Coordinator's Meeting Minutes
Scope and Contents
Monthly summaries of Executive Director's Report, Legislative Report, Secretary-Treasurer's Report, Research & Educational Services Report, President's Report, NYEA activities, coordinators' reports from various regional districts, other matters
Box 5 Folder 7
Coordinator's Meeting Minutes
Box 5 Folder 8
Coordinator's Meeting Minutes
Box 5 Folder 9
Coordinator's Meeting Minutes
Box 5 Folder 10
Coordinator's Meeting Minutes
Box 5 Folder 11
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis re interviews for field representative, grievances, intern and field staff training, request for additional secretarial support
Box 5 Folder 12
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis
Box 5 Folder 13
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis
Box 5 Folder 14
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis
Box 5 Folder 15
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis. January to May, 1983
Box 5 Folder 16
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis. June to December, 1983
Box 5 Folder 17
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Monthly summaries of Executive Director's Report, Legislative Report, Secretary-Treasurer's Report, Research & Educational Services Report, President's Report, NYEA activities, coordinators' reports from various regional districts, other matters. January to May, 1982
Box 5 Folder 18
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File ( 2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Monthly summaries of Executive Director's Report, Legislative Report, Secretary-Treasurer's Report, Research & Educational Services Report, President's Report, NYEA activities, coordinators' reports from various regional districts, other matters. June to December, 1982
Box 5 Folder 19
Vito Deleonardis Chronological File
Scope and Contents
Incoming and outgoing correspondence from NYSUT Executive Director Vito DeLeonardis
Box 6 Folder 1
Legal Monthly Calendar
Box 6 Folder 2
Legal Albany
Scope and Contents
Correspondence discussing possible legal cases re individual teachers
Box 6 Folder 3
Legal Buffalo
Scope and Contents
Correspondence discussing possible legal cases re individual teachers for potential violations of rights from docking of pay for sick time to refusal to recite Pledge of Allegiance
Box 6 Folder 4
Legal Elmsford
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re individual teachers; legal brief, petition against Education Commission Gordon Ambach by Organization to Assure Services for Exceptional Students, Inc., Herbert G. Birch School, Inc., Stephen Gaynor School, Summit School
Box 6 Folder 5
Legal Jericho
Scope and Contents
Memo re status of individual cases
Box 6 Folder 6
Legal Mid: Hudson
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re individual teachers; legal briefs (arbitration award and related materials re Wappingers Central School District, Wappingers Congress of Teachers, Wappingers Federation of Transit, Custodial, and Maintenance Workers, Wappingers Federation of Workers)
Box 6 Folder 7
Legal North Country
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re health insurance issues, tenure issues, military leave/seniority, possible libel case over newspaper article
Box 6 Folder 8
Legal Rochester
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re denial of maternity leave; possible human rights violation/ constitutionally impermissible reason for dismissal of teacher for "lifestyle choice not consistent with traditional conservative values" of South Seneca Central School district; plan to abolish home-hospital tutor program in Rochester school district
Box 6 Folder 9
Legal Southern Tier
Scope and Contents
Request for legal opinion re layoff of 23 teachers in Elmira; miscellaneous issues
Box 6 Folder 10
Legal Syracuse
Scope and Contents
Legal brief, stay of arbitration and responses, North Syracuse Central School District; petition to vacate arbitration award re salary schedules in Marcellus Central School District, responses, and related motions; tenure/ seniority issues; list of school districts participating in the New York State School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund
Box 6 Folder 11
Legal Utica
Scope and Contents
Memo re child abuse case, Barneveld Elementary School, Holland Patent School District
Box 6 Folder 12
Regional Office Correspondence: Albany
Box 6 Folder 13
Regional Office Correspondence: Elmsford
Box 6 Folder 14
Regional Office Correspondence: Mid-Hudson
Box 6 Folder 15
Regional Office Correspondence: NYC
Box 6 Folder 16
Regional Office Correspondence: North Country
Box 6 Folder 17
Regional Office Correspondence: Rochester
Box 6 Folder 18
Regional Office Correspondence: Southern Tier
Box 6 Folder 19
Regional Correspondence: Suffolk
Box 6 Folder 20
Regional Office Correspondence: Syracuse
Box 6 Folder 21
Regional Office Correspondence: Utica
Box 6 Folder 22
Regional Office Correspondence: Western NY
Box 6 Folder 23
Cooper Union Federation of Teachers (Tolchin)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re state law re Cooper Union's tax exemption; text of law and pending legislation; newspaper clipping . Eugene Tolchin, President
Box 6 Folder 24
Federation of Catholic Teachers
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re disaffiliation of Federation of Catholic Teachers from NYSUT/AFT
Box 6 Folder 25
Jim Conti Outgoing Correspondence (1 of 2)
Box 6 Folder 26
Jim Conti Outgoing Correspondence (2 of 2)
Box 6 Folder 27
Albany: Leon Lieberman
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re boycott of Cotrel and Leonard caps and gowns in labor dispute with ILGWU; coordinator's reports; request for legal opinions; report on NYEA meeting, with materials; correspondence re possible legal cases
Box 6 Folder 28
Elmsford: Klein (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Decision by Public Employment Relations Board in representation election at Garrison Union Free School District; proposals for mainstreaming generated by Harrison bargaining team
Box 6 Folder 29
Elmsford: Klein (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Decision by Public Employment Relations Board in charge of illegal strike against Yonkers Federation of Teachers; materials re maternity leave policy
Box 7 Folder 1
Rochester Teacher Arbitration: Affiliation (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; legal briefs
Box 7 Folder 2
Rochester Teachers Association : Affiliation Related Materials (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; legal briefs
Box 7 Folder 3
Southern Tier Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and briefs re legal issues, including petition for writ of certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court, Ithaca College Faculty Association, NYSUT-AFT, v. NLRB and Ithaca College; coordinator's reports
Box 7 Folder 4
Syracuse Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Memos re proposed changes in Regents regulations, updates on status of negotiations at schools, legal issues
Box 7 Folder 5
Broom, Delaware, Tioga Counties : Health Insurance
Scope and Contents
Proposal by Blue Cross Blue Shield; Broome, Delaware, Tioga School Employees' Healthcare Trust Manual of Procedures; document, "A Comprehensive Medical Plan by Healthcare Administrative Services of New York, Inc."
Box 7 Folder 6
Utica: Vincent Grove
Scope and Contents
Improper Practice Charge documents; newsletters; newspaper clippings
Box 7 Folder 7
Western NY: Ron Uba
Scope and Contents
Coordinator's reports; correspondence
Box 7 Folder 8
Mid: Hudson-Stan Kern
Scope and Contents
Correspondence in legal case involving dismissal of probationary teacher Angela Ballucci; correspondence re organizing campaign at St. Francis Hospital; re asbestos problem at Coxsackie-Athens school district; status report from Jim Conti to Vito DeLeonardis re staffing issues
Box 7 Folder 9
Nassau County: Howard Edelman
Scope and Contents
Arbitration opinion and award and other materials re C. W. Post settlement
Box 7 Folder 10
NYC: Tony Ficcio
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re possible strike at NYU; legal brief before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, NLRB and Lay Faculty Association v. Bishop Ford Central High School
Box 7 Folder 11
Associated Community College Faculties
Scope and Contents
Proposal for Affiliation, presented by the New York Educators Association and the National Education Association; correspondence re campaign to urge affiliation with NYSUT
Box 7 Folder 12
AFL: CIO Executive Council-President Meany Transcripts
Scope and Contents
Transcript of press conference by AFL-CIO Executive Council President George Meany during Executive Council meeting
Box 7 Folder 13
American Federation of Teachers
Scope and Contents
Correspondence; brochures, pins
Box 7 Folder 14
Ad: Hoc Committee for School Related Personnel
Scope and Contents
List of concerns re relations between teachers and non-teaching school personnel, discussed at meeting; list of association members of committee; list of pending legislation opposed by NYSUT for adversely affecting non-professional staff
Box 7 Folder 15
Agency Fee
Scope and Contents
Court cases and related correspondence re right of unions to charge fees to non-members to cover costs of collective bargaining unit contract negotiations
Box 7 Folder 16
Scope and Contents
Letter from Niagara County Council on Alcoholism Employee Assistance Program Division, with attached survey on labor union attitudes toward the need for alcoholism program; map of Colonie/West Albany executive homes
Box 7 Folder 17
Scope and Contents
Arbitration award in the matter between Professional Staff Association and NYSUT
Box 7 Folder 18
Arbitrator's Fees
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti listing two arbitrators who were felt to have charged too-high fees
Box 7 Folder 19
Scope and Contents
Background report, "The Right to Strike in Public Employment," Antoine Aboud and Grace Sterrett Aboud, New York State Industrial & Labor Relations (NYSSILR, Cornell University), 1974; materials about teacher representation elections; occasional paper from the Institute of Public Employment, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, "Productivity Bargaining in New York: What Went Wrong?" April 1975; Collective Bargaining Quarterly, National Education Association (NEA), April 1976
Box 8 Folder 1
Board of Director's Meetings
Scope and Contents
Minutes; agendas; memos
Box 8 Folder 2
Board of Regents Competency Tests
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Revised Proposed Policy Statement on Regents Competency Tests
Box 8 Folder 3
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Information Bulletin re BOCES and BOCES Finances 1978-79
Box 8 Folder 4
Box 8 Folder 5
Budget: General Info
Scope and Contents
Memos re Nassau Service Center
Box 8 Folder 6
Budget: Austerity
Scope and Contents
Memo from State Education Department re Board of Education responsibility for contingency budgets, May 1, 1976; cover letter, NYSUT austerity budget memo
Box 8 Folder 7
Budget: Executive
Scope and Contents
Letter to local presidents re likelihood of cuts in state aid; list of legislators to be contacted; report, Education in the 1977-78 Executive Budget
Box 8 Folder 8
Budget: NYSUT
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Annual Budget, September 1, 1976 August 21, 1977; September 1, 1977 August 31, 1978 ; financial statements
Box 8 Folder 9
Budget: Accountability in Education
Scope and Contents
Legal memoranda to Task Force on Equalizing Educational Opportunity re Levittown v. Nyquist; Legislative and Administrative Response to the Hellerstein Decision Progress Towards Full Value Assessment, by Kathlyn A. Gustafson, Division of Equalization and Assessment, November 10, 1978; article in Phi Delta Kappan, "Responsibility, Culpability, and the Cult of Accountability in Education," June 1977; NYSUT Information Bulletin re Changes in Health Insurance Options, November 1978
Box 8 Folder 10
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
Scope and Contents
CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) 1978 NYSUT Information Bulletin re CETA, 1978; NYS Manpower Services Council, Federal Register reprint, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act: Compilation of Current Regulations for Titles I, II, and VI, 1977; text of Title V, National Commission for Employment and Training Policy; newsletter, CETA News & Views; glossary of terms; text of CETA reauthorization, Comprehensive Employment and Training Amendments of 1978; New York State Manpower Services Council Annual Conference materials, "CETA: Its Past, Present and Future," 1978; Suffolk County CETA Eligibility Guide; New York State Manpower Services Council Reports from the People on CETA: Proceedings of its Conference on CETA's Reenactment, n.d.; list of members of New York State Manpower Services Council; NYSUT position statement on CETA, passed by NYSUT Board of Directors, March 18, 1978; arbitration award, Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunal, in the matter of Onondaga Central Non- Instructional Association and Onondaga Central School District
Box 8 Folder 11
Legal Cases
Scope and Contents
Commissioner's decisions in Tonawanda Board of Education, Board of Education of the City of New York, and other cases; Court of Appeals cases; NYS Supreme Court cases; U.S. District Court cases for the Northern District of New York
Box 8 Folder 12
Civil Service
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings from Civil Service Leader; cover memo to Jim Conti re Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
Box 8 Folder 13
Community Colleges: Campaigns
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti, "Attack Issues for Community Colleges and UUP Campaigns," re issues that helped win Adirondack Community College affiliation campaign; NYSUT and NYEA/NEA flyers; handwritten notes
Box 8 Folder 14
Community College Collective Bargaining
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Monroe Community College; collective bargaining bulletin
Box 8 Folder 15
Community College Statistical Data
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Information Bulletin re State University of New York Community Colleges Status Report, November 29, 1978; re 1978 Supplemental Budget, October 1978; Data Relative to New York State Community Colleges under SUNY Jurisdiction: Budgeted Revenues & Expenses for 1977-78, November 1978, September 1978; data for May 1978; State Aid to Community Colleges under SUNY Jurisdiction, 1977-78; NYPERB 1975-1976 Community College Report summarizing salaries and fringe benefits; Compilation of Statistical Data Concerning the Community Colleges of the State University of New York, Office of Community Colleges, State University of New York, August 1977
Box 8 Folder 16
Conference Board: Teacher Education Conference Board
Scope and Contents
Box 8 Folder 17
Consumer Price Index
Scope and Contents
NYSUT bulletin re Consumer Price Index, nationally and by region
Box 8 Folder 18
Consumer Reports
Scope and Contents
Article on HMOs
Box 8 Folder 19
Scope and Contents
Standard teacher contract provision with school district; agreements between NYSUT and Communication Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 1141, effective May 5, 1976 to August 21, 1979 and September 1, 1974 to August 31, 1977; proposed NYSUT NYSUT Legal Staff Association Collective Bargaining Agreement, effective April 1, 1976 to March 31, 1979, and April 8, 1976 to August 31, 1979; NYSUT PSA (Professional Staff Association) Collective Bargaining Agreement, effective September 1, 1974 to August 31, 1979 as amended February 18, 1976; effective September 1, 1974 to August 21, 1977; memo from Jim Conti to coordinators re contract language re Social Security
Box 8 Folder 20
Scope and Contents
Correspondence over a variety of issues, including NEA campaign materials found in central New York, UUP campaign, tenure and seniority for different classifications of teaching and non-teaching staff; NYPERB arbitration award between Hicksville Congress of Teachers and Hicksville Free School District #17; NYPERB decision and order, Great Neck Union Free School District (Respondent) and Education Association of Great Neck (NYEA/NEA) (Charging Party) and Great Neck Teachers Association (Intervenor); urgent memo re NYEA appeal of Maryvale decision
Box 8 Folder 21
Coordinator's Meetings
Scope and Contents
Meeting agenda, December 19, 1978; letter of resignation to NYSUT President Tom Hobart from coordinator Robert McKensie, citing "havoc" forced upon locals by NYSUT, disaffiliation problem interfering with personal and professional relationships, September 19, 1976; NEA-AFT fact sheet re membership gains/losses, as of August 1, 1976; "Staff Line" newsletter by NEA staff organization, highly critical of NEA; Teacher Representation Elections as reported to the organizing office of the National Education Association, July 1975-June 1976; list of disaffiliated locals, with membership totals
Box 8 Folder 22
Correspondence Catherine Lloyd
Scope and Contents
Letter from Jim Conti to retiring Representative Assembly assistant
Box 8 Folder 23
Scope and Contents
"East Irondequoit: A School District In Crisis: A Special Report prepared at the request of the East Irondequoit Teachers Association," May 1975; list of NYSUT Teacher Defense Activities: Local Assistance Strike & Crisis Situations, September 1, 1975 July 31, 1976
Box 8 Folder 24
Current Developments
Scope and Contents
Items of interest to unions in Bureau of National Affairs Current Developments, June 16 and 18, 1976; "Orienting the New Union Member: An SEIU Guide for Building a Strong, Informed Local Union Membership," n.d., c. 1976
Box 8 Folder 25
Disaffiliated Local NYSUT
Scope and Contents
List of disaffiliated locals and numbers of members; memo updating Jim Conti on disaffiliation status of several locals serviced by Albany regional office; memo discussing reasons for vote to disaffiliate by Menands Teachers Association; memo re Vestal Service Center locals; memos re organizing efforts / affiliation votes; confidential memo re Suffolk organizing efforts/ affiliation votes; related memos
Box 8 Folder 26
Executive Committee
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Executive Committee meeting of October 9, October 25, and November 17, 1978; financial statement as of October 31, 1978; field services activity report for June 1977- June 1978
Box 8 Folder 27
Fair Dismissal Clause
Scope and Contents
Summary of events in Judkins v. Scio-Allentown Teachers Association and related correspondence and materials, including complaint in NYS Supreme Court, demand for arbitration., PERB Improper Practice Charge, verified answer; text of agreement, including fair dismissal clause
Box 8 Folder 28
Scope and Contents
Letter to Jim Conti detailing need to hire temporary secretarial assistance at NYSUT Western NY Service Center, ensuing CWA (Communication Workers of America) grievance for subcontracting, August 12, 1977; details of grievances filed against NYSUT by Professional Staff Association re reimbursement for expenses, September 26, 1978
Box 9 Folder 1
Scope and Contents
Guideline documents re car maintenance, county civil service regulations, IRS ruling re leased cars, organized non-teaching personnel, picketing, and subpoenas in PERB proceedings
Box 9 Folder 2
Handicapped Children
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Information Bulletin re BOCES 1977-78 Estimated Per- Student Cost for Occupational and Handicapped Programs, April 1978; bulletin re Specific Learning Disabilities (Final Federal Regulations), January 1978; NYSUT Special Education Committee recommendations for updating NYSUT Position Statement on Education for All Handicapped Children, January 30, 1978; text of position statement, February 24, 1978; State Education Department Office for the Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions Guidelines for Specific Learning Disabilities, November 1977; draft memo to NYSUT field representatives re Commissioner's Regulations Part 200, Handicapped Children, March 3, 1978
Box 9 Folder 3
Impasse Material
Scope and Contents
ILR reprint series publication, Fact Finding in Public Employment Disputes: Promise or Illusion? By Jean McKelvey, 1969; lists of districts at impasse; related memos
Box 9 Folder 4
Scope and Contents
Monthly recaps of impasses at regional services centers, including number of locals at impasse, stage of impasse (mediation, fact finding, etc.), and potential strike situations
Box 9 Folder 5
Recap Impasses
Scope and Contents
List of status of grievances by service-center region
Box 9 Folder 6
Scope and Contents
Memo from NYS Department of Labor re unemployment insurance for employees at educational institutions, April 25, 1978; disability clause of life insurance policy, 1977
Box 9 Folder 7
Interest Free Loans
Scope and Contents
Memo to coordinators re interest-free loans from credit unions during strikes
Box 9 Folder 8
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Scope and Contents
Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990); memos re Clarence Teachers Association; ruling re leased cars
Box 9 Folder 9
Scope and Contents
Memo from NYSUT legal counsel re abolition of teaching positions and related issues of seniority, tenure
Box 9 Folder 10
Scope and Contents
Reprint from Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Cornell University), "Reinstatement after Termination: Public School Teachers," 1978; NYS Assembly members voting records on key bills affecting teachers, 1977-78; articles debating the need for a separate federal Department of Education; lists of bills signed into law or awaiting action by governor; text of emergency executive order by Gov. Carey and state energy office imposing restrictions on nonessential use of natural gas; reports by State Education Department Office of the Counsel, 1976 and 1977 Summary of New Legislation Affecting Education
Box 9 Folder 11
Scope and Contents
Text of legislation in Senate-Assembly re municipal overburden aid (emergency financial aid to certain cities), January 18, 1977; text of bills amending civil service law; opinion by NYS Department of Audit and Control re employment of spouse of member of Board of Education
Box 9 Folder 12
Library Acquisitions
Scope and Contents
Monthly list of selected acquisitions by NYSUT Division of Research and Educational Services
Box 9 Folder 13
Scope and Contents
Checklist of questions in assessing a local's strengths and weaknesses; letter to Jamestown local members urging vote to retain affiliation with NYSUT, May 4, 1976; lists of disaffiliated locals; letter to members of locals that have voted to disaffiliate, urging them to retain individual membership, May 4, 1976; list of locals in arrears; list of secondary locals formed from disaffiliated locals
Box 9 Folder 14
Scope and Contents
Articles from Harvard Business Review and Psychology Today re managers; NYSUT management memos
Box 9 Folder 15
Scope and Contents
Education Daily bulletin on Title IX pregnancy disability rules; summary of court decision, State Division of Human Rights v. Board of Education, Draper School District
Box 9 Folder 16
Membership Date 1976
Scope and Contents
Computer printouts of locals and affiliation status of members; campaign posters
Box 9 Folder 17
NEA (National Education Association)
Scope and Contents
Actions of the NEA Board of Directors and Executive Committee; revisions to by-laws and other actions taken by Representative Assembly; UniServe and Leadership Training Program manual; confidential report on the 115th Annual Meeting/ 56th Representative Assembly of the National Education Association, July 1-6, 1977, by Ned Hopkins, Assistant to the President, NYSUT
Box 9 Folder 18
New York Educator's Association (NYEA)
Scope and Contents
New York Educators Association Notes to Financial Statement Major Variance Explanation, noting budget for fiscal 1977-78 was based on projected membership growth patterns that did not materialize; membership summary report; NYEA recruiting letters; NYSUT memos re NYEA activities; letter of resignation to President Thomas Hobart from Ned Hopkins, citing total control by Albert Shanker, belief that NYSUT does not represent the interest of teachers, May 8, 1978; organizational comparison between NEA and AFT; resume of Thomas Doig and related correspondence
Box 9 Folder 19
NYS Education Department
Scope and Contents
Recommendations of the Commissioner's Task Force on Teacher Education and Certification, April 1, 1977; Interim NYSUT Policy Statement on the New York State Education Department's Curriculum Mandate Study, 1977
Box 9 Folder 20
NYS Department of Labor
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re request by state Department of Labor for updated roster of NYSUT locals and local presidents
Box 9 Folder 21
Scope and Contents
Training materials for contract negotiators
Box 9 Folder 22
Roving Reporter
Scope and Contents
Anti-NYSUT newsletter
Box 9 Folder 23
Scope and Contents
Anti-NYEA/NEA newsletter
Box 9 Folder 24
James Conti Vouchers
Box 9 Folder 25
Jim Conti: Personal
Scope and Contents
Confidential memo to Conti re Ed Corcoran training session assignment, September 5, 1978; replies to social invitations; workman's compensation claim memorandum on behalf of claimant, Manley vs. BOCES Broome County and State Insurance Fund, April 25, 1977
Box 9 Folder 26
Applications for Affiliation
Scope and Contents
Memo to management team re procedures for consideration of applications for affiliation
Box 9 Folder 27
Arbitration (Procedures)
Scope and Contents
Booklet by American Arbitration Association, Dispute Settlement from the 60's into the 70's, n.d., c. 1970; article reprint from the American Arbitration Association Arbitration Journal, volume 17, no. 4, and volume 23, no. 4, "Arbitration of Job Evaluation Cases and Arbitration of Wage Incentive Cases," by S. Herbert Unterberger; related AAA guides; excerpt from speech, "Gamesmanship in Labor Arbitration," by Lewis M. Gill, "How to Alienate Arbitrators and Lose Cases"; NYSUT memo to all field staff re arbitration assistance to locals, clarifying reimbursement procedures, June 4, 1974
Box 9 Folder 28
Arbitration Training
Scope and Contents
Schedules for training sessions
Box 9 Folder 29
Cost of Living (CPI)
Scope and Contents
Press release updates from the U.S. Department of labor re the Consumer Price Index; newsletter updates by NYSUT on the Consumer Price Index
Box 9 Folder 30
Scope and Contents
List of disaffiliated locals; anti-NEA/NYEA flyers
Box 9 Folder 31
Fact Finding
Scope and Contents
Confidential Fact-Finding Manual by the Pennsylvania State Education Association, n.d., c. 1974; excerpt from Monthly Labor Review, "Factfinding in Teacher Disputes: The Wisconsin Experience," October 1974
Box 9 Folder 32
Grievance Procedures
Scope and Contents
Training materials by New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA/NEA)
Box 9 Folder 33
Higher Education
Scope and Contents
List of field service assignments in the Elmira service area; reprint from Chronicle of Higher Education listing unionization status of 520 colleges
Box 9 Folder 34
Higher Education
Scope and Contents
Lists of independent and proprietary degree-granting institutions
Box 9 Folder 35
Human Rights
Scope and Contents
Federal Register regulations by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, "Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sex: Education Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance," June 4, 1975; NYSUT cover memo to regional coordinators with attached Rules of Procedure from the state Division of Human Rights, October 2, 1974
Box 9 Folder 36
Improper Practices
Scope and Contents
NYS Public Employment Relations Board Improper Practice Charge complaints by various teacher associations against various school districts; related memos
Box 9 Folder 37
Legal Memos
Scope and Contents
Memos from NYSUT legal counsel re Commissioner's position on tenure in occupational subject areas, replacement of nurse-teachers with RNs, need for NYSUT to "maintain the image of protecting teachers of all varieties"
Box 9 Folder 38
Scope and Contents
NYSUT report, Legislative Action through April 30, 1978; "NYSUT Supports" legislative memoranda; NYSUT report, "City Schools in Fiscal Crisis: City School Districts and Their Constitutional Tax Limits, 1977-78"
Box 9 Folder 39
Library Lists
Scope and Contents
Monthly list of selected acquisitions by NYSUT Division of Research and Educational Services
Box 9 Folder 40
New York Education Association (NYEA)
Scope and Contents
Article in U.S. News & World Report on millions of dollars of wasted money by the AFT and NEA in jurisdictional battle, April 5, 1976; NYEA/NEA and NYSUT/AFT recruiting materials; reports on 1977 NEA convention by NYSUT operatives; report on 1977 NYSUT Delegate Assembly by NEA operatives; memos re NYEA activities; Common Sense, special publication for NEA delegates, "The New York Disaffiliation: A History of the Underlying Factors"
Box 10 Folder 1
Negotiations Assignments
Scope and Contents
Lists of assignments by service area
Box 10 Folder 2
Public Employment Relations Board (P.E.R.B)
Scope and Contents
Issues of PERB News, newsletter of the New York State Public Employment Relations Board; letter to Jim Conti from PERB chairman Harold R. Newman re North Warren Central School District case
Box 10 Folder 3
Personnel Reports
Scope and Contents
Memos re personnel changes
Box 10 Folder 4
Press Releases
Scope and Contents
Press releases re strikes, affiliation decisions, Shanker debate with NYEA/NEA representative
Box 10 Folder 5
Public Relations and Misc
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Public Relations Project for 1979, with cover memo from president Tom Hobart to Board of Directors; statements and reports adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, October 31, 1978; memo from Al Shanker to AFT vice presidents, state federation presidents, and 50 largest locals, urging non-participation in Department of Labor's "P.R. show" to elicit support for voluntary wage controls, November 28, 1978; Labor Law Journal reprint, "Public Sector Union Security: The Impact of Abood," November 1978
Box 10 Folder 6
Research and Education
Scope and Contents
Teacher Salary Schedule Data: BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services), 1975-76; Teacher Contract Analysis: BOCES, 1975-76; State Education Department memo re Board of Education Responsibility for Contingency Budgets, May 1, 1975; memo to field staff from Division of Research re increases in 1975-76 salary schedules
Box 10 Folder 7
Staff Meeting
Scope and Contents
Memo from Jim Conti re postponement of staff meeting
Box 10 Folder 8
Scope and Contents
Proposal and outline for school representatives course on organizing, grievances, local governance, and legal rights; letter from Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, asking to be kept apprised of training opportunities
Box 10 Folder 9
Workshop Information
Scope and Contents
Training materials re collective bargaining; related memos; handwritten notes
Box 10 Folder 10
Jim Conti Correspondence (1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence from Jim Conti, mostly internal memos with legal counsel. January-August, 1978
Box 10 Folder 11
Jim Conti Correspondence (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence from Jim Conti, mostly internal memos with legal counsel. June- December, 1978
Box 10 Folder 12
Jim Conti Correspondence (3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence from Jim Conti, mostly internal memos with legal counsel. September-December, 1978
Box 10 Folder 13
Scope and Contents
Memos re staffing reassignment; outline for training program for field representatives; leadership development conference
Box 10 Folder 14
Albany Legal
Scope and Contents
Arbitration award and opinion in Mohonasen Teachers Association and Rotterdam-Mohonasen Central School District in science substitute teacher tenure case; memo to Jim Conti discussing protections under the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 vis-avis the Freedom of Information Act; memos re incorporation of locals, campaign expenses for school board elections, transfer of Licensed Practical Nursing Program from Saratoga-Warren BOCES, conflicting representation issues in seniority case at Niskayuna; NYPERB Improper Practice Charge by Broadalbin Bus Drivers Association
Box 10 Folder 15
Albany Legal
Scope and Contents
Memo requesting assignment of legal counsel to answer Canajoharie Central School District's request to vacate arbitration award; memo requesting assignment of legal counsel to answer Broadalbin Central School District's request to vacate arbitration award; memo re effort to enforce advisory arbitration award in Mohonasen Teachers Association; request to begin proceedings to confirm arbitrator's award in Schoharie Teacher's Association; regulations of the Albany Board of Education relating to inspection and copying of records, with cover memo re Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); memos re layoffs of special education teachers in Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene BOCES, layoff of adult education teacher in Albany Public School District, overpayment case for school nurse teacher in Schenectady-Albany-Schoharie BOCES
Box 10 Folder 16
Scope and Contents
Memo re bill in state Senate redefining maternity disability leave to conform with federal statutes; letters re applications for organizing coordinator
Box 10 Folder 17
Elmsford: Legal
Scope and Contents
Memo compiling 3020-a statistics by case decision and specific charge, and impact of appeals on tenure decisions; Westchester County Public Relations Board Rules of Procedure; memo re Westchester County BOCES problem re hiring hourly non-union teachers and laying off union teachers; grievance procedure for Greenwood Lake Union Free School District
Box 10 Folder 18
Jericho: Nassau County
Scope and Contents
Confidential memo to Jim Conti from Howard Edelman re per diem substitute jobs for graduate students at Hofstra; Investigating Committee Report on Nassau Community College Adjunct Faculty Association; related memos; confidential memo to Jim Conti from Howard Edelman re Services Committee, avoiding organizing small locals, increasing membership in current locals; memo re data retrieval and field rep workload; NYEA/NEA materials used in Hicksville organizing campaign, with cover note to Jim Conti from Howard Edelman; notes by Howard Edelman re health care organizing, from meeting with reps from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services; request for emergency staff assistance to Jim Conti from Howard Edelman, review of activities at Nassau Regional Office; Improper Practice Charges and related memos
Box 10 Folder 19
Jericho: Nassau Legal
Scope and Contents
Letter to the Legal Review Committee requesting appeal of denial of tenure in Roosevelt School District, with related correspondence indicating probationary teacher involved had no case; memo re agency fee refund, Westbury Teachers Association; arbitration award in C. W. Post case; Improper Practice Charges
Box 10 Folder 20
Nassau: Clem Burchell SEIU
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re NYSUT transfer of jurisdiction of West Hempstead Custodial Association to Local 144, Division 100, SEIU, AFL-CIO
Box 10 Folder 21
Mid: Hudson
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti re Services Committee issues; legal memos re Improper Practice Charges and other individual cases
Box 10 Folder 22
Mid: Hudson Legal
Scope and Contents
Legal memos re proposed contracts, individual grievances
Box 10 Folder 23
Nurses Advisory Committee
Scope and Contents
April 9, 1981. Meeting agenda, handwritten notes; list of members of New York State Nurses Advisory Committee; memo from Jim Conti to Thomas Hobart, Jr., suggesting establishing nurses committee for purpose of organizing
Box 10 Folder 24
NYC Nurses Committee Meeting, United Federation of Teachers Organizing Meeting
Scope and Contents
August 11-August 15, 1981. Text of Senate and Assembly bills re professional nursing; memo re proposed legislation
Box 10 Folder 25
Organizing Department, John O'Leary
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti re right to employee names and addresses while organizing; Review of PERB Decisions Regarding Unit Definition and Criteria Used Therein; memo re PERB requirements when organizing unrepresented employees; memos re community college organizing; memos re Statewide Nurses Advisory Committee, legislative issues re nursing, proposed budget for potential campaign among NYC municipal nurses; Bylaws and Extracts from Articles of Incorporation: The New York State Nurses Association, December 1980; memo re interest among college coaches to organize; memo re NYEA financial report and budget; memo re NYEA/NEA activity among non-pedagogical employees; agenda for organizing staff meeting, memo re organizing responsibilities; September 15, 1981; memo re NYSUT position on UAW strike at Cornell; memo re Supreme Court Yeshiva decision re college faculty organizing
Box 10 Folder 26
Potsdam North County Legal
Scope and Contents
Legal memos re grievances by individual teachers; memo re "very substantial loss leaders" in North Country
Box 10 Folder 27
Western New York Leadership Conference
Scope and Contents
August 26-28, 1981. Letters of invitation from coordinator Ron Uba to chairman of NYS Mediation Board Msgr. James Healy, Assistant Industrial Commissioner, NYS Department of Labor, Louis Cambria, and other labor and community leaders; follow-up communication from Uba on non-NYSUT letterhead
Box 10 Folder 28
Service Committee (Services to Locals)
Scope and Contents
Summary of December 11, 1980, Services Committee meeting, outlining service program responsibilities; confidential memo from Jim Conti discussing role of Services Committee in assisting field representatives; details of services provided to locals, by regional office
Box 11 Folder 1
Rochester Collective Bargaining Challenge
Scope and Contents
Representation Election Campaign Proposal for the Rochester Teachers Association (NYSUT); confidential memo to Jim Conti re need to maintain high level of services in order to maintain membership levels; memo re services that can provided other than bargaining and grievances; memo re need to organize locals that yield 100 members or more; campaign flyers by NYSUT and NYEA/NEA; activity report
Box 11 Folder 2
Scope and Contents
Activity reports; correspondence with legal counsel Bernard Ashe re individual teacher cases; memos between Jim Conti and Ray Samson re possible NYEA challenges; ways to collect dues in anticipation of PERB prohibition; staffing issues; Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) rulings; Improper Practice Charges
Box 11 Folder 3
Rochester: Legal
Scope and Contents
Memos from Jim Conti to legal counsel Bernard Ashe re individual teacher grievances (tenure, layoffs, certification, insubordination), arbitration
Box 11 Folder 4
Vestal Southern Tier
Scope and Contents
Memos between Jim Conti and Charles N. Rodgers re Improper Practice Charges, including Avoca Central School District (Corning/Elmira), individual cases; health plan for George Jr. Republic employees; PERB decision and order re Harpursville Central School District; legal memos by NYSUT attorneys re tax-deferred annuity deduction at Unatago Central School District
Box 11 Folder 5
Southern Tier: Legal
Box 11 Folder 6
Southern Tier Legal: Onfrio Case
Scope and Contents
State Supreme Court documents in sexual abuse case, Haff et al. v. Peterson
Box 11 Folder 7
Scope and Contents
Memos between Jim Conti, Frank Squillace, and counsel Bernard Ashe re long-litigated suspension case of Lorraine Gargiul (Liverpool Central School District); East Syracuse-Minoa Retirement System decision; tenure decision re Milton Bieber, Onondaga Central School District; seniority cases and procedure for breaking a tie; activity report re organizing nurses from Community General Hospital
Box 11 Folder 8
Syracuse: Legal
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re 3020a charges (conduct unbecoming, insubordination), Onondaga-Madison BOCES District, North Syracuse, and Auburn Enlarged City School District; failure to hold election for retirement convention delegates; retirement, layoff, seniority cases
Box 11 Folder 9
Syracuse: Legal
Scope and Contents
Letter to Commissioner Gordon Ambach, report to NYS Department of Social Services, and related material re Parents' Concerns about the Onondaga-Madison BOCES Program for the Deaf, Camillus Junior High School, 1979-1980; transcript of hearing in dismissal of bus mechanic, Lafayette Central School District, 1980
Box 11 Folder 10
Scope and Contents
List of field representatives and their locals, 1978; PERB decision in Improper Practice Charge against Hampton Bays Teachers Association re agency fees, 1981; letter from NYS Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, thanking AFT president Al Shanker for assignment of negotiators, August 21, 1981; memos re individual teacher cases
Box 11 Folder 11
Utica Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Improper Practice Charges against Mohawk Central School District and Mohawk Valley Community College; newspaper clipping re federal court finding that NYS Teachers Retirement System discriminated against female teachers, with cover memo from Jim Conti noting opportunity to use issue in organizing retired teachers, October 6, 1981; memos re unemployment insurance cases, state health insurance
Box 11 Folder 12
Utica: Legal
Scope and Contents
Legal memorandum by NYSUT counsel Bernard Ashe re U.S. Supreme Court decision re Northwest Airlines v. TWU re union responsibility for contribution to back pay awarded to female employees under Equal Pay Act, December 3, 1981; memo from Jim Conti to Bernard Ashe asking whether Mohawk Valley Community College should be forced to comply with Freedom of Information request; memos re disability and unemployment insurance claims
Box 11 Folder 13
Buffalo/Western NY
Scope and Contents
Activity reports; regional office newsletter; memos to Jim Conti re ongoing organizing efforts, NYEA activities
Box 11 Folder 14
Legal: Western NY
Scope and Contents
State Education Department Notice of Substantial Question as to Moral Character in the matter of the certificate held by John H. Swem, Peter Caesar Zeppeiro, Kenneth Snyder, and Donald H. Poole to teach in the public schools of New York, with memos re legal rights, question of whether NYSUT should defend in 3020a hearing; arbitration decision re salary grievance in Elba Central School case, and related memos; Court of Appeals memorandum upholding Tonawanda arbitration award re Central Square Teachers Association, memos re petition for order to vacate award; PERB decision re Sweet Home Central School District and Sweet Home Employees Association
Box 11 Folder 15
General Correspondence, Monthly Minder
Scope and Contents
Appointment calendar
Box 11 Folder 16
Correspondence: Coordinators
Scope and Contents
Memos to all regional coordinators re State Education Department procedures for 3020a hearings; booklet on the perils of self-funding health insurance, by the Blue Cross/Blue Shield marketing department; updates on (Reagan administration) Federal Labor Relations Authority decertification of air traffic controllers union (PATCO); memo re NEA contract settlement in San Francisco; summary of state Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) inspection standards for school buildings; memos re organizing substitute teachers, including memo from NYS School Boards Association; memo noting request from AFT for information re potential strikes at locals and other organizing information; NYSUT legal department research noting that equal disability benefits for pregnancy do not apply to public school districts; text of NLRB decision re 4201 schools (New York Institute for the Blind) with memo; memo re unemployment insurance appeal board decision
Box 11 Folder 17
Correspondence: Coordinators, Mangers, and Officers
Scope and Contents
Memos re Services Committee, self-funded health insurance meeting, strike report on NYC Catholic schools, organizing substitute teachers, request for statistics on 3020a (usually alleged sex abuse) cases, BOCES issues
Box 11 Folder 18
A: B-C Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 19
D: E-F Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 20
G: H-I Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 21
J: K-L Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 22
M: N-O Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 23
P: Q-R Correspondence
Box 11 Folder 24
S: T-U Correspondence
Box 12 Folder 1
V: W-X-Y-Z Correspondence
Box 12 Folder 2
Lorraine M. Gargiul/Syracuse
Scope and Contents
Letters re long-litigated suspension case of Lorraine Gargiul (Liverpool Central School District), refusal of NYSUT attorneys to pursue the case further
Box 12 Folder 3
FICA Withholdings: Mid: Hudson, New Paltz, Buffalo, West Seneca
Scope and Contents
Memos between Jim Conti and NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe re withholding of Social Security taxes while on sick leave
Box 12 Folder 4
Chatham TA: Faye R. Shincock & Kevin Berry
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re NYSUT refusal to provide legal representation for members of Chatham Central School Teachers Association, October 9, 1981; related confidential memos; letter from NYSUT field representative Kevin Berry to president of Chatham Teachers Association, agreeing with interpretation of school district in parental leave of absence case, advising withdrawal of grievance, February 5, 1980; letter from Barry informing Chatham president that NYSUT would not provide legal assistance for fundraising activities, October 1980; confidential letter from Jim Conti to regional coordinator Stan Kern, expressing disappointment at Chatham Teachers Association vote to disaffiliate, directing closer scrutiny of service reports and monitoring of relationships with locals, December 8, 1981
Box 12 Folder 5
Al Carbone/Massena Case: Attorney: Tom Snider
Scope and Contents
Commissioner's decision re abolition of teaching position held by Alessandro Carbone; cover memo from Jim Conti asserting that there had been no basis for Carbone's appeal, 1982; letters to NYSUT president Tom Hobart and directors from Carbone's private attorney, seeking legal representation from NYSUT on behalf of his client, noting resistance from Jim Conti and staff, requesting union charter with respect to obligations to assist members, August 1981; related material
Box 12 Folder 6
Ronald Carmichael, Livingston/Steuben/Wyoming BOCES
Scope and Contents
Letter from Jim Conti, stating that legal counsel determined that the merits of the case do not warrant legal representation by NYSUT; background material
Box 12 Folder 7
Ron Peretti (Albany Regional Office)
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 8
Richard Baron (United University Professions, Suffolk: Hauppauge
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 9
Biancucci, Gil: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports, accounting for time each day
Box 12 Folder 10
Cirillo, Ruben, Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 11
Marsh, Wes: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 12
Miller, Judi: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 13
Moody, Jack: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 14
R. Swayze: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 15
Clark, Lee: Plattsburgh Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 16
Paul, Hannon: Plattsburg Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 17
Dale Fairchild: Potsdam Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 18
Mesibov, Don: Potsdam Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 19
Mike Margolis: NYC Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 20
Campagna, Dennis: Mid-Hudson Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 21
Cassidy, Jeff: Mid-Hudson Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 22
Fairbank, Harry: Mid-Hudson Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 23
Ott, Fred: Mid-Hudson Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 24
Bill Curtis, Watertown Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 25
Bernard Perry, Watertown Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 26
Peter, Blood: Vestal Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 27
Callahan, John: Vestal/Southern Tier Regional Office
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 28
Finger, Bill: Vestal/Southern Tier Regional Office Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 29
Laud, Brian: Vestal/Southern Tier Regional Office Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 30
Bruce, Dick: Utica Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 31
Flynn, Doug: Utica Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 32
Mahoney, Daniel: Utica Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 33
Power, Joseph: Utica Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 34
Beale, Helen: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 35
Thomas Clerkin: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 12 Folder 36
Kassman, Mary: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 1
Matousek, Doug: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 2
Slywiak, Harry : Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 3
Fred Wooley: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 4
Syracuse Regional Office Annual operations Report
Box 13 Folder 5
Suffolk Locals
Scope and Contents
Memos from or about locals complaining of inadequate service; confidential memo asserting that smaller locals do not generate enough dues income to warrant more than minimal service; memo from NYSUT president Tom Hobart asserting that smaller locals do not receive visits from field representatives often enough
Box 13 Folder 6
Bahr, Dan: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 7
Baron, Richie: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 8
Steve Bluth: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 9
Calabrese, Ray: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 10
Feinberg, Marty: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 11
Hogan, Dave: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 12
Hogan, Dave: Suffolk Service Center-Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letters re work performance, including reprimand and charge for damage to vehicle; letter from Professional Staff Association in defense of Hogan
Box 13 Folder 13
Horowitz, Sy: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 14
Newcomb, Dick: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 15
Rubstein, George: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 16
Schirmer, Dolores: Suffolk Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 17
James Mathews: Syracuse Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 18
Luczak, Paul: Western NY Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 19
Myron Green: Rochester Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 20
Lynn Duggan: NYC Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 21
Art Cardinali: Albany Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 22
Steve Bluth: Nassau Service Center
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 23
Berkhoudt, John: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 24
Fineman, Bill: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 25
Day, Fred: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 26
Knudson, Doris: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 27
Manke, Paul: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 28
Moritz, Jan: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 29
Ruby Nicholson: Rochester Service Center, United University Professionals
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 30
Suzanne Prescott: United University Professionals(Suffolk County)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re resignation
Box 13 Folder 31
Ryan, John: United University Professions
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 32
Smyth, John: Vestal/Elming Service Center, United University Professionals
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 33
Witkin, Irv: United University Professionals
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 13 Folder 34
Wooley, Fred: United University Professionals
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 14 Folder 1
AAA Meeting: James Conti
Scope and Contents
November 2nd, 1987. Facilitative paperwork (travel-lodging request for Jim Conti)
Box 14 Folder 2
NYS Public Employees Federation: 3rd Annual Convention
Scope and Contents
Concord Hotel, October 13-14th, Kiamesha Lake, NY. Transcript of proceedings
Box 14 Folder 3
NYS Public Employees Federation: John J. Kraemer Scandal
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings, transcript of press conference, arbitration award, and notes re former president of Public Employees Federation John J. Kraemer, who allegedly was on state Labor Department payroll for no-show job for ten years and controlled large, secret union slush fund
Box 14 Folder 4
Training Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Descriptions of staff training programs on fact-finding, negotiations; notes from Training Committee meeting
Box 14 Folder 5
Training, Roy Ratte'
Scope and Contents
Staff training schedule; monthly training director's reports; notes of subcommittee on meetings
Box 14 Folder 6
Albany R.O.: Leon Lieberman, RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports re school district consolidation, negotiations, organizing
Box 14 Folder 7
Albany R.O. Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Text of booklet, "Questions and Answers on Tenure," with cover letter from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe asking for review for possible update; correspondence re workshops, substitute teachers
Box 14 Folder 8
Buffalo R.O.: Rob Uba RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports re negotiation, training, organizing
Box 14 Folder 9
Buffalo R.O. Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and related material re BOCES election campaign; correspondence re termination of part-time teacher at Batavia High School; miscellaneous correspondence
Box 14 Folder 10
Elmsford Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter to Jim Conti re mediator's requested fee, refusal by both parties to pay above PERB stipend; correspondence re attempt to reclassify teacher's aide positions to teacher's assistants by Rockland County BOCES Board; re unemployment case in Hastings Unified Free School District; membership projections by local for 1987-88; letter re arbitrator's fee in Middletown Teachers Association agency fee case, dissatisfaction with outcome, recommendation to avoid using the arbitrator in future cases; letter from the office of state comptroller Regan re payment of health insurance premiums for retirees by Greenburgh Central School District 7, Westchester County; notice of strike authorization by Organization of Pius XII Employees against Pius XII Youth & Family Services; correspondence re Rockland Community College re agency fee; outline of address by Jim Conti re improper practice procedures as part of Taylor Law; memo re child molestation matters in Yorktown and Valhalla specifically, procedures in all cases generally, and related newspaper clippings; order on appeal of the People v. Gary Ranum; memo advising against local input into assignment of field representatives, and letter to Lakeland Federation of Teachers president re reassignment of representative, January 28, 1987
Box 14 Folder 11
Elmsford Regional Office: Bob Klein RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports
Box 14 Folder 12
Erie: Chautauqua BOCES Consolidation and Representation Election
Scope and Contents
Correspondence updating on events and strategies
Box 14 Folder 13
Jamestown Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Chautauqua County School District Plan Documents; correspondence re grievance over firing of custodian after returning from worker's compensation leave at Little Valley Central School; re Jamestown General Hospital arbitration award; tentative agreement between Jamestown Teachers Association and Jamestown Public Schools, related memos re agency fee; letters to teachers re "fair share" deduction (agency fee); Southwestern Regional Office News newsletters; selected data from 1986-87 salary schedules by school district for teachers with bachelor's and master's degrees
Box 14 Folder 14
Jamestown Regional Office: John Sole RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports
Box 14 Folder 15
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Crisis Management Information forms, filled out for various locals; document, "The MHRO [Mid-Hudson Regional Office] at a Glance," September 1987; update on Poughkeepsie schools, from Commissioner Gordon Ambach, and related legislation re local taxing authority; profile of Dutchess Community College (Dutchess United Educators) and related correspondence; newsletters of NYSUT Mid- Hudson office, Mid-Hudson School Bell
Box 14 Folder 16
Hid: Hudson Regional Office-Janet Conti RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports re negotiations, organizing, and other activities
Box 14 Folder 17
Nassau Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Nassau Community College Health & Safety Committee proposals for meeting with NYSUT representative re concerns about new building; letter to NYS Attorney General Robert Abrams re physical illnesses suffered by technical assistant at biology department at Nassau Community College, request for inquiry; Improper Practice charge; correspondence re termination of Edward Burke from Dowling College; correspondence re dissatisfaction by members of Woodward Faculty Association with NYSUT field representatives
Box 14 Folder 18
Nassau Regional Office: Jim Gaspari RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly Regional Staff Director reports
Box 15 Folder 1
Pollution Problems at Nassau Community College (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Draft, Engineering Report, Nassau Community College: Investigation of Ventilation Problems in Chemistry Laboratories, County of Nassau Department of Public Works; NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Department of Health and Human Services) investigative reports; correspondence
Box 15 Folder 2
Pollution Problems at Nassau Community College (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Engineering Report, Nassau Community College: Investigation of Ventilation Problems in Chemistry Laboratories, County of Nassau Department of Public Works
Box 15 Folder 3
North Country Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe re developmental kindergarten, with attached materials including a legal petition to the Commissioner of Education against the Norwood-Norfolk Central School for establishing such a kindergarten; confidential memos re difficult client in 3020a case involving Malone teacher Andy Simay (Potsdam, Plattsburgh, Watertown)
Box 15 Folder 4
North Country Regional Office: RJ Allen RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
List of locals served by two field representatives and memos re their activities; extensive memo re North Country (Plattsburgh) operations, results of survey of locals
Box 15 Folder 5
NYC Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Agreement between City School District of the City of New York and United Federation of Teachers; letter from UFT president Sandra Feldman excoriating Louis Grument, executive director of NYS School Boards Association, for misquoting her in advertisement in Legislative Gazette, May 29; NYS School Boards Association Legislative Bulletin, headlining "Regents to Address Home Instruction"; proposed safety and health regulations by Cornell University Adjunct Faculty Federation
Box 15 Folder 6
NYC Regional Office: Tony Ficcio RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Activity reports re negotiations and organizing
Box 15 Folder 7
Rochester Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Operational overview and recommendations, by Ray Samson; summary of staff meeting; instruction from Ray Samson to field representatives on how to write Service and Assessment (SAR) reports; PERB decision in East Irondequoit Teachers Association, NYSUT v. East Irondequoit Central School District and Board of Cooperative Educational Services for the First Supervisory District of Monroe County; City of Rochester Mayor Thomas P. Ryan memo to all city employees re executive policy re alcohol and controlled substances testing; memos re marital status discrimination resolution by Webster Teachers Association; letters re long-term NYSUT member's inability to join Phelps-Clifton Springs Faculty Association because of political discrimination and harassment; memo from PERB and Jim Conti re establishment of labor-management committees
Box 15 Folder 8
Rochester Regional Office: Ray Samson RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 15 Folder 9
Southern Tier Regional Office: Chuck Rodgers (1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Transcript of a meeting between NYSUT representatives and representative of school superintendent re allegations of marijuana and cocaine use by three teachers, December 12, 1987; list of locals that settled their EIT (Excellence in Teaching) negotiations for 1987-88; PERB decision re Elmira Teachers Association, Local 2638 NYSUT v. Elmira City School District re EIT funds, intended for teacher salary improvements; related materials re distribution of funds; proposed policy regarding AIDS and other infectious or contagious diseases, developed by Chenango Forks school district, with cover letters questioning constitutionality, November 1987; telelearning guidebook and related memos re Delaware-Chenango BOCES; material re tenure issue at Windsor School District
Box 15 Folder 10
Southern Tier Regional Office: Chuck Rodgers (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Memos re possible friend-of-the-court brief by NYSUT in Tennessee home-school court case, with newspaper clipping; NYSUT field staff newsletter, Southern Tier Briefs
Box 15 Folder 11
Southern Tier Regional Office: Chuck Rodgers (3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Regional Staff Director (RSD) monthly reports
Box 15 Folder 12
Suffolk Regional Office: John Degregorio RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional activity reports
Box 15 Folder 13
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
State Court of Appeals opinion in the matter of Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v. Board of Education of the Patchogue-Medford Union Free School District, and related materials; material re science complex ventilation problems at Sayville Junior High School, January 1987; letters of praise for NYSUT field representatives; letter to Jim Conti and other NYSUT officers indicating dissatisfaction with fees for service charged by arbitrator Marty Scheinman in Port Jefferson case, September 22, 1987
Box 15 Folder 14
Syracuse Regional Office: Frank Squillace
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 15 Folder 15
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence (1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Benjamin Rush Employees Union strike fund; State Education Department memo re sweetened foods in schools, for sale or use in fundraising; newspaper clippings re asbestos removal
Box 15 Folder 16
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Cortland-Onondaga-Madison Bargaining Organization (COMBO) BOCES settlement; agreement between Auburn Enlarged City School District and Auburn Teachers Association 1985-1988; memo re organizing NEA locals in central New York; legal memo from NYSUT general counsel's office re whether pregnancy resulting from artificial insemination can be construed as immoral behavior on the part of an unwed teacher, April 24, 1987; list of NYSUT teachers' starting salaries in Syracuse Regional Office area, 1986-1987; PERB fact-finder's report and recommendation re Mexico Academy and Central School District; newspaper clippings
Box 15 Folder 17
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence (3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
PERB fact-finder's report and recommendations re Hannibal Central School District; memos re proposed sexual harassment policy in Liverpool Central School District; material re Onondaga Community College's bargaining crisis; memos to staff re writing and rewriting improper practice charges
Box 15 Folder 18
Utica Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
PERB decision re Herkimer County BOCES, with cover memo from Vinnie Grove to Ray Ratte; memo from Vinnie Grove to Jim Conti re responsibility of field staff to Teacher Centers; memo from Vinnie Grove re updating voter registration information on membership lists; memo from Vinnie Grove re events at NYS Teachers Retirement System Convention; memo re Excellence in Teaching Award program of Oriskany EIT agreement; Appellate Division decision re NYSUT v. NYS Teachers Retirement System; memo re seniority rights question in Mohawk Central School District; memo re establishment of labor-management committees in the public sector
Box 15 Folder 19
Utica Regional Office: Vinnie Grove
Scope and Contents
Regional Staff Director (RSD) reports re negotiations, other activities
Box 15 Folder 20
United University Professions Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Arbitration award and PERB decision re agency fees
Box 15 Folder 21
United University Professions: Sam Livingston RSD Reports
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 15 Folder 22
United University Professions Interviews: NYC Regional Office
Scope and Contents
September 3rd, 1987. Notes from applicant interviews
Box 16 Folder 1
Regional Staff Directors Memos (1 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Documents, "NYSUT Program for Pension Equity," "Health Maintenance Organization Selection: A Sourcebook for Employers and Unions," "Winning Practical, Fair and Effective Health Care Cost Containment: A Handbook for AFT Negotiators and Local Leaders produced by the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, AFT, AFL-CIO," legal memo to NYSUT counsel Bernard Ashe re California Federal Savings & Loan Association et al., petitioners, v. Mark Guerra, Director, Department of Fair Employment & Housing, et al., 107 S. Ct. 683
Box 16 Folder 2
Regional Staff Directors Memos (2 of 4)
Scope and Contents
State Education Department documents, "Substance-Free Schools in New York State: Planning and Policy Guidelines" and "Guidelines for twelve-month programs for eligible students with handicapping conditions"; PERB decision of administrative law judge in the matter of State of New York (Division of State Police), respondent, and Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc., charging party; Insider's Report: A Special Bulletin for Leaders of Concerned Educators against Forced Unionism, with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors, asking if organization was active in their areas
Box 16 Folder 3
Regional Staff Directors Memos (3 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Outline of purposes of Regional Staff Director meetings, adopted by consensus; text of smoking regulations promulgated by the NYS Department of Health, with cover memo from Jim Conti, noting consultation with legal counsel Bernard Ashe; memo re delegate selection for the Democratic National Convention, related legal opinion; letter from president of Genesee Educational Association (NEA), inviting faculty to meeting, with cover letter from Jim Conti asking regional directors to check whether the letter had been received by any community colleges in their area or whether they knew of anyone who attended the meeting; salary schedule increase for 1985-86 and 1986-87; U.S. Department of Labor reinterpretation of "reasonable assurance" of continued employment under unemployment provisions; PERB administrative law judge decision in Elmira City School District, respondent, and Elmira Teachers Association, charging party, declaring Excellence in Teaching funds a mandatory subject of bargaining; Court of Appeals decision re liability of employer or employee associations for injuries caused by drunk driving of off-duty employees
Box 16 Folder 4
Regional Staff Directors Memos (4 of 4)
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Local Leaders' Guide to Research and Educational Services; memo re procedures for creation of badges using file maker software; memo from Jim Conti re junk food law, and potential for removal of soda vending machines from teachers' lounges as unilateral change in condition of employment, required issue for negotiation; memo re AFL-CIO modification of policy on affiliation of independent units; memo from NYSUT president Tom Hobart re state Right-to-Know law re hazardous substances in the workplace; PERB decisions re agency fees, appropriateness of an improper practice charge in the absence of a grievance, and Freedom of Information Act request
Box 16 Folder 5
Nurse Organization Meeting
Scope and Contents
September 30th, 1988. Memos re Lockport organization efforts, difficulty with Anne Goldman
Box 16 Folder 6
Columbia Presbyterian Election
Scope and Contents
October 20th, 1988. Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (division of NYSUT) recruiting brochures, letters, and flyers; NLRB bargaining unit rulemaking
Box 16 Folder 7
Organizing: Correspondence (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Analysis of Brookhaven Hospital campaign and election; NLRB decision; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart complaining of raiding of Lutheran Medical Center; related correspondence
Box 16 Folder 8
Organizing: Correspondence (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Draft of NYSUT "Organizing: Contact to Contract: A Handbook for Organizers," 1984; AFT brief to NLRB on Health Care Unit Rule Making, 1988; reports on organizing activity, 1985-88; memo to organizers re NYSUT policy of not organizing units of less than 25 members, April 18, 1988; memos re organizing day care centers; article reprints re organizing
Box 16 Folder 9
Organizing: John O'Leary
Scope and Contents
Memo re organizing at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital; handbook by John O'Leary re organizing procedures, with summary of 1984 survey by AFL-CIO and analysis of techniques, and attitude survey of white collar professionals, by Meany Center and ILGWU
Box 16 Folder 10
Organizing Bulletin (Misc)
Scope and Contents
Organizing Bulletin newsletters, by John O'Leary
Box 16 Folder 11
Albany Regional Office, Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
PERB decision re Southern Adirondack Substitute Teacher Alliance, petitioner, and Lake George Central School District, employer; invitation and description of workshops at Capital District Annual Leadership Conference; Health and Safety Needs Assessment, South Colonie School District, conducted by New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), funded by a grant to NYSUT from NYS Department of Labor Hazard Abatement Board; letter from South Colonie Teachers Association to NYS Deputy Commissioner of Health re cluster of cancer cases in school district, especially at Shaker Road Elementary School, desire for further testing; negative reply from deputy commissioner; related inspection reports; asbestos fact sheets; Education Week clipping re school air quality as emerging issue; description of asbestos abatement training courses at Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady BOCES; memo re duplicate coverage of health insurance for teaching couples, related Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities case; master contract between Buffalo Teachers Association and Buffalo Board of Education, July 1, 1987; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determination that Albion School District did not discriminate against Kadry A. El-Araby, request by El-Kadry for legal representation by NYSUT in federal action under Title 7
Box 16 Folder 12
Buffalo Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
PERB certification of representative and order to negotiate, Civil Service Employees Association, AFSCME, Local 1000, petitioner, and Orleans-Niagara Board of Cooperative Educational Services, employer, and Orleans-Niagara Board of Cooperative Educational Services Teacher Aide Association; and Civil Service Employees Association, AFSCME, Local 1000, petitioner, and Royalton-Hartland Central School District, employer, and Royalton-Hartland Association of Educational Secretaries; proposals for annual staff workshops and related financial paperwork; memo re 3020a charges against teacher in Batavia
Box 16 Folder 13
Buffalo Regional Office, Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Descriptive brochure, "The Employee Assistance Program (EAP): A Primer," Western New York United Against Drug Alcohol Abuse; NYSUT Western Regional Office newsletters, Taking the Lead, c. 1988
Box 16 Folder 14
Elmsford Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Complaint by Eastchester Teachers Association about NYSUT counsel Sandler (Sandner?) representation in dispute with returning suspended principal of Eastchester High School; letter from law firm Finger & Finger, offering to represent union members in Workers' Compensation cases; letter from members of United Staff Association of Putnam/North Westchester BOCES Local 3072, complaining about violations of bylaws and rules of order by NYSUT field representative and president of staff association; memo re automatic debit system; memo and related materials re Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms; letter from teacher and reply re meager wages for special education teachers; analysis of federal Medicare legislation re catastrophic costs, impact on retirees' state Empire Plan benefits; memo re changes in Empire Plan; flyers in contract dispute by United Staff Association of Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES; letters re United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) organizing efforts at Price Chopper in Newburgh, strained relations between labor affiliates; letter to NYSUT executive director Jim Wood from regional staff director Robert Klein urgently requesting additional staff in absence of field representatives on disability or limited work assignment, March 11
Box 16 Folder 15
Jamestown Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re Jamestown General Hospital Nurses Association, request by management for contract concessions, possible merger with another health care facility; report by the Citizens' Hospital Committee, "A Study of Health Care Facilities and Services in the Jamestown Area"; text of regulations from state health department re acquisition of a hospital; memorandum from mayor of Jamestown to City Council re asset purchase agreement for Jamestown General Hospital, June 17; statement to the City of Jamestown and the City Council by the Coalition to Save Jamestown General Hospital, June 20; NYSUT draft copy, "Good Faith Negotiations: A Report which Reviews PERB Case Law with Regard to the Definition and Process of Negotiating under the Taylor Law"; health and safety training materials
Box 16 Folder 16
Jamestown Regional Office: Misc(Newsletters)
Scope and Contents
Several issues of newsletter, Southwestern Regional Office News
Box 16 Folder 17
Resumes: Jamestown Regional Office Staff Directory
Scope and Contents
Schedule of interviews; resumes; rejection letters
Box 17 Folder 1
Mid-Hudson Regional Office Correspondence (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Letter to NYSUT president Hobart from Webutuck Teachers Association, complaining of poor representation by field representative as chief negotiator for contract with school district; drafts of response; comparison of Dutchess Health Insurance Consortium and Empire Plan; memo re PERB impasse procedures; letter to field representative from NYCOSH asbestos program coordinator, advising on the right of a custodian to request a positive-pressure air purifying respirator; report, Red Hook School Asbestos Inspections A.H.E.R.A. 10/12/88; Excellence in Teaching agreement negotiated between New Paltz United Teachers and New Paltz Central School District; correspondence re grievance by Monticello teacher Joseph Leogrande, April - October
Box 17 Folder 2
Mid-Hudson Regional Office Correspondence (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Draft confidential Request for Proposals: Employee Health Benefits Plan, Dutchess County BOCES and Participating Districts, March 1988; Health Insurance Pooling Feasibility Analysis: All Groups, prepared for the Dutchess County BOCES Health Insurance Committee, January 1988; memo re unsatisfactory mediators provided by PERB; State Education Department Public School Fire Safety Report; memo re organizing Denver Federation of Paraprofessionals
Box 17 Folder 3
Mid-Hudson Regional Office Misc (Newsletters)
Scope and Contents
Several issues of newsletter, Mid-Hudson School Bell, featuring articles re asbestos in schools, boycott information, regional calendar of events; PERB newsletter
Box 17 Folder 4
Nassau Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo and itemized reimbursement request for strike preparation expenses at Nassau Community College; report, Health and Safety Needs Assessment, Merrick School District, July 11, 1988, by New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), funded by a grant to NYSUT from the NYS Department of Labor Hazard Abatement Board Occupational Safety and Health Training Program, with cover letter from Jim Conti; memos re new Excellence in Teaching regulations; correspondence re request by teachers association for sharing expense for air quality monitoring study at Nassau Community College; related memos re asbestos study for Great Neck Teachers Association, discussing NYSUT policy on health and safety monitoring issues, responsibility of employer; confidential request by Regional Staff Director for promotions for several secretaries in regional office, reflecting increased workload and responsibilities; memo re possible retiree health insurance problem; handwritten notes from Nassau staff meeting
Box 17 Folder 5
Nassau Regional Office Misc. (Newsletters)
Scope and Contents
C.B. Bulletin
Box 17 Folder 6
NYC Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Newsletters, press release, and related materials re strike at New York University by United Staff Association of NYU (clerical employees); agreement; letter from UFT president Sandra Feldman to NYU president John Brademas; list of members of NYU Board of Trustees; memos re providing additional staff for organizing
Box 17 Folder 7
North Country Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Poem written by staff member implying overwork in OSHA training, "My Gosh: NICOSH!" and cover memo to and from Jim Conti; memo re developmental kindergarten; memos re potential ADEA case against local and school district in AuSable Valley re retirement benefit compensation
Box 17 Folder 8
Rochester Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
NYS Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) decision and order in the matter of Joseph Werner, charging party, and Middle County Teachers Association re agency shop fee; NYSUT report, "The Effectiveness of Safety and Health Committees"; Rochester City School District Career in Teaching Plan: Joint Statement of Intent and Agreement, May 11, 1988; PERB decision and order re Rush-Henrietta smoking policy; materials re inspecting for asbestos and other health hazards in buildings; materials re Monroe BOCES representation election; materials re disputed Lyons school district Excellence in Teaching proposal; NEA analysis of Rochester and NYC agreements, with cover letter to Tom Hobart and Jim Conti; counseling memo to an art teacher in Pittsford Central School, with memo from Jim Conti directing legal staff to file an Improper Practice charge; memos re Erie BOCES developing school board policies re AIDS testing and other issues and selling them to districts around the state; critical memo from NEA/NY re AFT settlements, sent to local NEA presidents and regional directors
Box 17 Folder 9
Rochester Education Reform Program
Scope and Contents
Memo to field staff re Rochester Education Reform Programs, reports, Guideline for School-Based Planning, 1988-1989, City School District, Rochester, NY, presented to the Board of Education, September 1, 1988; "A Region Prepared: A Response by Rochester Area Educators to the Center for Educational Development and the Rochester Urban League Report: A Call to Action," November 1987; "RCSD Mentor Program Evaluations: The Policy Implications," January 1988, for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teachers Education, February 1988; Rochester City School District Career in Teaching Plan: Joint Statement of Intent and Agreement, May 11, 1988
Box 17 Folder 10
Rochester Regional Office : Misc.(Newsletters)
Scope and Contents
Newsletter, the Rochester Teacher Bulletin
Box 17 Folder 11
Southern Tier Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter from office of NYS Attorney General Robert Abrams to NYS Department of Labor re complaint by NYSUT alleging improper clean up of asbestos insulation by Delaware Valley School District, continuing exposure by custodial staff, requesting inspection; letter from Abrams office to NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, requesting inspection; preliminary Asbestos Inspection Report and Management Plan for Delaware Valley Central School, by Hart-Kimbrell Environmental Management; related correspondence; memo to Charles Santelli re status of special areas of instruction (art, music, physical education) in several school districts; respondent's memorandum of law in PERB case, Substitutes United in Broome, petitioners, vs. Binghamton City School District, respondent; memo re layoffs by Watkins Glen Board of Education, with attached meeting agenda and minutes; memos re status of Excellence in Teaching (EIT) negotiations at various districts; miscellaneous correspondence
Box 17 Folder 12
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re analysis of proposed health insurance plan at Suffolk County Community College; details of Bay Shore settlement; Excellence in Teaching agreement between Connetquot Teachers Association and Connetquot Public School District; water sample test results for A. T. Morrow School in Central Islip, showing lead levels exceeding EPA Maximum Contaminant Level at several locations; Health and Safety Needs Assessment, Shoreham-Wading River School District, conducted by New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), funded by a grant to NYSUT from the NYS Department of Labor Hazard Abatement Board; correspondence re argument over field trip at Islip public schools involving five fifth-grade teachers, a school board member, the superintendent of schools, and the NYSUT legal office and field representative; correspondence re Central Islip Teachers Association complaint re OSHA Hazard Communication Standard under Right to Know law; correspondence from NYCOSH and others re Sayville Junior High School science lab ventilation problem, simple recommendations for remediation; memo from Jim Conti to Lindenhurst teachers association re legal definition of "absence"; related case law re attendance policy; memo from NYSUT Regional Staff Director John DeGregorio re proposal for Suffolk County Task Force on Education and the Economy; memo from DeGregorio advocating for promotions for staff secretaries, noting he had held back on request based on policy guidelines from NYSUT officials that had not been equitably applied; confidential memo re recognition of North Babylon Teachers Organization; letter from president of Elwood Secretarial Association to NYSUT field representative Sy Horowitz, expressing concern over inequity between secretarial and custodial salaries, noting plans to undertake job evaluation study; teacher salary schedule for each school, based on step level, degree, and years experience
Box 17 Folder 13
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Report on Occupational Safety and Health Problems and Treatment in CNY School Districts, re asbestos; newspaper clipping from Syracuse Post-Standard noting large percentage of firms doing asbestos testing in schools failed state proficiency test and were decertified; correspondence and newspaper clipping re deadlock in West Genesee School District negotiations; memo to Jim Conti suggesting that each regional office hire on retainer an industrial hygienist to assist with growing occupational health and safety issues; reply that responsibility for healthy workplace is primarily the school district's, not the union's; memo re proposed relocation sites for regional office; memos re starting salaries in Syracuse area, need to be competitive with other bachelor's-degree fields; letters to state legislators urging increases in unemployment insurance benefits, workers' compensation, and minimum wage; Excellence in Teaching negotiations report, by district/local; organization and representation status of school-related (non-teaching) personnel by district; activity report; confidential memo re finding of overage by audit in 1986-87 fiscal year budget report
Box 17 Folder 14
Training Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re suggestions for logistical and substantive changes, topics
Box 17 Folder 15
United University Professions: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memorandum of Understanding between the State of New York and the United University Professions, 1988-1991; tentative agreement between United University Professionals and the State of New York, 1988-1991; summary of agreement; memo re potential organizing contact at Cornell University; PERB legal briefs, Thomas C. Barry, charging party, and United University Professions, respondent: Brief in Support of Exceptions to Findings of Fact and/or Conclusions of Law on Behalf of Respondent United University Professions; Exceptions to Finds of Fact and/or Conclusions of Law
Box 17 Folder 16
Utica Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re impact of Commissioner's change in BOCES regions for distribution of Excellence in Teaching (EIT) money; arbitration opinion and award in Rome City School District and Rome Teachers Association (roofing grievance); confidential memo re finding of overage by audit in 1986-87 fiscal year budget report
Box 18 Folder 1
Albany Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re repeated violations by South Colonie Central School District of contract clause re preparation time, tense relationship of NYSUT with local; legal memorandum re recall from preferred eligibility list at Shenendehowa school district; request for legal assistance for Averill Park teacher Thelma Tomlinson in 3020a (conduct unbecoming of a teacher) hearing, with attached details of charges, including physical and mental abuse, January 13; requests for similar cases in other districts; request for legal assistance for Gloversville teacher over certification issue that lead to her being barred from teaching; request for legal opinion on agency fee question for Hudson Falls Teachers Association; legal memos re status of driver's education instructor and art teacher in Warren-Washington-Hamilton-Essex BOCES; request for enforcement assistance in arbitration award re marital status discrimination case in Greater Johnstown City School District; notice of appeal of decision by Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board, in state Supreme Court Appellate Division for teacher Eleanor F. Moore, Shenendehowa Central School and Schenectady City School District, related correspondence; request for legal assistance in representing the Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene BOCES Teachers Association in Human Rights Division complaint re use of sick leave for pregnancy disability; memos re Freedom of Information request denial in Rensselaer City School District; request from Shenendehowa Teachers Association for interpretation from NYSUT legal division re school district's ability to increase class size under contingency budget; legal memoranda re tenure status of member of Schenectady Federation of Teachers; request for appeal in "egregious" harassment case in North Colonie in which a tenured teacher was pressured to retire
Box 18 Folder 2
Elmsford Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Request for help in expediting request to state Civil Service Commission in continuing the employment of a 70-year-old food service worker in New Rochelle despite mandatory retirement rule; request for legal help for a long-term teacher at Spring Valley Senior High School (member of East Ramapo United Teachers Association), whose ongoing illnesses and lack of access to the sick bank resulted in loss of income, seniority, and retirement credit; petition to the Commissioner in the matter of appeal of Irene Alves, petitioner, from the actions of the Board of Education of the Greenburgh Central School District Number 7 and Judith Pennyfeather, respondents, re tenure dispute; materials on 3020a (conduct unbecoming of a teacher) cases; Improper Practice Charges
Box 18 Folder 3
Elmsford/Peekskill Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Material re lawsuit by attorney for Peekskill City School District against NYSUT for defamation; PERB decisions
Box 18 Folder 4
Mid: Hudson Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
List of settled litigation cases; 3020a case material; correspondence re dual family health insurance enrollment under Civil Service regulations
Box 18 Folder 5
Nassau Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re efforts by Long Beach City School District, with the support of the local, to rid itself of having to maintain a public library because it was too big a drain on the city's limited taxing authority; determination by state Department of Labor that teacher in Baldwin Central School District was discriminated against in retaliation for asserting rights under Right to Know law, referral of matter to Attorney General; letter requesting legal assistance from union for retirees of Elmont School District, whose terms of health insurance premium payments were being changed; correspondence re dispute between teacher with epilepsy and Uniondale Public Schools/Union Free School District; request for legal assistance in harassment case against Hempstead teacher alleging anti-semitism and racism; timeline, memo, and related documents re part-time teacher seeking full-time status; memo re past president of Uniondale Teachers Association, accused of embezzling union funds, who sent out an appeal for his defense fund to teachers he was supervising, question of legality of solicitation; tenure question in Oyster Bay; memos re termination of a probationary physics teacher for academic weakness; memos by Uniondale school administrators re probationary teacher who was dismissed, indicating that satisfactory performance evaluations would need to be revised to support dismissal; memo re East Meadow tenured teacher who was ordered to take a psychological test or face insubordination (3020a) charges; memo re Manhasset contract, changing unlimited paid sick leave provision to unlimited paid sick leave only for short-term illnesses (less than 180 days), question of guaranteed employment after recovery from long-term illness; PERB ruling on certification or decertification at Nassau Community College; memos re other individual grievances
Box 18 Folder 6
North Country Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter from attorney re question of tenure at Westport Central School; requests for arbitration of grievances at St. Regis Falls; memos re "temporary" physical education position at Indian River, question of subterfuge to avoid creating probationary job; memo re improper practice charge at Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES re teacher credits; memo re political problem at Indian River involving influential elementary school teacher adversely affected by change in schedule, communication to school board outside the negotiating process; request for assistance for custodian dismissed for stealing a gym bag at Beekmantown Central School despite hung jury in criminal trial; material re denial of tenure for teacher Katherine Duesberg at Saranac Central School District, including arbitration award; memo requesting legal review of revised rules for field trips and chaperones at Malone school district
Box 18 Folder 7
NYC Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Request for legal opinion on back pay for teacher at east Meadow High School; memos re litigation over dual family coverage prohibition in statewide health insurance plan; request by special education teacher alleging harassment by Bronx Regional Administrators because of short stature
Box 18 Folder 8
Rochester Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re reduction in hours; memo re Appeal Board's overturning of Administrative Law judge's overturning of local unemployment insurance office (Hilton, NY) denial of payment, question of requirement of claimants to repay; memo re dispute over whether East Irondequoit teacher was entitled to both a $688 Worker's Compensation award and a $750 Facial Disfigurement award, which the school district was paid; memos re 3020a charges (conduct unbecoming of a teacher); memo re part-time seniority and tenure questions in Pittsford; Improper Practice Charges by Brighton Transportation Association, Greece United Substitute Teachers Organization, Greece Support Services Employees Association, Honeoye Falls-Lima Building and Grounds Association, Dansville Teachers Association, and Spencerport Teachers Association
Box 18 Folder 9
Southern Tier Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Materials re apparent attempt by Deposit school district to use a split assignment for the purpose of designating a teacher part-time; materials re 3020a charges; memos re health insurance arrangement in Vestal region; memos re self-funded health plans; memos re retiree benefits in Newfield; layoff of librarian in Chenango Valley; challenge to arbitration award re change in retiree health insurance in New Berlin school district; memo to NYSUT senior counsel recommending appeal of Supreme Court decision in tenure/reinstatement case in Chenango Forks; Improper Practice Charges and factfinding brief for Haverling Central School re bad faith bargaining over health insurance; Improper Practice Charge re starting salary at Newark Valley; Improper Practice Charge re unilateral change in health coverage at Whitney Point; miscellaneous Improper Practice Charges
Box 18 Folder 10
Suffolk Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re meeting with teacher from West Babylon in dispute with district over absences related to an on-the-job accident, eligibility for sick leave, Worker's Compensation, threat of dismissal; memo re retirement incentive at Elwood school district; memo re attempt by Elwood school district to discontinue contract clause for retired teachers because of unwillingness of health insurance carrier to continue to cover the plan without addition of expensive dental insurance; memo re decision by insurance carrier to drop Elwood retirees altogether; memo re meeting with teacher at Bayport/Blue Point, under observation for poor classroom performance; memo re tenure and seniority issues at Brentwood school district, including hybrid subject-area assignments; memo re teacher injured in assault by parent at Sayville school district, declared permanently disabled, pressure by school district to apply for disability retirement; request for legal representation by Elwood teacher claiming sex discrimination because the district did not rehire her; memo re challenge to termination of non-tenured teacher at North Babylon; memos re seniority cases; list of teachers adversely affected by dual family health coverage prohibition, bringing class-action lawsuit; Improper Practice Charges
Box 18 Folder 11
Syracuse Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re 3020a charges; memos re hiring of an uncertified person with a temporary coaching license, instead of a physical education teacher and freshman basketball coach who applied for the position, as a varsity basketball coach at Auburn Enlarged City School District; memos re case against Liverpool Central School District re creation of middle school tenure area, excessing of teacher due to declining enrollment; Freedom of Information Law request to Onondaga Community College re negotiator's contract; memos re investigation of assignment of teacher at Hamilton Central School District, poor performance review; memo re effort to reinstate Onondaga-Madison BOCES custodian, forced to resign for stealing soda; memo re assignment history of teacher seeking tenure at Port Byron Central School District; question of whether use of teacher aides is legal for study hall supervision, "outbreak" of practice in Madison County; request for legal review of use of teaching assistants to substitute for teachers at Onondaga-Madison BOCES; full-time appointment of adult education teachers at same, without probationary status, contractual benefits, or Social Security payments; Improper Practice Charges
Box 18 Folder 12
Utica Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Request for legal assistance for special education teacher at Herkimer BOCES re tenure; letter from Mohawk Valley Community College Professional Association president to NYSUT president Tom Hobart, expressing dissatisfaction with NYSUT general counsel Bernard Ashe for declining to take appeal of case; memo re appeal to Commissioner re abolition of full-time dental hygienist positions in Utica City School District; state Supreme Court order denying grievance by music teacher against (Herkimer) Poland Central School District over part-time status, shift assignments; 3020a case in Richfield Springs; case of unsuccessful 3020a charges in Oriskany School District, reassignment of teacher to study hall from physical education "for safety of students," according to district, question of whether assignment was in effect disciplinary; request by the Mohawk Valley Community College Professional Association for legal assistance in pursuing Freedom of Information request re school district's finances for 1981-83; material re teacher at Auburn High School who swore at former school board president, was reprimanded, then sued school board members and superintendent; memo re improper denial of tenure in Oriskany Falls district; material re promotion dispute at Herkimer County Community College; Improper Practice charges
Box 18 Folder 13
Western Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re Improper Practice Charge in Tonawanda re replacement of two practical nurse-teachers with registered nurses; memo re improper suspension of Tonawanda teacher; other Improper Practice Charges; request for legal assistance in requesting binding arbitration over grievance at Erie BOCES re replacement of seven tenured health occupation positions with staff outside the bargaining unit at hourly wage; memo re 3020a case (conduct unbecoming: unreasonable corporal punishment) at Starpoint Central School District; material re 3020a case in Pine Valley (inappropriate physical contact); other 3020a cases; memo re retirement incentive program at Cheektowaga-Maryvale Union Free School District; legal memo in layoff and tenure case in Niagara Falls; memo re removal of disciplinary letter for custodian in Randolf Central School District; memo re anticipated strike by Niagara Association for Retarded Citizens
Box 18 Folder 14
Albany Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re unemployment insurance appeal for denial of benefits during extended recess period (Linda Gottstein); materials re coerced waiver of tenure in East Greenbush (Paula Quenelle); PERB decision in Queensbury Union Free School District and Mildred Campp et al. and Queensbury Non-Teaching Employees Association, NYSUT, re decertification petition; legal brief prepared by NYSUT in Queensbury case; Adirondack Community College record of staff appearances since June 1984, contact and service reports, with attached memo to Jim Conti noting constant contact by field representative; memos re Whitehall district teachers, expanded workload in violation of contract, request for injunctive relief; memo re 3020a case (alcohol consumption) in Wells, with newspaper clipping; memos re East Greenbush retirement incentive program; local assistance agreement between NYSUT and Greenwich Teachers Association
Box 18 Folder 15
Albany Legal Correspondence: East Greenbush (Gail Hill)
Scope and Contents
Arbitration award; memo from NYSUT legal counsel noting error in mailing brief to wrong address, recommending court action
Box 18 Folder 16
Albany Legal Correspondence: Greenwich (Traver and McClay)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re litigation against the Greenwich Central School District to affirm credit for years of service of two teachers
Box 18 Folder 17
Elmsford Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from music teacher at Tappan Zee High School re grievance over removal from position as band director, related correspondence; memo re dismissed EEOC charges against NYSUT by teacher in Spring Valley; request for legal help from a long-term teacher at Spring Valley Senior High School (member of East Ramapo United Teachers Association), re lack of access to the sick bank, previous illnesses, with memo from Jim Conti advising against providing assistance; memos re Port Jervis strike; memo re Blind Brook teacher planning to return to work following surgery, using artificial voice box, possible issues with superintendent
Box 18 Folder 18
Mid: Hudson Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Materials re 3020a charges against teacher at Red Hook Central School District (misconduct, inappropriate physical contact), teacher at Onteora Central School District (misconduct, alcohol), teacher at Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School (misconduct, marihuana), teacher at Wappingers Central School District (incompetency, neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming), teacher at Hyde Park (conduct unbecoming, disclosing test question), two teachers at Pine Plains (conduct unbecoming, molestation), teacher at Rhinebeck (repeated drunkenness), teacher at Dover-Wingdale (shoplifting), teacher at Millbrook (conduct unbecoming, physical and verbal abuse); memos re legal action to compel Arlington school district to assign full-time teaching position to tenured teacher in seniority case; memo re commencing legal action to have letter of reprimand removed from Ulster BOCES teacher's file; correspondence re grievance re denial of usage of sick bank days at Monticello; question of tenure at Livingston Manor; unemployment benefits decision at Wappingers; correspondence, briefs, arbitrator's award, and related materials re suspended bus driver (Paul Martin) at Wappingers; material re revocation of teaching certificate for teacher (Angela Batorsky) at Cairo-Durham, denial of second year of maternity leave, question of retaliation by school district
Box 18 Folder 19
Nassau Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos for cases re NYS retirement incentive program; maternity leave and tenure; concern by unmarried school monitor over possible dismissal by Port Washington school district upon discovery of her pregnancy, NYSUT intention to defend in a human rights proceeding; request for legal opinion re tenure of health teacher at Oyster Bay-East Norwich; question re legality of public school teachers providing services to parochial schools; memos re rights under Fair Dismissal Law of probationary teachers terminated early at East Rockaway and Rockville Centre school districts; memo re teacher accused of using corporal punishment, Garden City school district; memo re possible marital discrimination case of football assistant coaches who had applied for head coach position and believed they were turned down because they were married; memo re contract language re sick leave at Manhasset school district; question re deferred sabbatical leave at Port Washington; memo re complaint by teacher at Baldwin school district re violation of first and fourteenth amendment rights after accusing district of violations of Toxic Substances Control Act; memo re teacher who pled guilty to grand larceny for mismanaging funds for summer program at Locust Valley, potential 3020a charge
Box 18 Folder 20
North Country: Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Request for legal opinion re rights of art teacher at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES; memos re teacher at Salmon River school district re free speech issue; materials re apparent illegality of retirement plan at Malone school district; memos re Parishville bus driver; memos re tenure for probationary teacher with poor initial performance evaluations, St. Regis Falls school district, question of harassment for involvement in strike; legal briefs re Westport school district requirement for medical report in sick leave absences, agreement between district and teachers association; grievance and related materials re pay issue in St. Regis school district
Box 18 Folder 21
NYC Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
NY Supreme Court decision, Langham et al. v. State of New York, dismissing dual enrollment health insurance case based on statute of limitations; cover memo form NYSUT counsel noting intent to appeal
Box 20 Folder 1
Rochester Legal Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Materials re unemployment insurance case (Gail Muir) in Hilton; memos re grievance over sex discrimination in salaries at Monroe Community College; legal brief by teacher (Linda Baker) against West Irondequoit School District and West Irondequoit Teachers Association, seeking damages from NYSUT, following resignation and failure of union to represent her in grievance; memo re possible part-time job assignments for teacher coming off two-year unpaid maternity leave, preservation of legal rights; memos re abolition of job in Rush-Henrietta school district; NYSUT legal counsel review of Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES interpretation of Garcia case under Fair Labor Standards Act, related materials; memo re permanent certification of teacher who obtained master's degree but failed to apply, Spencerport, related memo re period of amnesty, related briefing paper proposing change in state requirements; request for legal interpretation of law re fringe benefit payments for school employees released to serve in officer positions in bargaining unit (Webster school district); Improper Practice Charge for Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES threat that teacher requests for union representation at disciplinary hearings would result in formal reprimand; PERB decision dismissing petition to decertify Greece United Substitute Teachers Organization (GUSTO); memo re question of tenure at Hilton school district; memo re decision not to pursue litigation over job assignment of art teacher in Spencerport school district; material re layoff/recall rights in Webster school district; 3020a cases
Box 20 Folder 2
Southern Tier Legal
Scope and Contents
Memorandum re incidental teaching of health education by teachers not certified in health, with attached NY Supreme Court ruling on the matter; materials re rights of teachers leaving employment for service in the military, re-employment rights; 3020a cases; memo re reassignment of math teacher to different school; seniority/tenure rights issue in Elmira, with attached lists of staffing changes; memo re liability for $100 shortfall by tax collector for Elmira City School District; 3020a charge against teacher in Bath Central School District, for insubordination (taking unpaid leave to extend ski vacation); review of legality of Workers' Compensation provision of contract between Spencer-Van Etten Teachers Association and school district; PERB brief in the matter of Newark Valley Cardinal Bus Drivers, NYSUT Local 4360, charging party, and Newark Valley Central School District, respondent, Exception to Administrative Law Judge's Decision and Recommended Order on Behalf of Newark Valley Cardinal Bus Drivers, re health insurance coverage
Box 20 Folder 3
Suffolk Legal
Scope and Contents
Material re arbitration in termination case by William Floyd United Teachers re Nancy Barton; memo and earlier correspondence outlining areas of concern to be discussed at meeting with NYSUT legal counsel by teachers from Elwood school district re forcing teacher to change a grade to zero for student cheating on test, also questions of seniority and the excess list; memo re EEOC complaint against United Teachers of Harborfields re age discrimination in negotiated retirement incentive; notice of claim and related memo re seniority list, recall rights at Kings Park school district; letter from field representative to legal staff re Lindenhurst teacher in dispute over reimbursing shortfall of $117 to Honor Society because of poor fundraising said to be his fault, previous record in personnel file of minor non-teaching infractions; correspondence between Westhampton Beach Secretaries Association, the Superintendent of Schools, and NYSUT field representative re ability and liability of secretaries to care for sick children in absence of school nurses, written policy on administration of medications; affidavit in NY Supreme Court in support of order to show cause on motion for preliminary injunction with temporary restraining order in the matter of Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association v. Board of Education, Brookhaven-Comsewogue Union Free School District, re unilaterally altering collective bargaining agreement re terms and conditions of employment; memo re Kings Park teacher denied disability retirement; memos re complex seniority issue at Huntington re tenure-area appointments; 3020a case at BOCES II-Suffolk involving 38 charges of incompetency and related problems; 3020a cases in East Islip and West Babylon re absenteeism; letter to Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers president re drug testing; material re Smithtown arbitration between BOCES 3 Faculty Association and BOCES 3, denying grievance re preferred eligibility list, three excessed teachers; correspondence re longstanding lawsuit over retirement credit in Amityville, request for help in expediting resolution; memo re seniority, question of whether special appointments count toward accrual, with attached case law citations (Bayport/Blue Point Teachers Association); materials re 3020a case (inappropriate remarks and physical contact), including handwritten answers by teacher, Bay Shore school district; memo re Selden Junior High School teacher believed to be suicidal, confronted by team of psychologists for two hours in principal's office, forcibly detained and escorted by police for involuntary admission to hospital, then told not to return to teaching until he arranged ongoing treatment, question of violation of rights; extensive materials re arbitration award re terminal leave pay, North Babylon Teachers Organization, including timeline of events, memos re political and personal issues with arbitrator, October 1984-February 1985; memo re case involving challenge to policy, upheld by U.S. Supreme Court decisions, allowing school districts to compel teachers to display Christmas trees in their classrooms, plans for involvement by American Civil Liberties Union, January 7
Box 20 Folder 4
Syracuse Legal
Scope and Contents
Memo re grievance over lost accumulated sick time after recall from preferred eligibility list at Cheektowaga district; memo re inability to file a notice of claim of injury for exposure to asbestos, absent actual disease, within statutory timeframe (Auburn High School); memos re employee liability in student transport in teachers' personal vehicles (Oneida), possible improper practice charge if transportation is required by district, need for insurance reimbursement; question of whether certain data processing employees can be considered exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (Onondaga BOCES); memo from the Syracuse Teachers Association with list of "do's and don'ts" for teachers accused of sexual misconduct, developed in consultation with law firm Blitman and King, in response to increase in number of sex abuse charges against teachers; letter from teacher at North Syracuse Teacher's Association re calculation of seniority for teachers who hold administrative positions for a time; memos re possible settlement of 3020a case against a teacher in the Liverpool Central School District; memos re Civil Service job classification in Oneida Central School District; chronology of events re charge of unfair representation issued against the Oswego County BOCES Supportive Association and NYSUT; Improper Practice Charges
Box 20 Folder 5
Utica Legal
Scope and Contents
Extensive materials re improper practice charge by school psychologist Don Brady against Rome Teachers Association, including PERB decision
Box 20 Folder 6
Western Legal
Scope and Contents
3020a case involving teacher who wore a pro-union tee-shirt to school and refused to take it off (misconduct and insubordination), also charged with inappropriate language in directing two students to cease a public display of affection (North Tonawanda Senior High); memo re payroll problems at Richford School District, including legal opinion that district was in violation of Education Law for contracting with banks that were not disbursing monies according to the wishes of the teachers; legal opinion that Niagara Falls school district could legally require physical examinations of its employees, but should pay for them; memo re teacher at Orchard Park, being required to teach outside his tenure area; material re dismissal in complex 3020a case at Hamburg High School, involving past sexual harassment charges against former principal; memos re retirement agreement in lieu of 3020a charges, attempt by Hamburg teacher to apply for retirement incentive plan; memo re Hamburg teacher removed from the preferred eligibility list after refusing an assignment because of pregnancy; memos re layoff of teacher at West Seneca, question of seniority rights; material re letter of admonishment to tenured Ellicottville teacher for taking military leave after being called up to active duty; 3020a case involving cocaine use, dismissal (Depew school district); 3020a case involving unprofessional behavior (outbursts of anger), Frewsburg district; PERB decision in Hamburg district re alleged violation of Taylor Law by refusing to continue employment of substitute teachers, memo from NYSUT attorney alleging subterfuge to prevent organizing; materials re 3020a charge against East Aurora teacher (immoral character; inappropriate physical contact); memos re 3020a charge against Batavia teachers (striking a student); memo discussing letter of reprimand against Cassadaga Valley teacher for not following procedural rules for corporal punishment, chance that challenge would result in 3020a charges and dismissal; memo re class load for teacher at West Seneca district; memo re teacher at North Tonawanda who wanted to come back from disability retirement, told it constituted resignation; miscellaneous 3020a cases; extensive materials re unemployment insurance decision appeal of regular substitute teacher Beth Abbott in Springville district
Box 21 Folder 1
Public Employees Federation (1 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Legal brief (with handwritten note, "case re Kramer") on behalf of respondent-appellant in Court of Appeals, CSEA v. Harold Newman et al., comprising the Public Employment Relations Board of the State of New York, the Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, James Northrup, as Acting Director of the Governor's Office of Employee Relations of the State of New York, Arthur Levitt, as Comptroller of the State of New York; legal brief (with NYSUT cover memo), on behalf of respondent-appellant-cross-respondent Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO; handwritten note, "11/30/80 convicted mail fraud," noting 2-year sentence, other charges, "(1) defrauded state employee union, (2) rigged election, (3) channeled $ for election into slush fund & used money for own use"; long handwritten note titled, "Proposal," re Public Employee Federation's desire to resolve the John Kramer arbitration; Court of Appeals decision reversing Appellate Division decision, with NYSUT cover memo, March 27, 1979
Box 21 Folder 2
Public Employees Federation (2 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Folder list of 24 items, including handwritten notes re dues promotion meetings, confidential PEF projected 1981-82 annual budget, NYSUT budget 1981-82; PEF memo re estimated expenditures, May 24, 1982; PEF 1982-83 Annual Budget with summaries of expenditures for each regional office; PEF memo re implementation of dues increase; sheet calculating increase in dues for years 1-3; narrative, "PEF Efforts to Avoid Layoffs"; annual PEF report reviewing professional legal services rendered by firm Cunningham & Sweeney on behalf of PEF, August 5, 1982; agreement by and between New York State Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO (PEF), the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO (AFT), and the Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO and CLC (SEIU), September 25, 1979; minutes of PEF special Executive Board meeting, September 23, 1982; tentative agenda for PEF Executive Board meeting to be held October 10, 1982; memo to Jim Conti from NYSUT general counsel James Sandner, "Report on Status of PEF Cases Handled by NYSUT-OGC/NYC," October 4, 1982; memo to PRO MEMBER (Professionals for Membership Representation and Service) Executive Board Members re special Executive Board meeting, November 24, 1982; memo to PEF officers from PEF Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) re proposed dues increase for 1982 convention, October 5, 1982; minutes of PEF Legal Committee meeting, October 7., 1982; letter to delegates from PEF Secretary-Treasurer James J. Sheedy outlining reasons for pro posed dues increase; Division Report; PEF 4th Annual Convention Program, October 11-13, 1982; Memorandum of Understanding between the State of New York and the Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO (PEF); PEF Agency Totals (total employees and total members, by agency); Negotiating Unit Profile II as of 11/81; UUP Projected Income from Dues, January 1979; list of NYSUT Public School Locals with Dues at least $100
Box 21 Folder 3
Public Employees Federation (3 of 8)
Scope and Contents
PEF monthly report, November 1, 1982; list of grievances; November staff report to Jim Conti from Joint Labor-Management Committee on Professional Development and Quality of Working Life (PEF/PDQ), November 1, 1982; other monthly reports; folder list of 14 items, including letter from PEF president to Deputy Labor Commissioner Virgil Hodges, strongly objecting to "hard-sell" pressure, discovered and publicized in press, on members to purchase tickets to testimonial dinner for Commissioner, August 24, 1982; typed note, apparently by field staffer, objecting to required monthly reports by regional coordinators; Reaffirmation of Affirmative Action Policy, by PEF president; Statement on PEF Women's Program, including purpose and goals, by PEF president; memo to PEF Executive Board members from trustee Stan Byer, commenting on trustee's meeting of June 25, 1982 ("first term report"); handwritten notes by Jim Conti re PEF Officers' meeting, December 13, 1982; PEF financial statements as of July 31, 1982, and auditor's report; confidential material to Jim Conti from Jan Conti re ongoing problems at Buffalo office, apparent effort by regional coordinator to sabotage service in collusion with secretary, October 14, 1982; draft procedure for selection of impartial chairperson for Joint Committee on Health Benefits; memo re layoff procedure, January 19, 1982; statement for press re PEF arbitration proceedings, December 28, 1982; outline of hiring policies; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re status of finances and other issues
Box 21 Folder 4
Public Employees Federation (4 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Folder list of 13 items, including memo to Jim Conti re unit-wide reclassification/reallocation study; series of handbooks, "PEF Steward Training," including "Image Building for the Steward," with cover memo from Jim Conti, September 20, 1982; booklets, "Steward's Manual," "Information for Employees Separated from State Employment," "Information for Temporary and Provisional Employees Separated from State Service by a Reduction in Force," and "Quality of Work Life"; minutes of Special Executive Board meeting, December 14, 1982, and proposed agenda for January 28-29, 1983, meeting; proposed agenda for special Executive Board meeting on December 14, 1982; edited lists of roles of president and other officers ("think like God," "loyalty to president," "make president look good," "eyes and ears of president"); lists of Executive Board officers, trustees, and regional coordinators, including addresses and other contact information; memo to Jim Conti complaining of poor information flow from his office, September 21, 1982; handwritten notes re salary, possible inaccuracy of weekly activity reports, grievances not being processed, phones not being answered, other problems with office; typed narrative re understaffing, from perspective of office secretary; administrative, decision making, and communications organizational charts; handwritten Election Committee report; description of Ray Abernathy, Inc., Public Relations
Box 21 Folder 5
Public Employees Federation (5 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Folder list of 21 items, including 1983-84 PEF budget; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re meeting with caucus leaders of March 30, 1983, re AFT-PEF agreement; list of services to PEF from NYSUT; memo from Layoff Task Force to PEF officers and staff re recommendations for regional activities; agenda for Officers' and Staff Meeting on Layoffs, February 10, 1983; PEF Executive Board minutes, January 28-29, 1983; materials for PEF/OMH Conference on Labor Relations (list of participants, workshop assignments, closing remarks by Jim Conti); newspaper clippings from Knickerbocker News, re court hearing on union fund, memo re layoff kit for stewards; January 11, 1983; layoff packet; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re officers' meeting, January 20, 1983; memo to Jim Conti re field representative position interviews; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re each candidate; memo to PEF president re agreement with NYSUT to stretch out per capita payment schedule, January 6, 1983; Personnel Reduction and Redeployment Plan: Status Report, (from?) Director of the Budget, Director of the Civil Service Commission, Director of Employee Relations, and Director of State Operations, March 27, 1983; memo to all participating agencies from NYS Department of Civil Service Employee Insurance Section re differences between health insurance Statewide Plan and GHI New 1983 Option; memo re impact of layoff on leave accruals; staffing ratio chart by region (number of dues-paying members to number of field representatives); letter from PEF president to Gov. Mario Cuomo analyzing combined impact of normal separation rates and early retirement incentive, March 21, 1983; letter from PEF president to Gov. Cuomo proposing alternative to termination of employees (with document "Family, Partnership and Balance: A State Budget without Layoffs"), March 15, 1983; Memorandum of Understanding between the State of New York and the Public Employees Federation re modification of health insurance coverage, November 18, 1982; list of PEF agency totals (employees/ members); pamphlet, "The Law Is on Your Side" re right to join union, by Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Box 21 Folder 6
Public Employees Federation (6 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Folder list of 19 items, including memo re legislative services affecting PEF; memo from Jim Conti to attorney, listing items sent re state investigation commission (not included); PEF agency totals as of 3/24/83; Certificate of Incorporation of the Association for Union Democracy, Inc.; by-laws; newsletter, Union Democracy Review; draft agreement between AFT and PEF local 4053 re financial assistance to PEF, May 11, 1982, with cover letter from Secretary-Treasurer of AFT to president of PEF; agreement between PEF, AFT, and SEIU, with cover letter, October 3, 1979; list of PEF Executive Board officers and regional coordinators; booklet, PEF constitution and bylaws as amended by the 1980 convention; confidential NYSUT memo re legal dispute with PEF, request from departments for specific list of services rendered to PEF, June 14, 1983; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re dues established, memo of law; letter from PEF president to PS&T employees re challenge to affiliation agreement with AFT and SEIU, June 9, 1983; plaintiff's memorandum of law in Supreme Court of the State of New York, PEF vs Albert Shanker as president of AFT and NYSUT, NYSUT, and SEIU; order to show cause
Box 21 Folder 7
Public Employees Federation (7 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Notes from PEF Management Staff meeting, October 25, 1982; handwritten notes by Jim Conti; memo re new directions for the Department of Research and Professional Development, September 17, 1982; employment agreement between PEF, SEIU, and Robert A. Payne to become Executive Director of PEF, February 7, 1980; memo re unit-wide job title and position allocation survey, September 7, 1982; affiliation agreement and related correspondence; folder list of 19 items, including task objectives for president, PEF field reps, director of staff, documentation of responsibilities for assistant staff director; monthly reports; hand-drawn organizational chart; list of Executive Board and Trustees; PEF memos re important court decisions; memo announcing PEF certified by PERB, September 28, 1978; memo to PEF leadership re withdrawal by CSEA of Improper Practice Charge against State of NY, May 17, 1978; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re 6-week campaign, January 26, 1978; folder list of 16 items, including Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report; July research report; July monthly report; steward update; annual report, August 2, 1982; PEF Executive Board agenda for meeting of August 8-9, 1982; legislative voting record on bills of interest to PEF, August 1982; folder list of 31 items, including outline of responsibilities of Divisions Department; PEF policy on local labor councils, presented as resolution; budget narrative, Legislative Department, January 20, 1983; activities report of the Safety and Health Committee, January 27, 1983; Budget Advisory Committee Procedural Recommendations; Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations; memo re OMRDD layoffs, January 24, 1983; letter to Assemblyman Joseph R. Lentol (chair, Committee on Government Employees) from PEF president Elizabeth Hoke, January 11, 1983; memo to PEF Executive Board re statewide Employee Assistance Program; suggestions to Executive Board from Convention Delegate Apportionment Committee; draft financial statements; layoff information sheet, asking for impact of potential layoff on individuals members; status reports re performance advances; memo to PEF Executive Board from Committee on Ethics and Responsibility, Report on Recommendations, January 28, 1983; PEF press release opposing calls for renegotiation of contracts of public employee unions to solve state's budget problems, January 26, 1983; recommendations to Executive Board from Division Committee, January 19, 1983; letter to the editor of Times-Union by Elizabeth Hoke, president of PEF, taking issue with Gov. Cuomo's estimate that employee salaries account for 60% of total state budget, January 18, 1983; memorandum of interpretation between State of New York and Public Employees Federation re Seasonal Employees; Amendment to the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the Public Employees Federation Group Benefits Program; newspaper clippings; folder list of 11 items, including American Arbitration Association Certification of Results of PEF election, July 7, 1982; affidavit in opposition in the latter of the application of Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, petitioners, for an order staying arbitration attempted to be had by Robert Payne, respondent; letter to PEF president Elizabeth Hoke from attorney Robert Proskin re PEF retainer for services, July 28, 1982; sheets listing roles of regional coordinators, vice president, etc.; political and policy making organizational chart, 12/13/82; memo to Jim Conti re Kraemer arbitration award, August 4, 1982; office memos with lease and rental agreement; handwritten notes by Jim Conti re organization, 5/18/82; agreement between State of New York and Civil Service Employees Association, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Unit, 1977-79; PEF Constitution and Bylaws as amended by 1980 Convention; tentative agreement, rough draft for members; information re early retirement incentive program
Box 21 Folder 8
Public Employees Federation (8 of 8)
Scope and Contents
Folder list of 15 items, including Public Employees in Court, a synopsis of cases dealing with public employees' rights under various laws; copy of PERB secret-ballot for affiliation with CSEA, PEF, or neither; letter of resignation to president of CSEA from Jack Weisz, president of CSEA New York Parole District Chapter, endorsing PEF as better serving interests of public employees, March 15, 1978; list of Buffalo Steering Committee members; clippings from Civil Service Leader; list of target areas; PEF job group breakout by title, showing number of individuals; PERB Notice of Election to determine representative for collective negotiations; memo from PEF Director of Organization re closure of municipal offices because of snowstorm, criticizing requirement for employees to use personal leave or leave without pay, calling on governor to rescind the policy; PEF telephone bank and code sheets; memo re revisions to Employee Relations Manual re elections, May 19, 1975
Box 21 Folder 9
Public Employees Federation: Executive Board Minutes
Scope and Contents
Incomplete set of minutes with cover letter to Jim Conti, noting existence of untranscribed tapes, need to find reference to Robert Payne, Regional Director of SEIU, December 22, 1982; verbatim transcript of October 10, 1982, meeting
Box 21 Folder 10
Public Employees Federation: Campaign Material
Scope and Contents
List of Buffalo Steering Committee members; flyers urging affiliation; related correspondence
Box 21 Folder 11
Public Employees Federation: To Jim Conti
Scope and Contents
Certificate of Appreciation by the National Education Association to Jim Conti for service as member of Local Association Evaluation Team, with cover letter, July 24, 1974; newsletters WTA Point, 1974; PEF memo re status of day care sites, December 10, 1982; New York Times editorial "Mental Health Is Not a Jobs Program," with response by PEF president Hoke, December 13, 1982; other newspaper clippings; PEF Legislative Memorandum in opposition to impasse resolution procedures in Civil Service law, December 7, 1982; legislative memo in opposition to involuntary furlough, December 13, 1982; memo to PEF Executive Board from President Hoke re communicating with the media, instructing that official statements be cleared with her office, December 13, 1982; notice of special Executive Board meeting for December 14, 1982; minutes of special Executive Board meeting of September 23, 1982; draft report, "Public Service Training for Managers, Supervisors, and Professionals for the Professional, Scientific and Technical Bargaining Unit," printed on behalf of the State University of New York by the State University of New York at Albany, September 15, 1982; trustees' reports re budget and other matters; outline of state employee workshop; brochure re the Clients' Security Fund, a state-administered program to reimburse victims of attorney fraud; PEF bound 1982 Resolutions; overview report for delegates, "PEF: Professionalism in New York," October 1982
Box 21 Folder 12
Public Employees Federation: To Tom Hobart (Confidential)
Scope and Contents
Opinion survey by Marttila & Kiley, Inc, " A Study of Attitudes and Preferences among Members of the Public Employees Federation," August 1, 1981; memos to John Kraemer and others from Ray Abernathy, Inc. (advertising and public relations): "Kraemer-Cabell Reversal Campaign" and "Recommendations for Re-election Program," September 1981; August/September 1981 issue of PEF Communicator, announcing victory of Elizabeth Hoke over John Kraemer as new president of PEF
Box 21 Folder 13
Public Employees Federation: Toxic Substances Act-Right to Know Law
Scope and Contents
Document, New York Toxic Substances Act Outline of Procedures, Duties and Rights; full text of act; subchapter H, Environmental Health and Toxic Substances Part 72, Registration of Trade Secrets; document, Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology: A Short History; materials re Right to Know Law, requiring employers to tell workers about the health effects of any toxic substances in their workplace; handwritten memo re Department of Labor hearing
Box 22 Folder 1
Coordinator's Memos
Scope and Contents
Brochure, "Going, Going, Gone? A Report on the Teacher Shortage in America," by American Federation of Teachers, with cover memo to coordinators, November 7, 1985; memo from Commissioner of state Department of Motor Vehicles re new legislation requiring fingerprinting and criminal background checks for all school bus drivers; revised Commissioner's Regulations for bus drivers implementing new legislation, sent to all bus companies; memo re compromise reached in compensation for overtime for public employees under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); memos re Empire Health Insurance Plan; New York Times clipping re arbitration agreement giving higher starting salaries for new teachers and raises for the most experienced; PERB decision on the duty of fair representation in CSEA case, with cover memo noting need for field representatives to be aware of how to process an arbitration case, September 16, 1985; Daily Labor Report article re ruling that libelous comments made during grievance procedures are immune from lawsuits for damages; memo re Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES interpretation of FLSA; memo re special seminar to be held in preparation for regional conferences by Board of Regents, "Strengthening Teaching in New York State"; AFL-CIO article, "Japanese Management: Myth or Magic," with cover memo from Jim Conti to coordinators, August 13, 1985; memo from NEA-NY re health insurance for retirees (Abenanty lawsuit), May 20, 1985, with attached letter re disaffiliation, June 10; "Winning Practical, Fair and Effective Health Care Cost Containment," A Handbook for AFT Negotiators and Local Leaders or State Employee Negotiators, produced by the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals AFT, AFL-CIO, or Federation of State Employees AFT, AFL-CIO, with cover letter from Jim Conti to coordinators, June 25, 1985; memo re proposed teacher load regulations, to be used in comments to Board of Regents (member list attached); tentative PEF agreement re change to Empire Plan, June 13; dismissal of age discrimination lawsuit by teachers in North Tonawanda School District in retirement incentive case (Cipriano and Miller); report, "The Changing Situation of Workers and Their Unions," by AFL-CIO Committee on the Evolution of Work, February 1985, with cover letter from Jim Conti to coordinators recommending staff meeting to discuss, April 30, 1985; newspaper clipping re teacher salary rankings by state, other statistics; memo re proposed change in statewide health insurance plan, with attached Empire Plan overview, April 8, 1985; memo advising opposition to tuition tax credit legislation (Marchi bill), March 29, 1985; letter sent by NEA/NY to community colleges affiliated with NYSUT, with cover letter from Jim Conti to coordinators, March 13, 1985; confidential memo from Jim Conti that grievance had been filed over dress code, noting that one teacher was given a letter of reprimand for not wearing a tie, urging compliance, March 1, 1985; memo re payroll deduction for political action; discussion papers from NYSUT general counsel's office re Commissioner's Regulations, Part 100, mandating Annual Professional Performance Reviews, and its impact on collective bargaining, February 12 and 13, 1985; memo re insurance law amendments, requiring mental health coverage for services provided by qualified social workers in addition to psychiatrists and psychologists, February 6, 1985, with attached language of legislation; memo re NEA efforts to organize at community colleges, November 15, 1984; memo re proper way to write an improper practice charge, December 14, 1984
Box 22 Folder 2
Albany Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Acrimonious exchange of open letters between Leon Lieberman, NYSUT regional coordinator, and John Pennachio, president, Faculty Association of Adirondack Community College, re unanimous decision by association to affiliate with NEA, September 1985; letter from Lieberman to Jim Conti, explaining the situation; letter from Jim Conti to grievance chairman of East Greenbush Teachers' Association discussing inability to pursue legal action to vacate arbitrator's award in Gail Hill matter, July 19, 1985; memo re East Greenbush retirement incentive question; information bulletin re health insurance coverage in retirement; internal correspondence re dispute over military leave
Box 22 Folder 3
Buffalo Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter from Ron Uba re urgent need for more office space in Western New York Regional Office, July 23; letter re dress code for Western New York Summer Workshop, detailing specific appropriate clothing requirements; memo re NEA organizing activities; list of Erie County presidents, 1985-1986; minutes of Erie County Council of Teacher Union Presidents, September 24, 1985; letter from North Tonawanda Teachers Support Fund administrator to local presidents, asking for contributions to assist teachers fined and facing possible jail time as a result of the strike, May 31; related correspondence re strike; meeting notice and minutes of March 12, 1985, meeting of School Related Personnel Council of Western New York; request from Alfred- Almond Teachers Association to change district representation from the Jamestown office to the Elmira district, for geographical convenience, May 13; text of legislation to include 4201 (e.g., BOCES) employees in NYS Teachers' Retirement System, with memorandum in support and cover memo from Jim Conti, May 29; confidential letter of reprimand from Ron Uba to field representative for failure to notify locals of inability to attend negotiating sessions, May 14; other letters praising field representatives; confidential memo re local assessment of NYSUT services, May 3; memo from Ron Uba to Jim Conti analyzing NYSUT's attempts to organize retirees, noting disproportionate effort relative to results, February 28; memo re rights to unemployment insurance by employees of religious institutions, March 21; memo re PERB case in Hamburg Central School District; announcement of political action workshop
Box 22 Folder 4
Elmsford Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re grievance of music teacher over transfer because of declining enrollment in South Orangetown district, JulySeptember; memo re Supreme Court decision re public assistance to parochial schools, July 3; correspondence re meeting of AFL-CIO Safety and Health Committee; Charging Party's Exceptions in Port Jervis Teachers' Association case, asserting that PERB has jurisdiction, May 16, 1985; text of legislation to include 4201 (e.g., BOCES) employees in NYS Teachers' Retirement System, with memorandum in support and cover memo from Jim Conti, May 29; materials re Empire Plan, including Empire Plan Memorandum from the CSEA, Inc., overview of benefits; summary of arbitration cases re salary advancement for teachers earning law degrees; Elmsford Regional Office Staff Assignments 1985-1986; letter from Jim Conti to president of the Newburgh Teachers Association re NYSUT response to requests for assistance with safety and health problems, possible affiliation with NYCOSH, March 21, and related correspondence; memos re questionnaire re Port Jervis strike, March; memos re Cornwall Secretaries Group, noting lack of interest by SEIU, intention by NYSUT to move to affiliate them; memo from Jim Conti re Katz matter in East Ramapo re sick bank committee, reluctance to file Freedom of Information request against district, January 11
Box 22 Folder 5
Mid: Hudson Regional Office-Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Blue Shield of Northeastern New York, Inc., "State Plus Proposal Given to Rhinebeck Central School"; booklet by Department of Civil Service, "Health Insurance for Your Dependents: The New York State Government Employees Health Insurance Plan"; NYSUT regional office newsletters, Mid-Hudson School Bell; memo to Jim Conti expressing concern raised by president of Red Hook Faculty Association over process for selecting local leaders (in this case, an individual who was no longer a member of the bargaining unit) for special training programs, need to consult the regional coordinator, September 3; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from the Hudson Teachers' Association dinner chairman, inviting him to attend community service dinner, with attached memo from Jim Conti re proper channel of communication; brief report on Mid-Hudson Regional Conference, to Jan Conti, regional coordinator, from Jim Conti, August 28; correspondence re welfare trust funds by various locals, and text of fund agreement for Wappingers Federation of Transit-Custodial and Maintenance Workers; draft recommendation of the Sub-Committee on Crisis Support/Management; correspondence re Mid-Hudson Leadership Conference; tentative agenda; court decision in Dutchess County BOCES v. Newman et al., annulling PERB decision, Jun 11, 1985; PERB decision of administrative law judge in the matter of County of Putnam, respondent, and Putnam County Unit, Local 840, Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., AFSCME, AFL-CIO, charging party, re dress code, May 3, 1985; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of Wappingers Congress of Teachers, authorizing school monitors in the district to form a secondary local, the Wappingers Federation of Educational Assistants, March 28; correspondence with Monticello Teachers Association re settlement of 1983 grievance arbitration for teacher denied access to sick bank, March April, 1985; correspondence between Jim Conti and director of organizing for CSEA re lack of interest by CSEA in organizing Pine Plains Central School, March April; arbitration seminar description and registration form; "A Report on the Plight of the Collective Bargaining System," January 1984, New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Labor; letter from Jim Conti to Vito DeLeonardis re two cases in which NYSUT took action on behalf of locals or teachers against its better judgment, under threat of disaffiliation or losing a representation election, need to make decisions based on merits January 10; Dutchess United Educators Handbook, 1984-1985; Retirement Handbook, September 1984; memo re dual health insurance enrollment at Wappingers Falls, September 10, 1984; work schedule statistics of MHRO (Mid-Hudson Regional Office) field representatives, total hours; local bargaining units added since opening of MHRO; support rationale for addition of field rep in MHRO; correspondence with Jim Conti re disability retirement case, Wechinsky v. New York Teachers' Retirement System, August November 1985; correspondence from actuaries with Jim Conti re State Plus health insurance plan for Rhinebeck Central School District, related memo from NYS Department of Civil Service
Box 22 Folder 6
Nassau Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to Vito DeLeonardis from regional office coordinator re dissatisfaction over comparable worth by secretaries at Wantagh (with attached letter) as indicative of larger problem, potential for other unions such as NEA and Teamsters to fill the gap if non-teaching school-related personnel feel NYSUT is not representing them well, October 25, 1985; appeals before the Commissioner of Education re work load by teachers in the Guilderland Central School District; memos to local presidents and coordinators re new Empire health insurance plan, replacing G.H.I. and other statewide health insurance plans, October 9 and 25; status report re pilot program for collecting membership data, initial resistance, analysis of how to proceed, March 18; memos re retiree health insurance legislation; flyer for health and safety conference for Nassau and Suffolk locals, with cover memo by sponsor, New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), October 4; C. B. Bulletin, newsletters for Nassau Regional Office, April, May, June, September, October, December 1985; Newsday newspaper clipping re decertification filed by Nassau Community College Federation of Teachers, representing full-time faculty members, against the Adjunct Faculty Association, with cover memo from Jim Conti to Tom Hobart, September 30; longer memo from Conti to Hobart re Nassau Community College situation, September 23; memo from Jim Conti re concerns about participating in Long Island Health Care Coalition, Inc., August 27; bylaws and related correspondence; text of legislation to include 4201 (e.g., BOCES) employees in NYS Teachers' Retirement System, with memorandum in support and cover memo from Jim Conti, May 29; document by State Education Department, "School District Reorganization: An Introduction," December 1984, with cover memo by Jim Conti, May 21, 1985; correspondence re health and safety concerns at Nassau Community College, January March 1985
Box 22 Folder 7
New York City Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Flyer and memo for conference on the electromagnetic hazards of VDTs (video display terminals: computer monitors), October 5, 1984; text of legislation to include 4201 (e.g., BOCES) employees in NYS Teachers' Retirement System, with memorandum in support and cover memo from Jim Conti, May 29; memos noting support by many labor organizations for state OSHA legislation, with attached summary of bill, March 1985; inquiry from teacher who had been a part-time substitute for years and then a full-time substitute for years but was never informed of her right to join the teachers retirement system, related memos, September 1985
Box 22 Folder 8
Potsdam Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Request for continued secretarial help after PEF operation moved from Potsdam office to Plattsburgh office, September 4, 1985; list of negative comments from local presidents, September 3, 1985; memos re retirement incentives, deferred compensation
Box 22 Folder 9
Rochester Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Notes on a Meeting with Assembly Minority Leader Dan Walsh and Superintendents and Board Representatives from School Districts within the 130th Assembly District, by Gananda school board member Ruben Cirillo, discussing school aid, teachers' salaries, other issues, with cover memo to Jim Conti, November 11, 1985; PERB decision of administrative law judge in the matter of Caledonia Central School District, respondent, and Caledonia-Mumford Teachers' Association, charging party, re alleged violation of Public Employees' Fair Employment Act by transferring elementary school teachers inconsistent with prior practice, July 1, 1985; memos re Wayne County survey of teachers, July; NYSUT legal counsel's opinion of Cayuga- Onondaga BOCES interpretation of Garcia case, re coverage of public employees by Fair Labor Standards Act; memo from Jim Conti outlining his concept for a support system for strikes, September 24; memo re Rochester Women's Network, asking NYSUT vice president Toni Cortese to speak at meeting, September 11; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel James Sandner re unemployment eligibility question for teacher in the Rochester City School District, August 21, with attached materials from Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board; materials re workshop, "Bargaining for Improved Health Care"; correspondence re Hilton Central School Teachers' Association question of 2510 (tenure) rights for teacher who voluntarily transferred, May; memo re possible organizing Wayne Central school district, April 23; NYSUT legal counsel's opinion of layoff/recall rights (bumping back into former unit when there is no vacancy, forcing a layoff) in case of teacher at Webster Central School District, March-April; briefing paper for meeting with (deputy commissioner) Don Nolan re teacher certification disputes, with attached memo from Charles Santelli to Jim Conti, April; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from Phelps-Clifton Springs Faculty Association requesting legal help in resolving asbestos problem, March 5, and related memos; memo recommending new NYSUT panel members for 3020a hearings, noting increase in those hearings, February 13; confidential memo from Jim Conti to Vito Leonardis re field representative staff assignments, January 8
Box 22 Folder 10
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re growing dissatisfaction by non-teaching School-Related Personnel (SRPs) with NYSUT's perceived lack of representation and focus on teachers, October 25; memo re new affiliate, Islip Teacher Aides Association, November 14; memo re difficulties in obtaining a contract at three locals, particularly BOCES 2, potential for strikes, November 4; letter from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to NYCOSH, asserting that higher-than-average mortality rate from breast cancer among teachers at AFT local 1848 (Island Trees, Long Island) was similar to that of a study conducted in Washington State, and could be explained by higher rates among women meeting their demographic profile, concluding that an occupational study of the group would not be warranted, July 26, 1985; letter from NYCOSH to National Cancer Institute Environmental Epidemiology Branch, noting attached interim report indicating higher-than-average cancer mortality rate among Island Trees (Long Island) teachers, requesting study by NCI, May 14; announcement for negotiation workshop, November; letter to Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers president from NYSUT general counsel re drug testing of prospective employees, June 20; list of salary increases at various locals/school districts; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from Half Hollow Hills Paraprofessional Association, complaining of lack of help in negotiating contract, short staffing at Suffolk office, low value for high dues, with reply from Hobart, May-June; memo to Hobart from Jim Conti re Half Hollow situation, June 19; memo from Jim Conti to regional office coordinator John DeGregorio asking whether more staff service can be provided to the association, May 29; memo re collective bargaining elections scheduled at Northport and St. John's, June 6; memo from Jim Conti requesting estimate of how much it would cost for meals and housing to hold a conference in New York City per day, May 3; related discussion re speakers, topics for discussion; request to Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to provide a mediator in dispute between Suffolk BOCES II and BOCES II Teachers Association, reply that mediator would not be provided, March 11, 1985; PERB decision in BOCES case re reporting accumulated sick time, November 14, 1984; handwritten notes re meeting with Suffolk staff, June 20, 1985; "Report from the Bay Shore Classroom Teachers Association Committee to Survey NYSUT/AFT Services," with cover letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of association, noting dissatisfaction with services, May 24; confidential memo to Tom Hobart from regional office coordinator John DeGregorio re interpretation of issues, assertion that rank-and- file do not favor disaffiliation, June 7; letter to Hobart from Bay Shore association president re computer system problems, January 15; reply from Hobart to association president, April 15; survey of Bay Shore teachers re satisfaction with services; complaint by president of Patchogue Medford Congress of Teachers over advice by NYSUT legal staff re urine drug testing, failure to obtain restraining order, June 10; correspondence with Jim Conti including letter from Mount Sinai Medical Center Environmental Sciences Laboratory noting detection of asbestos and chlordane in half the locations tested at Cold Spring Harbor Elementary School, advising contacting the EPA, April 29; letter from NYCOSH re low asbestos air sampling results at Lindenhurst Junior High School library, May 2; arbitration decision finding against a termination grievance brought for teacher Nancy Barton, in the matter of William Floyd United Teachers and William Floyd United Free School District of the Mastics-Moriches-Shirley, and extensive related correspondence, March-April; letter to Jim Conti from NYS Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health re environmental tests at Cold Spring Harbor Elementary School, noting inconclusive, pending, or negative results for water contamination or asbestos, small quantities of chlordane, April 8; related correspondence and full test reports; memo re OSHA problem in district office involving fumes from office equipment, need for exhaust fan, March 20; memos between Jim Conti and regional office coordinator John DeGregorio re staff training, March; memo from Jim Conti to Chuck Santelli re state health insurance rules, March 28; memos re need to investigate possible OSHA violations at various school districts, February-March; memo that Amityville Committee of Educational Secretaries had voted to affiliate with NYSUT, February 22; memo from Jim Conti to Arbitration Committee with attached list of items that should be on forms re arbitrators and arbitrations, February 25; legal opinion by NYSUT general counsel James Sandner to North Babylon Teachers Organization president re arbitration award by Phillip Russo in Globerman & Evario case, February 22; memos between Jim Conti, Tom Hobart, and John DeGregorio re survey by Bay Shore Classroom Teachers Association re satisfaction with NYSUT services, possible disaffiliation vote, strategy, January; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from Brentwood Teachers Association president complaining of poor communication with NYSUT state headquarters in Albany re state insurance plan, with reply, January; summary report of Regional Finance Study of Public Education, County of Suffolk, New York, March 1983, by Regional Planning Board
Box 22 Folder 11
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letters from regional coordinator Frank Squillace to locals engaged in contract negotiations, notifying them that their field representative would be relieved by another NYSUT staffer for those negotiations, November14; opinion by NYSUT general counsel re Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Garcia interpretation of Fair Labor Standards Act; correspondence re Teacher Compensation Conference; correspondence re takeover by BOCES of summer school offered by Auburn High School, legality of lower pay offered to non-BOCES teachers under contract with high school, May-June; correspondence re liability insurance being offered to Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals by Albert H. Wohlers Insurance Company, May; letter with question re seniority status of teachers who take administrative positions for a time, then return to full-time teaching, April; memo re West Genesee Substitute Teachers' Association application for affiliation with NYSUT, April 1; letter from Frank Squillace re successful incorporation of adjunct personnel in full-time faculty bargaining unit at Onondaga Community College; April 1; report to file by Jim Conti re meeting he had with Syracuse Regional Office, March 25
Box 22 Folder 12
Utica Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Report, "School District Reorganization: An Introduction," State Education Department, December 1984, with cover letter from Jim Conti, May 21, 1985, other memos requesting information on school mergers, April; summary of notes from TV training program, May 16; materials obtained re NEA legislative objectives, sent to NYSUT-affiliated community colleges, March; request to Jim Conti for copy from the legal department of Commissioner's decision in the Matter of Richardson, re letters of reprimand, and reason for NYSUT's not having received it and potentially others, December 12, 1984
Box 22 Folder 13
Vestal/Southern Tier Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Court of Appeals decision affirming dismissal of teachers' petition against Sewanhaka Central High School district's reduction in health insurance contribution on behalf of retirees, with cover memo, December 16; letter from job applicant for field rep position, June 6; copy of Public Employment Reporter, with cover memo to Jim Conti from regional coordinator Charles Rogers suggesting possible subscription, October; decision of the Commissioner in Marie Connor v. Board of Education, Massapequa Union Free School District, re appointment of another individual to an administrative position, July 14; monthly report, June; NYSUT Division of Field Service newsletter, Southern Tier Briefs, June; memos re Commissioner's Regulations, Part 100.2(1), requiring school districts to adopt a School Conduct and Discipline Procedure, with attached policy adopted by Charlotte Valley, October 31; brochure explaining "just cause," with cover memo to Jim Conti, October 22; comparison of Empire Plan with other health insurance plans; memo to Jim Conti requesting information on quality circles and labor-management committees, July 22; memo re change in regional office serving the Alfred-Almond Teachers Association, from Western New York Regional Office-Jamestown to Southern Tier Regional Office, June 13; printout of open litigation files in NYSUT office of general counsel for Vestal service center as of 5/16/85; list of NYSUT representatives to tenure hearing panel, with recommended replacements, May 16; letters to field representatives thanking them for good work, April 8; long memo from Jim Conti re PERB procedure for accretion, March 21; related memos, March 1; memos re legality of deducting negotiated benefit in lieu of salary (Sidney Teachers Association), March; memos re Broome-Tioga joint administration of health insurance, with attached opinion of the state comptroller (most important passages obscured by highlighter, appearing black on copy), February 15, relevant text from General Municipal Law, and Trust Agreement, January 14; memo re staff meeting of Southern Tier Regional Office, February 12; text of Section 25(4) of Workers' Compensation Law; newspaper clipping from Cortland Standard re Tompkins-Cortland Community College part-time faculty seeking union affiliation, November 16, 1984
Box 22 Folder 14
Watertown Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Inquiry re standard wording of contract agreement, need to modify, June
Box 22 Folder 15
Organizing Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Organizing Correspondence 1983-1986 Memo re strategy for organizing Methodist Hospital, October 11, 1985; debriefing memo re organizing campaign at Jefferson Rehabilitation Center, October 11, 1985; copy of article in Heathcare Financial Management, "Unionization in the hospital industry: How are wages affected?" August 1985; memo re attached flyer targeting health care professionals, with suggestions for shorter slogan, October 11, 1985; organizing bulletin re counterfeit promotions designed to exclude pro-union employees from voting in affiliation elections, September 1985; other issues of newsletter; newspaper clipping from Washington Post re unionization movement among physicians, to retain more control over medical decisions in response to insurance company regulations, August 12, 1985; newspaper clipping re nurse protest against layoffs at Lockport Memorial Hospital, October 1, 1985; long, detailed memo to file from Jim Conti re organizing activities on July 15-16, 1985, including meetings with several people from New York Cityarea hospitals, nurses association; confidential memo from Jim Conti to Vito DeLeonardis re nurse organizing, strong conviction by contacts that nurses do not want to belong to a teacher's union, need to establish a separate organizational identity that nevertheless maintains legal tie to NYSUT, August 12, 1985; memo discussing PERB decisions (Williamsville and Hamburg cases) that would make organizing substitutes in small and medium sized school districts more difficult, June 14, 1985; resume of potential nurse organizer, July 18, 1985; memo to Jim Conti reorganizing efforts at Wayne Central Education Association (NEA), May 20, 1985, with cover memo from Jim Conti asking whether a survey might be helpful, June 17; application for local charter with Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, with cover memo noting discontinuation of professional liability insurance as option, April 26, 1985; memos re PERB procedure re accretion, FebruaryMarch 1985; summary of survey of adjunct faculty at Nassau Community College re representation by full-time faculty association, concern over preserving seniority rights, March 1, 1985; long memo from Jim Conti (tracking attached handwritten memo to Jim Conti from organizing coordinator John O'Leary) discussing staffing, January 8, 1985; article from Industrial and Labor Relations Review, "The Influence of Management Consultants on the Outcome of Union Certification Elections," October 1984, with cover memo to organizers from John O'Leary, December 10, 1984; long, detailed memo from John O'Leary to Jim Conti and John DeGregorio analyzing the nurses (RN) organizing campaign at St. John's hospital in Smithtown, October 31, 1984; memo from John O'Leary re survey for organizing college clerical employees, February 13, 1985; memo from Jim Conti re meeting re possibility of enlisting UUP's (United University Professions) help in organizing health care workers, need to establish health- care identity within NYSUT, July 19, 1983
Box 23 Folder 1
Coordinator's Memos
Scope and Contents
Memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors re PERB decisions re subcontracting of summer school teachers and programs to BOCES, with attached text of decisions, December 17, 1986; informational brochure re Workers' Compensation; publication by New York State Health Maintenance Organization Council, "HMO: a good idea that keeps getting better all the time"; memo from Jim Conti re Excellence in Teaching (EIT) payments and retirement credits, December 4; salary schedule increases for 1985-86 and 1986-87; memo from Jim Conti asking for financial help for the health care workers of the Benjamin-Rush Employees Union, ten of whom lost their jobs after a 20-day strike, November 24, 1986; request from Jim Conti for bargaining load for each field representative for the year, with attached form, November 11; list of arbitration grievance issues for tracking; improper practice charge against the Rome school district, filed by the Rome Teachers Association, over Excellence in Teaching (EIT) funds, with cover letter noting that the Rome Board of Education had since applied for the funds, and the teachers' association would likely be withdrawing the charge, September 22; memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors advising them that the State Education Department would likely consider applications for Excellence in Teaching funds even if school districts applied beyond the expired deadline, October 9; briefing paper, "Teacher Salaries and the Excellence in Teaching Law," September 22; memo with sample Improper Practice Charge that locals might use when school districts do not apply for Excellence in Teaching funds, September 18; text of address by attorney for school boards, Melvin H. Osterman, Jr., "Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Schools," presented at the first annual School Conference of the Capital Area, School Development Association, July 14, 1986, with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors, September 19; request from Jim Conti to regional staff directors re status of negotiations over EIT monies, August 26; text of Comments on Briffault Report on Agency Fee, prepared for PERB Agency Fee Symposium, September 9, 1986, presented by Bernard F. Ashe, Esq., general counsel, NYSUT, with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors; confidential memo from Robert Allen to regional staff directors re private meeting to be held one day before the regular meeting to discuss how Field Services Department officers (Allen, Jim Conti, Vito De Leonardis) could be of more help to the staff directors, August 18; State of New York Workers' Compensation Board brochure, "Physicians' Guide to Workers' Compensation, Disability Benefits, Volunteer Firefighter Benefits," with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors, August 14; correspondence re additional fees charged to teaching assistants (school-related personnel) who apply to the State Education Department for continuing certification, including exchange of letters between Commissioner Gordon Ambach and NYSUT vice president Antonia Cortese, June-July; salary schedule increases for 1985-86 and 1986-87, October 11; memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors re phone banks for Cuomo/Lundine campaign, need to keep records in order for filing purposes, July 16; program for Summer Institute for Union Women; Information Bulletins re state funding for Teacher Centers; detailed memo from Jim Conti with recommendations for implementing EIT legislation, June 9; memos re reduction in employer contribution to New York State Teachers Retirement System, May 22; memo from Jim Conti with attached legislative bulletin from the New York State School Boards Association opposing certain Excellence in Teaching regulations, May 22; information release by the New York State Social Security Agency re new federal law requiring coverage under Medicare of new public employees not covered under Social Security; memo re draft regulations for Excellence in Teaching legislation; question and answer sheet re Excellence in Teaching program with respect to BOCES; memo to the counsel to the Governor re Excellence in Teaching legislation, April 17; fact sheet re New Jersey's Right-to-Know law, with attached negotiations checklist; strategy memo from Jim Conti to coordinators re Excellence in Teaching apportionment, April 23; memo to coordinators from Vito DeLeonardis re upcoming training session for field representatives to provide retirement consultation services to School-Related Personnel, following complaints that NYSUT was not providing the same services for SRPs as it was for teachers, April 23; memo re Excellence in Teaching legislation, including description of major aspects of the teacher salary aid, and excerpt from text of legislation, April 14; briefing paper on the status and progress at the Workers' Compensation Board, March 14; memo to coordinators from Jim Conti re procedure for legal representation by NYSUT in cases where teachers choose a disciplinary procedure other than a 3020a hearing, March 18; materials re AFT Local Leaders' Conference, March 12; Bureau of National Affairs article on real value of minimum wage, at lowest level since 1955, with cover memo to coordinators; Bureau of National Affairs article re supreme Court's setting of agency fees by unions, with cover memo
Box 23 Folder 2
Albany Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Request for assignment of NYSUT attorney in sex abuserelated 3020a case against teacher (also charged criminally) in Johnstown school district, December 4; memos re pay grievance of teacher at Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake district, recommendation for Article 78 proceeding instead, November; memo re teacher at Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk district refusing to pay agency fee for religious reasons; October 31; memos with NYSUT legal counsel re Shenendehowa school district direction to teachers that violation of copyright laws would not be covered under the Save Harmless provisions of Education Law, October; memo re investigation of sexual abuse reports against teacher at Whitehall school district, determined by both local school board and Grand Jury to be unfounded, failure to communicate findings to State Education Department, subsequent letter from SED that it was opening an investigation, August 27; request for legal assistance to appeal case to Commissioner as violation of Commissioner's Regulations re teaching assignment that brought subject-certified East Greenbush teacher to just under full time, replaced .1 with teacher not certified in subject area, September; request for legal assistance for Adirondack Cooperative Teachers' Association (Washington-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES) full-time teacher being laid off for a part-time teacher, in violation of 2510 rights, July; request for legal assistance for teacher suspended and charged in 3020a case in Johnstown school district, June; request for NYSUT attorney consultation to advise on layoff consequences of annexation of Draper school district by Mohonasen district, May; request for legal assistance for the Guilderland Teachers Association, charged, with the school district, with sex discrimination by four school nurses, for whom the NYS Division of Human Rights found probable cause, April; request for legal assistance for teacher charged with 3020a (incompetency) violation in Mohonasen school district, with attached specifics, April; requests for representation in other 3020a cases in Hadley-Luzerne and Schenectady-Albany-Schoharie BOCES; request for legal opinion in East Greenbush case involving 2510 recall rights, January
Box 23 Folder 3
Elmsford Regional Office Legal File
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Correspondence re dispute over effective date of resignation of teacher at Valley Central School District, impact on health insurance coverage, MarchMay
Box 23 Folder 4
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Request for legal assistance for teacher in second 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, for slapping a student), Poughkeepsie City School District, with attached specifics December 16; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (incompetence, for absenteeism), Hyde Park school district, December; request for legal advice re rights of unmarried 40-year-old high school teacher considering becoming pregnant by artificial insemination, following several unsuccessful adoption attempts, New Paltz Central School District, November; PERB decision in matter of Greenville Central School District, respondent, and Greenville Faculty Association, charging party, re unilaterally increasing number of teacher workdays for 1985-86 school year, October 15; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (violation of policy against corporal punishment) at Ichabod Crane Central School, December; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (incompetence, for failure to obtain certification), related correspondence requesting extension, noting illness as extenuating circumstance, Hudson City School District, September; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, for abusive language) at Highland Central School District, June; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, for spanking), Poughkeepsie City School District, June; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, for several instances of physical contact or speech considered inappropriate by the district), Hyde Park Central School, June; memo re request by teacher for extension of probationary period, constituting waiver of tenure by acquiescence, Livingston Manor, June; correspondence re 3020a charges against teacher at Rhinebeck school district, June; correspondence re 3020a charges against teacher at Wappingers Central School District (insubordination, for failure to submit to examination by district-appointed psychiatrist; question of impartiality), May; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (misconduct constituting a crime, conviction for aggravated harassment), Catskill Central Schools, May; correspondence, including reports of classroom observations by parent and by assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, re level of instruction by teacher at New Paltz Central Schools, allegations of slapping, description of resolution, September 1985-April 1, 1986; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (misconduct, for attempting to fix speeding ticket), Poughkeepsie Public School District, April; request for legal assistance for teacher in deciding whether to pursue case against Ellenville district through 3020a proceedings (incompetence and conduct unbecoming a teacher, for using racial slurs and physical violence against students), Article 78 (lawsuit), or other avenue, March; request for legal assistance for teacher in 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, use of corporal punishment), Delaware Valley school district, March; request for legal assistance in 3020a case (conduct unbecoming a teacher, for a variety of infractions) at Hyde Park school district, January; request for legal opinion re filing an Article 78 proceeding over a Freedom of Information request, Highland school district, December, 1986; request for legal assistance in 3020a case (insubordination, for refusing to follow directions of principal), Poughkeepsie City School District, December; request for legal assistance in 3020a case (misconduct, for physical altercation with student), Millbrook school district
Box 23 Folder 5
Nassau Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
NYSUT legal opinion on interest due American Express on Mailgram expenses during 1985 strike, June 18; legal question to NSUT counsel re whether proper procedures were followed by New Hyde Park-Garden City school district in principal's placing letter of reprimand in teacher's file, whether 3020a proceeding should have determined action, March 18; related case at Uniondale, re letter of reprimand for failure to verify illness, April 3; correspondence re Hewlett-Woodmere probationary teacher who resigned at district's request to teach in other subject area, question of tenure, March; correspondence re tenured Nassau BOCES teacher, certified in ornamental horticulture, reduction in assignment, consolidation of his position with non- tenure area, April 8; legal opinion that Rockville Centre School District was not required to continue health insurance coverage to Title I teachers who retire, absent written agreement, March 21; request for legal opinion re whether teacher aides on school buses can be required to submit to fingerprinting with the Nassau County police, April 3; request for legal opinion re decision of Plainedge Public Schools to teach Latin in junior high school, assignment of certain teachers certified to teach Latin, two of whom were about to be excessed, April 16; request for legal opinion re effect on tenure status of assignment of classes outside tenure area for teacher in Syosset Public Schools, April 22; memo re possible legal action re alleged slander of union negotiating team by member of the Wantagh Board of Education, April 22; memo re Garden City teacher informed that she would not be recommended for tenure, meeting to discuss legal options, April 24; memo re meeting with legal staff and teacher at East Rockaway district re rights under 913 of Education Law re 3020a case, May 7; materials re denial of tenure of Great Neck teacher after unsatisfactory classroom evaluation despite previous good evaluations, meeting to discuss legal options, May 14; memo setting up legal consultation re rights of Hempstead teacher who was notified that he would not be reappointed because of poor evaluation, September 9; memo re case of possibly punitive reassignment of duties of vice president of Uniondale Teachers Association, legally blind diabetic/partial amputee, tenured classroom teacher now given physically demanding assignments (hall patrol, playground duty, bus duty), October 1; memo re involuntary assignment of teacher tenured in instruction of the deaf to class of hearing but special-needs students, Farmingdale Federation of Teachers, September 24; question of assignments exceeding daily teaching load at Locust Valley Public Schools, possible violation of Commissioner's Regulations section 100.2(i), September 24; legal opinion re pay for days worked by teacher at East Rockaway, November 19
Box 23 Folder 6
North Country Legal File (Potsdam, Plattsburgh, Watertown)
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti thanking him for approving the filing of an Improper Practice charge, which had the desired effect of inducing the Massena Board of Education to ratify the contract with the teachers association, December 10; memo re possible Article 78 proceeding against Salmon Run Central School District for attempting to hire uncertified, non-unit non-teacher for hockey coaching position when two other certified Salmon River teachers applied for the position, November 24; legal opinion re possibility of certification for teacher who was convicted of possession of marijuana when the crime was a felony, August 26; legal opinion re alleged employment discrimination at Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES against recovering alcoholic, in treatment for six years, July 9; legal opinion and lengthy related correspondence re temporary restraining order against Salmon River for schedule change interpreted by teachers as a lengthening of the school day, August 13; PERB interim decision in the matter of Edwards-Russell Central School District, employer, and Edwards-Russell Teachers Association, petitioner, and Edwards Teachers' Association, intervenor; memo to Jim Conti re possibility of several 3020a cases arising out of child abuse allegations at Putnam Central School District, with attached newspaper clipping, May-June
Box 23 Folder 7
Rochester Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Memo re layoff procedures in consolidation of two Rush-Henrietta School District high schools, November 21; memo re inquiry from Webster Teachers Association as to whether homosexuality in and of itself constitutes moral turpitude under 3020a and is grounds for termination, and related questions, September 15; request for interpretation of provision in Spencerport collective bargaining agreement re tuition reimbursement, May 21; memo re professional misconduct charge against school nurse in Rush-Henrietta school district for one instance of dispensing medication not in accordance with procedure when parents could not be contacted, July 1; correspondence re updating of records at State Education Department, resulting in Notice of Substantial Question as to Moral Character for teacher at Fairport regarding apparent false statement re teaching certificate, possibility of clerical errors involving incorrect Social Security number and other filing issues, June 24; question of taxability of employee tuition reimbursement, May-June; memo re permanent key punch operator and member of Greece Support Services Employees Association, denied getting her job back following long-term disability leave for cancer, February-June; legal opinion advising that NYSUT not attempt to appeal case of tenured physical education teacher granted 4-year leave of absence at East Irondequoit and later excessed, related text of court decision, correspondence from NEA, May; request for legal assistance for suspended teacher at Clyde school district, question of whether to defend dismissal via 3020a procedure or binding arbitration, April; memos re 3020a charges at Spencerport and Gates-Chili school districts, February; correspondence re salary dispute by teacher who resigned mid-year from Romulus Central School District, February 5
Box 23 Folder 8
Southern Tier Legal File (Binghamton, Elmira)
Scope and Contents
Memo requesting legal opinion re authority of Superintendent of Otselic Valley schools to fire a bus driver without authorization by the full Board of Education, March; memos re 3020a cases in Elmira school district, March 17, 1987, and December 16, 1986; state Supreme Court legal decision re Gary Stokotelny v. Elmira School District, December 1, 1986; arbitration award re dismissal of teacher by Elmira school district, memo re non-compliance of school district, need to compel enforcement, September 17; memo re human rights complaint by teacher against the Newfield Central School District, February 25, with copy of complaint; correspondence re denial of military service credit by the Teacher Retirement System to a teacher retired from Acova school district, February-June; memos re prior service credit at Endicott-Union School District, decision to pursue matter (citing competition with NEA) in spite of remote likelihood of success, May; claim against Elmira City School District for assigning guidance counselor outside his tenure area to an adult career counseling program, with NYSUT memo noting that assignment was for less than 50% of regular duties, thus not jeopardizing tenure rights, March; related correspondence, February; memos re teacher load at Chenango Valley school district, February; materials re 3020a case (physical or mental disability) for teacher at Watkins Glen, January; correspondence re qualifications for certification in health education for teacher in Elmira school district, October 1985-January 1986
Box 23 Folder 9
Suffolk Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re teacher who had been laid off from Commack School District, then relocated to Vermont, then was recalled six years later but had since retired, question of whether he was still eligible for recall, August-September; letter re teacher who wanted to return to work after a long period of sick leave/disability following an automobile accident, July 10; state Supreme Court decision upholding PERB decision for Suffolk County Community College, with cover memo to Jim Conti re appeal, February; memo from field representative to legal staff re teacher at Elwood district whose appointment as probationary teacher was changed retroactively to permanent substitute, question of rights, seniority accrual, March 6; memo from field representative to legal staff re teachers at West Islip who had been serving as long-term substitutes, now filing a grievance and complaint of age discrimination with Human Rights Division, March 5; memos re policy at Brentwood district requiring teachers to use their private vehicles to transport sick students to doctor or home, question of liability for accidents, charges of molestation, need for written legal opinion, February; memo re failure to be recalled to a vacancy for teacher at Kings Park district, February 5; question of seniority for teacher at Cold Spring Harbor district, January 23; request for legal assistance for teacher at Three Villages district, convicted of 25 felony counts of forgery and grand larceny, January 22; memo re tenured Northport physical education teacher believed by district to have forged education credentials, January 16; memo re teacher at Port Jefferson School District facing possible lawsuit by parents of student whom she drove to her home upon finding no one home at student's residence, March 20; memo re million-dollar civil suit being filed against Central Islip school district and teacher who pled guilty to misdemeanor for striking a student, March 19; memo re teacher who had not been working but drawing full salary and benefits for nearly ten years following an injury from an assault by a parent, attempts by Sayville school district to compel him to return to work, settlement offer re resignation, taking disability retirement, March 26; memo re 3020a charges against teacher at Middle Island district, April 14; memo re teacher at Elwood school district whose application for disability leave was processed incorrectly as disability retirement, embarrassment at narrow reappointment vote by school board, position that vote was unnecessary and inappropriate, May 1; memo re change in job title of certified social worker to peer counselor at Three Villages district, appointment as temporary rather than probationary, April 30; memo re discovery by Commack business teacher that his classes were being surreptitiously taped by a student, question of legal recourse, May 23; question of whether teaching assignment in reading subject area would jeopardize tenure of certified language arts teacher at Half Hollow Hills district, May 14; memo re recurring problem at BOCES II district, excessing occupational education teachers who are qualified to teach in related subject areas, June 18; memo re three teachers who believed that they were not rehired by Port Jefferson district because of political scapegoating or status as recovering alcoholic, possible contract violation, May 16; letter from teacher at Smithtown High School with questions re tenure if assigned to teach junior high, May 22; memo re teacher at Three Villages school district who should have been given a probationary instead of a temporary appointment, May 16; memo re teacher from South Huntington district who wanted to talk to a lawyer before getting a note from his doctor that he would not be able to work for at least a semester because of a heart condition, June 6; memo re recall rights of secondary school teacher also certified as an elementary school teacher, facing layoff at Hauppauge district, June 19; memo re two teachers at South Huntington district whose use of personal days off was being investigated by school district following anonymous note, issue of violation of rights, June 6; request for legal opinion re special education teacher at BOCES I Suffolk who had been granted a year's unpaid leave for professional growth but wanted to rescind it or work elsewhere, question of whether district could refuse to allow her to work while on unpaid leave, June 23; request for legal opinion re policy at BOCES 2 (NYSUT Local 3037, Patchogue), not giving credit for authorship of any academic publication or computer software developed by teachers in the course of employment, claim that policy undermines creativity, motivation to excel, academic freedom, June 9; age discrimination charge against NYSUT local with the Division of Human Rights by former teacher at Dowling College, June 13, and related correspondence; memo re possible retaliatory change in summer assignment of local union president by school superintendent after objection to change in class size at Babylon district, July 16; memo re possible litigation on behalf of United Aides of Huntington, who had not been informed of their right to join the State Employees' Retirement System, need to reclassify them under Civil Service, July 16; memo re seniority matter for teacher at Hauppauge High School, July 1; correspondence re complex seniority issue re teacher at Lindenhurst district whose one-year leave had initially been denied but later retroactively granted, with effects years later on teachers with less seniority who would be excessed, union's position, June; memo re East Moriches district's use of teacher assistants instead of teachers for reading, June 27; request for legal representation for teacher at Three Villages district who had been convicted of grand larceny and was facing possible revocation of teaching license through hearing re substantial question as to moral character, June 27; memo requesting legal assistance for Elwood teacher aide attempting to obtain earlier retirement credit for service, July 24; memo requesting meeting with NYSUT attorney over letter of reprimand received by teacher who was turned down for principal position and wrote a letter to the editor criticizing West Babylon Board of Education, August 13; memo re appointment history of teacher at Cold Spring Harbor district, question of seniority, August 13; appeal in Supreme Court Appellate Division in the matter of Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v. Board of Education of the Patchogue-Medford Union Free School District, re mandatory drug testing of probationary teachers eligible for tenure, August 11, 1986; memo re tenure process at Half Hollow Hills district, September 9; memo re recall rights of teacher for job opening at computer center in BOCES 3 district, September 16; memo re possible arbitration over discontinuation of a contract clause providing medical and dental coverage for retired teachers at Three Villages school district, September 9; question re seniority credit procedure for half-day kindergarten at Kings Park school district, September 3; memo discussing coach who resigned after throwing a party for the team at which alcohol was consumed by students, later recalled but subject to campaign to have her removed by school board member with a personal interest in obtaining her job for her own daughter, Commack district, September 19; newspaper clipping of Newsday article, "Drug Testing Ruled Out for Tenure," August 12, 1986; question as to whether Laurel school district was obligated to pay hospitalization for retired teachers, September 5; memo re contract language allowing corporal punishment at Port Jefferson Station, September 10; question of whether a teacher who takes sick time off and is docked pay also loses seniority, Hauppauge district, September 24; questions re proposal to change the mission of Dowling College and expand its campus to Puerto Rico, September 9; question re separate tenure accumulations of teacher at Smithtown High School and Junior High, October 16; memo re stay of arbitration in coaching issue at Riverhead school district, October 20; question of whether lay teachers can be paid to teach religious instruction with public funds, Madonna Heights Services, October 17; meeting re legal appointment with president of Suffolk Child Development Center Teachers Association re center's use of pension funds for unrelated matters, October 21; memo re disability retirement agreement (attached) between teacher and Sayville School District, dispute over option offsetting lump-sum payment, October 17; memo re teacher at Center Moriches district who indicated that he was totally disabled following a year leave of absence without pay, dispute over requirement for medical exam, November 5; memo reviewing appointment history of teacher at Three Villages district, question of tenure area, November 4; memo re ability of parochial school principal in Sayville district to assign nurse-teachers, with attached letter from St. Lawrence School, November 13; request for 3020a hearing by teacher at Port Jefferson school district to defend charges of insubordination, neglect of duty, and conduct unbecoming a teacher, with cover memo to NYSUT legal office, October 29; memo re teacher, also a coach, who discovered that the West Islip school district had stopped paying into his retirement system, claiming he was only a casual employee, December 10; question of planned retirement after ten years of teaching by teacher at Tuckahoe school district, potential refusal by district to consider him eligible for retirement benefits, December 9; memo and transcript of conversation with teacher at Sayville High School re alleged improper relationship with one or more students, December 9; memos re seniority issues for occupational education teachers at BOCES II, facing declining enrollment, December 8; letter to NYSUT general counsel James Sandner re teacher in North Babylon School District re arbitration over status as long-term substitute vs. per diem substitute, December 19; memo re teacher in West Islip who was reassigned as a permanent substitute following a medical leave, December 19; memo re grievance claiming misplacement on the salary schedule, question of probationary or permanent status, Amityville, December 18; memo re teacher suspended with pay following long leave of absence, allegations by student, dismissal hearing, Middle Country Central School, November 21; memo re seniority question involving mistake in appointment of teacher at Elwood school district, resulting in slightly more seniority for teacher, now in dispute over excessing with another teacher, November 29; memo re possible discharge of a tenured instructor at Suffolk Community College, suspended with pay, grievance, November 20; memo re sudden dismissal of a professor at Dowling College upon discovery that he submitted an incorrect transcript that indicated he had a Ph.D., need for injunction to continue pay, block rescinding of contract, March 6, 1987; memo suggesting consolidation of two part-time jobs into one full-time at BOCES involving job development for students, March 17, 1987; memo re complaint by teacher at South Huntington district that contract did not allow utilization of sick days left over from prior year, giving less benefit than required under Education Law, March 18, 1987; question re teacher at BOCES 3 whose full-time position had been reduced to half-time, three months after which, the teacher resigned, later asked back as half-time teacher, returned and then later informed that the position would be eliminated for full-time position, for which he would not be rehired, June 16, 1987; tenure questions re occupational and special education teachers at Rocky Point and BOCES 3, June 16, 1987
Box 23 Folder 10
Syracuse Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Materials re seniority rights and reduced workload of foreign language teacher in East SyracuseMinoa district, SeptemberDecember, 1986; memo re complaints by teacher aides in Central Square district that they had been given teacher assistant responsibilities, OctoberDecember; materials re confirmation proceedings for arbitration award in Oneida district re transfer of teachers, JuneAugust; materials re recall rights of speech therapist at Cayuga BOCES, JuneJuly; materials re 3020a case of teacher at Onondaga Central School District, June; legal opinion re teacher liability questions, June; memos re petitions to stay arbitration in matter of adopting new work schedule and posting and filling job vacancy positions at East Syracuse-Minoa district, March; order to show cause for a judgment staying the arbitration brought against Onondaga Community College, with attached legal advice, January-February; memo re retirement rights of teacher at Liverpool district, January; memos re possible 3020a case involving sexual abuse by a teacher at Onondaga Central School District, noting choice by NYSUT field representative not to look at the specific charges during initial process, January; materials re case of contracting out work of Cazenovia school psychologist, with letter from Commissioner Gordon Ambach, July 1983-January 1986; memo re possible arbitration for teacher in Syracuse district seeking to recover lost salary after working in wrong step as a result of error by Marcellus district, January; inquiry re whether a retired teacher can serve on the school board in North Syracuse, January; materials, including review of appointment history, re special education teacher at Phoenix (NY) Central Schools who accepted half-time appointment following maternity leave, question of whether she was later entitled to full-time position when it became available, December 1985-January 1986; memo re petition by Oneida City School District to vacate arbitration award, August
Box 23 Folder 11
Utica Regional Office Legal File
Scope and Contents
Memo re refusal by Mohawk Valley Community College to honor subpoena issued by arbitrator re denial of promotions, citing executive session privilege, need for documents to prosecute the grievance, compromise of due process, November; memo re dues collection problem with strike-breaker in Mt. Markham School District, September; memo re summons, complaint, and order to show cause against the president of the Mohawk Valley Community College Professional Association over the agency fee clause in the agreement with the college, filed by a faculty members who vowed to quit if an agency fee was ever imposed, October; request for legal representation for teacher served with 3020a charges in Little Falls School District, September; memo re request to modify arbitration award at Mohawk Valley Community College, based on alleged erroneous interpretation of contract clause by arbitrator re layoff, with attached brief, April
Box 23 Folder 12
Western NY Legal File (Buffalo, Jamestown)
Scope and Contents
Materials re tenured teacher laid off by Lackawanna district, later recalled, but not after less-senior teachers were assigned, December; memo re agency fee arbitration in Hamburg district, November; material re City of Jamestown's refusal to comply with arbitration award re nurse scheduling at Jamestown General Hospital, October; materials re 3020a charges against a teacher by Franklinville district, alleging that she did not have the mental or emotional capacity to teach because she had not continued to take medication for a diagnosed chronic mood disorder and was exhibiting unusual behavior, insubordination, incompetence, and conduct unbecoming a teacher, October; materials re librarian at North Tonawanda Senior High School re employment rights at Hamburg school district, allegations of poor representation by NYSUT, August 12, 1985-November 4, 1986; memos re seniority status of teacher at West Seneca district, October; memo re teacher at Orchard Park, found partially guilty of 3020a charges, reassigned to a non-teaching position thought not to be in his tenure area, October; memo re teacher at West Seneca district, outlining appointment history, question of whether seniority rights were violated, October; order to show cause for stay of arbitration at Pembroke Central School District, September; memos and recommendation by NYSUT legal counsel that teacher in Kenmore district file a complaint with the NYS Division of Human Rights and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission re possible violation of Age Discrimination Employment Act by provision in Education Law re borrowing and repayment against retirement annuity fund, July; materials re maintenance mechanic at Genesee-Wyoming BOCES, denial of disability retirement, July; materials re 3020a charges against teachers at Maryville and Niagara Falls districts, June-July; memos re legal implication of Kenmore Teachers Association and Kenmore School District peer performance review plan, with attached plan description, May-June; materials re layoffs of physical education teachers at West Seneca school district, question of whether commissioner's regulations were being violated, May-June; memo re seniority and layoff questions for three teachers at Eden district, June; memos re question of immunity for home school counselor who wanted to report suspected child abuse of one of his students, May
Box 24 Folder 1
Field Office Misc. NYSTA Professional Staff Association
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Jim Conti noting his election as president of the Professional Staff Association of the New York State Teachers Association, November 2, 1971; expressions of sympathy at death of wife, January 1976; letter to Conti from NYS Teachers' Retirement System re refundable contributions under Special Service Retirement Plan, June 24, 1974; PSA membership reports, strike donations, expenses; letter of resignation from James B. Schmatz, December 4, 1972; memo re NYSTA-NEO (NYSTA Employees Organization) agreement, recommending ratification, with attached analysis, November 1, 1971; brochure and cover letter soliciting membership in National Education Professional Staff Organization, October 8, 1971; memos and related materials re salary freeze, 1971; handwritten notes of December 17, 1970, meeting of NEO; text of agreement between NYSTA and NEO, 1971; letter to Jim Conti as president of the NYSTA Professional Staff Association from Dale A. Robinson, president of the National Education Association Staff Organization, noting that NEASO had reached an agreement with NEA, thanking Conti for his support, June 24, 1971; memo to Conti re possible formal relationship between PSA and regional representatives, threat by some representatives to quit if salary is not raised, June 8, 1971; constitution of the PSA; negotiations updates (one-page newsletters)
Box 24 Folder 2
Field Office Misc: NYSTA Employee Organization (NEO/PSA)
Scope and Contents
Constitution and bylaws of NYSTA Employees Organization, as adopted March 1968, amended through September 1970; agreement between the New York State Teachers Association and the NYSTA Employees Organization, 1969-1971; agenda of NEO meeting of November 10, 1970; handwritten minutes of "Rep Council," November 10, 1970; proposed dues schedule, adopted at November 10, 1970, meeting; extensive handwritten memos to Jim Conti from Ray (Calabrese?) re meetings with PSA/NEO, petitions, 1970-1971; materials re grievances; correspondence between Conti, Calabrese, and with Frank White, executive secretary of NYSTA, re salaries
Box 24 Folder 3
Field Office Misc: Legal Briefs, Susquehanna Valley
Scope and Contents
Transcript of PERB hearing, Susquehanna Valley Central School District, respondent, and Susquehanna Valley Teachers Association, charging party; memorandum of law on behalf of respondent
Box 24 Folder 4
Field Office Misc: Legal Briefs, Eden Central School District
Scope and Contents
New York Supreme Court Appellate Division record on appeal in the matter of the application of Bobbie Lee Soda, petitioner-appellant, for a judgment pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law against Kenneth W. Christner, Superintendent of the Eden Central School District #1, and the Board of Education of the Eden Central School District #1, respondents-appellees; brief on behalf of petitioner-appellant
Box 24 Folder 5
Field Office Misc: Legal Briefs, Harrison Central School District
Scope and Contents
New York Supreme Court memorandum of law on behalf of the respondent, in the matter of the application of Board of Education of Central School District, Harrison, New York, petitioner, against Harrison Association of Teachers, respondent for an order pursuant to Section 7511 Civil Practice Law and Rules Vacating an Arbitration
Box 24 Folder 6
Field Services Misc: Legal Briefs, Colton-Pierrepont School District
Scope and Contents
Transcript of PERB hearing re Improper Practice charge
Box 24 Folder 7
Field Office Misc: Legal, Williamsville Central School District (Buffalo) (1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
PERB decision and order, Williamsville Central School District, respondent, and Williamsville Teachers Association, charging party; PERB affidavit; subpoena; hearing officer's decision; Improper Practice charge; transcript of I.P. hearing opening statement; related correspondence
Box 24 Folder 8
Field Office Misc: Legal, Williamsville Central School District (Buffalo) (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
PERB transcript of hearing in the matter of the Board of Education of the Central School District No. 3 of the Towns of Amherst, Clarence, and Cheektowaga, respondent, and Williamsville Teachers Association, charging party; Exceptions to the Finding of the Hearing Officers Memorandum of the Charging Party, June 24, 1975, and May 11, 1976; improper practice charge; agreement between Williamsville Central School District # 3 and Williamsville Teachers Association 1970-1973
Box 24 Folder 9
Field Office Misc: Legal , Williamsville Central School District (Buffalo) (2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Williamsville Central School District Annual School Budget 1974-1975 (April 23, 1974); Williamsville Commitment to Excellence: Annual Report May 1974; Collective Negotiations Agreement between the Superintendent of the Williamsville Central School District and the Williamsville Teachers Association, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1975; materials re sabbatical leave; related correspondence; legal brief answer; PERB decision of director
Box 24 Folder 10
Field Office Misc. : Massachusetts Nurses Chapter, UFT-Agreements
Scope and Contents
Agreements between various hospitals and Massachusetts Nurses Association (Hillcrest; Ludlow; Franklin County Public Hospital; Carney; Falmouth; Fairview)
Box 24 Folder 11
Field Office Misc.: New York Nurses Chapter, UFT -Improper Practice Charge
Scope and Contents
Improper Practice Charge filed against the Health & Hospitals Corporation of the City of New York; UFT position papers and other flyers promoting affiliation with Nurses Chapter
Box 24 Folder 12
Field Office Misc.: Nurses-Arden Hall Hospital Campaign
Scope and Contents
Report on the Organizing Campaign at Arden Hill Hospital, Goshen, NY, December 18, 1979; correspondence on election from National Labor Relations Board; campaign flyers; tally of ballots; NLRB authorization for election
Box 24 Folder 13
Field Office Misc.: Conference and training-AFT Staff Leadership Development Program
Scope and Contents
Materials re case studies of organizing at several hospitals and General Dynamics; NLRB booklet, "A Guide to Basic Law and Procedures under the National Labor Relations Act," 1978
Box 24 Folder 14
Field Office Misc. Conference and Training, AFT Quest Conference
Scope and Contents
Conference brochure, with program; resource papers re mainstreaming, state and local tax reform, bilingual education, teacher centers, standardized testing, continuing education, Supreme Court Yeshiva decision that college faculty are managerial and therefore exempt from NLRA
Box 24 Folder 15
Field Office Misc.: Conference and Training, BOCES 9th Annual Conference
Scope and Contents
Policy papers, including Testimony of Thomas Y. Hobart, Jr., President, New York State United Teachers, to the New York State Senate Standing Committee on Education on the Classification and Standards Project Board of Regents/State Education Department Proposal, March 17, 1980; NYSUT Policy Statement on Education for Children with Handicapping Conditions; NYSUT Information Bulleting on Maximizing Teacher Impact on the Evaluation and Placement of Children with Handicapping Conditions; Regents' Classification and Standards Project: A Status Report; related papers; summary of attendees' evaluation of conference
Box 24 Folder 16
Field Office Misc. Conference and Training: Public Sector Conference
Scope and Contents
Labor-Management Relations Service. Brochure, "LMRS: Meeting the Challenge of Employee and Labor Relations"; American Arbitration Association brochure, "Labor Arbitration: Procedures and Techniques"; meeting floor diagram; LMRS newsletter; related brochures
Box 24 Folder 17
Field Office Misc.: Conference and Training-National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining 8th Annual Conference
Scope and Contents
Conference announcement brochure, with program; attendance list; training materials/papers: "Rights Issues in Academic Bargaining," "Interest Arbitration," outline, "Components of Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreements"; bibliography of holdings, Elias Lieberman Library
Box 24 Folder 18
Field Office Misc.: Conference and Training-United University Professions Delegate Assembly
Scope and Contents
Conference program; draft constitution; printed constitution and bylaws, November 1978; commentary by the Committee for Correspondence for the United Caucus of UUP re "certain notions of reform"
Box 25 Folder 1
Field Office Misc.: Legislation/Political Action/Vote/COPE
Scope and Contents
Final Legislative Report, July 11, 1980; NYSUT tentative 1980 legislative program, January 11, 1980; voting records on key bills, committee assignments, incumbency status, party affiliation, and NYSUT endorsement status of every state legislator (senators and assemblymen), by district; Message to the Legislature by Governor Hugh L. Carey, January 9, 1980; VOTE/COPE contribution totals, 1974-1979; document, "How to Run for Delegate and Alternate to the 1980 Democratic National Party Convention," printed by the New York State Democratic Committee
Box 25 Folder 2
Field Office Misc.: NYSTA Differentiated Teaching
Scope and Contents
Papers and articles distributed by National Education Association (NEA)
Box 25 Folder 3
Albany Service Center: Kevin Berry
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 4
Albany Service Center: Caputo, Chuck
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 5
Albany Service Center: Cardinali, Arthur
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 6
Albany Service Center: Gebert, William
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 7
Albany Service Center: Horwitz, Richard
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 8
Albany Service Center: Leukhardt, Martin
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 9
Albany Service Center: Malone, Renee
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 10
Albany Service Center: Nicholson, Ruby
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 11
Albany Service Center: Ronald Peretti
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 12
Albany: Ed Rogers
Scope and Contents
Box 25 Folder 13
Albany Service Center: Sole, John
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 14
Albany Service Center: Trela, John
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 15
Elmsford Service Center: Beenhouwer, Bill
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 16
Elmsford Service Center: Benjamin, Jack-Activity Report
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 17
Elmsford Service Center: Corcoran, Ed
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 18
Elmsford Service Center: Leonetti, Pat
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 19
Elmsford Service Center: Pierce, Donald
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 20
Elmsford Service Center: Rabinowitz, Alvin
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 21
Elmsford Service Center: Wilder, Ken
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 22
Nassau Service Center: Bluth, Steve
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 23
Elmsford Service Center: Wildman, Tony
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 24
Nassau Service Center: Bolter, Mary Jane
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 25
Nassau Service Center: Callaci, Vincent
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 26
Nassau Service Center: Gimello, William
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 27
Nassau Regional Office: Kern, Stanley
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 28
Nassau Regional Office: Margolis, Michael
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 29
Nassau Regional Office: McPartlin, Joseph
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 30
Nassau Regional Office: Wilson, Harry
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 31
Southern Tier Regional Office: Mayo, Paul
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 25 Folder 32
Southern Tier Regional Office: Nordine, Marilyn
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 1
Western New York Service Center: Blanchard, Bill
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 2
Western New York: Paul E. Broome
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re extension of leave of absence, new assignment in New Mexico
Box 26 Folder 3
Western New York Service Center: Dockery, James
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 4
Western New York Service Center: Jurewicz, Bob
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 5
Western New York Service Center: Luczak, Paul
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 6
Western New York Service Center: MacDonald, Braden
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 7
Western New York Service Center: Pliss, Duke
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 8
Western New York Service Center: Raccuia, Charles
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 9
Western New York Service Center: Ruhrer, Bob
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 10
Western New York Service Center: Zwolinski, Daniel
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 11
Western NY Regional Office at Jamestown: Campion, John
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 12
Western NY Regional Office at Jamestown: Ehrhart, Dutch
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 26 Folder 13
Western NY Regional Office at Jamestown: Hand, Ernest
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 27 Folder 1
Regional Office Visits
Scope and Contents
Regional Staff Directors meeting report, n.d., c. 1987; NYSUT 1987- 88 Membership Report, service center summary showing number of locals and members as of January 31, 1988; memos listing meeting dates at various regional offices; materials for fall regional conference, 1987
Box 27 Folder 2
Albany Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Flyer and cover memo from Jim Conti re pesticide hazard workshop, December 14, 1989; material distributed at PERB workshop on unit fragmentation, with cover memo from Jim Conti, September 27, 1989; letter from Jim Conti to the director of the NYS Department of Labor Division of Health and Safety, requesting an investigation into letters of reprimand by the superintendent of the Mechanicville School District against two teachers who brought evidence of asbestos to his attention, December 5, 1989; correspondence re proposed smoking policy at Guilderland school district, September-October 1989; correspondence between Jim Conti, regional staff director John Sole, and the State Education Department re meeting to review asbestos and other health and safety hazards in schools, May 1989; agenda for Germantown Teachers Association meeting, with cover memo from Jim Conti noting that they had vote to reaffiliate with NYSUT, May 1, 1989; NYSUT Information Bulletin, "Certification, Tenure and a Middle School Teaching Assignment," with detailed commentary from John Sole to Charles Santelli and attached copy of legal decision (Baer) and Part 30 Regulations, May 4, 1989; correspondence re multi-employer funds for nurses, March-April 1989; correspondence re PERB public sector labor relations conference, March 1989; request for legal opinion re disparity in work rules between elementary and secondary schools in Mechanicville district, March 10, 1989; memos between John Sole and Jim Conti re asbestos removal in the schools, March 1989; memos re Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, noting that school districts in Albany region had attempted to impose additional conditions of employment in compliance with the act and that such changes required negotiation, with attached text of legislation and one such policy, March 1989; National Education Association document, "The Use of Recognized Teaching Models for Teacher Evaluation," and memos between Jim Conti and other NYSUT officials discussing NYSUT approach, March 1989; memos re endowment for the care of an active or retired teacher in the Troy school district at Leonard Hospital, set up in a will in 1925; Southern Adirondack League of Teachers spreadsheet of local stipends for officers; correspondence re Schenectady-Albany-Schoharie BOCES Faculty Association request re feasibility of challenging the composition of BOCES so that low-population rural counties do not have disproportionate influence over policy making, with attached documentation dating to 1953; inquiry form La Salle School re legislation to improve salaries at approved 201, 853, 4402, and Special Act schools, January 15, 1989
Box 27 Folder 3
Meeting with Germantown Teachers Association
Scope and Contents
May 5, 1989, Albany Regional Office. Agenda and related materials re meeting with local reaffiliating with NYSUT
Box 27 Folder 4
Meeting With Grand Island Teachers Association
Scope and Contents
Albany Regional Office, January 10, 1989. Confidential memo re meeting with Grand Island Teachers Association re unsuccessful "work-to-rule" action in which, as a negotiating tactic, all teachers resigned from any extracurricular assignments, which was interpreted by the school district as a strike; related correspondence
Box 27 Folder 5
Buffalo Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Harvard University Energy and Environmental Policy Center report, "Summary of Symposium on Health Aspects of Exposure to Asbestos in Buildings," August 1989; letter of recommendation from Jim Conti to Cornell ILR Western District Director re potential hire as instructor for labor studies course, December 14, 1989; list of Erie County local presidents; Board of Regents discussion item, follow-up report on occupational education in the large five cities, May 26, with cover memo from NYSUT Occupational Education Committee liaison Pat Flynn; flyer for workshop, "Shared Decision Making: An Awareness Session," from Western New York Educational Service Council, with cover memo to local presidents, September 11; memo re salary comparison survey, with attached sheet correlating numerical step schedules to new alphabetical ones and correcting for compression effects, September 27; list of Western NY Regional Office staffing, indicating local responsibility of field service representatives, July 6; letter from Mort Zuckerman, chairman and editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report, to NYSUT president Tom Hobart, noting success of To Give & Learn project, developed by U.S. News and IBM, praising Blasdell Elementary School teacher John Ebel for leadership on selection committee, September 28; letter from Niagara Falls Teachers Grievance Committee chair, thanking regional rep for assistance, July 25; memo from Tom Hobart to NYSUT Board of Directors re waiver of two-week notification requirement for special election to fill vacancies for election district directors, June 30; letter to Tom Hobart from Cheektowaga Central Teachers Association, noting NYSUT's inability to provide accurate salary comparisons, April 24; memo re critical storage space needs of Western Regional Office, May 30; memo from Jim Conti to Chuck Santelli requesting a coordinator to meet with nurses formerly employed at Jamestown General Hospital to address negative attitudes about NYSUT and the closure of the hospital, May 10; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe re possible lawsuit after endorsement of candidate by Lackawanna Teachers Federation in school board election, April 24; correspondence re seniority issues for custodians at Alden Central School District after school closure, April 4; memo re agenda for upcoming meetings of Erie County Council of Teacher Union Presidents re shared decision making, February 23; correspondence from law firm representing school bus driver in wrongful termination case against Sweet Home Central School District, with cover memo noting NYSUT should not provide assistance, lack of legal grounds, January 3
Box 27 Folder 6
Buffalo Regional Office Misc.
Scope and Contents
List of unclaimed accounts of former Buffalo teachers; National Education Association (NEA) materials, including Advocate (NEA-NY), September, and Provocator (Buffalo Teachers Federation), April
Box 27 Folder 7
Elmsford Regional Office Interviews
Scope and Contents
Letters of application for field representative, resumes, and related correspondence
Box 27 Folder 8
Elmsford Regional Office: Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale District
Scope and Contents
Memo, "Personnel Management," detailing more than 100% staff turnover at Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale school district in one-year period, 1987-88 (49 out of 43 employees, at least 10 terminated) under superintendent Mariann Berlinger, including profiles of teachers, evaluation histories; correspondence from Berlinger and teachers, documenting minor infractions as reasons for terminations, including chronologies; audit report of Mt. Pleasant-Blthythedale school by State Comptroller, finding irregularities, disallowing reimbursements, with cover memo, September 26, 1989; memo to Jim Conti noting that in the wake of the audit, superintendent Berlinger was ordered to the leave the building without collecting personal effects, and that teachers were informed that she was on "health" leave and would not return, September 11, 1989, with attached newspaper clipping re successful legal action by parents
Box 27 Folder 9
Elmsford Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Map showing directions to NYSUT Elmsford Regional Office; letter to Jim Conti from Westchester Federation of Visiting Nurses describing terms of successful contract negotiation, December 1; decision and appeal in Rockland County BOCES unemployment case, with cover memo, November 21; related memo, October 25; letter from president of Newburgh Teachers' Association to NYSUT regional staff director, requesting that NYSUT secure the services of a professional insurance advisor to conduct a study of alternative health insurance plans, September 8; memorandum of understanding between the American Federation of Teachers (Western Operations Headquarters) and the American Red Cross, with attached letter from the Westchester County Chapter of the American Red Cross asking for a similar agreement with the Elmsford NYSUT office, and memo from Jim Conti to Tom Hobart, pointing out that agreement appeared one-sided, with AFT locals providing assistance to Red Cross, August 22; announcement by BOCES Staff Association of Rockland that referendum would be conducted by the American Arbitration Association to establish two separate bargaining units, one for teachers and the other for teaching assistants, with attached details and sample ballot; memo from Jim Conti re difficulty of fragmenting units as proposed by Rockland staff association, with attached PERB decision in similar case (County Association of Patrol Officers, petitioner, and County of Erie and Erie County Sheriff, joint employer, and Teamsters Local 264, intervenor); summary of Byram Hills contract settlement, May 24; memo with attached list of demands by Ad Hoc Committee on Special Acts and 4201 School Districts, June 27; memo re 3020a filing procedures, June 1; press release from Yonkers Public Schools, "Yonkers Board of Education Breaks Off Negotiations with Teachers' Union," with attached executive summary of report, "Impact of the Wage Cap on the Supply of Teachers in Yonkers and the Implications for the School District and the City of Yonkers," by Matthew Drennan, Professor of Economics, and George T. Fuller, Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, New York University, April 26, 1989, and flyers protesting salary caps; correspondence re asbestos problem, exacerbated by physical disturbance of area by reinspection process, at Irvington High School, May 30; Rockland BOCES election debriefing opening remarks and outline, with cover memo from Jim Conti, May 26; letter to president of Irvington Faculty Association in response to comments to Representative Assembly survey, in which he indicated dissatisfaction with NYSUT services and possible move to decertify, March 31, 1989; copy of reimbursement check to cover docking of one day's pay by BOCES West Nyack for member to attend PERB hearing, March 27; privileged and confidential supplemental report from attorney to Utica Mutual Insurance Company re O'Neil v. NYSUT, noting positive development in postponement of the appeal, April 14; letter from NYSUT regional director re decision by NYSUT not to attempt an organizing campaign at Leake and Watts Children's Home, citing small size of unit and other considerations, March 29; personnel manual for Leake and Watts, newsletters, and related correspondence; Section 89 Fact Sheet (Tax Reform Act of 1986), with cover memo from secretary-treasurer of AFT, March 21; memos from Jim Conti re survey from New York University's Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives' Harry Van Arsdale Labor History Project, asking that a letter be sent to all local presidents, asking them to fill it out, February March 2, with attached copy of questionnaire; correspondence re long-delayed arbitration to resolve non-payment of salary increase for teacher who had since left the Florida Teachers' Association, January-February; Regional Staff Director's Report, February 2; handwritten notes of Elmsford staff meeting of 9/14/88
Box 27 Folder 10
Jamestown Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter from Allegheny Council on Occupational Safety and Health (ALCOSH) to NYSUT Southwestern Regional Office re CCINFOdisk, a compact CD-ROM developed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, with attached flyer; memo re results of Jamestown aides election, June 13; memo from Jim Conti to Chuck Santelli requesting a coordinator to meet with nurses formerly employed at Jamestown General Hospital to address negative attitudes about NYSUT and the closure of the hospital, May 10; letter to Jim Conti from director of NYS Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health re alleged retaliation, a violation of the PESH Act, against two teachers (one of whom was pregnant) by Allegheny- Cattaraugus BOCES for complaining about paint fumes, February 27, with attached relevant section of the law and related correspondence with state Attorney General's office
Box 27 Folder 11
Jamestown Regional Office Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newsletters from the Southwestern Regional Office
Box 27 Folder 12
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re dispute by teacher in Kingston re pay for jury duty during summer vacation, with attached text of law, September-October; report of new officers of the Rondout Valley Federation of Teachers and School Related Personnel re misappropriation of funds by previous officers (e.g., purchase of liquor, Broadway theater tickets, cat food), particularly monies from a special "Save Our Students" fund to pay medical bills, September; memo to Jim Conti re pending matters, including impasse at eight locals, September 25; memo re pay equity issues and gender discrimination for Endicott school-related personnel, October 24; legal memo re Workers' Compensation issue at Hudson school district, October 31, and related correspondence; memos re whether field representative could teach a course at the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center, September; correspondence re seniority issue for Ellenville district school bus drivers, with attached board minutes, July-September; questionnaire by the National Committee on Pay Equity, with cover memo to AFT vice presidents and state federation presidents from the AFT Human Rights and Community Relations Department, requesting that they complete the survey, April; consultants Martin E. Segal Company comparison of Empire Plan with proposed benefit plan submitted for Pine Plains School District, May June; memos re use of BOCES districts by State Education Department to determine Special Act Schools trend factor, May; memos re Monticello Teachers Association legal fee reimbursement, FebruaryJune; materials re Delaware Valley Central School District's Hazard Communication Standards, May; memo to Jim Conti re possible summer interns from Cornell ILR School, March 22; letter from Fallsburg Teacher's Association that its members had unanimously voted to find an alternative to NYSUT to represent them, January 23; related correspondence, expressing dissatisfaction with support from NYSUT during contract negotiations
Box 27 Folder 13
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newsletters of the regional office
Box 27 Folder 14
Nassau Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Summary of PERB decision on retiree inclusion in health trust fund as a non- mandatory subject of bargaining, 12/20/89; letter to regional staff director thanking him for help in membership drive at Farmingdale and Old Westbury chapters of United University Professions, November 30; letter from New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health re New Hyde Park School District Asbestos Abatement Reports, October 31; correspondence between Jim Conti and teacher re curtailment of her outpatient mental health coverage under the Empire Plan, September; Newsday opinion piece, "Bigger Classes Will Harm Education on LI," by superintendent of North Shore school district, October 16; other clippings; letter from teacher requesting help in enforcing smoking policy at Oyster Bay-East Norwich school district, referral to local president, November; letter describing challenges to election results at Wantagh Teachers Association, with handwritten notation that matter was an internal affair, June; letter from president of Lynbrook Teachers Association to Antonia Cortese, chair of NYSUT Legal Review Committee, asking her to reexamine the decision of the Office of General Counsel in New York City not to continue the local's lawsuit appeal, June 26; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of Farmingdale Federation of Teachers requesting change in NYSUT data processing policy against downloading lists onto disks and only providing hard copies to locals, noting electronic version would help locals customize information, May 3; text of decision in Supreme Court, Nassau County, fining United Teachers of Seaford for criminal contempt, May 3, with cover memos from Jim Conti to NYSUT executive officers and regional staff directors, May 5; memo re Farmingdale contract clause re payment of salary during a 3020a suspension, creation of supplementary fund, April 19; memo re Oceanside PERB hearing in which NYSUT was named in the charge on the ill-informed advice of the hearing officer, March 20; materials re Empire Plan, including "Cost Containment Strategies for Participating Agencies," contribution rate table, and cover memo to Jim Conti noting that premiums were expected to rise 12-15%, March 13; correspondence re head football coach at Schreiber High School (Port Washington district) whose position was in jeopardy, request for legal help, January; letter from president of Levittown United Teachers to counsel & deputy for legal affairs, State Education Department, re Excellence in Teaching (EIT) funds being held in escrow by district because of a difference of opinion on the eligibility of chairmen to receive a share of the funds, requesting interpretation, January 10; correspondence re complex dual coverage issues for retirees at Long Beach district , January-February
Box 27 Folder 15
Nassau Regional Office Misc.
Scope and Contents
Box 27 Folder 16
NYC Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Collective Bargaining Agreement between New York University and United Staff Association of NYU, Local 3882, New York State United Teachers, AFT, AFL-CIO, 1987-1990; correspondence re tax status of graduate and undergraduate students at NYU, November-December; memo re health insurance aspects of settlement negotiated with Pratt Institute, status of negotiations with Cooper Union and Taylor Business Institute, October 17; letters from teacher-attorneys at Suffolk Community College, correcting information contained in fact sheet distributed in advance of possible strike, September 29; correspondence re smoking law, November; letter to Tom Hobart from president of United Staff Association of NYU, thanking him for the assistance provided by NYSUT during the strike, March 14
Box 27 Folder 17
North Country Correspondence (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Handwritten notes of North Country staff meeting, November 4, 1988; letter to NYSUT counsel Bernard Ashe from teacher involved in 3031 arbitration in Horseheads school district, dissatisfied with services of field representative, requesting an attorney, January 14, 1989; memo to Jim Conti re case, January 27; related correspondence between teacher and field rep, January; Supreme Court (Jefferson County) decision in Board of Education of the Watertown Central School District v. Watertown Education Association and related exhibits, re EIT funds, with cover memo to Jim Conti, February 7; materials describing state participation in IRS Pre-Tax Contribution Program, or health insurance "cafeteria plan"; materials re ventilation problem at Malone High School, January-April; correspondence re school-related personnel (SRP) workshop, March; request for legal opinion and reply from NYSUT counsel Bernard Ashe for interpretation of Commissioner's Regulations re coaching qualifications for interscholastic athletic teams, February; materials re 3020a case in Watertown City School District, including details of charges with handwritten annotations, April; request for additional field rep, April 19; materials re new structural problems at Harold T. Wiley School in Watertown school district following repeated reports by custodial staff of hearing helicopters landing on roof, vibrations, April-August 1989, including tape of meeting with Carr engineering firm, November 1988; materials re mentor/intern program at Franklin-St. Lawrence consortium, May 18; document prepared for AFL-CIO Lawyers' Conference, "Summary of Court Decisions in Lawsuits Challenging Termination or Modification of Retiree Insurance Benefits," by William T. Payne, assistant general counsel, United Steelworkers of America, May 3-4, 1989; memos re use of review books for biology Regents exam at Watertown High School, MayJune; correspondence with teacher Beverly Provoncha re questionable procedure by Putnam Central School Board in investigating charges of corporal punishment against herself and two other teachers, with arbitration summary, May; materials re Regents School Improvement and Accountability Program (RSIAP), June; memos re protection of retirees' health insurance benefits, October
Box 27 Folder 18
North Country Correspondence (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
See above
Box 27 Folder 19
Rochester Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
List of self-funded locals in the Rochester Area School Health Plan (RASH), April 21; memo re completion of salary data report, November 16; anti-union letter sent by Kodak to employees, December 1; fact sheet re number of uninsured New Yorkers as of November 1987; memo to Jim Conti re participation by 13 school districts in a Municipal Cooperation Agreement for a School Health Insurance Plan, developed without union involvement, with attached details of plan, March 25, 1986; memos re drug-free workplace requirements, June-1989; memo re bill for phone banks used in VOTE/COPE campaign urging NYSUT members to vote for school budget and certain school board candidates, June 8, 1989; memo re health and safety violations in Rochester City School District, with attached Department of Labor notice of violation at John Marshall High School, May 15; contract analysis, Rochester Regional Office Area interim report, November 1, 1989; report to Rochester Superintendent of Schools and Rochester Teachers Association by the Careers in Teaching Joint Governing Panel, "Performance Appraisal Redesign for Teachers: A Report on Initial Efforts," September 1, 1989; memo and related materials re organizing challenge by NEA-NY to Greece Support Services Employees Association, including constitution and rules of association, Teachers Association contract, solicitation letter from NEA to transportation employee, October-November 1989
Box 28 Folder 1
Rochester Record Retention
Scope and Contents
Memos re records retention legislation; text of revised Commissioner's Regulations
Box 28 Folder 2
Rochester Regional Office Misc.: School Law Seminar
Scope and Contents
National School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys annual seminar programs; memos to Jim Conti reporting on seminar topics
Box 28 Folder 3
Southern Tier Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Binghamton/Elmira. Memo to Jim Conti from NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe re proposed alcohol and drug abuse policy at Elmira school district, noting that the policy did not comport with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, November 13; memos re gender pay equity issue among Endicott school-related personnel, June-July; NYSUT Legislative Bulletin re new law restricting disclosure of HIV status, with text of law; clippings re B19 childhood viral infection ("fifth disease"); memos re Binghamton Teachers Association settlement with school district, providing for a salary increase formula that denied prior service credit for some teachers, with text of tentative agreement, May-June; NYSUT Legislative Memorandum supporting bill to include substitute employees in school districts and BOCES as "public employees," May 30; legal memorandum to Jim Conti from NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe re whether school bus drivers who handled student trips to NYC via Pennsylvania and New Jersey were exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, May 17; State Education Department bulletin re school nurse responsibilities for internal medication, with related memos, May; memos re request for medical records of teacher, up for tenure, in Deposit school district, following short absence for illness, May; correspondence re lack of legal protections for employees under Workers' Compensation, case of bus driver in Newark Valley Central School District injured on the job, denied position and health coverage after unsuccessful attempts to return to work, possible legislative remedies, 1986-1987; memo re Stipulation Joint Employer agreement between Vestal, Binghamton, and Union-Endicott school districts and Substitutes United in Broome (SUB), February 7; memo from president of Windsor Teachers Association to superintendent of Windsor Central School District, expressing concern over plan for distance learning telecommunications network that could affect teacher staffing levels in three districts, demanding that the decision be negotiated as per PERB requirement, January 31
Box 28 Folder 4
Southern Tier Regional Office: Misc.
Scope and Contents
Binghamton/Elmira. New York Public Employment Reporter newsletters
Box 28 Folder 5
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Legal complaint, Jeanette Clancy vs. Center Moriches Union Free School District Board of Education, with cover letter from Clancy to president of NYSUT, requesting refund of two years' dues, accusing union field representative of failure of duty of fair representation, March 10, with exhibit, teachers contract, September 1, 1987 August 31, 1991; related correspondence, May; memo to NYSUT counsel from field representative re nurse at Brookhaven hospital, charged by State Education Department for two errors in patient medication during one night shift at Southside, noting short staffing, November 15; regional reports, January 31 and October 27; document promoting value of public schools on Long Island; memo to local presidents from regional staff director inviting them to a strategy conference with school boards and administrators to counteract the "tax revolt" sentiment among citizen activist groups defeating school budget proposals, September 25; memo to NYSUT legal counsel inquiring whether there was any strong action the union could take against an anti-union (agency fee payer) teacher in the Middle Country school district (Centereach High School) who had been harassing the union for ten years, with attached letter from teacher to colleagues, July 7; letter from Jim Conti to field representative granting permission to negotiate a contract for a Jewish school as an independent activity, October 12, with earlier memo to file noting denial of permission because of conflict of interest; confidential memo to Jim Conti re negotiations with Suffolk County Community College and Brookhaven Hospital, June 2; memos re 3020a charges, filing problems, in Commack school district, May; letter from Jim Conti to insurance consultant Martin E. Segal Company requesting consultation with Nassau and Suffolk staff re self-insurance alternative to Empire Plan, February 13; confidential memo re letter to the editor of New York Teacher from teacher in Smithtown objecting to local's attendance incentive clause for distribution of Excellence In Teaching (EIT) funds, asserting that formula penalized teachers who became ill or had family emergencies, February 8; memo from Jim Conti re operational policy prohibiting attempts to organize locals already or recently represented by an AFL-CIO union, February 10; report by New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health, "Industrial Hygiene Investigation of Darkrooms, Ammerman Campus and Techni Center, Suffolk County Community College," December 19, 1988; letter from Central Islip Teachers Association, with chronology of filing of complaint to force district to comply with NYS Right to Know Law and federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, January 12
Box 28 Folder 6
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo from NYSUT legal counsel Bernard Ashe commenting on the proposed policy for the Liverpool Central School District, noting that this was the first he'd seen that appeared as if the writer had actually read the text of the federal Drug Free Workplace Act, November 13; letter outlining NYSUT's responsibilities for participation in CNYCOSH (Central New York Council on Safety & Health) conference on health and safety in the schools, December 21; related memo, November 2; memos from Jim Conti re interest by the North Syracuse Education Association about updating the Syracuse Teachers Association document, "Policy, Procedures and Information regarding Members Accused of Misconduct (Primarily Child Abuse) as a Result of Employment in the Syracuse City School District," December; copy of document; newsletter of the North Syracuse Education Association, Union Bug, n.d., c. December; memos re unsuccessful Briarcliff School-Related Personnel (SRP) organizing election, suggestion that NYSUT develop brochures targeted specifically to non-teaching staff, November 27; flyers and other materials; memo re newly organized East Syracuse-Minoa Teaching Assistants Association, December 4; newspaper clipping re approval by teachers of contract at Onondaga Community College, Syracuse Herald-Journal, November 1; letter to OCM BOCES from computer instructor whose request had been denied, defending his expertise, October 1; correspondence from NAACP, soliciting contributions for march on Washington, August 4, with cover memos forwarding it up the administration at NYSUT, August; letter to U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration from NYSUT Regional Staff Director, noting that the owner of the NYSUT office property, Widewaters Group, had addressed the problem of sewer-gas odor to NYSUT's satisfaction, June 12; earlier related correspondence with agency and Widewaters, April; materials re NYSUT fall regional conference of September 22-24; list of locals that had secured a new contract in the Syracuse region for 1989-1990; draft of letter from NYSUT to president of FNHP, Syracuse chapter (Cecelia Nabinger), noting non-payment of dues, outlining possible consequences, including disaffiliation and action to recover funds, June 2; finalized letter as sent to Nabinger, November 10; related memos between NYSUT officials re "problem local," May; reply from FNHP president Nabinger, December 1, denying anything improper, with attached lists of dues-paying members; memo to Jim Conti re possible strikes and critical impasses anticipated for September, with reply, June; plan documents, "The Chittenango Central School Effective Schools Process," April 5, and "Team Process Guide for Developing and Implementing Action Plans, Chittenango Central School," March 24, with cover memo to Chuck Santelli and Toni Cortese, April 24; draft letter to CSEA regional director re NEA victory in organizing 70 clerical personnel in the Liverpool school district, proposing arrangement between CSEA and NYSUT to satisfy no-raid clause in AFL-CIO constitution in order to defeat NEA in future representation elections, March 20, with reply from Jim Conti urging further conversation with CSEA before sending proposal, possibility for statewide arrangement, March 17; related correspondence and flyers re election, January; list of teachers' starting salaries in Syracuse area, 1988-89; proposed amendments to the Contractual Agreement between the Syracuse Teachers Association, Inc. and Syracuse City School District, January 1, 1988 through December 31 1991
Box 28 Folder 7
Utica Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Analysis by NYSUT legal counsel of Camden school district's new drug-free workplace policy, noting that it went far beyond what was required by new federal law, November 3, with cover letter from Jim Conti, November 7; text of policy as adopted by Camden Board of Education, with attached text of Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel re Elmira school district's new drug and alcohol abuse policy, asserting that it violated constitutional rights, Education Law, and human dignity, October 6; memo from the president of Herkimer County Community College to coach (?) re investigation of recruitment of out-of-state basketball players, use of New York State addresses for Indiana students to avoid paying out-of-state tuition and obtain financial aid, with handwritten note (by Jim Conti?) re situation, September 7; correspondence between Jim Conti and president of the New Hartford Teachers Association re cancer incidence at one school, June-July; correspondence re proposed state legislation that would tax the pensions of public employees, newsletter from member of Congress citing related Supreme Court ruling David v. Michigan Department of Treasury, May; newspaper clippings and correspondence re investigation of student cancer cluster at West Canada Valley school district, Herkimer County, relation to hazardous waste sites, March-April; memos re calculation (or not) of upper Mohawk Valley and central region BOCES salary medians for awarding of Excellence in Teaching funds, January-March
Box 28 Folder 8
United University Professions: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter to research department of UUP, and attachments, re gender pay equity study being conducted for the newly affiliated, 100%-female Office Personnel Association of the Union-Endicott School District, other SRP units with similar gender predominance, basis for wage proposal, November 2; letter from UUP director to Jim Conti, asking for vote to give UUP a board seat on the National Committee on Pay Equity, October 12; list of upcoming staff meetings and events, with attached memos re potential attendance by Tom Hobart, September
Box 28 Folder 9
Organizing Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti and other NYSUT officials re affiliations since 9/1/87, discussing difficulty of organizing larger units from a time resource perspective, need for organizing teams instead of regional office field staff, with attached list of locals, membership counts, and staff involvement, November 20, 1989; confidential notes of AFT advanced organizing seminar for community colleges, December 21; seminar program and related materials, including faculty questionnaire developed for California community college system and guide for designing an attitude survey; letter from NYSUT director of organizing re contacts at Hudson Valley Community College, October 30; memo to Jim Conti re dues rebate under union shop clauses, with attached memorandum from the Office of General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), October 11; cover memo to organizers re attached text of district court's permanent injunction barring NLRB from implementing its health bargaining unit rule re American Hospital Association (AHA), August 7; related memo, May 25; mock- up of The Nurses Reporter, with cover memo to Jim Conti, May 17; memo to Conti re proposal by retired newspaper reporter and widower of a nurse with many contacts in the NYC municipal hospital system, referred by Westchester ALF-CIO Council, to start a pro-union newspaper for nurses, request for funding, May 9; list of colleges and universities with collective-bargaining agents in 1988, from the Chronicle of Higher Education, July 12; memo to Jim Conti re conversation with a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association who wanted NYSUT to form a bargaining unit for strength and conditioning coaches, noting futility of the idea, July 6; letter from director of organizing re contact at Winthrop Hospital, June 28; clippings from Labor Relations Week; memo suggesting years' free dues as inducement for successful referral of new members, May 31; letter from NLRB declining review of charge of violation re Regents College Degrees and Examinations because it was determined that the entity was not an employer, May 26; article reporting advice of consultant to hospital administrators re keeping unions out (annual meeting of New England Health Care Assembly), with hand-written annotations and cover note to Jim Conti, April 24; article form Union Labor Report re study of 187 organizers from eight unions, concluding that low self esteem, low trust of others are characteristics of the most successful organizers; budget request for 1989-1990; newsletter of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions, published at Baruch College, re unionization among college faculty in 1989, January/February 1989; publication by labor lawyer, "The Supervisor's Handbook on Maintaining Non-Union Status," 1974; pro-union document by labor lawyer, "Government Intermedding Undercutting Union Autonomy: The Labor Lawyer's Challenge," n.d.; text of proposed Assembly bill providing higher reimbursement to hospitals for personnel costs, with cover memo from Jim Conti asking whether NYSUT should support it, March 7; letter from dean of the School of Public Health, New York State Department of Health, re first course in capital district on AIDS transmission for health care workers and emergency responders, February 7; article from Labor Relations Week noting fierce competition among three AFL-CIO unions to organize health care workers, with cover memo from Jim Conti re potential self-defeating consequences, February 17; memos requesting more information about the LaSalle School, for potential organizing efforts, with attached letter of inquiry from director of curriculum development re public school salaries, February; paper by Henry S. Farber, Department of Economics, MIT, "Trends in Worker Demand for Union Representation," December 1988; memo re proposed policy on organizing minimums for size of unit, December 7, 1988, with cover memo proposing meeting, February 9, 1989; press release re training on AIDS for health care workers and first responders, January 16, with seminar announcement; announcement for conference on union representatives in the health-care industry, March 6-7; memo re federal modification in the definition of "reasonable assurance" of continued employment for substitute teachers, need for state legislation to assure coverage of substitutes as public employees under the Taylor Law, impact on organizing potential, January 19; memo to organizers and regional staff directors instructing them to discard all copies of leaflet "Why Pay More for Less" because of an error, plans for reprinting a corrected version, January 12; memo re delivery of authorization cards and other materials to nurses at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, January 26; letter to National Education Association (NEA) Board of Directors from NEA president Mary Hatwood Futrell recommending moratorium on raiding AFSME, SEIU, and IUOE locals, December 1987; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals asking for contracts to review language for a resource file, related memos, October
Box 28 Folder 10
Organizing Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newsletters of the Division of Field Services, Organizing Bulletin
Box 28 Folder 11
Regional Staff Director Memos (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
January-June, 1988. Memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors asking for participation in pay equity training session, June 14; Empire Plan Quarterly Experience Report, January March, 1988, produced for participating agencies in the New York State Health Insurance Plan by Division of Employee Benefits, New York State Department of Civil Service, with cover memo from Jim Conti, June 13; memo requesting teacher participation in facilitator training to assist locals in implementing shared decision making process, June 13; statewide listing of dues paid by locals, ranked by size of local and by amount of dues paid, May 13; listing of State Education Department's estimate of Excellence in Teaching funds for each of the state's 41 BOCES, May 13; memo re unofficial approval of safety and health grant request of $60,000 for 1988-89, plans for training, May 12; memo from NYSUT counsel James Sandner to NYSUT officers summarizing U.S. Supreme Court decision in Regents of the University of California v. Public Employment Relations Board, et al., re union use of employer internal mail system, May 12; explanation of IRS interpretation of Tax Reform Act of 1986, May 9; paper by PERB, "The Taylor Law: Procedures for Labor & Management," re recent PERB and Administrative Law Judge decisions and court cases, April 12; Tentative CSEA Agreement 1988-91; memo with attached satirical article on the limitations of management training, summary of U.S. Supreme Court decision on union use of employer internal mail system, May 2; teacher salary schedule average increases, 1986-87 and 1987-88, April 20; State Education Department memo re planning for grant applications for teacher mentor- internships and related materials, March-April; letter from director of state Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health, requesting identification of any hazardous work sites, March; memos re PERB mediation/arbitration program, with attached guidelines for pilot project, February; emergency extension of application deadline for Excellence in Teaching funds, from the State Education Department, January 6; New York Times clipping re labor situation in England, with cover memo that the U.K. might be setting the trend for the U.S., February 18; memo re rule for school districts that did not make timely application for EIT money, February 17; press release from State Education Department that Regents voted to require home-schooled students to take the same Pupil Evaluation Program (PEP) tests and Regents Preliminary Competency tests that students in school are required to take, extension of EIT application deadline, January 20; unemployment insurance decision re refusal of employment without just cause, appealed based on substantially lower salary offer, with cover memo, January 28; policies adopted by the Erie County BOCES and sold to BOCES districts around the state, and policy adopted by the Williamson Central School District; January 20 ; memo re AIDS operational policy, with attached NYSUT Position Paper on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); chapter excerpt, "Unionism and Licensing of Public School Teachers: Impact on Wages and Educational Output," by Morris M. Kleiner and Daniel L. Petree, of book When Public Sector Workers Unionize, edited by Richard B. Freeman and Casey Ichniowski (University of Chicago Press), 1988; several issues of NEA-NY Advocate newsletter, April, June, and summer 1988, with cover note from Jim Conti to NYSUT officers and regional staff directors; newsletter of the Buffalo Teachers Federation, Provocator 6/88, volume 18, number 6; Commissioner's order staying the West Seneca school district from proceeding on determining a 3020a case without a hearing because the teacher filed just beyond the deadline to request such a hearing, June 14, 1988; CSEA/AFSME health insurance handbook supplement, describing alternatives to Empire Plan, April 19; article from Labor Studies Journal, "Union Membership Decline: Do the Goals of Unions Reflect the Changing Values of Workers?" by Jeanette A. Davy and Frank Shipper, Winter 1987-88; paper presented on April 12 and April 30, "The Taylor Law: Procedures Update for Labor & Management," re recent PERB and ALJ decisions and court cases; list of private schools educating children with handicapping conditions in New York, with cover letter, March 30; PERB administrative law judge decision in three cases against Rush-Henrietta Central School district, brought by Rush-Henrietta Employees' Association Buildings and Grounds, Bus Mechanics Chapter, Teachers Chapter, and Aides Chapter, over smoking ban, February 9; New York Times magazine clipping re end of seven-year AFL-CIO boycott of Coors beer; Bureau of National Affairs Daily Labor Report clippings; clippings re Empire Plan rate hikes; guidelines for eligibility for NYSUT Legal Defense Fund
Box 28 Folder 12
Regional Staff Director Memos (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
July-December, 1988. NYS Court of Appeals ruling affirming the judgment of the Appellate Division in CSEA v PERB and Luis Diaz, December 1; memo from Robert Diaz announcing that Excellence in Teaching (EIT) funds were available for distribution, December 14; NYSUT Executive Committee resolutions on public higher education in New York State, and on New York's fiscal crisis, December 2; survey of BOCES bargaining units to determine whether any employees are not represented by unit, December 8; materials re NYSUT support for creation of a NYS School Construction Authority, temporary exemption from Wicks Law, including legislative memorandum, New York Times clipping re political history of Wicks Law, list of state senators, December 7; state Supreme Court decision in Schneider v. Sobol, with cover memo re EIT funds, December 6; related memo, October 14; letter from NYS AFC-CIO re new Social Security rules that would make it more difficult for elderly and disabled claimants to file successful appeals after denial of benefits, with cover memo from Jim Conti and attached New York Times clipping, September-November; memo from Jim Conti re AFT education reform initiative, with list of prospective locals, November 11; letter from NYSUT president Tom Hobart to local presidents re anticipated changes in premiums to Empire Plan, with cover letter from Jim Conti, October 19; documents, cost-containment strategies available to participating agencies; letter from Tom Hobart re extension of Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), requiring asbestos management plans for public and private elementary and secondary schools, October 14; NYSUT Information Bulletin re NYS Mentor-Teacher Internship Program, revised August 1988; audit by the State Comptroller of the Empire Plan, with cover press release, September 28; memo re new Empire Plan benefit options, September 26; memo re annual salaries or stipends paid to NYSUT local presidents, school year 1987-88, September 12; median classroom teacher salaries, 1987-88; memo noting decrease in school district contribution to the New York State Teachers Retirement System, with attached NYSTRS administrative memo detailing reduction, August 9; Empire Plan contribution rates for participating agencies, August 9; results of Brookhaven Hospital election, showing win by NYSUT, August 8; Department of Civil Service Empire Plan quarterly experience report, August 5; materials re new PERB grievance resolution plan combining mediation and arbitration; analysis by NYSUT legal counsel re U.S. Supreme Court decision in CWA v Beck re agency fees, with text of brief, July 1
Box 28 Folder 13
Training Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Survey with list of 27 possible training topics, request for selection of top 7, May 1; handwritten notes on education reform
Box 29 Folder 1
Albany Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Proposal for EIT fund distribution, November 19; memo re need for legislative change in Taylor Law re per diem substitute employees, December 1; PERB administrative law judge decision in Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES and Wayne-Finder Lakes BOCES Teachers' Association, with cover memo recommending case for use in workshop, October 29; memo re case at Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Teachers Association in which a teacher refused to join the union based on religious objection and requested a review of the agency fee policy, with clipping from Adventist Review and text of Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, September 30; memo re staff training for investigatory interviews, September 23; new required form, Written Verified Claim, replacing Notice of Claim, and cover memos between Jim Conti and NYSUT legal counsel, July; North Colonie Teachers Association newsletter, NCTA Newsline, praising NYSUT staff, with cover memo to Jim Conti and others, June 10; memo requesting staff assistance to organize a regional substitutes' union for the southern Adirondack region, May 19; request for NYSUT staff support at rally for Waterford-Halfmoon contract settlement, April 16; memo to Jim Conti re substitute teacher organizing campaign for Washington, Warren, and Northern Saratoga counties, April 14; request for attorney to participate on panel discussion re 3020a cases for Guilderland Supervisors Unit, March 3; draft letter re voluntary services, proposed in response to controversy at Guilderland district in which work-to-rule action led to charges of illegal strike, with response from Jim Conti, advising against it, February
Box 29 Folder 2
Albany Regional Office: Leon Lieberman Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly regional staff director's and coordinator's reports
Box 29 Folder 3
Dutchess County Community College Meeting
Scope and Contents
December 10th, 1986. Letter from president of Dutchess United Educators re difficulty in obtaining access to research and legal assistance from NYSUT, December 2; letter from regional coordinator to NYSUT officials re upcoming meeting with Dutchess United Educators to discuss reconsideration of affiliation, with attached October 31 letter from DUE president outlining concerns, December 2; correspondence re abrupt dismissal of adjunct lecturer at Dutchess County Community College, attached employment agreement, February
Box 29 Folder 4
Elmsford Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with member John McAndrew of Port Jervis Teachers Association, re NYSUT involvement during discussion over contractual matters, PERB conclusion that union was not responsible for "sick out," October-December; agreement between Orange-Ulster BOCES and BOCES Teachers Association re distribution of Excellence in Teaching funds, November 7; evaluations re mediation conference, letter from presenter Eric W. Lawson Dispute Settlement Services, December 16; report by filed representative on Rockland Community College Federation of Teachers elections, political and personality difficulties, charges of financial malfeasance, agency fee issues, request to be removed from assignment, December 15; memo to Jim Conti re Orange County Community College organizing, October 28; summary of case in New York Law Journal re libel complaint in Peekskill public school district, October; text of Assembly bill to allow faculty representation on community college boards of trustees, with NYSUT memo of opposition and related correspondence, October; constitution of the Westchester Visiting Nurses Association; American Arbitration Association opinion and award re Croton-Harmon Union Free School District and Croton-Harmon Teachers Association (NYSUT) re association dues; memo re regional office situation re inadequate electrical wiring and ventilation, plan to obtain cost estimates to alleviate problems, October 6; list of local presidents, 1986-87, August 22; memo re Insurance Department regulation of self-funded health insurance plans and union welfare funds, September-December; memo from Jim Conti re new position of teacher associate at North Salem School District, with nearly identical duties as full teachers, concern that district might reduce regular teaching staff and rehire them as associates, April 23; case in Supreme Court of Suffolk County, Faculty Association of Suffolk Community College v. Public Employment Relations Board, re salary increment, found moot, with cover memo from Jim Conti noting intention to appeal, March 4; letter from a teacher who lost health insurance coverage during the summer as a result of changing school districts, February 26; flyer for national AFL-CIO conference on PCB hazards for public employees; correspondence with Farmingdale Federation of Teachers re lack of participation by NYSUT in negotiations for Empire Plan, February; letter to NYSUT executive vice president Dan Sanders re situation at Byram Hills Teachers Association re impact of billing procedures by the state Insurance Department on the local's welfare funds, January 3; list of local presidents, 1984-85
Box 29 Folder 5
Elmsford Regional Office: Bob Klein Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional staff director's and coordinator's report
Box 29 Folder 6
Jamestown Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of Fredonia Teachers' Association, objecting to policy that non-members cannot attend presentations by NYSUT lawyers, October 10; earlier correspondence, September; letter to Hobart from president of Cassadaga Valley Faculty Association, objecting to lack of service from new Jamestown office, October 7; reply from Hobart, October 22; correspondence re unemployment insurance appeal in case of teacher at Silver Creek district, October
Box 29 Folder 7
Mid: Hudson Regional Office-Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Press statement by NYSUT president Hobart re need for legislation addressing aid to small school districts, December 10; correspondence re dissatisfaction with NYSUT at Dutchess County Community College (Dutchess United Educators), October; text of address delivered to the first annual school conference of the Capital Area School Development Association, "Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Schools," by Melvin H. Osterman, Jr., July 24, with cover letter from Jim Conti to regional staff directors; memos re training sessions, summer leadership conference, and speaking engagements; memo re proposed reassignment of Greene/Columbia locals from Mid-Hudson to Albany Regional Office, May 2; letter from Hobart to president of the Ichabod Crane Teachers Association, congratulating local for success in electing three candidates for school board by wide margins, June 23; memos re Rhinebeck Lodge for Successful Living, a drug detoxification / rehabilitation facility seeking union representation, January-February 1985; Mid-Hudson Regional Office 1986-87 membership projections, May 12; collective bargaining agreement by and between Board of Education of the Wappingers Central School District and Wappingers Federation of Transit, Custodial, and Maintenance Workers, July 1, 1983, to June 30, 1986; unemployment insurance decision by administrative law judge re teacher at Cairo Durham Central School, issue of reasonable assurance of employment, with cover memo, April 16; regional office request for staff, January 24; summary of AFT assignment to Houston, Texas, February 3; letter from Jim Conti to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, administrator of the Empire Plan, re concerns about lack of participation by physicians due to low reimbursement rates, with attached letters from Arlington Teachers' Association and Fishkill Obstetrics and Gynecology, detailing far-below customary market reimbursement rates provided by plan for various procedures, March; request for legal consultation for teacher at Ellenville district re whether he should request a 3020a hearing or pursue his case under procedure outlined in the collective bargaining agreement, March 18; resume of applicant for field services representative, February; letter from consultant Martin E. Segal Company re reviewing local benefit plans and trust funds, November 7; memo re staff training needs re negotiation, improper practice filing, February 4; Mid-Hudson School Bell newsletters
Box 29 Folder 8
Mid: Hudson Regional Office-Jim Conti Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly reports re negotiations, training, and other activities; list of retirees and health insurance as of February 21
Box 29 Folder 9
Nassau Regional Office: Field Rep Interviews
Scope and Contents
December 22, 1986. Letters inviting applicants for interviews
Box 29 Folder 10
Nassau Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Letter offering job as field representative to applicant, December 23, 1986; C.B. Bulletin, newsletter of Nassau regional office, with article summarizing report of the Joint Economic Committee, which defined "rich" in America as households with an average wealth of $419,600, "very rich" as averaging $1.7 million, and "super rich" as $8.6 million, October 1986; C.B Bulletin showing identical retail prices to consumers for shirts made in U.S., Taiwan, Guyana, and Columbia, the differences in labor costs affecting profit margins of retailers; other C.B. newsletters; clipping from NEA Today, about an industrial arts teacher who fought for years against environmental hazards in his Baldwin school, developed malignant melanoma, was turned down by NYSUT for representation, then was represented by NEA, December 1986; memo to NYSUT counsel advising that BOCES II Teachers Association had requested that NYSUT withdraw its appeal of the Teacher Aides in Occupational Education Classes case, following resolution of outstanding issues, October 27, 1986; request for legal consultation for teacher at Lynbrook school district facing complaint from parent over final grade and student's behavior on school trip, September 2, 1986; memo re breach of contract case following rejection of an advisory arbitration award in Hempstead, applicability to other locals, August 15, 1985; memo from Jim Conti re provisions of the Empire Plan re mental health coverage, three-month prescription purchase, definition of medical necessity, need to obtain booklets re benefits for members, feasibility of NYSUT's setting up a private plan for members, May 6, 1986; correspondence re possible NYSUT assistance in litigation by teacher in Great Neck who was pursuing a sex-discrimination case against the New York State Teachers Retirement System at her own expense, implications for retiree organizing, NEA competition, October 1985; memo re Nassau staff meeting and concern over resolution re 3020a proceedings, April 21, 1986; memos re teacher laid off in Farmingdale district, returned to teach part-time outside tenure area, resigned, determination that no rights were violated, April 1986; request for upgrade for secretaries in Nassau office, consistent with increased workload and skill requirements, November 13, 1985
Box 29 Folder 11
Nassau Regional Office: Jim Gaspari Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly reports
Box 29 Folder 12
NYC Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo re contract settlement at Taylor Business Institute, Pratt Institute, and Lexington, July 8; memo to Jim Conti requesting full-time health and safety expert on staff, May 2, with reply denying request, May 5; handwritten letter from professor of public administration who could not return to Medgar Evers College, with attached timeline re racial harassment, "Key Points in MEC Discrimination," April 7; report by field representative for Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals re NYSNA convention of October 18-21, 1985, acknowledgement from Jim Conti, April 17; memo that United Staff Association of NYU had set a strike date, with handwritten note that settlement had been reached, January 7; U.S. Supreme Court Brief for the Cooper Union Federation of College Teachers, AFT, NYSUT, AFL-CIO, in Opposition, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art v. National Labor Relations Board and Cooper Union Federation of College Teachers, AFT, NYSUT, AFL-CIO
Box 29 Folder 13
NYC Regional Office: Tony Ficcio, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, National Labor Relations Board v. Parsons School of Design, denying petition to enforce order requiring bargaining with part-time faculty, with cover report, June 24; other monthly reports re contract negotiations, organizing efforts
Box 29 Folder 14
North Country Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti re problems with PERB-assigned mediator/fact- finders at Chenango Valley and Haverling school districts, bias toward management, November 26; list of changes to contract agreement re layoffs, with cover memo to Jim Conti noting violations of seniority, preferred eligibility rules, in Massena, November 20; order and determination of Commissioner of Labor in the matter of the application of North Franklin Education Center for a permanent variance from safety regulation, approved with conditions, November 24; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT counsel asking that NYSUT challenge decision by NYS Department of Motor Vehicles requiring fingerprinting of all school bus drivers, with background correspondence, October; memo from regional staff director to NYSUT general counsel re planned conference at Alexandria Bay in November, alternative meeting in the spring in Potsdam, October 21; memo re proposed office in Watertown, October 6; memos re difficulties in doing phone banks at centralized locations for political election campaigns, alternatives, October; memo to Jim Conti complaining of quality of PERB-appointed mediator/fact finder in Lowville district, with attached materials including report and recommendation of fact-finder, September; memo to Jim Conti re problems with PERB-assigned mediator/fact-finders from Utica and Albany, need for PERB to provide competent staff to North Country assignments, with attached "terrible" reports and recommendations of fact-finders for the St. Regis and Chateaugay districts, June 3; correspondence between NYSUT president Tom Hobart and the president of the Schroon Lake Teachers Association re good work of field representative in arbitration case and over the years, May-June; open house invitation to new Potsdam Regional Office, May 16; list of CSEA units in Essex and Clinton counties, April 23; letter demanding that agency fee charges no longer be taken from non-union teachers in the Watertown school district until certain conditions are met, March 15, with cover memo; request for legal advice re liability of Beaver River Teachers Association for functions at which alcohol is served, March 12, with related memos; memo to Jim Conti re serious situation developing in Massena Central School following the suicide of one suspended student, controversy over discipline policies, February 23, with newspaper clippings; correspondence re Eunice Jantzi, special education teacher at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES, suspended for failure to supervise and prevent sexual activity between students, January-May
Box 29 Folder 15
North Country Regional Office: RJ Allen, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly reports re negotiations, other issues
Box 29 Folder 16
Organizing Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Debriefing memo analyzing the unsuccessful UHS (United Health Services hospitals) campaign, December 19; leaflets and radio scripts for AFT clerical campaign, December 19; organizing bulletins; memo suggesting special services for organizing committees, inducements for potential members, December 10; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from assistant director of organizing for Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, asking him to identify locals with members in health-related occupations not currently in FNHP, November 21; letter to Jim Conti from managing editor of FNHP Healthwire, asking to be put on NYSUT newsletter mailing list, October 29; draft article by NYSUT organizing coordinator John O'Leary re differences between union certification and recognition, with cover memo seeking comments from organizers, October 31; memo re employer tactics, emphasizing threat of strikes, in lead-up to representation election at United Health Services, November 11; outline for Local Presidents' Handbook, with request from Jim Conti to John O'Leary that he write section on organizing, November 10; letters from Jim Conti to organizers and field representatives, congratulating them on win or encouraging them on defeats, September-October; memo from John O'Leary re the best use of organizing dollars, July 15; memo re actions of PERB administrative law judge, called unprofessional and prejudicial by John O'Leary, at certification petition conference by NEANY for Edwards Russell Central School District, June 23; memo listing representation election results at various schools, June 27; NYSUT Statement of Intent for Organizing Registered Nurses; summary of remarks of ILGWU presentation on use of polling in organizing campaigns at 1986 Midwest healthcare organizers conference, noting extreme aversion to prospect of strikes among nurses; articles from Scientific American, re tendency of voters to vote for challenger in presidential elections if they perceive their economic status as having deteriorated, and New York Times, re deterioration of real income among Americans, with cover memo to organizers re implications for receptivity to unionizing among middle class workers, July 14; brochure prepared for Benedictine organizing campaign, "What's In It for You? Straight Answers to Common Questions about FNHP/NYSUT"; four-page memo to Jim Conti from John O'Leary re organizing budget, October 2, 1985; six-page memo from O'Leary, "Organizing Effectiveness, Preliminary Report," June 23, 1986; memo from Tom Hobart to NYSUT Board of Directors re results of elections involving AFT in Broward County, Florida, June 12; memo re contingency plans to remain open during previously scheduled vacation shutdown to accommodate organizing campaigns in Binghamton and Kingston, May 23; memo urging support for legislation in Assembly that would prohibit health-care agencies from being reimbursed for representation election expenses, making it less likely that facilities would pay for anti-union consultants, June; memo updating on feasibility of organizing Visiting Nurse Service ancillary staff for the UFT, May 12; memo from O'Leary detailing the organizing operation, noting long-term nature of cultivating leads, need for flexibility, May 12; memo re budget appropriation for special organizing projects, calling dramatic reduction a penalty for prudent management the year before and a disincentive to spending restraint, May 2; memo, "Why the Organizing Staff Should Not Be Reduced," April 21; notice to NYSUT from the National Labor Relations Board that a petition for certification of representation election at the Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital had been filed by the Teamsters, April 28, with attached documents; memo re Entry into Practice bill, held up in committee, which would require a BA degree for Registered Nurses and an AAS degree for associate nurses and eliminate the designation Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), with committee bill memorandum, listing groups in support and opposition, points of argument in support and opposition, May 30; memo from Jim Conti requesting any information about pending legislation in the health-care area, speaker for meeting of Federation of Nurses & Health-Related Professionals (FNHP), April 25; memo from O'Leary recommending changes to PERB rules for certification of representation election, submitted in response to request for comments by PERB, April; memo to organizers from O'Leary re Supreme Court decision overturning NLRB rule requiring all employees in a bargaining unit to vote on affiliation of an independent union with a national or international union, cautioning that other rules must be followed carefully, April 14; inquiry from O'Leary as to whether there was any pending legislation to amend law dealing with patients' rights or reporting patient abuse, April 8; copy of NEA-NY Advocate, with cover memo to O'Leary from Jim Conti suggesting he read it before attending their convention, March; memo to organizers re generating computerized contact cards, March 4; memo to O'Leary re computerized filing system, January 14; memo from O'Leary re college organizing, recommending that National Labor Relations Act be amended to give NLRB jurisdiction over college faculty, with cover memo from Jim Conti asking whether AFT was planning to propose amendments, March; memo from O'Leary suggesting proposing legislation clarifying process for mergers, consolidations, and annexations of school districts, especially BOCES districts, November 25, 1985, with reply from Jim Conti, March 27, 1986; Schenectady Gazette newspaper clipping re deputy executive director of President's Commission on Organized Crime, which was recommending random drug tests for federal employees, who refused the request of the chair of a House Civil Service subcommittee to give a sample of his own urine before testifying, March 19, 1986; Report by AFL-CIO Committee on the Evolution of Work on the Changing Situation of Workers and Their Unions, February 27, 1985, with cover memo to organizers and discussion guide for local unions; memo from O'Leary recommending NYSUT associate membership, March 3; State Education Department Public School Professional Personnel Report, 1984-1985; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of United Professional Nurses Association (UPNA), expressing regret that they were unable to achieve a working relationship, February 25; letter from O'Leary to president of UPNA, informing her that Federation of Nurses and Health-Related Professionals would likely become NYSUT's Division of Nursing, February 5; list of organizing successes since November 1985 through January 3, 1986; list of new units organized in 1985, November 14; memo outlining procedures for returning calls that come in to the 800 number for organizing, November 17, 1985; memo to O'Leary from NYSUT public relations director re organizing marking campaign for nurses, with attached materials, January 6, 1985
Box 29 Folder 17
Organizing: John O'Leary, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly reports
Box 29 Folder 18
Rochester Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to New York State Teachers' Retirement System from the Rush- Henrietta Employee Association Teachers' Chapter Executive Council, objecting to non-inclusion of Excellence In Teaching (EIT) funds in calculation of salary toward retirement, December 17; memo re EIT settlements at Spencerport and Marion districts, November 26; survey sent to school-related personnel (SRP) locals to determine gender distribution, full- and part-time status, and other characteristics of work force, with cover memo noting complexity of questions, other issues, October; memos re PERB administrative law judge decisions re subcontracting of summer school teachers and programs to BOCES, with attached decisions re Monroe County school districts (Webster, East Irondequoit, and West Irondequoit), December; memos re legality of public employees' contributing to a self-funded health plan, October-November; East Irondequoit Excellence In Teaching agreement, with cover memo, October 24; memo from Jim Conti re consideration of sexual preference in 3020a cases, noting absence of state law prohibiting discrimination, lack of clarity as to whether homosexuality per se constitutes "moral turpitude," concluding that in a school setting "they are going to be held to a much higher standard of moral conduct," October 1; list of school districts that had not yet applied for Excellence In Teaching funds, September 17; PERB decision in Williamson Central School District and Williamson Faculty Association re salary schedule, July 29; memo from NYS Teachers Retirement System re employer contribution rates to be paid during the 1987-88 school year, with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors, May 22; letter from NYS Department of Motor Vehicles re payment of fee for fingerprinting of school bus drivers, October 24; letter from Jim Conti to Tom Hobart recalling defection of Rochester and Vestal Regional Offices to NEA in 1976, actions Conti took to maintain continuity of service to locals, April 24; memo re computer certification questions at Webster school district, April 2; memo re selection of arbitration as alternative to 3020a proceeding, March 21; revised draft, Rochester Teachers Association Peer Assistance and Review Program, with attached newspaper clippings; flyer Rochester Regional Report, "State Budget Includes $95 million for Excellence In Teaching Program!"
Box 29 Folder 19
Rochester Regional Office: Ray Samson, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly activity reports; Cooperative Organization for Public Education (COPE) report, Monroe County "Save Harmless" School Districts 1986 Yearbook, presented at Legislators' Breakfast, December 6, 1986; program for 1987 Collective Bargaining Conference, January 23-24
Box 29 Folder 20
South Western (Jamestown) Regional Office Newsletter
Scope and Contents
Volume 1, number 1
Box 29 Folder 21
Southern Tier Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Inquiry by Jim Conti as to whether NYSUT was proposing legislation to address worker's compensation, citing the case of a Newark Valley Central School District bus driver who was out on disability on a work-related injury and could legally lose her job and health insurance, December; memo to Jim Conti recommending breach of contract suit on behalf of the Chenango Forks Teachers Association for violating settlement agreement, negotiated in lieu of an Improper Practice Charge, for assigning too much work to a teacher, December 9; materials re legality of self-funded health plans, including case of Rockland Community College, April; letter congratulating field representative on successful contract for Watkins Glen Faculty Association, noting benefits and protections not often found in the Southern Tier, November 3; memos requesting legal opinion of certain wording on taxable income deferments form required of teachers to sign at Endicott school district, September-November; letter from state senator and deputy majority leader William T. Smith to president of Elmira Teachers Association, explaining why he opposed Excellence In Teaching program, September 18; handwritten drafts, "You Are Being Cheated," for mailing to teachers in Oneonta, September 11; letter to president of Corning Teachers Association from NYSUT staff in Division of Research and Educational Services, advising on design of a questionnaire evaluating teacher satisfaction with building administrators, September 5; application for affiliation with NYSUT from George Junior Republic Teachers Organization, August; questionnaire by Corning Teachers Association to evaluate building administrators, July 2; memo to Jim Conti re miscellaneous concerns re PERB, including decision in Charlotte Valley Teachers Association case, difficulties with improper practice conferences and hearings, February 21; recommendation for a 3020a hearing panel member, June 30; five-page memo from regional office coordinator Chuck Rogers, analyzing the disaffiliation of the Greene Teachers Association, May 29; six-page memo from field rep to Chuck Rogers, analyzing the disaffiliation of the Greene Teachers Association, May 29; list of school districts where increases in state aid were used to lower local taxes, versus where aid resulted in increases for teachers, September 13; memo to Jim Conti discussing the results of increase in state on school district taxes, budgets, and salaries, concluding that not much had changed for contract negotiations, August 23; several related memos to Jim Conti, with specific examples of impact on districts; memo re inadequacy of PERB procedures for adding long-term substitutes or part-time teachers, February 22; related memo re accretion, March 21; confidential memo from Jim Conti re scheduling PERB prehearing conference for Charlotte Valley case, May 13; letter to Jim Conti re inconvenience and expense of PERB's increasing tendency to schedule hearings and meetings in Albany instead of Binghamton, April 29; related material; repeat request to NYSUT president Hobart by Corning Teachers Association that NYSUT Executive Board assign the local to the district (E.D. 11) with which it had regular contact and was closer to geographically, April 18; memo from Jim Conti re "Neanderthal" goals of Owego Apalachin Central School District, suggesting that State Education Department be informed, April 25; chart comparing provisions of the tiers of the NYS Employee Retirement System; memo to Jim Conti criticizing PERB mediator/fact-finder, dissatisfaction by both parties, urging that PERB be advised and requested not to assign the mediator again to any NYSUT case in the Southern Tier, February 3; memo to Jim Conti re inordinate number of respiratory and cancer cases at Rushford school, need for asbestos removal, January 21; confidential memo and related documents re teacher at Greene Central School, February 28; request from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel to have a staff attorney address Chenango Valley Teachers Association re teacher liability in the classroom and school-related situations, February 20; copy of General Municipal Law section 92 re vacations, sick leaves and leaves of absence of officers and employees, including opinions of the state comptroller
Box 29 Folder 22
Southern Tier: Chuck Rodgers, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Monthly reports, with newsletters, Southern Tier Briefs
Box 29 Folder 23
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo from field representative to NYSUT legal counsel requesting action to regain two days' salary docked from teachers at Cold Spring Harbor after the district superintendent declared that a strike had taken place, November 13; letters from locals thanking NYSUT staff for their help in averting strikes, other assistance; special order resolution by Representative Assembly recommending that AFT give financial assistance to Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers to offset costs associated with challenging drug testing, n.d.; memo to Jim Conti re Patchogue drug testing case, appealed to state Court of Appeals, possible federal involvement, August 28; letter to NYSUT official Ray Calabrese from Amityville Teachers Association president, thanking him for selecting the school's Talented and Gifted Program for Cablevision show, noting bad press for low reading and math scores, May 23; text of governor's proposed legislation re salary supplement, March 19
Box 29 Folder 24
Suffolk Regional Office: John DeGregorio, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional reports; papers, "AIDS: A Question of Human Rights vs the Duty to Provide a Safe Work Place," by Marco L. Colosi, vice president, human resources, and Fred Silverman, president, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, "Selected Current Developments under the National Labor Relations Act," by Irving Perlman, Immerman & Perlman, presented to the 6th Annual Winter Training Conference on Labor Management Relations, February 13-20, and "The Effect of the National Labor Relations Board on the Health Care Industry," by Marco L. Colosi
Box 29 Folder 25
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Syracuse Teachers Association Policy, Procedures and Information Regarding Members Accused of Misconduct (Primarily Child Abuse) as a Result of Employment in the Syracuse City School District; 20-page memo from Jim Conti debriefing Benjamin-Rush Center (psychiatric hospital facility) strike, November 17; United Liverpool Faculty Association newsletter, December; NLRB Charge against Employer against Benjamin Rush Center; appeal for holiday support for 12 employees fired during strike; agenda for meeting re strike, November 3; flyers re strike; memo from regional director to president of Benjamin Rush Employees United re crisis reimbursement plan related to strike, September 26; memos re eligibility of school nurses for Excellence In Teaching funds, September-October; list of teachers' starting salaries in Syracuse regional area, 1986-87; memos requesting legal assistance for unemployment insurance case at Port Byron School District, with attached decisions from NYS Unemployment Insurance Division, related correspondence re provisional teaching certificate, July-September; document by NYSUT regional staff director Frank Squillace, "Teacher Salaries and the Excellence in Teaching Law," August 1986; memo re absorption of Cortland-Madison BOCES school-related personnel (SRP) unit into new Cortland-Onondaga-Madison BOCES Organization (COMBO), July 15; memo re AFT liability insurance programs, May 13; related brochures and legal citations; NYS Department of Labor Notice of Variance Hearing on July 11 for Cazenovia Central School District, copied to Jim Conti and others; "raiding" letter from NEA-NY to teacher at Oswego County BOCES, with cover memo to Jim Conti noting that letter was being sent to CSEA locals, May 23; letter re field representative assignments to certain BOCES locals, April 29; memo to Jim Conti re inquiry from Onondaga-Madison BOCES Federation of Teachers re Public Health Law and related issues in which a school nurse might send students and teachers home because of a contagious illness at school, with attached excerpt from state Education Law, March 31; memos from Jim Conti to legal staff inquiring as to whether authorization forms allowing release of any confidential legal (including attorney-client privileged), medical (including psychiatric), financial, or other information, which prospective employees must sign, violated any federal or state civil rights regulations, with attached copy of release form used by Auburn Enlarged City School District, March-April; list of organization and representation status of school-related personnel in Syracuse regional area districts, January 10; memos re field representative assignment to Madison Central School Non-Instructional Employees Association (MCSNEIA), February
Box 29 Folder 26
Syracuse Regional Office: Frank Squillace, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Activity reports re negotiations, other issues
Box 29 Folder 27
Training Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Clipping, "PEF Saves Retirement Benefits"
Box 29 Folder 28
Training: Ray Ratte, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional staff director and coordinator's reports
Box 29 Folder 29
United University Professions: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Invitation to Jim Conti to come to United University Professions Field Staff dinner, with affirmative reply, December
Box 29 Folder 30
United University Professions: Save Livingston, Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Activity reports
Box 29 Folder 31
Utica Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Report on Retirement Convention, with cover letter from Jim Conti to NYSUT president Tom Hobart, December 17; memos re Mt. Markham dues problem, with attached excerpts from association's constitution, September-October; New York State School Boards Association legislative bulletin re Regents meeting, July 28, 1986; correspondence re proposed legislation to limit funding for health and welfare benefits, including Metropolitan Life Insurance Company legislative alert bulletin, MarchMay
Box 30 Folder 1
Utica Regional Office Vinnie Grove Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional Staff Director's and Coordinator's reports
Box 30 Folder 2
West NY Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Outline of field services section for annual report for the Representative Assembly, with cover letter from Jim Conti re writing section for local presidents' handbook, November 10; newsletter of BOCES II Education Association, Cross Ventilation, October; briefs, award, and related correspondence in arbitration case, Matter of Erie County No. 1 Co-operative Teachers Association and BOCES First Supervisory District, Erie County, July-October; memo to local presidents re NYSUT reorganization of Western NY Region, creation of new Southwestern New York Region, September 4; flyer announcing arbitration seminars; memos from staff of Physical Education Department to U.C.PA. management, Children's Center, and NYSUT local 3721, asking for raise, April-June; letter to governor re Erie Community College Board of Trustees vacancy, June 26; agreement between the Board of Education of Attica Central School District and the Attica Central School Non-teaching Employees Association, July 1, 1986 June 30, 1989; memo re Kenmore Teachers Association peer performance review plan, with attached text of the plan, May 5; memo re mergers, consolidations, and annexations of school districts, with reply from Jim Conti; memos re requests from locals for guidance re teacher liability, February, with hand-written note
Box 30 Folder 3
Western NY Regional Office Ron Uba Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
Regional monthly reports; coordinator's reports; list of agency fee locals, November 3; list of locals with open contracts for 1987; list of locals with VOTE-COPE payroll deductions, November 5; list of locals with benefit trust payroll deductions, November 5; notice of PERB conference and hearing in the matter of Erie Chautauqua Cattaraugus BOCES and BOCES Support Personnel Association, petitioner, and BOCES II Education Association, respondent, for November 25; letter from NEA-NY Rochester Service Center to members re PERB case
Box 30 Folder 4
Interviews: Jamestown Coordinator
Scope and Contents
June 11, 1986. Letters to job applicants confirming interview appointments
Box 30 Folder 5
Scope and Contents
Memo re political climate at Rockland Community College, agency fee collection, poor working relationship, request for change in assignment, December 15; memos re re-election of president of Rockland CC, November; memo re payment of 1986-87 dues, September 16; memo re 1986-87 budget approvals, objecting to changing rules of procedure, August 12; memo re Field Services' support for PEF, May 8; confidential memo re additional staff and budget considerations, April 15
Box 30 Folder 6
Data processing
Scope and Contents
Data Processing Coordinator's / Manager's Update, April 11; list of NYSUT recommended microcomputer systems for locals (prices as of April 7, 1986); microcomputer training schedule, revised April 8; memo re training, June 12
Box 30 Folder 7
Educational Services
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Division of Research and Educational Services Contract Analysis: BOCES Contract Clauses, October 1986; Information Bulletins, "Selected Financial Data for School Districts 1981-82 to 1983-84" and "1986-87 Executive Budget Proposal State Aid to Public Schools," January 1986, "Community College Status Report," March 31, 1986, "Excellence in Teaching Aid Impact on Fringe Benefits," June, results of survey of elementary and secondary teacher locals, June, list of districts and BOCES applying for Excellence in Teaching Aid, September 15, "Alternatives to Special Education," November 1986; confidential Regents' Report Cards, January, February and May 22, 1986; monthly reports; brochure, New York State Educational Conference Board State Aid Proposal, 1986-87; memos re teacher salary increases, teacher salary aid; draft Testimony of the New York State United Teachers Regarding the Regents Hearings on Proposed Amendments to the Certification Requirements for Elementary and Secondary Academic Areas; memo to regional staff directors re teacher membership on Committee on Special Education (CSE), with attached Information Bulletin giving details, October 27; letter from NYSUT vice president Antonia Cortese to Education Commissioner Gordon Ambach, requesting that teaching assistants pay only once for a temporary teaching license, with attached memos, June-July; letter from director of organization of CSEA, expressing concern about raiding of AFL locals by Teamsters, June 26, with memo from Jim Conti sharing concern, July 17; newspaper clipping summarizing Carnegie Forum recommendations that teacher pay be increased substantially, with cover memo from Jim Conti, June 27; year-end report, Participation of Locals and Members in Selected Activities, prepared for NYSUT Board of Directors, June 1986; memo from Jim Conti re "Neanderthal" goals of Owego Apalachin Central School District, suggesting that State Education Department be informed, April 25, with attached text of goals, including "absolutely no new programs or services or expansion of existing programs or services" and "Year of the Taxpayer: apply any and all unanticipated state aid to tax containment"; memo to coordinators re 1986-87 Hurd Aid to small city school districts, May 9; New York State School Boards Association Legislative Bulletin re anticipated Excellence in Teaching regulations, April; memo to regional office coordinators re basic school district information, with attached sample and definition of terms, March 20; draft staff report to the Board of Regents, "Teacher Compensation in New York State 1974-75 and 1984-85 School Years," February 1986
Box 30 Folder 8
Field Services
Scope and Contents
Agenda for AFT conference, "The State Federation as Employer," with memo from Jim Conti requesting approval to attend, December 19; request for information pamphlets from Workers' Compensation Board re on-the-job injury and off-the-job disability, October 29; letter from director of field services Robert Allen to Superior Officers Association, Police Department, Nassau County, explaining agency fees, October 9; memos to regional staff directors re telephone calls to other members on behalf of endorsed candidates for public office, September-October; memo re increased likelihood that representation elections will be more successful on the second or third attempt, September; legislative memorandum in support of bill that would allow collective negotiation re transfer of teachers within a school district, September, with text of bill; memos re leave by staff member for adoption and child care, comment that long notice requirement for specific leave dates isn't practicable for adoption, July; model by-laws to provide for inclusion of retirees, with document, "How Local Leaders Can Provide Continuation of Membership in Local/NYSUT AFT"; memo recommending against relocation of a combined Elmira/Jamestown regional office to Hornell, logistical difficulties, driving distances, alternative options, October 29; memo re Broward County (Florida) representation election, won by AFT, making AFT majority organization in Florida, June 10; memo from Ray Ratte to Vito DeLeonardis urging retention of Survive and Thrive Program, noting success of program in boosting staff morale, May 23; memo re membership increase projections, shortfall in New York City staff because of retirements, inability to recruit qualified candidates, May 23; resolution adopted by the NYSUT Representative Assembly to provide an attorney when a teacher chooses to use an alternative procedure to a 3020a hearing, with cover memo outlining process, March 18; Buffalo News clipping, "Stakes, Salaries High in Failed Bid to Gain Control of Union Local," April 13
Box 30 Folder 9
Legal H.Q.
Scope and Contents
American Arbitration Association Rules for Determination of Union Fees, effective June 1, 1986; related material re agency fees; request from Jim Conti to legal staff to write section on NYSUT legal services for Local Presidents' Handbook, November 21; memos re proposed workshop on union's role in investigatory interview (public sector), October, with attached case for use in workshop, PERB administrative law judge decision in the matter of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, respondent, and Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Teachers' Association; memo requesting legal staff member to address training meeting for North Country staff, September; similar request from Fredonia Teachers Association, September; similar request for Mid-Hudson Summer Leadership Conference, May 29; legal opinion from NYSUT counsel re overtime provisions under FLSA for employee performing two jobs for same employer, June 11; publication by U.S. Department of Labor, "State and Local Government Employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act," May 1985; list of open litigation cases, with cover memo noting that they were for Utica Regional Office, April 17; memos requesting legal opinion re teacher liability, initiated by Chittenango Teachers Association, January-March; similar request for Chenango Valley Teachers Association, February 20; request for legal opinion, initiated by Beaver River Teachers Association, re liability for accidents resulting from association-sponsored functions involving alcohol, March 12; memo to Jim Conti re serious situation developing in Massena Central School following the suicide of one suspended student, controversy over discipline policies, February 23, with newspaper clippings; request for legal consultation for Ellenville teacher, deciding whether to opt for 3020a hearing or alternative procedure, March 18; request for meeting with North Country locals re merger of Edwards school district, affiliated with NYSUT, and Knox district, affiliated with NEA, March 12
Box 30 Folder 10
Legal NYC
Scope and Contents
Letter from Jim Conti noting that U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that an employer may not offer life insurance that pays lower benefits to women because of longer life expectancy, with attached case, Arizona Governing Committee for Tax Deferred Annuity and Deferred Compensation Plans, et al. v. Nathalie Norris, etc., March 19; memo from NYSUT counsel re intention to appeal to the state Court of Appeals a decision that NYSUT complaint failed to comply with statute of limitations, with attached decision, Peter Langham et al. v. State of New York, November 24; letter re seminar on brief writing, sent to field representatives, with cover memo from NYSUT general counsel to Jim Conti, October 29; agency fee materials, with cover memo, November 17; opinion of state Supreme Court Appellate Division, Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers v. Board of Education of the Patchogue-Medford Union Free School District, holding drug urine tests to be unconstitutional, with cover memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT general counsel, September 25; memo to NYSUT legal counsel from Jim Conti re approaching the Commissioner of Education about a school district that set preconditions to enforcing the Commissioner's Regulations on Excellence In Teaching that violated the intent of the legislation, also anticipated improper practice charges over failure by districts to negotiate the apportionment of E.I.T funds, September 18; text of local law in Suffolk County legislature to prohibit mandatory drug testing, March 25, with attached Statement on Substance Abuse Programs from the Faculty Association (AFT Local 3038) of Suffolk County Community College, opposing random drug testing; letter from Jim Conti to NYSUT general counsels praising their presentation at the PERB hearing on agency fees, September 10; correspondence re agency fee inquiries from teachers at Middletown school district, June-July; issue of Insurance Litigation Reporter; decision and order in state Supreme Court Special Term, Board of Education, Yonkers City School District v. Yonkers Federation of Teachers, with cover memo from Jim Conti asking NYSUT counsel whether decision was being appealed, March 31; memos requesting legal opinion re teacher liability, initiated by Chittenango Teachers Association, January-February
Box 30 Folder 11
Scope and Contents
State Education Department document, "State-Aided Programs for Elementary and Secondary Education in New York State," July 1986; summary of pending federal and state legislation in the health area, from Donna Gwynne, program director, Employee Benefits Program, City of New York Office of Municipal Labor Relations, November 12; minutes of the Public Sector Coalition on Health Benefits Legislative Committee meeting of October 6; Update newsletter from the AFT Department of Organization, FNHP Division (nurses and health professionals), October; letter form Wappingers Federation of Teachers to VOTE/COPE director, advising him of lack of cooperation by local state legislator, endorsed by NYSUT, in helping distribute Excellence in Teaching funds with school district, October; fact sheet by Democratic Study Group in House of Representatives re pending Tax Reform Act of 1986, October 1; letter sent to local presidents asking for help in making phone calls on behalf of endorsed candidates for public office, with cover memo to regional staff directors noting poor response, requesting follow-up calls to locals, October 21; letter from NYSUT executive vice president Dan Sanders re legislative successes, August 14, with attached Final Report: 1986 Legislative Session: NYSUT Legislative Program and Major Support Bills Signed into Law; preliminary report re bills signed by governor or awaiting action, with cover letter from Sanders, July 11; NYS School Boards Association Legislative Bulletin re Regents meeting, July 1986; one-page document, Health Insurance Coverage Extended by State and Federal Regulations, August 25; memorandum from the Governor's Office of Employee Relations, recommending approval of a bill (S.9556) that would clarify that procedural aspects of teacher transfers are negotiable, July 29; memorandum to the governor by NYSUT director of legislation Ray Skuse strongly urging support for the legislation, July 17; summary of Sweet Home case, re teacher transfers; text of bill in Assembly requiring strict standards of proof in civil service tenure hearings; memorandum in support from City of New York Office of the Mayor; memos re phone banks for calling on behalf of the NYSUT-endorsed Cuomo/Lundine ticket, July; memo to Retiree Organizing Committee requesting that they contact other retired members to urge them to call their state legislators in support of pension supplementation legislation, with script of phone message, June 27; text of state Senate bill to amend insurance law re self-funded health benefit programs; NYS School Boards Association Legislative Bulletin re record increase in school aid, April; legal memo re legislation regarding the expansion of Insurance Department jurisdiction over public employee fringe benefit funds, November 17, 1980, with cover letter from Jim Conti re new similar proposed legislation, March 27, 1986; memos re organizing college faculty post-Yeshiva decision, possible attempt to amend NLRA, February-March; memos re salary supplement legislation, including minutes of committee meeting and document, "Strategy If Supplement Legislation Is Passed," March; report from the Senate Education Committee, "TIP: Teacher Improvement Plan: The Third Year," December 1985, with cover letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from committee chair Sen. James Donovan
Box 30 Folder 12
New York Teacher (Publication)
Scope and Contents
Print deadlines for publications New York Teacher and Bottom Line
Box 30 Folder 13
President's Office
Scope and Contents
Memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT president Tom Hobart re planned letter to local presidents re posting of Right-to-Know law poster, December 17, 1986; letter from Jim Conti responding to inquiry from Harvard staff member re access to arbitration cases on file with NYSUT not otherwise available through published sources, December; request for information from New Hampshire Federation of Teachers about NYSUT rebate assistance program for large locals, with reply from director of field services Robert Allen that rebate is given to NYS locals (Metro-rebate program) because they employ their own staffs and do not use NYSUT field services, with attached formula for rebate, January 5, 1987; letter from Jim Conti to Tom Hobart with attached report on Retirement Convention, December 17, 1986; press release by Tom Hobart re small city school districts, December 10; memo from Conti to Hobart listing organizations in which Hobart participated on NYSUT's behalf, December 16; memo from Conti to Hobart re endorsed appointment to the State Mediation Board, December 10; memo for meeting of group putting together Local Presidents' Handbook, October 27; text of proposed local law for Suffolk County banning mandatory drug testing, with cover memo, September 19; letter from Physical Therapists of U.C.P.A. re raising salaries, with cover memo from Jim Conti to Tom Hobart that reply was no longer necessary, September 8; letter from Hobart congratulating Ichabod Crane Teachers Association for good work in electing endorsed candidates to school board, June 23; memos re new teacher and EAP orientation programs, May; memo from Conti to Hobart recalling how Conti maintained control after defection of Rochester Regional Office staff to NEA in 1976, April 24; memo from Conti to Hobart discussing why organizing Empire State Day Care Centers would not be a worthwhile project, April 25; memo from Conti to Hobart initially exploring possibility of organizing day care centers, March 27; list of school-related personnel (SRP) locals that left CSEA for NEA, and CSEA units that asked to become affiliated with NYSUT, with attached memo from Conti to Hobart noting that NYSUT had advised CSEA locals that they could not affiliate with NYSUT, possible cooperative efforts with CSEA in raiding NEA-affiliated locals, April 8; memo requesting Hobart's attendance at rally for Waterford-Halfmoon Teachers Association contract settlement, with attached newspaper clipping, April; correspondence with Hobart re excessed teacher in Farmingdale who believed he was not properly recalled according to seniority list, March-April; memo from Hobart to staff re additional toll-free phone line, request that it not be used for personal calls, April 11; memo from Conti to Hobart re need for unions to coordinate boycott of Albany Marriott Hotel on behalf of Hotel & Restaurant Workers Union, April 8; NYSUT 1986 Annual Report: "Beyond Collective Bargaining," with cover memo from Hobart thanking colleagues
Box 30 Folder 14
Secretary : Treasurer's Office
Scope and Contents
Memo from Herb Magidson to coordinators re per capita payments (dues) for per diem substitutes, January 16; memo form Jim Conti asking whether an insurance company had been identified willing to provide liability coverage for locals and individual teachers, noting continued demand from locals, April 8
Box 30 Folder 15
Public Relations
Scope and Contents
"Inside Your Schools" program catalog for monthly television show, with cover letter; memo inquiring re costs for producing and airing radio ads, lead time, and whether statistically meaningful measurements could be made for testing effectiveness, February 27; press release, "Teacher Centers in Vanguard of Education Improvement, Professionalism of Teaching," May 2; clipping from Advertising Age, "Chavez, UFW pack up their pickets, go 'high-tech': Union uses mail, phone campaign," June 16, with cover memo to Jim Conti; memo from Jim Conti critiquing AFT leaflet for clerical workers, noting "not punchy enough," overstating health and safety protections, December 19; clippings from CSEA newsletter, The Public Sector, re Region 4 and 6, comparable worth implementation, October 20
Box 30 Folder 16
Reports (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
NYSUT Resource Packet: Helping Children at Risk; New York State Office of Mental Health 1987 Update and Progress Report for the Five Year Comprehensive Plan: Mental Health Services, 1985-1990, with cover letter
Box 30 Folder 17
Reports (2of 2)
Scope and Contents
A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, National Commission on Excellence in Education, April 1983; New York State Board of Regents Proposed Action Plan to Improve Elementary and Secondary Education Results in New York, revised February 1984; 1986087 Educational Conference Board State Aid Proposal background information; Coalition for Public Education report, "The State of New York and Nonpublic Schools: An examination of their historical, legal and fiscal relationships," December 1985
Box 30 Folder 18
Reports (3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Reports prepared by NYSUT's Division of Research and Educational Services: selected financial data for school districts 1981-82 to 1983-84; "Reimbursable Cost Manual for Private Schools Receiving Funding Under Article 89 and Article 81 of Education Law to Educate Handicapped Children," September 1985 edition, superseding September 1984 issue; Information Bulletin re Consumer Price Index; reprint of State Education Department publication, "State-Aided Programs for Elementary and Secondary Education in New York State," July 1986
Box 30 Folder 19
Nassau Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Appeal of the Board of Education of the Goshen Central School District before the Commissioner re 3020a decision finding tenured teacher not guilty of six of eight charges (dismissed), November 30; memo re rally in support of Daily News strikers, December 3; memo denying approval for travel to New York Institute of Technology annual conference because of severe budget constraints, November 21; two appeals by South Country Central School District re mixed decision in 3020a hearing against tenured special education teacher (dismissed), October 11, with cover memo from Jim Conti; suggestions to Jim Conti by Nassau regional staff director re solutions to problems encountered by staff in scheduling arbitration hearings, August 21; memo to Jim Conti summarizing Commissioner's decisions on two 3020a cases, Board of Education of Johnstown Central School District v. Spencer, re charges of molestation, and Central School District of Elmira v. McCloud, re charges of corporal punishment, October 29, with attached case decisions; State Education Department panel decisions in 3020a cases, Gates-Chili school district v. Keith Harvey, and Marcus Whitman Central v. Sherrill Maurer, with cover memo, October 15; state Supreme Court decision in Victor Meister v. Thomas Sobol, as Commissioner of Education and the Board of the South Colonie Central School District, June 15, with cover memo from Jim Conti asking that the case be summarized, June 28; comparison of the Orange-Ulster BOCES self-insurance plans with Empire Plan, June 21; similar comparison for Plainedge, June 12; memo re consideration of self-funded health insurance plan for Rockville Centre, January 18; agenda for meeting of Coalition to Advance Women of Color in Education, at Hofstra School of Education, May 10; memo to Jim Conti re expert witness in arbitration of pay discrimination case at C. W. Post College, May 14; memo to Jim Conti summarizing Court of Appeals decisions of bargaining financial disclosure Board of Education of NYC v. PERB, Subcontracting Summer School (Webster Central School District v. PERB Court of Appeals), and Nassau County Supreme Court decision on the Freedom of Information Law and Materials Used in the Classroom (Russo v. Nassau Community College), May 15; summary of Commissioner's Decision in Keesler v. Northeast Central School District, January 23; State Education Department panel decision and state Supreme Court decision in 3020a case, Batavia City School District v. H. David Cargill, with cover memos, February 3 and April 5; appeal before the Commissioner of Education of a refusal by the Harborfields Board of Education to conduct a hearing over a student's grade, brought by the parents, and appeal before the Commissioner of a decision by the North Tonawanda City School District re involuntary transfer of a teacher, with cover memo from Jim Conti, March 16; memo re Port Washington retirement incentive plan, March 2
Box 30 Folder 20
Rochester Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Revised Proposal from the Rochester Teachers Association to the Rochester City School District, November 29; Rochester Democrat & Chronicle clipping re efforts to reach contract settlement, December 21; Rochester Teachers Association newsletter, The Rochester Teacher, re task force on shared accountability, August 27; U.S. News & World Report article re Rochester contract negotiations, "Blackboard Juggle: Teachers in this urban school system are trying to redefine unionism in an age of reform," December 24; 1990-91 contract analysis items for districts in the NYSUT Rochester Regional Office area, focusing on Excellence In Teaching funds distribution; compilation of case law, "What Constitutes a Strike," by NYSUT counsel Ray Samson, with memo from Jim Conti complimenting his research, December 18; memos re letter from school nurse in the Geneva area, November; draft policy for workplace hazard notification and patient confidentiality, to board of Finger Lakes Regional Occupational Health Program, October 1; memo to Jim Conti from Ray Samson, cautioning re meaning of consultation clauses, October 18; letter to Gov. Mario Cuomo from New York State School Boards Association, New York State Council of School Superintendents, and Association of School Business Officials, with suggestions for addressing the state fiscal crises, including eliminating Excellence In Teaching funding as doing nothing to improve classroom teaching, repealing the Wicks Law, and other measures, with cover memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT president Tom Hobart, December 3; memos re hiring by Newark Central School District of teacher aide for teaching assistant vacancy after teaching assistant applied for the job, September; memo re (third) petition filed by NEA challenging Greece Support Services Employees' Association, November 21; letter to AFT president Al Shanker from Rochester Teachers Association re contract negotiation, with cover letter from Shanker to AFT Executive Council, November 5; memo from president of Rochester Teachers Association (RTA) re Franklin High School receivership, June 11, and related memos and newspaper clippings debating failure of school-based planning, inability to agree on plan to improve dropout rate, academic performance; list of school budgets defeated in district, June 21; tentative agreement, with notice to all RTA teachers to attend ratification meeting on September 24; memo re Greece Support Services Employees Association election challenge by NEA, January 8; memo re entitlement of Newark Paraprofessionals Association to Excellence In Teaching funds, November 12; proposal by WROC-TV (CBS) for jointly funded series highlighting education issues, "Great Expectations," with cover memo from Ray Samson re funding, November 1; Rochester Business Journal list of top 25 highest-paid public officials, almost all school officials; confidential memo re average salary increases in RTA, September 19; memo quoting Blue Cross/Blue Shield rates in Rochester area, July 2; memo from Jim Conti re Eastern New York Occupational Health Program clinic notification protocol, October 15; memo from Jim Conti re Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989, and implications for NYSUT approach to the Drug-Free Workplace Act, August 14; memo to Jim Conti from Ray Samson re certification of drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs, impact for Dundee Teachers Association, August 9, and related materials; text of law succeeding Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986, Strengthening and Improvement of Elementary and Secondary Schools (1990); Finance and Legislative News Notes opposing teacher union involvement in negotiating BOCES services, June 5; memo re drug-free workplace policy requirements, July 19; memo to Jim Conti reporting on lackluster annual conference of New York State Public Sector Coalition on Health Benefits, June 27; letter to Ray Samson from teacher at Livingston Stuben Wyoming BOCES, asking for reimbursement from NYSUT for legal fees and review of 3020a case for due process violations, involving interviews with psychiatrists, attached complaint filed with PERB, June 12; letter from president of the Rochester Teachers Association re issue of accountability as part of negotiations, April 6; related newspaper clippings; newspaper clippings re Kodak work force to teach math and science in city schools; newspaper clipping in Rochester Times Union re Kodak, AFT, and others joining coalition advocating for national health insurance, with attached letter to the editor of Washington Post objecting to its mischaracterization of AFT position as supporting a purely market-based approach to health reform, March 14; agenda for 1990 Annual Regional SRP Conference on March 30-31; position statement by New York State School Boards Association on school-based management, with cover memo to Jim Conti, February 20; memo from New York State School Boards Association executive director to school attorneys, announcing that legal services would no longer be provided free of charge, December 18, 1989; memo to Jim Conti informing him that pro-NYSUT incumbent president of Greece Support Services Employees Association won election by large margin, with rest of pro-NYSUT slate winning as well, January 2; Rochester City School District joint statement of intent and agreement with Rochester Teachers Association, "Career in Teaching Plan," c. 1988, and "Guidelines for School-Based Planning 1988-1989"
Box 31 Folder 1
Albany Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
List of pending legal cases, March 29; memos re Niskayuna Middle School tenure areas, October-December; memos re air quality at Cohoes Middle School, June-October, including microbiology sampling report; request for review of North Colonie Cafeteria Plan, June 14, with text of plan benefits; draft grant application to IBM by Saratoga-Warren BOCES Technology Planning Consortium for distance leaning program, April 30, with attached minutes and memos; two letters to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from a school bus driver in Duansburgh re field representative Ron Peretti in handling negotiations, with cover note asking how NYSUT should respond, June 26; health and safety materials, including flyers and checklist re how to set up a health and safety committee, by the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health, with cover memo from Jim Conti, May 8; report to Jim Conti on themes of speakers at Partnership in Health Care Conference, with comments by Conti re the need for universal health care coverage, April 5; memo between Jim Conti and NYSUT counsel re interpretation of section 3014b of state Education Law in case of Schalmont school district, BOCES skills development course, March; memos re request for budget analysis by Schoharie Teachers Association, March; National Center for Education Statistics survey report, "Time Allocation Patterns of Teachers in Public and Private Schools: 1984-86," July 1989; memo from Jim Conti requesting that NYSUT staff member attend and report on state AFL-CIO and NYS Conference of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans, February 9; letter to Hobart from teacher at Glenmont Elementary School, interested in switching from NEA-affiliated Bethlehem Central Teachers Association to NYSUT, January 5
Box 31 Folder 2
Albany Regional Office: Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings re asbestos problem in Mechanicville
Box 31 Folder 3
Buffalo Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to NYSUT Board of Directors re proposal to build new Western NY Regional Office, with attached packet from Ciminelli Development Company, August 14; letter to regional staff director Ron Uba from president of North Tonawanda United Teachers, alleging continued inappropriate language, innuendo, by NYSUT rep, with confidential reply assuring monitoring of situation, August-September; correspondence between Uba and Lancaster School District transportation supervisor re negotiations, May; memo re union's role in negotiating 3020a cases, with attached PERB case re Binghamton Firefighters, March 8; chain letter from Ron Uba in support of ending apartheid in South Africa, initiated by member of the University of South Africa, December 11; letter to employees of Resource Center from Resource Center United Employees urging that they sign card authorizing representation election for NYSUT, and related flyers comparing wages and benefits of unionized vs. non-unionized workers; memo to Jim Conti re retirement problem for employee of Gowanda school district who was never properly informed of his right to enroll in the NYS retirement system, September; Improper Practice Charge by Buffalo Teachers Federation NEA against Buffalo Board of Education, with cover memo to Ron Uba, October 22; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel asking whether certain questions on a physical examination questionnaire for new hires and tenure candidates at Barker Central School were legal, related to smoking status, birth control status, number of pregnancies, number of living children, October; letter to NYSUT President Hobart from Assemblyman William Hoyt on behalf of teacher at Lake Shore Central Schools who was denied tenure, JulySeptember, with related correspondence; request for legal opinion re librarian at Springville Elementary School, who was asked by principal (believed to suspect librarian of stealing) to turn over usage records for a number of books, question of whether names of borrowers could be masked out, with copy of federal rules of evidence re library records, May; letter from Lancaster Association of Service Personnel thanking Jim Conti for use of video produced by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, October 4; reminder to local presidents to send representatives to Labor Day parade, with attached list of participating organizations and lineup, August 27; memos re controversy over Orchard Park dues for support staff (SRPs), with attached salary schedule, old and new dues rates, May-June; Redbook article on sick building syndrome, April; memo to Jim Conti re salary problem at Niagara Association for Retarded Citizen's Union, February 15, and related correspondence and documents, including memorandum from the state Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, July 14, 1988; memo re erosion of retiree health benefits, arbitration case and Improper Practice Charge in Amherst district, February 14, 1990, with attached decision of PERB administrative law judge, 1984, collateral incentive service agreement, April 1980; memo to Jim Conti re requirement by Niagara Falls School District that all physical education teachers pass rigorous American Red Cross Lifeguard Review Training Course, assertion by teachers that they should not be required to become lifeguards, question of whether refusal would constitute insubordination, January 25; memo and flyer re NYSUT Instructional Leadership Conference, January 12
Box 31 Folder 4
Buffalo Regional Office: Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newsletters of Western Regional Office, Taking the Lead, n.d., c. March 1990; memos re Summer Leadership Conference
Box 31 Folder 5
Elmsford Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo to Jim Conti re fee dispute with arbitrator over postponement of hearing for Mt. Pleasant case, November 20; notice and meeting agenda to local presidents in the Putnam/ Northern Westchester Health Consortium, with attachments; newspaper clipping about a business teacher at Sleepy Hollow High School who had been suspended without pay for three months after admitting to disclosing questions on final exam to students, in return for other unspecified charges being dropped, November 28; memo from Jim Conti asking whether anyone at the State Education Department would be sympathetic to raising low salaries at Special Act and 4201 Schools, noting latest appeal (attached) re Hallen Center for funding assistance with health insurance program, February-March; related memos, April; letter to corporate vice president of Blue Cross/Blue Shield from NYSUT regional director Robert Klein, accepting invitation to serve as member of the Westchester/ Rockland Regional Subscriber Advisory Council, November 30; memo re plans for Rockland County Teachers Association workshop, November 20; materials re Westchester Education Coalition, Inc., with memos to and from Jim Conti discussing questionable suggestions for school reform in teacher education programs, list of Board of Directors showing predominantly business representation, December 14; confidential letter to Jim Wood, executive director of NYSUT, from Robert Klein, regional staff director, expressing concern over expansion of time devoted by a field representative to welfare funds, November 19; materials re state aid and retirement contributions in Nanuet, September; NewsLetter from Martin E. Segal Company, Consultants and Actuaries, "Managing Postretirement Health Benefits for Multiemployer Plans," May; extensive correspondence re Rockland Community College Federation of Teachers, including letter from Eugene Cameron, president of federation, with attached letter from members acting on their own on behalf of the union, assertion by Cameron of need to correct the situation, July 24; request from AFT secretary-treasurer to Cameron, president of Rockland Community College Federation of Teachers, to provide written answers to charges brought against him for possible investigation, July 20, with attached list of allegations, including illegal election procedures, attempts to expel paraprofessionals from bargaining unit, refusal to process new member applications, and more; meeting notices and related correspondence, February 5, February 7, February 14, May 3, May 11, 1990, and November-December 1989; monograph by Westchester teacher Robert Liftig, How to Win against Harassment, with cover letter from NYSUT regional Field Director Robert Klein to Jim Wood, director of Field Services, noting that Klein did not give Liftig names or addresses of any local presidents but did supply names of school districts, noting inflammatory content, March 12; Yonkers Public Schools Teachers' Contract Analysis: 1988-89 Teachers' Salary Schedule; letter from North Rockland Teachers Association president, praising field representative Ed Corcoran for help in negotiations, May 21; correspondence re Nanuet teacher Terry McFadden, suspended without pay, which was then reduced, question of back pay owed, April-May; memo re Excellence In Teaching agreement at Port Jervis school district, March-April; federal confidentiality regulations re substance abuse counseling programs, with cover memo referencing Pine Bush counselor, March 15; formal request by regional staff director Robert Klein to NYSUT secretary-treasurer for the Board of Directors to bring the Organization of Pius XII Employees, a group of ten school-related personnel, into conformance with dues requirements, noting poor administrative management of local, March 14; list of NYSUT-affiliated Special Act schools, March 15; materials re long-term teacher at Goshen school district, removed as chief grader and then fined $10,000 for speaking publicly about grade inflation, accusing administration of more concern about bad publicity than identifying students who need remedial help, letter of support from parents, newspaper clippings, March
Box 31 Folder 6
Jim Conti: Lakeland/Putnam Valley (Elmsford R.O.)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence sent to Jim Conti re Putnam Valley School District's plans to build its own high school, implications for teachers, curriculum, new section of Education Law
Box 31 Folder 7
Jamestown Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Brochure, "Clearing the Air: Applying New York's Clean Indoor Air Act at the Worksite," published by NYS Department of Health, October 1989; outline for Right-to-Know and Public Employee Safety and Health Act training, March 15; 1990 training registration and evaluation forms; Chemical Hazard Communication for Public Employers: NYS "Right-to-Know" Law and NY PESHA Hazard Communication Standard Summary Sheet; chronology of federal and NYS safety and health legislation, 1970-1989; OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Legislative Intent; related materials; newsletter, Fact Finder, published by Jamestown Area Labor Management Committee and Jamestown Community College Business and Industry Center, with cover memo from Jim Conti, March 2; memo to Jim Conti re the Jamestown Area Labor-Management Committee, with attached report calling the committee a cosmetic approach to a poor labor relations climate in the Jamestown area, orientation more management than labor, co-opted labor leaders, recommending graceful demise, December 20, 1989; memo from Jim Conti re contractual disciplinary hearing replacing 3020a hearing as a mandatory subject of bargaining, with attached case, Antinore v State of New York, March 2; related memo to NYSUT executive director James Wood, March 9; memo re proposed construction and purchase of a southwestern New York regional office building, with cost projections and floor plan, May 17; report by State Education Department Bureau of Facilities Planning re asbestos inspection of Prospect Elementary School, Salamanca School District, with cover memo to Jim Conti, January 29
Box 31 Folder 8
Jamestown Regional Office Misc.: newsletter
Scope and Contents
Newsletters of NYSUT Southwestern Regional Office, News; newsletters, Fact Finder, published by Jamestown Area Labor Management Committee and Jamestown Community College Business and Industry Center (see above)
Box 31 Folder 9
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Description of Medicare coverage changes following 1990 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; correspondence re abrupt resignation of teacher from half-time position as chair of Committee on Special Education at Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School, likely Part 83 charge against her, November-December; request from president of Wappingers Federation of Workers for review of alleged election irregularities, November-December; materials re Roundout Valley Federation of Teachers claim with CIGNA Insurance against former local president, including letter from attorney threatening legal action for defamation, November; memo re AFL-CIO arbitration case report form, noting that it had been unused since it was developed, November 19; list of possible local presidents and others who might be called upon to assist with training around the state re education reform/restructuring, November 19; outline of topics re Workers' Compensation and occupational health clinics at the Mid-Hudson Regional Office Summer Leadership Conference, August 24, 1990; tentative agenda; memos re request from the Wappingers Federation of Workers for dispute resolution assistance from AFT to address disunity on the executive committee, distrust between custodians and drivers, October-November; memo re health and safety training for locals, November 8; letter to NYSUT president Tom Hobart from president of Roscoe Teachers' Association, calling letter from Jim Conti insulting, misleading, October 23; letter to Roscoe president from Jim Conti, October 12; letter from Roscoe president to Jim Conti, protesting change in field representative without prior consultation, September 25; minutes of Eastern New York Occupational Health Program Advisory Committee, August 15; correspondence with NYSUT member who received nuisance sales calls from United Community Insurance Company, underwriter of NYSUT's professional liability program, September-October; memo to Jim Conti re staff discussion re difficulties (logistical and otherwise) in scheduling arbitration cases, August 29; memo re remaining assignments for a departing field representative, August 24; status report from field representative re cases, August 13; drug testing agreement with Wappingers school district; memo requesting assistance in preparing a video of the year's activities for presentation at the Summer Leadership Conference, April 26; letter from Jim Conti to consultant Martin E. Segal Company, requesting a comparison of health plans, March 27; correspondence re Livingston Manor Faculty Association, complaint of lack of support by recently resigned probationary music teacher, Jill Lerner, who was no longer willing to perform uncompensated extracurricular activities, March-May; letter from consultant Martin E. Segal Company, comparing dental plans for Rondout Valley school district, May 4; handwritten spreadsheet of expenses incurred by Mid-Hudson staff, including questionable expenditures, 1983-89; request for AFT investigation of Highland Teachers Association president, related correspondence, March-April; memos, flyer, and list of topics for Right-to-Know training for science teachers in Ulster County (Onteora Junior-Senior High School), May 16; correspondence re Livingston Manor teacher Jill Lerner, who had received a letter of reprimand for insensitive response to complaints by Jewish parents about "Christmas Program," January; correspondence with Sullivan County BOCES Teachers Association Executive Board re complaint of insufficient time and support for local from field services staff, February-March; correspondence with Public Employment Relations Board re Red Hook Faculty Association mediation, fee charged by mediator, February; tentative agenda, workshop descriptions, and registration form for regional SRP conference, with cover memo to local presidents, February 7
Box 31 Folder 10
Mid: Hudson(Chatham T.A.)
Scope and Contents
April 19, 1990. Regional office information; memo to NYSUT officers re discussions with Chatham Teachers Association re reaffiliation with NYSUT; letter to president of Chatham Teachers Association inviting her and members of the local to attend events by NYSUT Mid-Hudson Regional Office, March 29
Box 31 Folder 11
Mid: Hudson Regional Office Misc.
Scope and Contents
Mid-Hudson Regional Office newsletters, Mid-Hudson School Bell
Box 31 Folder 12
Nassau Regional Office Misc. (Newsletter)
Scope and Contents
Monthly newsletters of the Nassau Regional Office, CB Bulletin
Box 31 Folder 13
NYC Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re indoor air quality meeting, December; letter to Jim Conti re next meeting of the Mount Sinai-Irving J. Selikoff Occupational Health Clinical Center Advisory Board, October 29; summary of NYSUT health and safety survey, printed in New York Teacher, with cover memo form Jim Conti to member of Health & Safety Committee at Harry S. Truman High School, July 18; memo re proposed staff training session re the purpose and function of the AFL-CIO and its role in international labor movements such as Poland's, February 2; 15-page memo re tax implications of NYU tuition benefits for USA (United Staff Association) employees, January 31
Box 31 Folder 14
North Country Regional Office: Correspondence (Plattsburgh/Potsdam/Watertown)
Scope and Contents
Draft report, Harold T. Wiley School Investigation for the Watertown City School District, prepared by Bernier, Carr & Associate, P.C., consulting engineers, August 1989, with cover handwritten list of questions; letter from engineer to president of Wiley Education Association re vibration phenomenon at school, November 3, 1989, with cover memo to Jim Conti, February 9, 1990; request for legal opinion re fringe benefit costs associated with Excellence in Teaching funds, dispute with Watertown school district, September; letter from NEA-NY to NYSUT local presidents in the Plattsburgh region re Clinton-Essex BOCES election, highly critical of NYSUT, concluding with an open pitch for defection to NEA, June 7; materials related to affiliation election for BOCES Clinton, Essex, Warren and Washington Counties (CEWW), including newspaper clippings, meeting agendas, memos from NYSUT and NEA, February-October; letter from PERB re CEWW, with cover memo, November 12; NYSUT complaint with NYS Department of Labor re alleged safety or health hazard at South Lewis Central School District (Glenfield Elementary School, Port Leyden Elementary School, Junior-Senior High School) caused by school buses idling for 20 minutes at direction of transportation supervisor, noting complaint also filed with state DEC, October 23; memo from president of the Beaver River Teachers Association re contract mediation, request for NYSUT officer to come to speak to local to keep spirits up, with cover memo from Jim Conti, November 29; requests for additional secretarial help to keep up with new work generated by Don (Mesibov)'s Shared Decision Making program, April 3 and October 15; letter to the editor by superintendent of Madrid-Waddington district re Excellence In Teaching agreement, with cover memo to Jim Conti, October 16; newspaper clippings re implementation of Shared Decision Making in St. Lawrence County, with cover memo to Jim Conti, August 30; flyer re seminar on Taylor Law at LeMoyne College, with cover memo from Jim Conti suggesting that interested locals should be advised, September 5; memos re Teachers' Retirement System and state aid, June; letter from president of Plattsburgh Teachers Association to NYSUT North Country regional staff director Robert Allen, suggesting that his district was a model of positive labor-management relations, with cover memo from Allen to NYSUT Executive Director Jim Wood, suggesting in turn that the district should be offered as a model of effective Shared Decision Making, March 12; memo from regional staff director requesting use of Teacher Defense Fund to reimburse the legal fees for a Potsdam teacher who had successfully defended himself against criminal and 3020a charges of inappropriate conduct with an underage student, February 26; memos and newspaper clippings re old bomb shelters from the 1950s and '60s, discovered in schools, stocked with medical kits containing canisters of ether that could explode, removal by State Emergency Management, March; constitutions of United Staff Association (Monroe County BOCES) and BOCES United Employees (Yorktown Heights), with cover memo from Jim Conti, February 21; report and recommendations of State Education Department panel in 3020a case, Saranac Lake Central School District v. George Tolhurst, for conduct unbecoming a teacher (use of public address system to denigrate females on International Women's Day), with cover memo from Jim Conti, February 12
Box 31 Folder 15
Scope and Contents
Unity Agreement, SFFT and SFCTA, n.d., c. 1989; Unity Agreement, San Francisco Federation of Teachers and San Francisco C.T.A. (by Unity Committees of SF/AFT and SFCTA September 22, 1989); memo to NYSUT organizers, "The Truth about NEA Liability Insurance," asserting that NEA liability insurance program is of no value to teachers in New York State, with attached copies of NEA insurance documents, December 4, 1990; compilation of teacher liability cases and indemnification for attorney's fees, July; memo, "Intern Training. It's not just organizing," December 19; memo to all VNA staff with instructions on how to revoke membership in Federation of Nurses and Professionals (sic), December 19; memo from Jim Conti suggesting attached arbitration case might be reviewed, Arlington Central School District v. Arlington Teachers Association, December 14; memo to organizers, NYSUT Nurse Advisory Committee, and selected regional staff directors re salary and benefit factors used by the federal government for determining hospital reimbursement rates, under the Prospective Payment System, November 8, 1989; appeal before the Commissioner of Education of a 3020a decision in Goshen Central School District against teacher Sidney Marshall, with memo from Jim Conti requesting review, December 14; memo assigning organizers to future staff meetings at locals where no organizers were housed, October 31; memo to Jim Conti re BOCES survey about protecting the integrity of the bargaining units, eligible professionals not represented, concerns about spurious classifications, February 6, 1989; memo to organizers and Jim Conti, "Clever Membership Gimmick," re authorization form for union membership dues attached to contract ballot, October 17; article from Bureau of National Affairs re AFT and NEA affiliates in Connecticut discussing possible merger, May 28, 1990; BNA article re conflicting policies by NEA and AFT making merger in Wisconsin unlikely, June 11, 1990; memo reporting number of authorization cards signed at three schools in Lafayette, November 6; two 3020a appeals before the Commissioner of Education re South Country Central School District against teacher Susan Hirsch, with cover memo from Jim Conti, November 8; PERB cases re Niagara County Community College, with cover memo from Jim Conti re implications for fragmentation of bargaining members and exploitation by NEA to gain more units, possible impact on Rockland County Community College, November 9; PERB decision re New York State Nurses Association v. County of Oswego (Oswego County Local 838, Civil Service Employees Association, AFSCME, intervenor), November 8; memo re child abuse detection training, September 11; organizing campaign materials by Communication Workers of America (CWA) at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, with cover memo from Jim Conti, October 24; appeals before the Commissioner of Education by the Greater Johnstown City School District from a decision in a 3020a case against Gary Spencer and by the Elmira City School District in a 3020a case against Lucy McCloud, with request by Jim Conti for review, September 12; request from Jim Conti to NYSUT legal counsel for staff to make presentation to Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals re liability and other issues, September 5; article from Bureau of National Affairs Labor Relations Week re competition for American Nursing Association to organize nurses, June 20; (Albany) Sunday Times Union clipping, "SUNYA [SUNY Albany] climbs to find a place among nation's top 100 research universities," August 5; New York State ASPA Council and Jackson, Lewis, Schnitzler & Krupman present How to Combat the AFL-CIO's "Union, Yes" Campaign and Other New Union Organizing Techniques, 1989; paper, "Nonunion Grievance Procedures: Union Avoidance Technique or Union Organizing Opportunity?" by Mark J. Keppler, associate professor, School of Business, California State University-Fresno, n.d., c. 1990; materials for communications training in employee/labor relations at Benjamin Rush Center, June 28; state Supreme Court decision in Victor Meister v. Thomas Sobol, Commissioner, with cover memo from Jim Conti, requesting summary, June 28; memos re Improper Practice charge in Regents degree program harassment case, May 1 and April 9; AFL-CIO Organizing Survey 1986-87 NLRB elections, February 1989, with cover memo to labor relations specialists and organizers recommending the report, May 22, 1990; clipping from American Journal of Nursing re industrial and other labor unions targeting nursing as new membership source, May; text of U.S. Court of Appeals case, American Hospital Association v. NLRB and American Nurses Association et al., April 11; article re AFSCME efforts to organize nurses, with cover memo from Jim Conti, April 20; letter to Jim Conti from director of AFT Leadership Institute apologizing for error in focus of organizing seminar, suggesting seminar on community college organizing, March 28, with cover letter from Jim Conti to John O'Leary, April 19; paper by John Lawler, associate professor, University of Illinois, "Artificial Intelligence Techniques and the Formulation of Union Organizing Strategy," n.d.; article on the reliability of drug and HIV testing, "Misleading Reliability," by Robert S. Root-Bernstein, in The Sciences, New York Academy of Science, March/April; Commissioner's decision in Keesler v. Northeast Central School District, January 23, with cover memo from Jim Conti noting that NYSUT legal counsel thought Commissioner was wrong, March 16; Commissioner's decisions in Harborfields (parents' appeal of grade decision) and Reynolds (North Tonawanda, involuntary transfer of teacher) appeals, with cover memo, March 16; article in Labor Relations Week re organizing techniques, February 28; paper, "The Organising Process: Contemporary Challenges and Union Responses in Britain," by Phillip B. Beaumont, University of Glasgow, and Richard Harris, University of Waikato, prepared for the IRRA National Meeting, December 23-30, 1989; memo from Federation of Nursing and Health Professionals public relations department re new nurse image campaign kickoff, sponsored by the National Commission on Nursing Implementation Project and the Advertising Council, February 16; Seven Month Report of the NEA-NY Organizing Project, January 18, with attached commentary from Jim Conti, February 2; notice of Labor Advisory Committee meeting at Cornell University ILR Capital District office, "Collective Bargaining in the Health Care Industry: Local 1199 and the League of Volontary (sic) Hospitals and Homes," January 9; memo re development of school-related personnel (SRP) organizing brochure, January 3; clipping from NEA newsletter re NEA-NY organizing campaign fund shortfall, January 22; newsletters of the NYSUT Division of Field Service, Organizing Bulletin
Box 31 Folder 16
Organizing Retreat
Scope and Contents
September 24-26, 1990. Handwritten notes; confidential memo from Jim Conti re nurse organizing, August 12, 1985; memo to organizers re retreat topics, January 31, 1990; memo from Jim Conti re organizing retreat questions re health care organizing, turning down losing campaigns, staffing size, October 17, 1990
Box 31 Folder 17
Rochester Regional Office: Misc.
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clipping re cost of health care
Box 31 Folder 18
Southern Tier Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
History of Excellence In Teaching funds in Horseheads Central School District as it related to Horseheads School Services Association, May 9; memo to Jim Conti requesting speaker from PERB for Southern Tier Spring Conference of March 17; memo to Jim Conti re lack of usefulness to staff of monthly computer printouts re arbitrations, potential for great savings in discontinuing practice, November 14; policy statement adopted by NYSUT Board of Directors in 1974 re NYSUT locals and Landrum-Griffin Act; agenda for Southern Tier Regional Office (STRO) staff retreat of September 20-21; newspaper clippings re impact of teacher suspension for hitting students with ruler, questions of interpretation of rules on physical force and physical contact; memo form Jim Conti asking about stop/loss insurance, June 21; notes from negotiations session between Horseheads School Services Association and school district, June 4; memo to Jim Conti re Mt. Upton/Gilbertsville merger, June 6; memos re Webster Central School District case in Court of Appeals, re sub- contracting, May; memo from Corning-Painted Post school district re required training re recognizing and reporting child abuse, September 24; memo from Jim Conti re ineligibility for Social Security refund for teachers who had tax withheld while on sick leave, change in rules, statute of limitations, May 23; memo from Jim Conti noting that flexible spending accounts do not continue into retirement, May 22; memo to Jim Conti estimating an increase of 40 members, plus 40 new school-related personnel members with the addition of the Harpursville SRP local, in the Southern Tier Regional Office for 1990-91; memo re Horseheads Excellence In Teaching situation, May 10; 33-page document, "Union Organizing Update: The Employers Legal Response," January, with cover note to Jim Conti, "used by hospital management in Southern Tier," March 19; citation of court case, Rush-Henrietta Central School District v. Newman as chair of PERB, et al., re smoking regulations, with cover memo to Jim Conti, April 16; findings and recommendation of State Education Department hearing panel in 3020a charge against teacher in Charlotte Valley Central School District, February; citation of appeal of Lippman, et al. v. Board of Education of Sewanhaka Central High School District, et al., February; correspondence between Jim Conti and NYSUT field representative John Callahan discussing recent health care conference, reasons for rising health care costs, misguided cost containment proposals, February 2; question re ability to represent Cortland Nurses Association (registered nurses who had been released from the Cortland City School District CSEA bargaining unit and requested affiliation with NYSUT), January 11; memos re fee question for attorney presentation at Endicott Superintendent's Conference Day workshop, potential issue for NEA to exploit, January
Box 31 Folder 19
Suffolk: Meeting on Self Insurance
Scope and Contents
September 7th, 1990. Presentation by consulting actuaries Milliman & Robertson, Inc., A Self-Insured Employee Medical Benefit Program: Cost Projection and Comments, June 8; draft of East End Health Plan Trust Agreement (BOCES Suffolk County), with cover memo, October 2; list of steering committee members; Steering Committee Recommendations to School Boards and Participating Unions in Regard to the East End Health Insurance Consortium: Overall Purpose of Moving Is to Reduce the Tax Rate and Improve the Plan, revised August 24, with cover memo from Shelter Island Union Free School District re revisions, August 30; opinion letters from consultants and actuaries Martin E. Segal Company, July; related correspondence
Box 31 Folder 20
Jim Conti: Suffolk County Consolidation
Scope and Contents
School District Consolidation Report Findings and Recommendations; Objections and Answers, Next Steps, with cover memo summarizing report, December 20, 1989
Box 32 Folder 1
Suffolk Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Report by NYS Department of Labor of industrial hygiene investigation at Reed Jr. High School and Senior High School, Central Islip High School, July 19, 1988; follow-up letter to Department of Labor General Counsel from Central Islip Teachers Association, expressing frustration and disappointment at lack of compliance, May 24, 1989; request from regional office for additional secretarial help, August 28, 1990, with negative reply; correspondence between superintendent and attorney re conditions of retirement buyout of teachers at Bridgehampton school district, July; handwritten notes re East End (Health) Consortium, September 7; material data sheet re glue used for wallpaper at Suffolk Regional Office, with cover memo inquiring as to whether contents were hazardous, January 5; memo from Regional Director re possible retirement problem concerning Tier I and maternity, December 18; December regional report re negotiations and other activities; letter from Regional Director to factfinder protesting recommendation re Bayport-Blue point Union Free School District and Bayport-Blue Point Teachers Association health insurance negotiations, November 30; memo re Long Island Symposium on the Economy, July 3; letters re abolishing teacher and other staff positions at Port Jefferson school district, whether layoff of a teacher aide followed Civil Service rules, November-December; materials re East End Self-Insurance; Newsday clippings and editorial re rising administrative costs at Long Island schools, smaller student population, with cover memo re clouds on the horizon, July 18; list of school districts involved in self-funded health insurance discussions, July 9; memo re negotiations for successor agreement to 1989-90 Excellence In Teaching agreement at Middle County district, June 26; letter to State Insurance Commission re difficulty by employees of Montauk school district in finding chiropractors acceptable to Metropolitan Life Insurance (Empire Plan), need to drive 40 miles, May 15; memo re Long Island People for Learning training on PR techniques, May 15; memo re East Moriches smoking policy, possible ground for Improper Practice charge, May 9; memo re agency fee, Beck decision, March 28; letter to AFT president Al Shanker, wishing Jack Nugent, president of the International Association of Machinists, good luck in organizing St. John's Episcopal Hospital in Smithtown, whose technical employees had been represented by NYSUT/AFT, March 9; memo from Jim Conti re health and safety violations at Central Islip School District, March 6, related press release from Attorney General's office, newspaper clippings; request from Sayville Teachers Association for budget analysis of Sayville school district because of anticipation of layoffs, February; material safety data sheet from Pitney Bowes re print powder used in copy machine, request to NYSUT staff for analysis, January 16; memo referring to Suffolk County consolidation report (see previous folder), January 10
Box 32 Folder 2
Suffolk Regional Office: Misc.
Scope and Contents
Report by Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association, "Issues Facing Public Education on Long Island," March 1990
Box 32 Folder 3
Syracuse Regional Office: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Meeting notice for Industrial Relations Research Association, Central New York Chapter, re health and safety in the workplace, for November 29; In-Service Plan for Presentation by the Teacher Evaluation Committee of the Model for Teacher Evaluation; memos from Jim Conti re Auburn Teachers Association request for NYSUT legal intervention challenging recently passed policy disallowing voting on labor contract matters by School Board members with relatives employed by the district, related materials, including petition to the Commissioner of Education, September-November; materials from state Attorney General's office re compliance with "Right-to-Know" Law by Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES, April; memo to Jim Conti reporting on dissolution of FNHP (Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals) Syracuse Chapter, decline in membership since 1986 strike, legal and public relations implications, July 10; memo informing Jim Conti that the FNHP Syracuse chapter had officially gone out of business, October 3, with attached notice and remaining dues check; memo to NYSUT legal counsel re seniority/tenure/layoff matter in Oswego BOCES district, October 22; letter from state Department of Labor inviting application for funding for establishment of labor-management committees, September 28; contractual agreement between the Board of Education of the Syracuse City School District and the Syracuse Teachers Association, Inc., representing Unit 1, Teachers and Ancillary Services, effective January 1, 1988, to December 31, 1991; Commissioner of Education decision in application of a child with a handicapping condition, question of whether Committee on Special Education must provide skilled nursing to allow student to attend public school (appeal dismissed), June 11; review of document for teachers accused of misconduct, with suggested changes from Jim Conti, June 25; memo from Jim Conti re Benjamin-Rush contract remaining in force despite filing for decertification by employer, July 19; memo re "epidemic" of school budget defeats in central New York, with attached newspaper clippings, June 26; newspaper clipping re comparable worth efforts, June 3; request for legal opinion on various matters re Onondaga Community College Federation of Teachers, May- June; letter from NYSUT Regional Staff Director to state Department of Labor Hazard Abatement Board requesting full funding of the CNYCOSH Training and Education Program for 1990-91, February 13; materials re health and safety conditions at Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES, March 7; letters from president of the North Syracuse Education Association, complaining about "discourteous arrogant and snide" manner in which her request for a legal consultation with NYSUT attorneys was refused, demanding refund of legal expenses for private law firm, January 5 and 9; reply from NYSUT executive director Jim Wood, January 26; memo to Jim Conti re approval to teach a course on contract bargaining at Cornell University's ILR School, December 21, 1989
Box 32 Folder 4
Training Director: Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memos re arbitration and cross-examination training; NYSUT Workshop Cataloging data sheets; list of meetings and conferences; memo re train-the-trainer program in education reform/school restructuring, August 13; confidential memo offering position of NYSUT training director to Charles Caputo, March 5
Box 32 Folder 5
Utica Regional Office Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Report and recommendations of a State Education Department 3020a hearing panel in Rome City School District v. James Angelo, with cover memo from Jim Conti, February 12; letter from president of Mohawk Teachers Association complaining of lack of support from NYSUT Public Relations Department in helping with campaign for new building, January 19; reply from Regional Staff Director, urging working with field representative, February 14; materials, including medical report, of industrial arts teacher at New Hartford school district in pending OSHA case, October
Box 32 Folder 6
UUP Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Improper Practice charge with PERB against SUNY Health Science Center by CSEA, notice of conference for June 27; memo re PERB decision re Regents degree program, April 9; memo from NYSUT counsel Bernard Ashe re physicians' request for legal counsel, particular vulnerability to complaints to licensing authorities, June 22, with attached letter from chairman of the governing board of Clinical Practice Management Plan, Downstate Medical Center, April 20; letter from State Education Department to pharmacist at State University Hospital at Stonybrook, informing him that he was being investigated for professional misconduct and directing him to appear for an interview, February 14
Box 32 Folder 7
RSD Memos (1 of 4)
Scope and Contents
List of locals in each regional office, with field representatives and potential; list of release time and compensation for local leaders, with cover memo advising that the process of gathering the information was tedious, suggesting better alternatives, January 24, 1989; related memos; Putnam/Westchester Counties Privileges of Bargaining Representatives 1987-88; booklet for young people, "What Is a Union?" by Althea, Rourke Enterprises, 1981; poster describing NYSUT leadership and regional offices, "Unparallel membership services in a times of change"; memo re decision of Administrative Law Judge re Ithaca Teachers Association distribution of Excellence In Teaching monies, November 30, 1989; text of keynote address of AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, 1989 AFL-CIO Convention, November 13, 1989; Bureau of National Affairs articles re agency shop fees limited in California, drug testing, collective bargaining for smoking policies; description of AFT training programs for Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) staff, October 16, 1989; "Performance Appraisal Redesign for Teachers: A Report on Initial Efforts," recommended to the Superintendent of Schools and the Rochester Teachers Association President by the Career in Teaching Joint Governing Panel, September 1, 1989; memo re information bulleting, Excellence and Accountability Program, October 3; lists of districts that had not yet filed 1989-90 EIT applications as of 9/27 and 9/28/89; memos from Jim Conti to Regional Staff Directors re decisions: Jamesville-DeWitt Faculty Association v. Central School District (Denise England v. Board of Education et al.), Baylis et al. v. Board of Education of Seaford Union Free School District, Schneider et al. v. Sobol (Excellence In Teaching funds), Seaford; memo re Empire Plan Experience report for January June 1989; memo re state employee health plan costs, with attached summary report noting rise of 20 percent; memo to NYSUT local presidents of Special Act schools, August 25, 1989; administrative bulletin from New York State Teachers' Retirement System re employer contribution rate for 1990-91 school year; brochure for conference by New York State Public Sector Labor-Management Consortium, "Employee Participation in Decision Making," October 17, 1989; memos from Jim Conti re jury duty, September-October; text of legislation in the Assembly re smoking regulations, with cover memo noting that NYSUT had not taken an official position, September 8, 1989
Box 32 Folder 8
RSD Memos (2 of 4)
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings, Bureau of National Affairs articles, and U.S. Supreme Court cases, with cover memo from Jim Conti to Regional Staff Directors, re Drug-Free Workplace Act; articles re school consolidations, HMOs, taxing of health-insurance benefits; legal memo to NYSUT general counsel Bernard Ashe re U.S. Supreme Court decision re disparate-impact claim in Wards Cove Packing Company v. Atonio, with text of opinions, June 20; article from ILR Labor Relations Review, Cornell University, "Organizing the Organizers: Professional Staff Unionism in the American Labor Movement," July 1989, text of legal suit in U.S. Court of Appeals by Ad Hoc Committee of Concerned Teachers on Behalf of Minor and Under-Age Students Attending Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District and on its own behalf, with cover memo noting allegation of racially discriminatory employment practices, July 17; memo re EPA radon alert, May 2; memos re jury duty, September-October; analysis in Wall St. Journal of impact of Beck decision re union dues, July 13; summary of recent decisions re random drug testing, July 10; memo asking for names of districts claiming fiscal crisis situations, July 10; copy of Provocator 4/89, official publication of the Buffalo Teachers Federation (NEA), with cover memo from Jim Conti to regional staff directors, June 29; decision by Illinois Appellate Court in Decatur Board of Education et al. v. Illinois E.L.R.B. and Decatur E.A., re class size, June 26; booklets, Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules as amended and in effect January 1, 1988, by American Arbitration Association, and Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes of the National Academy of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Association, and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, as amended and in effect May 29, 1985, with cover memo, June 21; summary highlights of the anti-smoking bills passed by the state Assembly and Senate, with cover memo, June 21; Pocket Advisor: Drug Testing on the Job: Know Your Rights, with cover memo from Jim Conti, for distribution to field representatives, June 19; memos re middle-level education, with attached material from State Education Department announcing Regents Challenge for Excellence in Middle-Level Education Program, May-June; memo re rate-setting methodology for Special Act Schools and 863 Schools for 1989-90 tuition, with attached document from State Education Department, May-June; memo re Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, with attached overview of law and Model Driver's Manual for Commercial Vehicle Driver licensing, January 15, 1989; legal memo from NYSUT general counsel James Sander re UFT, PERB, et al. advs. NYC BOE, June 5; PERB decision CSEA et al. v. City of Auburn, April 3; memo re smoking regulations at Rush-Henrietta school district, noting that Appellate Court ruled that Commissioner's regulation supercedes PERB determination re collective bargaining, June 7; State Education Department regulations re records retention and disposition, with cover memo from Jim Conti, June 6; text of case re seniority, Christine Szumigala v. Hicksville USFD BOE, June 5; memo re Employees' Retirement System savings to local school districts, June 1; memo re availability of video, "Working in America: Hazardous Duty," shown on ABC television, May 31; confidential memos re operational policy to follow when 3020a charges are brought against a member, May 11 and 31; lists of school budget defeats, May 15 and 30; memo re interim final rules for Drug-Free Workplace requirements, May 26; related memo, May 11; memos re new local presidents' conference, May; document by Civil Service Department re cost containment strategies for public employers for health insurance programs, with cover memo, May 10; decision in state Supreme Court in Seaford, May 3; memos re Excellence in Teaching legal motions affecting distribution of monies, May 4 and March 17; letter from chairman of PERB to NYSUT president Tom Hobart re location of administrative law judge hearings under budget constraints, with cover letter from Jim Conti, May 3; NYSUT Information Bulletins re certification, tenure, and a middle school teaching assignment, and consultant teacher services, with cover memo, April 20
Box 32 Folder 9
RSD Memos (3 of 4)
Scope and Contents
See above
Box 32 Folder 10
RSD Memos (4 of 4)
Scope and Contents
See above
Box 32 Folder 11
Uniserv Unit 5A
Scope and Contents
Letter from chair of the 5A Coordinating Council and UNISERV liaison from Wappingers Central School Faculty Association to NYSTA headquarters, urging that a sub-office of the mid-Hudson region of unified locals be established for Poughkeepsie, June 21, 1972; 5A Council minutes of January 8 and March 4, 1972, with attached activity reports; letter from 5A chair to president of Scarsdale Teachers Association, congratulating him on unification vote, inviting him to meeting, February 28, 1972, with attached activity reports; letter from East Greenbush Teachers Association re decision to participate in formation of UNISERV 5A council, March 1, 1972; memo to UNISERV Coordinating Council noting "significant and important victory" by NYSTA-NEA over AFT/UFT in Wappingers representation election, February 4, 1972; memo to Elmsford Regional Office re Montrose contract, November 19, 1971; letters reminding locals of Coordinating Council meetings; letter urging relocation of Fishkill meeting with Al Shanker, to avoid lending credibility to visit, November 18, 1971; memo, Wappingers status report, November 18, 1971; related correspondence re Wappingers organizing efforts, October
Box 32 Folder 12
Uniserv Unit: Vestal 9A
Scope and Contents
Memo reporting meeting with local state legislators, April 7, 1972; memo re unification efforts, December 8, 1971; memos re administrative matters
Box 32 Folder 13
Uniserv Unit 11A
Scope and Contents
Staff placement form
Box 32 Folder 14
Uniserv Unit 11: 13 (Chuck Davies)
Scope and Contents
Memo re staff assignment
Box 32 Folder 15
Uniserv Unit 12: B (Charles Rodgers)
Scope and Contents
Memos from Buffalo Regional Office re membership potential of unified locals
Box 32 Folder 16
Uniserv Unit 13: A (Bill Fineman)
Scope and Contents
Memo re Olean grievance; administrative memos
Box 32 Folder 17
Uniserv Corning Unit 14: A (Mr. Jack Schamel)
Scope and Contents
UNISERV Newspapers
Box 32 Folder 18
Uniserv Unit 14: A Jack Schamel (Corning)
Scope and Contents
Letter from Shamel to NYSTA executive secretary asking whether he could have two weeks vacation to run against Bill "Cadillac" Smith, and work part-time if elected to the state Senate, March 29, 1972; memos to Shamel critiquing regional newsletter; memos re status of Elmira Heights unification, December 1971; memo re structure, operation, and proposed budget of Corning, Elmira, Horseheads UNISERV unit, April 7, 1971
Box 32 Folder 19
Uniserv Utica Unit 8: A, Dan Mahoney
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re hiring of a non-certified teacher to fill a kindergarten position over the application of several certified teachers in the Owen D. Young Central School District, August 1972; memo to members of Coordinating Council summarizing June 15 meeting; memo from Mahoney re "rotten" settlements and fact-finding reports in Oneida County, June 1, 1972, with attached PERB fact-finder's report and recommendations for Clinton and New Hartford school districts; correspondence re arbitration hearing for retroactive pay for teachers, April-May 1972; memo to Mahoney pointing out high number of long-distance calls, directing him to limit calls to Albany office to no more than once per day, May 9, 1972; request from Mahoney for funding of $39/yr for Utica office subscription to daily newspaper to keep fully informed of local events, May 10, 1972; memo to Mahoney, suggesting that he continue to purchase Utica Daily Press on a weekly or monthly basis, May 22, 1972; memo to Mahoney directing him to curtail high clerical overtime despite need to catch up, February 28, 1972; memo to Mahoney refusing request for bookcase, citing budget constraints, May 5, 1972; repeat request from Mahoney, discussing negative effect on work of lack of basic furnishings, May 9, 1972; memo from Mahoney to Albany office, copied to Syracuse Regional Office, asking who could be contacted to obtain paper clips, noting several-week wait after request for basic office supplies, February 23, 1972; memo to Albany office re Utica office needs, noting use of cardboard boxes and orange crates as makeshift furniture, October 5, 1971; request for lease-purchase of typewriter for Utica office, December 20, 1971; list of furniture items requested by Utica office, annotated as to urgency, January 20, 1972; related correspondence
Box 32 Folder 20
Scope and Contents
Memo re request for NEA salary reimbursement for various field representatives performing work on unification campaign, November 19, 1973; memo to regional coordinators re unification contracts, guaranteed dues, March 16. 1972
Box 32 Folder 21
Uniserv Administration
Scope and Contents
List of 1975-76 UniServ service centers July 22, 1975; updated list, July 22, 1975; Urban Executive Directors Association Special Task Force on "Collective Bargaining of Uniserv Agreements" Report of Recommendations, with cover letter to UniServ state contacts, noting that the Advisory Committee totally rejected it, n.d.; request from NYSUT regional services director to National Education Association in Washington for allocation of 158 UniServ units in New York State, based on probability of 190,000 members post-unification, and one representative to serve every 1200 members, with attached plan for administrative support, April 11, 1973
Box 32 Folder 22
Uniserv Clusters: Funding Request
Scope and Contents
List of UniServ clusters for NYSUT 1972-73; memo re personnel assignments, supervisory/coordinator duties of some representatives, January 18, 1974
Box 32 Folder 23
Uniserv Staff Utilization Program
Scope and Contents
Document distributed to all state UniServ coordinators, "UniServ Staff Utilization Program 1975-1976"; list of UniServ staff member on-call for New York State, June 12, 1975; monthly list of staff assigned, June 16, 1975; related memos, including note about reimbursement problems, August 11 and 15; memo announcing 20-day-per-year time obligation to NEA by UniServ reps, system for month of on-call duty, August 19, 1974
Box 32 Folder 24
Uniserv Staff Utilization Program (USUP)
Scope and Contents
Booklet, UNISERV Training Schedule Overview and Guidelines 1975-1976, Leadership Development Program, National Education Association
Box 32 Folder 25
Uniserv Re: Master Staffing Agreement
Scope and Contents
Agreements between NEA and NYSUT for Unified Staff Service Program, October 1, 1974, and September 14, 1973
Box 32 Folder 26
Uniserv Policies and Staffing
Scope and Contents
Guidelines for UniServ training, March 14, 1974; NYSUT memo, "The Future of UNISERV," outlining questions for discussion re future staffing patterns and the positive and negative aspects of staying with the UniServ program, January 3, 1973, with attached letter anticipating that NYSUT/NYCT would not be implementing a UniServ program in the next year, November 6, 1972; list of staffing pattern, September 1, 1973; related staffing projections for 1972-73; tentative working draft, UniServ Policy Implementation; Unified Staff Service Program to Local Associations, UNISERV Policy Guidelines adopted by the NEA Board of Directors, February 1971; Unified Staff Service Program to Local Associations, "UNISERV" Local Unit Operational Standards
Box 32 Folder 27
Uniserv Training
Scope and Contents
Materials re Survive and Thrive training session, Models for Management, Crisis Management, Consultant Training, Speaking for Teachers (including media relations and community advocacy, e.g., "issue conversion" and "tactical redirect": how to change the subject to a more favorable position for the NEA), Political Action and Lobbying, related training
Box 32 Folder 28
Uniserv Training Administration
Scope and Contents
Memo from national NEA office warning strict adherence to expense voucher procedures; memo re difficulty in getting vouchers approved, February 27, 1974
Box 32 Folder 29
Uniserv Units
Scope and Contents
Lists of units, locals, and member totals served by individual staff and service centers; description of service centers, under heading, "Justification for Sparsity Uniserv Units," with attached Sparsity and/or Hardship Application for UniServ
Box 32 Folder 30
Uniserv Training Reimbursements: NEA
Scope and Contents
Invoices, requests for reimbursement from NEA for training
Box 33 Folder 1
Scope and Contents
Detailed document outlining stages of unification campaign for NYSTA and NEA; status reports for various locals/clusters; study by Watertown Education Association on the pro's and con's of unification, "The Unification Question," with recommendation to unify with NEA; letters assigning staff to various regional offices for campaign; booklet, "Facts about Unification," by National Education Association; brochure, "NEA Serves Teachers"; related correspondence
Box 33 Folder 2
Unification General Information
Scope and Contents
UNISERV Organizational Chart; local association membership agreements with NYSTA; correspondence bundled under "trouble associations," re financial problems, anti-unification votes at certain locals; spiral-bound volume, NYSUT Affiliated Local Units, November 1973; correspondence re dues status of locals
Box 33 Folder 3
Unification 3: way-Unification Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Lists of three-way unified locals; correspondence notifying NYSUT officials that various locals had voted for three-way unification
Box 33 Folder 4
Unification Dues Guarantee Reimbursement
Scope and Contents
Application for reimbursement from the NEA for Hewlett-Woodmere Faculty Association, December 3, 1974; related requests; letter re administrative difficulties in obtaining reimbursement for loss of dues from NEA following unification, partly because of poor record keeping by locals, partly because of NEA's changing the rules, December 3, 1973; memo to regional coordinators outlining eight-step procedures for dues reimbursement, with attached January 3 memo and relevant section of agreement with NEA, August 24, 1973; printout of NYSUT 1972-73 membership report (adds, deletes) by local as of May 31, 1973; memo to field representative re dues reimbursement, June 8, 1973; memos to local presidents re dues reimbursement
Box 33 Folder 5
Unification Albany S.C.: Local Assn Reports
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 6
Unification Buffalo S.C: Local Assn Reports
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members; list of three-way unified locals in the Buffalo Regional Office
Box 33 Folder 7
Unification Elmsford S.C. Local Assn. Reports
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 8
Unification Jericho S.C. Local Assn. Reports
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 9
Unification Potsdam S.C. Local Assn. Report
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 10
Unification Rochester S.C. Local Assn. Report
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 11
Unification Syracuse S.C. Local Assn. Report
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 12
Unification Vestal S.C. Local Assn. Report
Scope and Contents
Reports of votes for unification from each local, with effective dates and number of potential members
Box 33 Folder 13
Unification Albany S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms; also application for reimbursement of dues income from Averill Park Teachers' Association
Box 33 Folder 14
Unification Buffalo S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 15
Unification Elmsford S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 16
Unification Elmira S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 17
Unification Jamestown S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 18
Unification Jericho S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 19
Unification Mid: Hudson S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 20
Unification Plattsburgh S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 21
Unification Potsdam S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 22
Unification Rochester S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 23
Unification Syracuse S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 24
Unification Suffolk S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 25
Unification Utica S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 26
Unification Watertown S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 27
Unification Higher Education: Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 28
Unification Vestal S.C. Dues Guarantee
Scope and Contents
Notarized local unit membership agreement forms
Box 33 Folder 29
Uniserv Budget
Scope and Contents
Preliminary data re status of regional centers, description of July 3, 1972
Box 33 Folder 30
Uniserv Re: Training Programs
Scope and Contents
Letter criticizing NEA Washington-based training and trainers as unaware of and unresponsive to the needs of New York locals, September 25, 1972; response, outlining corrective measures, September 29; excerpt from leadership training materials; letters approving use of UniServ funds for individual participation in training sessions; document, "Criteria for Approval of Use of UniServ Funds for Institutes Sponsored by the City University of New York: The Teacher Leadership Program," with attached memo denying application
Box 33 Folder 31
Uniserv Evaluation Form and Sheet
Scope and Contents
Satisfaction survey re various aspects of UniServ staff performance
Box 33 Folder 32
Uniserv Evaluation
Scope and Contents
Filled-out program evaluation surveys
Box 33 Folder 33
Uniserv: Report of the Uniserv Evaluation Task Force
Scope and Contents
Report to NEA Board of Directors
Box 33 Folder 34
Travel Advance Uniserv Reps
Scope and Contents
Administrative memos
Box 33 Folder 35
Uniserv Guidelines, As Amended by NEA Board of Directors
Scope and Contents
Document, "Policy & Administrative Guidelines," including Unified Staff Service Program to Local Associations, "UNISERV," Policy Guidelines, adopted by the NEA Board of Directors, February 1971 and amended October 1, 1971, and UniServ Employment Practices Guidelines, with attached cover memo re Board of Directors Actions re Sparsity Grants, November 5, 1971; Appendix A, re staff assignments; draft outline of program aspects of state UniServ units; 1975-76 UniServ Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) for the 151 UniServ units in New York State, September 17, 1975; Unified Service Program "UniServ" Agreement New York State, October 1, 1974, with cover memos re UniServ contract, September 24 and September 30, 1974
Box 33 Folder 36
Uniserv Memorandum of Understanding
Scope and Contents
Memorandum of understanding between NEA and NYSUT; agreement between NEA, NYSTA, and CUNY (City University of New York), June 1971
Box 33 Folder 37
Uniserv Contract
Scope and Contents
1974-75 and 1975-76 Memorandum of Understanding between NEA and NYSUT
Box 33 Folder 38
Uniserv Re: Interim Clusters
Scope and Contents
Proposed UniServ clusters for 1972-73; related memos
Box 33 Folder 39
Uniserv Interviews
Scope and Contents
Schedule of job interviews for various locations
Box 33 Folder 40
Uniserv Representatives Job Description
Box 33 Folder 41
Uniserv News
Scope and Contents
Newsletters from NEA national headquarters
Box 33 Folder 42
Uniserv Training
Scope and Contents
Flyer, NEA Leadership Development Academy Summer Training Memo; list of participants and individualized expenses
Box 33 Folder 43
Uniserv Training
Scope and Contents
Description of NEA goal, academy objectives, rationale, definitions, characteristics, and sessions of the training program; list of UniServ representatives designated to attend training
Box 33 Folder 44
Uniserv Units and Uniserv Personal Directory
Scope and Contents
Directory of Uniserv Units and Uniserv Personnel
Box 33 Folder 45
Uniserv Employment Guidelines
Scope and Contents
Uniserv Employment Practices Guidelines; memo re publication re NEA guidelines on staff recruitment and employment of minority persons and women, July 20, 1972; training expense voucher policy guidelines; memo re basic summer training program for new Uniserv staff, February 24
Box 33 Folder 46
Uniserv (The Meaning of Unification for the Teaching Professions)
Scope and Contents
Booklet presented at a meeting of the National Council of State Education Associations, by Ralph Joy, executive director of the Des Moines Education Association
Box 33 Folder 47
Uniserv NEA Research Information for Uniserv Units
Scope and Contents
Statistical data sheets: "Status of Teachers and NEA Members," by race, gender, marital status, political affiliation, income, level of education of NEA members vs. all U.S. classroom teachers, 1972-1975; "Implications of 1974 Teacher Supply and Demand Conditions for Association Services," May 1975; "Status of Uniserv Units and Uniserv Personnel, 1970-71," December 1971; "Status of the American Public School Teacher, 1970-71: Preliminary Report of Highlights," November 1971; "Recent Negotiation Settlements Update," November 1971
Box 33 Folder 48
Uniserv Planning (NYSTA)
Scope and Contents
NYSTA "Proposals for an Expanded Program to Strengthen Local Teachers Associations: Preliminary staff report dealing with recommendations for a specific program of action to strengthen local teachers associations," August 1964; "Policy Guidelines for 'UNISERV'" (Final) April 22, 1970; UNISERV Concept frequently asked questions; "A Proposal for a Unified Staff Service Program (UNISERV) to the Board of Directors of the New York State Teachers Association," May 1971; letter to NEA re action by the Board of Directors of the New York State Teachers Association approving a master state-wide plan for implementation of UniServ, with details and attached agreement for approval, May 27, 1971; related correspondence
Box 33 Folder 49
Uniserv Service Planning Re: Objectives of Uniserv Program
Scope and Contents
Memos re UniServ service planning, including instructions to refer to staff as UniServ representatives, not UniServ Directors, related long-range implementation issues
Box 33 Folder 50
Scope and Contents
Proposed NCUEA Recommendations for UNISERV to NEA Executive Committee and Board of Directors, March 23, 1973, asserting that national system had become disconnected to needs of locals and teachers; first draft, "UniServ Information System," re building comprehensive data file on UniServ personnel; "Guidelines for Completing Dues Guarantee Membership Agreement Form"; memos re training and staffing
Box 33 Folder 51
NEA: Basic Summer Training Program for New Uniserv Staff
Scope and Contents
Memo re NEA Leadership Development Academy for new UniServ staff
Box 33 Folder 52
Uniserv Office Data
Scope and Contents
Chart showing office assignments of UniServ representatives
Box 33 Folder 53
Uniserv Questionnaire
Scope and Contents
Questionnaire re service priorities, apparently sent to locals
Box 33 Folder 54
Uniserv Staff
Scope and Contents
Memos re refusal to answer survey by UniServ directors, lack of racial data, coordinator responsibilities, training for new staff
Box 33 Folder 55
Uniserv 2A
Scope and Contents
Materials re Great Neck Teachers Association, including letter informing NEA of decision by GNTA Executive Board to withhold dues because of lack of service provided since unification, March 9, 1972; letter from the director of the national UniServ Office to the New York State Teachers Association expressing thorough dismay over the draft agreement with the Great Neck Teachers Association in that it provided no NEA involvement in decisions, especially related to hiring, and provided too much service to the local, October 19, 1971, with attached draft agreement; other drafts; correspondence re hiring UniServ staff; Great Neck Teachers Association proposed budget for two-year period ending June 30, 1972; letter indicating inclination to unify, April 23, 1971
Box 34 Folder 1
Uniserv Training Account (folder 1 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Computer printouts of training days by NYSUT staff
Box 34 Folder 2
Uniserv Training Account (folder 2 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Computer printouts of training days by NYSUT staff, including balances on accounts
Box 34 Folder 3
Uniserv Training Account (folder 3 of 3)
Scope and Contents
Invoices for training and other Uniserv-related expenses
Box 34 Folder 4
Public Employees Federation (PEF) Constitution and Bylaws
Scope and Contents
Printed constitution and bylaws as amended at the 1980 Convention; legal analysis of PEF constitution and by-laws as they related to agreement between PEF, SEIU, and AFT, with cover letter from attorneys to AFT president Al Shanker, January 23, 1980; second draft of proposed by-laws; constitution and bylaws; material from Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union, alleging deficiencies in PEF constitution and by-laws, with attached SCDU proposed version of constitution and bylaws
Box 34 Folder 5
PEF Budget
Scope and Contents
Confidential Projected 1980-1981 Annual Budget, New York State Employees Federation
Box 34 Folder 6
PEF Cases
Scope and Contents
Determination of Impartial Umpire under the AFL-CIO Internal Disputes Plan, in the matter between Public Employees Federation (American Federation of Teachers / Service Employees International Union) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, January 7, 1980 (Article XX case), with cover letter from AFL-CIO president Lane Kirkland to SEIU president George Hardy; Court of Appeals opinion in the matter of the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., respondent-appellant, vs. PERB and PEF, March 27, 1979; summons in NYS Supreme Court by John Kraemer and PEF against William L. McGowan, Civil Service Employees Association; related legal briefs and correspondence; newspaper clippings; press release from governor's office, March 12, 1979; PERB decision in Westbury Union Free School District and Westbury Teachers' Association, respondents, and Albert Hardy, et al., November 8, 1979; briefs and memoranda in PEF escrow case, January February 1980
Box 34 Folder 7
PEF Proposals and Agreement (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Contract Study and Proposals, SEIU Research Department; State Proposals for Negotiations, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Unit, May 17, 1979; State Proposal, State/PEF Negotiations, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Unit, May 31, 1979, NYS Public Service Employees Federation Contract Demands; Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Unit Agreement, May 31, 1979
Box 34 Folder 8
PEF Proposals and Agreement (2 of 2)
Scope and Contents
Memorandum on PEF Wage Package from SEIU Greater New York Joint Council Number 11, January 24, 1979; text of legislation in Extraordinary Session of Senate-Assembly showing schedule of Civil Service salary increases by job title, November 1, 1979; Positions Filled in New York under Direct Jurisdiction of Department of Civil Service; exhibits, showing salaries for job titles, 1978; differences in mean annual average salaries for selected professional and technical occupations: March 1972- March 1978; press release from State Investigation Commission, "SIC Reports on Protection of No-Show Employee by Department of Labor" (re PEF president John Kraemer) July 30, 1979; articles of agreement; handwritten notes on PEF negotiations
Box 34 Folder 9
Scope and Contents
Memo to PEF Executive Board and staff re contract negotiations, with attached summary of contract demands, December 4, 1981; survey questionnaire for contract, September 24, 1981; proposed structure for contract negotiations, February 19; New York State Public Employees Federation AFL-CIO 1982 Contract Demands; memos re dental coverage under Public Employees Benefit Fund, April; memo from director of staff Ron Peretti re out-of-title grievance procedure, February 20; memo from Peretti re lack of communication over doctors' forty-hour grievance; other memos from Peretti; memos from secretary-treasurer Constance Cabell re austerity budget, September 24, dues structure, February 24; letter from Cabell to Jim Conti asking if PEF could obtain research services from NYSUT free of charge, January 8; balance sheet for April 1 August 31, 1981; memo from the state Office of Mental Health re absenteeism control, with cover memo to all PEF field staff and regional coordinators, July 6; memo from the Office of the State Comptroller to all state departments and agencies re payment of performance advances, with PEF cover memo, August 31; memo re Civil Service attendance rules re Martin Luther King holiday as option in lieu of Election Day, August 31; memo re vacancies in Research Division, with job descriptions and salaries, February 18; memo to PEF filed staff and officers explaining position classifications under Civil Service, January 13; flyers for PS&T United campaign and related newspaper clippings; newsletters and correspondence of Coalition of Nurses in State Service (CONISS), paper, "RN's Unionization is Necessary for Survival but?? Is Survival Enough?" July 1981; memo re special election for PEF vice president, December 23, 1980; memo to negations chairman from chair of subcommittee on wages, September 1, 1981
Box 34 Folder 10
PEF Press Releases and Newsletters
Scope and Contents
Steward News, Contract Countdown, News Release
Box 34 Folder 11
PEF Convention, Concord Hotel.
Scope and Contents
October 11-13, Kiamesha Lake, NY. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the New York State Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, prepared for the Third Annual Convention, October 12-14, 1981; Executive Board Proposed Agenda, October 11, 1981; letter to PEF president Kraemer from PS&T United chair accusing him of McCarthyism in attacking the group's challenge for representation, September 14, 1981, related newspaper clipping; reactions to PEF field services staff workshop, June 25
Box 34 Folder 12
Scope and Contents
Steward Manual and cover letter, November 2, 1981; memo re PEF support for PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) strike, August 13, 1981; brief summary of purpose and goals of Women's Program; newspaper clippings; letter from individual in Buffalo objecting with "disgust and repugnance" to standard labor salutation, "Dear Brothers and Sisters," in a letter from PEF president Kraemer, September 15; newsletter of Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union (SCDU), calling for impeachment of PEF president Kraemer, July 1, 1981
Box 34 Folder 13
PEF Press Releases, Newsletters, and Activity
Scope and Contents
PEF Steward News, Newsletter of Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union (SCDU), PEF press releases
Box 34 Folder 14
PEF: Pelletier (E. Taylor)
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re teacher at West Seneca Developmental Center on extended probation, later fired for using office copier for union activity, attempts to have him reinstated, dispute with PEF and NYSUT over legal representation of case
Box 34 Folder 15
Public Employees Federation (PEF) Review Committee
Scope and Contents
Minutes of December 3, 1980, Review Committee meeting; confidential memo from Jim Conti, director of NYSUT Field Service Operations, to chair of the PEF Review Committee, to discuss services by NYSUT available to PEF, January 15, 1981; proposed PEF organization charts, January 7 and 20, 1981; memo to PEF Review Committee from Elizabeth Hoke, regional coordinator, Region 9, re her perspective of duties, with handwritten, highly negative comments in the margins, November 11, 1980; agenda for Review Committee meeting of March 11, 1981; agreement between PEF, AFT and SEIU, August 30, 1979, revised September 5, 1979; description of Public Employee Benefit Fund Direct Payment Plan, effective November 1, 1981; memo from PEF president John Kraemer to Executive Board members, regional coordinators, and officers, re performance advance grievance settlement, November 12, 1981; memos re contract negotiations; memo from Kraemer re status of proposed layoffs by the state Labor Department, July 6, 1981; materials re petition for representation election filed by Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Negotiating Unit (PS&T United), letter from Kraemer warning of possible fraudulent anti-union affiliation, August 1981, letter from state negotiating team refusing to begin work on next contract as long as potential challenge existed from PS&T, May 1981; letter from Kramer urging that no one sign representation cards from PS&T, noting that state determined that public employees' names and addresses be furnished to PS&T, April 30, 1981; PEF press release re PS&T challenge, link with NEA, March
Box 34 Folder 16
Public Employees Federation
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Executive Board meetings of February 20, October 12, and November 5, 1980, November 7, 1979; proposed model constitution for divisions, guidelines, application forms; PEF affirmative action policy; Resolution on the Italian Earthquake, relief efforts; materials re membership benefits program; newspaper clippings re PEF president John Kraemer as target of no-show probe, union criticism of Gov. Carey's Labor Department commissioner appointment as "absolutely unfit," other issues; Region One Steering Committee report on (second) PEF state convention, 1980; convention resolutions; Resolutions Committee reports; memo re spending freeze at PEF, November 5, 1980; Ethics and Responsibility Committee report, November 5; letters from the chair of the Ethics and Responsibility Committee to members who brought grievances, October 23; An Education/Action Program for a Safe Energy/Full Employment Society submitted by the Sponsors of the First National Labor Conference for Safe Energy and Full Employment, against nuclear power, October 10-12, 1980; description of divisions as written in the original PEF constitution and amended by the Second Convention; letter to PEF president Kraemer from the Coalition of Nurses in State Service (CONISS), asserting that creation of advisory committee within the Departments of Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation would not address problem of poor recruitment and retention of nurses at all state agencies, instead recommending 15 proposals, including raising starting salary of RNs to $16,380, November 5; PEF Legislative News newsletter; legislative memos in support of various bills; legislative report re state budget, defeat of onerous proposals, March 13, 1980; transcript of rebuttal by PEF vice president to radio editorial (WINS 1010) re closure of mental institutions, funding of community-based housing, April 17; Mental Health Task Force Bulletin and legislative memorandum; task force Update newsletter, May; procedures for filing a grievance petition; PEF press release reacting to Gov. Carey's announcement of plans to lay off 5,000 state workers, April 8; related newspaper clippings; Report to the Executive Board: Resolutions of the First Annual Convention, February 20, 1980; materials, including letters and sworn statements re legal dispute between PEF president Kraemer and Department of Environmental Conservation (PEF/EnCon) constituent representative and Executive Board member Michael Keenan, unilaterally removed by Kraemer, January-February; PEF constitution and by-laws; Report of Trustees re audit, December 12, 1979; constitution of AFT; PEF schedules by certified public accountants for the period ended September 30, 1979; certification of results of contract ratification election for collective bargaining agreement negotiated between PEF and the State of New York, December 20, 1979; insurance information update, February 19, 1980; order to show cause on injunction with temporary restraining order affecting board members of the Department of Mental Hygiene, with cover letter from Kraemer, January 31, 1980
Box 34 Folder 17
Scope and Contents
Rate sheet for ads in various newspapers; open letters (text of ad?) to all PEF members, Governor Carey, legislators, re contract negotiations, c. August; letter to PERB re breakdown of mediation process, July 31; letters from PEF president Kraemer to PEF leadership re contract negotiations, March-July; "How a Bill Becomes a Law," flowchart by New York State AFL-CIO Legislative Department; New York State AFL-CIO 1977-78 Labor Voting Record for Senate and Assembly; monthly legislative report by Public Employee Department of AFL-CIO for 95th Congress; Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Opposition to a Constitutional Convention, February 19; fact sheet, Universal Social Security Coverage for Public Employees; New York State AFL-CIO legislative memoranda endorsing and opposing various pending bills, March 6; New York State AFL-CIO Legislative Program 1979; memo to PEF leadership from president Kraemer re decision by Court of Appeals over representation dispute with CSEA, February 16, related materials; confidential memo to PEF leadership from president Kraemer re $12 million PEF lawsuit against CSEA, appeal by PERB re card-check representation, February 1; statement at press conference by Kraemer re PEF lawsuit against CSEA for libel over no-show allegations, related press release, January 30
Box 35 Folder 1
PEF Correspondence
Scope and Contents
Memo calculating legitimate fee to charge PEF for housing a representative in a NYSUT office, January 15, 1979; letter to Jim Conti inviting him to attend as a guest the founding convention for PEF, August 30, 1979; letter from Vito De Leonardis to counsel requesting incorporation of procedures for election of Executive Board and related matters into PEF governing documents, May 29, 1979; memo from director of state Employee Relations Office to staff re transition from CSEA to Public Employees Federation (PEF) as bargaining agent for technical employees, April 2; job application for PEF field service rep, March 12; certified letter to NYSUT (De Leonardis, Conti, O'Leary) from group of PEF members, the Interdepartmental PEF Coalition, demanding more input and information about decision making, June 7, 1978; PERB decision denying CSEA's application to reopen certification of PEF, with cover letter to Jim Conti from NYSUT general counsel James Sandner, November 20, 1979; related court decision and cover letter, February 16, 1979; Memorandum of Understanding from director of state Office of Employee Relations to officers re new three-year agreement with PEF, November 8, 1979, with cover memo to Jim Conti from SEIU; memo to PEF members re improved life and disability insurance plans offered by PEF, January 1979; memo from state budget office, "Fiscal Guidelines for the Remainder of State Fiscal Year 1979-80"; New York State Public Employees Federation Tentative Contract Agreement, April 1, 1979-March 31, 1982, with summary of highlights and cover letter to members
Box 35 Folder 2
PEF Correspondence: Joe Kraemer
Scope and Contents
Envelopes marked "Exhibit A," "Exhibit B," "Exhibit C," containing brochures for PEF insurance plans, and cover letter from PEF president John Kraemer to Jim Conti; 1980 Report of the Political Action Committee, with cover memo to PEF Executive Board from PEF president Kraemer; memo to PEF Executive Board from PEF president Kraemer re upcoming Executive Board meeting, with attached agenda calling for reports from various committees, and list of PEF membership by department, July 23, 1980; similar meeting notice, May 1; letter from Kraemer to state Office of Employee Relations re tentative agreement between state and specialized state schools (for deaf and blind) in Batavia and Rome, June 2, 1980; letters re restraining order against change by Civil Service of job title from teacher to developmental specialist, implications for 10-month work year, March-April 1980; letter from Kraemer to doctors at Mental Health agencies explaining proposed increase in salary schedule, January 31, 1980; correspondence between Kraemer and other members of the Executive Board re controversy over seating representatives of the Department Mental Hygiene on the board, injunction by member of the Department of Social Services, January 1980; year-end report from John O'Leary re contract grievances, discipline cases, training, unresolved problems, January 4, 1980; report from John O'Leary to Kraemer re alternative discipline procedure Section 33.5 (f), negotiated in the PEF contract, January 17, 1980
Box 35 Folder 3
PEF Correspondence: Ron Peretti
Scope and Contents
Confidential PEF status reports to Kraemer from PEF staff director Ron Peretti, December 1980; letter to Kraemer from Ron Peretti asserting that, as previously agreed, he had sent a blind carbon copy to Robert Payne of all his outgoing letters, which Payne denied receiving, and had never received any copies of outgoing mail from Payne, which Payne said he sent, December 11, 1980; confidential PEF report from Ron Peretti to NYSUT executive director Vito DeLeonardis and field services director Jim Conti, December 16, 1980; coordinator's report from Peretti to De Leonardis re PEF and Kraemer's political troubles, November 20, 1980; other detailed monthly reports on PEF from Peretti to De Leonardis, some confidential (discussing Kraemer and Payne), some copied to Payne, April-October; material re Beverly Paigen / Love Canal case, advising against providing legal representation, for political reasons, February 1980; correspondence between Peretti and attorney Arnold Proskin re communication problems, September 1980
Box 35 Folder 4
PEF Correspondence: Jim Conti
Scope and Contents
Letter from Jim Conti to PEF secretary-treasurer re sharing research resources, January 13, 1981; letters from Jim Conti to PEF secretary-treasurer accepting invitations to attend its first and second conventions, September 18, 1979, and September 3, 1980; Civil Service classification standards, with cover letter to Jim Conti, February 5, 1979; correspondence with PEF president John Kraemer re salary schedule for new unit, with attached enabling legislation, November 1979; letter to PEF president Kraemer from director of state Office of Employee Relations, agreeing to remove moratorium on titles in the unit, November 6, 1979; New York State Public Employees Federation Tentative Contract Agreement, April 1, 1979-March 31, 1982, with summary of highlights and cover letter to members; memo from Jim Conti to Vito De Leonardis re PEF budget for 1980-81; letter from Jim Conti to president of United University Professions (UUP) re meeting to discuss upcoming negotiations, July 22, 1981; letter from Local 144 of the Hotel, Hospital, Nursing Home & Allied Health Services Union, May 19, 1980, question of whether office staff of West Hempstead school district were in a separate unit; letter from a staff attorney with state Ag & Markets requesting that certain requirements imposed on legal staff be brought up in negotiations, June 4, 1979, with reply from Jim Conti referring matter to John O'Leary, PEF staff director; memo from Jim Conti to NYSUT president Tom Hobart re potential PEF and UUP challenges, June 10, 1981; correspondence with Jeff Turner of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) re compensation data, July 26, 1979; material from Turner re compensation proposals for unclassified professionals at special schools (physicians at mental health agencies), March 1980; a letter from PEF president Kraemer correspondence with Elizabeth Hoke, PEF Mid-Hudson Regional Coordinator, re attending meeting, sending letter to technicians in organizing campaign in Denver, February-June, 1980; list of names and addresses of members of CONISS, from Elizabeth Hoke, September 1980; confidential correspondence re New York State School for the Blind, September 18, 1980; correspondence with John Kraemer, president of PEF, and Jules Nadell, Council Leader, re Downstate Medical Center job titles and classifications, antipathy between UUP and PEF, February-November 1981; confidential letter from Jim Conti to PEF president John Kraemer advising against assigning legal representation for Roswell Park scientist and Love Canal whistleblower Beverly Paigen due to political nature of her case, possible negative publicity for PEF and NYSUT, damage to relationship with state agencies and legislature, February 25, 1980; related correspondence, in agreement, between NYSUT president Tom Hobart and executive director Vito De Leonardis; letter to Kraemer re negotiation requests for 4201 schools, including salary schedules and differentials for major metropolitan areas, May 19, 1981; related correspondence; SCDU (Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union) newsletters urging rejection of contract proposal, November 20, 1979, with cover letter to Kraemer from Jim Conti; letter from Jim Conti to PERB deputy chairman Jerome Lefkowitz, opposing proposed rule allowing creation of new bargaining units by petition of 30 percent of members in a job category, noting that PEF alone encompassed 2,500 job titles, April 23, 1980; text of new salary schedule as an amendment to Civil Service law in extraordinary session of the Senate-Assembly, November 1, 1979; PEF Tentative Contract Agreement, April 1, 1970-March 31, 1982, with summary and cover letter from PEF president Kraemer urging ratification; memo re Labor Department citation of Horseheads Central School District for failure to pay minimum wage to its teachers aides, July 16, 1981; confidential memo from Jim Conti re correspondence between State Education Department and Batavia School for the Blind, concern over procedure for addition of new staff, process for referral of PEF issues to NYSUT, September 1980; letter from member to PEF president Kraemer, copied to Albert Shanker, expressing concern over lack of legal assistance, with cover memo from Jim Conti, June-September 1980; letters to PEF Executive Board and president Kraemer from member requesting legal representation, complaining of lack of response, December 1979-July 1980; PEF proposed salary schedule for Rome-Batavia schools, March 11, 1980; outline of organizing training materials for PEF field representatives; correspondence re other training
Box 35 Folder 5
PEF Correspondence: John O'Leary
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re legal representation for Beverly Paigen, cancer research scientist at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, who exposed deficiencies in the Department of Health's report on hazards to residents from the Love Canal chemical waste site, and was apparently being professionally harassed by Commissioner of Health David Axelrod, December 1979; monthly reports; letter from O'Leary resigning his position as PEF staff director, as planned, December 18, 1979; memos re PEF agency fee refund, November 7, and PEF tentative agreement re salary, November 19; document, "PEF Sold Correctional Personnel Down the River," by Rand Condell, October 4; memos from O'Leary to Jim Conti re discipline and arbitration cases, August; thank-you letters to various NYSUT staff for assistance, August; Improper Practice Charge by PEF against state Office of Employee Relations, July; memos from O'Leary to NYSUT Executive Director Vito De Leonardis re increase in requests for legal assistance, difficulty in obtaining a quick response from staff attorneys to even the simplest question, need for dedicated attorney for PEF, July 9; status of contract arbitrations, July 9; memos re office expenses, space needs, May 11 and June 22; memo to PEF staff re non-contract grievances, May 7; memo from O'Leary to PEF representatives re strike at Department of Corrections, procedures for proving an employee was not on strike, May 4; memo re dues increase, April 24; memo re steward training, April 17; memos discussing procedures for handling different types of grievances, April; memo reporting on meeting re grievances with the state Office of Employee Relations, April 9; memo to PEF staff re litigation with CSEA over PERB's certification of PEF, February 14
Box 35 Folder 6
PEF Press Releases, Newsletters and Articles
Scope and Contents
Newsletter, New York State Employees Federation Communicator, May, June, August, September, and October 1979; newspaper clippings
Box 35 Folder 7
Scope and Contents
Agenda for PEF meeting, September 27, 1978; list of members of Wage & Policy Committee; proposed interim executive board; Agreement and Declaration of Trust Establishing the Public Employees Federation Group Benefits Program, September 26, 1978; memo from Jim Conti to John Kraemer and Vito De Leonardis re agency fee rebate program, August 15; hand-delivered letter from NYSUT general counsel to NYS Comptroller Arthur Levitt re deduction of dues and agency fees on behalf of Public Employees Federation, September 25; hand-delivered letter from NYSUT general counsel to state Office of Employee Relations, re PEF position on several issues, requesting meeting for orderly transition from CSEA to PEF representation of public employees, September 25; resolutions passed at the NYS Public Employees Federation Steering Committee meeting, September 21; balance sheet for November 1977 through August 1978; financial statement by certified public accountants (with disclaimer) for November 1977 through August 1978; proposed PEF budget; job group breakout sheet; list of Number of Persons in each Federal Occupational Category by State Agency, July 20, 1978; map of NYS Department of Health regional offices; memo from PEF president John Kraemer to PEF Steering Committee, re "To Do Immediately upon Certification," September 20; PERB decision in the matter of State of New York (Office of Employee Relations), employer, and Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, petitioner, and Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., intervenor, overruling objections filed by CSEA and letting stand election won by PEF, July 20, 1978; PERB Certification of Representative and Order to Negotiate, certifying PEF as exclusive bargaining agent, September 27, 1978; related legal briefs; announcement from John Kraemer, PEF Certified by PERB, September 28; memo to PEF staff re steward training, grievance response, September 29; memo to Jim Conti comparing dues and per capita charges of NYSUT and SEIU, calculation of PEF proposed dues/per capitas, March 8, 1979; related drafts of PEF by-laws re per capitas; minutes of Interim Grievance Committee, September 28; materials re life and health insurance, October; tentative list, Interim Executive Board, August 10, 1978; Report of Vice President Solomon Bendet to CSEA Board of Directors, January 11, 1979, re infiltration of CSEA by AFSCME, danger of takeover and dissolution
Box 35 Folder 8
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
October, 1981. Minutes of July 31, 1981, meeting; political action report; Mental Hygiene Task Force report; steward update; memo to PEF president Kraemer from counsel re teacher reclassification, October 5, 1989; newspaper clippings
Box 35 Folder 9
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
July, 1981. Minutes of May 15 and July 31, 1981, meetings; testimony presented at the Assembly Committee hearing on toxic substances, July 14, 1981; Bylaws Committee report; report on 1982 contract negotiations; secretary-treasurer's report; Nominations & Elections Committee report; report by Mental Hygiene Task Force; memo re Research Department operations; update on membership benefits program; Field Services status report; newspaper clippings
Box 35 Folder 10
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
March 25, 1981. Minutes of March 25, 1981, meeting; memos re performance advance payments for PS&T PEF members and trainees; related materials
Box 35 Folder 11
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
February, 1981. Minutes of February 8-9, 1981 [mismarked 1980], meeting; minutes of PEF special Executive Board meeting, December 11, 1980; committee reports (Ethics & Responsibility, Public Relations); SEIU Steward's Manual; brochures, "The Real Tax Crisis and What You Can Do About It: SEIU Guide to State and Local Tax Reform," "Senior Membersand your local union," and "Your Uniona two-pronged drive for Equality, Security, and Justice"; brochure re apprenticeship training program; brochure and poster from the National Conference of Christians and Jews for Brotherhood Week
Box 35 Folder 12
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
August 29, 1979. Agenda; minutes of April 4, 1979, meeting; printed Memorandum of Understanding Relating to Evaluation and Promotion Systems for Professional Employees in the State University of New York, United University Professions, April 1977; convention report; description of composition of Executive Board; legislative report; proposed PEF budget; PEF's key bargaining demands; audited statement of cash receipts and disbursements for initial period ended July 31, 1979; PEF constitution, August 27, 1979; American Arbitration Association and Public Employees Federation Official Tally Sheet, with results filled in (original)
Box 35 Folder 13
PEF Executive Board Meetings (Jim Conti)
Scope and Contents
December 7, 1979. Agenda; proposed PEF by-laws; NYSUT Executive Committee meeting agenda, December 8, 1978; Agreement of Permanent Continuation of Public Employees Federation (PEF) between SEIU and AFT; suggested presentation approach with rationale for maintaining NYSUT connection; PEF proposed 90-day budget; newspaper clippings; handwritten notes
Box 35 Folder 14
Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
December, 1978. Reports to NYSUT executive director Vito DeLeonardis: from Ron Uba (Western New York Regional Office) re organizing, negotiations, other issues, December 15, 1978; from Tony Ficcio re close NYU election, vicious anti-union material, December 13, 1978; from Ray Samson re organizing, locals at impasse, December 14; from Evelyn L. Hartman, executive director of United University Professions, re UUP election, December 15; from Vinnie Grove (Utica Regional Office) re negotiations, organizing, other issues, December 15; from Frank Squillace (Syracuse Service Center) re collective bargaining, workshops and conferences, political action, organizing, NYEA activity, UUP campaign, December 15; Chuck Rogers (Southern Tier Regional Office), re Ithaca College election, Improper Practice Charges against Elmira and Horseheads Teachers Associations, bargaining, workshops, organizing, December 14; from Leon Lieberman re negotiations, December 14; from Stan Kern, Mid-Hudson, personal and confidential, December 11; from Robert Klein, Elmsford, re negotiations, December 5; Robert J. Allen, North Country, re NYEA situation at college campuses, December 14
Box 35 Folder 15
Coordinator's Reports VDL file
Scope and Contents
November, 1978. Reports from Ron Uba (Buffalo Regional Office); Leon Lieberman (Albany); John O'Leary (Nassau) re organizing, negotiations, Ray Samson (Rochester) re locals at impasse, organizing; Stan Kern (Mid-Hudson); Frank Squillace (Syracuse) re collective bargaining, political action (congressional election), organizing, NYEA activity, UUP campaign; memo from Squillace re Fayetteville-Manlius Custodial and Maintenance Association disaffiliation, apparently after goal of negotiating a contract was met, noting no interference from NYEA, with attached annotated correspondence, November 14; report from John DeGregorio (Suffolk), Evelyn Hartman re UUP campaign; Vincent Grove (Utica), re negotiations, strike by Westmoreland Non- Instructional Employees Service Organization; Robert G. Klein (Elmsford) re negotiations; Chuck Rogers (Southern Tier Regional Office) re Ithaca College representation election, won by NYSUT, with attached newsletter Southern Tier Regional Briefs
Box 35 Folder 16
Vito De Leonardis Coordinator's Reports
Scope and Contents
October, 1978. Reports to NYSUT executive director Vito DeLeonardis: from Ron Uba (Western New York Regional Office) re organizing, negotiations, other issues, October 17, 1978; UUP report from executive director Evelyn Hartman, October 20; document by the New York Educators Association (NYEA)/National Education Association (NEA)-SUNY Organizing Committee, "Comparisons: A Guide to the Organizations and the Issues in the Forthcoming Election for the Right to Represent the SUNY Faculty and Staff in Collective Bargaining"; report from Vinnie Grove (Utica Regional Office) re negotiations, organizing, NYEA activity, other issues, October 19; VOTE/COPE contribution totals statewide; reports from Mid-Hudson, Suffolk,