American Trust for the British Library Project Master Negatives on Microfilm, 1889-1954
Collection Number: 6060 mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
American Trust for the British Library Project Master Negatives on Microfilm, 1889-1954
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
6060 mf
American Trust for the British Library
0.56 cubic feet
Collection material in English
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American Trust for the British Library Project Master Negatives on Microfilm #6060
mf. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University
American Trust for the British Library
Reel 1 | 1 |
LB 1 Ebert, Justus American industrial evolution from the frontier to the factory
1907 |
Scope and Contents
Master negative
Reel 1 | 2 |
LB 5 Merritt, Walter G. Destination unknown (1951)
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 3 |
LB 6 Federal Writers' Project, New York (N.Y.) A trial bibliography of bibliographies
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 4 |
LB 27 Browne, Waldo R. comp. What's what in the labor movement (1921)
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 5 |
LB 31 Hardman, J.B.S. American labor dynamics in the light of post-war developments
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 6 |
LB 33 Laidler, Harry W. Prosperity? Symposium by Stuart Chase (1927)
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 7 |
LB 35 Ladler, Harry W. and Norman M. Thomas, eds. New tactics in social conflict (1926)
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 8 |
LB 26 Williams, Whiting What's on the worker's mind (1920)
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 9 |
LB 37 Pound, Arthur The iron man in industry (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 10 |
LB 38 Princeton University. Industrial Relations Section The labor banking movement
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 11 |
LB 39 Gordon, Manya How to tell progress from reaction (1944)
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 12 |
LB 41 Keir, Robert M. Labor problems from both sides (1938)
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 13 |
LB 44 National Industrial Conference Board. Effect of the depression on industrial
relations programs (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 14 |
LB 45 National Industrial Conference Board Individual and collective bargaining (1933)
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 15 |
LB 47 Rector, Harvey B. How to build independent unions under new deal legislation
(1942 )
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 16 |
LB 51 Schlossberg, Joseph The workers and their world (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 17 |
LB 54 Thomas, Norman M. Human exploitation in the United States (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negatives
Reel 1 | 18 |
LB 55 Adams, Leonard P. Wartime manpower mobilization (1951)
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 19 |
LB 56 Labor and nation. V.1-8 (no. 1-33) (1945-1952) [v.1and2]
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negatives
Reel 1 | 20 |
LB 56 Labor and nation v.1-8 (no.1-33)(1945-1952) [v.3]
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 21 |
LB 56 Labor and nation. V1-8 (no.1-33) [1945-1952] [v.4]
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 22 |
LB 56 Labor and nation. V.1-8 (no.1-33) [1945-1952] vol.6
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Maser Negative
Reel 1 | 23 |
LB 56 Labor and nation. V.1-8 (no.1-33) [1945-1952] vol.5
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 24 |
LB 56 Labor and nation. V1-8 (no.1-33) [1945-1952] -- vol. 7-8
1945-1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 25 |
LB 57 Lens, Sidney Left, right, and center (1949)
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 26 |
LB 59 Levenstein, Aaron Labor today and tomorrow (1945)
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 27 |
LB 60 Millholland, Ray Pay day: labor and management in the American system of free
enterprise (1946)
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 28 |
LB 61 Riegelman, Carol Labour-management co-operation in United States war production
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 29 |
LB 63 Stewart, Bryce M. and Walter J. Couper Maintenance of union membership (1943)
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 30 |
LB 69 -- Tippett, Thomas When Southern labor stirs (1931)
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 31 |
LB 70 Anson, Charles P. A history of labor movement (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 32 |
LB 73 Byrnes, Agnes M. H. Industrial homework (1923)
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 33 |
LB 74 Carr, Charlotte E. Labor and industry in the depression (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 34 |
LB 6 Federal Writers' Project, New York (N.Y.) A trial bibliography of bibliographies
(1937) [2nd film]
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 1 | 35 |
LB 31 Hardman, J.B.S. American labor dynamics in the light of post-war developments
(1928) [2nd copy]
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 1 |
LB 83 Cale, Edgar B. The organization of labor in Philadelphia (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 2 |
LB 85 -- Hardwick, A.F. History of the Central Labor Union of Springfield, Mass.,
with some of the pioneers (1912)
1912 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 3 |
LB 86 Lowe, Boutelle E. Representative industry and trade unionism of an American
city (1912)
1912 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 4 |
LB 76 Heintz, Albert M. and John R. Whitney History of the Massachusetts State Federation
of Labor (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 5 |
LB 90 Budenz, Louis This is my story (1947)
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 6 |
LB 100 Bransten, Richard and John Stuart Men who lead labor (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 7 |
LB 110 Karsner, David Talks with Debs in Terre Haute and letters from Lindlahr (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 8 |
LB 111 Newspaper Guild of N.Y. Heywood Broun as he seemed to us (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 9 |
LB 112 Painter, Floy R. That man Debs and his life work (1929)
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 10 |
LB 114 Petersen, Arnold. Daniel DeLeon: social architect (1941-1953) [v.1]
1941-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 11 |
LB 114 Petersen, Arnold Daniel DeLeon: social architect (1941-1953) [v.2]
1941-1953 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 12 |
LB 122 Bowers, Edison L. Is it safe to work? (1930)
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 13 |
LB 125 Feis, Herbert, ed. A collection of decisions presenting principles of wage
settlement (1924)
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 14 |
LB 128 Henderson, Charles R. Industrial insurance in the United States (1909)
1909 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 15 |
LB 129 Husslein, Joseph C. Work, wealth and wages (1921)
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 16 |
LB 130 Johnsen, Julia E. The closed shop (1942)
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 17 |
LB 134 Latimer, Murray W. and Carl Tufel Trends in industrial pensions (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 18 |
LB 141 Riegel, John W. Management, labor and technological change (1942)
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 19 |
LB 144 Calkins, Clinch M. Some folks won't work. (1930)
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 20 |
LB 145 Clague, Ewan, Walter J. Couper, and E.Wight Bakke After the shutdown (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 21 |
LB 146 Clague, Ewan, and Webster Powell Ten thousand out of work (1933)
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 22 |
LB 149 Hopkins, Jess T., et. Al The emergence of a new public employment service (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 23 |
LB 152 Lewisohn, Sam A. Et al. Can business prevent unemployment? (1925)
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 24 |
LB 154 -- Lubin, Isador. The absorption of the unemployed by American industry. Washington,
DC: Brookings Institution, (1929)
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 25 |
LB 155 Myers, Charles A. and W. Rupert MacLaurin The movement of factory workers (1943)
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 26 |
LB 158 Stewart, Bryce M. Planning and administration of unemployment (1938)
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 27 |
LB 160 Gleason, Arthur H. Workers' education (1921)
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 28 |
LB 160 Gleason, Arthur H. Workers' education (1921) [2nd copy]
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 29 |
LB 163 Lutz, Rufus R. Wage earning and education (1916)
1916 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 30 |
LB 170 Ware, Caroline F. Labor education in universities (1946)
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 31 |
LB 181 Nestor, Agnes Woman's labor leader (1954)
1954 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 32 |
LB 184 Pruette, Lorine, ed. Women workers through the depression (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 33 |
LB 192 Patkin, A.L. The origin of the Russian-Jewish labor movement (1947)
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 34 |
LB 193 Hayes, Laurence J.W. The Negro federal government worker (1941)
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 35 |
LB 197 Scott, Estelle Hill Occupational changes among Negroes in Chicago (1939)
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 36 |
LB 210 U.S. Children's Bureau. Child labor legislation in the United States. (1915)
1915 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 2 | 37 |
LB 221 Broderick, John T. Pulling together (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 1 |
LB 229 Lange, Frederick Charles The industrial crisis (1903)
1903 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 2 |
LB 248 National Conference on the Christian Way of Life The question of recognizing
the union (1924)
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 3 |
LB 256 Delaney, Ed and M.T. Rice The bloodstained trail (1927)
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 4 |
LB 259 Holmes, John H. Is violence the way out of our industrial disputes? (1920)
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 5 |
LB 262 McLean, Donald A. The morality of the strike (1921)
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 6 |
LB 265 The Mooney-Billings report (1932)
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 7 |
LB 265 The Mooney-Billings report (1932) [2nd copy]
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 8 |
LB 266 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Industrial conflict: a
psychological interpretation (1939)
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 9 |
LB 267 Spielman, Jean E. The stool-pigeon and the open shop movement (1923)
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 10 |
LB 268 Steuben, John Strike strategy (1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 11 |
LB 270 Trautmann, William E. and Peter Hagboldt Riot . (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 12 |
LB 276 Myers, James Representative government in industry (1924)
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 13 |
LB 277 Nichols, Egbert R. and James W. Logan Arbitration and the National Labor Relations
Board (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 14 |
LB 278 Nichols, Osgood and Thomas R. Carskadon Can labor and management work together?
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 15 |
LB 279 Soule, George Henry Wage arbitration, selected cases, 1920-1924 (1928)
1920-1924 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 16 |
LB 280 Weinfeld, Abraham Chaim Labor treaties and labor compacts (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 17 |
LB 281 Roe, Wellington Juggernaut: American labor in action (1948)
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 18 |
LB 284 Sullivan, Edward D. This labor union racket (1936)
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 19 |
LB 285 Tannenbaum, Frank A philosophy of labor (1951)
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 20 |
LB 290 Robbins, Hayes The labor movement and the farmer (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 21 |
LB 293 Hodgson, James G. , comp. A labor party for the United States (1925)
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 22 |
LB 303 De Leon, Daniel Socialist landmarks (1952)
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 23 |
LB 305 De Leon, Daniel and Job Harriman The socialist trade (1900)
1900 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 24 |
LB 327 Dyche, John A. Bolshevism in American labor union (1926)
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 25 |
LB 335 Fairley, Lincoln The company union in plan and practice (1936)
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 26 |
LB 337 Feldman, Herman Survey of research in the field of the industrial (1928)
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 27 |
LB 338 Feller, Alexander and Jacob E. Hurwitz How to deal with organized labor (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 28 |
LB 340 Williams, Whiting Mainsprings of men (1925)
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 29 |
LB 343 MacDonald, Lois The worker and government (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 30 |
LB 343 Supplement
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 31 |
LB 344 Miller, Glenn W. American labor and the government (1948)
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 32 |
LB 345 Rawlins, William De V., . A cross section of American opinion on the need for
regulation (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 33 |
LB 350 Taylor, Washington I. Employer's liability to their workmen for accidents (1889)
1889 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 34 |
LB 356 Frey, John P. The labor injunction (1923)
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 35 |
LB 357 Johnsen, Julia E. Trade unions and the anti-trust laws (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 36 |
LB 358 Mariano, John H. The Busch jewelry stores labor injunction (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 37 |
LB 362 National Consumers' League. The Supreme Court and minimum wage legislation
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 3 | 38 |
LB 369 Wood, Clement Don't tread on me (1928)
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 1 |
LB 367 Seidenberg, Jacob The labor injunction in New York City, (1935-1950)
1935-1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 2 |
LB 368 Teller, Ludwig The law governing labor disputes and collective bargaining 3
volumes (1940) (v.1)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 3 |
LB 368 Teller, Ludwig The law governing labor disputes and collective bargaining 3
volumes (1940) (v.2 and 3)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 4 |
LB 371 Bow, Frank T. Independent labor organizations (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 5 |
LB 372 Brown, Emily C. National labor policy (1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 6 |
LB 374 Garland, Jasper V. Federal regulation of labor unions. (1941)
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 7 |
LB 375 Johnsen, Julia E. Compulsory Federal arbitration of labor disputes (1947)
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 8 |
LB 378 Lovestone, Jay The government: strikebreaker. (1923)
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 9 |
LB 380 Sheldon, Horace E. Union security and the Taft-Hartley Act in the Buffalo area
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 10 |
LB 384 Industrial Workers of the World The lumber industry and its workers (1921)
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 11 |
LB 389 Archibald, Hugh The four hour day in coal (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 12 |
LB 394 Bruere, Robert W. The coming of coal (1922)
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 13 |
LB 398 Gilfillan, Harriet Woodbridge I went to pit college (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 14 |
LB 400 Hudson, Harriet D. The progressive mine workers of America (1952)
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 15 |
LB 401 Hunt, Edward E. What the coal commission found (1925)
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 16 |
LB 407 National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners Harlan miners speak
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 17 |
LB 409 Parker, Glen L. The Coal industry (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 18 |
LB 410 Rochester, Anna Labor and coal (1931)
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 19 |
LB 413 Simpson, Alexander G. The life of a miner in two hemispheres (1903)
1903 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 20 |
LB 415 Sulzberger, Cyrus L. Sit down with John L. Lewis (1938)
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 21 |
LB 416 United Mine Workers of America John L. Lewis and the International Union (1952)
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 22 |
LB 417 Van Kleeck, Mary Miners and management (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 23 |
LB 422 Davidson, Lallah S. South of Joplin (1939)
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 24 |
LB 430 Zausner, Philip Unvarnished (1941)
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 25 |
LB 431 Belsky, Joseph I, the union (1952)
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 26 |
LB 433 U. S. Works Progress Administration. Cigar Makers: after the lay-off. (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 27 |
LB 435 Dunn, Robert W. and Jack Hardy Labor and textiles: a study of cotton (1931)
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 28 |
LB 440 Phillips, Edward L. Collective bargaining and craft unions (1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 29 |
LB 442 Selekman, Benjamin M. Sharing management with the workers (1924)
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 30 |
LB 444 Taylor, George W. The full-fashioned hosiery worker (1931)
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 31 |
LB 445 U.S. Work Project Admin. Labor and the shutdown of the Amoskeag textile mills
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 32 |
LB 446 Vorse, Mary H. Strike (1930)
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 33 |
LB 448 Bookbinder, Hyman H. To promote(1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 34 |
LB 452 Hardman, J.B.S. and Len Giovannitti Sidney Hilman: labor statesman ( 1948)
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 4 | 35 |
LB 453 Hardman, J.B.S. The Amalgamated today and tomorrow (1939)
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 1 |
LB 451 Carsel, Wilfred A history of the Chicago Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 2 |
LB 454 Hardman, J.B. S. The book of the Amalgamated in New York, 1914-1940 (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 3 |
LB 455 Hardy, Jack [Dale Zysman, pseud.] The clothing workers (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 4 |
LB 456 Haskel, Harry A leader of the garment workers (1950)
1950 |
Reel 5 | 5 |
LB 457 Howard, Earl D. The Hart, Schaffner and Marx labor agreement (1920)
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 6 |
LB 459 LaMar, Elden The Clothing Workers in Philadelphia (1940)
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 7 |
LB 460 Lewis, Marx Max Zaritsky at fifty (1935)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 8 |
LB 462 Oneal, James A history of the Amalgamated Ladies' Garment Cutters' Union, Local
10 (1927)
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 9 |
LB 464 Robinson, Donald B. Spotlight on a union (1948)
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 10 |
LB 465 Rogoff, Abraham M. Formative years of the Jewish labor movement (1945)
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 11 |
LB 470 Women's Trade Union League of Chicago. Official report of the strike (1911)
1911 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 12 |
LB 472 -- Foner, Philip S. The Fur and Leather Workers Union (1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 13 |
LB 477 Horowitz, Daniel Labor relations in the petroleum industry (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 14 |
LB 490 History of the Westinghouse Strike (1914)
1914 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 15 |
LB 495 McBride, Roberta Labor relations in the automobile industry (1950)
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 16 |
LB 497 Reuther, Walter P. Purchasing power for prosperity (1945)
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 17 |
LB 500 Bradley, Walter F. An industrial war (1923)
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 18 |
LB 504 Estes, George Railway employees united (1931)
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 19 |
LB 519 Eliel, Paul The waterfront and general strikes (1934)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 20 |
LB 521 Keller, Marvel Decasualization of longshore work in San Francisco (1939)
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 21 |
LB 527 Ryan, Paul W. [Mike Quin, pseud.] On the drumhead (1948)
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 22 |
LB 533 Walker, Charles R. American city:: a rank-and-file history (1937)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative
Reel 5 | 23 |
LB 546 Cabe, J. Carl Foremen's unions (1947)
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Master Negative