Seidenberg, Jacob Additional Arbitration Records, 1969-1993
Collection Number: 5953
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Records, 1969-1993
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Seidenberg, Jacob
9 cubic feet
Collection material in English
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Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Records #5953. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Seidenberg, Jacob.
Box 1 |
Union Pacific; Southern Pacific; Unocal Chemical; Overseas Education Association (Germany
Region); Bugle Rental; Baker and Confectionary Funds (OPEIU); Erwin Mills; G. Heileman
Brewing; Burlington Northern
Box 1 |
Southern Pacific Transportation Company - Investigations
Box 1 |
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Scope and Contents
Box 1 |
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Scope and Contents
Box 1 |
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Scope and Contents
Box 1 |
Union Pacific Railroad company
Scope and Contents
Box 1 |
UNOCOL - Chemical Division IBT Local 311
Box 1 |
DOD (DOS) - OEA FMCS Germany
Box 1 |
Bugle Rental Service Local 570 - IBT
Box 1 |
BCW / Health Benefits & Pension funds Health + Welfare Local 2 - OPEIU
Box 1 |
Erwin Mills ACTWU Local 2507
Box 1 |
G Heileman Brewery Co. Brewery worker - L 1010
Box 1 |
PL 5155 SP - UTU
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
P.L. board No 5007 BN - BLE
Box 2 |
St. Louis Southwestern RR; Hubbell Inc.; Giant Foods; Boston and Maine Corp.
Box 2 |
Before Administration Board No. 387
Box 2 |
Employee's Exhibit No. V1 + V3
Scope and Contents
Employee's Exhibit No. V1 Maine Central railroad Company Portland Terminal company
Schedule of Rules Governing Rates of Pay and Working Conditions of train and Yard
Service Employees Effective July 1, 1969; Collective Agreements between Canadian Pacific
Limited and United Transportation Union on behalf of the Conductors, Baggagemen, trainmen,
Yardmen, Switchtenders, Yardmasters employed on the Brownville, Maine and Newport,
Vermont Seniority Rosters Reprinted November 1, 1974
Box 2 |
Memorandum of Agreement; Boston and Maine Corporation, Average Annual 1978 Wage for
employees in Domestic Industries
Box 2 |
Before Board of Arbitration No. 387 Statement
Box 2 |
Giant Food Inc. and United Food & commercial Workers, Local 400; June 28
1993 | |
Box 2 |
Giant of Landover, Inc. Appellant
Box 2 |
Giant food Inc. -- UFCW Local 400 Discharge
Box 2 |
Giant food - UFCW Local 400
Box 2 |
Hubbell Lighting FMCS
Box 2 |
Box 3 |
CSX Transportation Inc. (former Balt & Ohio RR); Columbia Typographical/USGPO: Agency
Fee Challengers
Box 3 |
Public Law Board No. 4833 UTU vs CSX Transportation Inc.
Box 3 |
Award No 37
Box 3 |
employees' Submission to Public Law board 4833 PLB Docket 223 UTU vs CSX Transportation
Box 3 |
Public Law Board No. 4833 UTU vs CSX Transportation
Box 3 |
Employees' Submission to Public Law Board No. 4833 Dockets 225 and 226
Box 3 |
Employees' Submission to Public Law Board 4833 Docket 222 UTU and CSX Transportation
Box 3 |
U.S. Government Printing Office and Columbia Typographical Union 101-12
1993 | |
Box 3 |
Public Law board No. 4833
Box 3 |
GPO - ITU - Local 101-12
Box 3 |
AAA CWA Agency Fee Challenges
1992-1993 | |
Box 3 |
CWA, AFL-CIO, Union and Agency Fee challenges, Apellants June 30
1993 | |
Box 3 |
CWA, AFL-CIO, Union + Agency Fee challenges, Appellants
1992-1993 | |
Box 3 |
CWA, AFL-CIO, Union Agency Fee Challenges, Appellants
1992-1993 | |
Box 3 |
PLB 4833 UTU vs CSX
Box 4 |
Patapsco & Back River RR Co.; Norfolk Southern; Lower Lake Dock Co.; Washington Gas
Light Co.; Yellow Freight System; Amtrak; Entenmann's; Winner Distributing; Philadelphia
Gas Works; B. Green & Co.; Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
Box 4 |
Allen Fords - IBT - L356
Box 4 |
Box 4 |
General Foam Plastic - IWAL - 75 FMCS 90 + 17065
Box 4 |
SP Seminar Mock Arbitration
Box 4 |
Report of Panel on Impasse of Negotiations on the 1991-1992 Contract Between the Board
of Education of Anne Arundel County and Secretaries and Assistants Association of
Anne Arundel County
1991 | |
Box 4 |
UPIU, Local No. 1925 and MacMillan Bloedel, Inc. Jacob Seidenberg, Esquire Aug 2
1990 | |
Box 4 |
Arbitration Board No 513 CSX Transportation Co - UTU
Box 4 |
International Union of Gas Workers and Washington Gas Light Company Grievance March
1989 | |
Box 4 |
American Bank Stationary Co. Baltimore Typographical Union
Box 4 |
PLB No. 4229 UP - UTU
Box 4 |
EAL - TWU Local 553
Box 4 |
B Green + Co. - IBT Local 570 FMCS No. 89 - 24830 Grievance
Box 4 |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission NTEU No. 12
Box 4 |
Phila Glass works - Gas Workers Employee Union AAA
Box 4 |
AFA and Braniff Airways, Inc.
Box 4 |
Box 4 |
Entenmann's Bakery Warehouse Employees local 570 FMCS No.: 89-20798 Issue: change
of pay practice January 18
1990 | |
Box 4 |
AAA Case No. 14 300 1572 89 Q The Winner Distributing Company and Brewery Workers
Union Local 1010 Our File No. 7893-14
Box 4 |
Yellow Freight Co - Local 551 Panel
Box 4 |
WGl - IUGW (discharge)
Box 4 |
PLB No. 4869 Lower Lake Dock Co. & ILA
Box 4 |
PLB No. 4807 (Procedural): Southern Railway Company and American Train Dispatchers
Box 4 |
PLB 4895
Box 5 |
Blue Diamond Co.; St. Louis Southwestern; Penn Central Transportation Co.; Atchison
Topeka & Santa Fe; US Air; Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
Box 5 |
Agreement between the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company and the United Transportation
Union (CT&Y) Covering Rates of Pay and Working Conditions for Trainmen & Yardmen
Box 5 |
PLB No. 1296 UTU vs. Robert Blanchette, Richard C. Bond and John H. McArthur, Trustees
of The Property of Penn Central Transportation company, Debtor docket No. 1 Carrier's
Box 5 |
Rail Act of 1980 Background Materials prepared for the use of the Committee on interstate
and foreign Commerce House of Representatives and its Subcommittee on Transportation
and commerce Ninety- Sixth Congress Second Session May 1980
Box 5 |
Black Diamond - Teamster Local 557docket No. 08-30-93
Box 5 |
PLB No. 1367 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers vs. The Atchison, topeka and Santa
Fe Railway company - coast lines
Box 5 |
UTU - Local 1594 - SEPA AAA
Box 5 |
Ganas Discipline Grievance/System Board Joint Exhibits
Box 6 |
VanNess East; General Services Administration; RCA Borinquen; Pan Am; Southland Industries;
Brhd. Of Locomotive Engineers; B.F. Goodrich; National RR Passenger Corp.; Maine Central
RR; Allis Chalmers; Benjamin Obdyke Co.; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe; St
Box 6 |
RCA - IBEWU - Local 2296 FMCS 83K
Box 6 |
GSA - AFGE Suspension
Box 6 |
Van Ness East - SEIU Local 82 FMCS
Box 6 |
Southland industries AAA
Box 6 |
PANAM Flight Engineers TWU
Box 6 |
B.F. Goodrich - UPIU - Local 1449 FMCS No. 87 - 13964
Box 6 |
ARB No. 476 BLE - EJ & E
Box 6 |
RCA Corporation and Association of Scientists and Professional engineering Personnel
Box 6 |
PL 4435 AMTRAK - IAMAW Procedural
Box 6 |
IAMAW and Allis-Chalmers corporation
Box 6 |
Warehouse Employees union 169 AAA
Box 6 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees snf Maine Central Railroad Company
Box 6 |
PLB No. 4214 Santa Fe - BLE
Box 6 |
UTU vs. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company
Box 6 |
UTU vs St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company
Scope and Contents
Carrier's file: [TRN D92-43 20983, YDMD 92-1, TRN D92-16]
Box 7 |
CSX Transportation; Union Pacific; Maine Central RR; St. Louis Southwestern RR; Southern
Pacific; Long Island RR
Box 7 |
UTU vs. CSX Case and Docket No. 1
Box 7 |
UTU vs. CSX Case and Docket No. 3
Box 7 |
UTU vs. CSX Case + docket No. 5
Box 7 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Maine Central Railroad Company (1)
Scope and Contents
Appearances of William E. LaRue, Vice President; John J. Davison, General Chairman
Box 7 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Maine Central Railroad Company (2)
Scope and Contents
Case No. 1
Box 7 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Maine Central Railroad Company (3)
Scope and Contents
Case No. 2
Box 7 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Maine Central Railroad Company Other
Scope and Contents
Box 7 |
PLB No. 5315 docket No. 2, 2a Case No. 2
Box 7 |
Appendix "A" Section 11 Arbitration Mendocino coast Conditions
Box 7 |
Union Pacific Railroad Company PLB No. 3742 case No. 23
Box 7 |
PLB No. 3742 Case No. 20
Box 7 |
PLB No. 3742 Case No. 21
Box 7 |
Box 7 |
PLB No. 4948 St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company UTU
Box 8 |
Washington Gas Light Co.; American Airlines; Indiana Hi-Rail Corp.; Philadelphia Gas
Works; Conrail; Norfolk Southern; CSX Transportation; American Fed. Of Teachers Staff
Union; Southern Pacific; GNB Inc.; Rite Aid Corp.; Long Island RR Co.; Claire Frock
Box 8 |
Box 8 |
EAL - TWU Local 553 Case No. 690-86
Box 8 |
CLB Trucking co. Local 557 - IBT Grievance
Box 8 |
SBA #1014 US - BRC
Box 8 |
Formosa Plastics UPIU -L 1134 AAA
Box 8 |
N + W - Southern RR IAMAW
Box 8 |
GSA - Nat'l Capital Region AFGE - Local 1733 Council 236 (Grievance)
Box 8 |
EAL - TWU - Local 553 Case No. 76-87
Box 8 |
EAL - TWU -Local 553 Case No. 91-87 (Grievance)
Box 8 |
CSX - UTU (Connesville, PA) New York Dock
Box 8 |
EAL - TWU - Local 553Case No. 77-87
Box 8 |
PLB No. 4382 council UTU
Box 8 |
B Green Co. Inc. - IAMAW Lodge 186 FMCS Case No. 88 Discharge
Box 8 |
D. C. School Board AFSCME - Local 2093 Termination
Box 8 |
Clare Frocks - ILGWU
Box 8 |
Arbitration Proceedings LIRR-BLE
Box 8 |
Rite Aid Corp. - Metro Guild of Pharmacists l-660R-UFCW
Box 8 |
GNP Inc. - IBEWU -Local 2217
Box 8 |
PL Board No. 4463 SP - BLE
Box 8 |
American Fed. Of Teachers - AFT Action AAA
Box 8 |
CSX - UTU - Protective Condition
Box 8 |
CSX - UTU Parkersburg Russell, KY New York Dock
Box 8 |
NW + DMU Railroad
Box 8 |
PLB No. 4188 Conrail - URSA Vol. II
Box 8 |
Philadelphia Gas Workers - Gas Worker union - Local 686
Box 8 |
PLB 4681 Indiana Hi-Rail UTU
Box 8 |
AAA - ALA AAPA Board of Adjustment
Box 8 |
Box 9 |
DC Board of Education; Boston & Maine Corp.
Box 9 |
D.C. Board of Education
Box 9 |
Boston and Maine Corporation, Debtor and UTU
1980 | |
Box 9 |
Chicago, West Pullman & Southern Railroad & UTU
Box 9 |
DC Board of Ed and Teachers Union
Box 9 |
Boston and Maine Corporation, Debtor and UTU
Box 9 |
Board of Arbitration No. 387 Employee's Submission; Boston and Maine Corporation and
Box 9 |
Boston and Maine Corporation and UTU
Box 9 |
Boston and Maine - UTU; Statement of Robert Lieb; 1971 Reorganization Plan
Box 9 |
Boston and Maine - UTU; Statement of Robert Lieb; 1971 Reorganization Plan