Wolf, Benjamin Additional Arbitration Files, 1982-1984
Collection Number: 5803
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Benjamin Wolf Additional Arbitration Files, 1982-1984
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Includes arbitration awards, decisions, and related documents for cases arbitrated
in the transportation, chemicals, clothing, retail food and retail trade, manufacturing,
publishing, health care, bakery and confectionery, television, coal and oil, construction
and electronics industries. Also, arbitration for various education and civil service
agencies, primarily of the state of New York and New York City.
Wolf, Benjamin
8 cubic feet
Collection material in English
Arbitrator, labor mediator and attorney; visiting professor, New York State School
of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. Wolf served as permanent arbitrator
between the New York City Board of Education and the United Federation of Teachers;
New York City and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME); the New York City Off-Track Betting Corp. and AFSCME; New York State and
AFSCME; the State University of New York and the Senate Professional Association;
A. Goodman and the American Bakery and Confectionery Workers' Union; and between the
Simmons Company and the Upholsterers International Union. Wolf also served as impartial
chairman for American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union of America; the men's
shirt industry and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; and the Brooklyn Union
Gas Company and the Transport Workers Union of America.
Born May 6, 1909. Attended Cornell University (B.A. 1930; LL.B. 1932).
Formerly labor mediator, New York State Board of Meidation; labor relations examiner,
N.Y.S. Labor Relations Board.
Affiliated with National Academy of Arbitrators (board of governors 1971-; regional
chairman 1967-1968); Industrial Relations Research Association; Society for Professionals
in Dispute Resolution; New York Bar Association. On rosters of American Arbitration
Association, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, National Mediation Board,
New York State Board of Mediation, New Jersey State Board of Mediation, New York Public
Employment Relations Board, New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission.
Arbitrator under contract for N.Y. City Board of Education and UFT; City of New York
and District Council 37; OTB and DC37; N.Y. State and Council 82, AFSCME: State University
of New York and Senate Professional Association; Metropolitan New York Milk Industry
and IBT; New Rochelle Board of Education and UFT; A. Goodman & Sons and BCWU; Metropolitan
Association of Optical Wholesalers and IUE; Simons Co. and Local 420, UIU.
Impartial Chairman; American Airlines and TWU, Men's Shirt Industry and ACWA; Brooklyn
Union Gas and TWU; Williams Press and Pressmen's Union; Hiring Hall & Club Employees
Union (Local 16); Westchester County Laundry Board of Trade and Local 335 IBT: Rochdale
Village, Inc. and Local 90 Public Service Union; Ossining Board of Education and Ossining
Teachers Association; Schwartz Laboratories, Inc. and Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers;
Ross Oil Term. Corp., Howard Fuel Corp. & Local 365 UAW.
The cases in this collection have been arranged by their case numbers , which is roughly
The types of documents in each case are noted and abbreviated as follows:
TR: Transcript(s)
EX: Exhibit(s)
LD: Legal Document(s)
AN: Arbitrator's Notes
RC: Routine Correspondence
A: Agreement
SD: Supporting Document(s)
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
Benjamin Wolf Additional Arbitration Files #5803. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Wolf, Benjamin H., b.1909
Arbitration, Industrial -- New York (State)
Arbitration, Industrial -- United States
Industrial relations -- New York (State)
Industrial relations -- United States
Employee-management relations in government -- New York (State)
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
82-21 Levin Fixture Corporation vs. Local 2682, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America (U.B. of C.&J of A.)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
82-22 New York State vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees,
Council 82, Attica
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
82-23 New York State, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation vs. Civil Service Employees
Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
82-24 New York State Office of Mental Retardation, Staten Island Developmental Center
vs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
2 Cases: 1)Issue: Fights and Altercations--Provocation; 2)Issue: Insubordination--Failure
To Obey Orders. EX, AN, RC, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
82-25 New York State (D. D. Heck) vs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) (Ralph
Wade, et al)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
82-26 New York State Unified Court System vs. Court Officers' Benevolent Association
of Nassau County
1983 |
Scope and Contents
AN, LD, RC. Award upheld.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
82-27 New York City vs. Communications Workers of America
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Rates of Pay--Past Practice. EX, LD, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
82-28 New York State, Letchworth Village Departmental Center vs. Civil Service Employees
Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fights and Altercations--Penalties. EX, AN, RC.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
82-30 KSM Division, Omark Industries vs. International Union of Electrical, Radio
and Machine Workers (IUE)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline-- Discharge. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
82-31 E.I. DuPont De Nemours and Company vs. Local 11, Federation of Independent Unions
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Posting--Removal of Notice. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
82-32 United States Post Office vs. National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Notice in General. EX, AN, RC.
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
82-33 New York State vs. Brooklyn DC
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Taken to different arbitrator.
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
82-34 Crescent News vs. Newspaper and Mail Deliverer's Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
82-35 New Jersey State vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
82-36 New Jersey State vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Reduction in Force--Assignment of Jobs. TR, EX, LD, AN, RC, A, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
82-36 New Jersey State vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Reduction in Force--Assignment of Jobs. TR, EX, LD, AN, RC, A, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
82-37 New York State, Suffolk Developmental Center vs. Civil Service Employees Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Improper Personal Conduct--Assaults. EX, AN, RC.
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
82-38 Friars Club vs. Local 6, Hotel, Restaurant and Club Employees and Bartenders
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
82-39 City of Yonkers, New York vs. Uniformed Fire Officers Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC, A. Withdrawn.
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
82-40 New York State, Bronx Psychiatric Center vs. Civil Service Employees Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Improper Personal Conduct--Assault. EX, AN, RC.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
82-41 Peekskill City School District vs. Peekskill Faculty Association
1983-1984 |
Scope and Contents
2 Cases, Issues: 1) Schedules of Work--Change of Schedule. 2) Arbitrability--Scope
of Issue. EX, AN, RC, A, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
82-42 State of New York, Office of Mental Retardation, Wassaic Developmental Center
vs. Civil Service Employees Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Improper Personal Conduct--Assaults; Negligence. EX, AN, RC.
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
82-43 New York City vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME), Local 768, District Council 37
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
82-44 United Parcel Service vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Local
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
82-45 Wilson Jones Company vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 102
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
82-46 The River Club of New York, Inc. vs. Local 6, Hotel, Restaurant and Club Employees
and Bartenders Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
82-46 The River Club of New York, Inc. vs. Local 6, Hotel, Restaurant and Club Employees
and Bartenders Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
82-47 GAF Corporation vs. Local 146, General Industrial Workers Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Assignment of Jobs--Elimination of Jobs. TR, EX, AN, RC, A, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
82-47 GAF Corporation vs. Local 146, General Industrial Workers Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Assignment of Jobs--Elimination of Jobs. TR, EX, AN, RC, A, SD.
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
82-48 New York State, Office of Employee Relations (OER) vs. Civil Service Employees
Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
82-49 New York City vs. Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
82-50 New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation vs. American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), District Council 37
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Excessive, Discipline. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
82-51 Pearl River School District vs. Pearl River Teachers' Association, New York
State United Teachers
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
82-52 New York State, Office of Mental Retardation, Bernard Fineson Developmental
Center vs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
82-53 New York State, Letchworth Village Developmental Center vs. Leo Greston
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Falsification of Report; Improper Job Attitude--Neglect of Duty.
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
82-53 New York State, Letchworth Village Developmental Center vs. Leo Greston
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Falsification of Report; Improper Job Attitude--Neglect of Duty.
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
82-54 Standard Keil Hardware Manufacturing Company vs. Amalgamated Service and Allied
Industries Joint Board
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Discipline. EX, AN, RC.
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
82-55 Home News Publishing Company vs. Newspaper Guild of New York
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Vacation Pay--Eligibility. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
82-56 New York City, Board of Elections vs. Communications Workers of America
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Back Pay Awards--Grievance and Grievance Procedure. EX, AN, RC.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
82-57 Elizabethtown Gas Company vs. Utility Workers of America, Local 424
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
82-58 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers Union, Local 146
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. Grievance Dismissed. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
82-59 United Hospitals Medical Center vs. National Union of Hospital and Health Care
Employees, Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU), District 1199J
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
82-60 Bamberger's (Bloomfield) vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Local
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Suspensions; Supervisors and Foremen. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
82-61 New York State, Office of Employee Relations vs. Civil Service Employees Association
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
82-62 New York State, Office of Mental Health, Manhattan Psychiatric Center vs. Civil
Service Employees Association (CSEA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. EX, AN, RC.
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
82-63 New York City vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME), Local 420
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Insubordination--Discipline; Fights and Altercations--Assault on Supervisor.
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
82-64 DeDietrich (USA), Inc. vs. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers (IAMAW), District 15
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Theft--Unauthorized Taking of Property. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
82-65 United States Postal Service vs. American Postal Workers Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
82-66 New York State, Suffolk Developmental Center vs. Public Employees Federation
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Unable to schedule second hearing, taken to different arbitrator.
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
82-67 United States Postal Service vs. American Postal Workers Union
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
83-1 E.I. Dupont deNemours and Company vs. International Chemical Workers Union (ICWU),
Local 527
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Termination of Employment--Inability. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
83-2 State of New Jersey vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
RC. (a scheduling letter).
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
83-3 New York State vs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
83-4 Eastern Delivery Service vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Local
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
83-5 Spetonbush/Red Star Companies vs. International Longshoremen's Association (ILA),
Local 133, United Marine Division
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
83-6 United States Postal Service (UPS) vs. National Association of Letter Carriers
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
83-7 State of New Jersey (William Patterson College) vs. Communications Workers of
America (CWA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Premium Pay-- Weather Conditions; Absences--Unauthorized. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
83-8 State of New Jersey, Department of Transportation vs. Communications Workers
of America (CWA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
83-9 State of New Jersey, Department of Law and Public Safety vs. Communications Workers
of America (CWA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Layoff-- Recall. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
83-10 New York State vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME), Council 82
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
83-11 Onteora Central School District vs. Onteora Teachers' Association
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Grievance and Grievance Procedure-- Timeliness; Assignment of Jobs--Assignment
of Work Outside Unit. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
83-12 New York State vs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
83-13 National Gypsum Company (Gold Bond Building Products) vs. United Steelworkers
of America, Local Union 5476
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Discipline. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
83-14 Amerace Corporation, Esna Division vs. United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural
Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 726
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Contracting Out--Bargaining Unit Work. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
83-15 Family Services Association of Middlesex County vs. District 1199J, National
Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store
Union (RWDSU)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fringe Benefits--Holiday Pay, Sick Leave and Sick Pay, Vacation Pay, Maternity
Leave; Arbitrability--Subject Matter. EX, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
83-16 New York City, Office of Municipal Labor Relations, Department of Correction
vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Local 832
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fights and Altercations--Assault on Fellow Employee. EX, AN, RC.
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
83-17 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers Union (GIWU), Local 146
1983 |
Scope and Contents
2 Cases, Issues: 1) Schedules of Work--Change of Schedule, Premium Pay. 2) Assignment
of Jobs--Change in Procedure. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
83-18 State of New Jersey, Department of Transportation vs. Communications Workers
of America (CWA), Local 1031
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Overtime--Rates of Pay; Vacations--Scheduling. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
83-19 New York State, Letchworth Village vs. Richard Wolfe
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
83-20 Westinghouse Electric Corporation vs. International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers (IBEW), Local Union #2006
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
83-21 New Jersey Transit Bus Operations, Inc. vs. Amalgamated Transit Union, Division
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Drinking. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
83-22 Sherwin-Williams Company vs. Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International
Union (OCAW), Local 8-917
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Classification of Jobs--Combination of Classifications. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
83-23 Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey vs. Office and Professional Employees International
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Standards of Production--Failure to Meet. AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
83-24 Spatenbush/Red Star Company vs. Local 333, United Marine Division, International
Longshoremen's Association (ILA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Seniority--Recall. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
83-25 The City of New York, Department of Correction vs. Corrective Officers' Benevolent
Association (COBA)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Overtime-- Refusal of Overtime. EX, AN, RC.
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
83-26 Family Service Association of Middlesex County vs. District 1199-J, National
Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store
Union (RWDSU)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
83-27 Alcan, Ingot, and Powders, Inc. vs. United Steelworkers of America, Local Union
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Posting--Bidding Qualifications.
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
83-28 Saint Joseph's Hospital vs. Communication Workers of America (CWA)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Holidays and Holiday Pay--Part-Time Employees. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
83-29 New York State, Office of Employee Relations vs. Roger I. Paulmeno
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
83-30 Bendix Corporation, Electric Power Division
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Assignment of Jobs--Temporary Assignment. AN, RC, A.
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
83-31 State of New York, Unified Court System vs. Suffolk County Court Employees Association
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
83-32 Delman Shoe Salon and I. Miller Company vs. Retail Shoe Employees Union, Local
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Rates of Pay--Time Not Worked. EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
83-33 Mineola Union Free School District (UFSD) vs. Mineola Teachers' Association
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Plant Rules--Record-Keeping. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
83-34 M.S. and W. Distributors, Inc. d/b/a Suffern Tri-County Distributors, Inc. vs.
Local 56, Brewery Workers and Delivery Employees, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Sale of Business--Retention of Rights. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
83-35 Hutchings Psychiatric Center vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME), Council 82
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
83-36 New York Times vs. Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
83-37 New York City, Office of Municipal Labor Relations vs. Correction Officers'
Benevolent Association (COBA)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
83-38 New York State vs. Safety Officers
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
83-39 Continental Corrugated, A Member of the Continental Group, Inc. vs. United Paperworkers
International Union (UPIU), Local 1275
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Assignment of Jobs--Vacancies. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
83-40 New York City vs. Local 621, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Rates of Pay--Holiday Pay. EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
83-41 Transamerica Delaval, Inc. vs. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron
Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, Local 661
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
83-42 The Association of Catholic Schools For Sacred Heart School vs. Federation of
Catholic Teachers
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
83-43 American Bank Note Company vs. Local 119B-43B Graphic Arts
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Transfers--Transfers of Work and Machines. EX, LD, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
83-44 New York City Off-Track Betting Corporation vs. Local 2021, District Council
37, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Physical Disability--Recall. EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
83-45 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers Union (GIWU), Local 146
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Negligence and Carelessness--Faulty Production. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
83-46 Ozone Industries, Inc. vs. District 15, International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
83-47 United States Postal Service vs. American Postal Workers Union (APWU), Newark
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Unauthorized. EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
83-48 New Jersey State vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA), Local 1040
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
83-49 Tenney Engineering, Inc. vs. Sheet Metal Workers, Local 172
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
83-50 New York Times vs. Newspaper Guild of New York
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
83-51 New York State Unified Court System vs. Court Officers' Benevolent Association
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
83-52 St. Mary Hospital vs. District 1199J, National Union of Hospital and Health
Care Employees, Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
83-53 Anheuser Busch, Inc. vs. Local 102, International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
83-54 Acme Engraving Company vs. Dyers and Finishers, Local 1932
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
83-55 Perth Amboy Dry Dock Company vs. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers,
Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers
1983 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
83-56 St. Mary's Hospital vs. Service Employees' International Union (SEIU), Local
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Theft--Failure To Report Theft; Theft--Penalty. EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
83-57 Rochester Telephone Corporation vs. Rochester Telephone Workers Union
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Contracting Out--Bargaining Unit Work. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
84-1 New York State Court Administration vs. Suffolk County Court Clerks Association
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
84-2 Sperry Division, Sperry Corporation vs. Engineers Union, Local 444; International
Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers (IUE)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Grievance and Grievance Procedure--Timeliness; Grievance and Grievance Procedure--Failure
To Follow; Promotions--Refusal. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
84-3 Finch, Pruyn and Company, Inc. vs. United Paperworkers' International Union,
Local 18
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fights and Altercations-- Threats; Insubordination--Profanity. EX, AN, RC,
Box 4 | Folder 28a |
84-4 New York City, Office of Municipal and Labor Relations (NYC OMLR) vs. Correction
Officers Benevolent Association (COBA)
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Vacations--Eligibility. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
84-5 Sperry Corporation vs. Engineers' Union, Local 444, International Union of Electronic,
Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers (IUE)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fringe Benefits--Insurance and Medical Plans. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
84-5 Sperry Corporation vs. Engineers' Union, Local 444, International Union of Electronic,
Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers (IUE)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Fringe Benefits--Insurance and Medical Plans. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
84-6 Simmons U.S.A. vs. Upholsterers' International Union, Local 420
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Insubordination--Refusal of Work Assignment. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
84-7 Sperry Corporation vs. Engineers' Union, Local 444, International Union of Electronic,
Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers (IUE)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
84-8 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers Union, Local 146
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Supervisors and Foremen--Discipline by Union. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
84-9 U.S. Government Immigration and Naturalization Service vs. American Federation
of Government Employees (AFGE), Local 1917
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Arbitrability--Timeliness; Vacations--Eligibility, Scheduling. TR, EX, AN,
RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
84-10 Concord Hotel vs. Hotel Workers, Local 76
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Theft--Suspicion, Discipline. AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
84-11 U.S. Postal Service vs. American Postal Workers Union
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
84-12 St. Joseph's Hospital vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA), Local 1040
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Arbitrability--Timeliness; Insubordination--Refusal of Work Assignment. EX,
AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
84-13 ITT Continental Baking vs. Bakery Drivers and Salesman, Local 194
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
84-14 U.S. Postal Service vs. American Postal Workers Union
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
84-16 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers' Union, Local 146
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
84-17 The City of New York vs. District Council 37, American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Classification of Jobs--Added Duties. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
84-18 Westinghouse Elevator Corporation vs. International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers (IBEW), Local 2006
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
84-19 Organon, Inc. vs. International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical,
Salaried and Machine Workers, Local 467
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issues(two grievances): 1) Fringe Benefits--Past Practice and 2) Layoff--Temporary
Employees. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
84-20 Carlton Prescription Center, Inc. vs. Allied Trades Council
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Disloyalty. AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
84-21 Manhattan Marine and Electric Company, Inc. vs. Local 888, United Food and Chemical
Workers (UFCW)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge; Fights and Altercations--Assault on Supervisor. EX,
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
84-22 Precision Fabricators, Inc. vs. International Association of Bridge, Structural,
and Ornamental Iron Workers (IABS+OIW), Local 455
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Layoff--Seniority. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
84-23 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. National Association of Letter Carriers
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Violation of Plant Rules; Working Conditions--Parking Privileges.
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
84-24 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled at hearing.
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
84-25 Interdynamics, Inc. vs. Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU),
Local 29
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
84-26 United Telephone Systems vs. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
(IBEW), Local 827
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
84-27 Wainrite Stores vs. United Food and Chemical Workers (UFCW), Local 888
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Discharge; Theft-- Company Property. EX, AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
84-28 Holy Cross High School vs. Association of Catholic Teachers, Local 1776
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Recall--Failure To Recall. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
84-29 New York City Transit Authority vs. Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Rates of Pay--Classification of Jobs. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
84-30 Perth Amboy Coal Company vs. Local Union No. 866, International Brotherhood
of Teamsters (IBT)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Vacation Pay- -Eligibility; Sick Leave and Sick Pay--Eligibility. AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
84-31 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
84-32 GAF Corporation vs. General Industrial Workers Union, Local 146
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Seniority--Past Practice; Assignment of Jobs-- Seniority. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
84-33 New Jersey State Department of Corrections vs. Communications Workers of America
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled (?).
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
84-34 New York State, SUNY at Oswego vs. American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 82
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
84-35 Kings Harbor Health Care Center vs. Service Employees International Union (SEIU),
Local 144
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
84-36 St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center vs. Communications Workers of America
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
84-37 Van Lear Containers vs. Chemical Workers Local 639
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
84-38 Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey vs. Office and Professional Employees International
Union (OPEIU), Local 32
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
84-39 United State Postal Service (USPS) vs. American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Discipline, Excuses. EX, AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
84-40 Eastern Steel Barrel Corporation vs. United Steelworkers of America (USWA),
Local 5262
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
84-41 Trans World Airlines, Inc. vs. Carol Branker
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Improper Maintenance of Records. EX, AN, RC.
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
84-42 State of New Jersey vs. Communications Workers of America
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 5 | Folder 36 |
84-43 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 5 | Folder 37 |
84-44 United Parcel Service (UPS) vs. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT),
Local 177
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 5 | Folder 38 |
84-45 Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority vs. Local 1931, District Council 37
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
85-(10)0 St. Mary's Hospital vs. Local 1199-J
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
85-(10)1 Trans World Airline, Inc. vs. Brenda J. Stitt
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Discipline--Unauthorized Use of Company Property. EX, AN, RC.
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
85-(10)2 New York City (NYC) Office of Municipal Labor Relations (OMLR) vs. American
Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), District Council (D.C.)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
85-(10)3 Van Lear Containers vs. International Chemical Workers Union (ICWU), Local
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
85-(10)4 New York City (NYC) Off-Track Betting Corporation vs. American Federation
of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), District Council (D.C.) 37
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Unauthorized. EX, AN, RC, SD.
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
85-(10)5 Numberall Stamp and Tool Company, Inc. vs. International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Woerders (IAMAW), District 15
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
85-(10)6 New York City (NYC) Office of Municipal Labor Relations, Department of Health
vs. Local 1199, Drug, Hospital and Health Care Employees Union; Retail, Wholesale,
and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Assignment of Jobs--Assignment to Work Outside Classification. EX, AN, RC.
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
85-(10)7 New York State vs. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
85-(10)8 New York City (NYC) Office of Municipal Labor Relations vs. International
Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 211
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Termination of Employment--Improper Personal Conduct. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
85-(10)8 New York City (NYC) Office of Municipal Labor Relations vs. International
Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 211
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Termination of Employment--Improper Personal Conduct. TR, EX, AN, RC.
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
85-(10)9 United State Immigration and Naturalization Service vs. American Federation
of Government Employees (AFGE), Local 1917
1986 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Withdrawn.
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
85-(1)10 Lederle Labs Division, American Cynamid Company vs. International Chemical
Workers Union (ICWU), Local 111
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Layoff--Recall. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
85-11 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. National Association of Letter Carriers
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
85-12 United State Postal Service (USPS) vs. National Association of Letter Carriers
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Improper Job Attitude-- Neglect of Duty. EX, AN, RC.
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
85-13 State of New Jersey vs. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled(?).
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
85-14 Hercules Incorporated vs. International Chemical Workers Union, Local No. 271
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Absences--Excessive; Absences- -Discipline. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 6 | Folder 17 |
85-15 United States Postal Service (USPS) vs. National Association of Letter Carriers
1985 |
Scope and Contents
3 Cases; Issues: 1) Insubordination--Discipline; Discipline--Leaving Plant Without
Permission. 2) Improper Personal Conduct--Toward Supervisor. 3) Improper Personal
Conduct--Negligence. EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
85-16 State of New York, Department of Correctional Facilities vs. Security Unit Employees,
Council 82, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Grievance and Grievance Procedure--Timeliness; Absences--Excessive. EX, AN,
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
85-16 State of New York, Department of Correctional Facilities vs. Security Unit Employees,
Council 82, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Grievance and Grievance Procedure--Timeliness; Absences--Excessive. EX, AN,
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
85-17 Presbyterian Hospital vs. Licensed Practical Nurses and Technicians of New York
1986 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
85-18 State of New Jersey, Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital vs. Communications Workers
of America (CWA)
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Negligence and Carelessness--Discipline. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
85-19 New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation vs. Committee of Interns and
1986 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Cancelled.
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
85-20 Bemis Bag, Inc. vs. Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, Local 1439
1986 |
Scope and Contents
RC. Settled.
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
85-21 State of New Jersey, Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital vs. Communications Workers
of America (CWA)
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Issue: Negligence and Carelessness--Discipline. TR, EX, AN, RC, A.
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Opinions, Decisions, and Recommendations of the Impasse Panel or its individual members
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York Hearing Transcript
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Union Exhibits
Vol I
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Union Exhibits
Vol I
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Union Exhibits
Vol II
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Union Exhibits
Vol II
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Vol I
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Vol I
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Vol II
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Vol II
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, City Exhibits
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Misc. Exhibits
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Legal
1987 |
Scope and Contents
"Motion for Clarification"
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Arbitrator's
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Correspondence
1986-1987 |
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Supporting
Scope and Contents
Union's Post Hearing Brief
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Supporting
Scope and Contents
City's Post-Hearing Brief
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Supporting
Scope and Contents
Other Relevant Cases
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Firefighters' Association of Greater New York and The City of New York, Miscellaneous