ILGWU Myrtle Banks Memorabilia, 0000-2999
Collection Number: 5780/212 MB
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
ILGWU Myrtle Banks Memorabilia, 0000-2999
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5780/212 MB
This collection contains a variety of ILGWU and Union Label memorabilia, including
pins, fabrics, pot holders, and a bag. Also included are clippings, certificates,
and other materials documenting Myrtle Banks' work with the ILGWU.
Banks, Myrtle
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
1 cubic feet
Collection material in English
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union was once one of the largest labor
unions in the United States founded in 1900 by local union delegates representing
about 2,000 members in cities in the northeastern United States. It was one of the
first U.S. Unions to have a membership consisting of mostly females, and it played
a key role in the labor history of the 1920s and 1930s. The union is generally referred
to as the "ILGWU" or the "ILG". The ILGWU grew in geographical scope, membership size,
and political influence to become one of the most powerful forces in American organized
labor by mid-century. Representing workers in the women's garment industry, the ILGWU
worked to improve working and living conditions of its members through collective
bargaining agreements, training programs, health care facilities, cooperative housing,
educational opportunities, and other efforts. The ILGWU merged with the Amalgamated
Clothing and Textile Workers Union in 1995 to form the Union of Needle trades, Industrial
and Textile Employees (UNITE). UNITE merged with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant
Employees Union (HERE) in 2004 to create a new union known as UNITE HERE. The two
unions that formed UNITE in 1995 represented only 250,000 workers between them, down
from the ILGWU's peak membership of 450,000 in 1969.
Myrtle Banks was born in North Little Rock, Arkansas in 1919, and in 1946, began work
in California's garment industry, and became a member of in the Dressmakers' Union
Local 101 in San Francisco. In 1961, after fifteen years working as a garment worker
and, for a time, serving as shop steward at Koret of California in San Francisco,
Myrtle Banks became a business agent with the ILGWU. In 1984, Banks retired from her
position as business representative in the Pacific Northwest District Council. Throughout
her career, she served as Chair of the Alameda County Chapter of the A. Philip Randolph
Institute, Vice President of the Alameda County Civil Service Commission, and Trustee
of the San Francisco Joint Board.
This collection contains a variety of ILGWU and Union Label memorabilia, including
pins, fabrics, pot holders, and a bag. Also included are clippings, certificates,
and other materials documenting Myrtle Banks' work with the ILGWU.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
ILGWU Myrtle Banks Memorabilia #5780/212 MB. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5780/212 P: ILGWU Myrtle Banks Photographs
Banks, Myrtle
Clothing workers -- Labor unions
Textile workers -- Labor unions
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Certificates and Awards
Scope and Contents
Board of Supervisors, County of Alameda, State of California (Myrtle Banks) ; Community
College Centers, San Francisco Community College District ; Award of appreciation
presented to … City of Hope ; AFL-CIO Community Service Activities … successfully
completed a course on 'Inter-Related Worlds of the Home and Workplace"…
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Buttons and Misc. Memorabilia
Scope and Contents
IILGWU button, McGovern means more JOBS, Carter/Mondale, Support Strike, Watch Out
I Vote, Tunney, Buy American Union AFL-CIO, SI CON 14, Johnson/Humphrey VOTE (2),
smiley face, United Labor for ALIOTO for Governor "74", APRI State AFL-CIO, Member
State AFL-CIO, APRI -- Myrtle Banks business card - Pacific Northwest District Council,
International Ladies Garment Workers Union ; Official Dues Card, ILGWU ; Memo Book,
ILGWU ; rubber jar opener, ILGWU ; sponger, ILGWU
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Photo, postcards, and news clippings
Scope and Contents
Photo is in an envelope with a check for Myrtle Banks from San Francisco Joint Board,
for $9 ;
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Misc. memorabilia
Scope and Contents
Correspondence ; Program from A. Philip Randolph Institute, 3rd Annual Testimonial
Dinner ; News clippings ; Certificate from University of San Francisco Labor Management
School ; Civil Rights Digest, Summer 1968 ; Welcome to the ILGWU ; Bienvenido ala
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Pot holders, paper fan
Scope and Contents
2 pot holders made out of ILGWU material ; paper fan - Look for this label
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Scope and Contents
apron made of ILGWU material
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
ILGWU plastic bag
Scope and Contents
small drawstring bag, design is the ILGWU union label
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Union label material
Scope and Contents
light blue with dark blue union labels printed on it
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Union label material
Scope and Contents
3 designs - gold material with white and blue union labels ; white material with dark
blue union labels ; multi colored patchwork material