ILGWU. Charles Zimmerman Collection of Radical Pamphlets, 1914-1958.
Collection Number: 5780/178
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
ILGWU. Charles Zimmerman Collection of Radical Pamphlets, 1914-1958.
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
This collection contains pamphlets collected by Charles Zimmerman of the International
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Charles S. Zimmerman, 1896-1983
11 cubic feet
Collection material in English, Russian, and Yiddish.
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union was founded in New York City in 1900
by mostly Socialist immigrant workers who sought to unite the various crafts in the
growing women's garment industry. The union soon reflected changes in the sector and
rapidly organized thousands of unskilled and semi-skilled women, mostly Jewish and
Italian young immigrants. Exemplifying the "new unionism," the ILGWU led two of the
most widespread and best-known industrial strikes of the early Twentieth Century:
the shirtwaist makers' strike of 1909 in New York City and the cloak makers' strike
of 1910 in Chicago. The union also tried to adapt to the fragmented and unstable nature
of the industry. It adopted the "protocol of peace," a system of industrial relations
that attempted to ensure stability and limit strikes and production disruption by
providing for an arbitration system to resolve disputes.
The ILGWU exemplified the European-style social unionism of its founding members.
They pursued bread and butter issues but provided educational opportunities, benefits,
and social programs to union members as well. In 1919, the ILGWU became the first
American union to negotiate an unemployment compensation fund that was contributed
to by its employers. The ILGWU also pioneered in the establishment of an extremely
progressive health care program for its members which included not only regional Union
Health Centers but also a resort for union workers, known as Unity House. The Union
also had an imaginative and pioneering Education Department which not only trained
workers in traditional union techniques, but provided courses in citizenship and the
English language.
David Dubinsky, an immigrant from Belarus who came to the US in 1911, provided strong
leadership that led to unprecedented growth in the union during his presidency from
1932 to 1966. He led the union through successful internal anti-communist struggles,
built on the ascendancy of industrial unionism by encouraging the formation of the
Committee for Industrial Organization, and helped the union become an important political
force in New York City and state politics, and in the national Democratic Party and
Liberal Party as well.
In the period following the Second World War, the union suffered a decline in membership
as manufacturers avoided unionization and took advantage of less expensive labor by
moving shops from the urban centers in the northeast to the south, and later abroad.
The ethnic and racial character of the ILGWU also changed as European immigrants were
supplanted by Asians, Latin Americans, African- Americans, and immigrants from the
In July 1995 the ILGWU merged with the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union
(ACTWU) at a joint convention, forming UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and
Textile Employees). At the time the new union had a membership of about 250,000 in
the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
This collection contains pamphlets collected by Charles Zimmerman of the International
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials. This collection must be used in keeping with
the Kheel Center Information Sheet and Procedures for Document Use.
ILGWU. Charles Zimmerman Collection of Radical Pamphlets. 5780/178. Kheel Center for
Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Martin P. Catherwood Library, Cornell
5780. ILGWU records
5780/014. ILGWU. Local 22. Charles S. Zimmerman papers
5780/014 P. ILGWU. Local 22. Charles S. Zimmerman photographs
Zimmerman, Charles S.,1896-1983
Zimmerman, Charles S., 1896-1983
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
Women's clothing industry -- United States
Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- United States
Clothing workers -- United States
Industrial relations -- United States
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Negro Labor Committee. First anniversary, the Negro Labor Committee, a year of the
most constructive work among negroes since emancipation, 1937
1937 |
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Communist International. Executive Committee. XIth plenum of the Executive Committee
of the Communist International theses, resolutions and decisions.
1931 |
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Communist International. Executive Committee. 15 years of the Communist International.
1934 |
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
30 caricatures de la Guerra
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
American Federation of Labor (AFL). Welcome officers, delegates and visitors to the
69th Convention of the American Federation of Labor : Program.
1950 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities. 100 things you
should know about communism in the U.S.A.
1948 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Earl Browder. Di Yunyons, der Fareynikter Front, di Leybor Partey
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Friedrich Engels. Der Visenshaftlikher Sotsyalizm
1907 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish, some text on the cover uses the Ukrainian or Rusyn alphabet
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
N. Chanin. Lektsyes farn yor 1936-1937
1936-1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
N. Chanin. Lektsyes farn yor 1938-1939
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
S. Rotman. Treyd Yunyonizm un Zayne Itstige Metoden
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
R. Zaltsman. A Groyser Farbrekhn: vi Azoi di Firer dem Idishn Arbeter-Komitet Fartakhleven
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Ven Hoben di Komunisten emes Gezogt
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Leopold Cohn. Gloyben Kristen in 3 Geter
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Do Christians Worship Three Gods
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
P. Kurinsky. Kapitalistishe un Sotsyalistishe Moral un de "False Pasportnikes"
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
Der Krizis un di Nodl-Fakhn
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Bundishe Pretenzies un di Virklekhkayt
1944-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Fiction and Truth: A Reply to the Attacks of the Jewish Bundists on the Jewish
Conference and Zionism
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
Resolutsii VIII S'Ezda
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
I. Hart. Henryk Erlich un Viktor Alter
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
Unzere Itstige Oyfgabn
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
E. Mus. Sovyet-Rusland: Unzer Tragedye
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Idishe Arbeter oyf der Hoykh fun Zeyer Oyfgabe
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
B. Hoffman. Komunisten vos Hoben Oyfgegesen der Komunizm
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Barikht fun Hyu Yorker Arbeter ring Divisie farn Gemaynshaftlekh Kampeyn fu Idishn
Arbeter Komitet un "Ort"
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Der Kamf Geyt On. Report of the New York Workmen's Circle Division, Jewish
Labor Committee and "ORT"
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
F. Gelibter. Lektsyes
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
Rekht Far Idn in Nayem Poyln
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
F. Shrager. Eydn in Frankraykh
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
Di Platforme fun Klasnkamf
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
Yiddish title not translated
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. No cover or title page
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
Professionalnoe Dvizhenie Robochik Shveinoi Promishlennocti
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
Der Kamf far di Rentn fun di Arbeter
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
Petr Kropotkin. Gosudarstvo, ego rol v istorii
1904 |
Scope and Contents
Rusyn [Russian]
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
N. Bukharin. Proletarisher Alef-Beys
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels. Der Komunistisher Manifest
1919 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
Nathaniel Buchwald. Alts: far Unzer Land Amerike
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
Darf Amerike Arayn in der Milhome?
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Moshe Erem. Idishe un Arabishe Arbet in Erets-Yisroel
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
Alexander Bittelman. Vos Arbeter-Aynigkayt kon Oyfton tsu Farvirklekhn di Bashlusn
fun der Rozvelt-Stalin-Txhzirtshil Fonferents
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
Shloyme Mendelson. Der Vidershtand in Varshever Geto
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
F. Lassal. Di Arbeyter un di Gezelshaftlikhe Klasen: Iberzetst fun Daytsh
1906 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
Communist International. Rezolutsyes fun 5tn Kongres un Konstitutsye fun Komunistishn
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Yiddish. Vos hot oyfgeton der 5-ter Kongres fun Komunistishn Internatsyonal
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
Mosheh Kats. Der 1ter May 1937: Mit vos Mir Kumen tsu im un vos Fodern
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Morris Hillquit; Hannah Goldstein Salutsky. Der Sotsyalizm: Zayne Urzakhen, Tsielen
un Vegen
1915 |
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
National Urban League. ABC of labor problems
1934 |
Box 1 | Folder 45 |
League of Women Voters. The ABC of the USA
1939 |
Box 1 | Folder 46 |
Charles Abrams. A housing program for America
1947 |
Box 1 | Folder 47 |
Communist Party of the United States. Convention.. Acceptance speeches : Communist
candidates in the presidential elections
1936 |
Box 1 | Folder 48 |
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. Action program of the Social Democratic Party
of Germany
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Adopted by the party conference at Dortmund, September 28, 1952.
Box 1 | Folder 49 |
Mildred Adams; William W. Wade. Britain's road to recovery; Socialism and the King's
1949 |
Box 1 | Folder 50 |
Friedrich Adler. Democracy and revolution
1934 |
Scope and Contents
by Friedrich Adler, secretary of the Labor and socialist international.
Box 1 | Folder 51 |
Alex Bittelman. The Advance of the United Front
1934 |
Box 1 | Folder 52 |
AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO no-raiding agreement
1954 |
Box 1 | Folder 53 |
AFL. A. F. of L. vs. C. I. O. : the record
1939 |
Box 1 | Folder 54 |
AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO song book
1957 |
Box 1 | Folder 55 |
Jewish Labor Committee. A.F. of L. fights bigotry!
Box 1 | Folder 56 |
AFL. A.F.L. wants F.E.P.C.
Box 1 | Folder 57 |
Aid for the unemployed: and how to get it.
Box 1 | Folder 58 |
James S. Allen. Negro liberation
1933 |
Box 1 | Folder 60 |
Gordon W. Allport. The bigot in our midst: an analysis of his psychology
Box 1 | Folder 61 |
Ethel Josephine Alpenfels; Louise E. Jefferson. Sense and nonsense about race
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Drawings by Louise E. Jefferson
Box 1 | Folder 62 |
A. Aluf. The development of socialist methods and forms of labour
1932 |
Scope and Contents
From the first Subbotnik to the present vast scope of socialist competition
Box 1 | Folder 63 |
National Planning Association. America's new opportunities in world trade
1944 |
Box 1 | Folder 64 |
American committee for non-participation in Japanese aggression. America's share in
Japan's war guilt
1938 |
Box 1 | Folder 65 |
America and the winning of the peace
1945 |
Box 1 | Folder 66 |
American Committee for Cultural Freedom. American Committee for Cultural Freedom
1953 |
Box 1 | Folder 67 |
American CP writes its own epitaph: Earl Browder's New Constitution
1938 |
Box 1 | Folder 68 |
American Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor
1942 |
Box 1 | Folder 69 |
American Federation of Labor. Answers to your questions about unions
Box 1 | Folder 70 |
American Federation of Labor. Free Trade Union Committee. American labor looks at
the world
1948-1951 |
Scope and Contents
no.2-3 (1948-1949), no.5 (1951)
Box 1 | Folder 71 |
American labor monthly
1923 |
Scope and Contents
1923 (May, July, October)
Box 1 | Folder 72 |
American labor monthly
1924 |
Scope and Contents
1924 (February, July, August)
Box 1 | Folder 73 |
Spencer Miller. American labor and the nation
1933 |
Box 1 | Folder 74 |
American Labor Party. American Labor Party ; Handbook
1937 |
Box 1 | Folder 75 |
American labor to the rescue
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Addresses delivered by prominent American and European leaders of labor at the opening
session of the National Conference of the Jewish Labor Committee held at Carnegie
Hall, New York City on January 17th, 1941.
Box 1 | Folder 76 |
American Legion and the communists discuss democracy
1938 |
Box 1 | Folder 77 |
Beulah Amidon Ratliff. Jobs after forty
1939 |
Box 1 | Folder 78 |
Israel Amter. Industrial slavery Roosevelt's "New Deal"
1933 |
Box 1 | Folder 79 |
Israel Amter. The truth about the Communists
Box 1 | Folder 80 |
Israel Amter. Why the workers' unemployment insurance bill?
1933 |
Box 1 | Folder 81 |
Israel Amter. Working class unity or fascism?
1935 |
Box 1 | Folder 82 |
Alexander Berkman; Emma Goldman. Anarchism on trial
1917 |
Scope and Contents
Speeches of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman before the United States District Court
in the city of New York, July, 1917.
Box 1 | Folder 83 |
Benjamin M. Anderson. Types of social radicalism
1927 |
Box 1 | Folder 84 |
Frank Anderson; David J. Saposs. A reading list of the American Federation of Labor
1923 |
Box 1 | Folder 85 |
Annual daybreak dance of the modern school of Stelton, N.J.
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Friday, December 9, 1949
Box 1 | Folder 86 |
Program and aims of ANTIFA
Scope and Contents
Palestinian League Against War and Fascism and for Jewish-Arab Solidarity
Box 1 | Folder 87 |
Anti-imperialist review
1932 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.6 (1932:July-August)
Box 1 | Folder 88 |
Revolutionary Policy Committee. An appeal to the membership of the Socialist Party
1934 |
Box 1 | Folder 89 |
Clare Booth Luce; William Henry Chamberlin; William Z. Foster; Harry F. Ward. Are
communism and democracy mutually antagonistic?
1946 |
Box 1 | Folder 90 |
Are they fooling you?
1946 |
Box 1 | Folder 91 |
Are you getting good neighbors?
Box 1 | Folder 92 |
Gregor Aronson; Benjamin Schultz. Soviet Russia and the Jews
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by Benjamin Schultz from the original Yiddish
Box 1 | Folder 93 |
Attention Mr. Dies!: what prominent Americans say about the Un-American Dies Committee.
Box 1 | Folder 94 |
The axis in defeat. A collection of documents on American policy toward Germany and
1945 |
Box 1 | Folder 95 |
Manuel Azana. Speech delivered by don Manuel Azana
1938 |
Scope and Contents
President of the Spanish Republic : in Barcelona City Hall on July 18, 1938.
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
John Stothoff Badeau. East and west of Suez; the story of the modern Near East
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Graphic Associates
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
H. Sabin Bagger. See here, private enterprise! A birdseye book clarifying current
1945 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Thomas Andrew Bailey. America's foreign policies: past and present
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Graphic Associates
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Helen Baker. A trade union library
1935 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Angelica Balabanoff. Traitor: Benito Mussolini and his "Conquest" of power
1942-1943 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Joseph Hurst Ball. Collective security: the why and how
1943 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Gustav Bang; Arnold Petersen. Crises in European history
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Translated from the Danish by Arnold Petersen.
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Jack Barbash. The labor movement in the United States
1958 |
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Noah Barou. Recent trends in British trade unions
1945 |
Scope and Contents
British trade union congress' Interim report on postwar reconstruction, a summary
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Be Wise Organize
Scope and Contents
No title page
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Fred Erwin Beal; Ferdinand Lundberg; James T. Farrell. The red fraud: an expose of
1949 |
Scope and Contents
introduction by Ferdinand Lundberg ; preface by James T. Farrell. 3 copies
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Charles Austin Beard. Jefferson, corporations and the Constitution
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Thomas Bell. The movement for world trade union unity
1925 |
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Herbert Benjamin. A handbook for project workers
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Benjamin Franklin vindicated: an exposure of the Franklin "prophecy"
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Mrs. Victor Berger. I saw Russia: socialism in the making
1935 |
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Edward L. Bernays. Human relations: the way to labor-management adjustments
1946 |
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Beware the Sixth Column
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
Alex Bittelman. From left-socialism to communism
1933 |
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
Alex Bittelman. Going left; the Left Wing formulates a "Draft for a program for the
Socialist Party of the United States"
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Alex Bittelman. The Jewish people will live on!
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
Alex Bittelman. Problems of party building
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Van A. Bittner. Labor and Religion
Scope and Contents
Address by Van A. Bittner delivered at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston,
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
Frank B. Blumenfield. A blueprint for fascism: what the industrial mobilization plan
holds for America
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
Blair Bolles. Who makes our foreign policy?
1947 |
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
Claude Gernade Bowers; Earl Browder; Francis Franklin; Alexander Trachtenberg. The
heritage of Jefferson
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Alexander Trachtenberg
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
Louis Dembitz Brandeis. A call to the educated Jew
1941 |
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
Mikhail Shipkov; Maynard Bertram Barnes. Breakdown: telling how the communist secret
police are able to pry confessions of treason out of men and women who love their
country, a story courageously laid bare for the first time in March 1950.
1950 |
Scope and Contents
With a profile by Maynard Bertram Barnes.
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
Catherine Breshkovsky; George Kennan. A message to the American people
Scope and Contents
Introduction by George Kennan
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
Catherine Breshkovsky. Russia and the world; what is bolshevism? what we are fighting
for Russia and the allies, Russia and the league of nations, Russia will emerge free,
strong and united!
1919 |
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
Harry Bridges Defense Committee. The Bridges showdown
1941 |
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
Oliver Brown, Mrs. Richard Lawton, Mrs. Sadie Emmanuel, et al. Appellants, vs. Board
of Education of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, et al.: Brief for the Congress of
Industrial Organizations as Amicus Curiae
1952 |
Scope and Contents
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1952 ; No.8
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
A brief history of the United Cement, Lime, and Gypsum Workers International Union
1978 |
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
A brief to the Premier of Ontario
1950 |
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). Reconstruction in war and peace / The Old World and
the New Society
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Interim report of the National Executive Committee of the British Labor Party, approved
by the party conference under the title "The old world and the new society.".
Box 2 | Folder 36 |
British labor and Zionism; are these pledges and this record to be forgotten now?
1945 |
Box 2 | Folder 37 |
Howell Hamilton Broach. Thurman Arnold's crusade; is it trust busting or union busting?
1940 |
Box 2 | Folder 38 |
Earl Browder. America's decisive battle
1945 |
Box 2 | Folder 39 |
Earl Browder. America and the second imperialist war
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 40 |
Earl Browder. Civil war in Nationalist China
1927 |
Box 2 | Folder 41 |
Earl Browder. Class struggle vs. class collaboration: a study of labor banks, the
B. & O. Plan, insurance schemes, and "workers' education"
1924 |
Box 2 | Folder 42 |
Earl Browder. Democracy or fascism
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the Central Committee to the ninth National Convention of the Communist
Party of U.S.A., and speech in reply to discussion, delivered by Earl Browder, June
24, 1936.
Box 2 | Folder 43 |
Earl Browder. The democratic front: for jobs, security, democracy and peace
1938 |
Box 2 | Folder 44 |
Earl Browder. Economic problems of the war and peace
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 45 |
Earl Browder. Fighting for peace
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 46 |
Earl Browder; Jack Stachel. How do we raise the question of a labor party?
1935 |
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Earl Browder. Lenin and Spain
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 48 |
Earl Browder. Lincoln and the communists
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 49 |
Earl Browder. The meaning of the elections
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 50 |
Earl Browder. The meaning of social-fascism: its historical and theoretical background
1933 |
Box 2 | Folder 51 |
Earl Browder. A Message to Catholics
1938 |
Box 2 | Folder 52 |
Earl Browder. Next Steps to Win the War in Spain
1938 |
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
Earl Browder. One year since Pearl Harbor
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 54 |
Earl Browder. The people's front in America
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 55 |
Earl Browder. Production for victory
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Earl Browder. Religion and communism
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 57 |
Earl Browder. The road ahead to victory and lasting peace
1944 |
Box 2 | Folder 58 |
Earl Browder. Social and national security
1938 |
Box 2 | Folder 59 |
Earl Browder. Talks to America
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 60 |
Earl Browder. Trotskyism against world peace
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 61 |
Earl Browder. Victory -- and after
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 62 |
Earl Browder. War against workers' Russia!
1931 |
Box 2 | Folder 63 |
Earl Browder. Whose war is it?
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 64 |
George Thomas Brown. Economic power in the United States
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 65 |
Irving Brown. Les Syndicates Americans et les Problems Internationaux
Box 2 | Folder 66 |
William Montgomery Brown. Communism and Christianism, analyzed and contrasted from
the Marxian and Darwinian points of view
1922 |
Box 2 | Folder 67 |
William Montgomery Brown. The American race problem
1930 |
Box 2 | Folder 68 |
William Montgomery Brown. The Pope's crusade against the Soviet Union
1930 |
Box 2 | Folder 69 |
William Montgomery Brown. The godly bishops and the godless Bolsheviks
1930 |
Box 2 | Folder 70 |
Martin Buber; Judah L. Magnes; Moses Smilansky. Palestine, a bi-national state
1946 |
Box 2 | Folder 71 |
Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin. Programme of the world revolution
1920 |
Box 2 | Folder 72 |
Louis F. Budenz. May day 1937: what it means to you
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 73 |
Louis F. Budenz; Earl Browder. Red baiting: enemy of labor
1937 |
Scope and Contents
With a letter to Homer Martin by Earl Browder
Box 2 | Folder 74 |
Louis F. Budenz. Save your union! the meaning of the 'anti-trust' persecution of labor
1940 |
Box 2 | Folder 75 |
Bulgaria, a new Spain: the communist terror in Bulgaria
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Published by Alexander Berkman Aid Fund in conjunction with the Committee for Aid
to Bulgaria Anti-Fascists of Paris, France
Box 2 | Folder 76 |
William C. Bullitt. The Bullitt mission to Russia
1919 |
Scope and Contents
Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, of William
C. Bullitt.
Box 2 | Folder 77 |
Grace M. Burnham. Work or wages
1930 |
Box 2 | Folder 78 |
Alexander Calder; James L. Knipe. The guaranteed annual wage
1948 |
Box 2 | Folder 79 |
Capitalist stabilization has ended; thesis and resolutions of the twelfth plenum of
the Executive committee of the Communist International.
1932 |
Box 2 | Folder 80 |
B. Cantor. The end to wars
Box 2 | Folder 81 |
Harry James Carman. An outline of the social and political history of the United States,
a syllabus for study classes
1927 |
Box 2 | Folder 82 |
William George Carr. Only by understanding
1945 |
Box 2 | Folder 83 |
Mollie Ray Carroll. The American Federation of Labor: a discussion outline for trade
union groups
1935 |
Box 2 | Folder 84 |
Mollie Ray Carroll; Spencer Miller. American workers' education: its meaning, methods,
and policies
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 85 |
Camille Huysmans. The case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by Camille Huysmans.
Box 2 | Folder 86 |
The case for industrial organization.
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 87 |
The case for the union shop.
1956 |
Box 2 | Folder 88 |
Catholic evidence on Spain: assembled from Catholic sources
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 89 |
Catholics and the civil war in Spain: a collection of statements by world-famous Catholic
leaders on the events in Spain.
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 90 |
Marine Workers and Boilermakers Industrial Union.. Centralized shipping bureau
1934 |
Box 2 | Folder 91 |
Champlin's Developers…
Scope and Contents
not cataloged only a price list
Box 2 | Folder 92 |
Abraham Chapman. Nazi penetration in America
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 93 |
Israel returns to history: a chapter in the fight for Israel, November 1945-July 1948.
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 94 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Charges: what they constitute and
how to handle them
Box 2 | Folder 95 |
Stuart Chase. The tragedy of waste
1926 |
Scope and Contents
In conjunction with the Labor Bureau, incorporated
Box 2 | Folder 96 |
Christianity on the Nazi cross.
1936 |
Box 2 | Folder 97 |
Education Department. The Church and unionism: some pronouncements of Church spokesmen
on labor organization and collective bargaining / issued by Educational Department,
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Box 2 | Folder 98 |
Anton Ciliga. The Kronstadt revolt
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 99 |
C. I. O.: promise or menace?
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 100 |
CIO resolutions on social welfare: CIO 11th Constitutional Convention, Cleveland,
Ohio, October 31-November 4, 1949.
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 101 |
CIO Committee to Abolish Discrimination. C.I.O. wants F.E.P.C.
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 102 |
The C. I. O.; what it is and how it came to be; a brief history of the Committee for
Industrial Organization.
1937 |
Box 2 | Folder 103 |
CIO's victory program: win-the-war policies and actions adopted at the Vth CIO Convention,
Boston, Mass., November, 1942.
1942 |
Box 2 | Folder 104 |
Walter Citrine. The T.U.C. in war-time
1939 |
Box 2 | Folder 105 |
NAACP. Civil rights at Mid-Century: NAACP annual report
1950 |
Box 2 | Folder 106 |
American Jewish Congress. Civil rights in the United States: a balance sheet of group
1949 |
Box 2 | Folder 107 |
The CIO what it is and what it does
1953 |
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Louis Colman. Lawrence Simpson's "Treason"
1936 |
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
August Claessens; Rebecca E. Jarvis. A B C of parliamentary law
1936 |
Scope and Contents
A brief handbook on rules of order for meetings adapted to the needs of labor groups
and an appendix of charts, tables, examples, etc.
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
August Claessens. The blue eagle is dead, so what?
1936 |
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
August Claessens. Eugene Victor Debs: a tribute
1946 |
Scope and Contents
With excerpts from some of Debs speeches.
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
August Claessens. Race prejudice; a description of the various factors in racial animosities,
discriminations, and conflicts, and the conditions under which these antagonisms are
increased or eliminated.
1943 |
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
August Claessens. What organized labor wants: a popular description of trade union
philosophy, economics and ideals
1937 |
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Matthew E. Clancy. The sound old guilds
1939 |
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
National Consumers' League. Clarifying the Constitution by amendment
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Addresses made at the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the National Consumers' League,
New York City, December 15, 1936.
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Lindley D. Clark. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional
1922 |
Scope and Contents
November, 1922
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
J. X. Cohen. Helping to end economic discrimination: second report on Jewish non-employment
1937 |
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Class struggle
1919 |
Scope and Contents
v.3:no.1-3 (1919:Feb.-Aug.)
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Class struggle
1934 |
Scope and Contents
v.4:no.1 (1934:Jan.)
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
J. X. Cohen. The negro, the Jew and the FEPC
1944 |
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
J. X. Cohen. Towards fair play for Jewish workers: third report on Jewish non-employment
1938 |
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Eleanor G. Coit. Government support of workers' education, with special reference
to a study of the relation of private and public agencies in the field of workers'
education in Denmark and Sweden
1940 |
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
M. J. Coldwell. Canadian progressives on the march: the story of the rise of the C.C.F.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Regina Manifesto; post-war program.
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
The Communist
1927 |
Scope and Contents
v.6:no.2, 5-7
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
The Communist
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
The Communist
1928 |
Scope and Contents
v.7:no.6-8, 10, 12
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
The Communist
1929 |
Scope and Contents
v.8:no.1, 3-4, 6-8, 10
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
The Communist
1930 |
Scope and Contents
v.9:no.1, 10
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
The Communist
1931 |
Scope and Contents
v.10:no.1-6, 8
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
The Communist
1932 |
Scope and Contents
v.11:no.6, 12
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
The Communist
1933 |
Scope and Contents
v.12:no.3, 5
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
The Communist
1934 |
Scope and Contents
v.13:no.6, 9-11
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
The Communist
1935 |
Scope and Contents
v.14:no.3, 6, 11
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
The Communist
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
The Communist
1937 |
Scope and Contents
v.16:no.3, 10
Box 3 | Folder 29 |
The Communist
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 30 |
Commercial handbook of the U.S.S.R.
1927 |
Box 3 | Folder 31 |
Commonwealth Federarion of New York. The Commonwealth Federation: economic program
and plan of action
Box 3 | Folder 32 |
Communist international. Communism and the international situation: thesis on the
international situation and the tasks of the Communist International, adopted at the
Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, 1928
1929 |
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
Communist Anti-Semitism
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Report made to the Jewish Labor Committee annual conference, Atlantic City, April
17-18th, 1953.
Box 3 | Folder 34 |
National Campaign Committee of the Communist Party. The Communist election platform,
1936 |
Box 3 | Folder 35 |
National Committee of the Communist Party. Communist election platform 1938: for jobs,
security, democracy and peace
1938 |
Box 3 | Folder 36 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Communist election program against hunger, wage cuts,
speed-up and war : New York elections, 1931
1931 |
Box 3 | Folder 37 |
Andrew Avery. The communist fifth column: what's the truth about it-- and what isn't.
1946 |
Box 3 | Folder 38 |
The Communist international
1935 |
Scope and Contents
v.7:no.11(1935). Should be v.12:no.11(1935) typographical error on title page.
Box 3 | Folder 39 |
The Communist international
1935 |
Scope and Contents
v.12:no.7, 14(1935)
Box 3 | Folder 40 |
The Communist international
1936 |
Scope and Contents
v.13:no.1-3, 5-7(1936)
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
The Communist international
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 42 |
The Communist international
Scope and Contents
Jubilee no.1
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). The Communist Party and affiliation: notes for speakers
1946 |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
The Communist review
1923 |
Scope and Contents
v.3:no.12 (1923:April)
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
The Communist review
1923 |
Scope and Contents
v.4:no.1-3 (1923:May-July)
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
The Communist review
1929 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.11 (1929:Nov.)
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Publications Committee, Warehouse and Distribution Workers Union, Local 688, International
Brotherhood of Teamsters. Community meetings: a new approach to trade union political
action ; a grass-roots experiment conducted by Teamsters Local 688, St. Louis
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. The constitution and by-laws of the Communist party
of the United States of America
1938 |
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Charles E. Ruthenberg; Isaac E. Ferguson. A communist trial: extracts from the testimony
of C.E. Ruthenberg and closing address to the jury by Isaac E. Ferguson.
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
United Transport Service Employees of America. Congress! : close the gap; the case
of sub-standard wages, among Red caps, Dining Car employees and Pullman Laundry workers
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Constitution and by-laws of the Seafarers'
International Union of North America, Atlantic and Gulf District.
1938 |
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Herbert Benjamin. Constitution and regulations of the National Unemployment Council
of the U. S. A.
1934 |
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
New York State Federation of Labor. Constitution : rules of order and declaration
of purposes of the New York State Federation of Labor.
1898 |
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
Constitution (fundamental law) of the Union of soviet socialist republics
1941 |
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Italian-American Labor Council. A contribution to America's victory and the Italy's
1941 |
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Rufus Cornelsen. Pastor goes to CIO Convention
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
David Coyle. Economic freedom for America
1942 |
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Ryland Wesley Crary; Gerald L. Steibel. How you can teach about communism
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Union for Democratic Socialism. Creeping socialism?
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. The Crisis in the Communist Party, U. S. A.
1930 |
Scope and Contents
2 copies
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
John F. Cronin. Prices in the United States
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
John F. Cronin. Rugged individualism
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Frank Rudolph Crosswaith; Alfred Baker Lewis. Discrimination, incorporated
1942 |
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
Nelson H. Cruikshank. Your stake in the social security trust fund
1953 |
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
League of Professional Groups for Foster and Ford. Culture and the crisis: an open
letter to the writers, artists, teachers, physicians, engineers, scientists and other
professional workers of America.
1932 |
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
Joseph Curran. Know the score: on Seamen's conditions before the NMU
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Joseph Curran. The membership wins again: a record of recent events in the National
Maritime Unio
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Helen Dallas. Chain stores: pro and con
1940 |
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Karl Dannenberg. Karl Marx, the man and his work, and The constructive elements of
socialism; three lectures and two essays
1918 |
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
S. R. Mohan Das. Ho Chi Minh, nationalist or Soviet agent?
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Maurice R. Davie. What shall we do about immigration?
1946 |
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
John A. Davis. How management can integrate Negroes in war industries
1942 |
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
John P. Davis. Let us build a national Negro congress
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
Saville R. Davis. Italy under the swastika
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Day of solidarity and unity in struggle
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
Vera Micheles Dean. After victory … Questions and answers on world organization.
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 35 |
Vera Micheles Dean. On the threshold of world order
1944 |
Box 4 | Folder 36 |
Congress of Jewish Culture. A decade of destruction: Jewish culture in the USSR, 1948-1958.
1958 |
Box 4 | Folder 37 |
Liberal Party of New York State. Liberal Party : declaration and platform
1944 |
Box 4 | Folder 38 |
Workers Party of the U.S.. Declaration of principles and constitution of the Workers
Party of the U.S.
1934 |
Box 4 | Folder 39 |
Defend democracy. Communist activities examined.
Scope and Contents
Two statements of policy by the Trades Union Congress General Council.
Box 4 | Folder 40 |
Daniel De Leon. Socialist reconstruction of society: the industrial vote
1919 |
Box 4 | Folder 41 |
Democracy and civil liberties. A list of the resolutions, actions, and official declarations
of The American Federation of Labor on democracy and civil liberties from 1881-1938.
1938 |
Box 4 | Folder 42 |
Committee on Democracy in Trade Unions.. Democracy in trade unions, Supplement, with
desirable provisions from trade union by-laws, and references to court cases indicated
in the report.
1943 |
Box 4 | Folder 43 |
Leon Dennen. The Soviet peace myth
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 44 |
Eugene Dennis. Is communism unamerican? Nine questions about the Communist Party answered
1947 |
Box 4 | Folder 45 |
Eugene Dennis. The Elections and the outlook for national unity
1944 |
Box 4 | Folder 46 |
Eugene Dennis. I challenge the un-Americans
1947 |
Box 4 | Folder 47 |
Eugene Dennis. Let the people know the truth about the Communists which the un-American
committee tried to suppress
1947 |
Box 4 | Folder 48 |
Der Weg zum sozialistischen Deutschland
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 49 |
Richard L.G. Deverall. 38th parallel
1950 |
Box 4 | Folder 50 |
Richard L.G. Deverall. Hara kiri! Occupied Japan's trade with Soviet China
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 51 |
Richard L.G. Deverall. Japan's Soviet held prisoners of war
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 52 |
Richard L.G. Deverall. Soviet imperialism: highest stage of communism.
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 53 |
Dialectics; a Marxist literary journal.
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 54 |
Milton Diamond. Petrillo's case: new light on an age-old problem : man vs. machine
1948 |
Box 4 | Folder 55 |
P. R. Dietrich. Towards the world October: the fourteenth anniversary of the Russian
(Bolshevik) October revolution
1931 |
Box 4 | Folder 56 |
Georgi Dimitrov. To defend assassins is to help fascism
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 57 |
Georgi Dimitrov. The united front against fascism and war
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 58 |
Georgi Dimitrov. The united struggle for peace
1936 |
Box 4 | Folder 59 |
Georgi Dimitrov. Working class unity. Bulwark against fascism: the fascist offensive
and the tasks of the Communist International in the fight for the unity of the working
class against fascism.
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 60 |
Aaron Director. Unemployment
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Reading with a Purpose no. 66
Box 4 | Folder 61 |
Do citizens and education mix? A community guide to school study. The Connecticut
report: community studies.
1950 |
Box 4 | Folder 62 |
Joe Doakes. I know my neighbors, do you?
Box 4 | Folder 63 |
New York Times. Documents on world security
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 64 |
Mary Honor Donlon. Looking ahead in New York State workmen's compensation
1953 |
Box 4 | Folder 65 |
Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky: his life and writings (biographical sketch)
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 66 |
Draft for a program for the Socialist Party
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Formulated by the Left Wing at the Socialist Call Institutes, Bound Brook, N.J., Sept.
7-8, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 19-20.
Box 4 | Folder 67 |
Robert W. Dunn. Company unions today
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 68 |
Robert W. Dunn. Spying on workers
1933 |
Scope and Contents
2nd edition
Box 4 | Folder 69 |
Robert W. Dunn. What war means to the workers: answering the question, will war bring
back prosperity?
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Revised edition
Box 4 | Folder 70 |
William F. Dunne. Why Hearst lies about communism: three open letters to William Randolph
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 71 |
R. Palme Dutt. The two Internationals
1920 |
Box 4 | Folder 72 |
Max Eastman. The trial of Eugene Debs: with Debs' address to the court on receiving
1918 |
Box 4 | Folder 73 |
National Committee on Immigration Policy. Economic aspects of immigration
1947 |
Box 4 | Folder 74 |
Marion Edman; Laurentine B. Collins. Promising practices in intergroup education
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Prepared for administrative Committee on Intercultural Education, Detroit Public Schools
Box 4 | Folder 75 |
Henryk Ehrlich; Haim Kantorovitch; Anna Bercowitz.. The struggle for revolutionary
1934 |
Scope and Contents
translated by Haim Kantorovitch and Anna Bercowitz.
Box 4 | Folder 76 |
Ellis. Oil on the flames
Scope and Contents
advertisement about a speech
Box 4 | Folder 77 |
National Community Relations Advisory Council.. Equality of opportunity in housing
1952 |
Box 4 | Folder 78 |
League of Struggle for Negro Rights. Equality, land and freedom: a program for Negro
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Draft submitted by the National Council of the League of Struggle for Negro Rights.
Box 4 | Folder 79 |
Abraham Epstein. Social security
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 80 |
Palmiro Togliatti. The fight for peace
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Report on the preparations for imperialist war and the tasks of the Communist International,
delivered August 13, 1935
Box 4 | Folder 81 |
Anna Damon. Ernst Thaelmann, fighter against war and fascism
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 82 |
M. K. Eroshkin. The soviets in Russia
1919 |
Scope and Contents
Mir, zemstvo and soviet. The bolshevist economic policy. The land problem in Russia.
The labor problem in Russia.
Box 4 | Folder 83 |
Socialist Party . Evaluation of the Meeting of the National Executive Committee
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Buffalo, March 22-24, 1935
Box 4 | Folder 84 |
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). Everybody's business: World plans for
peace and security.
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 85 |
American Jewish tercentenary, 1654-1954
1953 |
Box 4 | Folder 86 |
Evidence on the reign of racialism in Czechoslovakia
1945 |
Box 4 | Folder 87 |
Expel the traitor! Kick out Jim Crow!
1935 |
Box 4 | Folder 88 |
Lincoln Eyre. Russia Analyzed
1920 |
Box 4 | Folder 89 |
Bela Fabian. Hungary's Jewry faces liquidation
1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 90 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). Facing the facts; an interim statement of Labour's home
1952 |
Box 4 | Folder 91 |
James T. Farrell. Truth and myth about America
1949 |
Scope and Contents
A statement against dictatorship of or over the proletariat, and offering a democratic
change for social progress.
Box 4 | Folder 92 |
General Jewish Council. Father Coughlin, his "facts" and arguments
1939 |
Box 4 | Folder 93 |
I. F. (Isidor F.) Stone. The Court disposes
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 94 |
Festival Bailable
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 95 |
B. J. Field. Prospects of American capitalism
Box 4 | Folder 96 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Fifty years of service
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the Executive Council to the 1931 Convention meeting in Vancouver, B.C.,
Canada, contained an audit of the stewardship of the American Federation of Labor,
closing fifty years of activity and leadership
Box 4 | Folder 97 |
Fight! Don't starve! Organize: demands for unemployment insurance made upon the United
State Congress.
1931 |
Box 4 | Folder 98 |
Jane Filley; Therese Mitchell. Consider the Laundry Workers
1937 |
Box 4 | Folder 99 |
Ernst Fischer. For or against the united front?
1936 |
Box 4 | Folder 100 |
Geraldine Townsend Fitch. China lob-lolly
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Gerald C. Treacy. Five great encyclicals: labor, education, marriage, reconstructing
the social order, atheistic communism
1939 |
Scope and Contents
With Discussion Club outlines by Gerald C. Treacy
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier for Wall Street
1940 |
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
John T. Flynn. Recovery through war scares
1938 |
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster; T. H. Tetens. Open letter to the "Loyal Americans of German
1943 |
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Food for thought
1949 |
Scope and Contents
v.10:no.1 (1949:Oct.)
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Fools and cowards cut their own throats
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. For a communist party of action
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Against liquidating the Workers (Communist) Party. Against substituting the Workers
(Communist) Party by a sham Farmer-Labor Party. An appeal to the members of district
no. 2, Workers Party
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
John Pepper. For a labor party. Recent revolutionary changes in American politics
1923 |
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. For a powerful united A.F. of L.
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Communist Party USA (Opposition). For unity of the world Communist movement
1934 |
Scope and Contents
A letter to the Independent Labor Party of Great Britain from the Communist Party
USA (Opposition).
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
Federal Security Agency. For you and yours
1952 |
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
William Trufant Foster. Loan sharks and their victims
1940 |
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
William Z. Foster. Beware of the war danger! Stop, look and listen!
1948 |
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
William Z. Foster. Communism versus fascism
1941 |
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
William Z. Foster. The crisis in the Socialist party
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
William Z. Foster. Industrial unionism
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
William Z. Foster. Little brothers of the big labor fakers
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Report of a speech against the Conference For Progressive Labor Action, made in New
Star Casino, New York City, on May 10, 1931
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
William Z. Foster. The railroaders' next step: amalgamation
1922 |
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
William Z. Foster. The revolutionary crisis of 1918-1921: in Germany, England, Italy
and France
1921 |
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
William Z. Foster; Earl Browder; V. M. Molotov. Technocracy and Marxism; The Technical
Intelligentsia and Socialist Construction
1933 |
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
William Z. Foster. Toward soviet America
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
William Z. Foster. Unionizing steel
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
William Z. Foster. What means a strike in steel
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
William Z. Foster. Workers, Defend Your Unions!
1947 |
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
Political Action Committee. Four men speak about jobs for all
1944 |
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Communist International. Fourth congress of the Communist International
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Abridged report of meetings held at Petrograd & Moscow, Nov. 7-Dec. 3, 1922.
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
United States. Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange. Fourth semiannual report
on educational exchange activities
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Letter from the Chairman, the United States Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange,
Department of State.
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Jay Fox. Amalgamation
1923 |
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Trades Union Congress. Free trade unions form the I.C.F.T.U.
1950 |
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
Joseph Freeman. The background of German fascism
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Freemasons and Spain: struggle of Masonic liberalism against reactionism in Spain.
1938 |
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Olivia P. Frost. An analysis of the characteristics of the population in Central Harlem
1946 |
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
Varian Fry. The peace that failed; how Europe sowed the seeds of war
1939 |
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
Fundamentals of Communism
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Joseph Gaer. Let our people live: a plea for a living wage
1945 |
Box 5 | Folder 36 |
Romulo Gallegos. Reconocer es no conocer
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 37 |
Walter Galenson. Some aspects of industrial relations in Denmark
Box 5 | Folder 38 |
Harry Gannes. How the Soviet Union Helps Spain
1936 |
Scope and Contents
2 copies
Box 5 | Folder 39 |
Sander Genis. The menace of Nazism and Fascism
1935 |
Scope and Contents
By Sander Genis, Manager Twin City Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
Box 5 | Folder 40 |
Aaron Gertz. The social structure of Jewish settlement in Palestine
1947 |
Scope and Contents
2nd edition
Box 5 | Folder 41 |
Americo Ghioldi. La situacion economica
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 42 |
Francis James Gilligan. Negro workers in free America
1939 |
Box 5 | Folder 43 |
Benjamin Gitlow. Some plain words on Communist unity
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 44 |
Kate Gitlow. Women in politics
Box 5 | Folder 45 |
Katherine Glover. Women at Work in Wartime
1943 |
Box 5 | Folder 46 |
Michael Gold. The damned agitator and other stories
Box 5 | Folder 47 |
Samuel Gompers. The American labor movement; its makeup, achievements and aspirations
1914 |
Box 5 | Folder 48 |
Samuel Gompers. The voluntary basis of trade unionism
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Memorial edition
Box 5 | Folder 49 |
Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee. Gompers evaluated
Scope and Contents
A collection of articles about Samuel Gompers' philosophy and career written a generation
ago by prominent journalists and historians.
Box 5 | Folder 50 |
Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee. Gompers heritage
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Addresses delivered during the centennial of Samuel Gompers' birth.
Box 5 | Folder 51 |
Ceferino Gonzalez. La rebellion militaire en Espagne et l'incomprehension des democraties
europe´ennes devant un aussi grave probleme
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 52 |
Maksim Gorky. To American intellectuals
1932 |
Scope and Contents
2nd edition
Box 5 | Folder 53 |
Francis J. Gorman. The fate of trade unions under fascism
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 54 |
Edith Gosling. Ticktock: a reading text for English classes
Box 5 | Folder 55 |
Klement Gottwald. The united front in Czechoslovakia
1935 |
Box 5 | Folder 56 |
Democratic National Committee. Governor Landon vs. Candidate Landon
1936 |
Box 5 | Folder 57 |
NLRB (National Labor Relations Board). Governmental protection of labor's right to
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Summary of evidence introduced at a hearing before the National labor relations board
bearing upon the factual basis of the National labor relations act and the reasonableness
of the regulations embodied therein.
Box 5 | Folder 58 |
Gil Green. The truth about Soviet Russia
1938 |
Box 5 | Folder 59 |
Gil Green. United we stand for peace and socialism
1935 |
Box 5 | Folder 60 |
Gil Green. Young Communists and unity of the youth
1935 |
Box 5 | Folder 61 |
William Green. Address delivered by William Green
1951 |
Box 5 | Folder 62 |
William Green. A Democratic Institution
1950 |
Box 5 | Folder 63 |
William Green. Remove the barriers
Box 5 | Folder 64 |
Hayim Greenberg. To a communist friend
Box 5 | Folder 65 |
Frederick Gruin. America's battlefronts; where our fighting forces are
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Graphic Associates
Box 5 | Folder 66 |
Department of Research and Education, CIO. Guaranteed wages the year round.
1945 |
Box 5 | Folder 67 |
Communist International Executive Committee. Guide to the XII Plenum E.C.C.I.: material
for propagandists, organisers, reporters, training classes.
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 68 |
Murray Blyne. Guide to readings on Communism
Box 5 | Folder 69 |
Lev Illich Ginzburg. Conditions of labour in the U.S.S.R.
1927 |
Box 5 | Folder 70 |
Jose Maria Semprun Gurrea. La conscience catholique et les evenements d'Espagne; la
question d'Espagne inconnue
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 71 |
Sergei Ivanovich Gusev; Earl Browder. Organize mass struggle for social insurance:
tasks of the American Communist Party in organizing struggle for social insurance
1933 |
Box 5 | Folder 72 |
Francis J. Haas. The American labor movement
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 73 |
Francis J. Haas. Jobs, prices and unions
1941 |
Box 5 | Folder 74 |
Francis J. Haas. The wages and hours of American labor
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 75 |
Francis J. Haas. The why and whither of labor unions
1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 76 |
Manuel Azana. Habla el Presidente
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 77 |
Mauritz Alfred Hallgren. Why I resigned from the Trotsky Defense Committee
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 78 |
Thomas J. Hamilton; Vera Micheles Dean. Report on the United Nations; A Future for
the U.N.
1949 |
Box 5 | Folder 79 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Handbook for permitmen
Box 5 | Folder 80 |
Steel Workers Organizing Committee. Handling grievances: a handbook for committeemen
of local lodges of S.W.O.C.
1949 |
Scope and Contents
A history of the progress of the union in the Jones & Laughlin Aliquippa Works.
Box 5 | Folder 81 |
Earl Parker Hanson. The Amazon: a new frontier?
1944 |
Box 5 | Folder 82 |
Eric Hass. John L. Lewis exposed
1938 |
Box 5 | Folder 83 |
Harold O. Hatcher. Steel and men
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 84 |
C. A. Hathaway. Collective security the road to peace
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Radio speech, delivered over CBS, Station WABC, Wednesday, December 22, 1937
Box 5 | Folder 85 |
John M. Hayes. Designs for social action
1941 |
Box 5 | Folder 86 |
Committee for the Nation's Health. Health needs and what to do about them
1953 |
Scope and Contents
According to the report of the President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation,
"Building America's health" : Summary
Box 5 | Folder 87 |
Fritz. Heckert. What is happening in Germany?
1933 |
Box 5 | Folder 88 |
Anders Hedberg; Roy v. Peel: Abner H. Cook. Swedish Consumers in Cooperation
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by Roy v. Peel and Abner H. Cook
Box 5 | Folder 89 |
Eduard Heimann; Reinhold Niebuhr. Liberty through power: a study of the United Nations
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Forward by Reinhold Niebuhr
Box 5 | Folder 90 |
Will Herberg. Bureaucracy and Democracy in Labor Unions
1943 |
Box 5 | Folder 91 |
Will Herberg. The C.I.O., labor's new challenge
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 92 |
Here's the answer: fact book on key legislation.
1950 |
Box 5 | Folder 93 |
Hubert Clinton Herring. Mexico: the making of a nation
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Graphic Associates
Box 5 | Folder 94 |
Henry Ford; Edward A. Filene; Robert W. Johnson; Matthew Woll. High wages, the basis
of recovery
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Opinions of Henry Ford, Edward A. Filene, Robert W. Johnson [and others] Foreword
and open letter by Matthew Woll.
Box 5 | Folder 95 |
William A. Higinbotham. Atomic challenge
1947 |
Box 5 | Folder 96 |
Sidney Hillman. Reconstruction of Russia and the task of labor
1922 |
Box 5 | Folder 97 |
Morris Hillquit. From Marx to Lenin
1921 |
Box 5 | Folder 98 |
Lawyers Committee on American Relations with Spain. Hitler over Latin America. Why
the embargo against Spain must be lifted now!
1939 |
Box 5 | Folder 99 |
Research Department. Hitler terror in 1935
1935 |
Scope and Contents
With a chapter on fascist terror in Austria.
Box 5 | Folder 100 |
Julius Hochman. Labor and the public
Box 5 | Folder 101 |
Trades Union Congress. Holidays with pay
1937 |
Box 5 | Folder 102 |
John P. Holly. What if they are red?
1948 |
Box 5 | Folder 103 |
Nathaniel Honig. The Trade Unions Since the N.R.A.
1934 |
Box 5 | Folder 104 |
Sidney Hook. Heresy, yes. conspiracy, no!
1952 |
Box 5 | Folder 105 |
How much longer will this vilest racketeer of all get away with it?
1936 |
Scope and Contents
William Randolph Hearst - not a "friend of the people", but a dangerous foe .. not
a patriot, but a menace!
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Milton Howard. This 4th of July
1938 |
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Quincy Howe. Over Here: Who Wants War?
1941 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.1 (1940:April)
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Hubert H. Humphrey. The stranger at our gate: America's immigration policy.
1954 |
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Jack Huntz. Spotlight on Spain
1937 |
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Joseph P. Hurley. Papal pronouncements and American foreign policy: a broadcast by
Joseph P. Hurley
1941 |
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Grace Hutchins. Japan's drive for conquest
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
M. N. Roy; Aswani Kurma Sharma. "I accuse!"
1932 |
Scope and Contents
From the suppressed statement of Manabendra Nath Roy on trial for treason before Sessions
court, Cawnpore, India. With an introduction by Aswani Kurma Sharma
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Dolores Ibarruri. Union of all Spaniards
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Complete text of the report to the Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Spain, at Madrid on May 23rd 1938
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Roger G. Mastrude. If Your Next Neighbors Are Negroes
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Gertrude R. Emery. Industrial home work in Pennsylvania in 1936
1937 |
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Committee for Industrial Organization. Industrial unionism: the vital problem of organized
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Industrial unionist.
1934 |
Scope and Contents
v.2:no.10 (1934:March)
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Committee for Industrial Organization. Industrial unions mean unity: our answer to
president Green
1936 |
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the Industrial
Workers of the World
1916 |
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
The International class struggle
1936-1937 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.1 (1936:Summer); v.1:no.3 (1937:Spring)
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
Educational Department. International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea
1948 |
Scope and Contents
London-England-Apr. 23-Jun. 10-1948; report to the membership Seafarers International
Box 6 | Folder 17 |
Israel's position on the Jordan canal project
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Address by Ambassador Abba Eban before the United Nations Security Council on October
30, 1953.
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
It's time to change
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Luigi Antonini. Italian labor today
1944 |
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Henry Jager. Westbrook Pegler unmasked
1947 |
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
Vasily Jarotsky. The Russian trade unions and the struggle…
1927 |
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
What the enemies of Christian Nationalism stand for: Jew-Communist Internationalism.
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
Jewish Labor Committee . Jewish Labor Committee: Aims and Objectives, Organizational
Structure, Financial Statement
1938 |
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
Jewish Labor Committee. Jewish Labor Committee : what it does and what it stands for
1942 |
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
American Jewish Committee. Jews under Soviet rule
1952 |
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
Tom Johnson. The Reds in Dixie: who are the Communists and what do they fight for
in the South?
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
Willard Johnson. Do you want to be happy and free?
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
Joint report of the International Officers to the 35th Constitutional Convention of
the United Mine Workers of America
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, Ohio, October 5th, 1948. President: John L. Lewis.
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
James Joll. The Second International, , 1889-1914
1956 |
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
Emanuel M. Josephson. Red record of Adlai Stevenson: "Stalin's choice for President"
1952 |
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
Hays Jones. Seamen and longshoremen under the Red flag
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
William Juhasz. Blueprint for a Red generation: the philosophy, methods, and practices
of communist education as imposed on captive Hungary.
1952 |
Box 6 | Folder 33 |
Juni-Aufstand: Dokumente und Berichte uber den Volksaufstand in Ostberlin und in der
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 34 |
Henry Slesser. Justice outlawed; administration of law in German-occupied territories.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by the Right Hon. Sir Henry Slesser
Box 6 | Folder 35 |
M. Katz. The assassination of Kirov; proletarian justice versus White-Guard Terror.
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 36 |
Karl Kautsky; David Shub; Joseph Shaplen; Sidney Hook.. Social democracy versus communism
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Edited and translated by David Shub & Joseph Shaplen, with an introduction by Sidney
Box 6 | Folder 37 |
Keep America out of War: Unite for Peace, Freedom and Socialism.
1939 |
Box 6 | Folder 38 |
William C. Kernan. An open letter to Father Coughlin
1939 |
Box 6 | Folder 39 |
Morris Kerstein. Work or war? The president's 1940 budget
1940 |
Box 6 | Folder 40 |
Louis Kirshbaum; Norman Thomas; A. J. Muste; Roger N. Baldwin; Paul H. Douglas; Paul
F. Brissenden; David J. Saposs.. Justice for organized workers
Scope and Contents
Endorsed by Norman Thomas, A. J. Muste, Roger N. Baldwin, Paul H. Douglas, Paul F.
Brissenden, David J. Saposs.
Box 6 | Folder 41 |
Vilgelim Germanovich Knorin. Fascism, social-democracy and the communists
1934 |
Box 6 | Folder 42 |
A. (Aleksandra) Kollontay. The workers opposition in Russia
1921 |
Box 6 | Folder 43 |
Charles Krumbein; Israel Amter. Dollars for democracy
Box 6 | Folder 44 |
Bela Kun. The most burning question: unity of action
1934 |
Box 6 | Folder 45 |
Philip Kurinsky. Industrial unionism and revolution
1921 |
Box 6 | Folder 46 |
O. W. Kuusinen. Prepare for power; the international situation and the tasks of the
sections of the Comintern
1933 |
Box 6 | Folder 47 |
O. W. Kuusinen. Youth and fascism: the youth movement and the fight against Fascism
and the war danger
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 48 |
Labor digest
1937 |
Scope and Contents
March, 1937
Box 6 | Folder 49 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Executive Council. Labor and education in 1949:
reports of the Executive Council and the annual convention of the American Federation
of Labor on education in 1949.
1950 |
Box 6 | Folder 50 |
Labor and industry in Britain
Box 6 | Folder 51 |
Labor leaders betray Tom Mooney: a member of the International Molders Union for 29
1931 |
Scope and Contents
1st edition
Box 6 | Folder 52 |
Workers Education Bureau. Labor's Library: a Bibliography for Trade Unionists, Educators,
Writers, Students, Librarians
1950 |
Box 6 | Folder 53 |
Labor and nation
1945-1946 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.1-6 (1945- 1946)
Box 6 | Folder 54 |
Alexander Siegfried Lipsett. Labor's partnership in industrial enterprise: a new approach
to the investment of union and pension funds
1950 |
Box 6 | Folder 55 |
A labor party for the United States
1936 |
Box 6 | Folder 56 |
Herman T. Stichman. Labor's role in shaping home building policy and the future of
cooperative housing in America
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Address by Herman T. Stichman at the Meeting of the Executive Council of the American
Federation of Labor, Miami Beach, January 31, 1950.
Box 6 | Folder 57 |
Labor says let's go! Roosevelt and Lehman, our two great champions.
1936 |
Box 6 | Folder 58 |
Labor scholarships abroad: Information on opportunities for Trade Unionists to study
in other countries.
1953 |
Box 6 | Folder 59 |
BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Labor through the century, 1833-1933: an illustrated
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Revised edition. Prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department
of Labor for the Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, 1933, 1934.
Box 6 | Folder 60 |
Research Department. Labor under Hitler
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 61 |
Labor unity
1932 |
Scope and Contents
v.7:no.1-2 (1932:Jan.-Feb.)
Box 6 | Folder 62 |
Ernest Bevin; Leon Jouhaux; Matthew Woll. Labor and the world crisis
1940 |
Box 6 | Folder 63 |
Labour monthly : a magazine of international labour
1935 |
Scope and Contents
v.17:no.6 (1935:June)
Box 6 | Folder 64 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. America in the depression: supplement of How America lives
1935 |
Box 6 | Folder 65 |
Harry Wellington Laidler; Wallace J. Campbell. Consumers' cooperation: a social interpretation,
by Harry W. Laidler; The consumers' cooperative movement-a factual survey, by Wallace
J. Campbell.
1937 |
Box 6 | Folder 66 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. Labor governments at work; British, Scandinavian, Australasian.
1948 |
Box 6 | Folder 67 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. Our changing industrial incentives
1949 |
Box 6 | Folder 68 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. Socialism in the United States: a brief history
1952 |
Box 6 | Folder 69 |
Lambda; Bertram D. Wolfe. The Truth about the Barcelona events
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Bertram D. Wolfe.
Box 6 | Folder 70 |
P. Lang. Peace versus War: The Communist Position.
1936 |
Box 6 | Folder 71 |
Francisco Largo Caballero. Selected speeches and writings
1937-1946 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 72 |
Eleanor Holgate Lattimore. Labor unions in the Far East
1945 |
Box 6 | Folder 73 |
Vladimir Ivanovich Lebedev. The Russian democracy in its struggle against the bolshevist
1919 |
Box 6 | Folder 74 |
Herbert H. Lehman. Freedom and the welfare state
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Address of Hon. Herbert H. Lehman, on occasion of the 45th Anniversary Luncheon of
the League for Industrial Democracy, Hotel Commodore, New York City, April 15, 1950.
Box 6 | Folder 75 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Elections
to the Constituent Assembly
1920 |
Box 6 | Folder 76 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. "Left" communism; an infantile disorder, by Nicolai
1920 |
Box 6 | Folder 77 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. "Left wing" communism: an infantile disorder,
by N. Lenin.
1921 |
Scope and Contents
2 copies
Box 6 | Folder 78 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. The proletarian revolution and Kautsky the renegade,
by N. Lenin
1924 |
Box 6 | Folder 79 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. The proletarian revolution and Kautsky the renegade,
by N. Lenin
1929 |
Box 6 | Folder 80 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. Revolutionary lessons: including -- "Towards
soviets" "Lessons of the Russian revolution" and "Bourgeois democracy"
1929 |
Box 6 | Folder 81 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. A new letter to the workers of Europe and America,
by Nicholas Lenin.
1919 |
Box 6 | Folder 82 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. The soviets at work, the international position
of the Russian soviet republic and the fundamental problems of the socialist revolution,
by Nikolai Lenin
1918 |
Box 6 | Folder 83 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Lenin on organization
1928 |
Box 6 | Folder 84 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; A. Sirnis. The collapse of the Second International
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by A. Sirnis
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism : a popular outline
1933 |
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Nicolai Lenin. Political Parties in Russia
1917 |
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
James Lerner. Youth demands peace
1936 |
Scope and Contents
National Youth Committee
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Max Lerner. The heart of Israel: Histadrut.
1949 |
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Max Lerner; George Fielding Eliot. World of the great powers, by Max Lerner; Military
strength of the big five, by George Fielding Eliot.
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Jacob Lestschinsky. Balance sheet of extermination
1946 |
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Adult Education Program. Let us read: the W.P.A. Adult Education Program of the Board
of Education, New York City.
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Alfred Baker Lewis. Liberalism and Sovietism
1946 |
Scope and Contents
1st edition
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
John Llewellyn Lewis. The C.I.O. crusade
1937 |
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
John Llewellyn Lewis. The future of organized labor
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
John Llewellyn Lewis. Industrial democracy in steel
1936 |
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Marx Lewis. Max Zaritsky at fifty: The story of an aggressive labor leadership.
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Trygve Lie. The struggle for lasting peace: a record of United Nations achievements
1948 |
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Rosa Luxemburg. The crisis in the German Social-Democracy
1919 |
Scope and Contents
The "Junius" pamphlet
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Listen, Tankerment
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
M. M. Litvinov. Czechoslovakia and the world crisis
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
M. M. Litvinov. "Soviet dumping" fable
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Speech of Soviet commissar of foreign affairs, Litvinov, in European Commission May
18, 1931.
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
M. M. Litvinov. The Soviet Union stands for peace
1932 |
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
Local 153 Welfare Fund
1952 |
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
Alain LeRoy Locke. The Negro in America
1933 |
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
A. Lozovsky; Alexander Bittleman. Lenin the great strategist of the class war
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Translation and introduction by Alexander Bittleman.
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
Jay Lovestone. 1928 : the presidential election and the workers
1928 |
Box 7 | Folder 23 |
Jay Lovestone. American Imperialism: The Menace of the Greatest Capitalist World Power
1925 |
Box 7 | Folder 24 |
Jay Lovestone. The American Labor Movement: Its Past, Present and Future.
Box 7 | Folder 25 |
Jay Lovestone. New frontiers for labor
Box 7 | Folder 26 |
Jay Lovestone. Pages from party history
1929 |
Box 7 | Folder 27 |
Jay Lovestone. The people's front illusion: from "social fascism" to the "people's
1937 |
Box 7 | Folder 28 |
Jay Lovestone. Soviet foreign policy and the world revolution
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 29 |
Jay Lovestone. What next for American labor?
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 30 |
A. Lozovsky . The Pan-Pacific Trade Union Conference
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Hankow, May 20-26, 1927
Box 7 | Folder 31 |
A. Lozovsky . What is the Red International of Labour unions? To all workers' delegations
taking part in the celebrations of the Tenth Anniversary of the October Revolution
1927 |
Box 7 | Folder 32 |
Rosa Luxemburg. The crisis in the German Social-Democracy
1919 |
Scope and Contents
The "Junius" pamphlet
Box 7 | Folder 33 |
Rosa Luxemburg. The mass strike: the political party and the trade unions. And, The
Junius pamphlet.
Box 7 | Folder 34 |
Rosa Luxemburg. Reform or revolution
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by Integer
Box 7 | Folder 35 |
Rosa Luxemburg; Bertram D. Wolfe. The Russian Revolution, and Leninism or Marxism?
1961 |
Scope and Contents
New introduction by Bertram D. Wolfe
Box 7 | Folder 36 |
Eugene Lyons. Everyday life under the Soviet system
1947 |
Box 7 | Folder 37 |
Dwight Macdonald. Fascism and the American scene
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 38 |
Lois MacDonald; Gladys L. Palmer; Theresa Wolfson.. Labor and the N.R.A.
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 39 |
Dwight Macdonald; Nancy Mcadonald. The war's greatest scandal! The story of Jim Crow
in uniform.
1943 |
Box 7 | Folder 40 |
A. B. Magil. The people's message to Congress
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 41 |
A. B. Magil. The real Father Coughlin
1939 |
Box 7 | Folder 42 |
A. B. Magil. The truth about Father Coughlin
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 43 |
Socialist Party . Manifesto and program of the Left Wing Section Socialist Party,
Local Greater New York
1919 |
Scope and Contents
Issued by Left Wing Section Socialist Party
Box 7 | Folder 44 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Manual on housing; how to organize a house, the multiple
dwelling law, housing crisis in New York city, tenant union organization
1936 |
Box 7 | Folder 45 |
Dmitri Zakharevich Manuilsky. The Communist parties and the crisis of capitalism
Box 7 | Folder 46 |
Dmitri Zakharevich Manuilsky. Revolutionary crisis, fascism and war
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 47 |
Dmitri Zakharevich Manuilsky. The rise of socialism in the Soviet union
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Report on the results of socialist construction in the U.S.S.R., delivered August
17, 1935
Box 7 | Folder 48 |
Dmitri Zakharevich Manuilsky. Social-democracy, stepping-stone to fascism or Otto
Bauer's latest discovery
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 49 |
Vito Marcantonio. The registration of aliens
1940 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Carey McWilliams.
Box 7 | Folder 50 |
Vito Marcantonio. We accuse!
1938 |
Scope and Contents
The story of Tom Mooney
Box 7 | Folder 51 |
Benito Marianetti. Hacia una Lucha de Liberation Nacional
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Spanish. 2nd edition
Box 7 | Folder 52 |
Mario Mariani. Matteotti
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 53 |
Harold David Margulies. The worker and the law
1946 |
Box 7 | Folder 54 |
Andre Pierre Marty. For peace! For the defence of the Soviet Union!
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 55 |
Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels. The civil war in France
1900 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Friedrich Engels
Box 7 | Folder 56 |
Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels; Samuel Moore. Manifesto of the Communist Party
1948 |
Scope and Contents
Authorized English translation [by Samuel Moore], edited and annotated by Frederick
Box 7 | Folder 57 |
Karl Marx; Eleanor Marx Aveling. Value, price and profit: addressed to working men
1913 |
Scope and Contents
Edited by his daughter Eleanor Marx Aveling.
Box 7 | Folder 58 |
Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels; J. L. Joynes. Wage-Labor and Capital
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Friedrich Engels. Translated by J. L. Joynes
Box 7 | Folder 59 |
The Marxian.
1919-1921 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.1-2 (1919-1920)
Box 7 | Folder 60 |
Marxist quarterly
1937 |
Scope and Contents
October - December
Box 7 | Folder 61 |
Marxist study courses. Course 2, History of the working class.
Scope and Contents
Lesson 3-4
Box 7 | Folder 62 |
Will Maslow; Joseph B. Robison. Civil rights legislation and the fight for equality,
1953 |
Box 7 | Folder 63 |
United Labor Committee of Massachusetts. The Massachusetts story
1948 |
Box 7 | Folder 64 |
The massacre of a people: what the democracies can do.
1942 |
Box 7 | Folder 65 |
J. B. Matthews. Traffic in death: a few facts concerning the international munitions
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 66 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. Maximum production: warfare and welfare, symposium
1942 |
Box 7 | Folder 67 |
Milton Sanford Mayer. The Dogged retreat of the A.M.A.
1949 |
Box 7 | Folder 68 |
John McGovern. Terror in Spain, how the Communist International has destroyed working
class unity, undermined the fight against Franco, and suppressed the social revolution
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 69 |
R. A. McGowan. New Guilds: a conversation
1937 |
Box 7 | Folder 70 |
William J. McSorley. Address delivered by William J. McSorley
1951 |
Scope and Contents
William J. McSorley, Jr., Assistant Director, Labor's League for Political Education,
to the 88th Annual Convention of the New York State Federation of Labor, Hotel Statler,
Buffalo, New York, Tuesday morning, June 19, 1951.
Box 7 | Folder 71 |
George Meany. Address delivered by George Meany
1951 |
Scope and Contents
George Meany, Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Labor, to the 88th
Annual Convention of the New York State Federation of Labor, Hotel Statler, Buffalo,
New York, Tuesday morning, June 20, 1951.
Box 7 | Folder 72 |
George Meany. The AF of L case for a just labor law
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Statement of George Meany, president, American Federation of Labor, on the revision
of the Taft-Hartley law, presented before the Senate Committee on Labor and Public
Welfare, April 27, 1953.
Box 7 | Folder 73 |
George Meany. Our program for social security
1954 |
Box 7 | Folder 74 |
afl (American Federation of Labor). Men and women who work
Box 7 | Folder 75 |
The menace of a new world war
1936 |
Box 7 | Folder 76 |
Shloyme Mendelson. The battle of the Warsaw ghetto
1944 |
Box 7 | Folder 77 |
Shloyme Mendelson. The Polish Jews behind the Nazi ghetto walls
1942 |
Box 7 | Folder 78 |
Wolf Michal. Youth Marches Towards Socialism
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Report made Sept. 26, 1935, to the Sixth World Congress of the Young Communist International.
Box 7 | Folder 79 |
Miles; H. N. Brailsford; Norman Thomas. Socialism's New Beginning: a Manifesto from
Underground Germany
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Translated from the German "Neu beginnen" ; prefaces by H. N. Brailsford and Norman
Box 7 | Folder 80 |
Spencer Miller. The nineteenth session of the International labor conference
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 81 |
Spencer Miller, Jr.; Ruth Taylor. The pioneer institute of labor, an experiment in
1945 |
Scope and Contents
A fifteen-year review of Rutgers labor institute against a background of the news,
Box 7 | Folder 82 |
Wang Ming; Kang Sin. Revolutionary China today
1934 |
Box 7 | Folder 83 |
Wang Ming. The revolutionary movement in the colonial countries
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Speech, revised and augmented, delivered August 7, 1935
Box 7 | Folder 84 |
Robert Minor. The heritage of the Communist Political Association
1944 |
Box 7 | Folder 85 |
Minutes of the National Committee of Labor's League for Political Education
1950 |
Scope and Contents
23 September, 1950
Box 7 | Folder 86 |
Finn Moe. Does Norwegian labor seek the middle way?
1937 |
Box 7 | Folder 87 |
Vyacheslav Molotov. The international situation and the Soviet Union
1935 |
Box 7 | Folder 88 |
Vyacheslav Molotov. The meaning of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact
1940 |
Box 7 | Folder 89 |
Joseph Moody. Why are Jews persecuted?
1938 |
Box 7 | Folder 90 |
Walter P. Reuther; Harry Wellington Laidler. Needed: a moral awakening in America
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Symposium by Walter P. Reuther and others. Harry W. Laidler, editor.
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
New Leader. Morals in politics: a collection of essays
1945 |
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Joseph V. Moreschl. Democracy in practice: being a brief summary of the history and
activities of the International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers' Union
of America
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Dwight C. Morgan. The foreign born in the United States
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Kenneth Morgan. Juvenile delinquency again!
1951 |
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Herbert Morrison. A labor party versus fascism: exposing the bankruptcy of fascism
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Elizabeth Morrissy. What laws must we have?
1937 |
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Felix Morrow. The civil war in Spain
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Philip Murray. The CIO defense plan
1940 |
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
Philip Murray; Abraham Joel Tobias; Maria Anastos. C.I.O. re-employment plan
1944 |
Scope and Contents
The 1944 Murray re-employment plan defines the deflationary gap, examines the dangers
therein to the nation's security and to democracy, and sets forth seven points enunciating
how the deflationary gap can be filled and its dangers obviated, by Philip Mur
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Philip Murray. Technological unemployment; "the social and economic consequences of
1940 |
Scope and Contents
A handbook on the effects of technological changes, and what to do about them …
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Philip Murray. United for victory against disruption against disunity
1942 |
Box 8 | Folder 12 |
Philip Murray. Wages and war profits
1941 |
Box 8 | Folder 13 |
Augustus P. Gardner; Morris Hillquit; Charles P. Fagnani; M. M. Bartholomew. Must
we arm?
1916 |
Scope and Contents
A debate on the question : Resolved, that the security of the nation requires an increase
of the military force of the United States ; held in Carnegie Hall, New York, April
2, l915 under the auspices of the Rand School of Social Science. For the affirmat
Box 8 | Folder 14 |
Abraham John Muste. The automobile industry and organized labor
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 15 |
Siegfried Nacht. Answer please! Questions for communists.
1950 |
Scope and Contents
3rd revised and enlarged edition
Box 8 | Folder 16 |
National Guilds League, London. National guilds: an appeal to trade unionists
Box 8 | Folder 17 |
National Youth Anti-War Congress. Proceedings of the National Youth Anti-War Congress
1940 |
Box 8 | Folder 18 |
Edgar Ansel Mowrer. Nazi justice: Nazi law for Poles and Jews
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Preface by Edgar Ansel Mowrer
Box 8 | Folder 19 |
Scott Nearing. Another world war
1931 |
Box 8 | Folder 20 |
Scott Nearing. British labor bids for power The historic Scarboro Conference of the
Trades Union Congress
1926 |
Box 8 | Folder 21 |
Scott Nearing. The decisive year, 1931: capitalism, imperialism, sovietism before
the bar of history
1932 |
Box 8 | Folder 22 |
Scott Nearing. The law of social revolution: a co-operative study
1926 |
Box 8 | Folder 23 |
Scott Nearing. A Nation Divided: Or Plutocracy Versus Democracy.
1920 |
Box 8 | Folder 24 |
Scott Nearing. Russia turns east; the triumph of soviet diplomacy in Asia
1926 |
Box 8 | Folder 25 |
Scott Nearing. Stopping a war: the fight of the French workers against the Moroccan
campaign of 1925
1925 |
Box 8 | Folder 26 |
Scott Nearing. A warless world
1931 |
Box 8 | Folder 27 |
Scott Nearing. World labor unity
1926 |
Box 8 | Folder 28 |
Juan Negrin. Christianity and Spain
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 29 |
Juan Negrin. Speech by Dr. Negrin
1938 |
Scope and Contents
President of the Council of Ministers. (Barcelona, 14th October 1938)
Box 8 | Folder 30 |
Franz L. Neumann; Carl Raushenbush; Harold J. Laski. European trade unionism and politics
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Edited by Carl Raushenbush with a preface by Harold J. Laski.
Box 8 | Folder 31 |
Ruth Fischer; Adolph Weingarten. The Network: Information Bulletin about Stalinist
Organizations and Organizational Forms.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
no.3 (1944:March)
Box 8 | Folder 32 |
The New Soviet Constitution
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 33 |
New world a'coming; a study guide on human rights.
1968 |
Scope and Contents
Prepared by a joint working party appointed by Church Women United and the National
Council of Catholic Women.
Box 8 | Folder 34 |
They sow distrust: commission exposes "front" organizations as enemies of public education
in America
1951 |
Box 8 | Folder 35 |
Osgood Nichols; Comstock Glaser. Work camps for America: the German experience and
the American opportunity.
1933 |
Box 8 | Folder 36 |
Reinhold Niebuhr. Jews after the war
Box 8 | Folder 37 |
Andres Nin. La huelga general de enero y sus ensenanzas
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 38 |
Andres Nin; Earl R. Browder. Struggle of the trade unions against fascism
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Earl R. Browder
Box 8 | Folder 39 |
International Labor Defense. N.L.R.B. and free speech
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 40 |
Max Nomad. The Jewish conspiracy
1944 |
Box 8 | Folder 41 |
Joseph North. Washington and Lincoln: The American tradition
1942 |
Box 8 | Folder 42 |
Paul Novik. Palestine: the communist position, the colonial question
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 43 |
John A. O'Brien. The Church and a living wage
1937 |
Box 8 | Folder 44 |
Frank O'Hara. Credit unions
1937 |
Box 8 | Folder 45 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). The old world and the new society; a report on the problems
of war and peace reconstruction.
1942 |
Box 8 | Folder 46 |
M. J. Olgin. Capitalism Defends Itself Through th Socialist Labor Party
1932 |
Box 8 | Folder 47 |
M. J. Olgin. Life and teachings of Friedrich Engels
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 48 |
M. J. Olgin. That Man Browder: Communist Candidate for President.
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 49 |
M. J. Olgin. Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems.
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 50 |
Erich Ollenhauer. Our common concerns: a Social Democrat speaks to Americans
1953 |
Box 8 | Folder 51 |
On guard against war and fascism
1937 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.1 (1937:Dec.). Yiddish and English.
Box 8 | Folder 52 |
Freeland League. On new soil, under new skies
1948 |
Box 8 | Folder 53 |
Communist International. On the Road to Bolshevization
1929 |
Box 8 | Folder 54 |
Henry A. Wallace. An Open Letter to Premier Stalin
Box 8 | Folder 55 |
Blanch Freedman. Opposing the so-called Equal rights amendment
Box 8 | Folder 56 |
Bernard Seaman. Order! How to Conduct a Union Meeting on Ship and Shore
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Bernard Seaman
Box 8 | Folder 57 |
William Green. Organized labor: the home of workers of all faiths
1946 |
Box 8 | Folder 58 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Our immediate work: program adopted by the Central Executive
Committee of the Workers Party of America.
Box 8 | Folder 59 |
Our present political picture
1950 |
Box 8 | Folder 60 |
Thomas Ashcroft; George Hicks. An Outline of Modern Imperialism
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by George Hicks
Box 8 | Folder 61 |
Shimshon Oxman. The government of Israel
1948 |
Box 8 | Folder 62 |
George Padmore. The life and struggles of Negro toilers
1931 |
Box 8 | Folder 63 |
Jacob Panken. A judge sees Germany in its color
Box 8 | Folder 64 |
Pen and Hammer . Don't take it lying down
1933 |
Box 8 | Folder 65 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. A people's constitution for New York
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 66 |
The people take the lead: a record of progress in civil rights, 1947 to 1951.
1951 |
Box 8 | Folder 67 |
John Pepper. Why every miner should be a Communist
1928 |
Box 8 | Folder 68 |
Institute of International Labor Research. Los frentes populares comunistas, 1917-1956.
Cuatro decades de perfidia.
1957 |
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 69 |
Jonathan Ellsworth Perkins; Meade McClanahan. The biggest hypocrite in America: Gerald
L. K. Smith unmasked
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Meade McClanahan.
Box 8 | Folder 70 |
Florence Peterson. Strikes in the United States, 1880-1936
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 71 |
O. Piatnitsky. The Communist parties in the fight for the masses
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 72 |
O. Piatnitsky. The immediate tasks of the international trade union movement
1930 |
Box 8 | Folder 73 |
O. Piatnitsky. The work of the communist parties of France and Germany: and the tasks
of the communists in the trade union movement
Box 8 | Folder 74 |
Inter-American Regional Organization-ICTFU. Peron unmasked; the martyrdom of the free
trade union movement in Argentina.
Box 8 | Folder 75 |
Joseph S. Clark; Richardson Dilworth; Lawrence M. C. Smith. The Philadelphia story
Box 8 | Folder 76 |
Morgan Phillips. Morgan Phillips tells you about the Labour Party: the party with
a future.
1945 |
Box 8 | Folder 77 |
O. Piatnitsky. World Communists in action: the consolidation of the Communist parties
and why the growing political influence of the sections of the Comintern is not sufficiently
1930 |
Box 8 | Folder 78 |
O. Piatnitsky. The twenty-one conditions of admission into the Communist International
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 79 |
O. Piatnitsky. The work of the communist parties of France and Germany: and the tasks
of the communists in the trade union movement
Box 8 | Folder 80 |
Wilhelm Pieck. Freedom, peace and bread! The activities of the Executive committee
of the Communist International
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 81 |
Wilhelm Pieck. We are fighting for a Soviet Germany
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 82 |
Robert M. Pierce. The Roosevelt road to ruin
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 83 |
John Pierson. Employment after the war
1943 |
Box 8 | Folder 84 |
Pioneers of labor.
Box 8 | Folder 85 |
Pioneers of labor : the shoemakers, Andrew Jackson, William H. Sylvis, Terence V.
Powderly, Samuel Gompers, eight-hour day, Eugene V. Debs, John Mitchell, William D.
1949 |
Box 8 | Folder 86 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. The platform of the class struggle; national platform
of the Workers (communist) party, 1928.
1928 |
Box 8 | Folder 87 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Platform of struggle for urgent needs of toilers: election
platform of the Communist Party, New York State, 1934.
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 88 |
The Plebs
1923 |
Scope and Contents
v.15:no.6-8 (1923:June-Aug.)
Box 8 | Folder 89 |
A policy for real wages.
1948 |
Scope and Contents
A statement of policy on prices, wages and exports, approved by a conference of trade
union executive committees.
Box 8 | Folder 90 |
Katherin Pollak. Can the work-week shrink and wages grow? Present problems in the
light of the past
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 91 |
Population problems
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 92 |
The post office ban on "Revolutionary age"
1931 |
Box 8 | Folder 93 |
National Community Relations Advisory Council.. Postwar employment discrimination
against Jews
1946 |
Box 8 | Folder 94 |
Hortense Powdermaker; Helen Frances Storen. Probing Our Prejudices
1944 |
Box 8 | Folder 95 |
Preserve the Olympic ideal: a statement of the case against American participation
in the Olympic games at Berlin.
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 96 |
U.S. Department of Labor. The price of industrial home work and why it should be regulated.
1936 |
Box 8 | Folder 97 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Principles established by the National Labor Relations
1934 |
Box 8 | Folder 98 |
The Problem of Tunisia.
1948-1951 |
Box 8 | Folder 99 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). Problems of foreign policy.
1952 |
Box 8 | Folder 100 |
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). Producing for Victory: a labor manual
for increasing war production / Prepared and compiled by International Federation
of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians-CIO.
1942 |
Box 8 | Folder 101 |
Steel Workers Organizing Committee. Production problems: a handbook for committeemen
of local lodges of S.W.O.C.
1938 |
Box 8 | Folder 102 |
Union for Democratic Action . A program for Americans.
1941 |
Box 8 | Folder 103 |
The program of the C.I.O.: an account of major policies and decisions adopted at the
conference of the Committee for Industrial Organization, Atlantic City, N.J., October,
1937 |
Box 8 | Folder 104 |
Communist International. Program of the Communist International, together with its
1929 |
Box 8 | Folder 105 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Program and constitution, Workers Party of America
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Adopted at national convention, New York City, December 24, 25, 26, 1921.
Box 8 | Folder 106 |
Local 22. Program of the Dressmakers Progressive Group.
1950 |
Box 8 | Folder 107 |
Harry Wellington Laidler; Stuart Chase. A program for labor and progressives
1946 |
Scope and Contents
Symposium, ed. by Harry W. Laidler. Participants: Stuart Chase [and others]
Box 8 | Folder 108 |
A Public statement on communism and Jews
1935 |
Box 8 | Folder 109 |
The purpose of communist education
Box 8 | Folder 110 |
Collective Agreement: Associated Fur Coat and Trimming Manufacturers, Inc. with the
Furriers' Joint Council of New York
1936-1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
International Red Aid. Questions and answers on fair labor standards law (Wages and
Hours Act).
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Questions and answers on Palestine
1945 |
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Mike Quin. The Yanks are not coming
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Karl Radek; Patrick Lavin. Proletarian dictatorship and terrorism
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by P. Lavin
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Radical review
1918 |
Scope and Contents
v.1:no.3 (1918:Jan.); v.2:no.1-2 (1918:July-Oct/Dec.)
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Clarence Randall. America at the crossroads
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Clarence B. Randall, President, Inland Steel Company, Chicago, Ill ; opening statement
on August 11, 1949, before the President's Steel Industry Board, in hearings on union
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Committee of 100. Rape, Justice and Florida's reputation
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Carl Raushenbush. Fordism, Ford and the workers, Ford and the community
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Reconstruction administration; report of the A.F.
of L. Committee on post-war planning.
1944 |
Box 9 | Folder 10 |
Herman F. Reissig. Adolph Hitler and Francisco Franco: two minds with but a single
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 11 |
Religion faces war and fascism
Box 9 | Folder 12 |
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). Report of the CIO delegates to the World
trade union conference, London, February 1945.
1945 |
Box 9 | Folder 13 |
SUNY. Committee on Medical Education Centers. Report of the Committee on medical education
1949 |
Box 9 | Folder 14 |
RILU (Red International of Labor Unions). Report of the fourth congress of the R.I.L.U.
1928 |
Box 9 | Folder 15 |
International Clothing Workers' Federation. Report of the Fourth International Clothing
Workers' Congress
1930 |
Scope and Contents
June 15th-17th, 1930 in Leipsic.
Box 9 | Folder 16 |
Iosif Reznikov. Trade union organisation in U. S. S. R.
1927 |
Box 9 | Folder 17 |
Young Communist League. Resolution on the immediate tasks in the fight for the working
Box 9 | Folder 18 |
ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). Resolutions adopted at the 17th biennial
convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
1950 |
Box 9 | Folder 19 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Resolutions of the ninth convention of the Communist
Party of the U.S.A.
1936 |
Box 9 | Folder 20 |
Georgi Dimitroff. Resolutions; including also the closing speech of Georgi Dimitroff.
1935 |
Box 9 | Folder 21 |
Resolutions of the conference-congress [of the] World Federation of Trade Unions
1945 |
Scope and Contents
September 25 to October 8, 1945
Box 9 | Folder 22 |
Resolutions and Dicisions of the Red Labor Union International .
1921 |
Box 9 | Folder 23 |
Resolutions and Dicisions Second World Congress of the Red Labor Union International
1922 |
Box 9 | Folder 24 |
Walter P. Reuther. Peace, plenty, politics, and people
1952 |
Scope and Contents
Testimony of Walter P. Reuther before the Platform Committee of the National Democratic
Convention, Chicago, July 21, 1952.
Box 9 | Folder 25 |
Railroad Brotherhoods Unity Movement. Revolt in the railroad unions
1935 |
Box 9 | Folder 26 |
Communist International . The revolutionary movement in the colonies
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Thesis adopted by the sixth World Congress of the Communist International.
Box 9 | Folder 27 |
Revolutionary socialist review; a quarterly devoted to Marxian socialism.
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
v. 1, no. 1-4; Nov. 1934-autumn 1935.
Box 9 | Folder 28 |
J. C. Rich. Labor's national hero
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee
Box 9 | Folder 29 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). The rights of labor: democracy vs. totalitarianism.
1947 |
Box 9 | Folder 30 |
A. W. Ricker. The political economy of Jesus
1912 |
Box 9 | Folder 31 |
George Ridley. India
1942 |
Box 9 | Folder 32 |
Roger Baldwin; Zechariah Chafee; Melvyn Douglas; William Green; Philip Murray; A.
Philip Randolph; Joseph Schlossberg; Paul Murray; Murray Kempton; Frank P. Graham.
The rights of man are worth defending
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Articles by Roger Baldwin, Zechariah Chafee, Melvyn Douglas, William Green, Philip
Murray, A. Philip Randolph, and Joseph Schlossberg. "All for Mr. Davis": Odell Waller's
story told by Paul Murray and Murray Kempton...with a preface by President Frank P.
Box 9 | Folder 33 |
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). The Right to Strike: Keystone of Liberty
1941 |
Box 9 | Folder 34 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). The rise of the Labour Party.
1946 |
Box 9 | Folder 35 |
Anna Rochester. Wall street
1932 |
Box 9 | Folder 36 |
Harry Wellington Laidler. The role of the races in our future civilization
1942 |
Box 9 | Folder 37 |
Bill: an act respecting industrial standards.
1935 |
Box 9 | Folder 38 |
Serafino Roumaldi. Labor and Democracy in Latin America
1947 |
Scope and Contents
Reprinted from Foreign Affairs.
Box 9 | Folder 39 |
Serafino Roumaldi. A Look at the Latin American Labor Scene
Scope and Contents
Reprinted from The Pan American
Box 9 | Folder 40 |
Waverley Lewis Root. Are you ready for world war III?
1943 |
Box 9 | Folder 41 |
Lawrence K. Rosinger. Forging a new China
1948 |
Box 9 | Folder 42 |
Arthur Max Ross. The influence of unionism upon earnings
1948 |
Box 9 | Folder 43 |
Irwin Ross. The town that took its own pulse; a report on the lessons in democracy
Montclair taught itself.
1950 |
Box 9 | Folder 44 |
Rules for union meetings
1943 |
Box 9 | Folder 45 |
Rumor clinic.
Box 9 | Folder 46 |
British Trades Union Delegation to Russia and Caucasia. Russia today, the official
report of the British Trade Union delegation.
1925 |
Box 9 | Folder 47 |
Charles E. Ruthenberg. The Workers (Communist) Party: what it stands for, why workers
should join
1926 |
Box 9 | Folder 48 |
John Augustine Ryan. The Constitution and Catholic industrial teaching
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 49 |
Samuel Gompers. Samuel Gompers' credo: quotations from his speeches and writings.
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Samuel Gompers Centennial Committee
Box 9 | Folder 50 |
Karl F. M. Sandberg. The Soviet Union, the land of the common man
1943 |
Box 9 | Folder 51 |
Louis Schaffer. Stalin's fifth column on Broadway: a clue to theatre people
1940 |
Box 9 | Folder 52 |
Harry Scherman; Herman Rauschning. What is this war about?
1939 |
Scope and Contents
An analysis of Herman Rauschning's "The revolution of nihilism."
Box 9 | Folder 53 |
Edgar Schmiedeler. Balanced abundance
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 54 |
Edgar Schmiedeler. Consumers' cooperatives
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 55 |
Edgar Schmiedeler. Our rural proletariat
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 56 |
Edgar Schmiedeler. The rural South: problem or prospect?
1940 |
Box 9 | Folder 57 |
Edgar Schmiedeler. Vanishing homesteads
1941 |
Box 9 | Folder 58 |
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. Science condemns racism:
a reply to the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York
1939 |
Box 9 | Folder 59 |
Schools and fishin' poles
Box 9 | Folder 60 |
Scottsboro, a record of a broken promise
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 61 |
Seafarer Sam says
Box 9 | Folder 62 |
Seafarers organizing program
Box 9 | Folder 63 |
Seafarers organizers handbook
Box 9 | Folder 64 |
Workers Party of America. The second year of the Workers Party of America
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the Central Executive Committee to the Third Nation Convention held in Chicago,
Ill., Dec. 30, 31, 1923 and Jan. 1, 2, 1924 : theses, program, resolutions.
Box 9 | Folder 65 |
Joel Seidman. A labor party for America?
1936 |
Box 9 | Folder 66 |
Joel Seidman; Jack London; Bernard Karsh. Why workers join unions
Box 9 | Folder 67 |
Gilbert Seldes. Against revolution
1932 |
Box 9 | Folder 68 |
Sell union service and build union jobs
Scope and Contents
ads for home milk delivery
Box 9 | Folder 69 |
Clarence Senior. Democracy comes to a cotton kingdom; the story of Mexico's La Laguna
1940 |
Box 9 | Folder 70 |
Max Shachtman. 1871: the Paris commune
Box 9 | Folder 71 |
Max Shachtman; Robert Minor. Lenin, Liebknecht, Luxemburg
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Robert Minor.
Box 9 | Folder 72 |
In the shadow of fear: American liberties 1948-49.
1949 |
Box 9 | Folder 73 |
Charles Sherman. Jews after the war: the test of security, a symposium on the Jewish
1944 |
Box 9 | Folder 74 |
Charles Sherman; Xavier Gonzales. Labor's enemy: anti-Semitism
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Illustrated by Xavier Gonzales
Box 9 | Folder 75 |
Max Sherover. When profits cease: a timely warning to capitalists.
1960 |
Box 9 | Folder 76 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Shipboard handbook for crewmembers
and delegates
Box 9 | Folder 77 |
Should labor support Roosevelt
Box 9 | Folder 78 |
David Shub; Robert J. Alexander; Norman Angell. What do you know about British labor?
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Norman Angell
Box 9 | Folder 79 |
A. M. Simons. Class struggles in America
1906 |
Scope and Contents
2nd edition, revised and enlarged
Box 9 | Folder 80 |
Upton Sinclair. The flivver king, a story of Ford-America
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 81 |
Upton Sinclair. No pasaran! (They shall not pass) A story of the battle of Madrid.
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 82 |
Resume of the proceedings of the sixteenth National Conference on Labor Legislation
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Novemeber 29, 30, and December 1, 1949.
Box 9 | Folder 83 |
Richard Dana Skinner. Debt system or property system?
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 84 |
Walter Citrine. Slavery under Hitler's "new order,"
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by Walter Citrine.
Box 9 | Folder 85 |
Preston Slosson; Grayson Kirk. Swords of Peace
1947 |
Box 9 | Folder 86 |
Sasha Small. Ten years of labor defense
1935 |
Box 9 | Folder 87 |
H. G. Smeland. World Peace: Reconstruction and readjustment
1932 |
Box 9 | Folder 88 |
Gerald L. K. Smith. Is Communism Jewish?
Box 9 | Folder 89 |
Gerald L. K. Smith. The crime of crimes: a statement to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
1948 |
Box 9 | Folder 90 |
Vern Smith. The Frame-up System.
1930 |
Box 9 | Folder 91 |
TWUA (Textile Workers Union of America). So you're a steward! A handbook for TWUA
shop stewards and department committees
1943 |
Scope and Contents
3rd edition
Box 9 | Folder 92 |
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany). The
Social Democratic Party of Germany.
1953 |
Box 9 | Folder 93 |
Socialist Party (U.S.). A militant program for the Socialist Party of America
1918-1933 |
Box 9 | Folder 94 |
Roy E. Burt. Socialist handbook: 1937
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Roy E. Burt, executive secretary.
Box 9 | Folder 95 |
Socialist Ministers Conference. Proceedings
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Evanston, Illinois, June 25- 28, 1934, held under the auspices of the Socialist Ministers'
Fellowship, Midwest Section, and the Chicago Committee of Christian Socialists.
Box 9 | Folder 96 |
Socialist Party: words and deeds.
1933 |
Box 9 | Folder 97 |
Herbert Solow; Samuel S. White; Travers Clements. Union-smashing in Sacramento, the
truth about the criminal syncicalism trial, by Herbert Solow
1935 |
Scope and Contents
With prefatory notes by Sameul S. White and Travers Clements.
Box 9 | Folder 98 |
Daniel De Leon; William H. Berry. De Leon-Berry debate on solution of the trust problem
1920 |
Scope and Contents
University Extension Society, Philadelphia, January 27, 1913
Box 9 | Folder 99 |
Some facts on women's wages in New York State
1936 |
Box 9 | Folder 100 |
Henry Somerville. Why the guilds decayed
1938 |
Box 9 | Folder 101 |
Agustin Souchy. The tragic week in May
1937 |
Box 9 | Folder 102 |
Boris Souvarine. The Third International
1920 |
Box 9 | Folder 103 |
Needle Trades Bazaar Souvenir Journal: sixteen months of life and struggle in the
Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union.
Box 9 | Folder 104 |
Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov; M. Lunacharsky. The Soviet's fight for disarmament
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Speeches by M. Litvinov at Geneva, 1932, and other documents in sequel to "The Soviet
union and peace", with an introduction by M. Lunacharsky.
Box 9 | Folder 105 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Soviet imperialism plunders Asia
1951 |
Box 9 | Folder 106 |
Soviet Russia arrests Henryk Ehrlich and Victor Alter, noted Polish Socialist leaders
1941 |
Box 9 | Folder 107 |
The Soviet Satellites: 1. Terror east of the Elbe
1953 |
Box 9 | Folder 108 |
Harry Gannes; G. Marion. Spain Defends Democracy
1936 |
Box 9 | Folder 109 |
John Spargo. A memorandum on trade with Soviet Russia
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Submitted to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, January,
1921, in connection with the hearing upon the resolution of the Hon. Joseph I. France,
relating to the resumption of trade with Soviet Russia. By John Spargo.
Box 9 | Folder 110 |
George Spiro; Moissaye J. Olgin. Paris on the barricades
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Story of the immortal struggle of the Communards of 1871 for the first workers government,
heroically reared by the working class, and crushed by the bloody hand of the bourgeoisie.
With an introduction by Moissaye J. Olgin.
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Robert G. Spivack. The lesson of Czechoslovakia.
1938 |
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Philip Spratt. The Communist "peace" appeal; its real character.
1951 |
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Joseph Stalin. The theory and practice of Leninism
1926 |
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
Joseph Stalin. The foundations of Leninism
1932-1934 |
Scope and Contents
10th anniversary edition
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Joseph Stalin. Interviews with foreign workers' delegations
1927 |
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
Joseph Stalin. New conditions, new tasks
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Speech delivered at the Conference of Leaders of Industry, June 23, 1931
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Joseph Stalin. The Soviets and the individual
1935 |
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
Joseph Stalin; Roy Wilson Howard. The Stalin-Howard interview
1936 |
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Joseph Stalin. Stalin on the new Soviet constitution
1936 |
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
Joseph Stalin. Stalin Reports: The world situation, the internal and international
position of the Soviet Union
1934 |
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Joseph Stalin. The war of national liberation
1942 |
Box 10 | Folder 12 |
Joseph Stalin. The war of national liberation. II
1943 |
Box 10 | Folder 13 |
Private Attorneys-General: Group Action in the Fight for Civil Liberties
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Reprinted from The Yale Law Journal
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
Jan Stanczyk. Rights for Jews in new Poland
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Declaration of the Polish government-in-exile, presented to the Jewish labor committee
by Mr. Jan Stanczyk
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Emanuel Stein; Carl Raushenbush; Lois MacDonald. Labor and the new deal
1934 |
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
I. N. Steinberg. Unpromised land
1944 |
Box 10 | Folder 17 |
Stephen Leacock. Stephen Leacock's plan to relieve the depression in 6 days, to remove
it in 6 months, to eradicate it in 6 years.
1933 |
Box 10 | Folder 18 |
David Kilburn Stevens; Peter W. Dykema; Martha Powell Setchell. Sing! The all-purpose
song book for home; school; community choruses; social meetings and festivities.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
With complete piano accompaniment. Compiled and edited by David Stevens and Peter
W. Dykema; decorations by Martha Powell Setchell.
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Maxwell S. Stewart. Debts: good or bad?
1939 |
Box 10 | Folder 20 |
Maxwell S. Stewart. The Negro in America
1944 |
Scope and Contents
1st edition
Box 10 | Folder 21 |
Ray Stewart. War in China
1932 |
Box 10 | Folder 22 |
The Story of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion: written in the trenches of Spain.
1937 |
Box 10 | Folder 23 |
Souvenir Journal: brief history of Needle Trades Workers Indusrtrial Union.
Scope and Contents
English and Yiddish
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
The story of the sea
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
John Strachey. Why fascism leads to war
1935 |
Box 10 | Folder 26 |
Twentieth Century Fund. Strikes and democratic government
1947 |
Box 10 | Folder 27 |
Seafarers' International Union of North America. Strikes and strike strategy
1948 |
Box 10 | Folder 28 |
Anna Louise Strong. The Soviet Union and World Peace: Disarmament, Non-Aggression,
The Far East, League of Nations, Franco-Soviet Pact.
1935 |
Box 10 | Folder 29 |
Communist International . The struggle against imperialist war and the tasks of communists
1928 |
Scope and Contents
Resolution of the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International, 1928 / reprinted
by the Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee.
Box 10 | Folder 30 |
Los Sucesos de mayo en Barcelona: (relato aute´ntico)
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Box 10 | Folder 31 |
Survey; a journal of Soviet and East European studies. Russia and Germany
1962 |
Box 10 | Folder 32 |
American Jewish Congress. Survey and outlook: a report on the American Jewish Congress
1953 |
Scope and Contents
Submitted by the Executive Director to the Biennial National Convention, November
7-9, 1953, New York City.
Box 10 | Folder 33 |
W. B. Sutch. New Zealand's labor government at work
1940 |
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Romuald Szumski. Labor and the Soviet system
1951 |
Box 10 | Folder 35 |
The tactics of disruption: communist methods exposed.
1949 |
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
Tampa: tar and terror.
1935 |
Box 10 | Folder 37 |
Ten good reasons: for cracking the quota system in American education.
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Joseph Tenenbaum. The economic crisis of the third reich
1939 |
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
J. William Terry. American labor and the trade agreements
1939 |
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
Communist International . Theses and statutes of the third (Communist) International
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Adopted by the second congress July 17th-August 7th, 1920.
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Thesis and resolutions for the seventh National Convention
of the Communist party of U.S.A.
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Central Committee plenum, March 31-April 4, 1930.
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
Communist International. The theses and statutes of the Communist International
1921 |
Scope and Contents
adopted at the Second World Congress, July 17 to August 7, 1920, Moscow, Russia.
Box 10 | Folder 43 |
William Ernest Hocking. They fought Hitler first
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Report on the treatment of German anti-Nazis in concentration camps from 1933 to 1939,
based on contemporary records. With an introduction by William Ernest Hocking.
Box 10 | Folder 44 |
RILU (Red International of Labor Unions). Resolutions and Decisions: Third World Congress
of the Red International of Labor Unions
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Moscow, July, 1924 : resolutions and decisions
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
This is our home. 1. The American Pattern
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
This is our home. 2. The New World and the Old
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
This is our home. 3. Prelude to Freedom
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
This is our home. 4. Group Life in America
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
This is our home. 5. The Hands of Esau
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 46 |
Norman Thomas. Democratic socialism, a new appraisal.
1953 |
Box 10 | Folder 47 |
Norman Thomas. The plight of the share-cropper
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Includes Report of survey made by the Memphis chapter, L. I. D. and the Tyronza socialist
party under the direction of William R. Amberson.
Box 10 | Folder 48 |
United States Congress Against War and Fascism. Third United States Congress against
War and Fascism
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Program, January 3, 4, 5, 1936, public auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio.
Box 10 | Folder 49 |
Virginia Thompson; Richard Adloff; Blair Bolles. Empire's end in southeast Asia [by]
Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff. U. S. policy in southeast Asia [by] Blair Bolles.
1949 |
Box 10 | Folder 50 |
Maurice Thorez. France of the People's front and its mission in the world
1938 |
Box 10 | Folder 51 |
Maurice Thorez. The unity of the French nation
1936 |
Box 10 | Folder 52 |
Russia Today Society (London, England). Through workers' eyes: Report of the American
Workers Delegation to Soviet Russia.
1931 |
Box 10 | Folder 53 |
John Q. Tilson. The embargo on Spain
1939 |
Box 10 | Folder 54 |
Anti-Discrimination Department. The time is now: report of activities
1951 |
Box 10 | Folder 55 |
Thomas Tippett. Mill shadows: a drama of social forces in four acts
1932 |
Box 10 | Folder 56 |
Josip Broz Tito. Workers manage factories in Yugoslavia
1950 |
Box 10 | Folder 57 |
Abraham Joel Tobias. Substandard wages: an analysis of their extent and effect, and
what must be done to establish a higher wage level
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Design and presentation by Abraham Joel Tobias ; prepared in cooperation with Textile
Workers Union of America, CIO.
Box 10 | Folder 58 |
Today's fight against the bosses: expropriate the war industries.
1941 |
Box 10 | Folder 59 |
Ralph De Toledano. How communism demoralizes youth
1947 |
Box 10 | Folder 60 |
Lewis Paul Todd. The Marshall plan; a program of international cooperation
1950 |
Scope and Contents
Prepared for the Advisory Committee on Education, Economic Cooperation Administration.
Box 10 | Folder 61 |
American Workers Party. Toward an American revolutionary labor movement: statement
of programmatic orientation
1934 |
Box 10 | Folder 62 |
Young Communist League. Towards a mass Young Communist League
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Resolutions adopted by the July Plenum of the Young Communist League, U.S.A.
Box 10 | Folder 63 |
Communist Party of the U.S.A. Toward revolutionary mass work
1932 |
Box 10 | Folder 64 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). The A.F. of L. at work towards democracy in Germany:
the voices of free German labor
1947 |
Box 10 | Folder 65 |
Labour Party (Great Britain). Towards world plenty
1952 |
Box 10 | Folder 66 |
Eugene V. Debs; Alexander Trachtenber. The heritage of Gene Debs, selections
1955 |
Scope and Contents
100th Anniversary edition. Critical introd. by Alexander Trachtenberg.
Box 10 | Folder 67 |
ILP (Independent Labour Party). Trade unions in Soviet Russia
1920 |
Scope and Contents
A collection of Russian trade union documents compiled by the I. L. P. Information
committee and the International section of the Labour research department.
Box 10 | Folder 68 |
TUC (Trades Union Congress). Trade union structure and closer unity
1947 |
Box 10 | Folder 69 |
TUC (Trades Union Congress). Trade Unions and the War Situation
1943 |
Box 10 | Folder 70 |
TUC (Trades Union Congress). Trade unionism in central Europe; T.U.C. survey.
1945 |
Box 10 | Folder 71 |
John Dewey; Roger N. Baldwin; Christopher Emmet . Tragedy of a people, racialism in
1946 |
Scope and Contents
With an appeal by John Dewey, Roger N. Baldwin, Christopher Emmet ... and others.
Box 10 | Folder 72 |
A tribute to William Green
1951 |
Box 10 | Folder 73 |
Leon Trotsky; Max Shachtman. In defense of the Soviet Union
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Max Shachtman.
Box 10 | Folder 74 |
Leon Trotsky; H. N. Brailsford. The defence of terrorism (Terrorism and communism)
a reply to Karl Kautsky
1921 |
Scope and Contents
Preface by H.N. Brailsford.
Box 10 | Folder 75 |
Leon Trotsky. The first five years of the Communist International
1945 |
Box 10 | Folder 76 |
Leon Trotsky. From October to Brest-Litovsk
1919 |
Box 10 | Folder 77 |
Leon Trotsky. Germany: the key to the international situation
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction by Ted Grant.
Box 10 | Folder 78 |
Leon Trotsky. I stake my life
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Trotsky's address to the N.Y. Hippodrome meeting.
Box 10 | Folder 79 |
Leon Trotsky; J. G. Wright. The Kirov assassination
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by J. G. Wright.
Box 10 | Folder 80 |
Leon Trotsky. The Revolution in Spain
1931 |
Box 10 | Folder 81 |
Leon Trotsky. Stalinism and bolshevism; concerning the historical and theoretical
roots of the Fourth International
1937 |
Box 10 | Folder 82 |
Leon Trotsky; Max Shachtman. The strategy of the world revolution
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Translated with an introduction by Max Shachtman.
Box 10 | Folder 83 |
Report of court proceedings, the case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite terrorist centre
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Heard before the Military collegium of the Supreme court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow,
August 19-24, 1936, in re G. E. Zinoviev, L. B. Kamenev, G. E. Evdokimov, I. N. Smirnov,
I. P. Bakayev, V. A. Ter-Vaganyan, S. V. Mrachkovsky, E. A. Dreitzer, E. S. Holtzman
Box 10 | Folder 84 |
Walter Trumbull. Life in the U. S. Army
Box 10 | Folder 85 |
Philip Murray. The truth about contributory and non-contributory pensions and social
1949 |
Box 10 | Folder 86 |
The truth crushes commie lies: American unions work with the United States Department
of Labor in giving workers from other lands the truth about free labor.
1951 |
Box 10 | Folder 87 |
S. Tsirul. The practice of Bolshevik self-criticism: how the American Communist Party
carries out self-criticism and controls fulfillment of decisions
1932 |
Box 10 | Folder 88 |
Political education. Part 1 the two worlds.
1934 |
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
TWUA (Textile Workers Union of America). TWUA Speakers Manual
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Gus Tyler. Section 501 (a) and the proper functions of unions
1959 |
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Socialist Party (U.S.). Unions face the Depression.
1938 |
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Vernon Bartlett. Unknown Europe
1942 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by Vernon Bartlett.
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Samuel Untermyer. Civilization's only weapon against Hitlerism
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Address of Mr. Samuel Untermyer, read at the Testimonial Dinner to Mr. William Green
at the Aldine Club New York City, February 14, 1934.
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Inter-Union Institute for Labor and Democracy. U.S. labor policy at the fork of the
road; documentary report on the conflict in the Congress over labor policy.
1946 |
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
Samuel Van Valkenburg. Pacific Asia; a political atlas.
1947 |
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
Manuel Antonio de Varona Loredo. The drama of Cuba before America
1960 |
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
Veritas . Pro-war communism!
1937 |
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Harold G. Vatter. Victory through unionism
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Charles Vincent. The Popular Front in France: a short history of the French working
class from 1934 to 1938
1938 |
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Carl Hermann Voss. Answers on the Palestine question
1948 |
Scope and Contents
3rd edition, revised and enlarged
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky. On condemning the preparation of a new war and concluding
a five-power pact for the strengthening peace
1949 |
Scope and Contents
Speeches at the fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly, November, 1949.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky. Speeches by A.Y. Vyshinsky on measures against the
threat of another war and for strengthening peace and friendship among nations
1951 |
Scope and Contents
Delivered at the Plenary meetings of the sixth session of the United Nations General
Assembly, Nov. 8, 1951 and Nov. 16, 1951.
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Wage Committee report
Box 11 | Folder 16 |
Lowell Wakefield. Hitler's spy plot in the U. S. A.
1939 |
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Tom Walsh. What is this Shop Stewards' Movement?
Box 11 | Folder 18 |
General Mills. War work: a daybook for the home.
1942 |
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Harry F. Ward. Concerted Action for Peace
1938 |
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Harold Ward. National defense for whom?
1935 |
Box 11 | Folder 21 |
Harry Waton. The Marxist; an aid to the study of capital
1925 |
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Harry Waton. Natural dialectics of proletarian internationals and parties, and New
Communist manifesto
1926 |
Box 11 | Folder 23 |
Harry Waton. Nature and historic function of socialism and communism
Box 11 | Folder 24 |
Harry Waton. The Ninth thermidor of the Russian Revolution (the historic significance
of the Trotzkyite Trial)
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
Harry Waton. The philosophy of Marx.
1921 |
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Harry Waton. Spain and France on the Crossroads
1936 |
Box 11 | Folder 27 |
Harry Waton. War and peace: what peace after the war?
1942 |
Box 11 | Folder 28 |
Position of the R.I.L.U. sections and their role in the leadership of the economic
struggles and unemployed movement
Scope and Contents
Theses adopted by the Eighth Session of the Central Council of the R.I.L.U.
Box 11 | Folder 29 |
M. J. Olgin. The way out, a program for American labor
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Manifesto and principal resolutions adopted by the eighth convention of the Communist
Party of the U.S.A., held in Cleveland, Ohio, April 2-8, 1934. Introduction by M.J.
Box 11 | Folder 30 |
International Fur and Leather Workers Union. We ask justice for our union leaders!
1949 |
Box 11 | Folder 31 |
William Weinstone. The great sit-down strike
1937 |
Box 11 | Folder 32 |
Albert Weisbord. Passaic: the story of a struggle against starvation wages and for
the right to organize
1926 |
Box 11 | Folder 33 |
Mac Weiss. "In Flanders field...".
1935 |
Box 11 | Folder 34 |
Max Weiss. Happy days for American youth
1935 |
Box 11 | Folder 35 |
BSEIU (Building Service Employees International Union). Welcome!
Box 11 | Folder 36 |
United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Union. Welcome new member: you
have joined the only International Union exclusively composed of Cement, Lime, Gypsum
and Allied Industries Workers.
Box 11 | Folder 37 |
Western New York Trade Union Directory and Manual
1944 |
Box 11 | Folder 38 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). What can I do about it?
Box 11 | Folder 39 |
What happened to the trade unions behind the Iron Curtain
1948 |
Box 11 | Folder 40 |
What the I.L.D. does for labor: defense, relief, legislation, education.
Box 11 | Folder 41 |
What to Do When the Rabble-Rouser Comes to Town
Box 11 | Folder 42 |
What will happen with Germany? The creation of the National Committee Free Germany:
the manifesto and its significance.
Box 11 | Folder 43 |
Abraham John Muste. What would pacifists have done about Hitler? A discussion of war,
dictators, and pacifism
1949 |
Box 11 | Folder 44 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). When you have a case before a regional labor board.
1934 |
Box 11 | Folder 45 |
Basil A. Wheeler; Edward Thimme. The problem of the hour
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Introduction to the Consumer Party by Edward Thimme.
Box 11 | Folder 46 |
Communist Party of Great Britain. Where is Trotsky going?
1928 |
Box 11 | Folder 47 |
James T. Farrell. Who are the 18 prisoners in the Minneapolis Labor Case? How the
Smith "Gag" Act has endangered workers rights and free speech
1944 |
Scope and Contents
Foreword by James T. Farrell.
Box 11 | Folder 48 |
AFL (American Federation of Labor). Who is the imperialist?
1951 |
Box 11 | Folder 49 |
Joseph Clark. Who are the Young Communists?
1941 |
Box 11 | Folder 50 |
Arturo Giovannitti; John Dos Passos. Who killed Carlo Tresca?
1945 |
Scope and Contents
Forewords by Arturo Giovannitti [and] John Dos Passos.
Box 11 | Folder 51 |
Why every worker should join the Communist Party.
1930 |
Box 11 | Folder 52 |
Why this election sample ballot
Box 11 | Folder 53 |
Why are Jews persecuted for their religion?
Box 11 | Folder 54 |
Independent Labor League of America. Why? a labor party.
1935 |
Box 11 | Folder 55 |
Why unions?
1956 |
Box 11 | Folder 56 |
UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America.). When you come back:
UE's orientation handbook for returning servicemen.
1945 |
Box 11 | Folder 57 |
Why you should vote Communist: what are the real issues in this election? : which
party is your party? : for what candidates shall you vote? : what can you expect of
this election?
1934 |
Box 11 | Folder 58 |
Roy Wilkins. "Rape"; a case history of murder, terror and injustice visited upon a
negro community
1949 |
Box 11 | Folder 59 |
International Labour Conference. The world of industry and labour, 1939
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Report of the director to the twenty-fifth session of the International Labour Conference,
June 1939.
Box 11 | Folder 60 |
Wisdom, Justice and Moderation: The Case of Angelo Herndon.
1935 |
Box 11 | Folder 61 |
Herman Wolf. Labor defends America
1941 |
Box 11 | Folder 62 |
Bertram David. Wolfe. Science joins the party
1950 |
Box 11 | Folder 63 |
Bertram David Wolfe. Things we want to know
1934 |
Box 11 | Folder 64 |
Bertram David Wolfe. What is the communist opposition?
1933 |
Box 11 | Folder 65 |
Matthew Woll. Steps necessary for high postwar employment
1944 |
Box 11 | Folder 66 |
Abner E. Woodruff. The evolution of industrial democracy
1914 |
Box 11 | Folder 67 |
Work Book A
Scope and Contents
Federal Text Book
Box 11 | Folder 67 |
Work Book B
Scope and Contents
Federal Text Book
Box 11 | Folder 68 |
The Worker's Bank Limited Tel-Aviv, Israel.
1932 |
Box 11 | Folder 69 |
United States Department of Labor. Workers and national defense
1940 |
Box 11 | Folder 70 |
National Labor Service. Working for labor: the story of the National Labor Service,
founded to promote good will among American workers of all races and religions.
Box 11 | Folder 71 |
Romain Rolland. The World Congress Against War: report on the congress
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Opening address by Romain Rolland ; and the manifesto adopted at Amsterdam, August
27-29, 1932.
Box 11 | Folder 72 |
The World cries out
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Statements by leading individuals, organizations and newspapers worldwide on Germany's
treatment of Jews written during the Nazi regime.
Box 11 | Folder 73 |
E. Clark Worman. Facts about labor leaders, worker opinions, white-collar workers,
foremen's unions, public opinion about unions
1946 |
Box 11 | Folder 74 |
Economic Security: a Study Outline
1934 |
Box 11 | Folder 75 |
Wilson W. Wyatt. Liberal rearm for '48
1947 |
Box 11 | Folder 76 |
Art Young. The Socialist primer
1930 |
Box 11 | Folder 77 |
Young People's Socialist League. The sixth convention of the Young People's Socialist
League of America
1932 |
Scope and Contents
July 22-24, 1932.
Box 11 | Folder 78 |
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). Your rights under the National Labor Relations
1937 |
Scope and Contents
2nd edition
Box 11 | Folder 79 |
Cooks, Countermen, Soda Dispensers, Food Checkers, Cashiers and Assistants Union..
Your union, what it is, how it operates: a message for the new member
Box 11 | Folder 80 |
Charles S. Zimmerman. Class approach
1948 |
Box 11 | Folder 81 |
Grigory YevseyevichZinovyev. Report. Work of the executive Committee of the Communist
International. Fifth congress of the Communist International.
1924 |
Box 11 | Folder 82 |
Grigory Yevseyevich Zinovyev. Speech in reply to discussion of Report on the work
of the E.C.C.I.
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Delivered by G. Zinoviev, June 26th, 1924. Resolution on the Report of the E.C.C.I.
Box 11 | Folder 83 |
Vladimir Ilich Lenin; Ulyanov-Lenin; A. Sirnis. The Collapse of the Second International
1920 |
Scope and Contents
Translated by A. Sirnis