ILGWU Justice Photographs, 1900-1991
Collection Number: 5780/102 P
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
ILGWU Justice Photographs, 1900-1991
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5780/102 P
This collection contains photographs used in, or considered for use in, Justice. Photographs
document a wide range of ILGWU activities and institutions, as well as many ILGWU
members, staff, and officers.
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
12 cubic feet
Collection material in English, Yiddish
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union was once one of the largest labor
unions in the United States founded in 1900 by local union delegates representing
about 2,000 members in cities in the northeastern United States. It was one of the
first U.S. Unions to have a membership consisting of mostly females, and it played
a key role in the labor history of the 1920s and 1930s. The union is generally referred
to as the "ILGWU" or the "ILG". The ILGWU grew in geographical scope, membership size,
and political influence to become one of the most powerful forces in American organized
labor by mid-century. Representing workers in the women's garment industry, the ILGWU
worked to improve working and living conditions of its members through collective
bargaining agreements, training programs, health care facilities, cooperative housing,
educational opportunities, and other efforts. The ILGWU merged with the Amalgamated
Clothing and Textile Workers Union in 1995 to form the Union of Needle trades, Industrial
and Textile Employees (UNITE). UNITE merged with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant
Employees Union (HERE) in 2004 to create a new union known as UNITE HERE. The two
unions that formed UNITE in 1995 represented only 250,000 workers between them, down
from the ILGWU's peak membership of 450,000 in 1969.
Justice was the official organ of the ILGWU from 1919 to 1995.
Justice was the official weekly publication of the ILGWU from 1919 to 1995. The union
employed photographers to record events and activities for use in the publication.
This collection contains photographs used in, or considered for use in, Justice. The
photographs document a wide range of ILGWU activities and institutions, as well as
many ILGWU members, staff, and officers. They are arranged by subject, such as an
individual, Local number, Region or Department name, event (convention, parade) or
topic (shop scenes, imports).
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
ILGWU Justice Photographs #5780/102 P. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Women's clothing industry -- United States
Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- United States
Clothing workers -- United States
Industrial relations -- United States
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Agreements and Negotiations: Outerwear Negotiations
1979 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin at Dress talks meeting, New York Hilton Hotel, 1/28/76; Chaikin
at Dress Joint Council, New York Hilton Hotel, 1/29/76; New York Dress Joint Council
approves contract settlement with VP David Gingold, secretary-treasurer Sam Byer,
VP Murray Gross, and President Chaikin, NY Hilton, 2/5/76; Chaikin speaking at opening
of contract negotiations, Sheraton Centre, 3/21/79; ILGWU General Executive Board
with Pres. Chaikin discussing current outerwear negotiations, 3/20/79; Pres. Chaikin
with ILGWU Sec'y-Treas. Shelley Appleton and Executive VP Wilbur Daniels at press
conference, Apr. 1979; Two pages of "Justice" with picture of Local 91, children's
wear; Local 155, Knitgoods, rainwear workers, and Cloakmakers, May 1979; Cloakmakers,
May 1979; Local 155, Knitgoods, May 1979; Local 91 Children's wear, May 1979; Chaikin
at press conference with reporters, May 30, 1979
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Agreements and Negotiations
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin at Eastern Penna Region ILGWU, no date; contract negotiations 1982,
6/3/82; Chaikin speaking to members of Westchester- Rockland District, White Plains,
NY 3/8/82; Chaikin at meeting; Asian women voting, Local 23-25, 6/3/82
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Agreements and Negotiations
Scope and Contents
Includes: Pres. Chaikin and General Sec'y-Treas. Jay Mazur listen to members' concerns,
March 1985; Union negotiators with employers at sportswear negotiations, 3/31/82;
workers ratify agreement, Los Angeles, 9/1/81
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Agreements and Negotiations - Outerwear Pacts & Negotiations
1976 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGWU negotiating committee at Dress Joint Council Meeting with Pres. Chaikin,
Manuel Gonzalez - Manager Local 222, Frank Longo - Manager Local 89, Sam Newmaizer
- Dress Joint Board Assistant Manager, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, VP Murray Gross,
Pres. Chaikin, VP David Gingold - Director Northeast Department, VP Edward Kramer
- Director Eastern Region, Ray Shore - Assistant Northeaster Director, VP Frederick
Siems, Sol Goldberg - Assistant Eastern Region Director, William Weiss - Assistant
Manager Local 10, Sam Byer - Joint Council Secretary-Treasurer, and Mae Squillante
- Joint Council Chairlady, 11/13/75; Council Chairlady Mae Squillante speaks at Joint
Council Conclave with Exec. VP Wilbur Daniels, Pres. Chaikin, VP Murray Gross, 11/15/75;
VP David Gingold, Director of Northeast Dept. speaks at Dress Joint Council Session
with VP Frederick Siems, Sol Goldberg - Eastern Region Assistant General manager,
William Weiss - Local 10 Assistant Manager, and VP Edward Kramer - Eastern Region
General Manager, 11/15/75; Contract negotiations with VP Frederick R. Siems - chief
union negotiator, Exec. VP Wilbur Daniels, General Counsel Max Zinny, VP Murray Gross
- GM of Dress Joint Council, David Chrystal II dress union attorney, Sam Nemaizer
- Joint Council Assistant General manager, Manager Frank Longo of Local 89, VP David
Gingold - Northeast Director, Ray Shore - Northeast Assistant Director, Sam Byer -
Council Secretary-Treasurer, Richard Sanfilippo, Eastern Region filed supervisor,
Sol Goldberg region's assistant General Manager, and VP Edward Kramer - region's general
manager, 12/1/75; Chairladies from the Williamsburg and Boro Park districts listen
to Pres. Chaikin and VP Gross, 1/6/76; Pres. Chaikin in union and employer negotiations
with employer attorneys Stanley Halpern and Charles Bollon and negotiators Richard
Rubin of Popular Priced Dress manufacturers, Alex Redein of Affiliated Dress Manufactures,
and Murray Cudrin of National Dress Manufactures, 2/15/76; Union negotiators confer
in Room 2110, 2/15/76; Preparing for strike are Elisa Schmidt, Local 22 Manager Manuel
Gonzalez, Business Agent Louise Delgado and Assistant Manager Sol Lipnack, 2/15/76;
pres. Chaikin with TV Reporters, 2/15/76
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Agreements and Negotiations: Master Agreements
Scope and Contents
Includes: Executive VP Wilbur Daniels presents formal demands for Jonathan Logan master
agreement, with VP Nicholas Bonanno - Southeast Director, ILGWU Associate General
Counsel Joseph Good, VP Sol Hoffman - Upper South Director, and VP Sam Janis - Ohio
-Kentucky Director, 3/1/75; Representatives from Jonathan Logan plants study demands
for new master agreements, Atlanta, 3/11/75; Members of union negotiating team (all
women) listen to details of the Jonathan Logan master agreement, 4/1/75, Atlanta;
Negotiations for contract renewal with Maidenform at the General Office, with Executive
VP Wilbur Daniels, Director of the of master Agreements Department and VP Sol Hoffman
- Director of the Upper South Department, Juanita Ballard, Business Agent Josephine
Spence, Jessie Neely, Mary Messenger, West Virginia State Director Mario Marcello,
Helen Hudkins, Doris McCoy, Odessa Fletcher, Business Agent Elizabeth Wiley, 4/14/75;
Negotiations for agreement for Spartan Undies, a division if Jonathan Logan, with
Henry Berger - Assistant Director of the Southeast Region, and South Carolina State
Director Joe Ferguson heading the union's negotiating team, Spartanburg, South Carolina,
9/1/75; Union negotiators present demands for Bobbie Brooks Division master agreement
in General Office council room, with Western Pennsylvania Manager Bernard Lurye, VP
David Gingold - Northeast Department Director, Assistant Northeast Director Ray Shore,
Eastern Missouri Manager Jerry Perlstein of the Central States Region, Associate General
Counsel Joe Good, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of the Master Agreement Department
and Chief Union negotiator, VP Sam Janis - Director of the Ohio-Kentucky Region, and
Harry Berger - Assistant Director of the Southeast Region, 8/4/76; Union negotiators
at General Office to conclude Bobbie Brooks master agreement, with Manager Jerry Perlstein
- Eastern Missouri District Council, VP Sam Janis - Ohio-Kentucky Region Director,
Exec. VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of the Mater Agreement Department, New York City,
10/1/76; Negotiations on master agreement for Barbizon Corporation, with Exec. VP
Wilbur Daniels - Director of the Master Agreement Department, and VP Cornelius Wall
- Director of the Western States Region, also some shop talks for Barbizon Agreement,
with Executive VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of the Master Agreement Department, VP
Cornelius Wall - Director of Western States Regions, and BA Carlo Leone, Provo, Utah,
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Agreements and Negotiations
Scope and Contents
Includes: Meeting with Gene Boyer - President Country Miss, Sally Titerly, and John
Jay - counsel for Country Miss, David Melman, Martin Vest, Wilbur Daniels, Lilian
Kolwyck, 6/12/85; Justice articles on ESL and Import Bill, November 1985
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Agreements and Negotiations: master Agreements
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Dubinsky speaks at Bobbie Brooks negotiating session, with (for
the union) Edward Kramer, Sam Janis, Gus Tyler, Max Zimny, and Robert Rosenfeld, also
some members of the shop workers' committee, 12/1/64; Jonathan Logan Conferees, Pres.
David Dubinsky, George W. Taylor - impartial Chairman, Richard Schwartz - President
of firm, Max Zimny - ILGWU Assistant General Counsel, VP Shelley Appleton - Local
23-25 manager, and William Isaacson - firm lawyer, 4/1/65; Maidenform pact signing
in General Office, with Wilbur Daniels - Director of ILGWU Master Agreements Department,
President Louis Stulberg, Dr. Joseph A. Coleman - firm president, Helen S. Szulimowski
- Local 149 chairlady, Leon Milman - Local 149 manager, Peter Capitano - Local 160
manager, Ellis Rosenthal - firm Vice president, VP Angela Bambace - Upper South Dept.
manager, Henry C. Happen - firm general counsel, David Benetar - firm counsel, Herman
Lieberman, of firm, 8/31/66; Negotiations over terms of mast pact with Majestic Specialties,
the union negotiators with employer representatives are Peter Nadash - manager of
Western Pennsylvania District Council (sitting in for VP David Gingold Northeast Department
Director), Wilbur Daniels - Director of Master Agreement Department, Sol Goldberg
- Assistant General Manager of Eastern Region (representing VP Edward Kramer - regional
head), San Janis - Ohio-Kentucky area director, New York, 7/1/67; Collective bargaining
and women, 4/1/68; Arbitration session for cost-of-living wage increase for employees
covered by Jonathan Logan master agreement, with David L. Cole - arbitrator, Nicholas
Bonanno - South East Region Director, VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of the Master Agreements
Department, Richard Schwartz - President of Jonathan Logan, Saul Z. Cohen - the firm's
attorney, other company representatives, and workers from the involved plants, 10/13/70;
ILGWU President Louis Stulberg speaks at Bobbie Brooks negotiating committee conference
at ILGWU General Office, 12/1/71; VP Wilbur Daniels, Director of ILGWU Master Agreement
Department, discusses pact renewal demands with ILG members and shop representatives
from Bobbie Brooks plants, with Vice Presidents David Gingold and Sol C. Chaikin -
Director and Associate Director of Northeast Department, VP Sam Janis - Director of
Ohio-Kentucky Region, Glenn Clay - Assistant Director of Central States Region, and
Jerry Perlstein - manager of North Missouri-Minnesota - Iowa District, 12/1/71; Negotiations
for the renewal of the Barbizon Corp. master pact with management representatives
and Vice Presidents Edward Kramer, Eastern Region and Wilbur Daniels, Master Agreements
Department, General office in New York 2/1/71; Jonathan Logan negotiations of Misty
Harbor with Wilbur Daniels - Master Agreements Director, Sol Hoffman - associate Upper
South Director Harry Frankel - Maryland Director and Charles Sturm, Baltimore, 4/1/72;
Bargaining session at General Office with union negotiators from Maidenform, and ILGWU
Pres. Louis Stulberg and VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of Master Agreements Department,
4/15/72; Barbizon negotiations with Chaikin, VP Wilbur Daniels - Master Agreements
Department and VP Edward Kramer - Eastern Region, 2/1/68; Barbizon agreement signing
with Chaikin and VP Wilbur Daniels - Director of Master Agreements Department, 1968;
Negotiations between ILGWU and Bobbie Brooks, Inc. at General Office with Pres. David
Dubinsky, David L. Cole, committee chairman, and Maurice Saltzman, president of Bobbie
Brooks Inc., no date; Unanimous vote of ILG members (mostly women) employed by Bobbie
Brooks Superior Ave. plant in Cleveland for new agreement with the company, 2/15/63;
Announcement of ILGWU - Bobbie Brooks permanent labor-management committee plan with
Maurice Saltzman - company president, arbiter David L. Cole, ILGWU President David
Dubinsky, firm's attorney William Rosenfeld, ILGWU Assistant General Counsel Max Zimny,
General Secretary-Treasurer Louis Stulberg, VP Shelley Appleton, and Manager Max Goldenberg,
at General Office, January 15 (year unspecified); ILG members from various parts of
the country who participated in the successful negotiations of the Bobbie Brooks pact
including President David Dubinsky, Rose Faranacci (Cleveland) Helena Herter (Pennsylvania),
General secretary Treasurer Louis Stulberg, Catheryn Koziol (Pennsylvania), VP Shelley
Appleton, Al Gargiulo, Julia John, Ruth Keene, John Hamilton, Bessie Durden, Synesta
Great house (Cleveland), Ruth Perkins, Mary Keith, Frances Cooper, Earple Reams (Ma),
Sarah Farling, James Sunday (Pennsylvania), Mildred Lawson, Winona Bell, Frank Peters
(Arkansas), no date
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Anniversaries: Dubinskys 25th Anniversary
1957 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: David Dubinsky 25th Anniversary as President, at Unity House and Garden,
June 15th and 16th, 1957
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Anniversaries: Anniversary Exhibit
Scope and Contents
Includes: Pres.-Elect Chaikin describes embroidery craft to New York Mayor Abraham
Beame as worker embroiders and Executive VP Wilbur Daniels and First VP E. Howard
Molisani look on, June 1-15, 1975, New York; Model during Fashion Institute of Technology
fashion show 5/20/75, New York; High School of Fashion Industries student during fashion
show, New York, 5/21/75; Performance by Mai-Jen Dance Studio, McGraw-Hill Plaza, New
York, 6/4/75; Women from various countries tour anniversary exhibit of International
Women's Year, New York, June 1-15, 1975; Mayor Beame presents Pres.-Elect Chaikin
with proclamation declaring June 3 "Garment Workers; Day", New York, June 1-15, 1975;
Two retirees visit anniversary exhibit, June 1-15, 1975; ILGWU Chorus performs at
opening of anniversary exhibit, June 1-15. 1975, New York; "Swinging 10" band of Cutters'
Local 10 perform at opening of anniversary exhibit, New York, June 1-15, 1975
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Photos of American Federation of Labor grants Certificate of Affiliations
to ILGWU, 6/23/00; Boxes and file cabinets of documents in ILGWU Archives Department,
no date; Researcher at ILGWU Archives Department, New York, no date; Various documents
on desk at ILGWU Archives Department, New York, no date; Photos of ILGWU document
concerning strike of Sample Tailors Society, document from 7/8/10 1910; Photo of ILGWU
document concerning strike of Cloak and Skirt Makers in New York City, document from
6/18/10; Photo of AFL notebook, no date; Photo of historical photo, no date; Photo
of letter from US President Franklin Roosevelt to David Dubinsky, president of International
Ladies' Garment Workers' of America concerning Sidney Hillman and the Standard Knitting
Mills award, document date: 12/8/41; Photo of letter from US President Harry Turban
to ILGWU president David Dubinsky concerning Truman's decision to relieve General
MacArthur of his command, document date: 4/18/51; Photo or letter from ILGWU General-Secretary-Treasurer
John A. Dacha concerning a cloak workers strike in New York, document date: 7/26/19
1919; Document of Yiddish (photo) in 1913; Photo of Yiddish notebook, 1913; Photo
of Thank you note from US President Franklin Roosevelt to ILGWU president David Dubinsky
concerning Dubinsky's support of the president, document date: 6/5/41
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: William B. Frawley, grand prize winner in ILGWU's Next Great Designer Awards,
Jun. 1982; Presentation of a film, no date
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Buildings and Monuments
Scope and Contents
Includes: Copy of the Declaration of Independence, reprinted 7/4/81 in The New York
Times; Statue of Liberty 10/26/81; unidentified building, no date; Women on steps
in front of US Capitol Building, no date; People in front of Lincoln Memorial, Washington,
DC; Gathering of many people in front of US Capitol Building; Washington, DC; Capitol
Dome, Washington, DC 5/14/48; Capitol Dome, Washington, DC, no date; Photo of Capitol
Building (torn from a book); John F. Kennedy taking oath of office at the Capitol,
Washington, DC, no date; American flag in unidentified city, no date; American Flag
in unidentified city, no date
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGWU march, no date; ILGWU march, no date; ILGWU march, no date; Speaker
at ILGWU rally, no date; Helen Busha, the first retiree of Local 568 pressing with
Manager Ferguson, "568" Pres. Marge Crowe, and Business Agent Marlene Hill
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Central States
Scope and Contents
Includes: At Tex-Son Strike, Rudy Hawkins, husband of a striker, is assaulted by police,
San Antonio, Texas, 4/1/59; Janie Lozano received multiple scalp lacerations at Tex-Son
strike in San Antonio, Texas, 2/15/60; Janie Lozano received multiple scalp lacerations
at Tex-Son strike in San Antonio, Texas, 2/15/60; Checking Charlie O., official mascot
of the Kansas City Athletics for the union label are Kansas City Joint Board Business
Agent Rinaldo Panetta, chairman of labor's sports committee, Ethel Holk, Sec'y-treasurer
of the Union Label and Service Trades Council, and Don Beibel. "A's" public relations
director, 8/15/66; Central States ILR members Gertrude Hartung, Elizabeth Kimmel,
Valeria Alexander and Sophie Gonzalez sign petitions for minimum wage law, San Antonio,
Texas, 4/1/61; 50th Anniversary of Cloakmakers' Local 78 with local president Dave
Cohen, VP Frederick Siems, Joint Board Manager Dan Robbins and charter members Hyman
Weiss, Abe Israel, Margaret Ziebold, Max Lubin, Joe Schwartz, Max Boroz, and Sam Lipshitz,
St. Louis, 2/1/61; Women on strike, no date; Two women on strike (ILGWU), no date;
Children of Tex- Son strikers assemble prior to manning picket line, 7/1/59; Mass
picketing by children of Tex-Son strikers, no date; Sharon Eubanks, member, Local
486, Zeigler, Illinois, Marlene Reams - member, Local 486, Zeigler, Illinois, and
in car, Geneva Curry - member Local 486, Zeigler, Illinois, with four children: Karen
Eubanks, Debbie Eubanks, Debbie Curry, and Melody Sue Reams, all supporting the Union
label (won $25.00 for Union Label Car, 10/15/62; Three women of ILGWU on strike (VIC-GENE),
no date; President Dubinsky speaks at mass membership meeting with Eleanora Kotoski
- VP of St. Louis Board, Frank Rother - assistant regional director, Glen Clay - administrative
assistant, Sam Mazzola - president of St. Louis Joint Board, Dan Robbins - manager
of St. Louis Joint Board, VP Frederick Siems - Central States Regional Director, and
Assistant President Gus Tyler, St. Louis, MO, no date; ILG members congratulate Congressman
Richard Bolling of Missouri on winning primary election, 8/15/64; Woman on strike
with son, no date; Holding a Missouri state flag (sent by Missouri Local 323) are
Pfc. Ozburno, S/Sgt. Hack, and S/Sgt. Richard Schowengerdt in a Vietnam war zone,
6/1/67; Members of Central States Region Local 231, Essie Mae Weatherford, Minnie
Cheek, Frankie Uhe - Vice President, Juanita Kiss, chairlady, Wilma Pruitt - President,
Margaret Eisfelder, and Geraldine Pinski - financial secretary, sent food to servicemen
in Vietnam, Pickneyville, Illinois, 10/5/66; Mary Perez and Onetta Johnson, members
of Central States Local 453 picket Mode O'Day, in Ottawa, Kansas, 10/1/67, (joined
by Lenn Collins - a child of the neighborhood); Nelly Don victor (group of people
celebrating), 1968; Elvira Caldwell, Allene Peckman, Dean Gulbertson, James Prine,
Mary Prine, Audrey Harrison, Dalma Taylor, Janice Welch, Jerry Welch; a shop organizing
committee helped ILGWU election victory in Nelly Don plants, Nevada, 8/1/68; ILGWU
truck in front of St. Louis skyline, 5/1/70; Vice President Glenn Clay and Gloria
Moris, president of Arlington Hotel Workers' Organizing Committee, at "Solidarity
Banquet" in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Nov. 1981; Dorothy Hoegele of the National Women's
Conference Committee pins ERA button on ILGWU education committee member Elizabeth
Bradley at the St. Louis Labor Council's training sessions, also BA Ruth Smith, Minnie
Hayes, Gloria Lumpkin, Bradley and Ola Mayberry, Jan. 1982; Vice President Glenwood
Clay presents a contribution from ILGWU to Missouri Democratic Senatorial candidate
Harriett Woods, also Education Director Beth O'Brien and Ruth Smith, August, 1982;
Central States ILG members in Missouri visit four members of the state's congressional
delegation (four photographs): 1. with Rep. Harold Volkmer are Sadie Hustedde, Drucilla
Anderson, Betty Dowell, Nettie Lambert, Delma Hendricks, Juanita Goodhart, 2. Kansas
City activist Dorothy Devaney and Business Agent Cliftia Reissig with Rep. E. Thomas
Coleman's aides Donna Due Coole and Ruth Coffman, 3 with Rep. Richard Gephardt are
manager Winnie Lippman, Betty Montgomery, Jim Dozier and VP Glenn Clay regional director
4. visiting Rep. William Clay are Mary Tyler, Gloria Lumpkins, Mildred Lane and Louis
Flowers, March 1982
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin and Jimmy Carter, 7/22/76; Chaikin and Lazar Tepper at a meeting,
June 1975; Chaikin and part of the ILGWU delegation at the AFL-CIO convention in New
York, Dec. 1981; President Sol. C. Chaikin discusses New York City's transit problems
with members of Local 155's executive board on November 9, also, VP Sol Greene local
manager, Manager-elect Norman Lewis, and Local Pres. Murray Hendler, Dec. 1981; Pres.
Sol C. Chaikin awarded a medal denoting the rank of knight in the Order of Merit of
the Italian Republic by Consul General Giulio C. Di Lorenzo of the Italian Consulate
in New York City, also Santo Pernicone of the Italian-American Labor Council, Vice
consul Rosella Sranchini, Vice President Frank Longo - Local 89-48 manager, and VP
Samuel Nemaizer - general manager of the New York Cloak-Dress Joint Board, 8/27/82;
Chaikin with Mr. and Mrs. Aggett, Nov. 1982; Contact sheet and negatives of Chaikin
and two unidentified men no date; Chaikin with Sen. R. Byrd, no date.
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin at Democratic National Convention, 1980; Pres. Chaikin admires AFL-CIO's
George Meany Human Rights Award presented to chief Mongosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi; 10/28/82;
Woman working in garment shop, Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1982; ILGWU Pres.
Sol C. Chaikin chairs a meeting of the AFL-CIO's Committee on Social Security, with
AFL-CIO Social Security Director Bert Seidman and AFL-CIO Pres. Lane Kirkland, March
1983; Chaikin at meeting, May 1983
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Civil Rights
Scope and Contents
Includes: Negro Labor Conference at Hotel Theresa in New York City, with speakers
James B Carey-sect to CIO, Charles S. Zimmerman - VP ILG, and Lewis G. Himes - Representative
of the AF of L, 3/11/52; Garment workers pause for one hour to pay respects to the
late Martin Luther King and listen to the funeral services in Atlanta, New York City,
4/9/68; New York ILGers (predominantly black) on a prayer pilgrimage to Washington
on May 17, 1957 to mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that segregated
schools are unconstitutional; Martin Luther King delivering a speech at unidentified
location, no date; Martin Luther King, Jr. an aide to King, Michael Quill - President
of Transportation Workers Union, and ILG President David Dubinsky - Secretary-Treasurer
of the committee at a meeting of the AFL-CIO Trade Union Committee on Civil Rights,
1963; ILG members march on picket lines to protest segregation at stores in Southern
Cities (Woolworth), New York City, April 1963; Two black men during march on Washington
"For Jobs and Freedom", 8/28/63; Crowd of ILGers at Pennsylvania Station awaiting
trip to Washington DC during march on Washington, New York, 8/28/63; ILG women in
front of Washington Monument during the march on Washington, 8/28/63; View of the
mall in front of the Capitol of thousand's awaiting Martin Luther King's speech, Washington
DC, 8/28/63; Two ILGers read a copy of Justice during the trip to Washington DC, 8/28/63;
Black female ILGer reads a copy of Justice during trip to Washington DC, 8/28/63;
Two black female ILGers during march on Washington "for Jobs and Freedom", Washington
DC 8/28/63
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: 13 slides, no date
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Speaker at ILGWU Golden Jubilee Convention, 1950; contact sheet from convention,
no date
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Mary Bartchok, President of Local 264 and Chairlady of Shuwall Dr. Pottstown,
April 15 and 16, 1939
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets from Convention 1983
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Convention Photos [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets from Convention 1983
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Convention Photos [folder 2 of 2]
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets from Convention 1983
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Outwear Negotiations May 1979 (JUSTICE)
1979 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
Agreements and Negotiations/Outerwear 1976 Pacts and Negotiations
1976 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
Central States
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
AFL-CIO Convention - Oct. 1-5/Union Label Convention Sept. 28
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets for AFL-CIO Convention and Union Label Convention, 10/1/83
- 10/5/83
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Convention Photos [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Two women, June 1986; ILGWU members showing support for striking CWA workers,
June 1986; man and woman speaking into microphone, June 1986; Female representative
from Local 26, June 1986; Female representative from Puerto Rico, June 1986; Unidentified
male delegate June 1986; Convention room full of delegates from the Locals, June 1986;
A skit, June 1986; Numerous delegates filing into their positions, June 1986; Convention
delegates holding hands, June 1986; Man and woman shaking hands at convention, June
1986; Female delegate, June 1986; table of delegates from various locals,, June 1986;
Female delegate at microphone, June 1986; Delegates applaud, June 1986 (3 copies);
Delegates applaud, June 1986; Delegates speak with a police officer, June 1986; Delegates
speak at microphone, June 1986; Female delegate speaks at microphone, June 1986; Male
representative, June 1986; Chaikin receives award at Grand Hyatt New York, no date;
Jay Mazur at meeting, no date; Group photo of various ILG delegates, no date; Women
reading a script, June 1986; Group of women being filmed, June 1986; Individual woman
being filmed, 1986; Group of women being filmed, June 1986; Female delegates from
Puerto Rico, June 1986; Women speaking, June 1986
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Convention Photos [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin delivering a speech, June 1986; Black woman being filmed, June 1986;
Women with make-up artist, June 1986; Women reading a script, June 1986; Three women
with scripts, June 1986; ILG members march to support striking CWA workers, June 1986;
Four women being filmed, June 1986; Sketching on wood blocks, June 1986; Union label,
no date; Women speaking into microphone, June 1986; Black woman speaking, June 1986;
Five women, June 1986; Women at convention, June 1986; Convention delegates applaud,
June 1986; Delegates seated at convention, June 1986; Asian delegate, June 1986; ILGWU
chorus, June 1986; An ILGWU quilt, June 1986; Black delegate speaks at microphone,
June 1986; Delegates voting, June 1986; Three men, June 1986; Female delegates, June
1986; ILGWU members, June 1986; ILGWU rally, June 1986; Jesse Jackson at convention,
June 1986; Three black CWA strikers, June 1986; CWA striker, June 1986; Three black
CWA strikers, June 1986; Hartford workers on strike, June 1986; Jesse Jackson speaking
at CWA, June 1986; Two black women performing, June 1986; people at a meeting, June
1986; convention delegate asks a question, June 1986; ILGWU member with sign supporting
CWA workers, June 1986; Rally against imports, June 1986
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Convention [folder 1 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Two women at convention, 1989; Jay Mazur and Edgar Romney at convention,
1989; Men at microphone, 1989; Gus Tyler delivering speech, 1989; Dr. Ruth Westheimer,
1989; Man delivering speech, 1989; Man delivering a speech, 1989; Three female ILGWU
members, 1989; Female delegate, 1989; Delegates at convention, 1989; Candid photo
of female delegate, 1989; Two delegates, 1989; Delegate speaking at microphone, 1989;
Three delegate give "thumbs up", 1989; Eight delegates in an office, 1989; Eight delegates
in an office, 1989; Eight delegates in an office, 1989; Delegate speaking at microphone,
1989; Man with machine used by court stenographer, 1989; Delegate speaking at microphone,
1989; Woman at microphone, 1989; Woman speaking at microphone, 1989
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Convention [folder 2 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Woman at microphone, 1989; Woman at microphone, 1989; Woman at microphone,
1989; Man with UMWA speaking at microphone, 1989; Speaker at convention, 1989; Candid
photo of delegates, 1989; Two delegates at convention, 1989; Delegate using machine
used by court stenographer, 1989; Candid photo of delegates, 1989; Candid photo of
delegates, 1989; Speaker at delegation; Delegate at microphone, 1989; Jay Mazur, 1989;
Delegate at microphone, 1989; Female delegates at microphone, 1989; Delegate at microphone,
1989; Candid photo of delegates, 1989; Delegate at microphone, 1989; Delegates at
lunch, 1989; Delegates holding hands, 1989; Speaker at convention, 1989; Delegates
holding hands, 1989; Female delegate, 1989; Delegate at lunch, 1989; Photos of black
man, 1989; Woman giving "thumbs up", 1989
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Convention [folder 3 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Woman outside, 1989; Delegate with tape recorder; Delegate at microphone,
1989; Delegates receiving certificate of appreciation, 1989; Gerald Roy speaking to
convention, 1989; Delegates in small meeting, 1989; Female delegate listening to tape
player, 1989; Delegate at microphone, 1989; Female delegate with flowers and Jay Mazur,
1989; 6 delegates receive certificate of appreciation, 1989; Female delegate receives
certificate of appreciation from Jay Mazur, 1989; Delegate at microphone, 1989; Delegate
at microphone, 1989; Candid photo of delegate at convention, 1989; Candid photo of
delegate at convention, 1989; Speaker art convention, 1989; Jay Mazur with convention
staff member, 1989; Three convention staff members, 1989
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Convention [folder 4 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Delegate at microphone, 1989; Black delegate at microphone, 1989; Delegates
in small meeting, 1989; Delegates applauding an unidentified man, 1989; Edger Romney
speaking, 1989; Al Gore speaking, 1989; Jay Mazur holding a Garment Workers T-shirt,
1989; Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 1989; Jay Mazur speaking, 1989; Delegates with translating
machine, 1989; Various delegates at table, 1989; Candid photo of delegate, 1989; Delegate
reading ILGWU materials, 1989
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Convention (37) [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Includes: Contact sheets from convention, 1980?
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Convention (37) [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Includes: Contact sheets from convention, 1980?
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Pres. Sol C. Chaikin addresses opening ceremonies of Garment Industry Day
Care Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; General Secretary-Treasurer Jay Mazur speaks at
opening of Garment Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Matilda Cuomo,
wife of the governor speaks at opening of Garment Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown,
11/7/84; New York Mayor Ed Koch speaks at opening of Garment Industry Day Care Center
of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Local 23-25 manager Edgar Romney speaks at opening of Garment
Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Harold Siegel, executive director
of the Greater Blouse, Skirt and Undergarment Association, speaks at opening of Garment
Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Children at Garment Industry Day Care
Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Children at Garment Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown,
11/7/84; Sign outside of Garment Industry Day Care Center of Chinatown, 11/7/84; Child
graduates from Chinatown Daycare Center, 7/12/85; Children straighten caps during
graduation from Chinatown Daycare Center, 7/12/85; Mother with child graduating from
Chinatown Daycare Center, 7/12/85; Children in Chinatown Daycare Center, no date;
Thanksgiving feast for children at Chinatown Daycare Center, Dec. 1984; Child wears
firemen's "turn-out" suits at ILG/Sesame Street Program, 12/7/85; Children at Chinatown
Daycare Center, no date; Teacher at Chinatown Daycare Center, Apr. 1986; Children
with a fireman and his hat at Chinatown Daycare Center, Apr. 1986; Children and teachers
at Chinatown Daycare Center, Apr. 1986; Contact sheets and negatives from Chinatown
Daycare Center, no date -
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Robert Mickus, manager of Slate Belt Apparel Contractors' Association, Inc.,
his wife Marianne and their son, Robert Lewis Mickus, picket the entrance to offices
of ILGWU in New York, 4/2/59; Two ILGWU passing out cards to drivers, July 1979; ILGers
protest anti-union practices of JP Stevens at ITT, 12/1/80; four Asian women advertise
a rally for ILGWU Local 23-25, 6/24/82; Contact sheets of strikers, no date; San Francisco
ILGers demonstrate at Gunne Sax Facility, July-Aug. 1985; ILGWU demonstration, no
date; ILGWU demonstration, no date; ILGWU rally, 1950's
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers strike against Continental Eastern, Mar. 1990; ILG Executive VP Edgar
Romney speaks to ILGers on strike against Domsey Trading, Mar. 1990
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers demonstrate with other unions and community groups in Los Angeles,
protesting manufacturer' attempts to import guest workers into the garment industry,
Nov. 1987; ILGer from Local 23-25 makes a sign for picketing, no date; Edgar Romney
and Jay Mazur at a meeting, no date; ILG member protest the minimum wage, Nov. 1987;
Asian woman, no date; Man speaks at a meeting, no date
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Scope and Contents
Includes (no photos): Documentation of the dedication of the David Dubinsky Student
Center at the Fashion Institute of Technology, 10/22/75, New York; Dubinsky biographical
information, no date; Dubinsky, Raskin and Lazar Teper, no date; Dubinsky at microphone;
Dubinsky with cigar, no date; Dubinsky biographical information; Dubinsky biographical
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
Lemlich, Clara [Shavelson] not in box
Scope and Contents
Includes: Clara Lemlich as a young woman: she becomes a leader of the historic 1909
Shirtwaist Strike and was a founder of Local 25-- was not in box
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Scope and Contents
Includes (no photos): Dubinsky biographical information (4 copies), no date; Dubinsky
biographical information, no date; Dubinsky biographical information, no date; Dubinsky
biographical information, no date; Dubinsky biographical information, no date; Twenty-fifth
Anniversary of the presidency of David Dubinsky and ILGWU Progress, Madison Square
Garden, 6/13/57
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Dubrow, Evelyn
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Evelyn Dubrow - legislative directors, receives the Philip Hart Distinguished
Consumer Service Award from the Consumer Federation of America from Esther Peterson,
former special assistant for consumer affairs to President Carter, 7/7/81
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Eastern Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Joint negotiating teams from Maiden form Brassiere Co. discuss terms of
renewal pact, includes Leon Milman - manager of Plainfield Local 149, VP Edward Kramer
- Eastern Region general manager Peter Capitano, 3/31/60; Ed Banyai, manager at Suffolk
County Local 107, examines targets for organizing drive on Long Island with VP Edward
Kramer, general manager of Eastern Region, 10/15/61; Members of Local 222 protest
the runaway attempt of Newark (NJ) Knitgoods from Madison St. - outside theater of
Broadway hit "Come Blow Your Horn,: whose star is Hal March, President and treasurer
of company, New York, 7/1/61; Member Local 220-251 with Sadie Reich - Manager , and
Civil Rights Petition Committee collected 2325 signatures, Newark, 10/15/63; Connie
Woodruff, attending the ILGWU Training Institute, hands out leaflets ("Don't buy Rhoda
Lee") to shoppers - she was a former secretary to Pete Detlefsen at Local 144, New
York; Herald Square 3/15/63; Three women talking, no date; Sol Goldberg no date; Eastern
Region strike outside Dale Dress, Long Island, NY, 3/1/65; Tabulating votes cast by
members for candidates running for local posts, 3/15/65; Final tally of ballots, supervised
by VP Edward Kramer - election committee chairman with observers from both slates,
3/15/65; Workers of the Lewel Manufacturing Co. were given turkeys at a special meeting
to discuss tactics with General Organizer Walter DeYoung and Lou Gargallo - staff
members at Local 166, 12/1/65; Local 166 ILGWU on strike from Lewella MFG Co., 11/10/66;
Eastern Region Locals 148-162 picket at Sears Fashion Distribution Center, North Bergen,
NJ, 3/1/67; Newly-appointed Eastern Region Field Supervisor Arthur Skolnick and Raymond
Bramucci -recently elected mayor of Union City, New Jersey Locals 148-162, are congratulated
by VP Edward Kramer - general manager of the region, with Joseph McGlone, and Marion
Badolato, Locals 148-164 president and recording secretary, respectively, 10/15/67;
Eastern Region negotiators headed by VP Edward Kramer hammered out terms for workers
at Lily of France with Jules Sippen Local 156 manager, Sol Goldberg - region assistant
general manager members of the shop committee and employer representatives, 2/1/68;
Union staffers Juan Muniz, Hugh Harris, Monserrate Lapen, Marlerne McQueen and Virgil
Bavarro distribute clothing and food to fire victims, 5/15/88; ILGWU member Marie
Miller, Berenice Vauters, and her mother Ruby Thompson, select clothing for their
children at Union's Fire Emergency Distribution Center, 5/15/68; Rosalind Bowers,
who received vitally needed clothing and other items, thanks ILGWU representatives
Hugh Harris - assistant manager of Locals 220 - 251, Connie Woodruff - CRD director,
Virgil Bavarro - assistant manager Local s 144-166- 222; VP Hubert Humphrey with Governor
Richard Hughes, VP Edward Kramer manager of the Eastern Region, and Connie Woodruff
- director of Eastern Region's Community Relations Department, Newark, 9/1/68; Abe
Ribicoff and Edward Kramer, 10/15/68; Governor Meyner, 10/15/69
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Eastern Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers at hearing of the domestic finance subcommittee of the House Banking
and Currency Committee on consumer needs and related matters, with Ray Bramucci -
manager of Eastern Region Local 148-162, Mildred Lippman EOT Education Director, Connie
Woodruff - Eastern Region community relations, and chairman of the subcommittee Congressman
Wright Patman, Texas Democrat, Newark, 11/10/69; Senator Williams at a meeting, 6/1/70;
Senator Williams with elderly woman, no date; Senator Williams with female workers,
6/1/70; VP Edward Kramer, general manager of the Eastern Region, wishes candidate
Kenneth Gibson good luck in the runoff for Mayor of Newark, NJ, 6/1/70; VP Edward
Kramer, general manager of the Eastern Region holds ILGWU constitution at swearing-in
ceremony for new posts, with Saul Rosen, new associate manager of Mount Vernon Locals
137, 140 and 143, Sidney Schuster - new manager of Passaic Local 145, Hugh Harris
assuming Schuster's spot as Newark Local 220-251 manager, Sol Goldberg - Eastern Region
assistant general manager, and Richard Sanfilippo - leaving Passaic to become the
region's field supervisor, 6/15/70; Strikers in front of Freund Knitting Mills, 10/1/70;
ILGers of Eastern Region Locals 57 and 77 in Queens and Nassau Counties, led by Manager
Richard Cerbone gather to greet Arthur J. Goldberg at a rally in Queens, 9/1/70; Over
100 Northern New Jersey ILGers gather at a statue of Cuban patriot Jose Marti in West
New York to commemorate his birthday, with President Raymond Padrazza of Eastern Region
Locals 148-162, and Business Agent George Benson of Locals 148-162, 2/15/71; Local
145 ILGers picket Norwood strikers spend Christmas season on Eastern Region's picketline,
Northvale, NJ, 1/1/74; Dave Corbin, Ramon Lopez, and John Hogan picket Dover Industries
led by Manager Schlesinger of Eastern Region Local 221 in Elizabeth, NJ, assisted
by Business Agent John Finnegan, Whippany, NJ, 11/1/71; Strikers at Domestic Lace,
Englewood, NJ 2/15/72; Local 145 members strike at Norwood Knitting Mills, 1/1/74;
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brenden Byrne and VP Edward Kramer - Eastern Region
general manager speak to ILGers at Holly Stores, 9/24/73; Brenden Byrne labor-backed
Democratic candidate for Governor of New Jersey discusses key issues at a Newark rally
Oct. 27 for 400 chairladies, executive board members and active ILGers of Eastern
Region and Cloak Out-of-Town Local in the state, 10/27/73; Eastern Region and EOT
officials welcome gubernatorial candidate Brenden Byrne at Newark ILGWU headquarters,
with VP Edward Kramer - Eastern Region general manager, Sol Goldberg - the region's
field supervisor, 10/29/73; VP Joe Fisher manager of Philadelphia Knitgoods Local
190 who serves as Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) secretary and executive board member
of JOINT & VP Irwin Soloman - Eastern Pennsylvania Regional director who is
JLC president and co-chairman of JOINT, James H. Jones president at the Negro Trade
Union Leadership Council and JOINT co-chairman, and Michael Perry, JLC area director,
Jul-Aug 1982
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Educational Department/Educational Department and Training Institute
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Louis Stulberg opens meeting of the ILGWU National Scholarship
Fund Selection Committee at the Hotel Warwick with Assistant President Gus Tyler,
director of the Education Department and administrator of the fund, Dr. Robert Lincoln,
education staffer Harriet Cohan, James Smothers Jr., Dr. William Kelly, Jasper Peyton
- assistant education director, Rev. Miles L. Fay, S. J., Dr. Remigro U. Pane, Louis
Nunez, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, Dr. Philip Driscoll, Edwinna Hagstrom, and education
staffer Kitty Murphy 4/23/71; Mural commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Ladies'
Garment Workers' Union created with help at Jasper Payton ILGWU's education director,
and curator Nina Felshin, no date; Students in the ILGWU Education Department's art
class at the General Office with Xiomara Beata, Lucy Coher, an executive board member
at Local 66, Diana Beata, Nelda Beata Local 40 member, and Lucy Rodriguez of the Local
40 Education Department, 3/1/75; Mural of 75 years of progress of ILGWU designed by
Jasper Peyton, ILGWU assistant education director, 9/1/75; Mural of 75 years of progress
of ILGWU designed by Jasper Peyton, ILGWU assistant education director, 9/1/75; ILGWU
Assistant President Gus Tyler discussed classroom sessions and general aims of the
program, 6/1/76; Copy of ILGWU film "With These Hands" presented to the seafarers'
Harry Lundberg school in Piney Point, Maryland by ILGWU Assistant Education Director
Jasper Peyton and former VP Charles S. Limmerman, with Hazel Brown, school president,
and Mike Sacco, vice president, 5/15/77; Robert Fontaine instructs Staff Training
Institute students in fine points of garment construction and piece rate negotiations,
Jan 1986; ILG Art Class, n.d.
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Votes are counted, Hazelton, Pennsylvania, April 1983; A ballot box is emptied
for counting, New Bedford, Massachusetts, April 1983; Elections: the winners' names
are posted, New Bedford, Massachusetts, April 1983; Local 600: members go to the polls,
Puerto Rico, April 1983; Local 600: votes are tallied, Puerto Rico, April 1983; Dorothy
Silvia, election and objection committee captain, observes as Office Manager Frances
Cairns tallies the ballots on a candidate, New Bedford, Massachusetts, April 1983;
Ohio District Council election tellers Peg Wells, Doris Blount, and Vicki Sue Thomas
count ballots, April 1983; Chairperson Rose Andrejco casts her ballot as Delores Nuss
at the election and objection committee looks on, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, April 1983
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Fashion Show '85
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Contact sheet of Fashion Show '85
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Full Employment Action Council
Scope and Contents
Includes: Workers construct building with Solar Power Capabilities, 2/11/80; Workers
construct building with Solar Power Capabilities, 2/11/80; President Jimmy Carter
at White House, no date President Jimmy Carter at White House with Chaikin, no date
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
GEB Selected Pictures
Scope and Contents
Includes: The March of Dimes of Westchester County, New York presented an award to
the ILGWU for having the highest pledge amount of labor unions involved in fund raising
for the organization, with Lower Hudson District Council Mgr. Michael Trinchi, New
York State District Director Salvatore Giordina, march of Dimes Westchester Director
Jeff Witt, no date; Miguel Machuca, Director of Org. is surrounded by eight recipients
of back pay awards and fellow Somma Strikers, no date; GEB meets, Feb. 1985
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
General Executive Board
Scope and Contents
Includes: Garment worker, May 1986; Liberty State Park Anti-Apartheid March and Rally
with District Manager Virgil Bavaro, Assistant D. M. Christine Kerber, NJ Education
Department Aleta Hernandez, and Region Members, Nov. 8, 1986; Minimum wage demonstration
at Los Angeles City Hall, Nov. 1987; Steven Nutter, Western States director, addressing
a visiting delegation from Zensen, the Japanese Textile and Apparel Union, Nov. 1987;
Former ILGer Maxine Witherspoon addresses minimum wage rally in Washington, Nov. 1987;
Woman at Western States Homework Hearing, Nov. 1987; Western States minimum wage rally,
Nov. 1987; ILGWU members in front of Washington Monument (2 copies of photo), no date;
Imports rally for ILGWU, no date; ILGWU Labor Day rally, no date; ILGWU Labor Day
rally, no date; Asians registering to vote, no date; Charles Franeo, Local 178 Business
Agent, no date; Factory worker, no date; Man speaking (Midwest), no date; Union label
(Midwest), May 1976; ILGWU demonstration, no date; Contract negotiations, Knitted
Outerwear Mfr. Assn. and Union Committee, no date; Contract negotiations, Fashion
Apparel Manufacture Association and Union Committee, 1988; Union officials meet with
Senator Heinz, no date; ILGWU demonstration, Canada, no date
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
General Executive Board
Scope and Contents
Includes: Assistant President Gus Tyler addresses graduating class of New York State
ILGers upon completion of a six-week course at Hofstra University, Dec. 1980; Vice
President Samuel Nemaizer and the union delegation make the case for a C-O-L increase
before the impartial chairman, Dec. 1980; ILGers rally in support of the Polish workers
in front of Aeroflot, the Soviet Airline, Jan. 1981; Women in a medical center, May
1981; ILGWU members with certificate, Aug. 1981; Workers at Winnipeg's Tan Jay Shop,
Sept. 1981; Executive VP Wilbur Daniels - supervisor of the union's program on television
and radio, and Paula Green of Paula Green Advertising, accept awards from James Cesnick,
outgoing president of the International Labor Press Association at the ILPA award
banquet in New York, 11/13/81; VP Peter Nadash - Upper South director, led Baltimore
ILGers to Solidarity Day march in Washington, Sept. 1981; President Chaikin speaks
ion Social Security, with AFL-CIO President Kirkland, Dec. 1981; Finalist in the ILGWU
- United Neighborhood Housing art contest, with President Chaikin, UNH Secretary Richard
Kuo, UNH President William Hopkins, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, first-prize winner
Vincent Evans, and Chaim Gross, sculptor and judge, Feb. 1982; VP Lou Montenegro,
Midwest Region director, addresses meeting of the Great Lakes States Midwest District
Council I at Union's Chicago offices, with District 2 Manager Mary Louise Aisine and
Business Agents Delores Miller and Martin Hernandez, Feb. 1982; Salvatore Giardina,
director of the New York State District, testifying before the Labor Committee of
the New York Assembly in Albany on need to raise maximum State unemployment benefits,
with Shirley Graves, and ILGer, and Upstate New York District Manager Ed Nash, May
1982; AFL-CIO delegation including ILGWU Pres. Sol. C. Chaikin receive round of applause
for participating in the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions for first
time since 1968, with Auto Workers President Douglas Fraser, Plumbers and Pipefitters
President Martin Ward, AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, American Federation of teachers
President Al Shanker, and AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Thomas Donahue, June 1982; Vice
President Clifford Depin- Puerto Rico director presents plaque to Moses Alfonso, with
Eddie Fraticelli - medical plan supervisor, Mayor Lopez Chaar, BA Maria Casa Serrano,
District Council Secretary Maria Teresa Ayala, Business Agents Beatrice Figueroa and
Angel Diaz and organizer Jesus Ferrer, June 1982; Jay Mazur delivers speech with translator
Betty Leong, education department staffer, August 1982; Union negotiators meet with
Jonathan Logan representatives during master pact bargaining, Atlanta, Jul.-Aug. 1982;
Hudson Valley District retirees take part in Rally for Jobs in Albany, with Sadie
Fernandez, Margo Ziros, Catherine Dederich and Pauline Kish, Jul.-Aug., 1982; Union
label scarf ad, Sept. 1982; Asian girl with American Flag, Oct. 1982; Congressman
Barney Frank in garment factory, Nov. 1982; Passing out papers at building, Nov. 1982;
Pres. Chaikin at meeting, Jan. 1983; Meeting explaining low-cost city loans for Philadelphia
employers, with VP Joseph Fisher - manager of Knitgoods Local 190, VP Irwin Soloman
- Eastern Pennsylvania director, Mayor William Green, and Joseph Egan - Executive
Vice President of Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, Jan. 1983; Member
talks about her machine with Dr. Rose Goldman, medical consultant to the Health and
Safety Department and member at the Harvard team, Jan. 1983; Chaikin, Jesus Falcon,
and M.G. Gauthier, Feb. 1983; Government Factory, Feb. 1983; Senator Frank Lautenberg
and two ILGers including Evelyn Dubrow, Nov. 1982; Pacific Northwest District Council
concluded negotiations for the three-year contract with Koret of North America, with
VP Mattie Jackson - manager, Betty Brown - secretary , Annie Coleman - President of
Local 101, and Roy Mills - President of Local 213 Feb. 1983; Demonstration with FTQ
signs, Feb. 1983; Man delivers speech, Feb. 1983; Two women speak into recording microphone,
June 1983; Meeting with Congressman Rangel, Chaikin, Jay Mazur, Evelyn Dubrow, June
1983; Group with Senator Claude Pepper at Capitol, no date; Congressman Pell in meeting,
no date; Demonstration for Union Label, no date; TV program: "The ILGWU Campaign;
Roll Back the Imports"' no date; Chaikin speaks to large assembly, no date; Members
in Kentucky took part in Labor Day parade with a float with the Union Label, no date;
Factory, no date; Water tank, no date; Filming a factory, no date; Workers stand outside
factory with firemen in the foreground, no date; Jimmy Carter rally, no date; Women
with water, no date; Union label ad, no date; Union Label ad, no date; Union Label,
no date; Chaikin speaks at a hearing, no date, Logo: "As Justice Saw It", no date
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Historical: ILGWU Certificate of Affiliation, AFL
1900 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGWU Certificate of Affiliation (five copies), AFL (1900), 6/23/00
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Historical: Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Includes: Dr. Lawrence L. Bethel, Isadore Nagler and Dr. Selig Perlman, 10/8/57; Woman
at a lunch, no date; Man at a meeting, 10/15/59
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Copy of the Declaration of Independence, Marshals Cloak Makers Union Labor
Day Parade 1911 (photo of a photo), no date
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILG sponsored cooperative housing on Lower East Side, no date; President
John F. Kennedy delivers a speech, 1962
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Hunger (Africa Epic)
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sahelian Zone ravaged by severe drought - boy with cows and plow, Senegal,
1973; Young farmers tend peanuts and pineapples on one of Dahomey's largest young
farmers clubs, Allada, Dahomey, October 1968; Young farmers in the maize crop on one
of Dahomey's largest young farmers clubs, Allada, Dahomey, October 1968; A cattle
and lamb market near Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1973; A vegetable market in Djakarta, Indonesia,
1973; Child with baskets of Sardinella (fish), Pointe-Noir, Longo (Brazzaville), May
1971; View of a market in Djakarta, Indonesia, 1973; Villagers of Matibi preparing
a meal after a Sunday mass, Matibi, Southern Rhodesia, 1975; Fishing shore in Madras,
Merai, India, 1973; Young farmer in the middle of the maize crop on one of Dahomey's
largest young farmer clubs, Allada, Dahomey, October 1968; Children eating lunch provided
by the World Food Programme as part of a Government social development program, La
Ramades, La Vesta, Honduras, 1974; Children at the children's hospital (Hospital Beatria
Velasco de Aleman) in Pachura having a nutritious meal, State of Hildalgo, Mexico,
1974; A nutritional lesson being given to villagers of Duando, Dahomey, Feb. 1969;
Victims of hunger and disease, a herdsman and a child, Mali, May 1973
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
ILGWU Chorus
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Sol C. Chaikin addresses FDR centennial conference, where he spoke
on Reaganomics at its effects on the Northwestern US, Nov. 1982; Cast assembles on
stage with ILGWU Chorus at Broadway Salute to FDR, Nov. 1982
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Japanese and Americans sign an agreement, no date; Demonstration supporting
Burke-Hartke Bill, 4/15/73; Demonstration against imports, no date; Headline: "Import
Problem Goes on the Road", no date; Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY) stops by subcommittee
hearing to greet Pres. Chaikin, 8/1/79; ILGWU Executive VP Wilbur Daniels speaks at
press conference calling for relief from excessive imports of leather garments, with
ACTWU Secretary-Treasurer Jacob Sheinkman, Aug. 1979; Executive VP Wilbur Daniels
testifies before the International Trade Commission warning against leather imports,
Dec. 1979; Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) who chaired subcommittee hearing,
listens to testimony, 8/1/79; Headlines: "The Case of the Missing Garment Workers'
Jobs", April 1979; ILGers among the 300 union and industry representatives who attended
a seminar last month in New York at which officials of the Labor and Commerce departments
outlines the government's Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, 11/1/78; Executive
VP Wilbur Daniels tells the Senate Subcommittee on International Trade of the adverse
effect of imports, with Dr. Lazare Teper, Research Department director, and VP Evelyn
Dubrow, director of the Legislative Department, 9/1/78; Executive VP Wilbur Daniels
testifies before the Trade Subcommittee of House Ways and Means Committee, Washington,
8/1/78; Executive VP Wilbur Daniels testifies before the Informal Textile Committee
of US House of Representatives warning about harmful effects of tariffs an imported
apparel, with ACTWU Pres. Murray Finley, 11/1/77; Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
(D-NY) at CC Trade Testimony, July 1979; Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan at CC Trade
Testimony, July 1979; Pres. Chaikin at CC Trade Testimony, July 1979; Chaikin and
Dubrow at CC Trade Testimony, July 1979; Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan at CC Trade
Testimony, July 1979
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers at Joint Apparel Union rally to alert nation to flood of textile
and apparel imports, New York City, 5/1/77; ILGers from New York State District successfully
lobbied Congressman Matt McHugh to cosign the Import Rollback Resolution, with Local
259 members Jeannie Macchione-secretary, Olga Sicheri - Vice President, Josie Misasi
- President, Alfea Guidi, Rosalie Pennisi, Mary DeMaria, Education Director Ira Stern,
and Business Agent Ed Aspinall, Upstate New York District Council, Kingston, Nov.
1983; Jay Mazur addresses a Pacific Northwest District Council Meeting concerning
the import problem, 10/27/83; VP Ronald Alman - new England Region Director passes
out leaflets at Filene's Department Store while Local 24 member Frances O'Neill dressed
as a Santa Claus has a sack of union label giveaways, Boston, Dec. 1983; Chinese employees
averaging $.16 an hour, China, May 1984; Chinese cutting worker, May 1984; Speaker
at Boston Park Plaza, no date; Local 130 member handing out union label giveaways
as part of the import rollback festivities, Asbury Park, 4/7/85; Rally against imports,
no date; VP Lillian Kolwyck and Tennessee ILGers discuss imports with Congressman
Ed Jones (D-Yorkville), 5/14/85; Rally against imports in front of the Capitol, July-Aug.
1986; Lane Kirkland and Jay Mazur at a meeting July-Aug. 1986; Pennsylvania's Hazleton
District member from Local 225-675 depicting the plight of textile workers caused
by foreign imports, with employees from Gerard Mills Company Dolores Dorra Supervisor;
John Nitka, Patty Gardner, Carl Friend, Dolly Berans, Rose Chilock, Dianne Grego,
and Martha Goida, Oct. 1986
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Imports: April 1981 Centerspread "Imports" Shop
Scope and Contents
Includes: Demonstration against imports, May 1983; Demonstration against imports,
May 1983; Demonstration against imports, May 1983; ILGWU members selling apples, May
1983; Demonstration against imports outside Gimbels, May 1983; Local 424-445 ILGWU
demonstration against imports, May 1983; Philadelphia ILGWU members and staff visit
with Congressman William Gray, including Paul Arrington, Lean Buccieri, Stephanie
Chaplin, Doris Wilson, Annie Dowdy, Bea Robbs, Anita Holliday, May 1983; Demonstration
against imports, May 1983; People outside Capitol building, May 1983; Matteo Jackson
with strikers from April 23, 1983; Metzenbaum, Ohio, May 1983; John Narientek, President
#188, Don Kret - manager Midwest District Council #3, Bill Browne - Midwest Region
Staff Rep. , Sally Doeschl President #282/soc. District Council #3, Senator Bill Prodmire
(D) Wis., Reed Babington - President #187 & District Council #3, May 1983;
Meeting of ILGWU New England Region, May 1983; Demonstration against imports, May
1983; Aggressive leafleting by Allentown Local 111 members, 4/23/83; Spanish speaking
demonstrators outside Sears, May 1983; Spanish speaking demonstrators against imports,
outside a JC Penney, May 1983; Gebhart - Mo, May 1983; Central States with Pinetta
and Clay, May 1983; Congressman Clay at ILGWU meeting, May 1983; ILGWU members on
phones, June 1983; Asian chorus, May-June 1983; Babylon Town Supervisor - Anthony
Notto, Sol Giardina, Fosia Cipolla, executive board member C55, Shirley Rose - BA,
John DiGirolamo, N-S District Manager and Notto aides, May 1983; Congressman Mrazek,
3rd Congressional District, at the teleconference, May 1983; Parren, Mitchell and
Clara Gummer, May 1983; Meeting, no date; Towns (D-BKLYN) and Delroy Scott, May 1983;
Congressman Tom Downey, 2nd Congressional District, with members N-S District Council
at VFW Hall in Deer Park during teleconference, May 1983; Demonstration against imports,
May 1983; Man and woman, May 1983; Governor Michael S. Dukakis signs proclamation
supporting import roll-back, with Walter Gaul - President Northern New England District
Council, Tony Constantino - President Boston Joint Board, Harvey Gold - Manager NYEOC,
Ron Sloan, Julia Kanel -Mgr. Local #24, Rosetta Burns - President Local #28, Nathan
Sadlow - Manger BJB, Ben Croffi - President Local #24, May 1983; Demonstration against
import, 4/25/83; People in front of the Capitol; Congressman Rangel NY, no date; John
DiGirolamo - District Manager, Joseph Colby Supervisor Town Oyster Bay, Ann Jackson
B/A; Michael Grimicildi - B/A, no date; Jay Mazur at conference, May-June 1983; Puerto
Rican protesters in front of Sears, no date; Photo of Chaikin on TV, June 1983; Johnstown,
PA, no date; Speaker, Mat 1983; Note: Justice issue containing information for photos
found in File Folder 3 can be found in File Folder 4
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
Imports: April 1983 Centerspread "Imports" Shops
Scope and Contents
Includes: Shamokin ILGWU member join rally in Harrisburg, May 1983; Senator Bill Bradley,
NJ, 5/5/83; Madeline Coad - VA Assistant State Director, representatives of Locals
400 and 531, and Representative James Olin (D-MO) at his Roanoke Office, May 1983;
Demonstration against imports in Windber, PA, May 1983; VP Irwin Soloman chats with
councilwoman Augusta Clark in a Soup Kitchen, Philadelphia, PA, 4/22/83; Northeast
director, at podium, flanked by PA State Senators Frank O'Connell and Ray Musto and
Congressman Frank Harrison, May 1983; Members of Local 424, Jaynie Mfg., outside of
the community building in Windber, May 1983; Shamokin and Pottsville members join
rally in Harrisburg and pose for NBC News cameraman, May 1983; Central PA members
meet in Harrisburg where they formed a human billboard on the Harvey Taylor Bridge,
May 1983; District Council Ann Roseman and Local 234 members Louise Stevens, Janet
Nagle and Dolores Eckort leaflet at the Westgate Mall, May 1983; VP Lou Montenegro
- Midwest Director, addresses ILGers at Chicago rally, with Chicago Federation of
Labor President William Lee, May 1983; Local 399 members stand outside their bus before
march begins, May 1983; Members gather s around coffin symbolizing the threatened
demise of the garment industry, Kansas City, May 1983; Demonstration against imports,
no date; 1000 Central States members meet in St. Louis for the teleconference, May
1983; Joe Moore - Executive Director of Assoc. Garment Industries of St. Louis and
VP Glen Clay, May 1983; So. Missouri-Arkansas Mgr. Charles Hatcher distributes union
label hats in Little Rock, May 1983; Note: Justice issue containing information for
photos in File Folder 3 can be found in File Folder 4
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Imports: April 1983 Centerspread "Imports" Shops
Scope and Contents
Includes: Malcolm Dodds leads the ILGWU chorus through a rendition of "We're Gonna
Roll those Imports Back!", May 1983; Assembly at Needle Trades High School, New York
City, June 1983; Executive VP Frederick R. Soems is on the air during the April 23
teleconference originating from New York, May 1983; Longshoremen on Pier 9 in Brooklyn
unload coffee, New York, 2/13/65; Longshoremen on Pier 9 in Brooklyn unload coffee
from the Caribbean Islands, 2/13/65; Ships of Imports, no date; Longshoreman on Pier
9 in Brooklyn unload coffee from the Caribbean Islands, 2/13/65; Aberdeen's docks
bustle with activity with oil supply boats, 11/10/72; British built American cars,
3/54; A busy cargo wharf, 1969, New Jersey; Longshoremen unload cargo from ships docked
at South Boston Pier before planned strike, 11/10/65; Workmen unload partially burned
cargo from the Danish freighter Gundhild, Long Beach, CA 3/26/66
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Imports: Import Demonstrations, April 12, 1977
1977 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: George Curtin, ILGWU, no date; Vice President Jackson talking to reporters
with Vice President Sam Kipp looking on, San Francisco, no date; Mayor Bradley, Los
Angeles, no date; Marre Brown, Eilberg, Roy Ledderer, Frank Rizzo, Independence Mall,
Philadelphia, no date; Demonstration to limit imports, Chicago, no date; Demonstration
to limit imports, Logansport, Indiana, no date; Meeting to limit imports, no date;
Meeting in Philadelphia, no date; Demonstration against imports at City Hall, Elizabeth,
NJ, no date; Child protests imports, Decatur, Illinois, no date; Demonstration against
imports, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1977; Demonstration against imports, Rhode Island,
5/1/77; Demonstration against imports, 12/1/72; Demonstration against imports, 4/13/77;
Demonstration against imports, New York City, 4/13/77
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Imports: Import Demonstrations, April 13, 1977
1977 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Meeting at Mt. Vernon in Yonkers, no date; Senator Patrick Moynihan, 1977
(?); Demonstration against imports, 1972; Asst. Superintendent Phil Gerimida, Superintendent
Secretary, State Assemblyman 3rd District William Bianchi, President Local 107 James
Marchese, B/A John D. Girolamo, no date; ILGWU, Scranton, no date; Demonstration against
imports, Trenton, NJ, 4/13/77; Meeting at Locals /56/65259268 ILGWU Hudson Valley
District Council, Newburgh, New York, no date; Six people, Neptune, NJ, no date; Speaker
at a rally, Paterson, NJ, no date; Demonstration to limit imports, Rome, GA, no date;
Demonstration against imports with Catherine Hostler - B/A Florence, Zizza, Ken Driesbach,
A.C. Huber - District Manager, Mayor Joseph Kazminski, Nancy Walker - President of
Local 93, Ruth Straub, State Senator Michael O'Pake, no date; ILGWU members leafleting,
Jefferson City, MO, no date; Demonstration against imports, no date
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Imports: Import Demonstration - April 13, 1977
Scope and Contents
Includes: Demonstration, Kansas City, no date; Demonstration, St./ Louis, no date;
Art Martin, Manager, discussing import issue with Steve Clark representing Governor
Pryor, in Governor's Office, St. Louis, no date; ILGWU Demonstration (Local 462),
Sesser (?), Illinois, no date; Local 100 rally, Bayshore, NY, no date; Alvin Veeg,
Fall River, no date; Rally against imports, Northeast, no date; Frank Turkowski -
Manager Cloak Joint Board, Congressman Robert Giamo, Nick Aiello - Manager Amalgamated
Clothing Workers, Joseph Danahy - Assistant Manager Connecticut District Council,
ILGWU, New Haven, CT, no date; Demonstration against imports, Easton, PA, no date;
Demonstration against imports, New Bedford, MA, no date; Millie Baloir - Business
Agent, Chief of Police Charles Wild, Local 93, Reading, Pottstown, PA, no date; William
Hutchinson, PA Rep., Al Matanis - Schuy Kill County Comm., James Curran Jr. - candidate
for County Judge; Martin Rosato - Manager Local 351, all at a demonstration against
imports, no date; Imports Demonstration, Johnstown, PA, no date; Demonstration against
imports, no date; Demonstration against imports, Cleveland; Demonstration against
imports, Trenton, NJ (?); no date; Demonstration against imports, Jersey City, NJ,
no date
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Imports: Teleconference - April 20, 1983
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Sol C. Chaikin, April 1983; Atlanta, April 1983; Bethlehem, April
1983; Bristol, April 1983; Edward B. Shils Ph.D., Knitted Outerwear Manufacturers
Association, April 1983; Windber, April 1983; Hartford, April 1983; St. Louis, April
1983; Kansas City, April 1983
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Imports: Teleconference - April 20, 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Dennis Orvis, Executive VP Greater Fall River Chamber of Commerce, April
1983; Deer Park, April 1983; Hagerstown, April 1983; Harrisburg, April 1983; San Francisco,
April 1983; Spartanburg, April 1983; Dedham, April 1983
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Imports: Teleconference - April 20, 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: North Dartmouth, April 1983; Aaron Mittleman, President New England Apparel
Association, April 1983; Little Rock, April 1983; Los Angeles, April 1983; Memphis,
April 1983; Philadelphia, April 1983
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Imports: Teleconference - April 20, 1983
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Miami, April 1983; New York, April 1983; Newark, April 1983; Carlton Viveiros,
Mayor, Fall River, MA; Chicago, April 1983; Wilkes-Barre, April 1983; Cleveland, April
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Individuals - Unidentified
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Individuals - Unidentified
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Individuals - Unidentified
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 155's children's Christmas Party Dec. 1984; Arrested at New York's
South African Consulate were 23-25's staffer Katie Quan, B.A. Alice Faye, Manager
and VP Edgar Romney, '91-105' Ed. Director Rubye Jones; the Typographers' Ruth Calendar,
and the Ironworkers' William Colavito, 12/13/84; Sign representing South Africa's
apartheid system, Jan. 1985; Photos of poverty in South Africa, Jan. 1985; Poor Black
South African community, Jan. 1985; Bishop Desmond Tutu, Jan. 1985; Police Officers
orders demonstrators out of South African Consulate's doorway - Local 23-25 ILGers
Katie Quan, Alice Faye and VP Edgar Romney, Local 91's Rubye Jones, Ruth Calendar
of the Typographers and William Colavito of the Ironworkers, 12/20/84; Police load
Local 23-25 ILGers Katie Quan, Alice Faye and VP Edgar Romney onto Paddy Wagon, 12/20/84;
Edward Cleary, President of the New York State AFL-CIO was arrested at the South African
Consulate in new York, 12/13/84; Car crushed under collapsed building, El Salvador,
Dec. 1986
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Executive VP Wilbur Daniels meets with Dr. Paulo Santos, sub-chair of cabinet
of the Ministry of Labor in Brazil and interpreter Henry Bagley at ILGWU General Office,
3/11/??; VP Heroch Mendelsund, representing US Garment and Textile Unions at 30th
anniversary convention of Zensen Domei, the Japanese counterpart, addresses delegates,
with Zensen President Tadanobu Usami and Eiko Igasaki, Secretary of the Textile Workers'
Asian Regional organization, who acted as translator, Tokyo, 10/1/75; Visiting the
new clinic in Ramat Chen, Israel named after late VP Moe Falikman, former Cutters
Manager, are Malka Portugal of Histadrut, Joshua Levy - former Treasurer of Histadrut,
Mrs. Stulberg, Honorary President Louis Stulberg, Mrs. Abe Dolgen, Mrs. Falikman,
VP Dolgen - Local 10 Manager, and Dr. Franz Brull - head of the Department of Psychiatry
at Tel Aviv University, 12/15/75; Getting ready to send off $15,000 worth of clothing
to children in Portugal are VP Sol Greene - Manager of Local 155, Portuguese Socialist
Francisco Salgado, President Sol C. Chaikin, Henry Proshen - acting manager of Local
105, and VP Edward Schneider - Local 91 Manager, 4/15/76; President Sol C. Chaikin
welcomes former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt to a reception in his honor given
by the Social Democrats, USA, with Carl Gershman - Executive Director of SD, USA,
and Bayard Rustin, National Chairman, 3/15/77; Visiting Turkish Unionists meet with
Local 23-25 Assistant Manager Jay Mazur with former ILGWU official Maida Springer
Kemp, New York, 4/1/77; President Sol C. Chaikin welcomes Portuguese Premier Mario
Soares to reception in his honor sponsored by the ILGWU and Social Democrats USA,
with SD National Chairman Bayard Rustin and Israeli UN Ambassador Chaim Herzog, 4/22/77;
President Sol C. Chaikin meets with visiting trade unionists, who come mainly from
Africa and Latin America, 5/15/77; ILG's Henoch Mendelsund took an active role in
the deliberations of the International Labor Organization's Conference with R.S. Milne,
ILO Secretary General, and J Reynaut, Deputy Secretary General, Geneva, Switzerland,
Dec. 1980; Polish strikers hoist strike leader Lech Walesa on their shoulders at the
Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, Oct. 1980; The ILGWU delegation joined with the
American Federation of Teachers, Social Democrats USA, and other groups at a reception
honoring AFL-CIO European Representative Irving Brown, with SOUSA Executive Director
Rita Freedman, President Chaikin, A. Philip Randolph Institute Chairman Bayard Rustin
(who's also SD National Chairman), Brown, and AFT President Albert Shanker, 11/17/81;
VP Edward Schneider, Director of International Relations Department, greets delegation
of visiting trade unionists, Oct. 1981; President Sol C. Chaikin was at head of march
during a demonstration part of worldwide show of support for solidarity unionists,
with Irena Kirkland, wife of AFL-CIO President, and ILGWU Legislative Director Evelyn
Dubrow, Washington, DC, 12/30/81; Town East Garment Factory Ltd., Jan. 1983
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: The President of the Turkish Federation of Trade Unions, Halil Tunc visits
with General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton, with Henoch Mendelsund - ILGWU
International Relations Director, and Ed Wesinger of the Asian-American Free Labor
Institute (AAFCI), new York City, no date; At press conference following joint meeting
of American and Japanese garment and textile unionists, ILGWU Secretary-treasurer
Shelley Appleton call for extension and strengthening of the Multifiber Textile Arrangement,
1977; Meeting, no date; Outlining effects of imports on US garment industry to Zensen
Domei delegation is General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton with ILGWU Research
Director Lazare Teper, ILG International Relations Director Henoch Mendelsund, ILG
Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, ACTWU President Murray Finley, ACTWU Secretary-Treasurer
Jacob Sheinkman and ACTWU Sr. Executive VP Sol Stein, no date; AFL-CIO President George
Meany, Secretary-Treasurer Lane Kirkland, and US Labor Secretary Ray Marshall joined
delegations from ILGWU, and ACTWU and Zensen Domei at reception held for the Japanese
Unionists, no date; General Secretary-Treasurer Appleton presents a gift on behalf
of the ILGWU and the ACTWU to Tadanobu Usani, President of Zensen Domei, 12/1/77;
International Relations Director Henoch Mendelsund and Secretary-Treasurer Appleton,
12/1/77; Carl Gershman, Executive Director of Social Democrats USA, welcomes Italian
Social Democratic leader Pier Luigi Romita to a luncheon on his behalf with ILGWU
General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton, 12/15/78; The New York Hilton at Rockefeller
Center; Photo of poor family, 1/1/79; The leaders of Egyptian Textile and Garment
Union were welcomed last month at the ILGWU General Office, with Kemal Riad Talin
Salama - VP of the General Trade Union of Textile and Spinning Workers of Egypt, ILGWU
General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton, President Aly Mohamed Dofda, President
Sol C. Chaikin, Fathi Hamad bad Rabou el-Adawy - VP, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels and
Henoch Mendelsund - Director of the ILGWU International Relations Department, 12/1/78;
Modern garment factory in Somerang, Indonesia, 1/1/79; Street scene I Bandung, Indonesia,
1/1/79; Horse and cart in Surakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia, 1/1/79; A knitting mill
in Bandung, Indonesia, 1/1/79; VP Mazur with AAFCI Executive Director Morris Palladino,
Dan Newsom, Country Program Director of AAFCI, and Garment Workers Federation President
Marjuki, 1/1/79; Three man, no date
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sol C. Chaikin greeted Andre Bergeron - the Secretary General of the French
Labor Federation, Force Ouvriere (FO), with Patrick J. O'Farrell, Executive Director
of the African-American Labor Center, VP Jay Mazur - Local 23-25 Manager, Antoine
Laval - an aide to Bergeron, VP Edward Schneider - Sportswear Joint Board General
Manager, Jay Lovestone - ILGWU International Affairs consultant, Harry Van Arsdale
- President of the New York City Central Labor Council, Henoch Mendelsund - Director
of ILGWU International Relations Department, Irving Brown - AFL-CIO representative
to European labor organizations, VP Sam Nemaizer - new York Cloak-Dress Joint Board
General manager, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, and VP Edward Kramer, New Jersey Region
General manager, 1/17/79; Scene in Tavha Shirts plant, China, June 1979; Cutting department
in Tavha Shirts plant , China, June 1979; Folding shirts by window light in Tavha
Shirts plant, China, June 1979; Fashions in store window, China, June 1979; Working
hard for low government-set wages, Tavah Shirts plant, China, June 1979; President
Sol C. Chaikin was featured at an executive council meeting of the Inter-American
Textile, Leather and Garment Workers Federation, with Mike Ruano - Local 415-475 manager,
Anita Cofino - '415-475' Political Department, Gustavo Rodriguez - '415-475' President,
Angel Cofino - exiled Cuban Labor leader, Carlos Bedoya - Secretary General of the
IATLGWF, Enrique Miko - President of the Garment Workers Union in Argentina, and VP
Edward Schneider -a member of the executive council, Miami, Sept. 1979; President
Sol C. Chaikin confers with delegation of top Italian labor leaders, with Irving Brown
- AFL-CIO representative in Europe, Henoch Mendelsund - Director of ILGWU International
Relations Department, VP frank Longo - Local 89 manager and Santo Pernicone of the
Italian American Labor Council, Oct. 1979; Andrei Sakharov is barred by a Soviet policeman
from attending the trial of dissident Yuri Orlov, Moscow, Nov. 1979; The Kremlin,
1979; President Sol C. Chaikin lashes out at Soviet repression of dissident Andrei
Sakharov at national press conference held January 30, with Tatyana and Yefrem Yankelovich,
the scientist's daughter and son-in-law; President Sol C. Chaikin and top union officers
confer with representatives of the Egyptian Federation of Labor, with Hassan Ead -
Secretary-General for International Relations, Abu Bakr Gad Al Mawla, Treasurer, and
Mustafa Ibrahim Mustafa - Assistant Treasurer, with Chaikin were General Secretary-Treasurer
Shelley Appleton, Executive Vice Presidents Wilbur Daniels and Frederick R. Siems,
Henoch Mendelsund - Director of the ILGWU International Relations Department, VP Edward
Schneider - General Manager of the Sportswear Joint Board, and Robert Richter - Program
Officer of the African-American Labor Center
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Soldiers of the 15th tank brigade of Afghan Armed Forces which was awarded
by the Afghan Defense Ministry with honorary pendent "For Military Heroism", Kabul,
Afghanistan, 1/18/80; At dedication of Louis Stulberg Hospital in Kfar Saba, Israel,
are Dr. Chaim Doron - Director of Kupat Holim, the medical program of the Israeli
Labor Federation, President Sol C. Chaikin, and Bebe Stulberg, widow of the former
ILGWU President, July 1980; ILGWU delegation visiting Egyptian medical facility with
trade unionist, including M. Galal Misbah - VP of MISR Spinning and Weaving Trade
Union, and Sami Ezz Elarab, VP of General Trade Union of Textile and Spinning Workers,
July 1980; Hungry children in Cambodia, Aug. 1980; Village in poverty, Cambodia, Aug.
1980; Poor family, Cambodia, Aug. 1980; Delegation at Caribbean unionists representing
San Lucia, Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad visits the High School of Fashion Industries,
with Principal Sol Baily, Agatha Chatterton and Elaine Jones of Barbados Workers Union,
Clement Prospere - San Lucia Workers Union, Michele Brianes Program Coordinator -
ILGWU International Relations Department, VP Edward Schneider - Sportswear General
Manager and Director of the ILGWU International Relations Department, and Jack Heberle
of the American Institute for Free Labor Development, 5/5/81; VP Edward Schneider,
Sportswear General Manager and Director of the ILGWU International Relations Department
Greek Caribbean Unionists at an ACTWU reception, New York, 5/5/81; VP Edward Schneider,
Sportswear General Manager and Director of the ILGWU International Relations Department
welcomes Caribbean Unionists to the ILGWU International Relations Department offices,
5/5/81; Agatha Chatterton of the Barbados Workers Unions, 5/5/81; Lois Carol, Manager
Local 295 conducts a tour of Lady Carol cutting shop for Caribbean Unionists, Pittsburgh,
PA, 5/5/81; VP Edward Schmeider with Egyptian trade union leaders at Mehalla El-Kubra
textile apparel complex, with Sami Elarab - member of Parliament and VP of General
trades Union of Textile and Spinning Workers, and Galal Misbah, associate member of
Parliament and President of the Union at Mehalla, Oct. 1984
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin at meeting of Italian American Labor Council, no date; Chaikin speaking
at meeting of Italian American Labor Council, no date; Italian American labor Council,
no date; Chaikin and speaker at Italian American Labor Council, no date; Men at meeting,
no date; Italian American Labor Council, no date; Italian American labor Council,
no date; ILGWU Local #89 Collection Depot for Italian Earthquake Disaster, Jan. 1981;
Demonstration of ILGWU Local 89, no date; Production Mens Guild of the Dress Industry
give $1000.00 to Italian American Labor Council, Howard Molisani, President Herman
Katy, Luigi Antonini-President, Morris Stortch, Al Bistner, John Geller, Andrew Mananara,
GD Procopio, Charles Roven, Patsy Naturelli, Joseph Collura, 11/14/52; John Gelo and
wife (?), no date; Unidentified man, no date; Award presented to William Green (President
of AFL?), Luigi Antonini also present in this photo, no date (?); Gathering of people
at Columbus House, Genoa, Italy, 1954; First-Vice President Luigi Antonini greets
the tourist group of the Educational Committee of the of the Italian-American Labor
Council at Idlewild Airport on the return from the one- month excursion in Italy,
6/21/54; First-Vice President Luigi Antonini, Jennie, and Vanni Montana reading inscription
on monument to Emperor Aurelio Antonini, no date; Vanni Montana, Luigi Antonini and
Jennie on their arrival at the airport in Rome, no date; Members of "Good-Will Tour"
on the steps of the Capitol in Rome, no date; Luigi Antonini in factory, no date;
Palermo Bount to open FDR Orphanage, friends and members of for 89, Guseppi Procopio
- Secretary of the Italian American Labor Council and daughter Elvira, Mr. and Mrs.
Luigi Antonini at LaGuardia airport leaving for Italy, no date; Isidore Breslow, William
Schwartz, Zimmerman, Sal Noto, Moe Falikman, no date; Stulberg and Howard Molisani,
no date; Luigi Antonini, no date; Luigi Antonini, no date; Lyndon B. Johnson and Molisani
shake hands with Zimmerman, no date; Harry S. Truman and Harold Molisani, no date;
Harold Molisani taking an oath, with Luigi Antonini; The United Italian American Labor
Council presented its annual four Freedoms Award at a luncheon December 4 to Rep.
Thomas P. O'Neill, the Massachusetts congressman who has been elected Speaker of the
House of Representatives, with General Consul Alessandro Cortese DeBaris, ILGWU First-Vice
President E. Howard Molisani - President of the IALC, ILGWU President Sol C. Chaikin,
and New York Mayor Abraham Beame, 12/4/76; President Sol C. Chaikin presents AFL-CIO
President George Meany with medal of appreciation form Italy's trade unions for relief
assistance sent to earthquake victims in Northern Italy, 12/1/76
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Unity House/Diego Rivera Murals
Scope and Contents
Includes: murals of annexation of Texas, IWW and Stamp Act, copy of 5780 PUBS #511
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 30
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
Unity House Forest Park Post Cards
Scope and Contents
Includes: photos of Forest Park Hotel in Forest Park [pre-1920], PA; surrounding buildings
and wooded areas; recreational activities. Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 31
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
Upper South Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sol Chaikin discusses improvements with members at Appomattox Garment Co.
in VA- 9/1/74; Business Agent Betsy Raymond shows her cutting skill at ILGWU Booth
at Union Label Show- 9/15/74; Helen Turc and Edith Lawn- Local 106 members turning
out handkerchiefs with Mary Ann Moore of Local 4 and Gene Connolly of Local 106 VP
Wilbur Daniels- director of Master Agreements Department discusses negotiations with
staff conference at Upper South Department's education center- with VP Sol Hoffman-
Upper South Director- 11/15/74; ILGWU theater group from Baltimore in Philadelphia-
Martin Rader, Lorraine Royster, Glenn Blanchard, Argentine Cheatham, Irene Perez,
Nikki Jones, Arleen Jackson, Donna Rader, Marie Prunkl, Mary Vanlandingham, Albert
Vanlandingham, Mary Sturdivant, Ruth Williams, and Sidney Cheatham- 12/15/74; Business
Agent Buddy Sturm explains agreement to Jodi Sportswear employees in Fruitland, MD-
with Upper South Organizing Director Jay Levine, John Downing, and Irene Chapman-
1/15/75; Coronet Casuals workers hold backpay checks- with Jay Levine, Cathy Powell,
Charlotte Breeden, Pauline Queen, Madge Spigner, Rene Canady, Susie Wallop, John Downing
and Geraldine Bashar- 2/1/76; Business Agent Angelo Giordano and Nelson Hill talking
to Gloria Mfg. Employees in Newport News, VA- 3/15/75; strikers outside Gloria Mfg-
3/15/75; strikers outside Gloria Mfg- 3/15/75; Randolph Institute in Baltimore convention-
with George Meany and Randolph- 6/75 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 32
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Upper South Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: representatives of union negotiating and employer after contract signing-
with VP Sol Hoffman 8/15/75; VP Sol Hoffman, Charles Sturm, and Stella Davis give
opinion on imports; post-negotiations at Easter Isles' plant in Richlands and Grundy,
VA- 9/15/75; Andy Andreone, Guinevere Banks and Arlene Jackson give opinion on imports;
VP Wilbur Daniels open up meeting with VP Sol Hoffman and Evelyn Dubrow to discuss
imports; VP Sol Hoffman- director of South Department gives Woodstock Mfg. Contract
Norma George and Assistant Chairlady Norma Miller; after negotiations at Bristol Lingerie
in VA are Peggy Talbert, Betty Smithson, Madge Gross, LaDonna Cassidy, Vivian Hickman,
Bob Frank, Linda Deniable, Margaret Emmert, Barbara Wye, Maggie Malone, Ada Jakubic,
Sol Hoffman, Lois Sullins and Martin Vest- 1/1/76; VP Sol Hoffman joins picket at
A&B uniform in Norfolk, VA- 1/1/76; Employer negotiators Irving Feldstein,
Ray Frederick, Hank Depner face union Ronnie Wills, Virginia Ferguson, Jean Mills,
VP Sol Hoffman, state director Mario Marcello, Mabel Hayes, Randy Carson, Virginia
Maynard, Elizabeth Wiley for Huntington Industries in West Virginia- 4/1/76; VP Sol
Hoffman gives check to Admiral Elmo "Bud" Zumwatt- 5/1/76; Upper South Organizing
Director Jay Levine and organizer Martin Lesser discuss Lori Till case- 6/1/76; George
Meany award is given to Lillie Stansbury- Local 256 in Frederick, MD with C.W. McNemar,
Glenn Watts and George Atkins-6/15/76; Negotiations with Claire Frock with Sol Hoffman,
Gladys Frommeyer, Janet Marsh, Ruth Shane, Agnes Eyler, Kathryn Bradshaw, Shirley
Adkins, Roy Clabaugh, Jerry Moore and Calvin Saylor Maryland-Delaware State Director
Harry Frankel hosts luncheon at United Togs plant in Sussex Blades, Delaware- 8/15/76;
Ellen Smith, VP of ILGWU's Eastern Shore Area Council talks with people who visit
ILGWU Booth at 22nd annual Labor Day Weekend Festival in Greenbelt, MD- 10/1/76; Melvin
Bourne, administrator of ACTWU day care center chats with Upper South business agent
Clara Gummer- 1/15/77; Mike Newman, Robert Farber, Jay Levine, and Jackson Moore celebrate
union recognition at Athena Industries in Kingsport, TN- 3/1/77 Was re-housed, formerly
box 4, ff 33
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Upper South Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local President Bessie Roy pins corsage on Florence Leonard at the 25th
anniversary celebration of Baltimore Local 106- 11/15/59; bouquet of roses for Jane
Burhams, first lady of Hagerstown, MD- 9/1/59; wife of State's LT. Governor A.E.S.
Stephens sews first label into dress produced by Kenrose Mfg. Co. of Roanoke, VA-
with LT. Governor Stephens, ILGWU VP Angela Bambace, Sherill Caldwell and Martin Vest-
3/1/61; David Dubinsky confers with Morris Glusnier and Alice Reca on picket line
outside Kenrose Mfg. Co.- 7/1/60; strikers outside Classic Uniform of Baltimore- 7/15/65;
a black man leads the picket line in song; black women picket and sing union songs
outside Barclay Uniform Co. in Baltimore, MD- 8/15/65; Lari Anese Melton wears union
outfit at fashion show by Local 563- 8/1/66; representing the union in negotiations
with People's Company in Huntington, W. Virginia- Ruth Matthews, Joel Goolst, Upper
South Organizing Director, Jerry Johnson, Glenn Mallot, Dorcus Watson, Donna Daniels,
Evelyn Moses; photo of cutters; VP Angele Bambace is honored at dinner of Baltimore
Community Relations Commission- 6/15/67; Upper South Department triennial conference
in Washington D.C.- with Meany, Howard Molisani, Joel Goost, Angela Bambace works
with Local 4 to start a day camp- 5/15/70; Evelyn Dubrow, Meany, Angela Bambace, Hattie
Williams, and Clara Gummer paid a visit to General Office in NY to present plaque
to President Louis Stulberg commemorating to 70th anniversary of ILGWU- 1/1/71; picket
line against Dee-More Business Co.- 2/1/72; VP Angela Bambace honored as she retires
with Wilbur Daniels and Jacob Edelman- 12/15/72; Local 4 members at Eutaw Manufacturing
cast votes in Upper South Department elections- 4/1/74 Was re-housed, formerly box
4, ff 34
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Welfare and Health Benefits Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sol Chaikin presides over meeting of trustees of Supplementary Unemployment
Benefits Fund at Unity House- with Louis Relnick- director of Welfare and Health Benefits-
9/8/76; William Shulman of Wolf and Shulman presents report on Supplementary Unemployment
Benefits Fund with Louis Relnick, Louis Stulberg, and Ted Bernstein- assistant department
director- 12/1/74 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 35
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Western States Region - California
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Samuel Otto, James Roosevelt, Manager Stenzor at LA rally; union label
display; Garment Workers at LA Campaign Committee headquarters make contributions
and pick up literature- 11/60; John Kennedy addresses a crowd in Hartford, CT- 12/15/60;
proper use of fire fighting equipment is demonstrated by LA Bureau of Fire Prevention
to Cloak Joint Board- with Bureau Inspector- R.H. Coleman and Joint Board Manager
Isidor Stenzor- 4/1w5/60; Designers Local 452 and Coat and Suit Manufacturers Association
signs contract with Harry LeCover- association press, Hyman Schatzberg- Local 452
president Phil Garb- assistant executive secretary, Cloak Joint Board manager Isidor
Stenzor, Basil Feinberg, VP Samuel Otto and Jerome Reiner- 2/1/60; John Ulene- LA
Dress and Sportswear Joint Board manager pickets with workers from Murray Millman-10/15/61;
Retiree reception with manager John Ulene, co-chairlady Callie Williams, Dora Williams,
Murray Kovitz; installation meeting of newly elected officers of LA Cloak locals 3/15/62;
LA ILGers distribute leaflets-3/15/63; Isidor Stenzor, manager of LA Cloak Joint Board,
VP Charles Zimmerman and Samuel Otto- 4/15/63; members of Chinatown office of San
Francisco Joint Board are shown during English class- with Cornelius Wall- joint board
manager and organizer Chao Wei Liang- 7/63; President Louis Stulberg addresses ILGers
in LA-1/15/69 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 36
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Western States Region - California
Scope and Contents
Includes: LA Cloak Joint Board committee negotiates contract renewal- Morris Silverstein,
Basil Feinberg, Charles Nash, Isidor Stenzor, Samuel Otto, Theresa Oliver, Emma Goldman,
Ben Kraus, Albert Axelrod, Moe Solomon, Abe Tankenson, Manuel Ponce, Mike Cristofaro,
Sophie Siegel, Virginia King, Jennie Spallino- 5/1/15/64; San Francisco ILGers greet
President Johnson in Bay City- business agent Myrtle M. Banks, Cornelius Wall and
Thomas Pitts; David Dubinsky at meeting of ILGWU in LA- with VP Samuel Otto, Isidor
Stenzor, Cornelius Wall- 12/1/64; Congressman James Roosevelt speaks at installation
of LA Cloak Joint Board officers- Meyer Silverstein, Max. B. Wolf, VP Samuel Otto,
Charles Nash, Isidor Stenzor- manager, Basil Feinberg, and Moe Solomon- 4/1/65; Geno
picket Wayne Engel with gash on his face- 4/1/66; picketers outside Geno of California-
2/15/66; ILGWU organizer Pius Lee leads picket line at Marguerite Rubel shop in Chinatown-
4/1/68; picketers of Chic Lingeue with some Spanish signs; Mattie Jackson, new manager
of San Francisco Joint Board- 9/1/70; Western States Director Cornelius Wall speaks
with Basil Feinberg, Sam Schwartz, and Isidor Stenzor looking on as Dress and Sportswear
Joint Board merges with Cloak Joint Board- 1/1/71; Mayor Thomas Bradley presents proclamation
to VP Cornelius Wall- Western States Director- 8/1/73; SK and K workers in San Pedro,
CA picket- 8/1/74; negotiating team explain terms of pact renewal with Messerman Sportswear
in LA- 8/15/74; Julius Draznin- regional deputy director of NLRB speaks at Western
States Region meeting in LA- 8/15/74; Cornelius Wall presents money to a woman; Edmund
G. Brown, Jr. speaks at rally of ILGWU members- with Cornelius Wall, Max Wolf, Sigmund
Arywitz, and Mervyn Dymally- 10/15/74; people distribute leaflets in LA Valley; striking
workers at Great Chinese-American sewing Co. in San Francisco- 10/15/74 Was re-housed,
formerly box 4, ff 37
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Western States Region - California
Scope and Contents
Includes: LA ILGers at picnic in Lincoln Park- with Cornelius Wall and Max Wolf; children
in sack race at picnic; entertainment by Mariachi band and dance troupe- 11/1/75;
wife of Sol Chaikin- Rosalind receives corsage from LA local; Sol Chaikin addresses
membership meeting at Regency Hyatt Hotel- 9/27/75; Sol Chaikin receives proclamation
from Mayor Tom Bradley- 11/1/75; Chaikin speaks with and meets strikers from the Great
Chinese-American sewing co.- 11/1/75; display of Chinese music and dance; fashion
show- 11/1/75; Max Wolf introduces Chai Hong Mock- 11/1/75; Chaikin and wife Rosalind
at membership rally at Masonic Temple- with William Wong- 10/8/75; Mattie Jackson
at San Francisco ILGers at picnic- 9/15/75; Willie March and daughter at picnic- 9/15/75;
United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez in LA ILGWU Joint Board Hall with supporters
raising flags- 8/15/75; VP Mattie Jackson- manager of San Francisco Joint Board visits
with Clara Steinberg- with Paul Steen- chairman of joint board retirees club- 7/1/75;
picketers outside of San Francisco Shirt Works- 7/1/75; local members who are married
at LA Joint Board Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 38
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Western States Region - California
Scope and Contents
Includes: workers at Wells-Leigh in LA hold up sign of winning election- 8/1/76; ILGer
Juanita Oregano is crowned queen of Filipino Community of Alameda County in CA- Union
City Mayor Tom Kateyama does honors- 5/15/76; workers at California Samples celebrate
union election win- 8/15/77; picketers outside Dumas and Canez shops in Palmdale's,
Lancaster, CA- 5/1/77; VP Cornelius Wall installs new officers at San Francisco Joint
Board- including VP Mattie Jackson crown Anne English queen of Union Label Ball- 12/11/77;
picket line at Motif Mfg. In East LA- 12/1/78; Local 551 play soccer- 3/1/78; Moab
Sportswear workers celebrate NLRB victory- Dora Burgess, Virginia Hurtado, Judith
Robertson, and Terry Goode- 4/15/78 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 39
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
Western States Region - California
Scope and Contents
Includes: Mattie Jackson, William Robertson, Cornelius Wall, Jay Mazur, Eva Addison,
and Phil Russo look on as Sol Chaikin cuts ribbon to LA headquarters- 7/1/85; workers
at Armak, Inc. in LA picket- 8/79; picket line at Kelvin Internationals- with Assistant
Regional Director Paul Strongin- 3/79; workers at Armak and Co. in LA show results
of NLRB election- 3/79; photos of white, Asian, and black workers; business agent
Larry Mirgon and San Francisco Joint Board Chairman David Daniels are honored in retirement-
with Cornelius Wall and Mattie Jackson- 8/79; instructor Lillian Yee helps workers
at Koret of California master English- 8/79; VP Cornelius Wall distributes backpay
awards to Cristina Zepeda, Lucia Rodriguez, Serafino Haro, and Rafael Yniguez- 8/79;
picture of Golden Gate bridge- 8/79; ILGers led by Joseph Danahy, stand outside Glydon
Lingerie and picket- 9/80; Western States Organizing Director Phil Russo leads picketing
outside Glydon Lingerie- 7/80; Chaikin at Southern California District Seminar with
Max Wolf, Cornelius Wall, and Phil Russo- 7/80; workers at Standard Swiss Embroidery
in LA protest and picket- 5/81; VP Cornelius Wall celebrates victory for Glydon Lingerie
in LA- 5/81; organizing director Phil Russo joins strikers at LeBeau Emblem in LA-
5/81 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 40
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
Western States Region - In General
Scope and Contents
Includes: California ILGers with Governor Pat Brown- with Sam Otto and Isidor Stenzor
and John Ulene- 9/15/66; Governor of Washington Daniel Evans and wife are presented
by Eloise Pratt, a diaper with union label- 10/1/66; workers picket a Tabak store
who locked them out- 2/1/66; LA organizing staff and Frederick Siems and Cornelius
Wall congratulated Mattie Jackson- 9/1/70; Mattie Jackson gets kiss from daughter-
9/1/70; Mattie Jackson taking oath; Mattie Jackson tackling a shop problem with business
agent William Wan and Sol Qune Wong Leong; Mattie Jackson tacking an office problem
with Mary Ganotese; Cornelius Wall, Frederick Siems, Mattie Jackson and daughter;
VP Hubert Humphrey is greeted by VP Sam Otto- Pacific Coast Director- 8/12/68; LA
Cloak Joint Board with Sam Otto at installation gathering- 4/1/68; VP Frederick Siems
celebrates win at Chic Lingerie- with Ray Brewster, Ralph Smith, and workers- 8/1/70;
LA staffer Ray Brewster, Dolores Dorantes, and Gloria Feliciano confer with Chic lingerie
workers- 8/15/70; VP Sam Otto was honored on retirement- with Cornelius Wall, Sam
Schwartz, Frederick Siems, VP William Ross, and Isidor Stenzor- 2/1/70 Was re-housed,
formerly box 4, ff 41
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
Western States Region - In General
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers donating food to Rio Grande Boys Town; workers picket Mode O'Day
Mfg. Co.; workers picket Kayser-Roth; David Dubinsky addresses meeting of LA Cloak
and Dress and Sportswear Joint Boards- with Morris Bialis, Basil Feinberg, Samuel
Otto, Stulberg, Charles Zimmerman, Evelyn DuBrow, and Sigmund Arywitz and John Ulene;
Chips star Erik Estrada gives moral support to Hedman Mfg. Co. strikers- with organizers
Alex Pendleton and Daniel Silva- 10/79; employees of Salt Lake City, Utah unite on
a picket line- 6/15/66; picketers of Judy Bond, Inc.- 7/1/64; Mayor J.D. Braman designates
Union Label Week in Seattle, Washington with Eloise Pratt- manager of Local 184 and
Sally Sari- VP of union card and Label Council- 9/1/67 Was re-housed, formerly box
4, ff 42
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
Western States Region - In General
Scope and Contents
Includes: Asian workers picketing Jung San and Lee Mah Companies; Ralph Smith- Western
States Region Organization supervisor with Phil Russo explain details campaign- 8/15/74;
Asian woman participate in fashion show/ beauty pageant; a worker holds a signs "Where's
the Jobs:- 5/84; Toni Castillo- chairlady at Stual Mfg. Runs an ILGWU booth at the
AFL-CIO Union- Industries Show at LA- 7/1/78; CA governor Jerry Brown is greeted by
Max Wolf and Cornelius Wall- 10/15/78; gen. Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton discusses
imports- with Max Wolf and VP Wilbur Daniels- 4/1/78; Assistant Regional Director
Paul Stringing speaks-4/1/78; Phil Russo- Western States Region organization director
addresses conference- 4/1/78; Max Wolf conducts education workshops- 4/1/78; VP Cornelius
Wall joins LA Jt. Board staff as they sign new contract- with Harry LeCover, Phil
Leviton, Gloria Feliciano, and Nell Grajeda- 1/80; Joe Razo and Phil Russo testify
before President's Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy- 4/80; VP Cornelius
Wall and Max Wolf join governor Jerry Brown at signing of garment industry licensing
laws- 8/80; VP Cornelius Wall and organizer Cristina Ramirez Vazquez join Glydon Lingerie
workers after victory 2/80; Herman Starobin, Ph.D. director of research ILGWU- on
T.V.- 5/84; Walter Mondale Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 43
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
Western States Region - In General
Scope and Contents
Includes: Utah-Arizona District officers are sworn in; Cornelius Wall welcomes delegates
to ILGWU Western States Region annual seminar; photo of delegates to conference; VP
Mattie Jackson, Evelyn Dubrow, Max Wolf, James Wood, Cornelius Wall, Jim Keysor, Theresa
Hughes, and Art Torres; delegates speak at seminar; LA mayor Tom Bradley speaks; photos
of picnic at Lincoln Park finished the weekend; Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally- AFL-CIO
Dept. of Organization and Field Services speaks Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
Western States Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: At World's Fair in Seattle, WA people hold ILGWU banner of all unions affiliated
with AFL-CIO- 10/1/62; VP Cornelius Wall attends soccer practice of team sponsored
by ILGWU- 8/15/77; Business Agent Carlo Leone of Utah-Arizona District Council presents
a backpay check to Bernice Jacobi- 1/15/79; workers of Spring City Knit Plant in Deming,
New Mexico celebrate union's victor- 6/79 Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 45
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - May 1980
1980 |
Scope and Contents
May Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 46
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Contact Sheets - June 1980
1980 |
Scope and Contents
June Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 47
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Contact Sheets - July 1980
1980 |
Scope and Contents
July Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 48
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Contact Sheets - August
1980 |
Scope and Contents
August Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 49
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Contact Sheets - September
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 50
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Contact Sheets - October
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 51
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Contact Sheets - November
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 52
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Contact Sheets - December
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 53
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Contact Sheets - January
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 54
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Contact Sheets - February
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 55
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Contact Sheets - March
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 4, ff 56
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - April
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 1
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Contact Sheets - May
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 2
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Contact Sheets - Contact Sheets - June
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 3
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Contact Sheets - July
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 4
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Contact Sheets - August
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 5
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Contact Sheets - September
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 6
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Contact Sheets - October
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 7
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Contact Sheets - November
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 8
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
1981 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 9
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Contact Sheets - December - January (#175)
1981-1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 10
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Contact Sheets - April (#197-208)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 11
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Contact Sheets - June (#303-311)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 12
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Contact Sheets - August (#317-323)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 13
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Contact Sheets - June
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 14
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Contact Sheets - June/July (#312-315) (23-25 Chinatown Rally I, 6/24/1982)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 15
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - August
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 16
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Contact Sheets - September (#324-325, 325 thru 330)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 17
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Contact Sheets - October/November (#331-342)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 18
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Contact Sheets - November/December (#343-356)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 19
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Contact Sheets - January
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 20
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Contact Sheets - February (#369-373)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 21
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Contact Sheets - March/April (#374-390) [1 of 2]
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 22
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Contact Sheets - March-April (#374-390) [2 of 2]
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 23
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
Contact Sheets - #413-416
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 24
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Contact Sheets - May-June (#391-395)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 25
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Contact Sheets - Photos Front Page Convention
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 26
Box 8 | Folder 12 |
Contact Sheets - August (#417-427)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 27
Box 8 | Folder 13 |
Contact Sheets - Labor Day NYC (#428-451)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 28
Box 8 | Folder 14 |
Contact Sheets - October-November (#452-)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 29
Box 8 | Folder 15 |
Contact Sheets Photos Centerfold - September
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 30
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - November/December (#497-512)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 31
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Contact Sheets Centerfold - December (Eaves Costume Co.)
1983 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 32
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Contact Sheets - January/February (#513-524)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 33
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Contact Sheets FrontPage Justice - February
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 34
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Contact Sheets - May (#209-221222-228)
1982 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 5, ff 35
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Contact Sheets - March/April (#524-542)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff1
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Contact Sheets - May/June (#543-569) [1 of 2]
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff2
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Contact Sheets - May/June (#543-569) [2 of 2]
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff3
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
Contact Sheets - July/August (#570-582)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 4
Box 9 | Folder 10 |
Contact Sheets - September/October (#583-)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 5
Box 9 | Folder 11 |
Contact Sheets - November/December (#597-)
1984 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 6
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - January/February (#614-628) [1 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 7
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Contact Sheets - January/February (#614-628) [2 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 8
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Contact Sheets - March/April (#629-684) [1 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 9
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
Contact Sheets - March/April (#629-684) [2 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff 10
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Contact Sheets - May (#685-)
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff11
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
Contact Sheets - Back page - Justice - "Crafted With Pride"
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff12
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Contact Sheets - Centerfold - Justice - February
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff13
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
Contact Sheets Photos - Justice - March
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff14
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff15
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff16
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff17
Box 10 | Folder 12 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff18
Box 10 | Folder 13 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff19
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff20
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff21
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff22
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Contact Sheets - Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, ff23
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Voice of the Knitgoods Workers
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
Format: 35mm slide
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Format: photograph negative
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Dress Strike 1958
1958 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Cindy Goes Shopping With Mommy
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Commemorating 25th Anniversary of JUSTICE (Menu)
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 6, loose in the box not labeled
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 1
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
Contact sheets and negatives - August
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 2
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September: [folder 1 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 3
Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September: [folder 2 of 2]
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 4
Box 12 | Folder 5 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 5
Box 12 | Folder 6 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 6
Box 12 | Folder 7 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December
1985 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 7
Box 12 | Folder 8 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 8
Box 12 | Folder 9 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 9
Box 12 | Folder 10 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 10
Box 12 | Folder 11 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 11
Box 12 | Folder 12 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 12
Box 12 | Folder 13 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May: [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 13
Box 12 | Folder 14 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May: [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 14
Box 12 | Folder 15 |
Contact sheets and negatives - June
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 15
Box 12 | Folder 16 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July: [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 16
Box 12 | Folder 17 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July: [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 17
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Contact sheets and negatives - August
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 18
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 19
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 20
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 21
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December: [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 22
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December: [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 23
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 24
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 25
Box 13 | Folder 9 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 26
Box 13 | Folder 10 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 27
Box 13 | Folder 11 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 28
Box 13 | Folder 12 |
Contact sheets and negatives - June
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 29
Box 13 | Folder 13 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 30
Box 13 | Folder 14 |
Contact sheets and negatives - August
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 31
Box 13 | Folder 15 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 32
Box 13 | Folder 16 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 33
Box 13 | Folder 17 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 34
Box 13 | Folder 18 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December
1987 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 35
Box 14 | Folder 1 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 36
Box 14 | Folder 2 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 37
Box 14 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 1 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 38
Box 14 | Folder 4 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 2 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 39
Box 14 | Folder 5 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April: [folder 1 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 40
Box 14 | Folder 6 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April: [folder 2 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 41
Box 14 | Folder 7 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 42
Box 14 | Folder 8 |
Contact sheets and negatives - June
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 43
Box 14 | Folder 9 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 44
Box 14 | Folder 10 |
Contact sheets and negatives - August
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 45
Box 14 | Folder 11 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 46
Box 14 | Folder 12 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 47
Box 14 | Folder 13 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November: [folder 1 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 48
Box 14 | Folder 14 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November: [folder 2 of 2]
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 49
Box 14 | Folder 15 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December
1988 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 7, ff 50
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 1
Box 15 | Folder 2 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 2
Box 15 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 1 of 2]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 3
Box 15 | Folder 4 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 2 of 2]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 4
Box 15 | Folder 5 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 5
Box 15 | Folder 6 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 6
Box 15 | Folder 7 |
Contact sheets and negatives - June
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 7
Box 15 | Folder 8 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 8
Box 15 | Folder 9 |
Contact sheets and negatives
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Box 15 | Folder 10 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 10
Box 15 | Folder 11 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 11
Box 15 | Folder 12 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 12
Box 15 | Folder 13 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 13
Box 15 | Folder 14 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 14
Box 15 | Folder 15 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 15
Box 15 | Folder 16 |
Contact sheets and negatives - March: [folder 1 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 16
Box 15 | Folder 17 |
Contact sheets and negatives [folder 2 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Box 15 | Folder 18 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April: [folder 1 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 18
Box 15 | Folder 19 |
Contact sheets and negatives [folder 2 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Box 16 | Folder 1 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May: [folder 1 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 20
Box 16 | Folder 2 |
Contact sheets and negatives - May: [folder 2 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 20
Box 16 | Folder 3 |
Contact sheets and negatives - June
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 22
Box 16 | Folder 4 |
Contact sheets and negatives - July
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 23
Box 16 | Folder 5 |
Contact sheets and negatives - August
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 24
Box 16 | Folder 6 |
Contact sheets and negatives - September
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 25
Box 16 | Folder 7 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October: [folder 1 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 26
Box 16 | Folder 8 |
Contact sheets and negatives - October: [folder 2 of 2]
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 27
Box 16 | Folder 9 |
Contact sheets and negatives - November
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 28
Box 16 | Folder 10 |
Contact sheets and negatives - December
1990 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 29
Box 16 | Folder 11 |
Contact sheets and negatives - January
1991 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 30
Box 16 | Folder 12 |
Contact sheets and negatives - February
1991 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 31
Box 16 | Folder 13 |
Contact sheets and negatives
1991 |
Scope and Contents
Box 16 | Folder 14 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April: [folder 1 of 2]
1991 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 32
Box 16 | Folder 15 |
Contact sheets and negatives - April: [folder 2 of 2]
1991 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 34
Box 16 | Folder 16 |
March on Washington
1963 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 35
Box 16 | Folder 17 |
Convention [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Photos by Lind Manocchia Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 36
Box 17 | Folder 1 |
Convention [2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Photos by Lind Manocchia Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 37
Box 17 | Folder 2 |
Convention [folder 1 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Photos by Burt Berinsky Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 38
Box 17 | Folder 3 |
Convention [folder 2 of 2]
1986 |
Scope and Contents
Photos by Burt Berinsky Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 39
Box 17 | Folder 4 |
Convention [folder 1 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 40
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
Convention [folder 2 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 41
Box 17 | Folder 6 |
Convention [folder 3 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 42
Box 17 | Folder 7 |
Convention [folder 4 of 4]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 43
Box 17 | Folder 8 |
Convention [folder 1 of 2]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 44
Box 17 | Folder 9 |
Convention [folder 2 of 2]
1989 |
Scope and Contents
Was re-housed, formerly box 8, ff 45
Box 18 | Folder 2 |
Labor Day
Box 18 | Folder 1 |
Labor Day
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 18 | Folder 3 |
Labor Day
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers gather on the White House lawn for the annual Labor Day picnic honoring
the American trade union movement, Oct. 1980; Atlanta area ILGers joined International
Women's Day marchers in downtown Atlanta, 3/8/83; Harry Van Arsdale, President of
the New York City Central Labor Council Addresses ILGWU planning session on participation
in Labor Day Parade, with Brian McLaughlin, parade coordinator, and VP Edward Schneider
- Sportswear General manager, Sept. 1982; Labor Day Parade, Chicago, Oct. 1982; Labor
Day demonstration, Sept. 1982; Intimate Apparel Workers' Union Local 62-32 ILGWU in
Labor Day Parade, Oct. 1981; Blouse, Skirt, and Sportswear Workers' Union Local 23-25
ILGWU in Labor Day Parade, 9/7/81; Celebrating Labor Day's 100th Birthday Local 23-25
members call for Amnesty for undocumented workers and political asylum for Haitian
Boat people, New York City, 9/6/82; Varied '23-25' costumes, 9/6/82; Dancers on '155'
float, 9/6/82; ILGers with union label on Labor Day, New York City, 9/7/81; Local
91 members in Labor Day Parade, New York City, 9/7/81; Mother with daughter at Labor
Day Parade, New York City, 9/7/81
Box 18 | Folder 4 |
Labor Reform - Labor Law
Scope and Contents
Includes: Demonstration for Labor Law Reform at Capitol, Washington, DC, 7/1/78; US
Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall addressed a rally in Washington's Lafayette Park in
support of passage of Labor Law Reform Bill, 6/15/78 (photo missing); ILGers respond
to the call to collect signatures on petitions urging passage of an amended Labor
Law Reform Bill now in Senate Committee, outside the Knitgoods Workers' New York City
office, 7/15/78; Manager Al Rupado and shop chairperson Marie Codner assist as Local
189 members sign petitions urging Senate to enact Labor Law Reform Bill at a Bronx
garment shop, 8/1/78; Petitions collected urging the Senate to enact a Labor law reform
Bill, 8/1/78
Box 18 | Folder 5 |
Legislative Action
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local meeting, no date; signing of Declaration for Fair Minimum Wage with
George Meany, 5/15/77; ILGWU General Counsel Max Zimny waits to testify before Senate
Human Resources Committee's labor subcommittee, with ILGWU Legislative Director Evelyn
Dubrow, and Associate General Counsel Ann F. Hoffman, 9/26/77 (2 copies of photo);
Open heart operation in Denmark performed by a woman, Denmark, 1973; About 100 ILGers
form New York City Locals were present when Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy
conducted a field hearing of his Senate Health Subcommittee on national health insurance,
Elmhurst, Queens, 12/14/77; Meeting with Manhattan Congressman William Green are VP
Edward Schneider, General Manager of the Sportswear Joint Board, Local 105 Manager
Henry Prastien, Local 155 Education Director Sylvia Grugett, Local 91 Education Director
Rubye Jones, and Larry Rozenewaig.- Local 62 Chief Auditor, 4/15/78 (2 copies of photo);
ILGWU Legislative Director Evelyn Dubrow led a delegation of ILGers to the Coalition
of Labor Union Women convention, Washington, DC, 10/15/77; ILGers joined other trade
unionists at a recent OSHA lobbying conference sponsored by the AFL-CIO's Industrial
Union Department, with members of New York Congressional delegation Jasper Peyton
- ILGWU Assistant Education Director, Business Agent Hermine Hart, VP Evelyn Dubrow
- Legislative Director, former ILGWU First VP E. Howard Molisani - now Secretary-Treasurer
of New York State AFL-CIO, Rep. Joseph Adabbo (7th CD), Barry Gawan - Education Department
Staffer, Reps. Geraldine Ferrara (9th CD) and Theodore Weiss (20th CD), Washington
DC, May 1979; Vice Presidents Sol Hoffman and Evelyn Dubrow joined New Jersey Governor
Brendan Byrne at a White House meeting, Washington, DC 10/10/79; ILGers were prominent
among the over 60,000 people who gathered in Chicago on May 10, 1980 for a rally n
support of passage of the Equal Rights Amendment by the Illinois State Legislative;
At voter registration table in New York's Chinatown are Ming Chen and Amy Tse, Local
23-25 summer interns, Local 23-25 Manager Edgar Romney, staff member Shiu Mak Ka,
Chinese Retirees Club Chairman Kai-Pong Wong, Local 23-25 Assistant Education Director
Sam Wong and staffer Betty Leung, Oct. 1983; VP Evelyn Dubrow, Legislative Director,
addressing a rally to protest cuts in the federal jobs benefits program, Washing DC,
April 1985; At first meeting of Apparel Caucus are VP Sol Hoffman, State Senator Frank
J. O'Connell, VP Joseph Fisher, and Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Julius Uehlein,
May 1985; Jay Mazur at meeting, no date; Jay Mazur speaking with a petition to the
President and Congress of the US to curb imports as his backdrop, Washington DC, 12/1/57
Box 18 | Folder 6 |
Local 10
Scope and Contents
Includes: New York Local 10 Business Agent Murray Elbaum speaks to Bergen and Hudson
County ILGers, ACTWU members and other unionists at a "Curb Imports" demonstration
in Schuetzen Park, North Bergen, New Jersey, 4/13/77; Local 10 Manager Gerald Grossman
extends best wishes to Bob Minkow, owner of Suzette Fashions in Jersey City, on occasion
of shop's 85th Anniversary, with Suzette cutters are shop chairman Mario Basite, Local
10 Executive Board Secretary Nat Klein, Assistant Manager William Weiss and Business
Agent Murray Elbaum in Jersey City, 4/1/77; Honorary President David Dubinsky is welcomed
as former cutter in visit to the polls on New York Local 10 election day, with Local
Manager Jerry Grossman and Assistant Manager William Weiss, 3/1/77; Local 10 cutter's
election, no date; President Sol C. Chaikin installed Local 10 officers to new three-year
terms at a meeting in Statler-Hilton Hotel, with Harry Rosenberg-chairman of the Executive
Board, Jack Goldberg - local VP, Nat Klein - Secretary to the Executive Board, Enzo
Baldino - local President, Gerald Grossman - manager of the cutters, and William Weiss
- Assistant Manager, 3/15/77; Members of New York Local 10 signify their ratification
of cutters' terms in the new agreement reached by the New York Dress Joint Council,
with VP Abe Dolgen - local manager, Manager Manuel Gonzalez of Local 22, Manger Frank
Longo of Local 89, Assistant Manager William Weiss of Local 10 and Nat Klein, secretary
to the local executive board, 3/1/76; Cutters of New York Local 10 who work in undergarment
and lingerie shops unanimously ratify terms of the Local 62 agreement as it applies
to them,, with Abe Dolgen, manager of Local 10 and Assistant Manager William Weiss,
7/1/75; Terms of the new agreement for Cutters of New York Local 10 who work in corset
and brassiere shops are ratified enthusiastically after VP Abe Dolgen, manager of
the Local presented details, with Assistant Manager William Weiss of Local 10, and
Nat Klein, Secretary to the Executive Board, 11/1/75; VP Julio Ramirez, manager of
Local 32, addresses meeting of Local 10, noting that he first joined the Cutters'
Local in 1932, 2/15/75; VP Abe Dolgen, manager at Local 10, presented award to social
security essay contest winner Karen Isenberg, daughter of longtime cutters' member
Nat Isenberg, 11/1/74; President Sol C. Chaikin and VP Abe Dolgen congratulate Gerald
Grossman on his election as new cutter's manager at Local 10, 5/17/76; Members of
Local 10 who donated blood as part of the ongoing ILGWU blood bank program conducted
by a number of New York locals, 4/15/75; VP Abe Dolgen - Manager of Local 10 presents
"Shop Chairman of the Year Awards" to this year's three winners, with Morton Stagg
of Coat Fair Shop - a chairman for the past four years, Walter Peterson - a chairman
for only one year at the Marty Gutmacher shop, and Paul Yacker, a 10-year chairman
at Noel Jr., 2/15/75; ILGers and other trade unionists attended a final rally for
the Carey-Krupsak campaign the day before elections in Flushing, Queens, with Washington
Senator Henry Jackson, VP Abe Dolgen - Manager of Cutters Local 10 who was chairman
of the Queens County Labor Committee for Carey-Krupsak and John T. Burnell - commissioner
of labor relations in New York City and honorary chairman of the committee, 11/15/74;
At a labor demonstration, Hugh Carey who won the Democratic nomination for governor
of New York in the primary election September 10, visits with the unionists, including
VP Abe Dolgen who is manager of Cutter's Local 10 and Assistant Manager William Weiss
at Local 10, New York City, 9/15/74; Several hundred New Jersey cutters joined in
a celebration of the ILGWU's 75th anniversary at a smorgasbord and dinner, with Local
10 Assistant Manager William Weiss, VP Edward Kramer - General manager of the Eastern
Region, VP Abe Dolgen - Local 10 Manager, Nat Klein - Secretary to the Executive Board,
and Business Agent Murray Elbaum, West Paterson, New Jersey, 12/1/75; Spanish-speaking
members of Local 10 who went to learn English attended orientation session for new
English class where Cutters' manager Gerald Grossman described arm of new course as
Business Agents Bill Harris of New York Local 10 explain a cutting demonstration at
the Isaac Hazan shop during the students' field trip, New York, 2/11/75; New York
Cutters set up their booth on Seventh Avenue in the heart of the garment district
to register voters for the fall election, with Judith Berger of New York votes, a
coalition of organizations cooperating in the registration drive and Local 10 staffers
Marvin Glick, Les Schwartz, and Ed Pastel, 8/28/74; VP Abe Dolgen, Manager of Cutters
Local 10, speaks at a political organizational meeting for ILGWU activists in Queens,
with Dave Wells, Assistant Director of the ILGWU Political Department, and Business
Agent Ed Pastel, 10/21/74
Box 18 | Folder 7 |
Local 20
Scope and Contents
Includes: Manager Sam Fine of New York Local 20 emphasizes some of the demands the
rainwear workers are making in response to counter-demands from employer representatives,
with Attorney Marshall Rosenberg, VP Abe Dolgen - Manager of Cutters Local 10, Assistant
Manager William Weiss of Local 10, and Nat Klein - Secretary to the Cutters; Executive
Board, 5/17/76; Local 20 Manager Sam Fine reports on industry trends and problems
at annual holiday meeting and party for chairman and chairladies of the NY rainwear
Local, 12/11/??; Rainwear workers of New York Local 20 raise their hands to elect
by acclamation officers on the administration ticket, with Manager Sam Fine, elected
for another term, 2/15/77; Local 20 members vote by raising their hands, 6/1/76
Box 18 | Folder 8 |
Local 22
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Israel Breslow, Local 22 manager, congratulates Sol Lipnack on new post
as Assistant Manager of the New York Dressmakers; Local, as fellow unionists look
on, 11/15/71; Saby Nehama, Dressmakers Local 22 staffer, explains union procedures
and benefits to new Spanish-speaking members, 8/15/69; Members of New York Dressmakers'
Local 22 register prior to entering voting booths, 3/1/62; New Local 22 Manager Manny
Gonzalez, former VP Charles Zimmerman who headed Local 22 from 1933 until 1958 when
he became General Manager of the New York Dress Joint Board, and VP Israel Breslow,
9/15/75; Saby Nehama, Charles S. Zimmerman, Murray Gross, Sam Byer - Joint Board Secretary-Treasurer,
Pearl Halpern, Jessie Friedman of AIFLD, Manuel Gonzalez, Mrs. Celia Nehama, Sol Lipnack,
5/15/70; President Louis Stulberg swears in newly elected administration of Dressmakers
Local 22, headed by VP Israel Breslow - Local Manager, with Sam Shuch - Local Chairman,
Louis Gilbert - Local Vice Chairlady, VP Salvatore Noto - Local 89 Chief, Mrs. Bebe
Stulberg, VP Murray Gross - Associate General Manager, VP Charles S. Zimmerman - General
Manager of Dress Council, 3/15/71; Dr. Sidney Hook addresses monthly forum of dressmakers
on "Campus Unrest - Cause and Cure," with VP Israel Breslow - Local 33 Manager, and
Manuel Gonzalez Spanish Department, 2/1/71; Former Mayor Robert F. Wagner got hearty
response from Local 22 members as he ripped into Lindsay's reward, with VP Israel
Breslow - Local Manager, and other dress union leaders, 6/15/69; VP Israel Breslow,
Local 22 Manager, and VP Charles S. Zimmerman, Dress Joint Board General Manager,
admire huge mural of New York City which adorns Local 22 council room, 12/15/68; Huge
and spirited turnout of New York dressmakers of Local 22, at meeting in Statler Hilton
Hotel on January 31, 1968, participated in nomination for local officers, executive
board and convention delegates, with VP Israel Breslow - Local Manager nominated for
another term by VP Charles S. Zimmerman - Joint Board General Manager, 2/15/68; ILGWU
veteran Edith Ransom is praised by her long-time colleague on the picket line, Pearl
Halpern, on the occasion of her retirement, 4/15/64; CP Charles S. Zimmerman, Rasina
Prescod, Pearl Halpern, VP Israel Breslow at gathering in honor of retiring activists,
6/1/67; Saby Nehama Local 22 staffer recently returned from trip to South America
where, as representative of American Institute for Free Labor Development, he joined
in preparation for Garment and Textile Workers' Federation Convention, with Jorge
Machrang - General Secretary, Uruguay Textile Union, Ruben Rotondaro - AIFLD program
coordinator Argentina, E Romenelly - President, Uruguay Textile Union, Jaun C. Loholaberry
General Secretary Argentina Textile Union, Jesse Friedman - AIFLD Regional Director,
Charles Wheeler - AIFLD Program Director, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9/8/69;
A number of ILGers attended the second annual banquet of the National Association
for Puerto Rickan Civil Rights at Hotel Commodore highlighted by presentation of an
award to Director Cesar Chaves of the United Farm Workers, with Dressmakers Local
22 members Louise Delgado, Iliad Irizarry, Louise Lescano, Francis Lescano, Manuel
Gonzalez, Director of Local's Spanish Department and his wife Helen. Saby Nehama,
Gonzalez' predecessor and his wife, Celia, also Louie Rodriguez and Louie Escobar
of Local 23 and Roy Pizarro Martinez of Local 99, New York, 1/1/71
Box 18 | Folder 9 |
Local 23-25
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 18 | Folder 10 |
Local 22
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Israel Breslow, Manager of Dressmakers Local 22, takes vote at membership
meeting changing basis of Local's jurisdiction from craft to geographical lines, 2/4/75;
President Louis Stulberg addresses local 22 meeting which approved resolutions making
'22' the Local for all dressmakers in Manhattan, with '22' chairman Sam Greenburg
and VP Israel Breslow, manager, 2/4/75; President-Elect Sol C. Chaikin outlined challenges
facing the union at a Local 22 membership meeting, with Sam Nemaizer - Assistant General
Manager, and VP Murray Gross - General manager of the New York Dress Joint Board,
'22' Education Director Manny Gonzalez, Sam Greenberg - Local Chairman, VP Israel
Breslow - Manager of the Dressmakers Local, Sol Lipnack - Assistant Manager, and Sam
Byer - Joint Board Secretary-Treasurer, 6/24/75; Some 70 members and officers of New
York Dress Local 22 turned out at '22' headquarters to donate blood for the ILG Family
Blood Bank Program, also participating were members of Local 66, 9/29/75; VP Israel
Breslow, who is retiring as Manager of Local 22 administers oath of office to Manuel
Gonzalez, with Sam Nemaizer - Assistant General Manager of the New York Dress Joint
Board, Sam Byer - Joint Board Secretary/Treasurer, Charles Zimmerman - former Joint
Board Manager (and former Local 22 Manager), Murray Gross, Dress General manager,
Sam Greenberg '22' Chairman, Sol Lipnack - '22' Assistant Manager, and Cornelia Parks,
'22' Vice Chairlady, 9/10/75; VP Israel Breslow tells guests at dinner marking his
retirement as Manager of Local 22 that his 53-year career included three great "love
affairs" - freedom in the US, the labor movement, and his wife - with President Sol
C. Chaikin and the new '22' Manager Manuel Gonzalez and former Dress Joint Board General
Manager Charles Zimmerman, who also presents Local 22 Manager Manuel Gonzalez with
$100 check representing contributions of workers at Eaves Costume to victims of Italian
earthquake, with Business Agent Frank Zweiback and Jack Hochman, Manager of the Dress
Miscellaneous Department, 9/1/76; Local 22 Manager Manuel Gonzalez speaking after
being elected to first full term at a meeting of dressmakers, 1/5/7? (77?) (74?);
Retired Local 22 Business Agent Joseph Blackman was honored with a special award presented
to him by the Black Trade Unionists Leadership committee at the annual dinner-dance
of the BTULC at the New York Hilton Hotel, with Frederick O'Neal, BTULC Second Vice
President and John Burnell, Director of the New York City Office of Labor Relations,
6/4/77; Min Whing Kuo, a member of New York Local 22, received a check for $2,379
after an investigation by the ILGWU Auditing Department and Local 22 showed that her
employer, Target Dressing Fashions, failed to pay her contract minimums, with VP Manuel
Gonzalez, Local Manager, and James McMikel, as Kuo's daughter looked on, May 1981
Box 18 | Folder 11 |
Local 23-25
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 23-25 members hold backpay checks totaling $5400 that the union collected
from their employer, Sun Sung, a sportswear contractor in the Chinatown section of
New York, 8/1/74; New jersey Congressman Edward Patten gives luncheon address during
recent Local 23-25 weekend at Rutgers University, 11/11/74; Eneida De Latorre, one
of the longest working employees at Ju-El Manufacturing in New York City, receives
mementos from co-workers, members of Local 23-25, upon her retirement, 4/1/75; Citizenship
classes being conducted for Chinese and Spanish-speaking members of Local 23-25, 1976;
Local 23-25 join the Easter Parade in 18th Century style dresses, New York, 1/1/76;
Three graduates of Local 23-25 citizenship classes receive symbolic presentation for
fellow members, with VP Shelley Appleton, Manager Fung Chu Lee - Rep., Rep. Charles
Rangel, Jose Gorcachea, Asuncion Morel, Education Director Kathy Andrade and Assistant
Manager Jay Mazur, 5/1/76; Citizenship classes for Chinese speaking members of Local
23-25, 5/1/76; Fung Chu Lee addressing ceremony at local office, with ILGWU legislative
Director Evelyn Dubrow, Rep. Charles Rangel, Assistant Manager Jay Mazur, VP Shelley
Appleton-Manager, 5/1/76; Voting at a meeting of Local 23-25, 6/1/76; New York Local
23-25 registration table manned by Education Director Kathy Andrade, 9/15/76; Mary
Curley, Brooklyn, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76;
Mary Curley, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76; Mary Curley, 8/1/76;
VP Shelley Appleton - Manager of Local 23-25, addresses membership meeting of the
New York Sportswear affiliate at which he was re-elected by acclamation, also re-elected
was Assistant Manager Jay Mazur and named Cloak Joint Board Secretary-Treasurer Solomon
Berger as convention delegate from the joint board, 3/1/77; Shelley Appleton, VP,
ILGWU in conference with executives of Local 23-25, New York Times advertisement,
no date; New York Local 23-25 members attending first session of the local's class
in "Chinese Meditation" are welcomed by Assistant Manager Jay Mazur, Business Agent
Odina Medrano, Education Director - Kathy Andrade, and staffer Sam Wong, who is conducting
the new mediation class, no date; Shelley Appleton, VP, ILGWU, in conference with
executives at Local 23-25, New York Times advertisement, no date;
Box 18 | Folder 12 |
Local 23-25
Scope and Contents
Includes: General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton met with Local 23-25 scholarship
winners, Benjamin Ng, Man Hon, Suk-Mui H. Wu and Eleanor Chin, 8/1/77; Winnifred Pogue,
Local 23-25 Executive Board member, shares her thoughts during recent weekend seminar
at Rutgers University, Oct. 1977; With New Jersey Congresswoman Helen Meyner are Business
Agent Carmen Finnegan, Legislative Assistant Pamela Freer, Local 23-25 Education Director
Kathy Andrade, Executive Board Member Carmen Soto and Education staffer Carmen Marcial,
12/1/77; Local 23-25 member learning English in a class for Chinese members, 4/15/78;
A citizenship class for Hispanic members of Local 23-25 taught by local Education
staffer Carmen Marcial, 10/1/78; Strike at MWM, including Edgar Romney, Assistant
Manager of New York Local 23-25 greets members as they board a chartered bus in Chinatown
bound for the Union Health Center, 12/1/78; Blood test for Local 23-25 member, Local
23-25 Education Director Kathy Andrade checks names at members as they prepare to
board bus to Union Health Center, 12/1/78; Business Agent Danny Branca congratulates
workers from Manna who received part of $10,000 backpay collected by Local 23-25,
as staffer Sam Wong translated for Chinese-speaking members, 12/15/78; Local 23-25
member shares his views on outerwear negotiations, March 1979; Simultaneous translation
into Spanish and Chinese at the '23-25' seminar at the Statler- Hilton Hotel, march
1979; Use of earphones allowed for simultaneous translation during full session of
Local 23-25 seminar, March 1979
Box 18 | Folder 13 |
NY Supreme 23-25
Scope and Contents
Includes: Workers at Roberts New York were in high spirits as the manned the picketline
during a nine-day strike against the firm, Nov. 1979; VP Jay Mazur, Manager of Local
23-25 addresses leaders of the Korean community in New York who visited the local
office recently, July 1980; Educational class at ILGWU, no date; Anne and Irving Shulman,
Aug. 1980; Italia Bowers, Consuelo De Las Cuenas, Carolina Suarez, Aug. 1980; Local
23-25 retiree club president Rose Stein, and Mike Romano, Aug. 1980; Local 23-25 retirees
club with Education Staffer Carmen Marcial, Aug. 1980; Edgar Romney, Local 23-25 Assistant
Manager, addresses workers at Midway Hospital Supply Co., fighting for their right
to ILGWU representation, Jan. 1981; Two men hang posters advertising a union rally,
July-Aug. 1982; Asian woman speaks at a rally, July-Aug. 1982; Local 23-25 rally against
Apartheid, June 1986; 20,000 people turn out for rally, filling Columbus Park, no
date; Asian women, June 1981
Box 18 | Folder 14 |
NY Supreme 23-25
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 18 | Folder 15 |
NY Supreme 23-25
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 18 | Folder 16 |
Local 23-25
Scope and Contents
Includes: Members of Local 25 on strike against the Marvel Undergarment Co, Brooklyn,
5/15/63; On picketline outside Marvel Undergarment Co., Yolanda Gonzalez holds daughter
Olga, with Ida Alama, Dolores Doneda, Beatrice Presley and Marie Pair, no date; VP
Shelley Appleton, Manager of NY Local 23-25 presents check in amount of $2500 for
Cuban refugee relief to VP Charles S. Zimmerman, General Manager of Dress Joint Council
in his capacity as Executive Board member of the International Rescue Committee, with
staffer Lydia Vargas, Assistant Manager Jay Mazur, local co-chairman Carrie France,
staffer Kathy Andrade, and Gerald Grossman, Supervisor of Local's Blouse Department,
11/1/66; Local 23-25 staffer Ben Fee conducts English class Chinese-speaking ILGers,
12/15/68; Asian woman and daughter, 5/1/68; Mrs. Herbert Lehman, no date; Six Asian
women, 5/1/68; VP Shelley Appleton, manager of New York Local 23-25, presents $10,000
check to Salim Jourbran, representative of Histadrut, Israel Labor Federation, with
Charles Kriendler, retired Local 25 manager in whose honor the center will be named,
and Carrie Franco, Local co- chairman, 8/15/68; Local 23-25 member Lee Chow Wai Ching
received two maternity benefits from VP Shelley Appleton, Local Manager, wished King
T Chu much happiness in retirement, 3/15/71; Ching Ang Yeung and Ng King Hang, workers
at Dynasty Manufacturing in New York's Chinatown, on strike, 12/1/70; Cesar Chavez,
director of the United Fur Workers' Organizing Committee speaks at meeting of Local
23-25 shop chairmen and chairladies, with VP Shelley Appleton - Local Manager, Carrie
Franco, Local chairlady, and Jay Mazur, Assistant Manager, n.d.; Andrew Imuten, VP
of United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, presents scroll to ILGWU VP Shelley Appleton,
Manager of New York Local 23-25, 9/15/70; Sportswear Local 23-25 members show off
finery made from ILGWU union label material during participation in traditional Easter
Parade, Fifth Avenue, New York City, 5/1/74; VP jay Mazur, Manager 23-25, accepts
award on behalf of the local for service to the Chinatown community, with Benn Tomm,
member of the Board of Directors of the Chinatown YMCA, Dec. 1981; A Local 23-25 member
and her child were among the scores of New York City ILGers who joined a protest against
Reagan budget cuts last month in Foley Square, no date; VP Jay Mazur, Local 23-25
Manager, congratulates one of the local's 50 textbook scholarship winners, with Executive
VP Frederick R. Siems, Sept. 1982; VP Shelley Appleton, Local 23-25 Manager, bestows
his best wishes and gratitude to Carrie Franco, local chairlady, who retired after
more than three decades of union service, no date; Employees of DY Sportswear in New
York City proudly display their backpay checks totaling over $6,000, Local 23-25 Manager
and VP Edgar Romney distributed the checks with Business Agent Alice Tse at the local's
office, 9/10/85; Congratulating Local 23-25 Scholarship winner, Education Director
Kathy Andrade, VP Edward Schneider - Sportswear Joint Board General Manager, VP Evelyn
Dubrow - Legislative Director, and Manager Edgar Romney, Sept. 1984
Box 18 | Folder 17 |
Local 30
Scope and Contents
Includes: London-born ILGers Henry Bayrock examines sample of new style he created
for Cesarani, 4/15/77
Box 18 | Folder 18 |
Local 32
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Julio Ramirez, manager of New York Local 32, reports at a chairladies
meeting, 10/11/74, VP Julio Ramirez, Manager of local 32, presents demands for new
corset and brassiere agreement to representatives of the employers' association, at
opening of negotiations, with Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, 10/1/74; Local 32 member
in chilly spring weather on picketline at Character Foundations plant in New York
City, 4/15/75; VP Julio Ramirez, manager of New York Local 32, presents check for
holiday backpay to some members who work at Lido Foundations, 10/1/75; Workers at
Bestform plant went out on strike in support of 800 Bestform workers in Johnstown,
PA, Long Island City, 2/10/75; Executive VP Wilbur Daniels and VP Julio Ramirez, Manager
of New York Local 32, shake hands as Ramirez commends Daniels for his major contributions
to renewal of Local 32 agreement, 1/1/75; Members of New York Local 32 hear VP Julio
Ramirez, manager of the Corset and Brassier Workers' Local, discuss terms of their
new agreement, with Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, and Assistant Manager Seymour Simmons
of Local 32, 1/1/76; Christmas comes early for workers of Lilyette Brassier Co., who
are shown in New York Local 32 office receiving checks for damages awarded on the
basis of lack of full employment at the shop, VP Julio Ramirez, '32' Manager greets
worker Florence Zammetti, with Business Agent Larry Birch, Robert Harper, office manager,
and Assistant Manager Seymour Simmons, 11/1/5/75; President Sol C, Chaikin speaking
to New York Local 32 chairladies, with VP Julio Ramirez, manager Local 32, Chairlady
Anna Danna of the '32' Executive Board, and '32' Assistant Manager - Seymour Simmons,
10/1/75; At the first of his political discourses at major shops, Vice President Julius
Ramirez, Manager of New York Local 32, discusses the issues with workers at Marcus
and Wiesen and urges them to vote for Carter-Mondale ticket, with Asst. Manager Seymour
Simmons of Corset-Brassiere Local, 10/15/76; Chairladies and other representatives
of New York Local 32 members give a $2,461 check from members' contributions to aid
victims of the recent Guatemala earthquake, with Alice Clemmer of Milady, Business
Agents Mike Cuervas and Sophie Bueno, Gilbert Cawley, public relations representative
and Father Terrence J. Mulkerin, Assistant Regional Director, both of Catholic Relief
Services which received the check for distribution to Guatemala, VP Julius Ramirez,
Manager of Local 32, Assistant Manager Seymour Simmons, Rafeala Fernandez of Figure
Flattery, Erna Trayan of Vanity, and Marion Sumpter of True Balance, 4/15/76; VP Julius
Ramirez speaks at the annual dinner-dance of the Spanish Labor Committee at the Statler-Hilton
Hotel, with Local 144 VP Frank Perez, President Henry Van Arsdale of New York Central
Labor Council, Manager Manuel Gonzalez at Dressmakers Local 22 - committee treasurer,
Mrs. Ramirez, President Sol C. Chaikin and Jose R. Enzo - Special representative of
Mayor Beame, 1/1/77; VP Julius Ramirez manager of New York Local 32, addresses members
before he and others in his administration were re-elected by acclamation at the Statler-Hilton
Hotel, with Assistant Manager Seymour Simmons of the Corset and Brassiere Workers'
Local 32, presents $600 check, representing double paternity benefit to Archer family
for birth of twins Tischa and Kischa, parents are Teresa and Jeffrey, a Local 32 member
who works at Figure Flattery, 4/15/77
Box 18 | Folder 19 |
Local 38
Scope and Contents
Includes: Manager Jack Hochman of New York Local 38 tells the Local's Ladies' Tailors,
Alteration Worker and Theatrical Costume Workers that their merger with Locals 22
and 89 is a "good and healthy move, " 1/21/75
Box 18 | Folder 20 |
Local 40
Scope and Contents
Includes: Henry Schwartz, manager of New York Belt makers' Local 40, died, 7/1/72;
Following Gerald Grossman's election as new Local 10 Manager, Belt makers; Local 40
elected Richard Sanfilippo as new Manager and Robert Brown as assistant Manager, with
Sol Sussman, Secretary to Executive Board, and Angelo Cicatto, local chairman, no
date; Members of New York Belt makers' Local 40 are given a change of scene during
a recent picnic at Rockland County, New York, 8/1/74; Manager Gerald Grossman of New
York Belt makers' Local 40 congratulates Chairlady Alice Sereo as she turns in a 100
percent voluntary contributions collected from workers at Charles Belt for the ILGWU
Company Committee Fund, with Business Agent Morris Fishbein, 9/1/74; Organizer Robert
Brown releases with S. Kopel workers after ratification of first Local 40 agreement
at the Belt shop in Brooklyn, 12/15/74; Members of New York Local 40 receive from
Business Agent Sol Goldberg their checks for a 2 percent vacation benefit, 1/15/75;
Polyform Plastics workers await physical exam at Union Health Center, 3/15/75; Local
40 manager Gerald Grossman submits for approval demands the union will be seeking
in current negotiations with ladies' belt employer, 4/15/76; Local 40 manager Gerald
Grossman explains terms of new agreements in men's and ladies' belt shops to membership
meeting, with Local Chairman Angelo Ciccatto and Sol Sussman, secretary to Executive
Board, 6/15/76; Manager Richard Sanfilippo of NY Belt makers Local 40, receives award
from Kurt Lewin of Deborah and Edgar Bergman, director of Belt Industry Committee
for the hospital, at fund-raising dinner, no date; Workers at FDR Industries, a belt
shop in lower Manhattan, picket to protest employer's unfair labor practices, 2/15/77;
Local 40 members approve resolution at recent nominating meeting to elect candidates
by acclamation, with Manager Richard Sanfilippo, 2/15/77; ILGWU Assistant President
Gus Tyler chats with Local 40 members following his presentation at Ramapo College
seminar on multinational corporations with Clark Everling of the college's Labor Studies
Program which held the seminar, Local 40 Manager Richard Sanfilippo, Education Director
Delroy Scott, Business Agent Lucy Rodriguez, Nancy Scott, Morse Colon, Violet Granum
and Sarah Randall, 5/1/77
Box 18 | Folder 21 |
Local 48
Scope and Contents
Includes: Italian Consul General Vittorio Cordero di Montezemolo pins medal on VP
E. Howard Molisani designating him as Grand Official of the Republic of Italy, the
Italian Consulate, New York, 5/1/66; John A. Volpe, US Secretary of Transportation,
presents a plague to ILGWU First President E. Howard Molisani in recognition of his
contributions to school in Abruzzi, Italy, erected in Local 48's name by his father
Eduardo, 5/15/69; First Vice President E. Howard Molisani, manager of New York Local
48, speaks out against Soviet restrictions on Jews at a noon Garment Center rally
held by the Conference for Soviet Jewry, 9/15/72
Box 18 | Folder 22 |
Local 48
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 48 Manager Salvatore Cubisino receives congratulations from President
Louis Stulberg and other ILGWU officers at a dinner in his honor, with first Vice
President E. Howard Molisani - General Manager of the New York Cloak Joint Board,
'48' Education Director James Gurrieri who served as master of ceremonies, General
Secretary-Treasurer Sol C. Chaikin, Executive VP Wilbur Daniels, VP Salvatore Noto
- Local 89 Manager, VP Edward Schneider - Local 91 Manager, 1/18/75; Manager Salvatore
Cubisino of Local 48 made a report to their Executive Board meeting at the local's
Brooklyn office, with First Vice President E. Howard Molisani - Cloak General manager,
Joint Board Secretary-Treasurer Sol Berger, and '48' chairman John Lomonaco, 1/1/75;
Local 48 Assistant Manager Nicholas Bonasera receives medal honoring him as "Cavaliere
dell 'Ordine of Republic of Italy" from Italian General Counsel Alessandro Cortere
De Bosis at ceremony in honor of Mgr. Bonasera, 12/1/76; Manager Salvatore Cubisino
of New York Local 48 welcomes retirees to the first meeting of the Local's Golden
Ring Club, with Local Assistant Manager Nicholas Bonasera, Max Schwartz of the council
of Golden Ring Clubs, and Education Director James V. Garrieri, 8/1/76; Negatives
from Local 48 Nick Bonasera retirement dinner, Dec. 1981
Box 18 | Folder 23 |
Local 62
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 62 members who never got their high school degree take a class taught
by an instructor from the New York City Board of Education which leads to a high school
equivalency degree, 10/1/74; Cecile AcKnel of New York Local 62 Education Department,
who has been certified as a registrar, helps a shopper register to vote at the local's
booths in front of Korvette's in New York's Herald Square, with Niles Murphy of "New
York Votes," 9/1/74; Eneida Gonzalez, who works a Cin-Mod in New York, receives a
check for $201.59 in backpay from VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager of New York Local
62, 8/15/74; Some of the 135 members who enjoyed a trip to Pennsylvania's Amish Country,
arranged by New York Local 62, 8/3/74; At a membership meeting, New York Local 62
members wave their hands to show their full support of demands to be made for a new
three year agreement, with VP Matthew Schoenwald, 4/1/75; VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager
of New York Local 62 helps with toy distribution of party for members' children, 1/15/76;
Jerry Schoen, New York Undergarment Local 62 Secretary, presents checks for damages
to former Adbelnoor Chairladies, Tina Carruba and Elvira Gioioso, 12/1/75; New York
Appellate Court Justice Theodore Kupferman charms audience of New York Local 62 members
at their annual end of season party, 8/15/75; New York City Councilman Carter Burdent
explains operation of the city council to Local 62 citizenship and high school equivalency
class, 7/1/75; President-Elect Sol C. Chaikin addresses ILGers at June 25, 1974 membership
meeting of New York Local 62, with VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager of Local 62; members
of New York Local 62 Golden Ring Club volunteer to survey prices in neighborhood supermarkets
after Eileen Hoats with Eileen Hoats, addressing them at a meeting, 11/1/75; Products
made by ILGWU retirees at arts and crafts classes conducted by New York Locals 62
and 91 are part of an exhibit now on display at the Board of Jewish Education of Greater
New York, with VP Edward Schneider, Manager of Local 91, and VP Matthew Schoenwald,
Manager of Local 62, 7/1/76; New York Local 62 members wave backpay checks totaling
$1,032.80 received from Myron Lee Fashions after the shop went out of business and
still owed them two weeks pay, with VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager Local 62, Business
Agent, Anna Ancana, Amelia Romero, Paola Rineldi, Joseph Zaitt, Jean Reres, Mazie
Scarimbdo, Angelina Romeo, Crescenza Pinto, Rosa Failla, Vincenzo Borsa, and Susan
Passalogua, 5/1/76; Gerret Rubres, who retired March 1 as New York Local 62 education
director, receives good wishes from VP Matthew Schoenwald, '62' manager and activists
Willie B, Smith, Dolores Franklin and Rose Hodderich, 4/1/76; Members of New York
Local 62 signify their approval of proceedings during the nomination meeting at Roosevelt
Auditorium, with VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager '62', 2/15/77
Box 19 | Folder 1 |
Local 62
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager of Local 62-32, tells shop chairperson about
the New Blue Cross family medical coverage plan for all members at the Intimate Apparel
Workers Local, 11/25/80; Prince and Broadway, no date; Manager Matthew Schoenwald
addresses overflow meeting, 7/15/60; Members of New York Undergarment and Negligee
Workers; Local 62 vote in their local elections, 3/1/62; ILGers prepare to board airplane
for New York Local 62's sponsored trip to Israel, 7/1/62; Julio Ramirez, Gerel Rubien,
Mayor Robert F. Wagner, 10/1/62; Local 62 demonstration, 9/15/63; Auditorium of people,
7/15/63; Matthew Schoenwald, Manager of NY Undergarment Workers' Local 62 hears membership
enthusiastically ratify new 3-year contract, Manhattan Center, 8/1/63; ILGWU Legislative
Representative Evelyn Dubrow, speaking at NY Undergarment Local 62 Chairladies meeting,
5/1/64; Picket line outside sample shop and showroom of Campus Girl, Inc. at 152 Madison
Avenue, NY with member of NY Undergarment Workers' Local 62 Warner Lanny, shop chairman,
Julius Ramirez, local organizer, and Simon Cooper, business agent, 3/1/65; Local 6
voter registration, no date; At Local 62 dinner honoring Secretary Isidore Schoenholtz,
9/15/65; With all 45 workers of the Angel wear Manufacturing Co. maintaining a round-the-clock
strike Vice Presidents Matthew Schoenwald, Undergarment Workers' Local 62 Manager,
and Alberto Sanchez, Organization Director in Puerto Rico, 9/15/65; Picketing of Stella
Undergarment Corp. in New York, 11/13/65; VP Matthew Schoenwald, Manager of NY Undergarment
Workers Local 62 holds several checks prior to distributing them to former workers
of Gramercy Mills, with Kitty Molinelli, 11/1/66; Members if Undergarment Workers
Local 62 employed at Style Undies in Queens, NY take an important break to receive
flu shots from Dr. Uy as part of the local's annual preventive medicine program with
VP Matthew Schoenwald, Local 62 Manager, Francis Christie, shop chairlady, and Business
Agent Milton Schaffer, 10/15/67l; Union officials and manufacturers' representatives
gathered in President Louis Stulberg's office to sign recently negotiated three-year
renewal pact for Local 62, with Abe Dolgen - Local 10 manager, Robert Rosenfeld -
Negligee Manufacturers' Association President, Irving Dintz - Allied Underwear Association
President, VP Matthew Schoenwald - Local 62 Manager, Abraham Jaffin - Lingerie Manufacturers;
Association of New York VP, Jack Gross - Executive Director and Counsel for the Lingerie
and Negligee Associations, Billy Weiss - Local 10 Assistant Manager, Elias Liberman
- Union Attorney, Jack Rosenbaum - Executive Director Allied Underwear Association,
Isadore Katz - Union Attorney, Jerry Schoen - Local 62 Secretary, 7/15/69; Workers
at Local 62 meeting acclaim Wagner as he enters Felt Forum, 6/4/69; VP Matthew Schoenwald,
Local Manager, 6/5/69; Hand vote gives unanimous approval to outstanding contract,
6/4/69; Friends and family surrounded Mabel Fuller as Undergarment 62 honored her
on occasion of her retirement as Educational Director, with Assistant President Gus
Tyler, with message from President Louis Stulberg, and Manager Matthew Schoenwald,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harris, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West, no date; VP Matthew Schoenwald,
Local 62 manager, bestows best wishes upon Julio Ramirez, who was local director of
organization, at farewell dinner for the latter, who has been elected manager of Local
32, with Mrs. Ramirez, no date
Box 19 | Folder 2 |
Local 66
Scope and Contents
Includes: Murray Gross, Manager of Local 66 and national chairman of the American
Veterans Committee with other American Veterans Committee members discusses upcoming
Congressional Legislation with President Kennedy, 7/15/62; UN Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson is presented with the first Dag Hammerskjold Memorial Award of the American
Veterans Committee by Murray Gross, national chairman of the organization and Manager
of Local 66, 5/1/62; Auditorium of people, no date; During exhibition of painting
by members of NY Local 66, Jasper Peyton, who is chairman of organization's civil
rights unit, discusses his "still life" with Local Manager Murray Gross, no date;
Murray Gross, Manager of New York Embroidery Workers Local 66, with members of the
United Labor Congress in Lagos, Nigeria, with Maida Springer, at AFL-CIO Department
of International Affairs, 5/1/65; In a moving ceremony labor columnist Victor Riesel
thanks NY Local 66 Executive Board members for honoring him and his father, Nathan
Riesel a founder of the Embroidery Workers' Local, with his wife, Max Silverberg -
Chairman of Local, VP Murray Gross - Local manager, and attorney Robert Markewich,
12/1/66; Among the graduates if recent Local 66 Leadership Training Institute receiving
diplomas from VP Murray Gross, Local manager, and Jasper Peyton, Educational Director,
are Susie Romer, Georgina Buitrago, Maria Louisa Rivera, Rebecca Fleiss, Nancy Mazzola,
Clavon Overstreet, Hilda Camacho, Josefina Valentin, and Blanche Tobias, 5/15/66;
Weekly Local 66 art class conducted by Jasper Peyton, Local Education Director and
Board member of International Friends Art Guild of Greater New York, with Jennie Horowitz,
Marisa Kuriata and Katie Jenks, 3/1/66; VP Murray Gross, New York Local 66 manager,
at start of contract renewal negotiations with employer representatives, no date;
Members of NY Local 66 where paintings were among 10 prizewinning canvases selected
by a panel of judges at the Local 66 Art Show: Annis Bare lift, Lucy Gonzalez, Shirley
Goldman, Caroline Behrens, 4/1/67; Members of New York Local 66 employed at Metropolis
Button Works eagerly reach for applications for the local's blood bank, with Annunciata
Marshall - shop steward, Eleanor Davis, Jasper Peyton - Local Education Director,
Mattie White, Juanita Cerezo, Virginia Wilson, Mary Harris, Marie-Therese Chassagne,
Therese Sojous, Denise Krause, Myrtle Steward, Sallie Anderson, Olympia Soloman, Bessie
Fluellen and Afrodizia Figueroa, 9/15/67; President Louis Stulberg congratulates William
Schwartz on his election as new manager of Local 66, succeeding VP Murray Gross, who
returned to Dress Joint Council as Associate General Manager, with Roman Bielen, Local
Chairman, who presided at Executive Board meeting on 9/26/69; Bwy Local 66 class at
High School of Fashion Institute in new York with Gloria Maldonado, Local 66 Education
Director who will teach another session of class at local office, Manager William
Schwartz, and Mike Malone - Board of Education instructor and Local 66 member, 3/15/71;
Local 66 members jammed Hotel New Yorker ballroom to overflowing to hear Manager William
Schwartz, with Frank Pantano, local assistant manager, no date; Members of Local 66
learn to improve their skills at machines installed in a classroom at the local's
headquarters, with Manager William Schwartz at the Embroidery Workers Local and Education
Director Gloria Maldonado, 10/1/73
Box 19 | Folder 3 |
Local 89
Scope and Contents
Includes: New York Local 89 chairladies learn the details of the new dress agreement
at a recent meeting as Manager Frank Longo explains the contract terms with Alfred
Rupolo - Manager of Bronx-Harlem District, Nat Lewis - Manager of the Popular Price
Dress Department, Manager Longo of Local 89, and Business Agent Tony Claudiano, 4/1/76
Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Local 89
Scope and Contents
Includes: Parade with Local 89 float, 10/15/59; Italian American Labor Council, John
Gelo treasurer, Emma Lucchi, Joseph Procopi - VP, Luigi Antonini - President, A. Campobasso
- VP, Jay Lovestone - guest speaker, and Howard Molisani - secretary, 12/15/53; Luigi
Antonini with Pope Paul VI, no date; VP Salvatore Noto, general secretary of Local
89, acknowledges award presented to him by Deborah Heart and Lung Care Center at dinner-dance,
with Mrs. Noto and President and Mrs. Stulberg, 4/123/74; Members of Italian Dressmakers'
Local 89 proudly marching along Fifth Avenue during annual Columbus Day Parade, New
York City, 11/1/60; First VP Luigi Antonini chats with Italian Social Democratic leader
Giuseppe Saragat who is waiting to speak to the Italian-American community over the
"Voice at Local 89," with Joseph Lupis, Italian Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs
for Immigration, and Salvatore Noto, assistant manager of Italian Dressmakers' Local
89, 3/1/68; First VP Luigi Antonini, Local 89 general secretary, extends appreciation
to Dr. Vito LaRocca eminent eye surgeon, for humanitarian action helping Mrs. Asaro
and her child, with VP E. Howard Molisani, manager of Italian Cloakmakers Local 48,
and Salvatore Noto, assistant general secretary of Local 89, 11//15/62; On behalf
of ILGWU, First VP Luigi presents check for $25,000 to President Giuseppe Saragat
of the Republic of Italy, with Vanni B. Montana, editor of Giustzia, and contingent
of garment unionists traveling in Italy on Local 89 sponsored tour, 6/15/67; In the
traditional Columbus Day parade along Fifth Avenue in new York are ILGWU First VP
Luigi Antonini - General Secretary of Italian Dressmakers Local 89, VP E. Howard Molisani
- Manager of Italian Cloakmakers Local 48, and Salvatore Noto - Local 89 assistant
manager secretary, 10/15/67; Frank Longo, newly names assistant manager of Italian
Dressmakers Local 89 with VP Salvatore Noto, local manager - general secretary, at
organization office, 3/1/69; Italy's President Giuseppe Saragat welcomes ILGWU VP
Salvatore Noto Local 89 managers and a group of 136 local members and their families
at a reception in the presidential palace in Rome, 8/15/69; Local 89 members getting
off a bus, Sept. 1980
Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Local 89
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 48 bids adieu to Italian visitor: Luigi Nardi - Italian Council General,
Frank Comunale -assistant manager Local 48, Senator Mario Cingolani - Head of the
Italian Delegation of the International labor Conference at San Francisco, and M.
Danzella - President of Local 48; Luigi Antonini, no date; Luigi Antonini in congress,
6/12/57; Luigi Antonini, no date; Luigi Antonini, no date; Luigi Antonini, no date;
Luigi Antonini, William Green, J Hochman, no date; First radio campaign talk for Mayor
F. Pecora is congratulated by John Gelo of Local 89, 9/23/50; Luigi Antonini with
children, no date; Italian American Labor Council: Louis Nelson Local 155, Julius
Hochman - International Joint Board Manager, Edna List Weber - director of Carla Tresco
Institute, Luigi Antonini - chair, Angelica Bolabianoff, Dr. Edmond Cossu - Director
of Labor Ministry Division in Italy and Howard Molisani of Local 48, 7/20/50; Luigi
Antonini, no date; Bombace, no date Luigi Antonini, no date, Luigi Antonini, no date
Box 19 | Folder 6 |
Local 89
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sol Chaikin and Louis Stulberg, no date; Mr. and Mrs. John Gelo departing
for Europe at La Guardia Airport, 4/14/46; Luigi Antonini speaking at rally in Milan,
no date; Luigi Antonini and David Dubinsky, no date; Luigi Antonini (2 copies), no
date; Mr. and Mrs. John Gelo, no date; Three Presidential elections express their
happiness upon President Roosevelt's reelection at ALP, Comm. Joseph V. O'Leary, Luigi
Antonini and Alex Rose, no date; Local 89 Installation Ceremony, with Antonini, Gelo,
Dubinsky and others, metropolitan Opera House, 4/1/50; John Gelo and others, no date;
Lt. Gen. Mark Clark, CG Fifth Army, greets US and English labor men visiting Fifth
Army Hats, with Luigi Antonini - AFL, George Baldanzi - CIO, and Thomas O'Brien and
Will Lawther, of Br. Trade Union Congress, Florence Area, Italy, 7/19/44; Gelo, Charles
Zimmerman, Luigi Antonini, Julius Hochman, no date; John Gelo, no date; William Green,
Luigi Antonini, George Meany
Box 19 | Folder 7 |
Local 89
Scope and Contents
Includes: Angela Bambace, no date; Mercedes Donald, no date; Antonini with many others
outside a bus, no date; Students with Roosevelt sign, no date; Athletic team with
Mondello sign, no date; Frances Camarda, no date; Antonini, Mr. and Mrs. Dubinsky,
John Gelo, no date; Sol Chaikin and Mario Cuomo, no date; Crowd scene, no date
Box 19 | Folder 8 |
Local 91
Scope and Contents
Includes: VP Harry Greenberg, manager of New York Children's Dressmakers' Local 91,
addresses a large meeting of shop representatives, Roosevelt Auditorium, no date;
Veteran business agent Morris Berkowitz of NY Children's Dressmakers' Local 91 is
honored on his retirement, with VP Harry Greenberg - Local 91 manager, Mrs. Berkowitz,
and Business Agent Ray Orsini, 2/1/60; Local 91 art class, no date; Local 91 members
on strike against Cotton Fair, no date; Following graduation exercises at High School
of Fashion Industries on June 7, 1966, Edward Schneider, manager of New York Children's
Dressmakers' Local 91, with ILGers holding certificates of achievement with Larry
Birch, Local 32 business agent, 6/7/66; Manager Edward Schneider Children's Dressmakers'
Local 91, presents local's first maternity benefits to Ramona Tejeda and Isabella
Rodriguez Batista with gift blanket held by grandmother, 3/15/68; Mrs. Louis Stulberg,
Edward Schneider, manager of Children's Dressmakers' local 91, and Marcelle Burnham,
fashion editor of Parents Magazine, at children's fashion parade, no date; Raymond
Orsini greeted by local Manager Edward Schneider as Business agent of New York Children's
Dressmakers' Local 91 at an event honoring Orsini on his retirement, with grandchildren
John and Raymond Castranaro, 2/1/68; Local 91 Manager Edward Schneider leads Local
91 nominating meeting, 2/1/71; Louis Stulberg speaking, no date
Box 19 | Folder 9 |
Local 98
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 98 members listen attentively as Manager Pokodner speaks at nominating
meeting, Roosevelt Auditorium, 2/1/71; Herbert Pokodner, Local 98 Manager, presents
union demand to employer representatives across the table during start of negotiations
with staffers Herbert Gershon and Sol Pesserib, and local President Seymour Seiden,
2/15/69; Columbia Plastics Co. workers on strike for affiliation with new York Plastic
Workers Local 98, 2/15/61
Box 19 | Folder 10 |
Local 55
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 99 members and workers of Land-N-Sea Diplomat Spts., 9/1/62; Mayor
John V. Lyndsay is escorted into shop meeting of members of New York Office and Distribution
Workers; Local 99 by Manager Douglas Levin, 11/1/66; Douglas Levin, manager of NY
Local 99 details terms of new contract with members of Local's negotiating committee,
7/1/66; VP Douglas Levin asks for a show of hands during Local 99 nominating meeting,
Box 19 | Folder 11 |
Local 102
Scope and Contents
Includes: Pact '102' Meeting contact sheets, At signing of pact between Gilbert Carriers
of Secaucus, New Jersey and Local 102 were organizer George Jackson, Abe Schlesinger
- union attorney, George Irvine Local 102 manager, Sam Schor - Gilbert President,
Lawrence Milman - company counsel, Business Agent Nat Newman - shop committee member
Carlos Perez, Theodore Gusalnick - shop steward, committee member Arcadrio Cochran,
Don Buchalter - company attorney, Business Agent Joe Davis, no date; Local 102 Manager
George Irvine congratulates George Jackson on his rapid promotion to business agent,
5/1/70; Manager George Irvine swears in "rookie" executive board members who were
elected at nominating meeting in new York's Hotel Diplomat, with Bertha Shorts (Nelson
Resources), Obie Wells (National) Packing, Allen Shapiro (Merit Dress Delivery), Ronnie
Blake (Empire Carriers) 2/1/71
Box 19 | Folder 12 |
Local 105
Scope and Contents
Includes: Members of New York Local 105 picket Morton Karten showrooms at 520 8th
Avenue, 6/15/61; Dubinsky and Mayor Lyndsay, no date; Ship representatives vote approval
of NY Local 105 contract terms, with Manager Martin L. Cohen, 6/1/67; Workers from
Local 105 contracting shops hear Manager Martin L. Cohen report at Manhattan Center
meeting, 6/15/67; Chinese members of local 10 turned out to hear Manager Martin L.
Cohen detail health and welfare benefits during meeting in Most Sacred Blood Church
as Chinatown's Baxter Street, with Assistant Manager Henry Prastien, Irving Schoenwald
director of organization in the area, and Business Agent Harris Zinn who services
Chinatown Shops, no date
Box 19 | Folder 13 |
Local 132
Scope and Contents
Includes: Nicholas Chydai receives check from Sheldon Edelman, Executive Director
of the Plastic Products Manufacturers Association at ceremony held on Jan. 9, 1966
at New York Local 132 headquartered making payment of pension checks to first 10 local
retirees, with Murray Gross Manager of Local 66 and Joel Menist, local 132 manager,
1/15/62; Joel Menist, manager of Local 132, presents union demands to employers in
first negotiating session, with some of Local's negotiating team, 6/15/70, Local 132
Manager Joel Menist about contract negotiations, no date; Local 132 signing of contract,
no date
Box 19 | Folder 14 |
Local 132
Scope and Contents
Includes: Organizing director Eddie Nesbit and staffers Elba Reyes, Jimmy Gonzalez,
and Leo Suarez and worker Willie George on picket line for strike against Emsee Labs,
12/15/74; Manager Sam Eisenberg of Local 132 and negotiations with Local &
Plastic Molders, Metal & Novelty Manufacturers representatives, 5/1/76;
President Alexander King chairs union meeting where Manager Sam Eisenberg is reelected,
2/1/77; Picket scene of workers on strike against Temp. Jewelry Inc., 5/1/77
Box 19 | Folder 15 |
Local 155
Scope and Contents
Includes: Vice President Sol Greene of Local 155 gives speech on talks of obtaining
CORA increase, 7/1/74; Sol Greene and strikers raising hands; W7W workers on picketline
during strike called because the firm refused to recognize the local as the union;
Impartial Chairman George Mintzer hears case between Local 155 &; United Knitwear
Manufacturers League, Sol Greene presented union's case &; Lazare Teper presented
economic data, 8/1/74; Dr. Lilly Bruck, Director of Consumer Education for NYC speaks
to local 155 leadership institute at Columbia University while Sol Greene stands and
looks on, 8/15/74; Organizing Director Norman Lewis hands out leaflets in an organizing
effort in Brooklyn, 2/1/75; Sol Greene shakes hand with assistant chairlady Maria
Ramos, Elsa Mosquerra, Knitting Department Chairlady is there and Business Agent Israel
Camacho looks on, 4/15/75; Union defenders leaflet before work, 5/1/76; At Local 155's
annual Christmas party for members children organizer Violeta Putterman hands out
gift, 12/15/76; Sol Green posing with newly elected officers, Edward Geltzer was reelected
assistant manager standing to right, 2/1/77; Sol Green FIT curriculum with five students,
4/15/77; Member Dorothy Council writes a letter at home to Jimmy Carter, 5/1/77; Banner
"In Union There Is Strength, Fair Trade Not Free Trade" in a parade, Oct. 1981
Box 19 | Folder 16 |
Local 155
Scope and Contents
Includes: Labor Division chairman Harry Van Arsdale Jr. is presented with a dimes
contribution by Vice President Louis Nelson, 11/15/60; Workers often different nationalities
at a year-end party at Lee Mar Company (Czechoslovakia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland,
Hungary, China, Israel, Puerto Rico, Galicia and US), 2/1/61; VP Louis Nelson presents
union demands to section meeting of NY Knitgoods workers Local 155, 6/1/61; Ratification
meeting in Manhattan Center lead by Louis Nelson, 8/1/61; Mayor Wagner addressing
Local 155 with Louis Nelson as chair of meeting, 11/1/61; President Sol Chaikin swears
in Norman Lewis as manager of 155 and Business Agent Lydia Ramos, Feb. 1982; Bust
of Jose Marti and Cuban flag presented to Louis Nelson, also pictured Armando Alexander,
Miguel Ruano, Nelson, Oscar Prieto, Lucio Sanchez, and Orlando Cardelle, 7/15/65;
Louis Nelson addresses membership meeting, 5/15/66; Label Committee headed by Sarah
Rose distributing leaflets at Brooklyn, Brighton Beach, 8/1/66; Louis Nelson details
new demands to membership with Sol Gross, local president and Louis Levinson, assistant
manager, 6/15/67; Louis Nelson speaks to membership, 2/15/68; 50 members of NY Knitgoods
Workers in front of plane going to Mexico, 3/1/68; Louis Nelson reports to shop chairman,
1/1/69; Louis Nelson extends best wishes to successor Sol Greene at meeting, also
pictured Sol Gross, Local President, ILGWU President Louis Stulberg, Louis Levinson,
Local Assistant Manager, 9/15/69; Brooklyn Derby Textile Workers picket for strike,
5/1/70; Picketline and strike of workers at Abaco Fabrics, 6/1/70; Manager Greene
is congratulated by workers, 8/1/70; Sol Greene addressing membership with Charles
Zimmerman vice President and Louis Levinson, assistant manager, 8/1/70; Picket line
against Z &; Z Sportswear, 9/1/70; Andrew Imutan, President of United Farm Workers
receives check from Sol Greene as Levinson looks on, 9/15/70; Introductions of nominees
at local meeting, 2/15/71; Members of Local 155 await turn to vote, 3/1/71; Local
members depositing ballots, 3/1/71; Members lined up at polling place, 3/1/71; At
Textile Specialty Shop Chairman Eliezer Diaz signing a petition as Business Agent
Lydia Ramos points the way, 5/1/71; Vote registration and counting of the ballots
of the locals elections, 4/1/72; Lois Levinson drops by recent executive board meeting,
Manager Sol Greene gives him a handshake as Edward Geltzer looks on, 12/15/72; Picket
line outside W &; W's showroom of the parent firm House of Knitting, 8/1/74; Election
committee member signs tally sheet certifying ballots, no date; President Louis Nelson
reports on status of renewal talks at Unity House, no date; Vice President Louis Nelson
presents union demands with Union team Murray Handler, Berg &; Berg chairman,
Business Agent Dan Ielardi, Assistant Manager Louis Levinson, Manger Nelson, lawyers
Elias Leiberman and Aaron Katz, Arthur Jacobson Local organizing director, and Frank
Bauman, no date
Box 19 | Folder 17 |
Midwest Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Presentation of Histadrut Award to Morris Bialis Chicago, June 20, 1959
with Pat Gorman - Sectary-Treasurer of Amalgamated Meat Cutter, Lois Stulberg General
Secretary-Treasurer ILGWU, Morris Bialis Vice President ILGWU, William A. Lee President
Chicago Federation of Labor and Julius Ginsberg, 7/1/59; Local 206 members picket
Jeanette Frocks in Minneapolis (included in photo are Lucille Waldera, Adele Molitor,
Ethel Rhiners, Irene Bowerman, Dolores Johnson (manager local), Leone Erion, Mary
Davis, Judith Arme, Tressie Martin, Genevieve Scott and chairlady Emily Shurts), no
date; banner "ILGWU supports Kennedy" holding banner are: Jimmy Schwartz, Assistant
Director Harold Schwartz, Harry Rufer, Norbert Liesel, and Richard Zwerback 11/15/60;
Bennie Brown, Executive Director of the Chicago Conference for Brotherhood looks on
as Tom Mboya, African laborite shakes hands with Vice President Bialis, 3/15/62; First
regional education conference at center desk are Harold Schwartz - Assistant Director
of Region, Vice President Morris Bialis - Regional Director and Evelyn Dubrow, Executive
Director of ILGWU Political Department; L. Axelrod, President of Local 5 and Vice
President of Chicago Joint Board is honored at his 65th Birthday party by Federation
of Jewish Trades Unions (Bialis hands him award), 3/24/62; Vice President Morris Bialis,
Director of Midwest Region, greets George Paris who has retired and Raymond Machajeski,
President of Local 188 in Milwaukee, 8/15/62; Martha Hill and Jean Copeland, Local
491 members picket during a McLoughlin Manufacturing Company Strike, 5/1/62; Ann Kacyar
Sharron Eubanks, La Donna Dismaro, Alcetha Farlow ad Frances Mosley on a float in
the Tri-County Day parade, 10/1/63; Henry Peterson and Local 486 member Loretta Lutes
man an ILGWU union label booth at the Du Quoin State Fair, 10/1/63; Celebration marking
50th Anniversary of Labor Department with Vice President Morris Bialis, Labor Secretary
W. Willard Wirtz, Reuben Soderstrom head of Illinois AFL-CIO, Congressman Roman Fucinski
and Paul Iaccino Assistant to President of Chicago, 4/15/63; At Illinois State AFL-CIO
Convention in Chicago Senator Paul Douglas is greeted by Assistant Regional Director
Harold Schwartz, Linda Smith Midwest Region union label activities director and Vice
President Morris Bialis, 11/1/63; Midwest ILGWU picket Marathon Rubber Products in
Wau Saw, WI, 8/1/64; Vice President Morris Bialis and Governor Otto Kerner of Illinois
at a meeting, 8/1/64; President David Dubinsky addressing staffers and Executive Board
members of Chicago Locals at Midwest Region headquarters, on stage Harold Schwartz
and Vice President Morris Bialis, 8/15/64; Vice President Morris Bialis, Midwest Region
Director and Jacob Siegal, chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee congratulate A.
Phillip Randolph on his award from the Labor Conference on Civil Rights, 12/1/64;
Roly-Poly Pickets Chicago black woman, no date
Box 19 | Folder 18 |
Midwest Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Bialis, Harold Schwartz and Mayor Richard Daley, 12/15/64; Mabel Terry and
Leona Siman picket in front of More Manufacturing Company in Marissa, IL, 12/1/65;
Local 436 of DeKalb, IL celebrates 20th Anniversary with Myrael Smith charter member,
Harry Rufer general organizer, Edna Letheby local Vice President, Harold Schwartz
Assistant Director of Midwest Region, Frances Kates local Financial Secretary, Michael
Cannell Secretary of Fox Valley District Council, Gladys Steward local recording secretary,
Minnie Lane - charter member, Charles Stark former President of Fox Valley Council,
Stanley Hegland - President of Local, and Bob Dale, 5/15/66; Members of locals from
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin attend Midwest Region Institute at University
of Wisconsin in Madison, 8/15/66; Illinois Democratic Senator Paul H. Douglas is greeted
by Morris Bialis, 10/15/66; Local 529 ladies hold signs in favor of Senator Paul Douglas,
Nelida Justiana, Doris Valesquez, Cleo Koley, Pat Weeks, Joan Freides, Mary Lee Gordon,
Letty Cobb, Virgie Hood, Elaine Staffeldt, Ilona Schroarer, Velma Gabon, Beulah Lawther,
Mary Bolton, Evalyn Talbot, 10/15/66; Mr. And Mrs. Bialis at a celebration of their
50th Wedding Anniversary, 2/1/68; Morris Bialis welcomes Cesar Chavez, United Farm
Workers director at a luncheon, 12/1/69; Alvin Cloud, Della Lowe - Local 553 President,
Lyle Greendeer - Committee member, Walter C. Kohlhoff committee chairman, ILGWU representatives
and Donald Kret ILGWU Organizer, 7/1/70; Chicago Mayor Richard Daley greets Vice president
Morris Bialis and William Lee, President of Chicago Federation of Labor at McCormick
Place, 3/3/71; Morris Bialis, surrounded by Rolf A. Weil, President of Roosevelt University
and Jerome Stone, chairman of the Board of Trustees is presented with honorary trustee
status, 9/15/73; ILGWU members attend ILGWU School for workers at University of Illinois,
9/1/75; President Sol Chaikin receives plaque from Abe Rufus, President of Decatur,
IL Local 120, 10/1/75; Vice President Morris Bialis speaks with Bernice Perry of AFL-CIO
Community Services Department and Lou Montenegro Midwest Region Director at the labor
conference on Civil Rights in Chicago, 1/1/79; Midwest Region Director Lou Montenegro
makes a point to representatives of Smoler Brothers, also included is Vice President
Nicholas Bonanno and Maurice Rosenstadt of Smoler Brothers, 6/79; Vice President Morris
Bialis greets Adlai E. Stevenson III at meeting of Chicago Federation of Labor, no
date; Executive Vice President Fredrick Siems, Vice President Lou Montenegro and staffers
of the Midwest Region discuss contract negotiations, 4/82; Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne
receives a plaque from Lou Montenegro and sews a union label on a jacket as she becomes
an honorary member, 2/83; Oscar Sanchez is introduced as new Midwest organizing director
at a staff meeting included are General Secretary-Treasurer Jay Mazur, Lou Montenegro
and Sanchez, 10/83
Box 19 | Folder 19 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: People talking in a run-down house, no date; Someone giving a cashier food
stamps, no date; Someone building a house, no date; Two young girls receiving a cafeteria
lunch, no date; Local 596 Pam Lauplein and Alexander "Truckers" Vickers, 11/80; Picture
of a boat, De Bogota, no date; Ollie Smith, Eunice Bates, Susie Walker, Gladys Boone
and Melrose Slaughter congratulate Peyton on his ordination to ministry, 6/3/82; Editor
Takeki Ijichi from Weekly Japanese labor News discussing with Zohv and Sevueiolg,
11/82; Mario Cuomo presenting plaque to Sol Chaikin, no date; And other unidentified
photographs, no date
Box 19 | Folder 20 |
New England
Scope and Contents
Includes: Helen I've takes oath as business agent for Boston Joint Board from New
England Director Ronald Alman as Manager Milton Kaplan looks on- 5/81; Manager Harvey
Gold, district council president Walter Gaul, Local 24 Manager Julia Kamel present
Julieta Velez, Effie Paikos Emmanuel Pensa with scholarships includes- New England
director Ronald Alman-9/81; Senator Edward M. Kennedy speaks at Boston press conference
with ILGWU Vice President Ronald Alman, New England director looks on-11/82; Vice
President Ronald Alman on a pro-labor cable TV program-4/85; General Secretary- Treasurer
Jay Mazur addresses New England Region staff meeting with Vice President Ron Alman
looking on-3/84
Box 19 | Folder 21 |
New Jersey
Scope and Contents
Includes: Nancy Davila; Josefina Tamayo are given checks by Vice President Sol Goldberg,
general manager of the region and Bergen-Hudson Manager Al Tambre 6/4/82; welcoming
new assistant managers Christine Kerber and Carment Chaparro are Bergen-Hudson Manager
Eli Charne, Vice President and Regional Director Sol Goldberg and Passaic Manager
Dino Rinaldi- 7/22/85
Box 19 | Folder 22 |
Pauline Newman
Scope and Contents
Includes: posed portrait; group photo, circa 1914
Box 19 | Folder 23 |
Norma Rae
Scope and Contents
Includes: photograph of Sally Field playing Norma Rae; her mentor played by Ron Leibman;
Sally Field as Norma Rae protesting conditions in textile plant- being carried off
by cops; Norma Rae confides with parents played by Barbara Baxley and Pat Hingle;
Norma Rae holding up a "union" sign-5/1/79
Box 19 | Folder 24 |
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: David Gingold, Major John Kane, Fredrick Siems, William Lynch posed; Jack
Halpern at Installation; Officers of Local 178 say farewell- Emily Conte- secretary,
President Lucy Levesque, Ross, and Katherine Perron- treasurer; strike committee of
Susquehanna Mills meet- Paul Border, chairman, Andrew Dermody, Mike Johnson at New
Cumberland, PA; Mayor Dave Gingold, Jack Halpern, Mary Levin, Alfred Lacava, Anthony
Genova, Santo Antonucci conference; Sol Greene explains ILGWU show "Get Happy" to
President Warren Schadt and Treasurer Clyde Bishoff; Springfield Conference Massachusetts-
Adolph Held, Phil Kramer, Fred Frank, David Gingold, A. Mercau, Jack Halpern, Louise
DelMonte, William Ross and George Roewor 11/9/46; Retirements in Easton PA- Jack Halpern,
Wilma Kaiser, president- Easton District, Norma Fenner and Margaret Smith- retired
members, David Gingold; Grace Birkel-6/15/54; David Gingold and David Dubinsky with
gavel in hand; Gus Tyler with WFDC Radio; several pictures of people rehearsing for
a play
Box 20 | Folder 1 |
Northeast Dept. - this folder was empty
Box 20 | Folder 2 |
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Jack Halpern and Orrin J. Hale shaking hands; Vice President David Gingold
visits picket line and chats with strikers children 8/15/69; photo of people sitting
around table at Unity House; Eastern Out of Town Installation 4/14/56; Pittston, PA
members; members relaxing at Unity House; Northeast Department chorus singing at ILGWU
26th Convention; Northeast Department members practicing for a play; several photos
on stage during play; several photos of woman's chorus singing on stage; signing of
Dutchess Underwear Agreement- 1/46; Meeting with Dress Joint Board officers-4/1/60;
Boston parade in Waltham, MA; William Lynch, Frederick Siems and David Gingold, posed
Box 20 | Folder 3 |
Northeast Department
Box 20 | Folder 4 |
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Ralph Reuter addresses members- 91/15/59; workers cheer NLRB vote victory
over PGMA- Lackawanna Dress- Scranton-5/15/60; members of Local 185 demonstrate outside
Mt. Carmel plant of Rhoda Lee firm 3/15/60; portrait of Jack Halpern; organizing committee
from Northeast Department Allentown-Reading district pinpoint future targets on maps-
Ida Berger; Business Agent Paul Strongin, field supervisor Jack Halpern, Viola Rehrig,
Business Agent Al Campus, PA Organization Director Sol Hoffman and Manager Oscar Newman-2/1/60;
Workers and Congressman James Quigley hold "Kennedy" sign at Harrisburg airport- 10/15/60;
picketing main entrance of Tidy Products in Quarryville, PA; Jackie and John Kennedy-
1//15/60; "It's Up to You" sign held by participants of Southern New England District
Council education institute at University of Connecticut 8/15/60; workers of Norwich
Frocks picket in Meriden CT 4/1/60; picketing main entrance of Tidy Products in Quarryville,
PA hand out leaflets in support of Kennedy 11/15/60; "It's Up To You" sign held by
participants of Southern New England District Council Education Institute at the University
of Connecticut 8/15/60; workers of Norwich Frocks picket in Meriden Connecticut 4/1/60;
locked-out workers of Max Wiesen and Sons in Manhattan join other ILGWU 'ers in PA
on picket line- 5/15/61; workers of Elegante in North Bergen, NJ protest 6/1/61; reception
honoring Esther Peterson- director of Labor Department's Women's Division- includes:
Health Center Director James Barker, Manager Mary Levin of Northern New England District
Council, Vice President Philip Kramer, manager of Boston Joint Board and Assistant
District Attorney Ed Kennedy 4/15/61; Governor David Lawrence wears Local 111 hat
at union label display booth in Allentown, PA- looking on is Bonnie Segal, Manager
Jake Gordon and Anne Alpern- 10/1/61; Deis of a dinner commemorating the Wyoming Valley
District's 25th Anniversary in Wilkes-Barre, PA include: District Manager Min Matheson,
ILGWU vice presidents David Gingold; Charles Zimmerman, Governor David Lawrence, Senator
Joseph Clark, and Representative Dan Flood- 3/2/62; picket line at Barmon Brothers
in Buffalo, NY 2/1/62; MA governor John A. Volpe signs bill outlawing homework in
state garment industry- includes- Mary Levin- manager of Northern New England's District
Council, James Broyer- AFL-CIO legislative representative Vice President Phil Kramer
manager of Boston Joint Board and State Senator A. Frank Foster- 5/15/62; ILG'ers
from Harrisburg, Pottsville, and Allentown areas gathered in Philadelphia around liberty
bell- 1/1/62; Assistant Manager Al Fraioli on behalf of Local 24 members parents Cardinal
Cushing with a check while Manager Henry Brides looks on- 2/1/62; Alec Karesky manager
of Northeast Department's Upstate NY; Vermont District Council presents Philip Hoff
w/ award as Evelyn Dubrow looks on- 12/15/62; Local 93, Reading, PA meet their congressman
George Rhodes on the capitol steps 6/1/63; workers of Bannon Mills, Lebanon crowd
around Sol Hoffman as he explains NLRB decision- 8/28/63; picket lines at Fall River
Knitting Mills in MA 6/1/63; Northeast Department Scranton District Council members
posed in front of fire headquarters inaugurating its fire warden program- 11/1/63;
protest demonstration by 2,000 outside Americus Hotel in Allentown, PA 3/15/64; picket
lines in Scranton and Harrisburg 3/1/64; ILGWU protest Governor's Scranton's cut of
unemployment insurance benefits- 4/1/64; portrait of David Gingold; VP Gingold details
economic terms of new agreement reached w/ Barbizon of Jessup, Pa 8/15/65
Box 20 | Folder 5 |
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Martin Rose, president of Northeast Local 280 in Oswego, NY cuts cake at
locals 25th anniversary celebration; includes: Martin Berger, district manager, Mary
Apart, chairlady, Lena Furnari, chairlady, Frank Lupia, business agent, Ada, Spath,
chairlady- 12/15/66; Manager Arnold Dubin speaks at 20th anniversary of Local 361
in New Bedford, MA- Vice President Sol Chaikin, Mayor Edward Harrington, Irene Irma-
Local 361 president, VP David Gingold look on-11/15/66; ILGers cheer for President
Louis Stulberg 5/15/67; workers posing with backpay checks given by Valley Forge Flag
Company of Sinking Spring, PA- Carrie Kline, Marry Ibach, May Snyder, Laura Jane Heffner,
Thelma Mitzel, Jane Palus CIO, Minerva Balthaser, Betty Shaeffer, Rosalie Hertz 8/1/67;
volunteers of Penn Garment Company pack bags to send to Vietnam- Viola Wiestling Carrie
Albert, Eleanor Houck, Bonnie Segal, Elizabeth Arndt- 12/15/68; VP David Gingold,
Ronald Alman- Assistant Manager of Central PA District; Harold Gingrich co-chairman
of Central Labor Council health and welfare committee, Gloria Hendershot and William
Schnitzler-AFL- CIO Secretary Treasurer at Opening of Dauphin County Union Pharmacy
in PA- 4/15/68; Mary Chick is comforted in her hospital bed by VP Gingold and Soltloffman,
Scranton, district manager- 2/15/66; picketing of Dunkirk Lingerie- 9/15/69; DD and
Governor Frank Licht; VP Charles Zimmerman and Murray Gross, Robert Casey, VP William
Ross, President Harry Boyer; VP Sol Chaikin and Maurice Donahue; VP Howard Molisani
and Philip Hoff; VP Gingold speaks at Northeast anniversary; Rep. Edward Boland; George
Leader- 2/15/70; Governor Shapp of PA celebrates victory with Herb Kirchner, Bella
Weinberg, Ann Millhauer, Sol Hoffman, Judy Kylee and Cindy Valor 11/1/70; Central
PA manager Ronald Alman congratulates Sally Antrum- 5/171; Connecticut ILG'er picket
Milford's Alexander's Department Store- 9/15/71; workers picket Handel Manufacturing
Co. in New London, CT- Sara Thomas, Peter DiGiacomo- business agent, Juanita Knight,
w/ Ima Rollison, Gil Anderson, Rose DiVanelli, Marguerite Boguszewski, Amanda Gillman,
Barbara Roach and Pauline Taylor- 4/1/71; women washing pots/pans outside-71/72; photos
of floor- 7/1/72; helicopters come to people's aid- 7/1/72; evacuees put up temporarily
in Scranton-Wilkes-Barre airport VP Chaikin flanked by VP Molisoni and Pittston Manager
Sam Bianco at meeting to distribute checks; donated garments to help union members;
union accountant John Devon helps Eva Williams and Sandra Mummert sign up for flood
relief; Bessie Haupt holds NY Times on which she was on the cover; Northeast Department
Mike Manion and Manager Cliff Depin in front of bus to Washington; Gingold at the
1950 convention- 1/81; ILGWU workers protesting company unions and promoting the IlGWU
Box 20 | Folder 6 |
Northeast Dept.
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 20 | Folder 7 |
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: Gingold personally helps with flood relief-1972; Frederick Siems, Eva Dalton,
David Gingold, and Philip Kramer; pickets outside Paramount Building in Wilkes-Barre
8/5/58; "Like Columbus We Never Give Up" banner in a parade; Hazleton graduation-
Gingold gives certificate to Evelyn Lupcho of Local 225- Ray Shore, Jack Halpern look
on; Ray Shore, district manager of Local 225 meeting of nuns from St. Michaels home
for the Aged and St. Joseph's Children's and Maternity Home- 10/51; Joe Schwartz and
Bill Ross and David Gingold and Gus Tyler shaking hands; picket scene; Isaac Gordon,
business agent Northern New England District Council discussing contracts with employer
and shop committee; Gingold and Ron Alman helping w/ food; dedication of Easton ILGWU
new home- 6/16/50; signing of NY dress industry agreement in ILGWU general office-
President Sol Chaikin, VP Murray Gross, ILGWU general counsel Max Zimny, attorneys
David Crystal II and Allen Breslow, VP Abe Dolgen, Sam Nemaizer, Sam Byer, Manual
Gonzalez, Frank Longo, attorneys Charles Ballon and Stanley Halprin, Yale Garber executive
director of Popular Priced Dress Manufacturers Group, Richard Rubin, Richard Kaplan-
president Affiliated Dress Manufacturers, Alex Redein, Phil Weisel, and Murray Cudrin-6/1/76;
David Gingold looking at medical equipment that is a testimonial to h im; David Gingold
speaking on report of 1950; Mr. and Mrs. David Gingold and President Sol Chaikin touring
Deborah w/ Hartley A. Shein of Deborah Board of Trustees-12/79; Ann Scaletta poses
w/ dolls she makes for disadvantaged children 1/81; VP Sol Hoffman welcomes conference
delegates- 10/5/81; Lois Hartel, manager of Local 295 in Pittstown, PA receiving Luzerne
County's Big Sister of the Year Award presented by little sister Michelle Jackson-12/81;
photo of Rotell, Pishko and Vetro 5/82; VP Sol Hoffman w/ newly elected president
of PA AFL-CIO- Julius Uehlein- 6/82; Business agent Bea Buckley leaves her office
to visit shops; 12/81; President Chaikin speaks to Allentown meeting February 9th,
1982; Philadelphia ILG'ers join Delaware Valley Coalition for Jobs at a Rally in Washington
DC- 9/82; Lydia Swain exercising during lunchtime class at Cleveland Knitting Mills-
2/83; Jack Halpern and Mary Levein; Local 155 Manager Norman Lewis addresses audience
at 50th anniversary celebration at NY Statler Hotel- Sol Greene looks on- 5/83; road
closed sign because of mine fire- 4/83; Shamokin- Sunbury ILGers in Centralia Unity
Day Parade; General DeWitt Smith, Congressman Frank Harrison, State Rep. Robert Belfanti
and Shamokin Manager Tom Matthews-4/83
Box 20 | Folder 8 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Northwestern District Council Business Agent Lillian McKittrick of Kansas
City Awards Todd Nelms a gift certificate for union label clothing at NAACP convention
in Denver, CO. Local 114
Box 20 | Folder 9 |
New York Dress coat and Rainwear Joint Board
Scope and Contents
Includes: Samuel Byer addresses Board with Ed Berman of Local 10, Martin Frost, Samuel
Nemaizer, Frank Longo and Manuel Gonzalez- Oct. 1981; VP Sam Nemaizer discusses contract
enforcement 8/82
Box 20 | Folder 10 |
NY State District
Scope and Contents
Includes: Director of NY State District, Salvatore Giardina addresses district staff
meeting- President Sol Chaikin announced him while VP Sol Goldberg looked on- 2/82;
VP Sal Giardina NY State Director addresses Upstate NY District Council in Utica Rep.
Sherwood Boehlert looked on 11/84
Box 20 | Folder 11 |
Ohio-Kentucky Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: picket scene; Local 481, Glasgow Kentucky ratifies new agreement w/ Handmacher-Vogel
plant VP Nicholas Kirtzman outlines terms of agreement-4/15/60; post-vote photo of
ILGers at Bobbie Brooks plant in Ohio, Eddie Milano, Ohio-Kentucky assistant director
in middle-Julia John, Ruth Koene, Kay Aprea, Edith Ames, Olga Muchek, Marie Church,
Shirley Marling, Agnes Kushmeder, Francena Bailey, and Ann Sadlowski 10/1/62; portrait
of Nicholas Kirtzman-4/15; D.D. and Sam Janis, Ed Milano, and Bernadine Gardiner of
service from San Janis- Ohio-Kentucky Regional Directive and Mae Fielder- president
of Cleveland Knitgoods Council- 1/1/63; ILG'ers in Cleveland dressed as the Easter
Bunny conduct campaign against Judy Bond 4/1/64; Lady Bird Johnson chats with Bernadine
Gardiner; Cleveland Knitgoods Council manager Mrs. Ralph Lochner, wife of Mayor of
Cleveland looks on- 5/1/64; Assistant President Gus Tyler addresses meeting of executive
boards of Cleveland as ILGWU Education Director Mark Starr 5/1/5/64; Ohio-Kentucky
Regional Director Sam Janis and Bernadine Gardiner check on progress of clothing drive-
- 11/15/65; members welcome VP Hubert Humphrey; members picket for Humphrey 7/15/68;
VP Sam Janis and Ohio Governor John Gilligan poses with Ohio-Kentucky Region ILGWU
delegates to the Ohio AFL-CIO Theresa Woods, Armanda Phillips, Ruth Jones, James Carmody,
Billie Wilson, Evelyn Gempel, Ollie May Shaw, Dorothy Jones, Edna Green, and business
agent Al Garguick 6/5/70; sit-down picket line against Printz Biederman Company- 7/15/69;
Mary Kilma and Eva Chambers and other picket state capital of Cleveland
Box 20 | Folder 12 |
Ohio-Kentucky Region
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 20 | Folder 12 |
Pins and Needles Vocal Score - not in box
Scope and Contents
Transferred to manuscript collection
Box 20 | Folder 13 |
Original Act
Scope and Contents
Includes: photo of first singer sewing machine; sculpture of a man sitting at sewing
machine; photo of a female assistant aiding a doctor in surgery- titled "Man's World,
Woman's Place"; assembly line scene
Box 20 | Folder 14 |
Pacific Northwest
Scope and Contents
Includes: Frank Monti, business agent, Shirolie Teug- business agent, Catlina Espinoza-
negotiating committee, Esther Ramirez- shop steward, Jessie Hut- secretary Local 214,
Delores Qutson- president 214 with Mattie Jackson poses with members of council who
have passed leadership training- 3/82
Box 20 | Folder 15 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: little girl wearing in ILGWU sash with an ILGWU donkey; Mondale speaking
at Garment Center Rally- 1984; ILGWU Union Label Float at Puerto Rican Day Parade
in Newark, NJ Ruthie Moreira, Nancy Quiles, Rosa Quiles, Sally Burgos- 9/85; black
women holding River Valley District Council banner for Mississippi and Missouri- 10/86;
ILGWU float that reads "Democracy in Industry- economic advancement"
Box 20 | Folder 16 |
Philadelphia Dress Joint Board
Scope and Contents
Includes: in-shop registration by Philadelphia locals; members working on voting and
elections; VP William Ross- manager of Philadelphia Dress Joint Board and Maida Springer-
AFL-CIO International Affairs Department three African students setting up training
School in Kenya, East Africa- 1/1/63; Philadelphia Knitgoods Local 190 Manager Joe
Schwartz at Roosevelt Day Dinner with James Jones president of City Negro Trade Union
Leadership Council, Representative William J. Green Jr., Senator Joseph S. Clark,
Representative William Barrett, Henry W. Sawyer; Harry Norwitch- 2/1/565; members
picket outside of Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia- 3/15/64; pupils and tutors
on their way to tutorial class- 8/15; Janet Jackson shows Business Joe Carreiro she
went from C to A in Spanish after tutoring 8/1/65 Mabel Byars, Economy Co. Chairlady
shows business agent Meyer Tomkin geometry gain by Colleen Sullivan 8/1/65; Catherine
Jones teaches remedial reading class; James J. Mahoney- joint board's education director
reviews progress reports with program coordinator Hilda Wilson and Thurmond Harrison-
executive director of Philadelphia Tutorial Program- 8/1/65; VP William Ross discusses
progress of tutorial program- 5/5/65; Tutors and program coordinator exchange views-
8/1/65; youngster assessed if he need tutoring
Box 20 | Folder 17 |
Philadelphia Dress Joint Board
Scope and Contents
Includes: Consul General Gian Piero Nuti presents award to VP Williams Ross with Albert
Atcovitz, Harry Benn, Anthony Cortigene and Samuel Durris- 7/1/66; Clement Lubembe,
secretary of the Kenya Central Organization of Trade Unions greeted by VP William
Ross with ILGWU delegate Mildred Byars and Afro-American Labor Center director- Irving
Braun- 1/1/68; counting of ballots of union election- 2/29/68; Washington Rhodes,
publisher of Philadelphia Tribune presents award to VP William Ross- 10/15/68; NJ
Governor Richard Hughes, VP William Ross, Philadelphia Joint Board Manager, Harry
Benn, and William Kaufman- 11/1/69; VP William Ross presents 60 volume set of books
to Board of Education Pedagogical Library with Tobyann Boonin, Leon Stein, Reverend
Henry Nichols, David Horowitz, and Richard Gilmore- 11/1/70; VP William Ross presides
at meeting of Philadelphia Board of Education- 12/15/71; Knitgoods Local 190 picket-
Elizabeth Billings, Ruth Schwartz, Mary Scott, and Yolanda Cabriella- 2/1/71; VP William
Ross, PA Supreme Court Justice Robert Nix and James Mahoney- joint education director-
11/15/71; ILGers attend three day seminar at Penn State University VP Solomon presents
certificates- 1/82
Box 20 | Folder 18 |
Pins and Needles
Scope and Contents
Includes: portrait of Harold Rome- composer-lyricist; photo of cast on stage performing;
Ruth Rubenstein Graeber, Nettie Harary Shrog, and Eugene Goldstein; social singing
scenes; "I've Got the Nerve to be in Love" scene; Performers- Dennis Perren Phyllis
Bash, Tom Off, Robin Hoff, Richard Casper, Elaine Petricoff, David Berman, Trudy Bayne,
Daniel Fortus, and Randy Graff; "Back to Work Again Scene"; Pins and Needles marque;
cast members posing with FDR 3/3/38 at the White House
Box 20 | Folder 19 |
Pins and Needles
Box 20 | Folder 20 |
Pins and Needles
Box 20 | Folder 21 |
Pins and Needles
Box 20 | Folder 22 |
1980 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: negatives
Box 20 | Folder 23 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: workers at Sportowne Company in NYC are visited by Hugh Carey with VP Howard
Molisani and Abe Dolgen- 10/15/74; Hugh Carey- democratic gubernatorial candidate
visits to ILGWU General Office with President Louis Stulberg and VP Wilbur Daniels-
10/15/74; Senator Edward Kennedy with Senator Adlai Stevenson and VP Morris Bialis-
11/1/74; President Louis Stulberg chairs meeting of NY managers with Secretary Treasurer
Sol Chaikin, Assistant President Gus Tyler and VP Wilbur Daniels- 10/1/74; Evelyn
Dubrow interviewed by John Registrar of the Washington Post and Duane Emma of Press
Associates- 3/1/75; Brooklyn local members help with paperwork- 11/176; 1st VP E.
Howard Molisani chats with Senator Henry M. Jackson in Manhattan- 1/15/76; NYC mayor
Abraham Beame with ILGers at City Hall with Local 89 business agent Carmen Finnegan,
Local 23-25 Staffer Lydia Vargas, Local 91 Education Director Rubeye Jones, Gloria
Maldonado, and Sylvia Grugett- 9/1/76; President George Mean meets with Walter Mondale-
8/15/76; Daniel P. Moynihan photo; Moynihan addresses press conference with A. Philip
Randolph, Raymond Corbett, and President Sol Chaikin- 8/1/76; Carter talks with Chaikin;
Carter and Evelyn Dubrow; photo of Reverend Charles F. Penniman and his dog voting;
Local 129 members performing voter registration; Northeast Departments Johnstown PA
District Support Carter with pickets; Franklin Garment Local 201 discuss campaign;
Jack Carter talks to Northeast Department's Easton District Council with Grace Birkel,
Easton District Manager; PA COPE Director James Mahoney talks to Northeast Department
political seminar; South Jersey Joint Board holding its political seminars in Cherry
Hill with Local 190 Manager Joseph Fisher, Irwin Solomon- assistant director of Philadelphia
Area Council, Harry Benn- South Jersey manager, Congressman William Hughes, Congress
nominee Catherine Costa, VP William Ross, Congressman James Florio and David Wells-
assistant director of ILGWU Political and Education Department- 10/1/76
Box 21 | Folder 1 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Carter chats with President Sol Chaikin with AFL-CIO COPE director Al Barkan;
Walter Mondale addresses Italian American Labor Council- 10/15/76; garment workers
help during election time at Cloak Local 48- V.P. Edward Schneider, Local 48 manager
Sal Cobisino, and Assistant Manager Nicholas Bonasera, Local 10 Assistant Manager
William Weiss and Boro Park Manager Frank Longo- 11/1/76; President Chaikin addresses
ILGWU delegation with VP Edward Schneider, Daniel Moynihan, Mrs. Chaikin, VP Wilbur
Daniels, Mrs. Molisani, and VP Howard Molisani- 9/15/76; Carter and Mondale hand in
hand after acceptance speech at convention- 8/1/76; advertisement for Daniel Moynihan;
Dan Moynihan shakes hands with ILGers; black man distributes literature for Moynihan-
9/15/76; Moynihan flashes victory sign after winning; Henry Jackson raises hand as
he receives Mass. Presidential primary; Mass. Senator and wife Joan; Texas Senator
Lloyd Bentsen and wife Beryl celebrate; Howard Metzenbaum and family after winning
Ohio Senate race; Lawton Chiles- reelected Florida Senator with children; Maryland
Senator- elect Paul Sarbanes is congratulated by COPE volunteer; President Sol Chaikin
speaking; Moynihan speaking to a crowd; Carter in Portland, Maine speaking with President
Sol Chaikin, Murray Finley- ACTWU president, Sol Stetin- ACTWU- VP, and Paul Jennings;
Ohio-Kentucky Education director Barbara Janis with Howard Metzenbaum- Ohio Senate
candidate; Local 23-25 welcome Carter to NYC with signs; Senate candidate William
Green looks on as his button is sewed by a worker at Throop Fashions in PA; Judy Carter
at opening of Wyoming Valley District campaign headquarters in Wilkes-Barre, PA; Congressman
Herman Badillo addresses members of NY Local 62 with VP Matthews Schoenwald, Albert
Torriani, Cecile Ackmed, and Jerry Schoen- secretary- 10/15/76
Box 21 | Folder 2 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 102 members put Carter-Mondale and Moynihan stickers on garment truckers;
Joan Mondale is welcomed to Mel's Children's Dress Shop in Perth Amboy, NJ; Judy Carter
visits with workers at Junior House in Milwaukee; David Cornwell receives a contribution
from Indiana's 8th Congressional District; Southern Illinois District Council members
contribute to Congressman Paul Simon's campaign; ILGWU President Sol Chaikin speaks
at pre election meeting of NY State AFL-CIO with VP Howard Molisani, AFL-CIO Regional
director Michael Mann, Seafarer's President Paul Hall, COPE director Al Barkan, NYC
AFL-CIO President Harry Van Arsdale and Actors President Frederick O'Neill; Senator
John V. Tunney receives contribution from ILGWU Western States Region Director Cornelius
Wall with LA Joint Board Manager Phil Leviton, staffer George Curtin, VP Wall, Business
Agent Annelle Bassett, Assistant Regional Director Max Wolf, and Business Agent Peter
Berner; Local 93 President Nancy Walker, and members Helen Roulias, Mary Hornberger,
and Millie Balon outside ILGWU campaign headquarters in Reading, PA; State Rep. James
Ritter and Manager Peter Nadash open ILGWU campaign headquarters in Allentown, PA;
ILGers hand out leaflets urging workers to attend 7the Ave. Garment Center Rally-
11/1/76; Sol Chaikin speaks as Carter looks on; Carter speaks at Rally; Carter waves
at crowd; workers dressed up in Rally to support Carter; picket signs for Carter from
Local 161- Newton, NJ; ILGWU Sol Chaikin, AFL-CIO President George Meany, ILGWU Research
Director Dr. Lazare Teper and Jacob Sheinkman, ACTWU Secretary- Treasurer, ACTWU President
Murray Finley walk out of White House after meeting with Carter- 4/15/77; Moynihan
speaking to ILGWU rally with ILGWU VP Shelley Appleton, ACTWU VP Sol Stetin, ILGWU
VP Wilbur Daniels, Bronx Borough President Robert Abrams; ILGWU Assistant President
Gus Tyler- 4/15/77; AFL-CIO President George Meany greets President Jimmy Carter and
wife Rosalyn at the White House; Mrs. Lillian Carter, mother of Jimmy greets Senator
Herbert Humphrey of Minnesota; VP Mondale takes oath from Chief Justice Warren Burger
and his wife Joan and President Jimmy Carter look on 2/1/77; Ed Koch meets with supporters
in his office; VP Matthew Schoenwalk chairs caucus of ILGWU delegates with secretary-treasurer
Howard Molisani- 10/80; VP Evelyn Dubrow, ILGWU legislative director talks to workers
at Cal- Jac shops in Vandalia, Missouri-10/28/82; crowd greets Mondale at Garment
Center Rally-11/1/84
Box 21 | Folder 3 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 21 | Folder 4 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 21 | Folder 5 |
Mondale - Ferraro
Scope and Contents
Includes: negatives of Mondale/Ferraro Rally- with Mario Cuomo, Sol Chaikin, Ed Koch,
Ferraro, and Mondale speaking; Portrait of Sol Chaikin, Evelyn Dubrow speaking- negative
Box 21 | Folder 6 |
Political Action
Scope and Contents
Includes: JFK at Garment Center Rally; JFK speaking- 1960; VP Lou Montenegro- Midwest
Regional Director questions former Illinois Senator Adlai Stevenson- 5/82; Senator
Kennedy greets ILGWU activist- 5/82; Mario Cuomo raises hand to crowd- 7/82; ILGWU
Retirees with Congressman Claude Pepper; photo of Mayor Andrew Young; LA Mayor Tom
Bradley photo-9/82; Adlai Stevenson, VP Lou Montenegro, Auggie Salas- president of
Hispanic American Labor Council, and Jessie Rios, HALC secretary- 10.82; Howard Metzenbaum
photo; Governor Jerry Brown- CA; at ILG legislative action conference reception in
Washington 5/6/83- Fred Siems, ILG VP, Senator Henry Jackson, Congressman Solarz,
Sol Chaikin and Mrs. Chaikin; rally for Mondale/Ferraro- 11/11/84; Chaikin speaks
to rally
Box 21 | Folder 7 |
Political Action
Scope and Contents
Includes: Robert Morgenthau with Chairlady Elizabeth Vass and NY Dress Joint Board
Business Agent Shirley Rose at Varpej Couture- 9/15/74; Hugh Carey of NY is greeted
by Manager Mike Primack of Eastern Region Local 154- 11/15/74; Manager Joseph Longo
of Dressmakers Boro Park Office urges support for Leo Zeferetti with Assistant Manager
Nick Bonaserra and Manager Sal Cubisino of Local 48, Assistant Manager William Weiss
of Local 10, VP Ed Schneider- manager of Local 91 9/1/76; Dan Moynihan discusses need
for tax reform at Rally of Local 57-77 with David Wells, ILGWU Assistant Political
Director, Louis Sepe- president of Local 57-77, Manager of 57-77 Richard Cerbone;
Sol Goldberg- 11/1/76; Senator Harrison Williams chats with ILGers at Schuetzen Park,
North Bergen- 10/23/76; Jimmy Carter speaks at Scheutzen Park with VP Ed Kramer, Eastern
Region general manager, Senator Harrison Williams- 11/1/76; Chaikin with Senator Byrd
of West Virginia; Barney Frank with New England Region Associate Director Ron Alman
and VP Edward Milano- 10/80; ILGers Katherine Campbell and Louise Winant visited Rep.
Matthew McHugh- 12/80; Walter Mondale at Local 120's rally in Decatur, IL with Mary
Kincaid- 12/80; Mondale with S. Bianco and Ray Must; Midwest Region Director VP Lou
Montenegro heads locals at rally 10/6/80- pictured ILGWU banner; photos of ILGWU rally
supporting Carter 12/80; Carter addresses Garment Center Rally- 10/30/80; Moynihan
testifies at a hearing- 6/2/81; Sol Chaikin announces support of Mario Cuomo 3/8/82-
with General Secretary-Treasurer Shelley Appleton, VP Wilbur Daniels; Congressman
James Florio of NJ- 1981; Benjamin Robbs, Howard Hoagland, Laurel Martino, Charles
Dougherty, Lois Reed, Bernard Gibbs, Paul Arrington; Laurel Martino; Lois Reed, William
Gray III, Daisy Wilford, Elmer Pratt, Paul Arrington, Ben Robbs; NY Mayor Ed Koch
addresses ILGWU Council of Managers with Shelley Appleton, Chaikin, and Wilbur Daniels-
Box 21 | Folder 8 |
Price Settlement
Scope and Contents
Includes: talks at Abe Schrader store 1959
Box 21 | Folder 9 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Members of the ILGWU retirees club sewing banner that hung in Balto Museum
of Art; photo of woman getting hair done for ILGWU scene; two women posing for camera
for scene; Union Label Chorus singing at a delegate convention; union label chorus
practicing; photos of preparations for taping an ILGWU scene; a portrait of the Barbee's;
Sol Chaikin congratulates 1977 winners of ILGWU design competition with Wilbur Daniels
and June Weir- fashion editor of women's wear; winner Kevin Emard with Chaikin and
VP Daniels; winner Kevin Emard speaking; Chaikin and wife Rosalind with VP Daniels,
Sandhaus- executive director NY Coast and Suit Association; Chaikin poses with all
the winners; designer Kasper, NY Daily News Fashion Editor Kathy Larkin with two of
the judges, and students Rebecca Moses, Stephen Leavitt, Sherwin Derby, and Jan Carter
Box 21 | Folder 10 |
Box 21 | Folder 11 |
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 21 | Folder 12 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: little girls being directed for union label scene- 2/76; VP Wilbur Daniels
and Bernard Waldman- coordinator of the ILGWU sponsored "Next Great Designer" contest
examine entries- 12/15/75; Kathy Larkin arranges entries for contest- 3/1/76; designer
Bill Blass looks at sketches for contest; designer Calvin Kelan finds appealing sketches
in contest; Donna Karan of Anne Klein looks at sketches; VP Julius Ramirez- manager
Local 32 introduces Alicia Vidal of Brooklyn- 5/15/76; VP Philip Milner and VP Frank
Wright, ILGWU VP Wilburn Daniels, Dottie O'Neill, Julie Ballantyne, bank manager Joe
Pollicino, and ILGWU VP Murray Gross- NY Dress Joint Board general manager at opening
of exhibit showing the winning sketches- 8/1/76; Wilbur Daniels- ILGWU VP views designs-
3/1/77; union label message that appears on NYC buses- 12/15/76; Jim Prine, cutter
at Nelly Don Shop in Nevada, Missouri and member of Local 419 does a commercial-11/1/76;
Norma Roethemeir is interviewed by Dwight Burton- as director Nat Eisenberg looks
on- 3/31/78
Box 21 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: Mayor Shunichi Suzuki of Tokyo and his wife are welcomed by Chaikin and
his wife with Ed Koch; President Chaikin answers a question by Judy Licht; VP Evelyn
Dubrow with President Wilbur Daniels and Mrs. Mondale; models at the show- 6/80; workers
at Dalma Dress Shop in NYC area filmed for a TV show- 7/86; members signing "Look
for the Union Label" for TV on corner of 39th Street and Eighth Avenue- 7/80; Rhoda
Bates interviews VP Jay Mazur- Local 23-25 manager and Local 22 Administrative Supervisor
Israel Berkenworld and Asst. President Gus Tyler- 7/80
Box 21 | Folder 14 |
Puerto Rico
Scope and Contents
Includes: Sol Chaikin greets Puerto Rico's first lady with VP Clifford Depin- Puerto
Rico regional director looking on; Cristina Diaz, Puerto Rican artist presents a painting
to Chaikin with VP Depin, Local 600 officers- Candida Osorio- VP Neredia Colon- Secretary,
Hilda Maldondo- treasurer, Coranda Martinez- president and Local 601 Lillian Clinton,
Lida Colon, Santa Rios; Eddie Franticelli, Ellis Rosenthal, Jack Delman of Splendor
Form, Attorney Melvin Kleebatt, Chaikin, VP Depin, Jack Gross, Louis Rolnick, Maria
Serrano, Leona Vanterpool, William Schulman, and Fernando Cortes at trustees meeting
at Cerromar Beach Hotel; union negotiating team meetings with ers- 2/1/76; workers
of Caribe Harbor, a Jonathon Logan subsidiary in Arroyo, Puerto Rico wave bankruptcy
checks- 2/15/75; Gloria Velazquez does as Regional Director Clifford Depin, Chairlady
Isolina Soto, plant manager Eddie Fraticelli look on at Margot Manufacturing in Arecibo,
PR- 9/1/75; Regional Director Clifford Depin drops by Gloria Velazquez home to check
on her son with chairlady is Olina Soto- 9/1/75; PR locals 600-601 gathered in the
Ponce Area for a seminar with Eddie Fraticelli, Santiago Paz, Depin, Jesus Ferrer,
Dr. Mario Sanchez Solis, Mrs. Hilda Coimbre, Dr. Victor Rosario- 10/1/75; Chaikin,
Nathan Katz, Jack Gross, VP Depin, Leono Vanterpool, Maria Serrano, Louis Relnick,
William Schulman, and Fernando Cortez at a meeting for Local 600-601 members show
books of speeches distributed- Nida de Jesus, Rosa Cecilia, Andrea Rivera, Aurelia
Colon, Maria Moreno, and Martiza Rivera- 4/15/76; PR governor, and Ms. Raphael Hernandez
Colon with Dan Moynihan at a dinner- 10/1/76; Mercedes Diaz- head of Puerto Rico retiree
group, explains club activities to new members- 2/15/77; Charles S. Zimmerman presents
L.I.D. "1957 Annual Award" for Louis Munoz Marin- governor of PR to Signor Fernando
Sierra Berdecia- in center is Chester Bowles, Ambassador to India Nathan Minkoff and
Harry Laidler- 4/13/57
Box 21 | Folder 15 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Louis Stulberg addresses ILGWU retirees at Avery Fisher Hall in
NY's Lincoln Center- 11/1/75; meeting of the Senior Club of NY local 22- 8/21/74-
Rosina Prescott, Abe Rosheo, Israel Breslow, Emanuel Gonzalez, Rose Breslow, Natalie
Vasquez, Sandra Gelman, Zalman J. Lichtenstein, Ida Gluck and Mildred Weiler; ILGWU
retirees go backstage at Roundabout Theater in Manhattan- Mary Goff Schuster, Priscella
Timpson with performers Michele Shay, Dick Shawn, and Carol Teitel, and retirees Bella
Hyman and Max Schwartz- 8/1/76; Congressman Al Ullman chairman of House Ways and Means
Committee addresses luncheon of Golden Ring Council Senior Citizens 10/12/76- Chaikin,
VP Wilbur Daniels, VP Howard Molisani, VP David Gingold, Dr. Virginia Trotter of HEW,
former HEW Secretary Wilbur Cohen, former Social Security Commissioner Robert Ball
and Congressman James Burke; Sol Chaikin congratulates the members of the ILGWU Retiree
Service Department on the 10th Anniversary- with DP and VP Wilburn Daniels, and VP
David Gingold- 2/15/77; signing of a petition at shop in Kingston NY 9/80; Saul Wolfson-
social security administration speaking 12/83; Nassau County retirees dancing at a
Christmas party at Theresa's Restaurant in North Massapequa, NY- 2/83; April 10, 1985
rally- retirees carry placards with names of shops that closed because of imports-
5/85; Comb. Valley Retirees Club
Box 21 | Folder 16 |
Retirement Fund
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Louis Stulberg urge improvement in retirees benefits at a board
meeting- 12/15/74; meeting of Board of Trustees of ILGWU Retirement Fund- Chaikin,
Samuel Sandhaus, Henoch Mendelsund, Wilbur Daniels, Howard Molisani; meeting of ILGWU
National Retirement fund meeting with Louis Rolnick speaking and Sol Chaikin- 1/1/77;
Sol Chaikin presides as ILGWU National Retirement Fund meeting of trustees- Nelson
Cruikshank, Daniels, Consul Theodore Bernstein, Louis Rolnick, Auditor William Schulman,
and Jack Elkin- 12/1/75
Box 21 | Folder 17 |
Safety and Health
Scope and Contents
Includes: Chaikin speaking to a wellness class; pictures of an exercise class; Assistant
President Gus Tyler and President Wilbur Daniels at Triangle Fire ceremony; Executive
VP Fred Seems, Alice Tse, Jay Mazur, and Shelley Appleton present wreath at fire sit-
4/83; members leaning appropriate extinguisher for combustible solid and other fires;
Frank Lombardo (Local 89-48) and Joe Longo (Local 22) check on Carbon Monoxide levels
of a cigarette burning; VP Frederick R. Siems addresses institute participants; participants
listen to comment by Debra Jakubic; other photos of participants in the institute-
3/83; photo of a worker with poor posture- 2/81; operator demonstrates proper sitting
position- 2/81; photo of cleaning fluids
Box 21 | Folder 18 |
Safety and Health
Scope and Contents
Includes: Susan Law discusses dyeing room conditions with ILGWU engineer Raphael Kalmenoff
5/82; shield protects workers' faces and upper body; machine guards protect operators
fingers; shop chairperson Carlos Rodriguez at a polishing wheel-10/82; woman sewing
on a machine with a needle guard; Mottern shows Law accident and incident reports;
Susan Lau with Paul Mottern, committee chairperson, showing her exit routes- 3/82;
woman demonstrating vacuum hose in order to remove lint before you leave the shop;
Susan Law, project coordinator for the Health and Safety Department addresses eighty
Kentucky executive board members during an education conference; photo of a fire extinguisher-
1/82; Dr. Rose Goldman, Janet Prayzner, and Dr. Anna Radovsky- 2/83; Members of Local
178, Fall River, Massachusetts in a dance class- 2/83; Gail Wholl- program coordinator
of Health and Safety Department, Frank Pereira- assistant manager New England District,
Manager Nicholas Raissos, Aaron Mittleman, president of New England District, Joe
Danahy, assistant director of organization and field services and business agent Jim
Desmarais at a seminar for employers- 2/83; Harvard University researcher Laura Punnett
speaks with ILGer at Dalmar Dress in NYC- 1/83; Management Engineering Director Mitchell
Lokiec explains machine operation to Dr. Monroe Keyserling- 1/83
Box 21 | Folder 19 |
Scott Singer
Scope and Contents
Includes: slides
Box 21 | Folder 20 |
Shop Scenes- Women Sewing - digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators, black women sewings, hands at a sewing machine
Box 22 | Folder 1 |
Shop Scenes - Women Sewing
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators hands manually sewing, woman threading needle, hands
and sewing machine
Box 22 | Folder 2 |
Shop Scenes - Pressers
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators at press machines, black man at press machines
Box 22 | Folder 3 |
Shop Scenes - Cutters digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operating cutting machines or measuring, hands measuring for
a cut
Box 22 | Folder 4 |
Shop Scenes - Historical
Scope and Contents
Includes: portrait of woman sewing, shop scene of sewing men workers, ladies gathered
around a sewing machine with shop lady, early 1900's photo of male at sewing machine;
first dress shop sit-down strike- 4/11/35 in a NYC Dress Shop- people idle at their
machines, early ally scene with boxed garments, four women hand sewing, a portrait
of families living in destitute conditions, negative of children working at a sewing
Box 22 | Folder 5 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: A man picking up a bundle of cloth
Box 22 | Folder 6 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: man writing labels/tags out
Box 22 | Folder 7 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: Hispanic man carrying package, man pushing packages through snow, young
Hispanic men/boys rest while carrying packages
Box 22 | Folder 8 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: a tailor checks fitting of neon finished garments on dummies in Jonathon
Logan Plant women tucking in garments on a dummy, woman standing by her dress
Box 22 | Folder 9 |
Shop Scenes digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: male carrying finished clothes to a store, man pushing a rack of clothes
to a store, man attaching labels to a rack of clothes, black man pushing rack of clothes
and one carrying a garment bag
Box 22 | Folder 10 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: topless man pushing hand truck, man at presser- very hot outside
Box 22 | Folder 11 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: black men pushing/maneuvering a rack of garments, shop scenes of women sewing,
Hispanic man resting on rolled up cloth, shop scenes of men sewing, spools of thread
factory scene shop scene demonstration
Box 22 | Folder 12 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: man at pressing machine, shop scenes of women sewing, men delivering packages,
sorting records in Record Room of Health Center, men delivering racks of garments,
fabric factory shop scene, photo of finished garments and pre-processed cloth
Box 22 | Folder 13 |
Shop Scenes digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: shop scenes of women working on sewing machines, shop scenes of fabric factory,
men delivering cloth
Box 22 | Folder 14 |
Shop Scene
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets
Box 22 | Folder 15 |
Shop Scene
Scope and Contents
Includes: contact sheets
Box 22 | Folder 16 |
Shop Scene
Scope and Contents
Includes: late 50's-60's- black woman labeling clothes, individual operators, man
moving cloth, portrait of hand-sewing, manager looks over two women cutting thread
as a part of a "Time Motion Study", men looking over sketches of designs, black woman
putting finishing touches on a garment, hands by a sewing machine
Box 22 | Folder 17 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: late 50's-60's- Asian woman cutting cloth, woman and black man taking in
cloth on a dummy, women hand sewing, individual operators, woman packaging thread
Box 22 | Folder 18 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: portraits of Government workers late seventies- 1980, workers of bridal
store- Gina Bridals- individual operators
Box 22 | Folder 19 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: mid-sixties- early seventies- man carrying rolls of cloth, women put finishing
touches on garments, individual operators, women sorting fabric, women hand sewing
Box 22 | Folder 20 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: mid sixties- early seventies workers raising hands at a meeting, woman shows
off her finished dress, individual operators, man unraveling cloth, black man fitting
a dummy with cloth, man making models for dummy
Box 22 | Folder 21 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators, woman at pinking machine, Korean tot Marce Park holds
a union label doll, tail ends of cloth, speaker at the Philadelphia Dress Joint Board
conference members filling out cards
Box 22 | Folder 22 |
Shop Scenes - Cutters
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators, shop scenes of men cutting, photo of hands cutting
Box 22 | Folder 23 |
Shop Scenes Cutters - Old digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators, men in awkward positions cutting, stretching the cloth
before cutting, spreading cloth before cutting, hands cutting, men cutting layers
of fabric at once, cutters in shorts because it's hot
Box 22 | Folder 24 |
Shop Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: men sitting on bundles
Box 22 | Folder 25 |
Shop Scenes - Sewing Hands
Scope and Contents
Includes: sewing hands (see Box 3 folder 35-38)
Box 22 | Folder 26 |
Shop Scenes - Women Sewing Coats in Shop
Scope and Contents
Includes: women sewing coats in factory
Box 22 | Folder 27 |
Shop Scenes. - "Man in Cutting Shop."
Box 22 | Folder 28 |
Shop Scenes - Operator
Scope and Contents
Includes: man operating a machine
Box 22 | Folder 29 |
Shop Scenes - "Woman Sewing"
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual and shop scenes, hands sewing
Box 22 | Folder 30 |
Shop Scenes - "Woman Sewing by Hand."
Scope and Contents
Includes: woman sewing with an ace bandage on arm
Box 22 | Folder 31 |
Shop Scenes - "Markers".
Scope and Contents
Includes: men marking clothes
Box 22 | Folder 32 |
Shop Scenes - "Hands and Sewing Machine".
Scope and Contents
Includes: just hands sewing- black and white women on machines
Box 22 | Folder 33 |
Shop Scenes - "Operators"
Scope and Contents
Includes: black woman operators
Box 22 | Folder 34 |
Shop Scenes - "Presser".
Scope and Contents
Includes: male presser
Box 22 | Folder 35 |
Shop Scenes - "Woman Sewing By Hand".
Scope and Contents
Includes: woman with Ace bandage sewing
Box 22 | Folder 36 |
Shop Scenes - "Man Pressing Apparel".
Scope and Contents
Includes: man in tank top sweating pressing apparel
Box 22 | Folder 37 |
Shop Scenes - "Pressing Setting".
Scope and Contents
Includes: man in tank top sweating pressing apparel
Box 23 | Folder 1 |
Shop Scenes - "Profile of Women Sewing"
Box 23 | Folder 2 |
Shop Scenes: digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators sewing, woman sewing with a child looking on, women
sewing at home- August 1980, interview rep others at the door of a sweatshop in 70's-80's;
sweatshop-1970; Federation of Apparel Manufacturers- Kurt Barnard, Manny Eagle, Eugene
Steinberg, Yale Garber, and Sam Butler; Rep. Philip Burton, Pat Williams, George Miller,
Millicent Fenwick, Marge Roukema
Box 23 | Folder 3 |
Shop Scenes - Industrial Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: Earl Byrd at his machine; Hispanic man drawing- Jose O'Campo; Rocky Fosco
writing labels; Pepe Venduzio; Iva McWilliams at her machine; black woman Paola Roman,
Hispanic, at her press; shop scenes at Maidenform; individual operators
Box 23 | Folder 4 |
Shop Scenes - Industrial Scenes
Scope and Contents
Includes: cutting room photo, individual operators sewing, hands sewing, man unrolling
Box 23 | Folder 5 |
Shop Scenes - Operator
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators sewing, shop scene of women sewing
Box 23 | Folder 6 |
Shop Scenes - Operator
Scope and Contents
Includes: man sewing
Box 23 | Folder 7 |
Shop Scenes - Women Sewing
Scope and Contents
Includes: shop scenes of women sewing
Box 23 | Folder 8 |
Shop Scenes - Older Shop Photos - digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: individual operators sewing, men cutting, shop scenes women sewing, Asian
women sewing, black women at ILGWU event, black woman handing out leaflets, men pressing
Box 23 | Folder 9 |
Shop Scene - "Sewing Buttons".
Scope and Contents
Includes: women sewing buttons
Box 23 | Folder 10 |
Shop Scene - "Women Sewing".
Scope and Contents
Includes: shop scenes
Box 23 | Folder 11 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Beatrice Cox, Wylene Blanton, Sally Pearson, Shirley Baily, Joyce Crews,
and Joyce Music celebrate with a backpay check- 8/15/74; Local 415-475 in Miami, Florida
hoist a banner while boarding a plane to Mexico- 8/1/574; Victoria Armeteros, Ana
M. Debesa, Esther Hernandez, and Alicia Marquez, Gloria Dopico, Gloria Alvarez, Nilda
Lima, Adela Ortiz with backpay check from a strike- 9/1/74; Harry Berger- Southeast
Region Assistant Director, Business Agent Claudette Taylor, Frances Solomon, Frances
Sargent, VP Nicholas Bonanno, Willie Chisolm meet Governor George Busbee- 11/1574;
Sol Chaikin addresses Southeast Region conference Orlando Beach, FL- 8/15/77; Upper
South Department holds a banner in a parade; Southeast Region conference- Nicholas
Bonanno, Chaikin, and others speak
Box 23 | Folder 12 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Georgia Congressman Elliot Levitas speaks at Southeast Region conference-
8/15/75; Simon Mogilner plants signing of first contract in Birmingham, Alabama- with
Helen Anderson, Janice Barnes, Dale Abbott, Birdie Forbes, Joyce Wood, Doyle Simmons,
Bill Porter, Martha Hudson, Faye Campbell, and Zelna Blakney- 3/1/75; ILGers picket
outside Character Foundations in Dania, Florida- 4/15/75; Tilda Hood, Armanda Hood
of Local 527, and State Director Benny Dansauage tend the ILGWU exhibit at Spirit
of Labor Festival in Birmingham, AL- 1/1/76; Gustavo Rodriguez receives backpay check
from Miami Manager Mayer Finkel while Juan Lozano looks on- 7/1/76; VP Nicholas Bonanno
and Minnesota AFL-CIO President David Rowe at Kiryat- Segal-Efal, Tel Aviv- 9/1/76;
conference at Desoto Hilton; Sol Chaikin addresses Miami retirees while VP Nicholas
Bonanno, Wilbur Daniels, Matthew Schoenwald look on- with Max Brown- 3/15/77
Box 23 | Folder 13 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: conference of AFL-CIO committee on Political Education in Jacksonville,
FL- 2/7/70; workers at Stevens Fashions in Carrolton, AL receive charter from Morton
Shapiro- asst. director of Southeast Region; striking members from Selma, AL march
in funeral procession of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Martin Luther King, Sr. father
of Martin Luther King, Jr. receives lunch from Southeast Region staffer Leona Craig
in Atlanta- 9/19/70; 25 year members of Local 457 receive pins in Cullman, AL- 12/15/70;
General Secretary-Treasurer Jay Mazur, Dimas Rodriguez- Local 415-475 VP, Fanny Pepper-
President, Miguel Ruano- manager, VP Nicholas Bonanno attend a Local 415-475 meeting-
Nov. 1983; James C. Davis receives a "cold welcome" in Atlanta; Organizer Edward Sharp
presents check to Bernice Hutto and Levon Wallace from Moulton Mfg. Co. in Moulton,
AL for backpay
Box 23 | Folder 14 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: ILGers distributing leaflets outside Rich's Department Store in Atlanta,
GA; Higher Department Store in Cleveland, R.H. Stearns in Boston and Hess' Department
Store in Allentown, PA- 4/15/62; Jerry Levine, Al Gross, President B.O. Young, Mayor
William B. Hartsfield sign proclamations that make September 4-10 Union Label Week
in Atlanta- 9/1/62; Southeast Region Business Agent Benny Dansavage and Arthur Mason
and Ike York lead workers in strike against Oneita Knit in Andrews, South Carolina-
8/1/63; Miami Local 415 demonstrate- 8/15/63; ILGers and South Carolina state labor
leaders are outside governor's office to talk to him about strike on Oneita Knit with
Nick Bonanno, E.T. Kirkland- state AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer, Wayne Dernacourt-
TWVA representative, Mac Rose, AFL-CIO COPE representative, Leroy Crane- president
Local 371, Sinway Young- president state AFL-CIO, Mary Cameron- Local 371 business
agent, Hazel McLaurin- chairlady, Hazel Brantley, Peggy Swails, Louise Wheeler, Mary
Altman, Vincent Payne, and Judy Ackerman- 9/1/63; strikers at Oneita Knitting Mills
in Andrews South Carolina hold strike pay checks- 1/15/64; Local 371 executive board
members with business agent Mary Cameron and organizer Horace Boan- 3/15/64; installation
of newly elected officers area locals in Columbia, SC with Mary Cameron- business
agent, Martin Morand- regional director, Sinway Young and E.T. Kirkland- 5/1/564;
worker asks Local 378 president Maruella Shoddy for another leaflet to hand out outside
G.C. plant in Town Creek, AL- 7/15/65; ILGers conduct intensive telephone campaign
for Tobacco Worker's Union- 6/15/65; ILGers in NY picket Alba-Waldensian, Inc. at
Empire State Building; picket woman and three children outside Kayser-Roth-Local 457-6/15/59;
ILGer Bonnie Justice of Greenville, SC holds up ILGWU publication at Southeast Regional
Conference in Atlanta, GA- 10/1/65; Randi Roberto workers Algeria Vasquez and Evis
Ramirez initiate picket- 10/1/65; Executive Board members of Southeast Local 534 of
Lake City, South Carolina celebrate birthdays of Era Strokes- chairlady and Mary Cameron-
South Carolina director- 11/1/65; contract terms are spelled out for employees of
Brookfield Mills of Sanford, FL by Bill Krost- business agent, Alix Scheinman- firm's
general manager, Rosa Holloway- member of negotiation committee, George Castelli-
shop manager, Helen Kailin and Rose Clark- chairlady and Dorothy Brown, and Robert
Gladnick- Miami manager- 11/15/65; members who helped organize the Cherokee Plant-
Clayton Fox, Jean Moser, Hellen Webb, Johnnie Helms, Pearl Prince, David Russell and
Bill Moore- 12/15/65; a motorcade in Madisonville, TN to mobilize Cherokee sportswear-
Box 23 | Folder 15 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: picket of Kayper Roth; Eva Day of Southeast Region Local 523, Business Agent
Morton Shapiro, Congress Graham Barden, Mamie Skarren discuss legislation- 2/1/60;
two picketers outside Elberton Manufacturing co.- 3/1/60; Elberton strikers picket
Rilla Mfg. Co. (subsidy of Elberton)- 3/1/60; workers in Elberton, GA ratify agreement
with Rhoda Lee Blouses, lead by Regional Director E.T. Kehrer- 3/15/60; director E.T.
Kehrer talks to active ILGers- 10/15/60; ILGWU Secretary- Treasurer Louis Stulberg
addresses 23rd Conference of Southeast Region in Atlanta, GA- w/ E.T. Kehrer- 7/1561;
at local 475's annual banquet in Cullman, AL- Rep. Carl Elliot, former Alabama governor
James Folsom and wife, Inez Wesson, and Roy Samples- head of local 457- 1/1/62; Jerry
Levine, Al Gross- local 122 business agent, Bo Young- President Local 95, Mayor William
B. Hartsfield, Bill Crim- Secretary-Treasurer, Georgia AFL-CIO, Joe Jacobs, J.O. Moore
president Atlanta Labor Council- 9/15/61; ILGers picket Judy Bond affiliates in Spartanburg,
SC and Birmingham, AL- 2/1/62; Local 122 distributors leaflets against Rhoda Lee in
Atlanta- 3/15/63; Spartanburg Local 581 picket Greenwood Shirt Company in SC- 4/1/62
Box 23 | Folder 16 |
Southeast Region
Scope and Contents
Includes: Local 570 of Sanford, Florida let servicemen know they are remembered at
Christmas time- Rose Clark- chairlady, Mary Inflow, Maine Joe Cate, Bonnie Campbell,
Eula Cornelius, Cathie Brooks- 1/1/66; G.G. Lingerie meets with business agent Ed
Sharp and Ben Dansavage- 5/1/66; Margaret Hodges gives testimony before Paul Weil
on ULP's committed by Marlene Industries- 5/1/66; Southeast Region Director Martin
Morand negotiates with Lena Young, Maggie Purser, Mary Johns, Irma Long, Leona Fountain-
5/1/66; ILGWU negotiating teams of Andrews knit- Winnie Cunningham, Frances Appleby,
Ruth Sullivan, Ben Dansavage, Ola Mae Cork, Ed Sharp, Dorothy Tucker, Russel McMahon,
and Syble Neal- 1966; President Louis Stulberg addresses delegates at Southeast Region
Conference- 6/1/5/66; workers of Coed Collar Co in Tuscaloosa, AL sign in for picket
duty with organizer Russ McMahan and Margie Coburn- 8/1/66; lady picketing Coed Collar
Co.; workers of Munsingwear Corporation in Memphis petitioned for an election- with
Mason London, Chester Moore, Bobbie Dyson, Timothy Mull, Verdi Phelps, Clint Combs,
Fannie Bryant, Pat Kennedy, Jim Avery, Charlie Jones, Charles Rice, and Edith Covington-
8/15/66; Rev. Peter Clark gives labor day mass in South Carolina at St. Peter's Catholic
Church- 9/15/66 workers picket McKay-10/15/66; Local 480 of Tuscaloosa, AL receive
charter from Business Agent Ben Dansavage with Syble Neal, Ola Mae Cork, Eleanor Rumsey,
Frances Appleby, and Ruth Sullivan- 11/15/66; North Carolina District Council organizes
itself with Janet Bush, Thomasina Boone, Clarence Lufton, Joyce Ross, Jesse Riddle,
Ethel Vick and Julia Newsome- 1/15/67; workers at G. Gertz Enterprises sign authorization
cards with Juan Lozano looking on 2/15/67; President Louis Stulberg administers oath
to Harry Metz for manager of Local 415 and 475, with Nancy Brown- president local
475 and Martin Morand- director Southeast Region- 2/15/67; strikers of Smart Miss
and McKay of Miami picket in front of DiLido Hotel in Miami Beach- Buena Banks, Minnie
Cadick, Sylvia Connelly and Adele Burgese- 4/1/67; ILGWU general organizer Maida Springer
with employee's from Brookfield Mfg. Co.- 5/1/67; officers of Local 308 at E-Z Mills
in Cartersville, GA take oath- E.B. Keys- local president, Claude Garland- VP, Kathryn
Martin- secretary-treasurer, Mamie Martin- recording secretary, Leona Craig- shop
chairlady- 5/1/67; Kate Lewis representing Florence, SC Local 366 speaks at Southeast
meeting- 6/15/67; Delegate Cletus Warmath reports on activities of Southeast Local
496 from Jackson, TN- 6/15/67; workshop at Southeast Region's conference in Daytona
Beach, FL- 6/15/67; members of locals in Alabama and TN with Southeast Region organizers-
8/1/67;; ILGers in North Carolina at educational program launched by North Carolina
District Council- 12/1/67; pickets at Wentworth Manufacturing Co.- 9/15/68; workers
at International Outerwear in Clarkesville, GA raise hands in agreement over contract-
Box 23 | Folder 17 |
Street Photographs
Scope and Contents
Includes: black man moving garment rack, man moves boxes in snow, black man rest after
moving, man moving stack of boxes
Box 23 | Folder 18 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: announcement of dressmakers general strike- 1968; man with empty rack- not
delivering dresses; Los Angeles Sportswear Strike- 1941- workers wear sashes and hold
pickets; women organizing outside Regent Corset, Co.; portrait of a woman picketing;
strike against Marlene industry; picket line that runs the length of a block; strikers
in 1971; black women picket in snow; a woman pickets while police look on
Box 23 | Folder 19 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: people picketing Norma Kamali, Inc.- includes a black and Hispanic woman
Box 23 | Folder 20 |
Scope and Contents
Includes: 2 men picketing East End Sportswear, Inc.
Box 23 | Folder 21 |
Triangle Fire Photographs digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: people gathered around monument dedicated to unidentified victim of fire;
mourning procession after the fire; negatives
Box 23 | Folder 22 |
Union Health Center
Scope and Contents
Includes: West German Labor and Social Affairs Minister Herbert Ehrenberg uses treadmill
in union health center- 1/15/79; portrait of Administrator Milton Arons- 7/1/7; administrative
director of Union Health Center Sol Bieger reviews operations with department supervisors-
11/15/77; gynecology department of union health center; member of Local 23-25 takes
tonometer test; patients in waiting room of clinic- 11/79; Working Women's Conference
conducted by Union Health Center Social Service Program- 6/80; at end of Social Services
Conference members children singing union label song- 5/81; members take notes during
Union Health Center Social Services Department- 5/81; staffers of Union Health Center
receive CPR training- with Health Center Administrative Director Solomon Berger, Barbara
Flanagan hold certificate awarded by Safety Services Director John LaCaribba-5/81;
portrait of union health center, portrait of George M. Price, M.D.- director of union
health center; DD and LBJ and VP Hubert Humphrey at 50th Anniversary
Box 23 | Folder 23 |
Union Health Center
Scope and Contents
Includes: union health center 50th Anniversary logo; black doctor looking through
microscope; older woman receives x-rays; Asian man receives X- Ray; woman visits gynecologist;
man running on treadmill, Asian woman doctor handles blood; blood bank program is
at center; blood driver at Local 225 and 275; woman taking blood pressure; health
educator Karen Openstein explains high blood pressure to Local 66-40 members at M.J.
Creations in NY- with Irving Bakal assistant manager and Claudette Paul- interpreter-
4/85; ILGer Pauline Newman- education director of Union Health Center on TV- 9/15/76
Box 23 | Folder 24 |
Union Health Center
Scope and Contents
Includes: pulmonary function analysis; ILGers display some of the health care postcards
that were delivered to the White House 4/85; ILGers holding signs at a parade- includes
black women
Box 23 | Folder 25 |
Union Health Center - NY
Scope and Contents
Includes: eye examination at center; doctor analyzes blood, patient receives x-ray;
workers in record room; black man doctor operating machine; doctor taking blood pressure;
pharmacist pouring medicine; woman sewing
Box 24 | Folder 1 |
Union Health Center - Stock Photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: patients in waiting room and patients registering; black woman nurse gives
man an EKG; woman doctor draws blood; pharmacist in his work area; staff dinner in
1921; portrait of a medal that signifies commencement of health center; worker getting
medical results, nurse drawing blood, hearing test; pharmacist working, 50th Anniversary
medal, nurse supporting a patient's neck
Box 24 | Folder 2 |
Union Label digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: models wearing union-made clothes during ILGWU fashion show at AFL-CIO convention-
11/17/81; Eleanor Roosevelt sews in first union label in 1950s; Mrs. May Rockefeller
sewing first label- 1950's
Box 24 | Folder 3 |
Union Label Department
Scope and Contents
Includes: President Eisenhower with President George Meany and William Schnitzler
tour exhibit; AFL-CIO union industries show dies and podium; model ILGWU shop makes
aprons; Mrs. James Mitchell pours for participants; exhibit of a start-of-the-century
sweatshop with boss; participants with VP Angela Bambace-5/1/60; VP Angela Bambace
with Of Halm at the Ghana Embassy; ILGers march in parade; ILGWU union label tent
at a fair in DuQuoin, IL- with Helen Robinett, Leon Williams, Mae Chambers, and Mildred
Wade; John Gelo- assistant director of label department with Min Matheson- director;
union label float in a parade- with ILGers on board; Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller takes
needle from David Dubinsky and sews first label- 1/15/59; ILGWU participate in the
Easter Parade; Governor David Lawrence and union label director Michael Johnson-7/1/60;
union label director vice president Julius Hochman; President Meany wears ILGWU apron
with Marta Acosta, Blanca Valdes, Oneida Rodriguez, Margarita Alamequer- Local 415-3/1/61;
At local 105, Ben Lord- president of Lortogs Co, Abe Dolgin- manager of Cutter's Local
10, Joe Rubin- executive director of employers association, ILGWU David Dubinsky and
Mrs. George Meany- 6/15/61; Local 400 members aboard a float through Roanoke, VA-
12/15/61; Cleveland Knitgoods Council and Cleveland Joint Board participate in parade
as Easter bunnies- 5/1/62; Mamie Zxner demonstrates sewing technique to Dorothy Kaufman
of Central States Union Label staff, US Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz, VP Frederick
Siems, President Meany- 6/15/63; union label woman wearing label dresses pose; ILGers
Rose Weisberger and Stephen Lewin show LBJ monogram- 8/15/64; Shari Belafonte wearing
union label apparel- 12/1/63; union label fashion show; Union Label Director Min Matheson
5/1/68; President Eisenhower and President Meany
Box 24 | Folder 4 |
Union Label Dept.
Format: Black and white photograph; Color photograph
Box 24 | Folder 5 |
Unity House digital photos
Scope and Contents
Includes: portrait of people relaxing on lawn on unity house; VP Gerald Grossman talks
with cutters who participated in Cloak Dress Joint Board seminar at Unity House- 6/3/81;
a couple sitting on the docks at Unity House; people rowing on the lake
Box 25 |
Images digitized from the collection.