ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board records, 1926-1978
Collection Number: 5780/020

Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library


ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board records, 1926-1978
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
The New York Cloak Joint Board of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, represented a number of New York City local unions whose members were employed as cloak makers. The collection contains reports, photographs, and the correspondence of three of its managers Israel Feinberg, Isidore Nagler and Henoch Mendelsund.
New York Cloak Joint Board
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
23 cubic feet
Collection material in English

Biographical / Historical

Founded in 1900 by local union delegates representing about 2,000 members in cities in the northeastern United States, the ILGWU grew in geographical scope, membership size, political influence to become one of the most powerful forces in American organized labor by mid-century. Representing workers in the women's garment industry, the ILGWU worked to improve working and living conditions of its members through collective bargaining agreements, training programs, health care facilities, cooperative housing, educational opportunities, and other efforts. In 1995, the ILGWU merged with the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) to form the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE).

Biographical / Historical

At the beginning in 1900 there was the Cloakmakers' Union of New York and Local 1 United Brotherhood of Cloakmakers of New York and vicinity. In the early years, membership and meeting attendance was low. Local 9 Cloak and Suit Tailors, New York was soon chartered, as well as Local 35 Cloak Pressers. Benjamin Schlesinger became manager of the New York Joint Board of Cloak Makers' Union in 1904. By 1906, there was a movement within the childrens' cloak and reefer makers industry to organize, so that by 1908, the New York Joint Board of Cloak and Skirt Makers' Union was composed of Operators' Local 1, Tailors' Local 9, Reefer Makers' Local 17, Skirt Makers' Local 23 and Pressers' Local 35. From the convention of that year it was stated that "The object of the J.B. is to agitate the principle of Trade Unionism among the working people engaged in the Cloak and Skirt Trades and to transact their business in common, and to call, conduct and settle strikes and disputes (Ninth Annual Convention of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1908, p. 31).
Between 1908 and 1910, the Joint Board enacted 77 strikes and lockouts, 57 of which were settled favorably for the union. At the tenth convention in 1910, a resolution was introduced for empowering the General Executive Board to make necessary preparation and call a strike when appropriate. The Joint Board, now consisting of Cloak Operators Local 1, Cloak and Suit Tailors Local 9, Amalgamated Ladies' Garment Local 10, Cloak and Skirt Makers of Brownsville Local 11, Reefers Makers Local 17, Skirt Makers Local 23, Cloak Pressers Local 35, Buttonhole Makers Local 64, and Cloak and Suit Pressers of Brownsville Local 68, began strike preparations, appointing committee members, and renting halls, and calling a mass meeting that filled Madison Square Garden. A vote was taken with 18,771 against 615 in favor of a general strike. On July 7, 1910 the workers left the shops and joined the picket lines. As workers continued to join the strike, estimates varied from 50,000 to 60,000 strikers in the "Great Revolt." With the industry paralyzed, manufacturers were looking to settle, and small shops began signing agreements. It took until September 2 for a proposal to be accepted by the Joint Board and the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, known as "The Protocol of Peace." While not all demands were won, the workers gained a 50 hour work week, double pay for overtime, and a higher minimum wage scale among others. In January of 1913, the Joint Board appointed Isaac Hourwich to the position of Chief Clerk of the Cloak and Skirt Makers' Union. In his new post, Hourwich sought to reform the Protocol of Peace, a system set up by Louis Brandeis to resolve conflicts in the garment industry between workers and manufacturers without arbitration. His attempt to amend the protocol bothered the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Association and put him out of favor with the International office. While the union sought to force Hourwich from his position, he instead decided to seek reappointment. A struggle emerged between Hourwich and the workers and locals that supported him and the International. This became known as the "Hourwich Affair" and concluded with Hourwich's resignation in 1914.
After a lockout in May 1916, a general strike was declared and lasted fourteen weeks and an amended agreement with a reduced week, wage increase, and a continuation of the Joint Board of Sanitary Control (created earlier by the Protocol). In 1917 Morris Sigman assumed the position of general manager of the Joint Board, and the relationship between the Board and component locals continued to improve. Another general strike occurred in May 1919 which brought the cloak industry to a standstill. In July 1922, the Joint Board ordered a general stoppage in the cloak industry during negotiations to reach a new agreement with the Protective Association. The controversy focused on the "social" or small shop, a form of sweatshop that employed only two or three workers. By the spring of 1923, a new department was created within the Joint Board to monitor the work given out by jobbers to subordinate shops. It was the goal that the work be sent to unions shops only and that jobbers be made responsible for the observance of union standards in those shops. A series of conferences between the union with the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association (manufacturers), American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers' Association (sub-manufacturers), and Merchants Ladies' Garment Association (jobbers) in March 1924 led to a program of demands by the General Executive Board which included: increase in minimum wage scale; establishment of 40 hour week; adoption of a sanitary and union label; and unemployment insurance. When no agreement could be reached by June 1924, New York Governor Alfred E. Smith appointed a Special Advisory Commission which held hearings in City Hall. A final report was rendered June 27 and recommendations submitted. Accepted by the union, sub-manufacturers, and manufacturers, the jobbers refused until July 7, 1924 when the Merchants' Association agreed to the terms of the Governors' Commission. (See 5780/161, 5780/165, 6036/009 for hearing transcripts) A general work stoppage in the entire cloak trade occurred on July 8, 1924 and lasted four weeks. The Special Commission established an Impartial Chairman for the whole cloak industry (Raymond Ingersoll, 6036/015) and organized a sanitary label division (the Prosanis Label) in the Joint Board of Sanitary Control. Shortly after, the Joint Board organized a Label and Unemployment Insurance office. After six months, in April 1925, a report was released from an investigation into the conditions in the New York cloak industry comparing shops, workers and wages from 1911 to 1924.
ILGWU rules had stipulated that no more than one local of the same craft exist in a city. In 1924, the General Executive Board sought to merge cloak operators' Locals 1, 11, and 17. After a seven week struggle with much resistance from Local 17, the three locals were amalgamated into Local 2 Cloak, Suit and Reefer Operators of Greater New York. Problems also troubled the Joint Board beginning in 1925 with Locals 2, 9, and 22, and the Communist control of the locals. The infighting caused the resignation of officers within the Joint Board to retain unity. A long battle resulted with charges levied against members and officers of the locals, and the election of new leadership.
The hearings before the Governor's Commission continued into 1926, with a final report issued in May. It was at this time that a general strike committee was formed to assess the situation. Communists had been controlling the special committee of the Joint Board and positioned themselves on crucial committees and posts during strike preparations. The Communists leaders called a mass meeting in Madison Square Garden on June 29, 1928. To maintain unity, the GEB and International pledged support, though from the beginning it was apparent that the strike was to be conducted for political purposes. A strike call was set for July 1, and thus began a disastrous episode for the Joint Board and union. The Communists in control of the strike mismanaged and mishandled efforts for a productive and effective strike. From the beginning, the strike was plagued by a failure to successfully organize for the strike, failure to provide financial aid for strikers, a misappropriation for the money raised and collected, and a dismissal of opportunities that would have led to an early and favorable settlement. An agreement was reached on November 12, 1926 after 20 weeks of "strike, suffering and starvation." The agreement was far below the recommendations of the Governor's Commission and caused the union many losses; loss of the season and wages for the workers; loss of millions of dollars in strike funds; loss of membership; and concessions that amounted to no increases and no agreements with jobbers and sub-manufacturers. The union took a financial, moral, and economic hit. Internal fighting between the Communist members and the union continued to escalate. When the Communist leadership refused to submit to the demands of the sub-manufacturers and enter into arbitration, thousands of workers in sub-manufacturing shops were locked out on December 9, 1926, joining the others in strike halls. The workers caught in the middle between the GEB and Communist leadership in the cloak locals were desperate for assistance and appealed to the union. The International formed provisional committees to take over power. In response, the Communist strike leadership organized a mass-meeting in Madison Square Garden, excluding the non-communist union members. At the mass-meeting, the Communists ordered all workers back to the shops without a settlement. The GEB and the provisional Joint Board issued a registration for all members in the Joint Board to receive new booksfinally choosing whether they wanted to stand with the ILGWU or continue to follow the Communist Party. The process of reconstruction began, with the union making settlements with the sub-manufacturers and jobbers, and a renewal of the agreement in the dress industry. Registration back into the union continued and new officers for the locals were elected and the Joint Board had a long rebuilding process through 1927 to repair morale and financial damage. By June 1927, the Joint Board and Locals 2, 3, 9, 22, 23 and 82 moved back into the old building of the Joint Board.
1928 saw the establishment of a 40-hour, five-day week. Also beginning in 1928, vice president Isidore Nagler served as the general manager for the Joint Board. The Cloak Joint Board and the International issued a strike call and on July 2, 1929, and 28,000 cloakmakers stopped work. Ten days later, resolutions were adopted, and by July 16, the new collective agreements were signed. While New York was the biggest market in the country for cloak manufacturing, the industry did feel the effects of the Depression, with massive unemployment, the Joint Board tried to curb overtime if there are vacancies in shops. The Joint Board entered into a battle with manufacturers who wanted a return to piece work and the union who wanted week-work. Strike preparations took place and on July 13, 1932, a strike vote was approved if negotiations failed. At the last minute, mediation reached a new agreement retaining week-work. A work stoppage still occurred from July 27, 1932-August 18, 1932 hastening the conclusion of the negotiations. Another cloak industry stoppage from August 14, 1933 lasted two weeks, with agreements with cloak associations and the adoption of the NRA codes for the cloak industry. The NRA label was to appear in garments to eliminate sub-standard and sweatshop conditions. Labels were attached to every garment with a registration number assigned to each employer verifying they complied with the standards of the Code. In 1937, jurisdiction of the snowsuit shops was transferred to Cloak Joint Board which formed a new special Snowsuit Department.
At the beginning of the 1940s, the Joint Board was composed of 9 local unions--Locals 9 (Finishers and Tailors), 10 (Cutters), 23 (Skirtmakers), 35 (Cloak Pressers), 48 (Italian Cloakmakers), 117 (Cloak Operators), 64 (Buttonhole Makers), 82 (Cloak Examiners), 30 (Coat and Suit Designers), and viewed as the "backbone" of the ILGWU since 1910. The cloakmakers were the first to introduce and successfully support the practice of collective bargaining on an industry-wide scale in New York, and still maintained its position as a leader in change for the industry. General Manager Nagler declined to be a candidate for reelection in 1939. In February 1939, a temporary administrative committee was formed to manage affairs until August 1939, when vice-president Israel Feinberg (ILGWU director on the Pacific Coast since 1933) became the new general manager of the Cloak Joint Board, a position he held previously from 1920-1925. The Joint Board was active in the affairs of the National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board (formed in 1935 after the demise of the NRA) to help stabilize the industry and make sure production was under decent standards of employment. In 1943 the Board established an industry maintained Retirement fund that went into effect January 1944 providing (at the time) $600 per year for the approximately 35,000 members in the ILGWU cloak locals of New York who are 65 and older. An arbitrator award in June 1946 brought a wage increase, as well as the creation of a health and vacation fund contributed by the employers. Officially beginning operation January 1947, the health plan included medical treatment, hospitalization, sick benefits, eye exams, and tuberculosis benefits. Beginning in June 1947, cloakmakers would receive on weeks' vacation with pay. The Cloak Joint Board outgrew its headquarters on West 33rd St. and purchased a new building on West 38th St. between Fifth and Sixth Aves. to accommodate all the departments of the Cloak Joint Board and Local 23.
In December 1951, general manager Feinberg became ill and Louis Hyman (Local 9) took over as acting general manager. He officially retired in early 1952. In May 1952, Isidore Nagler was once again appointed the general manager (1928-1939). Feinberg (general manager from 1939-1952) died in September 1952. Towards the end of the decade, there were changes in the industry after the war, with a rise of section work, and for the first time, women were now majority of the workers. Local 102 Cloak and Dress Drivers' joined the Joint Board. In September 1959, Nagler died, and Henoch Mendelsund, who had been Nagler's assistant for six years, became the new manager of the Joint Board. By 1965 the change in demographics continued and almost 70% of the cloak workforce was now female. At the end of the 1960s, the Joint Board was composed of Local 117 Cloak Operators, Local 9 Cloak Finishers, Local 35 Cloak Pressers, Local 48 Italian Cloakmakers, Local 23-25 Blouse, Skirt and Sportswear Workers (November 1963 merger and name change), Local 82 Examiners, Local 64 Buttonhole Workers, and the cloak portion of Cutters Local 10.
The 1970s saw the introduction of new materials not previously used in coat and suit making, including fake fur, plastics, leather and suede. In January 1973, Mendelsund appointed Local 48 manager and union first vice president E. Howard Molisani the associate general manager for the Joint Board, and in July 1973, Mendelsund relinquished his post after 20 years of service in the Joint Board. At that time, Molisani became the general manager. The operations of the 1972 National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry (name changed from National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board) were discontinued in 1972. A restructure of cloak locals in New York City in 1972 precipitated by changes in the industry (membership decline, decline in coat and suit production, diversification of crafts and products, elimination of hand work), addressed locals based on outdated craft divisions, language or ethnic origin. The new locals consisted of: Local 1 United Coat, Suit and Allied Garment Workers' Union of Manhattan and the Bronx (operators, finishers, sample tailors, examiners, floor workers and buttonhole makers), Local 35 Coat, Suit, Sportswear and Allied Garment Pressers' Union (pressers in the coat and suit industry in Manhattan and the Bronx as well as pressers in sportswear shops), Local 48 United Coat, Suit and Allied Garment Workers' Union of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island (coat and suit workers in all crafts in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island). Locals 10 (Cutters) and 23-25 (Blouse, Skirt and Sportswear) were not affected. All assets and liabilities of the locals were transferred to the Joint Board and instituted were uniform amounts of dues, initiation fees and assessments for the locals, with the Joint Board handling the finances. The Cloak Joint Board name was officially changed to Joint Board of Coat, Suit and Allied Garment Workers' Unions.
In November 1977, the executive committee of the ILGWU General Executive Board enacted a resolution that merged the existing cloak, dress, rainwear and other affiliates in New York, thus ending the separate existence of the New York Cloak and Dress Joint Boards. The New York Cloak-Dress Joint Board and Affiliates consisted of Local 1-35 United Coat, Suit, Rainwear and Allied Workers Union of Manhattan; Local 10 Cutters; Local 22 Dressmakers Union of Manhattan; Local 48 Coat, Suit, Dress, Rainwear and Allied Workers Union of North Brooklyn; Local 77 Coat, Suit, Dress, Rainwear and Allied Workers Union of Queens; Local 89 Coat, Suit, Dress, Rainwear and Allied Workers Union of South Brooklyn; and Local 189 Coat, Suit, Dress, Rainwear and Allied Workers Union of the Bronx. At the same time, sportswear locals previously under the Dress or Cloak Joint Board were now a part of the new New York Sportswear and Allied Workers Joint Board (Local 10 Cutters; Local 23-25 Blouse, Skirt and Sportswear Workers; Local 91 Children's Dressmakers; Local 105 Snowsuit, Infants, and Novelty Sportswear; and Local 155 Knitgoods Workers). The new resolution redrew existing locals' jurisdiction to represent workers along geographic as well as industrial lines. The changes created a more efficient and economical representation of the workers and provided greater organizing ability and bargaining power. E. Howard Molisani, an ILGWU vice-president and manager of the Cloak Joint Board, was elected to serve as the general manager of the new organization. Following his retirement in July 1978, Samuel Nemaizer (formerly manager of the Dress Joint Board) was appointed to succeed Molisani as general manager.
In late 1981, the Joint Board approved a measure to dissolve Locals 48, 77 and 189 to create a stronger financial foundation for the organization. Members were transferred to Locals 22, 1-35 and 89. Local 89 was renamed Local 89-48 to honor the historic significance of the Italian cloakmakers. An October 1984 meeting resulted in more restructuring of the board and locals into a new Local 89-22-1. Changes in the garment industry necessitated the dissolution of the Joint Board and Locals 22 and 89-48. The charter of Local 1-35 was amended to create the new Local 89-22-1. With the consolidation of staff and retirements of managers Samuel Nemaizer, Manuel Gonzalez and Frank Longo, Samuel Byer, associate general manager of the New York Coat-Dress-Rainwear Joint Board was elected manager of Local 89-22-1. The New York Sportswear Joint Board was renamed the New York Joint Board in August 1985, and Locals 62- 32 and 66-40 joined the existing affiliates Locals 23-25, 155, 91-105 and 10 and managed by Edgar Romney. After the retirement in 1993 of Samuel Byer, Barbara Laufman was elected manager of Local 89-22-1. Local 89-22-1 was the successor to some of the oldest locals in the union from the coat, dress, suite and rainwear industries, as well as both the New York Dress and Cloak Joint Boards. In July 1922, the New York State District merged with Local 89-22-1.

The collection of the New York Cloak Joint Board is organized into two series. The first series contains the subject files of the Joint Board of Cloak, Suit, Skirt and Reefer Makers' Union. The records offer historical information about the Joint Board, which can be found in the documentation of the 50th anniversary of the cloakmakers' strike of 1910. There was a large celebration in 1960, and along with photographs of the big event, the speeches and programs discuss the history of the strike and the Joint Board. Additionally, there is a copy of the 1926 constitution of the Joint Board. It was during this time that the Joint Board was plagued by infighting and an attempted Communist control of the locals. Charges were brought against members and officers resigned in an effort to maintain the Joint Board.
The records document both the administrative function of the Joint Board, as well as that of the International union. The work of the International comprises correspondence from the office of presidents David Dubinsky and Louis Stulberg. ILGWU Departments represented includes: Education, (Management) Engineering, Fair Trade Practices, Legal, Political, Research, Retiree Service, and Union Label. The records of the Union Label Department offers reports, articles and clippings, and provides information on the general history and use of the label. More specifically, there is correspondence with the Joint Board regarding use of the label and the companies and firms that were not using complying. Promotional material and publicity campaigns, studies and surveys, illustrate label use and its effectiveness. Additional ILGWU business involves the union's National Retirement Fund (general information, by-laws, rules and regulations); the retirement plan for staff members of the ILGWU (those that work in the office); and the Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (SUB) Fund offered to those who had been in the employ of a terminated business (rules and regulations, meeting minutes). The collection also offers information on cooperative housing and possible early housing projects of the ILGWU (folder entitled "Housing"). There are Board of Director meeting minutes and Stockholder meeting minutes for the East River Housing, as well as early documents of the United Housing Foundation.
Administrative departments of the Cloak Joint Board that are represented includes: the reports of the Cloak and Suit Department within the Joint Board; the Health and Welfare Fund and its predecessor the Health and Vacation Fund (meeting minutes, financial reports, rules and regulations, benefits); the Organization Department (handmade fliers that were passed out in shops, lists of firms to organize as well as those that joined the manufacturer associations, reports, and the organizational campaign to unionize the entire cloak industry); the Price Adjustment Department (reports on rate increases, piece work settlements); and the Reefer Department (children's style of coat, reports from the children's coat department). Notable records involve the Overlapping Department. The correspondence references the encroachment of men's clothing establishments on the women's coat and suit industry. This production of ladies garments by men's garment manufacturers resulted from the new style of "mannish" suits for women.
There are files of correspondence and agreements with numerous Manufacturers Associations: the American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers' Association, the Industrial Council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, the Infants' and Childrens' Coat Association, Inc., and the Merchant Ladies Garment Association, Inc. Additionally, there were departments within the Joint Board that worked with the manufacturers. These included the Industrial Council Department and the Merchants-American Department. The Industrial Council Department of the Cloak Joint Board resolved complaints, settlements of prices, held investigations and shop meetings, handled and prepared union books, and were involved in union activities and publicity drives. They also managed all complaints with manufacturer associations, mainly the Industrial Council Association and American Association. The Merchants-American Department was similar in that it dealt with complaints, discharge of workers, payroll defaults, underpayment of wages, non-payment for overtime work, failure of shops to keep proper books, and visits and investigation of firms.
The general files of the Cloak Joint Board reflect the routine and administrative function of the Joint Board mainly from 1930 through the 1960s. Subjects include officer elections and installations, information on board members, speeches at the installation ceremonies, financial statements, assets and accounts, and informative reports created by the Research Department offering a look at production, earnings, and conditions in the industry through compiled studies. The records of the Joint Board Grievance Committee consists of cases before the committee, arranged by case number, with an overview of the grievance, individuals involved, and finals actions. The reports from the general manager to the Board of Directors of the Joint Board compiles the union's activities, and provides an overview of what was happening in the industry. The bulk of the collection is made up of correspondence, speeches, and even photographs of three of its managers, Israel Feinberg, Isidore Nagler, and Henoch Mendelsund. Israel Feinberg was manager of the Cloak Joint Board from 1920-1925, and then was reappointed in 1939 until his death in 1952. Isidore Nagler held the position of general manager from 1928-1939 and became manager again in 1952 until his death in 1959. Henoch Mendelsund was Nagler's assistant for years became the new manager of the Joint Board in 1959 and retired in 1973.
The Brooklyn Office of the Cloak Joint Board handled the shops and workers in Brooklyn, including charges and complaints, discharge cases, and reports from the office supervisors. Shop complaints from members and locals went to the Joint Board, the Grievance Committee and sometimes the Impartial Chairman. The Impartial Chairman of the Cloak and Suit Industry arbitrated disputes in the industry and the records contain hearings and cases as well as the decisions rendered. The National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry continued the work of the National Recovery Board to ensure that garments were made under fair working conditions. The records include correspondence, reports, negotiations, hand written notes, preparatory documents and research, proposals and demands.
The Cloak Out-of-Town Department was composed of locals that represented cloak workers not in New York City, but worked closely with the New York Cloak Joint Board and the collection contains meeting minutes and correspondence between managers and locals. There is also the correspondence with other Joint Boards across the country including the Los Angeles Joint Board and South Jersey-Philadelphia Joint Board. Locals affiliated with the Cloak Joint Board are contained in this collection, and in many instances their own as well: Cloak and Suit Tailors' Local 9 (5780/013; 5780/017; 5780/017P), Amalgamated Ladies' Garment Cutters' Union Local 10 (5780/001; 5780/008; 5780/011; 5780/012; 5780/094; 5780/131), Waterproof Garment Workers' Union Local 20, Blouse, Skirt and Sportswear Workers Union Local 23-25 (5780/059; 5780/059P; 5780/059Pubs; 5780/095), Skirt and Sportswear Workers' Union Local 23, Designers' Guild of Ladies' Apparel Local 30, Corset and Brassier Workers' Local 32, Cloak, Skirt and Dress Pressers Local 35 (5780/031), Italian Cloak, Suit and Skirt Makers Local 48 (5780/040), Buttonhole Makers Local 64, Examiners and Floor Workers Local 82 (5780/007), Office and Distribution Employees Local 99, Cloak and Dress Drivers' and Helpers Local 102, Snowsuits, Ski Wear, Leggings, Infants and Novelty Sportswear Local 105 (5780/053), United Cloak, Suit, Infants and Children's Coat Operators and Sample Makers Local 117 (5780/034), Knitgoods Workers Local 155 (5780/076; 5780/129).
Individual correspondents represented in the collection include: David Dubinsky; William Green; Averell Harriman; Sidney Hillman; Irving Howe; Jacob Javits; Fiorello LaGuardia; Herbert Lehman; Elias Lieberman; Jay Lovestone; George Meany; Marianne Moore; Jacob Potofsky; Nelson Rockefeller; Rose Schneiderman; Matthew Schoenwald; Mark Starr; Louis Stulberg; Norman Thomas; Gus Tyler; and Charles S. Zimmerman.
Organizations include: the AFL-CIO; the American Labor Party; Histadrut; the Jewish Daily Forward; the Jewish Labor Committee; the Liberal Party of New York; the National Recovery Administration; the Rand School of Social Science; and the Socialist Party.
The Second Series involves subject files arranged alphabetically for the Cloak Out-of-Town Department and include locals, educational programs and training seminars, and departments.
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Preferred Citation

ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board records #5780/020. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.

Related Materials

Related Collections: 5780: ILGWU records 5780/032: ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board minutes 5780/041: ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board payroll analysis 5780/161: ILGWU. New York Cloak Joint Board. Advisory Commission on the Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Industry in New York records 5780/013: ILGWU. Local 9. Managers' correspondence 5780/017: ILGWU. Local 9. Executive Board and Grievance Committee minutes 5780/017: ILGWU. Local 9. Executive Board and Grievance Committee minutes 5780/001: ILGWU. Local 10 minutes 5780/008: ILGWU. Local 10 dues books 5780/011: ILGWU. Local 10. Managers' correspondence 5780/012: ILGWU. Local 10. Managers' correspondence 5780/094: ILGWU. Local 10 membership record books 5780/131: ILGWU. Local 10 records 5780/059: ILGWU. Local 23-25 records 5780/059: ILGWU. Local 23-25 records 5780/095: ILGWU. Local 23-25 records 5780/031: ILGWU. Local 35 records 5780/040: ILGWU. Local 48 records 5780/007: ILGWU. Local 82 minutes 5780/053: ILGWU. Local 105 records 5780/034: ILGWU. Local 117 minutes 5780/076: ILGWU. Local 132. Managers' correspondence 5780/129: ILGWU. Local 155 records


Dubinsky, David, 1892-1982.
Feinberg, Israel.
Green, William, 1872-1952.
Harriman, W. Averell(William Averell), 1891-1986.
Hillman, Sidney, 1887-1946.
Howe, Irving.
Javits, Jacob K.(Jacob Koppel), 1904-1986.
La Guardia, Fiorello H.(Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947.
Lehman, Herbert H.(Herbert Henry), 1878-1963.
Lieberman, Elias, b. 1888-
Lovestone, Jay.
Meany, George, 1894-
Mendelsund, Henoch.
Moore, Marianne, 1887-1972.
Nagler, Isadore.
Potofsky, Jacob S. (Jacob Samuel), 1894-1979
Rockefeller, Nelson A.(Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979.
Schneiderman, Rose, 1882-1972.
Schoenwald, Matthew.
Starr, Mark, 1894-
Stulberg, Louis, 1901-1977.
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968.
Tyler, Gus.
Zimmerman, Charles S., 1896-1983.
American Labor Party
Histadrut ha-kelalit shel ha-'ovdim be-Erets-Yisra'el
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. New York Cloak Joint Board
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Cloak Out-of-Town Dept
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Cloak Out-of-Town Dept
Jewish Labor Committee (U.S.)
Liberal Party of New York State
Rand School of Social Science
Socialist Party (U.S.)
New York (State) -- Politics and government -- 20th century
Forverts (New York, N.Y.)
Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- New York (State) -- New York
Clothing workers -- Labor unions -- Organizing -- New York (State) -- New York
Collective bargaining -- New York (State) -- New York
Economic assistance -- Israel
Health insurance -- New York (State) -- New York
International labor activities.
Labor laws and legislation--United States.
Labor laws and legislation -- New York (State) -- New York
Labor union locals.
Labor unions -- New York (State) -- New York -- Political activity
Pension trusts -- New York (State) -- New York
Wages -- Clothing workers -- New York (State) -- New York
Wages -- Clothing workers -- United States
Women's clothing industry -- New York (State) -- New York
Women's clothing industry -- United States
Working class -- Education -- New York (State) -- New York
Working class -- Education -- United States
United States--Politics and government--20th century.

Series I: New York Cloak Joint Board Subject Files, 1926-1973
Box 1 Folder 1a
Scope and Contents
Incl. Arthur Altmeyer ltrs.
Box 1 Folder 1b
Asbestos [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Irving J. Selikoff, M.D.; reports on hazards of asbestos in garments.
Box 1 Folder 1c
Asbestos [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Irving J. Selikoff, M.D.; reports on hazards of asbestos in garments.
Box 1 Folder 2
Agency Account
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. David Dubinsky, Louis Stulberg & Harry Krugman and financial reports.
Box 1 Folder 3
Agency Account
Scope and Contents
Financial reports.
Box 1 Folder 4a
Agency Account, Bellevue (Nebraska) Bridge [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Legal briefs, ILGWU et al. vs Shields & Co. (suit pertaining to bridge).
Box 1 Folder 4b
Agency Account, Bellevue (Nebraska) Bridge [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Legal briefs, ILGWU et al. vs Shields & Co. (suit pertaining to bridge).
Box 1 Folder 5a
Agency Account, Tri-State Airport [folder 1 of 2]
Box 1 Folder 5b
Agency Account, Tri-State Airport [folder 2 of 2]
Box 1 Folder 6a
Authority [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Huntington, W. Va.) Corres., financial & annual reports.
Box 1 Folder 6b
Authority [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Huntington, W. Va.) Corres., financial & annual reports.
Box 2 Folder 1
American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers' Association
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Charles Sussman, Louis Goldspinner & Anthony Conticelli.
Box 2 Folder 2
American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers' Association
Scope and Contents
Corres. & statements during negotiations.
Box 2 Folder 3
American Association for a Democratic Germany
Box 2 Folder 4
American Federation of Labor
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. William Green & George Meany (1952); corres. re Israel Feinberg's trip to Germany (1946); reports & resolutions.
Box 2 Folder 5
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Jay Lovestone & Louis Stulberg; resolutions.
Box 2 Folder 6
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Boys' Town of Italy (Patrick Carroll-Abbing).
Box 2 Folder 7
Bensonhurst Office, Cloak Joint Board
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. E. Piccione & Max Carolinsky.
Box 2 Folder 8
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Incl. reports by Anthony Cottone, Samuel Zeldin, John Denaro & Dante Di Biase.
Box 2 Folder 9
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Incl. reports by Anthony Cottone, Samuel Zeldin, John Denaro & Dante Di Biase.
Box 2 Folder 10
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 3 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Incl. reports by Anthony Cottone, Samuel Zeldin, John Denaro & Dante Di Biase.
Box 2 Folder 11
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 4 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Incl. reports by Anthony Cottone, Samuel Zeldin, John Denaro & Dante Di Biase.
Box 3 Folder 1
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports, Anthony Cottone.
Box 3 Folder 2
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports, Anthony Cottone.
Box 3 Folder 3
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 3 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports, Anthony Cottone.
Box 3 Folder 4
Brooklyn Office, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 4 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports, Anthony Cottone.
Box 3 Folder 5
Brownsville Office, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Corres. w. Alex J. Miller.
Box 3 Folder 6
Bund (Jewish Workers Union of Poland)
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Emanuel Scherer.
Box 3 Folder 7
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Jesse Carpenter.
Box 3 Folder 8
Celebration, 1910 Strike Anniversary
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. re Carnegie Hall (NYC) meeting.
Box 3 Folder 9
Celebration, 1910 Strike Anniversary
Scope and Contents
Speeches & press releases.
Box 3 Folder 10
Celebration, 1910 Strike Anniversary
Scope and Contents
Box 4 Folder 1
Celebration, 1910 Strike Anniversary
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings.
Box 4 Folder 2
Celebration, 1910 Strike Anniversary
Scope and Contents
Incl. 50th anniversary journal, 1910 (Gerechtiqkeit) & programs.
Box 4 Folder 3
Celebration, 25th Anniversary of David Dubinsky's Presidency
Scope and Contents
Incl. circulars, notes & statements.
Box 4 Folder 4
Celebration, 35th Anniversary of 1910 Cloakmakers' Strike
Scope and Contents
Incl. speeches & releases.
Box 4 Folder 5
Citizens' Union of the City of N.Y.
Box 4 Folder 6
City of Hope (Los Angeles Sanatorium)
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Ben Horowitz.
Box 4 Folder 7
Cloak Control Department, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Saul Metz report.
Box 4 Folder 8
Cloak Out-of-Town Department
Scope and Contents
Joint Council minutes.
Box 4 Folder 9
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Louis Stulberg & Murray Edelstein.
Box 4 Folder 10
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Irving Astrow, Mildred Lippman & William Ross.
Box 4 Folder 11
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Irving Astrow & Louis Stulberg; reports on educational activities; memo on Mona Lisa Coat Co.; COT News (1966).
Box 4 Folder 12
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Irving Astrow & George Rubin.
Box 5 Folder 1
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. George Rubin & Morris Bagno.
Box 5 Folder 2
Cloak Out-of-Town Dept.
Scope and Contents
Incl. reports by George Rubin & Alex S. Miller.
Box 5 Folder 3
Coat and Suit Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Hyman Libow reports.
Box 5 Folder 4
Coat and Suit Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Hyman Libow reports.
Box 5 Folder 5
Coat and Suit Disabilities Benefits Fund
Scope and Contents
Memo from Leon Hudes, with "Analysis of 1971 Correspondence Relating to Disability Benefits"
Box 5 Folder 6
The Coat and Suit Survey. Women's Suits
Scope and Contents
Feb. 1966. Analysis by Dr. Clara H. Friedman (director of research), Audits & Surveys Co., Inc.; also incl. second section of The Coat and Suit Survey (1964).
Box 5 Folder 7
Collection Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Box 5 Folder 8
Complaints from Workers
Box 5 Folder 9
Complaints from Workers
Box 5 Folder 10
Complaints from Workers
Box 6 Folder 1
Complaints from Workers
Box 6 Folder 2
Complaints from Workers
Box 6 Folder 3
Complaints from Workers
Scope and Contents
Incl. undated ltrs.
Box 6 Folder 4
Congress for Jewish Culture Central Yiddish Culture Organization (CYCO), Inc.
Box 6 Folder 5
Constitution, Jt. Bd. of the Cloak, Suit, Skirt, Dress and Reefer Makers' Unions of N.Y. and Vicinity
Scope and Contents
Incl. amendments adopted Mar. 24, 1926.
Box 6 Folder 6
Conventions, ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Incl. Resolutions Comm. report.
Box 6 Folder 7
Conventions, ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Incl. Constitution Revision Comm. minutes (Mar. 19, 1968).
Box 6 Folder 8
Conventions, ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Corres. & drafts of Constitutional Revision Comm.
Box 6 Folder 9
Court Cases
Scope and Contents
NLRB cases, briefs and memoranda, law suits.
Box 6 Folder 10
Scope and Contents
Incl. Emma Dubinsky ltr. re "Testimonial Performance in Honor of Joseph Buloff & Luba Kadison."
Box 7 Folder 1
Deborah Hospital (NYC)
Box 7 Folder 2
Box 7 Folder 3
East River Housing Corp. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. & minutes.
Box 7 Folder 4
East River Housing Corp. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. & minutes.
Box 7 Folder 5
Eastern Out-of-Town Dept.
Scope and Contents
Sew n Sew (1956), a pub.; corres.
Box 7 Folder 6
Eastern Region
Scope and Contents
Corres. & statements.
Box 7 Folder 7
Epstein, Melech
Scope and Contents
Requests for financial aid for books on Jewish labor movement.
Box 7 Folder 8
Evan-Picone, Inc. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres. re negotiations & agreements, industrial problems, price lists; reports.
Box 7 Folder 9
Evan-Picone, Inc. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres. re negotiations & agreements, industrial problems, price lists; reports.
Box 7 Folder 10
Box 7 Folder 11
Fashion Capital of the World
Scope and Contents
Incl. design contest.
Box 8 Folder a
Fashion Institute of Technology [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Robert F. Wagner (mayor) remarks at dedication of Isidore Nagler Hall (1962); textile pilot plant project; James Laver of Victoria and Albert Museum, London, speech (1965).
Box 8 Folder 1b
Fashion Institute of Technology [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Robert F. Wagner (mayor) remarks at dedication of Isidore Nagler Hall (1962); textile pilot plant project; James Laver of Victoria and Albert Museum, London, speech (1965).
Box 8 Folder 2
Federation of Union Representatives (FOUR)
Scope and Contents
Newsletter, resolutions, printed material.
Box 8 Folder 3
Feinberg, Israel
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Matthew Woll & ltr. to William Green re son, Basil.
Box 8 Folder 4
Feinberg, Israel
Scope and Contents
Corres. re "Labor Pains" & Calif. locals.
Box 8 Folder 5
Feinberg, Israel
Scope and Contents
Incl. speeches & statements.
Box 8 Folder 6
Feinberg, Israel
Scope and Contents
Condolences on his death, newspaper articles.
Box 8 Folder 7
Feinberg Memorial Fund
Scope and Contents
Incl. speeches at FIT lecture series.
Box 8 Folder 8
Federal Trade Commission
Scope and Contents
Complaint by Commission against Nat'l. Coat & Suit Recovery Bd., et al., for suppression of competition.
Box 8 Folder 9
Form Letters
Scope and Contents
Incl. press releases & broadsides (Union & non-Union).
Box 9 Folder 1
Freeland League
Box 9 Folder 2
General Executive Board
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports of the gen'l. mgr.
Box 9 Folder 3
Scope and Contents
Report of I. Nagler re jurisdictional questions bet. Locals 23 & 105.
Box 9 Folder 4
Government Work
Scope and Contents
Lists of shops available for gov't orders during Korean War.
Box 9 Folder 5
Grievance and Appeal Committee. Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Minutes & reports.
Box 9 Folder 6
Guaranteed Holidays
Scope and Contents
Re payment to members for paid holidays.
Box 9 Folder 7
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Hannah Haskel, Hebrew Sheltering & Immigrant Aid Society, Roy Helfgott & Irving Howe; Averell Harriman ltr.
Box 9 Folder 8
Handmacher and Vogel, Inc.
Scope and Contents
Master agreement (May 1967) & corres.
Box 9 Folder 9
Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York (HIP)
Box 9 Folder 10
Health and Vacation Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Financial reports.
Box 9 Folder 11
Health and Vacation Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Financial reports.
Box 10 Folder 1
Health and Vacation Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Minutes, rules & regulations, corres.
Box 10 Folder 2
Health and Welfare Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Corres., Blue Cross Group Contract (1968); estimated income and expenses.
Box 10 Folder 3
Health and Welfare Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Bd. of Trustees (1964-67); form ltrs.; comparison of benefits before and after July 1967.
Box 10 Folder 4
Health and Welfare Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Rules and Regulations.
Box 10 Folder 5
Health and Welfare Fund, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Pamphlets to members, corres.
Box 10 Folder 6
High School of Fashion Industries
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Central High School of Needle Trades.
Box 10 Folder 7
Home and Hospital of the Daughters of Jacob
Box 10 Folder 8
Scope and Contents
Proposals re retired members.
Box 10 Folder 9
Box 10 Folder 10
Impartial Chairmen [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Decisions, statements & corres.
Box 10 Folder 11
Impartial Chairmen [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Decisions, statements & corres.
Box 11 Folder 1a
Impartial Chairmen [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Hearings re Union demand for a wage readjustment, statements.
Box 11 Folder 1b
Impartial Chairmen [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Hearings re Union demand for a wage readjustment, statements.
Box 11 Folder 1c
Impartial Chairmen
Box 11 Folder 2a
Industrial Council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, Inc. [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Samuel Klein, Bertram Reinitz; Union notices to employers re collective negotiations.
Box 11 Folder 2b
Industrial Council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, Inc. [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Samuel Klein, Bertram Reinitz; Union notices to employers re collective negotiations.
Box 11 Folder 2c
Industrial Council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, Inc. [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Samuel Klein, Bertram Reinitz; Union notices to employers re collective negotiations.
Box 11 Folder 3
Industrial Council Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports by Alex S. Miller & Hyman Libow.
Box 12 Folder 1a
Industrial Council Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports by Morris Feinberg, N. Hines & Alex S. Miller.
Box 12 Folder 1b
Industrial Council Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports by Morris Feinberg, N. Hines & Alex S. Miller.
Box 12 Folder 1c
Industrial Council Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports by Morris Feinberg, N. Hines & Alex S. Miller.
Box 12 Folder 2a
Infants' and Children's Coat Association, Inc. [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph L. Rubin & Charles Baker.
Box 12 Folder 2b
Infants' and Children's Coat Association, Inc. [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph L. Rubin & Charles Baker.
Box 12 Folder 2c
Infants' and Children's Coat Association, Inc. [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph L. Rubin & Charles Baker.
Box 13 Folder 1a
International Labour Organization [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., speeches and reports re Textiles. Committee meeting in Geneva; George Meany ltr.; Henoch Mendelsund, Workers' Delegate to ILO.
Box 13 Folder 1b
International Labour Organization [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., speeches and reports re Textiles. Committee meeting in Geneva; George Meany ltr.; Henoch Mendelsund, Workers' Delegate to ILO.
Box 13 Folder 1c
International Labour Organization
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Pinhas Lavon; trip abroad by Isidore Nagler, incl. meeting of ILO as Advisor to Workers' Delegate.
Box 13 Folder 2a
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. David Dubinsky & Louis Stulberg; Dubinsky speech (n.d.).
Box 13 Folder 2b
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. David Dubinsky & Louis Stulberg; Dubinsky speech (n.d.).
Box 13 Folder 3
ILGWU. Campaign Committees
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Evelyn Dubrow, Louis Stulberg; form ltrs.
Box 13 Folder 4
ILGWU. Campaign Committees
Scope and Contents
Leaflets & form ltrs
Box 13 Folder 5
ILGWU. Education Dept.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Hark Starr, Gus Tyler, Jasper Peyton; ltr. from James T. Farrell; talk by Henoch Mendelsund (executive secretary). Local 9, to Officers' Qualification Courses (Sept. 1952).
Box 13 Folder 6
ILGWU. (Management) Engineering Dept
Scope and Contents
Reports on firms
Box 13 Folder 7
ILGWU. Fair Trade Practices Dept.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Matthew Schoenwald (director); reports re import problems.
Box 13 Folder 8
ILGWU. Justice
Scope and Contents
Articles; incl. Gerechticrkeit
Box 14 Folder 1
ILGWU. Legal Dept.
Scope and Contents
Incl. excerpt from memo, "Wage Controls under the Defense Production Act of 1950" by Morris P Glushien re wagen egotiations during Korean War
Box 14 Folder 2
ILGWU. Master Agreements Dept.
Box 14 Folder 3a
ILGWU. National Retirement Fund [folder 1 of 3]
Box 14 Folder 4
ILGWU. National Retirement Fund [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Arthur Altmeyer & Louis Rolnick, reports.
Box 14 Folder 4b
ILGWU. National Retirement Fund [folder 2 of 3]
Box 14 Folder 5
ILGWU. Nat'l. Retirement Fund
Scope and Contents
By-laws, rules & regulations (1972).
Box 14 Folder 6
ILGWU. Nat'l. Retirement Fund
Scope and Contents
Corres. re merger (1965) of funds of Union affiliates into ILGWU nat'l. fund; rules & regulations (1964).
Box 14 Folder 7
ILGWU. Nat'l. Retirement Fund
Scope and Contents
Report of the administrator.
Box 14 Folder 8
ILGWU. Nat'l. Retirement Fund
Scope and Contents
Petitions for Pension Plan.
Box 15 Folder 1
ILGWU. Political Dept.
Box 15 Folder 2
ILGWU. Research Dept. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Lazare Teper, reports on imports & wages.
Box 15 Folder 3
ILGWU. Research Dept. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Lazare Teper, reports on imports & wages.
Box 15 Folder 4
ILGWU. Retiree Service Dept. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. David Dubinsky, Zalman Lichtenstein; reports, visiting program, Special Assistance Fund.
Box 15 Folder 5
ILGWU. Retiree Service Dept. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. David Dubinsky, Zalman Lichtenstein; reports, visiting program, Special Assistance Fund.
Box 16 Folder 1a
ILGWU. Staff Retirement Plan [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Reports & corres.
Box 16 Folder 1b
ILGWU. Staff Retirement Plan [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Reports & corres.
Box 16 Folder 2a
ILGWU. Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (SUB) Fund
Box 16 Folder 2b
Scope and Contents
Administrator's report to board of trustees.
Box 16 Folder 3
Scope and Contents
Board of trustees minutes.
Box 16 Folder 4
ILGWU. Union Label Dept [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. material on "Made in Japan" ad.
Box 16 Folder 5
ILGWU. Union Label Dept [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. material on "Made in Japan" ad.
Box 17 Folder 1
ILGWU. Union Label Dept [folder 1 of 2]
Box 17 Folder 2
ILGWU. Union Label Dept [folder 2 of 2]
Box 17 Folder 3
ILGWU. Union Label Dept.
Scope and Contents
The Keys to Selling the Union to the American Public (1962) and A Study of the Attitudes of American Women Toward Trade Unions in America (May 1962) by Louis Harris & Associates.
Box 17 Folder 4
ILGWU. Unity House
Scope and Contents
Minutes of the GEB Committee; corres.
Box 17 Folder 5
ILGWU. Welfare and Health Benefits Dept.
Scope and Contents
Reports on ILGWU drug plan and Cloak Jt. Bd. dental program; report of the administrator to board of trustees (Dec. 4, 1969); corres.
Box 18 Folder 1
International Solidarity Committee
Box 18 Folder 2
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. congressmen re Israel Aid Act of 1951; Labor Zionist Comm. for Relief & Rehabilitation; speech by Israel Fein-berg, trade union meeting on partition of Palestine, Yankee Stadium (Apr. 14, 1948).
Box 18 Folder 3
Israel, Amun-Israeli Housing Corp
Box 18 Folder 4
Israel, Histadrut (National Committee for Labor Israel) [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Averell Harriman ltr.
Box 18 Folder 5
Israel, Histadrut (National Committee for Labor Israel) [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. Averell Harriman ltr.
Box 18 Folder 6
Israel, Manhattan Center Mass Rally
Scope and Contents
March 1, 1948. Jt. Bd. meeting on partition of Palestine.
Box 18 Folder 7
Italian-American Labor Council
Box 18 Folder 9
Jewish Daily Forward, NYC, Boston, Los Angeles
Box 18 Folder 10
Jewish Labor Committee
Scope and Contents
Corres., draft resolutions, statements.
Box 19 Folder 1a
J.L.C. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. "The Crisis of the Free World" (speech, 1956) by I. Nagler; "German Rearmament? The French View" (article, 1950) by Daniel Mayer.
Box 19 Folder 1b
J.L.C. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Incl. "The Crisis of the Free World" (speech, 1956) by I. Nagler; "German Rearmament? The French View" (article, 1950) by Daniel Mayer.
Box 19 Folder 1c
Scope and Contents
Corres. re adoption of orphans; trip to Europe by I. Feinberg (1949).
Box 19 Folder 2
Jewish Sanatorium Hospital for Chronic Diseases, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Box 19 Folder 3a
Joint Boards, Los Angeles Cloak [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Isidor Stenzor, Louis Pine & I. Lutsky; L.A. negotiations (1964, 1967).
Box 19 Folder 3b
Joint Boards, Los Angeles Cloak [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Isidor Stenzor, Louis Pine & I. Lutsky; L.A. negotiations (1964, 1967).
Box 19 Folder 4
Jt. Bd., Los Angeles Dress
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Fannie Borax & George Wishnak.
Box 19 Folder 5
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers, Incl. Corres., photographs.
Box 19 Folder 6
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers; incl. report of general manager, lists of executive board members, speeches, corres.
Box 19 Folder 7
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers; incl. speeches.
Box 19 Folder 8
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers; incl. speeches and congratulatory messages when H.Mendelsund became general manager of Jt. Bd. (Sept. 1959) and vice-president (Jan. 1960), of Union.
Box 20 Folder 1
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers; incl. speeches and corres.
Box 20 Folder 2
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Installation of officers, incl. I. Nagler as general manager (1952).
Box 20 Folder 3
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak [folder 1 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Research Dept.; reports, surveys of annual earnings by Roy Helfgott, press releases and corres.
Box 20 Folder 4
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak [folder 2 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Research Dept.; reports, surveys of annual earnings by Roy Helfgott, press releases and corres.
Box 20 Folder 5
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak [folder 3 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Research Dept.; reports, surveys of annual earnings by Roy Helfgott, press releases and corres.
Box 20 Folder 6
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak [folder 4 of 4]
Scope and Contents
Research Dept.; reports, surveys of annual earnings by Roy Helfgott, press releases and corres.
Box 20 Folder 7
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak
Scope and Contents
Statistical data, financial statements & reports on membership, lists of jobbers & contractors (1939).
Box 20 Folder 8
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak and Dress
Scope and Contents
Incl. Union releases.
Box 20 Folder 9
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Cloak. n.d.
Scope and Contents
Historical & general information on Jt. Bd.
Box 20 Folder 10
Jt. Bd., N.Y. Dress
Scope and Contents
Statements & corres., pamphlets.
Box 21 Folder 1
Jt. Bd., South Jersey-Philadelphia
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Barnett Karp, Morris Dobren & Harry Benn.
Box 21 Folder 2
Jt. Bd., Miscellaneous
Box 21 Folder 3a
Jurisdictional Disputes, Inter-Union
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Jacob Potofsky re Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
Box 21 Folder 3b
Jurisdictional Disputes, Intra-Union
Scope and Contents
Locals 23, 25, 66, 91 & 105; incl. GEB Comm. reports.
Box 21 Folder 4a
Box 21 Folder 4b
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Fiorello La Guardia, Samuel Lefkovitz, Herbert H. Lehman; Life of a Cloakmaker controversy (Meyer Kushner-Harry Lang); memo of meeting re visit of contractors to Unity House with I. Feinberg, R. Zuckerman & Hyman Libow present (1940).
Box 21 Folder 4c
Labor Aid Project
Scope and Contents
Executive board minutes; fund raising corres.
Box 21 Folder 5
Labor Day Greetings
Scope and Contents
Articles for newspapers
Box 21 Folder 6
League for Industrial Democracy
Scope and Contents
Fund raising; i.c.w. Students for a Democratic Society.
Box 21 Folder 7
Legal Feasibility of Importing into United States Polish Garment Workers
Scope and Contents
Memo by James Lipsig to David Dubinsky.
Box 21 Folder 8
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. legislators in Albany & Washington; ltrs. from Jacob Javits, Herbert Lehman & Nelson Rockefeller; statement on Hatch-Ashberry Bill (1958).
Box 21 Folder 9
Liberal Party
Box 21 Folder 10
Local 9, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Harry Fisher & Louis Hyman; printed material.
Box 21 Folder 11
Local 9, NYC
Scope and Contents
Annual reports (1967 & 1963); Examination Committee, 1953; election leaflets, 1950-68.
Box 22 Folder 1
Local 10, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Abe Dolgen & Moe Falikman.
Box 22 Folder 2
Local 10, NYC. n.d.
Scope and Contents
Election leaflets.
Box 22 Folder 3
Local 20, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Sam Fine & Joe Kessler.
Box 22 Folder 4
Local 23-25, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Shelley Appleton.
Box 22 Folder 5
Local 23, NYC [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Shelley Appleton & Louis Reiss; manager's reports to membership meetings (1945-53); printed matter.
Box 22 Folder 5
Local 23, NYC [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Shelley Appleton & Louis Reiss; manager's reports to membership meetings (1945-53); printed matter.
Box 22 Folder 6
Local 30, NYC
Box 22 Folder 7
Local 32, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Abraham Snyder, & Julius Ramirez.
Box 22 Folder 8
Local 35, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph Breslaw & Morris Kovler; organizing drive (1949); plan for guaranteed terra of employment (1950); Local 35 News (Apr. 1958 & April 1960); printed material.
Box 22 Folder 9
Local 48, NYC [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Edward Molisani & E. Howard Molisani; rules & regulations of Local (n.d.); printed material.
Box 22 Folder 9
Local 48, NYC [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Edward Molisani & E. Howard Molisani; rules & regulations of Local (n.d.); printed material.
Box 23 Folder 1
Local 64, NYC
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. re negotiations.
Box 23 Folder 2
Local 82, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Charles Bernstein, Joshua Fogel, & Violet Watson; negotiations; printed material.
Box 23 Folder 3
Local 99, NYC
Scope and Contents
Constitution & by-laws of Health & Welfare Fund of Local (1973); corres
Box 23 Folder 4
Local 102, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Sain Berger.
Box 23 Folder 5
Local 105, NYC
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. re jurisdictional questions bet. Locals 23 & 105; Leadership Conference (1963); corres. w. Martin Cohen.
Box 23 Folder 6
Local 117, NYC [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Nat Windman & Benjamin Kaplan; Finance Comm. report; printed material.
Box 23 Folder 7
Local 117, NYC [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Nat Windman & Benjamin Kaplan; Finance Comm. report; printed material.
Box 23 Folder 8
Local 155, NYC
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Louis Nelson, printed material, press releases.
Box 23 Folder 9
Locals, Miscellaneous
Scope and Contents
Jack Spitzer's statement on enforced resignation as mgr- secy, Local 60 (1959); copy of ltr. sent by Charles S. Zimmerman on conditions in N.Y. Central Trades & Labor Council (1950).
Box 23 Folder 10
Local Managers' (N.Y. Cloak) Conferences
Box 23 Folder 11
London, Meyer, Memorial Committee
Scope and Contents
Speeches at memorial (1951) on 25th anniversary of death.
Box 23 Folder 12
London, Meyer, Public School no.2
Scope and Contents
Incl. speeches at dedication, photographs.
Box 24 Folder 1
Scope and Contents
Incl. copy of Marianne Moore ltr. & memo by H.M. to I.N. re John Marsh (n.d.).
Box 24 Folder 2
Maltese, Antonio, Case
Scope and Contents
Appeal Committee Case #901, accusation & transcript of Grievance Comm. meeting (May 6, 1952), decision of Appeal Comm.
Box 24 Folder 3
Mannish Suit and Overlapping Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Corres. with Benjamin Moser & Charles Oronsky; incl. reports.
Box 24 Folder 4
Markewich and Null
Scope and Contents
Corres. re People (Vito Trimarco) vs Giuseppe Fristachi and assaults on Hyman Libow and Samuel Zeldin.
Box 24 Folder 5
Mendelsund, Henoch
Scope and Contents
Awards, security information data (1968); ltr. of thanks from Sol C. Chaikin (May 28, 1971
Box 24 Folder 6
Mendelsund, Henoch
Scope and Contents
Speeches and reports.
Box 24 Folder 7
Mendelsund, Henoch. Photographs.
Box 24 Folder 8
Merchants-American Department, Cloak Joint Board [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. John Denaro, Hyman Libow, Harry Fein, Harry Slutzky, M. Bagno; reports.
Box 24 Folder 9
Merchants-American Department, Cloak Joint Board [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. John Denaro, Hyman Libow, Harry Fein, Harry Slutzky, M. Bagno; reports.
Box 24 Folder 10
Merchants-American Department, Cloak Joint Board [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. John Denaro, Hyman Libow, Harry Fein, Harry Slutzky, M. Bagno; reports.
Box 25 Folder 1
Merchant Ladies Garment Association, Inc.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph Dubow.
Box 25 Folder 2
Box 25 Folder 3
Modecraft Coat Co.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Harry Benn, William Ross; workers' complaints; lists of workers.
Box 25 Folder 4
Modern Review
Scope and Contents
Fund raising ltrs.
Box 25 Folder 5a
Box 25 Folder 5b
Nagler, Isidore
Scope and Contents
Personal corres., incl. ltr. re Communism and academic freedom.
Box 25 Folder 6
Nagler, Isidore [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Speeches & reports.
Box 25 Folder 7
Nagler, Isidore [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Speeches & reports.
Box 25 Folder 8
Nagler, Isidore
Scope and Contents
Box 25 Folder 9
Nagler, Isidore
Scope and Contents
Condolences on death, speeches at funeral, newspaper clippings & press releases.
Box 25 Folder 10
Nagler, Isidore. Photographs.
Box 25 Folder 11
Nagler Hall (Isidore)
Scope and Contents
Corres. re cornerstone & dedication, ceremonies, photos.
Box 25 Folder 12
Nagler Youth Center
Scope and Contents
Corres. & photos.
Box 26 Folder 1
National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board I.c.w. Joseph Batchker, Joseph Dubow, Wilbur Daniels, Samuel Baron, Joseph Rubin; also Incl. Corres. re import questions.
Box 26 Folder 2
National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board I.c.w. Joseph Batchker, Joseph Dubow, Wilbur Daniels, Samuel Baron, Joseph Rubin; also Incl. Corres. re import questions.
Box 26 Folder 3
National Board of the Coat and Suit Industry [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board I.c.w. Joseph Batchker, Joseph Dubow, Wilbur Daniels, Samuel Baron, Joseph Rubin; also Incl. Corres. re import questions.
Box 26 Folder 4
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
Corres. re labor relations course at Fashion Institute of Technology.
Box 26 Folder 5
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Minutes, reports to board of directors, statements by D.D. (n.d.), "A Program for the Recovery Board" (1960), "Report of Cessation of Operations" (1972) & resolutions re dissolution of Board (1973).
Box 26 Folder 6
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Minutes, reports to board of directors, statements by D.D. (n.d.), "A Program for the Recovery Board" (1960), "Report of Cessation of Operations" (1972) & resolutions re dissolution of Board (1973).
Box 26 Folder 7
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
Statement by Wilbur Daniels before Federal Trade Commission re Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (1964); statement on imports (1967).
Box 26 Folder 8
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
Trial Examiner's Recommended Decision to Federal Trade Commission in the matter of Nat'l. Assoc. of Blouse Mfrs. Inc., Charles Kreindler, et al.; Webster Ballinger (trial examiner).
Box 26 Folder 9
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry, Conventions
Scope and Contents
Corres., reports, photographs.
Box 27 Folder 1a
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry, Conventions [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., resolutions, photographs.
Box 27 Folder 1b
Nat'l. Bd. of the Coat and Suit Industry, Conventions [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., resolutions, photographs.
Box 27 Folder 2
National Educational Committee for a New Party
Scope and Contents
Corres. & minutes.
Box 27 Folder 3
Nat'l. Educational Committee for a New Party
Scope and Contents
Newsletter & printed material
Box 27 Folder 4
National Farm Labor Union
Scope and Contents
Fundraising requests
Box 27 Folder 5
National Skirt and Sportswear Association, Inc.
Scope and Contents
Organizing drive (1952), negotiations of contracts with Union, statements by Union (1953 & 1958), press releases, corres
Box 27 Folder 6
Box 27 Folder 7a
Negotiations [folder 1 of 3]
Box 27 Folder 7b
Negotiations [folder 2 of 3]
Box 27 Folder 7c
Negotiations [folder 3 of 3]
Box 28 Folder 1a
Negotiations [folder 1 of 2]
Box 28 Folder 1b
Negotiations [folder 2 of 2]
Box 28 Folder 2
Box 28 Folder 3
Box 28 Folder 4
Box 28 Folder 5
Box 28 Folder 6
Negotiations [folder 1 of 2]
Box 28 Folder 7
Negotiations [folder 2 of 2]
Box 28 Folder 8
Box 28 Folder 9
Box 28 Folder 10
Box 29 Folder 1
New York Coat and Suit Association, Inc.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Joseph Dubow, releases, statements.
Box 29 Folder 2
New York State AFL-CIO
Scope and Contents
Corres., memorandum of joint meeting of State Federation of Labor & State CIO Council Merger Comm. (1957).
Box 29 Folder 3
Scope and Contents
Corres., articles.
Box 29 Folder 4
Scope and Contents
Corres. & reports re items exempt from employer's contributions to benefit funds.
Box 29 Folder 5
Northeast Department
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Sol C. Chaikin, David Gingold, Sol Greene, Jack Halpern
Box 29 Folder 6
Box 29 Folder 7
Office Employees Int'l. Union, Local 153
Scope and Contents
Corres., agreements w. Union.
Box 29 Folder 8
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Harry Lopatin, memos, leaflets.
Box 29 Folder 9
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Mark Horowitz, memos, leaflets.
Box 29 Folder 10
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Organization & Patrol Dept.) Reports from Ph. Herman, Max Horowitz, Mayer Finkel.
Box 29 Folder 11
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Organization & Patrol Dept.) Reports from Ph. Herman, Max Horowitz, Mayer Finkel.
Box 30 Folder 1a
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Organization & Patrol Dept.) Reports by Ph. Herman.
Box 30 Folder 1b
Organization Dept., Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
(Organization & Patrol Dept.) Reports by Ph. Herman.
Box 30 Folder 2a
Organizational Drive
Scope and Contents
Corres., reports, statements, plans for organizing workers, headed by Isidore Nagler.
Box 30 Folder 2b
Organizational Drive
Scope and Contents
Press clippings.
Box 30 Folder 3
Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training in Industry and Agriculture (ORT)
Box 30 Folder 4a
Overlapping Campaign [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., reports, leaflets re organizing workers in Bond factories in Rochester, N.Y.; I.c.w. Ralph A. Roberts.
Box 30 Folder 4b
Overlapping Campaign [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres., reports, leaflets re organizing workers in Bond factories in Rochester, N.Y.; I.c.w. Ralph A. Roberts.
Box 30 Folder 5a
Overlapping Department, ILGWU [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Reports by B. Moser & George Wishnak; jurisdictional disputes intra-Union & w. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; D.D. ltr. to Sidney Hillman; "Encroachment of Men's Clothing Establishment on the Women's Coat and Suit Industry" by Israel Feinberg (1943?).
Box 30 Folder 5b
Overlapping Department, ILGWU [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Reports by B. Moser & George Wishnak; jurisdictional disputes intra-Union & w. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; D.D. ltr. to Sidney Hillman; "Encroachment of Men's Clothing Establishment on the Women's Coat and Suit Industry" by Israel Feinberg (1943?).
Box 30 Folder 6
Overlapping Dept., ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Organizational drive headed by Joseph Breslaw; reports; jurisdictional dispute w. ACWA.
Box 30 Folder 7
Box 30 Folder 8
Peck and Peck
Scope and Contents
Corres. re organization of workers producing garments for sale by Peck & Peck.
Box 30 Folder 9
Scope and Contents
Job applications, Murray Sontag murder.
Box 31 Folder 1
Piece-Rate Settlements
Scope and Contents
Grading systems & calculations; "Digest of Labor Bureau Report" by N.I. Stone (1935); minutes of staff meeting (1962).
Box 31 Folder 2a
Polish-American Branch, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Memo concerning termination of Branch, mailing lists, Elections & Objection Comm. minutes (1959, 1962).
Box 31 Folder 2b
Political Activities
Scope and Contents
Ltrs. re elections, (non -Union).
Box 31 Folder 3a
Price Adjustment Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. I. Stenzor, I. Block; reports.
Box 31 Folder 3b
Price Adjustment Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. I. Stenzor, I. Block; reports.
Box 31 Folder 5a
Reefer Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(Children's Coat Dept. from 1962) Managers' reports.
Box 31 Folder 5b
Reefer Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(Children's Coat Dept. from 1962) Managers' reports.
Box 31 Folder 5c
Reefer Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 3 of 3]
Scope and Contents
(Children's Coat Dept. from 1962) Managers' reports.
Box 31 Folder 6a
Regions and Districts
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Sol Chaikin, Meyer Perlstein, & John Martin; Frederick Siems ltr. (1969).
Box 31 Folder 6b
Registration Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Minutes; incl. Designation Comm. minutes.
Box 32 Folder 1a
Reports, Board of Directors [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Box 32 Folder 1b
Reports, Board of Directors [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Box 32 Folder 2a
Reports, Board of Directors [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Box 32 Folder 2b
Reports, Board of Directors [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Box 32 Folder 3
Reports (General Manager) to Union Convention
Box 32 Folder 4
Reports (General Manager) to Cloak Jt. Bd.
Box 32 Folder 5
Reports (General Manager) to Cloak Jt. Bd.
Box 32 Folder 6
Reports (General Manager) to Cloak Jt. Bd.
Box 32 Folder 7
Reports (General Manager) to Cloak Jt. Bd.
Box 32 Folder 8
Reports (General Manager) to Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Also undated reports.
Box 33 Folder 1
Resolutions. n.d.
Scope and Contents
Presented to Union convention by Cloak Jt. Bd. on legislative matters.
Box 33 Folder 2
Scope and Contents
Studies re attitudes of workers towards retirement; i.c.w. Merlyn Pitzele; also statistical data, "Report of Union Committee on the Survey of the Attitudes of Cloakmakers Toward Retirement" (Nov. 16, 1951) by Roy Helfgott, Henoch Mendelsund & Joseph Shane and "Personnel Policy and Older Workers" by Lazare Teper (1954).
Box 33 Folder 3
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Arthur , David Dubinsky; age analyses for actuarial purposes; statements; reports on Fund's financial status; special requests to retire; press releases.
Box 33 Folder 4
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Box 33 Folder 5
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Box 33 Folder 6
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Arthur Altmeyer; resignation of Herbert Zame; agreement with Local 23076, Office Employees (n.d.).
Box 34 Folder 1
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Arthur Altmeyer, Lazare Teper; "Retirement Fund Provision in Collective Agreement Between Associations and Cloak Joint Board" (June 1, 1943).
Box 34 Folder 2
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry, Investment Committee
Scope and Contents
"Advisory Opinion Submitted to the Investment Committee of the Retirement Board of the Coat and Suit Industry of N.Y." and "Reply" by Ira Koenig, attorney for Mrs. Raymond Ingersoll.
Box 34 Folder 3
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry
Scope and Contents
Rules and regulations.
Box 34 Folder 4
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry, Special Investigating Committee
Scope and Contents
Transcript of meeting (May 8, 1952).
Box 34 Folder 5
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry, Special Investigating Committee
Scope and Contents
Transcript of meeting (Aug. 13, 1952).
Box 34 Folder 6
Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry, Special Investigating Committee
Scope and Contents
Box 35 Folder 1
Retirement Fund, Skirt and Sportswear Industry
Box 35 Folder 2
Robinson, Dwight Edwards [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Collective Bargaining and Market Control in the N.Y. Coat and Suit Industry (manuscript) .
Box 35 Folder 3
Robinson, Dwight Edwards [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Collective Bargaining and Market Control in the N.Y. Coat and Suit Industry (manuscript) .
Box 35 Folder 4
Rutgers Seminar
Scope and Contents
Manuals for Cloak-Out-of-Town Leadership Training Institute, corres.
Box 35 Folder 5
Rocker, Rudolph
Scope and Contents
Fund raising; I.c.w. William Green re visa.
Box 35 Folder 6
Box 35 Folder 7
Schlesinger, Abraham
Box 35 Folder 8
Schlesinger, Schlesinger and Schlesinger
Box 36 Folder 1
Schlesinger and Bloom
Scope and Contents
Legal matters, Incl. Corres. re Retirement Fund and collective agreements, legal briefs.
Box 36 Folder 2
Schlesinger and Bloom
Scope and Contents
Proposed agreement bet. Investment Comm. of Retirement Fund & Chemical Bank & Trust Co. (1951) ; Emil Schlesinger speech on the "labor problem" (1947
Box 36 Folder 3
Schlesinger and Bloom
Scope and Contents
Incl. memo to National Labor Relations Board re Cloak Jt. Bd. vs Fred P. Weissmann, Inc. (1940); Emil Schlesinger speech on anniversary of 1910 strike (1943).
Box 36 Folder 4
Schlesinger and Bloom
Scope and Contents
Incl. "Memorandum of the Joint Board of Dress and Waistmakers' Union of Greater N.Y., submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission." (c. 1940)
Box 36 Folder 5
Section Work Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Departmental reports from Silvestro Ozzi & Paul Device.
Box 36 Folder 6
Section Work Department, Cloak Jt. Bd. [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Departmental reports from Silvestro Ozzi & Paul Device.
Box 36 Folder 7
Semi-Annual Work Bonus
Scope and Contents
Memorandum re approval of Union benefit by State Labor Commissioner in Connecticut; rules & regulations.
Box 36 Folder 8
Seminar, Unity House
Scope and Contents
Corres., program, photograph.
Box 36 Folder 9
Shop Chairmen
Scope and Contents
Meetings, speeches & form ltrs.; response from legislators to resolution for $1 minimum wage (1960).
Box 36 Folder 10
Social-Democratic Federation
Scope and Contents
Incl. speech by I. Nagler, "The Results of the Recent Election" (1952).
Box 36 Folder 11
Socialist Party U.S.A. and, Social-Democrats U.S.A.
Scope and Contents
Incl. Norman Thomas ltrs.
Box 37 Folder 1
Student, B. A.
Scope and Contents
Case, statements, transcript of hearings, decision.
Box 37 Folder 2
Study of Population Characteristics and Hospitalization Experience
Scope and Contents
Locals 23-25 & 62 Welfare Fund Study by M.A. Morehead & Rose S. Donaldson; also incl. memo, "Program Planning for Health Care, " Columbia University School of Public Health & Administrative Medicine.
Box 37 Folder 3a
Box 37 Folder 3b
Taft-Hartley Bill
Scope and Contents
Statements and speeches in opposition to bill.
Box 37 Folder 4
Training Institute, ILGWU
Box 37 Folder 5
Trucking Association, Inc., New York and Brooklyn Cloak and Suit [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Harry Klar & Harry Chancer; also incl. decisions of impartial chairman.
Box 37 Folder 6
Trucking Association, Inc., New York and Brooklyn Cloak and Suit [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Harry Klar & Harry Chancer; also incl. decisions of impartial chairman.
Box 37 Folder 7
Scope and Contents
Incl. speech by Louis Stulberg to United Hebrew Trades, Umhey ltr. re Roosevelt birthday fund appeal.
Box 37 Folder 8
Uniform Industrial Control Committee
Scope and Contents
"Plan on Uniform Industrial Control, " submitted by J. Breslaw (chairman) and "Discussion on Uniform Industrial Control."
Box 37 Folder 9
Union Health Center, NYC
Scope and Contents
Incl. Leo Price ltr. (1960) re retirement.
Box 37 Folder 10
Union Vanguard
Scope and Contents
Translations of articles on Union.
Box 37 Folder 11
Scope and Contents
Incl. Corres. re Union contribution to ACWA Farah Strike.
Box 38 Folder 1
United Jewish Appeal
Box 38 Folder 2
Unser Stimme
Scope and Contents
(Notre Voix)
Box 38 Folder 3
Scope and Contents
Investigations and reports; incl. Verna Fashions & Elco Coat Co. report (1969-70).
Box 38 Folder 4a
Box 38 Folder 5
Workers Benefit Committee, GEB
Scope and Contents
(Health & Welfare Committee 1965 and before) Agendas.
Box 38 Folder 5b
Weizman Institute of Science, Israel
Scope and Contents
American Committee for the Weizman Institute of Science fund raising.
Box 38 Folder 6
Workers Defense League
Scope and Contents
Incl. form ltrs. of Cloakmakers Branch, fund raising.
Box 38 Folder 7
Workmen's Circle
Scope and Contents
Corres., speeches & statements.
Box 38 Folder 8
World Rehabilitation Fund
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Howard Rusk.
Box 38 Folder 9
Box 38 Folder 10
Yiddish Encyclopaedia
Box 38 Folder 11
YIVO Institute for Social Research [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Samuel Lapin, Max Weinreich; corres. & memos re Jewish Labor Movement History.
Box 38 Folder 12
YIVO Institute for Social Research [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
I.c.w. Samuel Lapin, Max Weinreich; corres. & memos re Jewish Labor Movement History.
Box 38 Folder 13
Young People's Socialist League
Box 38 Folder 14
Scope and Contents
Corres., article by H. Mendelsund (1960).
Box 38 Folder 15
Zygelboim (Artur) Monument (NYC)
Scope and Contents
Corres. re erecting monument and copy of D.D. ltr. to Robert F. Wagner criticizing New York City Art Commission for denying authorization to erect monument (Feb. 1965).
Box 39 Folder all
Grievance Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Cases #2687-2711; members' violations of Union rules.
Box 40 Folder all
Grievance Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Cases #2712-2736; members' violations of Union rules.
Box 41 Folder all
Grievance Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Cases #2377-2769; members' violations of Union rules.
Box 42 Folder all
Grievance Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Cases #2770-2801; members' violations of Union rules.
Box 43 Folder all
Grievance Committee, Cloak Jt. Bd.
Scope and Contents
Cases #2802-2839; members' violations of Union rules.
Series II: Cloak-Out-Of-Town Department Files, 1926-1971
Box 44 Folder 1
Adopted children
Box 44 Folder 2
Celebrations, Christmas
Box 44 Folder 3
Cloak Out-of Town Department
Scope and Contents
Newspapers and staff memos.
Box 44 Folder 4
Cloak Out-of-Town Department
Scope and Contents
Historic information, newspaper clippings.
Box 44 Folder 5
Conventions, ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Box 44 Folder 6
Conventions, ILGWU
Scope and Contents
Resolutions and notes.
Box 44 Folder 7
Education Department, COT
Box 44 Folder 8
Education Department, COT
Box 44 Folder 9
Joint Council of Cloak Out-of-Town Department
Scope and Contents
Box 44 Folder 10
Joint Council, COT
Scope and Contents
Box 45 Folder 1
Leaflets (n.d.)
Box 45 Folder 2
Local 36-39 (Yonkers)
Box 45 Folder 3
Local 129 (Jamaica, L.I.,N.Y.)
Box 45 Folder 4
Local 130 (Monmouth County, N.Y. )
Scope and Contents
Incl. executive board minutes, 1951-52.
Box 45 Folder 5
Local 133 (Union City, N.J.)
Box 45 Folder 6
Local 134 (Paterson, N.J.)
Box 45 Folder 7
Local 141-147 (Bridgeport, Conn.)
Scope and Contents
Local 158 (Passaic, N.J.), 1965. Local 165 (Newburgh, N.Y.), 1962
Box 45 Folder 8
Scope and Contents
Newspaper clippings and data.
Box 45 Folder 9
New Jersey Political Action Conference
Box 45 Folder 10
New York Cloak Joint Board
Scope and Contents
Notes of meeting, 1962; information re. section work and designation of contractors.
Box 45 Folder 11
Scope and Contents
Box 45 Folder 12
Box 45 Folder 13
Scope and Contents
Corres, and press releases.
Box 45 Folder 14
Scope and Contents
COT Citizenship Committees (CCC).
Box 45 Folder 15
Scope and Contents
Leaflets, newspaper clippings.
Box 45 Folder 16
Scope and Contents
Letters to legislators.
Box 45 Folder 17
Box 46 Folder 1
Scope and Contents
Leaflets and newspaper clippings.
Box 46 Folder 2
Scope and Contents
Activities and lists of names of retirees.
Box 46 Folder 3
Rubin, George
Scope and Contents
Box 46 Folder 4
Rutgers Seminar
Scope and Contents
Manual for COT Leadership Training Institute; corres.
Box 46 Folder 5
Rutgers Seminar
Scope and Contents
Members' applications.
Box 46 Folder 6
Rutgers Seminar
Scope and Contents
Post-seminar evaluations.
Box 46 Folder 7
Rutgers Seminar
Box 46 Folder 8
Scholarship Program
Box 46 Folder 9
Shop Chairmen [folder 1 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres.; lists of shop chairmen and executive board members. .
Box 46 Folder 10
Shop Chairmen [folder 2 of 2]
Scope and Contents
Corres.; lists of shop chairmen and executive board members. .
Box 46 Folder 11
Staff Meeting Reports
Box 46 Folder 12
Union Health Center, Newark
Scope and Contents
Minutes of Board of Directors.
Box 46 Folder 13
Union Label Department, ILGWU
Box 46 Folder 14
Union Label Department, ILGWU
Box 46 Folder 15
Union Leadership Classes
Scope and Contents
Institute of Labor Management Relations at Rutgers University.
Box 46 Folder 16
University of Connecticut Labor Education Center Conference
Scope and Contents
Corres.; program; printed material.