American Federation of Labor Records, Part 2 on Microfilm, 1936-1953
Collection Number: 5760 mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
American Federation of Labor Records, Part 2 on Microfilm, 1936-1953
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5760 mf
Documents in extensive detail the emergence of the Congress of Industrial Organizations
(CIO) in the 1930s and subsequent competition and cooperation between the CIO and
American Federation of Labor (AFL) through the close of that decade, until the early
4.22 cubic feet
Collection material in English
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was the first federation of labor unions in
the United States. It was founded in May of 1886 in Columbus, Ohio. Samuel Gompers
of the Cigar Makers' International Union was elected president every year except one
up until he passed away in 1924. The AFL was the largest union grouping in the United
States in the first half of the 20th Century, even after the Congress of Industrial
Organizations (CIO) was formed.
In 1955 the AFL merged with the CIO (longtime rival), to form the AFL-CIO, a federation
of unions which remains today.
The collection comprises the following subseries: historical file (1934-1942); convention
file (1935-1952); relations with the CIO (1935-1950); political collaboration with
the CIO (1937-1947); papers favoring AFL-CIO unity (1935-1951); national and international
union correspondence (1935-1951); State Federations of Labor correspondence (1935-1945);
central labor union correspondence (1935-1950); local union correspondence (1937-1947);
and miscellaneous correspondence (1936-1950).
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
American Federation of Labor Records, Part 2 on Microfilm #5760 mf. Kheel Center for
Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5478: AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department Records 5478 mf: AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department Records on Microfilm 5366: American Federation of Labor, Railway Employees Department vs. Union Pacific
Railroad Company, Hanson et al. Records 5402 mf: Correspondence of American Federation of Labor President William Green on
Microfilm 5431 mf: Letterpress Copybooks of Samuel Gompers and William Green, Presidents on
Microfilm 5757 mf: American Federation of Labor Records, Part 1: Strikes and Agreement File
on Microfilm 5761 mf: William Green Papers on Microfilm 5360: Buck's Stove and Range Company vs. American Federation of Labor Court Records
American Federation of Labor
Boehm, Randolph
Green, William, 1872-1952
Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.)
Labor leaders
Labor unions, United States, Officials and employees
Reel 1 |
Historical File, 1934-1942.
Reel 1 | 1 |
0001. Box 1a/Folder 1. Correspondence 200 pages.
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: San Francisco 1934 Convention, San Francisco 1934 Executive Council
Meeting, Resolutions, Industrial Unionism, Wagner Act, Union Organization (Auto Workers,
Aluminum Workers), Questionnaires, Statistics, Atlantic City 1935 Convention, Atlantic
City 1935 Executive Council Meeting, Minutes of Meetings, Committee for Industrial
Organizations. Principal Correspondents: C.J. Weaver, Harry C. Louden, Ernest Claxton,
Al Cook, Henry S. Bierre, Earl Cast, A.O. Wharton, J.W. Pickering, F.J. Dillon, Carl
J. Shipley, H.H. Richardson, George F. Addes, James J. Hailey, Charlton Ogburn, John
T. Flynn, Homer Martin, John L. Lewis, Sidney Hillman, David Dubinsky, Thomas McMahon,
Thomas H. Brown, Max Zaritsky, Harvey C. Fremming, Charles P. Howard.
Reel 1 | 2 |
0201. Box 1a/Folder 2. Correspondence. January-June. 213 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Metal Workers, Committee for Industrial Organization),
Miami 1936 Executive Council Meeting, Industrial Unionism, Washington 1936 Executive
Council Meeting, Dual Unionism, Resolutions, News Releases, Minutes of Meetings. Principal
Correspondents: John Brophy, H.W. Morgan, John L. Lewis, Sidney Hillman, David Dubinsky,
Thomas F. McMahon, Harvey C. Fremming, Max Zaritsky, Thomas H. Brown, James Starr,
Frank Morrison, Charles P. Howard, D.W. Tracy, Kathryn Lewis, John Fitzpatrick, M.F.
Tighe, Thomas Kennedy, J.L. Coulter, Woodruff Randolph, Joseph Schlossberg, Michael
F. Greene, John M. Sherwood, Thomas H. Brown, George M. Harrison, Marx Lewis, Matthew
Woll, Joseph N. Weber, Harry C. Bates, T.A. Rickert, Frank Duffy, Felix H. Knight,
William L. Hutcheson, G.M. Bugniazet, Joseph G. Klein.
Reel 1 | 3 |
0414. Box 1a/Folder 3. Correspondence. July. 255 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Committee for Industrial Organization, Union Organization (Metal Workers),
Industrial Unionism, Washington 1936 Executive Council Meeting, News Releases, Dual
Unionism, Minutes of Meetings, Petitions and Protests regarding Suspension of Charters.
Principal Correspondents: Charles P. Howard, Thomas McMahon, Sidney Hillman, Edward
Flore, W.D. Mahon, Max Pincus, Edward Lamb, Max Zaritsky, Charlton Ogburn, John L.
Lewis, E.N. Nockles, David Dubinsky, George M. Harrison, G.M. Bugniazet, H.A. Bradley,
H.D. Fremming, Max B. Klein, John P. Frey, Glen W. McCabe, M.F. Tighe, Homer Martin,
Thomas H. Brown, Sherman Dalrymple, A.O. Wharton, Frank Morrison, J.J. Handley, Matthew
Reel 1 | 4 |
0669. Box 1a/Folder 4. Correspondence. August 1-14. 213 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Washington 1936 Executive Council Meeting, Minutes of Meetings, Suspension
of Charters, News Releases, Petitions and Protests regarding Suspension of Charters,
Industrial Unionism, Resolutions, Committee for Industrial Organizations. Principal
Correspondents: John P. Frey, David Dubinsky, John L. Lewis, Sidney Hillman, Thomas
F. McMahon, H.C. Fremming, Thomas H. Brown, Glen McCabe, M.F. Tighe, Sherman Dalrymple,
Homer Martin, Michael F. Greene, Charles P. Howard, John A. O'Connell, John M. Sherwood,
Ivan F. Cox.
Reel 1 | 5 |
0882. Box 1b/Folder 1. Correspondence. August 15-31. 173 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Petitions and Protests regarding Suspensions, Resolutions, Committee
for Industrial Organizations, Union Organization (Metal Workers), Industrial Unionism.
Principal Correspondents: Charles P. Howard, John L. Lewis, John Brophy, Thomas G.
Gillis, Edward W. Miller, M.F. Greene, Max Zaritsky, Frank Duffy, A.O. Wharton, Joseph
P. Ryan, Isidor B. Velasco, Matthew Woll, David Dubinsky.
Reel 2 |
Historical File, 1934-1942
Reel 2 | 1 |
001. Box 1b/Folder 2. Correspondence. September. 167 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Petitions and Protests regarding Suspensions, List of Protesting Unions,
Resolutions, News Releases, Dual Unionism, Industrial Unionism, Committee for Industrial
Organization. Principal Correspondents: George M. Harrison, David Dubinsky, A.O. Wharton,
A. Phillip Randolph, Glen W. McCabe, Max Zaritsky.
Reel 2 | 2 |
0168. Box 1b/Folder 3. Correspondence. October-November. 88 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Petitions and Protests regarding Suspensions, Dual Unionism, Committee
for Industrial Organizations, Industrial Unionism, Efforts at Rapprochement. Principal
Correspondents: Louis Weintraub, Max Zaritsky, Matthew Woll, George M. Harrison, Felix
H. Knight, Charles P. Howard
Reel 2 | 3 |
0256. Box 1b/Folder 4. Correspondence. 57 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: News Management, Labor Press, Committee on Industrial Organization,
Efforts at Rapprochement, Union Organization (Farm Workers). Principal Correspondents:
Louis Stark, Rush D. Holt, Frank Farrington, Norman Zolezzi, R.L. McCormick, John
L. Lewis, Hartley W. Barclay, Fred W. Patton, Freeman Salturs, C.F. Hackman, William
Hirth, Robert P. MacHatton.
Reel 2 | 4 |
0313. Box 2/Folder 1. Correspondence on Industrial Unionism. 151 pages.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Mine Workers, Pullman Porters), Vertical Organization,
Industrial Unionism, Dual Unionism, Questionnaire, Labor Press, News Management, Communist
Party, National Industrial Council of the Young Women's Christian Association, Racial
Discrimination. Principal Correspondents: W.B. Goll, William Collins, John M. Sherwood,
Whiting Williams, George B. Roberts, Walter Nesbit, Charles W. Huff, Max D. Danish,
Joseph Voorhees, Charlton Ogburn, John Brophy, Robert Riede, Len DeCaux, H.A. Bradley,
Hollins N. Randolph, Joseph A. Biegel, W.C. Roberts, Jules Korchien, H. Forbes, J.F.
Houchins, R. Lee Guard, George L. Googe, Rose Troiano, John F. Walker, E.F. Cronin.
Reel 2 | 5 |
0464. Box 2/Folder 2. Requests for Information on Committee on Industrial Organization.
84 pages.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Principal Correspondents: William M. Taft, John Brophy.
Reel 2 | 6 |
0548. Box 2/Folder 3. Industrial Unionism Endorsements. 62 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Local Unions, Central Labor Unions, Federation of Labor.
Reel 2 | 7 |
0610. Box 2/Folder 4. Organization Policy Circular Letters. 75 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Miami Executive Council Meeting of 1936, Committee for Industrial
Organization, Industrial Unionism. Principal Correspondents: J.C. Shanessy, Lewis
G. Hines, W.M. Tucker, J.A. Franklin, Thomas Cairns, Roy Horn, Rowland Watson, H.A.
Bradley, George L. Googe, T.A. Rickert, A.O. Wharton, Leon DeVeze, D.W. Tracy, W.J.
Gillooly, John Possehl, Joseph D. Orr, William J. McSorley, E.J. Manion, Fred H. Fljozdal,
J.S. Wilds.
Reel 2 | 8 |
0685. Box 2/Folder 5. Industrial Unionism Speech Correspondence. 60 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Reactions to an Address Delivered before the United Mine Workers of
America by William Green on February 3, 1936, Industrial Unionism. Principal Correspondents:
Fred W. Baer, Frank Duffy, James Maloney, Morris c. Feinstone, Harry Fishwick, William
J. Kelly, John J. Mara, W.J. Gillooley, Harry C. Bates.
Reel 2 | 9 |
0745. Box 2/Folder 6. Press Releases on the Formation of the Committee for Industrial
Organization. 53 pages.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Industrial Unionism, Dual Unionism, Union Organization (Committee
on Industrial Organization). Principal Correspondents: John L. Lewis, Charles P. Howard.
Reel 2 | 10 |
0798. Box 2/Folder 7. Press Releases on the Formation of the Committee on Industrial
Organization. 56 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Metal Workers, Auto Workers), Tampa 1937 Annual
Convention, Industrial Unionism, Dual Unionism. Principal Correspondents: John L.
Lewis, Charles P. Howard, John P. Frey, Woodruff Randolph, Edward J. Volz, Louis Stark,
Michael F. Greene, Jonathan Eddy, Frank Morrison, Francis Gorman, Sidney Hillman.
Reel 2 | 11 |
0854. Box 2/Folder 8. statements on Industrial Unionism by John P. Frey. 45 pages.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Metal Workers), Committee on Industrial Organization,
Dual Unionism.
Reel 3 |
Historical File, 1934-1942. Convention File, 1935-1952.
Reel 3 | 1 |
0001. Box 3/Folder 1. Proceedings [Indexed] of the executive Council of the American
Federation of Labor, in the Matter of Charges Filed by the Metal Trades Department
Against the Committee for Industrial Organization and National and International Unions
1936 |
Reel 3 | 2 |
0345. Box 3/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers regarding Revocation of the Charter
of the Contra Costa Central Labor Council (Richmond, California), Toronto Central
Trades Council (Ontario, Canada). 38 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 3 | 3 |
0383. Box 3/Folder 3. Correspondence and Resolutions regarding the Revocation of Charters
of the National and International Unions Previously Placed under Suspension. 60 pages.
1937-1938 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Miami 1938 Executive Council Meeting, Minutes of Meetings, Union Organization
(Steel Workers), Revocation of Charters. Principal Correspondents: G.M. Bugniazet,
John L. Lewis, Clarence E. Swick, Reid Robinson, Paul W. Fuller, Sidney Hillman, S.H.
Dalrymple, Charlton Ogburn, Louis Leonard, M.F. Tighe, B. Frank Bennett, W.D. Mahon,
George M. Harrison, Frank Duffy, Homer Martin, George F. Addes, A.O. Wharton, Frank
Morrison, Felix Knight, Matthew Woll, T.A. Rickert, Francis Gorman.
Reel 3 | 4 |
0443. Box 3/Folder 4. Relations of Local Unions with the Committee of Industrial Organizations.
75 pages.
1938-1944 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Machinists, Boilermakers, Maritime Workers), Seattle
and Bellingham, Washington, American Youth Congress, Labor's Nonpartisan League, Mediation,
Political Mobilization. Principal Correspondents: P.W. Osburn, Joseph A. Padway, Thomas
Crowe, H.W. Brown, F.D. Laudeman, I.A. Sandvigen, Charles E. Hughes, Meyer L. Lewis,
Fred Kruse, Harry Nicholas, C.W. Doyle, Leo F. Flynn, F.J. Lowry, Guilford Moe, Roy
Lancaster, John T. Jones, Eric Peterson, George L. Berry.
Reel 3 | 5 |
0518. Box 3/Folder 5. Correspondence regarding Organizers' Applications. 108 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Union Organization (Mine Workers), Negro Organizers, Anthracite Settlement,
Campaigns against Committee for Industrial Organizations.
Reel 3 | 6 |
0626. Box 3/Folder 6. Correspondence from Organizers. 49 pages.
1941-1942 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Dual Unionism, Campaigns against Committee for Industrial Organizations,
National War Labor Board, Labor Journals. Principal Correspondents: J.T. Woodward,
J.J. Brown, William F. Knight, George W. Taylor, William H. Davis, Cornelius Maiden,
Paul J. Smith, John P. Coyne, W.D. Mahon, Felix H. Knight, Roy Horn, Sidney Hillman.
Reel 3 | 7 |
0675. Box 3/Folder 7. Papers regarding United Construction Workers, CIO Organizing
Committee. 20 pages.
1939 |
Reel 3 | 8 |
0695. Box 3/Folder 8. Correspondence with Congressmen and Senators regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 71 pages.
1940 |
Reel 3 | 9 |
0766. Box 3/Folder 9. News releases from Harry Bridges Defense Committee. March 19-September
4. 89 pages.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Congress of Industrial Organizations, Union Organization (Longshoremen
and Marine Workers Industrial Union), Federal Bureau of Investigation, Gangsters,
Deportation Proceedings for Alleged Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and Communist
Reel 3 | 10 |
0855. Box 4/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Conventions. 153 pages.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Atlantic City 1935 Annual Convention, Tampa 1936 Annual Convention,
1935 Executive Council Sessions, 1936 Executive Council Sessions, Committee for Industrial
Organization, Industrial Unionism, dual Unionism, Suspensions, Efforts at Rapprochement.
Principal Correspondents: George H. Lakey, A.O. Wharton, John Possehl, Joseph Jones,
John L. Lewis, Sidney Hillman, Charles P. Howard, D.W. Tracey, John P. Frey, Max Zaritsky,
Joseph Obergfell, Charlton Ogburn, David Dubinsky, Matthew Woll, Edward Flore, Walter
Reel 4 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 4 | 1 |
0001. Box 4/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 60 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: 1937 Executive Council Sessions, Industrial Unionism, Dual Unionism,
Committee for Industrial Organization, General Motors Corporation Settlement, Union
Organization (Auto Workers, Miners, Steel Workers), Revocations of Charters, Rules
of Order on Seating Members of Committee for Industrial Organization at Convention,
Progressive Miners Union of Illinois. Principal Correspondents: General Hugh S. Johnson,
Alfred P. Sloan, Thomas Kennedy, John P. Frey, Frank Morrison, Frank Farrington, Charlton
Ogburn, William L. Hutcheson, Duncan McDonald, Frank Duffy, Woodruff Randolph, Edward
J. Volz, John H. Walker, Joseph A. Padway, Joseph Obergfell.
Reel 4 | 2 |
0061. Box 4/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 26 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Executive Council Meetings, Efforts at Rapprochement. Principal Correspondents:
Daniel J. Tobin, William L. Hutcheson, John P. Frey, George M. Harrison.
Reel 4 | 3 |
0086. Box 4/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 99 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Efforts at Rapprochement, Committee to Meet with CIO, Dual Unions,
Industrial Unionism, Union Organization (Carpenters, Teamsters), News Management,
Executive Council Meetings, News Releases. Principal Correspondents: President Franklin
D. Roosevelt, Harry Bates, Daniel Tobin, Matthew Woll, V.L. Young, Ben Tillett, J.L.
Phillips, T.A. Rickert, Frank Morrison, Edward Flore, W.D. Mahon, Frank Duffy, John
P. Frey, Theodore W. Noyes, Joseph Weber, A.O. Wharton, G.M. Bugniazet, George Lynch,
K.A. Franklin, Patrick E. Gorman, Joseph P. Ryan, Louis Stark.
Reel 4 | 4 |
0185. Box 4/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Conventions. 138 pages.
1940-1943 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Efforts at Rapprochement, Committee to Meet with CIO, Resolutions,
News Management, Executive Council Meetings, War Labor Board, Jurisdictional Disputes,
CIO, "No Strike" Pledge. Principal Correspondents: President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Matthew Woll, Daniel J. Tobin, John L. Lewis, Phillip Murray, Arthur H. Sulzberger,
George Lynch, Robert Ramspeck, Jennings Randolph, Frank Duffy, William L. Hutcheson,
Joseph A. Padway, Edward Flore, G.M. Bugniazet, Harry Bates, Harvey W. Brown, William
C. Birthright, William D. Mahon, David Dubinsky, George Meany, William H. Davis, Roy
Horn, John P. Frey, John J. Murphy, Walter Citrine, George M. Harrison.
Reel 4 | 5 |
0323. Box 4/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Conventions. 180 pages.
1944-1948 |
Scope and Contents
Major Subjects: Executive Council Meetings, Political Collaborations with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations, Union Organization (Building Trades and Machinists),
News Management, Labor Journals, Panama Canal Zone, Legislative Issues (Taft-Hartley
Act), Committee to Meet with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, Joint Statement
AFL-CIO Conference, Resolutions, Workmen's Circle State Federations, Central Labor
Councils, United States Supreme Court. Principal Correspondents: Phillip Murray, George
M. Harrison, William E. Maloney, James O'Kane, Matthew Woll, Walter Citrine, George
Meany, W.C. Hushing, W.D. Mahon, William L. Hutcheson, Harry Bates, John L. Lewis,
Daniel J. Tobin, G.M. Bugniazet, N.C. Doherty, David Dubinsky, Felix H. Knight, Alan
S. Haywood, Harry E. O'Reilly, K. de Jonge, Theodore Bonaventura, J. Albert Woll.
Reel 4 | 6 |
0503. Box 5/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 177 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 7 |
0504. Box 5/Folder 1. Alaska Territorial Federation of Labor. 11 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 8 |
0511. Box 5/Folder 1. Amendments to the American Federation of Labor Constitution.
36 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 9 |
0547. Box 5/Folder 1. Automobile Safety Campaign. 4 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 10 |
0551. Box 5/Folder 1. Cancer. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 11 |
0553. Box 5/Folder 1. Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere (C.A.R.E.). 3 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 12 |
0556. Box 5/Folder 1. Central and State Body Affiliates. 25 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 13 |
0581. Box 5/Folder 1. Civil Service Commission. 7 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 14 |
0588. Box 5/Folder 1. Civil Service for Firefighters. 9 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 15 |
0597. Box 5/Folder 1. Civil Service Status - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Class Postmasters. 3 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 16 |
0600. Box 5/Folder 1. Changes of Title, International Unions. 9 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 17 |
0609. Box 5/Folder 1. Communists in Government Service. 4 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 18 |
0613. Box 5/Folder 1. Communism. 13 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 19 |
0626. Box 5/Folder 1. Communist Press. 2 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 20 |
0628. Box 5/Folder 1. Consumer Cooperatives and Credit Unions. 22 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 21 |
0650. Box 5/Folder 1. Distilling Industry, Management-Labor Conference. 3 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 22 |
0653. Box 5/Folder 1. Election Day Holiday. 24 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 23 |
0677. Box 5/Folder 1. Employment Act of 1946. 3 pages.
1947 |
Reel 4 | 24 |
0680. Box 5/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Economic
Mission for Europe. 26 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 25 |
0706. Box 5/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - European
Recovery Plan, American Federation of Labor Represented in. 132 pages.
1948 |
Reel 4 | 26 |
0838. Box 5/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - European
Recovery Plan, Miscellaneous. 59 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 4 | 27 |
0897. Box 5/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - European
Recovery Plan, Trade Union Advisory Council. 148 pages.
1948 |
Reel 5 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 5 | 1 |
0001. Box 5/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 133 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 2 |
0002. Box 5/Folder 6. Extension of Social Security to Puerto Rico. 10 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 3 |
0012. Box 5/Folder 6. Farm Workers, Minimum Wage. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 4 |
0014. Box 5/Folder 6. Federal Labor Union Department Proposed. 21 pages.
1948 |
Reel 5 | 5 |
0035. Box 5/Folder 6. Fisheries, Conservation of. 10 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 6 |
0045. Box 5/Folder 6. Fisheries - North American. 20 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 7 |
0065. Box 5/Folder 6. Foreign Labor Policy. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 8 |
0067. Box 5/Folder 6. Foreign Shipbuilding - American Loans. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 9 |
0069. Box 5/Folder 6. Fraternal Delegates - British Trades Union Congress. 65 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 10 |
0134. Box 6/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 82 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 11 |
0135. Box 6/Folder 1. Free Trade Union Committee Labor League for Human Rights. 12
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 12 |
0147. Box 6/Folder 1. Future Wage Procedure. 6 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 13 |
0153. Box 6/Folder 1. Government Firing, Indiscriminate. 3 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 14 |
0156. Box 6/Folder 1. Government Personnel, Abuse of. 5 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 15 |
0161. Box 6/Folder 1. Hawaii. 5 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 16 |
0166. Box 6/Folder 1. Hawaii, Committee to Study Conditions in. 51 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 17 |
0217. Box 6/Folder 1. Hollywood Jurisdictional Controversy. 9 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 18 |
0226. Box 6/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Organization. 243 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 19 |
0469. Box 6/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Relations Committee. 74 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 20 |
0543. Box 6/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 21 |
0544. Box 6/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - France. 39 pages.
1948 |
Reel 5 | 22 |
0583. Box 6/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Germany. 68 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 23 |
0651. Box 6/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
and Labor Relations - Greece. 131 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 24 |
0783. Box 6/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 25 |
0784. Box 6/Folder 6. International Labor Relations - Italian American Labor Council.
2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 26 |
0786. Box 6/Folder 6. International Labor Relations - Italy. 16 pages.
1948 |
Reel 5 | 27 |
0802. Box 6/Folder 6. International Labor Relations - Japan. 41 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 28 |
0843. Box 6/Folder 6. International Labor Relations - Jewish Labor Committee. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 5 | 29 |
0845. Box 6/Folder 6. International Labor Relations - Korea. 47 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 5 | 30 |
0892. Box 7/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Labor's League
for Political Education. 170 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 6 | 1 |
0001. Box 7/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Labor Paper
(Daily). 32 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 2 |
0033. Box 7/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Relations - Latin America. 264 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 3 |
0297. Box 7/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 63 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 4 |
0298. Box 7/Folder 4. Legislative Facilities. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 6 | 5 |
0300. Box 7/Folder 4. Longshoremen - Puerto Rico. 60 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 6 |
0360. Box 7/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Machinists'
Union - Dissolution. 45 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 7 |
0405. Box 7/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Machinists'
Union - Panama Canal Zone. 71 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 8 |
0474. Box 7/Folder 7. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Marshall
Plan for European Recovery. 97 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 9 |
0571. Box 7/Folder 8. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 10 |
0572. Box 7/Folder 8. Military Governments, United States Representatives in. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 6 | 11 |
0574. Box 7/Folder 8. Miners - Court Case (U.S. versus John L. Lewis and United Mine
Workers of America). 7 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 12 |
0581. Box 7/Folder 8. Minority Discrimination. 16 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 13 |
0597. Box 7/Folder 8. Miscellaneous - International Labor Relations. 82 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 14 |
0679. Box 7/Folder 8. Missouri Valley Development Plan. 20 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 15 |
0699. Box 7/Folder 8. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Biased Administration
of. 6 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 16 |
0705. Box 7/Folder 8. New International Unions - Chartered. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 6 | 17 |
0707. Box 8/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 18 |
0708. Box 8/Folder 1. Newsprint - Supply for Labor Press. 10 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 19 |
0718. Box 8/Folder 1. Non-Communist Affidavits - Taft Hartley Act. 18 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 20 |
0736. Box 8/Folder 1. Organizing Activities and Official Changes. 54 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 21 |
0790. Box 8/Folder 1. Palestine - Trade Union Committee for Labor. 7 pages.
1947 |
Reel 6 | 22 |
0797. Box 8/Folder 1. Palm Springs - Anti-Labor Campaign. 2 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 23 |
0799. Box 8/Folder 1. Payroll Savings Plan, United States. 4 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 24 |
0803. Box 8/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 25 |
0804. Box 8/Folder 2. Postal Service. 5 pages.
1947 |
Reel 6 | 26 |
0809. Box 8/Folder 2. Prices and Price Control. 35 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 27 |
0834. Box 8/Folder 2. Public Relations - Program (Contract, etcetera). 68 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 6 | 28 |
0902. Box 8/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Public Relations
- Committee on Publicity. 183 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 7 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 7 | 1 |
0001. Box 8/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 2 |
0002. Box 8/Folder 4. Puerto Rico - Free Federation of Workingmen. 10 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 3 |
0012. Box 8/Folder 4. Puerto Rico - Committee to Study Conditions. 20 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 7 | 4 |
0032. Box 8/Folder 4. Railroad Signalmen - Reafilliation. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 5 |
0034. Box 8/Folder 4. Reports - Departments, Funds, Legal Activities. 54 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 6 |
0088. Box 8/Folder 4. Retirement Plan - American Federation of Labor Employees. 13
1947 |
Reel 7 | 7 |
0101. Box 8/Folder 4. Social Security Service (American Federation of Labor), Expansion
of. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 8 |
0103. Box 8/Folder 4. Sugar Workers - Suggested Conference. 5 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 9 |
0108. Box 8/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Taft-Hartley
Act. 167 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 7 | 10 |
0275. Box 8/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Taft-Hartley
Act. 152 pages.
1948 |
Reel 7 | 11 |
0427. Box 9/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1946-1948 |
Reel 7 | 12 |
0427. Box 9/Folder 1. Taft-Hartley Act. 58 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 7 | 13 |
0485. Box 9/Folder 1. Machinists - Continued Disassociation. 26 pages.
1946-1948 |
Reel 7 | 14 |
0511. Box 9/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 15 |
0512. Box 9/Folder 2. Teacher Representation - United Nations Educational, Social,
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 17 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 16 |
0529. Box 9/Folder 2. Territories, Organization Department for. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 17 |
0531. Box 9/Folder 2. Union Label Week. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 7 | 18 |
0533. Box 9/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - United Nations
- International Labor Organization (ILO). 160 pages.
1947- 1948 |
Reel 7 | 19 |
0693. Box 9/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - United Nations
- International Labor Organization. 202 pages.
1947- 1948 |
Reel 7 | 20 |
0895. Box 9/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - United Nations
- Economic and Social Council Reports. 168 pages.
1947- 1948 |
Reel 8 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 8 | 1 |
0001. Box 9/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - United Nations
- Palestine. 165 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 8 | 2 |
0166. Box 9/Folder 7. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 8 | 3 |
0167. Box 9/Folder 7. United Nations - Slave Labor. 18 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 8 | 4 |
0185. Box 9/Folder 7. Vacations - 26 Days with Pay. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 8 | 5 |
0187. Box 9/Folder 7. "Westward Ho" Hotel - Strikebreakers. 5 pages.
1947 |
Reel 8 | 6 |
0192. Box 9/Folder 7. World Federation of Trade Unions. 17 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 7 |
0209. Box 9/Folder 8. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947 |
Reel 8 | 8 |
0209. Box 9/Folder 8. Miscellaneous Resolutions of the Convention. 39 pages.
1947 |
Reel 8 | 9 |
0248. Box 9/Folder 8. Committee Appointments - No Action Necessary. 8 pages.
1947 |
Reel 8 | 10 |
0256. Box 10/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1948 |
Reel 8 | 11 |
0257. Box 10/Folder 1. American Book Company - Unfair to Labor. 3 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 12 |
0260. Box 10/Folder 1. British Trades Union Congress - Fraternal Delegates. 83 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 13 |
0343. Box 10/Folder 1. Bureau of Apprentice Training. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 14 |
0345. Box 10/Folder 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Industrial safety. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 15 |
0347. Box 10/Folder 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Approval for. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 16 |
0349. Box 10/Folder 1. Auditing and Credentials Committee. 14 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 17 |
0363. Box 10/Folder 1. Campaign - 1948 Miscellaneous. 93 pages.
1947-1948 |
Reel 8 | 18 |
0456. Box 10/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 19 |
0457. Box 10/Folder 2. Chicago Transit Company. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 20 |
0459. Box 10/Folder 2. Civil Rights. 4 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 21 |
0463. Box 10/Folder 2. Convention Material - Cincinnati. 52 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 22 |
0505. Box 10/Folder 2. Cooperative Buying to Combat High Prices. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 23 |
0507. Box 10/Folder 2. Council for Cooperative Development. 16 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 24 |
0523. Box 10/Folder 2. Crusade for Children - Support. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 25 |
0525. Box 10/Folder 2. Daily Labor Press. 17 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 26 |
0542. Box 10/Folder 2. Discrimination against Youth of Draft Age by Industry. 4 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 27 |
0546. Box 10/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Economic
Cooperation Administration (ECA). 238 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 28 |
0784. Box 10/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 29 |
0785. Box 10/Folder 4. Education Program (American Federation of Labor). 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 8 | 30 |
0787. Box 10/Folder 4. Electoral College. 3 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 31 |
0790. Box 10/Folder 4. Engineers - Firemen and Oilers. 4 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 32 |
0794. Box 10/Folder 4. European Recovery Program - Trade Union Advisory Committee.
29 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 33 |
0823. Box 10/Folder 4. Executive Officers, Constitutional Amendments regarding. 4
1948 |
Reel 8 | 34 |
0827. Box 10/Folder 4. Federal Labor Union Council. 6 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 35 |
0833. Box 10/Folder 4. Free Trade Union Committee - Labor's League for Human Rights.
59 pages.
1949 |
Reel 8 | 36 |
0892. Box 10/Folder 4. Government Contracts, Recognition of Western Industries in.
2 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 37 |
0895. Box 10/Folder 4. Health and Safety Department - American Federation of Labor.
4 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 38 |
0899. Box 10/Folder 4. Infringement of Professional Societies upon International Federation
of Technical Engineers, Architects, and Draftsmen's Union ( IFTEA and DU) Jurisdiction.
4 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 8 | 39 |
0903. Box 10/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Organization. 184 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 9 | 1 |
0001. Box 11/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Relations - General File. 70 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 2 |
0071. Box 11/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 3 |
0072. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Austria. 7 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 4 |
0079. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - China (Republic of China).
20 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 5 |
0099. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Czechoslovakia. 1 page.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 6 |
0100. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - France. 11 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 7 |
0111. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Great Britain. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 8 |
0113. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Latin America. 1 page.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 9 |
0114. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Guam. 4 pages.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 10 |
0118. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Hungary. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 11 |
0120. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - India. 63 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 12 |
0183. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Indonesia. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 13 |
0185. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Israel. 3 pages.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 14 |
0188. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - China (Russian Refugees). 8
1949 |
Reel 9 | 15 |
0196. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Transport Workers' Federation.
2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 16 |
0198. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Italy. 9 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 17 |
0207. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Japan. 10 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 18 |
0217. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Korea (Republic of Korea).
4 pages.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 19 |
0221. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Netherlands. 1 page.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 20 |
0222. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations Poland. 28 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 21 |
0250. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Spain. 53 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 22 |
0303. Box 11/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Latin America. 1 page.
1949 |
Reel 9 | 23 |
0304. Box 11/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 24 |
0305. Box 11/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Germany. 113 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 25 |
0418. Box 11/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Greece. 43 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 26 |
0461. Box 11/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 27 |
0462. Box 11/Folder 4. International Trade Union Secretariats. 5 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 28 |
0467. Box 11/Folder 4. Italian-American Labor Council. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 29 |
0469. Box 11/Folder 4. Jewish Labor Council. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 30 |
0471. Box 11/Folder 4. Jurisdictional Disputes. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 31 |
0473. Box 11/Folder 4. Jurisdiction - Sailors Union. 3 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 32 |
0476. Box 11/Folder 4. Labor's League for Political Education. 67 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 33 |
0543. Box 11/Folder 4. Labor Unity. 15 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 34 |
0558. Box 11/Folder 4. Latin American Confederation of Workers (C.I.T.). 67 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 35 |
0651. Box 11/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1950 |
Reel 9 | 36 |
0652. Box 11/Folder 5. Legislative Committee - Expansion. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 37 |
0654. Box 11/Folder 5. Local Union - Affiliation with State Federations and Central
Labor Unions. 13 pages.
1948-1950 |
Reel 9 | 38 |
0667. Box 11/Folder 5. Miami Beach Union Organization - Hotel and Restaurant Employees.
11 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 39 |
0678. Box 11/Folder 5. National Legislative Council. 95 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 40 |
0773. Box 11/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1946-1949 |
Reel 9 | 41 |
0774. Box 11/Folder 6. Peter J. McGuire Memorial. 19 pages.
1946-1949 |
Reel 9 | 42 |
0793. Box 11/Folder 6. Political Action - New Political Party. 4 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 43 |
0797. Box 11/Folder 6. Organization - Forestry Workers. 3 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 44 |
0800. Box 11/Folder 6. Organizers (Additional) - Alaska. 20 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 45 |
0820. Box 11/Folder 6. Palestine. 8 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 9 | 46 |
0828. Box 11/Folder 6. Peter J. McGuire Memorial. 3 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 47 |
0831. Box 11/Folder 6. Political Action - New Political Party. 3 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 48 |
0834. Box 11/Folder 6. Publicity - Radio and Labor Press. 54 pages.
1947-1949 |
Reel 9 | 49 |
0889. Box 11/Folder 6. Public Relations Program. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 50 |
0891. Box 12/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1950 |
Reel 9 | 51 |
0892. Box 12/Folder 1. Reports - Departments, Organization, and Campaigns. 90 pages.
1948-1950 |
Reel 9 | 52 |
0981. Box 12/Folder 1. Resolutions - Reference and Subjects for Attention. 12 pages.
1948 |
Reel 9 | 53 |
0993. Box 12/Folder 1. Speakers Invited to Address Convention. 65 pages.
1948 |
Reel 10 |
Convention File, 1935-1952.
Reel 10 | 1 |
0001. Box 12/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 2 |
0002. Box 12/Folder 2. State Federations of Labor - Affiliations. 16 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 3 |
0018. Box 12/Folder 2. Strike Benefits. 5 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 4 |
0023. Box 12/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Taft-Harley
Act (Labor Legislation). 128 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 5 |
0151. Box 12/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Taft-Hartley
Act (Miscellaneous). 128 pages.
1947-1950 |
Reel 10 | 6 |
0279. Box 12/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1947-1949 |
Reel 10 | 7 |
0280. Box 12/Folder 5. Commercial Telegraphers - Support. 13 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 8 |
0293. Box 12/Folder 5. United Nations - UNESCO and General. 127 pages.
1947-1949 |
Reel 10 | 9 |
0420. Box 12/Folder 5. Trade Union Fellowship Program. 3 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 10 |
0423. Box 12/Folder 5. War Department - Engraved Certificate. 2 pages.
1948 |
Reel 10 | 11 |
0425. Box 12/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 12 |
0426. Box 12/Folder 6. Proposed New World Federation of Labor. 142 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 13 |
0468. Box 12/Folder 6. World Federation of Trade Unions. 32 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 10 | 14 |
0600. Box 12/Folder 7. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Resolutions
- No Action Necessary and Non-Concurred. 20 pages.
1948 |
Reel 10 | 15 |
0620. Box 13/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 16 |
0621. Box 13/Folder 1. Aid to Typographical Union. 9 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 17 |
0630. Box 13/Folder 1. apprenticeship Committee. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 18 |
0632. Box 13/Folder 1. Auditing and Credentials Committee. 12 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 19 |
0644. Box 13/Folder 1. Building Trades - Union Button. 5 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 20 |
0649. Box 13/Folder 1. Bureau of apprenticeship. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 21 |
0651. Box 13/Folder 1. Bureau of Labor Standards. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 22 |
0653. Box 13/Folder 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 23 |
0655. Box 13/Folder 1. Community Chests. 16 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 24 |
0671. Box 13/Folder 1. Conscientious Objectors. 17 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 25 |
0688. Box 13/Folder 1. Convention Date Change. 4 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 26 |
0692. Box 13/Folder 1. Election Day Holiday. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 27 |
0694. Box 13/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 28 |
0695. Box 13/Folder 2. Federal Labor Union - Council. 5 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 29 |
0700. Box 13/Folder 2. Federal Labor Union - Principle. 3 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 30 |
0703. Box 13/Folder 2. Firefighters - Panama Canal Zone. 4 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 31 |
0707. Box 13/Folder 2. Fishing Commission - International. 32 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 10 | 32 |
0739. Box 13/Folder 2. Flag Day - Observance. 9 pages.
1949 |
Reel 10 | 33 |
0748. Box 13/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Economic
Cooperation Administration (ECA) - European Recovery Plan. 215 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 11 | 1 |
0001. Box 13/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1950 |
Reel 11 | 2 |
0002. Box 13/Folder 4. Fraternal Delegates. 63 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 11 | 3 |
0065. Box 13/Folder 4. Gompers Centenary. 72 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 4 |
0137. Box 13/Folder 4. Hawaii - Aid to American Federation of Labor Unions. 9 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 5 |
0146. Box 13/Folder 4. History of American Federation of Labor - Proposed. 6 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 6 |
0152. Box 13/Folder 4. History of American Federation of Labor - Film. 18 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 7 |
0170. Box 13/Folder 4. Indiana - Organizing Staff. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 11 | 8 |
0172. Box 13/Folder 4. Ireland, Partition of. 12 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 9 |
0184. Box 13/Folder 4. Israel. 24 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 10 |
0208. Box 13/Folder 4. Italian-American Labor Council. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 11 | 11 |
0210. Box 13/Folder 4. Italy, free Trade Unionism in. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 11 | 12 |
0212. Box 14/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1951 |
Reel 11 | 13 |
0213. Box 14/Folder 1. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) -
General. 96 pages.
1950 |
Reel 11 | 14 |
0309. Box 14/Folder 1. ICFTU - London 1949 Meeting. 51 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 15 |
0358. Box 14/Folder 1. ICFTU - Africa. 35 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 11 | 16 |
0393. Box 14/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - ICFTU -
London 1949 Meeting (Special Material for President Green). 120 pages.
1944-1949 |
Reel 11 | 17 |
0514. Box 14/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - ICFTU -
Miscellaneous. 51 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 18 |
0565. Box 14/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - ICFTU -
Conferences. 133 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 11 | 19 |
0699. Box 14/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - ICFTU -
Executive Board. 139 pages.
1950 |
Reel 11 | 20 |
0837. Box 14/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Organization (ILO). 111 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 12 | 1 |
0001. Box 15/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labor Relations - General. 71 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 2 |
0072. Box 15/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 3 |
0073. Box 15/Folder 2.. International Labor Relations - China. 41 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 4 |
0114. Box 15/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Finland. 9 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 5 |
0123. Box 15/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - France. 31 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 6 |
0154. Box 15/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Germany. 123 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 7 |
0277. Box 15/Folder 2. International Labor Relations - Greece. 61 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 8 |
0338. Box 15/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1948-1950 |
Reel 12 | 9 |
0339. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Hungary. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 12 | 10 |
0341. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - India. 78 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 11 |
0419. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Indonesia. 23 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 12 | 12 |
0442. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Israel. 6 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 13 |
0448. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Italy. 22 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 14 |
0470. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Japan. 38 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 15 |
0508. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Korea (ROK). 18 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 16 |
0526. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Norway. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 17 |
0528. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Pakistan. 4 pages.
1950 |
Reel 12 | 18 |
0532. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Poland. 6 pages.
1950 |
Reel 12 | 19 |
0538. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Serbia. 7 pages.
1950 |
Reel 12 | 20 |
0545. Box 15/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Spain. 56 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 21 |
0601. Box 15/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. 188 pages.
1948-1950 |
Reel 12 | 22 |
0602. Box 15/Folder 4. New International Unions Chartered. 2 pages.
1948-1949 |
Reel 12 | 23 |
0604. Box 15/Folder 4. Jewish Labor Committee. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 24 |
0606. Box 15/Folder 4. Labor Films, Proposed. 3 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 25 |
0609. Labor's League for Political Education. 115 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 26 |
0714. Box 15/Folder 4. Labor Paper - National. 3 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 27 |
0717. Box 15/Folder 4. Latin American Activities. 72 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 28 |
0789. Box 16/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 29 |
0790. Box 16/Folder 1. Legal Activities. 61 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 30 |
0851. Box 16/Folder 1. Literature - Distribution. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 12 | 31 |
0853. Box 16/Folder 1. Machinists - Proposed Reafilliation. 69 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 12 | 32 |
0922. Box 16/Folder 1. Minneapolis - Wage and Hour Regional Office. 18 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 13 | 1 |
0001. Box 16/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 2 |
0002. Box 16/Folder 2. Organizing Campaign - State Federations Conference. 99 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 3 |
0101. Box 16/Folder 2. Organizing Campaign - 1950. 36 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 4 |
0137. Box 16/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 5 |
0138. Box 16/Folder 3. Political Candidates. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 6 |
0140. Box 16/Folder 3. President's Safety Conference. 6 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 7 |
0146. Box 16/Folder 3. Public Relations - Radio and Labor Press. 18 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 8 |
0164. Box 16/Folder 3. Puerto Rico. 9 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 9 |
0173. Box 16/Folder 3. Puerto Rico - Labor Conditions. 42 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 10 |
0215. Box 16/Folder 3. Resolutions - Record of Reference to Departments for Attention.
18 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 11 |
0233. Box 16/Folder 3. Reports - Publications, Departments, and Committees. 38 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 12 |
0271. Box 16/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 13 |
0272. Box 16/Folder 4. Seafarers - Merchant Marine. 4 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 14 |
0276. Box 16/Folder 4. Shorter Workweek. 2 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 15 |
0278. Box 16/Folder 4. Strike Benefits. 3 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 16 |
0281. Box 16/Folder 4. Taft-Hartley Act. 9 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 17 |
0290. Box 16/Folder 4. United Nations - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 84 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 18 |
0374. Box 16/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 19 |
0375. Box 16/Folder 5. Union Label Week. 9 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 20 |
0384. Box 16/Folder 5. White Collar Workers. 3 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 21 |
0387. Box 16/Folder 5. Workers Education Bureau. 40 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 13 | 22 |
0427. Box 16/Folder 5. Resolutions - No Action Necessary and Non-Concurred. 11 pages.
1949 |
Reel 13 | 23 |
0438. Box 17/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 24 |
0439. Box 17/Folder 1. Africa and the Point Four Program. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 25 |
0441. Box 17/Folder 1. African Federation. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 26 |
0443. Box 17/Folder 1. American Commercial Fleet. 29 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 27 |
0472. Box 17/Folder 1. Boycott- Products of Slave Labor. 8 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 28 |
0480. Box 17/Folder 1. C.A.R.E. 7 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 29 |
0487. Box 17/Folder 1. Civil Rights. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 30 |
0489. Box 17/Folder 1. Communism. 15 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 31 |
0504. Box 17/Folder 1. Convention - Hotel Accommodations. 5 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 32 |
0509. Box 17/Folder 1. Declaration of Human Rights. 5 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 33 |
0514. Box 17/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. Economic
Cooperation Administration (ECA). 267 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 34 |
0781. Box 17/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 35 |
0782. Box 17/Folder 3. Education in European Communities - Financing. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 36 |
0784. Box 17/Folder 3. Election Day Holiday. 4 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 37 |
0788. Box 17/Folder 3. Enlisted Personnel - Navy Shipyards. 9 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 38 |
0797. Box 17/Folder 3. Expose Stockholm Petition. 6 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 39 |
0803. Box 17/Folder 3. Farm Subsidies. 5 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 40 |
0808. Box 17/Folder 3. Farm Workers - Collective Bargaining Rights. 6 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 41 |
0814. Box 17/Folder 3. Firefighters - Wages and Working Conditions. 11 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 42 |
0825/ Box 17/Folder 3. Flag Day - Observance. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 43 |
0827. Box 17/Folder 3. Fraternal Delegates. 70 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 44 |
0897. Box 17/Folder 3. Free Trade Union Committee. 6 pages.
Reel 13 | 45 |
0903. Box 17/Folder 3. German Property - Return to Former Owners. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 46 |
0905. Box 17/Folder 3. Gompers Centenary - Report. 36 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 13 | 47 |
0941. Box 17/Folder 3. Gompers Institute of Labor Relations. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 48 |
0943. Box 17/Folder 3. Guantanamo Naval Base - Employee Wages. 7 pages.
1950 |
Reel 13 | 49 |
0950. Box 17/Folder 3. Hawaii - Aid for American Federation of Labor (AFL) Unions.
9 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 14 | 1 |
0001. Box 17/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 2 |
0002. Box 17/Folder 4. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) -
Milan Congress of July 1951. 79 pages.
1951 |
Reel 14 | 3 |
0080. Box 17/Folder 4. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) -
Executive Board and General. 109 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 4 |
0189. Box 17/Folder 4. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) -
Board Meeting, Milan. July 1951. 122 pages.
1951 |
Reel 14 | 5 |
0311. Box 18/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 6 |
0312. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - China. 32 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 7 |
0344. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - Germany/Austria. 81 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 8 |
0425. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - India. 23 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 9 |
0428. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - Italy. 44 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 10 |
0472. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - Japan. 30 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 11 |
0502. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - Korea (ROK). 12 pages.
1951 |
Reel 14 | 12 |
0514. Box 18/Folder 1. International Labor Relations - Spain. 35 pages.
1951 |
Reel 14 | 13 |
0549. Box 18/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. International
Labor Organization. 147 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 14 |
0696. Box 18/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. International
Labor Relations - Miscellaneous. 177 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 14 | 15 |
0873. Box 18/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention. International
Longshoremen's Association - New York State Crime Commission Report. 164 pages.
1953 |
Reel 15 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 15 | 1 |
0001. Box 19/Folder 1. Correspondence and papers relating to Convention.
1949-1951 |
Reel 15 | 2 |
0002. Box 19/Folder 1. Ireland. 6 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 3 |
0008. Box 19/Folder 1. Jewish Labor Committee. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 4 |
0010. Box 19/Folder 1. Korea (ROK). 9 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 5 |
0019. Box 19/Folder 1. Labor Representation in Foreign Policy. 14 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 6 |
0033. Box 19/Folder 1. Labor Unity. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 7 |
0035. Box 19/Folder 1. Machinists - Reafilliation. 86 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 8 |
0121. Box 19/Folder 1. Mexico, American Actors in. 6 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 9 |
0127. Box 19/Folder 1. Military Encroachment - Civilian occupations. 4 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 10 |
0131. Box 19/Folder 1. National Labor Relations Board - Counsel Denham Removed. 6
1950 |
Reel 15 | 11 |
0137. Box 19/Folder 1. Official Changes. 19 pages.
1949-1950 |
Reel 15 | 12 |
0156. Box 19/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 13 |
0157. Box 19/Folder 2. Organizing Activities. 70 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 14 |
0227. Box 19/Folder 2. Pension Plans. 9 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 15 |
0236. Box 19/Folder 2. Program to Reach Russian People. 8 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 16 |
0244. Box 19/Folder 2. Promulgate our Democratic Creed. 8 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 17 |
0252. Box 19/Folder 2. Public Relations - Radio and the Labor Press. 17 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 18 |
0269. Box 19/Folder 2. American Federation of Labor Radio Broadcasts. 5 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 19 |
0274. Box 19/Folder 2. Auditing and Credentials Committee. 12 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 20 |
0286. Box 19/Folder 2. Resolutions - Record of Reference to Department for Attention.
13 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 21 |
0299. Box 19/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers Relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 22 |
0300. Box 19/Folder 3. Reports - Executive Council, Office of Legal Counsel, and Departments.
144 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 23 |
0444. Box 19/Folder 3. School for International Affairs. 8 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 24 |
0452. Box 19/Folder 3. Southern Organizing Campaign. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 25 |
0454. Box 19/Folder 3. State and Central Body Affiliation. 3 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 26 |
0457. Box 19/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 27 |
0458. Box 19/Folder 4. Stitzel-Weller Company - Anti-Union Activities. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 28 |
0460. Box 19/Folder 4. Strike Benefits. 6 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 29 |
0466. Box 19/Folder 4. Trade Union Advisory Committee - Department of Labor.; 5 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 30 |
0471. Box 19/Folder 4. United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). 21 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 31 |
0492. Box 19/Folder 4. Union Label. 7 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 32 |
0499. Box 19/Folder 4. Union Labor Veterans - National Conference. 2 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 33 |
0501. Box 19/Folder 4. United Mine Workers. 3 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 34 |
0504. Box 19/Folder 4. United Nations. 16 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 35 |
0520. Box 19/Folder 4. Wage Rates In Puerto Rico. 7 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 36 |
0527. Box 19/Folder 4. Wages and Prices. 17 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 37 |
0544. Box 19/Folder 4. Workers Education Bureau. 28 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 15 | 38 |
0572. Box 19/Folder 4. Resolutions - No Action Necessary and Non-Concurred. 11 pages.
1950 |
Reel 15 | 39 |
0583. Box 20/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 40 |
0584. Box 20/Folder 1. Anchorage, Alaska - Freight Rates. 8 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 41 |
0592. Box 20/Folder 1. Boilermakers-Blacksmiths Amalgamation. 12 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 42 |
0602. Box 20/Folder 1. Bond Program, United States Savings. 7 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 43 |
0609. Box 20/Folder 1. C.A.R.E. 4 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 44 |
0614. Box 20/Folder 1. Civil Rates, American Federation of Labor work on. 3 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 45 |
0617. Box 20/Folder 1. Communism - Economic Trends in Europe and the Middle East.
63 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 46 |
0680. Box 20/Folder 1. Community Chests and Councils. 6 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 47 |
0686. Box 20/Folder 1. Conversion of Defense Plant Facilities. 6 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 48 |
0692. Box 20/Folder 1. Daily Labor Press. 4 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 49 |
0696. Box 20/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 50 |
0697. Box 20/Folder 2. Defense Orders - Union Shops. 10 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 51 |
0707. Box 20/Folder 2. Farm Organizations. 26 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 52 |
0733. Box 20/Folder 2. Federal Labor Union Conferences. 3 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 53 |
0736. Box 20/Folder 2. Free Trade Union Committee. 25 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 54 |
0761. Box 20/Folder 2. Histadrut-Israeli Federation of Labor. 2 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 55 |
0763. Box 20/Folder 2. Housing - Advisory Committee Home Finance Agency. 15 pages.
1951 |
Reel 15 | 56 |
0778. Box 20/Folder 2. Insurance Agents Strike - Prudential Insurance Company. 39
1951-1952 |
Reel 15 | 57 |
0817. Box 20/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). 182 pages.
1950- 1952 |
Reel 16 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 16 | 1 |
0001. Box 20/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). 235 pages.
1952 |
Scope and Contents
January-June 1952.
Reel 16 | 2 |
0236. Box 20/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 3 |
0237. Box 20/Folder 5. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). 139
1952 |
Scope and Contents
June-December, 1952.
Reel 16 | 4 |
0376. Box 20/Folder 5. Replies to Letter of May 2 regarding International Confederation
of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). 50 pages.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 5 |
0426. Box 21/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labour Organization. 138 pages.
1950-1952 |
Scope and Contents
1950-January 1952.
Reel 16 | 6 |
0565. Box 21/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - International
Labour Organization. 144 pages.
1952 |
Scope and Contents
January- September, 1952
Reel 16 | 7 |
0710. Box 21/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1952 |
Reel 16 | 8 |
0711. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - General Matters. 60 pages.
1950-1952 |
Reel 16 | 9 |
0771. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Albania. 5 pages.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 10 |
0776. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Australia. 3 pages.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 11 |
0779. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - China (ROC). 6 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 16 | 12 |
0785. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Denmark. 12 pages.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 13 |
0797. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - France. 10 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 16 | 14 |
0807. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Germany/Austria. 129 pages.
1950-1952 |
Reel 16 | 15 |
0936. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - Greece. 5 pages.
1952 |
Reel 16 | 16 |
0941. Box 21/Folder 3. International Labor Relations - India. 32 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 |
Convention File, 1935-1952
Reel 17 | 1 |
0001. Box 21/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 2 |
0002. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Indonesia. 15 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 3 |
0017. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Israel. 5 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 4 |
0022. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Italy. 23 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 5 |
0045. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Japan. 97 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 6 |
0142. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Korea (ROK). 13 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 7 |
0155. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Latin America. 26 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 8 |
0181. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Morocco. 15 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 9 |
0196. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Pakistan. 10 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 10 |
0206. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Poland. 14 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 11 |
0220. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - South Africa. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 12 |
0227. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Spain. 9 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 13 |
0236. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Switzerland. 6 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 14 |
0242. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Tunisia. 29 pages.
1952 |
Reel 17 | 15 |
0271. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Turkey. 6 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 16 |
0277. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Turks Island. 7 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 17 |
0284. Box 21/Folder 4. International Labor Relations - Yugoslavia. 5 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 18 |
0289. Box 21/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1950-1952 |
Reel 17 | 19 |
0290. Box 21/Folder 5. Partition of Ireland. 11 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 20 |
0301. Box 21/Folder 5. Italian Peace Treaty. 10 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 21 |
0311. Box 21/Folder 5. Labor Press Committee. 9 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 22 |
0320. Box 21/Folder 5. Machinists - Reafilliation. 61 pages.
1950-1951 |
Reel 17 | 23 |
0381. Box 21/Folder 5. Meat Cutters-Leather Workers Amalgamation. 22 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 24 |
0403. Box 21/Folder 5. Mexican-United States Labor Cooperation. 63 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 25 |
0466. Box 22/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention - Mutual Security
Administration (North Atlantic Treaty Organization and ECA). 199 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 26 |
0665. Box 22/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 27 |
0666. Box 22/Folder 2. Organization - Atomic Energy Plants. 5 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 28 |
0671. Box 22/Folder 2. Organization - Expansion of American Federation of Labor Program.
6 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 29 |
0677. Box 22/Folder 2. Organization - Southern California Campaign. 52 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 30 |
0729. Box 22/Folder 2. Printing Paper - Cost and Shortage. 3 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 31 |
0732. Box 22/Folder 2. Sugar - Sturdy of Domestic Situation. 4 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 32 |
0736. Box 22/Folder 2. Taft-Hartley Act. 15 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 33 |
0751. Box 22/Folder 2. Tobacco Workers-Teamsters Jurisdictional Dispute. 13 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 34 |
0764. Box 22/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 35 |
0765. Box 22/Folder 3. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
32 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 36 |
0797. Box 22/Folder 3. Union Label. 5 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 37 |
0802. Box 22/Folder 3. United Labor Policy Committee. 13 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 38 |
0815. Box 22/Folder 3. United Nations. 36 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 39 |
0851. Box 22/Folder 3. Unity - AFL-CIO Conferences. 14 pages.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 40 |
0865. Box 22/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1951-1952 |
Reel 17 | 41 |
0866. Box 22/Folder 4. Wage Stabilization. 101 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 42 |
0967. Box 22/Folder 4. Women Workers. 7 pages.
1951 |
Reel 17 | 43 |
0974. Box 22/Folder 4. Wage Stabilization. 83 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 |
Convention File, 1935-1952 Relations with the Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Reel 18 | 1 |
0001. Box 23/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 2 |
0002. Box 23/Folder 1. American Book Company - Anti-Union Activities. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 3 |
0009. Box 23/Folder 1. American Federationist. 4 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 4 |
0013. Box 23/Folder 1. Appeal - C.A.R.E. 8 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 5 |
0021. Box 23/Folder 1. Civil Defense. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 6 |
0028. Box 23/Folder 1. Community Chests - Defense Funds. 9 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 7 |
0037. Box 23/Folder 1. Curtis Publishing Company, Organization of. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 8 |
0044. Box 23/Folder 1. Firefighters-Operating Engineers Jurisdictional Dispute. 26
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 9 |
0070. Box 23/Folder 1. Foreign-Made Motion Pictures. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 10 |
0077. Box 23/Folder 1. Free Trade Union Committee. 5 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 11 |
0082. Box 23/Folder 1. Gompers Memorial - City of Hope, California. 42 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 12 |
0106. Box 23/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 13 |
0107. Box 23/Folder 2. Government Printing Office - Minimum Pay for Bookbinders. 12
1952 |
Reel 18 | 14 |
0119. Box 23/Folder 2. Health Protection Services. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 15 |
0126. Box 23/Folder 2. Histadrut. 10 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 16 |
0136. Box 23/Folder 2. Insurance Companies - Organizing Campaign. 9 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 17 |
0145. Box 23/Folder 2. International Labor Organization. 47 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 18 |
0192. Box 23/Folder 2. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). 45
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 19 |
0237. Box 23/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 20 |
0238. Box 23/Folder 3. Italy, Boys' Town of. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 21 |
0245. Box 23/Folder 3. Jurisdictional Disputes between American Federation of Labor
Unions. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 22 |
0252. Box 23/Folder 3. Justice Department - Ruling on Motion Pictures. 15 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 23 |
0267. Box 23/Folder 3. Labor's Daily - ITU. 5 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 24 |
0272. Box 23/Folder 3. Labor Unity. 17 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 25 |
0289. Box 23/Folder 3. Latin America. 17 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 26 |
0306. Box 23/Folder 3. Legislation (State), Department of. 8 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 27 |
0314. Box 23/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 28 |
0315. Box 23/Folder 4. Mutual Security Agency - ECA. 13 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 29 |
0328. Box 23/Folder 4. Senator McMahon - Nobel Peace Prize Requested. 8 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 30 |
0336. Box 23/Folder 4. Postmaster General, Orders of the. 5 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 31 |
0341. Box 23/Folder 4. Political Matters. 106 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 32 |
0447. Box 23/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers relating to Convention.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 33 |
0448. Box 23/Folder 5. Organization - Craft Union. 13 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 34 |
0461. Box 23/Folder 5. Resolutions Committee - Recommendations. 15 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 35 |
0486. Box 23/Folder 5. State and City Central Body - Local Union Affiliation. 9 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 36 |
0494. Box 23/Folder 5. Taft-Hartley Act, Developments under the. 44 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 37 |
0538. Box 23/Folder 5. TV Channels for Labor Educational Programs. 6 pages.
1952-1953 |
Reel 18 | 38 |
0544. Box 23/Folder 5. Union Label - Clubs. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 39 |
0551. Box 23/Folder 5. Union Label - Councils. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 40 |
0558. Box 23/Folder 5. Union Industries Show - Participation Urged. 7 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 41 |
0565. United Nations - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
13 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 42 |
0578. Box 23/Folder 5. Women Workers. 3 pages.
1952 |
Reel 18 | 43 |
0581. Box 24/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1935-1937 |
Reel 18 | 44 |
0582. Box 24/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 7 pages.
1935 |
Reel 18 | 45 |
0589. Box 24/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 85 pages.
1936 |
Reel 18 | 46 |
0674. Box 24/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 161 pages.
1937 |
Reel 18 | 47 |
0835. Box 24/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 260 pages.
1937-1938 |
Scope and Contents
October 1937-January 1938.
Reel 19 |
Relations with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1935-1950
Reel 19 | 1 |
Box 24/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 202 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
January-September 1938
Reel 19 | 2 |
0203. Box 24/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1938-1942 |
Reel 19 | 3 |
0204. Box 24/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 32 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
October-December 1938.
Reel 19 | 4 |
0236. Box 24/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 103 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
January- December 1939
Reel 19 | 5 |
0339. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
30 pages.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
January-June 1940.
Reel 19 | 6 |
0369. Box 24/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 18 pages.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
September- December 1941.
Reel 19 | 7 |
0387. Box 24/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 12 pages.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
January-June 1942.
Reel 19 | 8 |
0399. Box 25/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1942-1943 |
Reel 19 | 9 |
0400. Box 25/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 80 pages.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
April and August- December, 1942.
Reel 19 | 10 |
0480. Box 25/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 64 pages.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
January-June 1943.
Reel 19 | 11 |
0544. Box 25/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1943-1944 |
Reel 19 | 12 |
0545. Box 25/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 84 pages.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
January- November 1943.
Reel 19 | 13 |
0629. Box 25/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 26 pages.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
January- November 1944.
Reel 19 | 14 |
0655. Box 25/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1945-1947 |
Reel 19 | 15 |
0656. Box 25/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 15 pages.
1945 |
Scope and Contents
October- December 1945.
Reel 19 | 16 |
0671. Box 25/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 93 pages.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
January- December 1946.
Reel 19 | 17 |
0764. Box 25/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 58 pages.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
January-July 1947
Reel 20 |
Relations with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1935-1950 Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1937-1947.
Reel 20 | 1 |
0001. Box 25/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
1948-1950 |
Reel 20 | 2 |
0002. Box 25/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 40 pages.
1948 |
Scope and Contents
September- December 1948
Reel 20 | 3 |
0042. Box 25/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 26 pages.
1949 |
Scope and Contents
January-October 1949.
Reel 20 | 4 |
0068. Box 25/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 47 pages.
1950 |
Scope and Contents
May-September 1950.
Reel 20 | 5 |
0116. Box 26/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
1937-1938 |
Reel 20 | 6 |
0117. Box 26/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 125 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
May-December 1937.
Reel 20 | 7 |
0242. Box 26/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 141 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
January-March 1938.
Reel 20 | 8 |
0383.Box 26/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
1938-1939 |
Reel 20 | 9 |
0384. Box 26/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 187 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
April-December 1938.
Reel 20 | 10 |
0571. Box 26/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 38 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
January-March 1939.
Reel 20 | 11 |
0609. Box 26/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
1939-1944 |
Scope and Contents
1939-1940, 1943-1944
Reel 20 | 12 |
0610. Box 26/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 35 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
April-December 1939
Reel 20 | 13 |
0645. Box 26/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 19 pages.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
January-October 1940.
Reel 20 | 14 |
0664. Box 26/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 69 pages.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
February-December 1943.
Reel 20 | 15 |
0733. Box 26/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 168 pages.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
January-March 1944.
Reel 21 |
Political Collaboration with the Congress of Industrial Organizations Papers Favoring
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations Unity, 1935-1951.
Reel 21 | 1 |
0001. Box 26/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with Congress of Industrial Organizations.
1944-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1944, 1947.
Reel 21 | 2 |
0002. Box 26/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 119 pages.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
April-December 1944.
Reel 21 | 3 |
0121. Box 26/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers relating to Political Collaboration
with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. 86 pages.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
January-December 1947
Reel 21 | 4 |
0207. Box 27/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations.
1935-1936 |
Reel 21 | 5 |
0208. Box 27/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 27 pages.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
November-December 1935.
Reel 21 | 6 |
0235. Box 27/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 244 pages.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
January- December 1936
Reel 21 | 7 |
0479. Box 27/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 191 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
January- September 1937.
Reel 21 | 8 |
0670. Box 27/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 182 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
October 1937.
Reel 22 |
Papers Favoring American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
Unity, 1935-1951 (Continued).
Reel 22 | 1 |
0001. Box 27/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 292 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
November-December 1937
Reel 22 | 2 |
0293. Box 27/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 215 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
January- April 1938.
Reel 22 | 3 |
0508. Box 28/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 120 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
May- September 1938.
Reel 22 | 4 |
0628. Box 28/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 206 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
October 1938.
Reel 22 | 5 |
0834. Box 28/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 145 pages.
1938 |
Scope and Contents
November-December 1938.
Reel 23 |
Papers Favoring American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
Unity, 1935-1951 (Continued).
Reel 23 | 1 |
0001. Box 28/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 188 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
January- February 1939
Reel 23 | 2 |
0190. Box 28/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 218 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
March 1-9, 1939.
Reel 23 | 3 |
0408. Box 28/Folder 6. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 255 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
March 9-14, 1939.
Reel 23 | 4 |
0663. Box 29/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 272 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
March 15-31, 1939.
Reel 24 |
Papers Favoring American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
Unity, 1935-1951 (Continued). National and International Union Correspondence, 1935-1951.
Reel 24 | 1 |
0001. Box 29/Folder 2. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 248 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
April- May 1939.
Reel 24 | 2 |
0249. Box 29/Folder 3. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 149 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
June- December 1939.
Reel 24 | 3 |
0388. Box 29/Folder 4. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 107 pages.
1940 |
Scope and Contents
January- December 1940.
Reel 24 | 4 |
0595. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations.
1941-1951 |
Reel 24 | 5 |
0596. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 16 pages.
1941 |
Scope and Contents
June- December 1941.
Reel 24 | 6 |
0612. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 82 pages.
1942 |
Scope and Contents
January- September 1942.
Reel 24 | 7 |
0694. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 1 page.
1943 |
Scope and Contents
September 1943.
Reel 24 | 8 |
0695. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 2 pages.
1944 |
Scope and Contents
March 1944.
Reel 24 | 9 |
0697. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 3 pages.
1945 |
Scope and Contents
March 1945
Reel 24 | 10 |
0700. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 7 pages.
1946 |
Scope and Contents
December 1946
Reel 24 | 11 |
0707. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 63 pages.
1947 |
Scope and Contents
January- August 1947
Reel 24 | 12 |
0770. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 1 page.
1950 |
Scope and Contents
April 1950
Reel 24 | 13 |
0771. Box 29/Folder 5. Correspondence and Papers Favoring Unity with the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 7 pages.
1951 |
Scope and Contents
April-May 1951.
Reel 24 | 14 |
0778. Box 30/Folder 1. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "A"
Reel 24 | 15 |
0779. Box 30/Folder 1. Actors. 2 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 24 | 16 |
0781. Box 30/Folder 1. Auto Workers. 261 pages.
1935-1938 |
Reel 25 |
National and International Union Correspondence, 1935-1951
Reel 25 | 1 |
0001. Box 30/Folder 2. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Auto Workers
(continued). 143 pages.
1939-1950 |
Reel 25 | 2 |
0144. Box 30/Folder 3. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "B"
Reel 25 | 3 |
0145. Box 30/Folder 5. Bakers. 8 pages.
1942-1943 |
Reel 25 | 4 |
0153. Box 30/Folder 3. Barbers. 5 pages.
1936-1951 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1951.
Reel 25 | 5 |
0158. Box 30/Folder 3. Blacksmiths. 79 pages.
1936-1943 |
Reel 25 | 6 |
0237. Box 30/Folder 3. Boilermakers. 14 pages.
1937-1947 |
Reel 25 | 7 |
0251. Box 30/Folder 3. Boot and Shoe Workers. 35 pages.
1936-1944 |
Reel 25 | 8 |
0286. Box 30/Folder 4. Brewery Workers. 8 pages.
1936-1942 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1942
Reel 25 | 9 |
0294. Box 30/Folder 3. Brick and Clay Workers. 14 pages.
1939-1943 |
Reel 25 | 10 |
0308. Box 30/Folder 3. Bridge Workers. 31 pages.
1936-1947 |
Reel 25 | 11 |
0339. Box 30/Folder 3. Building Service Employees. 18 pages.
1937-1949 |
Reel 25 | 12 |
0357. Box 30/Folder 4. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "C"
Reel 25 | 13 |
0358. Box 30/Folder 4. Railroad Carmen. 5 pages.
1940-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1940 and 1947
Reel 25 | 14 |
0363. Box 30/Folder 4. Carpenters. 103 pages.
1935-1950 |
Reel 25 | 15 |
0466. Box 30/Folder 4. Cement Workers. 94 pages.
1940-1944 |
Reel 25 | 16 |
0560. Box 40/Folder 5. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "C" (continued)-"F"
Reel 25 | 17 |
0561. Box 30/Folder 5. Cigar Makers. 13 pages.
1937-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1937-1939 and 1947
Reel 25 | 18 |
0574.. Box 30/Folder 5. Cleaners and Dyers. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 25 | 19 |
0574. Box 30/Folder 5. Clerks. 41 pages.
1936-1945 |
Reel 25 | 20 |
0615. Box 30/Folder 5. Electrical Workers. 33 pages.
1936-1951 |
Reel 25 | 21 |
0648. Box 30/Folder 5. Farm Equipment Workers. 6 pages.
1943-1944 |
Reel 25 | 22 |
0654. Box 30/Folder 5. Firemen and Oilers. 3 pages.
1944 |
Reel 25 | 23 |
0657. Box 30/Folder 5. Fur Workers. 169 pages.
1937-1943 |
Reel 25 | 24 |
0826. Box 31/Folder 1. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "F" (continued)-"G"
Reel 25 | 25 |
0827. Box 31/Folder 1. Furniture Workers. 3 pages.
1944 |
Reel 25 | 26 |
0830. Box 31/Folder 1. Garment Workers. 140 pages.
1935-1944 |
Reel 25 | 27 |
0970. Box 31/Folder 1. Glass Workers. 36 pages.
1937-1947 |
Reel 25 | 28 |
1006. Box 31/Folder 1. Glove Workers. 3 pages.
1937 |
Reel 26 |
National and International Union Correspondence, 1935-1951
Reel 26 | 1 |
0001. Box 31/Folder 2. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "G"" (continued)-"J"
Reel 26 | 2 |
0002. Box 31/Folder 2. Government Employees. 10 pages.
1936-1942 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1941-1942
Reel 26 | 3 |
0012. Box 31/Folder 2. Grain Processors. 4 pages.
1942 |
Reel 26 | 4 |
0016. Box 31/Folder 2. Handbag Workers. 29 pages.
1938-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1938 and 1945
Reel 26 | 5 |
0045. Box 31/Folder 2. Hatters. 41 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1939 and 1945-1947
Reel 26 | 6 |
0086. Box 31/Folder 2. Hod Carriers. 7 pages.
1939-1943 |
Reel 26 | 7 |
0093. Box 31/Folder 2. Hotel and Restaurant Employees. 55 pages.
1936-1947 |
Reel 26 | 8 |
0148. Box 31/Folder 2. Jewelry Workers. 16 pages.
1938-1940 |
Reel 26 | 9 |
0164. Box 31/Folder 3. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "L"-"M"
Reel 26 | 10 |
0165. Box 31/Folder 3. Laundry Workers. 4 pages.
1943 |
Reel 26 | 11 |
0169. Box 31/Folder 3. Leather Workers. 6 pages.
1937 |
Reel 26 | 12 |
0175. Box 31/Folder 3. Leather Carriers. 3 pages.
1944-1945 |
Reel 26 | 13 |
0178. Box 31/Folder 3. Locomotive Engineers. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 26 | 14 |
0180. Box 31/Folder 3. Longshoremen. 46 pages.
1937-1945 |
Reel 26 | 15 |
0226. Box 31/Folder 3. Machinists. 95 pages.
1936-1945 |
Reel 26 | 16 |
0321. Box 31/Folder 3. Maintenance of Way. 7 pages.
1936-1939 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1939
Reel 26 | 17 |
0328. Box 31/Folder 3. Marine engineers. 23 pages.
1937-1945 |
Reel 26 | 18 |
0351. Box 31/Folder 3. Maritime Union. 16 pages.
1939 |
Reel 26 | 19 |
0367. Box 31/Folder 3. Metal Polishers. 9 pages.
1936-1942 |
Scope and Contents
1936, 1940, and 1942
Reel 26 | 20 |
0376. Box 31/Folder 3. Match Workers. 3 pages.
1942 |
Reel 26 | 21 |
0379. Box 31/Folder 3. Meat Cutters. 34 pages.
1937-1950 |
Reel 26 | 22 |
0413. Box 31/Folder 4. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Mine Workers.
262 pages.
1935-1937 |
Scope and Contents
1935-July 1937
Reel 26 | 23 |
0676. Box 31/Folder 5. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Mine Workers.
210 pages.
1937-1938 |
Scope and Contents
August 1937-May 1938
Reel 26 | 24 |
0886. Box 32/Folder 1. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Mine Workers.
215 pages.
1938-1939 |
Scope and Contents
June 1938-August 1939.
Reel 27 |
National and International Union Correspondence, 1935-1951
Reel 27 | 1 |
0001. Box 32/Folder 2. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Mine Workers.
161 pages.
1939-1947 |
Scope and Contents
October 1939-July 1947
Reel 27 | 2 |
0162. Box 32/Folder 3. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "M" (continued)-"O"
Reel 27 | 3 |
0163. Box 32/Folder 3. Molders. 36 pages.
1937-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1937, 1941, and 1943-1945
Reel 27 | 4 |
0199. Box 32/Folder 3. Municipal Employees. 23 pages.
1937-1951 |
Scope and Contents
1937-1943 and 1947-1951.
Reel 27 | 5 |
0222. Box 32/Folder 3. Musicians. 22 pages.
1937-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1937, 1941, and 1947
Reel 27 | 6 |
0244. Box 32/Folder 3. Office Workers. 34 pages.
1941-1947 |
Reel 27 | 7 |
0278. Box 32/Folder 3. Oil Field Workers. 38 pages.
1937-1944 |
Reel 27 | 8 |
0316. Box 32/Folder 3. Operating Engineers. 9 pages.
1937-1943 |
Scope and Contents
1937 and 1943
Reel 27 | 9 |
0325. Box 32/Folder 4. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "P"-"R"
Reel 27 | 10 |
0326. Box 32/Folder 4. Painters. 40 pages.
1938-1947 |
Reel 27 | 11 |
0366. Box 32/Folder 4. Photo Engravers. 2 pages.
1936 |
Reel 27 | 12 |
0368. Box 32/Folder 4. Plasterers. 2 pages.
1936 |
Reel 27 | 13 |
0370. Box 32/Folder 4. Polishers, Metal. 1 page.
1936 |
Reel 27 | 14 |
0371. Box 32/Folder 4. Plumbers. 3 pages.
1939 |
Reel 27 | 15 |
0374. Box 32/Folder 4. Powder Workers. 8 pages.
1939 |
Reel 27 | 16 |
0382. Box 32/Folder 4. Rubber Workers. 5 pages.
1938-1939 |
Reel 27 | 17 |
0387. Box 32/Folder 4. Printing Pressmen. 11 pages.
1936-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1945
Reel 27 | 18 |
0398. Box 32/Folder 4. Quarry Workers. 79 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 27 | 19 |
0477. Box 32/Folder 5. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Newspaper
Guild. 339 pages.
1937-1945 |
Reel 27 | 20 |
0816. Box 32/Folder 6. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "P"
Reel 27 | 21 |
0817. Box 32/Folder 6. Packinghouse Workers. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 27 | 22 |
0819. Box 32/Folder 6. Paper Makers. 57 pages.
1936-1947 |
Reel 27 | 23 |
0876. Box 32/Folder 6. Pattern Makers. 20 pages.
1939-1945 |
Reel 27 | 24 |
0896. Box 33/Folder 1. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "R" (continued)-"S"
Reel 27 | 25 |
0897. Box 33/Folder 1. Railway Employees. 26 pages.
1940-1943 |
Reel 27 | 26 |
0923. Box 33/Folder 1. Rubber Workers. 9 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1947
Reel 27 | 27 |
0932. Box 33/Folder 1. Seafarers. 65 pages.
1937-1945 |
Reel 27 | 28 |
0997. Box 33/Folder 1. Sheep Shearers. 4 pages.
1938 |
Reel 27 | 29 |
1001. Box 33/Folder 1. Shipbuilders. 4 pages.
1943-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1943 and 1947
Reel 27 | 30 |
1005. Box 33/Folder 1. Shoe Workers. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 27 | 31 |
1007. Box 33/Folder 1. Sleeping Car Porters. 11 pages.
1940 |
Reel 28 |
National and International Union Correspondence, 1935-1951 State Federations of Labor
Correspondence, 1935-1945.
Reel 28 | 1 |
0001. Box 33/Folder 2. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Steel
Workers. 269 pages.
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
1933-March 1936
Reel 28 | 2 |
0270. Box 33/Folder 3. Correspondence of National and International Unions. Steel
Workers. 190 pages.
1936-1947 |
Reel 28 | 3 |
0460. Box 33/Folder 4. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "S" (continued)-"T"
Reel 28 | 4 |
0461. Box 33/Folder 4. Switchmen. 3 pages.
1936 |
Reel 28 | 5 |
0464. Box 33/Folder 4. Teachers. 29 pages.
1937-1947 |
Reel 28 | 6 |
0493. Box 33/Folder 4. Teamsters. 50 pages.
1936-1945 |
Reel 28 | 7 |
0543. Box 33/Folder 4. Technical Engineers. 10 pages.
1937-1945 |
Reel 28 | 8 |
0553. Box 33/Folder 4. Telegraphers. 28 pages.
1937-1944 |
Reel 28 | 9 |
0581. Box 33/Folder 4. Telephone Workers. 9 pages.
1945 |
Reel 28 | 10 |
0590. Box 33/Folder 4. Textile Workers. 41 pages.
1936-1950 |
Reel 28 | 11 |
0631. Box 33/Folder 4. Tobacco Workers. 3 pages.
1947 |
Reel 28 | 12 |
0634. Box 33/Folder 4. Trainmen, Railroad. 13 pages.
1943-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1943 and 1947
Reel 28 | 13 |
0647. Box 33/Folder 5. Typographical Union. 45 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1944-1947
Reel 28 | 14 |
0692. Box 33/Folder 5. Correspondence of National and International Unions. "U"-"W"
Reel 28 | 15 |
0693. Box 33/Folder 5. Upholsterers. 119 pages.
1937-1942 |
Reel 28 | 16 |
0812. Box 33/Folder 5. Wallpaper Craftsmen. 10 pages.
1944 |
Reel 28 | 17 |
0822. Box 34/Folder 1. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "A"-"C" and Canada
Reel 28 | 18 |
0823. Box 34/Folder 1. Alabama. 46 pages.
1936-1938 |
Reel 28 | 19 |
0869. Box 34/Folder 1. Arizona. 28 pages.
1937-1941 |
Reel 28 | 20 |
0897. Box 34/Folder 1. Arkansas. 28 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 28 | 21 |
0947. Box 34/Folder 1. California. 34 pages.
1936-1943 |
Reel 28 | 22 |
0983. Box 34/Folder 1. Canada. 54 pages.
1938-1945 |
Reel 28 | 23 |
1037. Box 34/Folder 1. Colorado. 51 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 28 | 24 |
1088. Box 34/Folder 1. Connecticut. 12 pages.
1937-1946 |
Reel 29 |
State Federations of Labor Correspondence, 1935-1945
Reel 29 | 1 |
0001. Box 34/Folder 2. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. Georgia. 287
1936-1938 |
Reel 29 | 2 |
0287. Box 34/Folder 3. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "I"
Reel 29 | 3 |
0288. Box 34/Folder 3. Idaho. 14 pages.
1936-1938 |
Reel 29 | 4 |
0302. Box 34/Folder 3. Illinois. 35 pages.
1936-1946 |
Reel 29 | 5 |
0337. Box 34/Folder 3. Indiana. 37 pages.
1937-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1937-1938 and 1945
Reel 29 | 6 |
0374. Box 34/Folder 4. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "I" (continued)-"L"
Reel 29 | 7 |
0375. Box 34/Folder 4. Iowa. 190 pages.
1936-1944 |
Reel 29 | 8 |
0565. Box 34/Folder 4. Kansas. 2 pages.
1936 |
Reel 29 | 9 |
0567. Box 34/Folder 4. Kentucky. 3 pages.
1936 |
Reel 29 | 10 |
0570. Box 34/Folder 4. Kansas. 5 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 29 | 11 |
0575. Box 34/Folder 4. Kentucky. 2 pages.
1938 |
Reel 29 | 12 |
0577. Box 34/Folder 4. Kansas. 31 pages.
1939-1941 |
Reel 29 | 13 |
0608. Box 34/Folder 4. Kentucky. 61 pages.
1937-1942 |
Reel 29 | 14 |
0669. Box 34/Folder 4. Kansas. 1 page.
1937 |
Reel 29 | 15 |
0670. Box 34/Folder 4. Louisiana. 13 pages.
1946 |
Reel 29 | 16 |
0683. Box 35/Folder 1. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "M"
Reel 29 | 17 |
0684. Box 35/Folder 1. Maryland. 9 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 29 | 18 |
0693. Box 35/Folder 1. Massachusetts. 26 pages.
1936-1938 |
Reel 29 | 19 |
0719. Box 35/Folder 1. Michigan. 17 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 29 | 20 |
0736. Box 35/Folder 1. Minnesota. 77 pages.
1936-1945 |
Reel 29 | 21 |
0813. Box 35/Folder 1. Mississippi. 9 pages.
1936 |
Reel 29 | 22 |
0822. Box 35/Folder 1. Minnesota. 2 pages.
1947 |
Reel 29 | 23 |
0824. Box 35/Folder 1. Mississippi. 4 pages.
1937 |
Reel 29 | 24 |
0828. Box 35/Folder 2. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. Montana. 233
1937-1939 |
Reel 30 |
State Federations of Labor Correspondence, 1935-1945
Reel 30 | 1 |
0001. Box 35/Folder 3. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "N"-"O"
Reel 30 | 2 |
0002. Box 35/Folder 3. Nebraska. 12 pages.
1944-1945 |
Reel 30 | 3 |
0014. Box 35/Folder 3. North Carolina. 3 pages.
1945 |
Reel 30 | 4 |
0017. Box 35/Folder 3. New York. 1 page.
1945 |
Reel 30 | 5 |
0018. Box 35/Folder 3. Nebraska. 1 page.
1945 |
Reel 30 | 6 |
0019. Box 35/Folder 3. Nevada. 25 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 30 | 7 |
0044. Box 35/Folder 3. New Hampshire. 5 pages.
1937 |
Reel 30 | 8 |
0049. Box 35/Folder 3. New Jersey. 24 pages.
1936-1951 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1937, 1943, and 1951.
Reel 30 | 9 |
0073. Box 35/Folder 3. New Mexico. 3 pages.
1937 |
Reel 30 | 10 |
0076. Box 35/Folder 3. New York. 4 pages.
1937 |
Reel 30 | 11 |
0080. Box 35/Folder 3. North Carolina. 66 pages.
1936-1939 |
Reel 30 | 12 |
0146. Box 35/Folder 3. North Dakota. 12 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 30 | 13 |
0158. Box 35/Folder 3. Ohio. 49 pages.
1936-1938 |
Reel 30 | 14 |
0207. Box 35/Folder 3. Oklahoma. 37 pages.
1935-1950 |
Scope and Contents
1935-1937 and 1950
Reel 30 | 15 |
0244. Box 35/Folder 4. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. Pennsylvania.
287 pages.
1936-1947 |
Reel 30 | 16 |
0532. Box 36/Folder 1. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "R"-W"
Reel 30 | 17 |
0533. Box 36/Folder 1. Rhode Island. 10 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 30 | 18 |
0543. Box 36/Folder 1. South Carolina. 10 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 30 | 19 |
0553. Box 36/Folder 1. South Dakota. 16 pages.
1937 |
Reel 30 | 20 |
0569. Box 36/Folder 1. Tennessee. 14 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 30 | 21 |
0583. Box 36/Folder 1. Texas. 7 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 30 | 22 |
0590. Box 36/Folder 1. Utah. 78 pages.
1935-1941 |
Reel 30 | 23 |
0668. Box 36/Folder 1. Vermont. 3 pages.
1936 |
Reel 30 | 24 |
0671. Box 36/Folder 1. Virginia. 17 pages.
1936-1942 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1937 and 1942.
Reel 30 | 25 |
0688. Box 36/Folder 1. Washington. 15 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 30 | 26 |
0703. Box 36/Folder 2. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. West Virginia.
255 pages.
1936-1942 |
Reel 30 | 27 |
0959. Box 36/Folder 3. Correspondence of State Federations of Labor. "W" (continued)
Reel 30 | 28 |
0960. Box 36/Folder 3. Wisconsin. 30 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 30 | 29 |
0990. Box 36/Folder 3. Wyoming. 26 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 31 |
Central Labor Union Correspondence, 1935-1950.
Reel 31 | 1 |
0001. Box 37/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "A"
Reel 31 | 2 |
0002. Box 37/Folder 1. Alabama. 78 pages.
1935-1938 |
Reel 31 | 3 |
0080. Box 37/Folder 1. Alaska. 5 pages.
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1938 and 1947
Reel 31 | 4 |
0085. Box 37/Folder 1. Arizona. 8 pages.
1936-1946 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1938 and 1946
Reel 31 | 5 |
0093. Box 37/Folder 1. Arkansas. 64 pages.
1936-1939 |
Reel 31 | 6 |
0157. Box 37/Folder 2. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. California. 142 pages.
1935-1937 |
Scope and Contents
1935-June 1937
Reel 31 | 7 |
0330. Box 37/Folder 3. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. California. 171 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
July-December 1937
Reel 31 | 8 |
0502. Box 37/Folder 4. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. California. 157 pages.
1938 |
Reel 31 | 9 |
0659. Box 37/Folder 5. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. California. 140 pages.
1939-1947 |
Reel 31 | 10 |
0799. Box 38/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Canada. 206 pages.
1936-1946 |
Reel 32 |
Central Labor Union Correspondence, 1935-1950
Reel 32 | 1 |
0001. Box 38/Folder 2. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "C" (continued)-"H"
Reel 32 | 2 |
0002. Box 38/Folder 2. Connecticut. 17 pages.
1937-1944 |
Reel 32 | 3 |
0019. Box 38/Folder 2. Florida. 69 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 32 | 4 |
0088. Box 38/Folder 2. Georgia. 38 pages.
1936-1944 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1938 and 1944
Reel 32 | 5 |
0126. Box 38/Folder 2. Hawaii. 3 pages.
1943 |
Reel 32 | 6 |
0129. Box 38/Folder 3. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Illinois. 224 pages.
1936-1940 |
Reel 32 | 7 |
0353. Box 38/Folder 4. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Indiana. 271 pages.
1936-1944 |
Reel 32 | 8 |
0624. Box 38/Folder 5. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "I" (continued)-"L"
Reel 32 | 9 |
0625. Box 38/Folder 5. Iowa. 131 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1941, 1944, and 1947
Reel 32 | 10 |
0756. Box 38/Folder 5. Kansas. 16 pages.
1935-1944 |
Scope and Contents
1935-1940 and 1944
Reel 32 | 11 |
0772. Box 38/Folder 5. Kentucky. 17 pages.
1936-1943 |
Reel 32 | 12 |
0789. Box 38/Folder 5. Louisiana. 38 pages.
1936-1941 |
Scope and Contents
1936 and 1941
Reel 32 | 13 |
0827. Box 39/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "M"
Reel 32 | 14 |
0828. Box 39/Folder 1. Maryland. 21 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1937, 1942, and 1947.
Reel 32 | 15 |
0849. Box 39/Folder 1. Massachusetts. 19 pages.
1936-1944 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1938 and 1944
Reel 32 | 16 |
0868. Box 39/Folder 1. Michigan. 144 pages.
1937-1950 |
Reel 33 |
Central Labor Union Correspondence, 1935-1950
Reel 33 | 1 |
0001. Box 39/Folder 2. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Minnesota. 196 pages.
1936-1941 |
Scope and Contents
1936-June 1941
Reel 33 | 2 |
0198. Box 39/Folder 3. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Minnesota. 213 pages.
1941-1947 |
Scope and Contents
July 1941- 1947
Reel 33 | 3 |
0411. Box 39/Folder 4. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "M" (continued)-"N"
Reel 33 | 4 |
0412. Box 39/Folder 4. Missouri. 20 pages.
1935-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1935-1938 and 1945
Reel 33 | 5 |
0432. Box 39/Folder 4. Montana. 100 pages.
1937-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1937-1942 and 1947
Reel 33 | 6 |
0532. Box 39/Folder 4. Nebraska. 68 pages.
1939-1944 |
Scope and Contents
1939 and 1943-1944
Reel 33 | 7 |
0600. Box 39/Folder 1. Nevada. 7 pages.
1943 |
Reel 33 | 8 |
0607. Box 39/Folder 4. New Hampshire. 4 pages.
1937 |
Reel 33 | 9 |
0611. Box 39/Folder 4. New Jersey. 52 pages.
1936-1946 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1941 and 1946
Reel 33 | 10 |
0663. Box 39/Folder 5. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. New York. 122 pages.
1936-1950 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1944, 1949-1950.
Reel 33 | 11 |
0785. Box 40/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "N" (continued)-"O"
Reel 33 | 12 |
0786. Box 40/Folder 1. North Carolina. 13 pages.
1941-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1941-1942 and 1947
Reel 33 | 13 |
0799. Box 40/Folder 1. Ohio. 100 pages.
1935-1937 |
Scope and Contents
1935-March 1937
Reel 34 |
Central Labor Union Correspondence, 1935-1950
Reel 34 | 1 |
0001. Box 40/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Ohio. 190 pages.
1937 |
Reel 34 | 2 |
0191. Box 40/Folder 2. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Ohio. 182 pages.
1938-1950 |
Reel 34 | 3 |
0373. Box 40/Folder 3. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "O" (continued)
Reel 34 | 4 |
0374. Box 40/Folder 3. Oklahoma. 14 pages.
1937-1942 |
Scope and Contents
1937, 1939, and 1942
Reel 34 | 5 |
0388. Box 40/Folder 3. Oregon. 53 pages.
1937 |
Reel 34 | 6 |
0441. Box 40/Folder 3. Oklahoma. 6 pages.
1938-1939 |
Reel 34 | 7 |
0447. Box 40/Folder 3. Oregon. 24 pages.
1939-1944 |
Reel 34 | 8 |
0471. Box 40/Folder 4. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Pennsylvania. 217 pages.
1935-1945 |
Reel 34 | 9 |
0689. Box 40/Folder 5. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. "R"-"V"
Reel 34 | 10 |
0690. Box 40/Folder 5. Rhode Island. 9 pages.
1937 |
Reel 34 | 11 |
0699. Box 40/Folder 5. South Carolina. 3 pages.
1935 |
Reel 34 | 12 |
0702. Box 40/Folder 5. South Dakota. 7 pages.
1938-1943 |
Scope and Contents
1938 and 1943
Reel 34 | 13 |
0709. Box 40/Folder 5. Tennessee. 17 pages.
1937 |
Reel 34 | 14 |
0726. Box 40/Folder 5. Texas. 1 page.
1938 |
Reel 34 | 15 |
0727. Box 40/Folder 5. Tennessee. 19 pages.
1938-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1938, 1942, and 1947
Reel 34 | 16 |
0746. Box 40/Folder 5. Texas. 61 pages.
1935-1944 |
Reel 34 | 17 |
0807. Box 40/Folder 5. Utah. 18 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 34 | 18 |
0825. Box 40/Folder 5. Virginia. 47 pages.
1937-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1937 and 1944-1947
Reel 35 |
Central Labor Union Correspondence, 1935-1950. Local Union Correspondence, 1937-1947.
Reel 35 | 1 |
0001. Box 41/Folder 1. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Washington. 262 pages.
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1942 and 1947
Reel 35 | 2 |
0264. Box 41/Folder 2. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. West Virginia. 107
1936-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1936-1938 and 1944-1947
Reel 35 | 3 |
0371. Box 41/Folder 3. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. 188 pages. Wisconsin.
1936-1938 |
Scope and Contents
1936-February 1938
Reel 35 | 4 |
0559. Box 41/Folder 4. Correspondence of Central Labor Unions. Wisconsin. 41 pages.
1938-1943 |
Scope and Contents
March 1938- 1943
Reel 35 | 5 |
0630. Box 42/Folder 1. Correspondence of Local Unions. Aluminum Workers. 142 pages.
1937-1944 |
Reel 36 |
Local Union Correspondence, 1937-1947 . Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1950.
Reel 36 | 1 |
0001. Box 41/Folder 2. Correspondence of Local Unions. "B"-"E"
Reel 36 | 2 |
0002. Box 41/Folder 2. Barbers. 3 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 3 |
0005. Box 41/Folder 2. Bookbinders. 3 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 4 |
0008. Box 41/Folder 2. Boot and Shoe Workers. 9 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 5 |
0017. Box 41/Folder 2. Building Service Workers. 4 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 6 |
0021. Box 41/Folder 2. Building Laborers and Carpenters. 23 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 36 | 7 |
0044. Box 41/Folder 2. Button Workers. 4 pages.
1938 |
Reel 36 | 8 |
0048. Box 41/Folder 2. Cannery Workers. 17 pages.
1939-1945 |
Scope and Contents
1939 and 1945
Reel 36 | 9 |
0065. Box 41/Folder 2. Cement Workers. 4 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 10 |
0069. Box 41/Folder 2. Chemical Workers. 13 pages.
1938 |
Reel 36 | 11 |
0082. Box 41/Folder 2. Clothing Workers. 3 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 12 |
0085. Box 41/Folder 2. Electrical Workers. 5 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 13 |
0090. Box 42/Folder 3. Correspondence of Local Unions. "F"-"T"
Reel 36 | 14 |
0091. Box 42/Folder 3. Farm Equipment and Metal Workers. 6 pages.
1945 |
Reel 36 | 15 |
0097. Box 42/Folder 3. Filling Station Workers. 3 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 16 |
0100. Box 42/Folder 3. Fishermen. 4 pages.
1939 |
Reel 36 | 17 |
0104. Box 42/Folder 3. Furniture Workers. 9 pages.
1940 |
Reel 36 | 18 |
0113. Box 42/Folder 3. Grain Processors. 11 pages.
1939-1947 |
Scope and Contents
1939, 1945, and 1947
Reel 36 | 19 |
0124. Box 42/Folder 3. Longshoremen. 5 pages.
1939 |
Reel 36 | 20 |
0129. Box 42/Folder 3. Operating Engineers. 4 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 21 |
0133. Box 42/Folder 3. Optical Workers. 3 pages.
1947 |
Reel 36 | 22 |
0136. Box 42/Folder 3. Railway Carmen. 5 pages.
1938 |
Reel 36 | 23 |
0141. Box 42/Folder 3. State, County, and Municipal Employees. 6 pages.
1937 |
Reel 36 | 24 |
0147. Box 42/Folder 3. Sugar Refinery Workers. 9 pages.
1938 |
Reel 36 | 25 |
0156. Box 42/Folder 3. Teachers. 32 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 26 |
0188. Box 42/Folder 4. Correspondence of Local Unions. Stenographers and Bookkeepers.
107 pages.
1937-1939 |
Reel 36 | 27 |
0295. Box 42/Folder 5. Correspondence of Local Unions. "T" (continued)-"U"
Reel 36 | 28 |
0296. Box 42/Folder 5. Textile Workers. 6 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 29 |
0302. Box 42/Folder 5. Theatrical Workers. 4 pages.
1943 |
Reel 36 | 30 |
0306. Box 42/Folder 5. Typographical Union. 43 pages.
1937-1938 |
Reel 36 | 31 |
0349. Box 42/Folder 5. Utility Workers. 4 pages.
1942 |
Reel 36 | 32 |
0353. Box 43/Folder 1. Correspondence and Papers Favoring the Congress of Industrial
Organizations. 40 pages.
1936-1937 |
Reel 36 | 33 |
0393. Box 42/Folder 2. Pledges of Loyalty to the American Federation of Labor. 203
1936-1937 |
Scope and Contents
1936-April 1937
Reel 36 | 34 |
0596. Box 43/Folder 3. Pledges of Loyalty to the American Federation of Labor. 109
1937 |
Scope and Contents
May-September 1937
Reel 37 |
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1950
Reel 37 | 1 |
0001. Box 43/Folder 3 (continued). Pledges of Loyalty to the American Federation of
Labor. 98 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
May-September 1937
Reel 37 | 2 |
0099. Box 43/Folder 4. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 181 pages.
1936-1937 |
Scope and Contents
1936-June 1937
Reel 37 | 3 |
0280. Box 43/Folder 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 181 pages.
1937 |
Scope and Contents
July-December 1937
Reel 37 | 4 |
0461. Box 44/Folder 1. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 155 pages.
1938 |
Reel 38 |
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1950.
Reel 38 | 1 |
0001. Box 44/Folder 2. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 191 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
January-June 1939
Reel 38 | 2 |
0192. Box 44/Folder 3. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 116 pages.
1939 |
Scope and Contents
July-December 1939
Reel 38 | 3 |
0308/ Box 44/Folder 4. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 167 pages.
1940 |
Reel 38 | 4 |
0475. Box 44/Folder 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 92 pages.
1941-1944 |
Reel 38 | 5 |
0567. Box 44/Folder 6. Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers regarding the Congress
of Industrial Organizations. 142 pages.
1945-1950 |
Scope and Contents
1945-1947 and 1950