Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm, 1856-1974
Collection Number: 5724 mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm, 1856-1974
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
5724 mf
Microfilm copy of Cigar Makers' International Union of America records including,
agreements, financial statements and membership ledgers
Cigar Makers International Union
0.67 cubic feet
Collection material in English
The Journeymen Cigar Makers' International Union of America (CMIU) was a labor union
established in 1864 that represented workers in the cigar industry. The CMIU was part
of the American Federation of Labor from 1887 until its merger in 1974.
The first local Cigar Makers' Union was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1851. In
1863 came the first effort to establish a nationa union of cigar makers, bringing
delegates from New York, Philadelphia, Newark, Cleveland, New Haven, Boston and Detroit.
The first national union formed was called the National Union of Cigar Makers of America,
but, eventually changed its name to the Journeymen Cigar Markers' International Union
(CMIU) in 1867.
The CMIU was instrumental in the formation of the Federation of Organized Trades
and Labor Unions in 1881, which later evolved into the American Federation of Labor
(AF of L). In 1882 the CMIU split in two over the question of political endorsements,
the second union formed was known as the Cigarmakers' Progressive Union of America.
The unions reunited in 1886. The final merger for the CMIU was in 1974 when the union
merged into the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
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This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm #5724 mf. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5211: Labor Leader Biographies 5488 C: BRAC Additional Records 5724 mf: Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm 6043 MB: Union Memorabilia Collection 6046: Archives Union File (AUF) 6178/010: BLS Collection of Collective Bargaining Agreements (Part 10) 6178/022 mf: BLS Collection of Collective Bargaining Agreements (Part 22) on Microfilm
Cassaro, Frank
Cigar Makers' International Union of America
Cigar makers
Cigar industry
Series I: Administration
Reel 1 | 1 |
Canadian Labor Congress
1945-1974 |
Reel 1 | 2 |
Frank Cassaro
1937-1939 |
Scope and Contents
1937 - June 1939
Reel 1 | 3 |
Frank Cassaro
1939-1956 |
Scope and Contents
July 1939 - 1956
Reel 1 | 4 |
Frank Cassaro Field Reports
1957-1953 |
Reel 1 | 5 |
Frank Cassaro r and p
Reel 1 | 6 |
Cigar Machine
1927-1937 |
Reel 1 | 7 |
Cigar Makers Cooperative Association
1931-1950 |
Reel 1 | 8 |
Cigar Manufacturers Code
Reel 1 | 9 |
Cigar Manufacturers Assn. of Tampa
1960 |
Reel 1 | 10 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union:
Reel 1 | 11 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union: Executive Minutes
1886 |
Reel 1 | 12 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union: Minutes
1884-1889 |
Reel 1 | 13 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union: Minutes, joint conference with CMIUA
1886 |
Reel 1 | 14 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union: Protocol
1886 |
Reel 1 | 15 |
Cigar Tax
1931-1938 |
Reel 1 | 16 |
Cigar Makers Progressive Union
1885 |
Reel 2 | 1 |
Civil Rights
1964 |
Reel 2 | 2 |
Reel 2 | 3 |
Committee on Political Education
1949-1973 |
Reel 2 | 4 |
Constitutional Amendments
1949 |
Reel 2 | 5 |
1931-1941 |
Reel 2 | 6 |
1942-1974 |
Reel 2 | 7 |
Elmina Crews - field reports
1957-1960 |
Reel 2 | 8 |
Cuban Cigars
1938 |
Reel 2 | 9 |
Albert D'Arpa
1956-1972 |
Reel 2 | 10 |
Josephine de la Grana - field reports
1936 |
Reel 2 | 11 |
Otto Dehn
1957 |
Reel 2 | 12 |
Democrats for Humphrey
1968 |
Reel 2 | 13 |
Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn
Reel 2 | 14 |
Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn r and p
Reel 2 | 15 |
Frances Perkins, Thomas Finn Wage and Hour Div. reports
1939 |
Series II: Locals
Reel 3 | 1 |
Local 27, Toronto Canada
1927-1926 |
Reel 3 | 2 |
Local 27, Toronto Canada
1938-1968 |
Reel 3 | 3 |
Local 27, Toronto Canada Agreements
1945-1954 |
Reel 3 | 4 |
Local 27, Toronto Canada Minutes
1864-1871 |
Reel 3 | 5 |
Local 28, Westfield, Mass.
1930-1968 |
Reel 3 | 6 |
Local 32, Louisville, Ky.
1928-1950 |
Reel 3 | 7 |
Local 32, Louisville, Ky.
1952-1963 |
Reel 3 | 8 |
Local 33
1945 |
Reel 3 | 9 |
Local 34, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
1931 |
Reel 3 | 10 |
Local 37, Fort Wayne, Ind.
1944 |
Reel 3 | 11 |
Local 38, Springfield, Il.
1945 |
Reel 3 | 12 |
Local 39, New Haven, Conn.
1927-1970 |
Reel 3 | 13 |
Local 39, New Haven, Conn. Agreements
1942-1972 |
Reel 3 | 14 |
Local 42, Hartford, Conn. - Agreements
1937-1942 |
Reel 3 | 15 |
Local 44, St. Louis, Mo.
1926-1949 |
Reel 3 | 16 |
Local 44, St. Louis, Mo
1950-1973 |
Reel 3 | 17 |
Local 47, Quincy, Il. - Agreements
1945 |
Reel 3 | 18 |
Local 49, Springfield, Mass.
1937-1944 |
Reel 3 | 19 |
Local 51, Holyoke, Mass.
1945 |
Reel 3 | 20 |
Local 54, Evansville, Ind.
1945 |
Reel 3 | 21 |
Local 53, New Orleans, La.
1940 |
Reel 3 | 22 |
Local 64, Lebanon, Pa.
1919 |
Reel 3 | 23 |
Local 77, Minneapolis, Minn.
1945 |
Reel 3 | 24 |
Local 83, Nashville, Tenn.
1945 |
Reel 3 | 25 |
Local 85, Poughkeepsie, NY
1937-1959 |
Reel 3 | 26 |
Local 86, Jacksonville, Fla.
1940-1974 |
Reel 4 | 1 |
Local 395, Waterbury, Conn.
1933-1951 |
Reel 4 | 2 |
Local 396, Northampton, Mass.
1945 |
Reel 4 | 3 |
Local 398, Stamford, Conn.
1945 |
Reel 4 | 4 |
Local 404
1944 |
Reel 4 | 5 |
Local 405, Montgomery, Ala.
1928 |
Reel 4 | 6 |
Local 420, Portland, Maine
1934-1935 |
Reel 4 | 7 |
Local 431
1945 |
Reel 4 | 8 |
Local 457, Benton Harbor, Mich.
1952-1957 |
Reel 4 | 9 |
Local 460, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
1927-1972 |
Reel 4 | 10 |
Local 462, Tampa, Fla.
1936-1972 |
Reel 4 | 11 |
Local 468, Albion, Mich.
1920-1945 |
Reel 4 | 12 |
Local 471+, Tampa, Fla.
1937-1971 |
Reel 4 | 13 |
Local 476, Pontiac, Il.
1927-1928 |
Reel 4 | 14 |
Local 482, Wasau, Wis.
1945-1950 |
Reel 4 | 15 |
Local 484, Meriden, Conn.
1953-1956 |
Reel 4 | 16 |
Local 488, Middletown, NY
1928 |
Reel 4 | 17 |
Local 493, Tampa, Fla.
1934-1960 |
Reel 4 | 18 |
Local 494, Tampa, Fla.
1939-1973 |
Reel 4 | 19 |
Local 495, Tampa, Fla.
1938-1947 |
Reel 4 | 20 |
Local 500, Tampa, Fla.
1927-1973 |
Reel 4 | 21 |
Local 501, Wheeling, W.V..
1937 |
Reel 4 | 22 |
Local 502, Tampa, Fla.
1942-1973 |
Reel 4 | 23 |
Local 516, Wheeling, W. V..
1927-1928 |
Reel 4 | 24 |
Local 520, Manchester, N.H.
1928 |
Reel 4 | 25 |
Local 526, Philadelphia, Pa.
1936 |
Reel 4 | 26 |
Allied Tobacco Trades Council
1934-1935 |
Reel 4 | 27 |
Cigar Manufacturers Assn., Agreement
1957 |
Reel 4 | 28 |
Webster-Eisenlohr, Inc.
1937 |
Reel 4 | 29 |
Reel 4 | 30 |
Local 14, Agreements
1942-1951 |
Reel 4 | 31 |
Local 25, Agreements
1947-1960 |
Reel 4 | 32 |
Local 27, Agreements
1856-1874 |
Reel 4 | 33 |
Local 39, Agreements and Minutes
1914-1952 |
Reel 4 | 34 |
Locals 86, 119, Agreements
1949-1960 |
Reel 4 | 35 |
Locals 99, 100, Agreements
1950-1960 |
Reel 4 | 36 |
Locals 99, 100, 501, Agreements
1941-1973 |
Reel 4 | 37 |
Local 100, Wheeling, W.V.., Agreements
1964-1969 |
Reel 4 | 38 |
Local 104, Agreements
1938-1940 |
Reel 4 | 39 |
Local 136, Agreements
1950-1968 |
Reel 4 | 40 |
Locals 163, 178, Agreements
1940-1957 |
Reel 4 | 41 |
Local 225, Agreement
1951-1956 |
Reel 4 | 42 |
Local 242, Agreement
1949-1972 |
Reel 4 | 43 |
Local 255, Agreement
1953 |
Reel 4 | 44 |
Local 258, Agreement
1946 |
Reel 4 | 45 |
Local 295, Agreement
1967-1973 |
Reel 4 | 46 |
Local 383, 384, Agreement
1950 |
Reel 4 | 47 |
Agreement Summary
1940-1945 |
Reel 4 | 48 |
Cigar Manufacturers Assn., Agreements
1933-1961 |
Reel 4 | 49 |
Jose Escalenta & Co., Agreement
1939 |
Reel 4 | 50 |
General Cigar Co., Agreement
1942 |
Reel 4 | 51 |
Standard Cigar Co.
1956 |
Reel 4 | 52 |
M. Trelles & Co., Agreement
1939 |
Series III: Financial Records
Sub-Series 1: Correspondence
Reel 5 | 1 |
Union Labor Life Insurance
1958-1972 |
Reel 5 | 2 |
Union Labor Life Insurance, Reports
Reel 5 | 3 |
Welfare and Pension Reports
1959-1960 |
Reel 5 | 4 |
D.C. Unemployment Compensation
1936-1939 |
Reel 5 | 5 |
1887-1907 |
Reel 5 | 6 |
Deficiency Statement
1938 |
Reel 5 | 7 |
Employers Federal Tax Report
1938-1955 |
Reel 5 | 8 |
Financial Statements
1928-1955 |
Reel 5 | 9 |
Financial Report
1882-1911 |
Reel 5 | 10 |
1927-1932 |
Reel 5 | 11 |
Membership Statement
1937-1944 |
Reel 5 | 12 |
Percentage Accounts
1926-1927 |
Reel 6 | 1 |
Strike Report
Sub-Series 2: Ledgers & Financial Statements
Reel 6 | 2 |
Local 2, Buffalo, NY, Dues Book
1860-1865 |
Reel 6 | 3 |
Local 25,Milwaukee, Wis., Dues Book
1958-1966 |
Reel 6 | 4 |
Local 25, Financial Statements
1946-1948 |
Reel 6 | 5 |
Local 25, Ledger
1949-1966 |
Reel 6 | 6 |
Local 39, New Haven, Conn., Ledger
1961-1969 |
Reel 6 | 7 |
Local 86, Jacksonville, Fla, Financial Statement
1945 |
Reel 6 | 8 |
Local 116, Huntington, W.Va., Financial Statement
1950 |
Reel 6 | 9 |
Local 110, Washington, DC, Financial Statements
1958-1962 |
Reel 6 | 10 |
Local 119, Jacksonville, Fla., Fin. Statements
1942-1945 |
Reel 6 | 11 |
Local 130, Saginaw, Mich., Financial Statements
1927 |
Reel 6 | 12 |
Local 151, Havana, Cuba, Financial Statement
1927 |
Reel 6 | 13 |
Local 163, Ledger
1961-1969 |
Reel 6 | 14 |
Local 178, Ledger
1947-1969 |
Reel 6 | 15 |
Local 242, Ledger
1969-1971 |
Reel 6 | 16 |
Local 462, Financial Statement
1960 |
Reel 6 | 17 |
Individual Membership Ledger
1934-1959 |
Reel 6 | 18 |
Label Ledger
1934-1959 |
Reel 6 | 19 |
Local 92, Ledger
1941-1954 |
Reel 6 | 20 |
Local 110, Membership Ledger
1928-1963 |
Reel 6 | 21 |
Local 110, Ledger
1928-1962 |
Reel 6 | 22 |
Strike Benefit Record
1927-1951 |
Reel 6 | 23 |
Strike Benefits
Reel 6 | 24 |
Locals Ledger
1927 |
Reel 6 | 25 |
Analysis Ledgers
1928-1954 |
Scope and Contents
1928-1937; 1938-1954
Reel 6 | 26 |
Locals Financial Reports
1955-1961 |