Labor Editorial Files, 1900-1979
Collection Number: 5693
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Labor Editorial Files, 1900-1979
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Files of Edward Keating and John Baer of the magazine Labor.
Labor Magazine
24.5 cubic feet
Collection material in English
This collection is divided into two main series. First, the files of Edward A. Keating,
Editor of Labor magazine and second, the files of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist. The
collection includes correspondence, original sketches and cartoons, photocopies of
published cartoons (other than Baer's), articles, memorabilia and photographs.
Edward Keating's files include correspondence, arranged chronologically, and editorial
files, arranged alphabetically by subject. John Baer's files include correspondence,
biographical information, articles, clippings, memorabilia, and photographs.
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
Labor Editorial Files #5693. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,
Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5693 G: Labor Editorial John Baer Cartoons
Baer, John.
Keating, Edward, 1875-1965.
Labor magazine
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1917-1919 |
Scope and Contents
April through Oct; Military Reports and correspondence re to William C. Harllee, Major,
U.S. Marine Corps, (Later to become Lt. Col. (1919)). Notable commendations for service,
signed by Assistant Secretary of War Breckinridge.
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1920 |
Scope and Contents
May-Dec; Correspondence between Keating (then Chairman of the Railroad Organizations
Campaign Committee) and E.J. Manion, Secretary, Railroad Labor Chief Executive Organization,
re meeting in Chicago on May 21, 1920 where political platform was established; Also
contains correspondence to Keating as Manager of the Plumb Plan League from E.J. Manion
on RED letterhead re results of meeting at Chicago; Correspondence between Manion
and Keating re selection of Mr. Glenn E. Plumb as General Counsel for the 16 Associated
Organizations, and list of pledgers to support the Plumb Plan.
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1921-1922 |
Scope and Contents
Jan-Feb; Correspondence between Keating and Manion re Manion denying to make $1000
pledge to the Plumb Plan
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1922 |
Scope and Contents
Jan 1st-March 13th; Contains large folder labeled "Report of Operations and Training,
15th Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps, Jan.-March 13, 1922 personal copy of Lt. Col. Harllee;"
detailed report of Operations of 15th Regiment in Eastern District Dominican Republic
re bandit situation by William C. Harllee; copies of the 15th Regiment Newsletter,
Oct. 29, Nov. 12, 1921; correspondence and reports also re bandit insurrection in
Eastern District Dominican Republic (1921); summary of known casualties occurring
in the Eastern Districts during period of Sept. 29 to Dec. 1921, San Pedro de Macoris,
Jan. 4, 1922 by Wm. Harllee; Correspondence between Harllee and Keating containing
a copy of the Naval Omnibus Bill (marked on page k, pensions) postmark 1926; transcripts
of boards investigating Marine caused death of Dominican Republican natives, all containing
some correspondence of Harllee as regimental commander, March 1922; report commending
General Harllee re Patrol Scout Training, Dec. 5, 1921; Report of operation and training
from Jan 1st to March 13, 1922 from District Commander Harllee to commanding general;
miscellaneous maps of portions of the Dominican Republic; remainder of the correspondence
^g_ Harllee and his regiment had eliminated most of the bandits, but had also molested
innocent sugar cane workers; (the only apparent link between Harllee and Keating so
far is that one letter postmarked 1926); many reports of troop movements, etc., could
not help noticing confidential reports on native informants and coded missives.
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Jan 3rd-Dec 11th; Clipping and accompanying correspondence (Dec.1923) re Huey P. Longs
endorsement for Governor of Louisiana by Labor; "An Open Letter" from Alvin Moore
(Republican candidate for Congress, from the First (Seattle) District of Washington)
re_ "A solution of our National Transportation Problem" June 15, 1923, for nationalization
of the railroads; Miscellaneous requests for subscriptions; Miscellaneous requests
for 'Mat Service' of Baer's cartoon (1923); correspondence between William E. Sweet,
Gov. of Colorado and Keating re address for 50th anniversary of the BLF&E, Nov. 1923
and misc. telegrams; Dec. 3, 1923 reporting events of the 50th anniversary of the
BLF&E, evidently the "big party" was a success; further note-there are a lot of telegrams
from around the U.S. re_ some insurance, most report same success; correspondence
from John C. Ready, President, System Federation #17, Secretary-Treasurer District
H3, I.A.M. to Editor, Labor re request to print article presumably on a strike involving
IAM, Dec. 6,1923; correspondence from League of Women Voters to Editor of "Labor"
re request by League to publish articles in Labor; Handwritten correspondence (Dec.
1923) from Benjamin Judkins to the editor, letter sent with enclosures (newspaper
clippings), both letter and clippings are re the apparent secret sale of land near
San Diego by said city, apparently the issue is acquisition of water and etc. rights;
also an editorial on capital accumulation and too powerful business interests in California.
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1923 |
Scope and Contents
December 12th-29th; Correspondence from Wade Shurtleff to J.A. Lecher (Dec.12, 1923)
re_ support (assume by subscription) for Labor in Ind.; Correspondence to C.A. McDonald,
Secretary-Treasurer, Missouri Pacific System Federation from C.A. Newton (U.S. House
of Rep.), Joseph A. Meed (U.S. Senate), L.C. Dwyer (Senate) Harry B. Hawes (House)
and Selden P. Spencer(Senate) - all Congressmen from Missouri re increase in wages
for Postal Employees; correspondence from B.M. Jewell, President, RED to Keating (Dec.
12, 1923) re one Mr. McAdoo and "How he got started to Knoxville, Tenn." Correspondence
from J.H. Rae to Keating (Dec. 13, 1923) re_ delivery of handwritten letter of Senator
Frank B. Willis (Dec. 3, 1923) -Willis contends will not support child labor law because
unconstitutional and upholds Supreme Court decision - Rae is critical of the decision
and Willis; Memo to Willis and Lovell (Dec. 14, 1923) re lobbying of Scott Wolff for
bill to prohibit interstate traffic of strike breakers, from Keating; Press releases
(Dec. 1923) re referendum for American Peace Award (Committee consists of Leonard
Hand, Mrs. FDR, Henry Stimson, Elihu Root, etc.) unclear of what referendum is for;
Correspondence from Keating to B.M. Jewell re tariffs and Keating as a free trade
advocate; correspondence from Jewell to William Johnston (Pres., IAM) and J.D. Noonam
(Pres., IBEW) re tariff protection; correspondence between Keating and I. Derrickson,
Gen. Secretary-Treasurer, Order of Railroad Telegraphers re appellation of U.S. Railroad
Board; Correspondence from Keating to J.H. Rae re constitutionality of child labor
law; from W.W. Warwick, Oficina del Agente Fiscal, Panama, to Keating re Herbert Brews
attack on Warwick; from Esther Everette Lape to Keating (Dec. 17, 1923) re attempt
to secure ballot printing for American Peace Award in Labor, includes description
of award, set up by Edward W. Bok offering $100,000 for the best, practical plan by
which U.S. may cooperate with other nations and achieve peace in the world; From William
McAdoo to Keating re McAdoo's speech Labor printed; Between C.A. McDonald (Sec.-Treas.,
Fed. #2) and Keating, Dec. 1923, re private vs. government ownership of the railroads;
From Robert McKinley, (Sec.-Treas., Texas State Fed. of Labor) to Keating re policy
platform adopted by above at labor political conference, includes typed copy of platform;
from George E. Sloan, Editor in Chief of the Si-De-Ka, accompanying enclosures from
said publication re Labor, Dec. 23, 1923; from (unreadable) to Keating, Dec. 23, 1923
re the sad fate of C.A. Phelan, former General Manager Missouri and North Arkansas
Railroad; from Wayne B. Wheeler (General Counsel of the Anti-Saloon League of America)to
Keating re prohibition; from Jewell to Keating re success of meeting of the conference
for progressive political action in Chicago; from Jewell to Keating re endorsement
of McAdoo's candidacy.
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1923 |
Scope and Contents
Press release, re Locomotive Firemen's "Birthday Party."
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
January 1st-12th; Correspondence from John C. Ready, President System Fed. #17 to
Keating re article by Schlefer to be printed in Labor, "A Connecticut Labor Trial.";
from Keating to Gov. of Colo., Sweet and Attorney General of Colorado Wayne C. William,
Jan. 2, 1924 re decisions on the "Rio Grande case"; letter addressed to McAdoo and
Keating requesting copies of McAdoo's San Francisco speech; correspondence from D.B.
Robertson (Pres. BLF&E) to Keating re New York Central Rail Strike, Jan.4, 1924; from
Keating to B.M. Jewell, Jan. 7, re Senator Lafollette and political infighting in
the Congress; Telegram from Charles MacGowan to Labor re attempt of the milk producers
(in process of strike) to get recognition from AFL, Jan. 75 1924; correspondence from
McGowan to Arther E. Holder, Sec. Conference for Progressive Political Action, Jan.
9, re McGowan's turning down request to appear at Conference; correspondence from
Arthur Keep, Editor, Telegrapher Journal, Jan. 75 re Mr. McNamee (who at one time
was an alcoholic and now 'stays in his shell because of the hang-over from his past'
). Correspondence from E. Davidson, General Secretary & Treasurer IAM to Sen. Hiram
Johnson, Jan. 10, re the Mexican situation which is evidently U.S. covert operations
to overthrow a "constitutionally elected" President Obregon who is sympathetic to
labor; between R.E. Moon, Chmn. Missouri State Legislative Bd., BLF&E and Keating
re amendments to the Constitution of the State of Missouri, Jan. 5; between Keating
and C.W. Maier, Special Rep. to the BLF&E re politics in general and more specifically
the chances of the Democratic Party in national elections; from Keating to Daniel
Roper, Jan. 11, re once again the drunken part of Robert McNamee; correspondence from
Wayne Williams, Attorney-General of Colorado to Keating, Jan. 8, re the "Rio Grande"
issue, some type of re-organization plan and "juggling" of the railroads; correspondence
and clipping, Jan. 18, from Keating to William C. Lyons re McAdoo, candidate for Democratic
presidential nomination.
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
January 14th-23rd; Correspondence from John E. Mankin (U.S. House of Rep.) to Keating
re the scoop on the finances of Secretary Mellon; from W.S. Stone, Grand Chief of
Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginemen to Keating, Jan. 16 re H.M. Curry's (Gen. Mechanical
Superintendent-Northern Pacific) forced resignation; from Arthur Keep, editor Labor
to Keating re more on Robert McNamee; from William G. McAdoo to Keating re_ a publication
called "A History of Organized Felony and Folly;" Speech of Gov. John J. Blaine on
the 50th anniversary celebration of the BLF&E at Milwaukee; Correspondence from an
unidentified signature to Keating Jan. 22, re_ the M&NA Railroad and the strike of
that railroad, also contains an enclosure - a motion for postponement in the Boone
Circuit Court of Clay Holt against J.D. Jones and others, and also a handwritten letter
and financial information on the M&NA (The Missouri and N. Arkansas RR); from D.B.
Robertson, Pres. of the BLF&E to Keating re settlement reached on the New York Central
Lines, Jan. 23, enclosed is a mimeo copy of the settlement and correspondence on same
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
January 24th-28th; Correspondence from William McAdoo to Keating, Jan.25, re the Mellon
Plan; Between Arthur Keep and Keating re European investment into U.S. , the death
of capitalism, etc. ; From Ex-Congressman Alim Moore (Seattle) to Keating re_ solution
to the railroad problem; From D.B. Robertson and L.D. Sampson, Chmn. Valparaiso University
Alumni, Jan. 28, re Sampson requests to help in pro-labor activities; From R.S. Jones
(Wash. Office, McAdoo for President Comm.) to Keating re Jones's switch in support
of McAdoo.
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
January 29th-31st; From Benjamin Judkins to Keating, Jan. 29, re_ that old water issue
in California, enclosed many newspaper clippings about the water issue; from Judkins
to Warren G. Harding (President) re_ the water issue in San Diego.
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 2nd-8th; Correspondence from Murray E. King to Keating, Feb. 2, re the state
prison manufacturing affair; from Keating to J. Ramsay McDonald re_ the purpose of
Labor; from James K. Lindley (ORC) to Roy Fitzgerald (Cong. 3rd Ohio Dist.) re_ Workmen's
Compensation Bill; from William McAdoo to Keating re editorial in LA Express favorable
to McAdoo; From Keating to Wayne C. Williams, Att. Gen. Colo., re previous issue of
railroad land purchase, Rio Grande, also re-organization; between Keating and J.T.
Vanakle Feb. 4, re M&NA default on loan and attempted investigation; from Emil 0.
Jorgensen to Keating regarding one Professor Richard T. Ely who Jorgensen regards
as 'one of the worst enemies of economic freedom this nation has ever seen," the whole
plot is laid out in Feb. 5; from Arthur Keep to Keating, Feb. h re_ the "world bank"
and some shady dealing with Horn blower, Weeks & Co.; From the Labor Bureau to Keating
re_ attempts to increase circulation of their own, "Facts for Workers", also enclosed
a questionnaire as a sample copy; from Keating to Hon. George C. Record, Feb.55 suggesting
Lafollette as a 3rd party candidate for President; clippings on "Happy Home Dresses,"
possibly in relation to prior clothing scandal; From Keating to Sen. Thomas Wake,
Feb. 6, re Strauns shady connections and some relationship to Coolidge campaign; from
Keating to Wayne C. William, Attorney General, Colorado, re the Rio Grande re-organization
scheme; Advance press release dated Feb. 7, entitled "The Pennsylvania Railroad Shopmen
Betrayed," article written by H.S. Jeffrey who enacted suit against shopmen for recent
strike; from James Couzens, Senator-Michigan to Keating re New York tax reduction
motivations; from Charles McGowan to Keating re the endorsement of proposed political
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 9th-16th; Correspondence from Keating to Senator Lafollette, Feb. 9, re M&R propaganda
on the Chesapeake & Ohio; from Keating to John F. McNamara, Editor, BLF&E Magazine,
re Teapot Dome scandal investigation; From T.C. Cashen, President, Switchmen's Union
to Keating re the BRT's use of private investigations under the guise of organizer,
basically factional infighting; Confidential correspondence from W.G. Lee to F.W.
Morey, re an enclosed report on the Switchmen's Union in Birmingham and the rivalry
there with the BRT - report is signed by Roy C. Smith (Organizer BRT) and addressed
to W.G. Lee, President of BRT; from Henry M. Rathbone (HOR-ILL) to Keating, re_ Rathbone
request for Keating to hear his first speech in Senate; an original copy of the Birth
Control Herald (Jan. 1924)published by the Voluntary Parenthood League, NYC, emphasis
on Cummins-Vaite bill to free up contraceptive knowledge; from Basil M. Manby, Dir.
of Peoples Legislative Service to Keating re Committee on Interstate Commerce of Railroad
Propaganda; from Keating to Wayne Williams re the Rio Grande issue.
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 18th-25th; Telegram from Charles J. MacGowan to Keating re McAdoo's candidacy;
from W.W. Norton, Publisher, People's Institute Publ. Co., to Keating re_ People's
Inst. Pub. Co.; From Charles McGowan to Keating reporting on the St. Louis Labor Conference,
1924; Miscellaneous correspondence re the death of Jack Dermody; from McAdoo to Keating
re corruption on the railroad lines and congressional activities on the Esch-Cummins
Act; from Keating to Lafollette re_ federal loan to the Missouri and North Arkansas
Railroad, also correspondence on same issue from S.J. Venable to Keating; from Wayne
Williams to Keating, re William's decision not to pursue investigation of "Rio Grande"
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 25th; Correspondence between Keating and Williams re the Rio Grande issue and
dismay of McAdoo.
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
March 1st-14th; From D.B. Robertson, Pres. BLF&E to Keating re_ to Pacific Bulletin
article where Labor is accused of falsifying information; from Keating to George M.
Shriver, Senior VP, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad re Shriver's finances; partial report
re the Constitutional Convention in State of Missouri; from Jesse Kennedy to Keating
re_ corrupt political system, additional correspondence from Kennedy re_ an initiative
and referendum on alcohol prohibition; from Judson King, Director of the National
Popular Government League, to Keating re opposition to Section 23 of the Immigration
Bill; from Mr. Hunter, involved with the company union of the Great Northern Railroad,
circular criticizing labor's stance against the railroad, also a partial stenographic
transcript of relevant section of the hearing before the Railroad Labor Board, sent
by McGowan to Keating in response to the circular; from Andrew R. McDonald to Keating
re the Esch-Cummins Law, also called the Transportation Act of 1920; between Keating
and McAdoo in re the political campaign and the effect of the oil scandal on the Republican
Party; between Keating and Williams re to attempts to secure investigation in the
Congress of the Rio Grande reorganization; Martin F. Ryan, Pres. of the Brotherhood.
of Railway Carmen to Keating re_ political machinations which may lead to the re-election
of Calvin Coolidge.
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
March 15th-27th; Correspondence from Marvin Gates Sperry, National Pres., Private
Soldiers' and Sailors' Legion to Keating expressing their organizations affiliation
with all pro-labor factions; from Keep to Keating implying possible collusion and
graft between Coolidge administration and Henry Ford; between I.D. Mumby and Keating
re_ possible candidacy for presidential office of Robert Lafollette; between Keep
and Keating re the St. Louis conference; from Wayne Williams to Keating re the Rio
Grande issue and possible VP nomination for Governor Sweet of Colorado; between Keating
and H.E. Wills re_ a Knoxville, Tenn. publication called the Journal in reference
to "club purchasing of carloads of coal"; from Judson King endorsing E.D. Morel for
the Nobel Peace Prize - result of the election on the Great Northern RR sent to Keating
by T.C. Cashen, Pres. Switchmen's Union.
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
March 28th-31st; From T.F. Shuman, Gen. Chmn. ORC, to Keating re H.G. 6865, the Rainey
Bill; from W.S. Stone, BLE to Keating re the turn around case in reference to the
Denver & Rio Grande Western RR; between Keating and Williams re the presidential situation
as it relates to Ralston and Cummings; C.J. Ross to Keating re an enclosed copy of
a resolution to be presented at the coming session of Grand Div.
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
April 1st-25th; Telegram from Keating to H.E. Miles, Chairman of the Fair Tariff League
re conditions for a fair tariff; From Esther Everett Lape, member-in-charge, American
Peace Award to Keating re the publication of some old peace proposals from prior contest;
from Arthur Keep to Keating re possible attempt by the railroad to turn workers away
from progressives in the Congress; from J.T. Venable to Keating re exposure of the
failure of the Missouri & Arkansas Railroad to pay the interest on their government
loan; correspondence from William McAdoo to Keating re possible endorsement of U.S.G.
Cherry for U.S. Senate; copy of summary of minutes of the 4th annual conference of
Editor's Official Railroad Labor Magazine; correspondence from Keep to Keating re
Keep quitting his job with the O.R.T.; between Keating and Venable re working conditions
on the M&NA Railroad and some news clippings.
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
May 2nd-29th; Advertisement re "Buy a Farm" attached correspondence (unsigned) to
the First National Bank re the turning over of funds to the Michigan Federation of
Farm Loan Associations, additional correspondence re Senator Couzens; correspondence
between Keating and Keep re probabilities for a 3rd party political movement; correspondence
from Keating to E.K. Derrickson re in appreciation for Derrickson support in getting
Cleveland convention to go for labor conventions; miscellaneous correspondence re
Keating's planned trip to Cleveland.
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
June 2nd-24th; Routine correspondence re payment of subscription contracts; from Keep
to Keating re 3rd party politics and non-voters; from Sen. Lafollette Jr. to Keating
re the Cleveland convention; article from Harrison Times entitled "Railroad is Menaced
by Barkley Bill,; Order of Railroad Telegraphers Report of Proceedings, May 23, 1924
correspondence from White Moore, Attorney to Keating re_ action against Labor for
libel in Mack-Miller Candle Co. case, also contains complaint in said case before
the FTC; correspondence from Keating to Herman E. Wills, giving a categorical dealing
with all the issues of the delegation; from Spencer Miller Jr. (Secretary of Workers
Education Bureau) to Keating re possible future connection between English and American
liberal newspapers; correspondence from Keating to White & Moore re the Mack-Miller
Candle Co. case and a possible law suit for libel; correspondence from H.S. Jeffrey
to the shareholders of the Mechanics and Merchants Bank re a request for contributions
per share to recoup lost money in a lawsuit against the railroad leadership.
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
July-August; Correspondence from H.S. Jeffrey to Keating re_ the attempt to raise
more money for the suit; from White and Moore to Keating re_ once again that libel
suit, will submit entire matter to Chairman of FTC and wait for voluntary judgment;
from Keating to Thompson (FTC) in attempt to secure voluntary decision re Labor's
printing of the allegedly libelous material; commendatory letter from Rear Admiral
C.P. Plunkett to Lt. Col. William Harllee; from Keating to Keep complaining about
Morris Hillquit power grabs; also letter from Keep to Keating re_ the Clayton Act
and court decisions in the Colorado & Pennsylvania Mining cases; also correspondence
re how Debs beat it out of West Virginia before he was arrested; from Venable to Keating
re_ the deportation from towns of Labor members by local police; correspondence from
Thompson to Keating in re Keating's request for voluntary decision in Mack-Miller
Candle Corp.; circular from the IAM (#l6l) re Special Labor Day edition of Labor showing
why Lafollette and Wheeler should be elected; telegram and correspondence re signing
an endorsement sheet for Lafollette; from Keep to Keating re_ the Kansas City meeting.
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Sept.-Oct.; Handwritten correspondence to Keating from Keep re prediction of forthcoming
events in Austria and Italy; curriculum outline on party organization by Phillips
Bradley sent to Keating for possible publication in Labor; Sept. 1919 issue of Catholics
& Prohibition with attached correspondence from Father George Zunchen; from Spencer
Miller Jr., Secretary of the Workers Education Bureau to Keating with enclosure of
Prof. Bradley's outline of the "party system"; from Ethel M. Smith, Leg-Sec. National
Women's Trade Union League to Keating re establishing a fighting front on the Child
Labor Amendment.
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Nov.-Dec; From Ethel M. Smith to Keating re Child Labor Amendment and also enclosed
the churches position against the union in, "The Shame of Massachusetts;" copy of
the Pilot, official organ of the Archdiocese of Boston, re William Cardinal O'Connell's
(Archbishop of Boston) antagonism toward the Child Labor Amendment; also enclosed
an undated list of Massachusetts Mills owning southern plants; From Thomas M. Pierson,
2nd VP, ORT, to Keating re the loss in the "Casey for Congress Campaign;" From Carl
Vrooman, Bd. of Dir. of the Farmers Political Conference (ill.) to Keating re the
formation of their organization which hopes to become the biggest political farm organization
in America, contains enclosure, "Declaration of Principles of the Organization" and
misc.; Correspondence from M.W. Martin, Editor of Journal of the International Brotherhood
of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers to Keating re_ a new Labor subscription drive;
from Keating to Keep re the loss of Lafollette in the election and the great damage
to the progressive movement - Keating blames Morris Hillquit; from Keep to Keating
re_ same -also evidence that electoral ballots in some states were miscounted; telegram
from Palmer (?) to Keating re the final election figures not yet published; from MacGowan
to Keating re the "Chicago Transaction Situation."
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1924 |
Scope and Contents
Partial report undated, apparently re Lafollette campaign; from Venable to Keating
re_ a certain manager problem on the M&NA Railroad; from Keating to Phil Ziegler explaining,
how Labor began; from William Lemke to E.C. Davidson requesting Davidson's endorsement
for Lemke as Ambassador to Mexico and then Davidson's request to Keating for advice.
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Feb.-Aug.; Correspondence from Spencer Miller Jr., Secretary of the Workers Education
Bureau to Keating re a proposition to write a history of the railroad labor organizations,
funded by Labor; Summary of the Minutes of the 5th Annual Conference of Editor's,
official railroad magazine; Memo to Mr. Wills from Keating re_ Riddick Lockwood affair
and corrupt politicians; from Keating to James Mellvena, Chief Engineer Div. 308,
BLE re Canadian Editor of Labor; audit report of the Labor Cooperative Educational
and Publishing Society, Inc. , 192^-25; More correspondence from Spencer Miller to
Keating re_ the history of the railroad labor organization in America, contains tentative
outline for a 12 chapter book, further enclosed is a breakdown of expenditures; memo
to Keating listing total operating expenses and revenue of Labor; from McAdoo to Keating
re McAdoo rejects idea of running for the senate; from E. Kruse, VP of the Mid-West
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Securities Corp. to Keating serving as a report
on alleged Communist, Otto S. Wangerin.
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Sept.-Dec. 8th; Labor Cooperative Educational and Publishing Society, Treasurer's
Report; from Keating to Emil Jergensen, Manufacturers & Merchant Federal Tax League
re publication of articles about one, Professor Ely; correspondence re_ dinner Labor
is holding in honor of Robert Lafollette Jr.
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 10th-24th; Correspondence re Lafollette dinner; press release entitled, "Complimentary
Dinner to Senator Robert M. Lafollette of Wisconsin, Tues., Dec. 15, 1925," release
also includes transcript of Lafollette's speech and newspaper clippings.
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1925 |
Scope and Contents
Presumably a banquet attendance list for Lafollette dinner.
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
January-June; Correspondence from Albert F. Coyle to Keating re Matthew Woll and his
reactionary and "misguided attack against friends of labor;" correspondence and enclosed
article on "Government Telephones in Manitoba" from J.A.P. Haydon, Canadian Labor
to Keating; from John J. Casey, Business Agent, Local 147 of Plumbers and Steam Fitters
to Keating re request for information against the Wilkes- Barre Chamber of Commerce;
from William A. Cullop, candidate for Democratic nomination in U.S. Senate to Keating
asking Keating for a political endorsement; from George F. Milton to Keating re Tennessee
Executive Committee vote to abolish 2/3's rule; copy of resolution no. 33 by labor
delegates of the Pennsylvania labor movement re establishment of a Pennsylvania edition
of Labor; from L.E. Keller, Statistician, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
to Keating re_ enclosed table and comments in purchasing power of wages of M&WE
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
July 6th-17th; Correspondence from A. Johnston, Grand Chief Engineer, BLE to Keating
re_ decision rendered by Indiana Court upholding the laws of the BLE; from A.A. Graham,
Attorney to William Green re_ anti church remarks about their anti-labor, pro-slavery
attitude; between Keating and Emil Jorgensen and Senator C.C. Cook re_ the case of
Professor Ely, also enclosed one copy of "The Case of Professor Richard T. Ely," by
Jorgensen, pub. by the Manufacturer and Merchants Federal Tax League; correspondence
from J.A.P. Haydon, VP, Ontario & Quebec Conference of Typographical Unions to Keating
re Prime Minister of Canada, Arthur Meighen; Handwritten correspondence from J.S.
Brown to Keating re pension differentials on the Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh Railway
and possible investigation thereto; pamphlet re_ the Second Annual Railroad Labor
Institute at Brookwood Labor School.
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
July 18th-26th; Correspondence from A. Graham to William Green re_ Green's "stabbing
labor in the back in his speech against the general strike in Denver;" from Calif.
State Senator Charles Lewis to Keating re_ the ravages of false ice cream; Correspondence
from Keep to Keating re American Ambassador to Germany's speech "which was a plea
for dictatorship"; from Keep to Keating re_ attempts of women to secure employment
on the railroads; article, "Reminiscences on the Metamorphosis of the Labor Movement,"
by Louis Ludlow, with attached correspondence; newspaper clippings with attached letter
from Keating to C.S. Adams on municipal ownership of electric plants; anonymous mss.
entitled, "British Government Denies Wireless for Shaw," re how the government denied
G.B. Shaw access to a wireless during speech in London.
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
July 27th-31st; Correspondence from May F. Lathrop to Keating re the meeting of the
Commission on Uniform Laws, Lathrop being the former Chairman of the Committee on
Laws Concerning Women and Children; from William Green to Keating re American Bar
Association meeting in Denver; from Norman Lombard, Executive Dir. of the Stable Money
Association giving Keating membership in that Organization, also enclosed pamphlet
"The Evil Consequences of our Unstable Dollar," by Lombard; Correspondence from Keep
to Keating re_ "that dirty skunk" Hawes; from Florence Kelly, General Secretary National
Consumers' League re workmen's compensation for children; handwritten notes of Fred
Barr, BLF&E re the Western Maryland Railroad strike.
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 1st-10th; Newspaper clipping re Colorado's Statehood, correspondence included
from Louis Cunningham, Gazette & Tele. Co. gives Keating's pen name as Elliot Harris;
from A.A. Graham to William Green, again blasting Green; from John P. Burke, Pres.
IBPS&PMW re attempts to organize the paper workers in Quebec; from H.S. Jeffrey to
A.N. Haig re_ Jeffrey's prophetic prediction of the downfall of labor leader J.A.
Franklin, B.M. Jewell, and W.H. Johnston, also enclosed is flyer for Jeffrey's new
book, Man's Inhumanity to Man; press telegram to Keating from A. Johnston re annual
union meeting of the BLE in Winnipeg; from Fred Barr to W.S. Hotchkiss re the death
of an alleged scab named Hammond; from Charles Lewis, Calif. State Senator to Keating
re_ canals as transportation in U.S.; from A.A. Graham to William Green re_ Green's
opposition of the labor government in Mexico; between Fred Barr and Keating (correspondence
& clippings) re events of the railroad strike in Thomas, West Virginia; clipping from
San Jose Calif., entitled "American Labor and Russia;" from Keating to M.J. Helalien
re Mexico's President's religious tirade against Catholics.
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 11th-25th; Mss. by Keating re the labor press; from Keating to C.A. Harley re
possible fraud of the mail order houses; handwritten letter and article entitled "Real
Wages" by Charles P. Kraft; from Benjamin Judkins re that land sale and water rights
scheme in San Diego (includes clippings); from Keating to George L. Eppler re the
voting record of Senator Zihlman; from Fred Barr to Keating re a train wreck in West
Maryland; from Charles Chaison, Chairman, Mich. Leg. Bd., BLE, to Keating re attempt
to prevent re-election of Cong. Frank D. Scott; reprint of the "Pennsylvania Dutch
Farmer Plan," from the Gettysburg Compiler; from Fred Barr to Keating re events during
the Western and Maryland Railroad strike;
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 26th-31st; Misc. clippings on the seniority war on the Grand Trunk Railroad;
from Keating to Ben Hillard re Congressman Vaile's voting record, particularly in
reference to oil magnate; from Ralph M. Easly to Keating re flaws in the primary system;
from Keep to Keating re access to political records; additional correspondence between
Keating and Easly re getting people to the polls, etc.; From Keating to W.L. Hamilton,
Pres. BBDEA re President Harding's role in 1922 shop craft strike; from Thomas Duncan,
Madison, Wisconsin, Assembly Chairman, re_ the Lenroot use of Edward Melms endorsement
to secure labor votes, (enclosed letter from Melms indicating that Melms did not endorse
Sen. Lenroot).
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Sept. 1st-16th; Handwritten correspondence from Samuel Glatfelter, Congressman, Pennsylvania
re candidate endorsement; from Charles H. Lewis, California State Senate to Keating
re the regulation of the public utilities; article from A. Blankenhorn to Keating
entitled, "AFL Delegate Farrington Not Going to Tennessee Valley Commission," also
enclosed correspondence explaining story re sell-out of contracts of the miners
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Sept. 18th-30th; Clippings and correspondence from Keating re American antagonism
toward England and the U.N.; from Keating to William C. Harllee re politics (evidently
not the first between them) specifically re the progressive movement; from Judson
King to Keating re Governor Sweet as candidate for Senator; from Carlson, Intl. Pres.
of Switchmen's Union to Keating re Arkansas special edition of Labor; from Henry Hunt,
Lawyer, to Keating requesting aid for Passaic NJ strikers; from P.H. Callahan to Denis
McCarthy and Newton Baker re_ Governor Smith and the religious issue.
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Oct. 1st-10th; Several newspaper clippings sent to Keating re klanism in Arkansas;
correspondence from P.M. Abbott to Keating with article entitled, "California's Political
Parties State Platforms;" from Ben Deacon, U.S. Press Representative, Canadian National
Railways, to Keating re mineral deposits in Canada; from William Holly, Chairman Finance
Committee of Public Ownership League to Judson King re_ public ownership at Mussel
Shoals Power Co.; "special correspondence," re the trial of Henry M. Daugherty for
conspiracy to defraud the U.S. Government; Correspondence from a group who after spending
a month in Russia declare the U.S. Government should recognize Russia (enclosed a
photo of an American admiring the Russian Crown Jewels); from Homer Bane, Counsel,
Tacoma, to Keating re public ownership of water power in Tacoma; from JAP Hayden to
Keating re Hayden's investigation of the overworking of Canadian prison guards; article
by Judson King with enclosure to Keating re the I & R investigation of public ownership
of waterworks; article from Herald Examiner (Chicago) entitled, "Russian Ruler (Stalin)
Wants U.S. As Friend."
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Oct. 12th-23rd; Reprint of National Association of Manufacturers, "Cutting Down Immigration
Has Ended the Day of Cheap Labor," sent by H. Hull, Comm. General of Immigration;
correspondence from Florence Kelly, National Consumers League re_ the possible literary
abuses of Labor in citing the League; Telegram from William P. Henry to Keating announcing
the death of Eugene V. Debs; from J.T. Brownie, President Amalgamated Engineering
Union re unification of the metal workers; from Benjamin Judkins to Keating re the
same San Diego land scandal; from Keep re Labor's position on Congressman Lyle; from
F.H. Knight, Asst. General President BRAC re the Texas open port law being declared
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Oct. 28th-30th; From David E. Lilienthal to Keating re the Child Labor Law; from Keating
to J.E. Hewell re_ the Child Labor Amendment; from Keating to C.E. Baxter re Labor's
endorsement policy for political candidates; from JAP Hayden to Keating re inquiring
into the Canadian Hydro Power issue; from Hubert Herrins, Director, The Seminar on
Relations with Mexico requesting Keating's presence at seminar; from Keating to Max
Akridge re_ the situation in Mexico and why the Calles regime was supportive; from
W.J. Adms, Editor and Manager, Railway Carmen's Journal re translation of Labor into
French for the Quebec Province and the Hydro issue.
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 1st-9th; Newspaper clippings sent to Keating re_ the role of the church as progressive
or reactionary; flyer on the motion picture "The Passaic Textile Strike - The First
Motion Picture ever to be Made About Workers on Strike;" correspondence between P.H
Callahan and Thomas Lawler, also with Dan Bride re William Jennings Bryan and prohibition;
between Dowling and Keating re AFL Insurance Co.; from H.P. Fagan to Keating re the
election changes of Smith Brookhart in the Iowa primaries; report from J.M. Clarke
re the convention of papermakers in NY; form letter signed by William M. Schultz Jr.,
Gen. Manager of the Union Mutual Casualty Co., to "All Railroad Men" re new non-cancellable
income policy.
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 10th-13th; Correspondence from John E. Hill, Southern Colorado Bank to Keating
re William Sweet's senatorial race loss, attributing the loss to the farm vote; telegram
from Keating to Durham County Press re overproduction in the coal mines; from Keating
to Hubert Blankenhorn re the election results and how labor stood up; from J.W. Bryan,
one time "Bull Moose" Congressman from Washington to Keating re his "ABC" movement
pamphlet; from A.A. Graham to Green re how undemocratic the AFL is.
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 16th-20th; Correspondence from W.R. Jackson to Keating re municipal light plants;
from Norman Hapgood, Chairman Wheeler Defense Committee, to Keating enclosing last
resolution adopted by that body; handwritten correspondence from JAP Hayden to Keating
re change of policy on the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario; from Keating
to Albert Coyle, Editor, BLE Journal re Pennsylvania wage increase for shopmen; clippings
sent to Keating by P.H. Callahan re_ prohibition and "The Social Question in Mexico."
Box 1 | Folder 45 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 22nd-30th; Correspondence from Luther D. Armstrong of "The New Store" to Keating
re labor's policy of US intervention into the Philippines; from P.H. Callahan to Joseph
Torello and David Walsh re Catholics in politics; from Marguerite Owners to Keating
re Nevada's election of a Republican governor; from Jesse T. Kennedy to Keating re
the Migratory Workers Union; release by the BLF&E "Sweeping Victory for Candidates
Endorsed by Labor in Carbon County, Pa."; from Keep to Keating re Mussolini; newspaper
clipping sent by Clinton Johnson to Keating re land frauds; press release by William
A. Wolff re_ the trial of Edward L. Doheny and Albert E. Fall; from Keating to William
Atkinson, Ass. Pres, Boilermakers, re the voting record of Atlee Pomerene, former
Ohio Senator; article from Henry Flury on "The Dew of Death" - poison gas; from Keep
to Keating ,con't) re_ the Farm Bureau Federation and progressives, includes clipping
on Nagel Committee.
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 1st-8th; Correspondence from Keating to T.W. Donnelly, Arizona State Senate,
re the labor position of Governor Hunt; from Mrs. Walter Gum, Pres. L. 531 BLF&E to
Keating re article on new women's auxiliary from Arkansas; from JAP Hayden to Keating
re the Canadian railroad conductor strike; from Mercer Green to Keating re company
unionism; from Jesse T. Kennedy to Keating migratory workers; from Vaughn Backman
to Keating re pamphlets on court amendment to abolish war published by the Women's
Peace Union; pamphlet from the Second Conference on the Cause and Cure of War; from
J.B. Carwell to Keating re_ the religious situation in Mexico; from Keating to E.H.
Fitzgerald, Grand President, Brotherhood. of Railway Clerks re_ recent Supreme Court
decision involving ICC; circular entitled, "Synopsis of Sugar Situation and the Development
of Long Island to Sugar Beet Culture," by Kurt Grunwald, and correspondence re_ the
potential of sugar beets on a railroad crop; Program for the 20th Annual Meeting of
the American Association for Labor Legislation.
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 12th-18th; Correspondence from JAP Hayden to Keating re the strike of the BRC
on the Canadian Pacific Railroad; from Blank to Keating re_ French censorship of American
press; obituary of Albert Eugene King, Gen. Secretary Treasurer of the BRT; article
sent by Keep to Keating entitled, "Italy Puts Yoke on Capital and Labor" also correspondence
on Italy Leaders Maletesta and Mussolini; from Hayden to Keating re_ the CNR Railroad
of the Carmen and wages of Canadian Railroad workers; from Carl Berg, Swamp field
Farm to Keating re tax refund Mellon-Coolidge proposal.
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 19th-31st; Correspondence from Florence Kelley, Gen. Sec. , National Consumers
League re children's compensation for industrial injuries; article by JAP Hayden to
Keating re_ the Canadian-American railroad freight differential.
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1926 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence from Jesse Kennedy to Keating re migratory workers with enclosed article
entitled "The Migratory Workers" by George W. Campbell; statement by Brookhart, apparently
before a Conference of the Corn and Cotton Belt, also contains the remarks of Abe
D. Waldaves; mss. entitled "Wild Scenes as France Revises Its Constitution to Save
France"; article, "British Labor's Daily Gets New Editor and Goes Out to Fight"; other
mss. entitled, "British Labor Down and Going Lower," "Big China Giant Gives Another
Shake," "Bromley and Hicks Sailing for USA, Will Tell British Railwaymen Stand," "Labor
Party Talks and Waits, There's Nothing Else To Do," European Metalworkers-Found Much
to Praise and Some to Blame in USA," "British Union Still Reducing Benefit," "Why
Mussolini Continues to Be Most Hated Ruler," "Putting the Last Screws On the Miners";
article, "Wage Increase to Canadian Rail Workers Justified," also, "Canada's Deputy
Minister of Labor"; copy of statement made by Albert Coyle, Editor of BLE Journal
in reply to "attack" by John Lewis at AFL Detroit convention.
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Jan. 3rd-10th; Correspondence from Norman Thomas, Executive Director, League for Industrial
Democracy, re_ organization of the Pullman Porters; from Keating to Martin F. Ryan,
Gen. President, BRC, re the credentials of JAP Hayden; from D.B. Robertson, President,
BLF&E re Brandeis' attempt to set up railroad library at University of Louisville.
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Jan. 11th-25th; Correspondence from Wallace M. Short to Keating re the Missouri River
project, also, newspaper clippings; from Robertson re negotiations of the BLF&E; pamphlet,
National Bureau of Information and Education re distribution of wealth; from Robertson
re troubles on the Canadian National Railway.
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Jan. 26th-31st; Correspondence from W.S. Warfield, President of Order of Sleeping
Car Conductors re_ scalping of railroad tickets by employees; from A. Philip Randolph,
General Organizer, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters re history of the organization
and organizational activities; from B.J. Whitley to Keating re Mexican immigration
and effect on labor movement.
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 1st-10th; Correspondence from Keating to C.J. Ross re legionnaires bonus film-flam
where certificate holders were not allowed to exchange for cash; from D.B. Robertson
to Keating re wage negotiations; from Robertson re agreement (wages) reached by the
BLF&E and railroads; from Keating to James Stedman, BLF&E, re Coolidge as President.
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 11th-19th; Correspondence and clipping from J.K. Whitfield re Mussel Shoals Nitrate
Plant and the farm fertilizer issue; from Ethel Smith, Leg. Secretary, National Women's
Trade Union League of America to Keating (con't) re Georgia's child labor law.
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Feb. 21st-28th; Correspondence from C.A. Ritter to Bill Neville re overproduction
of farm produce.
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
March 1st-10th; Correspondence from A. Philip Randolph requesting Labor's assistance
in the strike; from H.D. Ulrich, Gen. Chairman, Railway and Steamship Clerks re wage
award pertaining to said union on the Boston and Maine Line; from A.C. Murphy, Chmn.
Local Committee Order of Railway Conductors to Editor of National Tribune re wages
on the railroads; from H.D. Ulrich re the job classification arbitration hearing on
the Boston and Maine; copy of the Commonweal, published by J.W. Graham, Peace for
the Commonwealth Land Party.
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
March 11th-19th; Correspondence and clippings from F.E. Shaffer to Keating re_ the
Farm Relief Bill; from Clarence E. Smith re_ insurance claim against railroads; correspondence
and circular from W.H. Strong, Jr., to Keating re company towns and company housing.
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
March 21st-30th; Correspondence from Keating to P.J. Tucker, World Bureau, re U.S.
intervention into world affairs; between Wayne Wheeler, Anti-Saloon League of America
and Keating re_ the phrasing of the prohibition amendment; from James Stedman, 1st
VP, Cooperative Legislative Council to Keating re_ convict labor contracts; correspondence
addressed to Board of Directors of League of Women Voters by Keating re_ Keating's
challenge as a candidate for membership on the Advisory Council of the Citizens Federation.
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
April 1st-19th; Copy of speech delivered by President Daniel Willard before a Labor
dinner re the organized labor movement; Report on same dinner by George Leonard; correspondence
from Keating to Editor, Colorado Springs Gazette, re speech covered by paper, given
by James E. Gorman, President, Rock Island Railroad with reference to railroad wages;
resolution passed at meeting of all shop crafts of the CNR in condemnation of CNR
wage policy; memo from Keating to Mr. Wills re the enactment of the Locomotive Inspection
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
April 20th-29th; Copy of article entitled, "Hints to the Climax of Standardization
of Labor Values to Cut the Cordiein Knot," by R.O. Richards (Leader of the constructive
progressive movement); article, "On Guard for the Workers in Washington;" Correspondence
from Keating to Arthur E. Suffern, Federal Council of Churches of Christ re wage movement
among railroad workers; rough draft (unsigned) of article entitled, "Boards of Adjustment
in the Railway Labor Act;"
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
May 2nd-19th; Correspondence from Keating to D. Rondberg re limiting the term of presidency
to two; a "Resolution on Sacco and Vanzetti," signed by Coopers Local of St. Paul;
from Lydia Wentworth, author of War Myth in US History, to Keating re need of labor
support to end war; resolution for Sacco-Vanzetti by the BRAC signed by Harley Swain,
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
May 20th-31st; Program of "Suggestions Concerning Informal, Unofficial Conference
to Consider the Highest Welfare of the l8th Amendment"; memo to Mr. Wills apparently
re a speech given in memoriam to workers who lost their lives; from Edward M. Winston
to Keating re the Mexican government confiscation of American citizens assets; from
James W. Zachary to Abraham Cohan with reference to attempts to gain support for communism.
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
June 1st-10th; Correspondence between Keating and G.R. Stahl, Executive Secretary,
National Bureau of Economic Research re an enclosed news bulletin of the HBER which
makes reference to an increase in American workers wages.
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
June 11th-26th; Clipping from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, "How One Man Single Handed
Fought The Greatest Lawsuit in History," re the ICC and the railroads; correspondence
from C.E. Sheppard, Pres. ORCA to Keating re private investing of the Soviets; from
Keating to A. Phillip Randolph re memo attacking Randolph and its origins, also return
letter from Randolph giving Randolph's response to accusation of communism, immorality,
etc. from Roderick Weir, Editor, Lake County News re a possible presidential candidate
to take the Midwestern vote away from Coolidge.
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
July 8th-16th; Legislative report covering the l+5th session of the Legislature of
the State of Minnesota, submitted by W.W. Royster, Chairman; correspondence from Keating
to Herman E. Wills listing those individuals who may be counted on to support labor;
memo from D.B. Robertson to Keating re negotiations between the Conference Committee
of Managers, Western Railways and representatives of the BLF&E begun on July 7, also
list of participants.
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
July 18th-30th; Correspondence from Harry Slattery to Keating re National Boulder
Dam protest, National Electric Light and other power companies; from D.B. Robertson,
BLF&E to Keating re_ the negotiation between the Western Railroads and the BLF&E,
also contains confidential position papers of the union; from W.W. Royster, Chmn.
Minnesota Leg. Bd., BLE to Alex Kinneberg re_ the Federal Inheritance Tax Law.
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 1st-12th; Correspondence from H.E. Wills to Chairmen of all BLE State Legislative
Boards, re_ subscription to Labor, also correspondence to Keating re same; correspondence
from Tom Terral, to Grand Lodge, BLF&E re BLF&E assistance to victims of the Mississippi
River flood in Arkansas; from W.H. Sheasby to Keating re the effect of farm stabilization
on inflation; telegram from D.B. Robertson to Keating informing him that dispute between
Conference Committee of Managers Western Railways and BLF&E was reached; circular
by D.B. Robertson issued to Gen. Chairman, Dist. 1, parties to the Western Railways
re the arbitration selection in the matter between the Western Carriers and the BLF&E,
misc. clippings re Labor's stand on Sacco-Vanzetti death sentences.
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 15th-24th; Letter from Citizen's National Committee for Sacco-Vanzetti to Keating
re_ same; correspondence from J.F. Cavanaugh to Keating enclosing clippings of one
Rev. J.J. Hahn's remarks re Sacco-Vanzetti; between Keating and Myer Schoen re anti-Semitism
in Labor's coverage of the Sacco-Vanzetti trial; from A. Philip Randolph, Brotherhood
of Sleeping Car Porters re Pullman Co. arbitration with the Pullman porters.
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Aug. 26th-30th; Correspondence from A. Philip Randolph to Keating re Pullman porters
organizing strategy and Pullman's refusal to arbitrate, enclosed flyer, " Pullman
Porters Fight for Freedom;" from Jacob Yeager, Chmn. , Labor Div. Judge, James H.
Gray Campaign Committee to E.J. Manion, Pres. ORT, re_ the breaking of the Mellon
"gangs" judicial slate.
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Sept. 1st-23rd; Correspondence from Jacob Yeager to Keating re the Mellon slate for
judges of the Court of Common Pleas; from Yeager to Keating enclosing clippings on
results of primary election which smashed the Mellon judiciary slate.
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Sept. 24th-29th; Correspondence from D.B. Robertson to Keating re the selection of
arbitrators in Western Railroad Wage negotiations of BLF&E; from David Wallerstein
to Keating re recent court case in southwest which holds that railroads cannot have
company unions.
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Oct. 1st-11th; Clippings re $100,000 bribe offered to then County Controller Charles
C. McGovern not to be an independent candidate for county commissioner; press release
from the Russell Sage Foundation re_ study by Ben M. Selekman entitled, "Postponing
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Oct. 12th-27th; Correspondence from H.E. Rosher, Secretary-Treasurer, Railroad Yardmasters
of America, enclosing material about Yardmasters fight for the 8 hr. day; from Keating
to Harry Slattery, National Boulder Dam Assn., re the Boulder Dam.
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 1st-9th; Telegram from W. Wilson to Keating re_ the death of Arthur (Golden Rule)
Nash, also includes clipping from the Cincinnati Post; correspondence from George
Wylie, Chmn., Nebraska State Leg. Bd., BLF&E to Keating re Senator Norris as presidential
candidate; pamphlet, "Giant Power Proposals in Pennsylvania, a Review," printed by
Penn. State Chamber of Commerce.
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 10th-17th; Brief for Employees Before the Federal Arbitration Board, Wages of
Firemen and Hostlers Western Railroads, prepared by Donald R. Richberg; clipping from
the Philadelphia Record on Mayor-elect J. Henry Stump, Reading, Pa., Socialist Mayor;
from D.B. Robertson re the Western Maryland Railway strike, includes memo to Keating
by Gil Hyatt re_ same.
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Nov. 18th-30th; Press Release entitled "Industrial Democracy: A New Institution Amongst
Mankind," by George Shibley, Director of the Research Institute of Work.
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 1st-14th; Correspondence from H.A. Shultz re_ the corruption of Pennsylvania's
courts; from P. Ziegler, Railway Clerks, re the labor situation in Cincinnati; press
release re result of Supreme Court decision rendering stock dividends non-taxable;
from D.B. Robertson to Keating includes a number of communications which describe
the situation effecting Western arbitration of BLF&E.
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 15th-21st; Correspondence from Keating to M. Rutter re the origins of IWW in
Colorado mines; from Keating to C.E. Sheppard, Pres., ORC, re Labor's activities for
the coal miners; from A. Philip Randolph to Keating re_ Negro labor conference.
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Dec. 22nd-31st; Copy of letter from R.A. Wentz, Secretary ACE Div. of Northern Ohio
and Laurence E. Davis, Manager Assn. of Electragists re the power trust of the electric
power utilities; telegram from D.B. Robertson to Keating re attempt to impeach award
rendered in the firemen western wage arbitration; from T.W. Wilson, Pres. , NC State
Fed. of Labor to Keating re organizing the tobacco workers.
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
Correspondence of Edward Keating, Editor, Labor
1927 |
Scope and Contents
Handwritten memo from D.B. Robertson to Keating re BLF&E; list of Chief Executives
of the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations.
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Keating Editorial Files, Adamson Act
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Keating Editorial Files, Child Labor
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Keating Editorial Files, Featherbedding - Newspaper Clippings
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Keating Editorial Files, Featherbedding
1943-1958 |
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Keating Editorial Files, Featherbedding
1959 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Keating Editorial Files, Featherbedding
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Keating Editorial Files, Federal Legislation
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Keating Editorial Files, Federated Press
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Keating Editorial Files, Federated Press
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Keating Editorial Files, Fluoridation Fight
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Keating Editorial Files, Fluoridation Fight
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Keating Editorial Files, Ford Hearing
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Industrial Front
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
Keating Editorial Files, Labor Press
1920-1979 |
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
Keating Editorial Files, Legislation
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Keating Editorial Files, Lobbies, Railroads
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Keating Editorial Files, McCarran
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
Keating Editorial Files, Military Railway Service
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Keating Editorial Files, Minimum Wage
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Keating Editorial Files, National Labor-Management Foundation
1939-1963 |
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Keating Editorial Files, National Labor-Management Foundation
1939-1963 |
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
Keating Editorial Files, Origin of Labor Day
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
Keating Editorial Files, Plumb Plan
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
Keating Editorial Files, Prince Plan
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
Keating Editorial Files, Rail Unions and Politics
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Abroad
1942-1951 |
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Adjustment Board
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Company Unions
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Company Unions
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Company Unions
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Labor - Diesels
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Unions
1942-1954 |
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroad Unions
1942-1954 |
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroads
1943-1959 |
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
Keating Editorial Files, Railroads
1943-1959 |
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
Keating Editorial Files, Rocky Mt. Fuel
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Keating Editorial Files, Yellow Dog Contract
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
John Baer, Biographical Information
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
John Baer, Biographical Information
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
John Baer, Biographical Information
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
John Baer, Biographical Information
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
John Baer, Biographical - Family Tree
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1900-1919 |
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1920-1929 |
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1930-1932 |
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1933-1939 |
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1940 |
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1950 |
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1960-1961 |
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1962-1963 |
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1964-1966 |
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
1967-1970 |
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
Scope and Contents
Handwritten Notes
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
Correspondence of John Baer, Labor Cartoonist
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
Campaign for Congress Articles
1913-1917 |
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Campaign for Congress Articles
1918-1931 |
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
Campaign for Congress Articles
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
Copies of Campaign for Congress Articles
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
Post-Congressional Years
1930-1940 |
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
Post-Congressional Years
1950 |
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
Post-Congressional Years
1960 |
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Post-Congressional Years
1970 |
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Copies of Post-Congressional Years
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Articles - "Diary of a New Senator" and "The Nashnul Sichiashun" (national situation)
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
Copies of "Diary of a New Senator" and "The Nashnul Sichiashun"
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
Bear facts Articles
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Clippings About Baer
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
Clippings About Baer
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
Copies of Clippings About Baer
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
Clippings - Not About Baer
Box 5 | Folder 35 |
Clippings - Not About Baer, copies
Box 5 | Folder 36 |
Box 5 | Folder 37 |
Box 5 | Folder 38 |
Photos of Baer
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Baer Sketches, A - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Baer Sketches, A - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Baer Sketches, A - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Baer Sketches, A - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Baer Sketches, A - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Baer Sketches, Anatomy
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Baer Sketches, Anatomy
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Baer Sketches, Anatomy
Box 6 | Folder 9 |
Baer Sketches, Animals Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 10 |
Baer Sketches, Animals Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 11 |
Baer Sketches, Animals Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 12 |
Baer Sketches, B - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 13 |
Baer Sketches, Bears
Box 6 | Folder 14 |
Baer Sketches, Bears
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
Baer Sketches, Bears
Box 6 | Folder 16 |
Baer Sketches, Bears
Box 6 | Folder 17 |
Baer Sketches, Bears
Box 6 | Folder 18 |
Baer Sketches, Birds
Box 6 | Folder 19 |
Baer Sketches, Birds
Box 6 | Folder 20 |
Baer Sketches, Birds
Box 6 | Folder 21 |
Baer Sketches, Broncos
Box 6 | Folder 22 |
Baer Sketches, Broncos
Box 6 | Folder 23 |
Baer Sketches, Broncos
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
Baer Sketches, Buffalo and Bulls
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
Baer Sketches, Buffalo and Bulls
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
Baer Sketches, Buffalo and Bulls
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
Baer Sketches, Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
Baer Sketches, Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
Baer Sketches, C - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
Baer Sketches, C - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
Baer Sketches, C - Miscellaneous
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
Baer Sketches, Cats and Kittens
Box 6 | Folder 33 |
Baer Sketches, Cats and Kittens
Box 6 | Folder 34 |
Baer Sketches, Cats and Kittens
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - C-Cows
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - C-Cows
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - C-Cows
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Deer
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Dogs
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Dogs
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Dogs
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Dogs
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Dogs
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Donkey-Democratic (See, Also, Elephant-GOP)
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Donkey-Democratic (See, Also, Elephant-GOP)
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Donkey (See, Also, Elephant-GOP)
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Doves, Dinosaurs, Dragons
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Doves, Dinosaurs, Dragons
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Ducks
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - D-Ducks
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Eagles
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Eagles
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Eagles
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Elephant-GOP
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Elephant-GOP
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Elephant-GOP (See, Also, Donkey-Democratic)
Box 7 | Folder 23 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - E-Elephant-GOP (See, Also, Donkey-Democratic)
Box 7 | Folder 24 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - Elephant-GOP (See, Also, Donkey-Democratic)
Box 7 | Folder 25 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - F-Fish, Fox, Frogs
Box 7 | Folder 26 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - F-Fish, Fox, Frogs
Box 7 | Folder 27 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - F-Fish, Fox, Frogs
Box 7 | Folder 28 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - F-Fish, Fox, Frogs
Box 7 | Folder 29 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - G
Box 7 | Folder 30 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - G
Box 7 | Folder 31 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - G
Box 7 | Folder 32 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H
Box 7 | Folder 33 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Hens
Box 7 | Folder 34 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Hens
Box 7 | Folder 35 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - H-Horses
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - K-Kangaroos
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - L
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - L
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - L
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - M-Monkeys
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - M-Monkeys, Mice
Box 8 | Folder 12 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - M-Monkeys, Mice
Box 8 | Folder 13 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - O
Box 8 | Folder 14 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - O
Box 8 | Folder 15 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - P
Box 8 | Folder 16 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - P
Box 8 | Folder 17 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - P-Pigs, Hogs
Box 8 | Folder 18 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - P-Pigs, Hogs
Box 8 | Folder 19 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - P-Pigs, Hogs
Box 8 | Folder 20 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - R
Box 8 | Folder 21 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - R
Box 8 | Folder 22 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - R
Box 8 | Folder 23 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - S
Box 8 | Folder 24 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - S
Box 8 | Folder 25 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - S
Box 8 | Folder 26 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - S
Box 8 | Folder 27 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - T
Box 8 | Folder 28 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - T
Box 8 | Folder 29 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - T-Tiger
Box 8 | Folder 30 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - V
Box 8 | Folder 31 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - V
Box 8 | Folder 32 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - W
Box 8 | Folder 33 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - W
Box 8 | Folder 34 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - W
Box 8 | Folder 35 |
Baer Sketches - Animals - Z-Zebra
Box 8 | Folder 36 |
Baer Sketches - A-Action
Box 8 | Folder 37 |
Baer Sketches - A-Action
Box 8 | Folder 38 |
Baer Sketches - A-Action
Box 8 | Folder 39 |
Baer Sketches - A-Action-Sketches
Box 8 | Folder 40 |
Baer Sketches - A-Africa, Arabs
Box 8 | Folder 41 |
Baer Sketches - A-Airplanes, Dirigibus
Box 8 | Folder 42 |
Baer Sketches - A-Airplanes, Dirigibus
Box 8 | Folder 43 |
Baer Sketches - A-Airplanes-Dirigibus
Box 8 | Folder 44 |
Baer Sketches - A-Airplanes-Dirigibus-Sketches
Box 8 | Folder 45 |
Baer Sketches - A-Artists
Box 8 | Folder 46 |
Baer Sketches - A-Artists
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Baer Sketches - A-Astronauts
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Baer Sketches - A-Athletes
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Baer Sketches - A-Attitudes
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Baer Sketches - A-Attitudes-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Baer Sketches - A-Auto
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Baer Sketches - Auto
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Baer Sketches - A-Auto-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 10 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 11 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 12 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 13 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 14 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 15 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 16 |
Baer Sketches - B
Box 9 | Folder 17 |
Baer Sketches - B-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 18 |
Baer Sketches - B-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 19 |
Baer Sketches - B-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 20 |
Baer Sketches - Babies
Box 9 | Folder 21 |
Baer Sketches - Babies-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 22 |
Baer Sketches - B-Backs, Balloons, Bubbles, Bells
Box 9 | Folder 23 |
Baer Sketches - B-Backs, Balloons, Bubbles, Bells
Box 9 | Folder 24 |
Baer Sketches - Bands
Box 9 | Folder 25 |
Baer Sketches - Bands
Box 9 | Folder 26 |
Baer Sketches - Barbies
Box 9 | Folder 27 |
Baer Sketches - Baseball
Box 9 | Folder 28 |
Baer Sketches - Baseball
Box 9 | Folder 29 |
Baer Sketches - Baseball
Box 9 | Folder 30 |
Baer Sketches - Baseball-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 31 |
Baer Sketches - Basketball
Box 9 | Folder 32 |
Baer Sketches - Battleships
Box 9 | Folder 33 |
Baer Sketches - Beaches-Seashore Resorts
Box 9 | Folder 34 |
Baer Sketches - B-Beds
Box 9 | Folder 35 |
Baer Sketches - Big Biz
Box 9 | Folder 36 |
Baer Sketches - Big Biz-Sketches
Box 9 | Folder 37 |
Baer Sketches - Black & Whites
Box 9 | Folder 38 |
Baer Sketches - Blacksmiths
Box 9 | Folder 39 |
Baer Sketches - Blacksmiths-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
Baer Sketches - Boats
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Baer Sketches - Boats-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
Baer Sketches - Bowling
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
Baer Sketches - Bowling-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Baer Sketches - Boy Scouts
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
Baer Sketches - Brides
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Baer Sketches - Bridges
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
Baer Sketches - Bridges-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Baer Sketches - Buildings
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
Baer Sketches - Burdens
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Baer Sketches - Burdens-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 12 |
Baer Sketches - Burglars-Bandits
Box 10 | Folder 13 |
Baer Sketches - Burglars-Bandits-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
Baer Sketches - Business Men
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Baer Sketches - Business Men-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 17 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 18 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 20 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 21 |
Baer Sketches - C
Box 10 | Folder 22 |
Baer Sketches - C-Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 23 |
Baer Sketches - C - Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Baer Sketches - Cannibals - Cavemen
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Baer Sketches - Cannons see Guns
Box 10 | Folder 26 |
Baer Sketches - Capitol - Wash, White House
Box 10 | Folder 27 |
Baer Sketches - Capitol - Wash, White House
Box 10 | Folder 28 |
Baer Sketches - Capitol - Washington, White House - Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 29 |
Baer Sketches - Chalk - Crayon Blaudek
Box 10 | Folder 30 |
Baer Sketches - C - Child Labor + China
Box 10 | Folder 31 |
Baer Sketches - C - Child Labor + China
Box 10 | Folder 32 |
Baer Sketches - C - Child Labor + China - Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 33 |
Baer Sketches - C - Church - Chapel
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
Baer Sketches - C - Circus - See Clowns, Acrobats, Balances, etc.
Box 10 | Folder 35 |
Baer Sketches - C - Circus - see Clowns, Acrobats, Balances, etc. - Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
Baer Sketches - C - Cities
Box 10 | Folder 37 |
Baer Sketches - C - Cities - Sketches
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
Baer Sketches - C - Cliffs - Bluffs
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Baer Sketches - C - Clowns - Jesters
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Collective Bargaining - Conventions
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Collective Bargaining - Conventions - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Common People
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Common People - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
Composition - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
Congress - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Court Room
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Crowds - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 16 |
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Cupid - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 18 |
C - Cuts New Deal: Company Union - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
C - Cuts New Deal: Company Union
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Box 11 | Folder 21 |
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Box 11 | Folder 23 |
Box 11 | Folder 24 |
D - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
D - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Box 11 | Folder 27 |
Box 11 | Folder 28 |
Box 11 | Folder 29 |
Death - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 30 |
Box 11 | Folder 31 |
Box 11 | Folder 32 |
Doctors - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 33 |
Dreams - Spirits
Box 11 | Folder 34 |
Dredges - Derricks
Box 11 | Folder 35 |
Dredges and Derricks - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 36 |
Box 11 | Folder 37 |
Box 11 | Folder 38 |
Box 11 | Folder 39 |
E - Sketches
Box 11 | Folder 40 |
E - Egypt
Box 11 | Folder 41 |
E - Expressions
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
E - Elections
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
E - Elections - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Box 12 | Folder 5 |
Box 12 | Folder 6 |
F - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 7 |
F - Fables - Parables
Box 12 | Folder 8 |
F - Fables - Parables - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 9 |
F - Factories
Box 12 | Folder 10 |
F - Farmer - Farming
Box 12 | Folder 11 |
F - Farmer - Farming
Box 12 | Folder 12 |
F - Family - (Table)
Box 12 | Folder 13 |
F - Family (table)
Box 12 | Folder 14 |
F - Farmer - Farming
Box 12 | Folder 15 |
F - Farmer - Farming
Box 12 | Folder 16 |
F - Farmer - Farming
Box 12 | Folder 17 |
F - Farmer - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 18 |
F - Father
Box 12 | Folder 19 |
F - Fights
Box 12 | Folder 20 |
F - Firemen
Box 12 | Folder 21 |
F - Firemen
Box 12 | Folder 22 |
F - Firemen - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 23 |
F - Fishing
Box 12 | Folder 24 |
F - Flags
Box 12 | Folder 25 |
F - Flags - Sketches
Box 12 | Folder 26 |
F - Flowers
Box 12 | Folder 27 |
F - Foot - Feet
Box 12 | Folder 28 |
F - Football
Box 12 | Folder 29 |
F - Football - F -
Box 12 | Folder 30 |
F - Forts
Box 12 | Folder 31 |
F - Furniture
Box 12 | Folder 32 |
Box 12 | Folder 33 |
Box 12 | Folder 34 |
Box 12 | Folder 35 |
Box 12 | Folder 36 |
G - General
Box 12 | Folder 37 |
G - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
G - General
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
G - General - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
G- Giants
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
G - Giants - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
G - Goddesses
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
G - Goddesses - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
G - Golf
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
G - Graph + Charts
Box 13 | Folder 9 |
G - Graph + Charts - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 10 |
G - Graves
Box 13 | Folder 11 |
G - Guns
Box 13 | Folder 12 |
Box 13 | Folder 13 |
Box 13 | Folder 14 |
Box 13 | Folder 15 |
Box 13 | Folder 16 |
Box 13 | Folder 17 |
Box 13 | Folder 18 |
Box 13 | Folder 19 |
Box 13 | Folder 20 |
H - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 21 |
H - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 22 |
H - Hands
Box 13 | Folder 23 |
H - Hands
Box 13 | Folder 24 |
H - Hands
Box 13 | Folder 25 |
H - Hands - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 26 |
H - Harvest
Box 13 | Folder 27 |
H - Head
Box 13 | Folder 28 |
H - High Cost of Living
Box 13 | Folder 29 |
H - High Cost of Living - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 30 |
H - Hitler
Box 13 | Folder 31 |
H - Hitler
Box 13 | Folder 32 |
H - Hitler - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 33 |
H - Hobos
Box 13 | Folder 34 |
H - Holidays - Armistice Day
Box 13 | Folder 35 |
H - Holidays - Christmas
Box 13 | Folder 36 |
H - Holidays - Christmas
Box 13 | Folder 37 |
H - Holidays - Christmas
Box 13 | Folder 38 |
H - Holidays - Christmas
Box 13 | Folder 39 |
H - Holidays - Christmas - Sketches
Box 13 | Folder 40 |
H - Holidays - Christmas - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 1 |
H - Holidays - Christmas Cartoons
Box 14 | Folder 2 |
H - Holidays - Christmas Cartoons
Box 14 | Folder 3 |
H - Holidays - Christmas Cartoons - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 4 |
H - Holidays - Easter
Box 14 | Folder 5 |
H - Holidays - Fourth of July
Box 14 | Folder 6 |
H - Holidays - Fourth of July - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 7 |
H - Holidays - Halloween
Box 14 | Folder 8 |
H - Holidays - Halloween - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 9 |
H - Holidays - Lent
Box 14 | Folder 10 |
H - Holidays - Mother's Day
Box 14 | Folder 11 |
H - Holidays - New Years
Box 14 | Folder 12 |
H - Holidays - New Years
Box 14 | Folder 13 |
H - Holidays - New Years
Box 14 | Folder 14 |
H - Holidays - New Years - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 15 |
H - Holidays - Thanksgiving
Box 14 | Folder 16 |
H - Holidays - Thanksgiving
Box 14 | Folder 17 |
H - Holidays - Thanksgiving - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 18 |
H - Holidays - Valentines
Box 14 | Folder 19 |
H - Homes
Box 14 | Folder 20 |
H - Homes
Box 14 | Folder 21 |
H - Homes - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 22 |
H - Hunting Season
Box 14 | Folder 23 |
Box 14 | Folder 24 |
I - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 25 |
I - Ideas
Box 14 | Folder 26 |
I - Ideas - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 27 |
I - Illustrations
Box 14 | Folder 28 |
I - Indians
Box 14 | Folder 29 |
I - Indians
Box 14 | Folder 30 |
I - Inventions, Irish, Income Tax
Box 14 | Folder 31 |
I - Inventions, Irish, Income Tax
Box 14 | Folder 32 |
I - Inventions, Irish, Income Tax
Box 14 | Folder 33 |
I - Inventions, Irish, Income Tax - Sketches
Box 14 | Folder 34 |
Box 14 | Folder 35 |
Box 14 | Folder 36 |
Box 14 | Folder 37 |
Box 14 | Folder 38 |
Box 14 | Folder 39 |
J - Sketches
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
J-Judges, July, Justice
Box 15 | Folder 2 |
J-Jury, Judges, Justice
Box 15 | Folder 3 |
J-Judges, Jury, Justice - Sketches
Box 15 | Folder 4 |
J-June (see wedding)
Box 15 | Folder 5 |
Box 15 | Folder 6 |
Box 15 | Folder 7 |
Box 15 | Folder 8 |
Box 15 | Folder 9 |
Box 15 | Folder 10 |
Box 15 | Folder 11 |
Box 15 | Folder 12 |
Box 15 | Folder 13 |
Box 15 | Folder 14 |
Box 15 | Folder 15 |
Box 15 | Folder 16 |
Box 15 | Folder 17 |
Box 15 | Folder 18 |
Box 15 | Folder 19 |
Box 15 | Folder 20 |
Box 15 | Folder 21 |
Box 15 | Folder 22 |
Box 15 | Folder 23 |
Box 15 | Folder 24 |
Box 15 | Folder 25 |
Box 15 | Folder 26 |
Box 15 | Folder 27 |
Box 15 | Folder 28 |
Box 15 | Folder 29 |
Box 15 | Folder 30 |
Box 15 | Folder 31 |
Box 15 | Folder 32 |
Box 15 | Folder 33 |
L-Labor in Colors
Box 15 | Folder 34 |
Box 16 | Folder 1 |
L-Labor in colors
Box 16 | Folder 2 |
Box 16 | Folder 3 |
Box 16 | Folder 4 |
Box 16 | Folder 5 |
Box 16 | Folder 6 |
Box 16 | Folder 7 |
L-Little Girls
Box 16 | Folder 8 |
L-Little Girls-Sketches
Box 16 | Folder 9 |
Box 16 | Folder 10 |
L-Men with last name
Box 16 | Folder 11 |
L-Men with last name
Box 16 | Folder 12 |
L-Men with last name
Box 16 | Folder 13 |
L-Men with last name-Sketches
Box 16 | Folder 14 |
Box 16 | Folder 15 |
Box 16 | Folder 16 |
Box 16 | Folder 17 |
Box 16 | Folder 18 |
Box 16 | Folder 19 |
Box 16 | Folder 20 |
Box 16 | Folder 21 |
M-March & May-Sketches
Box 16 | Folder 22 |
M-March & May
Box 16 | Folder 23 |
Box 16 | Folder 24 |
Box 16 | Folder 25 |
Box 16 | Folder 26 |
Box 16 | Folder 27 |
Box 16 | Folder 28 |
M-Memorial Day
Box 16 | Folder 29 |
Box 16 | Folder 30 |
Box 16 | Folder 31 |
Box 16 | Folder 32 |
M-Men whose last name begins
Box 16 | Folder 33 |
M-Men whose last name begins
Box 16 | Folder 34 |
Box 16 | Folder 35 |
Box 16 | Folder 36 |
M-Ministers, Monks
Box 16 | Folder 37 |
Box 19 | Folder 1 |
L-Lincoln: P-Prominent People
Box 17 | Folder 1 |
Box 17 | Folder 2 |
Box 19 | Folder 2 |
L-Lincoln -Sketches : P-Prominent People
Box 17 | Folder 3 |
Box 19 | Folder 3 |
P-Prominent People - Miscellaneous
Box 19 | Folder 4 |
P-Prominent People - Lincoln
Box 17 | Folder 4 |
M-People whose last name begins
Box 19 | Folder 5 |
P-Prominent People - more Presidents
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
M-People whose last name begins
Box 19 | Folder 6 |
P-Prominent People-Rockefeller
Box 17 | Folder 6 |
M-People whose last name begins
Box 17 | Folder 7 |
Box 19 | Folder 7 |
P-Prominent People-Roosevelt
Box 19 | Folder 8 |
P-Prominent People-Roosevelt - Sketches
Box 17 | Folder 8 |
Box 17 | Folder 9 |
Box 19 | Folder 9 |
P-Prominent People-Roosevelt
Box 17 | Folder 10 |
Box 19 | Folder 10 |
P-Prominent People-Roosevelt
Box 17 | Folder 11 |
Box 19 | Folder 11 |
P-Prominent People-Miscellaneous
Box 17 | Folder 12 |
Box 19 | Folder 12 |
Prominent People - Miscellaneous
Box 17 | Folder 13 |
Box 19 | Folder 13 |
P-Prominent People - Taft
Box 17 | Folder 14 |
Box 19 | Folder 14 |
P-Prominent People - Taft - Sketches
Box 17 | Folder 15 |
Box 19 | Folder 15 |
P-Prominent People - Truman
Box 17 | Folder 16 |
Box 19 | Folder 16 |
P-Prominent People -Truman
Box 17 | Folder 17 |
N-Nations - Sketches
Box 19 | Folder 17 |
P-Prominent People -Truman - Sketches
Box 17 | Folder 18 |
Box 19 | Folder 18 |
P-Prominent People -Wallace
Box 17 | Folder 19 |
Box 19 | Folder 19 |
Box 17 | Folder 20 |
N-Nixon - Sketches
Box 19 | Folder 20 |
Box 17 | Folder 21 |
NRA - Blouse Industry Code
Box 19 | Folder 21 |
Box 17 | Folder 22 |
NRA - Blouse Industry Code
Box 19 | Folder 22 |
P-Pugilists - Sketches
Box 17 | Folder 23 |
Box 19 | Folder 23 |
Box 17 | Folder 24 |
Box 19 | Folder 24 |
Q - Sketches
Box 19 | Folder 25 |
Box 17 | Folder 25 |
Box 19 | Folder 26 |
Box 17 | Folder 26 |
O-Old age
Box 19 | Folder 27 |
Box 17 | Folder 27 |
O-Old age - Sketches
Box 19 | Folder 28 |
Box 17 | Folder 28 |
O-Old Times
Box 17 | Folder 29 |
O-Old Times -Sketches
Box 19 | Folder 29 |
Box 19 | Folder 30 |
Box 17 | Folder 30 |
Box 17 | Folder 31 |
Box 19 | Folder 31 |
Box 17 | Folder 32 |
Box 19 | Folder 32 |
Box 19 | Folder 33 |
Box 17 | Folder 33 |
Box 19 | Folder 34 |
Box 17 | Folder 34 |
Box 19 | Folder 35 |
Box 17 | Folder 35 |
Box 19 | Folder 36 |
Box 17 | Folder 36 |
Box 17 | Folder 37 |
Box 18 | Folder 1 |
Box 18 | Folder 2 |
Box 18 | Folder 3 |
Box 18 | Folder 4 |
Box 18 | Folder 5 |
P-Parades - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 6 |
Box 18 | Folder 7 |
Box 18 | Folder 8 |
Box 18 | Folder 9 |
Box 18 | Folder 10 |
Box 18 | Folder 11 |
Box 18 | Folder 12 |
P-Poor - Poverty
Box 18 | Folder 13 |
Box 18 | Folder 14 |
Box 18 | Folder 15 |
P-Prominent People - Characters
Box 18 | Folder 16 |
P-Prominent People - Caricatures
Box 18 | Folder 17 |
P-Prominent People - Caricature
Box 18 | Folder 18 |
P-Prominent People - Characters
Box 18 | Folder 19 |
P-Prominent People - Caricatures - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 20 |
P-Prominent People - Christ
Box 18 | Folder 21 |
P-Prominent People - Coolidge
Box 18 | Folder 22 |
P-Prominent People - D
Box 18 | Folder 23 |
P-Prominent People - D - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 24 |
P-Prominent People - E
Box 18 | Folder 25 |
P-Prominent People - Eisenhower
Box 18 | Folder 26 |
P-Prominent People - Eisenhower - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 27 |
P-Prominent People - F
Box 18 | Folder 28 |
P-Prominent People - G
Box 18 | Folder 29 |
P-Prominent People - G - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 30 |
P-Prominent People - Humphrey
Box 18 | Folder 31 |
P-Prominent People - Johnson
Box 18 | Folder 32 |
P-Prominent People - Johnson - Sketches
Box 18 | Folder 33 |
P-Prominent People - K- Kennedys
Box 18 | Folder 34 |
P-Prominent People - K- Kennedys
Box 20 | Folder 1 |
R-Railroads - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 2 |
R-Railroad Boys - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 3 |
R-Railroad Boys
Box 20 | Folder 4 |
R-Railroad Boys
Box 20 | Folder 5 |
Box 20 | Folder 6 |
Box 20 | Folder 7 |
R-Rich and Restaurants
Box 20 | Folder 8 |
R-Rich and Restaurants - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 9 |
Box 20 | Folder 10 |
R-Rockets - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 11 |
R-Runways and Roads
Box 20 | Folder 12 |
Box 20 | Folder 13 |
Box 20 | Folder 14 |
Box 20 | Folder 15 |
Box 20 | Folder 16 |
Box 20 | Folder 17 |
Box 20 | Folder 18 |
Box 20 | Folder 19 |
Box 20 | Folder 20 |
Box 20 | Folder 21 |
Box 20 | Folder 22 |
Box 20 | Folder 23 |
S - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 24 |
Box 20 | Folder 25 |
Box 20 | Folder 26 |
S-Schools - Sketches
Box 20 | Folder 27 |
Box 20 | Folder 28 |
Box 21 | Folder 1 |
S-Seasons - Fall
Box 21 | Folder 2 |
Seasons - Spring - April
Box 21 | Folder 3 |
S-Seasons - Spring, April - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 4 |
S-Seasons - Spring (House Cleaning, Lovers, Wedding)
Box 21 | Folder 5 |
S-Seasons - Spring (House Cleaning, Lovers, Wedding) - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 6 |
S-Seasons - Spring (House Cleaning, Lovers, Wedding) - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 7 |
S-Seasons - Winter
Box 21 | Folder 8 |
S- Senator Sounder
Box 21 | Folder 9 |
Box 21 | Folder 10 |
Box 21 | Folder 11 |
S-Silhouette (Designs)
Box 21 | Folder 12 |
Box 21 | Folder 13 |
S-Soldier '60-'66
Box 21 | Folder 14 |
S-Soldiers in Uniform
Box 21 | Folder 15 |
S-South America, Scotch, Spanish
Box 21 | Folder 16 |
Box 21 | Folder 17 |
Box 21 | Folder 18 |
Box 21 | Folder 19 |
Box 21 | Folder 20 |
S-Stores + Shops
Box 21 | Folder 21 |
S- Storms
Box 21 | Folder 22 |
S - Street Cars
Box 21 | Folder 23 |
S- Supreme Court
Box 21 | Folder 24 |
Box 21 | Folder 25 |
Box 21 | Folder 26 |
Symbolic - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 27 |
Box 21 | Folder 28 |
Box 21 | Folder 29 |
Box 21 | Folder 30 |
Box 21 | Folder 31 |
T - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 32 |
T - Tanks
Box 21 | Folder 33 |
Box 21 | Folder 34 |
T-Technique - Sketches
Box 21 | Folder 35 |
Box 21 | Folder 36 |
Box 21 | Folder 37 |
Box 21 | Folder 38 |
T-Traffic Taxi
Box 21 | Folder 39 |
Box 21 | Folder 40 |
Box 21 | Folder 41 |
Box 22 | Folder 1 |
Box 22 | Folder 2 |
Box 22 | Folder 3 |
U - Sketches
Box 22 | Folder 4 |
Box 22 | Folder 5 |
U-Uncle Sam
Box 22 | Folder 6 |
U-Uncle Sam
Box 22 | Folder 7 |
U-Uncle Sam
Box 22 | Folder 8 |
U-Uncle Sam - Sketches
Box 22 | Folder 9 |
Box 22 | Folder 10 |
Box 22 | Folder 11 |
Box 22 | Folder 12 |
V - Sketches
Box 22 | Folder 13 |
V - Vacations
Box 22 | Folder 14 |
V - Voting, Victory
Box 22 | Folder 15 |
V - Voting, Victory - Sketches
Box 22 | Folder 16 |
Box 22 | Folder 17 |
Box 22 | Folder 18 |
Box 22 | Folder 19 |
Box 22 | Folder 20 |
Box 22 | Folder 21 |
Box 22 | Folder 22 |
Box 22 | Folder 23 |
Box 22 | Folder 24 |
Box 22 | Folder 25 |
Box 22 | Folder 26 |
W-War - Sketches
Box 22 | Folder 27 |
W - War - Soldiers in Color
Box 22 | Folder 28 |
W - War - Soldiers in Color
Box 23 | Folder 1 |
War - Soldiers in color
Box 23 | Folder 2 |
W-G. Washington
Box 23 | Folder 3 |
W - G. Washington
Box 23 | Folder 4 |
W - G. Washington - sketches
Box 23 | Folder 5 |
W - West
Box 23 | Folder 6 |
W - Wheat
Box 23 | Folder 7 |
W- Wife
Box 23 | Folder 8 |
W - Women
Box 23 | Folder 9 |
W - Women - Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 10 |
W - Women (Baer)
Box 23 | Folder 11 |
W - Women (Baer) - Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 12 |
W - Women Glamour
Box 23 | Folder 13 |
W - Women in Glamour
Box 23 | Folder 14 |
W- Women Glamour, Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 15 |
W- Women in Cartoons
Box 23 | Folder 16 |
W- Women in Cartoons - Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 17 |
W- Women in color
Box 23 | Folder 18 |
W - Women in color
Box 23 | Folder 19 |
W - Woodrow Wilson
Box 23 | Folder 20 |
W - Woodrow Wilson
Box 23 | Folder 21 |
W - World
Box 23 | Folder 22 |
W - World - Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 23 |
W - World War I - 1917
1917 |
Box 23 | Folder 24 |
W- World War I - Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 25 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 26 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 27 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 28 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 29 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 30 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 31 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 32 |
W - World War II
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 33 |
W - World War II - Sketches
1941 |
Box 23 | Folder 34 |
Box 23 | Folder 35 |
John Baer - Sketches - Misc.
Box 23 | Folder 36 |
Misc. Sketches
Box 23 | Folder 37 |
John Baer Sketches - Misc.
Box 23 | Folder 38 |
Box 24 | Folder 1 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 2 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 3 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 4 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 5 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 6 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 7 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 8 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 9 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 10 |
John Baer - Scrapbook - North Dakota + Bismark Boosters
Box 24 | Folder 11 |
John Baer - Scrapbook Baerfacts + Diary of a New Senator + Others
Box 24 | Folder 12 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 13 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 14 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 15 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 16 |
John Baer - Scrapbook
Box 24 | Folder 17 |
Misc. Associated Press Story
Box 24 | Folder 18 |
Misc. - Kerns
Box 24 | Folder 19 |
Misc. - Kerns
Box 24 | Folder 20 |
Miscellaneous - "A New Day for Blacks"
Box 24 | Folder 21 |
Miscellaneous - Rail Boys
Box 24 | Folder 22 |
Miscellaneous - Union Label, Poem about "Rube" and Forum
Box 24 | Folder 22 |
Miscellaneous - Union Label, Poem about "Rube" and Forum
Box 25 | Folder 1 |
Aesop's Fables
1934 |
Box 25 | Folder 2 |
Twenty Fourth Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission
1910 |
Box 25 | Folder 3 |
1918 |
Box 25 | Folder 4 |
Miscellaneous Cartoons
Box 25 | Folder 5 |
Box 25 | Folder 6 |
Book of Clip Art
Box 25 | Folder 7 |
Book of Post Cards