Rubinow, Isaac Max Papers, 1892-1945
Collection Number: 5616
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Isaac Max Rubinow Papers, 1892-1945
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
The personal papers of Dr. Rubinow who was active in the movement for social security
from a medical point of view. He was also an economist and served in that capacity
with th U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistices, the American Medical Association, and several
Jewish welfare societies, including Bnai B'rith. The collection is composed of his
correspondence, some of his articles and manuscripts.
Rubinow, Isaac Max
16.33 cubic feet
Collection material in English, Russian
1875 Born in Grodno, Russia
1893 Immigrated to the United States
1895 Columbia University, A.B. Degree
1898 New York University Medical College, M.D.
1899 Practiced medicine
1900-03 Columbia University, Studied political science
1903 Gave up practice of medicine
1903-07 Examiner, U.S. Civil Service Commission
1907 Economic Expert, Bureau of Statistics, U.S. Department of Agriculture
1907-08 Member, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Commerce & Labor
1908-11 Member, Bureau of Labor
1911-16 Chief Statistician, Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation
1913 First book published, Social Insurance
1914 Columbia University, PhD.
1914-l6 President, Casualty Acturial Society
1916-17 Executive Secretary, American Medical Association, Social Insurance Commission
1917 Expert, California Social Insurance Commission
1917 Director, New York City Department of Public Charities, Bureau of Labor Statistics
1917-18 Investigator, Federal Trade Commission
1919-23 In Charge of American Zionist Medical Unit (renamed Hadassah Medical Organization)
1923-28 Director, Jewish Welfare Society of Philadelphia
1926-36 Executive Secretary, B'nai B'rith
1929 Executive Director, United Palestine Appeal
1932- 33 President, National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1934 The Quest for Security published
1936 September, Died at the age of 61
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Isaac Max Rubinow Papers #5616. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and
Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5001: American Association for Labor Legislation Records 5001 mf: American Association for Labor Legislation Records on Microfilm 5001 PAM: American Association for Labor Legislation Pamphlet File 5616 (A) mf: Isaac Max Rubinow Selected Files on Microfilm 5616 OH: Isaac Max Rubinow Oral History
Rubinow, I. M. (Isaac Max), 1875-1936
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
1928-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Edith Abbott, University of Chicago and Editor of Social Service
Review re his literary and teaching activities; Grace Abbott, Director, U.S. Children's
Bureau re dependency and delinquency statistics advocating the construction of a dependency
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Adams, T.S.
1910 |
Scope and Contents
letter agreeing to support Rubinow's efforts to obtain academic employment from T.S.
Adams, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Economics
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Addams, Jane
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Jane Addams Memorial Fund
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Adler, Cyrus
1902-1908 |
Scope and Contents
re the significance of Adler's appointment to Political and Social Ethics Department,
Columbia University in 1902 and their mutual interest on "Jews in Russia" and Rubinow's
article on the subject
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Aetna Life Insurance Company, David VanSchaack, Director
1913-1931 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Rubinow (1913) criticizing AALL circular endorsing the Jackson-Murtaugh
Bill by the New York Committee of AALL
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Affiliated Schools for Workers
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine solicitations
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Agronsky, G.
1925-1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Agronsky, Palestine Zionist Executive re life in Palestine; Rubinow's
criticism of the opening of Jerusalem University; possible criticism of Rubinow's
decision to return to the United States, and Rubinow's appointment as Executive Director
of the Zionist Organization of America
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
1933-1934 |
Scope and Contents
family correspondence with immigrating relatives
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine business correspondence; correspondence with Floyd P. Allen, Executive Secretary
of Public Health Federation in Cincinnati re Mortality by Census Tracts in Cincinnati
Ohio for 1930; Correspondence with W.H. Allen, Rutgers University Institute of Rural
Economics re speaking engagements
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Allen, W.H.
1913 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Allman, J.P.
1927 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow's decision to remain in lphia as Executive Director of Jewish Welfare discusses
financial sacrifice
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Amalgamated Bank
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
routine family correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Amalgamated Clothing Workers
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
American Airlines
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL)
1912-1915 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with John B. Andrews, Secretary, re compensation for blindness^ child
labor; Rubinow's election as a member of AALL's General Administrative Council; resignation
from the New York State Legislative Committee', compensation for federal employees',
subjects for meetings; activities of Committee on Social Insurance and Program Committee;
McGillicuddy Bill re P'mama Canal and Panama Railroad employees compensation', discusses
various sections of Dern Bill (federal compensation act)', letter from Henry Seager,
President of AALL to Rubinow re enforcement of labor laws, 6/2/15; routine literary
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
1916-1926 |
Scope and Contents
re speaking engagements; health insurance; labor unions in NY and NJ re social insurance
legislation (12/1/1) letter from Rubinow to Andrews re his return to U.S. after four
years with Hadassah Medical Organization; extensive notes and correspondence re reduction
of the waiting period for workmen's compensation; Epstein, Andrews and Rubinow reviving
the social insurance movement; workmen's compensation for maritime workers (8/25)
and routine
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
1927-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re cooperation between Andrews and Epstein of the American Association for Social
Security (AASS); reply to Florence Kelley after her criticism of work of AALL; unemployment
insurance; financial problems of the AALL; medical care; meeting arrangements and
routine literary
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
1933 |
Scope and Contents
letter re Rubinow's article which appeared in AALL Review and his criticism of it's
handling by editors (10/33); rivalry between AALL and AASS; meeting arrangements;
routine and literary
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment insurance for domestic service; AALL Review's "Silver Anniversary"
issue; and routine
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
American Association for Old Age Security
1928-1931 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Jane Addams re old age pensions and financial support of AASS; minutes
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
1933-1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter from Fraternal Order of Eagles, National Old Age Pension Commission re credit
for old age legislation; Brookwood Conference; minutes
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes; correspondence re the criticism of Epstein's article; Elias M. Epstein
re paper about Palestine
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Scope and Contents
brochure describing the Association, n.d.
Box 1 | Folder 25 |
American Association of Hospital Social Workers
1933 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 26 |
American Association of Social Workers, Cincinnati Chapter
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Bulletins, form letters, routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 27 |
American Association of Social Workers, National
1930-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re article; annuity plans; minutes
Box 1 | Folder 28 |
American Association of Social Workers, National
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Scattered issues of "The Compass;" and routine
Box 1 | Folder 29 |
American Bar Association
1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 30 |
American Civil Liberties Union
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re Hamilton County (Ohio) Department of Public Welfare requesting Rubinow serve on
a board of arbitration
Box 1 | Folder 31 |
American Conference on Social Insurance
1913 |
Scope and Contents
Preliminary Program for 1st Conference (AALL)
Box 1 | Folder 32 |
American Consul
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 33 |
American Economic Review
1911-1916 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 34 |
American Economic Association
1910 |
Scope and Contents
letter re presentation of paper by Rubinow at meeting of Association
Box 1 | Folder 35 |
American Economist
1931 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 36 |
American Education Press
1935 |
Scope and Contents
request for critical review by Rubinow of publication
Box 1 | Folder 37 |
American Education Alliance
1911-1915 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 38 |
American Express Company
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence about family business matters
Box 1 | Folder 39 |
American Federation of Labor
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 40 |
American Hebrew
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 41 |
American Home Economic Association
1910 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 42 |
American Jewish Committee
1918 |
Scope and Contents
re mss. for publication
Box 1 | Folder 43 |
American Jewish Congress
1933 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Rabbi J.X. Cohen of American Jewish Congress re uniting Jewish people
Box 1 | Folder 44 |
American Journal of Sociology
1929 |
Scope and Contents
re publishing mss. "Some Statistical Aspects of Marriage and Divorce"
Box 1 | Folder 45 |
American Labor Yearbook
1925 |
Scope and Contents
re establishing old age pension fund or old age home for men and women who have been
in prison for radical activities, letter from Solon DeLeon, Director
Box 1 | Folder 46 |
American Legislator's Association
1933 |
Scope and Contents
re old age pension system for Pennsylvania
Box 1 | Folder 47 |
American Liberty League
1936 |
Scope and Contents
form and cover letter, "Survey of Economists' Opinions on Selected Current Issues"
Box 1 | Folder 48 |
American Magazine
1908-1909 |
Scope and Contents
re mss. review
Box 1 | Folder 49 |
American Medical Association
1914-1917 |
Scope and Contents
re mss. for publication; attending and presenting paper at meeting of the Associate
Box 1 | Folder 50 |
American Mercury
1926 |
Scope and Contents
re literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 51 |
American Museum of Safety
1915 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 52 |
American News Company
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 53 |
American Petroleum Industries Commission
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re federal gasoline tax
Box 1 | Folder 54 |
American Public Health Association
1915-1917 |
Scope and Contents
re paper to be read at annual meeting
Box 1 | Folder 55 |
American Public Welfare Association
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re article and speech on social security program
Box 1 | Folder 56 |
American Retail Federation
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Mimeo of minutes and proceedings on conference re unemployment compensation legislation
Box 1 | Folder 57 |
American Seaman
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re urging Rubinow to help Henry Bullock become attorney for Social Security Board
Box 1 | Folder 58 |
American Socialist Quarterly
1932 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary
Box 1 | Folder 59 |
American Sociological Society
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re abstract of paper by Rubinow for inclusion in proceedings
Box 1 | Folder 60 |
American Statistical Association
1915-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with C.W. Doten, Secretary re publication of articles; appointment
of Rubinow to Committee on Business Statistics of ASA
Box 1 | Folder 61 |
American Student Zionist Federation
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 62 |
American Suffragette
1911 |
Scope and Contents
re writing an article on household service
Box 1 | Folder 63 |
American University
1936 |
Scope and Contents
re development of Social Security Program
Box 1 | Folder 64 |
American Workers Party
1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter from A.J. Muste, Chairman, AWP re raising funds for publication "Labor Action"
Box 1 | Folder 65 |
American Writing Paper Company
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine business correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 66 |
Anderson, C.V.
1931 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 67 |
Andrews, B.R.
1927-1931 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 68-69 |
1903-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 70 |
Appleton and Company
1902-1913 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 71 |
1903-1931 |
Scope and Contents
family matters re history of Rubinow family; routine literary correspondence ("Arena")
Box 1 | Folder 72 |
Armstrong, Barbara
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re meetings on social insurance with Committee on Economic Security
of which B. Armstrong was a member and Edwin Witte, Executive Director
Box 1 | Folder 73 |
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
lengthy reply to questionnaire sent to Rubinow by Alfred J. Asgis, Allied Dental Council,
NY, re economic aspects of dentistry and routine
Box 1 | Folder 74 |
Associated Charities
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 75 |
Associated Charities of Detroit
1919 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 76 |
Association International
1911-1913 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 77 |
Assurances Sociales
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 78 |
1914 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 79 |
Atlanta Federation of Jewish Charities
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 80 |
Atlanta University
1909 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 81 |
Atlantic Monthly
1905-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 82 |
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal family matters; routine
Box 1 | Folder 83 |
B & L
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 84 |
1919-1935 |
Scope and Contents
letter (1919) from two members of American Zionist Medical Unit giving appreciation
for Rubinow1s efforts; routine literary correspondence; routine business correspondence;
correspondence with American Civil Liberties Union (1935) Director, Roger Baldwin
re debate between Herbert Bigelow and Frank Palmer
Box 1 | Folder 85 |
1933-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence; significant amount of correspondence between Newton Baker
and Rubinow re anti-Semitism; copy of speech by Rubinow, "The Cloud on the Horizon"
Box 1 | Folder 86 |
Baltimore, MD
1918-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re speaking engagements, Baltimore City Medical Society (1919) and
Young Men's and Women's Hebrew Association (1928) and others in Baltimore area
Box 1 | Folder 87 |
Bartlett and Company
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
routine personal and business correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 88 |
Be - Victor Berger, House of Representatives
1906-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re legislation and routine
Box 1 | Folder 89 |
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence re American Socialist Quarterly
Box 1 | Folder 90 |
1927-1929 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence (Rosa and Alexander Berline)
Box 1 | Folder 91 |
1928-1932 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 92 |
Bernstein, L.B. - Executive Director, Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Pittsburgh
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 93 |
Berridge, W.A. - Professor, Brown University
1923-1924 |
Scope and Contents
correspondent' re data on poor relief operations
Box 1 | Folder 94 |
Beth Moses Hospital
1929 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 95 |
Better Housing Association
1929-1932 |
Scope and Contents
routine business correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 96 |
Better Times
1928-1931 |
Scope and Contents
Box 1 | Folder 97 |
1906-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 98 |
Big Brothers Association of Cincinnati
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 99 |
Bigelow, H.S.
1930-1931 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re possible conflict with Eagles in Ohio re the Ohio Unemployment Insurance
Box 1 | Folder 100 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1917-1927 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re speaking engagements; possible position available for Rubinow with
Federation of Jewish Charities of Philadelphia (1923); personal and business correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 101 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re old age homes, speaking engagements; financial assistance for Henrietta
Szold; Zionist movement; Rubinow's acceptance as Executive Director of Zionist Organization
of America, and personal
Box 1 | Folder 102 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1929-1930 |
Scope and Contents
re Zionist movement; locating another position for Rubinow - Rubinow admits first
big mistake -accepting position as Executive Director (5/2U/29); routine and personal
Box 1 | Folder 103 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1931 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment legislation in Pennsylvania and routine
Box 1 | Folder 104 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1932 |
Scope and Contents
re anti-Semitic attack on Rubinow by Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce; unemployment
insurance (Pennsylvania and Ohio); United Campaign
Box 1 | Folder 105 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1933 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment legislation; attack on Silver, Leiserson and Rubinow for being "Russian
born"; includes lengthy letters from Billikopf re situation of Jews in Europe; letter
to Billikopf from Rubinow re raising funds to rescue Jews from Germany
Box 1 | Folder 106 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine personal and business correspondence
Box 1 | Folder 107 |
Billikopf, Jacob
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine personal and business correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
1914-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Louis Block, University of Wisconsin re compulsory insurance;
routine literary correspondence and routine
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Bloom, Allan - General Secretary, Jewish Community Center Association of Indianapolis
1926-1931 |
Scope and Contents
re activities of the Association; personal and family matters
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Bloom, Allan
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re recommendations for Bloom from Rubinow; personal and routine
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Bluestone, E.M.
1925-1927 |
Scope and Contents
Dr. Bluestone of Hadassah Medical Organization in Palestine re problems with the organization
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
B'nai B'rith
1926-1934 |
Scope and Contents
significant amount of correspondence re activities of Organization with Benjamin Shoolman,
President; William Phillips, Undersecretary, of State re Jewish problems in Germany;
I.M. Golden
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
B'nai B'rith
1931-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Richard E. Gutstadt re financial difficulties of Organization;
Arthur Adams re problems between San Francisco and Cincinnati offices
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
1912-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Bogen, Boris D.
1929-1931 |
Scope and Contents
lengthy letter giving biography of B.D. Bogen by his son? who was President of Jewish
National Conference and routine
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Bookman, CM.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
12 p. mimeograph address by Bookman, Executive Vice-President, Community Chest
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Boston, Massachusetts
1927-1928 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Boudin, L.B.
1912-1915 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
Bowery Savings Bank
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
personal financial business
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
Bowman, Mrs. Frank K.
1930-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re speaking engagement, College Hill Community Forum before Clerical Association of
Episcopal Church
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
1910-1933 |
Scope and Contents
letter from David Bressler, Secretary, National Jewish Immigration Council (1913)
appointing Rubinow as a member of committee to investigate and study extent of illiteracy
and its causes among Jews; routine and family matters
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Brandeis, L.D.
1922-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re unemployment legislation; work in Palestine with Hadassah Medical
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Brickner, Barnett R.
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re J.F. Lincoln's statements about Jews; routine literary correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Brisbane, Arthur
1931 |
Scope and Contents
re housing problems
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
1927 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re welcome party for Rubinow as new Director of Brooklyn Federation
of Jewish Charities
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
Brooklyn Bureau of Charities
1913-1914 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities
1927-1928 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Brookwood Labor College
1933 |
Scope and Contents
letter from A. J. Muste re soliciting appeals
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal business correspondence; routine and personal
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Brutzkus, B
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re recommendations for Prof. Brutzkus for various positions
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine business correspondence re speaking engagements
Box 2 | Folder 26 |
Bureau of Corporations
1930 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 27 |
Bureau of Jewish Social Research
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 28 |
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Telegram to Sen. William Byrne (NYS) from Rubinow re congratulations on passage of
Unemployment Insurance Bill
Box 2 | Folder 29 |
1911-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re recommendation for positions; routine
Box 2 | Folder 30 |
Cabot, Philip
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Cabot, Professor Harvard University, Graduate School of Business,
re discussions on unemployment insurance
Box 2 | Folder 31 |
1911-1930 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re drafting legislation for social insurance; letter from Paul Herriott,
State Board of Control, Calif, re cost of health insurance system; Rubinow's work
as committee member of California Social Insurance Commission
Box 2 | Folder 32 |
Calling Cards
Box 2 | Folder 33 |
Canadian Public Health Association
1917 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence re speaking engagements
Box 2 | Folder 34 |
Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society of America
1914-1933 |
Scope and Contents
substantial amount of routine correspondence re Rubinow1s position as Secretary of
Social Insurance Committee
Box 2 | Folder 35 |
Casualty Actuarial Society
1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence -Rut'now founder and first President of Society
Box 2 | Folder 36-37 |
Casualty Actuarial Society
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 38 |
Cavers, D.F.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Cavers, Editor, Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University,
re Rubinow1s "State Pools and Merit Rating" and "Merit Rating Under Unemployment Insurance,"
Box 2 | Folder 39 |
1926-1932 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 40 |
1918-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re speaking engagements University of Chicago; routine literary correspondence with
Chesapeake and Ohio Lines; Christopher Publishing House; Robert E. Chaddock (Columbia
Box 2 | Folder 41 |
1924-1929 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with University of Chicago staff re Rubinow teaching for summer (1928)
and routine literary correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 42 |
Chamberlain, Joseph P
1914-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Chamberlain, Professor, Columbia University, re German refugees;
unemployment insurance; health insurance; Commons, Andrews Witte and Epstein mentioned
Box 2 | Folder 43 |
1904 |
Scope and Contents
re literary correspondence Rubinow's article, "Compulsory Insurance of Working Men
in Germany"
Box 2 | Folder 44 |
Scope and Contents
solicitations from various charitable organizations, n.d.
Box 2 | Folder 45 |
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence re speaking engagements in Chicago area
Box 2 | Folder 46 |
1924 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow assisting with government of Chile on setting up insurance
plan for public officials
Box 2 | Folder 47 |
Chipkin, Israel S. - Chip'cin, Education Director, Jewish Education Association
1933-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re Jewish child population study and correspondence re group insurance for employees
of the Association
Box 2 | Folder 48 |
Chubb, Irene
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Chubb, Missouri League of Women Voters re Wisconsin, Ohio and
New York Unemployment Insurance plans and Rubinow's work on Ohio Commission on Unemployment
Box 2 | Folder 49-50 |
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
University of Cincinnati Seminar address as well as other engagements in Cincinnati;
routine organization: and literary correspondence, personal correspondence and routine
Box 2 | Folder 51 |
City Club of New York
1930-1933 |
Scope and Contents
re membership correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 52 |
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 53 |
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re arrangements with Rabbi Armand Cohen for addressing Cleveland Community Council
and routine
Box 2 | Folder 54 |
1911-1933 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Winnifred Harper Cooley, National Secretary, Associated Clubs
of Domestic Science re household economics and pure food; speaking engagements; correspondence
with Alfred E. Cohn, re Hadassah Medical Organization's budget problems
Box 2 | Folder 55 |
Cohen, Louis (also Joseph L. Cohen, Alfred M. Cohen, Henry Cohen, Saul Cohen, Albert
Cohen and Morris Cohen)
1909-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re personal, literary and routine
Box 2 | Folder 56 |
Cohn, Fannia
Scope and Contents
Telegram requesting Rubinow to speak on social legislation and reply, n.d.
Box 2 | Folder 57 |
Columbia University
1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Professor Henry R. Segar, 1/5/28 re revival of social insurance
and routine
Box 2 | Folder 58 |
Columbus, Ohio
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re various speaking engagements in Columbus
Box 2 | Folder 59 |
Commerce Clearing House
1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine business correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 60 |
Committee on Maternal Health
1927 |
Scope and Contents
membership correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 61 |
Commons, John R.
1913-1917 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Rubinow re attitude of Federal Commission on Industrial Relations
on social insurance - asks Rubinow for ideas (12/1913); letter to Rubinow re locating
position for him on a state commission for social insurance, (2/19/17)
Box 2 | Folder 62 |
Commonwealth College
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Rubinow as member of Commonwealth Advisory Committee, routine business correspondence;
re investigation into un-American and Communistic activities of Commonwealth
Box 2 | Folder 63 |
Community Chest of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 2 | Folder 64 |
1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence from Rubinow requesting copies of various bills they introduced
Box 2 | Folder 65-67 |
Consumer's League (Cincinnati)
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Includes minutes, Cincinnati Consumer's League; correspondence re Rubinow's involvement
as a member of Board of Director's; routine correspondence dealing with activities
of the organization
Box 2 | Folder 68 |
Council of Social Agencies of Cincinnati
1913 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re routine speaking engagements
Box 2 | Folder 69 |
1914-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 70 |
Cronback, Abraham - Professor, Hebrew Union College
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re lecture engagements; fund raising project for American Friends Service Committee;
routine literary correspondence
Box 2 | Folder 71 |
1910-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence with Current History, Curtis Publishing Company; personal
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
1928-1935 |
Scope and Contents
notes of congratulations re Rubinow's election as President of National Conference
of Jewish Social Service; correspondence with YMCA, Dayton, Ohio re series of lectures
and routine
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Davis, M.M.
1914-1935 |
Scope and Contents
significant amount of correspondence with Davis, Executive Secretary, Committee on
Dispensary Development, United Hospital Fund and Director (later) of Julius Rosenwald
Fund re medical services; social insurance
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Davis, M.M.
1913-1924 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence with Dawson, Actuary Consultant
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
1911-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Frederic Dewhurst, Committee on Social Security of the Social
Science Research Council, re Lundeen Bill
Box 3 | Folder 4a |
DeHaas, Jacob - Chairman, Jabotinsky Reception Committee
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Rubinow did not want to be identified with Jabotinsky in the U.S. because of differing
political views
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Devine, Edward - Charity Org. Society (NYC), Secretary, also special representative,
American Red Cross
1912-1917 |
Scope and Contents
re literary correspondence; lectures by Rubinow at New York School of Philanthropy
of which Devine was Director
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Dewey, Davis R-- Dewey, Admiral, U.S. Navy Department and Secretary, American Statistical
1905-1918 |
Scope and Contents
re literary correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Courtenay Dinwiddle, Secretary, National Child Labor Committee
re speaking engagement re minimum wage laws; single issue of "Digest of Events of
Jewish Interest," published by Jewish Statistical Bureau
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Do - W.F. Dodd, Legislative Reference Bureau (111.)
1917-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re heal insurance; Dodd, Yale University School of Law re workmen's compensation laws
investigation; personal correspondence and routine
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Douglas, Paul H.
1928-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re cooperation between John B. Andrews, Epstein, Rubinow and Douglas
re Ohio Plan for social insurance, re U.S. political situation; re German problem;
re disagreements between Andrews and Rubinow; re literary correspondence, "Quest for
Security,"; and re Frances Perkins, no invitation to Rubinow for unemployment conference
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Downey, E.H.
1915-1920 |
Scope and Contents
letter of recommendation for Rubinow from Downey for position as statistician with
Liberty Mutual Insurance; discussion of other job possibilities for Rubinow; discussion
of disability cases under Wisconsin Workmen's Compensation Act
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
1914-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
1927 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Crystal Eastman (London) re future of social insurance in the U.S.
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Ec - Olga S. Halsey, Committee on Economic Security
1932-1934 |
Scope and Contents
re insurance for chronic illness and routine
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
1914-1933 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Charles Edgerton, Cornell University Professor of Law re personal
and re Lawrence Strike (3/3/22): law and order brutality and routine
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Ellis and Company
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re routine, personal, financial matters
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
1914 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Henry C. Emery, Yale University Professor re literary
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 19-20 |
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence with "Town and Country Review," n.d.
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
Epstein, Abraham - Research Director, Pennsylvania Old Age Commission
1924-1926 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re dependent aged in California; old age legislation; social matters
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
Epstein, Abraham - National Old Age Pension League
1927 |
Scope and Contents
re organizing activities of the League; problems with fund raising for American Association
for Old Age Security; routine literary correspondence re Epstein's mss. from Rubinow
re old age pension amendment killed in Pennsylvania
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
Epstein, Abraham
1928 |
Scope and Contents
re arrangement of conferences; foreign social insurance; financial support for AALL;
discusses cooperation with John B. Andrews and the AALL
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
Epstein, Abraham
1929-1930 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
Epstein, Abraham
1931 |
Scope and Contents
re competition with the Eagles organization salary for Mr. Herbert Bigelow (Executive
Committee member of American Association for Old Age Security)
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
Epstein, Abraham
1932 |
Scope and Contents
disagreement between Epstein and Rubinow re Ohio Unemployment Insurance Bill and routine
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
Epstein, Abraham
1933 |
Scope and Contents
re Andrew's criticism of Epstein in AALL Review; re unemployment insurance legislation;
re correspondence with Professor Joseph Chamberlain (Columbia) on difference of opinion
on unemployment insurance; copy of Andrews letter to N.I. stone re legislation; routine
literary correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 29-30 |
Epstein, Abraham
1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Rubinow re events in Washington, mentions Bakke, Frances Perkins, Elizabeth
Brandeis, Mary VanKleek and others; William Green mentioned in letter (10/12/3*+)
re article by Green attacking workers contributions; letters re Epstein's illness;
re Ohio's old age insurance plan; disagreements with Frances Perkins re insurance
plans and conferences; Susan Brandeis1 debate with Epstein and attack by her re Wisconsin
vs. Ohio Plan (unemployment); routine literary correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 31 |
Epstein, Abraham
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Substantive amount of correspondence re Social Security Bill between Rubinow and Epstein
outlining their differences of opinion and comparing it with similar foreign plans
Box 3 | Folder 32 |
Epstein, Moses P.
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Mrs. Moses P. Epstein with Hadassah requesting early reports and correspondence re
Hadassah Medical Association
Box 3 | Folder 33 |
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 34 |
1911-1936 |
Scope and Contents
letter from William B. Feakins (Forum Lecture Bureau) requesting Rubinow to arrange
a lecture on topic of interest to a woman's club in Newark, NJ (l91l); also (1928)
re connecting himself with Transcontinental Lecture Tours of which Feakins was President;
Box 3 | Folder 35 |
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Scope and Contents
routine, n.d.
Box 3 | Folder 36 |
Federal Employment
1913-1918 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence during Rubinow's employment with Federal Trade Commission working
on Grain-Resumption of Employment and other government related routine correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 37-39 |
Federated Jewish Charities of Boston
1923-1927 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Maurice B. Hexter, Executive Director re routine literary correspondence
and statistical data on various subjects
Box 3 | Folder 40 |
Feldman, Herman - Professor of Industrial Relations, Dartmouth College
1934-1937 |
Scope and Contents
re setting up meeting with Epstein, Gray, Rubinow and Feldman to discuss differences;
lengthy letters re various sections of social insurance bills
Box 3 | Folder 41 |
1908-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence; personal
Box 3 | Folder 42-43 |
Field, Jacob
1924-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re letters of recommendation for Field for various positions; personal correspondence
Box 3 | Folder 44 |
1923-1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Bernard Flexner, President, Palestine Economic Corporation, re
agreement between American Jewish Physicians Committee and Governing Board of the
Hadassah Hospitals in Palestine; substantive data on financial status of Hadassah
Medical Organization
Box 3 | Folder 45 |
1914-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence; lecture appointments and routine
Box 3 | Folder 46 |
Fortune Magazine
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 3 | Folder 47 |
1908-1935 |
Scope and Contents
substantial amount of correspondence with Leo J. Frachtenberg, Executive Director
of United Palestine Appeal re campaign; other UPA activities and routine matters connected
with UPA
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with Emanuel Gameron and routine
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
1932-1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter to editors of Post, Times Star and Cincinnati Inquirer re unemployment insurance
13111 and routine
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Scope and Contents
routine, n.d.
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
1906-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence, correspondence with Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1910-16) re
working mothers
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Ginsburg, Anna
1925-1926 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
1914-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with John M. Glenn, General Director, Russell Sage Foundation re Rubinow's
article "Index of Dependency": letter from Harry Glucksman, Executive Director, Jewish
Welfare Board congratulating Rubinow on his election to Executive Director of the
Brooklyn Federation (1927)
Box 4 | Folder 7-9 |
Glassberg, Benjamin
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
substantial amount of correspondence with B. Glassberg, Superintendent, Department
of Out-Door Relief, Milwaukee County, re literary, personal, Lundeen Bill, Wagner-Lewis
Bill, conferences, unemployment relief systems; Jewish issues - Hillquit-Thomas controversy
(1932)-Socialist convention
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Gluck, Elsie - Education Director, NY Women's Trade Union League
1933-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re personal and literary correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
Glucksman, Harry L. - Executive Director, Jewish Welfare Board
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow becoming member of editorial board of the Jewish Social Service Quarterly
and routine
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
1925-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal, routine; correspondence with Judge I.M. Golden re Anti-Defamation League
and the German situation
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
Goldsmith, Samuel A. - Executive Director, Jewish Charities of Chicago
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re Jewish immigration; literary; reading of paper at conference of National Conference
of Social Work; (1928)-Executive Director, Bureau of Jewish Social Research correspondence
re Rubinow's position as editor of the Quarterly
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Golub, J.S. - Director, Bureau of Jewish Education
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re socialized medicine and routine
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
1914-1936 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence; correspondence with Dr. Herman A. Gray re unemployment insurance
pooling; correspondence with Louis B. Greenberg re recommendations for graduate school]
in social work
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence; personal, n.d.
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
Hacker, Louis M.
1928-1932 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re special Census of Jews; literary correspondence; discrimination
against the Jews and routine
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
1930-1931 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Rose Jacobs re various activities of the organization (budget,
reorganization, administration); correspondence with Mrs. Samuel Halprin re general
health insurance organization in Palestine
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Includes "Newsletter," Nov.-Dec. 1932; correspondence re financial details
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Halsey, Olga S.
1932 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re offering her assistance to Ohio Unemployment Commission re her knowledge
of British unemployment insurances: plans
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
Harper's Magazine
1926-1933 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Harris, Henry J. - Bureau of Labor, Washington, DC
1910-1911 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re routine correspondence while Rubinow on leave in NY
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
1918-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Herrman, Secretary Keven Hayesod, CTD re Mizrachi budget; routine
and personal
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Hexter, Maurice B. - Executive Director, Federation Jewish Charities of Boston
1924-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re literary, personal and Palestine (also connected with Jewish Agency
for Palestine)
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
Hillquit, Morris
1912-1933 |
Scope and Contents
routine and letters re anti-Semitic tendency in Socialist Party (May 27, June 20,
June 27, 1932)
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
Himwich, Harold E. - Professor, Yale University, School of Medicine
1931-1933 |
Scope and Contents
re personal
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Hirsh, William - Managing Director, Mastbaum Loan System
1929-1931 |
Scope and Contents
re personal, literary, unemployment insurance, financial, closing of various banks
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Hirsh, William
1932 |
Scope and Contents
discusses financial problems, political election re Roosevelt/Hoover/Thomas/Smith;
personal and routine
Box 4 | Folder 31-32 |
Hirsh, William
1933-1934 |
Scope and Contents
financial and personal, German situation
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
Hirsh, William
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
1923-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 35 |
Hoehler, F.K. - Director, Department of Public Welfare, Cincinnati
1929-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment insurance for Cincinnati
Box 4 | Folder 36-38 |
Holt & Company
1923-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary
Box 4 | Folder 39 |
Horn, Joseph H. - Northwest Dental Society of the City of NY
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re Committee on Socio-Economics for Dental Profession (Horn, Chairman of Committee)
Box 4 | Folder 40 |
Hourwich, Isaac A.
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Includes biographical sketch; bibliography and related correspondence used for inclusion
in Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
Box 4 | Folder 41 |
1926-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence re Francis Huyck re Jewish situation in Palestine; and personal and
Box 4 | Folder 42 |
Hurlin, Ralph G. - Director, Department of Statistics, Russell Sage Foundation
1926-1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Pennsylvania Study of Welfare Statistics and Rubinow serving on
Advisory Committee
Box 4 | Folder 43 |
1925-1935 |
Scope and Contents
mainly correspondence with Joseph Hyman, Executive Director, Associated Jewish Charities
of Baltimore and later Jewish Federation of Indianapolis re speaking engagements for
Rubinow and personal
Box 4 | Folder 44 |
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Box 4 | Folder 45 |
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Immigration Commission, Committee on Immigration Problems, Rubinow as member - correspondence
re studies to be undertaken
Box 4 | Folder 46-47 |
1928-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Includes income tax forms and correspondence, routine correspondence; correspondence
with Indiana Union of Jewish Youth re Rubinow taking part in their conference
Box 4 | Folder 48 |
Intercollegiate Socialist Society
1914-1918 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Harry W. Laidler, Organizing Secretary re meetings, speakers,
articles, etc.
Box 4 | Folder 49 |
International Congress on Social Insurance
1911 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow1s appointment as member of Committee on Organization and
Box 4 | Folder 50 |
International Health Board
1918 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow's views on effect of health insurance on public health
Box 4 | Folder 51 |
International Union of the United Brewery Workmen
1912 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re the unions' compensation plan, requesting Rubinow's views
Box 4 | Folder 52 |
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re routine and literary correspondence with Edward L. Israel
Box 4 | Folder 53 |
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Rose Jacobs re Hadassah; literary and routine
Box 4 | Folder 54 |
1929-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal and literary correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 55 |
1927-1936 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence, routine
Box 4 | Folder 56 |
Jewish Colonization Association
1936 |
Scope and Contents
re Canadian Jewish statistics, includes 2 manuscripts re Canada's Jews by Louis Rosenberg
Box 4 | Folder 57 |
Jewish Frontier
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence with Isidore Abramovitz, Managing Editor; personal
Box 4 | Folder 58 |
Jewish National Fund of America
1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence re purchase of land
Box 4 | Folder 59-61 |
Jewish Social Service Quarterly
1927-1936 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 62 |
Jewish Tribune
1926-1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re tribute to Justice Louis D. Brandeis, lengthy description of Brandeis'
trip to Palestine by Rubinow
Box 4 | Folder 63-64 |
Jewish Welfare Society
1923-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow's selection as Director of the Society and letters of congratulations;
correspondence re Society activities, reports
Box 4 | Folder 65 |
1926-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence with Alvin Johnson, Assistant Editor, Encyclopedia of the
Social Sciences and other routine correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 66 |
Joint Committee on Unemployment
1932-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow as a witness on the Costigan LaFollette Relief Bill; re
activities of the Unemployment Committee; manuscript entitled "An Urban Famine, Suffering
Communities of Chicago Speak for Themselves;" Summary of open hearings held by the
Chicago Workers Committee on Unemployment, Jan. 5-12, 1932
Box 4 | Folder 67 |
Journal of Political Economy
1901-1918 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence
Box 4 | Folder 68 |
1930-1933 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 1-2 |
1900-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence, financial with Anna Kaplan; correspondence with Arthur Kallet
re creation of Consumers' Technical Union; correspondence with Mordecai Kaplan re
Hadassah activities
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
Kahn, Dorothy - Executive Director, Jewish Welfare Society
1924-1929 |
Scope and Contents
correspondent-e re Rubinow1s Secretary and replacing Rubinow as Executive Director
of Jewish Welfare Society and Rubinow assisting her in the transition
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
Karpf, Maurice J. - Director, Training School for Jewish Social Work
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re advancement for employee of Rubinow's that graduated from School
for Jewish Social Work; Lundeen Bill; plans for conference of National Conference
of Jewish Social Service
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
Katznelson, B. - Assistant Director, Hadasnah Medical Organization
1923-1929 |
Scope and Contents
re financial situation of Hadassah; selection of a director; monthly budgets
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Kaznelson, Reuben - Acting Director, Hadassah Medical Organization
1929-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re his loss of job because of lack of funds; private practice for physicians in Palestine
Box 5 | Folder 7 |
1919-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine correspondence
Box 5 | Folder 8 |
Keller, D.C.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 5 | Folder 9 |
Kelley, Florence - General Secretary, National Consumer's League
1916 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow's article on sickness insurance
Box 5 | Folder 10 |
1916 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Robert Caldwell, Chairman, Eastern District, Workmen's Compensation
Board, Frankfort, re insurance rates for compensation
Box 5 | Folder 11 |
1897-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal, literary, lecturing schedules
Box 5 | Folder 12 |
Kiefer, Horace S.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re unemployment insurance in Ohio
Box 5 | Folder 13 |
Kirsh, Bess - Secretary to Rubinow
1928-1929 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Kirsh going to New York from Philadelphia to work for Rubinow, leaving
Jewish Welfare Society and problems arising from it
Box 5 | Folder 14 |
Kittner, Violet - Director Jewish Social Service Bureau
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re setting up program for National Conference and various meetings
Box 5 | Folder 15 |
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 5 | Folder 16 |
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal, literary
Box 5 | Folder 17 |
1919-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Lucien Koch, Director Commonwealth College re financial report
for 1933 (Rubinow, member of Advisory Committee); personal; Edwin Kopf, Metropolitan
Life Insurance re Rubinow1s Dependency Index article; H. Kobbe, Rand School of Social
Science re moving School to another location, suggests Hillquit is a lunatic
Box 5 | Folder 18 |
Kohs, S.C.
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary
Box 5 | Folder 19 |
Kopf, Edwin W. - Assistant Statistician, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re literary and routine
Box 5 | Folder 20 |
Kotinsky, Ruth - National Council of Parent Education
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and literary
Box 5 | Folder 21 |
1925-1933 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence and routine
Box 5 | Folder 22 |
1930-1931 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Sidney G. Kusworm, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Executive
Director of Americanization re personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 23 |
Ky - with Hazel Kyrk, University of Chicago, Home Economics Department
1931 |
Scope and Contents
re social legislation for domestic employment
Box 5 | Folder 24 |
La-Lap - correspondence with Senator Robert M. LaFollette, Jr.
1907-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re social security legislation, unemployment relief hearings, personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 25 |
Labor College of Philadelphia
1926 |
Scope and Contents
re participating in conference
Box 5 | Folder 26 |
Lambert, Alexander - Chairman, Judicial Council, American Medical Association
1915-1917 |
Scope and Contents
literary and medical profession insurance
Box 5 | Folder 27 |
Las-Laz - with Bruno Lasker
1924-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re solution to social problems and YMCA in Jerusalem being used by Christians and
non-Christians; correspondence with F.E. Latta re poverty and old age; literary correspondence;
Pennsylvania legislation re socialized medicine; correspondence with Fred Lazarus
re Ohio unemployment insurance
Box 5 | Folder 28 |
Lea-Lei - League for Industrial Democracy (Harry Laidler)
1929-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re participation in program and Rubinow speaking on "socialism"; correspondence with
William B Leaf re Rubinow's problems as Executive Director of ZOA (1929); correspondence
with Herbert H. Lehman, Lt. Governor, NYS re passage of unemployment insurance bill
Box 5 | Folder 28cont. |
1916-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with William M. Leiserson re Scott Nearing's problems at Toledo University
and routine
Box 5 | Folder 29 |
League for Industrial Democracy
1929-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Harry Laidler and Executive Secretary Mary Fox and Norman Thomas;
includes routine re activities of the organization, budgetary problems; speaking engagements
Box 5 | Folder 30 |
League for Labor Palestine
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re conference in Baltimore and routine
Box 5 | Folder 31 |
Lecture Tour
1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter offering Rubinow services as lecturer on social insurance
Box 5 | Folder 32 |
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Oscar Leonard re employment opportunities, etc.; personal
Box 5 | Folder 33 |
Levy, Jerome
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 34 |
1918-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 35-36 |
Li - letter to J.F. Lincoln, President Lincoln Electric Company
1911-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re Lincoln's address referring to Rubinow background; correspondence re arrangements
for speaking engagements; correspondence with Alice Liveright re her appointment as
Commissioner of Welfare Department, Pennsylvania; unemployment insurance Ohio; correspondence
with Samuel Lindsay, Director NYC School of Philanthropy re course Rubinow taught
on social insurance; and personal
Box 5 | Folder 37 |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
1918 |
Scope and Contents
re Company requesting information on law differential for the Federal Workmen's Compensation
Box 5 | Folder 38 |
Lieberman, Albert
1927-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re various aspects of their careers, mostly routine and personal
Box 5 | Folder 39 |
Lo - Louisville, KY; Solomon Lowenstein, Executive Director of Federal for the Support
of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of NYC
1918-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 40 |
Lorwin, Lewis L. - Chairman, National Economic and Social Planning Association
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re article for Plan Age by Rubinow; discusses report on Jewish migration - Peru
Box 5 | Folder 41 |
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 42 |
Lubin, Isadore - Commissioner of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re study by Rubinow on old age pensions and other routine literary correspondence
Box 5 | Folder 43 |
Lundeen Bill
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with E.M. Lundeen, Congressman; mss. re the Bill, article in the Survey
Box 5 | Folder 44 |
Lurie, Harry L. - Director Bureau of Jewish Social Research
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re conference plans and other Bureau activities; correspondence re Wagner-Lewis and
Lundeen Bills
Box 5 | Folder 45 |
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 46 |
1902-1935 |
Scope and Contents
(1902) letter from U.S. Census Office re 12th census statistics; routine literary;
correspondence re German situation with Amy G. Maher, President Toledo Consumer's
Box 5 | Folder 47 |
Magnusson, Leifur - Director, International Labor Organization, Washington Office
1933-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re social insurance
Box 5 | Folder 48 |
1925-1933 |
Scope and Contents
routine personal, mostly-with Leon A. Malkiel, close friend and attorney
Box 5 | Folder 49 |
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 50 |
1920-1933 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 51 |
Marx Institute of America - with Morris Zucker, Secretary
1914 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence re Rubinow's socialism pamphlet and discusses Socialist movement
Box 5 | Folder 52 |
1930-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence, personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 53 |
1923-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 54 |
Mayfair Manor Investments
1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 5 | Folder 55 |
1925-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine
Box 5 | Folder 56 |
1923-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal, literary, letter to S.M. Melamed, Editor of the Reflex re his editorial
on "Loverly Hadassah," (1928)
Box 5 | Folder 57 |
Menorah Journal
1926-1931 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 5 | Folder 58 |
1902-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with United Mine Workers President John Mitchell (1902) re study of
wages and hours and a check for payment; correspondence with Justin Miller, Department
of Justice re study of crime prevention (1936); with Militant Liberal Movement (1933)
re Congress meeting; and routine
Box 5 | Folder 59 |
1921-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary, routine and personal
Box 5 | Folder 60 |
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence; J. Prentice Murphy, Children's Bureau of Philadelphia re
literary works
Box 5 | Folder 61 |
Municipal Court Committee (Philadelphia)
1924-1927 |
Scope and Contents
Committee to Study Court's activities
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
1917-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
1925-1933 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence re socialized medicine, NRA, unemployment insurance and divorce
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
1912-1914 |
Scope and Contents
2 letters re Rubinow contributing to a symposium on segregation and Civil Rights Act
violations in places of public accommodations
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1929 |
Scope and Contents
meeting announcement and constitution
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service - Rubinow, Executive Committee member
of the Conference
1930 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re serving on Immigration Commission and routine organizational activities
with various officer's including George W. Rabinoff, Secretary
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Includes agenda, correspondence re resolutions and routine
Box 6 | Folder 7-8 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1932 |
Scope and Contents
Includes program, financial statement, minutes, lists of members, correspondence re
work of Committee on the Status of a Social Worker; correspondence re plans for annual
conference and routine
Box 6 | Folder 9-12 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1933 |
Scope and Contents
Includes copies of program; routine correspondence re activities of committees and
the organization
Box 6 | Folder 13-14 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 15 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 16-17 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service (Freund) -Michael Freund, Secretary,
National Conference
1933-1936 |
Scope and Contents
includes minutes, form letters, correspondence re meetings of various committees,
literary and routine
Box 6 | Folder 18-20 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service (Rabinoff) -George W. Rabinoff, Executive
Director and Secretary of National Conference
1931- 1936 |
Scope and Contents
re routine
Box 6 | Folder 21-23 |
National Conference of Jewish Social Service (Taylor) -Maurice Taylor, Chairman, Committee
on the Status of the Jewish Social Worker
1932- 1936 |
Scope and Contents
re questionnaire sent out to find out where Jews are practicing social work; economic
security for social workers; routine literary correspondence
Box 6 | Folder 24 |
National Conference of Social Work
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Includes bulletin, handbook, notes and correspondence re meetings, plans for annual
conference, etc.
Box 6 | Folder 25 |
1914-1929 |
Scope and Contents
Correspondence with Richard Neustadt, Secretary, NYS Committee on Relief for Widowed
Mothers (l9lU) re comparison of widows' pension laws in various states; correspondence
re Dependency Index (1918) with various state agencies; re Civil Service exam for
Chief of Claim Department (NYS) 1918 concerning Rubinow's eligibility; literary with
NY Times (1928) and routine
Box 6 | Folder 26 |
Neg-Neu - Negro Civic Welfare Association
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow attending meeting re Negro work; correspondence re Emanuel Neumann re World
Zionist Executive appointment and personal
Box 6 | Folder 27 |
Nevada, State of
1917-1918 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow's work as consulting Actuary of Nevada Industrial Commission
Box 6 | Folder 28 |
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with editor of New Leader, New York Herald Tribune, New York Times
re articles and personal
Box 6 | Folder 29 |
New Masses
1934 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence with editor on Rubinow's article in form of a debate, "The
Case Against H.R. 7598" which criticizes the Lundeen Bill and correspondence re Mary
VanKleek defending the Bill; also letter re David Ramsey's review of Rubinow's book,
"Quest for Security"
Box 6 | Folder 30 |
New Republic
1928 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re articles by Rubinow on old age and routine literary
Box 6 | Folder 31 |
New Republic (Bruce Bliven)
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Bliven, editor re Rubinow's articles on Divorce and Marriage,
unemployment and routine
Box 6 | Folder 32 |
New York Association for Labor Legislation
1912-1913 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow's election to Executive Committee of the Association and routine
Box 6 | Folder 33 |
New York City Department of Health
1914-1915 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re requesting Rubinow to serve on Committee on Records of the Department
and routine activities
Box 6 | Folder 34 |
New York City Department of Public Charities
1917 |
Scope and Contents
correspondent re Rubinow's availability to serve as Secretary of Actuary of the Social
Insurance Commission; his work as Director of Bureau of Social Statistics, discusses
various studies in progress
Box 6 | Folder 35 |
1930 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Henry Niles, Actuary re article by Abraham Epstein criticizing
life insurance companies
Box 6 | Folder 36 |
Niebyl, K.H.
1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 6 | Folder 37 |
1907-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re lectures; with George W. Norris, U.S. Senator re Birth Control Bill
(1932); personal, financial; North American Review re Rubinow's article "The Price
of Speed"
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
1910-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Mary W. Ovington re causes of Negro death rate (1910); personal;
correspondence re Ohio unemployment insurance; routine literary; correspondence re
Sabin Orgler (friend of Raymond Rubinow) re his ideas of starting a religious revival
movement among Jewish youth
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation
1911-1916 |
Scope and Contents
Includes official agreement of employment 1911; letter of resignation of position
as chief statistician, March 1916; correspondence with prospective employers
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Old Age
1934 |
Scope and Contents
Includes tabulation sheets, charts re care of aged in Hamilton County
Box 7 | Folder 4-5 |
Old Age (Berrodin) - H.J. Berrodin, Chief, Division of Aid for the Aged, Department
of Public Welfare, Columbus, Ohio
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re cost of institution care, funerals,-private and public home care, legal opinion
(interpretation of) granting aid to the aged, applications for aid
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Old Age (Clippings)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
clippings from Cincinnati newspapers re old age
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Old Age (Edwards, Ada)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
with Edwards, General Supervisor, Federal Emergency Relief Administration in Ohio,
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Old Age (Gillett, Laurence)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re funeral benefits, costs
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Old Age (Hinriches, A.F.)
1935 |
Scope and Contents
with U.S.B.L.S. re plan for a study of old age in Cincinnati
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
Old Age (Statistics)
Scope and Contents
statistical data on old age in Ohio, n.d.
Box 7 | Folder 11 |
Old Age (Swing, F.) - Frederick Swing, County Commissioner, Hamilton County, Cincinnati,
1935 |
Scope and Contents
re RuMnow's resignation as member of Advisory Committee to the Board of County Commissioners
for the Aid of the Aged for Hamilton County, because of unwillingness of state to
cooperate with the committee and other routine
Box 7 | Folder 12 |
Old Age Conference
1930-1931 |
Scope and Contents
includes correspondence, program re the conference, "The Care of the Aged - Proceedings
of the Deutsch Foundation Conference, 1930"
Box 7 | Folder 13 |
Old Age Pension (Ach, Samuel) - Ach, President Hamilton County Commissioners
1934 |
Scope and Contents
re Negro serving on Advisory Committee for Old Age Pensions, financial and other activities
of the Committee
Box 7 | Folder 14 |
Old Age Pension (Alexander, E.F.) - member of Advisory Committee
1934 |
Scope and Contents
re meeting arrangements
Box 7 | Folder 15 |
Old Age Pension (Brown, M.L.) - Brown, Chief, Division of Aid for the Aged, Department
of Public Welfare, Columbus, Ohio
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re funeral costs, publicity, revision of forms and routine
Box 7 | Folder 16 |
Old Age Pensions (Circulars and Instructions)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
includes publications, information bulletin, instructions for investigators and clerks
for Hamilton County, Ohio
Box 7 | Folder 17 |
Old Age Pensions (Cleveland, M.S.) - Marion S. Cleveland, Supervisor, Hamilton County
Board, Division of Aid for Aged
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re various cases and routine
Box 7 | Folder 18 |
Old Age Pensions (forms and circular letters)
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
forms circular letters , correspondence re Hamilton County Advisory Board
Box 7 | Folder 19 |
Old Age Pensions (laws)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
publications, memos
Box 7 | Folder 20 |
Old Age Pensions (members of board)
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
lists of members serving on Committee for the Administration of Old Age Pension Law
in Hamilton County and miscellaneous correspondence
Box 7 | Folder 21 |
Old Age Pensions (miscellaneous correspondence)
1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence, studies, questionnaires
Box 7 | Folder 22 |
Old Age Pensions - (minutes)
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
minutes of meetings of County Board of Division of Aid for the Aged, 5/ll/31+-8/19/35
Box 7 | Folder 23-24 |
Old Age Pensions (monthly reports)
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
monthly statistical reports for Hamilton County, Ohio, Division of Aid for the Aged
Box 7 | Folder 25 |
Old Age Pensions (Wagner, M.) - Margaret Wagner, Executive Secretary, Benjamin Rose
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re comparison of figures between Cleveland and Cincinnati
Box 7 | Folder 26 |
Organizing - Jewish Community
Scope and Contents
typewritten notes on cards, n.d.
Box 7 | Folder 27 |
Osborn, Henry F. - Resident American Museum of Natural History, Professor
1895-1913 |
Scope and Contents
re writing a preface to Russian edition of Neo Lamarckian School; Rubinow's days at
Columbia studying biology
Box 7 | Folder 28 |
1911-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine and personal
Box 7 | Folder 29 |
Palestine - Outline of "Reconstruction of Palestine and It's Problems"
1929 |
Box 7 | Folder 30 |
1915-1936 |
Scope and Contents
letters recommending Rubinow as Manager of State Fund in Pennsylvania (1915); re assisting
in writing a platform on social insurance for People's Council of America; correspondence
with People's Lobby
Box 7 | Folder 31 |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania Health Insurance Commission
1918-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re routine and Pennsylvania Conference on Social Welfare routine correspondence
Box 7 | Folder 32 |
Pennsylvania, University of
1918 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with William Draper Lewis, University of Pennsylvania Law School re
activities of the Committee on Health Insurance Commission
Box 7 | Folder 33 |
People's Bank
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 7 | Folder 34 |
People's Institute
1911-1912 |
Scope and Contents
request for Rubinow to speak at a program re workmen's compensation and routine literary
Box 7 | Folder 35 |
Perkins, Frances
1932-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Miss Perkins (Secretary of Labor (193*0 and NYS Industrial Commissioner
(1932-33) re unemployment insurance; includes letter inviting Rubinow to Washington
to National Conference on Economic Security and his acceptance; also invitation letter
to Rubinow to meet with William Beveridge, Director of London School of Economics
re unemployment insurance
Box 7 | Folder 36 |
Perlman, Selig
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence
Box 7 | Folder 37 |
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re various Philadelphia meetings; with Herbert E. Phillips re California
State health insurance
Box 7 | Folder 38 |
1915-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with A.J. Pillsbury, Chairman, Industrial Accident Commission re Rubinow's
employment with the Commission (1915) and routine
Box 7 | Folder 39 |
Pinchot, Gifford - Governor of Pennsylvania
1932 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow sending report of Ohio Unemployment Insurance Commission to him and his
interest in unemployment insurance for the state of Pennsylvania and Pinchot's' reply
Box 7 | Folder 40 |
Pittsburgh, Pa.
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re various speeches and meetings in Pittsburgh; correspondence with
Dr. H.A. Shaw (Pittsburgh) re speaking engagements re health insurance to medical
groups and personnel
Box 7 | Folder 41 |
Plan Age
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
publication of National Economic and Social Planning Association of which Rubinow
was a member, routine correspondence
Box 7 | Folder 42 |
1913-1935 |
Scope and Contents
letter from Thomas R. Powell, Acting Editor, Political Science Quarterly (1913) re
turning Rubinow's offer to submit to the Quarterly a criticism of Simkhovitch's book
on Marxism; personal correspondence; correspondence with David deSolaPool re financial
problems with Sharah Zedek Hospital and personal; routine
Box 7 | Folder 43 |
1905-1936 |
Scope and Contents
(1905) handwritten letters from sister-in-law?; A. Press re personal; correspondence
with George Price, Chairman, Executive Committee Joint Board of Sanitary Control re
social insurance; personal financial and routine
Box 7 | Folder 44 |
1917-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 7 | Folder 45-47 |
Public Health Federation - Rubinow, member of Coordinating Committee of the Federation
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
form letters, programs, meeting announcements, correspondence re Negro death rate,
transients, medical costs and many other subjects
Box 7 | Folder 48 |
1902-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re literary writings with Charles H. Kerr & Co. re translation of "American
Farmer," Economic Aspect of the Negro Problem; Wilshire's Magazine, Leo Wise and Co.;
Doubleday Page & Co.; Spectator Co.; Yale Review; Encyclopedia of the Negro Race;
Jewish Encyclopedia; McClure's Magazine; Macmillan Co.; Chronicle Co. Ltd.; Sturgis
and Walton Co.; The Outlook; B.W. Heubsch; Modern Hospital; NY Tribune; NY Times;
the New Republic; North American Review
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Quest for Security
1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re review of Rubinow's book, congratulations, lists of persons receiving
copies, clippings and announcements
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Rabinoff, Max
1911-1913 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Rager, Fritz
1933-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence, discusses conditions in Austria and other parts of Europe
and social insurance re Rager emigrating to the U.S. and finding government employment
Box 8 | Folder 6 |
Rand School of Social Science
1911-1931 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow teaching courses and routine
Box 8 | Folder 7 |
1925-1926 |
Scope and Contents
family correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 8 |
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Nathan Ratnoff, Chairman, Hebrew University Hospital Fund for
Palestine re fund raising for the establishment of hospitals in Palestine; personal
Box 8 | Folder 9 |
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Reconstruction Finance Corporation Rubinow testifying before U.S.
Senate Committee on Manufacturers on the unemployment relief situation in Ohio; personal
and routine
Box 8 | Folder 10 |
Recreation Commission, Chicago
1935 |
Scope and Contents
1st annual report
Box 8 | Folder 11 |
Reed, Ellery - Director, Helen S. Trounstir^ Foundation and Legislative Committee
Chairman, Community Chest, Cincinnati
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re legislation concerning transients relief
Box 8 | Folder 12 |
1927-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Box 8 | Folder 14 |
Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D.
1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Mrs. Roosevelt re his book "Quest for Security" pointing out certain chapters
of interest to President and Mrs. Roosevelt
Box 8 | Folder 15 |
1927-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine and personal
Box 8 | Folder 16 |
Rosanoff, M.A. - Head Chemistry Department, Clark University
1911 |
Scope and Contents
one letter re Mr. Yanovsky, a chemist requesting help in obtaining a position in the
Box 8 | Folder 17 |
Rosen, Ben - Director, Associated Talmud Torahs of Philadelphia
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Jewish population study and literary
Box 8 | Folder 18 |
Rosenberg, Martin
1895-1896 |
Scope and Contents
handwritten personal correspondence from Berlin and Paris
Box 8 | Folder 19 |
Rosenwald, Lessing
1931-1932 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment insurance including a 7 page letter from Rubinow re fundamentals of
the theory of unemployment insurance
Box 8 | Folder 20 |
Ross, Edward A. - Professor, Department of Political Economy, Univ. of Wisconsin
1914 |
Scope and Contents
re Rubinow participating in a program for American Sociological Association
Box 8 | Folder 21 |
Rothenberg, Morris
1928-1929 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence re Hadassah
Box 8 | Folder 22 |
Rowe, E
Scope and Contents
personal, n.d.
Box 8 | Folder 23 |
1895-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Ellen Rugg re domestic employment; correspondence with Meigs Russell,
Field Secretary with American Association for Old Age Security re their common interests
and routine
Box 8 | Folder 24 |
Rubenstein, Frank J. - Executive Director, Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association
1931 |
Scope and Contents
re routine
Box 8 | Folder 25 |
Rubin, Samuel A. - Manager, Talmudical Encyclopedia Publishers
1931-1933 |
Scope and Contents
re literary
Box 8 | Folder 26 |
Rubinoff, David and Philip
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
cousins of Rubinow involved in entertainment business (music) routine personal correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 27 |
Rubinoff, Joshua
1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with Rubinow's brother, a dentist in NYC
Box 8 | Folder 28 |
Rubinoff, Violet
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with niece
Box 8 | Folder 29 |
Rubinow, David
1925-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 30 |
Rubinow, Doris
1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 31 |
Rubinow, Edward
1930-1931 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with nephew,
Box 8 | Folder 32 |
Rubinow, Ethel
1925-1931 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with cousin
Box 8 | Folder 33 |
Rubinow, Fannie
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 34 |
Rubinow, George
1925-1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine personal correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 35 |
Rubinow, Isabelle
1925 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 36-39 |
Rubinow, Isaac M.
1925-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal family correspondence; 3 page letter to Morris Waldman re meeting in Washington
(1933) with Congressmen discusses Deutsch's speech, American Jewish Congress, personal
issues; addresses by Rubinow; clippings on Rubinow's appointment as Executive Director
of Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities; correspondence re Rubinow's manuscript
"Some Statistical Aspects of Marriage and Divorce"
Box 8 | Folder 40 |
Rubinow, I.M.
Scope and Contents
Biographies n.d.
Box 8 | Folder 41 |
Rubinow, I.M.
1935 |
Scope and Contents
60th birthday - birthday wishes
Box 8 | Folder 42 |
Rubinow, I.M.
1929-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous reports, charts, memorandums
Box 8 | Folder 43 |
Rubinow, Laura
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with daughter
Box 8 | Folder 44 |
Rubinow, Leonora
1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 45-47 |
Rubinow, Olga
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence with daughter, also literary correspondence and articles
Box 8 | Folder 48 |
Rubinow, Olga - Employment Record
1935 |
Scope and Contents
contains correspondence and resume of daughter's
Box 8 | Folder 49-51 |
Rubinow, Raymond
1929-1936 |
Scope and Contents
with Rubinow's son re Julius Rosenwald Fund who was Secretary of Philanthropic Affairs;
personal and professional correspondence
Box 8 | Folder 52 |
Rubinow, Saul
1924-1936 |
Scope and Contents
Rubinow's brother, a physician, correspondent re medical and hospital costs, personal
and financial
Box 8 | Folder 53-54 |
Rubinow, Sidney
1927-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re activities of American Farm Bureau Federation of which S. Rubinow
was involved, and personal
Box 8 | Folder 55 |
Rubinow, Sidney Jr.
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
1917-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Moses Salzer, A.L. Sacher, Ira Sanders, Aaron Sapiro, re routine
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
Saffrin, Sadie
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
re literary correspondence (statistician with Jewish Welfare Society) and Society
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Sage (Russell) Foundation
1929-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine and literary
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Salkind, Alexander - Acting Director, Hadassah Medical Organization
1923-1925 |
Scope and Contents
re appointing a new Director and routine
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
1923-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Claude E. Scattergood re plan for Sears and Roebuck to sell life
insurance; Alexander L. Schwartz, Edwin J. Schanfarber, Alfred Schumann, Arch D. Schultz,
Clement Schwinges, Harry Schneiderman re unemployment insurance, statistics and routine
Box 9 | Folder 6 |
Schneider, David M.
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
with NYS Department of Social Welfare, correspondence re old age statistics (NYS),
personal and routine
Box 9 | Folder 7 |
Schreiber, Emma - with Bureau of Jewish Social Research
1929-1933 |
Scope and Contents
re Jewish social work in general and personal
Box 9 | Folder 8 |
Schreiber, Nettie
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
letter of recommendation to National Recovery Administration; personal correspondence
re securing a position in Washington
Box 9 | Folder 9 |
1918-1934 |
Scope and Contents
with Peter Segal re socializing dentistry; with Clarence Senior, Socialist Party re
Workers Rights Amendment, asking for Rubinow's opinion; Max Senior re circular on
Box 9 | Folder 10 |
Seager, Henry
1910-1928 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence, arrangement of lectures for Rubinow at Columbia University
and routine
Box 9 | Folder 11-13 |
Selekman, Benjamin M. - Director, Associated Jewish Philanthropies, Chairman Committee
on Social Policy of National Conference of Jewish Social Service
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re old age movement in Missouri, assisting Epstein in raising funds; committee activities
in general; re cooperation with other interested agencies working towards same social
legislative goals
Box 9 | Folder 14 |
Seligman, Edwin
1903-1931 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow's work toward his PhD degree at Columbia and his employment
with U.S. Civil Service Commission
Box 9 | Folder 15 |
Sellin, Thorsten - (Editor, Annals)
1931-1933 |
Scope and Contents
re literary
Box 9 | Folder 16 |
Seman, Philip - General Director, Jewish People's Institute
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re routine literary and personal
Box 9 | Folder 17 |
Senior, Leon - Examiner, NYS Insurance Department
1912-1918 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re cost of workmen's compensation in the U.S.
Box 9 | Folder 18 |
Service Bureau for Education in Human Relations
1932-1936 |
Scope and Contents
report, suggested programs, estimated budget
Box 9 | Folder 19 |
1905-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and routine
Box 9 | Folder 20 |
Shankman, Ann
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 9 | Folder 21 |
Shimkin, N. - Hadassah Medical Organization
1923-1926 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re financial and other activities of the organization and personal
(Shimkin's correspondence in Russian)
Box 9 | Folder 22 |
Shroder, William J. - Acting Executive Director, Community Chest of Cincinnati
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 9 | Folder 23 |
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Box 9 | Folder 24 |
1912-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence with A.M. Simons, editor, Coming Nation re book reviews, articles
on health insurance; correspondence with Mary K. Simkhovitch discusses Abraham Epstein's
condition (7/3/35) and routine
Box 9 | Folder 25 |
Silver, Abba Hillel - member U.S. Unemployment Commission
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re unemployment insurance e legislation and personal
Box 9 | Folder 26 |
Sinclair, Upton
1927 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re request by Sinclair for information on living conditions (housing)
of poor in Philadelphia for a study and reply by Rubinow
Box 9 | Folder 27 |
1901-1936 |
Scope and Contents
miscellaneous routine correspondence includes correspondence with Sumner Slichter
re reprints dealing with unemployment insurance; Munroe Smith re articles in Political
Science Quarterly (1901-11) of which he was Editor, lengthy letter of criticism from
Rubinow to Smith re article on Russian Trade U.S.
Box 9 | Folder 28 |
Slawson, John - Secretary, Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, (Rubinow, member
of Editorial Board of the Quarterly)
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
re literary and personal
Box 9 | Folder 29 |
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine and personal
Box 9 | Folder 30 |
Smith College
1926 |
Scope and Contents
re lecture arrangements
Box 9 | Folder 31 |
1925-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal, literary re social science abstracts; with Walton H. Hamilton, Director
Social Security Board re obtaining Rubinow's counsel and help and routine
Box 9 | Folder 32-33 |
Sobeloff, Simon - Chairman, Governor's Committee on Unemployment Insurance and Relief
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re unemployment insurance legislation; Epstein's change of attitude; problems with
provisions of the Social Security Act once it passed and routine and personal
Box 9 | Folder 34 |
Social Forces
1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary
Box 9 | Folder 35 |
Social Science Research Council
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re funding for Rubinow1s research study on "The Position of the Jew
in the Academic World in America," and routine literary
Box 9 | Folder 36 |
Social Security Act - Federal
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
memoranda re meetings of members of the Social Insurance Group; correspondence re
principles of the tentative draft with Owen E. Pence
Box 9 | Folder 37 |
Socialist Party
1915-1918 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with U. Solomon, NYS Committee, Secretary, re assisting 'Comrade' Shiplakoff
in drafting legislative bills on workmen's compensation and unemployment insurance;
correspondence with Evans Clark, Research Director, Socialist Aldermanic Delegation,
asking Rubinow's assistance in preparing political plank on social insurance for Socialist
Box 9 | Folder 38 |
1925-1932 |
Scope and Contents
personal, routine, literary, significant amount of correspondence with Ruth Sperack,
Rubinow's secretary, includes letters of recommendation, etc.
Box 9 | Folder 39 |
Speaking Engagements
1997-1923 |
Scope and Contents
Maimonides Club (Boston), Chicago Forum, Columbia University, Associated Physicians
(Long Island), National Conference on Economic Security, Unitarian Church, Hadassah-Women's
Zionist Organization, various Hadassah chapters - includes correspondence, programs,
Box 9 | Folder 40-41 |
1908-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Susan Wharton of Starr Centre re offering position of General
Secretary to Rubinow; with James Steward and Co. re grain situation in Russia; Amy
D. Steinhart re statistics of child welfare in California; correspondence with Ethelbert
Stewart, Commissioner USBLS re routine and personal; with Bernard Stone re question
of whether or not Rubinow is Executive Director of United Palestine Appeal; personal
financial re Studebaker Corporation and other routine and personal
Box 9 | Folder 42 |
1934-1936 |
Scope and Contents
statistics from various sources
Box 9 | Folder 43 |
Sternin, Nachum
1929-1933 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 9 | Folder 44 |
Stevens, W.H.S. - Special Expert with Federal Trade Commission
1918-1919 |
Scope and Contents
re grain exchange investigation and personal
Box 9 | Folder 45 |
Stitt, Louise
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
letters of recommendation for L. Stitt re her position with Minimum Fair Wage Board
of the Cleaning and Dyeing Industry and other activities of the Board
Box 9 | Folder 46 |
Street and Electric Railway Employees of America
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re arbitration case of which Rubinow was a member of the Arbitration
Board (includes copy of award)
Box 9 | Folder 47-48 |
1912-1929 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Brewers' Pension Plan, editing various manuscripts before publication
and routine literary
Box 9 | Folder 49-51 |
Survey Associates
1930-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence - editorial, personal, Lundeen Bill (file folder 50), mostly with Paul
and Arthur Kellogg
Box 9 | Folder 52 |
1912-1936 |
Scope and Contents
routine letter from Hele- Summer (1912); personal, financial and routine correspondence
Box 9 | Folder 53 |
1923-1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter of recommendation for Rubinow by R. Szold (1923) to Commissioner of Labor,
NYS and routine
Box 9 | Folder 54 |
Szold, Henrietta
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Hadassah, Zionist Organization of America, German situation, request
from Szold for financial support for settlement for German Jewish children in Palestine;
correspondence with Mrs. Robert Szold re 70th birthday of Henrietta Szold requesting
Rubinow to contribute article for special edition of Hadassah Newsletter dedicated
to Henrietta Szold; and personal correspondence
Box 9 | Folder 55 |
Szold, Henrietta
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
issue of Hadassah Newsletter, Dec. 1930 dedicated to Szold; additional issue Dec.
1931+ includes articles by and about Szold; 10 p. manuscript re Szold (Dec. 1935)
re 75th birthday; "A birthday tribute to Henrietta Szold," by Rose G. Jacobs, 193^;
"Miss Szold as a leader of women," by Lotta Levinsohn, 1930; "Henrietta Szold" by
Sarah Kussy, 1931*; article in Boston Evening Transcript Magazine Section, Dec. 1935
re 75th birthday
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
1929-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and financial correspondence with David Tannenbaum, Director, American Friends
of the Hebrew University re gift of Dr. Himowich's library to the University; routine
literary; with F. W. Taussig re criticism of old age legislation
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
Tamiment Institute
1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
1928-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with A. Zitron, Secretary of the Teachers League for Academic Freedom
re questionnaire sent to Rubinow from the League; personal; correspondence with S.A.
Terris re socialization of medicine, official views of B'nai B'rith
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary correspondence and financial; letter to editor Cincinnati Times Star
criticizing editorial, "The Risk of an Unemployment Insurance Bill"
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
Thomas, Norman
1932 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence between Thomas (League for Industrial Democracy) and Rubinow re presidential
election, luncheon engagements; re anti-Semitic issue raised by Morris Hillquit supporters
at Socialist's convention in Milwaukee
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
1916-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Lawrence Todd re Meyer London preparation of social insurance
bill (1916); personal and routine
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
Townsend Plan
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
articles re the Plan
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
1914-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with A.L. Trachtenberg, Yale University, re literary and routine
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Tyson, Francis - Professor, Dept. Economics, University of Pittsburgh
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re labor clauses of NRA with copies of John Andrews letters and Rubinow; unemployment
insurance legislation; Jewish situation in Germany; opposition to the AALL Act
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
personal, financial and routine
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Unemployment Acknowledgment Letters
1934 |
Scope and Contents
letters of thanks from Rubinow for papers on unemployment insurance from various sources
Box 10 | Folder 12-18 |
Unemployment - Elizabeth Magee - Executive Secretary, Ohio Commission on Unemployment
Insurance, 1931-33; Executive Secretary, Consumer's League of Ohio, 1933-36
1931-1936 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re legislation, committee meetings, public hearings, studies, Miss
Perkins' conference re labor legislation (2/23/3U), Ohio Plan vs. Wagner Bill
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Unemployment-Ohio-Leiserson, William
1931-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re J.F. Lincoln's statements about the three people responsible for
the unemployment insurance bill not being competent (Rubinow, A.H. Silver & William
Leiserson); actuarial problems of unemployment insurance plans
Box 10 | Folder 20-23 |
Unemployment Commission-Ohio
1930-1933 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re requests for Rubinow's report on unemployment insurance; copies
of minutes of meetings; publications; statistics; and routine correspondence
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
Unemployment Insurance - Bills and Pamphlets
1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re pamphlets from various sources on unemployment insurance
Box 10 | Folder 25 |
Unemployment Insurance - Lewis-Wagner Bill
1933-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re hearings on Bill; 12 pp. manuscript apparently by Rubinow, on unemployment
Box 10 | Folder 26 |
Unemployment Insurance - Ohio
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Ohio Governor George White re unemployment insurance bill
Box 10 | Folder 27 |
Unemployment Insurance - Pennsylvania - Legislative bill
1931 |
Scope and Contents
proposed plan of insurance by Paul H. Douglas and miscellaneous
Box 10 | Folder 28-31 |
Unemployment Insurance - U.S.
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine general correspondent re unemployment insurance
Box 10 | Folder 32 |
1906-1935 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow1s appointment to Social Security Board (1935); re sickness
insurance report (1915) and routine
Box 10 | Folder 33 |
U.S. Bureau of Labor
1911-1917 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence re Rubinow1s resignation from the Bureau as statistician and appointment
with Ocean Accident Guarantee Corporation as Chief Statistician; accident statistics
Box 10 | Folder 34 |
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1905 |
Scope and Contents
letter from Assistant Secretary of Agriculture directing Rubinow to attend upcoming
meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in New Orleans
Box 10 | Folder 35 |
University Settlement
1902 |
Scope and Contents
one letter to Rubinow re article on shorter hours
Box 10 | Folder 36 |
1930-1935 |
Scope and Contents
routine and literary correspondence
Box 10 | Folder 37 |
1924-1934 |
Scope and Contents
letter to Mary VanKleeck re membership in the Inter-professional Association for Social
Insurance; literary and personal correspondence; correspondence with S.A. Van Vriesland,
Palestine Zionist Executive
Box 10 | Folder 38 |
1908-1935 |
Scope and Contents
with Frank Warne, Secretary, NYS Commission of Immigration, re employment for Rubinow
(1908) as statistician; with Eva Ward, NJ Equal Suffrage Press Committee re woman
suffrage (1915); with Err;lish Walling, literary correspondence re Negro problem (1910);
with Margaret Wagner, Executive Secretary, Benjamin Rose Institute re administration
of aid to the aged; with Morris D. Waldman re cooperation between American Jewish
Committee and American Jewish Congress; personal and routine
Box 10 | Folder 39 |
Warren Brothers Co.
1935-1936 |
Scope and Contents
personal and financial
Box 10 | Folder 40 |
Washington, DC
1926-1936 |
Scope and Contents
literary and routine correspondence; with Senator Robert F. Wagner re construction
relief bill (1932)
Box 10 | Folder 41 |
1914-1936 |
Scope and Contents
with Chaim Weizmann, Zionist Congress, re financial and routine
Box 10 | Folder 42 |
1912-1934 |
Scope and Contents
literary, personal; with Albert W. Whitney, California Industrial Accident Board re
Box 10 | Folder 43 |
White, Clyde - Director Bureau of Social Research, Indiana University
1932-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re literary, sickness insurance, Social Security Act, debate on health insurance
Box 10 | Folder 44 |
Whitney, Frances - Director, Ohio State Employment Service
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
re Ohio welfare Conference arrangements
Box 10 | Folder 45 |
1913-1935 |
Scope and Contents
with Sidney Wilcox, Chief Statistician, NYS Department Of Labor re unemployment for
part time employees; personal, routine and literary
Box 10 | Folder 46 |
Willcox, W.F. - Professor, Cornell University
1907-1917 |
Scope and Contents
re letter of recommendation for Rubinow for federal civil service position and also
Rubinow inquiring about position at Cornell University
Box 10 | Folder 47 |
1914-1935 |
Scope and Contents
literary, personal and routine
Box 10 | Folder 48 |
Wohl, Samuel
1931-1935 |
Scope and Contents
draft letter to President Roosevelt re social security legislation requested by the
President (9/2^/35 from Roosevelt to Wohl); race discrimination in Soviet Union; literary
Box 10 | Folder 49 |
World Tomorrow
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
literary correspondence
Box 10 | Folder 50 |
1931-1934 |
Scope and Contents
routine correspondence
Box 10 | Folder 51 |
1918 |
Scope and Contents
with Allen Young re grain trade with Russia (1918); literary with Yale Review re social
insurance; H. Yassky, Director, Hadassah Medical Organization re recommendation for
nt.fl.ff ht HmiMMnnh, financial report and routine
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
1931 |
Scope and Contents
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
1915 |
Scope and Contents
routine literary and financial
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
with Zionist Organization of Chicago, routine and other routine correspondence
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Zionist Medical Unit, American
1919-1920 |
Scope and Contents
memoranda, March 1920, re interviews re making peace with Medical Society; physicians
plot to force Rubinow's resignation as Director; attack on Rubinow's personal character;
seven page typed manuscript, "Concerning Women Who Are Bored" (on Zionist letterhead);
Rubinow's departing speech when leaving Hadassah Medical Organization (6 pages)
Box 11 | Folder 5-8 |
Zionist Organization
1928-1934 |
Scope and Contents
correspondence with Jacob Billikopf and many others re Rubinow's appointment as Executive
Director of Zionist Organization of America and United Palestine Appeal (1928); letter
of resignation as Editor of Jewish Social Service Quarterly; memo re "Appointment
of Rubinow," dates Aug. 8, 1928; notice of financial problems and elimination of Rubinow's
position as Executive Director and correspondence re the problem (July 1929); report
of Executive Director, March 1929; &-ud routine
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
Zunser, Charles
1932-1934 |
Scope and Contents
personal correspondence
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 1 of 17)
1895-1915 |
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1902 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From editor of "Narodnoe Khoziaistvo" (National Economy [approximate translation])
3/20/1902 On publ. of an article (almost illegible).
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1903 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "Scientific Review" - about payment for an article. From: Fishtok (?) 7/2/1903.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From (?) Yakovlevicha - refers to contents of earlier correspondence; hard to make
out what that is no date (from Warsaw).
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 4: Letter #4
1892 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Natasha professions of friendship 1892.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 5: Letter #5
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Natasha refers to Rubinov's entry into university unsigned note about family
affairs from someone else no date.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 6: Letter #6
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "New Life", no date, but from the 1910's signed "Pavel Serlin" - arrangements
for an article.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 7: Letter #7
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "New Life", Pavel Serlin - "article published" (1910's).
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 8: Letter #8
1897 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Signed Effrou (?) - June 2, 1897.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 9: Letter #9
1898 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "News of the Day", July 19, 1898, signed Effrou - about Rabinov's doing work
for the paper in the future.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 10: Letter #10
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Signed Effrou, no date, about Rubinov's column -"don't write so much about politics,
this is Russia".
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 11: Letter #11
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "The New Magazine for Everyone", no date 1910's signature illegible - a disagreement
about published an article.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 12: Letter #12
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
- no date - signature (and letter) basically illegible - something about Russian economy
and trade with America.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 13: Letter #13
1895 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
About the publication of a book, which will be reviewed by the writer, signed VI.
Vagner (Wagner) Dec, 25 1895.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 14: Letter #14
1896 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet of letters (signature illegible) about the translation of books Darwin after
Darwin, and The Evolution of Sex, 1896.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 15: Letter #15
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "Nature", Vladimir Aleksandrovich Vagner -about translation, in same packet as
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 16: Letter #16
1907 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
"Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore" letterhead July 15, 1907 signature illegible, initials
P.V. - about a possible meeting.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 17: Letter #17
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
"Hotel Rector, N.Y." letterhead, an invitation to breakfast from Ekaterina G.? - three
other from same woman - acceptance of invitation to matinee, "see you tomorrow" and
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 18: Letter #18
1903 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Request for help finding work from Avraam (?) Sept. 14, 1903.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 19: Letter #19
1908-1912 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
5 letters in purple ink from Iosif Markovich Goldstein (from Moscow) 4 from 1908,
one 1912 - all refer to literature on labor questions, mostly about topics relating
to workmen's compensation.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 20: Letter #20
1908 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
One more (from Moscow) in purple ink, same handwriting, same subject (1908).
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 21: Letter #21
1913 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letterhead: "The New Willard, Washington, D.C.",. July 27, 1913, from Goldstein -
notes about his trip in U.S. and Canada, sets meeting with Rubinov.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 22: Letter #22
1913 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
1913, "Waldorf-Astoria, New York" - from Goldstein sets meeting.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 23: Letter #23
1913 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
"Cosmos Club, Washington" - Aug. 1913, from Goldstein gives his address.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 24: Letter #24
1914-1945 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
2 (back to purple ink) from Goldstein in Moscow 3/6/1914, and 6/25/1915 - references
to Rubinov's family reasons for not having written, etc.
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 25: Letter #25
1910-1915 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
12 letters: on the letterhead of "Editorship: Editions of the Brothers Granat and
Co." - all but one signed A. Smirnov. - on publication of various things between 1910-15.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 2 of 17)
1900-1911 |
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1902-1904 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
3 letters from "Russian School" (1902-1904) -on publication, two letters signed Ya.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1908-1909 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
3 letters from "Russian Riches" (1908-1909) signed A. Meliokhomov (?) - acceptances
of articles for publ.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two copies, printed, from "Russian News" - asking for contributions to 50th anniversary
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 4: Letter #4
1910-1911 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
3 letters from Nikolai Vasilievich Speransky 1910-1911 (editor for "Russian News")
there is mention of political reasons for the journal being unable to publish his
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 5: Letter #5
1900 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Signature illegible Moscow 1900 - about writing for an unidentified journal.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 6: Letter #6
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From V. Gol..(?) - about "sketches" by Rubinov.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 7: Letter #7
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "Russian News", about an article on Carnegie.
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 8: Letter #8
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From someone at "Russian School" - "less politics, please".
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Item 9: Letter #9
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
On articles.
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 3 of 17)
1893-1909 |
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1893-1895 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Romantic Intrigue. Increasingly friendly letters, most with letterhead "S. Feigensohn,
Wilna", from Masha (?). Terrible writing, (c. 1893-95).
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1893 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
One letter from a jealous husband - the end and signature seem to be missing, however
- from Berlin, 1893.
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Item 3: Letter #3
1903 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two typed letters from an official in the ministry of foreign trade, one asking for
information and the other responding to a request for payment for that information
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Item 4: Letter #4
1909 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Four letters from Yakov Fratkin (?) all 1909 -Something to do with help in getting
a job at Library of Congress.
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 4 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Many letters from official in Ministry and Finances and from editorship of "Financial
Herald", all about publ.
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Undated letter, illegible signature, about Rubinov's desire to translate something.
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet of letters from journal "Sunrise" -payment for articles.
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
Item 4: Letter #4
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
More letters from editors.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 5 of 17)
1902-1911 |
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Postcards - Some from an editor, some from someone else who also writes for journals.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Visiting card - a note with info, about someone who knows about milling flour.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from Kozmin, a professor and editor of Struggling Journal "Russian Miller"
- about publ.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 4: Letter #4
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet letters from Katzen, who appears to be involved with the Russian Social Democratic
Society of Baltimore. First letter to Rubinov mentions a program in Kishinyov, and
calls on him to uphold "the organization" by giving a lecture. - More of the same.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 5: Letter #5
1902 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Purple ink, end missing, 1902 - acceptance of an article.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 6: Letter #6
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Description of a reading-room in a Russian provincial city.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 7: Letter #7
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Questions about American universities. Stamped by the police from Kiyachko date illegible.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 8: Letter #8
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Kiyachko, who is now in jail. Asks for a Harvard University Catalogue also two
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 9: Letter #9
1911 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo letterhead 1911 - discusses an article.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 10: Letter #10
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Request for info, on American medicine.
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 11: Letter #11
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From editor of "Courier".
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
Item 12: Letter #12
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Four more postcards, mostly requests for or thanks for information.
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 6 of 17)
1893-1905 |
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1909 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
On workers in Russia 1909.
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Item 3: Letter #3
1893 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
1893 - Congrats on matriculation.
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Item 4: Letter #4
1893 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Friendly correspondence - (Packet of letters, signature illegible 1893(?) - various
topics of conversation.
Box 11 | Folder 15 |
Item 11: Letter #1
1905 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
A fan letter from Smolensk. 1905.
Box 11 | Folder 16 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 7 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 16 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
All from editors.
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 8 of 17)
1906 |
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Many from editors.
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1906 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two letters (1906) from a watchmaker named Sapozhnik about emigration.
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letter about a lecture for Social-Democrats.
Box 11 | Folder 17 |
Item 4: Letter #4
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Three letters, nearly illegible, reacting to articles and setting a meeting.
Box 11 | Folder 18 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 9 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 18 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Box 11 | Folder 18 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet of letters from a colleague. Reaction to articles, talk about publishers, etc.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 10 of 17)
1907-1925 |
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
The true story of domestics, from a domestic in English.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Fan letter, English.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
A few letters from an acquaintance: addresses, information on social insurance (1920).
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 4: Letter #4
1907 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Thank-you note from a reporter (English) 1907.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 5: Letter #5
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Moscow - name illegible - "how are you, please write".
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 6: Letter #6
1915 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
1915 from NYU - Social Insurance.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 7: Letter #7
1914 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
"Thank you for the manuscript" (German) 1914.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 8: Letter #8
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Olivia Leventritt. English. About the Gary plan (?.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 9: Letter #9
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Warsaw - friendly correspondence, when we last met, etc.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 10: Letter #10
1922 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Zionist Organization, London - Request for help for a young Jewish officer wrongfully
detained 1922.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 11: Letter #11
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Jewish Blind Institute "Thank-you" note in Yiddish or Hebrew attached.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 12: Letter #12
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "American Zionist Medical Unit in Palestine" discusses Rubinov's ties with the
organization, I think (almost illegible).
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 13: Letter #13
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From Paris - about the writer's move there (no date).
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 14: Letter #14
1921 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
1921 - in English, discusses politics of the Zonist movement - end of letter missing.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 15: Letter #15
1925 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Dr. Z. Bychowski 1925 Warsaw discusses a "question" referred to in Rubinov's letter.
- Zionist politics.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 16: Letter #16
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letterhead Hotel Ansonia - from a new emigrant, who has brought something for Rubinov.
Box 11 | Folder 19 |
Item 17: Letter #17
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
From "Beyrouth", Syria - English - a thank-you note from J.W. Jenks.
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 11 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Many letters from editors.
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet of letters from Pereferkovich - a visit to Rubinov - comments about articles
- about the rich Jewish society he moved in in Tannersville "they're not very intellectual".
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from N. Pinkus - from Warsaw and Gottingen mostly about Social Insurance.
Box 11 | Folder 20 |
Item 4: Letter #4
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
2 letters Holland House letterhead - they deal with taking some books back to Moscow.
Box 11 | Folder 21 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 12 of 17)
1892-1903 |
Box 11 | Folder 21 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1903 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from Livshits - an the worsening 1903 condition of Jews in Russia - advice
on emigration.
Box 11 | Folder 21 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1892 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
2 letters from "Leon" 1892 one letter from a vacation "It's beautiful, wish you were
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 13 of 17)
1893-1895 |
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1893-1895 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Packet of friendly correspondence with Roza Markus 1893-95.
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1894-1895 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Many letters from L. Markus - 1894-95 - friendly correspondence.
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from editors and colleagues.
Box 11 | Folder 22 |
Item 4: Letter #4
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from Russian Embassy about Rubinov's request to visit Russia.
Box 11 | Folder 23 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 14 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 23 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from the Central Committee of the Jewish Colonization Society in St. Petersburg,
dealing with Rubinov's assistance to them in the form of information for Jews wishing
to emigrate.
Box 11 | Folder 24 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 15 of 17)
1892 |
Box 11 | Folder 24 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Letters from the editors of "Notes of the Moscow Municipal Council".
Box 11 | Folder 24 |
Item 2: Letter #2
1892 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
3 letters 1892 friendly correspondence with Ivasik.
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 16 of 17)
1903-1904 |
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
Item 1: Letter #1
1903-1904 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two letters from Jews thinking of emigrating, asking for advice 1903 and 1904.
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two letters from Gafagovich (?), a colleague.
Box 11 | Folder 25 |
Item 3: Letter #3
1904 |
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Postcard - 1904 from friends waiting for a ship in Trieste.
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Correspondence in Russian (summary translations) (folder 17 of 17)
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Item 1: Letter #1
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
100 (?) letters from G. Wilenkin, Financial Agent of the Russian government, about
money received from Russia, and also friendly meetings, etc.
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Item 2: Letter #2
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two letters, in English - replies to requested information.
Box 11 | Folder 26 |
Item 3: Letter #3
Format: Letter
Scope and Contents
Two telegrams about crop conditions.
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
I.M. Rubinow, Collection
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
Is Agriculture the Solution
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
The Credo of A Jewish Social Worker
Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Death Benefits
Box 12 | Folder 5 |
Divorce and After
Box 12 | Folder 6 |
Employment and Health
Box 12 | Folder 7 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 1 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 8 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 2 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 9 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 3 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 10 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 4 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 11 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 5 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 12 |
European Plans of Social Insurance [folder 6 of 6]
Box 12 | Folder 13 |
Governments Obligation for Economic Security
Box 12 | Folder 14 |
Health Insurance
Box 12 | Folder 15 |
Hebraist Movement
Box 12 | Folder 16 |
Hebrew University
Box 12 | Folder 17 |
Intelligent Philanthropy
Box 12 | Folder 18 |
Jewish Relief Work in the U.S., Future of
Box 12 | Folder 19 |
Jewish Welfare Society; The Work of Jew in the American Academic World; Position of
Jewish Point of View; Jewish Federation, The Work of; From the (Recent Economic Developments)
Jewish Workman
Box 12 | Folder 20 |
Jewish Trends, What About; Jewish Palestine, Health Problems of
Box 12 | Folder 21 |
Jewish - Miscellaneous
Box 12 | Folder 22 |
Lundeen Bill
Box 12 | Folder 23 |
Medical Report; Medicine Socialized; Mother's Pension:-
Box 12 | Folder 24 |
Ohio Conditions
Box 12 | Folder 25 |
Old Age Pensions
Box 12 | Folder 26 |
Permanent Partial Disability [folder 1 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 27 |
Permanent Partial Disability [folder 2 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 28 |
Permanent Partial Disability [folder 3 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 29 |
Philadelphia Housing
Box 12 | Folder 30 |
Place of Health and Unemployment Insurance in; Problem of Domestic Service
Box 12 | Folder 31 |
Prophecies of Marx
Box 12 | Folder 32 |
Public Relief
Box 12 | Folder 33 |
Quest for Security
Box 12 | Folder 34 |
Rate of Weekly Benefits
Box 12 | Folder 35 |
Relations Between Public Welfare and Jewish Social Work; Relations Between Social
and Business Statistics
Box 12 | Folder 36 |
Revolt of Middle Age
Box 12 | Folder 37 |
Rich Man, Poor Man; Rural and Urban Possibilities in Palestine
Box 12 | Folder 38 |
Social Insurance
Box 12 | Folder 39 |
Social Insurance As A Program of Social Work; Social Insurance Unified
Box 12 | Folder 40 |
Social Security Act
Box 12 | Folder 41 |
Social Security Act and Intergroup Relations
Box 12 | Folder 42 |
Social Security Act - Facts and Fancies
Box 12 | Folder 43 |
Social Security Act - Promise or Program
Box 12 | Folder 44 |
Social Security Act - Planning For
Box 12 | Folder 45 |
Social Work and Social Progress; Social Worker and Law Enforcement
Box 12 | Folder 46 |
State Pools and Merit Rating
Box 12 | Folder 47 |
Statistician Looks At Marriage
Box 12 | Folder 48 |
Unemployment Insurance [folder 1 of 5]
Box 12 | Folder 49 |
Unemployment Insurance [folder 2 of 5]
Box 12 | Folder 50 |
Unemployment Insurance [folder 3 of 5]
Box 12 | Folder 51 |
Unemployment Insurance [folder 4 of 5]
Box 12 | Folder 52 |
Unemployment Insurance [folder 5 of 5]
Box 12 | Folder 53 |
Unity In Israel
Box 12 | Folder 54 |
Versus Complex
Box 12 | Folder 55 |
Why the Federal Government Should Contribute to Unemployment Insurance
Box 12 | Folder 56 |
Handwritten Manuscript in Russian [folder 1 of 2]
1904 |
Scope and Contents
2 file folders
Box 12 | Folder 57 |
Handwritten Manuscript in Russian [folder 2 of 2]
1904 |
Scope and Contents
2 file folders
Box 12 | Folder 58 |
Handwritten Manuscript in Russian
1912 |
Box 12 | Folder 59 |
Correspondence re manuscripts [folder 1 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 60 |
Correspondence re manuscripts [folder 2 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 61 |
Correspondence re manuscripts [folder 3 of 3]
Box 12 | Folder 62 |
Miscellaneous notes, statistics
Box 12 | Folder 63 |
Miscellaneous reports
Box 12 | Folder 64 |
Miscellaneous Speeches and official statements
Box 12 | Folder 65 |
Miscellaneous [folder 1 of 4]
Box 12 | Folder 66 |
Miscellaneous [folder 2 of 4]
Box 12 | Folder 67 |
Miscellaneous [folder 3 of 4]
Box 12 | Folder 68 |
Miscellaneous [folder 4 of 4]
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
1902-1907 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
1902-1907 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
Draft of Quest for Security
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
Draft of Quest for Security
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
Municipal Studies
1906-1910 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
Municipal Studies
1906-1910 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
Municipal Studies
1906-1910 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
Miscellaneous Articles
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 14 | Folder 9 |
1902-1918 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 14 | Folder 10 |
Russian Wheat
1906 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 14 | Folder 11 |
California Social Insurance Commission Report (Mss.)
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 14 | Folder 12 |
Statistics of Manufacturing Industries in European Russia, lrl8
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 14 | Folder 13 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 14 | Folder 14 |
Miscellaneous pamphlets, articles and periodicals
Box 14 | Folder 15 |
Miscellaneous correspondence _re_ articles
Box 14 | Folder 16 |
1908-1914 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 14 | Folder 17 |
Miscellaneous and Personal - Economic Conditions of Jews in the U.S.
1930-1934 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
Miscellaneous reprints of articles
Box 15 | Folder 2 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 3 |
in Russian
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 4 |
Insurance Articles
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 5 |
Insurance Articles
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 6 |
American Life Insurance
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 7 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 15 | Folder 8 |
in Russian
Scope and Contents
Bound volume
Box 16 | Folder 9 |
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
Box 16 | Folder 10 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 16 | Folder 11 |
Scope and Contents
Bound volume, in Russian
Box 16 | Folder 12 |
Personal Clippings and Miscellaneous re Unemployment Insurance, id) Social Security
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 16 | Folder 13 |
Personal Clippings and Miscellaneous re Unemployment Insurance, id) Social Security
1934-1935 |
Scope and Contents
Box 17 | Folder 1-4 |
Family Schedules
Scope and Contents
Includes form letters and completed forms of Rubinow's relatives relative to a study
undertaken by him
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
Income Tax Return Form
1927 |
Box 17 | Folder 6 |
Lecture Announcements
Box 17 | Folder 7 |
Membership Cards
Box 17 | Folder 8 |
Menorah Conference - Remarks
1927 |
Box 17 | Folder 9 |
Box 17 | Folder 10-11 |
New Year's Greeting Cards
Box 17 | Folder 12 |
Obituaries, Memorial
Box 17 | Folder 13 |
Photographs of Rubinow
Box 17 | Folder 14 |
Miscellaneous Publications
Box 18 | Folder All |
Restricted Correspondence
1925-1935 |
Scope and Contents
91 letters
Box 19 |
Images digitized from the collection.