World Federation of Trade Unions Records, 1945-1973
Collection Number: 5595
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
World Federation of Trade Unions Records, 1945-1973
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
This collection consists of records of the World Federation of Trade Union's conferences,
including agendas, reports, and speeches. Included is an index.
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
4 cubic feet
Collection material in English
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) was founded at a world labor conference
in London, England in 1945. Its stated goal was the development of better understanding
and joint programs among the national unions of various countries. The WFTU soon came
under the control of affiliated communist unions. Communist domination of the WFTU
resulted in the disaffiliation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in
1949. The CIO then joined with other labor organizations opposed to the politics of
the WFTU to form the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
Records consist primarily of the minutes, proceedings and reports of WFTU officers
and governance committees, produced and presented at WFTU conferences held in London
(1945, 1949); Paris (1945, 1947, 1949); Moscow (1946, 1970); Trieste (1946); Prague
(1947, 1958, 1963, 1967); Geneva (1948); Rome (1948); Peking (1949); Budapest (1950,
1969, 1972); Bucharest (1950, 1971); Berlin (1951, 1958); Vienna (1951-1953); Warsaw
(1954, 1959); Sofia (1956, 1966); Nicosia (1966); Khartoum (1970); and Varna (1973).
Also include some personal correspondence and WFTU materials collected by Adolf F.
Germer (socialist; official and organizer of the Congress of Industrial Organizations
(CIO) and various coal and petroleum workers' unions) during his attendance as the
CIO delegate to the WFTU conference (Prague, 1946), and his membership on the WFTU
Committee on German Affairs (1947).
Governance records (1945-1973) include minutes, resolutions and proceedings of the
WFTU Executive Bureau, General Councils, and committees (1945-1973) and of joint meetings
of the WFTU and International Trade Secretariats (1948); also financial statements
of the WFTU (1945-1949).
Reports and publications (1946-1973) consist mainly of unpublished reports and some
pamphlets produced and presented at the annual sessions of the Executive Bureau and
General Councils of the WFTU; also reports pertaining to special policies and activities
of the WFTU. Materials pertaining to the WFTU's internal organization discuss or document
the creation of WFTU international trade departments and negotiations between WFTU
and International Trade Secretariats (1947-1948); establishment of WFTU departments
on professionals, metal trades workers, miners, textile workers, and agricultural
and forestry workers (1946-1964); charter of union rights (1954); and various revisions
and amendments to the WFTU constitution (1948-1970). Also include documents regarding
relations between the WFTU and the United Nations, International Labour Organization,
Congress of Industrial Organizations, American Federation of Labor, and Allied Commission
(Berlin); and various conferences, including the Pan Asiatic Trade Union Conference,
the Pan Africa Conference, and the World Trade Union Congress (1948-1973).
Also, WFTU policy statements regarding union activity and socioeconomic conditions
in Spain, Iran, Egypt, South Africa, Greece, Occupied Germany and various colonial
countries (1946); activities in Trieste, Tunisia, Iran, Japan, Austria, the international
coal countries, Greece and Portugal (1947-1948); in Burma, Italy, Israel, and Japan
(1949-1952); and in the European coal and steel community, Vietnam, colonial and newly
independent countries, and Palestine (1953-1965).
Additional reports (some of which were produced by WFTU officers Louis Saillant,
Leon Jouhaux, S. Rostovsky, Fernando Santi and R. Vivimari) regard WFTU policy on:
professional workers, migrations, postwar reconstruction and grants-in-aid, equal
work and equal wages for women workers, and union rights (1946-1948); racial discrimination,
currency devaluations, the international labor movement, and the WFTU delegation to
Israel (1949-1950); social security, struggles for political and union rights for
international workers (1951-1952); atomic war and peace, women workers and young workers
(1953-1958); and the European Economic Community and monopolies, protection of victims
of anti-union repression, and general WFTU activities (1959-1966); also, international
union relations, unions and scientific and technical progress, unity among unions,
monetary crises, economic and social demands of workers in capitalist
countries, and union education (1967-1973).
Additional documents collected by Adolf F. Germer (CIO delegate to the WFTU) include
various bulletins and press releases of the U.S. military government in Germany; pamphlets
and reports pertaining to the trade union movement, social welfare, women workers,
and political issues in Czechoslovakia (1945-1947); and press releases and publications
of the Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund.
Also, a file of correspondence between Germer and various WFTU leaders, American
union leaders and politicians. Correspondents include Philip Murray (president, CIO);
Louis Saillant (general secretary, WFTU); William Green (president, American Federation
of Labor); Wayne Morse (U.S. senator) and Leon Blum (prime minister of France). The
correspondence generally pertains to WFTU conferences, publications, development of
international unionism, and relations between unions and the WFTU (1944-1947).
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
World Federation of Trade Unions Records #5595. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Blum, Leon, 1872-1950
Germer, Adolph
Green, William, 1872-1952
Jouhaux, Leon, 1879-1954
Morse, Wayne.
Murray, Philip, 1886-1952.
Rostovsky, S.
Saillant, Louis.
Santi, Fernando.
Vivimari, R.
Allied Commission
American Federation of Labor
Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.)
International Labour Organization
Pan Africa Conferences
Pan Asiatic Trade Union Conference
United Nations.
World Federation of Trade Unions
World Trade Union Congress
Coal mining industry. Europe.
Collective bargaining. Professions.
Labor and laboring classes. Socioeconomic status.
Steel industry. Europe.
Trade-union solidarity.
Trade-unions. Agricultural workers. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Coal-miners. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Foresters. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Metal-workers. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Miners. International cooperation.
Trade-unions. Textile workers. International cooperation.
Workers' education.
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Federation Syndicale Mondial (FSM): Reunion du Bureau Syndicale
1945-10-06-1945-10-09 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Federation Syndicale Mondial (FSM): Reunion du Bureau Executif
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: Session du Bureau Executif
Scope and Contents
29 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: Rapport au Bureau Executif de la FSM sur la representation
de la FSM au sien del Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: Reports on trade departments presented to the Executive
1946 |
Scope and Contents
26 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Session of the Executive Committee
1946-06-22-1946-06-27 |
Scope and Contents
106 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
Session of the Executive Bureau
1946-06-17-1946-06-20 |
Scope and Contents
80 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Report of the commission of the WFTU to investigate conditions in Germany adopted
by the Executive Bureau in Moscow
1946-06-17-1946-06-20 |
Scope and Contents
63 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
[Provisional] Report of the commission of the WFTU to investigate conditions in Germany
1946 |
Scope and Contents
73 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Report on the position, the activity and the decisions of the World Trade Union Movement
with regard to the struggle against the dictatorship of General Franco in Spain -
Presented to the Executive Bureau and the Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06-17-1946-06-20 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Report on the relations between the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the
Inter-Allied Control Council in Berlin - Presented to the Executive Bureau and the
Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
16 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Report on the internal organization of departments of the WFTU - Presented to the
Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06-17-1946-06-20 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Report on the creation of the International Trade Departments presented to the executive
Bureau and Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
25 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Report on the imprisonment of Comrade el Hedarrek member of the General Council of
the WFTU and on the restrictions imposed on the exercise of trade union rights in
Egypt - Presented to the Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Report on the help of the WFTU to the trade unions in colonial countries or mandated
territories - Presented by the General Secretary of the WFTU to the Executive Bureau
and Executive Committee
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Report of the representation of the WFTU within the United Nations Organization -
Presented by the General Secretary to the Executive Committee of the WFTU
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
48 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Memorandum on the creation of the activity and admission to the WFTU of the Greek
General Federation of Labor- Presented to the Executive bureau and Executive Committee
of the WFTU
1946-06 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
Session of the Executive Bureau
1946-09-20-1946-09-24 |
Scope and Contents
90 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Report of the General Secretary of the WFTU on his mission of Iran-Presented to the
Executive Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Report of the Commission of Enquiry on Tunisia - Presented to the Executive Bureau
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Report from Mr. Verret concerning his delegation at the 5th Session of the UNRA Council
in Geneva - Presented to the Executive Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
5 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Report concerning the representation of the WFTU at the United Nations Food and Agricultural
Organisation - Presented to the Executive Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
4 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
Rapport concernant les refugees at les personnes deplacees presente au Bureau Executif
de la FSM
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Report by Leon Jouhaux, Vice-President of the WFTU on his visit to Greece to the Executive
Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
19 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Report concerning the relations of the WFTU with the Allied Control Council in Berlin
since the session of the Executive Committee of June 1946 - Presented to the Executive
Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Report on the representation of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) within
the United Nations Organization (UNO) - Presented by the General Secretary to the
Executive Bureau of the WFTU
1946-09 |
Scope and Contents
20 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 12 |
Report on the meeting of the Trade Unions of Trieste
1946-10-18-1946-10-20 |
Scope and Contents
32 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 13 |
Session of the Executive Bureau
1946-12-09-1946-12-16 |
Scope and Contents
152 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Report on the representation of the WFTU within the UNO - Presented by the General
Secretary to the Executive Bureau o the WFTU
1946-12 |
Scope and Contents
14 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 14 |
Report on the strike of the South African Miners
1946-12 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 15 |
Provisional report of the 2nd WFTU Enquiry Commission on the Situation in Germany
1947-01-1947-02 |
Scope and Contents
88 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 16 |
Report on migrations
1947-01-09-1947-01-10 |
Scope and Contents
51 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 17 |
Report on the fact-finding mission to Africa
1947-02-1947-04 |
Scope and Contents
78 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 18 |
General Secretary's report on the WFTU enquiry in Japan
1947-03-1947-04 |
Scope and Contents
107 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 19 |
Report on visit to Greece
1947-04-26-1947-05-03 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 20 |
Sessions of the Executive Bureau held in Prague
1947-06-02-1947-06-15 |
Scope and Contents
90 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 21 |
Session of the Executive Committee
1947-06-06-1947-06-07 |
Scope and Contents
48 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Trade Union situation in Iran, report of the delegation of the WFTU to Iran - Presented
to the Executive Bureau Executive Committee and General Council
1947-06-02-1947-06-14 |
Scope and Contents
33 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Reports on the trade union situation in Tunisia - Report of T. McWhinnie on the first
Congress of the UGTT - Report of Mustapha el Kriss on his trade union inquiry - Presented
to the Executive Bureau and Committee
1947-06-02-1947-06-07 |
Scope and Contents
43 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 22 |
Report on the Trade Union situation in Trieste- Presented to the Executive Bureau,
Executive Committee and General Council
1947-06-02-1947-06-14 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Inquiry, Conference and Resolutions concerning the situation in Austria - Report presented
to the Executive Bureau, Executive Committee and General Council
1947-06-02-1947-06-14 |
Scope and Contents
57 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Pan-African Trade Union Information Conference: Report and conclusions - Presented
to the Executive Bureau, Executive Committee and General Council
1947-06-02-1947-06-14 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 23 |
Draft preliminary report of the delegation to Japan and Korea
1947 |
Scope and Contents
23 page mimeographed typescript
Box 1 | Folder 24 |
Situation of the coal industry in the world
1947 |
Scope and Contents
120 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
Minutes of the joint meeting of the delegation of the Executive Bureau of the WFTU
with the Advisory Committee of the ITS
1947-08-19 |
Scope and Contents
32 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Session of the Executive Bureau
1947-11-18-1947-11-24 |
Scope and Contents
124 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Executive Bureau - Statement on the Trade Union situation in Germany
1947-11-18-1947-11-24 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale (FSM): Note-Concernant le probleme des departments professionals
- Presente au Bureau Executif
1947-11-18-1947-11-24 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Introductory report on the relation between the WFTU and the I.L.O. - Presented to
the Executive Bureau
1947-11-18-1947-11-24 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Report on the 5th session of the Economic and Social Council of the U.N.O. - Presented
to the Executive Bureau
1947-11-18-1947-11-24 |
Scope and Contents
28 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Supplement to the report of the Trade Department of the WFTU
1947 |
Scope and Contents
5 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
1947 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Addition to the conclusions of the report about Germany
1947 |
Scope and Contents
1 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Note for the information of members of the Executive Bureau
1947 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
session of the Executive Bureau
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
61 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Report on the trade union situation in Germany - Presented to the Executive Bureau
and Executive Committee of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Report on the activity of the WFTU concerning the principles of equality of wages
for equal work between male and female labour. Submitted to the Executive Bureau and
Committee of the WFTU
1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
37 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Report on the trade union situation in Greece. Submitted to the Executive Bureau and
Committee of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
22 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Report on negotiations between the ILO and the WFTU. Submitted to the Executive Board
and Committee of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Notice for the members of the Executive Committee, Rome
1968-05 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Report on the creation of the Trade Departments. Submitted to the Executive Bureau
and Committee of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Report on the relations between the WFTU with the Economic Council of UNO. Submitted
to the Executive Bureau and Committee of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Report on the activities of the WFTU in connection with the guarantee of exercise
and extension of trade union rights. Submitted to the Executive Bureau and Committee
of the WFTU
1948-04-30-1948-05-02 |
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 9 |
Session of the executive Committee
1948-05-05-1948-05-10 |
Scope and Contents
136 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 10 |
Report concerning breaches of trade union right submitted to the United Nations Economic
and Social Council by the WFTU
1948-06 |
Scope and Contents
35 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Session of the Executive Bureau
1948-09-17-1948-09-21 |
Scope and Contents
103 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 11 |
Joint meeting of the WFTU Executive Bureau and the representatives of the ITS
1948-09-14-1948-09-16 |
Scope and Contents
51 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
For the meeting of the Executive Bureau - Item 9 of the draft agenda - Information
concerning the work of the members of the Commission of Enquiry to Japan
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
5 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 12 |
For the meeting of the Executive Bureau - Point 7 of the draft agenda - Report on
the trade union situation in Germany
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
40 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
For the session of the Executive Bureau - Item 3 of the draft agenda - Note on the
decision and correspondence concerning a Pan-Asiatic Trade Union Conference
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
For the meeting of the Executive Bureau - Item 4 of the draft agenda - Report on the
seventh session of the Economic Aid and Social Council
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
For the meeting of the Executive Bureau - Point 5 of the draft agenda - Draft concerning
a Trade Union Conference on Hygiene, Security at Work and Health Policy
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 13 |
For the meeting of the Executive Bureau - Item 12 on the draft agenda - Communication
from the General Secretary on the trade union situation in Mexico and Latin America
1948-09 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 14 |
Economic and Social Services. Documentary note on post-war reconstruction and economic
1948 |
Scope and Contents
167 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 15 |
Session of the executive Bureau
1949-01-17-1949-01-22 |
Scope and Contents
136 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 16 |
Session of Executive Committee
1949-01-26-1949-02-01 |
Scope and Contents
188 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 17 |
Letter from the General Secretary to the affiliated national centers re incidents
at January 19 session of the Executive Bureau
1949 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item I of the draft agenda - Report of the implementation
of the decisions and resolutions of the 2nd World Trade Union Congress
1949-11-11-1949-11-14 |
Scope and Contents
35 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item II of the draft agenda - Report on the International
Day for Peace on October 2
1949-11-11-1949-11-14 |
Scope and Contents
26 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item III of the draft agenda - Report on the Trade
1949-11-11-1949-11-14 |
Scope and Contents
12 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item IV of the draft agenda - Report on the tasks and
activities of the WFTU at UNO and specialized agencies
1949-11-11-1949-11-14 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 18 |
Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item VII of the draft agenda - Report on the devaluation
1949-11-11-1949-11-14 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 19 |
Report on social and economic discrimination against workers for reasons of race or
color (report sent to the UN Secretary General on December 13, 1949, to be inserted
on the agenda of the 10th session of the Economic and Social Council)
1949-12 |
Scope and Contents
47 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 20 |
Executive Committee meeting - Point 4 of the draft agenda - General report of information
on the activity of the WFTU since the Lind World Trade Union Conference
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
145 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 21 |
Executive Committee meeting - Point 9 of the draft agenda - The tasks and methods
of the WFTU's propaganda work - Rapporteur: S. Rostovsky, Secretary, WFTU
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
67 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
Executive committee meeting - Speech of Comrade Rostovsky on the tasks and methods
of the WFTU's propaganda work
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
Executive Committee meeting - Report by the Executive Bureau on the attitude of the
Central Council of the Trade Unions of Yugoslavia - Point 3 of the draft agenda
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 22 |
Executive Committee meeting - The problems of unemployment and full employment - Point
6 of the draft agenda
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
36 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Executive Committee meeting - Report of the consultative conference of the Trade Unions
Internationals (trade departments of the WFTU) - Rapporteur: B. Gebert, Secretary
of the WFTU - Point 9 of the draft agenda
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
Executive Committee - Activity and tasks of the WFTU in the fight for trade union
unity - Rapporteur: B. Frachon, France - Point 6 of the draft agenda
1950-05-19-1950-05-24 |
Scope and Contents
24 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 23 |
WFTU Executive Bureau meeting - Item 2 - Administration of the trade department and
creation of new ones - Situation of the Metal Workers Trade Department - Rapporteur:
H. Jourdain
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 2 - Administration of the trade union departments
and creation of new ones - Situation of the Maritime and Port Worker's Trade Union
International - Rapporteur: A. Fressinet
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
WFTU Executive Bureau meeting - Item 3 - WFTU Review - 'World Trade Union Movement'
- Rapporteur: S Rostovsky
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
22 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 24 |
Meeting of the Executive Bureau of the WFTU - Item 4 - Report on the trade union situation
in Africa - Rapporteur: A. Dialio
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
WFTU Executive Bureau meeting - Item 7 - Information for Trade Union Centres a) proposal
from the Pancrypian Federation of Labor
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
4 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
WFTU Executive Bureau meeting - Item 7 - Information for Trade Union Centres c) decision
of the General Council of Histradrut (State of Israel)
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
4 page mimeographed typescript
Box 2 | Folder 25 |
WFTU Executive Bureau meeting - Item 7 - Information for Trade Union Centres d) Statement
on the Secretariats conversations with the representative of the Burmese unions
1950-12-01-1950-12-07 |
Scope and Contents
4 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 1 of the agenda - Strengthening of worker's united
action and the development of actions for the defense of their economic and social
interests - Rapporteur: Louis Saillant
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
49 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 2 of the agenda - Opposing America's remilitarization
of Japan - Reporter: Liu Ning
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 3 of the agenda - Report on the activity of the Textile
Worker's Trade Department - Reporter - A. Burski
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
17 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 3 of the agenda - Report on the activity of the Miners'
Trade Department - Rapporteur: H. Turrel
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Item 4 of the agenda - Information on Social Security
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Information on the WFTU delegation to Israel
1951-07-02-1951-07-06 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
General Council meeting - General Report of Activity, Volume I
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
74 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
General Council meeting - General Report of Activity, Volume II
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
74 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
General council meeting - Official texts published since the 2nd WTU Congress Milan,
July 1949
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
231 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
WFTU General Council - Point 3 - General report of activity of the WFTU - Rapporteur
Louis Saillant, General Secretary, WFTU
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
General council Speech by Comrade W.W. Kaznetsov on point 4 of the agenda
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
12 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
WFTU General Council - Point 4 - Workers unity in the struggle to raise living standards
and against the economic and social consequences of the policy of war preparations
- Rapporteur: Benoit Frachon
1951-11-15-1951-11-21 |
Scope and Contents
33 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Executive Bureau meeting - Point I - The present struggles of the workers and the
defense of trade union rights - Rapporteur: Louis Saillant
1952-06-09-1952-06-15 |
Scope and Contents
97 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Third World Trade Union Congress - Item I - Report of activity of the WFTU and the
tasks arising for the trade unions in strengthening united action of the workers in
the fight for the improvement of their living standards and in defense of peace- Rapporteur:
Louis Saillant
1953-10-10-1953-10-21 |
Scope and Contents
70 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 8 |
Third World Trade Union Congress - Point II of the agenda - Report of Brother Giuseppe
Di Vittorio, President of the WFTU - Tasks for the trade unions for economic and social
development and in the struggle for national independence and democratic liberties
in the capitalist and colonial countries - Reporter: G. Di Vittorio
1953-10-10-1953-10-21 |
Scope and Contents
42 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Third World Trade Union Congress - Item III - Development of the trade union movement
in the colonial and semi-colonial countries - Reporter: Ruslan Widjajasastra, General
Secretary, Central Bureau of all Indonesian Trade Centre
1953-10-10-1953-10-21 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 9 |
Speech - Saillant: Speech by brother Louis Saillant in concluding the discussion on
the first item on the agenda of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress,
1953-10-14 |
Scope and Contents
16 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Speeches - Le Leap, Shvernik, Santi: Speech of Brother Alain Le Leap, General Secretary
of the French, CGT
1953-10-12 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Speeches - Le Leap, Shvernik, Santi: Speech by N.M. Shvernik, President of the All
Union Council of Trade Unions at the 3rd World Trade Union Congress
1953-10-11 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 10 |
Speech by Fernando Santi, Secretary of the Italian General Confederation of Labor
1953-10-13 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Saturday
1953-10-10 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Sunday
1953-10-11 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 11 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Monday
1953-10-12 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Tuesday
1953-10-13 |
Scope and Contents
16 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Wednesday
1953-10-14 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 12 |
Bulletins of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress (WTUC): Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC,
Summary of Thursday
1953-10-15 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Bulletins of the 3rd WTUC: Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC, Summary of Friday
1953-10-16 |
Scope and Contents
19 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Bulletins of the 3rd WTUC: Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC, Summary of Saturday
1953-10-17 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Bulletins of the 3rd WTUC: Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC, Summary of Sunday
1953-10-18 |
Scope and Contents
815 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Bulletins of the 3rd WTUC: Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC, Summary of Monday
1953-10-19 |
Scope and Contents
16 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 13 |
Bulletins of the 3rd WTUC: Bulletin of the 3rd WTUC, Summary of Tuesday
1953-10-20 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
World Conference of Agricultural and Forestry Workers: World Conference of Agricultural
and Forestry Workers - 1st item on the agenda - The conditions of the Agricultural
and Forestry Workers and their fight for their economic and social demands. Report
by the Secretary Ilo Bosi
1953-10-24-1953-10-28 |
Scope and Contents
38 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 14 |
World Conference of Agricultural and Forestry Workers: World Conference of Agricultural
and Forestry Workers - 2nd item on the agenda - Strengthening of help to peasants
in the fight for their basic instincts - Report by R. Vidimari
1953-10-24-1953-10-27 |
Scope and Contents
37 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 15 |
7th Session of the General Council - 1st item - The International Situation and the
implementation of the decisions of the 3rd World Trade Union Congress on the development
of the unity of the workers in the fight for their demands. Rapporteur: Louis Saillant
1954-12-09-1954-12-14 |
Scope and Contents
72 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 16 |
Summary of Louis Saillant's report to the seventh session of the General Council of
the WFTU
1954 |
Scope and Contents
14 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 17 |
Seventh Session of the General Council - Item 1 on the agenda (Appendix) - The development
of the struggles for demands throughout the world
1954-12-09-1954-12-14 |
Scope and Contents
87 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 18 |
Seventh Session of the General Council - 2nd Item - The charter of Trade Union Rights
and the International Campaign to defend and win trade union and democratic rights
- Rapporteur: Giuseppe di Vittorio
1954-12-09-1954-12-14 |
Scope and Contents
23 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Seventh Session of the General Council - Proposed amendments to the definition of
the rights to appear in the Charter of Trade Union Rights
1954-12-09-1954-12-14 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
General resolution of the seventh session of the General Council of the WFTU
1954-12-09-1954-12-14 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
Item II, 2 - Definition of the rights to appear in the Charter of Trade Union Rights
1954-06-26-1954-06-28 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 19 |
(Draft) Charter of Trade Union Rights
1954 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
World Conference of Women Workers (WCWW): WCWW - 1st item - The united struggle of
women workers and trade unions for increases wages, for the application of the principle
of equal pay for equal work, against all forms of discrimination, for the improvement
of their living conditions the winning of their rights and for peace - by Germaine
Guille, Secretary of the French General Confederation of Labor (CGI)
1956-06-14-1956-06-17 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 20 |
World Conference of Women Workers (WCWW): WCWW - 2nd item - For a more active participation
by women in the life and leadership of the trade unions, for large scale trade union
recruitment by Tsune Deushi, Head, Women's Department of Teacher's Union of Saitama
Prefecture, Japan
1956-06-14-1956-06-17 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 21 |
8th session of the General Council - Report on the 1st item of the agenda - 'Actions
for the present economic and social demands of the workers and the development of
new trends for unity of the International trade Union movement,' delivered by Louis
Saillant, General Secretary, WFTU
1956-09-27-1956-10-03 |
Scope and Contents
65 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 22 |
8th Session of the General council - report on the 2nd item - 'The trade union movement
in countries which have just won their independence or are struggling to win it and
fraternal solidarity amongst all workers in the struggle against colonialism,' delivered
by Abdoulaye Diallo, Vice President, WFTU
1956-09-27-1956-10-03 |
Scope and Contents
36 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 23 |
8th Session of the General Council - Report on the main activities of the WFTU
1956-09-27-1956-10-03 |
Scope and Contents
79 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 24 |
8th Session of the General Council - Report on the convocation of the 4th World Trade
Union Congress (4th point of the agenda) - delivered by Giuseppe Casadei
1956-09-27-1956-10-03 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 25 |
Report of the Delegation of the WFTU to Hungary
1956-11-23-1956-11-27 |
Scope and Contents
77 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
13th Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the first item on the agenda -
The activities of the WFTU and the preparation of the 4th World Trade Union Congress
1957-01-29-1957-01-31 |
Scope and Contents
31 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 26 |
13th Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the fifth point of the agenda
- The development of united action by the workers to achieve their demands in the
mines and factories of the European coal and steel community
1957-01-29-1957-01-31 |
Scope and Contents
20 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
European trade Union and Workers Conference against the threat of Atomic War and for
Peace: Speech by Louis Saillant, General Secretary, World Federation of Trade Unions
1958-06-20-1958-06-22 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 27 |
European trade Union and Workers Conference against the threat of Atomic War and for
Peace: Appeal of the European Trade Union and Workers Conference
1958-06-20-1958-06-22 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
First World Conference of Young Workers: Report on 1st point - Wages, vocational training;
Young workers trade union and social rights, their struggles and those of the trade
union for their demands and against discrimination - Speaker Charles Salducci
1958-07-14-1958-07-20 |
Scope and Contents
28 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
First World Conference of Young Workers: Report on 2nd item - Prospects for Young
Workers throughout the world and their united action for peace against danger of an
atomic or thermonuclear war - Presented by Hiroshi Yamakawa
1958-07-14-1958-07-20 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 3 | Folder 28 |
First World Conference of Young Workers: Report on 3rd item - The role of the trade
union in organizing and uniting young workers and the part young people play in the
strengthening of the trade union - Speaker Lazaro Pena, Secretary of the WFTU
1958-07-14-1958-07-20 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
19th Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the first item on the agenda -
Growing tasks of the WFTU in the fight for peace - Speaker: Luigi Grassi, Secretary
of the WFTU
1959-04-02-1959-04-06 |
Scope and Contents
32 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
19th Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the Development of the Workers
Economic and Social Demands - Presented by Marcel Bras, Secretary of the WFTU
1959-04-02-1959-04-06 |
Scope and Contents
37 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
International Trade Union Committee for Solidarity with the workers and people of
Algeria: Report of the Secretariat of the International Trade Union Committee for
solidarity with the workers and people of Algeria - Report on the Solidarity campaigns
in the various countries
1962-06-1962-07 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
International Trade Union Committee for Solidarity with the workers and people of
Algeria: Speech by the representative of the WFTU, Ibrahin Zakaria, Secretary of the
1962-06-28-1962-07-01 |
Scope and Contents
14 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
International consultative Trade Union Conference on the Economic and Social Consequences
of the European Economic Community and the policy of the monopolies: Report presented
by Brother Louis Saillant, General Secretary of the WFTU
1962-12-14-1962-12-17 |
Scope and Contents
94 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
International consultative Trade Union Conference on the Economic and Social Consequences
of the European Economic Community and the policy of the monopolies: Concluding speech
by Brother Louis Saillant, General Secretary of the WFTU
1962-12-14-1962-12-17 |
Scope and Contents
20 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
International Trade Union and Legal Commission for the Defense and Extension of Trade
Union Rights and the Protection of the Victims of Anti-Trade Union Repression; World
Federation of Trade Unions: 2nd Session - Report - Speaker: Edvin Chleboun, Secretary
of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
1963-07-17-1963-07-19 |
Scope and Contents
35 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
International Trade Union and Legal Commission for the Defense and Extension of Trade
Union Rights and the Protection of the Victims of Anti-Trade Union Repression; World
Federation of Trade Unions: Declaration of the 2nd Session of the International Trade
Union and Legal Commission
1963-07-17-1963-07-19 |
Scope and Contents
5 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
International Trade Union and Legal Commission for the Defense and Extension of Trade
Union Rights and the Protection of the Victims of Anti-Trade Union Repression; World
Federation of Trade Unions: Press communique - For the defense and extension of trade
union rights and for the protection of victims of anti-trade union repression
1963-07-24 |
Scope and Contents
2 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale (FSM): XIIIeme Session du Conseil General - Rapport
- Sur la realisation de la politique unitaire de la FSM pour la defense des interest
et des droits des Travailleurs, et lexeme des lutes ouvriers dans le monde, en liaison
avec l 'application du Programme d'Action adopted par le Veme Congres Syndical Mondial
- Rapporteur: Louis Saillant, Secretaire General de la FSM
1964-10-19-1964-10-24 |
Scope and Contents
88 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
13th Session of the General Council (Various conclusions, resolution, and amendment
1964-10-30 |
Scope and Contents
39 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
2nd Plenary Conference of the World Trade Union Committee for Consultation and United
Action against Monopolies. Report on a joint trade union policy for the development
of international trade and on the program for organization of a world trade union
conference on this subject - Speaker: comrade Louis Saillant, General Secretary of
the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
1964-12-14-1964-12-17 |
Scope and Contents
60 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
2nd Plenary Conference of the World Trade Union Committee for Consultation and United
Action against Monopolies - Concluding speech by Brother Louis Saillant
1964-12-14-1964-12-17 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
6th World Trade Union Congress (WTUC) Report on the first point of the agenda - Examination
of the application o the program of trade union action and steps taken by the WFTU
to promote unity, the present evolution and development of the world trade union movement,
the new opportunities for unity, solidarity and international trade union relations
- Presented by Louis Saillant, General Secretary of the WFTU
1965-10-08-1965-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
97 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
6th WTUC - Report on the second item on the agenda - On the development of international
trade union solidarity with the struggles of the workers and peoples of the colonial
and newly liberated countries for the winning and consolidation of national independence,
for independent economic and social development against imperialism, colonialism and
neo-colonialism - Presented by Luis Padilla, Secretary of the WFTU
1965-10-08-1965-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
60 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
6th WTUC - Report on the third item on the agenda - The situation in Vietnam and the
struggle of the Vietnamese workers and people against the American imperialist aggressors:
a) For the Trade Union Federation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam - Speaker:
Brother Hoang Quoc Viet, Chairman of the T.U.F.N.V., Member of the Executive Committee
of the World Federation of trade Unions (WFTU)
1965-10-08-1965-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 9 |
6th WTUC - Report on the intensification of the war of aggression waged by the American
imperialists in South Vietnam and the legitimate patriotic struggle of the South Vietnamese
workers and population - Speaker: Tran Hoai Nam, Member of the Permanent Committee
of the Central Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions for the Liberation of South
1965-10-08-1965-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
22 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 10 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: 51eme Session du Bureau Executif-Rapport sur la realisation
du plan de travail de la FSM en application des decisions du Vieme Congres Syndicale
Mondiale - Presente par le cde. Pierre Gensous, Secretaire General - adjoint de la
1966-02-28-1966-03-02 |
Scope and Contents
51 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
32nd Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the 1st item on the agenda - WFTU
activity and tasks following the 6th WTUC, with special emphasis on solidarity action
in support of workers in struggle for economic and social demands, and in support
of the workers and people of Vietnam - Report given by Pierre Gensous, Assistant General
Secretary of the WFTU
1966-05-26-1966-05-28 |
Scope and Contents
51 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 11 |
32nd Session of the Executive Committee - Report on the third item on the agenda -
'The Activities of the TUI's' - Presented by Raul Silvestri, Secretary of the WFTU
1966-05-26-1966-05-28 |
Scope and Contents
47 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
16th Session of the General Council - Report on the first item on the agenda - The
activity and tasks of the WFTU since the VI Congress especially with regard to the
development of unity, action, and international solidarity on behalf of: the workers
and people of Vietnam, the workers struggling for their economic and social demands,
the workers and peoples struggling for peace and against imperialism, colonialism,
and neo- colonialism - Report of Pierre Gensous, Assistant General Secretary of the
1966-12-06-1966-12-09 |
Scope and Contents
80 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 12 |
16th Session of the General Council General Resolution; Declarations; Decisions (Drafts)
1966-12-06-1966-12-09 |
Scope and Contents
36 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 13 |
World Trade Union Committee for Consultation and United Action against the Monopolies:
Report. Joint Trade Union Action for the Development of International Trade and Economic
Relations in the Interests of the Workers and Peoples by Louis Saillant, General Secretary
of the WFTU
1966-12-14-1966-12-17 |
Scope and Contents
101 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 14 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: 54e session du Bureau Executif de la FSM Rapport sur
l'etat des activities de propagande de la FSM et les possibilities d 'amelioration
dans ce domain - Rapporteur: V.A. Podzerko, Secretary de la FSM
1967-04-11-1967-04-13 |
Scope and Contents
40 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
34th session of the Executive Committee - Report on 'The Development of the WFTU's
Work in the United Nations (UNO) and its specialized agencies' - Speaker: Stan Dragoni,
Secretary of the WFTU
1967-10-25-1967-10-27 |
Scope and Contents
37 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 15 |
34th session of the Executive Committee - Report on the work of the WFTU in developing
new international trade union relationships and the united action of workers and union
organizations all over the world in the cause of the well-being, liberty and independence
of people for peace, and against imperialist acts of aggression, particularly in Vietnam
and the Middle East - Speaker: Pierre Gensous, Assistant General Secretary WFTU
1967-10-25-1967-10-27 |
Scope and Contents
35 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
34th session of the Executive Committee - (Resolutions and Decisions, Numbers 1-18)
1967 |
Scope and Contents
27 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 16 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: Service de Presse de la FSM
1967 |
Scope and Contents
22 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 17 |
Documents adopted by the World Trade Unions Conference on vocational training
1968-02-01-1968-02-04 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
18th session of the General Council Report on the first item on the agenda - The WFTU's
activities in the present situation to develop international trade union unity for
the triumph of the economic and social demands of the working class of peace and of
national independence, and to put a definite end to American imperialism's aggression
in Vietnam - Speaker: Pierre Gensous, Assistant General Secretary of the World Federation
of Trade Unions (WFTU)
1968-12-16-1968-12-19 |
Scope and Contents
45 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
18th session of the General Council Report on the second item on the agenda - The
WFTU's work for training trade union officials - Speaker: Edvin Chleboun, Secretary
of the WFTU
1968-12-06-1968-12-09 |
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 18 |
18th session of the General Council Report on the third item on the agenda - Convocation
and preparation of the 7th World Trade Union Congress
1968-12-06-1968-12-09 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
18th session of the General Council (Drafts; Resolutions and Decisions
1968-12-16-1968-12-19 |
Scope and Contents
50 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 19 |
18th session of the General Council Plan of Work until the 7th World Trade Union Congress
- Appendix to the reports presented tot eh Council
1968-12-16-1968-12-19 |
Scope and Contents
27 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
35th session of the Executive Committee - 3rd point of the agenda - Report on requests
for affiliations - Speaker: Mahendra Sen, Secretary of the WFTU
1968-12-15 |
Scope and Contents
15 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 20 |
35th session of the Executive Committee - (Resolutions and Decisions Numbers 1-7)
1968-12-15 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
Document on trade union policy and action for preparation of the 7th World Trade Union
1969-06-05 |
Scope and Contents
39 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 21 |
7th World Trade Union Congress (WTUC) - Report on the first point on the agenda -
The role, tasks, and responsibilities of the WFTU and trade unions for workers in
the struggle for social progress, trade union and democratic liberties, national independence,
peace, against monopolistic exploitation, imperialism, colonialism and neo- colonialism
- Speaker: Pierre Gensous, World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Assistant Secretary
1969-10-17-1969-10-26 |
Scope and Contents
108 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
7th World Trade Union Congress (WTUC) - 1st report on the second point of the agenda
- The situation in Vietnam and the struggle of workers and people of Vietnam against
the American imperialist aggressors for the restoration of peace in Vietnam and for
the development of solidarity of the workers and the people of the world - Speaker:
Hoang Quoc Viet, President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Vietnam
1969-10-17-1969-10-26 |
Scope and Contents
20 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
7th WTUC - 2nd report on the second point of the agenda - Speaker: Tran Hoi Nam, Member
of the permanent committee of the Trade Union Federation for the liberation of South
1969-10-17-1969-10-26 |
Scope and Contents
17 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 22 |
7th WTUC - Report on the third point of the agenda - The problems of trade unions
in developing countries - Speaker: Ibrahim Zakaria, WFTU Secretary
1969-10-17-1969-10-31 |
Scope and Contents
45 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
7th WTUC - Report on the 4th point of the agenda - The trade unions and scientific
and technical progress
1969-10-17-1969-10-31 |
Scope and Contents
38 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 23 |
Constitution of the WFTU
1969 |
Scope and Contents
25 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
7th World Trade Union Congress: 7th World Trade Union Congress - Speech by Comrade
Luciano Lama, Secretary of the General Confederation of Italian Workers (CGI)
1969-10-17-1969-10-26 |
Scope and Contents
30 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
7th World Trade Union Congress: Speech by President of AUCCTU Comrade A.N. Chelepin
at the 7th World Trade Union Congress
1969 |
Scope and Contents
24 page booklet
Box 4 | Folder 24 |
Documents for preparation and discussion of 25th anniversary of London Conference
1969-12-18 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale (FSM): Rencontre Syndicale Internationale a l'occasion
du 25eme anniversaire de la Conference Syndicale Mondiale de Londres
1970-01-30-1970-02-01 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
International Trade Union meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the London
World Trade Union Conference - Conclusions of Brother Pierre Gensous, General Secretary
of the WFTU
1970-01-30-1970-02-01 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 25 |
International Trade Union meeting on the present problems of trade union unity and
the lessons in unity from the 1945 conference - Introductory speech - Pierre Gensous,
General Secretary, WFTU
1970-01-30-1970-02-01 |
Scope and Contents
18 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Session of the (Executive) Bureau
1970-02-24-1970-02-26 |
Scope and Contents
24 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Documents adopted by the WFTU Bureau at its meeting in Khartoum, February 24-26, 1970
1970-03-04 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Meeting of European Trade Union Centres affiliated to the WFTU - Report - Presented
by Brother Sandro Stimuli, Secretary of the WFTU
1970-06-25-1970-06-26 |
Scope and Contents
17 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 26 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: Service Europe - Queloues considerations sur le cadre
economique et social, sur la nature, la signification et les perspectives des luttes
ouvriers en Europe en 1969
1970-06 |
Scope and Contents
22 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
2nd session of the WFTU Bureau - 2nd point on the agenda - Report on the development
of the WFTU's activity in Asia - Speaker: Mehendra Sen, Secretary of the WFTU
1970-10-08-1970-10-10 |
Scope and Contents
21 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
2nd session of the WFTU Bureau - General Outline Work - Program of the WFTU for improved
implementation of the policies adopted at the 7th World Trade Union Congress
1970-10-08-1970-10-10 |
Scope and Contents
40 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 27 |
List of documents adopted by the 2nd session of the WFTU Bureau
1970-10-08-1970-10-09 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
20th Session of the WFTU General Council - Report on the first item on the agenda
- The WFTU's responsibilities in increasing and strengthening unity amongst trade
unions for the satisfaction of the worker's demands and aspirations - Speaker: Pierre
Gensous, General Secretary, WFTU
1970-10-13-1970-10-16 |
Scope and Contents
39 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
20th Session of the WFTU General council - Account of the WFTU's Activity from the
7th Congress (1969) to the General council (1970)
1970-10-13-1970-10-16 |
Scope and Contents
45 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
List of documents adopted by the 20th session of the WFTU General Council
1970-10-13-1970-10-16 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 28 |
20th Session of the WFTU General Council - Conclusions of Brother Pierre Gensous,
General Secretary of the WFTU
1970-10-13-1970-10-16 |
Scope and Contents
7 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
3rd session of the WFTU Bureau - 1st item on the agenda - Speech - '100 years ago
in Paris a new dawn was born for the international working class: the Paris commune'
Speaker: Benoit Frachon, President of the CGT
1971-04-21-1971-04-23 |
Scope and Contents
2 mimeographed page typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
3rd session of the WFTU Bureau - 2nd item on the agenda - Report on the main aspects
of the development of the situation since the General Council and the tasks arising
therefrom for the WFTU - Speaker: Pierre Gensous, General Secretary, WFTU
1971-04-21-1971-04-23 |
Scope and Contents
23 page typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
3rd session of the WFTU Bureau - 3rd item on the agenda - Report on the activities
of the WFTU and the TUIs and the national affiliated centres at the United Nations
with particular reference to the ILO - Speaker: Ibrahim Zakaria, Secretary of the
1971-04-21-1971-04-23 |
Scope and Contents
21 page typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
3rd session of the WFTU Bureau - Conclusions drawn by Pierre Gensous, General Secretary,
WFTU on the 2nd and 3rd items
1971-04-21-1971-04-23 |
Scope and Contents
4 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
Report on the study days on multinational companies
1971-04-26-1971-04-27 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 29 |
General Secretary's conclusions and documents adopted at the 3rd session of the WFTU
1971-04-28 |
Scope and Contents
17 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
21st session of the WFTU General Council - 1st item on the agenda - Report " The present
aspects of the international trade union movement and the resultant tasks for the
1971-12-11-1971-12-13 |
Scope and Contents
26 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale (FSM): 21eme session du Conseil General de la FSM -
2eme point a l'ordre du jour - Rapport sur l'activite des UIS
1971-12-10-1971-12-13 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 30 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale (FSM): 21eme session du Conseil General de la FSM -
3eme point a l'ordre du jour - Rapport sur la presse et propagande de la FSM
1971-12-10-1971-12-13 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Information Report on the Consultive meeting regarding the work ta the ILO
1972-02-28 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Account of the first meeting between representatives of special institutes and centers
of trade union studies and the WFTU within the framework of future reciprocal cooperation
in the light of the 8th World Trade Union Congress
1972-09-08-1972-09-09 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 31 |
Document on the monetary crisis - Prepared by the WFTU's working group
1972 |
Scope and Contents
24 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
22nd session of the WFTU General Council - Account of activities of the WFTU between
October 1971 and September 1972
1972-10-31-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
47 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
22nd session of the WFTU General Council - Report on the meeting of the WFTU delegation
with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and on its other meetings and consultations
1972-11-01-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
13 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 32 |
22nd session of the WFTU General Council - First item on the agenda - Report The main
problems of international trade union movement in the recent period, consequent work
in coming months and especially in view of the 8th World Trade Union Congress
1972-11-01-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
28 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
22nd session of the General Council Information on the meeting of the Working Group
on the problems of working women
1972-11-01-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
5 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
Conclusions of Pierre Gensous, WFTU General Secretary at the 22nd session of the WFTU
General Council
1972-11-01-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 33 |
22nd session of the WFTU General Council - (Resolutions; Decisions and appeals,)
1972-11-01-1972-11-03 |
Scope and Contents
17 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
Document for Bureau members for the discussing of the preparations for the 8th World
Trade Union Congress at the 6th session of the WFTU Bureau
1973 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
8th World Trade Union Congress (WTUC) - Information concerning WFTU's activity in
the field of trade union education in Asia Africa and Latin America between the seventh
and eight WTUC - Speaker: I. Zakaria, WFTU Secretary
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
8th WTUC - Charter of the trade union rights and economic and social demands of the
present time - Draft
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
41 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 34 |
CGIL's proposed amendments to the constitution of the WFTU at the 8th WTUC
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
3 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 35 |
Opening speech for the 8th WTUC - Speaker: Pierre Gensous, WFTU General Secretary
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
34 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 35 |
8th WTUC - Policy document (draft)
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
65 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 36 |
8th WTUC - (draft) Co-Report on Asia - Speaker: S.A. Dange, Member, WFTU Bureau
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
33 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 36 |
8th WTUC - (draft) Co-Report on Latin America - Speaker: Lazaro Pena, Member, WFTU
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
10 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 36 |
8th WTUC (draft) - Co-report on the situation in Africa presented by Vilon Gubzo,
Member, WFTU Bureau
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 37 |
8th WTUC - (draft) Co-Report on Europe - Speaker: Georges Seguy, CGT General Secretary
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
11 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 37 |
8th World Trade Union Congress (WTUC) - Co-Report on the Middle East by Elias Habre,
President of the National trade Union Federation of Lebanese Workers and Employees
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
6 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 37 |
8th WTUC - Report on activities and plans of the Working Group on Young Workers -
Speaker: H. Sinno, Chairman of the Working Group
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
9 page mimeographed typescript
Box 4 | Folder 37 |
Federation Syndicale Mondiale: VIIIeme Congress Syndicale Mondiale - Information du
groups de travail des Ingenieurs, Cadres et Technicians - Rapporteur: Rene Le Guen,
President du Group de Travail
1973-10-15-1973-10-22 |
Scope and Contents
8 page mimeographed typescript