BRAC Guides on Microfilm
Collection Number: 5488 A & B mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library
BRAC Guides on Microfilm,
Collection Number:
5488 A & B mf
Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives
1 microfilm reel
Forms of Material:
Finding aides, microfilm.
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and
Archives, Cornell University Library
Finding aid for collections 5488 A and 5488 B
Collection material in English
The Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and
Station Employees was organized in 1899, and it was the largest single railroad
organization for employees who devoted a majority of their time to clerical work of
any description including chief clerks, foremen, train announcers, gatemen,
checkers; parcel, baggage, and storeroom employees; dock and pier workers; train and
engine crew callers; timekeepers; paymasters; freight inspectors; rate and tariff
compilers; weigh masters; ticket clerks and sellers; operators of all office and
station equipment devices; telephone and switchboard operators; and all employees
occupying or performing duties similar to those mentioned. After three months of
experience in clerical work employees of both genders, with good moral character,
became eligible for membership. The union secured increases in wages and better
working conditions for its members.
Duplicate negative copies are available upon request.
Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship
Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employes
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives
Form and Genre Terms:
Finding aides
Access Restrictions:
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a
reference archivist for access to these materials.
Restrictions on Use:
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet
and Procedures for Document Use.
Cite As:
BRAC Guides on Microfilm #5488 A & B mf. Kheel Center for Labor-Management
Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections:
5082: U.S. National Mediation Board Transcript of Hearings Regarding the BRAC
5086: U.S. National Mediation Board Transcripts Regarding New York Central Railroad Company and BRAC
5488: BRAC Records
5488 A: BRAC Chicago Files
5488 B: BRAC Records
5488 C: BRAC Additional Records
5488 D: BRAC Additional Records
5488 MB: BRAC Memorabilia
5735: BRAC Additional Records
6187: BRAC, Philadelphia Division, Union Local President Robert Curran Papers
5082: U.S. National Mediation Board Transcript of Hearings Regarding the BRAC
5086: U.S. National Mediation Board Transcripts Regarding New York Central Railroad Company and BRAC
5488: BRAC Records
5488 A: BRAC Chicago Files
5488 B: BRAC Records
5488 C: BRAC Additional Records
5488 D: BRAC Additional Records
5488 MB: BRAC Memorabilia
5735: BRAC Additional Records
6187: BRAC, Philadelphia Division, Union Local President Robert Curran Papers
Reel 1 |