Seidenberg, Jacob Arbitration files, 1947-1974
Collection Number: 5468
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Cornell University Library
Jacob Seidenberg Arbitration files, 1947-1974
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Collection Number:
Files of the impartial arbitrator Jacob Seidenberg. Includes subject files, conciliation
files, and fact-finding files.
Seidenberg, Jacob
12 cubic feet
Collection material in English
Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. Please contact a reference
archivist for access to these materials.
This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and
Procedures for Document Use.
Jacob Seidenberg Arbitration files #5468. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation
and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Related Collections: 5031 A&B: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5032: Jacob Seidenberg Injunction Study 5175: Jacob Seidenberg Taft-Hartley Maritime Dispute Records 5194: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Files 5217: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Case Files 5229: Jacob Seidenberg Additional records 5519: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5571: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5605: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Records 5635: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5666: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5706: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5756: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5773: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5808: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5900: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5935: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files 5953: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Records 5988: Jacob Seidenberg Additional Arbitration Files
Seidenberg, Jacob, 1914-
Arbitration, Industrial -- United States
Labor disputes -- United States
Mediation and conciliation, Industrial -- United States
Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Local 18-L -L 0IU
1972 |
Box 1 | Folder 2 |
IBT - Local 570 - AP Tea
1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Oil Chemicals and atomic Int. Union and A.P.
1964 |
Box 1 | Folder 4 |
P.L. Brand No. 717 Apalachicola Northern Railroad Co.
1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 5 |
ALPA. Int. - Union ALPA Professional and Administration Employees
1972 |
Box 1 | Folder 6 |
Public Law Board No. 869
1972 |
Box 1 | Folder 7 |
Office and Professional Employees Union Local #2
1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 8 |
Supplement Agreement
1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 9 |
American Oil Company vs. Lud. Oil Workers Virginia
1962-1963 |
Box 1 | Folder 10 |
AAA 16 390031
1970-1971 |
Box 1 | Folder 11 |
Public Law Board No. 413
1970 |
Box 2 | Folder 1 |
IBT - Local 622 Balt. Overall Chroning Co. FMCS
1969 |
Box 2 | Folder 2 |
Bel-Craft Inc. vs. IUMSWA Local 28
1964 |
Box 2 | Folder 3 |
Nat'l Univ of Hospital and Nursing Home Employees - Local 1199E
1972 |
Box 2 | Folder 4 |
Bethlehem Steel vs. Iron Workers Local #768
1969 |
Box 2 | Folder 5 |
Bowaters Southern paper Corp. -IBEWU - FMCS
1970 |
Box 2 | Folder 6 |
Budd Co- UAW
1971 |
Box 2 | Folder 7 |
Award No. 3
1970 |
Box 2 | Folder 8 |
Award No. 4
1968-1970 |
Box 3 | Folder 1 |
Award No. 5
1968-1971 |
Box 3 | Folder 2 |
Award No. 6
1967-1972 |
Box 3 | Folder 3 |
Award No. 7
1971 |
Box 3 | Folder 4 |
Award No. 7
1970 |
Box 3 | Folder 5 |
Award No. 8
1967-1972 |
Box 3 | Folder 6 |
Burris Processing Co. vs. I,B.T. Local 876
1963-1964 |
Box 3 | Folder 7 |
Butler Mfg. vs. District 50
1970 |
Box 4 | Folder 1 |
Teamsters Local 311 - C.J. Langfelder
1970 |
Box 4 | Folder 2 |
P.L. Board No. 365 vs. Cambria and Indiana Railroad Company
1968-1969 |
Box 4 | Folder 3 |
Board CL-19547
1971 |
Box 4 | Folder 4 |
Carroll County Board of Education
1972 |
Box 4 | Folder 5 |
CL - 19547
1970-1973 |
Box 4 | Folder 6 |
University of Delaware vs. American Federation of State County and Municipal Workers
1969 |
Box 4 | Folder 7 |
P.L. Board No. 524
1971 |
Box 4 | Folder 8 |
P.L. Board No. 525
1971 |
Box 5 | Folder 1 |
Eastern Airline vs. Flight
1961-1963 |
Box 5 | Folder 2 |
Eastern Airlines and ALPA Cases 59-63 101-63
1964 |
Box 5 | Folder 3 |
EAL Case No. 80-70
1972 |
Box 5 | Folder 4 |
EAL - ALDA - 1969 5-69
1969 |
Box 5 | Folder 5 |
United Furniture Workers of America - Eastern Products
1968-1969 |
Box 5 | Folder 6 |
Special Board of Adjustment No. 455
1964 |
Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Special Board Adjustment No. 459
1962-1963 |
Box 6 | Folder 2 |
Award - SBA #459
1961 |
Box 6 | Folder 3 |
Grief Brothers Cooperage Corp.
1969 |
Box 6 | Folder 4 |
Gypsum Hanfeld 187 - Local 311
1972 |
Box 6 | Folder 5 |
Hotel Assoc. of Washington, D.C. and Joint Executive Board
1970 |
Box 6 | Folder 6 |
Ex. Board Hotel and Past Employees
1972 |
Box 6 | Folder 7 |
Hotel + Restaurant Employees + Bartenders Int. Union - Madison Hotel
1970 |
Box 6 | Folder 8 |
Int. Nickel Company vs. United Steel Workers of America
1963 |
Box 7 | Folder 1 |
United Steel Workers of America and K-D Mfg. Company
1972 |
Box 7 | Folder 2 |
USWA - K-D Mfg. Co.
1972 |
Box 7 | Folder 3 |
Lockheed Georgia and Aeronautical Machinists - FMCS
1964 |
Box 7 | Folder 4 |
Lockheed - Georgia co.
1963 |
Box 7 | Folder 5 |
8BA # 739 - LIRN BR Carrier
1970 |
Box 7 | Folder 6 |
Int. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers -#603 vs. Metropolitan Edison Company
1972 |
Box 7 | Folder 7 |
Nashville BRDG.
1971 |
Box 7 | Folder 8 |
Shopmen's Local #713
1972 |
Box 7 | Folder 9 |
Doeler-Jarvis vs. UAW - Local 1086
1965 |
Box 7 | Folder 10 |
UTU - Norfolk Western P.L. Brand No. 838
1970 |
Box 8 | Folder 1 |
OLIN Conductors - FMCS allied Industrial workers 6927
1971-1972 |
Box 8 | Folder 2 |
Orr + Sembower vs. USA
1964 |
Box 8 | Folder 3 |
Owens Yacht Division
1963-1964 |
Box 8 | Folder 4 |
Owens Yacht Division
1963 |
Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad Company
1971 |
Box 9 | Folder 2 |
P.L. Board No. 397 - Patapsco + Back River - UTU
1967 |
Box 9 | Folder 3 |
Penn Central - BLE - "Oklahoma Conditions
1965 |
Box 9 | Folder 4 |
P.L. Board No. 307 - Penn Central - BLFE - (Southern Region)
1969 |
Box 9 | Folder 5 |
Public Law Board No. 456 - Pullman Co- UTU
1970 |
Box 10 | Folder 1 |
P.L. Brand No. 669 Award No. 1
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 2 |
P.L. Board #669 Award No. 2
1966-1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 3 |
P.L. Brand # 669 Award No. 3
1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 4 |
P.L. Board No. 669 Award No. 4
1961 |
Box 10 | Folder 5 |
P.L. Board NO. 669 Award No. 5
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 6 |
P.L. Board No. 669 Award No. 6
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 7 |
P.L. Board No. 669 Award No. 8
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 8 |
Award No. 13 P.L. Board #13
1967 |
Box 10 | Folder 9 |
Award #24 F-15921 P.L. Board #669
1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 10 |
P.L. Board #669 Award No. 16 F-16759
1969 |
Box 10 | Folder 11 |
Award No. 20 F-15943 P.L. Board #669
1967 |
Box 10 | Folder 12 |
Award No. 21 F-15507
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 13 |
Award No. 22 F-15766 P.L. #669
1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 14 |
Award #25 F-15557 P.L. Board #669
1967 |
Box 10 | Folder 15 |
Award #26 F-15949 P.L. Board #669
1967 |
Box 10 | Folder 16 |
Award No. 27 F-15373 P.L. Board #669
1966 |
Box 10 | Folder 17 |
Award No. 28 F-15876 P.L. Board #669
1971-1972 |
Box 10 | Folder 18 |
Award No. 29 F-15332 P.L. Board #669
1962-1970 |
Box 10 | Folder 19 |
Public Law Board No. 674 Penn Central (N.E.) - BLE
1969-1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 20 |
Awards No. 5+6 (Dockets 6+8)
1969 |
Box 10 | Folder 21 |
Award NO. 7 (Docket NO. 7) PC -BCE P.L. Board No. 955
1969-1972 |
Box 10 | Folder 22 |
P.L. Board 955 NH - BLE
1970 |
Box 10 | Folder 23 |
P.L. Board 955 NA - BLE Award No. 11
1971 |
Box 10 | Folder 24 |
P.L. Board 955 NH - BLE Award No. 10
1971 |
Box 11 | Folder 1 |
Final Draft of Item 1162 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.1
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 2 |
Item 1229 UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.2
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Item 1830 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.4
1955-1956 |
Box 11 | Folder 4 |
Item 1866 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.5
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 5 |
Item 1933 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.6
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 6 |
Item 2125 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.7
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 7 |
Items 2207 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.8
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 8 |
Item 2 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.9
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 9 |
Item 3 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.10
1969 |
Box 11 | Folder 10 |
Item 1935 - UTU and Penn Central Transportation Award no.12
1973 |
Box 11 | Folder 11 |
Retail Store Employees Union vs. Peoples Drug Store
1972 |
Box 11 | Folder 12 |
Peoples Drug Store -
1972 |
Box 11 | Folder 13 |
ALPA - Piedmont Airlines
1971 |
Box 11 | Folder 14 |
PG County Bd. Of Ed.
1972 |
Box 12 | Folder 1 |
Radio Corp of America vs. American Federation of Technical Engineers
1963 |
Box 12 | Folder 2 |
RCA Corp. vs. IKEW of America Local 103
1964 |
Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Ronson Corp of Delaware vs. Int. Assoc. of Machinists
1965 |
Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Retail Employees Union - Local 692 vs. Safeway Stores Inc.
1972 |
Box 13 | Folder 2 |
AAA (D.S.) 14 30 Schluderberg - Kurdle Co. - Arrangement Meat Cutters Local 117
1969 |
Box 13 | Folder 3 |
P.L. Board No. 458 South Buffalo - UTU (T)
1968-1970 |
Box 13 | Folder 4 |
P.L. Board No. 682 South Buffalo PR - UTU (T)
1972 |
Box 13 | Folder 5 |
Awards Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7
1971 |
Box 13 | Folder 6 |
Awards No. 4
1971 |
Box 13 | Folder 7 |
Award No. 6 - Ph.. Brand #682
1970 |
Box 13 | Folder 8 |
P.L. Board No. 823
1971 |
Box 14 | Folder 1 |
Southern Railway System - BLE
1965-1969 |
Box 14 | Folder 2 |
Special Board of Adjustment
1969-1970 |
Box 14 | Folder 3 |
Central of Georgia Railway and Southern Railway Merger
1969-1970 |
Box 14 | Folder 4 |
Special Board of Adjustment NO. 608
1965-1969 |
Box 14 | Folder 5 |
Standard Oil Company - IBT - Local 311
1972 |
Box 14 | Folder 6 |
District 50 - allied and Technical Worker vs. Thrifty Paper Boxes. Inc.
1972 |
Box 15 | Folder 1 |
Union Pacific Pub A#1
1973 |
Box 15 | Folder 2 |
Union Pacific PLB A#2
1972 |
Box 15 | Folder 3 |
Union Pacific PLB A#3
1954 |
Box 15 | Folder 4 |
Union Pacific PLB A#4
1972 |
Box 15 | Folder 5 |
Union Pacific PLB A#5
1971 |
Box 15 | Folder 6 |
Union Pacific PLB A#6
1972 |
Box 15 | Folder 7 |
Union Pacific PLB A#7
1972 |
Box 16 | Folder 1 |
Award No. 1 - O.L. Board No. 900 - UP - BLE
1972 |
Box 16 | Folder 2 |
Award No. 2-5-10 UP- BLE P.L. Board No. 900
1971 |
Box 16 | Folder 3 |
Award No. 3 P.L. Board NO. 900
1972 |
Box 16 | Folder 4 |
Award No. 4 - P.L. Board No. 900
1971 |
Box 16 | Folder 5 |
Navy Dept. and Nat'l Association Govt. Inspectors
1963 |
Box 16 | Folder 6 |
United Steelworkers of America vs. Union Railroad Company Board No. 646
1968-1971 |
Box 16 | Folder 7 |
Maryl and State Teachers Assoc. (Worchester County)
1970 |
Box 16 | Folder 8 |
IUMSWA , Local #43 AFL - CIO + Washington Aluminum Co.
1963 |
Box 16 | Folder 9 |
York Gazette Company ANG, Local 218
1969-1970 |
Box 17 | Folder 1 |
Wage - Hair Assignment - January 1970
1970 |
Box 17 | Folder 2 |
Emergency Board No. 16 BLF+E Carriers
1964 |
Box 17 | Folder 3 |
TA - Hearthy Board of Inquiry - 1971
1971 |
Box 17 | Folder 4 |
Fourth Division 1968-1970
1968-1970 |
Box 17 | Folder 5 |
Special Board of Adjustment No. 484 National Vacation Plan
1963 |
Box 18 | Folder 1 |
SBA # 494 National Holiday Agreements (SUNA)
1957 |
Box 18 | Folder 2 |
Emergency Board NO. 155
1963 |
Box 18 | Folder 3 |
Emergency Board NO. 178
1970 |
Box 18 | Folder 4 |
Public Law Board No. 321 - Burlington Northern
1961 |
Box 19 | Folder 1 |
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 2 |
R 41386
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 3 |
1964 |
Box 19 | Folder 4 |
R 41386
1967 |
Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Case No. 107 813A #570
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 6 |
Case No. 107
1964 |
Box 19 | Folder 7 |
Case No. 116, 117 SBA# 5701
1964-1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 8 |
Case No. 109, 110, 111, SBA # 570
1964 |
Box 19 | Folder 9 |
SBA #570 Case No. 106
1967 |
Box 19 | Folder 10 |
SBA #729 BRT v. NYC (Southern District)
1967-1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 11 |
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Allied Workers of North America vs. Washington Beef and
Provision Company
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 12 |
Lehigh Valley - BLE
1965 |
Box 19 | Folder 13 |
Philadelphia Bethlehem + New England P.L. Board No. 144
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 14 |
P.L. # 144
1968 |
Box 19 | Folder 15 |
R 41303
1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 1 |
Books #1
1947-1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 2 |
Books #2
1971 |
Box 20 | Folder 3 |
Books #3
1967 |
Box 20 | Folder 4 |
Award No. 1 P.L. 1191
1971-1974 |
Box 20 | Folder 5 |
Award No. 2 P.L. 1191
1966-1973 |
Box 20 | Folder 6 |
P.L. Board 1102
1971-1972 |
Box 20 | Folder 7 |
IBEW - Local NO. 107 and Oklahoma Power + Light Co.
1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 8 |
P.L. Board No. 107 BRT and PATH
1967 |
Box 20 | Folder 9 |
IAMU Anderson - Hickey Co.
1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 10 |
Texaco and Ocawlu Local 8
1967-1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 11 |
Award No. 2 P.L. Bd 818
1971 |
Box 20 | Folder 12 |
P.L. Board No. 818
1968-1972 |
Box 20 | Folder 13 |
ORC+B and PRR Arbitration Agreement
1967-1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 14 |
Award No. 3 P.L. Board #818
1968-1972 |
Box 20 | Folder 15 |
Award NO. 4 P.L. Board vs. 818
1953 |
Box 20 | Folder 16 |
Award NO. 5 P.L. Board no. 818
1972 |
Box 20 | Folder 17 |
Award No. 6 P.L. Board No. 818
1970 |
Box 20 | Folder 18 |
Award No. 7 P.L. Board NO. 818
1972 |
Box 20 | Folder 19 |
Award No. 8 P.L. Board No. 818
1973 |
Box 20 | Folder 20 |
Award No. 9 - P.L. Board No. 818
1971 |
Box 20 | Folder 21 |
Award No. 10 - P.L. Bd. 818
1971 |
Box 20 | Folder 22 |
P.L. Board No. 117 Award No. 1
1968 |
Box 20 | Folder 23 |
P.L. Board NO. 117 - Award NO. 2
1967 |
Box 20 | Folder 24 |
P.L. Board NO. 117 Award NO. 3
1967 |
Box 20 | Folder 25 |
P.L. Board No. 117 Award NO. 4
1967 |
Box 20 | Folder 26 |
P.L. Board NO. 117 Award NO. 5
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 1 |
United Transportation Union - Board Chairman
1973 |
Box 21 | Folder 2 |
Public Law Board No. 757 The River Terminal Railway Company United Transportation
1970-1972 |
Box 21 | Folder 3 |
Public Law Board NO. 757 The River Terminal Railway Company United Transportation
1970 |
Box 21 | Folder 4 |
FMCS File G7 Q/5940 Lockheed - Georgia Company - AIW AFL-CIO
1967-1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 5 |
BRT and Western Maryland Railroad Company
1966-1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 6 |
Special Board of Adjustment No. 560 Maine Central vs. BRT
1966-1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 7 |
P.L. Board NO. 46 EJE + ORCB
1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 8 |
VERCO vs. IBEW FMCS 63A/1059
1967-1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 9 |
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 10 |
SBA #718 Western Maryland vs. BLF+E
1964-1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 11 |
Fourth Divison - MRAB 1966
1966 |
Box 21 | Folder 12 |
Glade Spring Products Inc. and ACWA-AFL-CIO
1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 13 |
United Mine Workers of America and FMC Corp.
1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 14 |
PRR - TWUA Blue Hog Arbitration
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 15 |
IBT. Local 570 - B.Green and Co. FMCS Fale 68A/967 - Discharge
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 16 |
ALPA - EAL - #34-6 Grievance
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 17 |
Lynchburg Foundry Company and United Steelworkers Local NO. 2556
1967-1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 18 |
United Automobile Workers Local 354 Wayne Pump Division
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 19 |
P.L. #11 South Buffalo RR vs. BRT
1969 |
Box 21 | Folder 20 |
Rubatex Corp. Local 240 - URW FMCS File 68A/ 357
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 21 |
FMCS Fill 67A/4755 Local #22 IBT and Ray Stone Transfer Corporation
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 22 |
Wash. Baltimore Newspaper Guild Local 35 The Washington Post Company
1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 23 |
Washington Post Guild
1966-1967 |
Box 21 | Folder 24 |
ALPA vs. Frontier Airlines ALPA Case NO. 7001 (Morris Grievance)
1967-1971 |
Box 21 | Folder 25 |
FMCS File 68A/3996 (Schaefer Brewing Co -1AM)
1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 26 |
Olin Mathewson Chemical Corp. (Aluminum Division) and Allied Industrial Workers RLS
#4 FMCS 68A/3206
1968 |
Box 21 | Folder 27 |
BLFE vs. Western Maryland Company
1966 |
Box 21 | Folder 28 |
Int. Rosse of Iron Workers NO. 733 Nashville
1967-1968 |